[X] Calm Over Rage:For I Shall Make the Path Taking up the magic that oscillates and burns and vibrates under the assault of Khorne, Ehfeyos will take the power that fills the mortals intruding upon immortality, and with that bring the spirits to the material.
[X] A Final Kindness:For I Shall Take Heart Menleth shall heal and soothe what remains of the Daemon Prince's truth, whatever mortality remains in them, and at least free them from the prison of Chaos; and in the doing they shall make the world again
[X] Predate and Take:For I Shall Prove Able Laqurnas will advance in shadow and take the mortality bound in treasures from the eight in blood, brass, fire, lightning, water, fruit, acid, the horns and the beasts, and break them, and sprinkle them around, and give that wasted mortality to the spirits.