
Beyond my wingbeats lie the fate of all worlds...
Void between SB and SV
When the heart of all worlds fell to the Realm of Darkness, and the worlds collapsed into the shadows between, the world was once saved, reborn by the light within the hearts of children into its current piecemeal existence. This powerful light coalesced into the pure hearts of the Seven Princesses, and it is by their light that the worlds of today shall thrive or fall.

…but is that all there is to it…?

Is this simply the natural order of the world…or did someone gather this light themselves and save these worlds?

If the darkness came once again to swallow these beacons of light, would the light of children come to protect them?

No… For even nature is not altruistic in its entirety; one life falls so others may rise as is the way since time immemorial. From the end of the Keyblade War this is self-evident…for not every world was saved when the light fell to darkness… And why would they? All worlds begin in darkness, and all so end. Why would the world halt the natural process of the world's demise.

The heart is no different.

The grand finale was belayed, the natural order held back… But in time the world will win. Darkness is the heart's true essence, and darkness conquers all worlds. Those that would fight to protect their precious light only belay the inevitable; in time they too will fall, and the worlds they defend with them.

And so I have pursued that truth time and time again. I swore I would survive, and be there to see what waited beyond the Keyblade War. I shall reforge the χ-blade and ignite another Keyblade War, and reach that truth at last!

Even if the world rejects my existence… If all the lights in the sky be my enemies, the stars shining down with my obliteration…!

There will be no victory in strength… Every obstacle in my way is but another heart not yet cast into shadow…! Every light must fade, every heart return to darkness!

". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ."

A Kingdom Hearts Freeform RP
RP Rules
  1. Standard site regulations are in effect.
  2. There will be no God-modding from players—that's my job here as GM :V
  3. As this will surely have its fair share of fights between PCs, if you want to fight another person work it out with the player in a PM with the GMs (if we're not already in one for combat) and we'll see how it goes.
  4. Real Life gets in the way sometimes; we get it. If you need to leave the RP, be sure to notify both myself and (Co-GM) @runeblue360 beforehand and work something out regarding how you intend to have your character bow out or change hands—makes filling the void far easier to do, especially if we can discuss it. Prolonged or unexplained absences will result in your character being relinquished to a substitute player or get killed off/written out.
  5. Roleplay with a good ear and manner. Be respectful and polite when dealing with other players; excessive caustic and/or condescending behavior IC or OOC will not do you any good. Of course politeness is relative, but still make your best effort regardless.
  6. You each will be expected to exercise some basic writing skills in this RP—especially in Freeform. Unless situationally appropriate you are expected to write paragraphs and not simple one-liners, but if the GM has trouble understanding what you're writing one way or the other, you're gonna have a bad time.
  7. Send all applications via PM to we GMs. You can spoil what you want elsewhere, but I'll reserve the right to share sheets as necessary.
  8. Kingdom Hearts is the core base setting, and as such players aren't necessarily required to have basic understanding of the in-universe setting and mechanics prior to applying—but in that case your submission will have very specific requirements so that you and your submission will learn during the course of the RP. As a general note, I shouldn't see a Keyblade on your submission without a very compelling reason.
  9. Yes, as the tags note, there will be crossovers possible and such. Regardless of comparative power levels/feats of one world to another, for the sake of the RP the 'power scale' between worlds (added and existing) will be equal outside of experience. On the specific character submissions, OCs are less desirable but can be done (albeit with more scrutiny) but in general things are very open; as to numbers, probably sticking to ~12 players. We'll see about letting people in in post when we get there.
  10. !f you actually read the above, the phrase formed by the first letter of each rule should be put at the beginning of your character application PM. If the GM does not see this present, it indicates you have ignored the rules and your application will be rejected immediately. Read the rules, folks.
Name: Even Nobodies have 'em
Age: Obligatory
Race/Gender: Primary—Body, Nobody, Heartless (Secondary—Human, etc.)/Gender
Appearance: Text is required, picture is optional
Crossroads: KH-styled alignment (ex. Lawful/Neutral/Chaotic Light/Darkness/Dawn/Dusk/etc.)

Weapon(s): Defend yourself! What do you wield?
Combat Style: Overarching Style (ex. Sword, Shield, Mage, Dual, etc.)—Specific Name (ex. Zoro's Santōryū)
Primary Element: If you are (or would be/if you were) versed in spell-casting, what would come naturally to you?
Other Skills/Spells: Detail your prowess here.

Home World: Where are you from?
Native Realm: Where does/did your Home World reside? (Realms of Light/Darkness/Between, The World That Never Was, etc.)
History: The paths we find ourselves on aren't always arduous from the beginning. One chapter ends, and another begins...

Now as the interest check portion, a big part of this is that we're narrowing down the setting. We GMs will be building the story up with you, and the first order of business is when our story takes place. About the only time restrictions (besides the obvious "NOT INTO KH3") would be not too early before Birth By Sleep, and we've plenty of time IRL to discuss and hash out submissions and eras before my planned 2/21 IC release after I get back from a week-long trip.

Now then, gimme a moment for reservations and we'll get this thing kicked off...
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Hey guys, it's me your Co-GM. Our wonderful GM has covered pretty much everything I could say so I'll just say this: It's my first time as a GM but I'm really looking forward to toying with your lives through my new found god-like power. That is all.
Hey guys, it's me your Co-GM. Our wonderful GM has covered pretty much everything I could say so I'll just say this: It's my first time as a GM but I'm really looking forward to toying with your lives through my new found god-like power. That is all.
Thanks, Co-GM!

Let the flood of PMs...commence!
In order:-

Cute Fluffy Bunny/Angry Fluffy Rabbit/Cute Fluffy Rabbit/Angry Fluffy Bunny.

Or rather, Dawn is Light and Dark who walks back to light and Dusk is the opposite.

What do the Alignments mean?
Yeah, echoing Nani here. Tell us what this mean. :V
In order:-

Cute Fluffy Bunny/Angry Fluffy Rabbit/Cute Fluffy Rabbit/Angry Fluffy Bunny.

Or rather, Dawn is Light and Dark who walks back to light and Dusk is the opposite.
Bunn' has the right idea.

Creative freedom/artistic license on that, tho. Basically any light/dark-related term could be used, but it has to be appropriate and you have to be able to explain it to me.

Having it line up with the History will help :V
Not here to play, just to watch the inevitable train wreck (because what else could happen in a KH RP that allows crossovers), but is "Xehanort" a valid Allignment?
I dunno dawn/dusk, but Twilight would be appropriate for EndOfKh2!Riku.
Twilight would be the overarching quality of both Dusk and Dawn—one is traveling towards darkness; the other, light.
Not here to play, just to watch the inevitable train wreck (because what else could happen in a KH RP that allows crossovers), but is "Xehanort" a valid Allignment?
Xehanort is not a light, so no.

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To submit a Dark Souls character, or a Persona character...

Maybe I'll ask you lot which you'd find more interesting.

To submit a Dark Souls character, or a Persona character...

Maybe I'll ask you lot which you'd find more interesting.
I'd say a Persona character at least makes more sense in the crossover than someone who can't die when they are killed. Summoning a Persona can just be the ability to control a special type of Heartless.
someone who can't die when they are killed. Summoning a Persona can just be the ability to control a special type of Heartless.
Regardless of comparative power levels/feats of one world to another, for the sake of the RP the 'power scale' between worlds (added and existing) will be equal outside of experience.
Also, part of the PM process would be working out interactions.

Didn't set the approximate 'release date' at two weeks from now for nothing, after all.
  1. Yes, as the tags note, there will be crossovers possible and such. Regardless of comparative power levels/feats of one world to another, for the sake of the RP the 'power scale' between worlds (added and existing) will be equal outside of experience.
So, where would One Punch Man be in this?
Considering that the main powerlevels problem of One Punch Man is how OP Saitama is in comparison to everyone else in One Punch Man.
If you nerf Saitama to reasonable, the normal S Classers will basically be normal humans.

Is he just this oddity in an otherwise-normal world?
So, where would One Punch Man be in this?
Considering that the main powerlevels problem of One Punch Man is how OP Saitama is in comparison to everyone else in One Punch Man.
If you nerf Saitama to reasonable, the normal S Classers will basically be normal humans.

Is he just this oddity in an otherwise-normal world?
Regardless how strong it is, a punch isn't going to do shit to a Heartless or a Nobody, their body will just reform immediately after it gets shattered :V