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Your name is
[] Producer
[] Producer
[] Producer
[] Producer

And you are the newly appointed...


Precure Fan
Your name is
[] Producer
[] Producer
[] Producer
[] Producer

And you are the newly appointed producer of the new talent agency office.
[] Write-in the agency name

You have no experience in being a producer, since you were a NEET before you got landed here. After taking care of you for more than twenty years, your parents dragged you outside of your room and told you to go look for a job. Fortunately, you found it here.

As you are looking inside your new office, which is a decent-looking middle-class office, a woman greets you.

"Ah, hello. My name is Miyamori Aoi. I'm your new assistant. Pleased to meet you," she bows.

"Nice to meet you too," you bow back. After that, you two begin settling in. She put her belongings on the table on the opposite of your table.

"So what are we going to do after this?" you ask.

"Eh? You don't know? How do you even got this job?"

"My skill in talking is so good that the higher ups are convinced I am the best man for this job. I don't know what I have to do though," you confess sheepishly. Amazingly instead of being angry, your new assistant, Miyamori, just smiles.

"Did you just say your talking is good? Great. That's all this job is about! You see. Since we're a new agency, we don't have any talent to manage. It's our job to find them and nurture them to be a famous nationwide idol!"

"So, I have to talk to girls and bring them here to be an idol?"

Miyamori nods.

"I see…"

"To tell you the truth, working in a new agency is not what I expected, but that doesn't mean I won't give my all. Who knows maybe someday we can be as big as 765pro or 346pro," there is stars on Miyamori's face. "The Chief put his trust on us, we cannot disappoint him! Let's start finding a new idol now! Come on!"
After seeing her enthusiasm, you can't help but feel enthusiastic too. Huh, it seems that her enthusiasm is contagious.

"We can start by scouring the popular spot. Let's split up."

Choose 3 Anime Girls!
[] Write-in
[] Write-in
[] Write-in

QM notes: This is an experiment, so I can only update whenever I can. Try to be as awesome as possible. Oh, and you can't choose girls from idol anime.
Character Sheet
Character Sheet

Level: 1
Experience Point: 0/100
Fatigue: 0/10

Name: Kongou
Charm: 8 (0/4 Training done)
Choreography: 3 (0/1 Training done)
Vocal: 5 (0/2 Training done)
Popularity: 0
Enthusiasm: 0
Fatigue: 0/10
Relationship: 0 (Neutral)

Kongou is a mysterious lady you met at a restaurant. You are intrigued by her melancholic looks. She loves tea, as long as it is properly brewed.

Name: Sakura Kyouko
Charm: 2 (0/1 Training done)
Choreography: 6 (0/3 Training done)
Vocal: 2 (0/1 Training done)
Popularity: 0
Enthusiasm: 0
Fatigue: 0/10
Relationship: 0 (Neutral)

Kyouko is the girl you met in an arcade. You are impressed by her dancing skill. You want to know more about her.

Name; Karin Desiree de Maillart
Charm: 6 (0/3 Training done)
Choreography: 4 (0/2 Training done)
Vocal: 2 (0/1 Training done)
Popularity: 0
Enthusiasm: 0
Fatigue: 0/10
Relationship: 0 (Neutral)

You met her when you were about to transported to another world. She was transported to this world instead. You offered her lodgings. You want to know more about her.
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There are two kinds of character, Player Character or Producer, and Idol Character.
  • Producer has three kinds of attribute, Level, Experience Point, and Fatigue.
  • Idol has 7 kinds of attribute which is divided into two categories. Trainable and intrainable.
    • There are three trainable attribute
      • Charm: How charming the idol is.
      • Choreography: How agile the idol is.
      • Vocal: How the idol sing
        • The trainable attribute has stat cap of 20.
    • There are 4 intrainable attribute
      • Popularity: How popular the idol is
      • Enthusiasm: How enthusiastic the idol is
      • Fatigue: How tired the idol is
      • Relationship: How close the idol is to you
Explanation for attribute is in the attribute section
  • Producer
    • Level: Standard character level. The higher the level, the more idol you can manage.
    • Experience Point: Standard Exp point.
    • Fatigue: Span between 0 and 10. Each Activity you Attend will increase Fatigue level by 1. Fatigue can be decreased by 2 by doing Bonding Time.
  • Idol
    • Charm: Initially decided by dice roll. Can be increased by Training
    • Choreography: Initially decided by dice roll. Can be increased by Training
    • Vocal: Initially decided by dice roll. Can be increased by Training.
      • Note: initial dice roll number will be divided into the three. Example, if you roll 10, you have to assign 10 points to the three attribute
      • The three attribute has cap of 20. Training is obsolete after you hit 20.
      • The sum of the three attributes cannot be over 50. For example, 20 dancing, 20 singing, 10 modelling, then you cannot raise the idol's attributes anymore. This is for preventing perfection.
    • Popularity: Initially 0. can be increased by success in an Event. The more popular the idol is, more job offers will come.
    • Enthusiasm: Span between -5 and 5. Initially 0. Successful Activity will increase by 1. Failed Activity will decrease by 1.
    • Fatigue: Span between 0 and 10. Initially 0. Will increase by 1 every day. Can be decreased by 2 by Free Time.
    • Relationship: Initially 0 (Neutral). Increased by doing Bonding Time Activity. Rank is:
      • 0 (Neutral)
      • 15 (Closer)
      • 40 (Like)
      • 75 (Favorite Person)

    • Activity: Each week, your idol has three slots to do their Activity. As the producer, you can choose to Attend whose and which activity. Attending activity will give bonus to the roll provide you have close Relationship with the idol.
      • Training: You can assign your idol to train. To increase the attribute by 1, you have to success in the amount of attribute/2 rounded down times. so if the Vocal attribute is 7, you have to success 3 times in Singing to increase it to 8. You can make a routine of Training.
        • Singing: Increase Vocal attribute. Fail or Success is determined by Dice roll.
        • Dancing: Increase Choreography attribute. Fail or Success is determined by Dice roll.
        • Modelling: Increase Charm attribute. Fail or Success is determined by Dice roll.
      • Audition: on every start of week, email detailing audition of events for the next one week will be delivered to your inbox. Successful in audition will give way to Event. Additionally, there are several Events who do not require Audition.
        • Local Audition: Fail or Success is determined by Dice roll.
        • Provincial Auditon: Fail or Success is determined by Dice roll.
        • Nationwide Audition: Fail or Success is determined by Dice roll. Will increase Fatigue by 1.
      • Event: If the idol passed the audition, whatever Activity they have on the timeslot of the event will be canceled as Event takes priority. Event are divided into local, provincial, and nationwide. Successful Event will raise popularity.
        • Local Event: Fail or Success is determined by Dice roll.
        • Provincial Event: Fail or Success is determined by Dice roll.
        • Nationwide Event: Fail or Success is determined by Dice roll. Will increase Fatigue by 1
      • Free Time: If your idols are tired, they can rest on Free Time. If you attend Free Time, will give way to Bonding Time without increasing Fatigue.
      • Bonding Time: By attending the Free Time, you can bond with your idols, You can Bond with more than one idols at the same time.
      • Popularity: Popularity can be increased if the idol success doing an event. Be prepared for any surprise Popularity increase or Decrease in other Activities!
  • Attending: As the producer, you can choose to attend which Activity on what time. Attending will give bonus roll for Activity being done by the idol according to their relationship with you. Attending Activity will give you Experience point.

The main dice that QM use is 1d20. There will be additional dice that QM will use.

The first time you recruit the idol, 1d20 will be rolled. Then player will divided the three into the initial attribute of the idol. Example: 1d20 rolled 6. Then you can put 2 to Charm, 2 to Choreo, 2 to Vocal, or other combination.

Training will use 1d20. First, the threshold roll will be rolled. The training roll which will be the second roll will have to surpass it. Each corresponding Attribute will give bonus to the roll.
  • Vocal/Charm/Choreo will +attribute/2 rounded down
  • Fatigue will -fatigue
  • enthusiasm will +enthusiasm or -enthusiasm according to the points.
Example: If the idol is Singing, the threshold roll is 8, and rolled 6, and her attribute is vocal 4, fatigue 3, enthusiasm 5, then the end roll is: 6+2-3+5 = 10. Then she will success.

Audition and Event:
Audition and Event will use 1d20. The threshold is already decided.
  • Local Audition: threshold is 10
  • Provincial Auditon: threshold is 15
  • Nationwide Audition: threshold is 25
  • Local Event: threshold is 15
  • Provincial Event: threshold is 20
  • Nationwide Event: threshold is 30
Corresponding Attribute will give bonus to roll. Same as Training. And Successful Event will raise popularity by rolling 1d10.

Bonding Time:
Bonding Time is 1d10 roll. Immediately increasing the Relationship. Each Idol bonded at the same time slot will have their own roll.

Attending will give bonus roll according to the idol relationship with you.
  • Closer: +1d3
  • Like: +1d6
  • Favorite Person: +1d10

Successful Event will give Experience point.
  • Local Event: +20 exp.
  • Provincial Event: +50 exp.
  • Nationwide Event: +200 exp.

Attending Activity will give you bonus Exp according to the Activity's initial dice roll

You can write Omake. One reroll will be given if the Omake is threadmarked/canonized. Non canon Omake will still be listed though. Hint: the daily life of the idols is always appreciated
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[X] Fog Battleship Kongo
[X] Kyoko Sakura
[X] Karin Désirée de Maillart

No one said they had to be normal people, or that they had to think of themselves as people. :V

The last one's just there because she has the power of hotpants and thus, passes for a very, masculine and beautiful guy somehow.
[X] Fog Battleship Kongo
[X] Kyoko Sakura
[X] Karin Désirée de Maillart

Not sure about the first one, but the later two? Oh yeah, this is going to be fun.
If we're playing this, then we're playing it right.

[x] Charlotte Dunois
[x] Chris Yukine
[x] Anastasia (Idolm@ster)
[X] Fog Battleship Kongo
[X] Kyoko Sakura
[X] Karin Désirée de Maillart

Not sure about the first one, but the later two? Oh yeah, this is going to be fun.
Since Kyoko and Karin look like this:

I thought we needed someone that looked a bit more mature to keep the group well rounded. Hence, Kongo.

She may be a pile of nanomachines pretending to be human, but she can pull off that look like none other.

If we're playing this, then we're playing it right.

[x] Charlotte Dunois
[x] Chris Yukine
[x] Anastasia (Idolm@ster)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Idolm@ster's a idol anime, right?
Oh, and you can't choose girls from idol anime.
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Since Kyoko and Karin look like this:

I thought we needed someone that looked a bit more mature to keep the group well rounded. Hence, Kongo.

She may be a pile of nanomachines pretending to be human, but she can pull off that look like none other.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Idolm@ster's a idol anime, right?
Huh. Must've missed that. New plan then.

[x] Charlotte Dunois
[x] Tokisaki Kurumi
[x] Fog Battleship Kongo

[x] 1079 Production
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[X] Producer

[X] Fog Battleship Kongo
[X] Kyoko Sakura
[X] Karin Désirée de Maillart

[X] 1079 Production
In certain Japanese readings, this would be something like ju-na-ku, 10-7-9.
Sufficient Velocity would translate roughly to jubun'na sokudo, from which we retrieve and shorten to JUbun'NA soKUdo, ju na ku, 1079.

Take note, I hardly know anything about Japanese and this is probably pretty damn mangled.
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[X] Producer

[X] Fog Battleship Kongo
[X] Kyoko Sakura
[X] Karin Désirée de Maillart

[X] 1079 Production
Huh? Never knew it will be well received. Also I have added the rules. Please ask me anything by quoting whichever of my post so I will get the alert if the rules isn't clear. My use of English isn't perfect, and this is the first time I am running a quest. So don't expect routine updates.
[x] Fog Battleship Kongo
[x] Charlotte Dunois
[x] Nanoha Takamachi
[X] Miyu Edelfelt
[X] Charlotte Dunois
[X] Karin Désirée de Maillart

Need a good spread to balance out. One superhumanly skilled pokerface, one Prince, and one aggressive but cute one.
Oooh~ Fun.

Also, my Headcanon always has Kyoko as an Idol. Er, one of the Sakura. But that's neither here nor there.

[X] Producer Producer
just in case they get comfortable enough to start using the first name as well.

[X] 666 Production
cause why not...

hmm kongo is always fun
Chisame is my personal fav and actually works in this setting as she already is a hidden net idol
miyu is great (even though the anime of illya is meh), her lack of social understanding along with kongo would drive chisame up the wall.

[X] Fog Battleship Kongo
[X] Chisame Hasegawa
[X] Miyu Edelfelt

Oh. Ooooh. FOG Battleship Kongou. I thought it was Kongo-Desu~.


Does Game characters work? <- Is thinking of Female Granblue Main Character
Does Game characters work? <- Is thinking of Female Granblue Main Character
Technically you can. But like most of the character that I don't know, if the character wins, I probably have to ask for the summary of their personality and can't guarantee no out of character moments.

Also for those who vote for Karin, by using her maiden name, you're voting for young!Karin right? not Mom!Karin
Technically you can. But like most of the character that I don't know, if the character wins, I probably have to ask for the summary of their personality and can't guarantee no out of character moments.

Also for those who vote for Karin, by using her maiden name, you're voting for young!Karin right? not Mom!Karin
They're the player character.

She doesn't have a personality. Like most mute characters. Except she isn't exactly mute.

Granblue and IdolM@ster go hand-in-hand~ She would fit well with Cinderella Girls characters. That reminds me, I have to do the Tie-in event... -goes back to lurking-
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[X] Fog Battleship Kongo
[X] Kyoko Sakura
[X] Karin Désirée de Maillart
QM notes: This is an experiment, so I can only update whenever I can. Try to be as awesome as possible. Oh, and you can't choose girls from idol anime.

I was going to type in Lin Minmay, Sheryl Nome, and Freyja Wion, but sadly, they're prohibited. Boo! Oh well, best girls selection...

[x] Charlotte Dunois
[x] Tokisaki Kurumi
[X] Fog Battleship Kongo

[X] 1079 Production
Umm... After much deliberation, here is my own vote. It consists of the Leader-material, the Tsun, an the Healingly-cute character.

[x] Djeeta
[x] Kyoko Sakura
[x] Mio Akikyama

Wait, instead of Tsun, isn't Kyouko a Genki? Ah, well...