This email could have been a meeting
So I ran into an interesting bit of number-work the other day. It turns out that if you shuffle a 52-card deck, it's entirely possible that the cards are in a specific order that has never before and will never again be seen exactly in that fashion. That first card, it can be any one of 52. For every one of those 52 first cards, they can have 51 different second cards. That's just two cards and you're over 2600 possibilities (2625 but who other than Wolong and I are counting?), or one a second for the length of the average netflix show.
Add a third card and ease up the pace a bit so you're doing one a minute. It's okay, I'll be back in
three months when you finish. Even something as simple and as meaningless as the first three cards out of a regular deck of playing cards has a quantity of possibilities that boggles the mind and is hard for the brain to hold.
One more card. Four cards. You could give one four-card combination to everybody in Rio de Janeiro back around the turn of the millennium and every single one of them would be unique. Picture that. Picture watching every four-card combination on the highway. Going to work. Picking up dinner after a rough day at the office. Going to a kid's soccer game. Wondering if it'll snow on the mountains.
Now imagine having been around since Noelle was small. Collecting all that information and turning it into figuring out how the world's gonna work. Imagine plugging
the Movement into your reality-prediction-engine. Even if the complexity of the computation alone didn't threaten your mind's ability to make anything make sense, forecasting the future and watching as good future after good future goes up in smoke as people die or are driven to despair would be enough to drive a man mad. It would be like going to the Rebound, except being painfully aware of everything the whole time.
That is why Wolong only gives us one power synergy prediction at a time.
Look, just because I said I
would like to have a hundred predictions doesn't mean I'm not glad he's giving us the one, okay?