Vote tally - Puella Magi Adfligo Systema

Adhoc vote count started by Filraen on Jun 27, 2018 at 2:55 PM, finished with 139893 posts and 24 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Puella Magi Adfligo Systema
Post #1
Post #139893


  • [X] Mami.
    -[X] Be surprised!
    [X] Telepathy Nadia, ask for a physical description of Riona.
    [X] Cut to voting if Mika Nakano needs to be immediately contacted.
    [X] Sayaka.
    -[X] Reconfirm Riona's appearance if necessary.
    -[X] Ask if she'd prefer us to accompany her, or to go to training on her own.
    [X] IRC
    -[X] Lurk, learn appropriate etiquette. RTFM.
    -[X] Introduce yourself; show curiosity; explain how you found the channel (Nadia).
    [X] Kyouko.
    -[X] Ask her to slow down and explain. You just asked Nakano to talk if she thought it'd help. What happened?
    -[X] Respect Kyouko's feelings if she feels indebted.
    --[X] Offer an out: You're friends, you're don't want to hold this over her head. You'd be happy with her paying it forward.
    --[X] If she insists, you'll think on it - all your immediate ideas are terrible.
    [X] Sayaka.
    -[X] Reconfirm Riona's appearance if necessary.
    -[X] Ask if she'd prefer us to ferry her, or to go to training on her own. You're still going for cleansing.
    [X] IRC/Internet search
    -[X] IRC: Lurk, learn appropriate etiquette. RTFM.
    -[X] IRC: Introduce yourself; show curiosity; explain how you found the channel (Nadia).
    -[X] Time allowing, make a search the Internet for availability of Western-style mental health specialists in the Mitakihara area, particularly LGBTQ+ friendly ones; take (physical) notes.
    [X] Kyouko.
    -[X] Ask her to slow down and explain. You just asked Nakano to talk if she thought it'd help. What happened?
    -[X] Respect Kyouko's feelings if she feels indebted.
    --[X] Offer an out: You're friends, you're don't want to hold this over her head. You'd be happy with her paying it forward.
    --[X] If she insists, you don't have any ideas right now, but you'll promise to think on something.
    [X] IRC
    -[X] Observe. Try to not step on anyone's toes.
    -[X] Introduce yourself; show curiosity; explain how you found the channel (Nadia).
    [X] "Kyouko Sakura, your wish has been granted! You have overcome entropy! Now you must become a magical girl, and fight alongside Mami and Homura and Sayaka and me to defeat witches and save the world!"
    [X] Sayaka.
    -[X] Reconfirm Riona's appearance if necessary.
    -[X] Ask if she can magically swap places with her clones.
    -[X] Ask if she'd prefer us to accompany her, or to go to training on her own.
    [X] If Kyouko were in a position to do what we did for... Not Mami, for Yuma... Wouldn't she?
    -[X] Besides, it's legally her property.
    -[X] If she really wants to owe us, though, she's welcome to try to force us to accept it.
    [X] Kyouko.
    -[X] Ask her to slow down, fully explain? Conversation details about Mika?
    -[X] If Kyouko were in a position to do what we did for... Not Mami, for Yuma... Wouldn't she?
    -[X] If she really wants to owe us, though, she's welcome to try to force us to accept it.
    -[X] Confess you might not have realized the ramifications of your actions.
    -[X] If forced, the compensation will be "spend time with Mami."
    [X] Kyouko.
    -[X] Ask her to slow down and explain. You just asked Nakano to talk if she thought it'd help. What happened?
    -[X] Respect Kyouko's feelings if she feels indebted.
    --[X] Offer her a simple way out: You're friends, you're don't want to hold this over her head.
    --[X] If she insists, you'll think on it, but you're honestly not sure what you'd ask of her. Or rather, you have ideas, but they're all terrible.
    [X] Sayaka.
    -[X] Reconfirm Riona's appearance if necessary.
    -[X] Would she prefer us accompanying her, or go to training on her own?
    -[X] Can she magically swap places with her clones?
    [X] A quick Google for availability of Western-style mental health specialists in the Mitakihara area, particularly LGBTQ+ friendly ones; take (physical) notes.
    -[X] IRC after, as time permits
    --[X] Observe. Be reserved.
    --[X] Introduce yourself; show curiosity; Namedrop Nadia.
    [x] Redshirt-kun
    [X] Kyouko.
    -[X] Confess you might not have realized the ramifications of your actions.
    -[X] Ask her to slow down, and explain?
    -[X] Try to talk things out, make sense of things in both of your heads.
    --[X] Mika might have felt we were demanding payment for the Clear Seed, and gone beyond what we thought she even could do.
    --[X] This was unexpected. You just saw a chance to help, and tried to do the right thing.
    --[X] You're friends. You're not gonna hold this over her head. If she saw a chance to help Yuma, or anyone in a similar fashion, would she not?
    --[X] If you can't live with yourself otherwise though, I have two ideas but am very open to counterproposals.
    ---[X]If you think things with Mami are salvageable, you could try rebuilding bridges with her. Learning how Kyubey was exploiting her... it affected her a lot. More people in her social circle might help her internalize she isn't on the edge of being alone.
    ---[x]For another idea, you could compile a list of witch locations in Mitakihara for later hunting by us so we don't need to spend time searching for a while.
    [X] Kyouko.
    -[X] Confess you might not have realized the ramifications of your actions.
    -[X] Ask her to slow down, and explain?
    -[X] Try to talk things out, make sense of things in both of your heads.
    --[X] Mika might have felt we were demanding payment for the Clear Seed, and gone beyond what we thought she even could do.
    --[X] This was unexpected. You just saw a chance to help, and tried to do the right thing.
    --[X] You're friends. You're not gonna hold this over her head. If she saw a chance to help Yuma, or anyone in a similar fashion, would she not?
    [x] Someday, and that day may never come, I will call upon you to do a service for me. But until that day, accept this justice as a gift.