Prinzessin der Kriegsspiele

[X] Plan Ford
-[X] Singing Practice (4)
-[X] Formal Dance (4)
-[X] Math and Finance (4)
-[X] Etiquette (5)
-[X] Calligraphy (3)
-[X] Reading and Writing (4)
-[X] Textiles (3)
-{X] History (3)
-[X] Hiking and Sport (2)
-[X] Explore Manor Village (2)
-[X] Play Games (2)
-[X] Storytime (2)
-[X] Socialize with the Help (2)
[X] Stage a stubborn defense so that you can stalemate them until dinner.
[x] Fight to the last, and resolutely lose with honor and dignity intact!

Seems the best of these options, although this doesn't matter too much.

[X] Plan Drop The Unessential
-[X] Elisabet Activities (18)
--[X] Formal Dance 3
--[X] Math and Finance 5
--[X] Etiquette 5
--[X] Calligraphy 1
--[X] Reading and Writing 4
--[X] Textiles 0
--[X] Botany 0
-[X] Charlotte Activities (10)
--[X] Hiking and Sport 2
--[X] Explore Manor Village 1
--[X] Fencing 0
--[X] Archery 0
--[X] Play Games 2
--[X] Storytime 0
--[X] Socialize with the Help 5
-[X] Shared Activities (12)
--[X] Leiselaut Practice 0
--[X] Singing Practice 1
--[X] History 4
--[X] Geography 5
--[X] Equestrian Riding 2

Formal dance and etiquette are necessity to navigate high society, gain power, and not embarrass ourselves. Calligraphy isn't particularly necessary beyond the minimum to keep us from humiliating ourselves, and there's more important stuff to focus on. Textiles and botany aren't useful right now, and can be learned later if somehow needed; they get dropped. Maths and finances are absolutely necessary no matter what we do - a queen needs to know how to run her country, and a wife needs to know how to manage her household. Being able to read is good. Getting a start on tactics with games seems useful.

Hiking and sport to keep us healthy and sane; same with horses, which is also a needed skill for later. Fencing and archery don't matter - if a princess needs to be fighting anybody, something has gone unimaginably wrong, and we're already fucked. Do a bit of exploring to get us used to the environment. The main thing here is talking to the help. This is so, so important. The help don't like you, your life is worse in a thousand little ways, and the opposite if they do like you. Plus, if we want a spy network later, even if it's only in the form of gossip, the servants are the place to start.

Instrument practice seems safely droppable. I'd drop singing as well, but it synergizes with our beauty nicely. History is good to have a solid backing on, for politics if nothing else, and it'll help us learn more about the setting. Geography is a nod to the potential for battle strategy/tactics.
Adhoc vote count started by BiopunkOtrera on Jun 11, 2022 at 6:27 PM, finished with 35 posts and 24 votes.

  • [x] Fight to the last, and resolutely lose with honor and dignity intact!
    [X] Stage a stubborn defense so that you can stalemate them until dinner.
    [X] Plan Ford
    -[X] Singing Practice (4)
    -[X] Formal Dance (4)
    -[X] Math and Finance (4)
    -[X] Etiquette (5)
    -[X] Calligraphy (3)
    -[X] Reading and Writing (4)
    -[X] Textiles (3)
    -[X] Hiking and Sport (2)
    -[X] Explore Manor Village (2)
    -[X] Play Games (2)
    -[X] Storytime (2)
    -[X] Socialize with the Help (2)
    [X] In the spirit of sportsmanship, graciously lose so that they keep playing with you.
    [X] Plan Salt Crown
    [X] Plan Rule of Five
    -[X] Formal Dance (5)
    -[X] Math and Finance (5)
    -[X] Etiquette (5)
    -[X] Calligraphy (5)
    -[X] Reading and Writing (5)
    -[X] Explore Manor Village (5)
    -[X] Play Games (2)
    -[X] Socialize with the Help (3)
    -[X] History (5)
    [X] Plan Some Unreachable Creature
    -[X] Formal Dance (2)
    -[X] Math and Finance (3)
    -[X] Etiquette (5)
    -[X] Calligraphy (4)
    -[X] Reading and Writing (4)
    -[X] Botany (2)
    -[X] Hiking and Sport (4)
    -[X] Fencing (2)
    -[X] Archery (2)
    -[X] Play Games (1)
    -[X] Singing Practice (3)
    -[X] Leiselaut Practice (2)
    -[X] History (1)
    -[X] Geography (2)
    -[X] Equestrian Riding (3)
    [X] Formal Dance (1)
    [X] Math and Finance (3)
    [X] Etiquette (8)
    [X] Calligraphy (3)
    [X] Reading and Writing (6)
    [X] Textiles (0)
    [X] Botany (2)
    [X] Hiking and Sport (0)
    [X] Explore Manor Village (0)
    [X] Fencing (0)
    [X] Archery (0)
    [X] Play Games (5)
    [X] Storytime (0)
    [X] Socialize with the Help (2)
    [X] Leiselaut Practice (0)
    [X] Singing Practice (0)
    [X] History (6)
    [X] Geography (2)
    [X] Equestrian Riding (2)
    [x] Plan spread thin
    [X] Sulk and throw a fit, this isn't fun anymore!

Plan Ford leads.
[X] Fight to the last, and resolutely lose with honor and dignity intact!

Villains with monster armies never surrender quietly, this is just being in character.
[X] Plan Ford
-[X] Singing Practice (4)
-[X] Formal Dance (4)
-[X] Math and Finance (4)
-[X] Etiquette (5)
-[X] Calligraphy (3)
-[X] Reading and Writing (4)
-[X] Textiles (3)
-{X] History (3)
-[X] Hiking and Sport (2)
-[X] Explore Manor Village (2)
-[X] Play Games (2)
-[X] Storytime (2)
-[X] Socialize with the Help (2)

A little torn, because I think this plan leans a little too heavily on education. Six year old are generally not capable of spending 3/4ths of their time studying, but I like the general priorities here.
[X] Fight to the last, and resolutely lose with honor and dignity intact!

Good practice for our brothers. The enemy won't always react in a rational way! Better they learn this now while training, than later in a real battlefield.

And if we are playing 'the villain with a large army of monsters', maybe we can use the souls of the fallen to summon some kind of final boss?

[Later] Mom & Dad: "Charlotte dear, about summoning demons... Don't. Just don't."

[X] Plan spread thin
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Exhack on Jun 10, 2022 at 11:38 PM, finished with 43 posts and 31 votes.
Prologue 4: A Flamboyant Defeat and History Lessons
"So what do you say, Charlotte?"

You cackle and start circling the battle lines like a carrion bird, taking the sights in for a moment and burning the formation into your mind's eye. Your arms fold behind your back, index tucked into palm, fingers rubbing together as you preen and get on your tip-toes, trying to stand on a closer footing with your rival brothers. Your smile trembles, half-crackled into a mad laugh. "The House Guard will sortie and engage you directly!"

"Whoa." "Woh."

You fan your archers out into a line and sally them forth. The attackers set upon them but do not win in the first round, and take worse casualties. You cleverly use the legs of the chairs as hard cover against melee attacks and whittle their numbers away, theatrically waving your arms. "FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!"

The favored knights of the Armies of the Two Brothers ride through the last of the fallen archer maidens and strike your general down. Lorenz and Manfred clap their hands together and cheer. "Yes, victory!"

You clutch your chest and collapse in mock defeat. "Gah! At last, a hero strong enough to defeat me!"

"Dinner's r- Lady Charlotte, please stand up. The floor is filthy!" Your dramatic defeat comes by the time one of the household maids comes to fetch you all for dinner, your siblings impressed by nothing more than your sheer commitment to a bit. The maid, Lulu, is a pretty dark-haired woman whom you recognize as a groundskeeper's daughter. Once you saw she has a pendant with a bird's skull, but most of the time it's tucked under the collar of her shirt. She comes to pull you up lifting you by your wrists. "Now up, please!"

You stand up and wobble over to collect your dolls. As tempting as it would be to go limp, misbehavior would cut into your precious gaming time and also earn you the disfavor of your siblings if you made them do the cleaning up by themselves. The maid does the heavy lifting pushing the chairs and other assorted furniture you rearranged to make a battlefield back into place while your valuable toys all go back exactly where they were put away.

The session is all the four of you can talk about as you strut down the halls towards the manor's regular dining room, a grand entertaining space dominated by a single great wooden table, always polished to a gleam, and the hanging banners of the house's heraldry and honors above. Elisabet has arranged a soup of root vegetables and mutton seasoned with savory green herbs and sweet white onions, and a loaf of white bread with fresh butter. The bread has been gently warmed over the fire to liven it up and put nice toast marks, absorbing both the melting butter and thick broth of your meal with aplomb. You wash it down with a fruit tea made of the dried remains of last harvest's fruit and boiling water, allowed to cool slightly.

Elisabet watches you eat, smiling a little indulgently. "How did your little game go, my young lords and ladies?"

Lorenz raises a hand, half-responding and half posing in triumph. "Manfred and I defeated evil! Charlotte had monsters but our knights beat them fair and square, and then she sent all her girl dolls against us and we destroyed all them."

The head maid's expression turns slightly alarmed. "Goodness, I hope you'll be considerate towards your younger sister's toys considering the expense in buying them and the work of the craftsmen who made them."

"We didn't break them, he just means we defeated her girl dolls." Manfred corrects helpfully.

You pout. "They're not just girl dolls, in the game they're archers! Archers! It's important!"

"They're girl dolls, you just pretend they're archers. Our toys are actually soldiers and horses and stuff." Lorenz asserts.

Elisabet puts a finger to her lip, thoughtful suddenly. "Now, in fairness to your younger sister it's not as though lady knights are completely unheard of in the Empire. They're just uncommon enough that nobody would think to make a toy of one to sell to a noble, I suppose."

"What!?" You exclaim, and look to Elisabet. "There are lady knights!?"

"There have been. I'll ask your tutor to find you some for your history lessons, if you'd like." She beams, obviously glad she's found yet another way to bait you into paying attention to your lessons.

You're immediately drawn in by the premise, but also don't have a frame of reference to form this in your head other than the vague image of your original world's own various female warriors and the grisly fates they met. Joan of Arc, Tomoe Gozen, Boudicca- you suppose Bradamante made off well enough out of the bunch, but she was almost definitely completely fictional and nobody bothers depicting her in games except for bloated gacha properties running out of historical figures to play with. Suddenly, you feel a pang of homesickness from your thoughts despite their banality, and try to not let it show on your face.

However sad it is that it's unlikely you'll ever get to learn more of your original world than what you were able to in your roughly twenty years, it dawns on you that you barely know anything about this one. Isn't this an opportunity?

Your poker face evidently isn't that good, as Lisbet picks up on the shifting emotions on your face. "Does that sound… good, Lady Charlotte?"

You sniff. "Y-yes…"

The other maid serving you all starts parceling out little bowls of a pale blancmange-looking dessert, and you delicately eat your feelings before anyone picks up on them.

Summers in this region are warm but breezy, something you're thankful for during your outdoor lessons, under the shade of a tall pear tree at the edge of the manorial orchard. You're six in all, fanned out on wooden stools while your tutor, a local scholar named Conrad tries to hold your attention with stories of the world. In addition to your three siblings, Elisabet's daughters Ysabel and Elske are also here, ostensibly to attend to you and Margareta in the outdoors but also absorb some lessons as they are themselves also of some smallholder noble lineage.

Conrad dresses like your imagination of a Renaissance painter, a linen smock shirt hanging loose over his lean and tall frame. He's pale but slowly reddening in the sun and heat, even in the shade. "For today's lesson we'll be discussing the Solar calendar and the start of the lands now known collectively as the Empire."

Your hand immediately goes up, Conrad frowns.


"What do we call the world?"

"Ah, it's convenient for you to ask me that. We call it the Mundvas. As opposed to the Subrego, the world humans originally came from."

You blink again. "We w-what? We didn't always live here?"

"His Royal Highness Charles I, the first Emperor led humans to Mundvas by pursuing a Sun that would not set, which granted them unbreakable stamina for a journey that was said to take an entire year. When night finally fell, his ten thousand warriors and their families found themselves in the grand ruins of the ancient Edhean people who once lived here. The greatest ruins were settled and rebuilt and eventually became Karris or Karsbourg, the imperial capital. Do you know why they settled in the ruins?"

"Because they were holy?" Lorenz suggests, imitating you by also raising his hand.

"No, the opposite rather. An abundance of building material. Up until just a few centuries ago, historians noted almost every brick in the capital was quarried out of Edhean ruins and their architecture was in evidence everywhere."

What a terrible thing to find out, you think. All the history in those ruins, lost because someone needed stones to build houses!

"After fortifying the area around Karsbourg, the imperial household began a series of conquests uniting the disparate princes that split off from Charles I's rule and driving out the various dangerous beasts that dwelled here. Since then the Vermandois Dynasty has ruled much of the known world. Since the conquests of His Royal Highness Charles XV, the Empire extends from one ocean to another."

"Does everything belong to the Empire?" You ask. Mentally you make a note to ask about the dangerous beasts as well, but there's so much to ask about and you can't be seen monopolizing the tutor's time.

"Of course not. There are a number of smaller kingdoms which while not as splendid as the Empire, are able to exert their independence in various ways and have had rapport. There are also lands wholly controlled by beasts. As well, not every polity within the Empire has the same relationship with the crown. Montmormant and the surrounding lands are under the sovereignty of the House von Mormant and the Furstin, and have a direct relationship with the crown. Others have their internal affairs decided by the Emperor's council. It's a little complicated but the important thing for you to remember is that you have certain privileges that court nobles do not." Conrad nods over to your brother Lorenz, bowing slightly as his gaze lingers. "Prince Lorenz, for example, is not required to bow or stand for the Emperor except for when he presents himself in official capacity for the first time. The rest of you do not need to bow as deeply as court nobility."

"Why is that?" Manfred asks.

"Because of where power comes from. Court nobles receive their station directly from the Emperor, from the crown. Your titles come from the land, and any gestures represent deference rather than submission." Conrad scratches his temple and then reaches up, catching a small green leaf the breeze carried into his tousled brown hair. "Back to the topic of history, it's important to remember the importance of crossing into the new world under the Great Sun. The Solar Calendar was proclaimed to mark the date of humanity's entrance into Mundvas, and it continues to exert influence over us. It's said that objects wash up on our shores, carrying with them the memory of that place."

You perk up again, and glance to your siblings, who seem to be holding their attention at a lower level than you. "What about people?"

"Ah, that's much more debated. If any number of people have come to us from the Subrego, they remain in obscurity, perhaps deliberately for their own protection. History bears no evidence of their arrival, and scholars who casually accuse great historical figures of alien origins are often disreputable or of questionable intellect. For my part, I keep an open mind but do not waste my time attempting to formulate rubrics to classify my antecedents except by the breadth of their achievements." Your tutor puts his hands on his hips and exhales, a gesture you begin to recognize as the start of a diatribe. "Classification is one of the great tendencies of this era for which I bear no love. Pairing unlike creatures and people by a few common traits is folly and ignores the achievements and qualities that make them unique. I implore you to be more thorough in the manner of your thinking, my young lords and ladies."

You raise your hand again. What should you ask about while you still have time?
[ ] Ask if a person's mind could enter the world without their body.
[ ] Ask Conrad about where he studied to become a tutor.
[ ] Ask about warfare and especially lady knights.
[ ] Ask about the history of the demesne.

It's also early in the day. And what will you do after this?
[ ] Go with Lorenz to visit the village hetman.
[ ] Play wooden swords with Manfred.
[ ] Collect flowers with Margareta.
[ ] Follow Ysabel and Elske around as they do errands around the manor so you can get to know them.
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Today's vote will be slightly shorter so I can start writing earlier tomorrow.
[x] Ask about warfare and especially lady knights.
[x] Follow Ysabel and Elske around as they do errands around the manor so you can get to know them.

Asking about the mind and body would be my runner-up though.
For the second, went with Ysabel and Elske to get to better know two characters at once
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[x] Ask about warfare and especially lady knights.
[x] Follow Ysabel and Elske around as they do errands around the manor so you can get to know them.
[X] Ask about the history of the demesne.
[X] Go with Lorenz to visit the village hetman.

Happy also with the question about warfare, but I slightly prefer learning more about where we're from. It seems like it'll be important given the family's status. That's also why I'd like to visit the village. It's a broader view of our home.

In addition to the quest being super cute so far, I like the mythic history feel to that lesson and the underlying worldbuilding. The Empire being founded by people from our world (Carolingians, maybe?) is a nice touch, too.