[X] "Honestly Sayaka, I don't know how you react to this, and that's scary for me. On your own, knowing this would weigh you down, and I'm not sure if you could hold on.
[X] "I believe that you can survive this, especially if you promise to talk with Homura and myself about how you are doing. I just need you to understand that you would not be the only one hurt if this doesn't stay a secret."
[X] During the Fight
- [X] See how much Sayaka has improved against familiars.
- [X] Provide some assistance against the witch, but don't leave Sayaks feeling useless with nothing to do
- [X] Keep enough active grief on hand to prevent traumatic witch injury AND Sayaka going berserk against what she might learn is a fallen meguca
[X] It's not going to kill her or drive her insane. She's arguably a near-optimal case for learning about it under the circumstances.
-[X] Full disclosure, though, to our knowledge 90% of whatever benefits are available from knowing it are also available from knowing that it exists but not actually knowing it -- if she's willing to put that level of trust in us, anyway.
--[X] And in truth, our overriding concern is Mitakihara Group's cohesion. As long as this group is intact and well our chances of fixing literally everything are extant. We're already the most powerful concentration of force on the planet, and two of us have been meguca for less than a month. Where will we be if we're all still alive in a few years? A decade? Mami has only been a meguca for two years. You strongly prefer to act altruistically as much as possible, but the absolute fact of the matter is that as long as Mitakihara Group is alive and trusts each other, you expect that in the long term there is very little else that will matter.
---[X] Ignoring the fact that you genuinely care about all of them, protecting that has to be your first priority as a matter of morality, whatever it takes, even when you're not sure of the best way to do it. Homura is concerned that telling Sayaka about "it" will wind up dragging Madoka into this, which would be bad on a number of levels. You're concerned that not making the offer would be not only wrong but a violation of trust that could be used as a lever.
----[X] At the end of the day, though, if she's willing to trust you as much as she has simply by letting you unload on her like this... There's only one thing worth remembering, in the end: Kyubey is humanity's enemy, full-stop. He -- it -- is more intelligent than any of us, and would emotionlessly preside over our total destruction for its benefit.
[X] I think probably could handle it. Or at least you could with some help. With me around the grief spiral isn't as much of an issue as it would be for others. Even still, this is the kind of secret that can completely change your worldview, the kind that can make you a different person. If it turns out that you can't handle it, well... With me around you probably won't outright die, but you may very well live long enough to go crazy.
-[X] But that's only half of the issue. The other part of it is whether or not you can handle the burden of secrecy that will be on your shoulders. I don't mean any offense, but you are a little impulsive, and most others definitely won't be able to handle it.
--[X] Anyway, food for thought.
[x] You know she'll survive it, because you know her and you'll be there to support her.
[x] But survival isn't what she's asking about, is it?
[x] You... think she'd be better off. In the end, when everything is said and done.
-[x] You don't want to bias her, but there's a thing to be fixed here.
[x] You honestly aren't sure. You didn't expect her to handle the lichbomb as well as she did.
-[x] There are some girls that you know don't take it well, and have even taken their own life.
[X] Answer Sayaka:
-[X] You believe she can handle it. Not alone. But her current circumstances? Just damn about optimal.
-[X] If she can trust you, you'll do your best to help her come to terms with it.
[X] Vote in abeyance. -[X] Hang back, let Sayaka strut her stuff
-[X] Comment she should copy our Chibies some time, so she could compare them to her own clones.
-[X] Afterwards, give Sayaka Kyouko's payment for today.
[X] I know you can handle it, and that some things will make a lot more sense for you. But I also think that it'll make the world feel much darker.
-[X] Sayaka touched on it earlier with not being able to talk to her friends: Needing to keep it secret is how you think it could hurt her in particular. That's what she should be weighing.
[X] During the Fight - [X] Fight equally with her
[X] Answer Sayaka:
-[x] It's not going to kill her or drive her insane. She's arguably a near-optimal case for learning about it under the circumstances; with us to support her, we believe she would survive it.
--[x] But survival isn't what she's asking about, is it?
--[x] We... think she'd be better off. In the end, when everything is said and done. But we also think that it'll make the world feel much darker. We don't know exactly how she would react. That scares us.
--[x] We would do our level best to help her come to terms with it.
--[x] We just need her to understand that she would not be the only one hurt if this doesn't stay a secret.
---[X] She touched on it earlier with not being able to talk to her friends: Needing to keep it secret is how we think it could hurt her in particular. That's what she should be weighing.
[x] Vote in abeyance. Add:
-[X] During the Fight:
- [X] See how much Sayaka has improved against familiars.
--[X] Provide some assistance against the witch, but don't leave Sayaka feeling useless with nothing to do
[x] This will change how she sees her own existence, and that of magical girls, for the worst; but yes, you think she can handle knowing the truth, whether she thinks she'll be able to keep the secret without letting it take control of her life and interfere with her, Madoka and Hitomi's friendship is up to her to decide; but she must know, you're working in fixing the issue, and while she could also help, and it would be appreciated, you're pretty sure you can do it on your own, so she must not worry about it if she decides not knowing.
-[X] The reason you wanted to tell her is because you don't want her to learn it throught Kyubey or other magical girls without you there to alleviate the blow; she could also help you prevent this ever happening to Mami, and you want to trust her not to be te one that does something that'll hurt her that much.
--[X] But you also fear her obssesing over it and allienating Madoka, Hitomi, Kyosuke and her parents without realizing it; no matter what, your first priority will be that your friends are happy and you don't want to throw a wrench at their friendship.
-[X] Homura also fears that she may do something that makes Madoka want to become a magical girl, she cares about her, and about all of you even if she doesn't know how to show it, for reasons you can't tell her.