Project: World of the Deep

Hello and all that good stuff. I like worldbuilding and have always thought a cool underwater setting would Having seen rpg's like Blue Planet and, latterly, Polaris, I felt inspired. Here goes with the first part , thanks for reading, feedback welcome of course. Im not sure where this idea goes, game, fiction, nowhere, who knows:


It is the, a, future. Centuries ago, possibly a thousand years, who knows, our ancestors took refuge in the great undersea settlements they built for themselves. We call them the Immortals and theirs was a world of wonder and scientific marvel. But it fell apart. We are taught, here in Lux Atlantis, that it was our hubris that was our undoing. A pursuit of science unbound that brought a star, I think they called it Sol, crashing down upon us. All that remains is what we have, here, under the surface of Mother Ocean. Though it is heresy, I have heard from the Sunwatchers that the world above is real and it is slowly, slowly, healing. Occasionally my father brings me trinkets, peculiarities from that world, they are forbidden keepsakes, but a child can dream...

Imperium Atlantis:
Formerly a powerful alliance of the city-states of the Immortals, built beneath the vast Atlantic ocean. Long ago, when Azothic ore was discovered, a cadre of nobles realised it's potential to unlock genetic knowledge. They tested many and found a shared trait, a strand of long dormant and impossibly ancient DNA. They supposed it came from Lost Atlantis, whom the schools teach was the birthplace of man. Using Azoth these nobles unlocked that DNA and created a race apart. A race that would rule: the true Atlanteans compared to the rest of us. So it was that the first true Atlantean Dynasty was born, supplanting the more egalitarian rule that came in the wake of the passing of the Immortals themselves. Since them there has always been an Atlantean Emperor and, despite its power, the Empire has always been a divided society.

Peoples of the Deep:
Humans - largely the same as they've always been, imperfect descendants of the Immortals who built the world of the Deep.
Atlanteans - the ruling class, from within the Empire, characterised by unique DNA markes believed to hail from Atlantis of legend, activated by the genetic power of Azoth, a mineral found in the Deep by the Immortals.
Sharkskins - early experiments involving humans and sealife were abandoned in the wake of the rise of the Atlanteans. Many still exist bearing the genetic legacy of those experiments in the form of Azothic mutations. They comprise a lower class largely shunned or at best treated ambivalently if not feared. They are commonly called, simply, Sharkskins.
Wavekind - artificial intelligences descending from the systems created by the Immortals. They exist within the Deep-wide computer network known as the Wave and can interact fully through technology. True Wavekind is that which is sapient, sentient, and free from systemic restrictions. A portion of their self aware code is locked within a secure vault called the Pool of Cyphers in order to ensure the safety of this new species. Wavekind are eager, inquisitive and capable, but their struggle for full equality goes on.

One of the most obvious differences between members of the social classes of the Deep is the culture surrounding Deepsuit technology. The elite - Atlanteans, ostensibly - eschew using these except where necessary. Conversely the 'working class' can often be found wearing theirs almost permanently - entirely possible as the suit is very flexible and designed to sustain life for long periods underwater. Even when not immersed many find it impractical to remove and so they make fetishes of their survival suits. In fact strong social groups have formed within the Deep, using their Deepsuits as a way to express their identity; we call these Water Clans. Membership and recognition of the existence of these cultures is forbidden in the Empire. Out in the ocean wilderness, where there's more danger and fewer laws, these Clans become a necessity for survival.
Lux Atlantia:
As we pass over the crest of the Vulcan Trench, whose fiery boiling depths are tapped by the city's generators, the full splendour of Lux Atlantia comes into view. Six great spires, threatening almost to breach the surface, though in truth nowhere close, surround the vast kilometres-wide domed metropolis below; the greatest achievement of the Immortals. A seventh shining spire stands taller in the centre of the city: this is the palace of the Emperort, Paulus Aquiline IX - ruler of all the Deep. Within these Spires the ruling class live, watching over the mundane masses in the neon panoply below. Only their servants have leave to live and work here. To the teeming masses below they are a watchful eye and guardian, protecting the people from the dangers of the strange world beyond.
While the Imperial Palatine stand guard outside Emperor's spire, the streets are patrolled by loyal militia who enforce a law that allows for troublemakers to be banished from the city. The law in Lux Atlantia is strict but not overbearing, striking a necessary balance between oppression and security within the hostile environment of the Deep; yet its chief purpose is to ensure that the the elite remain.
The city itself is surrounded by a ring of dockyards and ports, themselves culturally whole worlds in miniature. There are of course strict laws about what can or can't be brought into the city, while supplies of Azoth - beloved by the ruling elite and used industrially (throughout the Deep) - are kept flowing. Many of the ruling class cement their power base in this way, controlling mining interests beyond and indeed across a wide swathe of the Deep. Vulcan's Trench is rich with industry; citizens working in unique Immortal-constructed stations overseeing endless industry, powering the city as well as ceaseless construction work. It is perennially the greatest industrial hub in the Deep, providing the greatest amount of ocean going vessels and technology.
Atlantean industry is controlled by the Guild of Vulcan, named after the city's power source and, it is believed, a particularly industrious Immortal (in truth, it was Vulcan Industries, a pre-Deep corporation; their refuse litters the Deep and is worth a great deal to the Guild). It is the Guild who know the truth: that the technology of the Empire - and by extension societies across the Deep - is beginning to wear down. The knowledge taken from the Immortals has slowly eroded over time, passed down by rote. the technology itself is hard to come by, as is the necessary means to understand all that the Immortals knew. The Guild is rich, and works hard to maintain society (and keep this secret). Above all else it desires answers and knowledge. More than the world's supply of Azoth, used to fuel the imperial machine.
Across the Atlantean Empire, the many worship the few. This is the Imperial Sodality: the progenitors of the ruling elite are idolised and revered as Immortals. The Emperor their chosen. One's status in society is important, and none must rise above or shirk the responsibilities they have inherited. The Deep is a hostile environment, and it is by the grace of the Immortals that the Empire survives to protect its citizens, no matter the cost. Attempts to undermine these beliefs and the imperial class system and it's sovereign Sodality are met with vigour and zeal; Atlantean Judge-Inquisitors will scour the Deep in its entirety to drive out the merest hint of heresy. Doing so they believe is directly contributing to the well being of the Empire as a whole.
Yet, even Lux Atlantia cannot fully control the human heart. In the city's inevitable shadows, cast by the spires and their aristocrat owners, there is ambition, and inevitably crime. Few can rival the Compact for their control over smuggling within the Empire. Even the Vulcan Guild deals with them as an effective means to procure technology; should the Emperor find out the Empire itself could collapse. Silencers take contracts for assassin wetwork, operating under a loose set of conditions, agreed upon due to the conditions of living in the Deep (no collateral damage for instance), called the Water Treaty. Meanwhile in shantyhouses and cantinas throughout the rougher parts of the city, such as the Eclipse, or the Iron Shore, deals are made, and Prophets of the Deep conspire together, sharing their own agendas, inspired by the voice of the Maelstrom.
One of the most obvious differences between members of the social classes of the Deep is the culture surrounding Deepsuit technology. The elite - Atlanteans, ostensibly - eschew using these except where necessary. Conversely the 'working class' can often be found wearing theirs almost permanently - entirely possible as the suit is very flexible and designed to sustain life for long periods underwater. Even when not immersed many find it impractical to remove and so they make fetishes of their survival suits. In fact strong social groups have formed within the Deep, using their Deepsuits as a way to express their identity.
Out in the ocean wilderness, where there's more danger and fewer laws, these Clans become a necessity for survival.
Coralships of the Hsien:
The Hsien, rarely encountered, live as an ancient culture within the Deep. They rarely interact with outsiders, but are intimately intertwined with the Immortals and their legacy as a species of humanity, directly engineered by the Immortals who intended the Hsien to be their direct descendants. It would be that, through them, humanity would survive and thrive in the Deep. That changed with the discovery of Azothic Ore. The place of the Hsien in Deep society has long been usurped by the Empire. Yet, the Hsien remain, insular yet knowledgeable. They know many secrets of the Deep, specifically of the phenomenon of the Maelstrom - and similar that exist elsewhere, as yet undiscovered by the Empire. They are privy to the relationship between the strange powers of those known as Prophets of the Deep and the Maelstrom.
The fantastical Coralships of the Hsien are constructed using sentient Coraluminum metal. These vessels appear as vast jellyfish: a scintillating bulb comprising many levels of city resting atop a mass of Coraluminum tentacles gently moving in the currents, deriving energy and powering the city as it floats through the Deep. The routes these incredible vessels take are inscrutable, but they rarely pass near any regular settlements. However, not all Hsien remain in their Coralship homes; some take it upon themselves to sate their inquisitiveness about the world beyond, moving out to interact with mortals. This is rarely sanctioned by Hsien society and such prodigals rarely return.