[X] Your soul – You're able to reach out and touch… something. Something beyond yourself, maybe beyond all of humanity. It lets you do extraordinary things, but you're not sure where it came from. You don't think the doctors are responsible, it scares them too much. Sometimes it scares you too. (Clade: Coactive)
[X] Your body (flesh) – You've had more surgeries than you can count, been given injections of too many things you don't know how to pronounce, and had organs added to your body that you're pretty sure humans aren't supposed to have. Frankly, you're not even sure if you're human at this point. A human body shouldn't be capable of the things you can do. (Clade: Chimeric)
[X] Infiltration – Some of the tests are almost like games: hide from these people until time is up, get from here to there without being spotted, get out of this place without getting shot, things like that. Granted, you think most games don't use live ammunition, but it's not a problem if you don't get caught, right?
[X] Combat – Sometimes they do carefully controlled tests with dummies and all kinds of sensors. Other times, they just lock you in a room with a bunch of people and don't let you out until you're the last one standing. You've killed people, and it's clear you'll kill a whole lot more before they're done with you.
[X] Your body (metal) – You are more than just flesh and blood. You have circuits in your brain and wires in your bones. Again and again you're put under the knife so that parts of you can be replaced with steel and silicon. At this point, you might be more machine than not. (Clade: Invasive)
- [X] Your body (flesh) – You've had more surgeries than you can count, been given injections of too many things you don't know how to pronounce, and had organs added to your body that you're pretty sure humans aren't supposed to have. Frankly, you're not even sure if you're human at this point. A human body shouldn't be capable of the things you can do. (Clade: Chimeric)
-[X] Infiltration – Some of the tests are almost like games: hide from these people until time is up, get from here to there without being spotted, get out of this place without getting shot, things like that. Granted, you think most games don't use live ammunition, but it's not a problem if you don't get caught, right?