[X] Plan Couldn't have happened to a better Nazi
-[X] Follow Miss Militia's plan. Protean and Vista will engage the Chosen. Miss Militia will engage Victor if he shows himself. This reveals the smallest amount of what Protean can do, but has the smallest chance of meaningful gains.
--[X] With a bunch of panicking Chosen shooting up the place, accidents could happen. If it can be done believably and from outside the Heroes' line of sight, use Accelerando on a bullet or piece of shrapnel to make sure an accident happens to the right person.
-[X][POWER] Utilize PSYCHOPOMP to create, modify, or break apart powers.
--[X] Create a new power with CRAFT, SHAKER, & FIELD. Transfer one mote from ACCELERANDO to it.
[X] Plan: Cape Hunting
-[X] Protean is a cape hunter. So hunt the cape. Protean is confident that most bullets can't meaningfully harm her--at least not permanently--and with her Mover and Thinker power she can engage Victor rapidly. Post-Leviathan Brockton Bay is a shithole, and nobody will be upset at a dead Chosen, so it is likely Protean will have the opportunity to gain motes and KEYWORDS.
-[X][POWER] Utilize PSYCHOPOMP to create, modify, or break apart powers.
--[X] Create a new power with CRAFT, SHAKER, & FIELD. Transfer one mote from ACCELERANDO to it.
[X] Respectfully suggest that being a nigh invulnerable and effectively bulletproof cape who gets more powerful the more she gets hurt, and who can sense him, you might be more suited to take on Victor.