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Chapter 1: A new story begins

"Hero, I see you have come far to reach me here, you have slain...
Chapter 1.1: A new story begins
Chapter 1: A new story begins

"Hero, I see you have come far to reach me here, you have slain the 10 wyverns of mount Duskmoir, you culled the 3 heavenly dragons and the cursed abomination from below the surface. You have faced armies by yourself and killed many warriors on the same level as the gods themselves, you have butchered the former king who tried to unite humanity under a common tyranny and someone who has progressed all the way here. All of your journeys was to get to this point." I rested my head into my hand and looked at him, I couldn't be angry, I had no right to be sad. I was just disappointed.

"I set up all of those to kill you, an existence above all others, a creature that just doesn't stop. It was a pressure on the balance of power, too much good, it causes an equal amount of bad and if it is something able to threaten you at your prime I feared what it would be. If you have come here expecting a fight to the death or a battle worthy of all I have put you through... I am sorry to disappoint, I am only human after all." I looked around my throne room of dark evilness. I never thought it would be ME who ended up trying to fight to save the world, but I was never destined to win no matter what I fought for.

I should have known if I turned to fight for good, somewhere along the way the hero would turn to fight for bad.

"You killed her..." I smiled at the pained tormented look on his face, maybe there would be a redemption for us both somewhere? Me for my arrogance in assuming I had the right to use my power for good, and him for the good boy in him that I forged into a monster.

"Oh yes, the girl. She was destined to become the lover arcana, a force that would inspire the hero beyond what would normally be possible. Killed slowly and painfully by being dropped into a hole that connected with an orc breeding grounds. Did you recover the body or was it too covered in s-" My left arm was separated from my body, damn, I hoped he would just kill me and get it over with. I held my tongue and didn't scream.

"hit a nerve?" I was still resting against my other arm casually, I wouldn't let the hero enjoy this one bit, they would leave here disappointed and empty inside. I had a small amount of magical power that could potentially recover the fallen limb but I was hardly worth the title of Final Boss. I was too weak, a human trying to play evil, I just knew that if I didn't someone far worse would have.

"You heartless bastard!" I nodded and tore off my cape, exposing my hollow, empty chest. Filled with so many machines of science and technology just to keep my brilliant mind alive.

"Tell me something I don't already know, Hero? You are a hero in nothing but name. I just do what needs to be done, a necessary evil that decided you were too large a threat to keep alive. You who comes from another world cannot possibly understand the pains of this one! But alas, it's all over anyway." The hero looked at me confused and I smiled.

"My most powerful magical ability, but a shadow of a true evil lord's ability. I can just replicate things people have seen before. A crafting ability." I looked up and let out a slight laugh, this was the final trump card that I never wanted to use, the hero dashed over in the blink of an eye and cut me in half, from shoulder to waist. A clean sweeping arc that wasn't even slowed by the throne itself.

"Ever heard of the device known as a Thermonuclear bomb?" GAME OVER! YOU LOSE HERO!

Yet at the same time, so did I. For all my talk I was still just a man, for all my training I was still so weak, for all my hard work I still failed. The last thing I saw was the sight of the hero getting vibrated apart by a wave of shaking air. I died before it reached me yet I knew my body would be nothing but smouldering ash by the time it was done.

"You have done well, yet you still failed." The god of darkness and evil. For a name like that he was surprisingly kind-hearted, believing in necessary evil rather than simple cruelty, that was covered by the god of madness. This guy was just smug, annoying and necessary to the balance.

"Tell me something I don't know." I drew out the words out of spite.

"If you had just spoken with the Hero from the start you could have avoided all the conflict." I nodded my head.

"Like I said, tell me something I don't know." I took a deep breath in before releasing it back into the void, I was in limbo, the well trained in psychological warfare call this the subconscious connection to the mind of your body, where your soul exists. There is nothing here yet you can still breathe, fascinating.

"You get to change your power again, please pick something more interesting this time than basic knowledge of the world, I forbid anything that doesn't even sound fun!" and here it is, the god of evil acting like a spoilt little brat. I almost regret praying to this guy but he is the only one that listens.

"I seek only the power to no longer need to fight against the hero, not something world-shattering. I need it so there is the balance even long after we are gone, not a war-torn world destined to repeat past mistakes. Can you manage that without making me blatantly too strong?" The evil one smiled at me, not a nice smile either and that means he decided to devour my soul again or he is planning something he knows I will not like in the slightest.

"What about I make your power to be on the same side at the hero? I have even found the perfect world to be your last, you will be satisfied and this world will be perfect once you have gone through it. The best thing about it is, you are already there." What did he mean by that?

I felt my conection to my old body slipping and I was forced into the great drift, I would be mildly worried but I was being dragged by a god, what's the worst thing that's going to happen? I crash into someone's head?


Oh, My subconscious crashed into another and after a sudden burst of divine energy, the two melded into one.

Wait a minute here, I was now stuck in someone else's body until they lost consciousness or fell asleep. It takes a great amount of mental fortitude to be able to move freely in the subconscious plane. But once the body is free I should be able to take over and see what's going on it only for a few hours before the person whose mind I bonded with wakes up.

I wonder if for now, I can work on establishing a connection with their eyes so I can still see what's going on even when they are conscious? It will take time so I don't damage this person but I was sure they would make an exceptional first minion if I could teach them a thing or two and correct their growth and learning manually.

Overall the body has a strong flow of energy, they would make a great fighter. Thier magical power was weak but I could train this to be at least a hundred times what my old one amounted too. But I wondered what that trickster of a god means when they said I was already there? Where is here? Who is this person I'm attached too, their power is fairly underwhelming for anybody important.

They also felt like they were getting weaker?... Were they in the middle of a fight? No, their energy total pool is dropping not just the contents. They are dying, slowly as if bleeding out but the steady bursts of power suggest a very crude method of fighting someone stronger by using large quantities of power in short spaces of time.

I decided to see what was really going on.

"|Awearness|" I accessed the bodies vision and projected it into the subconsious world. I saw a creature I didn't recognise, this couldn't be my world as nobody I left behind would let something like that live in it. The body I was in is hardly steady, the vision was jittery and there was some blood in the left eye. Yet even in the face of such a beast in this situation they didn't backdown, they didn't look to move away, their eyes were locked with the beasts.

"|Sound|" I could hear heavy breathing, a good sign of exhaustion.

"You beast! I'll kill you!" Oh, did I walk in on a heroic monologue or something? But looking at the creature before the hero it was clearly something like a wearwolf, but that can't be right, werewolves are just a fantasy. I had to disagree, it was a full moon, the creature was 3 times the size of the mini hero and at least knew how to hold a weapon, however primal a design it may be, properly.

If they died it would be a problem for me too. I'd die as well.

"You, Girl, I feel something different about you." The beast spoke? Did it follow my god and realise this body's religious stance shifted slightly? Also, why was he looking down on a girl so hard? Men have consistent power but women's bodies are better adept at handling larger quantities of energy for a shorter timeframe. 1 on 1 they are a bitch to fight. Was something so simple forgotten to this world?

The beast didn't look like it would hold off forever, I decided to introduce myself.

"Girl, if you die it's trouble for me too. So do me a favour and get off the driving seat!" Dark magic began to form and solidify around this new body, it was slow but worth it every time. The girl didn't know I was here or at least shouldn't yet she let herself lose consciousness, maybe she just has sharp instincts.

"Girl... no, you are different! Weaker then her, I can feel it!" I smiled at the creature as 20 spikes of darkness descended from the open air behind the beast piercing through his body like he was a pin cushion. The darkness grew around it and I felt a smile come on.

"Can you feel that?" The bloodshot eyes of rage and the coughing up blood told me, yes, yet that thing could feel that. "It's called my Iron Maiden. I will let you two get well acquainted." The darkness continued to wrap around him before he was hidden behind a shroud of solid darkness. the darkness then compressed 3 fold. blood seeped out of the cracks, when the magic fell back into the void the body of a human lay crushed and broken.

Strange, body modification magic or biological science? I wondered what caused these creatures that look and behave like the genuine creatures of fantasy...

Not good, this body didn't have the magical power to sustain me here for long.

"I'll let you take the wheel for a bit, don't get into too much trouble until I work out what sort of end of the world threat we are going to deal with. Remember, you dying will be really problematic for my own situation so try not too." The body I was in gave out on me, I began to lose consciousness as the other regained it. From the subconscious I watched her shift from fear that she had died to disbelief at the mangled corpse in front of her.
Comma Splice

"Hero, I see you have come far to reach me here, you have slain the 10 wyverns of mount Duskmoir, you culled the 3 heavenly dragons and the cursed abomination from below the surface.

I set up all of those to kill you, an existence above all others, a creature that just doesn't stop.

It was a pressure on the balance of power, too much good, it causes an equal amount of bad and if it is something able to threaten you at your prime I feared what it would be.

I was still resting against my other arm casually, I wouldn't let the hero enjoy this one bit, they would leave here disappointed and empty inside.

I was too weak, a human trying to play evil, I just knew that if I didn't someone far worse would have.

I just do what needs to be done, a necessary evil that decided you were too large a threat to keep alive.

I looked up and let out a slight laugh, this was the final trump card that I never wanted to use, the hero dashed over in the blink of an eye and cut me in half, from shoulder to waist.

For a name like that he was surprisingly kind-hearted, believing in necessary evil rather than simple cruelty, that was covered by the god of madness.

Comma splices.

I took a deep breath in before releasing it back into the void, I was in limbo, the well trained in psychological warfare call this the subconscious connection to the mind of your body, where your soul exists.

"You get to change your power again, please pick something more interesting this time than basic knowledge of the world, I forbid anything that doesn't even sound fun!"

I felt my conection to my old body slipping and I was forced into the great drift, I would be mildly worried but I was being dragged by a god, what's the worst thing that's going to happen? I

I saw a creature I didn't recognise, this couldn't be my world as nobody I left behind would let something like that live in it. The body I was in is hardly steady, the vision was jittery and there was some blood in the left eye. Yet even in the face of such a beast in this situation they didn't backdown, they didn't look to move away, their eyes were locked with the beasts.

I'll let you take the wheel for a bit, don't get into too much trouble until I work out what sort of end of the world threat we are going to deal with.

Aaaaaaaaaaall the comma splices.
Looks like I could stand to improve on a few things. I came back on with a chapter but after seeing this I realise said chapter was... annoyingly incomplete due to unforeseen errors with comma's and I will end up eating a sock if I put it up with a now obvious error. But I'm working with a friend over on SpaceBattles to make this story interesting so check out their take on the story Here if you are interested. Starts out similar but we have creative differences on where we want to take the plot. Given we are both helping out with each other's story I don't see any fault with it. Looking at her's I can see she has a lot to learn from splicing comma's!