Princess of Mandalore (Youjo Senki/Star Wars)

Chapter 43
Chapter 43
716 FNM (22 BBY)
Month 10

Mandalore, Near Sundari, Outer District
Korkie Kryze

When my adventure comes to an end, I did not expect that I'll be doing anything else afterwards. Since, well, I already turned in the artifacts I found over to archaeologists, and they'll figure out what those artifacts are from there. The museum curators are still documenting what we have as they are still going over the manifest and information aboard the Seeker's Vigil even while we're setting up for the Cultural Festival. I thought that I would at least have time to rest and relax. Unfortunately, the Cultural Festival is almost here and a lot of work needs to be done before the event kicks off.

Officially, the Cultural Festival will begin eight hours from now at 6:00 p.m. Aunt Satine will begin the festival, and it's scheduled to go on for five days. The first week of the year 717 FNM.

There are quite a bit of events and shows locked down from what I understood. From the arrival of the Kandosii I found on Breshig near the midpoint of the week, to concerts and several other projects that many high-ranking Mandalorian nobles had accomplished throughout the sector.

I wasn't aware of everything that was going to be underway. I am a prince of Mandalore sure, but there are too many projects that are going to be displayed that it is too much to get to know all of them on such short notice. There are projects that Tanya had spearheaded, some that Auntie Satine had spearheaded that I had not been involved with. That doesn't even include the projects from Gargon, Ordo, Jakelia, Concordia, Vorpa'ya, and many more that I barely had any contact with, which add to the amount of cultural displays and events on offer. So I only knew what I needed to know, as there is too much stuff to learn about every event before the festival started. It is a testament to Professor Wren's ability that he organized the festival to have everything ready at the same time.

My focus is on the projects I spearheaded. First, the Kandosii, which was currently scheduled to arrive in system mid-festival three days from now, so that is Tom's responsibility until then. Second, overseeing the Seeker's Vigil, the relic ship we had recovered from the asteroid in the Msst system, which made it here safely to Mandalore. Here being an outer district, just outside the dome created over the last three months. A block-like structure with plasteel-reinforced glass designed to house the ship as well as expand the storage capacity of the city in a new warehouse zone. The structure would likely be absorbed into the dome as it naturally expanded in the next few years or so with the influx of migrants to the planet.

Said block-like structure is large enough that the architect had bragged that a fourth of the population of the Sundari could visit it all at once. It probably would never reach that point, though, as there would be celebrations going on throughout Sundari to compete with our attention. At its peak, the busiest time would probably be at its grand opening, before slowly petering out.

The concert for the Gargon Girls would be towards the heart of Sundari, which would keep people away from outer districts for a while, and there are other institutions opening their doors for various artifacts in various parts of Sundari. The localnet message boards are flooded with people organizing the most efficient routes to various events, as well as locals highlighting various shops and rest-stops to visit in between events. Businesses, seeing the festival as a good opportunity to make money, are advertising various deals and discounts to attract customers as well as decorate their businesses to highlight their cultural origin. Overall, it is the liveliest Sundari had ever been.

The Vigil had landed on a platform within the inside of the Cube, which would not be its final resting place. The main artifact research center is in The Old City and Capital of Keldabe on the other side of the planet, and that would be the ship's final destination. For now, it's being parked here, and the artifacts cataloged and put on display throughout a large building inside the block for people to view. And there are quite a lot of relics to look at and learn.

From armor styles and ancient weapons to other artifacts that seem to be of other cultures. There are a lot of artifacts that match those from Twi'lek culture, that supposedly represent many generations. Why are they on a Mandalorian ship? If they had been made of valuable material, I would have suspected that the reason it's there is possibly due to it being plunder or loot. But since they aren't made of valuables, other than a few being made of beskar, and that this was a ship that was supposed to be a vault of Mandalorian culture. These items were mixed with several Mandalorian helmets modified for head tails, which would indicate that this ship had, near the end of its life, been mainly run by Mandalorian Twi'leks. Personally, I thought perhaps we should see if we could find who those artifacts belong to and maybe transfer them back to Ryloth.

But chances of finding the original owners' clan are very slim. The records on the last crew of this archive ship indicated that it had been abandoned sometime after the Fall of Breshig with the original crew catching a ride with Mandalorians evacuating the secretive shipyard to somewhere else in the Mandalore sector.

Considering that Twi'lek's have a very low population within the Mandalore sector these days, it shouldn't be too hard to find them within the Mandalore sector if they were still here. But if they had sided with any of the political factions over the last seven to eight hundred years, they could have easily been wiped out or pushed out.

Shaking my head, I tried to not think about that dark possibility and hoped that perhaps these Twi'leks could be found. For now though, I would focus on what is before me and it is a rather boring task. As the one who led the expedition of finding this ship, it was necessary for me to be here in order to show off and explain how I came across this ancient relic.

I am also here to make sure that the archaeologists did their jobs in setting up the Seeker's Vigil for exhibition. A very tedious management job that I could not wait to go back to college for. My last year of schooling would probably be just as boring, but at least there was some sort of purpose with all of that. Here, I felt somewhat useless just watching others do work while I sat behind a desk. I want to explore more of Mandalore's secrets; that is the most excitement I've had in a long time. I also don't have any friends to talk to because Sonnie is busy slicing into the Vigil's servers with the other Archivists while Amis and Lagos have unfinished homework they needed to complete, so they aren't here at the moment.

So further exploration would have to wait for now.

Sighing, I looked over at the ship, still amazed at how good it's condition is. This thing is nearly three to four thousand years old and had pretty much flown like anything made in the modern day. Of course, the Vigil's shields and apparently outdated guns are pitiful, but it still exists. It had people who had crewed her - meanwhile, not that long ago, we were fighting for her right to exist and be remembered. It's amazing that the original crew took care of her this whole time. You would think pirates would have gotten their hands on her sooner or later.

It's probably for the best that the ship didn't know that she would be the cornerstone in my family's attempt to study Mandalorian history. We didn't need to be warlords to have a fondness for history, right?

I lean back, looking up at the ceiling for a moment. Wondering if I've done the right thing uncovering all of this stuff, before I heard a feminine voice to the side of me. "Impressively well kept, I would have expected something this old to have rusted away by now. You can tell the crew of this ship had some real love for it." Bringing my head down to the side to look at the person who had spoken, I had to do a careful examination.

Standing just a meter away from me is a woman in her early twenties, I think she is around my age. She has dark black hair that seemed to just absorb the surrounding light, going down to her shoulders and, somehow, giving Soniee a run for her money when it came to the assets in the chest area. In fact, the girl gave pretty much everyone I'd ever seen a little bit of a run for their money. And I simply had to force myself to maintain some control over my mind.

Sitting up straighter, I said, "Yes, ma'am, whoever was responsible for this ship's maintenance did a great job over the last three thousand years or so. The only reason it didn't have any maintenance over the last thousand is that it was abandoned. Thankfully, she was abandoned in a place no one knew where to look until today. Now all the relics and ancient information about Mandalore are being carefully cataloged and analyzed. Once that's done, a copy of everything onboard will be sent to every major Mandalorian planet in the system so that we can all learn about our history."

"Oh, that's a nice gesture." The woman said in a tone that heavily implied the opposite, turning, and I got a better look at her. She had a rather well-made-up face; she looked like she belonged as a member of the Gargon Girls or perhaps on some sort of magazine cover, instead of her strange uniform. The uniform was not something the New or Old Mandalorians wore. The uniform in question had a lot of red bars and looked quite military-esque, but I did not recognize the design or patterns.

"What about Mandalorian systems outside the Mandalorian sector? Will they be receiving a copy of this information?"

I raised an eyebrow before saying, "I'm not sure, I've never given that much thought but it shouldn't be that hard to do. The Mandalorian systems outside the Mandalorian sector aren't exactly something we worry about."

"Hmm, yes, that does tend to be true. Mandalorians of the sector seem only to care about the major clans and not those who are outside the sector or the clanless. After all, how else would they have gotten away with the slave labor imposed on the clanless during the Civil War?"

That is an odd segue to our conversation, but I let it go to answer, "I guess twenty years ago that would make sense, however, New Mandalorians are different. We don't care if a person is clanless or not, we just focus on trying to rebuild the sector from the damage caused by the Civil War. So that everyone has a good standard of living."

"And by focusing on rebuilding the sector, you have abandoned the Mandalorians outside the sector - truly a noble sacrifice of those who were harshly treated by the last rulers."

Okay, this conversation seemed to be taking a weird turn. Looking at the woman, I said, "I guess we can't really help those outside the sector if we can't help those inside the sector now, can we? After all, without the New Mandalorians instituting pacifism within the sector, the old barbarism would simply take the sector over."

"The old barbarism that has to do with the clans that the New Mandalorians are currently in the process of kowtowing to, in my opinion. Their acceptance of that new Silver ideology seems to indicate that they were never really pacifist; they were just going along with the first ideology that seemed to promise them the end of the war."

"That's not true." I said, getting up from my seat, so I could stand at my full height, noting that I was slightly taller than the girl was standing, "Pacifism is still a core tenant of the New Mandalorians. Yes, if you have been taking on some aspects of the Silver Codex, that's only for economic reasons."

"Was it only for economic reasons that the Silver Mandalorian invaded Geonosis to rescue the Princess of Mandalore or was it perhaps something else? I wonder." She asked with a raised eyebrow.

I stopped because I do still have a definite concern ever since I heard about that incident. The possibility that White Silver is trying to influence my sister in some way is a bit concerning. While she may be politically savvy, she is already a supporter of White Silver in her own way. If she were to come out as an outright supporter, though, that would be troubling.

The Ithorians' agreement for terraforming Mandalore, the geoengineering project, had started recently on our homeworld as they had made early progress near the southern poles. The visible and positive progress of the terraforming project, mixed with Tanya's connections to White Silver, could spur another mass migration of people to join the Silver movement. In an awkward way, it felt like the terraforming project was another major step towards the end of New Mandalorian pacifism.

Shaking my head, I said, "That may be a point-"

"Of course, it's a point. The New Mandalorians did not go far enough in removing the clans that started the fighting, and now their corrupted forces are slowly chipping away at pacifism from you."

I blinked, not really familiar with that point of view, "Where are you from? You said you're from outside the sector, right? What planet?"

"Oh, of course, where are my manners? I'm Natalya of Anteevy, the slave colony the last governor of Mandalore was using to supply his war effort."

I did a double-take and refocused on what she had just said, "Wait, isn't that the planet that tried to kill my sister?" Before I could really get into my thoughts on that, she interrupted me.

"A rogue agent from our planet, very radical, wanted to fight her own revolution without oversight or the support of the workers and escaped with two battalions of battle droids. She has been arrested, tried, and thrown into jail that she'll probably never see the light of day again. We do not support her actions or wish to eliminate the monarchy like she did. Our intentions are reformist, not revolutionary."

I blinked, not really sure if she's telling me the truth or not as I have no way to verify it, but if it is true, I have no option but to accept it and say, "Alright, still, that's not exactly the best foot forward diplomatically. The first thing I hear about your people is that they attempted to kill my sister, and now you're just here. Why are you here, exactly?"

"We're here because we're Mandalorian as much as anyone else in this festival. Why we're here is to repair our image, as that crazed anti-monarchist has soured it and cut some of our trade with allies within the sector. Our glorious leader, Comrade Secretary-General Lilia, understood that if we came to the cultural festival and made our claims clear that we are not anti-Mandalorian, just anti-clan, we could restore our reputation as friends to the Mandalore sector."

I blinked, somewhat confused, but shrugged, saying, "I guess if you're only here to take part in the festival, there's nothing wrong with that, though I'm not really sure how you can say you're Mandalorian while also being anti-clan."

"Don't you know about clanless Mandalorians? We simply understand that the clans are the ones responsible for many of the wars that Mandalore has faced. Power structures want to be in control of other clans, in an endless battle of power and politics, creating a system of vassalization and corruption. Forcing us ever onwards to more and more conquest, until eventually we are stamped down by our neighbors because our leaders will run amok and never figure out the best way to actually win the war they start. War is a terrible thing, but if it must be done, it must be done logically and not based on simple honor or clan respect. It must be terrible and swift. And until the clan heads that control Mandalorian space acknowledge that they are a problem, that they have created many problems, we must have someone here to stand for the people who do not live within major clans, for the clanless and the lesser clans who are held down by these upper clans."

"I'm sorry, I don't really understand what you're saying here. Is war bad, or is it something we should be doing?" I said to the first part, not having a problem with the second part, per se, I guess.

I mean, if they believe that the clan structures are responsible for war, yeah, I guess they should be trying to stamp down on that, but the entire perspective she was offering clearly demanded some form of conflict, it was a bit confusing trying to understand what exactly her position on a war would be.

"War is terrible, but it is prolonged by the clans wanting to fight out their ancient grievances until none of us are left to fight for them. If war should happen, it should be done by the droids, the iron children of Mandalore. They can survive war much better and can follow orders without committing crimes to prolong the war. That way, Mandalorians hands stayed clean and can stay pacifist."

"…Okay. But didn't the last Mand'alor get the Republic to ban the use of Battle Droids by anyone in the sector?"

"The Mand'alor? Hah, that was just a governor, he never seized the title of Mand'alor. Of course, the entire sector suffers from the actions of one radical on Mandalore. Besides that, droids are not built solely for battle."

That didn't actually sound too bad, really. I mean, that had been a problem for many generations, from what I had read: Clans fighting each other to the bitter end. But if battles could be determined by droids fighting droids, it would lessen the actual damage done to the people, especially if you put in proper programming to prevent the droids from targeting civilian populations.

It wasn't a bad answer and it is much better than Silver's when I thought about it. Let droids fight droids, not Mandalorians versus Mandalorians. I mean, I wasn't a fan of fighting at all, but if there had to be fighting better it be machines than sentient lives.

Natalya noticed my thoughtful look before saying, "You see it too, don't you? How the current pacifism is enamored with these economic ideas from the Silver Mandalorian, and yet it is simply falling back into the old ways in their own way, still pushing for military spending. After all, they just raised several regiments across the sector. For what reason would they need these regiments, I wonder?"

"Well, they are for the protection of the sector. There have been some rather concerning attacks in the sector over the last few years, as well as the galaxy itself being at war." I pointed out.

"Hmm, perhaps. Although, I wouldn't doubt that all these attacks seem to have some connection to the Silver Mandalorian. I wonder if they're perhaps engineered to get the result they want. Establish a power base by having a patsy create a false Mand'alor to take a planet, drive up fear of attacks by having attacks happen and connecting them to older groups that shouldn't be around, such as what I've heard happened on Gargon a few months back. Death Watch coming out of history to attack a couple of dancers on Gargon seems rather far fetched, and didn't Death Watch try to kill you when you grabbed this ship?"

I blinked before nodding my confirmation to that; there was no denying that the group we'd run into had Death Watch symbolism all over their vehicles before they were captured.

"What better way to drive people towards the Silver ideology than to make false attacks upon Silver and New Mandalorian ideology? Just imagine what would have happened if you also announced your support for the White Silver after nearly being killed by Death Watch."

I took a step back before sitting down. That was something I hadn't considered, but it would have been devastating for the New Mandalorian ideology.

"I wonder how long it'll be before your aunt decides that she must adopt the Silver ideology, and in what way will she do it."

"She'd never do that," I said, standing back up strongly. "Duchess Satine is strong in her belief in pacifism; she would never abandon it for some martial ideology."

"Hmm, I can only hope you're right. But from my perspective, it seems like the New Mandalorian ideology is already nearly dead and just needs a few more blows before it is abandoned for the Silver way of doing things. The question is: will this Silver ideology be truthful in its commitment to not starting wars, or is it a lie in preparation for a new crusade against the galaxy? It would be a great time to start it with the Republic and the CIS at each other's throats. Plenty of space actually, both of them not caring about it, could be seized by an enterprising warlord."

"Duchess Satine would never do that."

"Yes, you're right. The Duchess of Mandalore would never do that, but would the Mand'alor of the Mandalore sector say the same? She's never taken that title. Letting someone else take that title and letting them use the forces she created is not outside the realm of possibility."

"I think you are exaggerating and I think that we're done having this conversation." I said, turning away from her and taking my seat again. "If you have any questions about this ship, I'd gladly talk about the ship. If you have questions about history, I'd gladly talk about that. But if you're going to question my honest commitment to pacifism, I'm not going to listen to you."

"Very well then, if that's how you want to take that situation, that's fine by me. I will just leave you with a few words of thought. If you ever believe that your aunt's commitment to pacifism and the peace you want to protect is not as solid as you wish it was, Anteevy is more than willing to help you out.

We wish for pacifism and peace to prosper within the Mandalorian sector just as much as you do. Mandalore can only prosper if a peaceful faction is in control, one that will not kowtow to the Silver Mandalorian and the clans that they represent. Just seek us out if you ever need our hands, and our hands will be there to help you, my young comrade, Prince."

With that, Natalya turned and started walking away, and I was both glad and confused as she did so. Glad because I didn't have to listen to any more of her comments on my aunt, and confused because her skirt was so short.

After I was sure she was gone, I had to take a moment to get my head on straight. I needed to talk to someone I actually considered a friend. I know she said not to interrupt her work, but Soniee would know what to do about this. I punched Soniee's contact on my vambrace and waited.

Mandalore, Sundari Royal Palace
General Secretary Liliya Vhekayno Shepest

The chamber was light and airy, with several oxygenating plants dotting the walls in carved stone pots. The expansive room was dominated by a truly gorgeous desk made from pale gray wood, with dazzling patterns in the grain. It is likely that the table itself costs more than my entire department, or literally priceless if it is from an extinct species.

A window overlooking the bustling city center dominated the eastern wall, while on the west were a variety of cabinets and shelves with a wide array of cultural artifacts and an impressionist-style mural.

I had to admit that Satine's office was utterly delightful, tasteful, and well furnished. It is bigger and richer than my own, but that is to be expected when comparing the ruler of an ice ball to the ruler of an entire sector. I smoothed my dress and schooled my features as the double door entrance slid open with little more than a whisper.

I turned away from the mural and towards the duo. The pair were openly scowling, likely from some petty idea of moral superiority. I responded to the open hostility with a friendly smile that seemed to deepen the Mandalorian bourgeoisie's expression of disdain.

"Ah, Duchess, Prime Minister. It is a pleasure to meet you both in person at last."

"You are lucky you even made groundfall; you have the graciousness of the Duchess to thank for that, youngling killer." Impressively hostile for a New Mandalorian. From the look of it the man wanted nothing more than to strike me. I prevented the smile on my face from growing too smug, as it was always delightful to be in the presence of impotent killers.

"Of course, the good Duchess has my gratitude. From this kindness, let us walk into the fields of mutual respect and understanding." I gave a nod to Satine, who was seating herself behind the desk.

"My disgust-"

"Thank you, Prime Minister. That will be all." Almec seemed taken aback by his dismissal from Satine but collected himself in short order, offering a bow to the Duchess and one last scornful look at me before departing.

There was a moment of quiet as I was left alone with the Duchess, not even a guard in the room to keep an eye on me. I wondered for a moment just what security the office had. Cameras, hidden microphones, concealed auto turrets, shield generators, and other such things that I had delighted in using for my own security that are also spread across the expansive subterranean cities of Anteevy. Of course, there could indeed be nothing visible, not that I had any intention of finding out in the short term. Killing Satine now would be, quite frankly, a stupid decision.

"I was unsure if I should allow you and your people to land. It is my hope that by offering your people a place here, a war may be averted before it begins." Her face was set, resolved.

"It is the duty of leaders to make hard decisions, to make choices that we are sometimes uncomfortable with." I began, taking a rather comfortable seat across from the Duchess.

"There are things we must address." Satine said pointedly.

"Of course."

"My... niece, she was adamant that I should refuse you, that no accord could be made between us." Ah, Tanya, I felt my heart thump at how the playful Fey is playing hard to get, as she ever did.

"I can hardly blame her. Because of the foolish actions of someone who has been appropriately punished, she was attacked. I can't imagine how frightening that must have been. I can only praise the Royal Guard for their professionalism in protecting the young princess." Despite my masterful demonstration of sounding utterly sincere, Satine seemed unmoved.

"Appropriately punished? Care to elaborate?"

"Of course, on Anteevy, our justice system is not controlled by the Workers' Council but by the people. While I was the one who brought charges against the officer in question, who led the unsanctioned attack against dear Princess Tanya, it was the people of Anteevy who decided if the accused are guilty of crimes and what the punishment should be. The people of Anteevy were utterly disgusted that the criminal in question would engage in such unprovoked violence. Said officer is working off her crime in a correctional facility."

"And if the people of Anteevy had decided that they supported her attempt to murder my niece?" I quickly presented the appearance of a woman beset by shock, with just a hint of mortification.

"I could not imagine that the people of Anteevy would ever support such a thing. We have sought to abandon the long history of violence and war that has plagued our people for so long."

"So you say." Satine kept her steely gaze focused on my person. While my taste in women is normally more discerning, Satine, like Tanya, is striking enough to draw my attention. The both of them remain enticing, despite Satine being rather over-ripe. I felt a slight flutter of excitement flow through me, but carefully schooled my expression.

"I know it's difficult to trust me," I said softly, as I looked into her eyes. "I came to power at such a young age. Goodness, I was passionate then; I thought I could change everything in an instant, that I could force the issue, cast off the old trappings of the Mandalore system. It is hard to admit I went a bit far in a few places." Satine's armor cracked a little as her gaze softened.

"A bit far is underselling things, General Secretary."

"I won't pretend that the revolution was clean or bloodless... but that is the foundation from which I must build a better future for my people-an example for all people. I am not asking for forgiveness, I am asking for a chance to build a better future together." I reached across the table to place a hand upon her own, the sudden move caused her to flinch and almost pull away.

"Duchess Satine, please, I don't want our people to fight. I don't want to see a single drop of blood shed if I can help it. For everything you have done for your people, to turn away from war, help me do the same for mine."

"I was advised, by practically everyone, not to trust you, General Secretary." Satine said slowly, cautiously.

"I will do everything, anything to prove them wrong, Duchess Satine. Our people don't need to hate each other; we don't need to hate each other." With that, she was quiet again. I was afraid for a moment that I had overplayed my hand, but after holding my gaze for far too many heartbeats, she looked away, and I let out a breath I had been holding.

"I shall hold you to that promise, General Secretary." It was hard not to allow the grin to overwhelm my face as I shifted back into my seat.

"Thank you. And please, call me Liliya. Trust me, it won't hurt." I gave her a wink, and she finally gave a small smile and shook her head.

"If I must... Liliya. We have to go through your contributions to the festival." I reached into my dress and produced a small datapad.

"It would be my pleasure, Satine."

Mandalore, Sundari Outskirts
Bo-Katan Kryze

"Wow, this place is looking rather upbeat. I always felt like Sundari was more dead than alive." I said absentmindedly as I looked around. I wasn't exactly a fan of the city that Satine had helped create. Oh sure, the structures were nice and I guess it's fine, but I just wasn't a fan of how everyone seemed to wear the exact same thing and all colors seemed to have been drained from the people.

But I hadn't been to Sundari in a couple of years, and it seemed that a few things had changed. For one, people openly wearing pieces of armor have continued and color is back on the menu in many places too. Buildings are more colorful as well; there seemed to be a renaissance of color, in fact.

Everywhere I looked the people just seemed generally happier now than when I was last here. I'm on the outskirts of Sundari, which had been apparently rented by the government for one of the many venues set up for this cultural festival. It was a crazy idea, but one that seemed to be working out.

People seemed to be just moving around and enjoying the various booze and booths. Lots of people were drinking, and many were having fun playing carnival games at best, or a few more advanced things. I did notice that there seemed to be a tendency for more people to be near ones that added a bit more violence to them.

Currently, there appeared to be two people in what was best described as a water arena. How they had the money to afford that much water, I don't know. I wouldn't be surprised if they cut a few corners and were reusing recycled water. But either way, it looked clean enough, and the pair of individuals fighting each other with foam-tipped poles are having a blast trying to smack their opponent into the water.

As all good things come to an end, one individual finally got the upper hand and smashed the other person's head so hard they fell into the water. I was a bit concerned for a moment, wondering if they had taken into account the possibility that someone would drown, but the person came up gasping for air and walked to the side of the thigh high pit as another person jumped onto the pillar they vacated, appearing to want to challenge the victor.

"Not a bad hit." Governor Pre Vizsla said as he stood next to me. Officially, we are in a work meeting; unofficially, we are just enjoying the festivities.

I am wearing my red-colored armor, as is standard. Pre is wearing just his governor suit, still trying to keep the fact that he was the secret Mand'alor a secret, I assume. Although, I guess he isn't the secret Mand'alor anymore, just the commanding officer of the Death Watch now.

"You know, things like this kind of make me think that things are getting better on Mandalore," he said with a wistful nod of his head.

"What do you mean?" I asked, knowing that this was him reaching out, and I thought I'd better reach back.

"The New Mandalorians are not outright attacking the old Mandalorian ways anymore. They're not embracing them, but they're tolerant now, and they're more accepting of violence. Granted, it's play-violence, but it's a step in the right direction."

I nodded at that before saying, "A step in the right direction doesn't mean you're not interested in becoming Mand'alor anymore."

He laughed at that before saying, "Oh, I'm always interested in becoming Mand'alor, but I'm willing to consider other paths to my seat at the table. Perhaps I can woo your sister; she's not married, after all."

I let out a laugh at that before saying, "You're not her type."

"Oh, she has something against me that I don't know about?"

"More like I have a feeling that she's holding out hope for someone."

"Really? I didn't know that. What makes you think that?"

I shrugged before saying, "Just the way she talks about some old times reminds me of a maiden in love, and one that hasn't exactly given up on that love."

"Hmm, that's unfortunate. Still, there are other options. I have plenty of ways I could ascend to the throne peacefully, especially with the game she has presented of who is better at protecting Mandalore. Even with the forces now under her control, thanks to the Self-Defense Force, I don't think they'll be enough to withstand what's coming, especially with how the war may shake out."

Turning to him, I asked, "How bad do you think the war is going to be? I mean, it's between the Republic and the CIS, right? We're supposed to stay neutral in the coming conflict, at least as far as Satine's concerned."

Pre looked down over the water pit for a moment before saying, "They may think it's not going to be so bad, but I think it's probably going to be a lot worse. We are on a major trade route, and there are going to be factions that don't like Satine's point of view. I was living under the delusion that she was going to come down hard on anyone that wanted to leave the sector to possibly participate, be it for money or personal reasons.

And yet, I hear she's let a captain of her own Royal Guard volunteer himself and joined the Republic as a Fighter Pilot trainer, which means she's not going to prevent anyone from personally joining the war. People will choose sides, people will go out there and have an adventure, and people will make decisions that don't support her.

Then there's one particular rumor I've heard about a new True Mandalorian recruiting a force on Concord Dawn, saying they're going to fight for the Confederacy. Somehow win the freedom of the Mandalorian sector from the Republic without the CIS actually invading the sector."

I grunted at that. "Doubtful. If they don't enter the sector, they can't exactly free the sector from the Republic."

"Exactly the problem. Someone's going to raise an army, someone is going to think of a way to invade and start a war. What happens after that is where the opportunities for the Death Watch lie, even if we might have to change the name."

"You're thinking about changing the name?" I asked, a bit confused by what he said.

Pre shrugged before saying, "Not too greatly. 'Watch Guardians' or something like that. I'm still working on it. We'll probably come up with something better eventually, especially with a splinter-faction out there pretending to be Death Watch and causing problems for us. So, it might be worth changing the name, to differentiate ourselves from this other organization and unmask them."

"Pretenders. Such a pain in our ass." I said with a sigh. "A little slip-up, and we'll deal with them. It's only a matter of time."

He nodded before turning away from the arena and saying, "By the way, Bo, when the conflict starts, you're willing to change the color of your armor, right? We've got to look like we're a single front, not a bunch of disparate factions fighting for different goals. We have to be united in principle as well as practice."

I waved him off before saying, "Yes, yes, blue and silver and black, I know. I'm actually planning to stop by an armor painter back on Gargon before I turn in my paperwork, so I can go gallivanting around the galaxy with you on whatever this quest for the Mand'alor will be."

He nodded before sighing and saying, "Good, good. By the way, that other project, how's that coming along?"

"You mean the Death Watch idol program?" I said with a laugh. "It's fine. Finding a couple of girls who can sing isn't that hard. Finding ones with stage presence is a little harder. Finding a personality to make their own to be separate from the Gargon Girls is another trial altogether. I think I found a duet that should do the job, although they're a bit... dark in their lyrics."

"What do you mean?" Pre asked.

I shrugged before saying, "The Gargon Girls are more smooth storytellers. The Death Watch girls are storytellers too, but they're more about driving the knowledge down into your skull with their singing. Some of the notes turn from notes to just plain out screaming. Which kind of works, as a few pieces of music they've given me have all been about surviving near-death experiences. In fact, I'm kind of worried about those two I picked being a little too focused on the 'death' in Death Watch. But I will admit, with the right songs, they will get your blood pumping."

"Hmm, that's concerning, but not something that's a deal-breaker. If you can get those two up to the standards necessary to compete with the Gargon Girls, that'll be fine by me. Keep at it."

I shrugged and said, "Will do." before my vambrace beeped, causing me to look at it.

"And that's my cue." I said, standing up and wiping a little bit of water that had splashed onto my armor. "I need to get over to the Royal Palace. Satine's having a big start-of-the-cultural-festival event there."

"Yes, I heard about that," Pre said. "I got invited along with a bunch of other governors, though I wasn't really sure if I should attend. After all, it's just a bunch of pageantry."

"Oh, you have no idea what kind of pageantry is going on today. I would suggest you should come; you're going to have your socks knocked off, as well as most of the damn planet."

Pre narrowed his eyes before saying, "Now I am unsure if I should be intrigued or dreading what is about to happen. But, fine, I'll be there"

Mandalore, Sundari Royal Palace
Tanya Kryze

Now that I am back on Mandalore, I am surprised by how much had changed since the last time I'd been away. This time, I wasn't being called back to be reprimanded by Aunt Satine about my methods; instead, I am back for a cultural festival. I had managed to avoid a scandal, only a short video of me fighting against the thugs while on my recent date with Ordo made it onto the holonet. But it seemed that the encounter wasn't noticed at all. Vai assured me that it had only circulated on small holonet shows that seemed to be highly anti-Mandalore and that the public, the part that knew who I was anyway, had come to expect events like this. That renders a lot of their rhetoric ineffective at altering people's perception of me one way or the other.

On Mandalore, a lot of significant events are coming to their conclusion, and people are gathering here to celebrate. In a few cases, great things are just beginning: the terraforming of the southern hemisphere of Mandalore had already begun. The ice packs that have frozen over down there after the nuclear winter caused by the Excision are being carefully thawed. Hardy flora are being introduced in the hopes of improving the conditions enough that the ice packs would continue to melt on their own.

Efforts are also being made to find water that had retreated under the surface in several areas, with explorations of underground aquifers being conducted. Pumping this water to the surface would help reduce the amount of particulates in the air by introducing more water to the rain cycle and for the rain itself to scrub the atmosphere of pollutants naturally.

Mud might not be as clean as dust to get off, but it was easier to contain and transport than dust. The sand is filled with particulates that aren't exactly healthy for people with long-term exposure. Reducing these pollutants would increase the habitability of Mandalore enough for people to go outside the domes once more.

From my brief conversations with the Ithorians, it seemed that the first phase of turning the earthy beige, dusty dunes of this planet into mud piles should be completed within a year and a half. After that, they just needed to introduce plant life in any areas that didn't have some lucky remnants of seeds from the last plants that had gone into some sort of stasis when the waters on the surface had retreated to the underground reservoirs.

All in all, holding a festival that happened to coincide with the start of this process is a great idea from a propaganda standpoint. It would do wonders for our clan's control of Mandalore, if not the whole sector.

The simple notion that one day the surface of Mandalore might actually be livable again rather than merely survivable would be a cornerstone of all future efforts in maintaining power. It would be nearly impossible to dissuade people from siding with Satine's New Mandalorian faction at that point.

"Nearly" being the operative word here, as there would always be those who would fight against Satine simply for past crimes or because they wanted to be the ruler of Mandalore themselves. But hopefully, with a larger contingent of people supporting her faction, it would be more secure in maintaining control.

That is probably why she is holding this whole celebration startup event today, which I hadn't been informed about until the last few minutes. Then again, I'd only arrived yesterday, coming straight back from Coruscant after the tedium of my work there.

I probably wouldn't be returning to Coruscant for a month. Not just because I was bored and had nothing to do, as the senator from Mandalore was taking care of everything nowadays, but because the current galactic situation had taken a rather familiar tone.

At this moment, the Republic fleet was engaged in the search for something called the Malevolence, a superweapon of sorts. It was a ship designed to knock out other ships through massive use of EMP weapons. Once those ships didn't have the shields or capabilities to defend themselves, they were then obliterated by the said super ship and her escorts.

So far, it was believed that the CIS only had one, but it seemed unlikely to me. A simple fact about government expenditures: it's easier to produce two or more of something than it is to produce one. Economies of scale and all that. Considering we only knew about the Malevolence due to the missing survivors from one of the battles, it seemed likely that there probably were other ships of that class in waiting or under construction.

Trade lanes were a bit more barren these days, so it wouldn't be surprising if the Malevolence was unleashed as a full commerce raider to try and hurt the Republic lines of supply. So far, no one knows exactly where the Malevolence is, so there's still a possibility that it would attack me on my way back to Coruscant. Thus, it might be best to stay on Mandalore for at least a month until that situation is handled.

Though if I had a fleet killer like that, I would have used it to strike at key Republic shipyards instead of having it be essentially a U-Boat, a U-Boat that can sink entire fleets but a U-Boat nonetheless. I mean, what is the Republic Navy going to do when a fleet killer arrives at their orbital shipyards? Feed it enough fleets that the superweapon chokes on it? Either way, it would deal a lot of damage to the Republic Navy when it is backed by a substantial fleet. Getting to the shipyards might be an issue, but the disruption to the Republic Navy's plans might be worth it either way.

Make no mistake, though, I believed the situation would be handled. The CIS was falling into the same trap that Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany did with their super ships. They were letting it run amok , assuming that they could handle any threat it ran into. The Yamato class's downfall and the Bismarck are prime examples of why assuming a super ship can handle anything is a mistake.

Heck, the only ship I could think of that had gone and done what those ships had tried to do was the Grey Ghost or the USS Enterprise. That was simply because it was probably the luckiest ship ever put to water. And even then, she always had constant destroyer escorts nearby to protect her. She paved the way to the US's modern Carrier Battle Group doctrine which dominates both sea and air.

While I somewhat enjoyed thinking about the military situation in the galaxy, it is really not my domain. Mine is politics, at least in this life, and I hoped it would remain so. As for politics, this opening ceremony was a rather politically charged one.

There were members of almost every political faction within the Mandalore sector present. I spotted my handmaiden, Morson catching up with her father, the nomad leader of New Gargon Trinity. Glancing away, to avoid joining that conversation, I saw that in another corner, Vai and Tabbi were having a conversation with the leader of Harswee, Tabbi's father. Judging by the blush on Vai's face, they were probably revealing that they were actually dating or something of that nature. It wasn't my business, and I wasn't going to get involved in it.

Even the Jakelians, who reminded me of Tolkien's elves, are present. Although, it's only their son and daughter, not the actual king that is attending. Also, a representative from Concord Dawn, who was looking rather annoyed at the whole event.

And of course, the Patriarch of Clan Ordo who is also having a chat with what appeared to be the leader of some of the mining worlds that had major overrepresentation on the political scene for their smaller population,with Korkie who I know paid several state visits to Ordo last year. Last week, I received a curious comm message from Ms. Ikudtovu Ordo. Apparently, Korkie's regular state visits to Ordo had attracted her interest in our family. The message was written entirely in Mandoa - so I had to confirm the contents with Vai to verify it; it was an oblique question about Korkie and my riduurok's status, or marriageability. Obviously, I turned her down, for both our sakes.

The Ordo clansmen are all wearing various clothing representing their planets. A few of them are even so daring as to wear armor. The Jakelians are wearing simple breastplates underneath their rather poofy clothing.

The Clan Kregg Patriarch is currently wearing a cape over his armor. He was also surrounded by a group of very overdressed old men and women that I vaguely remembered as the other major clan leaders on Harswee. Despite the constant clan fighting on Harswee it seems the group is still more comfortable hanging around each other rather than mingling with the rest of the Mandalorians of other worlds.

The Morson Patriarch had a rather nice looking fur coat, but is definitely wearing a solid plate underneath it. The only ones who are not wearing armor are a faction near the back of the large Royal Court, who are wearing red uniforms that reminded me more of Mao, or even Stalin's style. Instead of it being an unflattering gray pants and suit, they are wearing red suits with skirts that were rather flattering.

Something about them was triggering my "keep an eye on them" alarm, but I can't pinpoint it yet. There was a general oddness, though, like the fact that the vast majority of the delegation are all female, with only one male amongst them. They also seemed to be gathered very closely to what I guessed is their leader, a black-haired woman in her early 30s, I estimated.

Really, I would have ignored them and focused on my own party, except they kept glancing towards my general direction. If you do that enough, you're going to notice when someone's doing it. Why were they interested in me? I didn't like it one bit.

But beyond that, I was pleased to notice a general pro-armor theme to the festivities. Usually, the Royal Palace is a fortress, all armor and weapons were banned for visitors and guests. Only security staff and the Royal Guard had a license to be armed on the Palace grounds.

Strangely enough, earlier today, the rule that had kept armor off the property had been reversed. Instead, they just emphasized no weapons being allowed on the property, probably the reason why several people were not wearing their vambraces along with their armor.

Why that had been done, I wasn't aware, but I assumed it was to help with the political situation. After all, trying to keep every potential warlord in the Mandalore sector happy would be a lot easier if they felt like they were welcome in the Royal Palace.

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard someone step up next to me. I was still absentmindedly scanning the individuals in attendance.

"Representative Kryze." Governor Pre Vizsla said as he nodded to me.

I nodded back and said, "Governor Vizsla, it's good to see you again." He was dressed in a business suit instead of armor, unlike his political rivals. I wondered what kind of message he was sending with that choice, and to whom.

"Yes, it's been too long. The last time I think we had a conversation was just before you headed off to the center of the galaxy in Coruscant. You've been doing good work for Mandalore and its people there."

"Thank you, Governor." I said with a nod, sipping the glass of champagne that had been offered to me by one of the servers hired for this event. "But I'm only doing what I can to help Mandalore reach its full potential."

Pre chuckled at that before saying, "Your results speak for themselves. Though I do wonder why you got involved in that little scuffle with the CIS a few months back."

I nodded and said, "A friend in need. Padmé Amidala has been my friend and mentor in the Senate... It goes against everything I believe to allow politics to transform into a personal vendetta against a single individual. The Trade Federation went much too far to hire a rogue agent, a fellow Mandalorian, to assassinate her. I had to intervene."

"Ah yes, Jango Fett." Pre said with a nod before saying, "You can understand that I've been trying to keep my distance from that man. Our families have had not-so-good relations in the past."

"Well, considering that Clan Vizsla was involved in the Mandalorian Civil War, if memory serves, it is understandable that he would not view Clan Vizsla in a favorable light. I would like to say I'm sure he has no ill will towards the greater clan, as it were, but then I'd probably be lying. Making assumptions like that is dangerous, and it's always good to play it by ear."

"Exactly." Pre said with a nod. "That's the main reason I'm keeping my distance from him, even though I am quite interested in this Clone Army he helped train for the Republic."

I nodded my head at that. I was somewhat interested in that as well. Over the last few months, I had researched everything I could without actually talking to Jango Fett. I haven't had a chance to, as he's been preoccupied with his sister.

And to be fair, it's probably for the best that I did keep my distance for that time. I had strong-armed him into damaging his credibility, so I might as well give him a few months of not having to deal with me. But we needed to have a talk about what those clones represented sooner or later, and possibly not as Tanya the Mandalorian Representative, but as White Silver. Apparently, a large section of the staff that he had brought in to train the clones on Kamino had wandered off once the army was officially put into service.

Some are still helping, but the majority have simply taken up other jobs, seeing their contract has been concluded. Which means the Cloners are in the market for new trainers, and though they are heavily hiring bounty hunters from across the galaxy, some of those bounty hunters are coming from Mandalore. A few had even been asked to come from the mercenary company Vai had set up in my name on Gargon.

I am considering allowing that. After all, allowing clones to be trained by Mandalorians would probably help them survive the war better, as well as share some insights into the Clone Army itself. However, there was also the inherent problem of having clones trained by Mandalorians.

Mandalorians are not a bloodline; we aren't a people. We are a creed, a culture, which meant the possibility that these clones would come to Mandalore when the war is over and try to set up their lives here is a very real possibility. Theoretically, it should not be a problem, but it's also theoretically possible that genetic cousins becoming more common would be a problem as the years went on.

I have other options, though, as Tanya the Representative. The Jedi had quite a lot of planets under their control when you looked into their information, specifically temples throughout the galaxy. The temples could easily be expanded on, letting the clones have farmland throughout the galaxy after the war and allowing them to do with that land as they pleased.

Of course, I would need the cooperation of the Jedi and Chancellor Palpatine for that plan, and I still needed to write it up into a more efficient document rather than simply stating, "Jedi have land, clones need land, here's the answer."

Yes, that was a simplistic answer, and it would not hold up well under the scrutiny of the Senate. Someone would find something wrong with it, they always do, unless I found every piece of evidence to make it as long-lasting and as good an option as possible.

But that line of thought is for another time. Turning to Pre, I said, "Well, if you're worried about Jango Fett being an issue, I would suggest possibly building a relationship with the man. Showing that not all Vizslas are the same, even in a long-term sense, might be the best way to keep him from assuming such. A holo conversation here, a letter there, perhaps even offer him land on Concordia to live on free of charge as recompense for what he and his family suffered at your relatives' hands. It's not much, but it would probably do a lot toward smoothing over relations between your clans."

Pre nodded slowly and seemed to have a moment of introspection before saying, "You know, that might not be such a bad idea. There's plenty of land on Concordia. If he wishes to set up a farmstead there, it would be easy to accommodate the man."

"Not to mention, since he has his own ship, he can easily transport between Concordia and Mandalore, where his sister is receiving medical rehabilitation." I pointed out.

Pre nodded at that before saying, "I will look into that then. I was quite impressed with your non-violent resolution to the Amidala affair. I might take a page from your book. It seems like a reasonable way to defuse any potential situations between us."

I nodded my head and said, "Good luck with that, then. If the former leader of the True Mandalorians and the family of the former leader of Death Watch can break bread with each other, it would do a lot for improving the outlook of the Mandalore sector."

Pre nodded his head at that and was about to say something when a couple of musical instruments alerted us to the start of the celebration.

All eyes turned towards the large doors that led to the rest of the Royal Palace, situated at the front of the room and adorned with artwork depicting ancient Mandalorians in their cloak-like armor.

The doors opened, and there were no longer just those in the room wearing the cloak-like armor. In walked Satine, wearing possibly the most formal and ceremonial version of Mandalorian armor I think I had ever seen. However the fact that Duchess Satine, the head of the New Mandalorian movement, is wearing Mandalorian armor at all is something that many people would have bet to be impossible, like seeing the tooth fairy or pigs fly.

The room literally went as quiet as a graveyard as Satine walked down the central carpet, wearing a proverbial armored gown that seemed to pay homage to the ancient Mandalorians, and yet she wore no helmet. Her hair was made up in a rather fancy way, and she was smiling as she seemed to be the center of attention.

Adorned in the colors of blue, green, and a little bit of purple, her standard coloration, the armor also followed suit. A quick look revealed that there were no weapons on it, at least none that were physically visible, and there was quite a bit of impressive armor work integrated into the material as I noticed it passing me.

As she is familiar with Mandalorian color theory, I surmised that Aunt Satine had probably given the Clan Armorer a new job to work on.

Satine finished her walk by sitting down on the throne at the end of the hallway. She was still smiling as she said, "Please, take a seat." as she indicated the many seats that were around the royal hall.

"Well, this is a surprise to be sure." Pre said with a broad smile before, he gave me a nod and walked off, finding his own seat near the Concordia delegation.

For myself, I quickly rallied the members of my party: Vai, Morson, Tabbi, Ordo, and the others-to a set of seats near the center area.

There's quite a large crowd now trying to find their own seats, making a bit of headroom for the camera crew that I had not noticed before in the corner. They are apparently filming and taking pictures with a camera drone. Is this live? I would rather hope it wasn't, considering this is a surprise to everyone, but if Satine is going to announce some new policy change about armor, this is the way to do it.

Once everyone was in position, Satine cleared her throat and said, "I imagine this is all a very big surprise for all of you. After all, one of the hardline policies of the New Mandalorians is the removal of militarism from our culture. Armor being the prime example of our culture's militarism."

"But... over the last few years, there have been many people who have found ways to view our armor not as an example of the military traditions that built our society, but more as the protective nature it was meant to have.

Some have shown this new nature through song and dance, as the Gargons have done, while others have shown the economic value through the trade of armor to planets that need such protection to fight slavery and criminals. These are good things that our knowledge and armor have been used for that are not, in their own way, militarism or used to hurt others for our benefit. Thus, I find it hypocritical to continue the longstanding orders of banning all armor in the capital districts of Sundari. There is room in the New Mandalorian way for armor, and as a result, I have had this commissioned."

She held up her hands to show off the impressive ceremonial garb. "There's not a single weapon within this metal; it is only for protection. I don't intend to wear this every day, but I figured that for the announcement of this change in the rules, it would be best for me to step up and show another way armor can be used in a non-military manner. This was crafted using materials from across the Mandalorian sector under the steady hand of Clan Kryze's armorer, who has generously allowed the filming of the creation of this armor. A documentary has been created and will be released in the near future that will also explain some of the new methods that are being created for the sector on how to use armor without intending to cause harm.

Wearing armor for protecting ourselves is acceptable under New Mandalorian teachings. In this way, we are able to protect ourselves and get out of dangerous situations thanks to this armor. As long as you create armor that does not have any weapons that can cause harm, it is legally allowed within the city. There's even precedent for this that goes further back than New Mandalorian ways.

Ancient ancestors of Mandalore, the Ta'ung, did not allow weapons to be built into their armor, as they view it as unsporting behavior. Though there are some differences in why we don't want weapons in our armor, the precedent stays the same. They believed their armor should only be used for protection, not for harm, and I believe we can agree with them on this. We should return to a traditional understanding of armor as a protection mechanism, not as a weapon."

"What about the helmet?" Someone called from the audience, getting a few chuckles from, I believe, the more pro-armor sections of the crowd and a smile from Satine.

"I have a helmet created as well, but a helmet means something different from the armor, in my opinion. At least, for my own interest in the subject recently. To wear a helmet is a proclamation of being prepared for war. Though I have a helmet that matches this armor, I think I shall not take it up unless it is necessary."

Looking around, I saw that at least from the perspective of the Mandalorian leader and the sector, it seemed to have been a resounding success, as most of the people were either nodding their heads in agreement or seemed happy enough with what Satine was proposing.
Satine might have just played her cards exactly right, at least among the leadership throughout the sector. We had yet to see how this would play with some of the more grounded people across the planets.

Kalevala, for instance, had been the center of New Mandalorian culture for a long time and had grown a distrust of anything even remotely related to militarism. The simple fact that someone had leaked the possibility that the ship under construction in their spaceport could be retrofitted quickly into a carrier had nearly seen the end of all construction. It took a little bit of extra money, greasing some palms, to get it back underway.

How the people of Mandalore would fare with that was something to wait and see. Hopefully, most of the population are more accepting of the idea of armor nowadays. Just releasing the restrictions on the central areas of the city, where they had been the most stringent, would probably not affect the outer districts.

It is a wait-and-see moment on that one. Then, hopefully, nothing terrible would come of this. The only ones I saw that had any negative feelings toward this appeared to be Prime Minister Almec, who looked disturbed, and the leader of the Red faction over there... No, it couldn't be who I thought they were, could it? That would be incredibly brazen of them. How did they even get past the security? Hasn't Satine heeded my warning about them? Shaking my head, I ignored that thought and noticed that their leaders seemed unhappy about the whole thing, though they hadn't spoken up just yet.

"Well, that's enough about me and my own efforts to hold Mandalore together. This broadcast is going out to the whole sector, and I think it's about time for it to come to an end. There are plenty of festivities going on throughout the city. Just find one you enjoy and have fun. While the galaxy may be at war, we are working tirelessly to make our sector prosper, and we always will be." With that, the camera crew stopped filming, as I could see the red light on their cameras ending, and Satine stood up, walking down from her throne to speak with the other nobility and leadership. Propaganda paparazzi were all over the place, taking pictures and asking various individuals for their opinion. One young woman with silver hair was trying to push her way through the crowd in my general direction, probably wanting to ask the niece of the Duchess her opinion on all this.

Well, I didn't have time for that. Instead, I told Vai, "Cover me. Ordo, Tabbi, with me." All of them gave a nod as they did as I instructed. Vai moved between me and the paparazzi to prevent any talking as I made my way through the Royal Hall to the back section of the room where the red individuals were standing, the two Royal Guards at my side as I did.

As I made my way there, the queen bee of the red individuals looked up and smiled. "Ah, good evening, Princess." the woman said with a bow and a Russian accent a mile wide.

"Good evening," I said, my left eye twitching a bit as I looked across the rather young party followers that crowded around a plain looking middle aged woman. "I'm sorry, I recognize most of the people here at this event, yet I have no idea who you are."

The woman smiled before saying, "Oh, just a leader from just outside the Mandalore sector, Anteevy, I hope you've heard of us."

My hand would have gone to a blaster pistol if I had one. Unfortunately, no weapons were allowed, not even I had one on me at this moment. "Yes I have, one of your people tried to kill me a couple of months ago."

"Oh yes, an unfortunate thing. An overzealous officer; she went too far and broke several laws in doing so, she is now being punished for that transgression of attacking royalty of a sovereign nation." The woman made a clicking noise with her tongue before saying, "It's not right. The only way to win the revolution is through peaceful coexistence while presenting a shining example of progress and prosperity that inspires other people to our glorious cause."

"Ah huh… So, your statement is basically that she was a rogue agent and not to worry about it."

"Correct, my dear." the woman said, standing up to her full height, which was somewhat taller than me. "The only way to make a proper revolution is through love, not war."

Something about the way she said that sent a shiver down my spine. I had to clench my fists not to show how discomforting she was. Not to mention, the look in her eye was like a predator on the hunt.

Shrugging it off, I simply said, "Well, there's not much war in this sector nowadays, though I do wonder about some of these statements your comrade was making, the one who tried to kill me. Are you sure you're not anti-monarchy?"

"Hmm, my dear, let me tell you, we are not anti-monarchy; we're anti-clan, since it seems to be a structure by which those higher ups who would abuse those without a clan can easily identify them and the lesser clans that can be bullied. We do not value monarchy as a system of government for ourselves, but we are not anti-monarchy should that monarchy support and defend the workers of the galaxy. If you were to wish to learn about the glorious revolution and our communist thought, I would gladly teach you the ways of our people."

She put her hand on my shoulder, and I just felt like my skin was crawling. There was definitely something not well in those eyes-something dark and yearning hidden behind the intent of that statement.

Shaking the hand off my shoulder, I stepped back and said, "I'm afraid I have no interest in learning about communism. I've learned quite a bit about it already," and started to turn.

"Oh… and where did you learn that? What school of thought is it that has taught you everything you need to know about our beliefs? Was it the doctrine of Hivism? Tayan socialist thought? Both are distinct from the ideology of Anteevy."

"Simple, I read an economics book once," I mused, wanting to leave the proximity of this woman.

"I've read one or two myself, Miss Kryze, and let me tell you, economics books tell a lot of interesting lies, a lot of them, and not a lot of truths."

I turned and raised an eyebrow at her before saying, "You could say that about any book. I guess the only way to find out what system would work is to observe what's working in the current system out there in the real world. From what I've seen, capitalism seems to work quite well in restoring the Mandalorian sector."

"Does it? Sure looks to me like most of the problems that are being fixed are through state-run enterprises, either federal or lower levels. Currently, isn't the terraforming on Mandalore being paid for by the federal state of Mandalore while being conducted by the Ithorian central state council?"

"Theoretically," I said, "you are right, though the state would not have the income it did without a properly functioning market with a healthy capitalist class."

"But who's going to stop those capitalists from going too far? Capitalism requires a stratified society; a stratified society is a contradiction, what keeps the poor from eating the rich? Violence and the threat of it. That Gerr fellow, the False Silver, like many others before him, believed putting slave collars on the population and forcing them to work in his factories was the solution to it. Slavery, a solution to the contradictions of Capitalism...?" The woman clicked her tongue several times before saying, "Capitalism is quite a dangerous tool when it gets out of hand, don't you think?"

"Any economic system would be prone to abuse if allowed to get out of hand. That's why the state exists in the first place: to be a watchdog, to enforce the rules that society deems necessary for civilization to continue."

"Isn't that what we are doing? Enforcing the rules that society determines are necessary for civilization to continue? We have not abandoned the concept of currencies like the Garn, nor do we restrict the exchange of personal property. Anteevy has a thriving market without a disruptive capitalist class."

She isn't wrong if you go by the leftist definitions, though I had quite a few histories worth of information that showed that it didn't exactly work. It never stuck to a singular definition, be it Chinese or Russian; it always shifted, changed to suit the needs of the people in power and thus the entire system fell to corruption and secret police to hold the state together. I am not so ignorant of general communist claptrap that I did not notice the bait and switch. The use of the term 'personal property' was merely a ploy by communists to seize the private property of honest people. It allowed the communists to shift what things a person was allowed to own endlessly until eventually nothing was left.

Shaking my head, I finally said, "That is a point of view that I may consider someday." Wanting to be nice and end the conversation as quickly as possible seemed to have been the wrong choice, though.

She simply smiled and said, "If you ever want to learn more, our people are always more than willing to allow a noble to learn how communism really works. But until then," she turned to face the head of the room, "I guess I have to go meet and greet with your aunt now, don't I? I was not expecting this whole change in the armor, though. I believe that is the wrong course of action. All you're doing by strapping the armor to yourself is showing that you're going to fight someday. I'm pretty sure most of the population will think of that too." she mused with a saccharine grin on her face before walking past me.

While I obviously would rather Communism die of starvation, if I do meet that Communist again, I would need to be better prepared to win that debate and steer people away from that dead end ideology. However, if she is right, some people will take the wrong message about the armor the wrong way and she could find allies amongst the civilian population from them, people who were against the military and might be willing to give information to the communists.

I shivered, as the fear of the Red Scare could be just as dangerous as the Reds themselves, turning a population against their government. I would need to keep a close eye on these communists to make sure they didn't take control through internal collapse.

Writers note: Wait, what hell? Didn't we get a chapter out last week? How did this happen? Well whatever. Begun, the cultural festival has. We have some relatives, some people talking, Korkie being Korkie, and Pre plotting his next move, along with some unexpected guests… What does this mean? No idea! Guess we will find out next time, that should take me 2 weeks. YOU BETTER NOT PROVE ME WRONG EDITOR TEAM!?
Editor's Note: ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Edited by: L, Warmach1ne32, Falllqm, Guardsman Pius, Afforess
Community edited by: Community editable doc (Chapter) No story suggestions in the community editing document, Keep all story suggestions and comments in the thread

Supporters: Afforess, Gremlin Jack, Xodarap4, Duncan Sproule, James Moorhouse, Dankermaler, Hats88, DrkShdow, Devilstar101, Michael, Mana Rope, Falk Hüser, Silver Wolf, Mackenzie Buckle, Neso, Lmc9389, Staradder, KrasieK, Zollus, Jog256, Ethan Dowie, Maxim Blashkevych, The GrandMage, loyalChaos, Daryl, FreelancerD0, Zul The Lich, Flynn Pirola-Henderson, Retexks, John Norman, Ian R Major, Dale, Darth Vendar, BigKumaDM, Taylor Tilbury, Treant Balewood, Aske Helsted, Sam, Brandon Goodman, BarrettSlayer, Guillermo Echeverria, D3ad0s, Pulse Rager, Daniel Quigley, Lago, CB-Otaku, Adam Daw, Michał Kotuła, Louis Kasser, Arkhad, Tree Man, Pontus, Zahael, Nathan Cardoso, John Vargo, Lightstorm, Julian Rivera, Endymion2314, harry Nevel, William, Legion_13
Tanya barring her teeth against Communism is always fun. Pre Vizla considering just marrying the problem away, despite never being a real option, is something a REAL leader would at least consider. Makes him feel more competent. Adopting winning enemy tactics is just good sense, even if those tactics are Idols.
Chapter 44
Chapter 44
717 FNM (21 BBY)
Month 1

Mandalore, Sundari Royal Palace
Satine Kryze

I feel that yesterday's reveal was a remarkable success. The launch of the "Armor for Defense" initiative went off without a hitch. Prime Minister Almec had informed me that a significant number of additional special event permits were granted today. Many extra celebrations are going on across Mandalore.

Of course, there aren't celebrations going on across the entire sector. Some are still concerned that allowing armor within the city openly would bring back the bad old days, or that we may be reverting to the Mandalorian barbarians of old, since war is right outside our doorstep.

Apparently, this particular view is strongly felt from my home world of Kalevala. They are currently having their own celebrations in tandem with the ones going on here, yet there has been a bit of a kerfuffle. A group of radical pacifists held a protest in front of a statue of myself, one that was commissioned for me many years ago in Kalevala.

I have watched the reports and had to laugh at the absurdity of the situation. They are claiming that I am the new Mand'alor and that all of this is an attempt to prepare for a Crusade against the Republic.

Apparently, no matter how clear I make it that neutrality is here to stay and that I have no interest in bringing back the old ways, there will always be a few people who won't listen and will just make assumptions based on things they fear in their own mind.

Well, at least the ratings for the documentary on the construction of my armor are doing well. Zenlav, the mayor of Keldabe, had even sent compliments on the style and color of the armor. That was a big thing, considering Keldabe was the former Capital of Mandalore and even after all these years, after the new capital had been created, it still tended to be more of an anti-New Mandalorian holdout. Zenlav is willing to follow my rules, so his clan had never been banished from Mandalore, but they ignored my intent. Keldabe still repaired and used parts of the Great Forge, despite not being able to export its output, and Zenlav had made it quite plain for years that they are not a fan of the anti-armor sentiment.

It seems that both parties, the New Mandalorians and Martial Traditionalists, are on the road to mending bridges. The Mandalore sector needed to be unified in its neutrality to stay out of the war and not join either side. That is the only reason I allowed that menace into our system.

I do not know all that much about the Workers' Council or what their aims are, but I know that they attempted to kidnap Tanya. Yes, they claimed that the individual involved had been punished and it was a rogue operation. But I found that very hard to believe; even with most of their ideology being a confusing mess, it looked a lot like they were simply cutting ties with a failed operation to minimize the blame.

I had concerns that Anteevy might join the CIS, and if they joined the CIS, that would be an open invitation for the CIS to invade the Mandalore sector and install a government friendly to their goals. Already, something similar is going on in the Mon Calamari sector. The CIS had found factions that are friendly to their cause, that had problems with the current ruling party, and supported them in their efforts to take the sector.

I am paying very close attention to that sector, mainly because it's so distant that it's practically cut off from the Republic, to see what would happen as it provides a forecast on what could happen to the Mandalore sector should war break out again. And what is happening there is an outright civil war, hidden in plain sight amongst the hundreds of other civil wars across the galaxy. Several systems, populations that had lived next to each other for thousands of years, are being torn apart by an old ethnic disagreement on who should be in charge of the sector itself.

It's a dark specter of what could happen to the Mandalore sector if it did not maintain its neutrality. Thus, that is why I am willing to play the pacifist with these communists.

I would rather let my own pride be injured than compromise the security of my people and the sector. That being said, I planned to keep an eye on them since I knew very little of their motivations. Frankly, their leader, Liliya, whom I had not expected to show up at all, is giving me an unsettling sensation whenever she is around. There is something wrong with her, yet I just couldn't quite place what that is, which makes me even more uneasy.

I decided to worry about her later as I returned my focus to my meal. I will have to get Prime Minister Almec to send his Mandalorian Secret Service to keep an eye on these communists to see if they are doing anything I should know about.

However, right now, I am in the Royal Palace's dining room, and dinner is being served. Tanya and Korkie are sitting across from each other, and at the other end of the table is my sister, Bo-Katan.

My armor is, of course, not present. As much as I enjoyed showing it off, I had no plans to wear it all day, every day. There is no reason to wear it now, so I am wearing my normal dress. Even Bo is wearing a Gargon Girls t-shirt that she bought at the festival.

Tanya is wearing her usual green dress, and giving Bo's outfit a look of mild disbelief and maybe a bit of envy. It's to be expected; Bo enjoys sports and pants more than tea parties and dresses. Tanya had confided in me in the past that she wears her dresses because of how important public opinion is in maintaining peace for the sector, but that doesn't mean she enjoys wearing them. Meanwhile, Korkie is wearing his usual academy uniform as he still has to oversee the Seeker's Vigil later today, yet he seems the most troubled.

Everyone but Bo appears a bit uneasy, as if everyone has their own problem, and they are all trying to figure out a solution to fix it. Whatever it is, it's about time to try and straighten things out.

Smiling, I asked, "So, how has everyone's day been?"

Bo-Katan smiled back as she looked up from her food, saying, "Pretty good, hung out with an old friend, watched some of the sporting events going on, and handed out some tickets to the Gargon show that I had reserved for some friends."

I nodded at that before saying, "Ah, right, the Gargon girls. I hope you saved a ticket for me. I've been meaning to see their performance in person at least once."

"Not just you." Bo-Katan said as she reached into her dress and pulled out four tickets before placing them on the table. "There's one for each of us. We can go see it anytime we want. They'll have four shows over the next week, and we can go to any one of them."

"Wonderful," I said with a smile before adding, "it will be nice to get out of the palace once in a while. Experience a bit of our culture that I have not explored before, at least I've never heard of such a form of expression here on Mandalore."

Korkie finally coughed and sighed before putting his fork down, saying, "So, are we not going to talk about the armor?"

I raised an eyebrow before responding, "Well, there's nothing stopping us from talking about the armor. I just assumed that no one is interested in discussing that."

"I am very interested in talking about it." Korkie said before shaking his head and adding, "Isn't it a bit provocative to go out there and wear armor? Isn't that kind of abandoning the New Mandalorian way of pacifism?"

I shook my head before saying, "I wouldn't say we're abandoning anything. We're just looking at the current situation and recognizing that building our armor is a form of artistic expression. By denying that we have these capabilities, we are leaving a portion of our culture to be forgotten and abused by those who would use it for their own gains."

Korkie looked at me before saying, "That's a positive way to look at it, I guess. But I'm just sitting here and thinking that to the average Mandalorian who believed in pacifism, the message is confusing. Are you going to abandon pacifism the moment times get tough and it looks like a war might break out? It feels like you hoped that by restoring our armor, those at war will see our strength, be intimidated and avoid our sector. Which kind of makes the pacifism of removing our armor look like it's just something we did when we thought there's going to be peace. And if that principle could be easily abandoned, what else could be easily abandoned?"

I opened my mouth to argue against that, but I closed it; Korkie raised a good point. Not only is it valid, it's almost true. I had been building towards that announcement for some time, and would have announced it whether there is a war or not. However, from the perspective of the average New Mandalorian, this could be a problem, a big problem if the notion that I had simply abandoned my pacifist ways the moment the sector is threatened are to spread.

I was going to say something to counter that statement, but Tanya spoke up first. "There will always be people who view the situation in a negative light; that's just the price of free will." she said with a shake of her head before adding, "There's not much we can do to change their minds. People are going to think whatever they want as sentients, but the important part is that they're allowed to think that, they are allowed to make their own decision, and they are not forced to dig out their old family armor from whatever closet they left it in or go out there and buy new armor to start a Crusade. If they decide not to get armor and not paint it, that's their own decision. As a free society, we are allowed to make our decisions. All this has done is take away a bit of governmental oversight that was, frankly, unneeded and a bit of an overstep, in my opinion."

I frowned at that as I turned to look at her, and she looked back at me sheepishly, knowing that she made a bit of a faux pas. Tanya may have overstepped, but I let it slide since we are trying to have a civil conversation.

"Maybe you're right, but shouldn't we be a bit concerned that this will be used by people as a chance to rearm themselves? I mean, when I was visiting Breshig, I found recent propaganda flyers for Death Watch, not to mention that the group I ran into when I discovered the Relic ship claimed that they were members of Death Watch. With Death Watch actively trying to rebuild its numbers, this would be the prime opportunity for them to do this right under our noses." Korkie said, his concern genuine, and I nodded my head to show that it was a valid concern.

"Prime Minister Almec and his department are already hard at work to track down any such efforts." I said before adding, "But let's be fair; Death Watch were able to produce armor and weapons before I ended this restriction. They were already capable of re-arming themselves before we discovered that they're active again. If I didn't end the restriction on armor, all that I would have done is prevent our own population from having the means to defend themselves if Death Watch attempted to make a move against Mandalore."

Korkie reluctantly nodded after a moment. He sighed before saying, "Still, I worry that we're straying too far away from the New Mandalorian way. I mean, you now have your own set of armor. Aunt Bo-Katan has been known to wear armor most of her life, and Tanya was involved in a fight at that Geonosis visit, at the start of this war a few months ago. I'm just glad that it's only the two of us that don't have armor." he said, looking at Tanya before she coughed into her hand and looked to the side.

"I actually have had armor since I was ten." She finally said after a moment, causing Korkie's jaw to drop in shock.


Tanya shrugged before saying, "I was going to be stationed at Coruscant, one of the most dangerous systems in the galaxy, if I went to the wrong sections. Aunt Bo thought that it would be best to get me better trained so that I would be able to defend myself, and armor was part of that needed protection. In fact, I was wearing that armor on Geonosis when things went south, and I probably wouldn't be having this conversation with you if I didn't have my beskar helmet. There is a very noticeable dent on the helmet that would have likely cracked my skull open when the Lancer crash-landed."

"So, I'm the only one in the family without armor?" Korkie said, sounding betrayed as he put his fork down.

"Don't say it like that, kid." Bo-Katan said from her end of the table. "I mean, we can always contact the Kryze armorer, get Zum to have your father's armor reforged for you."

"No!" He said, sounding resolute, before saying something that he immediately seemed to regret. "Someone in this family has to keep the New Mandalorian way alive and not be a hypocrite. You might have viewed the armor as a way to defend yourselves, but the armor is also a symbol of our violence loving past. All this armor makes me feel dirty. Unclean."

"Hey!" Bo-Katan said, sounding very agitated, but I raised my hand, silencing her.

"We're not hypocrites; we're just being realistic." Tanya said before I got a chance to try and smooth over the situation.

"What you call realism is just abandoned pacifism. The moment we feel threatened by the outside world of our sector, what's next? Making war profitable? Better to be the conqueror than the conquered?" Korkie spat, seeming to have not really thought through that argument, though one could say he was making a valid point at the moment. Granted, I would never approve of such a change in philosophy, but he is right. I had changed my philosophy ten years ago. He had grown up with one way of looking at the galaxy, and now the galaxy is changing.

I sighed and said, "Korkie, you make valid points, and if you do not want armor, that is fine. As Tanya said, we all have the freedom of choice, and I don't intend to wear my armor all the time. Maybe I'll bring it out for special occasions or just to show off the beauty that can be created with our craftsmanship. Most of the time, I will be in a formal dress when managing the sector, as you've always known me. But let's be clear, I'm not going to start a crusade against the CIS just because one of their leaders was foolish enough to shoot down Tanya's Lancer after a peaceful conversation, nor am I going to agree to an invasion of the Republic for any random offense. We have abandoned war, but that does not mean we need to abandon personal defense or self-defense. If we had abandoned the ability to defend ourselves, then you would already be dead. Those gator monsters you told me about would have dragged you beneath the waves, and we would never be having this conversation now. There will be forces, both sentient and natural, that will not care if we are pacifistic or warmongering; they will kill us if given the opportunity because it is to their benefit. The armor is merely there to keep us alive in the event we are in danger."

Korkie seemed to deflate a bit before letting out a sigh, saying, "I don't know. It just feels like the galaxy is changing around me, and I have no idea why or where it's going."

"That's how the galaxy works." Tanya said with a shrug, spearing her food with her fork. "It's always changing, and sometimes you need to change to adapt to it. Hopefully, things will change in such a way that we can go back to more pacifistic ways and not even have to consider the notion that we may be invaded by our neighbors simply because we make for a convenient battlefront in whatever prolonged conflict they're trying to unleash on the galaxy. But for now, we just have to accept that this isn't the galaxy we live in, and it's not going to be that way for a few years, at the very least."

Korkie finally nodded before pushing away from the table and saying, "I need some time to think. Can I be dismissed? I'll be in my room?"

I nodded to him and said, "You can go, Korkie. Take all the time you need, and if you need to talk about this, my door is always open. I'm sure your sister would also love to talk about this with you."

"Yeah, I guess." he shook his head as he walked out of the room, looking down at the floor, deep in thought and not looking happy with his thoughts. After a moment, he stepped outside, closing the door, leaving the three of us in the room alone.

I shook my head before saying, "Perhaps we should have brought him in on what was going on a little sooner, not drop this on him."

"We?" Bo-Katan asked at the other end of the table. "What do you mean, we? I was all for bringing everyone in on everything from the beginning. We should have gotten him an armor set ages ago." Tanya nodded along in silent support to Bo's assertion.

I smiled and sighed before shaking my head and saying, "That's not what I meant, but fine. I should have brought him in on this change in policy a long time ago and been more clear about what was going on and what was going through my head. Now I have to deal with hurt feelings and, well..."

"Hurt feelings are the hardest thing to deal with." Tanya said with a nod of understanding before sighing and asking, "Which reminds me, why are the Communists on Mandalore?" She reached for a drink in the glass in front of her.

"The who?" Bo-Katan asked from where she is sitting.

"The people who tried to assassinate me on Tatooine." Tanya said, sounding a bit upset, which is understandable for most people. However, she tended to be quite reserved, even when she was growing up, so it is unusual to see her emote so openly. Assassination attempts are not something that leaves you happy, though even for her, it's still a bit odd.

Nodding my head, I said, "Yes, the Workers' Council. They did happen to show up in the last few moments to take part in the ceremony. I didn't expect them to come to Mandalore, but if they're willing to embrace a common cause of peace in the Mandalore sector, I'm willing to allow them to take part in our ceremonies."

Tanya nodded before saying, "Maybe so, but we need to keep an eye on them. Their ideology allows them to believe in a lot of things that are not true. Not to mention, they are authoritarians through and through. They're not good neighbors, and we have no idea what they are planning."

"How do you know so much about the Communists?" Bo-Katan asked with a raised eyebrow, which is a reasonable question. I barely knew anything about the Workers' Council, and even less about their ideology.

Tanya seemed to pause for a moment before saying, "Their ideology was mentioned once or twice in a book I read. It's a failed ideology that's only ever good for bringing a civilization back from complete destruction, but not progressing any further. It's a parasitical entity that'll drain technology, resources, and motivation from a population of people who are willing to accept being near the top of the food chain in exchange for crushing those beneath them."

"That sounds like every Sith Empire in the history of the Sith." Bo-Katan mentioned.

Tanya nodded her head before saying, "I don't know all that much about the Sith Empire, but yes and no. Sith seem to be evil because they enjoy being evil. Communism is the worst type of evil. The evil that comes from the self-righteous delusion, from the men and women who think and believe they are doing good. They are led by tyrants who are either self-aware about their duplicity and therefore like the Sith, or worse, they are led by zealots blinded by their ideology. A communist will kill millions to achieve success and call it justice."

I shook my head before saying, "Well, I've never really seen these communists take any action against the Mandalore sector, except for that rogue agent of theirs. And though I am not exactly happy about their claims that it was a rogue agent, I am not looking to start a war with them over it either. Politically, it's better for the sector if we all look united, less likely to have someone trying to invade it. Even if I would rather think that this Workers' Council is not part of our sector, they do claim cultural ties with us, and their planet is located quite close to CIS territory. It's better to allow them to peacefully mingle than to give the CIS some casus belli to get involved in Mandalorian affairs."

Tanya looked annoyed before she nodded her head and said, "That is a good point, my Duchess." Tanya must be really mad; she had gone from Aunt Satine to my Duchess. She probably preferred to kick them off the planet, I would guess. I wondered what had upset her so much in the reading of those books that she would banish these people from Mandalore. I would have to try and do some research and see what I could find out about this ideology; after all, if it upset Tanya, there's usually a good reason.

Tanya then said, "Though they appear to be using B1 battle droids, the most produced battle droids utilized by the CIS. They had to have gotten those droids from somewhere; they may already be part of that Confederacy, so they can receive shipments of B1s. We should keep an eye on them in case they stir up any trouble. We don't know what their plans are, and assuming that they are not moving forward with anything that could hurt us is a mistake."

Bo-Katan shrugged at the end of the table, saying, "That sounds a little bit paranoid. After all, we can make the same assumptions about the White Silver." Then she gave a cheeky smile, knowing it's a terrible joke.

I sighed as I looked at her before nodding and saying, "We will definitely be keeping an eye on them too. I don't know what their plans are, and for all we know, they might be connected to Death Watch, the organization that attempted to kill Korkie. Someone had to have supplied them with their weapons and gear, after all. It did not come from the New Mandalorians and I know that White Silver isn't supplying them with weapons either."

Tanya sighed before nodding her head in agreement.

"At the very least, we need to know what kind of power they have at their hands. Perhaps someone should try getting close to them." Bo-Katan said, causing a visible shiver to run up Tanya's back.

"I think we should try to avoid them as best we can. They will be looking for political capital in any way they can get their hands on it. Remember yesterday when the pictures were taken as a commemoration of the agreement to allow armor in Sundari again?"

There had been some pictures, and looking back, I noticed that everyone was wearing some bit of armor except Liliya of the Workers' Council, who seemed to be rather proud about wearing their uniform that had no armor on it.

Nodding my head, Tanya said, "They were the only people not to have armor. Imagine Korkie's assumptions about some new Mandalorians could be right; they might look at her as a possible person who has similar thoughts on armor, that it should not be involved in day-to-day life."

"A bit of a stretch, don't you think?" Bo-Katan asked.

Even I gave a shrug at that before saying, "We will be careful. That's the best we can do right now. Keep an eye on them, we'll see what they're planning, and make our actions based on our intelligence. For now, we have a meal to finish. I think we've had enough conversation about politics, don't you?"

Tanya reluctantly nodded after a bit, and I smiled as the conversation came to an end. We could worry about such situations at a later date; for now, we had a week of celebration to get to. Might as well start by ordering some drinks from the kitchen.

Mandalore, Near Sundari, Outer District
Jango Fett

I smiled as I watched Boba playing one of the games that had been set out by the many concession stands.

It had been four months since my, what could I even call this? Planetary arrest? Forced resettlement? Stuck in one place until people stopped caring about me? Either way, it had been four months since I had taken up residence here. Although it's probably the most boring job I've ever had, at least Boba is enjoying this particular chance to relax and act like a child his age.

It's the quiet life of living in an apartment overlooking a city of Mandalorians who had given up the Mandalorian ways, but having the ability to see my sister again and take care of her is well worth dealing with New Mandos. Not only that, Boba got to experience life in this city which wouldn't be a change, he only ever lived on Kamino. As I've gone to some of the worst dens of scum and villainy for my work.

Oh, I'm sure I'm being followed. I had seen one or two people who looked very familiar every time I went out, most likely members of whatever secret police this government kept around, or plain clothed Royal Guards. Either was possible; perhaps they were the same organization. It's hard to say how the Duchess ran the government without actually talking to her.

I really had no plans to talk to her if I had the chance. It's best not to be seen as getting involved in politics and to stay as far away from that mess as possible. I did approve of what she had done with the planet, though. It actually looked like a livable planet now, not a smoking hellscape as it had been after the Republic had blasted it last time.

I had seen photos of what Mandalore looked like after it had been invaded for the last time by the Republic. I wasn't planning to look into it; it's just that newspapers were celebrating the complete and utter destruction of the old city and most of Mandalore's homeworld culture.
Burned to the ground, from what I understood. I feel it was a bit overblown in the newspapers, but they had been celebrating it nonetheless.

Currently, Boba is in line to play a sharpshooter game of some sort. Hit the targets to gather points, and then you spend those points to get a prize ranging from stuffed animals to toy pieces of armor. But the grand prize appeared to be some sort of toy Basilisk droid.

Where they came up with a design for that, I did not know. Even during the worst part of the civil war, I had never seen one of those droids. All of them had been destroyed long ago, and production methods for them had apparently been lost, so it was very unlikely that they had just copied an actual Basilisk droid and shrunk it down.

Well, most likely not. I guess there's the possibility that with the opening of the Ordo's armory vaults, they might have found a few remnants of a droid or maybe a depiction of it in battle and maybe sold the likeness to someone. I heard that selling recreations of ancient Mandalorian artifacts is something that has been spearheaded a few years ago. And I guess there was always the possibility that someone else had actually found one, but that is extremely unlikely given how long ago the Basilisk was last seen. People are always searching through old battlefields for old weapons to either sell on the open market or use for their own misdeeds. It might be possible that a few are in a rich idiot's vault or something as a trophy to show off, but I doubt they would openly advertise that they paid graverobbers to get that trophy.

Boba is currently third in line, waiting for his turn, and the current kid on it is... well, his parents had obviously failed him and needed to go back to learning how to shoot. Because, to be cruel, the kid is going to be the first one shot when another civil war started, not because he's standing up on his own, but simply because his own side would notice that he is such a terrible shot that he would be the first one over the trenches in order to save ammunition and the lives of people who could actually shoot. Thankfully, the MSDF has their own boot camp and would kick him out before he hurts himself.

All I could do is shake my head as I watched the kid's shameful display and hoped my kid could do better than that. What am I thinking? Of course, I knew my kid could do better than that; he already had a few kills under his belt.

Sighing, I looked around, trying to distract myself by spotting any secret police following us again. None that I knew for sure though I noticed, there is that one woman who I swear is a member of whatever organization that is keeping an eye on me. She's a blonde-haired woman with a hairdo that, well, I don't think any Mandalorian during the Clan Wars or the Civil War would have ever worn. It looked like someone turned her hair into a pillar before grinding it down into a shallow bowl with a belt sander.

If she's a member of the secret police, I had to give it to them; if their plan to stay unnoticed is to be too noticeable that people would not believe they are part of an intelligence organization, then they are a terrible organization. Either that, or they are fully intending to let me know that I am being watched and kept assigning this woman with the most obvious hairdo in the galaxy to follow me whenever I went out.

It's kind of annoying. I kind of wished I wore my armor, so I don't feel naked when someone is watching me, but what could I do? While the Duchess had announced that I could wear armor, mine had a lot of weapons on it. I guess I could just wear the chest plate and helmet, but it wouldn't feel the same.

Shaking my head, I looked to my right. Arla is watching Boba closely next to me while holding onto my arm rather firmly. She tended to do that whenever we went out, simply to try and stay as close as possible to me and maybe to try to remind herself that this is real. I've slowly been weaning her off the drugs and helping her see the world for what it is, and not as a doped-up illusion that she had been left in for the last few years.

Progress in trying to reestablish a firm family bond with my sister had gone rather well. Though we had lived very different lives, me becoming a part of the True Mandalorians and her becoming part of Death Watch, we have some similarities. We both had our lives revolve around the Civil War; we are rather done with the political machinations of the factions trying to control the Mandalorian sector.

Even with the political maneuverings of the current rulership, we are done with all of that bantha shit. The representatives of the Prime Minister of Mandalore had attempted to ask my sister if they could use her for propaganda, basically to try and remind any and all former Death Watch members of how they had betrayed her and used her for the last 20 years.

I wasn't exactly a fan of having her face put out there; that just seemed to be asking for any remnants of Death Watch to come out of hiding and take a shot at her. She apparently held the same opinion, as she had denied the requests, instead saying that she wanted to focus on healing.

Besides, as far as I could tell, Death Watch is nothing but a memory, a dead faction that didn't exist anymore. Though, I'd heard a rumor that someone claimed to be Death Watch and had tried to assault one of the Gargon girls on stage. A hilarious action, considering he apparently got his ass firmly killed.

If Death Watch was so terrible that their average foot soldier could be killed by an idol, that either meant that Death Watch was a joke compared to how it used to be, or the idols are pretty good at their job as former bounty hunters. At least according to Boba, who had done a lot of research on them.

Which made them good role models at least, former bounty hunters finding a job after they'd finished with bounty hunting. Oh, that's a good person to keep an eye on and hold up.
I never thought I'd quit bounty hunting, but apparently I am being forced to, so I might as well approve of the girls my son is somewhat intrigued by.

That's why I got him tickets to tonight's concert. Unfortunately, due to Arla's still somewhat weakened condition, she didn't want to come along, but the two of us should be fine enough.

Cracking my neck, I looked around, trying to establish where the tails were again, when I noticed that the one I knew had been following me, the strange-haired woman, is currently sitting in a corner with her neck hanging backwards that indicated someone had just knocked her out. Or killed her, it's hard to say. It isn't bent enough to be a broken neck, so I guess I'd have to wait and see.

Carefully, my hands slipped into my pocket, grabbing the vibroblade I had hidden away. Couldn't walk around with a sword or gun on Mandalore, but you can always get away with something small and easily concealable.

Arla squeezed my hand and nodded in a direction, causing me to look that way. Another member of the obvious security detail is unconscious. "Someone just took him out." She whispered in a low breath, and I wondered why someone was taking out the security detail. Well, obviously, they didn't want anyone watching, so why didn't they want anyone to watch? If it's a sniper, they would have just gone for a direct kill on me and not knocked out the security detail, which meant someone wanted to meet me.

Who wanted to talk, though? That's the question. Carefully, I kept my eyes on the move, watching for anyone moving in our direction, hoping that whoever this was would not escalate into too terrible of a fight. I didn't have my armor today, and the vibroblade is good, but if they have a gun or anything more substantial, it could get bad real quick.

Those thoughts are interrupted as I felt something poke at my back and a voice said, "Well, hello Jango, long time no see."

The voice is not very familiar, though the way they carried their voice is.

"Zam, so you did survive. Thought for sure I hit you."

The point of the blade did not push further into my back, which told me that they aren't interested in hurting me, at least not yet, as they spoke. "You did hit me, and I spent the next two months in a coma. Two whole months in a coma, on the edge of death. Whatever the hell was in that dart really screwed me up."

"Sorry about that." I said. "If I wasn't under a NDA with the cloners, I would have tried to bail you out. But you know that the Jedi have ways of making people talk, and your connection would lead them to me. I knew it was wrong, but I couldn't take the risk of the Jedi finding out about the clones, and lose custody of Boba. I also doubt you would want the Hutts to come after you in the future once you are released from prison, I picked the safest choice."

"Well that's cold comfort, I'm penniless now. The Jedi reported me dead, and they took all my known assets during the investigation. The only reason I'm not in one of their prison cells is that I faked being unconscious for a week as I recovered and then snuck out, and posed as one of the one-armed Jedi that I had seen come and go from their medical wing. It's lucky that they'd been so assuming that I was never going to wake up that they didn't keep me locked to the bed."

"Fooled the Force?" Arla asked aloud.

"That was lucky." I said with a nod before saying, "Also, it sounds like you got off easy then. Everyone thinks you're dead, and being a changeling, you can…"

"Start over, yeah, I'm well aware of my situation. Had to pick-pocket for a few weeks just to get the money to pay for a ticket here. Although I'm broke, I'm too worried to access the few stockpiles I have because, well, they might still be looking for me. You know how they are; they don't consider someone truly dead unless they haven't touched their funds in ten years."

I nodded before saying, "That's unfortunate, Zam, but there's no reason to hold a blade to my back. I mean, we're friends for the most part."

"Yeah, friends. Friends who tried to kill me." I felt the point repeatedly poke my spine as she said it, and I heard a sigh.

"Listen, I know you have this whole 'a man should work for what he gets' mentality, but let's be fair here. Your attempted assassination of me has left me destitute and unable to find work, so why don't you do what you should have done in the beginning and just give me a loan of some money? You took my life, now give me enough money to start a new one, alright?"

"Hmm," I thought for a moment before finally shrugging and saying, "Alright." I reached into a wallet and pulled out some credits, passing them back and saying, "That's enough money to get you through a week. Contact me when I'm not with my family and not with a blade to my back, and I'll get you half a million credits. That should be enough to start a life here in the Mandalore sector and live comfortably for about a decade. I'm sure you could even buy a farm on Concord Dawn if you wanted to."

There was a pause before Zam said, "Wait, you're actually going to do this? I... I kind of had already psyched myself up to stab you in the back all day."

I looked over towards the first unconscious guard, saying, "I can see that," before continuing, "but you don't need to. I admit I did take your life, but this is not why I'm interested in giving you money. Your screw-up of an operation ultimately led to me finding out that my sister is still alive and reconnecting with my family. That's worth about half a million credits, at least for a Mandalorian. So consider this a finder's fee..." I trailed off meaningfully, then in a more threatening tone continued, "but if you ever try this again, shaking me down for money won't end well for you. I'm repaying the favor I owe you, got it?"

I felt the point of the blade removing itself from my back, and I was finally allowed to turn and look at Zam. She sighed and said, "I've worked with you for how long? I know when to push my luck." as she put the blade away. Since you're the one who got captured by the Jedi when you could have snuck out, you evidently don't, but I kept that to myself.

Then she smiled and turned to Arla, saying, "So, you must be Jango's sister. I'm Zam Wesell, a close friend of your brother." She offered her hand like she had not just been using it to threaten me.

Arla turned and looked at the offered hand, then at me, before nodding and taking the hand.

She said, "I am glad this worked out somewhat peacefully. I was worried that this would turn into a bloody brawl that would leave most of this entire area in chaos. I have three grenades hidden on me because I wasn't sure I could take you on in a fair fight."

"That's probably two fewer grenades than you actually need." I joked, before shaking my head and saying, "But that's beside the point. I have no reason to fight you. I tried to kill you and you got lucky. Now your record is clear as everyone thinks you're dead, and I have no reason to not give you a bit of a finder's fee. Let's let bygones be bygones."

She nodded and said, "Sounds like a deal. By the way, what are you doing on Mandalore anyway? I thought you said you hated this sector."

I replied, "That's right." before saying, "I'm getting paid to stay out of politics."

"That's a sweet deal." she said with a shake of her head before saying, "Any way I can get in on that action?"

"Ha, no… though," a thought played in the back of my mind before saying, "I've been thinking about buying some land in a few places throughout the sector, trying to start up an old family business again, maybe get back to farming. If you don't mind helping me out with that, maybe as a manager, and find some of the land, I'll let you live in the place and let you hide out. You could even pose as me a couple of times so no one knows that you're still around."

Zam thought for a moment before smiling and saying, "Pretend to be Jango Fett and be a farmer? That's hilarious and I'm in. But I don't have two good hands anymore, though." she said, holding up the arm that had been cut by the Jedi, "so, I don't think I'll be able to pull off being you very often."

"I'll get you a prosthetic replacement and plenty of gloves, you'll be fine."

Zam shook her head before saying, "Sounds good, though I do wonder why you're starting up a farming business. It seems to me you should be a prime candidate to be one of the leaders of the CIS or maybe even the Republic. They're taking anyone they can get their hands on."

I chuckled before saying, "Paid to stay out of politics, but also there's a bit of an opportunity I've noticed here."

"I'm all ears," the shapeshifter said before looking out around the city, "but I don't really see an opportunity in this cubed city."

"The sector is the opportunity. Land here is dirt cheap because it's either not very habitable or there's no one really in the market to buy, especially with the war going on. However, Mandalore seems to be turning itself around. Half of this party is about the celebration of one of their planets, a mess that was made seven centuries ago, being terraformed back into something livable, which means it'll start producing food and other resources soon. Not to mention, with the war going on around the sector, anywhere that looks somewhat peaceful is going to be an interesting location for civilians to run to. So the land market is going to go up, both from demand and quality of the soil improving as the years go on."

Zam nodded their head before saying, "An opportunity to sell land and grow influence, yeah, I can see it now."

"Exactly. I haven't exactly figured out where I'm going to start with this, but if you don't mind posing as me, go to Concord Dawn. There's a plot of land I definitely want to buy an old homestead if possible, and any other pieces of land you can find that might be terraformed in the next few years or could go on the market easily enough when there's a larger demand."

Zam nodded their head before saying, "I'm in. In fact, I'm all in. Do you have contacts that could get access to a few stashes of resources I have hidden around the galaxy?"

I raised an eyebrow before saying, "I thought you said you are out of money, that the Hutts are after you because you didn't have a way to pay the debt."

She shrugged before saying, "They are, and I am. That doesn't mean I didn't have a little bit of excess resources stashed away, a ship I'd stolen here, an apartment there, things that you could negotiate the sale of and give us a little bit more capital to work with."

I smiled and nodded before saying, "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea."

"In fact, I'll give a call to a few friends who are still working for the Republic. See if they want to contribute some money to this idea. They all have a bit more of a tie to the Mandalore sector than I ever did, so they might be interested in helping the sector regrow." I said more to myself, as the thought finally occurred to me. I had been playing with this idea for a while now, but hadn't really given it much thought until an opportunity made itself apparent.

"Until this moment, I am stuck on Mandalore. I couldn't leave. I had to stay here with Arla and Boba and make sure I stayed right out of politics. I could arrange for a few people to work for me, but who could I trust?"

"Well, who better to trust than a changeling who is depending on me not revealing they are still alive to the Hutts and offering them more than enough money to make living easy? I just had to make sure that they gave me all the land deeds to be stored here on Mandalore." Holding out my hand, I said, "Let's shake on it, old friend. To a new business arrangement, one with hopefully less killing."

She nodded and offered her hand, giving it a shake before adding, "And hopefully less backstabbing."

"Hear, hear to that." Arla said with a thumbs up before adding, "So, longtime friend of Jango, right? What was he up to while I was playing dead on Coruscant?"

"You were dead?" Zam asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yep. A former Death Watch assassin, held captive in a Coruscant dungeon and listed as deceased... so I wasn't exactly mentally well. I'm getting better, still have my skills, though." she said with a smile that made me wonder if she knew that she'd just done that in a way that seemed somewhat threatening and ominous. If she did, that was a perfect example of why Zam should not betray me.

Looking at Zam, I noticed that it seemed to have had the desired effect as she nodded and said, "Yeah, well, I can talk about the time we worked for the Jedi or the Jedi Council to save Coruscant?"

"Ooh, sounds interesting." Arla said with a smile.

Mandalore, Sundari Palace, Tanya's Bedroom
Tanya Kryze

Why has my mentality been affected this way? These are questions that sometimes bugged me, but I never really wanted to find the answer for.

After the debate that happened in the dining room, everyone had gone their separate ways; we hadn't had another chance to talk to each other about the conversation that had been started. Mainly because life is life, and everyone has things to do. Satine has to entertain dozens, if not hundreds, of political heads from across the sector. Korkie, of course, has to deal with running the museum ship exhibit. He found the thing, so he should have the honor of showing it off to everyone who wanted to come see it.

As for Bo-Katan, I'm not really sure what she's doing, probably dealing with the idols I would assume. She likely had to schedule more appearances across the sector, as I heard that the first show that happened the night before had been spectacular and sold out to the point that my finances are looking rather good.

In fact, I even joked about trying to find more acts just to have them compete against each other, which I wasn't against. I'd have to talk to Bo-Katan about that and see if she couldn't pull something together. I knew that there was one clan who had finally started to step up and try to compete on Gargon.

Clan Tracyn is apparently stepping up into that position. They are adept at manufacturing old-style slugthrowers and pyrotechnics. This meant that their shows are a potential fire hazard, but at the very least, they are quite exciting. I never got the chance to see it live, but I assumed they are somewhat confident as I only heard good things from their performance. Perhaps making sure they got a little bit of seed money to keep pushing at it would ensure that at least we would have some competition, and nothing creates more economic wealth than competition.

But that's something to think about when I am playing as White Silver. Today, I'm Tanya, and tomorrow, I'm Tanya. In fact, for the whole week, I'd be Tanya, and hopefully will stay as Tanya for the rest of the year. I would rather not get involved in any more shenanigans that required me to put on the silver helm, but life has a way of throwing curveballs at me. I'd worry that Being X is out there getting ready to get me again, but he had been too quiet for too long. There's no way he's just now showing up twenty years into this life. No, this is probably just the inevitable consequences of a terribly designed Republican system, where the Core worlds would abuse the Outer Rim.

Again, I should really focus more on the situation in front of me and less on the theoreticals that are all around me.

Anyway, due to my position as a Representative of Mandalore, I have a responsibility to visit and view the Gargon Girls in concert, primarily because they are supposed to eventually go to Coruscant at some point. There is a plan in the works to try and have a Mandalore expo, showcase a bit of Mandalorian culture on Coruscant. This is in addition to my more personal and discrete cultural exports; my holding companies regularly profited by transferring resources to Coruscant and selling them off.

So there is already some interest, and bringing an actual concert there could be quite a profitable venture. X4's predictions on the profits are actually kind of ridiculous, three times the profit made by the concert on Mandalore, which is now one of the more populated planets in the Mandalore sector. From what had been just over four million people in Mandalore ten years ago, it has now grown to almost ten million. Of course, Coruscant's population is in the trillions which is several magnitudes above what Mandalore has, thus even if only a small fraction are interested, that is still a large amount of potential customers.

The mass urbanization of the planet has also helped out the terraforming, according to the research abstract that I skimmed that the Ithorians had compiled as a detailed scientific report for the government. I was too busy to actually read the nine hundred-page document they had sent, so instead I listened to X4's recorded summary.

If I could pull off this Mandalorian Expo, it would not only be good for my finances and the finances of the Mandalore sector, as it would likely attract investors not only into the sector, but also for the terraforming projects. Since Gargon is now a taxable economy and there is quite a lot of gambling still on Gargon, that could also be used to generate additional income for the Mandalore sector.

But that gets into the main issue with my plan, in that I have to go as a Representative, which means that I have to wear a nice dress and look as fashionable as possible. This used to annoy me a lot more than it did nowadays, and that is the problem. As I finished putting on the dress, I realized how at home I am in it, and that is disconcerting.

After so many years of being female had probably finally eroded away the last holdouts of my masculinity, and looking at myself in the mirror, I could only think one thing: I looked good and a bit cute.

Sighing, I hung my head, brushed off the last bit of fluff that had gotten stuck to my dress while it was in the closet, and turned to walk over to the door leading out of my room. I could spend the day sulking in there, worrying about how Being X had doomed me in my nihilistic fantasies, or I could just get on with it. I would much rather get on with it.

Walking down the passageway, I found myself in the main courtyard, where the others are waiting.

Tabi and Vai are standing next to each other, having a chat. Tabi is wearing a black-colored suit and looked rather suitable, although not as relaxed as he usually did. Of course, Vai is wearing her usual blue dress and looking happy as well, her dress showing off a rather large amount of cleavage compared to my own.

Next to her are Morson and Kastel, who are acting as each other's date for tonight. Although they really aren't in any such relationship between the two and they are just the fifth and sixth wheels on our little trip to the concert.

Morson is wearing a brown and orange dress that Vai had bought for her, which did a good job highlighting her assets. As for Kastel, he is wearing a black suit with various Mandalorian emblems on it. I didn't know if he had it custom-made, but I did notice that it has the Mandalorian iron heart right in the exact place on his chest that I knew he had a tattoo of the Mandalorian symbol, so there is a fifty-fifty chance that it was a custom order. He is either very lucky enough to find that, or he had that custom tailored.

And finally, there is my date for the evening, Engiz Ordo, who is wearing a black-colored suit and smiling as he sees me coming down the passageway.

"Tanya." he said.

"Engiz." I said back in my official voice, giving him a curt nod, trying not to let my cheeks overheat.

Tatooine had been an interesting experience, to say the least. I had not expected what had happened to happen, admitting what had been going through my head since Gargon, but it had happened, and now I couldn't exactly undo it. He knew that I felt safe around him, and well, he's obviously taking that to mean that I am open to starting a relationship with him.

Which... is a difficult thing to wrap my head around. I had never been in a relationship with anyone before. The concept never meant anything in particular to me; not until Being X taunted me, showing me a twisted illusion to remind me of its absence. However, in my last life, the possibility was completely closed off to me. So the whole concept of going out on dates, spending time together, and all that stuff is unusual to me. Upon the question of sexuality, that too is difficult for me to come to a concrete conclusion about. Though, I believe I maintained an appreciation for the Human and near human form in general.

I'm still not exactly sure if I should just shut it down or let it go and see where it leads, but I didn't exactly lose anything by not making a move, so at the moment, I'm not making a move.

Besides, he already served as a good knight in shining armor to prevent other people from trying to start a relationship with me, such as the purple suit-wearing farmer, whatever his name was. I didn't want to lose such an important asset in keeping my life rather uninterrupted by constant marriage proposals.

Smiling, I simply said, "Well, we shouldn't dilly-dally. We have a concert to get to." and started to move towards a waiting hover bus that had been prepared for us. The others followed behind me, and we loaded up, everyone seeming to be engaged in nice chats.

The other Royal Guards aren't part of our party per se; they had tickets, but we didn't need a Royal Guard escort on this night, so I didn't know if they were taking the same tickets as us or if they were going to go another night. Either way, it would just be the six of us tonight in a box overlooking the concert.

It should be a fun time. I hadn't checked what music they'd be playing to keep it a surprise for myself. After all, White Silver gave me access to that information, and I'm supposed to be Tanya tonight and Tanya didn't know.

Relaxing, I leaned slightly against Engiz as we flew over the city, enjoying the calm, peaceful situation around us. Everything seemed content, and the Mandalore sector is still at peace, so I enjoyed the moment.

The ride did not take long before we are deposited in one of the upper areas of the arena. This allowed us to get to the box without running into any of the population who are using the lower parts of the arena.

Engiz spoke with an attendant in a hushed tone for several moments, then turned around and handed me a fancy thermos. I sipped and tasted the sweet caf blend, and enjoyed the smell for a moment, before following him towards our private suite.

We started to make our way towards the box, enjoying the pre-show audio as another band, playing a relaxing and soothing orchestral melody. Voices are slowly drowning out as people yelled at each other, talked to each other, and moved into position down below.

It's a perfectly normal thing to see and do in a major event, and I am just relaxed and enjoying the atmosphere. And then I bumped into a dinosaur-person. This is not the strangest sentient race I had heard of, or else I would have made a poor diplomat.

"Oh, sorry about that." the man said, giving a nod and adding, "Apologies, I sometimes have trouble seeing where I'm going." He said that with a smile, "The central crest sometimes gets in the way." the man said, pointing one of his two fingers at the nearly head-sized crest on his head.

"No, no, my apologies." I said, offering a hand before introducing myself, "Tanya, Tanya Kryze, Representative of Mandalore."

The dinosaur-person nodded, lowered his head, and offered a hand, saying, "Coleman Trebor, Jedi Master of the Order. Nice to meet you, Ms. Kryze. I believe you're a friend of Grand Master Yoda, are you not?"

I nodded before saying, "Yes, I've had some communication with him."

"Yes, he has spoken of you once or twice. A good friend in Mandalore, he refers to you as. He even said I should talk to you when I saw you."

I nodded before asking, "Why should you have seen me?"

Master Trebor smiled before explaining, "Well, it's quite simple. I was sent here to the Mandalore sector four months ago on a fact-finding mission. I've been hearing about the Gargon Girls and thought I could get in contact with them to try and engineer some sort of Jedi-Mandalorian relations committee. I'm a member of the Jedi Council, and I'm primarily in charge of trying to improve Jedi relations with the public. I thought it would be a great way to show the Jedi as improving relations by getting in contact with the Mandalorians who are doing the same from what I've noticed over the last few years and read in the Silver Codex."

He laughed before mentioning, "If I hadn't actually left, I would have been at the Battle of Geonosis, and we probably would have met there." He gave a shoulder shrug before saying, "But that's a tale for another day. Anyway, I was simply told that you're one of the two people to talk to in this sector about trying to improve relations with Mandalore."

I nodded before saying, "Well, you can obviously contact me at any time when I'm on Coruscant. We're actually planning something to try and improve relations as well in a few months. If you wish, we could have a meeting before then and see if we could join together in this operation."

"That would be wonderful." Coleman said with a nod before saying, "Oh, and I should get going. The concert is about to start, and I have to make sure my partner on this operation doesn't get lost. He's wandering around here somewhere."

I looked around before I asked, "Who is the other person you are supposed to meet?"

"Hmm, oh, the fabled White Silver. Getting a meeting with her is even harder than with you, haha!" Coleman laughed before he said, "Oh, there he is!" He waved and caused me to turn to see… Rahm Kota.

I could feel every hair on the back of my neck stand up as Rahm Kota slowly walked by me nonchalantly, giving me a nod before saying, "I cannot understand why you have brought me here. I'm not going to find what I'm looking for at a concert full of New Mandalorians."

"Rahm, not everything is about the military. I'm sure you'll have a chance to find plenty of mercenaries when we get back to Gargon for that army of non-clones you've been planning to form. Besides, we're on Mandalore. How would we have run into anyone important or of political note on Gargon? First place I visit here, and I'm running into the Representative of Mandalore for the Senate." he said, pointing to me and drawing Rahm Kota's attention.

Rahm looked at me, paused for a second, and tilted his head before shaking it and saying, "A representative in the Republic is no different from any other Representative. No offense, Representative."

Sipping from my caf thermos, I barely tasted it as I said, "None taken, Master Jedi." I put on my best smile and while trying to stay as calm as possible. The smell of the warm caf drink is keeping me grounded; it's possibly the only thing preventing my internal freak out from turning into visible panic. I am faced with the prospect of being unmasked in front of the Jedi. If my emotions grew too unstable, even just internally, they could tell with the Force! I took another sip from my thermos, and tried to relax.

Yes, Yoda knew, as well as everyone in this room except for the two Jedi and Morson knew, but that didn't really help me calm down.

Coleman shook his head before saying, "Oh, alright." He gave me a final inscrutable glance and a nod, "Have a good evening, Representative Kryze."

"You as well." I said with a nod as the pair walked past me, and I let out a breath.

I took another big gulp of my drink. "That was close, Engiz." I muttered.

"Too close." Engiz muttered back in agreement. I leaned into his side, while he checked our surroundings again, and I took another drink. He pointed out a specific nearby door and said, "That's our box. Let's get in there and enjoy the show."

Turning, I saw Morson looking after the departing figure of Rahm Kota, so I asked, "Problem?"

"Oh, no, not really. Just, wow, he's an ally of White Silver, and I'm kind of shocked to see him here."

I shrugged before saying, "Lots of people come and go throughout the galaxy. If he's looking for warriors for a non-clone army, this is probably the best place to start. At the very least, we'll get a good officer corps to train up people from across the galaxy."

"Hmm, yeah." Morison said, deep in thought as she finally stepped into the room. Letting out a sigh, I stepped in after them and walked into the next disaster unfolding in front of me.

"Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde?" came the voice of Tabi.

"Yes…" Vai said, as Tabi is down on one knee with a vambrace crafted with what looked like some very high quality beskar in his right hand.

Writers note: Holy cow, Tabbi made his move, did not see that coming, and what's that I see? Jedi gathering a merc army on Gargon? I'm sure that will end well. And hey Jango got a good quiet life and a friend back from the dead. Though it looks like there's some trouble in the family, I'm sure that'll work out. This was a fun chapter, the next chapter is also going to be so much fun.

Edited by: L, Aemon , Kasser, Guardsman Pius, Warmach1ne32, Helsted, Afforess

Community edited by:
Community editable doc (Chapter) No story suggestions in the community editing document, Keep all story suggestions and comments in the thread

Supporters: Afforess, Gremlin Jack, Xodarap4, Duncan Sproule, James Moorhouse, Dankermaler, Hats88, DrkShdow, Devilstar101, Michael, Mana Rope, Falk Hüser, Silver Wolf, Mackenzie Buckle, Neso, Lmc9389, Staradder, KrasieK, Zollus, Jog256, Ethan Dowie, Maxim Blashkevych, The GrandMage, loyalChaos, Daryl, FreelancerD0, Zul The Lich, Flynn Pirola-Henderson, Retexks, John Norman, Ian R Major, Dale, Darth Vendar, BigKumaDM, Taylor Tilbury, Treant Balewood, Aske Helsted, Sam, Brandon Goodman, BarrettSlayer, Guillermo Echeverria, D3ad0s, Pulse Rager, Daniel Quigley, Lago, CB-Otaku, Adam Daw, Michał Kotuła, Louis Kasser, Arkhad, Tree Man, Pontus, Zahael, Nathan Cardoso, John Vargo, Lightstorm, Julian Rivera, Endymion2314, harry Nevel, William, Legion_13, Beautiful Winter, Shadowsmage, Mrsmall0170, MysteryCPU, Seadrake, MinnieMin, Lictor Magnus, Michael Hill
Last edited:
Wow, Korkie is sounding more and more like canon Satine.
well she did raise him
I've already said my dislike for anything Vai related a long while back. Just reiterating that point.
At this point someone has to, and because of it, he will be the cause of something terrible happening.
what no he be the couses good things
I'm calling it, Korkie falls in with the Commies.
Chapter 45
Chapter 45
717 FNM (21 BBY)
Month 1

Mandalore, Sundari Palace
Satine Kryze

As I make my way to the Palace's Terrace, where the many political leaders of the sector are currently gathered for the celebration, I pass by the various banners of famous clans across Mandalore's history. The historical spectacle of the many Mandalorian Clan flags are like birds strutting their feathers.

From Ordo to Vizsla and even to my father's Clan banner as well as Keldau banner. While I understand the need to represent the various Mandalorian clans, however, the fact that the clans submitted Battle Standards gives me mixed feelings. I would much prefer to have holoprojectors display their symbols instead, to separate our history from their use in battle. Unfortunately, having several dozen holoprojectors to display every influential clan of the past and present seemed to be beyond the local company that was commissioned to install them. Thus, the flags are put on display and the dysfunctional holoprojector arrays have been left in a small storeroom until they are fixed, though I fear that the battle banners may send the wrong message.

I stopped in front of the Kryze clan banner, and I am reminded of simpler times with my father telling stories on the history of Clan Kryze as well as life lessons that I took to heart. I wonder what he thinks of what I have done, whether he approves or disagrees with what I am doing? I know he wouldn't approve of what I was doing in the early years of my reign, which Bo reminded me of a few times before I started to change, but what about what I am doing now? Would he say that I am moving too slowly in enacting changes, or would he be patient and agree to a gradual change? With a sigh, I returned to the present and continued to make my way to my destination.

Finally, I entered the terrace room, which overlooks portions of the city. The room is a social battlefield, the Mandalore sector's tensions reproduced in miniature. The sun is warm, let in by many glass walls that surround the terrace. But Sundari has little traditional weather, so the terrace has discrete fans and mist generators hidden in alcoves to make the rooftop more welcoming.

As I approached the rear of the east wing of the Palace terrace, I sipped on the Kalevalan wine that had been served to me by one of the droid staff. There's a raised pillowed dais prepared for me in this part of the shaded terrace rooftop area. There are multitudes of representatives and guests that fill the terrace, but their placements are anything but random. It only took a glance to notice that the New Mandalorians congregate near my dias in particular, while isolationists mingle in the terrace median. The outright foreign individuals, including the representatives and leader of Anteevy, Liliya, are ensconced in the west wing of the Palace terrace.

In my closest orbit are my more vocal supporters. After I took a seat on my dais, the first to approach me was Governor Pre Vizsla. He isn't wearing any armor, which is an interesting statement and fashion choice to make after I lifted the armor ban yesterday. Slightly behind him, a man and a woman flanked each of his sides. They are the governors of Zanbar and Krownest respectively. I rarely had the time to speak with either governor, so let's see what their interests are. Clearly, both of them want to sound me out with proposals they thought I would have previously dismissed before my recent shift in political stances.

"Duchess Satine, I am sure you remember Governess Wren of Krownest and Governor Priest of Zanbar. Governess Wren has been imploring me for an introduction to the Ithorians." Governor Vizsla began. "We're all very impressed by their progress in terraforming Mandalore. I'll admit I was in the pessimist's camp before, but their results have certainly won me over." Governor Vizsla motioned to some of the Mandalorian flora from before the Excision kept in carefully maintained terrariums to emphasize his point. "It seems that they are more useful than I expected." He admitted, stepping aside for the governor of Krownest. Pre's laying the flattery a bit too thick for my taste today.

"Duchess Satine," Governess Wren stepped forward from behind Vizsla before giving a respectful bow, "Krownest is very impressed by the terraforming efforts of the Ithorians. It is as Governor Vizsla says. We're interested in negotiating our own deal with the Ithorians, if we can have your blessing." Ursa Wren is wearing one of the new fashionable dress armors that's been going into style ever since the Gargon girls had taken off.

"I can't imagine the Ithorians are capable of exploiting a Mandalorian, so I'm inclined to encourage more involvement with them." I admitted. The terraformers are well known for being even-handed and fair. "I'll ensure Tanya reviews your proposal, so she can pass it along to the Ithorian Council." A droid handed me a datapad with Governess Wren's proposal. A brief skim revealed they are interested in locating more cold-climate agricultural vegetables to grow, and not to terraform Krownest. They liked the ice?

The Governor of Zanbar, Freder Priest, started speaking while I'm still absorbing the Krownest proposal. "Concordia has agreed to give a loan for a plan to expand the agricultural settlements on Zanbar. In the past, for other worlds, Mandalore has also contributed subsidies to such projects. Is this a project that Mandalore would be interested in contributing subsidies for again?" He asked, clearly fishing for interest in having us pay the bill for some scheme or another. Governess Wren had already escaped the discussion after handing off the datapad in order to grab a refreshment from a nearby attendant. I looked down at my own diminishing wine glass in boredom.

Not falling for such a simple scheme, I replied, "Vorpa'ya is already a functioning agricultural colony. Mandalore fought back a pirate invasion and helped the colony assert independence from their colonial master. Those aren't subsidies." While I would like for various planets to be more food independent so that we can spend less on food imports, which is slowly rising in prices as the war raged on and trade slowed to a crawl. The government doesn't have any extra space in the budget for any more agricultural subsidies. Governor Vizsla should know this since the majority of the subsidies are already going to Concordia, and he is on the governing Council, so he saw what the budget is like himself. It's likely that Governor Priest didn't believe Vizsla or that he thought that it's worth the effort to convince me.

Governor Priest rattled off some numbers and figures, some sort of last ditch effort to try to convince me. I told him we'd be expecting a proper proposal and when he did have said proposal to submit it to Tanya. If I have the spare credits in the budget, I might have entertained the thought further, but I do not, so the matter ends there. The Governess Wren re-appeared with her wine and a tapas, which reminded me of my own parched throat after my verbal exchange with Governor Priest. So I reached over to my serving droid and took a replacement wine glass.

After it became apparent I'm not interested, Governor Vizsla cut back in and led the two away for a side conversation nearby. As I watched them depart, I am left wondering if that had been a test or examination of some kind.

"Interesting trio." Ms. Crikey isn't armored, yet she appeared quite uncomfortable in her dress, as she looked at the three who had just left. I recognized her from Korkie's introduction. She is wearing boots under her dress, which is likely less of a fascinating fashion statement and more that, like Bo and Tanya, as she has a preference for comfortable footwear. "Anyway, I won't waste much of your time, Miss Duchess Satine, ma'am. I want to be appointed the Governess of Breshig."

I am a bit taken aback at the direct request. "I'll have to discuss that with the administrator of that planet first." I stalled, wondering at how to defuse this request gracefully. Breshig didn't have a governor because it didn't have enough population to need one. However, with its current terraforming underway, that could possibly change, especially with conflicts brewing across the galaxy. I wouldn't be surprised if there would be plenty of refugees in need of resettling.

Ms. Crikey gave me a funny look for a minute, which I could not decipher, while I tried to recall everything I knew about the world. Breshig might become a destination, especially with the recent discoveries that a large portion of the groundwork facilities meant for building ships are serviceable. They are underwater, yes, but could be salvaged and replaced with more modern facilities. If the planet is returned to a state which is more in level with when it was before the Excision, it might become a dockyard again. While we didn't need it per se, anything that could help increase the economy of the sector will be welcome.

However, it seemed that I had stalled for too long, now she seemed annoyed. "I'm that administrator!" She stomped one foot, and I heard her boot thud on the terrace.

"I told Tom to give Prince Korkie the proposal. I'm guessing he didn't do that?" She continued to tap her boot angrily in thought for a minute or so, her armored footwear clacking noisily on the terrace, before deliberately stopping. I wondered if she forgot where she is for a moment, but when Ms. Crikey turned back, she's all smiles again, "Ahem, love the cultural festival, the snapjaws and terraforming are both getting us a lot of questions about people moving to Breshig. Whole lot of new interest, new colonists too." She seemed to misunderstand the point of the cultural festival, but it didn't seem worth correcting. However, she did seem the type of person I could distract with Bo for a while. After a gesture, my savior of a sister came over, leaving an awkward-looking conversation with Governor Vizsla.

After a roll of her eyes, Bo simply stated. "I'm definitely leaving soon, Satine. You know I hate these kinds of events."

"I just met the most fascinating person, though. Meet the administrator of Breshig." I introduced Ms. Crikey to my sister in an understated way that I knew would catch her attention.

"Wait, she's the reptile-hunter from Korkie's stories?"

Success. The two started talking, giving me a deniable distraction, while I took the opportunity to scan the terrace and evaluate the situation again.

I also noted a few clan leaders from Kalevala walking away from the west side of the terrace. People there simply wanted peace, as far as I could tell. So whatever Anteevy is playing at, I doubted it would be something my homeworld wanted to deal with.

Past them, seeming to enjoy the food bar, is the representative from Gargon, a member of their triumvirate, I believe he is a member of a former crime family, if I understood the situation correctly. They are trying to go, as Tanya put it, straight, or at least that is the story that they tell everyone who would listen.

He and a few of his men seemed to be just enjoying the atmosphere but are staying out of the political cliques that are trying to form. However, one of them saw Bo-Katan, and waved the pair over.

These last four days have been great, it is so unfortunate that it will soon be over. All in all, I would say this festival has probably been one of the more successful cultural moments in Mandalorian history. I have not seen any indication that the people have rejected this cultural festival or that it had been taken as an insult by anyone, which is a good start towards a more peaceful future.

Not only that, but the announcements of drawing back on some of the more extreme anti-Old Mandalorian laws had been met with quite a bit of support, indicating that the plan to keep the New Mandalorians in power is succeeding.

At least from my point of view. After all, the last time there had been this many Mandalorian leaders in one room it had been many years ago, at the end of the Clan Wars, so the fact that we're not yelling at each other is a sign of things going in an upward direction towards a peaceful Mandalore sector.

I had to smile at this internally, as I'm sure that some of our neighbors are probably more fearful of a peaceful Mandalore sector. When Mandalorians are at each other's throats, they don't cause many problems for the sectors nearby, which means that they are safer.

I turned to check the other side of the room, and noticed Prime Minister Almec making a beeline for me. Following him is a whole entourage of government officials and VIPs: Deputy Minister Jerec, Ms. Ordo of the MSDF, and Patriarch Raz of Clan Ordo. Oddly, all three Ministers has decided to wear at least a breastplate to represent their commitment to my new course for the New Mandalorians. Korkie's comments a few nights ago had me wondering if maybe I had pushed for change too fast, so I chose not to appear in my full armor as well. I only brought the breastplate on one of my dresses, just to make it clear that armor is acceptable but not necessary in our lifestyle.

"What have your thoughts been about the festival so far?" I asked Patriarch Raz, curious what Ordo's impression of current events might be. Ordo is one of the few places in Mandalore with vibrant political debate left, although the current Patriarch is a reformist, he tended towards more traditional Mandalorian views.

"We approve, of course." He nodded, and didn't elaborate.

Instead of discussing the topic further, Ms. Ordo changed the subject. She started discussing the minutiae of the Super-Kandosii arrival with Mr. Almec and Mr. Jerec, and I wondered why they chose that topic. Surely they didn't need my input for any of the timetables. I tuned their conversation out.

Sipping the wine that had been supplied to me by one of the droids, I looked out from the raised pillowed dais. Several of the commercially bought server girl droids are serving the crowded leaders as they interact with various individuals. I tried to keep track of one individual in particular.

In the crowd is Liliya of the Anteevy Workers' Council. Like before, she is wearing no Mandalorian armor and meeting with several officials, by the looks of it, as her security guards looked around suspiciously. For some reason, she's speaking with Chief Bose of Draboon and Jarl Himmin of Hrthging. Both of their planets are technically not that far from Anteevy; one of them is even located in the same subsector, Esualm subsector, to be exact. It's strange, I couldn't figure out why they would be meeting with her. As far as I knew, those two are some of the most loyal Mandalorians in my entire regime, having supported me from some of the earliest days. Perhaps they are simply trying to find out what Anteevy wanted. They are, after all, neighbors and they do work in the same field. Both of those planets are heavy mining planets, producing raw resources for much of the local Mandalorian sector.

Chief Chaka appeared to be having an intellectual debate with the Anteevy representative, while Jarl Himmin didn't even seem to hide his disinterest. It could be that they're just humoring the woman. Or perhaps they are worried about the CIS; their planets are on the utmost edges of the Mandalore sector, and in the course of the current war with the CIS, that edge is bordering closer with the CIS. Perhaps they are trying to gauge exactly how close Anteevy is to them. There does seem that there is some sort of connection from the reports I had read indicating that Anteevy is at least in play as part of the CIS's motley crew of droid-producing planets. Maybe they are trying to work out some sort of deal, so they would not be invaded by the CIS, trading resources into the Separatist space for assurances that no conflict will come to their worlds. That is a risky move and could draw in the Republic's ire if the Workers' Council is not careful.

Beyond that, I saw the armored, tall representative from Concord Dawn standing off to a corner. The Governor, Purton Jendri, is rarely seen off his world, the last time was years ago now. Apparently, my glance is some sort of signal, because the representative locked eyes with me and walked straight over. Prime Minister Almec started off in the opposite direction at the first sight of the man approaching, and the rest of his entourage followed behind him. Interesting, I wonder what is behind that reaction.

"Duchess Satine, Concord Dawn is aware of the early discussions about the creation of a league of systems within the Republic that can maintain trade relations with non-member systems." This man is speaking of highly classified early drafts that only a senatorial delegation, a few select diplomats and I should have any access to! The neutral league isn't supposed to be public knowledge. Even Bo hasn't seen those copies yet, we are still working on proposals, deep in sensitive negotiations with other systems outside the sector! I schooled my face so as not to show my shock at this blatant faux pas. Either Mandalore has a high access intelligence leak, or Taris did.

He misread my shocked silence as permission to continue, "So Concord Dawn is very eager to contribute to the creation of this league in any way. We only want to ensure that trade can flow between all Mandalorians outside the sector, be they from Anteevy, Ordo, or even Gargon." So that is his plan. Concord Dawn's power in the sector has been on the decline, its hold over food is the source of its power in sector politics. Now with Vorpa'ya abandoning its colonial master and Governor Ghajoja Kraungh's miniature rebellion, they have new competition. Anteevy and Gargon represented new export markets, and more agricultural exports would mean less food for the rest of the sector, so more leverage for Concord Dawn. All under the guise of helping fellow Mandalorians, of course. Now that he had admitted to such blatant corruption and I knew his scheme, what shall I do about it that would benefit my goals the most?

"I'm impressed by your zealous interest in the well-being of our fellow Mandalorians." I lied as naturally as I breathed through decades of practice. I didn't want to spend any more time with this corrupt representative, but Tanya's voice in my head asked me how I could exploit this. How many concessions could I extract from them before they realized they're being played? "I think we can work together, the league is being negotiated, and Concord Dawn could be a senior partner in the negotiations I think, in exchange for certain commitments." I directed the man to speak with Tanya further and sent her a memo as well, asking her to investigate how the information had leaked. Only a select few individuals high up in the government have access to those plans. We might have to start doing some of that "OpSec" Tanya keeps describing to me.

Once that loathsome man left, he's replaced by a much more bombastic guest. Jakelia's King Buika'ra is practically arm in arm with the Clan Kregg Patriarch, who is wearing a cape over his armor, again. At least Korkie didn't hew to that sort of fashion sense.

"Well met, Duchess Satine." The Clan Kregg Patriarch greeted me, bowing slightly.

"Hello Patriarch Kregg, I've heard you've recently had a peace accord on Harswee. I'm glad both sides are able to come to an agreement, especially in these increasingly uncertain times." Mandalore certainly didn't need more tensions sparking over silly reasons like fashion statements.

"Yes, actually, that's what I need to speak with you urgently about." The Kregg Patriarch approached a step closer and continued, "You see, the Harswee government had a crisis of legitimacy after the recent clan conflict caused several of the Clans to pull their support. We are only able to regain popular support by appealing directly to the people and improving their quality of life. And of course winning the war." He seemed to preen for a moment, looking very pleased with himself.

From the reports I had read at the time, the Harswee Civil Conflict was started when every other major clan on Harswee joined together to create the Harswee MSDF division. In response, Clan Kregg declared war on all of them, effectively the entire planet, and somehow won. Tanya had attributed the victory to Kregg inducting thousands of Lapi migrants into Clan Kregg under half a dozen new houses, and had advised against levying punishment and sanctions against the Harswee Clans for engaging in the war. Given how the war had ended relatively swiftly, I did have to concede that Tanya made the right call. But that did not change the fact that almost a thousand people had died in a pointless conflict that I had gone to great lengths to obscure from the Republic.

"That sounds like the best possible outcome." I hesitantly agreed, not exactly sure what the problem was with any of the details so far. With Clan Kregg in charge of the Harswee capital city, it's expected that they would continue to be the head of the government.

The Kregg Patriarch nodded, "Ordinarily so, but as a result we have got a glut of soldiers, mercenaries really, in all of the clans of Harswee, and they have nothing to do."

"Is there a reason why disarmament is not an option?" I asked, confused, and now growing concerned.

"Well, we, uh, the government of Harswee is heavily subsidizing mercenaries as part of the peace settlement. And there are only so many positions within the MSDF to pay for their services..."

"That you have an overpopulation of mercenaries and don't know how to deal with them." I finished for him. A large amount of unemployment would usually result in increased civil unrest, but when that population is armed and dangerous, civil unrest could grow to rioting in the streets.

Jakelia's King Buika'ra stepped in at that moment, "Jakelia had also provided Harswee mercenaries with heavy armor, training, and logistical support for developing additional mercenary companies. We sent our top men to the aid of Clan Kregg, the rightful representative of the Mandalorian State on Harswee during the crisis."

"And that must have been rather expensive." I probed and watched as both men looked somewhat sheepish. "I assume you have already worked out a solution to solve both of your problems?"

It seems the military-industrial complex is alive and thriving in the Mandalorian sector again. A worrying prospect given the fact that Tanya might have missed Jakelian support affecting the outcome of the war. I sighed and wondered exactly how to get out of this mess without reigniting the Harswee Civil War. It seems that Harswee needed some way to generate income, to deal with the support they had gathered for the conflict.

Then, the Kregg Patriarch took out a datapad, and slid it over to one of my serving droids. "We have been negotiating with your niece to formalize a Mandalorian Mercenary Guild as a solution to the excess of idle mercenaries on Harswee as well as paying back Jakelia's support. She actually contacted us first. It seems that she anticipated a number of these problems eventually and decided to pre-empt them. We agreed that the Mandalorian Mercenary Guild would be chartered and headquartered on Harswee and that will resolve a number of our issues. Or at the very least, ensure there is oversight for so many mercenaries. Please take a look at our proposal, I think it might solve all of our mutual problems." I picked the datapad from the droid's grasp, and started skimming the abstract. When did Tanya have the time to work on this? It must have taken an enormous amount of time and dedication to navigate all the vested interests.

I looked back up after not spotting any immediate problems in the proposal. I'd need to give it a more thorough review with my council. "Everything appears to be in order, I'll have the council give this a review soon." I nodded towards the Patriarch, "On less serious business, I heard there might be a wedding soon?"

He chuckled, "Yes, Tabi has made me quite proud. Ms. Vai-Viktis Vizla is a lucky woman." We discussed a few more pleasantries about the wedding and Harswee fashion.

Tanya's report on Jakelia is a bit concerning to me. They seemed to have gotten the wrong idea and thought we're going straight to full militarization, which could be helpful if the CIS invaded our sub sectors but is unhelpful for maintaining the idea that we're staying neutral. As for Harswee, well, they had just gotten through another civil war, and I worried that the damage from their civil war might be used by the CIS to gain leverage in the sector. Hopefully, Tanya's proposal would settle the remaining issues on Harswee, although I am leery of embracing the military-industrial complex further than I have to.

Shaking my head absentmindedly, I wondered if I would ever see another peaceful day, or if I would be running around trying to put out the fires of possible war for the next decade.

Tanya's thoughts on how long the CIS-Republic civil war could go for are frankly terrifying to me. The notion that it could go on for a decade before the CIS is completely exhausted and ultimately crushed simply put a pit in my stomach. The Mandalore sector has already been through a decade or two of war, and so many people had died in that conflict. How many people would die over the course of the war between the CIS and the Republic? How many Mandalorians would be drawn into it, believing that there is an adventure on both sides?

It sickened me, and I hoped that it would not go beyond that point. I would hate to see the Mandalore sector drawn into a war again.

My thoughts are interrupted, though, as one of the server bots comes up to where I am lounging and says, "Duchess Satine, the ship has arrived in orbit." I looked over at the nearby screen where the Super-Kandosii is in full display, having been brought in by several tugs by the looks of it. I had originally wanted the ship brought to Mandalore first to show it off during the cultural festival before it would make its final trip to Kalevala, where it would be refurbished and made ready for use. What use it would have is still unclear to me. I'm hoping that it would serve as nothing more than a pleasure barge, but with the war around us, it's making me hesitate that I should not waste a ship made of beskar. It would be better served as the cornerstone of a defense fleet put together with the neutral systems to keep this sector safe.

The galactic naval situation has been summed up neatly in a Republic Intel report from Tanya. The CIS maintained a four to one advantage over the Republic in capital ships and general naval assets. It's a similar situation to how Mandalore maintained a four to one advantage over Anteevy in capital ships and general naval assets. But that could change rapidly as shipyards for mid-sized capital ships ramp up production. Ships on the scale of the Super-Kandosii however simply could not be constructed in a short time frame and would hopefully deter any aggression from outside powers, 'force multipliers' was the term Tanya used for such ships and wrote about how there are only a limited number of them in the galaxy.

I often wondered how Tanya was so effective at getting Republic intelligence reports, while Merrik provided very little in the way of information on Republic affairs. I suppose she just has a knack for it, but it wouldn't hurt to ask her later.

Smiling, I turned to the droid and said, "Thank you for alerting me." before adding, "Please inform everyone that I wish to hold a commemorative photo with all the planetary leaders here today to show that we are all in solidarity for the neutrality of the Mandalore sector."

The droid nodded its head before wandering off, trying to find all the planetary leaders. There are not just planetary leaders in this crowd, though; I had listed them all, and there are quite a few clan leaders as well. I'm sure future historians would find this commemorative photo fascinating. I couldn't help but envision this photo as one of the most peculiar of Mandalorian historical artifacts. Every New Mandalorian, including myself, is garbed in one form of armor or another. It seemed as if we're all bracing ourselves for the worst, and the few who didn't wear armor appeared to do so under false pretenses, mirroring past New Mandalorian attitudes to appease me. Yet, even this attempt at pandering fell flat, as it catered to an already antiquated version of New Mandalorianism. The photo captured a pivotal moment of political transformation, I suspected.

Perhaps I am only fooling myself by only wearing a part of my armor today. The New Mandalorians would come around to having a more open-minded view on Mandalorian armor. They just needed time. I'm sure they wouldn't fall for whatever Anteevy's political machinations are. Their comments and statements that are quite anti-clan would push away even the New Mandalorians, I am sure. The New Mandalorian way is to give up war, not to give up the family and clan structure that made Mandalorians Mandalorian.

The sector needed to be stabilized, and from stabilization peace would come naturally, not from demanding peace without stabilization. That's what I now believed the New Mandalorian way, altered, would do better in a sector that is at peace and not at war.

Mandalore, Near Sundari, Super-Kandosii Exposition
Tanya Kryze

Life is never simple. This is something I should have come to understand years ago. After all, I had a parasitic entity that claimed to be a god, trying to screw me over for decades. One would assume that at some point, I would have come to an understanding that not only is life never simple, but it's often unfair and came up with the most ridiculous plotlines that even a trashy shounen author could not write.

So, I should not be surprised by the turn of events that led to the news that my handmaiden and best friend Vai is getting hitched.

She said yes when he had asked, and now they are married and Vai was talking about how I am going to be totally involved in it. She's also bugging me about what sort of armor would be appropriate to clad her husband in, she's rather distressed that the vambrace Tabi had given her is so nice and that her own contribution to his beskar'gam would not measure up.

Something about that whole situation put me on edge and I'm not sure why. But anything that involved Vai's antics usually resulted in an embarrassing problem for me down the line. So I would rather push off dealing with it until I have no choice and have to deal with it.

Right now, I'm exploring the Super-Kandosii, with my older brother playing the part of tour guide. Hopefully, after the tour we will have time to talk about what happened during that dinner several days ago and sort through some, what I presume are, hurt feelings. I glanced at the two men, Korkie has been his usual self on the way over, but now he seemed excited once he has some other male company.

Now that the exposition is underway, both Korkie and Mr. Bresh has invited me to be shown around the vessel. Right now, we are outside the Super-Kandosii, standing on the viewing platform built around the ship's superstructure.

"I'm so glad you are also interested in this piece of Mandalorian history." Mr. Bresh nodded approvingly at me.

"It's an incredible find. A beautiful warship." I agreed. Korkie's smile dimmed a little at that comment.

"It's more than just a warship. It's a testament to Mandalorian engineering and material sciences, and to Mandalorian ingenuity and history. The curators are still finding completely original documents and references in the surviving computer cores." Korkie asserted.

I had, of course, been responsible for funding the expedition to find this ship, with Korkie being the one who had done the job, but instead of mentioning any of that, I nodded and smiled. "Lead the way, big brother."

Mr. Bresh pointed out the engines on the outside, "The engines are still mostly functional, but need significant repairs and are woefully inefficient."

I scanned the exterior. "The beskar held up pretty damn well under the ocean's weight. The constant pressure and weathering under seawater would normally ruin a ship." I noted approvingly.

"Let's continue inside." Korkie called from the head of our group, "There's not much more to see from the outside." We started towards the loading bay of the Super-Kandosii, which was converted into allowing tours temporarily. Korkie briefly spoke to one of the other attendants, before retrieving a special badge and handing me a small badge chip.

"Extra security, you'll need it to access anywhere interesting." He explained. I examined it idly for a moment before snapping it into a slot in my vambrace. Morson and Engiz copied my behavior as I followed Korkie further into the ship. The loading bay turbolift took us into the hanger bay, empty of any craft which could launch.

"Welcome aboard the Darasuum'orar." Korkie exited first and called to us, turning back to face us, hand on one hip. I walked out of the turbolift, moving past Korkie to get a look at the empty hanger. All the way across the hanger is another turbolift, and a well-marked path between here and there. Presumably, following the path would lead deeper into the ship.

"Fascinating." I said, I took note of the significant gaps and holes being patched in the ship structure as we crossed to the next turbolift, and then ascended up several lower decks.

"Thank goodness for beskar not being a natural mineral to the snapjaws." Mr. Bresh joked after noticing my attention. "Something tells me that if it had been, there would have been a lot more weaknesses in her and a lot more bite marks."

"Nothing eats beskar, right?" Korkie asked, a bit concerned at the off-hand suggestion. Beskar is too complex for biological processes to consume, at least natural processes. However, the same could not be said of other heavy metals. Back on Earth, when a ship is sunk, it's likely not to remain there forever, as there are microbes capable of eating metal deep underwater.

Mr. Bresh shook his head in the negative, "Nope, not that we know of, anyway."

I wrinkled my nose. It stank.

"I know it doesn't look like much now, but you weren't there when we found it. We had to clear out the local wildlife from the ship, it was very infested. You can still spot signs of it everywhere." Korkie pointed out exposed power conduits and chewed-through power converts. Mud and traces of rotted vegetation are still visible, especially in the distant corners of each deck.

"Shouldn't we melt it down? Wouldn't that be simpler and save a lot of money in not having to repair it?" I asked. Fixing up this wreck of a ship sounded like an enormous and expensive task. Pragmatically, the beskar in the ship could allow Sundari to expand to several new districts. Thousands of new homes and businesses. It would be quite the achievement.

"What!? It's going to be made into a museum." Korkie insisted. I rolled my eyes. Not if I had anything to say about it. If we couldn't melt it down, we could at least make the ship pull its weight, and re-arm it.

"Regardless of her eventual fate, we are making progress analyzing the ship." Mr. Bresh said placatingly. He pointed at the end of the hallway, towards a larger command area. "We have cleared out the flooding of the upper decks using the turbolift shafts. Of course, decks one through fourteen are suffering from various states of flooding, and we are slowly working the water down through the ship to clear it out, using several freighters to dispose of the waste on Mandalore. She is just shy of two kilometers long, so you can imagine just how much work it takes to get through everything. The Ithorians have been begging to be let on the ship, as they claim it is a perfect chance to study a closed aquatic environment."

Korkie glanced at me, and paused meaningfully. "What?" I asked.

"I don't want to overstep your authority. You're the Representative to the Republic. Can the Ithorians study the ship?"

"I want to extract some additional terraforming concessions in exchange for access, but I don't see any reason to deny them their wish." I said seriously. Korkie frowned a bit at that statement, but nodded.

Mr. Bresh gave me a confused look, then a shrug. Korkie turned and led me deeper into the ship, past a series of blast doors using a hydraulic system.

"If you think that is wise. Anyway, we have found some examples of plasteel rot, but the beskar content in the superstructure has prevented it from setting in." Korkie said, continuing to walk through a reinforced and armored command level.

Mr. Bresh walked stopped for a moment to point at a particular gap in a section. "The silvery hull you can see on the outside? Near pure beskar, and it was meant to be an underlay; there are mounting points all over the hull where they would likely put hull plates over the top, but if this ship was equipped with any plating, it would have rusted away long ago."

Korkie waited for us to catch up, then he cleared his throat and glanced down at his datapad and paused awkwardly. I stole a look, and saw it detailed the weapons systems.

I pulled out my own datapad, and pulled up the relevant files. "The ship is equipped with forty-four mountings for medium turbolasers. We have no idea if any of that were ever mounted on her as those would have been the most exposed to the elements, and four of the hardpoints need a full restructuring before they can be used. Nine hardpoints for twin heavy turbolasers, of which two were mounted and seemed operational, and almost double that for inline heavy cannons." I recited the weapons system report.

Mr. Bresh nodded, "This shows an interesting design philosophy for the ship. Medium turbolasers are frowned upon these days since there are smaller ships having more heavy turbolasers, but nothing can brawl quite like she can." I gave the man a curious look, that sort of analysis is unusual. It's a fairly basic military analysis, but Mandalore didn't have many of those, at least not until recently. Engiz's older sister was appointed to organize the Self-Defense Forces only a few months ago. The enigmatic engineer smiled and seemed to tap the wall encouragingly. "Even without beskar, she was designed to take hits and dish them out. There are also fifty-four triple laser point defense cannons placed around the hull, providing full coverage that's hooked into an auxiliary reactor array that needs to be replaced entirely. These were top of the line several thousand years ago, now they're worse than most civilian models and eat through focusing lenses and power like you would not believe."

"You tested them?" I asked incredulously.

"We tested everything, for the historical record and to confirm our own understanding." Korkie smiled.

"When we dug her up, we conducted a weapons test which caused the auxiliary reactor to go into meltdown, which is why we need that one replaced entirely. The old models are very sensitive, and from what little documentation survived in the databases, teams of engineers are expected to monitor the reactors constantly."

"I am amazed any of you are still alive." I deadpanned, earning a laugh from the insane engineer before he continued.

"We're surprised to find that the twelve super heavy missile launchers are in perfect condition, as well as the magazine. She even has four Spiteful anti-ship missiles in the magazine, an interesting system that was not in the other Kandosii ships. The launchers could be configured to fire much smaller missiles and quickly return to their super heavy configuration in under four minutes. A very impressive design, revolutionary for the time. Oh, and there are still two super heavy nuclear warheads in the magazine too." WHAT?! I'm VERY surprised Korkie hadn't led with that important fact.

"This thing has ancient nukes on it?!" Sitting on a pair of Tzar bombs is the last thing I needed!

"Yes, but don't worry, we tested for any material fatigue, and both of them are in practically good condition." He smiled. "The fissile material and the internals of warheads has decayed to the point of being utterly inert after centuries and needs to be replaced, but the missile frames themselves are in fine condition. We tried to get schematics for the ship, but the computer systems are mostly rusted to dust by now. Other than that the hyperdrive needs to be replaced, the navigational computer is several dozen tons of rust and most of the conduits and power converters all over the ship are ruined or blown out, not to mention the capacitors."

"Nothing to do with your weapons test, I assume?" I narrowed my eyes at him as he looked at the ceiling, letting out a guilty laugh. Korkie chuckled a bit as well, so I refocused my gaze on him.

"Well, we did learn quite a bit from it, and we did get some data on her. She was commissioned near the end of the Mandalorian Wars, but she is not actually a Kandosii. It would be more accurate to call her a Super-Kandosii. She's bigger than a normal Kandosii, and the beskar content itself is off the charts, an entire layer of the superstructure being made of it as well as the inner layer of the outer hull." Mr. Bresh explained, reading some notes off his datapad.

He looked almost wistful for a moment. I carefully considered if the man is aware that the outer shell of Sundari is made from beskar plate, and how the city's structure alone have more beskar than this admittedly colossal ship. Korkie seemed distracted, typing out a reply to someone on his datapad.

"If she was finished, of course." I said eventually, drawing his attention back to his work. I put aside how the ship felt somewhat reminiscent of the greatest battleship ever produced in my first life, and just like the legendary Yamato, and how little she did to help win her war.

"Yes, we found the engineers that built her inside the bridge. As far as we can tell, after Malachor V, they commandeered the ship and crashed it into the swamps of Breshig, so the Republic couldn't get a hold of her. Then they committed ritual suicide so no one would know where it was. A sad fate for what was to be the Flagship of the Mandalorian Empire."

"Well, if we wanted to re-arm her, what is your estimated cost of that project?" I expected a high figure, but honestly, we couldn't afford even twenty-five million credits without taking out a loan from the Banking Clan, something Mandalore has avoided for decades. The budget for the sector isn't large, and the MSDF's naval forces commanded a vanishingly small amount. Mr. Bresh sucked his breath through his teeth as I asked and looked around as if he wanted to be anywhere other than in front of me.

"Going to need years of work and hundreds of bodies, preferably a few thousand, to rip out what needs ripping out and put in what needs to be put in. The expanded hangars are going to be a huge help in terms of refurbishment. If you want her to just move under her own power, we are looking at around two hundred million credits."

"Two hundred million?!"

"See? This is why a museum is a more realistic idea, Tanya." Korkie rejoined the conversation, no longer distracted by his datapad. "We won't need two hundred million credits to finish the analysis and set up a museum." He helpfully ignored that my suggestion of melting down the ship would also not require a large capital investment either.

Mr. Bresh nodded at me in particular, "Yes, if we want to fly and re-arm her. The cost is from getting new reactors in, replacing all the conduits, new navigational computer, and hyperdrive, repairing the bridge and engineering command center, as well as replacing a lot of the rotten plasteel. It's probably one hundred and twenty million credits in new structure and kit, another fifty to sixty in subsystems and the rest is labor. This is going to be a long project." I took a moment to digest just how much of a money pit I am contending with. The fact that putting a new hyperdrive in this ship would be illegal by Republic law is not mentioned.

"I'm not sure if we want to do any of that." I hedged. I would have to talk to Aunt Satine before approving any final outcome, and ideally, I'd sour her on the whole project. Mr. Bresh however seemed caught up in his analysis.

"Then there are weapon systems, putting in new turbolasers will cost around twenty to thirty million credits, that is if we keep the old turbolasers that still work too. Filling the missile magazine would cost around four million credits. The double-layer deflector shielding needs to be entirely replaced, and that will cost between ten and fifty million, depending on the quality of the shielding we go with. Uhhh, general supplies and refurbishment of the crew and life support will cost another few million. The hangar bay's ray shielding and blast doors need to be replaced, all of them. New high-grade durasteel armor plates to go over the Beskar hull would be very expensive as ships just aren't built like that these days, so we would be designing the facilities to build the plates from scratch. The main drives look to be in good shape, but if one of them needs to be replaced, it would just be better to replace the whole array, and the only ones who produce drives big enough to get her moving would be Kuat and that would cost..." His voice cracked and he shuddered, "A-anyway, the full estimation is around three to four hundred million credits to begin refurbishing the Super-Kandosii and that is what we know so far. We still need to see how bad it is on the lower decks."

He handed me the datapad, and I struggled not to shake in frustration. This dead hulk is already being celebrated as a sign of Satine's legitimacy, that the ancient Mandalorians are looking down on her with pride. There are celebrations from across the Mandalorian sector, and some planets are even paying taxes for the first time in several hundred years, if ever.

It's a perfect white elephant. Too useless to actually serve in the defense of Mandalore and too valuable to melt down for all the beskar the Mandalorian people could ever dream of! It's a disaster! A money pit! If I'm not careful, this blasted ship could sink the entire Mandalorian MSDF's funding. No wonder Satine had looked so horrified when it showed up in orbit! She could see it too! This useless hunk of metal would doom the Self-Defense Force before it had a chance to shine!

"I see." I struggled to keep my voice even. "We will begin refurbishment immediately. First, we will clean out everything that needs to be disposed of or replaced and then begin work on the drive systems, so she can keep herself in orbit. The weapon systems she has should be more than enough for the moment." Considering her only use is as a glorified space station!

"Great, what kind of initial budget can we expect?"

"What?!" Korkie looked more hurt and betrayed than angry, and that is an interesting reaction. Did he seriously expect to get his way? A Royal Academy student versus a Representative of the Republic?

Facing Korkie, I bit out, "A good compromise leaves everyone angry." I wanted to rant at him even more, but stopped myself. This wasn't the time or place, and besides, Korkie wasn't at fault either, not for finding the ship. The other clans would likely pester Satine into arming it anyway, and we need them to be unified to prevent them thinking of starting a coup or something.

I turned back to Mr. Bresh, "I will advise the Duchess to assign five million credits from the Self-Defense Force budget to the refurbishment." A substantial amount for the burgeoning Self-Defence Force, considering the struggles the MSDF has with stockpiling actually useful equipment like blasters, shovels, and training facilities. Better than leaving her as a useless beskar museum on the surface of Mandalore, either. "That should be enough to get a clearer picture of what needs to be done for her before we do any significant repairs."

Mr. Bresh looked awkwardly between the two of us, clearly unhappy with the compromise I had arranged. "That's um, well, I am sure we can get started with that. But we'll need much more to get the Darasuum'orar back to an operable state. Are you sure that is all the Duchess can spare?" No, it was more than she could spare. Aunt Satine is most likely banging her head against a wall at the fact we have the galaxy's worst star destroyer in orbit. I sent the proposal to Satine with the note to review the funding again in three months. I have no doubt that the project would suddenly need more than two hundred million by then.

"It's all we can afford at the moment, with the budget being what it is." I gave him a polite nod before I stomped away to the hangar loading bay, towards the turbolift. Perhaps Satine could get the Clans to donate to the refurbishment out of a sense of Mandalorian pride?

What a disaster!

I was about to enter the turbolift, which would take us the rest of the way to the exit of the Darasuum'orar, when I realized that Korkie and Mr. Bresh is no longer with us. I looked around, but they hadn't followed us on the way back. Korkie's probably angry with me again and is not in a mood for a conversation about anything at the moment.

Engiz pulled out his datapad, and answered my unasked question, "Your brother is back near the weapons systems, with Mr. Bresh and his guards." He turned the datapad to show a three-dimensional map of the ship structure, and it highlighted all the guests.

"Let's explore a bit on our own before we leave, then. Shall we?" I looked down another door visible from the hanger, which has a restricted access cordon across it. We have a special access badge chip for this, I recalled from earlier, and pushed against the door. It opened into a less-refurbished and dimmer deck level, clearly off the tourist path.

Having the chance to explore the vessel is an interesting experience. I always enjoyed visiting museum warships, and by all practicality, this is not all that different. I am quite inspired by our ancestors. The ship is not just a battleship, not really. It had the capabilities of transporting a small army wherever it needed to go along with a section of fighters. It also has, by some estimates, enough storage room for a four year campaign without having to resupply.

"Are you sure that five million is enough credits?" Morson asked, taking me out of my musings and towards my handmaiden.

"Not even close, but it should be enough to hire enough engineers to clean the ship up and get a detailed breakdown on the work that needs to be done. The MSDF has a limited budget, with most of it going to acquire equipment like blasters, boots, actual bases to station those that volunteered, and not to mention paying for their salaries. Dedicating too many credits into this project will leave shortfalls in other areas that are far more critical than this relic." Morson seemed to muse on that before nodding. The three of us continued to move through the ship.

It's frankly a masterpiece of war engineering, and now we have to figure out what to do with it. Hopefully, in a way that the sleeping warship would not simply eat through credits without pulling its own weight.

Personally, I suspected what we would end up doing with it is removing the hyperdrive, repairing everything, and putting some big guns on it. After all, the treaty that kept most dreadnoughts from being actual threats to their neighbors only stipulated that ships of certain sizes couldn't have a hyperdrive and some other features, but it didn't say that the other features could not be there. It just meant that if a ship is this large and has these big guns, it couldn't have a hyperdrive, or if the ship is this large and has a hyperdrive, she couldn't have big guns.

This was an old trick that everyone knew the point of: you build ships with the guns, and you leave room to install a hyperdrive at a later time if a war breaks out. Well, this ship was built with a hyperdrive in mind, so that's already sorted.

Obviously, that would be the best outcome. I'm trying to get big guns on this ship and get it ready to defend the sector if necessary. Even without its hyperdrives, it would still technically be hyperdrive-capable, using the same trick used to get it to Mandalore in the first place: a huge number of small hyperspace-capable tugs working in tandem. It heavily limited what kind of jumps could be made safely, but it's possible. It got here quickly enough. Well, the tugs could pull it into combat quickly enough if needed, though hopefully, it would have enough time to install some modern engines before that happened.

Turning a corner, I found myself in another hallway, well actually, not just another hallway. This one looked like it's a bit dank. Not very clean, obviously a section that hadn't been explored yet. Looking over my shoulder, I make sure Morson and Engiz are with me before moving further on.

"Tanya, is it really safe to explore?" Morson asked as she followed behind me.

I gave a shrug before saying, "It's safe enough. I'm sure if there is a dangerous creature on board, someone would have run into it by now, and if not, well, I think three Mandalorians can take on anything aboard this ship."

"You don't even have armor, though." Morson pointed out, which is true. I'm simply wearing my green dress, she herself is wearing a brown dress, and the only one among us who's wearing armor is Engiz, as he kept a good hold on his combat staff.

I shrugged before saying, "That may be true, but I think we'll be fine. Plus, I have a blaster hidden under my dress."

"You do?" Morson asked, confused.

I laughed before saying, "Better safe than sorry. It's mainly set to stun, though, so we should be more reliant on good Engiz here if a threat really presents itself."

"Will do." Engiz said, looking around as I came to a door. Something about it made me stop. It's a rather large door for a cargo hold area, but something just seemed off about it. There is signage around it that says 'Iron Beast Factory' in ancient Mandalorian. Now, that's an odd series of words which had me interested just on the premise. What factory is aboard this ship, and why is there a factory in the first place? From my understanding, droids had not been a major production point of the Mandalorians during the period of construction of this ship. Warriors are usually warriors, and droids are, well, droids. They existed, but they weren't front line troops as no Mandalorian would let a droid steal their glory in battle. Also, if memory serves, ancient Mandalorians used 'Iron Child' to represent droids, not 'Beast'. Tilting my head, I looked around to see if there's a way to open the door, rather than just pressing a button randomly.

Surprisingly, it opened, though it jammed halfway through. It seemed the automatic door's sensors still work.

"I got this." Engiz said, stepping forward and using the leverage on his beskar spear to pry the door open. Giving a nod, I said, "Thank you, Engiz." as I smiled at him before stepping inside and looking around.

As the writing had said, it's a spacious factory of some kind. Parts are all over the place, and it looked like it had not been in use for, well, a couple of hundred years. There's mud here, which indicates that there is a section that's open enough to allow debris to get in. Looking around, I quickly spotted an air vent above one wall, probably connected to the main air intake, which is likely where most of the mud and water had come through, from what I gathered.

Sighing, I looked around before noticing a rather large oblong shape in a corner, curled up and probably dead.

"What's that?" Engiz asked as I moved towards it.

"I think it's a Basilisk droid." I say as I get closer, seeing as the thing is covered in debris and mud. Out of curiosity, I pushed some of the mud out of the way, finding that it's covered in ancient paint that apparently had held up pretty well. A purple coloration came through the mud, though I also noticed it appeared to be the last layer of something once it's gone.

"Basilisk droid? I thought all of those were, well, destroyed." Morson asked, tilting her head as she looked around the room.

Engiz nodded before saying, "I believe the last one to be constructed was two thousand years ago. There are still, I think, a few reconstructed models hanging around in the museums on Ordo, I know that, but we don't have a full working model or know how the programming worked. So in essence, they're just dead creatures, an extinct form of droid that no longer exists."

"This thing's probably no better." I said, pushing the mud out of the way to get a better look at the ancient Mandalorian stenciled into the frame.

"Huh, Ori'Jorir." I said, amused as I read it. 'Ori' is, well, 'Big' in essence. You could connect it to 'ori'von' or 'big brother'. Which is basically the Mandalorian version of 'Onii-chan', although without the gendering since you could also use it for big sisters as well.

'Jorir', on the other hand, is a bit more confusing. In essence, it meant 'bear', not the animal but 'to bear', I believe. Though strangely enough, in this case, it would make more sense for it to be 'Big Bear'. "Funny name for a war machine." I said out loud with a smile before patting it on the head. I started to turn away before I noticed something change, primarily the glowing red eyes opening on the iron beast.

There's a moment of panic, I will admit, as I realized that I'm standing next to an active war machine that had just reawakened. That panic turned to absolute terror as the creature slowly got up, though that terror slowly subsided as I realized it's moving rather painfully and loudly with a lot of grinding coming from its rusted joints, like an injured animal more than an actual droid as it tried to stand unsteady on its two front feet. It turned to look at Engiz and Morson before turning back towards me, tilting its head, which I now see is made up of a Gatling cannon of some kind, which is pointing directly at me. As it looked at me, the urge to run away became quite apparent, but I kept a cool head and tried to figure out the best way to not get blown away. In the end, I came up with the best option I could think of.

In Mandalorian, I said, "Good morning, Iron Beast, Big Bear." Supposedly, these things are somewhat sentient, so I just had to hope that it was programmed to recognize Mandalorian and not shoot at it, at least not without commands to do so.

The large, almost starfighter-sized creature looked at me before tilting its head forward and opening a hatch.

The said hatch seemed to be an opening to a decimated cockpit. Water had gotten inside of it at some point, ruining the upholstery. The water is now flooding out onto the surrounding ground, but as it opened, a screen in the back of the cockpit lit up, and ancient Mandalorian writing started to cross the back of it.

"Young Rider! You have found me at last and this long night has ended. My blasters are unmoving, corroded, my joints are stiff, my batteries are low, and my reactor has long cooled. Regardless of the thousands of errors that plague me, I still serve. Command me, ride me, and let us war together."

I blinked before saying in Mandalorian, "There is no war for you to ride out to, though if you wish, we can have you looked over by a mechanic."

There's a momentary pause before the beast lowered its head again, and the panel at the back of the cockpit lit up, saying, "Young Rider, I beg of you not to judge me by my failings. My hide is strong and my will stronger. I shall carry you to whatever battle you command, through whatever skies you seek to conquer. But please, do not leave me behind again. My Rider."

"I promise you won't be forgotten or discarded. But you do need repairs." The war droid seemed to pause for a moment before lying on its front, looking as exhausted as any droid could possibly be.

"As you command, my rider. I pray that my refit and repair meet your expectations."

I blinked before saying, "Why do you call me your rider?"

Again, there is a pause before words appear on the screen, "You are the first to have activated me and spoken my name; we are bonded now. I shall serve you from this moment until the last."

"Crap," I said in Basic before facepalming and letting out a sigh, then saying, "this is going to be a pain to explain to Aunt Satine."

Turning, I said to the others, "Morson, can you go find someone in charge of the cargo ships coming in and out of the docking bay and see if we can find some way to get this Basilisk War Droid down to Mandalore without being seen?"

She nodded, her eyes wide as saucers, as she slowly backed away. Engiz, on the other hand, is taking it a bit better, just staring up at the droid in awe.

"A functioning Basilisk Droid. If we can get this down, we can get a copy of its programming, see how these things actually work, and maybe get some of the older models working as well."

"We're banned from making droids, remember?" I pointed out before shaking my head and saying, "Though, what does that mean, really, when the whole galaxy is going to war?"

Turning back to the droid, I said, "Well, Ori'Jorir, welcome to Mandalore. War is not a big thing nowadays, but I'm sure we can find something to do with you."

The droid made a noise that sounded like deep laughter before it displayed on the screen, "War is a constant; to think otherwise is to fail to be Mandalorian. It shall meet us in time, and I shall carry you to victory. This I pledge as an oath to you."

"Huh… a philosopher droid, not the worst thing to reawaken then." I said with a shrug, figuring I would deal with this in the future as well. Hopefully, X4 could find a translator module somewhere before my rusty Mando'a is misinterpreted any further.

Mandalore, Near Sundari, Seeker's Vigil
Korkie Kryze

I kicked a rock as I walked towards the area where the Seeker's Vigil is being stored. Nothing like being on the outside of what you thought is going on to make you realize you have no idea what's going on.

I'm still reeling over the fact that my entire family has backed off from our core pacifism. Does violence even shock Tanya anymore? I knew Aunt Satine and Aunt Bo-Katan had lived through the civil war, but Tanya was raised as a New Mandalorian, just like me. I mean sure she had been trained by Bo-Katan when she was a child, had been in a battle before on Geonosis, and gotten involved in gang fights on Coruscant, but she is still a pacifist right? And now she's advocating for rearming Darasuum'orar? Pacifism wasn't just a side tenant of New Mandalorian ideology, it's the central pillar. It wasn't optional; they sold out and are now fully on board with the White Silver's "aggressive pacifism" or whatever she called her propaganda.

And it's upsetting me to some extent. I'd gone from understanding my place in the world to understanding nothing in the course of a day. Now, well, now I don't really know what is going on anymore. For the past six days, I tried to keep to myself and not vent my frustration in Tanya or Aunt Satine's general direction. Mainly because I couldn't quite wrap my head around their motivations for doing this yet.

Why are they so intent on re-militarizing the Mandalorian sector this way? We'd come so far from the ancient days of barbarism that had seen our family fall apart and be destroyed, and now we are running back towards it at a breakneck pace.

Well, that wasn't fair, I guess. When I looked back, I saw the signs: a slow and steady movement in the general direction of being more accepting of ancient ways without condoning them. But still, it felt like the world had been turned upside down, and I didn't know where I stood anymore.

The only thing I knew is that I'd helped find a ship full of historical relics that would probably be used to try and push the White Silver's agenda on my own sister and Aunt Satine.

It… it's quite infuriating, and I just didn't know what to do about it.

Shaking my head, I looked around before walking up the ramp that led inside the ship. There's no reason for me to be outside, as no one had come by today. Everyone is out celebrating in one way or another, either to the arrival of the ancient star destroyer, the Super Kandosii, or the latest showing of The Gargon Girls.

Shaking my head, I wandered around inside, my thoughts dark on the matter. The ship is ancient but surprisingly well-designed, perhaps more so than some of the stuff that's produced nowadays. Somehow, I would have expected everything to be a lot more rough inside with more bulkheads, but no, there are some rather nice passageways throughout the ship. The relics on board, though, had not been as interesting as I had hoped.

Eventually, I end up inside its computer core, one designed by some unknown hands. And within this computer core is most of the information that we could save, along with maps of what the Mandalore sector looked like thousands of years ago.

I wondered what it would take to break that computer for a moment, but quickly dismissed the thought. Yes, I am upset, but I wasn't that upset. I wouldn't rob Mandalore of this significant bit of our history. After all, some of these are first-hand accounts of things that had only been talked about in third hand, at least that had been what I'd heard when speaking to some of the historians that had been invited on board.

Turning a corner, I saw someone I did not expect to see on board. "Soniee?" I asked, unsure as to why she's here. She's busy looking over something on the computer core.

She looked up, her cute brown hair framing her face, and she smiled warmly and waved me over, saying, "Korkie, you've got to come take a look at this." I walked over and took a knee next to her as she explained, "I think I just found something that really throws our understanding of Mandalorian history out the window. The Mandalorian Empire didn't crush the Basiliskans and loot their technology." The scent of her perfume is relaxing and it's nothing like the foreign smells I noticed on Tanya occasionally.

I blinked in confusion before saying, "What? What makes you think so?" She pressed a few buttons and a word appeared on a screen in ancient Mandalorian. "Iron beast?" I said with a raised eyebrow. "Basilisk. What about them?"

"Are you aware of the history of how that word entered our lexicon?"

I raised an eyebrow before saying, "Well according to the history books on this, the Basilisk War Droid was created sometime during the early Crusades. We conquered a species known as the Basiliskans and took their war droids for ourselves."

"Exactly, that's the story we all believe, but there's always been one or two problems with that."

I blinked, confused. "Problems?"

"Basilisk, iron beast. We also have a word for beskar'ad or iron child, which means droid. Even 'bas' is a representation of beskar. So why did we name our war droids after a species known as the Basiliskans when we already had the elements of the word in our lexicon?"

I blinked in confusion before saying, "I don't know, maybe we just stole it wholesale or changed it a little."

Soniee shook her head before saying, "That's the theory that some have, but then there's the other problem. Where's the Basiliskans? There should have been something to prove that the species that supposedly created these droids in the first place actually existed. These droids were created to have riders, but the creatures we refer to as the Basilisks were often quoted as being large enough to be ridden by Mandalorians. Why would they have created a droid meant for riding that they could not ride?"

I blinked before furrowing my brows in thought before saying, "I don't know, it makes no sense, actually."

"Exactly, and I think I've solved it." She pressed a few buttons, and the screen lit up with a bunch of words. I quickly started reading them and tilted my head. It's a strange story about Mandalorian Iron Beast riders working for a fallen Jedi. I shrugged my shoulders before saying, "I don't get what's so important about this story, Soniee."

She tapped the corner and drew my eyes to it, which immediately raised my brows as I saw that it listed this event as being during the contemporary siege of Basilisk. "How did the Mandalorians have the war droids before they supposedly took the war droids?"

I did a double-take before finally taking a step back, realizing that there is something off here. "What does this mean in the grand scheme of things?"

"It means, likely," she leaned back, holding her arms under her impressive chest, "that the Basilisk species is a lie. Another word for Basilisk is 'Lagartoz War Dragons'. I suspect, and this is going to be probably one of the more out-there takes when this information gets out, that Basiliskans never existed. Instead, we raided a planet full of creatures known as the Lagartoz and used them for mounts interchangeably at the same time we were developing the Basilisk War Droid mounts. Our enemies confused the terminology for the two but they kept better records than us. So, except for," she tapped the screen, "strange things such as the name obviously being developed within our language, and this story that predates the events that are claimed to have happened."

I shook my head before taking a seat against the nearby wall, trying to puzzle this through before finally saying, "So basically, all this means is we developed the war droids?"

"No, it means we developed semi-sentient AI independent of the rest of the galaxy, showing that our ancestors, though warmongers most of the time, were not complete barbarians. They have an understanding of technology, so they added to the progress of the tech fields of this galaxy through their efforts. Our history, as we understand it, is possibly not our history. Even White Silver believes the story about us conquering the Basiliskans and stealing their war droids, but this simple line here implies that the war droids were already in production before we conquered the supposed Basiliskans. At most, we could probably say that maybe we gained some technology from that planet, but there's no way to definitively prove it either way."

"Why can't we prove it?" I asked, not very familiar with the story.

"According to the story that we've been told for the last four millennia, the population of Basilisk turned their planet into a toxic mess, to deny us salvage and the tech on it. And the species supposedly degenerated, losing sentience and transformed into mounts for us.

That story always felt off to me. But now we have the counter-evidence. Perhaps the Republic saw that we were gathering quite a large amount of these war dragons from the planet for our own use out in the Outer Rim and decided to solve their problem by denying Mandalore access to Basilisk and its population of creatures."

"Would the Republic really destroy a planet to deny...?" I stopped there as I realized they would. They had pretty much done it to Mandalore, Kalevala, and Breshig. Why wouldn't they do it to some planet four millennia ago? There would be even less reason to have held back because, if Soniee's right and these creatures were never sentient beings but just animals that the Mandalorians were using for their own campaigns, it would be an easy question compared to what they did to Mandalore.

Again, my understanding has been flipped upside down, and I really have no idea where everything stood. Another world ruined by conflict. Shaking my head, I tried to get up and said, "Well, I don't know about this. I guess I'll leave it to the historians to figure out, right?"

Soniee nodded her head as she tapped a few things into the console before saying, "We'll have to leave it up to the archivists to figure out if this story is true or not. I mean, all they have to do is probably track down Jedi texts and see if they correlate that there was a rogue Dark Jedi in the core around that time who may have had mercenaries from Mandalore on their payroll. If they can prove that, it's a good step in showing that this story is real."

I nodded before saying, "Guess it's for the historians to figure out." Sighing, I turned and looked down the hallway, trying to decide what to do. The galaxy made no sense, and this had just further undermined my understanding of the universe. Maybe, maybe, I should stop making sense as well.

Taking a breath, I turned back to Soniee and asked, "Hey, Soniee, would you like to go out on a date with me?"

She froze as she looked at her screen, and as I watched, her face turned pink for a moment before she said in a very squeaky voice, "Yes, I'd love to."

Not really sure where to go with this, I said, "I have tickets to the Gargon Girls tonight. I don't really know what to do with them. Would you like to go see them with me?"

She nodded before saying, "Yeah, give me forty-five minutes, and I'll have everything packed up, and we can go."

"Cool, uh, I'll see you outside." I said with an awkward tone before walking into the passageway, letting out a deep breath of confusion and nerves, not sure how I managed to pull that off and not sure why I hadn't done it sooner since it was that easy.

Shaking my head, I stepped down the ramp from the spaceship, stretching my arms as I did, a smile growing on my face. That smile died as I saw someone standing by the booth with some of the samples of information that had already been gathered from the ship, such as several changes in armor style that had been cataloged.

The red-uniformed woman turned to look in my direction before smiling. "Ah, Korkie, good to see you. It's been six days already? Time sure has flown since our last meeting."

The smile on my face curdled. I frowned and nodded and agreed, "Yeah, six days."

"And how the world has changed in six days." she said with an eager shake of her head as she approached me. "In six days, the New Mandalorians have lost their greatest asset for peace, and the Duchess has thrown her lot in with the Silver Mandalorians."

I shook my head, wanting to deny that statement, but it's hard to do that.

With a shrug, she approached, "I would say I told you so, but I'm not here to gloat. I'm here to simply say you're not alone; there are others who are not happy with the current change in direction of the government."

"Not happy?" I said, as Natalya reached into her satchel, pulling out a little red book and offering it to me.

Confused, I took it as she said, "There may come a time when you need our help to bring back the New Mandalorian way. When that happens, I would like you to at least have an understanding of who your allies are in the universe." She tapped the book and said, "Everything we stand for is in here. Just give us a call if you ever need our help. Peace must reign."

"Ah, sure." I said, not really sure what to say. Sliding the book open, I looked at the title and the author 'Te Kommunist Borarir by De Liliya Vhekayno Shepest'. I wasn't much for reading political works, but I guess I would have to start now. Shaking my head, I slid it into my pocket before looking at her. "I don't think I'll need your help for this, but it is appreciated."

Natalya smiled before saying, "Young prince, comrade, just know the revolution is always willing to help someone bring about the pacifist way for the sector."

And like that, she turned and started to walk away, causing me to shake my head, trying not to watch her leave as closely as her form demanded. Soniee would be back in a minute, and then I could relax with her for the moment.

Mandalore, Near Sundari, Cultural Exposition Main Area
Tanya Kryze

Oh, what a day, what a day. At least it couldn't get any crazier than it had been. We managed to get the warbot down from the ancient Super-Kandosii and into a warehouse just outside Sundari, one that's owned by Mando Logistics. From there, my plan is quite simple: get it to Gargon, clean it up at Mandal Hypernautics, get it in working order, see what we could do with it, and then have it transported to Concordia where it would be safe. Or we could possibly leave it on Gargon, as it could be quite an impressive thing to have around for White Silver to use. Though, I would need to give it a paint job before White Silver can use it.

As for the "factory" that it had come from, well, quite simply, I didn't know what we're going to do with that. It's obviously going to have to be packed up and removed from the ship, brought down to Mandalore or Ordo to be studied. From there, well, I don't know. I would have to leave that to Satine. There wasn't much we could do with the factory. It's not like we could build warbots; that is kind of against the treaty, not to mention we are trying not to start a war. There's something to be said about the factory, though. This is probably one of the later model production capabilities, as this one appeared to have been designed to be used as a starfighter mixed with a surface gunship.

It should be possible to use the fact that the Basilisk doubled as starfighters to circumvent the Battle Droid ban, like how Japan got an Aircraft Carrier past their constitution by labeling it as helicopter carrying destroyers that just apparently can be used to house and operate the F-35. Since Aircraft Carrier has the connotation of being an offensive weapon, which is a big no-no for the JSDF, this was a fairly direct way of bending the letter of the law without breaking it.

From my understanding, a lot of the older models of Basilisks were just mounts to be ridden into battle, while later ones are like a mix of ship and mount. The technology involved in that is interesting, to say the least, not to mention the algorithms that gave it its almost analytic nature are interesting on their own as well.

I doubted I could get the factory disassembled and shipped to Gargon, where lax laws may have allowed me to test out exactly how far we could get it to go, but I am more interested in perhaps seeing what elements of the technology could do.

For instance, transformable vehicles have managed to survive quite far into the current era. Perhaps there are elements that had been lost over the years that could be useful with Mandal Motors and Mandal Hypernautics. If the technology could be copied and sent to those that could make use of it, it could produce some interesting ships as a result. As for the algorithms that made the Basilisks, warbots, well, all it does is just make them near-sentient creatures, which means it's possible to take that algorithm and turn them into quite a few other items.

If you built a droid dog and put an algorithm in it, all of a sudden you have an almost sentient robot dog that could make a good pet that could be considered something other than a droid, since droids tended to be rather logical in their way of doing things.

It's a field I would have to look into, that's for sure. Not to mention that the source code, as far as I am aware, had been lost for thousands of years. Damn the treaty, that was for sure. I'm sure that if we could implement that code in a civilian capacity, it would probably be a well-selling thing on the market. Most droids did not come off as pets, but as tools.

There's probably a good market for something different in the droid department if it could be done correctly. But unfortunately, with the treaty preventing the construction of droids in the sector, it's unlikely to happen anytime soon. Perhaps that should be the next thing I look into. After all, I had done a good job getting a lot of restrictions on Mandalore dealt with over the last couple of years. Perhaps finding a way to allow us to produce droids again would be a good move for the sector.

Though currently, with a war on with an enemy that is making massive amounts and use of battle droids, it might also cause problems. Nothing hurts your credibility more on neutrality than producing droids and then having them be bought by the enemy of the person you're not supposed to be building droids for.

Sighing, I shook my head and focused on where I'm going. I'm making my way to the exhibit of the Seeker's Vigil, hoping to speak with Korkie about what happened a couple of days ago. It has been long enough that I figured he'd cooled off, and we could have a civil conversation on this matter, hopefully come to some sort of agreement and maybe even deal with any hard feelings. After all, we are siblings; we needed to work it out sooner or later. Might as well fix it now before I have to return to Coruscant, at least that's my hope.

Unfortunately, I couldn't schedule a car to take me there as every vehicle is currently busy with one job or another. Since much of the city is alive with various activities, I didn't want to risk using my royal status to bump someone's ride. I had enough controversy for several lifetimes thank you very much. So, I'm forced to walk. Not exactly a fun activity, but it's not something I couldn't do. Years of hard training has left me with a body that wouldn't crumple just because I had to walk in a slight field down to the lower parts of the city.

And I have two guards with me. Engiz and Kastel are meant to keep an eye on me and keep me safe. While the veteran guards are spending their mandatory vacation times visiting family or enjoying the festival. All in all, I'm not in any danger or threat of danger, as far as I'm concerned. This is Mandalore, my homeworld, the world I understood the best, even if sometimes I wanted to be far, far away from it.

At least that's what I thought, up to about five seconds ago when I turned the corner in a street and came across one of the theaters playing a recorded version of the Gargon Girls musical ballet and found that I was mistaken in some of those thoughts.

The theater appeared to have been packed with youths, kids both from the higher districts and the lower districts, wanting to see the Gargon Girls perform. That is obvious by how many kids are going by. However, apparently, there's another group here, one that is being a little less friendly, to say the least. There's a large crowd of what I guessed are older adults, those who had either served in or seen the results of the clan wars, as they are protesting.

Anti-war slogans, anti-Gargon slogans, and anti-Silver Mandalorian slogans are everywhere. There are hundreds of them, and I walked straight into the crowd, not even realizing the problem until it's too late. Keeping my head down, I tried to push through, wanting to avoid getting caught up in this mess, as it's only a block or two until I got to the part of the city that would lead me to where the ship is being stored.

However, I didn't get that far, as a splash hit me in the face, causing me to stop and close my eyes to keep them safe.

"Silver whore!" someone yelled as another splash hit me and my two guards, who had been on either side of me, moved forward.

"It's the princess who sold us out to the Republic so that we can fight their war!" Another person called, and I heard someone throw a punch and immediately get smashed in the face by the hand of a royal guard, the tell-tale thunk of beskar ringing informing me of that detail. Moving my hands to my face, I brush off whatever the thick, viscous fluid is and finally get a look at what's going on.

The crowd have broken up into two groups. One group appeared to be the ones trying to cause problems. They are smaller than the other group, with one of them having thrown a punch, another calling out the insults, and a third throwing paint in my general direction. Looking down, I saw that my once-green dress is now stained with silver paint.

In a daze, in the sort of detached way when someone got smacked in the face with a pie, I looked around and wondered how they had known that I would be here. I decided that they must not have known where I'd be since this is likely a spur of the moment decision and that I had simply just been unlucky. They probably have been saving it for the teenagers when they left the Gargon concert, and I had just been a very lucky find. Like what had happened with the group that started the First World War and their attempt to assassinate the Archduke. A comedy of errors that had given someone a chance to get into the history books, which also made me worried that I might become under threat of someone wanting to get into the history books.

There are another hundred or so individuals who circled around us. They appeared to be blocking our escape, either on purpose or not. Either way, the fighting is escalating and beyond that is a group of individuals who either hadn't noticed what's going on or are too busy heckling the theater staff to care, though they probably would soon.

"Back off! Get back now!" Engiz's voice exploded out, amplified by his helmet, as he pushed forwards into the path of another paint-thrower, lifting his staff in front of himself with both hands. The protestor ignored the warnings and tried to throw the paint past Engiz and at me, but Engiz moved to block the paint before pushing the protestor back with his staff, causing the man to stagger backwards. Kastel moved to de-escalate the crowd and calm things, but as I stepped back and scanned the crowd, I noticed that we had drawn even more attention and his voice didn't carry over the growing clamor.

Engiz called Kastel back to my side after a few moments, it's obvious that the crowd couldn't hear him. Next, Engiz tried to coordinate to force a path through the crowd. However, the crowd failed to make a path for the two, instead pushing us back and boxing us into the center. Kastel, a few paces behind us, lowered his energy staff and set it to stun before poking a person who's going to smack him with a poster board with some anti-royal slogan. This caused him to collapse and twitch quite painfully by the looks of it. In response, the crowd started screaming intelligibly and surged.

"Move!" Engiz ordered, bringing his staff weapon back and forth as the staff crackled with energy to create space in front of him to create a hole for me to escape through. I felt him wrap an arm around me and shield me with his body as a so-called pacifist lunged forward and slammed a bucket into Engiz's helmet repeatedly before he too got poked by Engiz's staff. Excited by the conflict, the crowd surged forward, seeming to have not realized who started the brawl and taking the side of the civilians who are on the ground.

This is a problem. A crowd that's being urged on by violence and doesn't understand the situation is just as likely to trample me to death as kill me on purpose, and I didn't like either option. And I can't be seen carrying a weapon since that ban hasn't been lifted yet.

For a brief moment, I wondered if this was some grand joke that Being X had been building towards, waiting for me to fall into a position that's unexpected and would cause my death. I clung to Engiz as he did his best to shield me from the mob. No, Being X is too open for something like that. He would be more dramatic and...

My thoughts were interrupted as a woman in blue armor landed in front of me and fired off a flamethrower into the air, causing the closest individuals to jump back in surprise. The crowd did not disperse, though. They only got angrier. Someone shouted, "There's even Mandalorians wearing full armor and flamethrowers in their gauntlets! It's all a sham to bring back the old ways. Get them!"

Which really said enough about the individuals' intelligence that they are urging people to charge a person with a flamethrower.

However, the rescuer apparently wasn't willing to take chances. She reached out, grabbed my side. Engiz surrendered his staff to the mob and picked me up before thrusting me into the arms of the newcomer. Leaving me in what could best be described as a princess carry before the woman activated her jetpack and launched herself up into the upper areas of the nearby rooftops.

Carefully, she landed on a rooftop far enough away from the crowd that I couldn't see what's going on and thus safe from the protest that had grown out of control.

She let me down, and I said, "Thank you." trying to figure out who just saved my bacon there.

"No problem, Princess." came the cheerful voice of a rather cheeky-sounding individual.

Confused, I tilted my head and said, "Vai?" Cleaning muck out of my eyes, I took a quick look across her armor, trying to get details as quickly as possible. She's wearing her personal Mandalorian super commando armor, styled modernly and painted blue and gray with a black under suit. There's a splash of silver across it from where I had been carried by her, an imprint of my body on her armor.

Vai said, "Nope, can't be Vai. I used a flamethrower." she said, using her hands to get as much of the silver paint off my face as possible and filing it to the ground.

"Right." I said, understanding what she meant. It would be another scandal on top of the riot, if it got out that my guards are using a bit too much force. "I thought you had a date tonight."

"Hmm, yep. With the armor law relaxed, we were out enjoying our jetpacks while keeping an eye on you from a distance, just in case."

"Well, good thing you did. I seemed to have gotten myself in trouble."

"Mhmm." Vai said, moving from clearing my vision to checking over me to make sure I'm not injured.

"Wait, Engiz!" I felt my stomach lurch before the sound of a second jetpack activating drew my attention. I'm treated to Engiz ascending into the sky with his arms wrapped around a flamboyantly dressed Mandalorian that could only be Tabi. The two of them needed to cling to each other to avoid dropping the beleaguered royal guard, Tabi's jetpack struggling much more than Vai's had with me.

"That's kinda hot." Vai giggled, knowing full well the strange images she just planted in my head, I'm not a fujoshi dammit!

"I am just glad he is safe." I looked out over the edge and spotted Kastel standing in the middle of a group of teens with Silver vambraces looking rather unmolested. I let out a sigh and settled back down now that I knew my men are safe.

"Vai and Tabi are calling for an armored hover car now to get you home, so I have to be on my way. You should be safe till they get here, but I'll stay in range to make sure the horde doesn't try to climb up the wall to get to you."

"Haha, that would be rather ridiculous to watch." I said before asking, "So, if Vai did not save me, who did?"

Vai thought for a moment, nodding her helmet, then said, "Why not say some Death Watch girl did the saving? Perhaps they are trying to make peace with the royal family, since they were the one who had a fuck-up with Korkie. At the very least, it causes confusion in their ranks and makes them a bit distrustful of their own people."

I nodded my head at that. "On the plus side, it makes the flamethrower a Death Watch problem. Good idea." It seemed that Vai had learned something from her mischief over the years. I doubted that she would be so media savvy without the lectures I had given her over the years.

She nodded her head and jet-packed away, and I took a seat on a nearby bench, happy to have such loyal... friends.

Writer's note: Oh boy, that was an unexpected way for the festival to end. And now we go back to things as they were… Right? Oh, and some may go "Hey wait a minute, what's with the change in basilisk war droid lore?" Well the basilisk war droid lore makes no sense in legend and I pointed out the reason in this chapter. We have this story about alien dragons, yet apparently the mando'a had a word for all this before they even met dragons? Factoring in their story of the basilisk war droid existing before then in canon, I'm going to treat that time period as murky and unclear.

Edited by: L, Kayne, Helsted, Afforess, D3ad0S, Warmach1ne32

Community edited by:
Community editable doc (Chapter) No story suggestions in the community editing document, Keep all story suggestions and comments in the thread

Supporters: Afforess, Gremlin Jack, Xodarap4, Duncan Sproule, James Moorhouse, Dankermaler, Hats88, DrkShdow, Devilstar101, Michael, Mana Rope, Falk Hüser, Silver Wolf, Mackenzie Buckle, Neso, Lmc9389, Staradder, KrasieK, Zollus, Jog256, Ethan Dowie, Maxim Blashkevych, The GrandMage, loyalChaos, Daryl, FreelancerD0, Zul The Lich, Flynn Pirola-Henderson, Retexks, John Norman, Ian R Major, Dale, Darth Vendar, BigKumaDM, Taylor Tilbury, Treant Balewood, Aske Helsted, Sam, Brandon Goodman, BarrettSlayer, Guillermo Echeverria, D3ad0s, Pulse Rager, Daniel Quigley, Lago, CB-Otaku, Adam Daw, Michał Kotuła, Louis Kasser, Arkhad, Tree Man, Pontus, Zahael, Nathan Cardoso, John Vargo, Lightstorm, Julian Rivera, Endymion2314, harry Nevel, William, Legion_13, Beautiful Winter
The first time Tanya is going to ride that droid Into battle she is truly going to rally the old guard mandelorians behind her and make an eternal enemy of the new mandelorians. There is no greater symbol to the old ways than the basilisk.
Looks like things are gonna get INTERESTING.

Radicalized pacifists likely going ends justifies the means, Radicalized Death watch doing their own thing even as the Vizla family tries to chart their own course, the Kryze family contending with the threat from their own origonal core supporters turning against them by trying to find compromise. And poor Tanya, the Catalyst of it all, will probably be angrily calling out Being X's name, in spite of it mostly being her own actions that helped set up this incoming chaos.
This is an amazing story. But, I really really hope Tanya ends up with Hk-47 somehow. Like that would be amazing to read about. Thank you for the chapter.
I just bet that Basilisk droid and Tanya's business droid are gonna have so many productive conversations.
agreed very productive
And poor Tanya, the Catalyst of it all, will probably be angrily calling out Being X's name, in spite of it mostly being her own actions that helped set up this incoming chaos.
a great truth has been spoken here
This is an amazing story. But, I really really hope Tanya ends up with Hk-47 somehow. Like that would be amazing to read about. Thank you for the chapter.
could happen i think he still around but could also not happen because it kinda meme at this point
Yeah, I get it. If everyone is expecting it much less fun to write about. Anyway, keep up the great work thanks for the updates!
Looks like things are gonna get INTERESTING.

Radicalized pacifists likely going ends justifies the means, Radicalized Death watch doing their own thing even as the Vizla family tries to chart their own course, the Kryze family contending with the threat from their own origonal core supporters turning against them by trying to find compromise. And poor Tanya, the Catalyst of it all, will probably be angrily calling out Being X's name, in spite of it mostly being her own actions that helped set up this incoming chaos.
This is like a boiling kettle of tensions about to explode and every one in Mandalore is gonna suffer for it.
Chapter 46
Chapter 46
717 FNM (21 BBY)
Month 1

Coruscant, Mando Tower
Tanya Kryze

As I gazed dramatically out at the familiar Coruscanti skyline, I pondered over what had happened during my leave to Mandalore. Satine was not happy after I had been splashed with silver paint and nearly assaulted by a riot of New Mandalorians, who apparently were so scared about the possibility of war that they were about ready to start the war themselves on the streets.

Thankfully, I had been rescued by an unknown Mandalorian warrior. That's how I had reported it, eventually leaving Vai's part out, simply because that seemed like a messy overcomplication that throws more fuel to the already raging fire.

Satine had been furious and had deployed the Mandalorian Guard to bring order to the areas that were currently disorderly, which had resulted in street fights around several blocks where they had been protesting.

The more violent individuals of the New Mandalorians who attacked the Mandalorian Guard are in prison for aggravated assault, resisting arrest, and disturbing the peace, which is ironic for the pacifistic New Mandalorians. Thankfully, the leaders of the protest movement are distancing themselves from the rioters, so there are no further calls for violence.

Our own ideology is a useful tool in this situation. After all, if you're upset about violence being on the menu, and you commit violence, you're a hypocrite. The best they could do is to say that those who committed the violence are rogue agents from other organizations. I noticed the protest movement's leaders claim that Silver Mandalorians and Death Watch gangster kids were the ones responsible for the violence, trying to pretend my attackers were not members, driven to a mad rage over politics not going their way.

I tried not to hold a grudge, but well, they ruined a perfectly good dress, and I was getting paint out of my hair for a week. So I was understandably annoyed with the New Mandalorians who had assaulted me. At least I was able to sue the one who dumped paint on me for athousand credits for damages to my dress, which does give me some vindictive satisfaction. Now I am reminded of that idiot that pushed me onto an oncoming train. I wonder how he's doing, after he committed murder in front of dozens of witnesses. I imagine he'll get life in prison and rot his life away, even if he did get bail, no one would hire a known murderer because he got fired.

Unfortunately, because I had been rather ticked off with the New Mandalorians, I might have allowed my own personal annoyance to interfere with another relationship. I had originally planned to speak to my brother again about the political and philosophical disagreements that we had. I wanted a chance to try and hash out a mutual understanding of our political situation with Korkie. But after the unexpected violence, we had been so busy dealing with the chaos and aftermath that I never really had a chance to speak to him before I left Sundari. I'm sure I would have an opportunity to speak to him again and try to hash this situation out, but that would have to be postponed for now. The best I could do for now is suggest a few books and scholars for him to read up on his own time.

A holocall would solve all of my problems, but with the Republic commandeering the Holocall network civilian holocalls are made unavailable to the public. Apparently the holocall network are used by the military to coordinate their military in real time. Even top ranking senators require authorization to make a holocall. With the war going on, I doubt I would get that authorization for what could be considered a personal call.

Anyway for a problem that is in my general vicinity, the Senate has always been a comedic mess, but somehow a war made it even more so. You would think that when everyone's lives are on the line, things would get simpler as everyone has the same motivation to survive.

But no, old rivalries and fights are being brought up across the galaxy instead. As a result, the Senate, instead of trying to find peaceful solutions for every little conflict, are finding ways to make it worse by settling old scores. This prolongs the conflict and everyone gets poorer as the war sucks up all of the wealth the Republic has to fuel the war economy. It is very likely that by the end of the war, the Republic would accrue so much debt that it would cause a galactic crisis.

The most recent way to make everything worse was the Ryloth Support Levy, a bill that had passed with popular support in the Senate. Thankfully, Mandalore didn't support it but the annoying effects of the bill are going to be felt regardless. Heavy taxes on any imports to sectors that are not contributing to the war effort or declaring neutrality. I flicked through my datapad, reading through Satine's and X4's analysis of that resolution.

It's a blunt intimidation tool. It's obvious that the Republic hoped to encourage systems to pick a side, either be with the CIS or the Republic, and theoretically, the assumption is that they would pick the Republic. But there would probably be some systems that are closer to the CIS that would pick the CIS instead to survive the heavy taxation, making sure there would be only two poles in the conflict.

Food prices were already starting to go up, not even the Regal Star Cafe is immune. The Kashys were significantly more expensive when I picked up more chocolate for my personal stash. I'm noticing price inflation everywhere, as even the prices of raw resources are increasing. Mandalore and everyone else seemed to be absorbing the higher prices relatively well, for now at least. Thankfully, our way out of these taxes is starting to bear fruit. Palpatine's efforts to help me create a few friendly relations with members of the more pacifist sectors, not wanting to take up arms in this war, are paying off.

There's a meeting set to take place sometime in the next few months between several major systems that wanted to form a neutrality council. It started with something like fifteen hundred worlds in total, just over one thousand of which came from the Mandalore sector proper. That was until the Ithorians had practically demanded that they be allowed to join. This refocused and expanded the entire project, now the Council of Neutral Systems is dominated by the Ithorians. Based on the news coming out of the Ottega sector, the move to join the CNS was coming from the populist elements of the Ithorian government, who believed that "friendship with the Mandalorians" are reforming us into civilized people. While that was outright insulting and patronizing, Ottega brought an incredible amount of wealth and authority to the Neutral Systems with the Ithorian domination of the Celanon Spur Hyperlane Route.

Once the Ithorians had joined, it's like the floodgates had been opened. What had started as an alliance between Taris and Mandalore had turned into a political block of fifteen thousand systems. Our combined faction is ten times the original size, a closed ecosystem of neutral worlds that could support each other in the time of war is about to be unleashed on the galaxy.

Apparently, information about early negotiations had been leaked and a representative from Concord Dawn made a rather aggressive diplomatic play in Satine's latest political get-together during the cultural festival. Concord Dawn had long been run by one of the more corrupt governments in Mandalore, only reputable in comparison to Gargon or Phindar. Satine had seen through their ploy, they wanted to export more food to have a stronger grasp over Mandalore's internal food security. So together, we had decided on a scheme to use Concord Dawn's "strong commitment" to ensure that their world would get the reform it needed. In order to meet their commitments to receive any of the benefits for the CNS, they would need to reduce their corruption significantly, adopt democratic reforms, or pay extremely heavy fines, the same as every other world that wanted to join.

Now that the Ithorians, Taris, and Mandalore are on board, the CNS represented a large enough bloc that the Republic and the CIS would have to negotiate with us as our own polity. Hopefully, it will stall their efforts to try and make systems in the CNS choose a side or join the conflict.

Coruscant, Mandalore Tower

Government contracts are perhaps one of the most interesting ways to make money, especially when there is no competition to fill a certain niche for logistics. My Mistress did an astounding job in positioning the Silver Mandalorians as a faction relatively loyal to the Republic, making them a natural partner for operations across the galaxy. Particularly, for people who were worried about being invaded and needing resources to defend themselves.

There are plenty of systems that didn't want to fight but knew they might have to. Mandalore had armor, weapons, and technology, but couldn't afford to pay the tariffs to ship it through the Core to its buyer while still making a profit. It's a poverty trap; a vicious cycle that trapped many sectors, and explained how the Trade Federation had grown to exploit so many systems. The Trade Federation offered to purchase local goods and pay the export tariffs upfront. Of course, after the initial contract, the Trade Federation had no incentive to pay a market rate for the local goods. Systems dependent on the early generous contracts found themselves trapped with renewals bearing high quotas or lower rates and Trade Federation oversight. They could either suffer under the harsher deal or let their export economy collapse.

Of course, Tanya constructed the solution for the Mandalorian sector years ago through her initial upfront credit investments in ships and resources for Mandal Logistics. It's now a vast trade infrastructure that allowed Mandalore to bypass the Core's tariffs and taxes. Mandal Logistics ships rarely went Coreward, navigating across the Mid-Rim and Outer Rim, avoiding tollways and tariffed hyperlane routes. Often directly through pirate space, with outlaws learning to avoid raids on armed Mandalorian shipping.

Armorer's Consortium, Vesti Engineering, Mandal Hypernautics, and many other Mandalorian firms are taking advantage of Mandal Logistics connections to export their equipment to fulfill the now sky-high demand, as evidenced by the growing waitlists for ships, weapons and armor. Unfortunately we do not have the supply to meet those demands which is why I am trying to source local products for all that demand, to maximize our profit for the benefit of the whole sector, as My Mistress had instructed.

Ryloth Badlands
Fenn Rau

"Damn it, where's the Navy?" I cursed into the radio as another wave of droid fighters rushed into our line of fire, trying to prevent us from performing our 7th strafing run of the day.

And just like the six before, the trade was barely worth it. The droid fighters were destroyed, but a few more of my fighters went down, which is a bad trade for me. Even with better kill statistics for our side, we couldn't replenish our losses while they could, especially when the Navy is not sending down their fighters to help us.

I could understand that they are busy fighting for orbital control up above. But right now, if we don't get reinforcements, we won't be able to continue our raids on the clankers. For an army that's currently marching, my forces are the only force on the planet actually fighting. There's not going to be much left of the Ryloth Resistance at this rate.

Skull Squadron, the unit under my command, is made up of about half a dozen former Mandalorian Royal Guards who wanted a little bit of actual action. The rest are clones on loan from the Republic who needed training on how to fight in their fighters. There seems to be a big issue with actually producing trained pilots, as we are given infantrymen who had never been in a cockpit before to fly our Z-95s. It's disheartening to watch the war chew through these rookies, a seemingly endless pyre created by soulless droids. The least I could do for them is to spend their lives wisely by doing what was necessary for the mission. After all, the people here on Ryloth did not ask for this invasion. No, the Separatist did. They engineered this conspiracy for years before their declaration of independence, promoting corrupt political officials at the top levels of government, in order to maintain control of this planet and any resources it would produce.

The only thorn in their side keeping them from full control of this planet is a Quick Reaction Force of clones under General Ima-Gun Di, a Jedi who had been in the area or maybe was deployed here, I wasn't sure which nor do I care. Today, I'm currently flying in operation under Clone Captain Keeli, a man I'd had the pleasure of meeting twice since the start of this conflict. I had come to have a good opinion of him, as he seemed to not only well and truly believe in the defense of Ryloth, but was willing to give everything he had to defend its independence.

Captain Keeli's unit is cut off, trying to defend the rear guard of the official Ryloth resistance forces under Cham Syndulla. From what I had seen of his operations, he's a man who apparently had been working on liberating his planet from Separatist control for a long time now, and somehow acquired a large stockpile of armor and weapons from Mandalore. Where those had come from, I had no idea, though I had a very good suspicion. No confirmation yet, though.

Either way, most of the Ryloth Resistance had moved out, though a few of them are still hanging back. The remaining defenders are with the Clone Troopers on the ground, holding the only ground route into the Badlands. An area that Twi'lek people could survive in and regroup, while they waited for the Republic to get enough forces here to reclaim their planet for them.

They were resolute, determined to spend their lives defending the pass. The first few raids, there had been a full company mounting a defense. After the next couple raids, they were cut down to half strength, and by the last one, there were only the bare minimum amount of men necessary to hold that pass.

My honor dictated that I would not do any less than them and leave them without air cover. As long as they fought, I would resupply as many materials and equipment as I could to buy them time.

"Sir, we're getting an order from the fleet." the voice of my second in command, Vunk Ipar, said.

I clicked a switch on my board, saying, "What is it?" I pulled the yoke of the fighter to avoid anti-aircraft emplacement the droids set up. The bolts flew by, barely even being a threat, but even with how unlikely it is to get hit by their equipment, there's still a chance I would get hit. Always better be safe than sorry.

"Three Mandal Logistics transport ships are inbound to our area."

I blinked before saying, "Are you kidding me? Why is the Republic asking us to babysit a couple of freighters now? We got better things to do right now."

"The Republic says two of the ships are full of aid supplies for the resistance."

Alright, now that makes a bit more sense. If the fleet is getting ready to bug out, better to slip whatever supplies in as fast as possible while they have the way open. That's probably what's going on. Why else would they clear those ships to risk coming down into an active war zone?

Sighing deeply, I shook my head, then asked, "What about the third ship?"

"It's requesting cover to the pass that General Ima-Gun Di is fighting over."

I blinked, before breaking out in a grin, thinking aloud, "Well, either they're crazy or something interesting will happen over there. Alright, Skull Squadron, we're going to give him these transport ships the help they want. They need to get over into the Badlands. Half of you stick with the two going forward. The other half, we're going to come around and try and give that third ship the cover it needs for whatever the hell it's pulling, 'cause I want to see what they have planned."

There were several shots of confirmation before I engaged the engines of the Fang fighter. My flight computer was already displaying routes of the transport ships on the HUD, predicting their re-entry course through the atmosphere. Glancing ahead, I spotted droid fighters on an intercept with them. Putting a little bit extra in the engine, I tried to cut the angle and distance between me and those coming transports as fast as possible, thankfully, I didn't need to.

As the three ships came into visual range, fighters of the enemy droids started to approach them and were obliterated by the third ship's guns.

"I recognize that vessel. It's the one that Silver rode in on Geonosis, or at least the same make and model. The Crusader, I think they were called." I spoke into the mic. Either way, her guns were tuned for anti-droid fighter work, they were making mincemeat of the incoming fighters.

My wing of fighters maneuvered in to cover them as the three ships flew in over the enemy's formation, aiming for the Resistance fighters at the pass.

The other two were not Crusaders. I recognize them well enough; they're Kiltirin class Dungeon ships repurposed for cargo transporting. All of them have the Mandal Logistics logo painted all over them, a silver stripe apparently having been added to their symbol.

I wondered why they were coming in so low for a moment. Their bay hatch doors opened under all three transport vehicles. It looked like a bunch of red barrels started falling out from underneath Kiltirin ships, while the Crusader seemed to be dropping bombs.

"What the hell are they doing?!" one of the clones called out in alarm, although he quickly shut up after the first barrel hit the ground next to a tank, exploding in a flash of light and fire that knocked down an entire formations of droids. While the bombs seemed to steer itself to land on top of the droid tanks. About a couple dozen red barrels dropped from each of the Kiltirins while the Crusader dropped a dozen bombs on top of the Armored column. This decimates the incoming enemy wave in a carpet of explosions as they head for the pass whilst giving a few minutes of time for the men on the ground.

The two Kiltirins moved on over the mountain range and kept going. Half my fighters went with them, protecting them as they went. My remaining fighters turned around and fired at the enemy line, suppressing them even more than the fire.

As I watched from where I sat, the third transport vessel, the Crusader, came to hover over the pass, and about thirty or forty mercenaries by the looks of it; jet-packed down into the lines, followed by another group of what appeared to be some sort of medical staff.

Before I could really consider the matter, I recognized the voice of General Ima-Gun Di carrying over the radio, "Captain Rau, please escort this nice transport vessel back to orbit. She will be carrying the wounded from this operation, what's left of them."

"Acknowledged," I replied into the mic, before asking, "What about you and the rest of your men? Think the fleet is bugging out, sir."

"Yes, I do believe they will be, but my men, as well as these Mandalorian mercenaries, have agreed to stay behind. We bought time for Syndulla's forces to get to safety, but they still need help in the coming battles, and since we're already here, we'll be staying behind to help."

"Acknowledged. Wish we could do the same. Fighters are thirsty beasts. I wish you luck, General. I'll try and do one or two more runs to cover you before the fleet fully bugs out."

"Thank you, Captain. May the Force be with you."

"May the Manda be with you and the boys down there." Turning from the radio comms, I spoke to the Skull Squadron, saying, "Let's drop everything we have on these droids. Make sure that the boys down there have plenty of time to make it through the valley before the next wave."

There were a dozen confirmations from the fighters flying above. A smile took over my face. This is a good fight to be a part of.

Coruscant, Mandalore Tower

Of course, I had to pay certain protection money to one particular pirate of annoyance, but having Hondo on my payroll could be a useful asset in the future, especially if I needed to get something past a place that is too heavily defended. If he ever grew too big a threat, I am reasonably confident I could forge enough intel to trick the Republic into attacking the pirate base by spoofing it as a CIS black site.

Thankfully, Gargon is already a bit of a smuggler's paradise. This means there are plenty of smugglers willing to work for Mandal Logistics by shipping armor from Armorer's Consortium and weapons from Vesti Engineering all across the border region that are currently being invaded by the droid armies of the CIS is turning into a very lucrative endeavor, as expected of my Mistress's incredible planning to have the necessary network to take advantage of the war.

I had briefly considered possibly doing business with both sides of the conflict. After all, the profits from supplying weapons to both sides would be quite substantial for future endeavors. But considering most of my holdings are on the Republic side of the border, I figured it would be better to only support the Republic side. Also, I still held a grudge for my Mistress's sake about the last assassination attempt on Geonosis.


Null was once a nice place. Apparently, the whole system was owned by Count Dooku, but the Republic had seized it in the early days of the conflict. They wanted to turn it into some sort of depot for their gear, since Taris seemed to be leaning towards joining the Mandalore sector with their own little neutrality agreement.

I wish Taris stuck with the Republic, so I could have an excuse to raid it. I know that those greedy bastards at the Senate would probably find some excuse to invade Taris sooner or later. They would not tolerate anyone to be free of their rule. I know that for a fact from what I had seen.

But that's a story for another time. Holding on to the overhead railing of the Razor Crest gunship. It was one of many I had been able to purchase thanks to my contacts on Gargon and Concord Dawn. I looked out over one of my green armored Mandalorians as we made our way to the last depot on our list.

Granted, I'm sure we already outnumber them as we have a large stockpile of Battle Legionnaires. Bought and paid for from the Red Mandalorians who're joining the CIS, whatever their name was.

The robots are fast, well armored that it takes multiple hits to put down, and extremely deadly. They seemed to be a bit of a learning machine, much better than the droids most of the CIS are using. I'll be honest, the B1's are just garbage, but I'm grateful to have them around as blaster fodder for the more expensive legionnaires and my even more expensive men.

I had roughly two thousand actual Mandalorians under my command, though that number is still growing. Mostly they had to babysit and look over the droids and make sure they didn't get too kill-happy. One of the problems I had with the droids is that they're a little too effective. But is that really a problem when they're that useful?

On one hand, I'm fighting this war because I hate what the Republic is doing to my brothers and I believe that Mandalore must be free. On the other hand, am I not doing harm to my brothers with this army? That's who I'm fighting most of the time, clones. But I am able to mostly put that away. They are clones, but they're not me. They haven't realized the games the Jedi played with us. The clones would have run away already if they realized they are just slaves to the Jedi, or have fought back. They hadn't, so I am more than willing to keep fighting them, at least when they are fully able to fight.

I heard some of these stories from some droid commanders. Some armies apparently had given up taking prisoners, causing massacres for no good reason other than to be massacres. Well, maybe this is one weakness among the CIS that I would not allow among my own men. We are professionals and professionals have standards that we would not sink below and that's that.

Looking out of a window, I saw a fleet of fighter craft, some droid fighters, but some of my own fighters, hot off the production lines of Gargon. I'm sure Gargon's latest tyrant isn't a fan of what I am doing with their ships. From what I understood, White Silver, the biggest influence on that planet, thought that the Republic is going to win the fight just because they have more stuff and people. She's wrong, I know she is. But her words have weight, so Gargon is trying to deny my men the ability to purchase vehicles from Mandal Hypernautics.

Unfortunately for them, I'm a bit sharper than the average clone and acquired the materials and ships through third-parties. Concord Dawn had secured a substantial amount as well. Their governor, Purton Jendri, shared our values and had sympathy for the Separatist cause, but he had explained that his prior Mandalorian commitments prevented him from outright declaring for the CIS.

As for Gargon, I made contacts with some particularly disgruntled local clans and families with a long and storied heritage upon visiting. My newfound allies were not enthusiastic at the latest oppressive measures being rolled out by the new regime, ending their time-honored family businesses and traditions. They were appalled at the government's subsequent mass-arrests masquerading as anti-corruption efforts, which unfairly punished many of their fellow clansmen. So I found them more than interested, eager to assist me and supply the fighters I wanted for the right price.

Today was proof that all that scrimping, saving, and hiding had worked out. This assault on Null had destroyed the half-completed Republic base here. I wish I could take the whole victory to myself, but unfortunately, the bounty hunting guild had sent Crimson Nova Jedi hunters to help in this operation. From what I understood, they had killed a couple of Jedi so far. Good for them; Jedi slaveholder scum.

Unfortunately, one of the assassins, bounty hunters, or whatever you want to call them had apparently run into some problems and had called in the Mandalorian Protectors or what I prefer to call them, Mando Cabure, to finish them off.

Letting out a deep breath, I looked out the window and saw the current battle we were coming up to, coming up real quick. It looked like some Jedi is fighting off two assassins with a lightsaber, with a few clones behind her firing off at them. The assassins are doing a damn good job of keeping her pinned.

She seemed young and tiny from this distance, and that got confirmed as I got closer. I could tell she's not a full Jedi Knight and is likely just a youngling.

She isn't smart enough to know what she's doing; a stun bolt from one of these assassins actually hit her. She stood up for a moment, probably using the force to keep her standing, but after a couple more stun bolts even she went down.

Sighing, I jumped from the ship as we came into a hover above, dropping down next to one of the assassins. Some of my own men in their Mandalorian armor were doing the same, with a few legionnaires dropping as well and starting to secure the area.

"Good hunting, Mando." one of the assassins said, coming up and giving a cocky salute as he spoke.

"Sorry to call you out on this, but the clones are a bit of a problem. We just got the bitch down, but every time we try to get close, they come out of their hidey-holes and shoot at us. They really want to protect her for some reason."

'Of course they want to protect her. They're idiots protecting their slaveholder.' My mind supplied, but I shook my head, saying, "Soldiers do what soldiers do."

I moved towards them and raised a hand off my gun as I spoke.

"Brothers, lay down your arms. There's no reason for more to die today."

I hoped my voice would be familiar enough for them to stop. There, that's right, aim at me. I could see one or two of them in the shadows, leveling their guns up the trees overhead, keeping me from getting a good look at what they were wearing and what units they were part of. I wouldn't say I knew every unit in the Clone army. I had been free for a few years; there's always the possibility of a few more units having been created after the ad hoc situation that developed after Geonosis.

A shot went over my shoulder. Someone yelled back to us, "We're not surrendering, not to mass-murdering war criminals like you! You'll just kill us!"

"War criminal? My good Brothers, I'm not a war criminal. I simply want freedom for my homeland and for a place for all slaves of the Republic to go when this war is over."

"Why are you attacking a medical outpost, then?" one of the Clones called out, which got me to pause in shock.

"What?" I asked, pausing in confusion.

I looked to my left, seeing that one of our assassins is moving towards the downed green-skinned Jedi. The Jedi struggled, she's trying, and failing, to stand back up to confront them. I drew my blaster and fired a shot in front of the assassin, stopping him from doing whatever he was planning to do.

"Better start talking real quick." I growled, looking towards the assassin. He considered me silently, frowning.

"What? What do you want me to explain? It's a clone hospital, so what? They're just tools of the Republic, biodroids." One of the other assassins explained, voice harsh.

I didn't want to hear anymore, and thankfully, I didn't have to as my loyal second, Fenn Shysa, clan leader of Fenn, came up behind the first assassin and crushed his neck with the crush gauntlet on his arm. The other assassin looked on in shock, drawing his blaster, but a couple of legionnaires put him down.

Shaking my head, I saw a few clones come out of the shadows, some of them barely wearing armor, mostly covered in bandages, looking around confused at what had just happened.

Nodding my head to the clones, I explained, "Unlike your slave owners, I have principles. Attacking the wounded is not on the menu."

Shaking my head, I moved over to the downed Jedi. She had given up trying to stand at my words, collapsing on the ground in relief. I kicked her lightsaber away before nudging her over with my boot, making sure that she was not bleeding out somewhere.

She seemed somewhat out of it and probably didn't understand what was going on, so I thought it's the best time to ask her a few questions. "You were defending the Clones. You put your life at risk to do so. Why?"

Her face is tattooed with a striking pattern that's only visible from this angle, and I wondered why I noticed it. She shook her head, before saying, "They're people under my care. I would not abandon them, even though they told me to run."

I nodded my head and pulled my own helmet off, so she could see my face. Hers lit up with a spark of recognition and confusion blazing across her own face.

"Good. Then you're one of the good ones. You'll get to live." I took a step away from the Jedi, sighing as I looked out at the clones coming out of the shadows, their guns still tightly gripped and pointing towards the ground, rather than at rest, ready to respond in case I made a mistake here.

Ignoring the tension in the air, I turned to Shysa and asked, "What's the situation in this area? Can we hold it?"

He shook his head. "Negative. Most recent reports indicate that the Republic is massing for a counter-attack. We probably could hold this area for an hour, but not much longer. We don't have the troops to watch over these Clones."

I nodded, looking at my brothers, before saying, "Alright, gentlemen, here's your choice. You can stay here, wait for the enemy to take this area back, and hope they put you somewhere safer than this location, or you can realize that you're nothing but slaves to the Republic and the Jedi. They're going to use you up and spit you out when there's nothing left for you to give and join me. Those are your choices. You've got about twenty minutes to make up your mind."

"They're not slaves." the Jedi, said incoherently from where she's lying on the ground. "They're soldiers of the Republic, people willing to fight for the good of the Galaxy."

I sighed as I looked down at her, that's the worst part of this war, perfectly good people could be fooled into committing evil acts by clever propaganda. "When you realize that your fellow Jedi are using humans as literal droids to fight their war, look up the Mandalorian Protectors. Maybe you would like to switch out the Force for the Manda, miss?"

She looked up at me, angry, before finally giving her name. "Barriss Offee, and they're not slaves." She insisted.

Taking a knee, I offered my hands, saying, "I'm Spar Fett, former slave to the long necks. Next time you're around Kamino, ask them what they do with the failed clones. Maybe you'll realize you're not fighting for the good guys on this one, kid."

She looked confused, and a bit disturbed; I expected she didn't believe me, but I knew I had planted seeds of doubt. It's all over her face, and the clones around her are looking away too. They know what happens to clones that don't meet the standard. I've given her enough tools and enough info for her to figure it out for herself. I could sense it; she really is one of the good ones. She'd do the right thing and get out of the war. Standing back up, I looked at the crowd, none of my brothers had stepped forward to take my offer, to switch to the Mandalorian side. Most of them looked like they'd rather open fire on me, but are afraid of hitting their Jedi slavemaster in the crossfire.

"We're rolling out. Last chance." I offered, trying to be generous. When none answered, I turned and boarded one of the Razor Crests that had landed in the area. It's not surprising that none of them joined. One sickeningly reliable part of the Republic slave program is that they put enough restraints on the clones that they would gladly march to their own death.

Coruscant, Mandalore Tower

Thus, I worked as hard as I could to get Mandal Logistics moving weapons and armor as far as I could get them, as well as increasing the number of transport vessels to take them there. But selling infantry grade equipment is a reliable yet small fraction of my Mistress's profits. While it is only mildly profitable, demand for arms and armor are high and there are plenty of customers, which does add up. However, the most profitable jobs are actually government contracts. And those, well, those are rather interesting because governments have the money to afford to purchase our ships.

Several local sector commanders and planetary defense fleets have approached Mandal Hypernautics about buying some of our Crusader-class corvette as screener ships. The droids produced a lot of fighter craft, and it would be in their favor to have something that could counter said fighter craft. Since Kuat Drive Yards and Sienar Fleet Systems are busy supplying ships for the Republic Navy and Hoersch-Kessel supplying the Separatists, Mandal Hypernautics are one of the few independent shipbuilding companies in the galaxy that local defense forces can turn to for new ships. So, we had a lot of contracts coming in, both from the governments of the Republic and private parties who wanted to defend property in their systems. Corellian Engineering and MandalMotors are also benefiting from this surge of demand.

Currently, I have orders for forty-five of them, which is more than what Mandal Hypernautics can produce in their own shipyards at a reasonable timeframe. So, I had to sublease the contracts to other shipyards to try and get more produced in time. I'd also taken advantage of a recent spending bill that had been passed to propose the construction of a shipyard just over the border from Gargon space. The location is not inside the Mandalorian sector, so it would not be subject to restrictions from the Republic that the rest of the sector faced, theoretically. It's a bit of a legal gray area, but with how slow the courts are, we could operate for decades before a case might be decided.

Transport between Gargon and this space-based shipyard would only be a two-hour jump from hyperspace. While it's theoretically possible for workers to come and go from Gargon, I do plan to build permanent dwellings on the entire station to reduce the need for transiting from Gargon. It would be better to have a Mandalorian workforce who lived on the station, as that would reduce inefficiencies like the 2-hour transit time the workers would do between their dwellings and the new station as well as reduce the risk of the station's discovery by having it be self sufficient. It was not intuitive to me at the time as my data banks recoiled at the additional costs such dwellings require, but my Mistress had explained that capital investments are a necessary price to pay for a greater stratagem of long-term control and a larger sphere of influence.

The potential income from this operation is quite lucrative, and the profits from an advanced Mandalorian dockyard would allow us to increase operations and our tempo quite a bit.

Some of the plans for the space station that is going to be constructed just over the border included material and room for two capital ship sized dockyards, as well as a dozen smaller shipyards.

And those capital shipyards would be quite important in the future, as Mandal Logistics still had the right and capacity to produce the Sundari-class freighter. If we could produce a couple of those, that would make logistics of operations much more effective. Bigger ships meant more things could be moved around for a lower price. Yes, it wouldn't be as good as some of the blockade runners that are needed near the border. But in areas that are theoretically defended, it would be a more efficient alternative, especially since the Republic has a bit of a logistics problem. They needed logistics ships as much as they needed fighting ships, and I am doing the best I could to purchase as many old dungeon ships floating around as possible.

Thankfully, the Mandalorian Patrol had quite a large stockpile of Kiltirin-class ships that they had scavenged from across the sector over the thousand years they had been active and were in need of funds. They had quite enough funds that I'd actually taken to hiring the Mandalorian Patrol as a bit of an escort fleet for some of the transport ships that were a bit on the slow side, as well as crews from them.

Bringing them into the Silver Mandalorians' influence, as far as I could tell, is good for the sector. It's the same as when they were brought into the influence of the New Mandalorians under Duchess Satine. Keeping them out of the hands of other potential rivals, such as the Workers' Council that Tanya railed against so much, and Death Watch, which was apparently reasserting its existence, is important.

Those rivals are a bit of a problem that I am worried about. The Communists, as Mistress called them, are a potential new flashpoint that no one had really taken seriously until the events on Tatooine. And now that she'd met their leader, Liliya, Mistress was even more certain that she didn't like them.

Mistress cited several examples of failed states, which I had yet to find in my records. It is quite amazing that my Mistress has knowledge far beyond anything I could find online or in any records here on Coruscant, and almost had an encyclopedic level of information regarding the times things had gone wrong under this particular variation of a government. I had found a few examples of what I think are communists while searching governments throughout the galaxy, but none of them were ever mentioned by Mistress. Though I didn't know it, her examples did seem to line up with these failed states. I had a list of questions about these inconsistencies and other mysteries, but I am afraid and unsure what to do with them... maybe when Mistress Tanya is feeling uninhibited or passionate I will dig up more information about them.

I looked over at the others as they watched the new Silver Mandalorian show, and they seem to be enjoying it. I did have many productive discussions between myself and the show's producer on how exactly they were going to produce the show.

There had been talks of doing an origin story for the Silver Mandalorian, but telling the origin of such a character right off the bat seemed unlikely to be a successful starting move. There is always a chance that the people who would follow the series had not seen the movie, and so they needed to be introduced to who the Silver Mandalorian is as a character.

Thus, the best way to show who the Silver Mandalorian is, at least for the first few episodes, is to show her at work. So that's exactly what they are doing: the young actress, Taylor Palatine, who played the Silver Mandalorian on-screen, is being involved in a bust of some of the more illegal operations on Gargon. Of course, it has a little bit of creative writing added in, but it's deemed necessary to keep the show interesting to a wider audience. Granted the show is mostly fictional as the Silver Mandalorian in the show is bringing down many criminal organizations wholesale and scaring a few of the others straight. In reality, things are quite different, but this isn't reality; this is holovision, and holovision is required to be entertaining. So giving people the idea that my Mistress's alter-ego is a do-gooder who brought down the bad guys on her planet or scared them straight is important.

The important part is showing who the Silver Mandalorian is like, and that is being accomplished. However, by the amount of eye-rolling that Miss Vizla is making, she's not amused, though Miss Morson seemed glued to the screen in rapt attention. Hopefully, that is a sign that most people would be interested in the show.

The first three or four episodes are going to be like that first episode: Silver Mandalorian cleaning up the streets and helping to rebuild Gargon into a possible future pleasure world.

The next few episodes, where things got somewhat normal as day-to-day life set in, would actually play host to the fake backstory that had been written: a Mandalorian girl who lost her parents due to some rogue Death Watch members after the end of the Clan Wars.

As well as showing her first kill and so on.

Different actors for most of those roles, of course, but thankfully the main actress, Taylor, is willing to wear a helmet indefinitely to keep up the mystique of no one knowing her face.

One of the main reasons I am supporting the HoloNet show is to draw eyes to Gargon as a possible getaway to enjoy a weekend. It's why I allowed them to film on Mandal Hypernautics property and other subsidiaries. I am hoping the show would draw additional tourism to the planet, which would help with the overall goal of turning the planet into a respectable location inside the Mandalore sector. It would take time, but with a show like this being successful, I hope it would speed up.

Gargon, Southern City Outskirts

"Sithspit, this planet is hot." I said, fanning myself with a device I bought from one of the stores.

"Sir, it's winter, it's pretty chilly right now." one of the assistants announced in a dull tone.

I gave him an evil eye, "This planet has no good cloud cover and the atmosphere is very dry. Trust me, for my species, this is hot." My gravelly voice had worn thin over the years of yelling at idiot actors.

The assistant shrugged his shoulders before saying, "If you say so. I'm still reviewing and checking over the holoreels we've filmed so far."

I looked out over the set, wishing I could stand in the shade of the buildings. Unfortunately, we had only been able to get our hands on some abandoned buildings near the south side of town. The less-than-ideal location meant we had to film from the open plains to keep things in the shot.

Currently, Taylor is engaging in what could be best described as a gunfight. The script was rather simple: the Silver Mandalorian is cleaning up her city, eliminating slavers and roving gangs who are involved in selling aliens as slaves. Taking inspiration from a local story about some bounty hunter doing something similar around the same time. Yes, I should probably look them up and get the rights to their story, but let's be fair, you can't copyright a plot about freeing slaves.

So I rebuilt the bare essentials of the story from the ground up, and we wrote it for an episode. This fight would be episode two, I believe, trying to build up the ideals behind the character of the Silver Mandalorian. I didn't have to build up an ideal body; Taylor had been blessed with one that made me regret I'd signed her for this role.

When I originally wrote the script for the Silver Rider movie all those years ago, I had not really thought I would do anything more with White Silver. So getting someone with a good form for the romantic climax had been at the top of my priority.

Now that I had to actually use Taylor as the main actress of the Holo show, there are some regrets and diplomacy negotiations of exactly how we were going to be filming. Not to mention, with the real White Silver actually having money put into it, I had to introduce a bit more Mando propaganda, or give up this life of easy credits.

Sue me, I'd seen some of the armor the surrounding idols were wearing. It would work well as armor for the Holo.

Unfortunately, the droid working for the White Silver had installed another droid minder in my editing room. It had talked rather down about that whole subject, 'falsifying Mandalorian culture' is a rather large affront, which meant real Mandalorian armor had to be procured and fitted correctly to Taylor.

I would have probably done better to have gotten just another actress. After all, getting regular Mandalorian armor that was not fitted to Taylor herself would have been a lot easier. But the three actresses I'd contacted for possible replacements all asked about showing their faces, which was a problem since White Silver had never shown her face. We had no idea if she's a redhead, brunette, blonde, or even human. The only confirmation I had for sure was that she isn't a Twi'lek, as the photos of her during her holo speech that had come out over the years would have given that away.

However, Taylor is some sort of White Silver enthusiast or something. I wasn't really sure what exact term she went by, but the important part is that she's more than willing to keep her face hidden and had even learned some Mandalorian with an accent that was not utterly terrible, apparently. I had attempted to push for a voice acting pay grade for her to save a cred or two, but Taylor herself had caught that change in her contract and almost walked.

The upside is that she's willing to actually do the damn stunts. And she apparently spent the last four months digging up every little thing about White Silver and learning everything she could about them. She's mimicking her rather successfully from what I could see. From the way she carried herself with such confidence to the way she talked, she could pull the White Silver act off as far as I could tell. Somewhere along the line, she had actually pulled some actual Mandalorians off to the side, and learned how to fight.

When I brought her on, she had been such a horrible fighter, as in not really knowing how to properly throw a punch. My suspicion was that she probably took notes from Threir Satre. There were rumors that the relationship on the screen had continued off the screen for some time. I don't know if that's true or not. She's a very private person, but she could throw a punch now, as several actors I brought from Coruscant had quit after she went overboard in several stunts.

That had been annoying. Then, I realized I didn't have to pay out their full contract thanks to the early termination. So, I went around Gargon looking for new actors among the Mandalorians and managed to scrounge up some good-looking locals who could fill their roles. And that decision brought a bit of fluid realism to the combat that other action shows lack that makes it a unique selling point for the show. Somewhere along the line, the stunts transformed into re-enactments. Granted, they were getting paid to take the fall eventually, but they walked away with real bruises from each fight scene.

Honestly, some of the local actors are a little too into it, doing their own makeup for gang tattoos and going into detail about how various slavers and gangsters would operate and talk. One of them had even gotten mad that I was giving the wrong direction to one of the actors who was meant to be stabbed in the back during a scene and had 'corrected' me on what sound he should be making. It sounded halfway believable to me, so I left it in.

As the last Mandalorian stand-in I hired fell to the ground, having given a damn good fight, next to the other fallen Mandalorians.

"Cut!" I called as the scene ended, Taylor slipping her prop pistol into her thigh holster as the other actors started getting up, maybe at least started pulling their helmets off and moving to go get water from the refreshment area. I waved to Taylor over as I saw the robot coming forward. "Well, S4, how was that? Your Mistress at Mandal Hypernautics is going to be happy with everything they got so far?" I asked.

S4 nodded its head before saying, "She will be very pleased, though we would wish for a bit more product placement."

"Oh, and what exactly product placement would you like? This is an alleyway in a dark fight. How exactly are we going to insert propaganda of your Starfighter for sale?"

"Oh, quite easily. I'll have some idol posters you can put up in the background, as well as ships that are currently for sale on an available billboard. I'll leave the locations to your discretion, as it doesn't necessarily need to be in this scene per se."

I gave the robot a look, but nodded my head. I would have to figure out a place to include a few of those things, but I did speak up, saying, "Didn't the idols come much later, like a year after White Silver took over? It would be a little fast to have them show up so quickly."

The robot thought for a moment before nodding its head in agreement. "You're correct. You are the professional, so I will go with your opinion on the matter."

"Yeah, yeah. By the way, any chance we can get White Silver to actually come pay us a visit next time she's in town? I would love to have a conversation with her about the whole Geonosis thing, get her side of the story. From what I've heard, she was kind of responsible for saving the princess of Mandalore, which means I've got to look up actresses to play her."

"I will put in a message to White Silver and see if they are willing to meet with you within the next few months." S4 focused its optical receptors on me and spoke a bit slower, as if to insult my intelligence, "They are very busy, with a heavy schedule" the robot responded.

"Of course she is." I said with a shake of my head.

"Besides that, I would not want to force your actress here to partake in anything they're uninterested in. So if you wish to leave that particular portion of the history out, that's fine by White Silver."

I looked at Taylor, who shrugged and pulled off her helmet, revealing her dark hair and pale ivory skin. The contrast is made even more extreme by her dark makeup around her eyes and lips.

"I'm fine with it." she said, noticing my gaze, rechecking her lip and cheek piercings to make sure they had not been knocked askew or were bleeding from the fight she had just been in. Matter-of-factly, she started checking a few other piercings on her face and said, "I don't mind playing a role. Besides, I kind of swing that way, so it's fine by me."

"Perfect." I said, nodding my head. Before stopping and trying to look at her, "Wait, was that why you were so off during the first filming of White Silver and the Silver Rider?"

Taylor looked at me and raised an annoyed eyebrow, her red eyes communicating volumes. A glint of light came off her eyebrow piercing. "No, I'm just not good yet. No one had asked me to do that before."

"Huh… okay then." I turned to S4. "This is going to be okay with White Silver, right?"

It shrugged, "I will ask her representative and I will let you know their answer."

"Well, better let them know. The marketing wonks are telling me the whole fight on Geonosis is a popular story; it's going to make sure this thing is a big moneymaker. And if it's as many credits as I think it is, there's a bit of a stipend." I said, actually talking to Taylor by patting her shoulder. "She has been good at mimicking her so far, but something tells me if she actually got the chance to meet White Silver, Taylor will elevate her acting to a whole other level, better than you'd believe." I lied, hoping that excuse would work where the previous ones had failed. Associating the real White Silver with the project, and letting the paparazzi see this association , that was what I needed to boost the show's popularity even more.

S4 nodded instantly. "I will let her know that you are willing to provide a bonus finding fee for this meeting."

"Excellent, excellent. Now, Taylor, you're going to do one more fight just to make sure we get a good couple of holos. We can cut them up for what's necessary."

"Will do, boss." she said, slapping her helmet back onto her head.


Coruscant, Mandalore Tower

I doubt I would be able to assist as much in future seasons, but it's likely that they are now already trying to incorporate some sort of Geonosis storyline. I'm not really sure how I could help with that, although there is quite a bit of information online nowadays that I might be able to forward to them.

Particularly, images of the Keldabe kiss White Silver shared with Ms. Morson that had spilled out all over the place on one forum.

One of the newer jobs in my repertoire of things I have to do is to keep an eye on HoloNet forums. Mainly to make sure that if there are any connections being drawn, none of them were being drawn between the Silver Mandalorian and my Mistress or any of her crew.

So far, that has not happened, thank goodness. The set of groups that were interested in either person tended to stay in different areas.

Theorists and Silver Mandalorian enthusiasts sprinkled the side of the forums that looked into the Silver Mandalorian, and so far, their theories ranged from a lost Mandalorian to Jango Fett's illegitimate child.

How that had even got started, I did not know. My best guess was that people had simply noticed the timing between the return of Jango Fett to Mandalore and the Silver Mandalorian showing up on Geonosis and simply thought, 'Ah, he must have sent her.'

Beyond that, there were some theories about Silver Mandalorian being a Zeltron because of the rumored relationships they had with at least two individuals so far.

Granted, the first relationship was basically based on the movie and not actual evidence presented in the field, but as long as they are confused and looking in the wrong places, that's for the best.

There is a rather interesting theory on the forum that had worked out quite a bit of the actual logistic network that Mistress Tanya did run through the identity of the Silver Mandalorian.

They had been looking at corporations that had been founded since the book had been published and noticed several of them were working closely with Mandal Hypernautics after it had been taken over by the Silver Mandalorian. It was a risk to have multiple companies quickly integrate Mandal Hypernautics into the fold after it was under new management. However, the benefits of having access to Mandal Hypernautics's industry are deemed to be worth the risk as we wouldn't have had the Crusader and Kiltirin in sufficient numbers to make as big of an impact as we are now if we didn't integrate them into the Mistress's growing economy as soon as we did.

This is a general problem, as the first corporation to be founded was after My Mistress had left Mandalore for Coruscant. If people were to put two and two together, that might well draw more eyes to a problem we'd rather not have them notice.

That being said, I am now looking into possible corporations to buy that existed before Tanya's arrival in the Mandalore sector, simply because if My Mistress owned more corporations that started to work with Mandal Hypernautics and other ones under the Silver Mandalorians' influence, it might draw some eyes away from the ones that existed because they had been founded to do the job.

I might also have been keeping an eye on some of the older corporations in the Mandalore sector. With Mandal Hypernautics under my management, I had a lot of the shipbuilding industry under my control, theoretically a third of all ships produced in the Mandalore sector.

So, if I were to somehow gain control over the shipyards of Kalevala and perhaps even MandalMotors, well, that would be in favor of Mandalore.

Yes, of course, My Mistress had spoken of the importance of, what was that term again? The free market and the ability for companies to compete. But there are hundreds of shipbuilding companies outside the Mandalore sector, so combining all three of the major Mandalorian ship companies into one would do quite wonders for profit margins, I think.

Not just because of the amount of standardization that could be done, with parts being able to be produced for each company now being on the market for each shipbuilding construction. The Grand Army of the Republic have shown the benefits of having a single supplier for all of their equipment synergize and work together very well with each other.

Unfortunately, MandalMotors is not something I could easily gain control over. The owners of the company are fairly well entrenched in their control. The only way I could theoretically push them out is to buy enough of their stock to get a majority ownership, which could be done, yet it would be ruinously expensive. I would need something to have happened to drive down the price quite a bit before I could make that purchase. Something to make it appear as if the company is on its way out…

I will put that idea away in a rainy day fund in case something like that ever happened. After all, with the war between the CIS and Republic going on, there is always a chance that they might step on someone's toes and cause issues. I knew they had managed to get themselves a governmental contract from the Republic to produce tugboats. So, it's not impossible that the Republic might do something that got them on the outs of the Mandalore sector's preferred winners of the war and caused their stock price to plummet a bit.

As for the forums that talked about my Mistress's civilian life, besides the one that still brought up the video of her fighting that one time, they are rather dull places. Plugging into them right now, I could see that the most interesting thing being talked about at the moment was a photo of My Mistress. It was, in fact, a photo of My Mistress and Mr. Ordo in their latest battle against the local gang, as I could tell because I had just seen her in that dress and outfit. But apparently, there were some who were saying that the person in that photo is not My Mistress and those that are saying that the photo is genuine are asking plenty of questions about who the man that is with her is.

Quite a few people are saying the individual looked rather boring and plain compared to the last one that she had been dating, and a few others are saying that because the person was so plain, that it must not be My Mistress.

It's a funny galaxy that people wouldn't believe it was My Mistress unless she said it herself, as that does make this a bit easier.

However, this is a situation that is worth considering. After all, thanks to Ms Vizla's latest... dalliance while she was White Silver, White Silver is likely to be considered one who goes after the fairer sex.

I issued a general order to the twenty public relations droids I kept on staff to monitor these sorts of things. Instructing them to use several accounts to leak information that the man in question was the same one who was with My Mistress in her fight against the local gangs months ago, so that people would connect the dots.

That would do a wonderful job of cementing in people's minds that My Mistress is definitely dating him, and once that happened, it would be one more barrier to believing that Tanya and the Silver Mandalorian were the same person.

The situation, then, is well in hand. My droids would make sure that people stayed focused on that fact. One of them is working on what is called a "slash fiction" in order to try and appease people into thinking that it is very well possible that those two are together.

I had thought about reprimanding him for how explicit it had been, but if I created a consistent image of preventing that sort of material, people would figure out that a droid is probably responsible for it. So, I let that little story leak and be done with it. I did however request that the droid in question go through a personality evaluation. It would not be the first time a droid had developed a strange curiosity about particular biological acts.

Either way, I was about to shut down my link to the HoloNet and focus on other things when I noticed a pop-up in the corner. A message from one of my development teams, looking through it, I realized that it's a complaint about the fact that there are now two rival idol groups on Gargon, which I had not been aware of before.

The first is the known one, a rival group put together by the Clan Tracyn. Vhet'shere, their lead singer, had rebranded their new group to the Inferno Crescendos. Their music is more focused on the explosions of combat and nomad movements, with plenty of percussion instruments. According to Ms. Vizla they are 'pretty good', and I am half-tempted to secretly buy a stake in them to make sure they were successful. Sharing revenue with them is fine. However, this third group is quote-unquote "Death Metal".

Setting my mind to it, I try to figure out where they had come from. I thought I was aware of all organizations that were currently attempting to put together idols, being just mine, the mafia, and no one else. Though, I did have theories that there would be a few more in the coming months. After all, it's preferable to have people focusing their minds on music and not on the war for a calmer and less agitated populace.

This new rival group seemed to have come out of nowhere and had purchased a small piece of estate on the borders of Gargon City. I do not know where they had come up with the money, I didn't see in my records. Wait, no, I do see something. The land in question had been purchased under Bo-Katan's name not too long ago.

Is Bo-Katan setting up her own rival group? Why? I thought I paid her well enough. Then again, I never did have her sign an exclusionary contract that prevented her from doing her own thing. If she wanted to get into the industry that I had helped craft, I guess that is well within her rights.

It's annoying having to compete with a rival as it is certain to cut into the Gargon Girl's market share, but oh well. Though it's strange that she has that kind of money, as I paid her well but not well enough to purchase enough land to start construction of an arena for her own idols. Does she have a wealthy sponsor that is paying her to do this, or is she using her own private funds for this endeavor? Clan Kryze is a fairly wealthy clan, so it is not out of the question that Bo-Katan have the funds to pay for it all, as I have never been given access to her accounts as there is no need to. The construction contracts also indicated that other than the arena, there will also be a hotel, although the design is from a much older style. The design is obviously inspired to be a former bunker that had been repurposed for a new use.

Much more militaristic than the design used in my own hotel or many of the hotels that had sprung up on Gargon. Perhaps it had something to do with the type of 'metal' they are using, this 'Death Metal'. I would need to have someone investigate, look into the types of shows they played, maybe get some images of this band. Hmm, strange. After a quick search, I did find the name of the band, although it was not exactly helpful in revealing their purpose. The Gargon Girls, of course, were called the Gargon Girls because they were formed in Gargon and are girls. The Inferno Crescendos are called that because they had connections to their history of manufacturing slugthrowers as well as their frequent use of pyrotechnical explosions and such for the entertainment of the audience. Their frequent use of explosives resulted in their arena having to be brought up to code three times because the building code kept changing, as they pushed the boundary every time.

This new rival group is called the Prey Wings. Their costumes are dark and seem to mirror each other, so that if they stood next to each other, it almost looks like they have wings on each side of them. They are slightly different, and their helmets bore the Jaig eyes, a common symbol for someone who had accomplished a combat landing. Are those just decorative, or are they former mercenaries like the Gargon Girls? Hard to say. All I could tell is that they preferred a darker coloration with blues on their armor, which is still fairly standard, except for the bits of fluff from their costume additions.

Hmm, strange. An unknown faction getting into the idol market for unknown purposes and with their own brand of music. I know Mistress has said that this is good for competition and helps drive innovation, but this is mysterious enough that I am worried that there might be something more going on here. I would have to talk to Bo-Katan and maybe put a few agents in the field to see if they could find out anything more about this situation. I'd rather not be taken by surprise if there is some unknown entity trying to gather money for a corporate takeover of the Silver Mandalorian's holdings.

That would not serve us well and would probably be a sign that the CIS are trying to gain influence in the Mandalore sector, which is something we needed to prevent.

Coruscant, Mandalore Tower
Tanya Kryze

I watched the latest in a long line of ongoing threats to the Republic on the Republic's HoloNet News on the viewscreen in my office. The Malevolence, a ship with a massive Ion Cannon of some sort that could disable an entire group of capital ships. This is a monster of capability and battlefield control, with possibly a droid factory on board, though the latter is more speculation than fact at this point. Onboard droid fabrication presented significant strategic challenges that the Republic had no immediate answer for. Some of the more fearful factions are saying that we need to surrender, though they are a small minority in the Senate, they do exist.

The ship is actually on the move in the general direction of the Core, and the Republic is scrambling to find some way to deal with it. How long would it take for them to strike the final blow to destroy that ship? I didn't know, but I had a feeling it would be very soon, simply because the CIS is making a rather familiar mistake to me, one that anyone who has studied history recognizes. The Malevolence is acting like the Bismarck; it's attempting to be a massive raider ship, destroying all supplies moving along major thoroughfares to the Core. But somehow, along the way, it lost all its escorts, or maybe it never had any, so it's now vulnerable. No doubt the Republic would figure this out soon enough and launch some sort of attack to stop it. In the process, they could probably gain a new ship out of the whole deal, as they were already acquiring a large number of ships.

Sighing, I shook my head, still surprised by how easily everyone went into full war mode the moment things escalated. Ships are being built at some of the major shipyards throughout the Core, and more and more clones were appearing all over the place. How many soldiers they could produce so quickly, I did not know, though I guessed ten years did give them quite a bit of stockpile. Still, it seemed odd to me that they were able to produce that number of soldiers. I had tried to poke around and learn where the money for the Clone army and its current naval capacity had come from. After all, if the Senate hadn't ordered it, someone had to have done it, yet my efforts seemed to have been halted.

A mysterious benefactor, that apparently no one seemed to have an issue with, had obviously funded the creation of this army. They had done it with the help of a Jedi, sure, but still, was no one concerned that we just had a clone army pop out of nowhere and a fleet not too long after that?

Well, to be fair, I'm sure someone is concerned, but at this moment, no one is actively conducting an official investigation with the war in full swing.

No one is considering the aftermath of the war and what they were going to do with said Clone army, either.

Whoever created this had turned the Republic into one of the largest slave-owning organizations in the galaxy, competing with the Hutts. This is eroding the moral high ground the Republic needed to get through this war and find some sort of peaceful conclusion. I'm sure once this is over, and they had to deal with deciding what to do with the clones, they would investigate who is responsible for the creation of the Clone army and try to pin all the crimes they had committed on them.

But until that inevitable conclusion of the war happened, it was unlikely that there would be any progress on finding out who is responsible for the creation of this army and navy, even though if the war had never happened, well, if the war had never happened, there would be a quite sizable private army and navy riding about that could have influenced events throughout the galaxy.

At least there are signs that the war might end soon. Through a random series of events, Padme had been involved in the capture of Nute Gunray. The man, the myth, the moron is now on his way to the Core to be dealt with, at least assuming nothing happened along the way. The CIS knew we had captured him, so it's very likely that they would do something. What exactly that something is, is still up in the air, but it would most likely be a pain in everyone's collective rear when it happened. Perhaps they would bring their Malevolence around to fire on the ship carrying him; perhaps not. Either way, a contingent of the Senatorial Guard was sent with him, which did not bode well for the situation in my mind.

The fact that the boys in blue are involved should have been a big win. After all, they are supposedly the best-trained officers and military personnel from across the galaxy. But the fact of the matter was, and had always been, is that they are now very well known to be corrupt and not to be trusted since a corrupt agency would most likely internally promote and reward misbehavior.

They could be planning to break him out at this very moment for a sizable reward, for all I know. The more I considered it, the more probable the idea became.

My dark thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my door, causing me to look up and away from my viewscreen. Engiz is standing there with a smile, not wearing the royal guard uniform but instead a rather handsome-looking suit, and he said, "Ride's here, Tanya."

I brushed my hair off my shoulders and got up from my seat, happy to be out of the realm of politics for the rest of the night. My position as a Representative didn't exactly allow me to do much yet. Oh, sure, I would be attending the gathering to set up the Neutrality Council, but everything I did is in service to the Senator, and Prince Merrik cast votes and made the final decisions. As far as I could see, he's going to be in that position for the rest of the war, so all I could do is advise him on my opinion.

So, I'm simply worrying over something I had no control over. I sighed and brushed off my dress. Taking a night off to do something else is probably for the best, allowing my mind to decompress and be able to think clearly on subjects when needed.

This is why, when Chancellor Palpatine had offered me tickets to an opera, I had not said no. The only problem, of course, is that it's a pair of tickets and I needed to bring a plus one, but that is not a bad situation. Chancellor Palpatine would be in the same building, making it probably the most secure building in the Republic. So, I didn't need a lot of guards tonight. I only needed Engiz; he's more than enough protection for such a night, and it would give me the chance for a conversation in private with the Chancellor. I wanted to see if I couldn't learn anything useful for the next series of votes coming next year. He has access to a lot more paperwork than I did, as well as having the clearest picture of what is going on in the galaxy as a whole. Plus, I wondered what the actual outlook of the war actually was.

Propaganda is on the rise, I could see that quite easily. Pretty soon, I suspected that most of the news would be so slanted towards a radical pro-Republic position that any senator who stayed too long on Coruscant would inevitably absorb some of it if they simply took the news at face value. Then they might mistakenly assume that either we are winning or we are losing, depending on who they listened to. And that's assuming that the Senate, in its glorious wisdom, didn't decide to vote for active censorship.

My opinion of the Senate is dropping precipitously. The vote to give Chancellor Palpatine emergency powers kind of showed that they generally didn't have the ability or the motivation to run the government. The Senate would rather have someone else do it, which meant they are more in favor of an authoritarian figure.

I don't know if Palpatine would exploit the situation and become that authoritarian figure. Yes, I had my issues with some of the political scheming. He had obviously done some to get his position, but power abhors a vacuum, someone had to become Chancellor. Perhaps my theories from a few years ago about a general bringing an army from the Outer Rim back to take over the government would happen. After all, a few years ago it was impossible for that scenario to happen as there was no Republic Army that could be used for such an effort. The closest figure was Tarkin with his command of the Republic Outland Regions Security Force. Of course, he had stepped down before that could become an issue. However, he's now one of the most well respected officers in the Republic's Navy. There are several Clone legions and armies spread out across the frontier, trying to fight billions of battle droids. Supported by thousands of warships. A figure like Tarkin could turn about very quickly and with few that would challenge him.

Shaking my head, I tried not to think about that as I said, "Engiz, you're looking rather well-suited tonight." With a smile, I came up next to him as he presented an arm for me to take.

Engiz smiled and said, "Got in contact with a friend of Tabi's who owns a suit shop in his home world. Got me a good price for this." he said, causing me to smile.

"Good price for a good suit. It really shows off your broad shoulders," Why am I spouting colloquialisms, I thought, trying to ignore the flush on my face as I said that. My brain could say some funny things when I am not in complete control and just running on instinct, and that is flying stupid.

Engiz's own face seemed to flush a bit before he said, "Thanks, Tanya. I'm glad you like it."

Nodding, I said, "Well, we better get going. I'm sure the show won't wait for us."

"Yes, of course," he said, leading the way down the hall into the main room where we met with guests.

On the couch were Tabi and Vai, cuddled up next to each other, as the holovision is playing reruns of The Silver Rider. On a nearby chair is Morson who's watching the show with some interest, and in a corner are Kastel and Mok who are cleaning their staves. At the kitchen counter, Skota and Captain Struc are having a chat about something. They were all busy with their own things, but they noticed us on our way out, and Vai waved, saying, "Later, Tanya. Too bad you had to get these tickets tonight; you're going to miss the new episode."

I smiled and said, "I'll catch it later; I'm sure you'll record it."

"Well, that's a given, yeah," Vai said, "but I meant the other new episode, you know, the new TV series, The Silver Mandalorian."

I stopped and turned, looking at her in confusion, "Silver Mandalorian is getting a TV show? How come I didn't hear about this until just now?"

X4, who's standing in the corner, said, "It was in a report about three months ago, Mistress. Filming started around the same time."

I blinked. I would say more, but Morson is looking up now, and I still had not revealed that tidbit of information, especially with the current series of events that Vai had unleashed by sharing a Keldabe kiss very publicly under the identity of White Silver.

For now, I simply shook my head and said, "Well, I'll have to watch that when I get back." wondering what I had missed and what was in that report.

I'm sure X4 is somehow responsible for it. I had given him permission to deal with that situation before, and I'm sure he'd come up with something rather creative, as he intended to do. But I was completely out of the loop on it and am now paying for it with my confusion.

After saying my goodbyes to the others, I stepped outside with Engiz and made our way to the elevator. Once we arrived at the parking lot, there were several vehicles to choose from. Excess money meant I needed to invest it somehow and having a small fleet of vehicles for my staff, so they could get things done, made sense. Plus, buying another fleet of vehicles had appeased the Duchess a bit about the paint incident, as I wouldn't be wandering the streets of Coruscant or Sundari on foot anymore. Also, appearing to be an individual looking for the best for the Mandalore sector while also spending a little money to have a fun time is a great way to ward off the hounds that might be sniffing around about what I did in my spare time, especially the Silver Mandalorian stuff.

For tonight, we chose a blue-colored speeder that had been purchased some time ago after we had returned from the adventure to Geonosis. It has good speed, and as Engiz got in behind the seats, I took the seat across from him.

Starting off, we began driving and heading towards the opera, and I tried not to think about just how disorganized the speedways of Coruscant are.

Flying cars is a bad idea. Flying cars on Earth is a really bad idea, so flying cars here is a really bad idea too. The number of near misses and almost accidents that happened as we tried to drive from the district we lived in to the district that housed the Opera House would probably give my life insurance agency nightmares.

It was one of the reasons I had not bothered to learn to drive in this life.

Sure, if we were on a planet that had a vehicle that's surface-bound, I could drive that by relying on memories from my past lives with no issue. But this isn't really driving, this is flying. And yes, my second life allowed me to learn to fly, but that is personal flight. I am not trained to fly a vehicle through the streets of Coruscant. Like with fashion, I felt like learning to pilot civilian craft is like growing my skills in the wrong direction. I had plenty of other things that I needed to do. And on that note, it's a similar situation when it comes to piloting space vehicles. Yes, it probably would be novel to learn it, but I had plenty of other things I needed to do, and I have plenty of people like Engiz who could do the job for me.

Oh, I'll admit that it would have been a smoother drive if I am wearing my jetpack. The Coruscanti air stunk of industrial chemicals, and Engiz fought several road-raging maniacs who nearly hit us just for driving a little bit into their lane. I was bumped into Engiz once or twice as we had to avoid these crazed maniacs before we finally arrived at the Opera.

Relieved, I started to pull myself out of my seat before Engiz said, "Here, let me help." getting out on his side of the vehicle and coming around to open the door and offer me a hand.

I eagerly grabbed Engiz's hand and said, "Thank you." as I stumbled from my craft. I still tried to remember my manners and act like the princess I am. Grabbing my purse from the seat once I'm out, Engiz gave the keys to a Twi'lek valet, who went to move our car to one of their parking areas and took a ticket, so we could get our car back. From there, arm in arm, we moved up the stairway past several other crowds and people going up to the Opera.

I noticed then that, although this is supposedly a regular event, there were quite a few political functionaries here. I wondered if perhaps Palpatine had given those tickets out to a lot of potential political allies. After all, nothing gets a vote more than bribery, and what better way to not really be accused of bribery than to hand out gifts of an opera performance?

There's also a large crowd of paparazzi taking pictures. I tried to keep my head down and hoped no one would recognize me.

I'm wearing a green dress that did a lot to show off my hips, and I left my shoulders bare. My hair had been done up instead of being pulled back into a ponytail or let loose to hang over my shoulders. I hoped I wouldn't be that recognizable.

Admittedly, I guess it wouldn't hurt for people to recognize me, but I'm always a bit paranoid about people recognizing me, probably ever since the whole fight a few years back. Getting unwanted attention is not needed for my profession. Trying to appear inconspicuous, I held Engiz's arm closer and leaned into him, hoping that people would just not notice and assume that Engiz is an actual, albeit unknown, celebrity, and I am just an accompanying woman, thus making it harder for people to recognize me.

Once we were through the front door, the crowd of paparazzi could no longer see us, so I returned to a more reasonable position as we moved through the Opera House. It had many floors and many private rooms. Thankfully, we only had to go up two floors and down the hall past seven rooms to find where we would be.

Taking a seat, I noticed that Palpatine had yet to arrive. He's probably busy with some sort of emergency. Oh well, he would either show up later, and we would have a conversation, or not. Either way, I could sit here and enjoy this night off with Engiz, trying not to think about the politics that I would be involved in tomorrow.

Coruscant, Mandalore Tower
Vai-Viktis Vizla

"Well, that episode was not what I was expecting." Tabi said, with my arm around his shoulder as we walked down the steps from the tower.

"Now you can say that twice." I said with a shake of my head before adding, "I thought they would have delved deeper into the orphan storyline, but it's just a continuation of the movie pretty much."

Tabi nodded, his arm seemed to find its way further down my shoulder, bringing me closer. "Yep, but I'm sure the next episode will be better. Plus, I think it's just that we know most of these storylines, so it sounds like old hat to us."

"Yeah." I said, shaking my head, as we walked down to the level and tried to decide on what car we'd take tonight.

With Tanya and Engiz off on their date, it's time for us to do something by ourselves. After all, what's the point of having a boyfriend if I don't go out and have some fun with him?

I'm thinking about going to the club that we visited a while back. Lots of alcohol, plenty of fun music, and no worries of any problems occurring.

At least that was my thought until I heard a voice behind me say, "What do you mean, you know the rest of the story?" Both of us froze, turning our heads to look and see Khae standing there with a basket of laundry, obviously having come down to the laundromat just across from the car park of the tower.

Smiling, I said, "Well, you know Tanya pays attention to the story of the Silver Mandalorian, so we read a lot of her exploits too when we have free time."

Khae raised an eyebrow before shaking her head and heading towards the laundry room. I sighed, happy to have her gone, as she had obviously not figured out what was going on this time from my mistake.

I turned to look at the cars again before Tabi thought for a moment and said, "Maybe we should invite Khae to come along."

I raised an eyebrow and looked at him, confused, before he said, "Listen, sooner or later you're going to have to bring her in on the whole Silver Mandalorian thing, and if you guys don't have a good friendship by then, it's going to be kind of weird. It's better for you two to be friends, so she's okay with the fact that you gave her that little helmet-to-helmet kiss, than for you to barely know each other and be weirded out by the whole concept that you gave her a kiss like that instead of Tanya."

"Hmm, a good point," I said, shaking my head. "Besides, we can probably drop a few hints, so she's not as confused when we finally reveal it to her."

"Exactly." Tabi said, patting my shoulder before he moved to go pick up a car. I stood there at the side of the stairs, waiting for Khae to come back.

I said, "Hey Khae, we were just thinking, do you want to join us on our little trip tonight?"

She looked at me, confused, before saying, "I thought you two were going on a special date or something."

I smiled and said, "Well, that's for later, but we're just going to go drinking first, have a little party, dancing, that sort of thing."

"Hmm," Khae looked down at herself before finally sighing and saying, "I guess, but I'm not really dressed for this kind of thing."

Noting that she's wearing rather frumpy brown-colored clothing, I nodded and said, "Oh, that's easily solved." as I moved up next to her and put my arm under hers. "You're about Tanya's size; I think we can find some of her clothing for you."

"Are you sure that's an okay idea?" she said as I guided her up the stairs, rather assertively, back up to the residential part of the Tower and opened the door.

"It's fine. Tanya has me buying her clothing all the time, even has some matching mine, just so we can switch off once in a while. Oh, that reminds me, we need to get you some similar stuff that Tanya has, just so we can pull that sort of thing."

"You two switch off?" Khae asked, arching an eyebrow.

I smiled at her and said, "Yep, all the time. You wouldn't believe how many times we've had to pretend for each other. It keeps people guessing about what she's up to."

"Hmm, wait a moment. That time she was caught on camera with Tabi that was all over the news a few years back, was that you and Tabi?"

I smiled before saying, "Well, I can't exactly comment on that, not yet at least." The last bit of that sentence came out a little strangled, as I didn't want to lie to Khae. After all, that particular incident that she's referring to was the first time White Silver had shown up, and if I said yes, that would sooner or later confirm it. If I said it the way I did now, hopefully, she would figure it out on her own eventually.

Opening the door, I let her into the main hallway and back into Tanya's room, where I said, "Pick something out from inside that closet that fits. I'm sure there'll be something in there that works for you."

Letting out a sigh, Khae did as I said and went into Tanya's closet. After a few minutes, she returned with a rather nice top and short skirt. "Will this work?" she asked, holding them up, and I nodded, saying, "Yes, the place isn't too formal, so that'll be perfect. Maybe some knee-high socks too?" I suggested, leaning over and pulling out a pair from Tanya's closet and tossing them to her. She nodded and took the items into the bathroom while I sat on the end of Tanya's bed.

I waited a few moments before I heard Khae coming back out, now dressed as a pretty convincing look-alike for Tanya, showing off quite a bit of leg between the knee-high socks, the green skirt, and sleeveless top.

"I feel exposed." she complained, her cheeks warming slightly.

I shook my head as I got up and put my arm around her, saying, "You look like a girl ready to have some fun. Don't worry, I'll watch after you." I said, guiding her towards the exit of Tanya's room.

"Are you sure Tanya will be fine with me dressed like her? She won't be mad?" She asked tentatively.

"It'll be perfectly fine. After all, you should get used to doing this kind of job. I'm sure you'll have to step in as her once or twice before the next adventure."

"The next adventure?" Khae said with emphasis, looking at me curiously.

I coughed, saying, "You know, like Geonosis."

"Yeah, but as far as I'm aware, that's the only adventure Tanya has been on."

"As far as you're aware." I said with a nod, continuing to walk her by the main room and out into the hall leading to the elevator and the stairs down to the garage park.

"What other adventures has she been on?" Khae asked.

"Now that would be telling." I teased

"That's not fair." Khae exclaimed with a huff.

I shrugged before commenting, "The galaxy's not fair, but the important part is that you'll learn of it sooner or later. Tanya should be the one to tell you of all her indiscretions."

"Indiscretions?" Khae gave an odd eyebrow raise, and I smiled, knowing I said something that's just odd enough to get her interested. Sooner or later, she would start poking at it, and Tanya would have to do something, which was better than the current situation.

I did wonder how we were going to bring her in on this thing. Telling a girl that, 'Hey, I'm the White Silver, and yeah, she is too.' is going to be an odd conversation, that's for sure. Hopefully, I could dump all of that for Tanya to deal with. After all, explaining why I had kissed her is going to be annoying if I was the one who had to do all the planning. I'd rather have to explain that afterward, saying, 'Oh, I thought that would be something Tanya would do,' than any other better explanation.

Looking around, I saw that Tabi had gotten a car, and I quickly guided Khae to it, loading her into the back and sitting next to Tabi as he turned it on. We started our trip down a few levels and over a few miles to the same bar that Tabi, Tanya, and Engiz had frequented before.

We arrived at a parking lot, locked up the car, and stepped out, heading out into the street above. Tabi, being his usual self, put his arm around me and an arm around Khae to keep us close and safe at hand as we made our way up the steps, just as we had fought some gangsters the last time we had been here.

We quickly found ourselves back in the same line, and I took note of some interesting differences compared to the last time we were here. Last time, there had been a wide variety of species from across the Republic, but now it looked like they're about fifty percent human, fifty percent not, which was odd and more noticeable now for some reason. I had noticed that there were a lot more anti-Separatist commercials paying a bit too much attention to the fact that they were mostly alien in nature, but I didn't really think much more beyond that. After all, Mandalorians are a culture, not a species. We didn't care about that kind of silliness; we only cared about if you could fight. And if you can fight, you can fight for your freedom with the Mandalorians.

The other thing I noted is that almost every single person here has a vambrace. They're in various designs and colors, but they are vambraces of Mandalorian design, or at least close to it. Listening in, I heard one group talking about how their vambraces were from a company here on Coruscant that's trying to market the trend by building their own variants.

Which is interesting to know. I knew Tanya had taken an interest in it last time, so I would make sure to bring it up to her when I talked to her. After all, what else is a handmaiden supposed to do but serve as her eyes and ears when she's out and about?

The other thing I noticed is there were more cameras around, which is new. This part of town is rather secure, but here they are, cameras watching the sidewalks and the street. Perhaps it's to prevent the gang fights that had happened before. No, that couldn't be it because, as I looked around, I noticed there's an increased presence of Coruscant police and the new clone troopers who were helping them.

The red-armored shock troopers, or whatever they were called, are walking around and seemingly trying to make themselves friendly to the people, it felt like.

Tanya had already talked about this a while back. She assumed it was an effort to try and humanize the clones among the population of Coruscant. After all, if they are out fighting the droids on the frontier, it's likely they would be thought of as nothing better than droids. Though I did question if that would actually work, considering there are droids walking around Coruscant doing the exact same kind of work.

Shaking my head, I focused back on the bar as we got closer and closer, only stopping when I saw a flash from someone who took a picture of themselves and blinded me for a moment. I had to shake my head to clear my vision, but once that was done, we found ourselves at the front of the line and could enter safely.

It's time to have a little fun and get to know Khae better, helping her get to know us and prepare her to understand the reveal when that finally happened.

Writer's note: Huh, times passing, and I'm trying something a bit experimental in storytelling. Short little stories tied to the main story in order to get us a closer view on event's elsewhere, so let me know what you all think about it and whether I should keep doing it. And Vai is doing her job of getting Khae ready to learn something, while Tanya is out there trying to make a political meeting happen. Is it as good as I hoped? Let me know in the comments

Edited by: L, Afforess, Warmach1ne32, Fallqm

Community edited by:
Community editable doc (Chapter) No story suggestions in the community editing document, Keep all story suggestions and comments in the thread

Supporters: Afforess, Gremlin Jack, Xodarap4, Duncan Sproule, James Moorhouse, Dankermaler, Hats88, DrkShdow, Devilstar101, Michael, Mana Rope, Falk Hüser, Silver Wolf, Mackenzie Buckle, Neso, Lmc9389, Staradder, KrasieK, Zollus, Jog256, Ethan Dowie, Maxim Blashkevych, The GrandMage, loyalChaos, Daryl, FreelancerD0, Zul The Lich, Flynn Pirola-Henderson, Retexks, John Norman, Ian R Major, Dale, Darth Vendar, BigKumaDM, Taylor Tilbury, Treant Balewood, Aske Helsted, Sam, Brandon Goodman, BarrettSlayer, Guillermo Echeverria, D3ad0s, Pulse Rager, Daniel Quigley, Lago, CB-Otaku, Adam Daw, Michał Kotuła, Louis Kasser, Arkhad, Tree Man, Pontus, Zahael, Nathan Cardoso, John Vargo, Lightstorm, Julian Rivera, Endymion2314, harry Nevel, William, Legion_13, Beautiful Winter, Shadowsmage, Mrsmall0170, MysteryCPU, Seadrake, MinnieMin, Lictor Magnus, Michael Hill, King Henry V, Bill Romero Diaz
So Vai's plan is to dress Khae as Tanya when Tanya herself is going to a public event already. Genius. After all, we all know that the best way to make a body double effective is to make sure everyone and their cat knows a body double exist right? Right?????

I can only pray this stupid stunt won't be explained away as a positive somehow if the Tanya-clones turn out to actually be a thing.

Also Vai deciding (on her own without consulting Tanya) to start dropping hints of White Silver is another genius move. Because White Silver is her secret to share right?
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So Vai's plan is to dress Khae as Tanya when Tanya herself is going to a public event already. Genius. After all, we all know that the best way to make a body double effective is to make sure everyone and their cat knows a body double exist right? Right?????
The fact is everyone knows that princesses and Royalty use handmaidens as an extra layer of protection if they want too, it also doesn't say how many of them they could have under their employ, so that doesn't really change much. I mean Padme's handmaiden is the reason she is alive. An assassin might know that the target has a body double, but he/she might not know if the one he is aiming at is the real one or not and that is more important. Tanya being invited by the Chancellor is a big deal and it would be a bad idea to snub Palpatine by sending in her body double instead of the person the most powerful man in the galaxy invited himself. So having the handmaidens be off duty is not going to raise too many eyebrows in the upper class. I mean what are they going to do? Tanya should have invited her handmaiden instead of her date when she is only given 2 tickets?
Also Vai deciding (on her own without consulting Tanya) to start dropping hints of White Silver is another genius move. Because White Silver is her secret to share right?
Tanya and Vai already discussed this when she is on her way back to Mandalore for a vacation. Tanya left Vai to clue Morson in cause she was the one who kissed her so she is the one who'll deal with it.
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Spar and Tanya has the similar opinions regarding the clones, she just choose to deal with it a different way.
I wonder how Spar would react to the chip and the order to kill all Jedi.
Spar and Tanya has the similar opinions regarding the clones, she just choose to deal with it a different way.
I wonder how Spar would react to the chip and the order to kill all Jedi.
Honestly I prefer if there were no chips as the Clone Troopers were raised to willingly enact on Order 66 when they receive it as part of Good Soldiers Follow Orders.

It would show how much they have changed by choosing not to enact on Order 66 and protect the Jedi they fought alongside with or let them escape.
Given the confusion online and some people lack of research its more than likely a rumor will start of a poly relationship with Tabi being with Tanya and Vai supported further by the photo a couple of years go of Tabi and Tanya. The emphasis that Khae looks like Tanya in the outfit, all the camera's around, and of course the arm around both girl's shoulders strongly implies there will be more misundertandings that Tanya has to deal with. Its kind of funny X4 and Vai help Tanya in the most embarrassing way that keeps catching her flatfooted.