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"It can't end like this! It can't! Inc-curabor! I-I wish for magical girls to became something...
You dun goofed Madoka


Hope is the road to disappointment....
"It can't end like this! It can't! Inc-curabor! I-I wish for magical girls to became something infinitely greater. And not mindless monsters like...that thing!

As a girl in a city with a stormy sky spoke those words in desperation while fiercely staring a strange small white creature down. As four another girls stand behind her,completely exhausted from their hopeless war to the massive being that floating behind them. While three of them stare at the little creature with barely contained contempt and hatred..but the fourth one however,was restrained in ribbons. And she's pleading to the girl to not do this.

"Contract signed,your wish is granted" a voice without any emotion intoned. As in a bright flash of light,a pink gem floated in the hands of the girl. But the pink gem then began to..bubble and confront with a murky blackness swirling with the bright pink. And it was slowly absorbing in her body.

Suddenly she fell to the ground and spasm as an unimaginable pain agonized her body. And she was vomiting..a noxious ink like liquid. The same thing was happening to the four girls,while their foe was...melting and reshaping. And the screaming minds that dwell within was being bombarded by foggy memories of various past lives.Unknown to them,girls..and other creatures from all around the world and beyond was experiencing the same ordeal.

And seemingly all at once,they screamed with two different voices that were slowly melding together as their bodies began to twist and morph.The former was a human voice filled with confusion and pain. While the later was alien and distorted. It reeked with madness and sorrow. But if one was to listen closely,you can hear excited chortles hidden in the cacophony....

The commotion finally stops,and they and countless others went to a deep slumber


"Wha...What happened.." You mumbled,while trying to open your eyes...while having limited success doing so.Daylight temporarily blinded you,and your entire body has an intense pins and needles like pain that was slowly dulling. As your eyes began adjust to the light, you noticed a small child like..being next to you

They were an..

[] ..It look like a..satyr(or was it a Faun?gah you never paid any attention in that class..) like creature. Her entire hair was a quite literally fiery,while her face was ghostly white contrasting greatly with her hair. She's wearing a weird kimono like dress. And she was absentmindly poking you with a small spear..while eating some of your pocky.

[] a colorful doll like fairy with price tags for wings. She's wearing a fancy dress and was sipping something in her teacup. And...she covered your body with admittedly beautiful bows and ribbons.

[] She honestly look like those Fish people from One piece.She has seafoam like hair,three eyes, and she was wearing strange dress that like a knight's armour.. And she was listening to music on your phone,while..chewing on your bloody right arm like a puppy with a chew toy.

(This also determines the MC...)

And after a few good seconds,You decide to it.

[] Write-in a..character appropriate reponse to your..little friend.
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Character Sheet
The Dominative half: Mami Tomoe

Status: Sore but still in tip top shape


Magic:Ribbon body,Ribbon body,and Creation via by Ribbons.
Development stage: Mid to late Second instar
"Species": Noir Pagan
Current Goal: .....Nothing yet
Weight: seventy pounds
The Recessive half: Canderolo,the Dress-maker

Nature: Inviting

Mood: On edge.

Mumi-coins: 2/5

More detail will be added later
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[X] a doll like fairy with price tags for wings. She wearing a fancy dress and was sipping something in her teacup. And...she covered your body with admittedly beautiful bows and ribbons.
[X] a doll like fairy with price tags for wings. She wearing a fancy dress and was sipping something in her teacup. And...she covered your body with admittedly beautiful bows and ribbons.
[X] She honestly look like those Fish people from Two pieces. She has watery hair,hree eyes, and she was wearing strange dress that like a knight's armour.. And she was listening to music on your phone,while..chewing on your bloody right arm like a puppy with a chew toy.

My Seyiku! (Damn it, Oktavia, let go of her arm. That's just rude.)
[X] a doll like fairy with price tags for wings. She wearing a fancy dress and was sipping something in her teacup. And...she covered your body with admittedly beautiful bows and ribbons.
You got to make a reponse,Like a simple "hello..or an dropkick to the face for example.:V.

@krahe This message is meant for you.:V
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Sorry. Kind of missed that one.

[X] She honestly look like those Fish people from Two pieces. She has watery hair,hree eyes, and she was wearing strange dress that like a knight's armour.. And she was listening to music on your phone,while..chewing on your bloody right arm like a puppy with a chew toy.
. . [X]Panic and try to kick her in the face. Or hit her. Or just... stop her from biting you in general.
[X] a doll like fairy with price tags for wings. She wearing a fancy dress and was sipping something in her teacup. And...she covered your body with admittedly beautiful bows and ribbons.
[X] "Uh, hi?"
I'm pretty surpised that red isn't getting much traction.:V Anyway I'll close the votes,and update when I feel like it.
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Here's a vote tally.

Votes are still open
Adhoc vote count started by Christyking1980 on Feb 15, 2018 at 12:09 PM, finished with 13 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] a doll like fairy with price tags for wings. She wearing a fancy dress and was sipping something in her teacup. And...she covered your body with admittedly beautiful bows and ribbons.
    [X] Kyoko
    [X] She honestly look like those Fish people from Two pieces. She has watery hair,hree eyes, and she was wearing strange dress that like a knight's armour.. And she was listening to music on your phone,while..chewing on your bloody right arm like a puppy with a chew toy.
    . . [X]Panic and try to kick her in the face. Or hit her. Or just... stop her from biting you in general.
    [X] a doll like fairy with price tags for wings. She wearing a fancy dress and was sipping something in her teacup. And...she covered your body with admittedly beautiful bows and ribbons.
    [X] "Uh, hi?"
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Mami is having a bad day
You're Mami Tomoe, you're very sore and confused.

All you remember is fighting the hopeless battle against Walpurgisnacht Night, and having Madoka come to sell her soul away as a last ditch effort. You had to restrain Homura,and was force to listen to her pleads.But after that, you only recall blankness and agony. But first you must you deal with this..girl.

"Uh..hello",you said while staring at the..fairy.And you noticing that your voice sounds..noticeably different.

The fairy then suddenly stops sipping her cup, she then looks at you with child like surpise and happiness. "You're wake,Mami Tomoe is wake!" The fairy excitedly chirped while jovially dancing and making a bunch of strange hand gestures.

"Yes I'm wake..but more importantly, who and what are you. And why do you know my name?"You questioned with uncertainty in your voice.

"Oh my name? My name is..uh.." The fairy drawls on while she strokes her chin." Canderolo..yeah that's it! And the reason why I know your name is because I'm your witch" Canderolo finishes with seemingly innocent grin on her face.

You honestly just...froze up when she say the words "I'm your witch". The seemed to noticed your sudden change in body language.

"What's wrong Mami Tomoe?"It said with confusion in it's voice, while she began to tap you shoulders. And making you recoil her touch.

You slowly move your eyes at it's general direction. You proceed to take deep and long breaths,as you about to do your next action.

What will you do?

[] Try to steel your nerves,and talk to this thing
-[] Write-in reponse

[] Scream and Panic.

[] Attack her,and get away.

[] Write-in
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[X] Scream and Panic.
-[X] Politely inform the self-proclaimed witch of your course of action before you start. You're scared out of your mind, not rude.
[X] Scream and Panic.
-[X] Politely inform the self-proclaimed witch of your course of action before you start. You're scared out of your mind, not rude.
Okay, Votes are closed. Someone roll me a D20 for how much (desired or otherwise) attention you'll get.