[X] Rules: Do not reveal loops, do not witchbomb, do not potential bomb. Do not interrupt others, break update for vote if a response is required that is not covered by this vote. Sabrina's tone should be calm, thoughtful, conciliatory. No braindamage, full serious mode.
[X] You're doing the thing where you fail to actually answer her question again, aren't you?
[X] The full explanation for that is going to be a little long but needs to happen. There's a lot of background. Before that, apologize to Sayaka -- You had honestly been wanting to establish general process for handling future events, and didn't think about how manipulative it might look.
[X] Arrange for privacy for all four, by timestop or griefhax. If griefhax is used, employ grief fog to hunt down hidden Incubators within field.
[X] Go over your metaknowledge of Oriko's pre-contracting background in detail. Cover all the traumas and their impacts on her. This might take a while but it needs to be done and it needs to be done thoroughly. Two goals: humanizing Oriko, making it clear that the house arrest is Not Good For Her. Also, cover the contents and context of her wish.
[X] Cover what you believe about the (mal)function of Oriko's precognition, stemming from her traumas and background.
[X] Cover Kirika's wish, its results, what you said about it to Oriko in On A Rail 31, her reaction, and the implications involved in all of it.
[X] The house arrest is unhealthy and problematic, and you would like to set up some different arrangement if they (M, H, S) will accept it. That doesn't mean that O&K should just be free to do whatever they want or etcetera -- but you have some thoughts on alternatives, and if they (M, H, S) have any ideas you'd really like to hear them.
-[X] Change imprisonment location. Add electronic security to location.
-[X] Add mundane and magical tracking to O&K. Mami tracking ribbon and house arrest ankle tracker as concrete examples.
-[X] Scheduled outings with guard(s) -- prisoners get yard time, after all.
-[X] Bring up having a Sayaklone guard.
-[X] Continued community service.
-[X] Any anti-magic used on security measures, or other sort of break-out attempt, escalates our response and their punishment. Make this clear to O&K.
-[X] If proposal is insufficiently punishing, ask what would be sufficient.
[X] OOC meta-note: Take as much screen-time as needed to fully detail Sabrina's motives, position, and thoughts on the matter, even if it takes multiple updates or requires a time-skip to preserve proper story flow. We've repeatedly run into issues where Sabrina breezed through things that votes had intended to go over more fully, or had Sabrina act in ways counter to the intent of the vote, due to the "150 words of vague direction" limitation. I'm utterly ignoring that limitation here, because I think it would do vastly more harm than good to try to play wordgames instead of actually addressing the update.