Not just the Olympians mind you, they are the most famous true but there's others as well.

I just realised that Gaia would pick some prominence and attention and Terra-tan will be smug as hell about it.
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You'd think DC would be more religious anyway, considering Wonder Woman and Zatara's positions in the league as both "literal Amazonian demigod" to "magic is real, nuff said."
The Count of Vladava getting scheduled to go home instead of facing trial? Shocker.
Let's be honest there's no way hes making it back to his country without every country in-between blowing his plane out of the air after the stunt he just pulled, China or Russia will send a team to make sure an Accident is happening on the way.
He'll the may just capture him to Prosecute him publicly for the WAR CRIMES he committed which diplomatic immunity would not protect him from.
You'd think DC would be more religious anyway, considering Wonder Woman and Zatara's positions in the league as both "literal Amazonian demigod" to "magic is real, nuff said."
Or with the amount of Gods that are Real an active in the World or the fact that Demons and Angel's are a semi Regular thing on Earth, Honestly I'm surprised the Catholic Church in DC doesn't have the Powers like the Catholic Church is in various anime, the Dresdenverse and other storys
with the amount of monsters an Evil beings that exist In the fact that worship in God or Other pantheons can give you actual combat power against Magical Threats,
Interview: Aftermath
Clark: "Alchemist called me this morning. He thanked me for the pleasant interview, and he said his daughter wanted an autograph."

Lois: "Oh?"

Clark: "Yep. Honestly, it kind of worried me for a second. It's the first time this job got me an autograph request."

Lois: "Really."

Clark: "Lois? Is something bothering you? Usually you only go for the single word answers when something happened."

Lois: "You know what you did."

Clark: "I'm...sorry? What did I do?"

Lois: "That was my interview, Smallville, and you know it!"

Clark: "Sorry, but Alchemist did say he came to the Daily Planet to meet with you after he got your message, but the receptionist kicked him out. He can't exactly be expected to talk to you when he can't talk to you. I happened to visit him at my other job for another reason, and he actually asked me if I could do the interview instead. I wasn't about to pass that up."

Lois: "Excuse me for a few minutes. I have to go downstairs and pay that receptionist a...what is it called?"

Clark: "A visit?"

Lois: "A beating. I'm going to go pay her a beating. I'll be back in a few."

Clark: "Lois? Lois! Perry, I'm going out for a bit! Lois has gone feral again!"
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I wonder if Lucifer is going to be annoyed at the sudden influx of prayers/requests/demands and maybe the occasional sacrifice made in his name.
So, Lois knows who Clark's super-ID is. I thought this was prior to her knowing? Then again, I haven't watched Young Justice, so...
The YJ cartoon is pretty focused on the younger heroes. Even the major JL heroes only make relatively brief appearances. Lois Lane isn't shown on-screen at all until Season 3, which takes places in 2018, by which point she's already Clark's wife and has a son with him. Currently this story is in Season 1, which takes place in 2010.
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Which one is that? Link? And is it any good?
I dont remember the name. But the MC has a bad case of nanomachines and one of the conditions for Theoi alliance with the silver is him spreading the worship of Hephaestus in the mortal world.
So far he has fobbed that off onto other people, who made a prayer app, then got ejected from the plot by a green lantern.
It's actually pretty good yeah.

EDUT: It is called Assimilation.
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I dont remember the name. But the MC has a bad case of nanomachines and one of the conditions for Theoi alliance with the silver is him spreading the worship of Hephaestus in the mortal world.
So far he has fobbed that off onto other people, who made a prayer app, then got ejected from the plot by a green lantern.
It's actually pretty good yeah.

That would be Assimilation, it's here on SV
I wonder if Lucifer is going to be annoyed at the sudden influx of prayers/requests/demands and maybe the occasional sacrifice made in his name.

Luckily, Lucifer isn't actually a god, he's just a primordial force of nature that possibly part-times as an angel or is an angel (depending on whether you interpret the Silver City as a retroactive creation of the Dream or if it is actually the "real" afterlife), so he shouldn't be TOO bothered unless it reaches a disgustingly high point.

So he might go down and tell the aristocrats in England to knock it out, since they consider demon summoning a fun past time.
Someone posted a good review over on AO3, to which I'd responded and I think I'd like to share it here, hopefully explain a little bit as to why Lois would ask the question she did in regards to taking work away from doctors and nurses.

I always find it ridiculous when someone with healing powers gets told 'But you're taking work away from doctors and nurses!' as if healing suffering, injury and sickness shouldn't happen if it means someone doesn't get a paycheck. I know not everyone in the medical profession is necessarily in it just for altruistic reasons but I'm pretty sure the majority of the profession wouldn't have a problem with what Alchemist did. Nevermind that injury and sickness is unfortunately a constantly recurring issue, so I doubt those people are in any danger of being unemployed.

I can believe that Lois was that much of an ass when she ambushed him exhausted in the hospital.

You're right. Most of them wouldn't, and most of them didn't.

One thing to look at, though, would be the average reader of the Daily Planet- The newspaper always has a very heavy focus on crime and criminals. It's part of why Lois is a star reporter with that newspaper.

Now, the demographic that absolutely enjoys hearing about crime, watching people get arrested all that jazz... Those are also the same kinds of people that like to talk about why technology is taking their jobs and how much better things used to be. Lois asking that question is very much pandering to the target audience of their newspaper.

Clark ended up asking it, too, because it's what people on their website said they wanted to know. It doesn't necessarily mean he agrees with it, just that it was what people wanted to know.

Getting a 'bigger picture' answer that works back around to saving their hard earned tax dollars from being spent on people that are injured and 'Too lazy to work' should resonate with the crusty old farts that think them durned metahuman freaks are taking their jobs.

Meaning those same people are now upset and confused because he disagreed with them in a way that they agree with, and that's not something most small minded people are trained to handle.
Truly, the Condiment King was the one human villain he feared more than all else. At least the rest would just kill him...

and now I am imagining how that meeting would go. Somehow alchemist is the villain in that scenario.

"You may have derailed my plans this time, Condiment King, but you haven't seen the last of me yet! Muhahahahahahaaaaa!"
Queue dramatic shadowy twister on Alchemist as he vanishes to plot the downfall of our hero, the Condiment King.
Ok, when will Yuffie start calling Al "dad"? They're together now, what, something like half a year? Maybe after he has given her the Materia, she'll start doing this. Also, I remember something about Batman doing the paperwork for making Al Yuffie's official guardian. How's that going?
Woah there buddy. It's almost sounds like you believe it's right and proper for her to consider Alchemist her father. And he is her legal guardian. Legal guardian and father are very much not synonymous.

If he is or isn't her father is entirely up to her. It's not 'when' it's 'if'. He could be, but that's it. She's something fantastical called a 'ward', it was mentioned, I don't know, like 3 times?
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Let's be honest there's no way hes making it back to his country without every country in-between blowing his plane out of the air after the stunt he just pulled, China or Russia will send a team to make sure an Accident is happening on the way.
He'll the may just capture him to Prosecute him publicly for the WAR CRIMES he committed which diplomatic immunity would not protect him from.
If I'm remembering correctly the League had to literally play guard duty to stop that from happening.
If I'm remembering correctly the League had to literally play guard duty to stop that from happening.
The league still wouldn't have been able to stop any government for arresting him for War Crimes which their UN charter might actually force them to help them arrest him. The US might not be willing to prosecute him but I'm pretty sure a bunch of other countries that where attacked an part of the UN really want to put him on a international Tribunal where his Diplomatic immunity wouldn't help him. Or the Fact That him using diplomatic immunity means that his country has declared war or at least agrre with him on all those other countries he attacked. I doubt he will have a country left
Now, how is The Light going to take this entry in The Daily Prophet Planet? What about other villains out there, or other spellcasters? The Twilight World is probably going to find such a powerful purveyor of healing magics to be of interest, at the very least. John Constantine has already had a run-in with him (as of this last chapter), but did he or did he not know who that was? Just what does he know about the man and girl he chased for all of 15 seconds before his smoke-scarred lungs collapsed?