Project: Restoration (Pokemon SI)

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Or 'Riding my bike in circles'

You would think that Gods that deal with at least one world...
United Kingdom
Or 'Riding my bike in circles'

You would think that Gods that deal with at least one world ending disaster involving one of their number a year would be more prepared when they could see the extinction coming. The fact of the matter is when you're used to stopping big bangs, the tiny whimper of defeat falls on deafened ears.

It wasn't even that the world was slowly going to crumble around them, it was the fact that they had just noticed it when the situation grew too big for them to stop save an intervention from Arceus his self.

Both Mew and Xerneas where inconsolable despite the others reassurances they weren't at fault nor that they could do anything, the pair hid themselves away to grief while most of the others watched their world in stunned silence.

"I never thought that the humans would be right about something." Yveltal grumbled the Destruction Pokemon gazing off in the direction their partner had gone "Well....Ideas?"

"Pray the Great one wakes up, That's all we have." Lugia sighed "Neither Mew or Xerneas are powerful enough to turn back the tide, and even then Mew can only breed with other Pokemon. By the time they've breed with one of every species then several times as many as they've created will have died. Perhaps if we had noticed even a year or so ago we could have intervened, but now our only hope is to delay and pray for a miracle."

"Or make one of our own." Dialga chuckled a knowing smirk on the Time Dragon's face.

"You know that removing Pokemon from another time is forbidden!" Celebi snapped hovering in their face "You would corrupt and damage the time stream!"

"Not another time…Well yes another time technically, since the revelation myself, Giratina, Hoopa and Palkia have been scouring alternate dimensions and universes." Dialga explained "While there are few other dimensions with Pokemon, and none that we have been able to divine that have a population big enough to support it's self if we bring any to our universe."

"Then why waste what time we have with this frivolity?" Lugia scoffed.

"While we haven't found a world with a large Pokemon population, we have discovered a world where Humans are able to breed a hundred Pokemon within an hour."

A pin drop could have been heard.


"In a world where we are but a game, an amusement to them they can create hundreds of us within a device and cartage." Dialga explained "We only need to speak with Mew and if the created Pokemon are Viable in our world, and we believe we'll be able to use one of these games and a human in order to save our world…"


Yup, joining in the SI bandwagon. I feel I should make this clear this isn't the normal Anime or Game universe Pokemon World I'm using. This Pokemon World is closer to how our world is, Industrilazation and the taking of Pokemon from their nateral habitat slowly driving Pokemon to extinction. But Conservation efforts and people genuinely caring for Pokemon slowing the extinction of Pokemon.

Sadly their efforts has only delayed the inevitable and hidden what's happening even to the Legendarys till it was to late for them to stop it.

Also about the Legendarys in this story: There is only one of each Legendary, All Legendarys apart from Mew are gender-less and none of them use gendered pronouns for themselves, The Legendarys are god-like beings, but Arceus is the only God among them and is as mentioned sleeping in his pocket dimension where none of them can reach him. (Mew is technically genderfluid being able to become male or female though like the other Legendarys they don't subscribe to a gendered pronoun)
posting this here eh?
hopefully this means more people can see how good you write
'Wake up human.'

I am not a morning person. Well Ok I can be a morning person, mostly when my insomnia keeps me up till what other sane human beings call the morning. But honestly I'm a Night Owl and when I finally get to sleep I don't want to wake up so hearing and strange voice trying to get me up (Ignoring the weird way it seemed to echo in my head) just made me groan and cover my head with the duvet.

They didn't like it and next thing I knew the duvet was gone and I landed hard on the ground.

'Told you to get up'

I winced sitting up side now hurting from the landing and blinked looking up at who was talking. I had to check my glasses a few times, who wouldn't when they see a un-amused Mew staring at them tail lazily lashing the air.

"...I'm dreaming." I sighed, the Mew gave me a unimpressed look and slapped me in the face with it's tail. Oww.

'Considering I just used Wake-Up Slap? No you're not, human.'

.....Why do other people get the nice, friendly, child-like Mew's and I get the one that has resting Bitch face and a attitude to match?

"Ok, I'm dead then. I mean HELLO God from a fucking Video game!" Mew sighed and pinched it's brow sighing heavily.

'Ok, from the top no your not dead, I'm a God like being not a actual God and lastly It's only a game in your Universe, not in mine or here.'

"Her-" I cut my self off for the first time noticing that myself and Mew seemed to be floating in a white nothingness, though this nothing realm apparently had a floor of more solid nothingness which was what I was sitting on. "....Why am I here?"

Mew seemed to almost want to fold in on it's self tail hanging limply and eyes closing a aura of sadness around them.

'...My world is dieing human, the Pokemon population can no longer sustain its self it'll go on for a few more generations but....It's saddening seeing everything you created slowly wither and die.'

.....Yeah I understood Mew's attitude a lot better hearing that. "Why am I here then? What can I do?" For a split second the Mew smiled and held out my battered blue DS.

'In essence this, With your little device you can breed hundreds of Pokemon within days. We will provide you with Pokeballs that are...Interlinked with the Device, so that you can use your own Pokemon and release those you breed to repopulate our world. Though we do understand that you humans need money.' It sighed as I gingerly took my DS from their paws. 'As such what items the Pokemon you have out you can take in the real world, and…As long as you release half of all the Pokemon you breed, the other half you may keep or sell to trainers.'

"….So your not only allowing me to use any Pokemon I've ever caught in game in the real Pokemon world, but as long as I play by your rules you'll let me use the breeding for a stable income?" I blinked surprised, the Mew narrowed their eyes.

'Not all, I know you have several of us Legendarys as…Digital Pokemon on your device, We have agreed to let you keep and use one, and one only. Now I know you'll need some time to-'

"Yami my Yveltal." For the first time it seemed I'd caught Mew off guard instead of them catching me off guard.

'…Alright….' They blinked '…Yami….the Yveltal…..'

"I nickname all my Pokemon, so sue me." I shrugged. "….Tell me you're not sending me to your world in my Pajama's." Mew rolled their eyes a small flash of light drawing my eyes to a pile of my clothes, Docs, and jacket next to an old camping bag.

Thankfully Mew turned around so they weren't watching as I got changed, pulling on the jacket and picking up the bag. "Ok now what?"

'Now, you wake up.'

"But you sa-"

Then I woke up with a Ninetails in my face.
"N-nice Ninetales, h-hopefully not hungry Ninetales...." The fox like Pokemon blinked sleepily at me and yawned giving me a very clear look at allllll of their sharp flesh rending teeth, along with a nice blast of bad morning doggy breath. "Uurgh! At least turn your head!" I yelped trying to waft away the smell, the Ninetale's just snorted and flopped onto the ground using my lap as a pillow and going back to snoozing.

I sat there baffled brain trying not to Blue Screen of Death on me, sure Mew said it was sending me to the Pokemon world to help, I just thought it was a really vivid dream and I hit my head on the bedside table to explain the slap. (What? Once I managed to bite my own leg in a dream and dreamed I was hit by a energy blast in the spot.) Hesitantly I stroked the Ninetail's head giggling as their ear twitched and a red eye cracked open at me "You ok Kurama?" He sniffed and nuzzled against me.

Yes I named my Ninetails Kurama, just because I nickname all my Pokemon doesn't mean I'm original with it.

I gently pushed his head off Kurama whining before curling up and using his tails as a pillow feeling to lazy to get up, I stood and stretched back aching from sitting against a tree for....I don't know hours? Who knows how time works when your dimension hopping? Spotting a pond nearby and curious if Mew has done anything to me on entry to this world to make me look more 'Anime' like the cartoon characters I walked over and knelt peering into the mirrored waters.

I was kinda disappointed to just see normal me looking back, too pale skin with a splattering of light freckles, a old pox scar on my cheek and another larger one cutting my left eyebrow in two. I adjusted my purple rimmed glasses glaring at the reflection of them "Jeeze couldn't they have at least done something about these?" I grumbled, just because I'd had them for years didn't mean I couldn't hate them. Only thing I was glad to see was the same where my gunmetal blue eyes, hidden as they were behind the thick as fuck glasses.

Only difference from how I looked in the Nothing realm was my hair was suddenly tied back, eh understandable even if I liked it loose.

I sighed and flopped onto my back staring up at the deep blue sky, watching as cumulus clouds drifted past. "…..Guess I better get started on this….Breeding program or whatever….Where am I?" I sat up turning back "Kurama here boy, and bring my bag!" The Ninetails whined loudly but got up biting a strap of my bag and pulling it over to me lying back down as soon as he had "Lazy ass fox…" I grumbled opening it up and rummaging around.

On the top where the pajama's I'd been wearing in bed last night, wrapped around my DS to keep it safe. Under that was a smaller bag of food (Mostly jerky, trail mix and other long lasting stuff), Water purification pills and a first aid kit, following that where a few more changes of clothes and my converse shoes, and at the bottom….

I pulled out my Toothless plushie and laughed "Heh looks like we're in this together buddy." Kurama gave me a look that clearly said 'I am judging your mental stability and finding it lacking', though he was quick to snatch Toothless when I put him down. Apparently he also really liked lavender scented things.

Rummaging in the smaller pockets I finally found a Pokedex, Pokenav and rather inexplicably a trainer ID.

"…Guess the Legendarys think of everything." I hummed putting the Nav and ID in my jackets inside pockets and putting everything else but my DS back in the bag (Kurama had to be given Jerky to be convinced to let Toothless go). "Now then…Why are you out?" I rhetorically asked Kurama who gave another yawn.

I shrugged and opened my DS switching it on and starting Pokemon Y, all my Pokemon where there though oddly Kurama was the only one in my party, Bit odd considering I'd been shiny breeding last time I was on the game but oh well.

Thinking I dipped my hand into my baggy jean pocket and pulled out six Pokeballs, only one responded to my curious poking by expanding so I took it as being Kurama's ball. "Kurama return." The ball shot out the classic red beam Kurama only reacting with a twitch of his ears as his form dissipated into energy that was absorbed by the Pokeball. "Now then…Let's assume this works like the game…" I hummed scrolling through my boxed thinking a moment.

"…What the hell, bring the team back together." I grinned stylus tapping as I switched around Pokemon till I had a full team of six. I saved the game (I did not want to know what would happen if I didn't) and shut off the DS putting it away in my bag. I gulped holding all six full sized balls in my hands. "Here goes…Something, come out everyone!" I threw the balls into the air eyes stinging as the light blinded me for a moment…
On second thought as several loud roars made my ears ache I should have probably thought to send them out one at a time, no being blinded or deafened then.

Still my grave was more comfortable once you got into it. I blinked away the swimming dots in my eyes hoping I hadn't done more damage to them and need a new prescription (There's a thought how would I explain having no medical records?). A wide grin splitting my face seeing the assembled group of Pokemon.

Delphox, Blastoise, Aurorus, Kangaskhan, Drapion and Yvltal.

Vulpe, Riptide, Zane, Big Momma (And Baby Doll her baby), Scorpinok and Yami.

My team.

Sure there where probably much better teams out there but considering I beat the Elite Four and Champion of Kalos with them they had a special place in my heart.

My grin faltered when they didn't move, not even Vulpe or Yami's fur ruffled in the breeze as it should have. They just....Stood there, as immobile and un-living as statues. Nervously I gently gripped Vulpe's arm expecting his fur to be soft and give under my hands.

He felt as cold and unyielding as stone.

"Oh god….Oh god oh god I screwed up I screwed up!" I yelped starting to panic "W-was I only meant to do one at a time?! D-did I over load whatever gives them life?! Oh god the Legendarys are going t-" A low sleepy yawn broke me out of my spiralling panic.

I looked around wondering just what was going on and looked over the pokemon again…They were moving now…Just a little bit, Zane's frill flittering and their chests moving with deep breaths.

Curious I gripped Vulpe's arm again, this time his fur gave a little and a thin thread of warmth could be felt under it. His paw twitched and I could finally feel a pulse under my fingers. Cautiously I let go and stepped back as my pokemon slowly came to life.

Baby Doll (The personal nick name I'd given to Big Momma's baby Khan) seemed to be the first one who fully 'woke' up her face twisting up and giving an irritable wail. That jolted Big Momma into moving, gently scooping out the little one and cooing to Baby Doll.

The others where quickly coming to as well, Zane lying down and dipping his head and crooning softly to Big Momma and Baby Doll. Yami roosting on the ground looking around curious at our surrounding, Riptide was slinking off to take a dip in the pond and Scorpinok sniffing the air chattering to his self as he scuttled into the undergrowth.

I jumped feeling a paw on my shoulder and something brush up against my mind curious. I yelped Vulpe blinking and hurring confused, that same curious mind brushing up against mine again.

"V-Vulpe?" He smiled barking happily tail wagging, I laughed and couldn't help but smile with him the fire type glomping me. I snorted and hugged back Vulpe cuddling into my grip, apparently he was a really affectionate guy. I patted the top of his head and left go Vulpe hovering right by me as I looked over the small group.

Sure they'd given me a scare with the not moving at first thing but now, I doubted anyone would be able to tell them apart from a normal Pokemon of their species. Figuring I'd let them all have a little time I pulled out my PokeNav (Vulpe peering over my shoulder that same brush of curiosity against my mind as he watched) and finally figured out where we were, Petalburg woods.

Huh, Hoenn. Where the first Pokemon game I ever played was set.


I'm starting to think Mew did some unwanted sleuthing in my brain.

At least it gave me some familiarity with the area and any native Pokemon we came across, even if my team could steamroll over them. Shrugging it off I figured we'd had to Rustboro, Pokemon centre for us to rest, Trainer School to help me figure out what was different then the games and a Gym if I decide to get my badges.

…And hopefully a Hotel else I'm going to have to do a regular flying commute to Lilycove City just for a place to sleep.

Mind made up I pulled out everyone's Pokeballs "Ok everyone back in th-" Vulpe whined giving me teary puppy dog eyes.

…..Curse my weakness to cute. "Fine, Vulpe you can stay out." He barked happily the other Pokemon not really seeming to mind as they were sucked back into their balls. I picked up my bag and slung it across my back grinning at Vulpe. "Ready buddy?" The Delphox nodded clapping his paws excited "Let's go!"
According to the PokeNav we were only about two hours walk from Rustboro and from the sun and weather it was noon on a balmy summer day when we set off.

It took us till sunset to actually get there.

I'll put my hands up and admit it was partly my fault, I'm an out of shape lazy ass twenty year old, I could do with losing a few pounds….or stone… So I tended to need breaks to rest and drink, still it probably would have only taken us three or so hours if Vulpe could have stopped running off!

Seriously I'm starting to think my Delphox has ADD the second I take my eyes off him, he was off again casing a butterfly, bounding off on his own randomly, Even attacking wild Pokemon. (They all fainted in one hit which he was pouty about) The end result had me chasing an over excited fire type all over the forest which tired me out even more.

At the very least I was gonna get healthy pretty damn quickly if I had to do this every day. But we did arrive at Rustboro in one piece, with dusk setting in it'd be unlikely that the Trainer School would be open, and even if I did get out a flying type by the time we got to Lilycove the inn would probably have shut its doors.

So it was either camping out in the forest or the Poke centre for us.

"Welcome to the Poke Centre, may I take your Pokemon?" Nurse Joy smiled laughing a little as Vulpe bounded through the door and started poking his nose into everything.

"Sorry about him." I winced putting down five of my Pokeballs on the bench "He get's hyper in new places and this whole region is new to us, we're from Kalos you see." I explained nervously Nurse Joy nodding sagely as she placed the balls into the….Heal-ly machine…Returning Vulpe to his ball for me so he could be checked over as well.

"No sixth?" I shook my head, I wasn't gonna let anyone onto the fact I have an Yvletal in my pocket. "Are you here for the Pokemon Breeder Seminar later in the week? I know it's for beginners but we've had people from all over coming for it."

I nodded wondering if I was just that lucky or if the Legendary's had a paw in it.


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say the Legendary's did it.

"Uhuh, I've been wanted to get into breeding for a while." I smiled Joy nodded absently as she worked on her computer.

"I can understand I wanted to be a breeder when I was young." She smiled "But I found my calling, I can't picture myself anywhere else. You are aware the Local hotel closed about an hour ago right?" I groaned head desking. Of course it had….well not like I had any money anyway.

"Great, I there any way I can stay here?" I asked Joy giving me a knowing look.

"You're not the first trainer, while we don't have rooms for people to use we're fine with people camping out in the lounge upstairs, but no Pokemon allowed." I nodded thanking her as she took my team off the machine. "ID please." I blinked started a moment before pulling out the card. She took it checking the photo against me before scanning it. The computer gave a positive sounding chirp and she handed it back with my pokeballs. "Your team is in perfect health Miss Garnett."

I thanked her again and headed upstairs to the lounge, I wasn't the only trainer there several people were sitting around (A few even in sleep clothes already.) Nervous I picked out a corner and sat down dumping my bag on the couch next to me eyeing a charging station with several laptops plugged in.

"….They're free"." I jumped at one of the Pajama wearing guys (Who had one of the laptops and a pair of headphones) "Just gotta return them, Wifi's free to."

"Heh thanks, you normally have to hire them in Kalos."

"…That why the Noctowl on your shirt looks messed up?" A girl asked snorting "Do they even know what they look like?" I felt my eye twitch at my shirt being mocked, it was one of my favourites! Though…Ya should have expected people thinking the satanic owl looked weird.

"It's just the style." I grumbled picking up a laptop, I had research to do, starting with the going price of gold nuggets…
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I ended up staying awake all night, thank you insomnia. Still I ended up being productive with it first I figured out what the rate of Pokedollars to Pounds was (considering I'm british) and after some rough calculations and comparing the prices of a few brands that our universes seemed to share I came the conclusion that:

One Pokedollar= One Penny.

While on one hand this made things stupidly cheap (namely a two pound pokeball), and others stupidly expensive (SIX POUND BOTTLE OF WATER?!) It made at least a little sense, enough that hopefully I'd be able to keep things straight in my head and not have heart attacks when my weekly shop costs a couple of grand.

After that I double checked how much high value items from the Grind House in Y made me when I sold them. And had a heart attack.

Assuming that the Nugget was one Troy Ounce of gold, back home it would be worth: £1080.80 ($1641.36 in Dollars) Here?

I could sell it for 50 pounds. Big Nuggets I could get a grand on but still, wow.

So I would have to be careful with my money, at least till I can get breeding off the ground proper.

I also surfed around about food as well, I was feeling a little awkward with my jerky and starting to wonder if I should be saving it as the only animal meat product in this universe. Turns out didn't really need to worry.

Chickens, Cows, Pigs all those good old eating animals existed here just in far smaller numbers then in my universe and their meat was more expensive to buy.

But waaaaaay cheaper then Pokemon meat (Which I was both intrested and repulsed by. If it wasn't for the fact I'm sure the Legendarys are watching me I'd probably be considering trying some) Slowpoke tails anyone? Or Blue cheese made from female Arbok? (Just trying to figure out that last one makes my brain hurt)

Still I'll be sticking with normal animal products thank you.

When the sun finally rose I thanked Nurse Joy again for putting up with me and headed out to the forest not particularly wanting to be seen. Hidden from sight I let out Kurama again the Ninetales just snoozing as I took a Big Nugget from him.

Then I ran into a snag. The game wouldn't let me give him another item, After a few fruitless minutes I actually stopped to think and returned him.

Yup, Pokemon been to the in their Pokeballs if I want to transfer items.

It was annoying on both parts Kurama getting annoyed enough to try and bite me after the tenth time I did it. Not wanting to press my luck I promised the annoyed fire type to not do it again and returned him.

Also I'm pretty sure the Pokemart hates me now after selling the gold to them….Note to self start flying from place to place selling from now on.

Still now I finally had money (Would now have to look into banks) and quickly snapped up one of the remaining rooms in the hotel Nurse Joy mentioned before collaping into bed. Being up for twenty four hours kinda does that…..

This part...will probably get rewritten, tired been dealing with family all day and pretty world expasition heavy. I just wanted to get some background details out the way (Mainly that the SI will come across Food made of Pokemon) Establish how Item transfer works and get to the hotel.
Bonus demon owl image no one asked for:

Sorry for quality, web cams pretty bad
(Sorry people confused when just the Owl showed up at first. I don't know how that happened either)
I ended up napping for a good two hours before I got a knock on the door to my room. Grumbling I opened it and glared at the nonplussed woman on the otherside. "Yes?"

"Up all night training?" She chuckled "Oh you young trainers, will any of your Pokemon be joining you for dinner?"

I blinked having not expected the question and after thinking a moment I nodded "My Ninetails, I kinda owe him after some aggravating training."

"Oh don't tell me you got suckering into that 'Stress training' scam." She tittered writing down a note "Throwing water on your Fire Type does not help them learn to deal with water it just pisses them off. Animal or Pokemon meat? For both you and your Ninetails."

"Animal for both." I chuckled stomach grumbling at the mention of food.

"...Should I send up a sandwich for you? The chefs smoked Magikarp and cream cheese bagels are to die for."

The offer made me laugh nervously "O-oh no, I couldn't I need to head out now anyone way, want to snag a reservation at the Breeders conference,"

"Oh well mention your staying here, we're housing the speakers here and anyone else staying get's a discount." She smiled "Your table for tonight is number 6 have a good day." I waved her off sighing as I closed the door, despite knowing that Pokemon where both friends and food, it was really weird being offered a Magikarp as a snack.


God damn it now I REALLY wanted to try it....I love seafood....

Doing my best to shake off the images of Pokemon Sushi I grabbed a change of clothes, I really needed a shower after spending over a day in my current get up.

After a quick scrub with the complimentary soaps (They gave you a lot, probably used to trainers stealing them) I felt confident enough that I didn't smell like a Stunky to dry off and feeling lazy just putting a black and white dress on with my jeans under.

Feeling human enough I headed out and took a moment to just....Looked.

Everything was so similar...yet different.

There was a large billboard advertising Fallout 4, with a Houndour at the side of the Sole Survivor. A Coke advertisement with Cubcoo and Beartic. Hell the most head tilting was a poster about a 'When Fossils roamed!' event at the local museum that clearly showed a pack of raptors hunting Bastiodon.

I'm not joking nor lieing that the poster looked fucking badass.

Seeing how much this world was like made me ache inside, made me miss home.....My family where probably so scared and panicked right now, I hadn't even thought about them since coming here. I was joke 'Pokemons?! YES!' Without considering what they would go through.


Or had the Legendarys 'Fixed' that problem? Made them forget me, or even erased me from my worlds time line so I didn't exist anymore.

I had to duck into a ally and have a bit of a cry when that thought wouldn't get out of my head. I cleaned up as best I could holding my head up high and making my reservation at the conference hall for the Breeder talks and tried to pretend I wasn't almost running back to the hotel when that was over.

Thankfully I managed to get back into my room before I started crying again berrying my head in the pillows and full on sobbing at the thought of never seeing home again.

I didn't notice when one of my Pokeballs activated it's self, till Vulpe gently slipped Toothless into my arms and hugged me his mind gently pressing against mind trying to offer comfort as best I could.

I ended up falling asleep again with a soaked Delphox petting my hair and cooing a soft lullaby.
Vulpe gently shook me awake around six (less then a day and I was already slipping back into my nocturnal habits) he busied his self around the room realising Kurama who sat by the door waiting as Vulpe unpacked my bag for me.

"....Vulpe what are you doing?" Vulpe arched a eyebrow and made shooing motions towards the door and mimed eating "How did you know I picked Kurama." He gave me a cheeky grin and tapped his forehead.

Vulpe was reading my mind, or had read it while I was conked out.....I was going to have to talk to him later about that, I didn't was just really confusing that he was being so nice and motherly if he knew he was a mass of ones and zeros.

It was going to be awkward, I just knew it.

Dinner was alright, it was a pretty nice hotel, not excessively fancy like the ones in Lumieos but still pretty swanky. Kurama sat on a raised stool and cushion so he could reach the table and even had his own menu for him to pick his meal off of it was really nice and Kurama enjoyed digging into his bowl of beef and gravy (His happy yips when he discovered a huuuuuge bone covered by the meat where adorable, as was him trying to get his jaws around the thing).

It was nice, and while I normally found myself reading while I ate I contented myself people/Pokemon watching. It was heartwarming seeing two species living in such contentment with each other, A couple sharing their meal while their Zebstrika and Rapidash nuzzled each other. A young boy sneaking his Azumaril his veggys while his parents and their pokemon pretended not to notice. An older gentlemen and his grey furred Purrloin eating in companionable silence sharing their table with two black and white pictures, one of a Meowth and another of a pretty woman in a sun dress.

I ended up ordering a jug of Pecha Berry juice and sharing it with Kurama not wanting to leave the table after our meal was finished wanting to watch just a little longer.
Eventually people started leaving and knowing I had to get the conversation out of the way by tonight I returned to the room with Kurama (Proudly carrying his bone all of his tails wagging).

I near enough had a heart attack seeing Vulpe on the bed my night things laid out next to him.

And my DS in his paws.

Nervously I returned Kurama to his Ball and the two of us stared awkwardly at each other.

"....So....How much have you figured out?" Vulpe turned the DS to show me the screen pointing at the image of his in-game sprite and back at his self. Then again at Kurama's ball and back moving the cursor over Kurama's sprite. "Ok you have that sussed." He sniffed turning it around and tapping it before pointing at the ball in my hand again.

I sighed and tossed it a Galvantula-Jolt appearing. like the others before he was frozen as if a statue rather then a living creature. "And you know about that." Vulpe whined softly poking Jolt tail swishing nervously, he audibly sighed in relief when Jolt twitched and clicked his mandibles. "You gave yourself a heart attack with that didn't you?" He nodded as Jolt scuttled up a wall wanting to explore. Feeling a little bad I returned him sitting on the bed next to Vulpe. "...So...What do you want to know."

Vulpe scrunched up his snout and his mind pressed against mind curious, confused and questioning.

He wanted a why.

I sighed flopping back on the bed "...Welp....The whole thing starts with Humans being idiots, though I guess my part of the story starts with a bitchy Mew."
It does, with DeathZards, RadDrapions and Poly-Synths
In march, the first Fallout 4 dlc comes out. Basically, its a robot apocalypse, with a mad scientist's robot army coming out to wreck stuff in the commonwealth. What makes it interesting is you can take robot parts and make your own robot, including custom voices and a paint job.
In April, you'll gain the ability to capture enemies, including raiders, mirelurks, and deathclaws, and tame them, train them, and use the them to fight both in the wasteland and in coliseums. Basically, it'll be the most epic version of Pokemon ever imagined
In march, the first Fallout 4 dlc comes out. Basically, its a robot apocalypse, with a mad scientist's robot army coming out to wreck stuff in the commonwealth. What makes it interesting is you can take robot parts and make your own robot, including custom voices and a paint job.
In April, you'll gain the ability to capture enemies, including raiders, mirelurks, and deathclaws, and tame them, train them, and use the them to fight both in the wasteland and in coliseums. Basically, it'll be the most epic version of Pokemon ever imagined
I know, and I'm laughing because I got the season pass when it was still only about thirty quid and they's said that it contains over sixty hence their gonna have to raise the price XD Appart from those who've already baught it and giving other people a week before they offically raise the prices so people can still get it basicly half price.
Vulpe was pretty quite during the whole story, though at one point he telekineticly pulled Toothless to him and cuddled the dragon plushie (I was going to have to figure out where to bulk buy those things here all of my pokemon wanted him).

When I was finished he was just still his ears barely twitching. "Vulpe?" He lifted his head and whined softly poking me making a heart with his paws and pointing at his self "What are you-Of coarse I care about you!" I sighed pulling him into a hug "Vulpe it doesn't matter that you came from some one's and zeros, your my friend and that's all that matters." Vulpe brightened up at that hugging back purring as I pet his fur.

Eventally he pulled away and gave me a adorably stubborn look and jabbed his paw at the DS "....Tell them?" He nodded "Uuhrm....Could you do that?" He growled lowly. "You understand and can explain it in a way they'll understand! Plus the breeders conference starts tomorrow! I need to go to learn how rehabilitation and the like is done in this world so I can actually go through with the Legendarys plan! I mean I'm pretty sure if I just wade out and release a box full of Frillish at the beach up north I'm gonna fuck up the ecosystem. And probably get nintey percent of said Frillish killed."

Vulpe grumbled near as I could tell agreeing with me though he gave me a odd look "...I have like twenty boxes of Frillish and ten of Aron their the first that come to mind."I grumbled stretching, despite sleeping almost all day I was still tired. "How does this sound, after breakfast I leave you up here with four of my balls, you realise and explain to as many as you can while I'm out what's going on, and I'll take someone else with me to the conference." He sighed and nodded curling up at the bottom of the bed. I smiled grabbing my night things and going into the bathroom to change. "Night."

I ended up going with Big Momma and Baby doll, Kangaskhan are fucking huge.

Seriously I could ride in Big Momma's pouch if I wanted to and I doubt she'd notice, their that big. Lest people didn't want to bother the dinosaur sized Marsupial so we got left alone for the most part.

Though when Big Momma got tired of Baby Dolls fussing and plonked the baby Khan on my head we got stared at. Mostly awe with a little fear, Big Momma had zero fucks to give and I just wanted to get the information I needed and go, I hate crowds....

We wandered the stalls for about two hours, it was mostly junky looking stuff, sprays to get your Mon's in the mood, food additives that was meant to encourage eggs to contain shiny pokemon (Apparently like home they where more highly prized then normal) Like I said junk meant to swindle you out of your Poke. The only such trinkets I'd be willing to buy would be Oval and Shiny charms and by the looks of the one or two I saw they where worth a couple of hundred thousand.

Eventually we drifted away from the stalls (Though not without buying a flower ribbon for Baby Doll, she was adorable) and came to the charity stalls, finally I was able to pick up a few panphlets and get some information.

I'd have to apply for a special licence to be both a domestic breeder (selling to trainers) and a conservation breeder, though really it just meant I'd get a couple of tax brakes and reduced ground rent on a property if I could prove I was using the grounds to teach Pokemon skills they'd need in the wild before they where released.
Of coarse that would mean I'd have to BUY a property first, baby steps. (I was really wishing I could transfer actual Poke from my game, all of my Pokemon where going to get so annoyed at being pack mules) I snagged a free pen and pad and we made our way to the actual conference hall Big Momma grunting and leading me to a good seat, it was time for my first lesson about being a real Pokemon Breeder.
So. Many. Fucking. Dick. Questions.

I'm not fucking kidding, every other question seemed to be a dick question.

Don't get me wrong I was getting so much information from the speakers, half of the pad I had was filled with my frantic notes. But the moment they allowed questions:

'Is such and such a pokemon's dick meant to look like this?'

'Why does my 'Insert Pokemon' dick have 'Description of part of the dick'?'

'Why is the dick so big?'

Why is the dick so small?'

'Where's my pokemon's dick?'

I felt so embarrassed for the pokemon (Especially for the poor confused Mightyena who's owner thought she was a he) but I was also glad that apart from the Mightyena the questions didn't wander over to female parts. I'm pretty sure most of the people here came here just to ask questions about pokemon dicks.

I wanted to ask about Team Plasma (and if they really where the PETA of the pokemon world as depicted in the game) but…Well I have no fucking clue if they existed here, or ever would exist here. Plus being honest I needed information that people would think weird for a twenty year old to be asking about.

Finally after the last question about Dicks the panel was drawn to a close with a second one happening tomorrow. Mind made up me and Big Momma headed out (The Khan taking my pad from me and stuffing it in her pouch Baby Doll still riding on my head. She really liked it up there). And headed out to the nearest store that I recognized from home, Argos.

For those not in the know Argos is one of those Catalogue stores, you know you get the catalogue or read it while you're there, pick out what you want tell the staff the code number and they see if they have it in stock for you. That kind of deal. Anyway I went in and quickly bought a laptop with what they called the 'Trainers Package'

And it was a sweet fucking deal, a bullet and water proof carry case big enough to hold the laptop, all it's odds and ends and food supplies (yes they advertised it as such), a normal charger, a solar charger AND a specialty charger that you can give to an Electric type to charge up for you. An insurance policy that meant I could take the laptop into ANY store that carried laptops and get a replacement if it broke and a dongle with a years unlimited internet.

Sure it wiped out pretty much all the Poke I had other then what I needed for dinner tonight but I didn't give a shit. Big Momma as I was so graciously carrying her baby on my head was happy to take my shopping and put it in her pouch for me.

So with a note pad of things to research and a started to get sleepy and grumpy Baby Doll on my head we headed back to the hotel, my stomach twisting with dread at how my Pokemon where going to react when they saw me.

I was greeted…With relative calm….Huh.

Really all was well in my room, Toxin, Thor and Umi (Ariados, Eelektross and Greninja) where sat calmly on the bed (Thor snacking on a berry and Toxin giving me a cheery wave) "…Am I interrupting?" Vulpe shook his head and barked a no.

"Ok then, You can give it a rest for today, and if you don't feel like doing more intros just pick someone who you've already talked to, to do it tomorrow." Vulpe happily clapped his paws. "…Wait I left four Pokeballs with you, why is there only thr-"

There was a knock at the window and Robin my Talonflame chirped resting on the window ledge, Vulpe smiled sheepishly pointing at a small stack of bags the same size of the one Robin had in his claws, and another slightly larger pile of Nuggets, Big Nuggets and Star Pieces.

"…Vulpe I love you."
He'd either read my mind or just thought he'd get a head start, either way clever Vulpe had given every Pokemon he released to talk to a high price item, took it from them then had Robin fly around to different Pokemarts and sell them for me. I have no idea how much money I have now but at least I'm not about to run out.

I spent the next few hours setting up my new laptop, getting used to it and trawling the Internet for information, sure for now I just browsed Bulbapedia (Yes...They have their own Bulbapedia....I'm not sure what to think of that....) I'd get into in depth research later.

...And yes Team Plasma did exist here, they where the PokePETA, Seriously I'm pretty sure if I had some reports on PETA and compared them to the Plasma ones they'd be the same apart from name changes. It was a little creepy.

Making a note to avoid anyone at the convention wearing PETP Badges or anything like that I dug into any information on Frillish and Aron I could considering I already had plenty of those I could either sell or release.

Aron was the more likely target as they where native to Hoenn but Frillish would be easier considering the way the two lived. Aron lived in large groups protected by squads of Lairon and lead by at most a Alpha pair of Aggron, meaning that I'd have go through the process of picking Aron who would make good Lairon training and evolving them, then pick either one or a pair of Lairon to become Aggron.

Frillish being well Jellyfish had it a lot simpler the Frillish just hung out in huge colony's protecting each other and themselves with sheer numbers and once they evolve into Jellicent they split off becoming lone hunters.

I sighed eyes starting to hurt and getting glares from Vulpe I shut down the laptop and got changed before a thought struck me as I took off my glasses.

"Could Heal Pulse or the light fix my eyes?" Vulpe cocked his head and quickly snatched up my DS tapping with his claw before pointing at a Pokeball. Shrugging I let the Pokemon out a very confused Audino looking around.

"Audi?" Vulpe pointed at me and barked, the Audi-Gwen! That was what I named her, Gwen smiled and nodded one of her little feelers extending and resting against the edge of my eyesocket. She hummed the vibration feeling…really, REALLY weird.

Gwen whined softly and shook her head, I smiled anyway and pet her head "It was a long shot anyway buddy, less damage more fucked up by design." She looked puzzled at that Vulpe also arching a brow "Oh for….The lens of my eyes is the wrong shape, always has been it just…takes a while for the damage to be done." Gwen whined and hugged me tight "….Your not gonna let go are you Gwen?" She clung on tighter.

…Ya it's kinda hard to explain things in a way I know they'd understand and wouldn't freak them the fuck out, hell I get confused looks whether I call it Astigmatism or Rugby Eyes, and being fair thanks to the colloquial name I went around thinking it was the actual shape of my eyes that was wrong not the lens.

So I was gonna be stuck with a snuggly pink fuzz ball for tonight (Audino's are surprisingly foofy)….Could have been worse all things considered. I sighed shooting the traitorous Delphox a glare, he just gave me a innocent look and stole Toothless before turning off the lights.

"…Haaaaate you."

He barked sending a smug feeling my way in his own 'Love you two'.

Pokemon where going to be the death of me I just knew it.
I am stuck in a closet with a irate Hydrigen, a offended PETPlasma member and the handles broken.


I was right Pokemon where going to be the death of me.

Alright, alright I'll back up a bit. My original plan for the day was to open a account with a bank I'd looked up last night, then go back to the conference and get some help in filling out my permits before making plans on creating my own little homestead.

I also made those plans thinking Vulpe would be with me, Little ass didn't want to come set up Joey (My Lucario) to do the explaining while sending Swoop (Skarmory) out doing market runs. He set his self-up on my laptop and waved me out when I asked if he was coming.

I am fully blaming him for this as you can tell.

So I ended up taking Dragra my Shiny Hydrigen out instead, she was a calm nature and dang it she was the first shiny I ever caught in game I have a massive soft for her. She was well behaved in the bank (Even if she did try to eat the pen….) and was a little lady in the all you can eat sushi place (NORMAL sushi not Poke-Sushi)

But the moment we ran into the PETP guy who's currently got his elbow lodged in my side she was…Aggravated to say the least. Hissing at him and grinding her teeth. If I didn't need help I'd have probably left and got her ice cream or something all I could do was tap her nose and ask her to please, PLEASE behave.

To bad this jackass couldn't behave. He was on a spiel about how Pokeballs where cruel and we were brainwashing Pokemon. He also saw me booping Dragra's snoot. Yaaaa.

"SEE! That trainers blatently abusing her Pokemon!" I was just sort of frozen like a deer in headlights as people turned to look at me, some glaring like him, others amused and some confused. Dragra whined and nosed at me before turning and snarling at the guy.

He froze his self as if just then realizing 'Oh crap that's a pseudo legendary Dragon' that he was annoying. He shook it off way to fast for my liking while I was still kinda locked up in terror.

"This proud creature should be free of its restrains! Not bound to a lowly human." He came striding up to us, I started shuffling around Dragra figuring I'd be safest with a quarter ton dragon between us.

He wasn't having any of it sidestepping around us and plucking Dragra's Luxury Ball off my belt. "See hows she's made this beast into a PE-"He didn't get the T out as he lifted the ball up into the air. Dragra went nuts tackling us both in her attempts to get her ball away from him.


"DRAGRA DOWN!" I eeped trying not to get crushed between them. Dragra ignored me trying to bite the guys hands to get her ball back whining and shrieking in what I can only assume is a Poke-Panic-Attack.

I got hit in the back of the head with a flailing elbow and after that it's kinda fuzzy, I think at one point a Abra pissed that the fight had knocked over their trainer teleported us and that's how we got in the closet, though for all I know I blanked out and we all got shoved in here in time out.

"This is all your fault!" I yelped as the PETP guy shoved me Dragra snarling "PUT THAT THING AWAY!"

"I don't have her ball! And stop calling Dragra a it!"

"Well I don't either!" One of Dragra's smaller heads popped in between us the Luxury ball proudly clamped in her jaws before withdrawing it. "Order it to give it to you!"

"No! I'm not going to order her to do jack shit!... Well maybe break down the door…." I grumbled "You started it by taking her ball."

"I did nothing to provoke-"

"I got her in Unova DURING the whole Dragon Crisis." There was a awkward silence between us, Dragra's two three heads giving him a smug look.

"…They where a extreme bran-"

"The local chapter is no longer legally allowed to call it's self a Pokemon Shelter after it was found you were killing trained Pokemon who's Trainers wanted them to be adopted into new homes. Bite me you aren't any better."

"….To be fair I didn't do any of the kil-"

"Stop talking before Dragra get's bitey, the hit to the head made me so fuzzy I might not notice for a while."



Someone send help. Please?

Plasma guy, just keep digging. If you go far enough, maybe you will have enough elbow room to- NOPE! There is never enough elbow room when you've pissed off a dragon. :p

"all it's odds" -> "it's all odds" ?
"Their free" -> "They're free"
quite -> quiet
"that was meant" -> "that were meant"
brakes -> breaks
I want to see any of the villain teams piss them selves when the MC Unleashes her Yveltal when they try to take her other Pokemon.