Princess of Mandalore (Youjo Senki/Star Wars)

Chapter 18
Chapter 18
714FNM 24 BBY
Month 9

Mandalorian sector, Ratio
Tanya Kryze

I pressed a few buttons and my game piece moved into position so that it could strike my opponent's game piece. And thankfully my knowledge of this particular game paid off as I was able to defeat it successfully.

"Not bad, Silver." Rahm Kota said, looking over the board from his seat. "Do you play strategy games often?"

I shook my head, my face hidden behind the helmet. I had planned to get used to wearing a helmet 24/7 when we actually got to Gargon as I would need to keep my identity a secret. I wanted the Silver Codex to prosper on its own without the baggage that my family line could bring along with it. But the last minute inclusion of a Jedi into our plans had thrown that out the window and I would need to get used to it real quick.

Thankfully, I don't believe he had seen my face and considering the stakes that were involved, I removed the dye from my hair returning it to its natural auburn state in case my helmet cracked or something else happened. As far as the people in politics knew, my hair was blonde and I was running around the Mandalorian Sector putting out political fires with two of my Royal Guards. If somehow my helmet came loose or I was glimpsed when I didn't have it on, like what happened with Rahm Kota where he had seen me from behind, all they would know was that the girl behind White Silver had auburn hair, something I could easily cover up.

"I would love to play more games of strategy," I said matter of factly, "but I'm quite busy with my outside endeavors for peace such as this journey."

"Endeavors for peace? With the amount of weaponry I've seen on board the ship, that's a strange statement." The Jedi knight— or master, I didn't know him very well so it could be either— pressed a few buttons and sent a creature across the board, killing him. One of my pawns, as it were.

"Not bad." I said, noting that he had created an opening in my line that could be exploited by one of his units on his turn to get pretty close to my commander. I pressed a few buttons and sent a unit to cover that hole. I know I was playing a little bit reactionary but I was waiting for the right moment, for a push into his lines.

"Peace is a tool of great economic prosperity. Peace allows development of technologies that will make people's lives better. This peace is easily broken by those who simply want to take what was made for themselves, one must be prepared to defend peace. If you're not ready to defend your peace, someone will take it from you."

The Jedi nodded his head as he rubbed his chin beard then pressed a few buttons sending another attack towards my lines on the holographic table. "Wise words for one so young, and not a bad philosophy. Almost believe you're working on another codex if you really are the maker of the first."

"I probably will be forced to make another one." I muttered, pressing some buttons to block his attack and move a unit forward to threaten the side of a quick moving assault unit. "I only wanted to make a codex with the idea of looking at our history from another point of view. One where we were not always violent aggressors but could be defensively focused, a view to try and calm relations between the New Mandalorians and the Older Mandalorians, the Traditionalists. This False Silver has done a lot of damage to that idea. After I reveal to the sector that he is not the creator of the codex and clear the document of his fraudulency, I'm going to have to come up with a new edition of the work to try and prevent people from using my defensive focus and in such a manner going forward."

"Such assurance in your victory," the Jedi noted, "combat is not a game, White Silver. I don't know what life you led before your foray into philosophy but just because you think you're in the right does not mean you will win. You could fail and everyone in this ship could be dead by the end of your mission."

"Possibly." I said moving a unit to meet his latest attack. He was a bit on the reckless side with his units, I noted. "But I think things will work out in our favor. Aboard this ship are four of some of the best trained Mandalorians that you can find in the Mandalorian Sector. Adding to that my not too terrible fighting ability, that's a pretty good strike team. We also have access to a well-trained armorer who's been modifying our gear for the last week before we took off. And it would seem your Force is in our corner; why else would a Jedi Knight find his way to an abandoned mining facility that we used for this operation?"

I was poking at that little subject, if it was the Force that was ...concerning. Hope there wasn't 'Being X level shenanigans' going on, but if it wasn't I would like to know who had sent him. Very few people should know where I trained in my youth and no one should know I had been there when Kota found me.

The Jedi nodded his head and then said, "I did feel the Force would guide me to where I needed to be on this, why else would I have found my way to the Mandalorian Sector before something like this would happen." He sent another attack force forward attempting to pierce my lines on the right side.

"Coincidence," I said matter of factly as I reinforced those lines. "At least for why you're in the system. While we are on this topic, I don't know much about the Force, being just a normal person. So I'll make no statements about finding your way to our little band of heroes."

Rahm Kota chuckled at that for some reason before he asked, "I have to wonder, why did you let me on board your ship? Strange Jedi Knight that just pops out of the wilderness. It seems a bit odd that a band of Mandalorians would allow me to come along."

"The scars," I said plainly. "I could tell you'd been in combat more than a fair bit and considering you still have all of your limbs, that means that whatever combat you've seen you've won fairly successfully. Frankly, the bigger concern in my mind is your connection to the Jedi Order. Being accused of being pawns of the Jedi would not help in this operation."

Rahm Kota nodded his head before asking, "If that's such a big concern, why did you let me on then?"

"Jedi are massive force multipliers, no pun intended. Usually, whichever side of any conflict they get involved in has them, wins. To deny that is to deny your own eyes. Having a Jedi on your side is worth the potential issue and could be easily denied through various methods. If you are willing to wear a helmet and lay off the lightsaber work that would be the easiest since it would be much harder to make sure you appeared to have wandered into the situation at the last moment instead of being sent here directly by the Jedi Order. Besides that, I had a good feeling."

"A good feeling?" Kota said, sitting forward.

"As I said, wherever Jedi go, they tend to be on the winning side. If the Force is real and it sent one of its agents to help set things right, then I know that I'm on the right course to making sure Mandalore gets to continue the peaceful period of economic growth it needs." With that said, I pressed a few buttons sending my leader's main contingent forward, this entire time I've been stretching his lines out slowly and steadily during the assaults until there was only a small area between his command force and mine. It was easy to pierce the line and send my force directly into his.

"Oh, that was bold." Kota said.

"That is game, set, and match." I said sitting back in my seats waiting for him to realize that I was right in that assumption. Rahm Kota could pull forces back to try and help his leadership unit get out of the situation it was in, but every time he did so, that would allow me to push a unit into their lines, carving them up even more. Might take three to four turns to completely finish it but the game was, in essence, already over.

"Damn." he muttered, looking at the board.

Standing up I said, "Well that was fun, care to play again tomorrow? I have to go check on my equipment for this mission."

He nodded in agreement and I left the table heading towards my room. Once inside I closed and locked the door and took off my helmet to get some 'fresh' air. I had been wearing the helmet nearly constantly for three days and I would probably have to wear it for another three days before we arrived at Gargon. I had a feeling by the time this mission was over I might be called out for being 'paler than a vampire'.

I moved over to my armor to check it over, to make sure it was in good condition. A Mandalorian was only as good as their equipment, some would say. Well, I would just like to make sure my equipment didn't jam on me in a life and death situation and cost me my life.

It had as many Beskar plates as my Kryze armor and it looks suitably impressive when worn. A majority of it is silver in coloration, not bothering with paint in most cases since I did not want to link my colors of green to the silver and white needed for this operation. But it was painted in a few places with white stripes and to complete it Zum had provided me with a white shoulder cape which apparently had been a large fad with the Traditionalist Mandalorians before the end of the Civil War. I wasn't much of an artist so I hadn't painted anything else on the suit, leaving the simple white lines running up the armor for what it was, though it did look a bit plain.

Normally I would leave it that way but I was considering ways of possibly altering it if I was going to successfully steal back the title of White Silver. For this identity, I needed to make sure that everyone knew what the armor of White Silver looked like. I wasn't exactly sure what I could add to do that. If I get the chance, I would probably modify it again. Well, hopefully after this mission I could just lock this in a closet on Concordia and never think about it again. However, that is a bad investment to leave hanging around like that. Zum had gone all out putting on every little trinket he apparently could think of into the armor from a vambrace energy shield to a utility belt filled with neat little gadgets. Either X4 had overpaid or the CEO of Mandal Hypernautics had screwed him over in some way and he really wanted to make sure he was brought down because this stuff probably would have eaten enough money for two pairs of suits and Zum had been able to produce all six without issue.

As for the weapons I had acquired for this mission: a pair of Westar 35 pistols, a Galaar 15 Blaster with a folding stock (which I asked Zum to add in case I needed a steady shot), and a bayonet in case I needed to stab someone. Simple and safe weapons that any Mandalorian could get their hands on that I could easily have keyed to work with the targeting systems on my helmet. My helmet was a feat of engineering, a marvel in its own right, as Zum had included a voice distorter which would be a useful little gizmo for the political talks that I'm sure would happen when I started reaching out to potential allies on the planet's surface. Other than that, it also has a HUD that displays where my Westar pistols are aiming and multi-spectrum vision modes to see in the dark or to spot heat signatures.

However it's my vambraces that I am considering adding to my family armor. On my left is an energy shield and a flash projector that shines blinding light from my palm and, when not in use, it retracts into the vambrace. On my right is a fibrecord whip, which is basically a grappling hook, that can also electrocute a target with a press of a button; a special surprise which took inspiration from a western I watched in my second life. Zum managed to fit an old deactivator pistol into the vambrace and it would pop out with a flick of my wrist, ready to shut down a droid or stun a person. After False Silver is dealt with, Zum mentioned that he'll try to make a version that can achieve something similar but with a blaster pistol but for now a deactivator is the only thing small enough to fit without being noticable.

As Rahm Kota had said, there was a chance that every single person on this ship could die if I relied on them alone, but I was not going to limit my potential manpower like that. There was no way that the people of Gargon were fully sold on a corporate authority taking over their planet. I simply needed to align myself with these rebels and make sure they were successful in bringing him down. Stories of a Silver Knight coming to support their efforts would then spread throughout the sector as time went on and hopefully that would undo the majority of the damage False Silver did to the codex.

It was possible that would not happen, but I had a feeling that I was making the right choices. I've spent a lot of time in the Mandalorian Sector and I understood their culture as best as I think anyone could, and nothing spoke more to Mandalorians than bold action. What I was banking on was a massively bold move that I hoped would do the job.

I sat down on my bed and picked up the chest plate which had been painted mostly white and was about to get to work cleaning it when I had a bit of a thought that brought a chuckle to my lips. Pulling out a knife from the utility belt I brought the mostly painted white armor over to my desk and laid it down and then carefully started to chip away the paint over the right breast. I was no artist but I was not exactly going to a fashion contest and I believe I managed to successfully carve in what I wanted. A pair of silver wings right above my heart with two silver tail feathers coming off the central body of the wings. It wasn't much, but it would do for customizations. I could always have this improved later but a reference to the Silver Wings Assault Medal that I'd earned a lifetime ago was enjoyable to my eyes.

Gargon orbit, Ratio
Tanya Kryze

I have never had the urge to learn to fly a spacecraft. To fly with a jetpack however— to be as close to personal flight and what I dearly loved about it— that I had gone out of my way to learn. Flying a spacecraft was something I hadn't needed to know, however since I'd taken the Captain's quarters and was the closest person to the pilots section that had changed. In case of an emergency, the Royal Guard Captain had gone out of his way to make sure that I was given lessons as well in the two seat cockpit of the ship.

I don't know how well I was doing but I could at least follow orders well enough. I had to admit I had a good view of the planet we were heading to from my position. Outside the window the snowy planet of Gargon was slowly coming into view. Though 'snowy' was possibly not the correct word for the planet, as a large percentage of the planet was mountainous. High mountains which collected a lot of moisture with colder air\ created snowy peaks, and as a result there were very few safe landing places on the planet. One was in Gargon City, the crime filled metropolis, and from what I understood was the main headquarters of Mandel Hypernautics and this new empire they were planning to build. The other places are small towns and villages that provided food to the roaming nomads of the planet in exchange for protection from other nomads who would want to steal it.

It was a very disorganized mess from what I understood, but it was a system that worked for these people and quite a few of them were Old Mandalorians who had been originally banished from Mandalore after the Clan Wars. Since it was still in the Mandalorian Sector but not under the control of New Mandalorians, being firmly under the control of— let's call them Gangster Mandalorians— at least I hope the gangster element was Mandalorian on this planet. I have been studying as much as I could and it looked like at one point the Hutts had a stake on the planet but were no longer interested.

"I hope everyone packed a warm suit of underclothing, because that planet's chilly this time of year." Skota, the Royal Guard Medic, said from the hallway behind the cockpit looking through to the outside.

"I'm more concerned with that small fleet." Guard Captain Struc said, "Pay note to the 50-odd ships in orbit around the planet; most appear to be retrofitted freighters. A lot of them appear to be Mandalorian design, specifically some of the export models Mandel Motors had been producing for the Hutts."

Well, considering my meeting with their representative months ago, it's possible that these were rip-off designs produced by Mandel Hypernautics and were all sold to the Hutts. There's nothing too big besides three ancient dungeon ships that look like they'd been rushed back into service. The large cubes were slowly moving into geosynchronous orbit above what I would have to guess was Gargon City, and they looked like they were armed for a fight.

"Any idea if they're going to prevent us from landing?" I asked though I didn't really figure they would.

"It looks like they're preventing anyone from coming through the main spaceport, I just put in a request and they told me to 'Blast off'. However a smaller port town just south of Gargon is still taking ships."

"So Hypernautics has complete control over people going in and out of the city but not the planet itself? That's a good sign." I said.

"They don't have complete control over the planet?" Rahm Kota said from somewhere behind me. "You'd think he'd make sure to have at least that before he sprung this attempted rebellion."

"Technically, Gargon is not part of the traditional structure of the sector." I responded, "Yes, the Mandalorian Senator represents Gargon, as it's located inside the sector, but it has never sworn fealty to the New Mandalorian Duchess, so this isn't really much of a rebellion yet as a change of management. No doubt though this will lead to a rebellion if left unchecked." I supplied the theoretical answer to this question before continuing. "He likely doesn't want people getting in and out of the city just yet while he secures the loyalty of the planet's gangs. Once he has the gangs under his command, he can move on to try and secure the loyalty of the nomads. After that he'll probably have no issue with allowing in unlucky people who are unaware he has usurped the name of White Silver and put them to work in his army or factories, building weapons for whatever rebellious plans he's got."

"Still, that seems like a rather small force to hold the orbital high ground." Rahm Kota commented.

"It's small, but it's big enough to be comparable to the New Mandalorian Royal Guard, which would be the most likely force to be sent against such an operation. In addition to that, there's no guarantee that he doesn't have more ships hidden around the moon somewhere just to draw the Royal Guard into a false sense of security before springing the trap." The Guard Captain said, matter of factly.

"Always best to keep some of your cards hidden, if your enemy underestimates you, they are in for a nasty surprise."

"Well let's hope he's made a massive mistake with this whole rebellion business then." Rahm Kota said as I heard him turning to walk away.

"Anyways," Captain Struc said, "I have been given the okay for landing at the village of Garval, shall I proceed with a landing, Steel?"

I chuckled at the use of the code names that we had decided on for the mission. Technically I was still the White Silver and I would need to obtain that name when we finally completed the mission but until that moment it was better to use different names for conversations with other people. "Just take us in Strike, let's find out what awaits us on that planet."

With that said, our little ship began a swift descent to the planet, soon arriving at the fairly small town a good 30-40 miles away from the city of Gargon. Stepping off the ship I had to note that the planet was, in fact, very cold and was glad I had packed some warm under-armor clothing. It is a fairly bustling town, mostly blocky double story buildings but they are fairly small; likely homes or small feels very familiar to the 'Small town USA' area that I hid in my second life after the war. Only instead of paved roads, it's still using packed dirt.

The space port, if you could call it that, is basically a wide plateau outside the town where multiple ships can land. I could see the port building had a tower, a hangar right next to it, as well as fuel tanks nearby. Everything it needed to be a rural space port, I even saw a Gozanti freighter out in the distance surrounded by dozens of smaller freighters and shuttles.

The rest of the guards, Zum, and Kota joined me outside. I tapped the side of my helmet to activate the radio, "S4, stay onboard the Ratio and try to keep everyone in contact with each other. You'll have better communication systems than most of us will, most likely."

"Will do, Mistress," came the robotic voice before I turned to face the other members of my band. After a day of thinking it became obvious very quickly that X4's codename is too long so I had changed it to the more abbreviated S4.

"Alright so here are our objectives: we need to make contact with both the nomads and also with anyone interested in preventing Mandel Hypernautics from taking over the planet. With their help, we'll see if we can put Mandal Hypernautics out of business."

"Rahm, Zero, and Strike, I think if I put you in charge of finding the nomads you can pull it off, don't you agree?" I was speaking low enough that they could hear me but no one outside our group would be able to. Best to be careful as we didn't know what ears were on us already.

Rahm nodded his head and said, "Putting your faith in the Force, are you?"

"No," I responded quickly, "Strike and Zero are more likely to find the nomads than not but I also can't have you going into Gargon city until we have the initiative in our hands. As I said, better for you to appear uninvolved with the effort until the last moment as if you just showed up for the fight."

He nodded his head before the Struc asked. "So the three of us will be outside the city searching for the nomads. What are the four of you going to do?"

"We're going to find our way into the city and split up into two teams of two. Our job is to either find allies in the city or gather information about what Mandal Hypernautics are up to. We'll try and stay in contact through our comms but too much of that could draw attention so we'll be careful on that and neither one of us will be trying to start any fights, understood?"

"I'm not a big fan of you guys splitting up." Struc noted.

"Two people are a lot more maneuverable than four." I simply responded, "Onyx and I will be one team and Skota and Mok will be the other."

"Wait, what?" Ordo said, sounding confused.

I simply shrugged it off, and gave the comment, "A male and a female Mandalorian walking together are more likely to be taken as a couple out for a stroll than being foreign spies."

"Okay, let's mix up, great plan. How are we going to get into the city though?" Mok asked, sounding a bit concerned.

Before I could give an answer I saw someone coming up from the port office. A tall older gentleman by the looks of it using a cane to walk in our direction.

"Hello there, I hope you have money to pay for your stay." The gentleman said, his face scarred with age. He took a look at us and then said with a grimace of displeasure, "Oh no, you people aren't here to join that damn Silver cult are you?"

I looked to the others using the turn of my helmet to hide that my hand had slipped to my vambrace to turn on the voice changer before looking back at the older gentleman and asked, "And what if we are?"

"I would be forced to offer you a reduced price for your stay and tell you when the bus arrives. Otherwise the fracking black Mando Mercs will be breaking down my door to say I'm being anti-codex."

I thought I felt a blood vessel pop just above my eyes. Thank Mandalore for our helmets because I could keep a rather unimpressed look even as I was wanting to wring the neck of the False Silver. "How many credits is the normal payment for a stay at your fine establishment?"

"20 credits today, and you have to buy fuel separately if you want to refill your tanks."

I nodded and reached into my pocket pulling out 20 credit ingots and handing it over to him. "That should cover today and there's a droid on board who will continue to pay until we return if that's alright with you?"

A man raised an eyebrow before he said, "As long as he pays a full 20, I don't give a kriff where the money comes from. Anything else I can do for you, madam?"

"Yes, when is this bus supposed to arrive? And can you keep quiet about where our ship is if anyone comes asking?" I asked, handing him another 20.

The man blinked, looked at the money, nodded at his head, and pocketed it before saying, "Next bus to Gargon arrives in 33 minutes.Not a lot of people will be on it so you should have a quiet and uneventful ride. As far as I'm concerned, this ship's not even here. I have no idea who dropped it off, have fun in Gargon, madam." The gentleman said before turning and walking away.

Turning back to my companions said "And I believe that has been settled. We'll make contact with S4 in four hours. We should keep making contact with him occasionally to maintain that we haven't run into issues and we don't need to rush anything, agreed?" The other Mandalorians and Jedi nodded before I turned to face in the direction of the road. "Now Onyx, Scalpel, and Click let's go find that bus stop."

Gargon, 2 miles out of Garval Village
Struc Ordack

"Not really seeing how this is going to find the nomads." Zum said as Rahm sat on a rock across from me and Zum.

We wandered our way out of town to find the nomads. I would have preferred to have tried to talk to the townsfolk but Rahm seemed to know where he was going and, well, tracking nomads was not exactly something I'd ever done. I battled on Mandalore during the Civil War and though there were a few nomadic clans there, most had already settled into cities or clan fortresses.

We'd gotten a good way away from the small town before Rahm saw a rock and sat down on it. Since then we'd been here for the last 20 minutes waiting to see exactly where we were going. To be fair the scenery is pretty nice to look at, blue skies, snow capped peaks in the distance, tall grass all around with many boulders scattered around the area, likely a result from erosion. It's sights like this that can make me see the appeal of getting away from the hustle and bustle of city life.

"He's probably listening to the Force, Jedi are known to sit and just feel the Force for hours on end." I reasoned.

"I know that, but why is he doing that now?"

"Beats me, probably asking it for directions? I don't know how it works so I'll let the expert do his thing." I shrug whilst half-heartedly answer.

"Patience is a virtue, my friend." Rahm said from the rock he is on, causing me to look at him.

Pointing towards a nearby tree stump he said, "That tree over there has damage from a lance hitting it," pointing to another area he said, "there's a bit of afterburn on that rock," Finally he pointed at the ground between Zum and myself which caused us to look down. There was a piece of metal that could be any other piece of metal as far as I was concerned. "and speeder bike damage, most likely had a wipeout around here. If I had to make my guess the nomads use this area for travel, possibly to get to the town for trade. We only need to wait a few moments and then I'm sure a group of them will come sailing over the horizon on some sort of trade trip towards the local town."

"Right, that seems a bit hopeful." I mentioned. I turned to Zum and asked, "Have any better ideas?"

The old armorer shrugged saying, "This is not exactly something I usually get up to. Most nomads have their own armors and those that don't exactly call on space traveling ones like myself. Probably use the local town armorer for most of their gear."

"My best guess would be to walk back into town and just start asking questions. Maybe someone will have a direction we can head towards." I offered in hopes of speeding this whole thing along.

"I don't think that'll be necessary." Rahm said, raising his hands in a surrendering manner. "The other reason I chose this specific position was it was so open I was sure that if the nomads had any scouts in the area that they would spot us from several miles away and organize some sort of reaction to a couple strange Mandalorians and someone who looks mysterious."

I turned to look at him wondering why he had his hands up, "What kind of react-" I didn't get to finish as I heard the cocking of a slugthrower behind me. It's times like this I miss the smart microphones in my Royal Guard helmet. I would have heard him coming long before he came this close.

"Raise your hands carefully, Aruetii." Someone said from behind us in perfect Mandoa.

I was going to say something when Rahm spoke in accented Mandoa. He's using some of the ancient words instead of the more modern basics that had slipped in over the millennium. "We mean you no harm, wanderers. We are fellow warriors, searching the mountain for friends."

"Friends are hard to come by in times of need," came a voice from behind me, "but if you don't know them how can they be friends?"

"If an enemy of my enemy is not my enemy, are they not at least an ally worthy of considering a friend."

"And what enemy would be my enemy?"

"The one who would threaten your nomadic lifestyle and enslave you to the factories of the great City of Gargon."

I heard an audible spit, I hoped he wasn't wearing a fully sealed helmet, before the Mando said, "That city was never great, it was always a cesspool. But you have a point." I saw Rahm lower his hands, and I took that as a sign that the threat had passed so I lowered my own.

Turning to look over my shoulder I saw a Mandalorian with what appeared to be red armor looking at us, with a thankfully open helmet. He is armed with a slug thrower that looked older than the Mandalorian Civil war. Granted, every slugthrower looked older than the Civil War, yet this looked well taken care of as its wooden stock has the shine of lacquer and the metal has the subdued shine of blackened beskar.

"What's the deal? Why do you want to help us against the Silver Shabiir when you are wearing his colors?"

Zum spoke up first, "The situation is complex but I will but I'll simplify it to the important part.. We don't believe he's the real White Silver and we're here to prevent his continued use of the name."

The red Mandalorian chuckled. "Can't even hold his own cult to him, what a weak Mandalore. I'm Rath of Clan Glint. If you're really the enemy of the Silver Shabiir, then I welcome you to our rebellion. If not, we can always use more nutrients and we're always in the market for more beskar. Don't betray us. Got it?"

I nodded and said, "We understand. We are not going to betray you. Our interests align."

"Good." He put his hand to his helmet, "I'm going to call a speeder so we can get you guys to the camp. The leaders are going to have questions you're going to need to answer. All clear fellas." Before our eyes, three other Mandos rose from the tall grass around us.

I nodded before taking a step back till I was next to where Rahm and Zum was standing and asked, "How do you know Mandoa?"

"Oh that? Mando poetry is quite popular and was a required reading for a few years. And considering the amount of times Jedi have ended up in conflict with Mandalorians I thought it was the best to actually be able to speak your language. You never know when it may come in handy."

I left it at that and said, "You're a strange Jedi, aren't you."

"I prefer the term 'prepared' Jedi." He said with all seriousness, causing me to chuckle.

Mandalore, Sundari
Obi-Wan Kenobi

"Well this place seems to have built up well." I mused looking at the cityscape, from the window of the transport I was in.

"Master?" Anakin asked from my side looking out the same window.

"It's been a 17 years since I've been on this planet. Looks like it was well on its way to recovery, as when I was here all those years ago, they didn't have dome cities like this." I explained as he nodded his head.

"Strange that they built domes over their cities. I'm not a fan of sand as much as the next person but it seems a little bit of an overreaction."

"Well that may be true for Tatooine but Mandalore's atmosphere has a tendency to have poisons in it, limiting their exposure is often for the best." I explained as I looked out the window seeing the Royal Palace starting to come into view. I had not expected to ever come back to Mandalore, after I left all those years ago I'd pretty much had the assumption that I'd never be here again. But the Force works in mysterious ways. News of the Silver Codex Rebellion, as some of the Masters had called it, had quickly reached the Jedi Temple. Normally this sort of intersector conflict would have taken a bit longer to get up the chain of command of worry, as the Jedi Order usually sent people to deal with these situations upon requests and didn't insert itself often. The problem is that a Jedi may have inserted themselves into the conflict prematurely, and so the Order needed to find out what was going on.

As I had become the resident Mandalorian expert due to my history, I had been assigned to pay a visit to Mandalore with my young Padawan.

Shaking my head I muttered, "What was Rahm Kota thinking, getting himself involved in this?"

But the universe didn't answer, all I got was Anakin asking, "Do you think Tanya's here?"

I shrugged and said, "I don't know, I know she was a proponent of the Silver Codex so I imagine that politics have made her go into seclusion until this whole situation is handled. She could be here or she could be on any of the other Mandalorian worlds."

"Hmm, that's too bad." Anakin sounded a little bit sad not to be able to talk to her. He told me about their meeting at the Jedi Temple so I imagine it was simply a slow journey to friendship those two were on. Which is good; having friends in Mandalore could not hurt relations with the system.

"I'm sure that she'll turn up soon enough. After all, even if she's in political hiding they're going to want to keep her safe and the safest place in the Mandalorian Sector is the Royal Palace."

That seemed to bring a smile to young Anakin's face but before I could give that too much thought the transport came to land on one of the platforms in front of the Royal Palace.

"Well, here we are." I muttered, walking towards the door and stepping out with Anakin right behind me. There waiting for us were a couple of Royal Guards who immediately asked us to follow them, eventually leading us into the Royal Palace's large greeting room.

There I saw a face I had not seen in years. Upon the throne was Duchess Satine, next to her was an older man with a beard and they were deep in discussion as we entered. "Duchess Satine." I said, giving a bow. Though I didn't see it, I suspected Anakin did the same.

"Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're not someone I expected to see." She said, while looking down at us. "Pray tell, why have you come to Mandalore?"

Standing up to my full height I said, "One of our Order may have gotten himself involved in the current situation within Gargon and we were simply sent to be at your service if the Gargon situation was to go out of control."

"That situation is completely under control," the elder man said, "Gargon is a backwater planet at the best of times and barely even part of the sector. We are already in the process of working out treaties with the other planets to lay a blockade on any goods coming in and out of the system to the rest of the sector until the madness that seems to have taken it over is undone."

I rubbed my beard in thought, "An economic war. That seems a bit passive but it could work." The Duchess got up from her seat as I mused on the plan.

"It may be passive but it should be effective in stopping the spread of Mandal Hypernautics' influence," she said, "Though I wonder why the Jedi Order are so concerned over one of their own interfering in the situation that they'd send two of their Jedi to look after me. Is it perhaps because they worry that this will give the CEO exactly what he wants? For this Jedi to attempt to set things right the way only Jedi know how and fail, causing the CEO to have perfect propaganda to use to attempt to inflame the passions of the people against me?"

I swallowed deeply. She'd got it in one. I've never been good at politics but Satine had decades of practice with running the Mandalore system. Sure, I was good at diplomacy, but that was different. Getting two sides to stop fighting each other was one thing; getting two sides to work together was another.

"My Duchess is insightful as to the Council's worries." I admitted.

She nodded and said, "It's an unfortunate thing. The wounds of the Republic Excision still run deep and the CEO is playing deeply into those wounds." She shook her head before continuing. "Hopefully your rogue Jedi doesn't cause too many problems. I've worked very hard to bring peace to this planet and I'd hate to see it all go up in flames."

I nodded my agreement before saying, "I'm sure with a little search of Concordia we can find him and get this whole matter settled. But until we do, the Council thought it best to take preemptive measures."

The Duchess nodded her head before saying, "I will arrange a few Royal Guards to help you in this search and we'll see if we can get you a place to stay while you find your rogue Jedi." She then smiled and said, "I'm glad to see you again, Ben."

I smiled back and said, "It's good to see you too, Satine."

"Perhaps we'll have a walk later. I have meetings to attend but I wouldn't mind showing you the progress that's been made in the city."

"I'd like that."

She nodded and moved past me, heading off to whatever meeting apparently needed to be done to deal with the current situation unfolding over Gargon.

The older man walked past me and gave me another strange look, a mix of annoyance and amusement. But he quickly left, leaving me and Anakin in the room.

Turning to Anakin I said, "Well, I guess we'd better see about finding a hotel." I stopped that thought when I saw he was looking at the door Satine had gone through with a look that almost said he understood something all of a sudden. "Anakin?" I asked, confused.

Anakin quickly shook his head and said, "Nothing master, we should probably find a hotel or something."

Gargon City, Warehouse District
Thisish Skota

"This is a terrible plan." I muttered as Mok continued his work trying to break into Mandal Hypernautics' warehouse's electronic lock.

"This is a great plan," Mok responded as a cable sparked inside the box he was working in. "Ah I'm sure that wasn't important." he said before continuing his work.

I wasn't exactly thrilled at the notion of it being two man teams, let alone letting the princess go off on her own with that kid, but I trusted Struc to know what he's doing and if he thought that Tanya had something I guess I would have to go along with it.

I hated this whole operation. I lost a lot of friends and family during the Clan War and was thoroughly not a fan of conflict. The only reason I joined was that Duchess Satine wanted the best of the best to be in her Royal Guard and being a professional surgeon for several years after graduating from the University of Alderaan meant that I likely had the most attractive resume for a medical position. The Royal Guard were not expected to go out and fight, and with the Duchess's connection to the New Mandalorian philosophy of pacifism I thought at most I would have to deal with food poisoning or an injury caused by a fall with a very rare case of attempted assassination. When I was assigned to be the princess's medic, I thought it would be much of the same: take care of her health and be there with a cure just in case someone slipped her a poison or something.

However, now here I was helping her attempt a murder or a coup. Really, what was the plan for the girl? If I was to believe what we had been told, this was an operation to clean the name of the Silver Codex which I wasn't exactly a fan of. Sure it was better than the Traditionalist's way, but it still saw violence as necessary in its text.

I'd prefer not to not even be involved in this whole operation, but I swore an oath when I joined the Guard and I wasn't going to break it just because I had issues with some possible outcomes of the operation.

Perhaps real violence would scare the girl straight and she would end this notion of the Silver Codex and let it die on the vine. Although after Struc's tests I find it highly unlikely. I just had to hope though that we didn't all end up dead as well.

My personal problems aside, we'd split up from the princess and the kid to explore the city trying to gather intelligence. Right off the bus there had been a recruitment agent to try and get people to sign up for their new Silver Guard, apparently some kind of civil militia that the CEO was putting together.

The black uniformed Mandel Hypernautics agent was somewhat pushy, but he'd let us go after a little talk from Tanya. One thing I'd give her, it felt like she could talk her way out of pretty much anything.

Mok and I had made our way deeper into the city and found ourselves in a warehouse district. The guards had been fairly consistent throughout the city, black clad mercenaries watching corners often led by what I could guess were real Mandalorians in older armor with a white emblem of their mercenary group. They seemed to be less prominent near this particular section of the Warehouse district. I suspected it was so deep inside the city that they weren't considering anyone would try and raid it, which was reasonable. From the few speeder trucks that had gone by it looked like it was a warehouse for raw materials. Why would anyone steal iron that hadn't even been processed? Why would you want to get into the facility even if it was the least valuable element in the supply train?

Well our resident slicer has a reason, the answer is that the facility itself is still hard-wired into the network that Mandel Hypernautics used for its intake and resource management. Once we tapped into it we could be able to see the entire network and all of the information inside.

So we've done exactly what we've been told to do by gathering intel. We'd quickly broken into the facility, then found our way to the foreman's office and started to get to work finding out what was going on and what was coming in.

"Anything of interest?" I asked leaning against the foreman's desk and watching the door in case said foreman decided to return.

"Nothing yet, a lot of shipments of raw resources, apparently they've been buying beskar from some old debris fields that date back to the Mandalorian Wars."

"Chakaar." I muttered.

"Yeah, apparently the quality of the beskar is still pretty good. It's actually talked about here that they are thinking of adding a bonus for the pirates they've hired to deliver these resources to another facility."

"Another warehouse?" I asked out of curiosity.

"No, that's the interesting thing. All the facilities I'm seeing here are marked as 'GG' most likely for Gargon and I can find them on maps of the city. This facility that they're apparently sending resources to is not on Gargon, it's marked as 'AT'. I guess it's some other planet they have a facility on."

"How many resources have been sent to that planet?"

"Half of whatever has been recovered from the debris fields." he commented as he looked through the records before he stopped and tilted his head. "That's interesting."

Tilting my helmet so I can look at him and the door as best I could I asked, "What did you find?"

"There's references here of a shipment of something coming in but it's not made clear exactly what it is, only that it's heavy equipment. Whatever it is, the shipment will be here in a week and it's theorized it'll increase production quotas across the board."

"Oh that doesn't sound too terrible." I stated, before I heard the unlocking of the door. Turning my head I saw what I would guess was the foreman entering the room. He had been looking down at some paperwork but he stopped as soon as he looked up and saw us. The surprise on his face fading to resignation and tiredness.

"If you're going to steal from me, here is my wallet and the safe is behind the bookshelf. I am just done with everything and I am not paid enough for this." He said as he took out his wallet and pointed at the bookshelf on the left side of the room.

Mok and I shared a look before I said, "We're not here to steal from you, we're just investigating. If you're willing to keep quiet about us being in your office, we'll keep quiet about being here."

"Fine by me, but please get off my desk. I have to file this procurement order for steel with the Southern Steel Mill within 20 minutes so that they can actually fulfill it before they close for the day." he said matter of factly, stepping past me as Mok got up, and took his seat.

As the room filled with the sound of typing, the foreman started to vent, "You know, my dad was friends with one of Mandal Hyper's department heads, classmates or something. He told me that there was a job opening at his department for a warehouse manager. I had just finished college so I was all bright eyed and innocent for work and I was under the impression that I would just be keeping track of resources coming in and out, but no. All of a sudden the department head told me to fill in for a foreman that called in sick. So I had to travel to several construction sites, inspect their progress, and write a report to the department head. You'd think this was only temporary: nope! The foreman died due to an allergic reaction to a drug at the hospital so now I'm stuck working two jobs while the department head finds a replacement, which he probably won't, the lazy bastard. After a week I had the system down so the work is somewhat manageable and I just sleep in the parking lot."

I hid a wince while Mok rubbed the back of his neck hearing the unfortunate foreman's story. "Then a month later, the department's procurement officer quit so who does my boss call for a replacement? You guessed it, me. I now have to talk to a dozen suppliers for several dozen different materials all around Gargon to find the best price between them all, write a procurement report to order it, file a report that my warehouse had received the materials, and then I have to send those materials on their way to the various sections that needed them. I've had to juggle three jobs for months now and to top it off, I'm not even getting paid for the extra jobs I'm covering."

While my mouth opened in shock, Mok made an audible hiss before saying, "Why not just quit?"

"Remember that procurement guy that quit? He was found dead in an alley. 'Mugging gone wrong' was the headline that day. I might loathe this job but if the choice is between this or death, I'd choose this. But after two years of this I might reconsider." The foreman finished his typing before he opened a drawer to reveal a report and started to write on it.

"Now I have to deal with spies, nomads raiding the warehouses, and all kinds of bantha dung because a man had the bright idea of 'Oh we're going to rebel against the entire sector'," the man said, ranting and writing at the same time. "I just want to finish my contract, take my money, and go open a nice little shop somewhere but no. I have to deal with people breaking into my office to look through my work files."

"Sorry." Mok said sheepishly.

The older man sighed and said, "No, no apology necessary, you're just doing whatever job you're being paid for too." He took a closer look at us and said, "Really, white and silver? I thought no one was dumb enough to actually wear the cultist's colors."

"What's the problem with white and silver?" I asked, a bit concerned at his statement.

"Well, other than the craziness of the CEO's claiming he's White Silver, he let some extremist cult leader take control of the Silver Guard. Anyone he finds wearing those colors he basically forces them to join at a gunpoint. If they don't, well, he says you don't deserve the armor and shoots you."

"Damn." I muttered. That was a bit of a problem I would have to contact Tanya about. Reaching up to my helmet, I tried to contact the Ratio as Mok continued to talk to the warehouse foreman.

"Do you mind if I ask a question?" the slicer asked.

"You put up with me venting my problems and life story for several minutes so it's the least I could do. As long as it won't get me in trouble, I'll tell you anything you want to know."

"Thank you. There's a shipment coming in a week later that the documents said will increase production by 50% or something. Do you have any idea what that's about?"

"Oh that, CEOs made some contract with droid manufacturers to make a bunch of, what's the right term, 'slave-driver droids'? Basically some droid tool makes sure the factories keep working or at least defend the factory against any more nomad attacks. Still trying to figure out if he's gone completely evil or if he's just trying to defend the factories. Me and a couple other foremen are betting on the former."

"You're betting if he's gone completely evil?" Mok asked, a bit of shock in his tone.

"There's not much else to do on Gargon nowadays. I just want to make my profits and be on my way off of this damn planet. But I'll tell you right now, I totally expect the CEO to take over the spice production from the gangsters before the year is out and try to sell it on the open market to fund his ambitions, probably to the Hutts."

"Agent Scalpel?" finally came the voice of X4 over the radio.

"S4 I need you to send a message to Steel: The silver armor is a death warrant amongst the Silver Militia. Be careful and avoid any leadership." I said into the comm after muting the external speaker.

"Will do Scalpel, message is sent."

"Good." Thankful that the message went through, I turned to Mok and said, "Let's get moving, we still have a lot of intel to dig up and we've got to figure a way back out of the city to meet up with the others."

Mok nodded and said, "Thanks for the help sir, we'll be on our way."

"I've never seen you before in my life." he said as he continued to write his fifth paper.

Harswee, Harswee City
Vai Viktis Vizla

I breathed in and out trying to temper my annoyance. "We really should be with Tanya," I muttered. As I walked with Tabi down the main street of Harswee city. I was still pretending to be Tanya, wearing her trademark greens, hair a little bit shorter, and a pair of sunglasses. You probably wouldn't be able to tell us apart at a distance. It helped that we didn't know anyone on any of the planets we were visiting and we're not going on any official state visits. These were simple appearance missions which meant we could stay at regular hotels and leave when we wanted to.

"My dear, you really need to stop worrying about Tanya. I saw her fight during that whole gang incident and I doubt she'll get into too much trouble. Frankly, I think she can find her way out of most trouble. I wonder who trained her?" Tabi commented as he walked next to me still in his full armor, though he'd taken his helmet off to let the breeze take his long hair.

Being that this was his homeworld, I had elected to let him take the lead on our little walkabout. I needed to put in appearances around towns to at least appear to be on the move and to be Tanya, build our alibi as it were. I'd never been to this world before so it was an easy call to make.

"Maybe, but I have never really been that far away from her when she needed help." I let out an exhausted breath. I could tell Tabi who trained Tanya but it's probably best to keep that under wraps as long as possible.

Tabi smiled and simply put his arm around me. "She's your friend, of course you're worried. But you're where she needs you the most. Putting in appearances like this will keep her identity secret and allow her to continue her political career."

I was going to say something but we were interrupted by Kastel, "I'd say 'you should get a room' but remember to stay in character."

"Right." we both said, separating a bit. I didn't want to screw up Tanya's reputation.

The world of Harswee was heavy. I wasn't exactly sure how high the gravity is compared to most planets but it was enough that the people here tended to be stronger and shorter. Not by too much, but enough to deal with the extra relative weight. Kastel and I had been trying to ignore it, but after a few days of wandering we noticed that we couldn't be out for as long as we would like. It was too exhausting for us to walk for more than 30 minutes before we needed to rest. Which was a shame because as far as Mandalorian worlds went, this place was rather beautiful.

For generations this planet had been producing fabrics and other fine materials for the Mandalorian Sector. It was believed that the original population had been human and was one of the first human races to be incorporated into the Mandalorian Way which was why they had been able to maintain parts of their culture, specifically rug making.

I've seen some high quality rugs and some mighty fine clothing, and to frame those items for sale they built mighty fine looking buildings. Unlike the slab style that had taken over most of the Mandalorian system, this particular planet had never lost the artistry of their structures. Not as blocky as some of the architecture coming out of the rest of the Mandalorian sector, but you could see elements of it there.

The buildings often had pointed roof towers coming out of the top and seem to be designed to cast as much shade as possible on the street, most likely because of the higher temperature. Most of the planet is a desert world, but the area we were in was more like a jungle climate and quite muggy.

Looking around, I still had to shake my head and say, "Still can't believe the amount of clothing shops your people have."

"When the most effective crop around here is only useful for cloth production and when no one else is thinking about clothing as a style, it gives them a lot of options to sell to. Off-worlders have come here for boutique sessions, usually very rich and famous people from other sectors wanting to get a new style. A few Mandalorians have also requested our services over the centuries. Well, they tended to be more worried about their armor, less about their clothing."

I chuckled at that since he wasn't wrong but before I could make any other comments he continued, "If it wasn't for the Binder we'd probably still be living similar to Mandalore in the past. By the time we built the space port on this planet, we would probably have still been selling just regular linen clothing. But his wise efforts made sure that our planet has a growing economy even with most of the sector at war. There's a story about, oh, 300 years ago, two clan chieftains both bitter rivals, came to this planet to get a new style."

"What happened?" I asked to add curiosity.

Tabi shrugged, "They went to the same shop a day apart got the exact same style and the next time they met they basically murdered each other and escalated their rivalry into a blood feud. I think it's still going on."

"Haha." I couldn't stifle the laughter coming out of me at the idea that there are two clans fighting each other mainly because of something so ridiculous as wearing the same clothes. It was so Mandalorian and yet so hilarious.

"Really they should have known better, at the time they were doing 'its combat skirts' and kilts were all the rage. Well, they're still a bit fashionable now even if not as much as they were then."

I had to ask. "Do you have a combat kilt?"

He smiled and leaned in, taking my chin with his hand, "My dear, if it's all the rage I have at least one, and it would not take much to get me into one or out of one, just a word."

My cheeks turned a little bit red at that thought.

"Oh, for the love of Mando, remember who you are right now. Tabi, keep that attitude in the bedroom." Kastel whispered rather loudly coming up close to us.

I quickly stepped back and said, "Right, right remember who I am, yes. Hey, maybe we should go to that shop over there, it looks cooler than out here."

Tabi looked over at the little ice cream shop I had pointed to and now I just had then looked past it and said, "Hey 'Tanya' how well do you know your measurements? Because it looks like there's a good place to get an upgrade on your clubbing gear. Might be a good way to pay her back for making you so worried."

Looking to where Tabi was indicating I quickly saw the sign for the shop, Combat Clubbing. Right underneath it was a sign saying 25% off combat skirts. Said skirt was in the window and on the shorter end of decent.

I laughed as I realized the implication and said, "I'm quite familiar with Tanya's measurements." Getting her something to wear that was out of her comfort zone and making her wear it the next time we went to a club would be the perfect revenge for making me worried about her. I was all too familiar with her measurements. I even knew how large of a heel she could handle since she tended to wear shoes with a bit of heel in order to make our heights closer. Her being only 5'8 and me being 5'10, if people were paying attention they would quickly figure out that I was not Tanya. Unless you looked when she was wearing a bit of a heel on all her shoes, in which case she looked closer to 5'9.

Taking my hand, Tabi said, "Then let me lead the way my dear." I smiled and laughed as we walked towards the shop and laughed even louder as I heard Kastel comment behind us.

"I can't believe I volunteered for this Osik." he muttered with discontent.

Tabi opened the door and I was about to step in when I thought I heard a clicking noise. Confused, I looked around but saw nothing out of the ordinary so I shrugged and walked into the shop.

Gargon City, Central District
Engiz Ordo

Following behind Tanya whilst keeping a good eye on her, I watched the city go by. The architecture was somewhat impressive, if a bit dingy. The buildings had a lot of the Mandalorian block style which showed their settler's roots. Those nearer to the center of the city, where we were now, had a lot of domed roofs to their building's designs, not too different from images I'd seen of Hutt territories. Considering there was a Central Palace in the middle of the city, now run by a cabal of gangsters as a casino, it was hard hard to forget that this planet had once been part of the Hutt Empire, though one of its more far flung and eventually abandoned territories.

Besides those thoughts I noticed that there were quite a few non-Mandalorians on this planet. Sure, there were plenty of people in armor and a lot of them didn't have Mandalorian visors or were wearing markings that indicated they were from other parts of the galaxy. If anything Gargon reminded me a bit of Coruscant with the amount of different people walking about and the neon lights. Quite a number of the buildings were more than 20 stories tall which led to darkness on a lot of the streets. The alleyways were basically pitch black so you had to rely on the neon lights to guide your path.

Tanya seemed to know exactly where she was going, easily navigating the streets, leading the way towards the wealthier parts of the town. I wondered what was going through her mind. I always knew that she had a bit of a fighter in her, but I didn't know until recently she had attempted to bridge her combative instincts with the peaceful ways of her aunt. To have what she had created taken and perverted the way it had been, it is easy to imagine that she was furious and apoplectic about the whole thing.

Of course it's hard to say if that was really what was going through her head. Even when she wasn't wearing a helmet she always seemed to have complete control of what she was revealing. All I knew for sure was she did not like whoever had taken her Silver Codex and was planning to take it back somehow. However, even if we could maintain her secret identity if she murdered the False Silver, as she called him, as far as I was aware there was a good chance her aunt would figure out who had done it. And if she did… well, considering how authoritarian she could get about her peaceful ways, I worried that Tanya might find herself in some trouble.

I would approach the subject, but I was sure she was already well aware of those possibilities and was coming up with her own plans for them. If not, well, either way this False Silver needed to be handled. Preventing a civil war was more important than her own political aspirations and if she was willing to give those political aspirations up, it just showed how dedicated she was to the people of Mandalore and a real peace. It Solidified my belief that she was someone special; the maverick Mandalore needed to set it all straight.

Before I could get too deep into that thought though, Tanya stopped and held her hand up. "Onyx, over there." Looking past Tanya I saw two of the black-clad Mandalorian mercenaries walking down the street following what appeared to be a higher up in Mandal Hypernautics. He wasn't wearing any armor but had a blaster at his side as well as the company logo on his shoulder. I knew that Tanya was trying not to look at him so I did the same, only using a corner of my visor to keep track of them. As we watched them they entered what appeared to be some sort of club though the guards seemed to be somewhat lacking as they waved people in and out without issue.

Over the internal com, I heard Tanya say, "Man looks like the type to have loose lips and be too far up for the company for his own good. I'd guess those two guards are there to keep an eye on him while drinking and not to protect him. That's what a good human resource officer would do in this situation if they couldn't fire the man directly."

Speaking back over the internal comm, "What's the plan then?"

"Oh that's quite simple, we just sit in hearing range and see what we can get." She said leading the way.

I shrugged, as that made as much sense as anything so I followed her in.

Inside of the club was, well, a club. There were people talking, flashing lights, and loud music. Though it was not as loud near the back of the facility, I quickly noted as we moved our way in that direction.

There were a handful of guards peppered around the place. Most of them were wearing Mandalorian armor of one form or another but not the black suited types that we've seen following the Hypernautics employee. Following the higher-up would mean being a bit easier to spot so Tanya took us on a circuitous route around the border of the room to a table just on the other side of the booth he took a seat in. His two guards remained standing at the edge of his table.

Then we sat just out of the guards' sights and listened in. Oddly enough the first thing we heard was not from the booth we were trying to eavesdrop on, but from the booth on the other side of us as a couple locals had a discussion.

"Did you hear about Clan Morson?" one of them said.

"Yeah that's a terrible thing, inviting a clan to negotiate and then locking their representatives up."

"They're not. They've been judged enemies of the state and he's executing them tomorrow in the old Hutt arena."

"Fucking psycho. Bossman really needs to deal with this guy. He's going too hard too fast. You don't execute an entire clan just because they didn't side with you when you gave them an offer. Chances are that's how you get other independent clans to unify against you."

"What do you expect? The man's from Mandalore, every single one of them is a psycho. They don't even consider the rest of us who live in the Mandalorian sector Mandalorians. We're all just armor thieves to them unless you were born and raised in Mandalore."

"Yeah, Skanah is probably going to have a lot of people watch the execution just to make a point of the whole deal and have the armor stripped from them to be given to his Silver Mandalorian army."

That was a little harsh. But then again not exactly wrong. The Traditionalist Mandalorians have always been a bit racist to anyone who had not really been born in Mandalore for a good hundred years. And my uncle, the patriarch of Ordo, had told me several times that even though the Traditionalists were out of power, their belief system hadn't exactly gone the way of the Mythosaur. Though if the man harbored those beliefs, it was strange the way he was enlisting non-Mandalorians into his army.

"Trying to define who's Mandalorian and who's not for your benefit. Of course," Tanya muttered over the internal comm, her head shaking slightly. She continued by saying, "I'm starting to think this would have been a self-solving problem if he wasn't using the Silver Codex the way he was. Even with him using it, this might still be a problem that would solve itself, but it would leave the Silver Codex too damaged to serve its original purpose. It might also take too long for us to let the situation be resolved on its own."

"And how exactly are we going to solve the problem, Steel?" I asked "I mean, have you thought about what you're going to have to do if you have to kill him?"

"Hopefully it won't come to that. What we need to do is humiliate him in such a way that no one will believe he's the White Silver. Past that, well, it depends on what he does." The way she said it was just so cold and impersonal I got the feeling she was not even worried about the possibility of having to kill him which was concerning to say the least.

Before I could probe deeper, the conversation we had been waiting for started. A figure in red and blue Mandalorian armor sat down across from our target. Distinctly different from the black mercenaries guarding the Hypernautic rep.

With an odd accent she said, "Is the White Silver too busy to have these meetings, or does he forget we could cut support for his little uprising if we judge him to be too much of an issue?"

"He knows who supports him and he sends his regards, he would be here himself but matters of state required his attention. As for your support, he is very glad to have it and is willing to continue all deals as long as you still provide the required assets."

"Yes, the required assets, the Battle Legionnaires, will be here soon enough, but we were under the impression that White Silver was wise enough not to stir the pot on his own planet. The council is worried that the rebellion may become a counter-rebellion and we'll end up arming our enemies."

"It won't happen. Once the nomad clans are brought under our control this planet will be secure and we can get to work spreading the rebellion to other worlds, but we need droids to build our army. We do not have the manpower to waste."

"The droids will be here but we may need to negotiate a more equitable price if they're going to be used as a law enforcement unit and not for the defense we were told."

"That's fine, the boss is working with a crew to start tearing into a few more debris fields and we'll have more resources at our disposal to send your way. Not as good of a quality of metal in those fields, but there'll be more of them."

I heard an audible sigh of contempt before she said, "Fine, I'll send a message and inform them of the negotiations proceeding well enough and the droids will be here within the week. However, can we meet somewhere more private? This place feels like it has ears in the walls."

The figure started looking about the room and Tanya grabbed my wrist and indicated we needed to get out of here.

Following her lead we made our way out of the room in hopes of avoiding the gaze of the figure with a strange accent. We were able to get outside quickly and I was able to take a breath but before I could get a word out Tanya pulled me towards an alleyway and said over the intercoms. "Push me against the wall, hand on my hip, helmet to helmet. Now!"

I was left stunned for a second and nearly got out a "What?" before she said, "Do it now!" And I did as she demanded> I pushed her against the wall, put my forehead to her forehead in a Keldabe kiss and put my hand on her hip. I had no idea why I was doing this but an order is an order.

Tanya quickly put her own arm around mine to hold the back of my helmet, forcing our bodies closer, the chest plates of our armor touching. I was left with many questions, one was 'had Tanya always been that short 'cause I had to crane my neck a bit to look down at her so our foreheads met properly?' Two, 'why was my face so hot and was this some sort of dream?' And three, 'why the hell was this happening?'

I got an answer to three as through the corner of my visor I saw the red and blue armored Mandalorian from before go across the mouth of the alleyway looking for something they stopped and looked directly at us and shook their head and continued walking.

After a few minutes Tanya finally broke the hold, "That was a little too close for comfort." She said looking down the alleyway towards the street.

"Sorry." I said, still fairly warm after that.

"No, not you. You were perfectly close. I meant getting nearly caught by that unknown supporter." She said while looking like we hadn't just 'helmet kissed'.

"Have you ever heard of something called a Battle Legionnaire, Engiz?"

I shook my head and said, "No, that's obviously a droid of some kind but I've never heard of it before."

"Hmm well whoever is producing them is obviously not a friend of Mandalore. We need to keep note of that when this operation is over. Let's get moving Onyx, we've got plenty more places to check out, information to dig up, and plans to make."

"Yes ma'am." I said, trying not to think about what she meant that I was perfectly close?

Writers note: and I present the longest chapter yet, the last bit of around the sector world building and events before the fighting begins. I would say more but ah tired.

Edited by:Markus Gollinger, Warmach1ne32, luke the man
Community edited by:Ryan Pirtle, Jake Breker, Angellica Gearcrooner
Community editable doc (
Chapter 18) No story suggestions in the community editing document, Keep all story suggestions and comments in the thread

Commissioned Artist a_yoshikage

Supporters: Neso, Markus, Mackenzie Buckle, Silver Wolf, Falk H, Mana Rope, Daniel Martinez, michael, Devilstar101, Hats88, DrkShdow, James Moorhouse, Matthew D, Duncan Sproule, Yamato
Last edited:
Chapter 19
Chapter 19
714FNM (24 BBY)
Month 9

Gargon, Nomad's Forest Hideout
Fenn Rau

'I need to rough it out more,' I thought as I pulled myself out of the sleeping bag I've been resting in. Shaking myself awake, I got up and stretched out all of the kinks and knots I got from sleeping on the floor. Once I took a sip of water I stepped out of my tent, catching a breath of fresh air and enjoying the midday sun.

Last night I was involved in a raid on a train line that ran from the city to a local spice mine, and got back to camp by sunrise. I'm not exactly a fan of getting drugs into the streets, but denying resources to an enemy was a legitim atate and time honored strategy. What my allies do with that spice, I did not care. All that mattered was one of the few natural resources that kept the city of Gargan running was being denied which would raise discontent among the populace and hopefully, that discontent would get directed at the person who was antagonizing the Nomads instead of the Nomads themselves.

It was 50/50 in my mind on who they would put the blame on but denying the resources running into the city had a good chance of at the bare minimum preventing Bresug Gerr from prospering. For the past couple weeks all I've been doing was organizing efforts to starve the city of resources, striking places of weakness in order to gain resources for ourselves and occasionally transferring resources to parties within the city that supported our cause.

This was, so far, the recipe for success. Though things had taken an odd turn as one of the clans we've been working with, Clan Morson, had broken contact with us. There are roughly 12 major nomadic clans of Gagon, all of which are against Bresug's vision of the sector. Clan Myra and Urlan are mercenary clans that didn't sign up with Gerr due to the fact that their main patrons are other nomadic clans, and they were paid to join in by the other clans. Clan Skale, Senlu, and Ylvan are merchant clans and as clans aren't willing to get involved in an actual war, while they could defend themselves and a few of their number volunteered to join, they prefer to supply the other clans with whatever they need rather than fighting themselves. Clan Grom, Azul, Byran, and Kol are mining clans that specialize in a certain resource, beskar, iron, gold, and coal respectively, and are not in favor of the place coming under the control of a corporation and so they volunteered their wealth and skills to the fight. Last but not least are Clan Glint, Kolt, and Morson, herdsman clans that watch over great herds of cattle and had all been in favor of the fighting, up until recently with Clan Morson.

Before Clan Morson left, they got word that the chieftain's daughter was captured when Black Iron mercenaries managed to track down her cell of Morson warriors after they had successfully raided a Hypernautic warehouse. The Black Irons left a comm unit for us, their terms were that they would release the Morson heir and all of the other clan members that they captured for a signed agreement that Clan Morson would stay out of the conflict. Having no other choice, the chief brought the rest of Clan Morson with him to Gargon city.

It is likely that supply trains are now being tagged with trackers and since the Nomads don't have a means to find and detect these trackers without the right frequency, they have to manually search every looted item for the physical tracker itself. And when you have a train full of resources, it is like finding a Kal in several haystacks. Thankfully, Clan Urlan proposed a solution, through the use of an Ion Pulse Blaster they can fry any tracker or electronic that Black Iron would put on the cargo. Of course it is only available in very limited numbers due to the amount of effort needed to make one by hand, so only half a dozen of these Ion Pulse Blasters were distributed to all of the cells, with more being made.

While this helps prevent what happened to Clan Morson from happening again, it only highlights a major issue that the Nomads are currently facing, in that we are bleeding manpower. With each battle, more and more fighters are injured and need time to recover. While this is mitigated somewhat thanks to beskar armor, it does not make them invincible. Blaster bolts still felt like getting hit with a fist when in beskar armor, and multiple hits at the same area will bruise or crack bones. One notable example was that a Nomad got hit in the liver and was down for a week. Another got cracked ribs after getting hit in the chest from a dozen blaster bolts during an ambush.

I was going to need to get in contact with Bo Katan soon, she was still operating in the city, working with gangsters who were unsatisfied with the current affairs to attempt to unseat Bresug Gerr. Their information network proved invaluable in giving us the time and place of various assets for us to raid and take as well as avoid patrols. However, Bresug's mercenaries and militia outnumber our fighters 5 to 1 with that gap growing larger each day as more of our fighters are injured and more mercenaries join Bresug's Silver banner. Bleeding Gargon City of resources isn't going to be enough, we need to deal a crippling blow soon before the Nomads are ground down by attrition.

Looking across the camp I saw men in various types of armor and shades of color working on various tasks. Some are cleaning plates in the nearby stream, others are fixing their speeders, and a few are cleaning their guns, standard things you'd see of men on campaign. Even though they probably didn't get to fight and they seem to have thrown themselves wholly into this one. Guess it was just one of those remnants of the ancient ways that wasn't as prevalent with the New Mandalorians or even with the Traditionalists at this point. The willingness to drop everything and get involved in a fight when it was presented.

All I did was invite them to go join the fight and they started talking about the ancient gods and their ancestors. From what I knew about Gargon's history, they didn't actually get involved in the Clan Wars or the Mandalorian Civil War. Too busy with their own affairs so they hadn't gone through the near collective trauma of those conflicts, not only that, they've also been separated from most of the fighting for the last 500 years. In a way I was looking at a window into the past, not as bad as say the people of Shogun reportedly were, but perhaps these people had more in common to pre-Mandalorian Excision Mandalorians, than any of the Mandalorians who ran around the sector nowadays, which was an interesting thought when you picked at it.

I recognize some of the nomads that joined me on last night's raid are reheating the leftovers in the mess area. A few plates of grilled meats, poultry stew, and roasted vegetables seemed to be the order for today. I have to admit, the Nomads knew how to cook with only salt, pepper, and a few herbs they found in the surrounding forest. I was skeptical when they used an actual shovel to grill their meat; Clan Glint's Chieftain has assured me that they always wash it with soap and then put it over an open flame to kill any germs so it is probably cleaner than the plates we were using to eat it. After I was proven wrong when I tried it for the first time, the chef had been pretty smug that his dishes could compete with those high-class food in Mandalore, using only a shovel, herbs and mushrooms he foraged from the forest, and sea salt.

'Now I'm feeling hungry.' My thoughts were interrupted when a Mandalorian in brownish armor ran up to me and gave one of the more ancient salutes. "Boss, Rath's squad is back from scouting Garvel. They brought along a few people who say they're here to join up with us."

"Couple more hands wouldn't hurt." I said matter of factly as I cracked my neck looking for Rath and the new arrivals.

"The issue is that there's a Jedi with them."

"A Jedi?" I said, turning to look at him. I knew there was a chance that the defenders of the Republic might show up. I just didn't expect one would show up so quickly. "Take me to this Jedi." I said, grabbing my helmet from my tent before putting it on.

The younger Mandalorian led the way to Rath near the edge of the camp where he and several other Mandalorians were guarding two Mandalorians in silver and white armor and a Jedi in their all too recognizable robes.

Looking over the pair one was a man in rather standard silver and white armor, thick plate for the chest plate, and was carrying a blaster rifle by the looks of it. The other silver armored man had a very similar set of armor, though he was bigger and taller than the first and had a larger pauldron on one shoulder most likely the one that would be facing the enemy while firing. They were wearing modern standard designed armor, in fact a lot of their armor looked very standard as if they had been created at the same time. The Jedi on the other hand was an older man with green hair and a chin beard.

Looking the three over I said, "I am Fenn Rau, coordinator of the nomadic clans against Mandal Hypernautics corporation. Who are you and why are you here?"

The bigger guy with the heavy shoulder pad nodded his helmet and said, "I'm Zero and this is Strike we're here to stop Bresug Gerr at the behest of our leader." The bigger man said with a strange tone to his voice almost like the helmet was altering it a bit. Then he pointed to the Jedi, "That's Jedi Master Rahm Kota, he invited himself along."

I nodded and said, "Wearing the colors of the enemy yet claiming to fight the enemy is an interesting way of introducing yourselves."

The other Mandalorian spoke up, "Our leader is the real White Silver and is simply here to remove the fabrication of the False White Silver as they would put it."

Under my helmet my eyebrow raised, I found the idea that the "real White Silver" had stepped up rather amusing but very unlikely. However, I wasn't going to dismiss two Mandos in modern Beskar armor and a Jedi if I could help it. So I was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt depending on what the Jedi said. Turning to the Jedi I said, "Are they telling the truth? There's no way the Jedi Order is in favor of Bresug Gerr's little coup here, so unless you've been conned into letting these people into finding our camp I'm going to have to assume you're the most likely to know if they're telling the truth or not."

The Jedi, Kota nodded his head, "They're telling the truth as far as they're concerned. I can confirm they are interested in unseating this Bresug Gerr and I have met their leader myself, who claims to be the real White Silver. Are they telling the truth past that point? Hard to say, though I will say that their leader does have a philosophical mind, so it's not impossible that the leader is the real deal from what I understand about the original Silver Codex."

"Hmm," I thought about for a moment then finally shrugged, "Fine, I'm assuming you're here to help as well?" I said looking at the Jedi who nodded. "Great then, a couple pairs of hands and a Jedi could help in this operation. Anything else I should know before I go get a bite to eat?"

"We have agents inside the city who have been gathering in town." the larger Mandalorian, Zero said. "Some of the information you might be interested in."

Folding my arms across my chest I said, "I'm listening."

The other more nondescript Mandalorian spoke up his helmet, definitely altering his voice though something about the cadence was familiar. "We have a slicer inside their system and they've reported that Bresug Gerr has outside help who are bringing in droids to support his operations. We've confirmed this with another agent, who is gathering intel as well, that Clan Morson is being set for execution tomorrow."

"They what!?" Someone yelled, turning to look over my shoulder I saw several other clan leaders had been coming up to meet the group and they overheard the last bit of the story. Stepping quickly they joined us and demanded to know more, "What do you mean they're setting Clan Morson to be executed tomorrow? I thought that they already agreed to surrender and stop fighting. Why are they going to be executed?"

"We're just reporting what we've heard, Clan Morson is scheduled to be executed tomorrow at the Hutt Colosseum. We think that they have no interest in negotiating with nomads that didn't side with them, early on."

"They're breaking ancient codes of hospitality and negotiation at this point. Frack this Osik, we're burning that city to the ground." One of the other clan leaders said marching off in the direction of his men. The rest started mumbling their agreements before breaking off heading in their own direction and I was left there to sigh annoyance as this was obviously a tactic to draw us into a protracted fight at the edges of the city.

A tactic that by all accounts appears to have worked. I'd have to move up trying to get in contact with Bo to see if we could at least get some cooperation between the clans and gangs in this coming fight. Might be the difference between a lot of dead Nomads or a dead CEO.

Turning to the people who just stirred up the hornet's nest I said, "Well I hope you're ready for a fight you've just incidentally caused a massive one."

"Works for them," Rahm Kota said, "the whole idea is to get their leader to Bresug Gerr and put an end to this whole situation so the sooner the fight happens the better I believe."

Turning to the Jedi I asked, "Did the Order send you here just to cause mayhem or what?"

The Jedi smiled, "The Order didn't send me, I just thought I could do the most good here."

I shook my head, "Let's hope your forces are strong enough that we can avoid mass casualties. It would probably take 12 to 14 hours for everything to put in position so the fighting won't happen till tomorrow. I'll have someone around here to show you to a tent for you guys can get a break. I don't know how long you've been about, but I figure the walk up the mountain was probably not the greatest journey so get rested. Tomorrow is going to be the fight of our lives."

Saying that I turned and walked back towards the command tent grabbing a Mandalorian aid and telling him to try and get the chieftains to meet me at the tent. I'll see if I could get them organized better than throwing themselves at the defense perimeter of Gargon city, for now I have leftovers with my name on it.

Gargon City, Central District Hotel Suite

Ursa Wren

'This whole place really needed to be burned to the ground.' That's a thought I kept having as my clan members brought the intel they gathered to me.

We had arrived on the planet 3 days ago with a simple mission and a small detachment of 15 of my clan. We were to gather as much intel we could, steal blueprints or weapons, and push things along to ensure the fall of this fake Mandalore. The Mandalorian sector already had two running around with that Duchess of Kalevala, we didn't need this silver one trying to break in as well.

And that is why as members of the House Vizsla, Clan Wren had answered the call to bring down this pretender. Wasn't even a very good pretender at that, at least the New Mandalorian fake was trying to unify people. And the secret Mandalore of Pre Vizsla understood the importance of not pissing off everyone. This Bresug Gerr pretender had apparently learned his statesmanship from the traditionalists like Governor Vrox. Everyone's a Mandalorian unless you have a goal then only the people you care about are the Mandalorians.

This whole operation and plan felt more and more haphazard the longer we explored it and most likely it would have fallen apart on its own without the pushes we were going to give it. But, this presented an opportunity, an opportunity that doesn't come along very often.

Support weapons and gear of various types could fall into our hands if we played our cards right. Which would increase the chances of the eventual anti-New Mandalorian movement.

Over the last few days we had felt out every possible faction on Gargon, from the clans of the Nomads to the clans of the gangsters and Mafia that ran the city. We knew what factions were displeased and what factions were willing to deal with Bresug as long as he looked strong. And we were finding plenty of opportunities to push things along. We'd already stolen quite a bit of gear under the appearance of rebel gangs or nomadic raiders. If we don't leave witnesses well anyone would come up with a story that makes the most sense. At the moment we had several caches of gear waiting for the right opportunity to be used.

And tomorrow was proving to present the biggest opportunity of them all. Apparently Bresug Gerr sent Clan Morson an ultimatum to come to Gargon city with his clan to negotiate his daughter's release or they would execute her. Seeing no other choice, the chieftain complied and the clan was promptly captured to be publicly executed tomorrow. How the chieftain's daughter got captured, I don't know the exact details but according to my men, the Black Iron Mercenaries have a few competent members under their employ as they were able to track them down after they raided a warehouse of speeders and defeated them, resulting in their capture.

Other than the fact, he broke ancient clan tradition as well as using a family member to force their compliance. This act would definitely set the rest of the nomads against him and if my clan were to swoop in at that time to save the Nomads. Well then the nomads would owe a favor to Clan Wren and since Clan Wren is a member of House Vizsla, they may answer the call for a war with the New Mandalorians.

I had learned enough of the plan over the years to know that Vizsla didn't want to start a massive war but create enough discontent that the people would remove the New Mandalorians themselves. But I thought he was a bit on the hopeful side.

War is the way of Mandalore, one does not earn the title of Mandalore through peace. It is fought for and he would have to fight for it too. Of course, my husband mentioned that Vizsla likely doesn't want to go through the trouble of repairing the damage a 2nd Clan War would have caused on Mandalore, but I still think a hostile takeover wouldn't break anything important. Other than the Royal Guards, there aren't any Mandos that are still combat capable among the pacifist Hut'uun, they'd just roll over and wait for death when we take over.

Anyway, I looked at the clan suite Hypernautic provided for us as some of my agents in their yellow and gray armor prepped their equipment. Tomorrow will be a good day. No doubt the fighting would be fierce but the Black Iron mercs and their few Mandalorian leaders would not do much against real Mandalorians. As for the foolish Silver Militia, while they may be made up of Mandalorians, from what I had seen they were foolish youngsters. People who hadn't matured to the point they understood what they were signing up for and hadn't completed their training as real Mandalorians should. I suspected they would be cannon fodder when the fighting started. And it would not just be my Mandalorians in the fight, we are preparing weapons to be dropped off with the Nomads as we freed them. The more guns in the field the better chances of survival, and from what I understood about the local plans, it would be at least 50 Mandalorian Nomads, tough Mandos who'd spend all their lives on the frontier. Perhaps not the greatest of warriors but better than the Silver Militia and some of the Black Iron Mercenaries that gave their allegiance to Bresug Gerr.

I didn't know if tomorrow would bring a complete victory, but I am fairly sure. Bringing the whole city down would be a great thing to sing about, but punching the fake Mandalore in the nose and stealing something from him in his own house would do wonders to break his hold on people's minds. It would be a massive embarrassment to his honor, if he had any, but it would do more harm than just that.

As long as someone's winning, the people will believe anything you tell them. But the moment you start losing, well that's when people start asking questions. And having something stolen from you in such a public way will have people asking questions, perhaps even choosing sides.

No doubt the gangsters who were allowing him to use the city would formally sign up against him if he appeared weak and unable to defend himself. After all, what use is a leader if they can't even guarantee the safety of their home city. Not much use really and that's why the gangsters and mafia types would make their own moves once it became apparent that he couldn't protect the city.

Yes, tomorrow would be a good day to start the fall of Bresug Gerr. And it must be a good day to steal as much equipment as we could get our hands on. As much as his soldiers were absolutely terrible I would give Gerr one thing, he didn't skimp on the funding of their equipment. We stole a few of Hypernautic's excess silver armor and confirmed that they were high quality, not beskar but they have many modern systems integrated into the armor. The guns were also Concordian made, how he'd gotten those we weren't sure. As far as we knew Concordia Crescent was only sold on Concordia which would mean that he had to have agents on Concordia to purchase the equipment. If that was true, you'd have to hunt them down to make sure they didn't continue selling gear that we plan to use when the New Mandalorians were pushed out.

But that was for the future, for tonight I needed to get the men back to the suite we were in so that everyone can have a good night's rest and be ready for the fight tomorrow.

Gargon, Downtown Motel
Kuth Mok

Uncomfortably, I moved my left shoulder a bit, feeling the heavy weight of my prosthetic arm hanging there. A constant reminder of the event that changed my life, when rival clans worked together to attack MandalTech to deny it to the New Mandalorians, and many lives, including my parents, were killed in the attack. Once the Civil War ended, I dedicated my life to preserving the peace so that no child has to lose their loved ones. I joined the Journeyman Protectors as their slicer and helped catch criminals with them before I heard that the Royal Guard were searching for skilled slicers for their electronic security, I volunteered and the rest is history.

We are currently gathered in a cheap motel we rented for our stay. It is about what you expect from a cheap motel, two double beds, a bathroom and a closet. We are each sitting on the double beds, boys on one bed and the girls are on the other. After a day of gathering intel, we have just debriefed each other on what the other team did. I sent a summary of what we have found to X4 so he could send it to Struc. That Hypernautic hired pirates to loot ancient Mandalorian Wars era battle for their beskar, half of the beskar they looted is stored off-world, Mandal has a foreign supporter that is supplying them with new Battle Droids as well as "Supervisor Droids" to oversee and defend their factories, and the that Clan Morson is about to be executed in the Colosseum tomorrow at noon.

X4 sent back a message that Struc's team are on their way to meet with the Nomads and X4 would let them know once they make contact. Buses in and out of the city were heavily monitored, and as far as we could tell, leaving the city was not going to do us any good. We may not be able to get back in for one, for two the chances of being picked up by the Silver Militia, who were a cult from what we could understand, were going to grow and they were most likely already monitoring the ways in and out of the city, though moving about inside the city was a bit easier since people apparently unless directly connected to the cult just assumed you were already in it.

With nothing else to do, we decided to go out and buy some lunch. We found a local diner near the motel and enjoyed the deli meat that is served there. It was really good, I wouldn't mind eating that every so often. When we got back to the motel, it was well into the afternoon. Sitting around the room, we were basically stumped, unsure how to proceed with the operation. That was until Tanya tilted her head, obviously getting a message from X4.

Leaning forward and turning her helmet comms to internal she said, "The Nomads are pissed about the whole execution thing, they're going to strike the city tomorrow."

"Probably for the best if our intel's right." I said, "If they're bringing in droids next week, the defenses will just grow to the point where the Nomads will be ineffective in hitting the city. Their window of opportunity to strike is closing, not to mention that also means that that execution is going to draw them into a prolonged fight, the casualties will be horrendous."

"No doubt," Tanya said, her left hand cradling the chin of her helmet as she thought, "but that does mean that the defenses inside the city will all be pointed outwards to meet this attack. Assuming that this is their plan to draw the nomads out into a single fight and destroy them as best they can, they'll have everything they have along the edges of the city and internal defenses will be minimal."

I lean forward at that, "Yeah, they might be minimal but that doesn't mean they're non-existent. There's not much we can do with only the four of us and if we start causing trouble, we're likely to get shot dead before we can do anything permanent."

"Four people in the right location can do a lot." Ordo said, matter of factly. "It's how to use them in those locations that matters."

Tanya tilted her head in his direction in a nod before continuing, "What do we know about the Colosseum?"

I shrugged before saying, "Old Hutt style, lots of cameras for filming the proceedings and projecting them on large screens so everyone can see them. Usually used for fights to the death between people and other creatures though that varied. It looked like it could hold a couple thousand people."

Tanya nodded, "They'll probably want an audience for this, people to spread the message even if they miss the camera showing so they'll let a population into the stadium. Click, you're a skilled slicer, yes? If you are inside the stadium what do you think you could do to make this execution go off with many hitches?"

"That's right," then said, "it's old Hutt, they weren't exactly great with their security systems on civilian infrastructure and a colosseum like that is civilian infrastructure. I could turn off the lights or drop the floor out into the under area that all stadiums usually have. Even put on a personal message on the big screen TVs if you wanted to."

Tanya immediately leaned forward with interest, "What you're saying is if we can get you inside that stadium you can feed so much chaos that the people marked for execution would have a chance of escaping into the streets if we gave him a little help. Which considering they were about to be murdered, would most likely help us in taking down False Silver once we equipped them with weapons and armor. The chaos would draw troops from the edges of the city allowing the Nomads a much easier time to break inside."

"I don't like where this is going but yes that is an opportunity that could be available if we were inside the colosseum. Creating chaos like that doesn't mean we're going to win just means-"

"It means, more opportunities might present themselves. Perhaps we will simply get out of the city with the escaping Nomads. Perhaps we'll find an opportunity to make allies within the city and strike at Bresug Gerr in his own Tower, everything will be upheaved."

I sigh as she was speaking the truth, chaos that would churn through the streets would present many opportunities for many people. Whatever peace Bresug Gerr had created would be made unstable and the chances of striking Bresug Gerr in his home would never be better.

Letting out a breath of annoyance I said, "Alright but how are we going to get in the Colosseum?"

Tanya nodded before saying, "As I said, they want a captive audience in the stadium and would likely just let us in themselves. If we play our cards right, they might even think we're part of their little Silver Militia and let us get into places we're not supposed to be."

That was an intriguing thought, leaning forward I had to think about that, as Tanya continued. "False Silver has seemed to have created this whole plan on the idea that the real Silver would never come forward or that they would never attempt to infiltrate his base. They believe that using the color will simply allow him to mark his easily persuaded people and those who are the most loyal. But that gives us an opportunity, we can get into this little execution and move around without much notice because we're members of the Silver Militia, of course we're loyal to White Silver and Mandel Hypernautics."

I nodded my helmet, then said one problem, "By that same logic we are now wearing the colors of the enemy. If we make any moves and run into anyone who's against the enemy we have a good chance of getting ourselves shot don't we?"

"If we allow him to keep the colors." Tanya said, still rubbing the front of her helmet as if it was her chin. "You said you could put anything up on the screen? If we were to pre-record a video could you put it up on the screen for the whole stadium to watch?"

Exhaling deeply I thought for a moment and said, "Theoretically yes, if the stadium's security systems have not been upgraded from Hutt standard too much, I could put anything you want on their cameras."

"So if we were to create a video pointing out a few inconsistencies between the Silver Codex and his statements as well as claim that the real Silver was in the stadium here to take back their name, that would cause a bit of confusion. Sure there'd be some diehards but there'd be others who'd take a step back at the very minimum and wait to see who wins."

"If the video is done right, we might be able to just wait for a few of the people to come to our side." Ordo said matter of factly.

"And how exactly is the video going to be done right?" I asked, looking at the kid.

"There are some definite breakaway points between his speech on the matter and the first codex." Tanya said. "Trying to strike those issues from anonymity across the galaxy would not be effective but if the person is in the building. There's a promise of coming violence that can add to the argument. It doesn't matter who's under the mask, if a person's telling you that you are a liar, these are the reasons why, and I'm going to personally prove you're a liar just wait a few moments till I'm upstairs, all that matters is that that person is there and coming."

Sighing, I shook my head and said, "Fine, I understand your point. We'll create a video for tomorrow and then we will infiltrate the colosseum to free the clan. Hopefully your plan works out, and from there we'll see what happens."

Gargon City, Colosseum
Tanya Kryze

It would appear my assumptions on the state of security are correct and wrong at the same time. As I suspected all the black clad mercenaries were not present near the colosseum. Most likely been sent to the edges of the city in preparation of whatever assault was to come.

It would seem that whoever was in command of this execution was smart enough to keep some sort of security around the colosseum. Though considering who they were, it was possibly a plus to me if everything worked out. All the silver wearing soldiers around here who had fallen for the False Silver's words would either be my enemy or my ally, it all depends on how things went.

In order to try and mitigate any suspicion, we'd split back up into groups of two, two couples could get in a lot easier than four. Plus if something went wrong one group would be free to rescue the other with any luck.

With nothing to do whilst we are waiting in line, I look around. The crowds being funneled into the stadium / colosseum were quite large, most appear to be silver wearing loyalist fools. There were a few corporate men by the look of their suits and they're less than notable bits of armor. The city itself is very utilitarian, similar in feel to what New York City was like when I entered the Unified States for the first time after the war. Large concrete skyscrapers all around, advertisements everywhere, and scores of sentients crowd the streets.

I also saw a few other Mandalorians entering the Colosseum, what their plans were? I don't know. Were they loyal to the False Silver? Were they there because they hated the nomads? Did they just want to see if things would go to hell? Anything could be possible so where they would fall on the line in the chaos we were about to unleash, I didn't know.

What I did know was that we were almost at the ticket booth. Once we are inside, we'd make our way to the technical box where we would meet up with Mok and Skota to see what we could do to get ourselves in control of the stadium. All we needed was for everything to go perfectly.

Which was why I was incredibly worried. Because, well, I remembered my last life and I know the old adage that no plan survives contact with the enemy, though I would admit most of the times I had been the enemy that threw the situation into chaos. Didn't mean that it wouldn't be true here also. It would be quite easy for the situation to flip around on me and for something to go absolutely wrong.

And of course just as I was thinking about that, I felt a hand grab my shoulder, as we were almost at the front of the queue. Turning my head, I saw a man in silver armor looking at us, his face hidden by the helmet but it was tilted in a way of showing that he was curious and meant no harm. He had one hand on my shoulder and another one on Ordo as he said, "Hey, you two any good with a blaster?"

If my face was revealed the look of incredulousness said that question would have probably caused a fight. Thankfully Mandalorian helmets cut down on such situations when you thought about it. "We're excellent shots, why do you ask?" I asked, thankful that my voice was being changed to something a little bit deeper.

"Great, a few conscripts pissed off the Ingra by refusing to take part in the execution. He has stripped them of their armor and lined them up next to the nomads, so we need a few more hands."

"I don't know about-" Ordo started but I stopped him by putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Very unfortunate that they would betray their oath to the Silver Codex like that, we will gladly join the execution squad to put down these disobedient dogs."

"A bit harsh but Ingra loves being dramatic so more power to ya." the Mandalorian said before pulling us out of the line.

Over the internal comms of my helm and I heard Engiz ask, "What's the plan? This wasn't in the initial draft."

"I'm altering the plan, this is an opportunity that can be used for our benefits." I responded back before touching my vambrace to change the signal strength in hopes of reaching the others.

"Proceed on mission, we've been sidetracked but will be in place to cause as much chaos as possible when the party starts."

Luckily we got a response from Click, "Fine, wander off and have your own adventure. I'll just handle the tech stuff, just don't get killed. Pretty sure if you do, we're all going to get prices on our head set there by The Duchess."

I chuckled at that not believing she would go that far. Although I do admit she seemed to have a fonder view of our relationship than most bosses would, so maybe I was selling short how far she would go.

We were quickly pulled through several hallways until we were filed out into a waiting room with a bunch of other Mandalorians in silver. Most of them had other colors mixed in with their silver and white markings, a few green, few red, a couple blue, and one potential person over there had pink, in total there are about 30 people. But otherwise nothing too interesting about the group. Before we even had a chance to get settled in, two Mandalorians in black armor came in and started passing out blaster rifles. GALAAR-15s are basically oversized WESTAR-35, but otherwise a good blaster. I actually already had one on my back hidden by the extension of my shoulder cape in better condition than the one that had been handed to me. This one looks like it had seen a few years of service in some war somewhere based on its damage marks. A quick check of my ammunition count also found that there was only about enough gas in it for two or three rounds.

Smart move when you think about it, if something goes wrong you don't want the people you're giving guns to have the best things. You want them to have the worst with the least amount of ammunition possible.

The compentence ended there though, since no one was asking me for my pistols or checking me for my rifle and many of the other Mandalorians had their own weapons. Not as good as a GALAAR-15 I've noted but still, a sign that they weren't thinking through this plan thoroughly. Granted, unless everyone wrote their name on their blasters, it is very easy for someone to claim that someone elses blaster is their own. So to make sure this doesn't happen and prevent the hassle, they don't bother to confiscate personal weapons.

If I was an assassin I'd get pretty damn close to their leader with a full stack of ammunition with the rate this is going. This man was really needlessly self-destructive and was basically a prime example of why Mandalorians need to move past the ideology of conquest.

Before I could really give much thought on the subject, a man in silver with black striped armor, stepped into the room, started looking us over, and then nodded his helmet with approval. He had markings on his helmet, indicating he was familiar with combat, especially aerial combat and was wearing a jetpack painted black and white striped.

"Yes you'll do, congratulations children of the Silver Codex. Today we prove that we are the loyal members of the new order that is going to be created on this planet and in time throughout the sector. Today we show what happens to those who try and play games with their loyalty. In a few minutes we will march out there and listen to a speech from our leader who could not be here today due to extenuating circumstances. After the speech is given we will take aim and execute the traitors and show that they were never real Mandalorians but just wasteland refuse."

Well shit, the man was such a coward he wasn't even going to be here to see them die with his own eyes, but that was probably for the best. Oh, it would be nice to end this today, have the fight right there in the arena and get this situation handled but that probably would have meant more guards here. The less guards I had to fight in the arena the better.

The figure looking over us once again said, "It is an honor to have such loyal members of the Silver Militia with me today. I know, like most of you, the first codex probably intrigued you. I've had your doubts about the viability of the work. But the second codex has shown that he is willing to improve his methods and revealing his identity has shown that he is putting his money where his mouth is. With his financial backing we will have the ability to finally unseat the New Mandalorians and put the sector back on course to a prosperous future. Pledge now your allegiance to the White Silver and the future Mandalore of the Mandalorian sector!" He said putting his fist across his chest and some sign of salute.

Oh come on, the codex supported the New Mandalorians and advocated their viability for a prosperous future. The fact people would fall for this either shows their gullibility to side with anyone who says something against someone they dislike or they're just lying about supporting the codex and simply were looking for opportunities to screw over the New Mandalorians. Frankly, I didn't care to find out the real answer.

Maybe having that real answer would be helpful but at this point it was pretty much certain what I needed to do and I didn't need the real answer of why so many had sided with this fanatical moron. I just knew that I needed to make an example of him and those who would follow him, starting with this genocidal maniac who was going to attempt to kill an entire clan of Mandalorians just because they didn't decide to immediately side with this dictator. At this rate I really was going to have to come up with a second volume of the codex to release secretly just to make it clear to not follow dictators into genocidal wars or stupid civil wars.

Oh and this corporate stooge was definitely a dictator at this point. I hadn't heard anyone say anything about any of the clans declaring him a Mand'alor or that he just declared himself that and let people believe he was the original White Silver while also forcing people to side with him through military might. That's a dictator, not an elected leader as I proposed in my codex.

But those were arguments to be made another time. For now I kept my mouth shut as I didn't want to make any moves until we were in position. Not to mention the fact that we were about to be sent out there to execute not only a clan but members of the Silver Militia who apparently started asking questions, theoretically the people I've been reaching out towards. It said a lot about the man in front of me that making too much noise would result in front row tickets to a firing line. So I would wait for my opening carefully. I put my hand across my chest and mentally pledge allegiance to myself because I'm going to make sure they know who the real White Silver is by the end of this.

Nodding in approval he said, "Alright then, let's get out there and kill some traitors."

With that what were probably his sergeants started ordering us through a set of double doors into a ramp that led up into the main area of the colosseum.

Quickly these sergeants forced us into a line facing a line of people with their hands tied behind their backs and blindfolds on them. Thankfully though their helmets have apparently been removed and thrown in front of them into the sand on the ground of the arena.

Once the line was settled the leader of the militia took a step in front of us and yelled to the crowd. "These traitors have been found disloyal to our leader and though White Silver is not here to pass judgment in person, we shall do it in his name. He is however able to speak to us for a moment to give us a message on the merits of loyalty to our leaders."

He pointed off to a screen as two things happened, there was a series of booms from the distance sounding like a firefight of some kind. No doubt the False Silver would be preoccupied for a moment as he dealt with that so the execution would be postponed a few seconds. It gave me time to deal with the second thing that happened.

The second was Click coming over my communications saying, "We're in, when do you want the video?"

"Wait until White Silver's broadcasted himself, give him about a moment to get a few words out then interrupt him."

"Got it." he responded and I stood in the line waiting. I wasn't one for theatrics most times but I understood enough about Mandalorian culture to understand the merits of theatrics in a few cases.

False Silver had come onto the scene with a propaganda video, in order to appear as in control and legitimate as possible.

In order to shake that perception of control, what was needed is to be just as theatrical.

Gargon City Outskirts
Rahm Kota

Well this brought up old memories, all around me were men charging screaming and shooting blasters thankfully not at me.

In front of me we're up a bunch of semi entrenched troops who apparently had not been taught that a trench needs to actually be used for cover. Either that or they've been told the armor they were wearing were beskar since a lot of them had been standing in line waiting to shoot at us as we drove into range of their blasters on speeder bikes and speeder cars.

They've learned very quickly that their armor was not beskar and to not do that by now. As quite a few of them had died to the initial volley of speeder mounted cannons and dismounted Mandalorians moving from cover to cover.

Zero and Strike are somewhere around here, we have been riding in the same speeder. But well, the Black Mercenaries have a blaster cannon of some kind and it shoots our speeder out from underneath us, sending us flying in several directions. Where they'd ended up, I don't know. All I do know is that my Jedi robes were covered in mud, I had a blaster pistol in one hand, and a deactivated lightsaber in the other. Though I was thinking about turning it on with every moment a shot near missed me. I was hunkering down behind a concrete slab that used to be a building, one that appeared to have been blown up in preparations to remove all cover from the killing field.

They apparently did not know that when you remove all cover from the killing field you're supposed to remove the debris left behind by the demolition that several Mandalorians and myself could still use to hide behind.

Considering my situation, from where I stood I could see several Mandalorians pushing up slowly using their armor to absorb some of their blaster fire from a distance away. Unfortunately though some of them got hits and didn't get back up while others were able to hold their position even under constant stream of fire. There was a particular chance that this little advance into the city could fail if that fire rate kept up. I wasn't exactly about to let that happen, we had come this far and what had White Silver called me? Ah right, a good Force multiplier.

"Well time to do my part." I muttered and with my lightsaber activated, I stepped into the field. Focusing on defense I deflected a few bolts back at them which caused more bolts to come my way as they saw my glowing lightsaber. But the important thing is that they took their eyes off the Mandalorians around me who saw the opening. They popped out of their hidey holes and started firing into the enemy line, catching those who were trying to shoot me by surprise.

After a few moments I started to advance reflecting bolts back at the line as Mandalorians covered me. In fact three or four of them fell in behind me shooting past my shoulder. It was rather comical in a way but how it may look didn't matter. What mattered was that this was effective as we quickly crossed the distance between the impromptu line we had been forced into and the enemy's terribly entrance position.

Jumping down into the trench I pointed my lightsaber at the closest black clad soldier and said "Yield now or face the consequences of your actions."

The soldier in particular looked at the Mandalorians piling into the trench behind me, adding their guns to the line, and simply dropped his weapon and himself on the ground. The one behind him though put up more of a fight immediately attempting to shoot me. I deflected it back at him and he fell back to the ground. The third one came around a corner and then said something in Mando that I didn't catch before running the other direction. Turning to look over my shoulder I saw that the Mandalorians Nomads were cleaning up the trench in the other direction too, though the ones that were behind me were ready to advance the direction I was facing.

I smiled and said, "Gentlemen, have a few men capture any prisoners that surrendered, they may have useful information we could use later. Everyone else, we have a clan to save and a company to overthrow." Turning toward the direction of the trench, lightsaber close at my side, feeling a bit of nostalgia from my youth.

I basically grew up in trenches like these, though it was in much better condition than this one is. My planet of birth had been stuck in a trench war for generations and I'd come accustomed to fighting since I was a kid. So clearing out a trench? that has become second-hand nature to me. Though I hadn't done it in a good 30 years, it does come back to me like riding a speeder bike.

Pushing on into the trenches, I tried to force surrenders whenever I could, a few took me up on my offer, those that didn't either ended up getting themselves killed or shot by the Mandalorians with me. In one of the more improved sections of the trenches though, I found the first person to make it past the Mandalorian shooting over my shoulders.

As we passed by a section of the trench that seemed to go into a bunker, someone sprung free of their hiding place. I heard the loud and reverberant gong and one of the Nomads went down followed by a sound of a weapon being slammed to the ground from an impact followed by another bong. Quickly, I turned and had my lightsaber up just in time to meet the attacker's weapon.

A shovel smashed into my lightsaber and cut itself in half causing the Mandalorian who's sprung that trap to jump back looking at their weapon and confusion before looking at me again. Quickly noted that she is not one of the black clad mercs, she was wearing blue and red armor. With yellow accents around the face of the helmet.

Taking a step back, the Mandalorian gave it a couple of practice swings before promptly dropping it. Looking at me she said, "Well, I feel out matched." The Mandalorian said, revealing a female voice, something that became more apparent as I took a closer look at her armor."Tell you what? How about we call this a draw and you just let me run into the city?"

I raised an eyebrow and said "I see no problem with that, I doubt one extra blaster inside the city would be much more help than you were here."

"Yeah, I know. I'm done with this." she said matter of factly waving her hand at your lightsaber. "I signed up to fight other Mandalorians. I did not sign up to die by laser sword. I'm going to go back into that city, find a ship leaving this God forsaken mud hole, and get off of it."

"Aren't you breaking your code or allegiance you made by betraying your leader in such a way?" I asked.

The Mandalorian shrugged and shook her head, "Nope, I just need the money. Now that I got it and everything's going to shit, I have no interest in dying for an idiot."

'Reasonable response,' I thought before lowering my lightsaber and nodding my head.

"Well then you're free to go, don't cause any trouble, stay out of our way, and hope we never see each other again today."

"Same," the woman said with a nod of her head before vaulting up the sides of the trench before running off into the city.

I took a breath of air lightly winded before checking on the two Mandalorian she'd knocked unconscious with that shovel. From a quick check of their pulse and sense of the Force I figured they were merely unconscious and would survive but I stood up and tried to look around for other Mandalorian Nomads.

Thankfully, I didn't have to look long as Mandalorian Nomads jumped into the trench around me, some jumped over to the other side to charge into the city, others taking note of their fallen comrades and seeing to them. The big silver Mandalorian, Zero, has stepped down into the trench next to me.

"Damn good work probably just saved a whole bunch of lives with that little lightshow you pulled back there."

I smiled and nodded, "That is the way of the Jedi, how's the situation looking?"

Zero shrugged, "Not sure," he said while looking everywhere "from what I've seen, this attack has basically broken the defensive line and black mercs are either retreating or dead."

"So we've crossed the first hurdle. Now the question is how well are they going to do in urban warfare and if they have any other tricks up their sleeve?"

I nodded, there was always the possibility that they could drain the attack dry as we pushed into the city. Hopefully we would be able to avoid too many casualties. I was curious so I asked, "What kind of tricks could they have?"

The big man shrugged before saying, "It's Mandel Hypernautics, they were involved with everything from shipbuilding to armored personnel carriers. I wouldn't put anything past them and just because we're attacking before they receive their next shipment of droids doesn't mean they don't have any droids at all."

I nodded my head in understanding before saying, "We don't know what's ahead of us but we know we have to go into the city, otherwise your leader might be in trouble and we will be nowhere near to help them."

Zero nodded his helmet before saying, "Hope they don't do anything too stupid." He pulled himself out of the trench on the other side but offered a hand to help me up as well. I brushed some mud off my robes and then looked into the city. This was not going to be an easy fight and clearing buildings is always a messy fight, especially when we are the attackers. I had to guess these buildings were constructed with a general idea that assaults could happen and needed to be defended by Ancient Mandalorians who expected such conflicts. Shaking my head I said, "Let's go." before turning my lightsaber back on and walking towards the city.

Gargon City, Mandel Hypernautic's HQ
False Silver

"Sir, the Nomad's have broken through the outer defense perimeter." Came the panic yell from one of my newer hires. A supposed strategist from the planet Alzar, who was given to me to support this little uprising. He claimed he was a somewhat seasoned veteran though with how panicky he sounded, I highly doubt that.

I knew I should have gone for someone a little bit more experienced but he was a cheap employee and the position he occupied was easily replaceable in the future if need be. Shaking my head I said, "Do not worry, Haurs things are unfolding as I expected."

A lie but I had built plenty of redundancies into this defensive operation so the possibility that the Nomads would break through the first line was well within expectations. I would have preferred to have blocked them at the first line but I would destroy the Nomads today and that was all that mattered.

Stepping back from the holographic display of the city, where the enemy had been marked as breaking through the first line. I moved across my office to the front of my favorite fireplace next to the camera crews who had been setting up for my next speech, the one I was to deliver at the execution of the so-called Mandalorians of Clan Morson.

"Just tell the commanders in the field to follow their operational tactical manuals that I purchased from your homeworld and everything will go fine. They are some of the best fighters in the Galaxy under my employ here. Losing the front line happens but as long as we win in the long run no one will care." I commented over my shoulder to Haurs before I took a seat in my favorite chair enjoying the soft fabric of the seat.

Looking at my Propaganda Minister, Sinno Qing, I said, "How are things at the stadium? Are they waiting in anticipation for my arrival?"

He looked up from the cameras and nodded with a general thumbs up. "They're on the edge of their seats. They can hear the fighting so they must be wondering what's going on."

"Perfect, then all I need to do is appear to be in complete control and submit my legend in their minds. Let's get this show on the road, Qing."

Qing nodded before shouting orders to the camera crew, focusing it in, getting everything just right. One of them ran past me and quickly lit the fire of the fireplace, to give the appearance of being warmed by it and make me appear completely at ease and in control.

Taking a breath I put my silver helmet on the left arm rest of my chair. I hated the color silver, it looked gaudy and ugly but I had to work with what I had. As soon as I had governorship of the Mandalorian Sector in my hands I'd probably go back to black and do my best to vaporize the idea that I'd been White Silver for most people's minds. They would know me by my name and not some strange title thought up by a fool of a person who created a great tool in my rise. If I ever found out who they were I'd probably thank them before having them executed to make sure the secret died with them.

Qing nodded his head to my direction and started counting down with his hand indicating that we were about to start. So I put on my best smile and waited for the red light to turn on, signaling I was live.

Immediately when the red light turned on, the screen over the Qing'shead which gave me a look of the Colosseum and there was quite a lot of silver in that audience, though there were other colors as well. I saw that go-getter fool of a cult leader, Ingra, managed to get everything set up. At least there was a solid line of silver armored soldiers waiting to execute the Nomads, all in line with my plan for the eventual removal of White Silver from my identity. What better way to excuse my stopping the use of the color than to blame honorable fools like them by tarnishing it with their blood.

The fool gave one of his salutes which was fine by me. Keeping a smile I said, "Good morning my people, for today is a sad day. As you may have heard, the Nomads have chosen to attack Gargon City with the goal of plundering and pillaging what is rightfully ours and so they must be destroyed. A fitting end to those who would rebel against their leader. As easily as we shall remove those so-called Mandalorians from the city, we shall remove these Mandalorians with a firing line of blaster fire."

"But before that I would like to speak to you about the importance of following your leader. For without a leader, the Mandalorian people are nothing. We must always have a strong leader in command, someone who can guide our people to greatness. Someone-" before I could continue, there was an interruption in the transmission from the stadium as the Colosseum's camera shifted from where it had been showing me to the audience below to the large screen of the Colosseum itself. What had been a stable connection was no longer stable, as there was a general interruption before another figure, slightly hidden by shadow, appeared on the screen.

Signaling the crew with my hand to cut the sound transmission by running my hand across my neck, I asked, "What's going on?"

"I don't know sir." Qing said in confusion as he looked over the shoulder of one of the technicians in charge of keeping the connection going.

"Someone's hacked into the system and is transmitting their own video."

"Oh perfect, who the hell would do that? It's one of those gangsters, isn't it. They must have hired a slicer to screw with me, more people I'm going to have to hunt down and deal with." I muttered looking back up at the screen to see what was going on. "Turn on the audio. I want to know what's going on."

"The Mand'alor must show no favor to any particular clan. The Mand'alor must heed the will of the Mandalorians. The Mand'alor must act for the good of all Mandalorians. The Mand'alor must allow the Mandalorians a common representative body. The Mand'alor must be above the petty politics of the day. Only the Mand'alor may call the Mandalorian people to war."

"You know, this was a rather reasonable statement when I wrote it. I thought it would be quite clear that I was not in favor of a return to the god king complex of the Crusaders but apparently all it took for people to believe otherwise was a Second Codex written by someone else who couldn't even project an idea without sounding like a corporate stooge."

"What?" I muttered sitting forward in my chair, someone was actually trying to claim they were the real White Silver now of all times. I would have figured no one would have been that stupid, you needed an army to hold such a title without worry of being assassinated by a dozen other factions wanting to pull their own little Crusade against the New Mandalorians. I mean, I guess there was the possibility of the real White Silver coming to Gargon but that was unlikely. No coward who would write their thesis as an anonymous codex would have the balls to come attack me in my castle.

The shadow figure continued with their own speech, "And to think people would so easily turn on their fellow Mandalorians by the words of another. Why are we here? Because someone decided that executing an entire Mandalorian clan is a bright idea. Oh, I can predict the general outcome of the idea of execution, 'They're not true Mandalorians, just nomadic steppe herders' or some other culturally superior Osik but I made it quite clear in my codex what a Mandalorian is. They teach their kids to be Mandalorian, they wear the armor, they learn self defense, they have an understanding of our language, and they are trying to improve the lives of other Mandalorians not bring them down."

"The Resol'nare was quite clear in pointing out what makes a Mandalorian a Mandalorian. You have to muddy the waters by adding more definers, making more people less Mandalorian with each iteration of definer until you only have a certain group in command. And what are the rest of the people who aren't in command? Serfs and slaves. We've seen that before and we've seen how that ends. This path this False Silver is setting Gargon on will bring nothing but destruction not only of this planet and its people, but its culture and history. You'd actively harm Mandalore and most of all it offends me."

"Because I thought I made it quite clear that the Silver Codex did not need a leader. It is a philosophy, not a movement. Why else would I have let it propagate without one and strictly implied that the true leader of Mandalore was Duchess Satine? And from where I had been sitting for the last few years with my silence away from the realm of politics, things have been going well. The Duchess has in her own way acknowledged that the codex has done wonders in improving the economy along the ways I had suggested. From my perspective things are good and they're only going to get better as time goes on, as we build up a strong Mandalorian economy. And then this Silver has set that back, so I leave you with a choice dear watchers and readers of the codex. Either let this fool take you and Gargon to hell, for that is where you're going if you stay with him, or stand by me as we do the job of sending those who would follow this False Silver's madness there."

The screen cut out as the stadium erupted into confused chatter, people unsure of what's going on and probably questioning my authority. Grabbing my helmet I tap the communications on it and put it on, quickly contacting Ingra. "Get a handle on that situation now! I will find out who this Fake Silver is and deal with them in a moment." I said before muting whatever command he was about to say and looking at Qing.

"Where did that transmission come from? If you don't know where it is, figure it out and send someone there to kill them before this turns into a chaotic shit show." Out of the corner of my eye I watched as the cameras turned back to look at the stadium. I could see Ingra getting out of position as he yelled at the line of Silver Militia to open fire, they apparently weren't obeying.

"Sir, the video wasn't sent from anywhere outside the stadium, someone in the stadium put that on."

"What? Who the Haran is bold enough to try putting that up in a Colosseum full of people who support me?" I asked, watching out of the corner of my eye as Ingra walked forward and grabbed a blaster from a Militia before aiming it at the Nomads. A bit brutal but it would get the job done in reasserting control I assumed.

Then a blaster shot sounded a bit elongated like he may have fired two shots and short concession and then the noise went quiet, looking at the screen I expected to see one of the nomads dead. Instead I saw a female Mandalorian in silver armor standing in front of the Nomads, a black scorch mark on the front of her armor where she had apparently taken the hit, in her hand was a smoking blaster pistol. Across from her was Ingra with the blaster he'd been holding had been turned to slag by a direct shot from her pistol and he was looking at it confused.

That's when the chaos really began as the cameras then panned up as more than a dozen Mandalorians with jetpacks in silver and yellow began to open fire into the chaos from above. The cameras quickly went out as their crews either fled or were shot.

Gargon Colosseum
Tanya Kryze

What the hell did I just do? I have been listening to myself give a speech on why the False Silver is a fool and wrong, when I noticed the Silver Militia's leader, I remembered his name was Ingra, was getting very annoyed and moving to try and get control of the situation.

I've seen him grab a blaster off a Militia who looked to be having some sort of midlife crisis by the way he had lost grip of the weapon. And start to aim it at the Nomads.

And well I… I snapped into action. I knew I could disable that blaster if I was able to get a shot off at him and I knew that I could prevent the death of a Nomad if I got in front of him because my armor is made out of pure beskar. I simply knew that I could survive a hit and so I let myself take the hit whilst blasting the blaster out of his hands at the same time.

What had been presented to me was a classical hero situation. Something that got your name spoken of in legend. It was a golden opportunity to continue the chaos already starting to grow as arguments in the stands broke out into fist fights.

And logically the risk to my life had been minimal. The weapon was old most likely it's ammunition was barely functional and considering they'd strip the nomads of their armor to murder them, I knew that the beskar can handle it.

Sure it had hurt, like I had been punched by Visha without any strength enhancement magic but I was alive, his gun had been slagged, and I was holding him at gunpoint. The situation was firmly in my hands.

Although a part of me was feeling an old familiar smile on my lips. The rush of blood running through my veins, the sensation of adrenaline pumping my heart. And I was forced to wonder if I've let my old habits pick themselves back up. Did I just risk my life because I knew I had control of the situation thanks to my Mandalorian training or did I risk it because of an old familiar high creeping up on my skin wanting to go all out?

Well, if it was the second then I was not going to let it take control of me. Not this life, my thumb slipped to the switch next to the trigger flipping it into stun mode. I would try not to kill them, simply to prove myself better than what I was in my last life.

Before I could make any demands things went sideways. A dozen or more Mandalorians on jetpacks landed in the arena unloading their guns into Silver Militia who didn't immediately start dropping their weapons and fell to the ground.

Ordo, as well as a dozen other Mandalorians who were wearing silver rushed by my side, some going past me to free the Nomads. While I kept my gun on the Silver Leader in case he tried anything.

"Let me guess, you're the one claiming to be the real White Silver." He called as the battle devolved around us. Some silver wearing folks ran, others stood and fought, most fell to the ground trying to not get shot though there was a good mix of Hypernautic employees standing up and pulling out guns to take part in the festivities.

"What tipped you off? The fact that I'm competent?" I goaded while keeping my focus on the man.

"Wonderful, it means I don't have to track you down." With that he activated a pair of jets on his boots, hurtling himself towards me. I dodged out of the way while firing to stun bolt at him though the speed was enough that I missed. The man was able to stop himself directly behind me before trying to grab me, which I was able to jump out of the way of. It would appear he had decided the best course of action, now that he no longer had a gun, was to close distance and engage me in melee combat.

A very poor tactic as I had a pistol in my hand and was able to fire a stun bolt into his fist as he tried to hit me in the helmet, when he took a swing. Stepping back, I drew my second pistol, which was not on stun.

He attempted to dodge out of the way but Ordo came up behind him and smashed the galaar15 rifle over his head. Moments later my blaster bolt hit his knee, a well known weak spot in armor, which caused his leg to give out. Ingra went down to his knees, and looked up at me. I took the opportunity that he is a sitting duck and fired my pistol set on stun at point blank range. Even if there is beskar in that armor, if there was any, he was going down.

With a gasp he tumbled forward as I stepped out of the way of his body before shaking my head and getting a hold of the situation. The 16 yellow and gray Mandalorians had gotten most of the colosseum pacified. The Silver Militia that had stood with their had been wiped out. Those that hadn't were either hiding or running away. Besides, the group that had been part of the attempted execution had changed their minds either because I'd gone through their thick skulls with the speech or for not wanting to be seen as the bad guys, I'll take either one.

They quickly untied the Nomads and a few others I assumed had also pissed off the local government.

One of the yellow and gray Mandalorians holstered their pistol before walking towards me.

"So we were going to free those people?" she said looking past me "I was under the impression that everyone in silver would be the bad guys today."

"The situation is a lot more confusing than that." I said with a shug. "I thought I was going to have to fight his entire Colosseum with whatever people managed to rebel. Looks like we both pulled an idiot's array today."

The Mandalorian chuckled at that before nodding. "Yeah, luck is on our side. Now quick question, was that you on the screen claiming to be the real White Silver?"

The way she tilted her helmet seemed to imply a bit of a threat so I tilted mine in a similar way "Perhaps, perhaps I'm just an agent. Either way numbers are about even so fighting amongst each other over whatever displeasure you have with the Silver Codex seems foolish when we could simply ally and deal with the false Silver and then I would go back into hiding as I've been before. As I said I'm not interested in leading movements just creating a different way of looking at things."

The Mandalorian nodded before extending her hand, "Ursula Wren."

I nodded and took the hand for a shake, "Silver will do."

"Alright Silver, what are you going to do about your men over there? Situation in the streets is going to be very confusing because everyone's wearing silver armor and fighting each other." Wren said matter of factly.

I nodded before looking at the motley crew of Mandalorians wearing silver who decided to join me. Looking around, I saw a Mandalorian with a white cape and immediately got an idea. Ripping off a strip of the fabric I tied it around my arm before tossing the cape to the next Mandalorian. "Tie that strip around your arm, this fabric will determine who's with me or staying out of this fight versus who's sided with the false Silver."

The Mandalorian nodded before ripping some fabric and tossing it to the next. While they did that, I tapped the comms and said to Team 2. "Situation in the arena is secure, come on down. We need to figure out what our next move is."

Turning to Wren again I asked, "So do you have a plan for taking Bresug Gerr out or shall we wing it?"

Wren shrugged as several of her Mandalorians brought over several crates, opening them revealed stockpiles of weapons.

"The plan was to cause mayhem and arm the Nomads. Looks like the mayhem is already well underway so arming the nomads and seeing what comes from that seems reasonable enough. Do you have a plan?"

"The outline of one." I said.

"Well then White Silver, why don't you show me how good of a not leader you are?" Wren said in a jesting tone.

Writers note: my god if this not the longest chapter I ever written I'll eat my cowboy hat. Yes, I have a cowboy hat… it's cool. Anyways what we got with this chapter is part one of the choice that is the Gargon city fight, with chapter 20 having simler length and fishing it out. Chapter 21 will most likely finished this whole storyline, and will have few events before I get to the year of BBY 23. What will happen in year 23 don't know yet leaning toward there being more slice of life content in that year considering there was some folk who wanted to see that kinda content before war. (If it stays on course and starts in 22BBY as canon had it)

So feel free to suggest ideas for the coming year of 23 BBY, also if you have a lot of knowledge about things that happens in 23BBY drop it on me, I don't want to let a thing slip by me like what almost happened to the speech on rauxes.

Edited by: Markus Gollinger, Warmach1ne32,
Community edited by: Ryan Pirtle, Justin R, Jay Kim, X.Y 2006

Community editable doc (Chapter 19) No story suggestions in the community editing document, Keep all story suggestions and comments in the thread

Art thanks Sky66 who Commissioned the Artist J-likes-to-draw

Supporters: Afforess, Gremlin Jack, Weise, Xodarap4, Yamato, Duncan Sproule, James Moorhouse, Dankermaler, Hats88, DrkShdow, Devilstar101, Michael, Mana Rope, Falk Hüser, Daniel Martinez, Silver Wolf, Mackenzie Buckle, Markus, Neso, Staradder, Lmc9389, Staradder, victor a lopez-barron, Qweunn, KrasieK, Zollus
Last edited:
Chapter 20
Chapter 20
714FNM (24 BBY)
Month 9

Gargon City, Central District
Tanya Kryze

Well, things turned out alright so far. After the situation at the stadium had been de-escalated and handled, I was able to negotiate a working agreement with the Wrens, the recently freed Nomads, and the Silver Militia members who decided I was a better Silver than Bresug.

There were not that many Silver Militia left, there were probably around two or three hundred around the stadium. A hundred of them stayed to join me, the other hundred seemed to have vanished into the night hopefully to stay out of trouble, and the last hundred or so had to be subdued through combat.

There were some deaths, it has to be expected in battle. To think that there would not be any deaths would be foolhardy, but so far my hands are still clean. The stun setting is a wonderful, wonderful thing and the fact it could theoretically bypass beskar, actually made it more effective than a regular blaster bolt. That being said, it wasn't like I didn't severely wound a few people during the battle. Thankfully, bacta does a tremendous job of putting a person back on their feet, especially since I had avoided aiming for their vitals so they probably might make a full recovery. If they didn't, well that's what they get for signing up with a warmongering fascist.

Anyways, after we'd managed to get the whole stadium under control, I introduced myself to the clan leader of Clan Morson, Mlyr Morson, who was very grateful for the timely save. We didn't have much time for anything more than general introductions before we pushed onwards from the stadium towards Mandal Hypernautics Tower. With Wren's forces providing overhead intel, we started making our way towards the center of the city where Mandal Hypernautics had their main headquarters. But not before taking the idiotic Ingra's jetpack for my own use, it's not like he'll be using it anytime soon. I had hoped that the journey would be quick and we'd be able to smash our way in and get this over within half an hour.

But of course I was mistaken in thinking that he wouldn't have any security in the city. We rounded a corner and came face to face with a group of black armored mercenaries attempting to use speeders as an impromptu barricade to prevent us from reaching their employer's headquarters.

As soon as a couple of Silver Militia turned the corner, three heavy blasters on tripods opened fire killing one of the Militia while the other was able to jump back into cover but not without taking enough fire that left his armor scorched..

Peeking around the corner I take a swift scan of the chokepoint. If I had complete control over the force behind me I would probably pull back and try to find another way around. There was no way that every position was well and truly guarded like this one.

Now, in any other circumstances we could simply overwhelm their position as I counted only 20 mercenaries and we had at least six to seven times that but there's one rule in all universes that's true of every battlefield. Heavy blasters can even the odds on all defensive operations.

However looking over my shoulder at the Nomads and Silver Militia I could see they were itching for a fight. Thus it was up to me to figure out how to take that position with minimal casualties. Thankfully that was an easy thing to do.

Signaling Wren to land, I waited for the female Mandalorian warrior to decend next to me and said, "The heavy blasters don't appear to be on mounts that allow them to aim up. If your warriors attack from the rooftops, I can clear a path for us to take the barricade from this position."

The woman peeked out around the corner to see for herself before pulling back and nodding her head in agreement. "I think we can hit them pretty hard as long as you don't mind losing the honor of being the first across the barricade."

I laughed at that before saying, "Honor is something the living get to brag about, better to make sure as many of us live to do so than to have a few of us toasting the dead who gained on you."

Wren nodded her helmeted head, before jetpacking her way up with her other 15 compatriots following her. Checking my Galaar blaster, I waited for a sign that the attack had begun.

Until then I checked up on the situation amongst my… retinue, I guess. Ordo was talking with many of the Silver Militia assuring them I was the real deal and generally keeping them on my side. Which was an important task considering we were about to charge over a No Man's Land of death and despair but that's future Tanya's problem. Skota had gathered everyone with medical or first aid training to form a medic squad, to pull downed fighters to safety and administer aid. Mok on the other hand, elected to stay close to me so he could be my bodyguard as well as prevent me from charging headfirst into danger situations, like putting myself in front of a blaster in the Colosseum.

As for the Nomads we picked up from the Colosseum, they were generally led by the Morson Chieftain, a Mandalorian who wore fairly old armor by the looks of it in bronze and orange. It was times like this I was glad I had memorized Color Theorem. Bronze meant nobility which could be a way to distinguish those from the main family from branch members. Orange stood for "I long for freedom in life" considering nomadic peoples tended to be a traveling lot, I would assume that's where the orange came in. Looking at the Nomads, I noticed there are a lot of orange colored armors. In fact, based on their coloration perhaps that color had been adopted as a clan color? I wouldn't know until I asked Chief Morson about it after we're victorious.

One of the female Mandalorians with brown armor noticed me looking over her and decided to approach me. She came to a stop leaning against the wall I was laying against though in a much more relaxed posture. "Howdy there White Silver, I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for saving me." The girl said with a rather musical tone to her voice.

"No problem,though I wouldn't be thanking me just yet. We still haven't gotten out of the city and we still haven't removed the pretender. So we still have a long ways to go before I've made good on saving you."

Glancing at her through the edge of my visor I saw the older helmet of the Mandalorian girl shake side to side. "No, I don't mean in a general 'you're saving me and my people'. Back at the stadium the one that psycho was going to shootwas me, till you took the it for me."

"Really?" I asked, a bit surprised. I didn't notice who exactly I was saving at the time, which was understandable I think since I hadn'tstudied the identities of every member of Clan Morson, so they all very much just blended into each other at the moment. 'Well, I'd better say something.' I thought, "It's an honor to have saved a princess, don't get to do that very often."

The girl giggled, "No, no I don't think most people do. So why don't we make this one a bit special?" Before I could register what was happening the princess's hands were on the sides of my helmet and she was laying her head against mine. Well two Keldabe kisses in two days, that was unexpected and in both cases my cheeks were absolutely burning. It only lasted a moment but she quickly broke it, adding, "For luck." before skipping away to her fellow Nomads.

Today was a day that I was glad that Mandalorians wore full helmets because I wasn't sure I would be able to keep up my air of authority without the blank gaze of the T-visor. Looking over towards Ordo wondering what he thought of the situation, I saw that he was still busy speaking with several of the Silver Militia members and so was not looking my way at the time, which is good as I didn't want to have to explain more than I had to. Though by the amount of Silver visors looking my way as well as Mok's poorly disguised coughing, there were definitely those who'd seen what had just happened.

With no good options I just decided to ignore it and look back around the corner wondering what was taking Wren so long. As is hearing my thoughts, I see several grenades fall from the rooftops above the blockade exploding amongst the heavy blaster crews.

Already the jetpacked Mandalorians were decending with dual pistols shooting at anything that moved. There were a few people attempting to shoot back at them, so it wasn't like we could sit back here and wait for everything to be settled.

"Come on boys and girls, we've got a barricade to break." I barked activating my newly acquired jetpack and launching myself at the now distracted barricade, a few Mandos with jetpacks of their own following suit while the others quickly ran to cover the distance. They had to cover 25 yards to get to the barricade and the entire time there was always the chance one of the defenders would get back on the heavy blasters and lay into us.

Thankfully they were too preoccupied with the airborne warriors as we made the first 15 yards without even noticing us. At the last 10 yards, one of them did notice and tried to grab the heavy blaster but Ordo and I, stopping at the same time, raised our rifles and unloaded several bolts into him. Unfortunately we were out of stun range so that man, as he toppled over the heavy blaster, was undoubtedly dead. Just because I had some qualms about outright murdering people, now that I wasn't being paid to do so and because I'm sure Satine isn't a big fan of such, didn't mean I was going to risk my life unnecessarily, especially for the enemy.

With the heavy blasters cleared, we quickly flew over the barricade and joined the fight, although with the numbers on our side, it wasn't much of one and more of a clean up. We quickly subdued the mercenaries as several of them surrendered once they saw their barricade was overrun, and we took a moment to get ourselves collected. I saw several of the Nomads ransacking the bodies of the dead and wounded for equipment and supplies. I was not going to say no, since we needed everything we could get. Instead I moved to the edge of the barricade and looked out towards our destination, Mandal Hypernautics Tower. We were still a good six-seven blocks away and it looked like there were a couple more barricades between here and there. We were going to need to come up with a few new tricks if we wanted to pull this attack off.

Gargon City, Downtown
Struc Ordack

"How many defensive lines do they have?" I muttered as another round of heavy blaster fire came over a barricade at the formation of Nomads. The plan to breach the city had been successful. After our speeder got hit with a blaster cannon and multiple heavy blasters sprayed our position, forcing us to scatter and seek whatever cover we could. I eventually managed to gather a squad of Nomads, crawled into a trench, and systematically cleared it and the trench's command bunker. I ordered everyone to rest and regroup here to give time for our logistics train to catch up and resupply us before we continued our push into the city. Once everyone was rested, resupplied and regrouped we advanced into the city.

As far as I could tell, there were three units of nomads fighting towards the central area and Mandal Hypernautics headquarters. Two of which were slightly behind my particular unit, led by the other clan leaders. Our group pushed a little bit harder since I plan to link up with Tanya at the Colosseum before pushing for the headquarters.

Tanya on the other hand had other ideas, since she decided to just push on ahead without us. I was going to have a long talk with her about this, when this is over. The Royal Guard were meant to defend her from enemy action not chase after her as she charges after them. Oh who was I kidding, this was standard behavior for a teenage Mandalorian, they're all far too hot blooded, ready to commit war crimes if you looked away for 5 seconds. The fact that she wasn't committing any so far was a blessing, and probably due to her being raised as a New Mandalorian.

Anyways, as it was we were probably one or two blockades from Tanya's position. Assuming she hadn't pushed even further into the city from the Colosseum and equally assuming that the enemy were not reoccupying any blockades after her forces pushed on. I had to hope that the enemy was at least being pushed because otherwise her forces would probably be surrounded and destroyed. I'd probably need to either go into hiding to avoid the Duchess's anger or hope I didn't make it back alive.

When this was over I didn't care that she was the Duchess's niece, I was going to put her through as much training as a Royal Guard could get away with, to drill some sense into the girl's head but those are thoughts for the future, right now I need to figure out how to get past this blockade.

This one had 4 heavy blasters and it was keeping the main thorough way covered. Anybody that exposed themselves for more than a second, gets cooked immediately. So for now, several Nomads are keeping the gunners busy by blindfiring shots around corners. I thought about sending the Jedi, Kota, forward but the amount of fire coming down the street was likely a little bit too much for even a Jedi to handle. In my opinion, I doubt he'd be able to keep up with his lightsaber.

So we needed some sort of strategy to keep the enemy supressed. Well there was one thing, though it wasn't exactly the royal guard's way of doing things. It was more of a bounty hunter way. Better to use your skills than lose them, I finally decided before turning back to the majority of the party. "Zero you're with me and I'll need six volunteers, we're going to try and flank the position through the buildings."

One of the Nomads looked at the building before saying. "Not sure about that sir, that building is under the protection of the Kroggooss and they'll be a bit unhappy if a nomad even steps into the place. Trying to walk through there during the shootout is probably going to piss them off."

I looked at the building letting out a deep sigh, knowing I would have to negotiate before saying, "Alright, I'll talk to them before going through." I walked up to one of the entrances and knocked loudly.

After a few minutes someone came to the door. The armor, a general brown in color, they didn't have their helmet on, were tan skin bald and looked rather displeased. "What do you want? Silver Cultist."

Oh, a great way to start off I thought before saying. "Access to the building to flank Mandal Hypernautic's goons that are blocking the street."

The man leaned out and looked at the side of the building that faced the road that was currently pinned down and blaster fire. "Looks like most of the blasts are not penetrating the wall armor," he said before turning back to me. "So this is not a concern of the family, if you wish to flank them, might as well go down the street to the other side of our complex though there's a blockade there too."

"Thanks for that information," I said before continuing, "listen I understand a bit about how things work when it comes to profit margins in the underworld and all that. Tell your boss that we are trying to unseat the CEO of Mandal Hypernautics before he causes a major shitstorm centered on this planet, which would be very unhelpful for your criminal network."

The balding man nodded and closed the door in my face. I waited hoping that he wasn't going to just leave and pretend I never appeared at his door. But after a bit the door opened again and he returned now with a heavy set man sporting a slick looking haircut and a handlebar mustache.

"So you guys are creating all this chaos in the streets to unseat the Silver Shebs? Interesting." he said looking at the mix of nomads and myself. He shook his head before saying, "Absolute madness, although I'm not a big fan of MH, why should I risk my legitimate casino in your squabble? If I let you through ,there's now a target on my casino's front door. I'm sorry but the Skanah has the ships that can destroy my entire casino with a push of a button."

Well this was interesting. I don't usually meet with the leader of an organization, but when I do they'd usually give a yes or no answer especially when the meeting would be between people who are armed or well just two people. I narrowed my eyes before I looked past him to see the cameras inside the main lobby. Smiling, I realized what he's doing, he's asking for an excuse.

Quick drawing my pistol I fired a stun bolt directly into the balding guard's chest causing him to topple over. The overweight boss feigned surprise rather confidently before saying, "Oh no, I knew I should have brought more guards to prevent me from being taken prisoner."

"Yes, yes you should have." I said jokingly, while aiming my pistol slightly off the side of his head but making it appear like I was threatening him. "Lead us to the other side of the building so we can give the MH's goons a surprise."

"Well you're the man with the gun, what could a legitimate businessman, like me, could do?" the mob boss said, leading the way through the facility. Nodding in assurance to the others, I led the way after him. Quickly, we made our way through rows of slot machines and sabok tables. The mob boss let us through the facility several guards looking at us with anger as they had their hands on their own guns. I doubt they actually knew what the mob boss was doing right now, so it is very likely real anger.

Finally the mob boss unlocked the door to the back of his casino and opened it before saying, "Well have fun out there and don't come back."

Lowering my pistol, I nodded and stepped through the exit, quickly surveying the situation finding that we had indeed come out on the other side of the building in an alleyway. And since the blockade was placed on the main roads it was not visible from where you are. I looked around the lip of the alley to see the rear of the barricade.

"Zero, have any explosives?" I asked the big man as he was already walking past me while reaching into his bag of tricks. Stepping up to the corner, he pulled out what looks like a thermal detonator pressing a few buttons on the sides to arm it before throwing it around.

Now thermal detonators are a terrifying thing to be using, in fact I believe they are currently illegal in a few sectors because they tend to blow up a lot more than you would expect. The moment I saw that thing appear, I backed away and wondered if it would be possible to retreat into the casino.

Zero increased my level of fear by saying, "No worries, off-brand and expired. It's just a cheap grenade." As he finished, the streets behind him exploded into a firestorm, the fire rushing out in plumes of heat, carbonizing the street and walls quite thoroughly.

Looking over his shoulder he said, "Maybe not as expired, you can never tell with those things."

"Yeah," I said, looking at his bag of tricks wondering just how many he had in there, "just be careful with those things, don't want to turn ourselves into ashes."

Zero responded with a chuckle and with a humorous tone said, "No worries Strike, I have everything under control."

As he said that the building across from us opened up and a group of Mandalorians in green armor came charging out, their weapons raised pointing towards the alleyway that had just exploded. They looked generally confused at the fire and burnt streets until another man, his armor looking a bit too small on him, stepped out of the building.

Looking at the scorched street, he shook his head before walking over to us. "Are you part of the Nomads we've been working with to take down MH?"

I nodded my head as that was basically the truth.

He nodded his head in return before saying, "Good these men are under your command, I have more troops throughout the city causing mayhem. They should keep the road to Mandal Hypernautics open long enough for you to make it there and kill the Shabuir and get rid of him before we end up bombarded by Republic Judicials for non-compliance or whatever Osik they'll come up with, got it?"

I nodded my head and said "Got it."

The man nodded back, starting to turn before he turned back and said, "Oh and tell your White Silver that she's made a good speech. Half my clan weren't in on the whole 'bringing down Mandal Hypernautics' thing till they saw her little performance today. I bet a few other clans will also side with dethroning the Skanah now, Never going to have a better opportunity than now."

"Speech?" I asked, confused. I don't remember anything about a speech or X4 didn't mention that the plan had a speech. I'm going to have to ask her about that.

"Yeah, give a speech at the Colosseum, damn good one. Unbrainwashed a good portion of the Silver Sheb'urcyin." He said before turning aside "Anyways have fun murdering the Dar'Manda. Walking around in Mandalorian armor acting like this planet is his, makes me sick." The Mob boss continued his rant as he left, leaving me with confusion as to what the Haran Tanya have been up to during the time we've been out of contact with her.

Gargon City, Industrial District
Bo-Katan Kryze

Well, today had taken a rather violent turn from my expectations. I've been running with the Tutt clan, the clan I had a few contacts with thanks to Lerus Tutt. And we've been causing quite a bit of mayhem inside the industrial districts of the city. The best I could do under the situation since my ship had been impounded not too long after I got a message out about what was going on to Tanya and Satine.

If I could have I would have fled, getting involved in this whole crazed plot to take over the Mandalorian sector was not exactly on my agenda. I mean, I am part of Death Watch, sure, but that was at least a reasonable plot to take over the sector based around putting the New Mandalorians out of power. Because they were, well, they had been screwing with a lot of Mandalorians who wanted no part of their pacifism.

This guy though was Vrox levels of stupid, the kind of Mandalorian that had seen the fall of the sector into its current state. I suspected the whole reason he was letting everything go crazy was the old adage of letting all the little factions fight each other so your faction got stronger. Vrox's methods worked for a good long time until the Republic smashed him and the traditionalist up. Gerr's current attempt though will not work out as well, considering he is working out of just one planet and it's not even the most important planet of the sector.

But that wasn't really my concern, my concern was my current situation. I had planned to take today off, I heard about the executions, but most of the Mandalorians I was with had decided that trying to attack the Colosseum full of the Silver wackos was crazy. We could do it but the result would just be Gerr redoubling his efforts to find our holdup spots and attempt to murder us. I've been trying to get in contact with the Nomads but our main contact points are pretty spotty right now. One of our agents had been grabbed up in one of the Black Iron merc's raids, so we were still in the process of figuring out if they had sliced our communication networks and had our drop off points exposed.

That plan had been thrown out the window when the explosions started on the edge of the city. Which pretty much told us the Nomads were on the attack and to top it all off, the broadcast from the Colosseum showed a crazy turn of events. Out of all the possible scenarios to happen at that execution the White Silver, or at least someone claiming to be, the real White Silver popping out of nowhere and starting a riot was not one of them. Whatever happened after that? I don't know, as the feed has been cut. But by the explosions that started up across the city, in time to the ones that have been going on at the edges, I'd say people were pissed mad and willing to tear down the imposed system by Gerr.

Which presented plenty of opportunity. Gathering up the mafia clans I've been working with, we'd set out and started causing some more trouble ourselves. We attacked several barricades before they were completed, killing the MH troops and any mercenaries that had still maintained their loyalty to Gerr.

We are also pushing our way towards MH HQ ourselves. I don't know if we'd actually make it but with the amount of chaos going on, there wasn't going to be a better shot than today.

Things have been going good until we hit the latest barricade. We were just outside the Industrial Park area around the MH Tower, which meant they had access to all the resources they could bring to bear. Including a Starfighter that was hovering over the streets firing its blaster cannons at anyone who tried to approach.

I would try to take a shot at it with my backpack missile but the pilot knew their stuff and was turning most of the street to slag if anyone even tried to step out to get a shot at it. And because the Industrial Park area was built in such a way that there was a large street between it and the main area of the city, I couldn't simply get to the top of a building and attempt to shoot it from up there. There would be no cover and he'd probably see me the first chance I got.

Currently we were waiting for more forces to try and meet up with us hoping that some of the other Mandalorian crime families would take the moment to open up their stores and find any missile launchers or other weapons that could be used. In this situation we needed to overwhelm the fighter with as much fire from as many positions as possible. And currently one backpack mounted missile was not going to do it.

As I hunkered down behind the remnants of a speeder car to get a look over at the industrial park I heard the sound of jetpacks landing to my rights. Turning I saw something I did not expect to see, a group of Mandalorians in gray and yellow armor in an armor set I recognized. Slipping back out behind the barricade, to put a building between me and the Starfighter, I stood up and said, "Ursa Wren, you're not who I expected to see."

The female Mandalorian turns her head when her name is called. She had been in the process of intimidating one of the mafia lieutenants who was helping me organize the Mandalorians on my side of this conflict. "Bo-Katan, last thing I heard about you, you've been brought back into the fold of the false Mand'alor. Would have thought you'd gone full pacifist by now. What are you doing here?"

"Oh a little this and a little that, trying to unseat the False Silver, you know how it is. So am I to take this as a Wren clan operation or Vizsla house operation?" I was careful not to say Death Watch. Too many unknown ears around but I wouldn't be surprised if many of these Mandalorians would side with Death Watch if given the opportunity.

"House Vizsla operation of course." Wren said with a nod, "Can't let rogue regions like this interfere with our own operations after all. Not to mention there's a lot of resources to take by bringing him down and a lot of allies to be made, even strange ones."

"Strange ones?" I asked seriously. Well the forces that rounded the corner behind her answered my question that rather quickly.

A hundred silver Mandalorians and several dozen nomads came into view led by a female Mandalorian in white and silver armor wearing a shoulder cape holding a Galaar blaster rifle. There was a blaster scorch mark on the armor and a small set of wings engraved on one plate. Only evidence I needed to recognize her as the one who took the shot from Gerr's agent in the Colosseum.

Before I could ask any questions to Wren, the white armored Mandalorian woman came up to us and said, "What's the situation here, Ursa?"

"Trying to find that out now." Ursa said, sounding a bit smug.

"We got a Starfighter around the corner." I said, "We can easily take it out with our jetpack missiles but we'll need at least three or four people to do it."

The female Mandalorian nodded before turning the Ursa. "Think you can take it out?"

"Please, remember who you are talking to. We got more than enough missiles to pull that off."

The silver and white Mandalorian nodded before saying, "We're in sight of our goal, let's keep pushing and putan end to this madness."

With that, the Silver Mandalorian moved past me to take up a position with the other Mandalorians waiting for an opportunity to move in the industrial district. The rest of her forces follow in line behind her. Shaking my head I used my jetpack to get up to the roof with Ursa joining me as well as the other 15 warriors she brought along.

"So strange allies," I said, "last thing I heard Pre wanted White Silver gone, since she had created a bit of disquiet amongst the clans. What's the deal? Why are you working with her?"

Ursa shrugged as she started walking towards the side of the building that would give us the ability to shoot at the Starfighter. "My orders were to see if I could bring down Gerr, he never said anything about dealing with the real White Silver. And as to why I'm not making any moves against her, it's quite simple. Little bit of chaos in Mandalore always ensures that we have the strongest leaders, that girl showed herself to be quite capable in not only being a leader but providing the chaos. If Pre wants to destroy the real White Silver then he can do it himself. She'll be a good challenge compared to the false Mand'alor currently sitting on the throne. And if Pre loses well, if the other clans pledge loyalty to her then I guess she's now the inheritor and Leader of Death Watch."

As I followed after her, we got lower to the ground to stay under what cover there was on the top of the building while also being close enough to give fire support. Looking over to WrenI asked, "Sure that's the right move? White Silver seems anti Death Watch in her writings."

Wren nodded her head, "Yes, I've read her work. She took quite a few shots at Tor Vizsla's Old Ba'jurne Kyr'tsad Mando'ad, but the fact of the matter is, she's not New Mando levels of pacifism. I've seen her fight for the last hour and a half. Besides a preference for using stun modes, she has no problem harming people to get what she wants. At the bare minimum even if she doesn't become the Death Watch Mand'alor it'll give Death Watch a purpose the New Mandalorians have robbed from us. An enemy we can actually fight to show our superiority over their ways."

I shook my head at that, always surprised by how traditionalist some of the Traditionalists were but I said, "Well guess that depends if this White Silver is actually the real one or just another fake using the name for a power grab."

"Yeah, I guess it does. But we'll know soon enough how she handles False Silver, which will determine her philosophy." Wren commented.

Nodding my agreement, we came to a stop next to the wall and prepared for all the other Mandalorians to signal they were in position. As soon as they did, we all stood up at once and fired a barrage of missiles at the Starfighter. The pilot apparently had not been watching the roofs too. Good and it received about a dozen of the 16 missiles fired its way, engines flared and it began to spin, crashing into the streets, and taking out a portion of the industrial district's front wall.

The mercs on the ground were apparently stunned by this and we're not paying attention to the situation around them. As White Silver leads her forces in a charge right onto them.

Looking down I got a good view of the fights. I was able to watch the White Silver easily take out their fair share of Mandalorians and mercenaries. Something about the fighting style was actually kind of familiar. I couldn't place it off the top of my head, quick and sudden strikes, always having a gun in the off hand to fire off a few shots before getting into melee. Feels like I should know that fighting style from somewhere.

Shaking my head, I jumped over the side of the building and used my jetpack to cushion my fall. The fighting was still going on and it's time to push into the industrial area and take out MH's CEO.

Gargon City, Central District

Zum Murdoc

"Tank!" a nomad screamed as the massive squarish steel beast hovered down the street. Mandal Hypernautics symbols all over the damn thing as its turret turned to fire off a cannon blast from one of its twin guns into a building that several gangsters had taken cover in.

The side of the building collapsed downwards causing the structure to tilt fairly noticeably towards the tank. Said tank started to drive away from the damage it had caused towards the formation of nomads and gangsters that made up our assault force.

We've been making good progress, blasting through barricades. And I believe we were just behind Tanya's group, as noted by a destroyed Starfighter by the entrance of the Industrial Park. However before we could get into the Industrial Park, this beast had rolled out down the street laying into us with missiles and mass driver fire.

Damn thing was easily gliding across the ground having no issue as it slaughtered nomads and gangsters alike.

Thankfully, I have come prepared. I tossed a few of the old expired thermal designators in its direction as it came around the corner with it set to proximity mode. After which I simply grabbed the two closest people, the Jedi and the Royal Guard and pulled them down behind some cover just as the street was engulfed in a fireball as the tank drove over it.

'Hopefully that would kill it.' I thought as I peeked over to see what had happened. Unfortunately that did not happen as the tank kept moving towards our lines, the crew firing off shots at anyone they could see. Although, as it moved I noticed that it seemed to have terrible situational awareness, as it didn't even see us right next to it. Either the crew was untrained and how to avoid soldiers flanking it or we're just too focused on fighting what was in front of them.

With a look at the Jedi I said, "Hey can you do one of those Force hold things to keep that thing steady for a moment?"

The Jedi looked over at the tank and shrugged, "I could give it a shot. If it was on treads I'd probably not have much luck but since it's floating it's possible, but it'll only be able to hold it for like 15 seconds."

I nodded my head and said, "Alright, probably enough time." before climbing over the debris and running towards the tank. The armored tank was about to drive onward towards the running nomads when it suddenly stopped, held there as if some unknown Force was compelling it to not move. Quickly, I got up onto the back of the thing looking for any hatches or vision slits, something I could use to stop this thing.

Today was my lucky day, as apparently the turret was meant to hold a missile firing section. I could tell this because there was a large section of the roof not finished, the armor obviously being bolted on at the last moment in a rush to get this tank out onto the field.

As I found that out, the tank started moving again while shooting its guns making my job a bit harder but not impossible. Pulling out my plasma cutter, I get to work cutting a fist sized hole through the paneling of the roof, exposing a missile tube that looked like it went all the way down into the main turret head.

Reaching in my backpack I pulled out three of the off-brand thermal detonators and tossed them down the hole after setting them to go off by remote detonation. With that accomplished, I jumped off the back of the tank and ran behind some debris left over from the down Starfighter.

Not bothering to look, I pulled out my detonator and pressed the trigger.

There was a loud bang followed by a roaring sound of a large fire followed by the sound of something heavy falling to the ground.

Getting up to look, I saw the tank was no longer moving, its repulsors had died in the explosion. It's currently broken down, with its turret having popped off with fire pouring out from every possible hole that it could find as its ammo burned.

A hatch sprang open and someone attempted to pull themselves out of the hull of the tank but he was already on fire and his attempt was aborted when a Nomad put him out of his misery with a shot to his head. General celebration broke out at the defeat of the tank as the Nomads and Mafia types looked over the exploded vehicle while I admired my handiwork. Now I kind of wish there had been a way to capture it, it would have made a good sale on the open markets. If there were any more of those tanks around here I'd have to see about getting control of them.

Getting up from behind the Starfighter I saw the other two members of my group, the Jedi and the Royal Guard as well as the Royal Guard leading the Nomads walking over towards me.

"Good work there." the Jedi said, nodding his head at the burning wreck.

"Thanks, it's always fun to blow stuff up." I said looking at the burning debris.

Strike nodded his head. "Now nothing stands in the way of us catching up with White Silver."

"And nothing stands in the way between us and Bresug Gerr." The Royal Guard responded matter of factly. "I hope your White Silver doesn't get herself killed storming the place. But considering the destroying Starfighter, I'm wondering just how skilled of a fighter she is. Where is she from anyways?"

I chuckled at that obvious fishing statement so I decided to give them a wrong answer, "They're from Concordia."

"Concordia? That's the last place I would expect this person to be from." The royal guard said it's a bit suspicious.

"Exactly why no one's looking there. Last place you look is always where you'll find it."

The Royal Guard made a noise that said he didn't believe me but that didn't matter I'd throw it up a little bit of flack for Tanya distracted investigations on where she had come from in this guise of the White Silver that was the best I could do and hopefully it would be enough.

Shaking my head I said, "Well we better get in there, find out just how much of this place has been burned down or going to be burned down for the day is over." I started to walk into the facility, noticing quite a lot of bodies and wounded of MH mercs.

'Little Tanya and her allies had cleaned the road pretty good.' I thought as I walked along hearing the others following. Of course that didn't mean that the road was clear. As we made our way forward I saw several groups of Black Iron troops come out into the devastated pathway between the front entrance and the building Mandal Hypernautics operate out of. They took one look at the disaster around them and either lowered their weapons and started to try to check people who were wounded or they fled. One guy did turn his gun on us but the amount of guns that turned on him in return did get him to just drop the gun and run, so I think we'd broken the spirit of MH's soldiers or Tanya had.

Either way as I came to a stop I could see that the front doors of MH's main facility had been blasted open with bodies lining the hallway past that.

The royal guard came up to stand by us and shook his head. "This White Silver of yours really goes hard, for the enemy leadership doesn't she?"

I think all three of us members of group two shook our heads in agreement by saying, "She sure does."

Gargon City, Mandal Hypernautics Tower
Bresug Gerr

Madness absolute insanity, the city was practically burning with ravaging nomads and gangsters rising up against my forces in every corner. All because some damn Jedi pawn had decided to pretend to be a Mandalorian.

Well I was making it as clear as possible exactly what she was. We're sending out footage of the Jedi amongst the nomadic Mandalorians currently besieging the city as well as a short message explaining how this is obviously a method to divide the followers of the Silver Codex that this was a fake White Silver.

Was it having an effect? I didn't know. I was hoping it was though and I doubted that all Mandalorians would sign up with a Jedi operation. The Jedi were using their pawns and the New Mandalorians to control us in the sector and now they were using pawns and the White Silver to try and unseat real Mandalorians like myself, preventing us from bringing the sector back under our control. The Republic's crimes knew no end, first they destroyed our sector and now they come for our very culture.

And I made those comments very clear in the recording. However that is a non-issue, the major issue was that White Silver was at the head of a column of troops making their way through my headquarters, destroying anyone who tried to block their way, and over-running positions that I thought were rather defensible when I designed this building.

I've been through the Siege of Mandalore. I knew how soldiers conduct room clearing so I designed this building with a few tricks to make it harder for attackers to clear it. Apparently I did not plan for Mandalorians attacking my headquarters as they were just mulching through the mercenaries I hired and the defenses I designed.

No matter, I've sent out a recall order so that all of my forces currently outside should now converge here to help maintain control of my office and then retake control of the entire facility. I've worked 16 years to build up this corporation from the disaster I've been left in at the end of The Siege of Mandalore. There was no way I was going to let some white armored Dala take it from me. Not without a fight and not without making sure that she'd be seen as the villain.

In fact that was a good line of thought, standing up I said, "Prepare the communication satellite. We will send out one last message calling out the Jedi and the New Mandalorians for supporting this attack against us. That'll make sure that no Mandalorian will ever believe they are the real White Silver."

Qing, my propaganda Minister, nodded in agreement and started yelling at the men to get the cameras rolling. Calmly I walked over to the fireplace and took my seat, putting the helmet down at my feet. Before putting on my best smile waiting for the lights to turn red.

As the light turned red, the doors to my office exploded into wooden shrapnel hitting the back of the chair I was sitting in. Probably saving my life from a nasty wood splinter lodging itself in the back of my neck, the one place where Mandalorian armor was a bit lacking sometimes.

Quickly, I stood up and grabbed the sword from my above fireplace. I left my pistol across the room so I couldn't exactly shoot whoever was about to come through but I would meet them with blades if that's all I had.

And walked a female Mandalorian with a cape over one shoulder and a blaster rifle in her hands. She looked about the room and said with a rather calm voice, "Everyone drop your weapons and no one needs to be harmed." I glanced to my side and saw that my propaganda staff and regular staff were all in the midst of either drawing for weapons or going for cover but I noticed with some concern that most were going for cover, I'll have to purge those who did that. Before I could make any moves though I noted that the red light was on the camera. This was still being broadcasted, well I'd make this a spectacular broadcast.

Turning my eyes back to the girl I said, "That's not happening Fake Silver, the True Mandalorians of this planet will not concede to your New Mandalorian puppets or your Jedi overlords. I will show the Galaxy that the Republic is not against using terrorists to accomplish their goals."

The silver and white helmets slowly turned to look at me tilting to the side before shaking itself. "Terrorists, that's a interesting term to be throwing around False Silver. Earlier today you were going to execute Nomadic Mandalorians, why would you do that when you're supposedly trying to unify the Mandalorians? That's a rather terrorist-ic act."

"They were not real Mandalorians they were-" the Dala cut me off.

"Not real Mandalorians? Well that's strange, according to the Codex I created, they're following all the rules Mandalorians should follow to be considered a Mandalorian. Which means you're saying rules that were not in the Codex, these rules happen to be the Old Traditionalist rules. That no Mandalorian is a True Mandalorian unless they're born in Mandalore."

"Well of course, real Mandalorians are made strong by the planet of Mandalore." I said, still pointing my sword at her waiting for her to make a move. The smoke was still billowing into the room from the explosion of the doorway, so I had no idea what was behind her. I had a feeling there had to be more troops ready to spring out.

"Funny, that last time I checked, your super traditionalist ways were defeated by the New Mandalorians who besides deciding to give up weapons after the fighting were more than willing to fight you then."

"They were Hut'uun and Kalevalians, they wouldn't have managed that without the Republic's aid or the Jedi's interference just like how you would not have managed to make it all the way here without the Jedi."

"Jedi? What Jedi? In case you missed it, I came from the Colosseum and fought my way here. There was no one else with me but other Mandalorians. Mandalorians you don't deem Mandalorian but still I beat the ones that you were arming in Mandalorian armor. How many of your black armored goons actually have Mandalorian clan status or are they just mercenaries you hired from throughout the Galaxy and told to wear the armor to make you look official?"

"I would do no such thing, they are true and proper Mandalorians."

"They have no sense of tactics, no sense of how their armor can take a hit, and for the most part ran when the situation got too hard. They're not Mandalorians, they're goons hired from throughout the Galaxy. Just like you're a goon who's gotten two big for his britches. What did you think after the Siege of Mandalore? When the planet finally fell and you fled? What? Did you think that it was now your turn to take the reins as Mandalore?"

"Of course that's what you thought. You thought the moment you got away with all the crimes you committed to maintain the support structure of the traditionalist in the Mandalore system, it would all be washed away and no one was ever going to come looking for you?"
"What do you mean Silver Faker?" I said disliking the tone of contempt she seemed to have about her and in her voice. She acted like I was below her in some way.

"I mean what I said I'm putting you under arrest for crimes committed during the Siege of Mandalore, which do not have any end date according to current law. And you're under arrest for attempted rebellion against the Mandalorian state. Any attempt to resist arrest will be met with hostility until attempted resistance ends. Anyone who attempts to stop the arrest will meet the same fate."

"Are you trying to scare my men? Who do you think I am? These are my trusted associates that would never betray me for some crazed lunatic pretending to be me."

"Really? Same." Out of the smoke came out a range of shots going past our little stare off I was having with the fake Silver and into my staff. Some fell over dead others fell over unconscious, all of them were disabled in one way or another as weapons were targeted in the attack. The side of the room that once contained twenty Mandalorians, five are still standing but they were nursing hand wounds. Out of the smoke came several more silver Mandalorians wearing their helmets on. It wasn't hard to figure out what just happened, the girl had used her helmet to mark down the location of every member of my staff and then transmitted the data to their helmets allowing for a perfectly executed alpha strike.

I hate to admit it, but I knew I had lost. There will not be any victories today, the results are either simply dying going to jail. And I did not want to go to jail.

With my course of action decided, I charged and attempted to slice the girl's head off with a swipe from my sword while saying, "You little Mir'sheb!" as I did.

Once she was in range of my beskad, I unleashed a flurry of slashes at her. I noticed that she rotated her blaster by the trigger guard so that her blaster is upside down. I ignored that and focused on removing her head from her body. She evaded a majority of my attacks and those she can't dodge she parried with her blaster like an improvised shield. After a horizontal slash was ducked under, she immediately closed in and held my elbow in place with her right hand, before punching me in the face with her blaster's butt.

The blow crunched my nose before I felt a pair of legs lock on my neck and pulled me forwards to the ground. After my back slammed into the floor, I was turned on my belly before she put me in an elbow lock. I tried to get up but she just stomped on my head and kept applying more pressure on my sword arm until I was forced to let the sword go. Once I let go of the sword she released me, allowing me to roll away from her. I can only watch and nurse my aching arm as she picks up the sword to inspect it.

"Excellently balanced, I think I'll keep this until I find the original owners. Care to tell me where you plundered such a weapon? I doubt you got this through legitimate means, considering who you are."

"Shut up, Fake Silver. Mandalore knows who its true heroes are, not the ones placed there by the Jedi." As I was in the process of standing up, I was not expecting the kick to the face I got, but there it was. The blow landed on my chin and I ended up spitting out blood and maybe a tooth as the girl drew a pistol and aimed it at my head.

Taking my seat, she arranged it so she could sit in it and look down on me before saying, "As I was saying, you are going away for crimes against Mandalore. You are not a hero, you never were a hero, and you were never White Silver. You misquoted every aspect of the Codex in order to get what you wanted out of it. This was a traditionalist plot, the last gasp of a dead ideology that would see our sector brought to war for no other reason other than the fact that conflict is cool."

"The Silver Codex is not about conflict being cool, it's about preserving our warrior ways while looking towards the future, not falling back into our warrior ways and killing each other until we wipe ourselves out completely like what you are doing. Why are you so confident in trying to keep this disgusting lie up? What point is there in lying to a room full of people who are going to make sure you go to jail?"

I spit on her boot, "Because it is not a lie it's the truth. I'm the White Silver and we will not be put down by New Mandalorian dogs anymore."

She looked down at me, her helmet radiating disgust before looking up around the room. Her visor looked at the camera before she said, "You're broadcasting this entire thing to the public? Well that's the first smart thing I've seen you do since I arrived on this planet. I'll let them make up their own minds, of course it would be smarter if you actually were making any reasonable points and weren't giving me a perfectly good place to make the stance that I'm the real White Silver."

"Oh yeah? and how are you going to do that?" I said smugly knowing there was no way to do that, the public would make up their own minds and most likely the public would follow my narrative, not hers.

"Quite simple, by breaking your belief with the hammer of logic and a stun bolt to shut you up." She raised her gun and everything went black.


The silver armored woman sighed, her voice sounding slightly distorted as if being changed by a voice alternator. Before she looked up at the camera." Let's begin a lesson, shall we?"

"Lesson one, I am the White Silver. This," she smashed her heel into the sternum of the armored CEO, "is False Silver, a man who thought he could take control of my Codex through sheer wealth and zealotry while assuming that I would stay out of it, because I decided to stay out of all the debates that raged for the last few years. Which I've greatly enjoyed perusing through by the way."

"You see, that was the goal of my Codex. I have no interest in leading a movement. I have an interest in creating a debate. One to see if we can make a stable middle ground between the Old and the New and as far as I could tell we're well on our way to meeting that middle ground as people are finding things about the Codex that they like and implementing them. And that is perfectly fine with me."

"What I am not fine with is pointless war. Let me be clear, my friends, those who have seen my conduct here will know that I am no novice to war. To conflict and strife. Indeed this is to be expected of any respected Mandalorian! Mastery of battle is in our blood and I do take pride in the ability I have cultivated, as should every respectable Mandalorian. But I know my heart thunders in sympathy for every scattered child of Mandalore, a burning hate that consumes every fiber of my being!"

"I hate war!" There was a pause, a stunned silence. "I hate the battlecry of men and women too young to know life before they fall nameless and alone. I hate the cold calculus of orbital bombardment. I hate the savage desperation of a charge and the bloody duty of a defensive line."

"I hate homes blasted to ruin. I hate industry turned to nothing but bombs and blasters. I hate the brilliance of programming twisted to produce insidious droids that do nothing but snuff out life. I hate battles across fields of grain and I hate forests turned to ash. I hate cities turned to rubble and the abundant beauty of nature turned to mud and craters. I hate wars that rage across worlds, across systems, across the galaxy!"

"Pointless war takes everything good and turns it into a wasteland, it fills our graves and deprives our children! It steals from us! Robs us of our best and brightest and leaves us friendless and alone! Isolated from the galaxy and residing on a desert world of our own making!"

"The New Mandalorians turn away from all conflict, turn away from strength and our ancient customs in the hope of never seeing a war again. I understand them, truly I do! But I do not agree with them. No, I do not. I do not fear strength, the blaster, our armor, our heritage! I do not fear our ability to fight for what is right! No Mandalorian should! The right to unify Mandalore shall fall to the men and women who shall carry swords but know when to keep them sheathed! We are not animals! Rabid and wild and less than sapient! We are MANDALORIAN! Each and every one of us! We can reason and debate and turn away from battle until we have no other choice! It is only then, when we have demonstrated our patience and rationality that we shall draw the sword and strike down our enemy with a ferocity that will shock and awe the galaxy! That is THE WAY!" White Silver seemed to take a moment to compose herself before she spoke again.

"Duchess Satine has shown herself to be adaptable and has allowed the Silver Codex and its followers to implement some of the ideas into the New Mandalorian culture. She is a true leader amongst our people, a duly elected leader, and more on our side than animals like this." She kicked Bresug Gerr away from the chair. "Who would use Mandalorian lives for his own gains and then declare anyone who speaks out against him to not be a True Mandalorian and deserving of death."

She held her thoughts on that for a moment before continuing. "Now that I've made that clear, let me make a few other things clear. Out of respect for my leader, I have arrested the False Silver and will deliver him to her agents. If you dislike the fact that I'm handing him over to Duchess Satine then you should really be wondering why you even care. Do you care because you believe he's the real deal? The real Silver or because he made a second Codex that corrupts the first? Then I guess you weren't really a follower of the first Codex were you? You are likely just some Death Watch reject looking for someone to tell you what to do, which is to rise up and rebel against your rightful leader as proclaimed by the majority of clans within the sector."

"Make it clear that's who you are in the future because here's what's going to happen from this day onwards. If anyone attempts to claim the title of White Silver. If anyone tries to use it for rebellion like this fool tried to do, one of two things will happen. You will raise my ire and I will hunt you down personally, before turning you over to the Royal Guard like what I will do with him. Or, this is the more likely scenario, if you don't have the immense wealth this fool did, you will be hunted down by whatever factions already exist waiting for their own opportunity to shut you up. And let me tell you, you better hope I find you first because I will merely send you to jail. Any faction that truly wants to take over this sector and has had their plans in the works for who knows how long, won't let you live to see another day."

Standing up from the chair she said, "Now I'm going to go deal with getting this man sent to the Royal Guard. After that I'm going to disappear, maybe go on vacation. I think I deserve it after toppling this warmongering idiot's tyrannical regime. I'll let the people debate and discuss the Silver Codex while I work on a more updated version of the Silver Codex with new lessons learned over the years as well as feedback from various constructive criticisms I gathered from various discussion boards and forums. However, don't even think about making your own 2nd edition like what this fool tried to do, because not even an army would save you from me."

She nodded to someone off screen and the feed cut off.

Anteevy, The Ge'tal Nau'ur Droten
General Secretary Liliya Vhekayno Shepest

"Well that was unexpected, but not unwelcome." I said as the footage ended and the projector was deactivated. Turning away from the screen, I looked at the six other members of the Workers Council. Men and women of high regard and leaders who had helped me overthrow the government of clan heads 10 years ago, when I was just a teenager. They were my closest allies, though I always kept an eye on them just in case. I knew every single one of their deepest darkest secrets and if they ever tried to betray me, well those secrets coming out would be the least of their problems.

The gathered assembly looked rather concerned, as they sat around the redwood table in the finely decorated room, set aside for such private meetings. They're worried, which was to be expected. We had decided to meet today at the Ge'tal Nau'ur Droten to talk about the support I had given to White Silver in recent months. An overarching strategy to hopefully destabilize the sector and allow true workers to take control of it. Though to tell the truth I had hoped they would be more successful than this. My overarching plan had been quite simple and would have spelled the downfall of the monarchists and the corporatists.

Finally, Konk Cova, Head of the National Police Force, spoke up. "Ma'am, the whole plan just went up and smoke as far as I can see. Could you explain how this is not unwelcome news?"

I gave her an amused look before saying. "While yes the plan was to have White Silver stir the nest and show that the original so-called ideology was bunk and trash as well as show that the New Mandalorians are weak and unable to defend the people or the people's right to work. Unfortunately, it would seem the White Silver we supported was a fake which is a lot more interesting when you think about it. Because now, a movement that didn't have a leader does, in a way it is proclaimed that it is in favor of New Mandalorians or at least align themselves with them in such a way that they seem indivisible. Sure our plans to destabilize the sector have failed, but now we know that there is a capitalist watchdog there and we would not have known that without this experiment. A brute reactionary who will fight when the New Mandalorians won't."

"Of course, now we can plan around her." the leader of the national Police said, smacking her fist into her palm.

"Exactly, imagine what would have happened when the eventual Separatist War started up and we didn't know about her before going into it? I imagine many of our droids would have been destroyed in the fighting as she would have rallied her silver minions to her cause the moment we attempted to liberate the sector."

Nodding the officer in charge of diplomacy with the Separatists spoke up, "This was a terrible gamble though. If Dooku found out we were involved in it, we could face reprisals for jumping a scheme ahead of time."

"Dooku may be annoyed, yes but he's a man in a bad position. He needs all the allies he can get to pull off this Sepratist plot so he will most likely just shrug it off. Besides that, it's not like we've wasted any resources on this operation if anything we've only gained. The Legionnaire droids we constructed are still in our hands to do with as we please, we've gained a steady supply of beskar which will increase the number of our beskar clad soldiers, and have made inroads with local pirates to mine the rest of those old forgotten wrecks for as much beskar as we can get. Overall, a very worthwhile gamble."

"The only thing we've lost in this whole operation was maybe a bit of surprise but the gains in my opinion far outweighs any loss. Though perhaps we should hire an assassin to make sure that False Silver keeps his mouth shut. We can't have him talking about exactly who he was working with who was supporting him if we can help it. If everyone agrees I will see about arranging a bounty on his head for death."

There was a round of the nods in agreements before they smiled at how well things have been going.

When I was born on this planet it had been like a Siberian wasteland with the population living underground in caves to shelter themselves from the frostbiting winds. Well that had not improved much but people lived a bit more comfortably now thanks to the droids we have been building. Wonderful technology that was, it removed the need for the worker in some cases allowing production to be fully automated. Turning to look out the window I saw the blasted ice sheets of the planet reminding me of home.

The Ge'tal Nau'ur Droten was a tower in the largest cave of the underground system that the people of Anteevy lived in. The top floor is actually punctured through the cave's roof into the surface allowing us to have a splendid view of the night sky that was constant on this planet and the glowing ice. Outside a droid was currently cleaning ice from the window. A constant fight on this planet was ice, it got everywhere in ways that the winters of my homeland had never done. Smiling at the droid, I can only think if only we had some of those in the Russy Federation, the production rates would have been astounding and the vile imperialists would never have made it as far into the glorious motherland. But that was another life, one far removed from this one.

Writers note: and there we are the end of the false silver ark, chapter 20 was bit ride with lots of combat, lot moving parts, hope everyone likes this lot of little moments sctaered about in here that I can't wait to see the reaction to, chapter and starting after the epilogue chapter that will be 21 will be getting to lighter faire for a while.

Edited by: Markus Gollinger, Warmach1ne32, FallQM
Community edited by:Justin R
Community editable doc (Chapter 20) No story suggestions in the community editing document, Keep all story suggestions and comments in the thread

Art thanks Sky66 who Commissioned the Artist J-likes-to-draw

Supporters: Afforess, Gremlin Jack, Weise, Xodarap4, Yamato, Duncan Sproule, James Moorhouse, Dankermaler, Hats88, DrkShdow, Devilstar101, Michael, Mana Rope, Falk Hüser, Daniel Martinez, Silver Wolf, Mackenzie Buckle, Markus, Neso, Staradder, Lmc9389, Staradder, victor a lopez-barron, Qweunn, KrasieK, Zollus, Mintea, Jog256,
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Chapter 21
Chapter 21
714 FNM (24 BBY)
Month 9

Mandalore, Sundari Royal Palace
Satine Kryze

"Just when we thought the situation couldn't get more complicated, this happens." Prime Minister Almec said as he looked at the holoprojector that had been showing us the transmission from Gargon. I'd been holding a meeting with him and the Jedi in the Royal Palace to discuss what to do about this situation, when the Royal Guard assigned to monitor transmissions from Gargon notified us of another broadcast. Based on what we were seeing, there seemed to be a full scale revolt going on.

Given that it was important to know what was going on, I had ordered the transmission routed to the room's holo-projector. As a result we had a front row seat to witness the real White Silver making her debut as a political leader.

There were many things I expected to happen today but watching Tanya, because that's who was under that helmet I am not a fool, beat up a dictator and basically declared me as the True Mand'alor was not one of them. On the one hand, I felt a deep well of anger because she had gone behind my back and engaged in unwarranted violence where she could have been killed in all sorts of ways, as demonstrated when I accidentally snapped the expensive wine glass I was holding when the two came to blows on the screen. Luckily, I was able to deflect suspicion by saying that I merely startled due to the sudden violence on screen. On the other hand, I was somewhat proud of her. The philosophy she had espoused was still developing; with the goal of creating a middle ground that would be acceptable for both sides. Her recent display made it quite clear that the middle ground that she was proposing saw me as the true Mand'alor and I did my best to show that I have attempted to integrate some of their ideology into my policies.

After a moment to reflect, it appeared she had done a good job salvaging the White Silver ideology while also signaling that only truly elected people could be Mand'alores. This could do well for bringing people to my side of things but also meant that I had to do more to build broad support when I could. Perhaps I would have to revisit the subject of a Self-Defense Force, perhaps a small one. I'll give it some thought and then write up a proposal for the council to vote on the subject at a later date. At least then it would support the idea that I wished to have a middle ground. Yes, that would be acceptable.

"So, what are we going to do about this potential terrorist?" Almec said, finally turning to look at me, catching me by a bit of surprise. Then I remembered he didn't know that Tanya was White Silver, and it would be best to keep it that way, the less people knew the better. From his perspective, all that happened was that a vigilante had just stormed into the room and knocked out an issue for the government, becoming the new issue in the process. I would need to be careful to make sure I didn't give away that we could trust this White Silver.

"I don't think we need to do much, in all honesty. She said that she's not going to make any appearances unless provoked, so the only option we can while maintaining our non-violent stance is to wait and see." I finally said "And if she hands over the criminal to the Royal Guard for judicial punishment, I see no reason to make an enemy of this White Silver."

Almec raised his eyebrow before shaking his head and saying "A bit too soft in my opinion, but you are right. We are not Traditionalists, so for now the safest option is to wait and see. However, even if this White Silver does keep to her word about not wanting to take over the government and sees you as the true leader of our people; she now has created a solid political faction within our people. If she grows to dislike your rule, who knows what could happen?"

"True," I said, acknowledging his beliefs with a nod, "we'll have to announce condemnation of a vigilante taking such extralegal actions against a criminal. Hopefully that will encourage White Silver not to make any more public appearances. As for her political base, I don't see what we can do on that matter, most of the White Silver's philosophy is an acceptable middle ground between the New and the Old Mandalorian way. Perhaps we can find some way to bring White Silver's people closer to New Mandalorian principles. I will need time to think of some strategy for this situation."

Almec nodded, looking unsure on the matter but his most pressing questions seemed to have been answered. It was then that my old friend Obi-Wan spoke up, "I don't think you need to give such a condemnation really, at least not for this action. Rahm Kota was involved in the effort it would seem, going by the images that were sent out, and he is known for being a bit of a troublemaker. Since Rahm, let's just say 'enjoys', inserting himself into situations he really shouldn't, it is possible to blame the actions of this White Silver as the result of his encouragement."

That caused my eyebrow to raise as I thought about the implications. "If memory serves, White Silver's document had implied working with the Jedi was necessary. Perhaps there was a way to use this impromptu alliance between White Silver and the Jedi to try and rehabilitate a bit of their image amongst the Mandalorian people."

"You have a point," I said, "though not the one you thought you did. I wish to give a condemnation for both White Silver and Rahm Kota. Taking extralegal actions like this should not be done by a private individual and it must not receive support, even implied, from our government."

Obi-Wan rubbed his chin as he tried to decipher my meaning before he smiled, "Always the politician, Satine. I will convey this condemnation back to the Council. Do you want him recalled as well?"

I shook my head instead. "That is for the Council to decide as far as I'm concerned. As long as he is made aware that this behavior is unwelcome, it should be fine."

Obi-Wan nodded his head before saying, "The situation seems to have solved itself and our missing Jedi has reappeared. I'll contact the Council and let them know that the situation is well in hand. As soon as Rahm returns to Mandalore I will probably be called back." smiling he continued, "I guess this is a goodbye for now Satine."

I smile back before saying, "It will probably take a few days to send a task force of Guards to Gargon and back. If you want, we could have a bit of dinner to catch up on non-political subjects."

Obi-Wan smiled before saying, "I think I'd like that, I'll contact you to schedule something once I've talked to the Council. May the Force be with you,Duchess Satine, Prime Minister Almec."

"Farewell, Master Jedi." Almec said before turning to me as Obi-Wan headed for the door. "Though there are good reasons we shouldn't push too heavily on Silver's followers. We will need to keep watch on this organization - if left alone they could become a problem in the future."

"What do you suggest we do?" I said out of curiosity.

"There is a division of the Mandalorian Guard meant for activities such as these. If you allow me to organize an operation, we could infiltrate any political movement serving Silver's cause and make sure they don't get too radical."

"Hmm, very well. You have my permission to infiltrate any political movements that those who follow Silver try to form. Do keep in mind that they are potential allies, not our enemies yet." I said with a shake of my head.

"Of course, I simply wish to have an advanced warning in case they prove themselves to be an enemy of the state. "

"I know, Prime Minister. You simply wish for a safe and secure Mandalore. You have permission to look into this situation."

He nodded his head and said, "Thank you my lady. I will take my leave then to start organizing things. Better to have the gears in motion sooner rather than later."

As the doors closed behind him, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. This day was full of surprises, both good and bad. Events were moving at a rate I could not keep up with and in a direction I only vaguely had control over. I am going to have to have a nice long talk with Tanya when she finally returns to Mandalore about this whole White Silver business. I needed to get some sort of explanation for why she thought it was a great idea to infiltrate a rebellious planet and overthrow its corrupt regime with only her Royal Guards. Though I had to chuckle a bit at it all. As teenage adventures go for a Mandalorian, that had to be one worthy of being put in books. It was almost as extraordinary as my adventure with Obi-wan during the Clan Wars when I was her age.

Sitting back in my chair in the now empty meeting room, I considered how I was going to handle the Silver political movement that would surely spring up from this whole affair.

Tanya had portrayed me as a New Mandalorian who was willing to look for a compromise. Something I hadn't previously wanted to be due to how the Clan Wars ended years ago. I had to be uncompromising towards the Old Mandalorians to keep them in line so that we have a chance of bringing peace to the sector. Now that the people had experienced peace as a status quo, I could afford a few concessions, especially if they have merits.

Question was, what could I do to try and appease the Silver Mandalorians? The Self Defense Force Tanya had suggested could be a good start, maybe we could create some sort of non-military use for the organization that could occupy them when we were not in conflict. Perhaps disaster relief or emergency rescue?

I needed something that would show that I was willing to work with the Silver centrists but was ultimately not going to infuriate the New Mandalorians; something that could maintain a defensive status and was in touch with the roots of Mandalorians without reverting to the aggressiveness of the old ways.

The answer was quite clear in hindsight, armor. The Silver Codex showed armor as a defensive tool, something that could be militarized or could just be used to save your life. Off the top of my head, there were three things I could do based around armor that could appease the Silver Mandalorians without causing the New Mandalorians to go into an uproar.

The first is removing more of the restrictions on armor, there weren't many left anyway. I have already done a lot to undo some of the damage I may have caused in my fervor to end conflict as quickly as possible.

The second idea is that I could return some of the beskar that had been taken in the early days of my reign. At the time, the act had been necessary to de-escalate situations and make acquiring beskar armaments more costly but things were different now. A good majority of it had been used in the creation of some of the structural parts of the city of Sedin or for the shields used by my Mandalorian Guards. I believe there was still quite a large amount of beskar held in reserve. Perhaps it was time for that reserve to be decreased? Unfortunately, there was no easy way to track down a person who had given up their armor to help establish a new Mandalore and for the most part they've been paid for giving it up. All I would need to do now was to look into a reasonable distribution method to give some of the beskar to the people in general without the majority ending up in subversive hands.

The third idea I'd have could be accomplished quite easily without angering the New Mandalorians too much or needing to run it through the government. Quite simply I would need to pay a visit to Kalevala and contact an old friend, Zum Murdoc, so that he could reforge my old armor into something I could wear. That would show my commitment to the defensive Mandalore without giving up my ideals of pacifism.

I haven't spoken to Zum for nearly a decade though. Tracking him down would be difficult, maybe Bo knew where he was. I would have to contact her anyway. Once I get in contact with Zum, I'll see if I can contract him to do the job. I could use the Royal Guard Armorsmiths for the project but I think having it done by my Clan's Armorsmith would aid my attempt at unity more than having some faceless Armorsmith who mass-produced armor all the time to do it, no offense to them, they were just doing their jobs. It is like the difference between a royal chef and a cook of a family diner, both can be delicious but the royal chef just has a higher standard of quality.

Coruscant, Jedi Council Chamber
Mace Windu

Shaking my head I said, "I expected the situation to get out of hand in some way. However I didn't expect there to be an identity theft situation going on or for the person whose identity was stolen to appear in such a way."

Expecting this either, I did not. But pleasantly surprised I am, this situation seeming to resolve itself well.

"I did not either. Though pleasantly surprised, the situation seems to have resolved itself well." Yoda said, "An end to potential issues in the Madalorian sector, this young silver has put, no?"

I responded, "Is this the end of it or is this just the start of something more? With so little information we could be seeing the rise of something worse than what was there before. The first White Silver was at least a known entity, we understood 'his' motives and methods. This aggressive White Silver is one that blindsided us all and predicting her actions will be challenging." I sighed and shook my head. "At least we know where Rahm Kota got off to, perhaps he could fill in a few of the blanks we're having right now."

Master Yoda, who was sitting next to me chuckled, "Always rushing to the front that one is, seeking atonement for his youth or simply acting on instincts I do not know."

I shrugged my shoulders and shook my head before saying, "It's hard to say, he's a good Jedi though. Even if he does get into some trouble now and again, I can't hold it against him for wanting to help people even where the council wouldn't intervene."

"True, kind heart he has,Even if appearing more gruff than he is, he tries."

Master Rancisis decided to return our attention to the matter at hand. "While this is all well and good that Master Kota is uninjured, what are we going to do about this Silver business? I believe we were worried that this could have presaged a backslide in the Mandalorian sector. With this new development I'm not sure what the future holds."

"A backslide, this is not. What these events represent, a ripple or tide, uncertain I am. Positive though, these developments I suspect to be." Master Yoda said with a nod.

Master Mundi shared his thoughts on the matter. "Maybe what's concerning about this new White Silver is that we don't know anything about her. She could be the original or she could be another fake. We've already had one 'impostor', she could be another. I'd hate to think that Mandalore would be brought low by fighting over the title of White Silver."

"This issue, not significant I suspect to be. With False Silver cast down, her goals accomplished, return to hiding, White Silver will. Remaining in public presence, conflicts with the Duchess and less debates, the likely results are. Seclusion, White Silver's claimed motives best supports." Yoda said, nodding his head and thought before he continued, "An interesting term, they used, False Silver." He chuckled with humor that I didn't understand.

"I don't see what's so interesting or funny about it." I said, raising an eyebrow. As far as I could see it was just a term used to label the fake Silver. "What possible interest or joke could there be in such a term?"

"Private joke, reminded I was." He said, shaking his head before continuing. " The original, this white silver claims to be, remaining visible in the Mandalorian Sector, serves her purposes not. A focal point for violence, conflict she would become. Depart, she must."

"How can you be so sure?" I asked, Yoda was known for having a good handle on situations but this seemed out of context especially in light of the unexpected events that had just concluded. .

"Read the Silver Codex, once or twice I have. A defensive doctrine, it is. Designed for conquest, it is not" He said, "A companion to the Jedi code, it could have been. In other times, under other influences. "

I resolved to read it over a bit closer the next time I got the chance, but first, I decided to ask the question that none of the others had voiced. "Are you going to attempt to ensure that this doctrine gets the right influences? It's not like we know who this White Silver is and could simply try to talk them into adopting ideas of the Jedi order."

Yoda tapped the side of his cane in thought before simply saying, "Ways there are, I think, to bring White Silver's focus to ideas from the Jedi order. Leave Kota on Concordia, I suggest. Discussion among White Silver's supporters, his presence alone will spread.In roads too, I can make, with the young representative from Mandalore. Lead to eventually meeting with this White Silver, these actions may, if thoughtful dialogue occurs."

"Seems highly unlikely," I mused out loud, "more likely Silver is going to stay far away from us. But it's as good a start as any." I said with a shrug. Without more information we can only take actions that make the most sense and trust in the will of the Force.

Master Yoda nodded his head in agreement before saying "Small is our influence, thus small in size, our actions must be. Only negatives, would a large action create. Worry not about this situation. A friend of the Order,I feel White Silver will be. A friend in an unexpected place? Perhaps, believe this I do." He said in his knowing way. "Should White Silver become a friend? Trust in her, we shall."

Gargon, Mandal Hypernautics Conference Room
Tanya Kryze

It had been less than 24 hours since the fall of False Silver and after all of the stressful combat I had been in the day before, I could use a break. But there was no time for me to rest.

I had jumped from street combat, which had been frankly exhilarating and adrenaline pumping, to political combat. Now that False Silver had been toppled, those involved in his removal were fighting for the scraps.

Most of the mercenaries and Silver Mandos that had been outside the Hypernautics compound during my confrontation with False Silver had been subdued by local gangs or nomads who had eventually found their way to the compound during the fighting. What had happened to them, I don't know for sure but I could guess that a bunch of them were no longer wearing armor and a good portion of them were probably going to not see the light of day for a long time, if ever.

Criminal organizations didn't tend to treat enemy combatants kindly, I believe. How they would treat friends is still up in the air.

As of a few hours ago I received a request for a meeting to determine the fate of Mandal Hypernautics. AKA the criminal gangs wanted a piece of the pie, which was understandable. No doubt a lot of businesses had been thrown under the bus by the CEOs attempt at global conquest.

I wasn't exactly going to want to keep Mandal Hypernautics. The biggest factor was I didn't have any way to control it but I was still partial to figuring out a way to get some benefit from the company.

That being said, the Nomads had already taken what they wanted. I heard reports that every speeder bike as well as all of the trucks in the Mandal Hypernautics stockpile were missing. No doubt they would be using them for years; they were welcome to take them. The Nomads had done me a favor with their portion of the assault so they deserved a reward.

As for the Royal Guard who had been on the planet when we arrived, he and Rahm were taking his ship back to Mandalore already with the CEO tied up on board. I was sure the Mandalorian gangsters of Gargon wanted the CEO and they do have a claim to him for the various crimes he'd committed against their planet. But, as I had made clear earlier, I believe they would have killed him and buried him in a ditch somewhere, after maybe a week of torture, which would do me no good.

His death would have made him into a martyr. Rotting prison leaves him as just a criminal. Sending him to aunt Satine also went a long way to show the loyalty of the Silver Mandalorians to the established government. This hopefully would dispel any rumors that I was planning to try and overthrow my aunt and prevent any other attempts to use the Silver Mandalorians as fodder for whatever other movement wanted to try and overthrow my aunt.

Of course, this did damage some of my attempts to try and create a solely neutral faction as people would claim I was submissive to the New Mandalorians, but I had been pushed into this position by events out of my control. If I needed to run with those events while I regained control of my message that's what I would do.

As for the Wrens, I didn't know what had happened to them. They were here yesterday after we completed the mission but they had vanished soon afterwards heading off to do whatever the Wrens did. I don't know what their objectives had been in taking part in this conflict but I was glad they had been here, their jetpacks had made the mission a lot easier, and I owed them a bit of a favor in the future. One I would deliver on if I ever got the chance. Speaking of jetpacks, the one I took from that brute in the arena is now safely stored in the ship and Zum volunteered to adjust it to my specifications once he returned to Concordia.

As for the situation with the mafia, I guess I would have to find out what they wanted. The meeting had been scheduled for today and I obtained the use of Hypernautic's conference room to do it. Not only because I wanted to know I was in a secure facility, which technically it was and I was glad to , but because the office could be considered neutral ground until today's meeting was over.

Well that and the offices were rather nice. The table appears to be wood from Jakalia and was very well made. Not to mention it had a window view overlooking Gargon City.

My Mandalorian Royal Guard and Zum are with me for today's meeting. They were standing about the room acting as guards. Obviously they're to make sure nothing terrible went down considering how armed they were. Mok was currently getting control of the security systems which was still a work in progress, Skota and Struc are having a conversation on the matters of how many wounded there were right now. I had brought quite a few of both the Silver Mandalorians and the Black Iron mercenaries into the compound and tried to organize their medical staff to work together to take care of the wounded. The fighting was over, there was no need for people to die if possible. It would just be a waste of perfectly good human resources at this point for every person who died.

No doubt one of my sticking points in the coming of negotiations would be to secure the safety of both those parties. The Silver Mandalorians because they were, well to put it bluntly, my followers and the black mercenaries because showing your enemy a bit of mercy when you have control can create positive outcomes. Unlike with the Francois in my last war, thankfully this faction was thoroughly beaten. There would be no last minute fleeing to a southern continent and since their leadership was destroyed, being too harsh on them gained me nothing I wanted. Finally Ordo and Zum are standing to my left and right side in that order, appearing as tough as they could and ready for the Mafia clans to arrive. Which I believed would be any moment now.

At that thought, a beeping sound alerted us to the elevator on this floor opening. It revealed two, I would guess Mandalorian, mobster leaders and their four compatriot guards. I could tell they were the leaders due to the quality of their attire as well as the fact that the blasters each had looked modern and new compared to the ones carried by their grunts which look like they were old relics.

They gave my team of guards a wary look, something I could tell since their leadership apparently had not decided to don helmets for this occasion though they were wearing plates of Mandalorian armor.

After a moment, the wider one spoke first, "I'm Clan leader Grel of Clan Tutt, this is Kagg, leader of Clan Kroggooss. We're here to negotiate with the new owner of Mandal Hypernautics. Secure that you are not going to attempt to take over the planet like the last owner."

I nodded my helmet before saying, "I am White Silver and fortunately I have no interest in taking over this planet. In fact I would be more than willing to sell Mandal Hypernautics if there was a willing buyer amongst you."

"Yes about that, that's not going to happen." Grel said, shaking his head, "As in we can't let you sell Mandal Hypernautics."

I raised my brow under my helmet, "And why is that?"

Kagg spoke up in a deep voice and began explaining, "To make it simple, Gargon has an intricate balance of power that Mandal Hypernautics played a part in. That balance of power has been upset and if it were to be sold to anyone on this planet it would disturb it even more likely resulting in another little uprising like what happened yesterday. We need a stable, unambitious, and relatively neutral party to help maintain stability. Of course we'll still want to see some direct benefits as well."

I nodded my head and rubbed the chin of my helmet with thought. It seems Gargon is more dicey than I'd originally thought, which I guess is to be expected when it doesn't have a stable government. It means I can't just dump Hypernautics to someone else without the power structure being in danger of collapsing again. Annoying but I had thought about something like this happening before saying, "That makes an unfortunate amount of sense. What if I were to sell it to someone off-world? Would you have an issue with that?"

"No off-world company is likely going to buy it, but even if they did, that might just encourage the New Mando Duchess to step onto this planet. We don't need her Mandalorian guard or her royal guard poking around our business." Grel said, "Matter of fact, I think it would be best if you leave soon." before continuing with the statement, "Yes I know you made a statement saying that you serve the Duchess, but you are already being decried as a potential terrorist and vigilante by said Duchess's government so I don't think you're going to be working directly with her."

I could be excused for missing that announcement since I had been too busy putting out fires, both figuratively and literally, to watch the news. Though that was to be expected, no government would publicly endorse a revolutionary even if they dethroned a tyrannical dictator without being seen as a backer.. In this case, someone had just burst onto the scene and enacted political violence, you don't do that and not get a bit of a side eye from the current leadership even if you're on their side. I could try and clear that up with them down the line but for now I needed to focus on here. The hot potato of Mandal Hypernautics.

He continued "Any other off-world company that was interested would be taking a large risk and would want something out of it. Their involvement would likely result in conditions hazardous to our own businesses which itself would be…destabilizing."

"Well if I can't sell it off-world and I can't sell it to one of you I guess I'll have to maintain ownership in some way." I said, shaking my head.

I did not have any plans to continuously run a company, though if I did, a starship company wasn't a bad option. Perhaps I would find someone amongst the staff here who could be trustworthy enough to not go rogue, wasn't there a foreman that had helped us? A 'He rubbed my back, I'll rub his' type of deal. If I found that his qualifications were good enough to actually run Hypernautics that is, I would rather have someone qualified to run it than a loyal incompetent for this business. If I was very very lucky, all I would need to do was pay him well and give him plenty of paid vacation leave so he wouldn't betray me. That shouldn't be too hard.

"I was expecting a list of demands, so let's hear them." I said, folding my hands in front of me on the table as I looked across it at the pair of my bosses that were standing at the other end.

"Oh, we do have some demands but they're not that difficult to fulfill. Don't try and take over the planet. Don't sell the company to the Hutts, we've already dealt with them and we do not want to go through the hassle of doing it again. And most importantly, you'll need to at least visit some of the yearly meetings where we discuss the running of Gargon, or one of your agents acting as your representative will. A few product discounts and non-essential supply contracts to ensure we are all able to enjoy equitable benefits from a lasting partnership."

Ah, they were trying to chain me to their alliance, give me a growing interest in, and possibly some slight affection for Gargon so that they can deal with me in a political sense instead of a company trying to take advantage of their planet for unknown reasons.

That is unexpected but not a terrible thing. Speaking up I said, "I guess I could see about arriving at some meetings like that. though I am a rather busy person so if I send a representative don't feel too insulted, as I said I don't need a company and obtaining it was not my objective for this campaign. I'll need to review any potential contracts. There will be a hard cap on the quantity of discounted ships and total value of contracts. We'll base the latter on net profit. If I'm involved I'm not going tolerate rampant undermining of the company's health"

Kagg nodded and said, "Base it on gross profits, that's fine as long as you're not going to try and take over the planet. If you can deal with us as equals, we won't give a damn if you're there or not. We just want this planet to be quiet and apolitical so we can go about our business the old fashioned way; selling spice, running guns, and making a little money from gambling."

That line of dialogue sparked a memory in me but thought I had years before on how to rejuvenate the economy of the Mandalorian sector. This caused me to tilt my head in thought, Gargon is on the edges of the Mandalorian sector but it is still a part of it and it is right next to the Hydian Way.

In essence it was a perfect position to play Las Vegas to Mandalorian Sector's Nevada. "How much business comes through Gargon?" I asked, trying to suss out more details.

"A decent amount," Grel said. "We get a lot more when things are quiet around here, though it's mostly smugglers that show up on this planet."

"Strange, you would think that with such opportunities out here you'd have more."

"Opportunities?" Kagg asked, sounding confused yet interested.

"Yes, opportunities. This planet is within the Mandalorian sector and in essence protected from outside military action as long as it doesn't pull another attempt at overthrowing the Duchess. You have natural vistas of beauty across the planet, the streets are for the most part kept clean and clear, by your enforcers I imagine. Really, just add a few more elements to it you could run an advertising campaign for this planet being some sort of resort world for the rich and stupidly wealthy to spend their money. Of course you would need to move the spice production outside the city. Drugs have a way of making such places look worse than they really are but otherwise you could make quite a lot of money legitimately on this planet. It would also free you from having to rely on some of the more troublesome offworld criminal elements that you currently must cater to."

The two mob bosses exchanged looks before turning to look at me again. They both reached out for a chair and pulled it out to sit down having apparently found reason to take a seat, something they had refused up to this moment. It seems the allure of money could bring even the criminals to negotiations with me.

"There had been discussions about something like that before. We thought Gerr would actually help us in that matter but as you know, all of his enforcers were a prelude to attempted global conquest." Grel started off.

"Plus we needed those enforcers to not be any of our own faction's enforcers." Kegg continued. "Balance of power you see. If one of us has control over the local police, well things could get very nasty very fast."

"If someone were to take up the mantle of training a stable police force that would not interfere too deeply with our businesses, as long as it doesn't screw with the tourists, we could see about cleaning up this city enough for your idea of a resort world to be pulled off." Grel continued, "After all, it wouldn't take all much work to accomplish. Most of the hotels and casinos are already here, we would just need to relocate the more criminal elements to the outskirts of the city or other towns where they could continue their work. We'd maintain this city as the resort world's capital."

Ahh I didn't have to do much at all, they were already discussing this idea but were having issues finding someone trustworthy for the operation. "So you need someone to act as a guarantee that the planet will be safe for the people who come to visit. That shouldn't be too hard, I already have quite a few followers here thanks to False Silver. If I were to find some of the more sane people amongst them It would be possible to put together a police force and add some talented auditors and administrators loyal to me to prevent corruption. If this force is independent of Mandal Hypernautics and responds only to the Clan Council of Gargon, I'm sure that would work well for all of us."

"Clan Council?" Grel said, sounding a bit confused.

"You're not the only people on this planet, after all the Nomads also live here. You give them a vote, it makes the whole thing seem more legitimate. In fact it is almost a legitimate government even if some of its elements are a bit on the extralegal side. You can get recognition through the Mandalorian Senate and representatives to Coruscant which would spread your advertising campaign for this being a resort world quite far. I believe a lot of Core World business types have to travel the Hydian Way to the Corporate Sector. if there's a place they can stop off for a day or two for some rest and recreation, and to see the sights of course, well I'm sure they will take it up."

I swear I could see the dollar signs in their eyes as they were both smiling at the idea. "Of course it will take some time," I continued, "building a proper representative government usually does and I'm sure the Nomadic clans will have a few stipulations about the criminal elements that'll be forced out of Gargon City. You'll probably be expected to pay a bit of extra taxes to public works to capitalize on all the distance and other public exploration projects that would intrigue the corporate bosses that will be traveling this way, possibly with their families as well if you play your cards right. In fact, If you're willing to decrease the value of our future contracts I'd be open to committing a larger amount towards funding such governance and public welfare projects."

"Yes, yes," Grel said, rubbing his chin in thought, "I can see the opportunity now. We'll have to run this by," he stopped to seem to think it over before saying, "the Gargon City Clan Council. After all, it would take a lot of investment to start moving things around so that the main city could be softened up for the political class. But I think a lot of them would be interested in this idea. It is only a matter of getting the Nomads to sign on to a non-aggression treaty so they don't raid us when times get too bad."

"That shouldn't be too hard really. Simply let the nomads set up their own 'wilderness' hotels outside the city, closer to the vistas. If they're making a bit of money off the Vista elements and you're making a bit of money off the City elements you're both making money, enough to not interfere with each other too often I would think. I've got a few ideas for locating startup capital without too many strings attached."

That got a chuckle from the pair of mob bosses before Kegg said, "Well I don't know if this plan will work out or whether the Council would agree, but I do say I'm glad Mandal is out of the hands of that moron and in yours. Cuz you at least have a brain that actually thinks about long-term stability that I can support whole-heartedly."

I nodded my head, "The Silver Codex is all about stability, stability of the Mandalorian people to continue our existence on the galactic stage. Now that war is not as acceptable as it once was."

That got nods from the group as they stood up from their seats, "We'll tell the other bosses what you're planning and that you will not be selling the business. How long are you planning to stay on Gargon anyways?"

"No more than a week, I think. Have to set up some sort of new corporate structure so the company can rebuild itself, set up the basic structure of this Gargon Police Force or whatever will name it, and once you get an official vote from the Clan leaders of the city, I will have it going to effect."

"Efficient," Kegg commented, "Well then thank you for your time, White Silver and enjoy Gargon for the few days you'll stay." They nodded their heads and turned to leave, leaving me to my thoughts on how I was going to fix Mandal Hypernautics.

Gargon, Mandal Hypernautics Tower
Bo-Katan Kryze

Man that fighting style sure was familiar, so very, very familiar that after I had about 10 hours of sleep and recovery I finally figured out where I'd seen that fighting style before.

Knowing where I'd seen it before certain things started falling into place quickly. From there I had simply gone and asked for a meeting with the new CEO of Mandal Hypernautics, the so-called White Silver.

What I expected when I entered the building was not what I thought I would find but interesting nonetheless. The disorganized chaos that had been the Mandal Hypernautics building after the fighting the day before, seem to have been dealt with as one of the members of White Silver's retinue had taken charge of the medical staff and was doing all they could to put the place back together, at least where there were people. Another member was a slicer by the looks of it had taken control over the automatic systems of the place, including droids which were helping with either cleaning the place up, moving dead bodies around, or moving medicine from storehouses to the makeshift infirmary that had once been a cafeteria by the looks of it.

One other member, the one who Rau had come into town with, was apparently organizing the defeated Black Iron mercenaries and the Silver zealots into multiple detachments to help clean up the place and gather up all the equipment that had been left around. Whatever happened to those non-mandalorians, I didn't know. If I had to make a guess they'd probably be given tickets on the first boat out of here if they wanted it. As for the Mandalorian zealots though, I had no idea but I doubted they would go very far from Gargon. Many would jump at the chance to follow their patron codex writer even if it led into a job in business. Given a job in the new Mandal Hypernautics and some impassioned rhetoric no doubt they'd join up with whatever organization White Silver would come up with.

Shaking my head at the ridiculousness of the situation I pressed a few buttons on the elevator and headed up to the floor I'd been told to go to. It was near the top and as the doors opened I saw a finely furnished meeting room with several portraits in the cubic style on the walls depicting various 'Battles of long past', though I think one of them might have been the Siege of Mandalore, the more recent one at least.

Past the wooden table is White Silver herself looking all official with that little cape on her shoulder. On one side, I believe his name was Onyx, was standing there trying to look tough as he held a blaster in his hands. To her right was Zum or, well there were very few people who wore armor on their shoulders that was that oversized and I had a very good feeling I knew who was under his armor.

"Miss Bo-Katan, to what do I owe the honor of your visit?" White Silver said whilst leaning forward tenting their hand into a pyramid shape as they looked across at me.

Pulling my helmet off I smiled and said, "Well I have some questions that only you can answer, Miss White Silver. I just wanted to know what the connection between you and Satine really is?"

The helmeted head of White Silver tilted and said, "She is the elected leader of our people that is all."

"Are you sure about that?" I said taking a few steps forward before pulling the chair out and sitting down across from her. "I got the feeling that the connection was a bit more personal considering I was hired to come to this planet to find out who was in charge of the False Silver operation and who they were. Then all of a sudden, as soon as that information I spent quite a bit of money getting is acquired, you show up in response to it."

"A fortuitous series of coincidences, I came as soon as Bresug broadcasted that he was White SIlver. Merely fortunate timing, nothing more." White Silver said while shaking her head.

"Right, right. By the way sorry I left the place in a mess, Zum. My ship broke down and I got called to help with this whole thing, so I didn't really have time to clean up." The taller guard immediately stiffened up, as if he had not been expecting to be found out. Telling me I very well may have just hit the nail on the coffin as to what was going on.

What was going through White Silver's head I didn't know; but they were staring at me rather calmly through their helmet–not twitching or anything–good sabacc face. At least in body language terms.

"By the way," I continued, "that is an interesting fighting style you have there, it reminded me of my niece's style. Always trying to keep range but once the distance is closed using the gun as much as possible. I dare say you two would be evenly matched."

The silence was deafening so I continued, "Incidentally, have you cleaned this room? Made sure there are no bugs or anything left behind by the previous occupants."

"I had one of my retinue make sure this room is earless, the only ones who can hear what's going on in this room are you, me, and these two.

"Ah good good no one can hear me say what I'm about to say. I am so proud of you Tanya… but your aunt is going to kill you when she finds out what you did."

There was silence before a deep sigh was released before a hand went to the helmet and pulled it off revealing the auburn hair I hadn't seen in a long while. "Hello to you too Auntie Bo. Satine is not going to find out what happened here cause I had Vai act as my alibi on Harswee." Tanya said. With a sigh she placed the helmet down on the table, "And you are not going to tell her, because I assume you wouldn't want your own reputation to be connected to this whole conflict." She smiled, in a way that said 'if I go down, you're going down with me'.

"Good thinking and of course I'm not going to tell Satine." I laughed, "Who do you think's going to get the blame when this finally comes out? No, if you're dead, I'll be disintegrated. We just need to keep this whole situation under wraps that you posed as White Silver in order to solve a problem for your aunt."

Tanya seemed to stop and thought before saying, "Yes posed…" which immediately clued me in that this was not just a simple pose.

Leaning forward I said, "You are posing right? You didn't write that document right? Please tell me you did not write that document. Because if this gets out, it will get you killed. Writing that document under Satine's nose will get you disintegrated."

"I didn't write it under her nose…" Tanya finally said. Causing my jaw to drop a little bit. My sister, the most up her own ass pacifist had taken part in the creation of the Silver Codex? She had condoned its creation? I felt a bit proud of that. There was still a bit of mandalorian left in her after all. Sure it was tempered by that stupid Coruscanti Osik, but she was willing to negotiate to bring back some of the militarism of the past as long as it was used in the defense of Mandalore in some way.

Finally I got a hold of myself and said, "That is unexpected. If you didn't do this behind her back and you're telling the truth," and mentally I was wishing and hoping that Tanya was telling the truth on this matter. "Then that changes a few things about this whole situation. You've just been upgraded from dead to definitely being banished from the house if it ever comes out that you were the one who led the attack yesterday."

"Hopefully it will never come out," she said. "and I'll be able to retire as White Silver and no one will ever pull that stunt again."

"Yeah that's probably for the best." I said. "You may not be aware of this but there are factions that have been looking for White Silver because they don't like your little manifesto. If they ever found out who you really are, that would not be good for your lifespan." I don't know if Pre would be so active as to attempt to murder Tanya. I am pretty sure I could probably keep him under control, using my original plan of 'don't go after family members if you ever tried any attempt to overthrow the government' when there are other factions out there that could return the favor when they know that family members are valid targets.

"Excellent," she said, "By the way, do you know anything about running a corporation?" I shook my head and tilted my head before saying, "No, why?"

"The mafia on this planet have basically refused to buy the company due to power balance issues. I'm looking into ways of fixing that issue. I have a couple people I might tap for giving the reins over the company to while it's resolved on its own but until then I'm the CEO of Mandal Hypernautics or at least White Silver is. I don't have time to be running a corporation so I'll probably have to find someone to run it for me. Though I do trust you quite a bit Auntie Bo, so I thought I would offer it to you first."

"Damn kid," I said rubbing the back of my neck, "sorry to say I don't have the background for that. Though I guess I could help out, I know a few people on this planet that might be willing to work with you and as well as getting the company in a position where you could theoretically sell it or keep it as long as you kept it at arm's length."

"That would be excellent and once we get all of its assets figured out I'll see about getting you a payment for the aid you can give me. If you're willing, I have a couple other projects on this planet that might interest you in one way or another depending if you're interested and helping me with such projects."

Sitting back I thought for a moment before saying, "Sure why not." The reality was I was not really doing anything other than living off the stipend that was the Kryze name or maybe a bounty here or there when I was bored. Picking up a stable job out in the middle of nowhere could be interesting and helping my niece was, well, just what a good family and clan member should do.

Gargon, Hypernautic Conference Room
Tanya Kryze

The situation on Gargon had taken a week to resolve but I think it is finally under control, the remnants of False Silver's fleet had either surrendered to me, the local mob bosses, or retreated out of the system with their ships, mostly to strike out and try to take up piracy. Unfortunately I would produce more work for the Royal Guard it would seem, though give it enough time and they would be dealt with.

No doubt most would end up in Hutt space which was unfortunate but that's where the criminals tended to gather when times were bad for them.

To add on to the good news, the last of the Black Iron mercenaries have been forced to surrender. It seems there had been several pockets that had basically tried to hole up in areas of the city I was unaware of. They had been planning to fight till the end out of some fear they wouldn't talk about. Thankfully, I had been able to negotiate their surrender as long as they handed over all their weapons to an as yet unnamed organization that would help keep the peace on Gargon and its territory. From there they had either been absorbed into the local gangs or got as many flights out of Gargon as possible, although some had signed up to take part of my Mandalorian organization that had yet to have a name. Those have been thrown in with the former members of the Silver Militia and were being trained into something resembling a peacekeeping force thanks to Bo-Katan who, at the very least, have been hired as a trainer.

Some may say it's unfair to give a contract to someone in your own family, I might say at least I could trust Bo-Katan with this planet. Considering that she had some contacts within the local population, I believed she could easily get the former bastards who'd been a pain in the neck of the local population to not cause trouble. Beat a man until he learns to teach the people who are locals respect and you'll get a respectful man, at least that's what I was hoping would happen.

As for the corporation of Mandal Hypernautics itself, the formerly overworked warehouse manager had gracefully accepted my offer to be the interim CEO until someone better was elected and was accepting that he would have to take orders from X4 going under Silver X in order to operate with me. The man just wanted to make money for his own options, as a fellow corporate cog, I completely understood his motivation, so giving him an option to make money seemed the best way to reward him. My own goals were simply to get the company working again and maybe produce a stable income to help with the ideas of turning Gargon into a resort world.

A general issue that I had come to find annoying while going over the books, I found that large portions of the stockpiles of supplies and weapons had been stolen at some point. I wasn't sure who was responsible for this but it was a reality I would have to deal with, hopefully it would not be too much of an issue for the company.

Besides that, I worked out some general contracts with the local gangs. Starter contracts as it were to keep things simple. I would prefer not to work with criminals but when the planet is run by criminals you really had no other option. I guess I could abandon the company and just let whatever happens, happen but that seems irresponsible especially if I could get the mobsters to see how profitable more lawful businesses could be. Stable well-paying industry would do more good for the sector than letting everything fall apart,

Otherwise, the company could run itself, producing ships for the local clans and for the Hutts in the military capacity. I really wasn't needed to oversee it at this point so we were preparing to leave finally and something I was happy to be on my way about. I had other things to do other than dally around Gargon trying to make sure everything was perfect. The more visible I was, the worse it would be for the Silver Codex and I could immediately deal with the issues going on with Mandal Hypernautics from a distance remotely.

It was time to go to Ordo for a meet up with Vai, to get back to being a senator and no longer a well and unfortunate folk hero by some of the stuff I've seen online.

Gargon Orbit, En-route to Mandalore
Rahm Kota

Laying on the bench in the back part of the ship I relaxed trying to find my center after that adventurous trip to Gargon. I was probably going to be in trouble with the Jedi Council for that little gamble but it all worked out I believed. I would probably get a slap on the wrist, might even be forced to leave the sector by those in control of Mandalore, but that's what usually happened when I did what I felt was right.

Near the front of the ship the Mandalorian Royal Guard was flying us into orbit to take us to the Mandalorian system where I could get a flight back to Concordia. He seemed focused on the controls but he finally spoke up as he seemed to have the navi-computer finalized.

"Thank you for the help during the fighting Master Kota. I don't think we would have been able to push past the first trenches with as few casualties if you hadn't been there."

I smiled and said, "No need, it was what a Jedi should do, not to mention it felt like old times."

"Old times?" the Royal Guard asked from his seat.

"Long story short, I'm from a world that spent most of the last hundred years at war with itself. A lot of trench warfare so I'm familiar with tactics of that particular kind of combat." I said trying to stretch out a twinge in my back.

Rou chuckled and asked, "Any chance that that planet is part of the Mandalorian Dyaspora? Sounds like one of ours."

Causing me to laugh a bit at that before saying, "No no it's not, as far as I'm aware it was never part of the Diaspora or had any connections to Mandalore. If there had been, it was long since wiped out. That being said, I do feel certain kinship with your people. Facing a long and drawn out war that never seems to end is a shared experience but I think we can all agree it is something we'd rather not experience."

"Ain't that the truth." he said, turning his seat to look out into space for a moment.

Whatever he was going to say was interrupted as someone began banging on one of the cell doors. "Let me out of here! Let me out! You cannot do this to me!"

Letting out a breath of annoyance, Rau got up and cracked his neck. He walked past me and pressed the button for the door, catching the CEO's fist with his left hand as he attempted to escape and then punching him square in the jaw, knocking him out. Rau pushed him back into the cell before closing the door. "That'll keep him out for another couple hours. Hopefully he won't make more of a racket next time he wakes up."

"Here's hoping." I said, amused by the whole scene before saying, "Though that was a bit harsh, aren't there rules for transporting prisoners that prevent physical violence."

The Royal Guard shrugged before shaking his head, "Technically yes, also technically the rules are more like guidelines anyways when it comes to terrorists in the Mandalorian Sector. You can't treat them too softly though, they'll eat you alive."

"I know that," as he walked past me to get back into his seat before he continued. "and frankly this is going to be a long flight, if he gets the idea that banging on the door will get him anything but a punch in the face he'll be making a racket the entire time. Just being an annoyance and maybe hoping to get a moment where we slip up and he thinks he can overpower us is not something I want to deal with."

"Very unlikely," I noted out loud before saying, "well since that's the treatment of terrorists, how come you didn't go after White Silver?"

"Not enough guards. If I had the resources and the manpower I would have taken her in as well. What she did was a vigilante act even if it was in favor of the current government, no one's above the law. By the way, do you have any details on her base of operations? In case the Duchess sends me after her, I would like to have some idea on where I can pick her up."

I shook my head and said, "No idea at all, I happened to meet her at a local spaceport on Concordia as I was looking for a ride to Gargon. They said they were going that way, only found out who they were after the ship left the planet."

"Concordia," he said rubbing his chin, "that says a lot, must be one of the exiles. Would have thought Pre would have gone down harder on the Silver Codex if she was from there but then again he's always a bit of a softy when it comes to the Traditionalists."

"That does explain why she never took her helmet off though. She must be one of those religious types, the Children of Mand'alor or whatever. They believe you can't be a true Mandalorian if you don't wear the helmet all the time."

"Must be." I said, hiding amusement that my accidental leak seemed to have created a backstory for White Silver. I've met the Children of Mand'alor and to be frank White Silver was not one of them. The fact that I caught her without her helmet when I first met her was proof enough for that but the mindset was slightly different as well with her prioritizing the people of Mandalore, instead of honor. I was not going to correct the Royal Guard. What Silver is doing seems like a good influence on the sector, so helping the Royal Guard track her down now is not really advisable. Let him believe that she might be a member of the Cult of The Children of Mand'alor. Besides, keeping the location of her secret base to myself was well within my rights. If I ever came to believe that White Silver was a problem I could always release this information at a later time.

Gargon, Gargon City Outskirts
Ursa Wren

I watched as another set of recently captured ships took off, loaded to bear with as much equipment as I had been able to squirrel away over the last few days, which was a sizable amount. One thing I had to give the CEO credit for, is that he produced a lot of equipment, a lot of it that could be repurposed for Death Watch or just simply for my own use if Death Watch never made the move that they promised.

Each ship was filled with blaster rifles and armor, both beskar and non-beskar variants. I would prefer if all of them were beskar but in an emergency non-beskar could do it for some of the extremities. The chest plate and helmet are the most important parts that require true beskar to protect the chest, head, and vital organs. Arm and leg shots are survivable wounds but a blast to the head is not something anyone can walk away from without a true beskar helmet. The ships were also loaded with beskar ingots we'd stolen from warehouses. Crates of them, where had these crates come from? I didn't know but I was not going to say no to bringing them on board. I have an armorsmith who could work on them for my people and I'm sure I could send some of it to Death Watch for their own projects.

Most importantly of all, was spreading the word that Clan Wren had been helpful in taking down this entire operation which may lead to some volunteers from this planet when Death Watch finally made its move. All in all this was a good operation and a bit of fun with no losses on my side. While Kan did take a shoulder wound, he was fine for the most part. A doctor should be able to fix him up, worst case he'll just get a replacement arm.

Really, the largest problem was that I could only get away with about 15 new ships with the loot on board and my own ship that I'd used to get here. I'm sure that is quite a lot of material spread across all those ships, but there was so much more material left behind for White Silver. I attempted to stash some resources for pick up at a later date, but I decided it was best not to push too hard on that. If I got greedy then I'd draw too much attention and would return to find everything gone.

Silver was the most unexpected part of this whole operation and an element I was quite interested in watching develop. Oh sure, I'll tell Pre everything I know about White Silver when I saw him, especially since I was interested in seeing what kind of threat her faction would grow to be against Death Watch.

The pacifists are not a threat, they are merely a roadblock, a very effective roadblock but one that could be overcome if the right cards were played. White Silver though is an actual threat that could very well genuinely challenge us and they would likely protect the roadblock.

Granted they seem to believe that the roadblock was going to become more Mandalorian as the years went on, something I doubted. Duchess Satine had thoroughly left all that made Mandalore Mandalorian behind for the ideology of the New Mandalorians. I doubted she'll all of a sudden change her beliefs and start wearing traditional armor to show solidarity with the average Mandalorian.

I predict White Silver would be betrayed by The Duchess and her lackeys who would then come down harder on the average Mandalorian once White Silver had outlived her usefulness. There was no way she would let any threat, even one that seemed to believe that they were on the same side, exist.

I know that would be interesting to watch. That would create true chaos in Mandalore and possibly create the environment needed to overthrow her. It would lead to a three-way fight between the Silvers, the News, and Death Watch; but chaos is where the true Mandalore is crowned. You can get as many votes as you want, but strength of arms and the determination to win are what true leaders require.

Considering how easy Pre's rulership of the Mandalorians on Concordia had been, I almost thought he had gone soft. This new challenger would either toughen him up or he would lose, as is the way.

From what I had seen of White Silver, she had the abilities to participate in this "Great Hunt' just as effectively as Pre could. If she won in a contest against Pre, I'd probably side with her since she gave the feeling of a true Mandalorian, a controlled warrior. Helping her take the throne from the New Mandalorians would be well and good for the people. Assuming of course she won, if not I would stay with my family ties to House Vizsla. Either way, my homeworld of Krownest would be well and truly out of the conflict zone. Thanks to today, probably one of the most well-armed planets in the entire sector as well.

Smiling, I turned from the landing pads and walked into my shuttle, negotiating my way past several large boxes just full of gear, equipment, and other things that would be useful for my planet or could be sold for things that were useful. Eventually I found my way into the cockpit and pressed some buttons to close up the ship. It was absolutely full and probably at the limits of what it could carry while still being able to take off.

Pressing a few more buttons I plotted a course for home and sat back with a smile. This had been a good operation and spoke well of the future of the Mandalorian people. Two good choices for a future leader was always a good day for the Mandalorian people.

Concordia, Governor's Castle
Pre Vizsla

Looking outside my castle's window, I watched the skyline of Concordia whilst considering what the future might bring. Things were not looking good, not looking good at all considering the recent developments on Gargon. I took a sip from the glass of fine papuur'gal in my hand.

Trying to put together an anti-New Mandalorian League is one of the most difficult and strenuous tasks I have been given in my life. So many factions hated the New Mandalorians and so many factions had issues with the New Mandalorians that finding support to build a network of support should not be that hard.

The problem though, the one that always seemed to come up, was that while no one liked the New Mandalorians running the sector, they had been rather unintrusive for the last decade. So the less hard line parties were not exactly interested in rocking the boat as much as they used to be.

My opinion is that they would only become interested again if something were to happen outside the sector, such as the coming war between the breakaway Rim States and the Republic. That conflict will most likely present a massive opportunity for mercenaries, bounty hunters, and many other fields of martial skill for the Mandalorians.

Being the pacifist, there is no doubt Satine would put down some rules against taking active action in the whole affair, trying to prevent any violence. This would force more and more people to my side and was part of my plans to remove her from power.

The growing problem was that her hard line stance on pacifism had been softening over the last few years. She seemed to be becoming less of a fanatic for it and I suspected that could be an issue for me in the long run. If she decided to not institute any rules to prevent Mandalore from choosing a side in the coming conflict I would have nothing to use as a rallying cry of New Mando abuses against mandalorian culture.

How would that conflict begin? I wasn't sure yet but I could feel that I would know very soon. Until the conflict actually started, I had to make my decisions based on the disposition of those around me and prior to now it was one where Satine would most likely do something to piss off the moderate hardliners and send them back to my side.

At least that had been everyone's disposition before Gargon, watching the first White Silver get knocked down by the second White Silver, who knew if she was the real White Silver or not but she had definitely defeated the first one. This presented an issue because obviously this new White Silver represented a potential heir to the title of Mand'alor. Even if she denied the leadership title now, she would most likely act in the upcoming conflict, where Satine will be forced to abstain. I can see it now, the moment the Duchess made a move to make sure Mandalore stayed out of the war, I would need to act fast. Because if I was not successful in my coup–in removing her from power or killing her–this White Silver would take up the role as my main opponent.

And that would be a major problem for my plans making Mandalore great again. As long as it was just me versus the Duchess, the centrists who disliked the New Mandalorian's pacifism would side with me as they would prefer to get rid of the Duchess. But if it becomes a fight between my Death Watch and these Silver Mandalorians, well it'll result in the next Mandalorian Civil War just without a Mandalore playing both sides against each other. That would be bad for the image of Death Watch as more connections would be drawn between my Death Watch and my uncle's Death Watch.

Considering how brutal that prior incarnation of Death Watch had ended up being, it would not be good for recruitment and could be the end of the whole business right away. I would need to be careful, a lot more careful than I had been planning for, just because this White Silver may reappear at any time and raise an army to fight me. I would need to also think of a strategy to undercut the New Mandalorian's new ally, but how? The Silver Mandalorians are going to follow their leader and their leader had basically stated they followed the Duchess since she was duly elected.

Perhaps I could undermine this mindset by showing that that election was a bit of a farce. Shake the confidence in their leadership's understanding of history and maybe they would not remain die-hard supporters. Perhaps force a few of them to consider other Mandalores, ones with a proper election of Clan Leaders.

A man could dream but perhaps I should look into finding more supporters outside the sector. So far the Silver Codex is really only taking off inside the sector. Mandalorians who were part of the Diaspora were either ambivalent or never heard of it. If I could find supporters from outside the sector, they could provide weapons, arms, and equipment, not to mention the manpower needed in case the operation went under. Supposedly, I would have a droid army delivered to me. I have been on schedule for our plan to make Death Watch look like the true heroes of the situation merely waiting for when Satine obviously failed to prevent the Republic from invading Mandalore, as they always tend to do whenever a problem showed up.

But trusting Dooku for everything was unlikely to work out. He was a former Jedi and there was one thing that I knew about Jedi, they don't like Mandalorians. I am sure he was planning to use me as much as I was planning to use him, which was why I needed backup plans now more than ever. There are plenty of other leaders of the Separatists that I could talk to including Alzar. A few who were part of Mandalorian culture that might be willing to support our operations to free Mandalore from the Republic's tyranny and the New Mandalorian overseers they had installed.

The question now is which one to work with in order to obtain the best deal? I didn't trust these other groups, much as they didn't trust me. I was sure they would want to take over the Mandalorian sector if they got the chance and damn the Darksaber. They wouldn't consider it a valid claim to the throne of Mandalore just as they had never considered the various 'original' Masks of Mandalore which had popped up over the last 3000 years since the original went missing as grounds for valid claims.

I needed to plan and think, come up with a solution that would allow for a successful coup and removal of the Duchess. Otherwise I'd have to just give up and consider the truly distasteful possibility that the Old Ways might really be on their way out.

Writers note: I'm currently writing chapter 24, so I don't really remember all the secret details we hid in here can't really teases everything in the ending notes, but it's safe to say, the standard has changed. Hope everyone enjoys. Also make sure to check out art from Sky 66 and Maryon on the thread it's great.

Edited by : Warmach1ne32, Markus Gollinger, Lord feunoyr, Luke theman, Elseud, FallQm,
Community edited by: Commander: NightDK, Canned Tomatoes (did some suggestions that sound more like Yoda) William Hitchens, Joshua Richardson
Community editable doc (Chapter 21) No story suggestions in the community editing document, Keep all story suggestions and comments in the thread

Supporters: Afforess, Gremlin Jack, Weise, Xodarap4, Duncan Sproule, James Moorhouse, Dankermaler, Hats88, DrkShdow, Devilstar101, Michael, Mana Rope, Falk Hüser, Daniel Martinez, Silver Wolf, Mackenzie Buckle, Markus, Neso, Staradder, Lmc9389, Staradder, victor a lopez-barron, KrasieK, Zollus, Mintea, Jog256, Ethan Dowie, Maxim Blashkevych
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Chapter 22
Chapter 22
714 FNM (24 BBY)
Month 10

Hyperspace, En-route to Ordo

Brewing a cup of tea, I maintained my stance as the ship jumped into Hyperspace. We had just left the planet of Gargon, my Mistress's new holdings in a manner of speaking. Yes, Mistress handed over daily operations of Mandal Hypernautics to a local and her aunt. However, the fact that I was to be Mistress's liaison with those two, as well as handling much of the financials of the company until the situation was completely under control, indicated that for all due purposes Mandal Hypernautics is now her company and everything it touched is her holding, including Gargon.

I was always amazed by my Mistress's capabilities. She had come to this planet to deal with someone stealing her name and here she was walking away with the planet as her property. Of course the local gangs and nomads would say that they owned it but do they really?

The gangs were looking for someone to make their planet more legitimate. In order to bring it into compliance with the rest of the sector so as to bring in more wealth. Which would work perfectly for my Mistress's plan for a luxury world for the rich and famous to stop off on.

The Nomadic Clans were, in essence, indebted to her for her act to save a fellow Nomadic Clan, ensuring that they would come to her call if she ever needed it.

The planet may have its own rulership but it was definitely leaning in favor towards my Mistress now. And it will be her power base that she could call upon if something troubling were to happen and their resources required to mitigate or fix the problem. It was amazing that she was able to think so far ahead to create a series of events that resulted in her having such strong control over the people around her.

Really, she was setting herself up to be a glorious leader of her people while claiming not to be interested in such roles. No doubt this was a ruse or at the very least to maintain deniability. When it is time for her to take control of Mandalore as the new Mand'alor, I do not know how she will do it but I know I would be there serving graciously under her as is my role in existence.

Once the tea finished brewing I walked across the dining area of the little ship and put the cup of tea on the table in front of Tanya who nodded her appreciation. "Thank you, X4." She said with a smile, taking the glass and sipping at it.

I was about to turn away when Tanya asked a question, "Any reports from Vai I should know about?"

I spun my neck a little as a best approximation of a shake of a head. "No Mistress Tanya. Lady Vizla has completed the majority of their stops and is on schedule to travel to Ordo in 74 hours and 39 minutes from Jakelia."

"Perfect," she said with a smile as she leaned back in her chair, "and I can finally get back to being a senator and not a glorified freedom fighter." She sipped her tea before looking to the side of her head at a little bit of auburn hair hanging there.

"Need to dye my hair back to blonde." she muttered in annoyance, before sipping her drink again.

"I have already picked up a few shades of dye from Gargon City while we were there, Mistress, in preparations for reapplying your disguise." I said stepping away to get to work on something else.

"Thank you X4." Tanya said before putting her cup down and reaching down to her side grabbing the sword that hung there she put it on the table, "Now what am I going to do about you?" she muttered and she looked at the blade.

The blade was taken from the CEO of Mandal Hypernautics when Mistress beat him to the ground on live holo. She already had it transferred here as well as a slug throwing revolver that Clan Morson commissioned as a thank you gift for saving their lives. I've already inspected both and determined that it should be her property though she had yet to take a look at it. The revolver is a rather elegant model that has been known among the locals for being reliable, well balanced, accurate, and fairly deadly to those without armor. It is lined with chrome to give it a silvery finish as well as being engraved with her signature wing design.

Carefully, Mistress unsheathed the blade and looked at the writing along the flat of it. It was interesting watching her read it as she blinked several times in confusion. I already translated it from Mandoa to Basic when I inspected it, 'So I wear it, proclaimed itself to be the blade of the Warlord of Clan Kryze, rightful Ruler of Kalevala'. Though I was curious what my Mistress's reaction to it would be, being that it was most likely my Mistress's ancestor's sword.

"Huh, I have to figure out a way to get this to aunt Satine. It's her blade as far as I'm concerned." She said before she sheathed it again before reaching for her tea once more.

I would have said something but Mr. Muduuc had stepped into the room and walked up next to me reaching into a cupboard to grab a cup.

"Hey X4," he said in a rather gruff tone whispering in a very conspiratorial way, "did you happen to take care of that thing I asked you to take care of?"

I nodded and said, "Yes, the record you wished to remove has been removed." Referring to his request that I delete any indication that he had ever worked for Mandal Hypernautics. I was unaware of what he had been doing for Mandal Hypernautics but I was suspicious that there was quite a lot going on that even I was unaware of.

An agent of my Mistress just happens to be working for the company that my Mistress is now in control of before then. Well that was an interesting coincidence or is it perhaps this was part of one of many Tanya's schemes? Has all of this been a plan from the start to take over the company? There is no proof of course, my Mistress was too good for that for my Mistress was a wise and mischievous Mandalorian. I can only wish to be as good as her one day, so that I may serve her better.

Mr. Muduuc nodded his head before walking over and sitting down next to Mistress. "Hey kid, how are you doing?" He commented rather plainly before spotted the blade and reached down to pick up the sword. "Huh, this reminds me of your grandfather's sword. Old bastard loved that thing. It was shaped sometime during the Mandalorian Wars only slightly altered over the last thousand years or so." He said pulling the scabbard off, revealing the information written on the flight of the blade.

Mr. Muduuc's normally passive face changed as his eyes bugged out looking at the blade. He quickly turned it over on the sides, examining it before stating, "This is your grandfather's blade, isn't it."

Mistress made a noise of compliance before saying, "Technically I believe it would be Satine's blade now, as it says it goes to the ruler of Kalevala."

Mr. Muduuc immediately shook his head, "No no, this blade belongs to a warrior not to someone who has been running away from her warrior ways for all her life. If anyone should have it, it should be you." he seemed to stop before looking at her and saying, "Well I think it's already found the rightful owner as far as I'm concerned." Before reseheathing it and putting it back down on the table.

"I'm not a warrior, I am simply a politician." Mistress said, waving the idea away which resulted in him laughing in her face.

"That's what your grandfather said actually, word for word. You understand that war is just diplomacy by other means, if anything this proves you are the rightful owner of this sword, kid." He said as he reached over and messed up her hair a bit. "Maybe you come from the other direction but you understand the necessity of actually being able to fight, which makes you the perfect one to own this. Leave it up on a mantle if you want but have it close by so that he will bring you luck."

"He?" Mistress asked, sounding confused.

"Ah right, old traditions have the Mandalorian's spirit be imbued within their armor and weapons when they die. So in essence your grandfather's blade is your grandfather, here to watch after you and your fights."

"Ah, that makes sense," Mistress said before continuing, "though I really believe that the blade should go to Satine, so that she could at least be given the chance to have it first. I need to find some way to arrange it to fall into her hands."

Mr. Muduuc shrugged and said, "That's what you want to do kid, but trust me with how often she melts down beskar armor and weapons, it would be better just to hang it up on the wall and get more use out of it than if you handed it over."

"Noted." Tanya said matter of factly before sipping her drink.

Shaking my head, I wondered how she was able to do this already as she was making moves to take over Kalevala. She even managed to get someone to basically beg her to do it. I must double my efforts to be even better at creating the funding she needed in order to make sure she was successful in her efforts to rebuild Mandalore in the image she saw it in.

Shouldn't be that hard now that there is a worthy planet to base most of my Mistress's company out off as Gargon had quite a large smuggler population that transited its way through, plenty of pilots to choose from, and the legalities of the planet were such that no one would look about a few holding corporations claiming to be from there. Not to mention I could acquire quite a lot of muscle from the local mercenaries. Yes, Gargon would be a perfect planet to build a functional financial empire out of, to support my Mistress's goals of course.

Before I could get any deeper into those thoughts, more of the crew of the ship started finding their way in, grabbing drinks and food, talking, and chatting turning the atmosphere into a pleasant one. One of them had turned on the TV to watch some of the recorded episodes of the Silver Rider that had been loaded into the mainframe.

It's quite a pleasant environment to return to after the combat they had been through I imagined. And now their loyalty was all but assured since they had fought by my Mistress's side to unseat the False Silver. Perhaps I should involve them in a few of my operations to make money? I would have to be careful though, make sure the Royal Guards are not going to think I was doing anything illegal or getting involved in anything that was too morally ambiguous. But it would be beneficial for all parties involved if I were to utilize some of their skills. The slicer, Mr. Mok would be quite useful in setting up some more of the harder companies to fund.

Yes, I should look into that. Perhaps I should also look into getting a few more droids for the growing space fleet I would now be acquiring through ownership of Mandal Hypernautics. So many different opportunities, so many options to know where to even start. However I knew one thing, to trust in my Mistress and the plans she creates and everything would work out. Now what should I make my Mistress for today? I picked up something called a sugar cookie dough that would be fine I think, right? She did seem to enjoy sweets, yes that would be perfect.

Kalevala, Kryze Clan Fortress
Satine Kryze

'How many years has it been since I've been home?' I wondered as I looked up from the shuttle platform at the old family estate. It has been close to a decade, if not more. The last time I was here was to say goodbye as I left for Mandalore.

Shaking my head I moved across the somewhat clean platform, sand had somehow found its way up here, which is to be expected in a desert world, It finds its way everywhere. I made my way to the front door quickly typed in the old security code. Without fuss or issue, the doors opened before me, allowing me to step inside as two of my Royal Guards accompanied me. They weren't really needed, this place was so well defended and out in the middle of nowhere I doubted anyone would set up an ambush here but it is their job to be by my side and I might need their help to haul the armor back.

I still had not heard from the Zum yet, but it was only a matter of time. He'll pop up sooner or later, I am sure. If not, well I guess I could use the Royal Guard's armorer for the task and all that. But either way, it was time for me to find my old armor. The beskar in it was a family heirloom and I should probably have it ready for the creation of this new set. If I decide to go through with it, I'm still a bit unsure on the matter. At the time I originally came up with the idea I was certain, now I was having second thoughts.

Old pacifist habits die hard I suppose. I've probably been drawn too far into the nature of pacifism over the last few decades, assuming that complete pacifism as the New Mandalorians dictated was the right way when there probably was, as Tanya had proposed, a middle ground somewhere that both sides could come to an agreement or compromise. I'll have to see if I could find this middle ground now and that would take time. Old strill, new tricks as the saying goes.

Clearing my mind, I reached up and removed the atmospheric mask before putting it on a rack. The other two guards reached up and pulled off their masks as well. It's a design that fits neatly under their helmets compared to mine which was more of an older model with notable filters.

Once that was done, I moved over to the panel and pressed a button to initiate the decontamination procedures, removing any chemical or radioactive material that might have flowed into the building with us.

This is a constant fight on Kalevala, while it wasn't as badly bombarded as Mandalore since Kalevala's ecosystem is still somewhat functioning but a large swath is covered in poison. Kalevala had been bombarded with a lot of stuff over the decades, heavy metals being one of the more notable poisons in the atmosphere. That's why most of Kalevala lived in atmospherically controlled cubes that allowed them to make sure nothing dangerous got into the buildings. Really, Mandalore had gotten off comparatively lightly since Mandalore doesn't have to deal with a poisoned atmosphere. Although the biosphere was still functioning on Mandalore, well everything was dead and nothing really moved so any poisons were able to be cleaned up rather easily and buried deep underground. In most cases I'm sure there are regions that were worse than others but they tended to be far away from population centers and safely forgotten.

As soon as the decontamination room stopped cycling, I stepped out and started walking down the hallway admiring the sculptures of my ancestors and the paintings on the walls. One thing that I shared with most of my family was an enjoyment of Mandalorian art. One of the first things I had done when I had taken up residency at the Royal Palace of Mandalore was commissioning cubic art for the walls, in order to remind me of home. Here the paintings are, for the most part, depicting various members of the Clan Kryze throughout the last hundred years. Most of the older stuff were on other levels since the platform had only been constructed 100 years back. So I recognized some of these faces, from grandfather to father to brother and his wife. I stopped and looked at a particular wall, noting how much Korkie took after his father. Give it a few more years and I probably would not be able to tell the difference, besides the slight hair color change between the two. Shaking my head with a chuckle I continued on my way paying some respects to a bust of my father, commissioned after his death.

He's always been a strong warrior and a good man who has done his best to maintain the peace after grandfather died. I suspected if things had gone differently, he would have ended up ruler of Mandalore and probably brought in the type of society Tanya wanted. Maybe a little bit more aggressive than what she stated, since he was a True Mandalorian after all. He reveled in combat but he understood that there was a need for peace more than any other leader in the sector I'd seen.

It was a terrible thing how he died. The only thing I have been able to dig up over the years was that Martial Traditionalists, that had been connected to the clans currently running Mandalore after The Siege, had invaded Kalevala for material aid after all their ability to produce food on Mandalore during that time was all but destroyed. I have been trying to negotiate some sort of agreement when they had decided to backstab him and launched the raid. After that things became murky as my father's sword and armor were stolen. I know my brother died that day with his armor taken as well as my sister, Bo Katan, went into hiding. As for my sister-in-law, she supposedly survived but died sometime later with her armor stolen after her death.

Over the years I had actually managed to get a hold of my father and my brother's armors. Some low life had been trying to sell them on the open market but I thankfully put a stop to that. It was actually the last time I've been here as I placed their armors into their rooms as a final testament to them returning home. Bit of the Old Mandalorian still in me, I guess.

As for my sister-in-law's armor, that was still a bit of a mystery. Being of Clan Keldau her family line was somewhat important to the Traditionalist, so I suspected it had ended up in their hands. A lot of Mandalorians had come from Clan Keldau and I wouldn't be surprised if it was in some reliquary somewhere, as a testament to the final Keldau. But just as likely it could have been melted down at some point. Maybe even becoming part of the Sundari's walls which were reinforced with bits of beskar.

Moving on, I walked further into the fortress only stopping when I reached a familiar doorway, the entrance to one of the few rooms in the building. Smiling, I looked at the old door with fond memories. Remembering long gone days of my childhood and early teenage years before things went terrible.

Once I had my fill of nostalgia, I reached down and grabbed the door handle, expecting it to be locked. After all, it had been years since I've been here and I'm pretty sure I had locked it. But it wasn't, as a simple touch the door slid open. Now these doors were normally hermetically sealed shut, there was a locking mechanism that kept them locked and then there was the mechanism that kept the environment from being exposed to any contaminants if something ever happened to blast a wall open. So by all rights the door should not have opened like that, but it did. It slid open to the side before coming to a stop without a hiss to indicate that it was sealed tight, leaving me there stunned.

Has someone broken in? But the facility had been locked down perfectly fine and no alarms ever sprung up. Someone had to have snuck in and if there was someone inside why would they have broken into my room? Confused, I walked into my room smiling at the fact that besides the strangeness of my door being broken in it was still as I remembered it. My bed sheets are still neatly made, in fact the room was somewhat lit by a window through the curtains and a few posters from Coruscant musical groups I have been into at the time of my youth were on the walls. And on my old desk there were a few etchings that reminded me of how bored I could get one if I didn't have a lot of things to do, something you just didn't have once you got older.

If anything the room looks perfectly inta-, No, wait there was something off. The bed may have been made but it was slightly wrinkled as if someone or something had laid on top of it. Right in front of my closet in fact, like someone sat on it. Facing my closet I immediately walked over to the door and hit a button to open it, revealing an empty armor stand. Someone had stolen my armor. Who the hell would steal my armor!? Why would anyone steal my armor? What point is there to steal my armor? Why? This was possibly the most disconcerting event I had ever had and I had no idea who was behind this transgression.

If someone had broken in to steal my armor had they stolen everyone else's armor as well? I stepped out of my room and started walking down the hall quickly, reaching my parents room pressing a few buttons, the door sprung open and I stepped inside. It was still as it should be, the bed was made and besides a little bit of dust from what appeared to be a crack in the wall it was fine, I'll need to have someone send over here and fix that up later. Walking over to my parents' closet, I pressed a few buttons and opened both doors revealing my mother's armor and my father's armor exactly where they should be so they had not been stolen.

Turning to the guards I said, "Check the building for any signs that someone had broken in."

They both saluted and said, "Yes, my Duchess." before walking out. Turning back to the sets of armor, I was trying to figure out what had gone down here. Someone had broken into my estate just to steal my armor specifically. Who would do that and why? I know I'm going to get back into that circle. So after shaking my head I stepped outside and walked down the hall to my brother's room. Perhaps there are more stolen that might explain something or it might not, pressing a few buttons I walked across it to the closet and pressed a few more to open it and there his armor was, exactly where I left it all those years ago.

Shaking my head I walked back into my parents' room. Closing the door to get myself a moment to think, who would break into my room to steal my armor? Wait a moment I thought as I tilted my head towards a camera at the corner of the room. Standing up I walked across the room to a terminal and pressed a few buttons before bringing up security footage of the building. There was nothing in the room but it would tell me who had entered it in the last decade or so.

And according to this there had only been two groups in this building in the last decade, one was Tanya, Korkie, and Bo Katan, obviously exploring the building for its architectural and artistic merits.

The other was Bo Katan and Tanya and as I watched them leave on their way out Tanya was carrying a sack full of something that looks suspiciously like armor.

I had to take several deep breaths when I saw Tanya steal something from me, it was a little too much. Seeing that it was my sister's influence that had done it, I will ring her neck the next time I see her. Although I had to wonder why she had to steal my armor, did she know? No, that was impossible, just a random chance could have easily stolen my mother's or her father's armor for what was obviously a reforging project. Re-forging project… Zum was going to have to answer me on that. I have a feeling they've been moving around and behind my back and I felt a bit betrayed. Not too greatly since obviously the armor had been for protection, but it is the principle of the matter. I was going to have to come down a little bit hard on them so they didn't do things like this behind my back ever again. Kriff I'm already going to have to come down hard on them for the whole Gargon business so I would just add that to my list of things to quietly yell at them about.

Shaking my head I walked over to my parents' armor giving them a bit of a test before sighing. I was now without armor and here are two perfectly good sets right here in front of me. It may not be my original armor set but this one was as good as any. Carefully I removed pieces from both sets and stored them on the bed sheet. As much as I would like to keep them as a little bit of a shrine for my parents, they would do better to help me protect Mandalore in a new role if they were reforged. That's what I needed in this coming age.

Ordo, Clan Ordo Museum
Tanya Kryze

Finally, safe and sound. Away from the craziness I had to get myself involved in for the betterment of the sector, we arrived on Ordo's home planet of Ordo. I always find it hilarious how there could be a clan named after a planet with a planet named after a clan, like how Mandalore is the name of the sector, a planet, and a political position. I'll have to take a moment to look into which came first when I get a chance. Either way, we'd arrived at a rather secluded area in the far north of the planet, one of the many desert stretches where we arrived at Clan Ordo's main museum complex.

Engiz has always wanted to bring me here to look around so I figured it would be a great place for our little trip. Not to mention it wasn't a very popular tourist destination, which means there weren't a lot of people watching this area as far as I was aware. So when Vai and the other guards showed up here, they could simply just walk into our room and as far as anyone would know they had been with the group the entire time.

Well, that was the hope at least. With any luck, nothing had gone completely wrong and my alibi was firmly secured. If it wasn't, well I'll just deal with it if something comes up.

Anyways, the complex we've landed in was apparently not a very busy place, mostly academics interested in looking at records. That's why we came here though, this place had been set up to be a tourist spot, but it never became a popular one. We were staying in a hotel that was part of the museum. It overlooked most of the desert around us which was a light pink in color. I am not sure how the sand came out that way, probably due to trace minerals like those pink salts that a colleague in your first life. He talked about how his wife bought a bag of it after reading their health benefits off the internet. He swore that soaking in a bath with the pink salt every night helped ease his chronic his back pain. I wasn't a geologist so it was not like I would know something like this. If I was curious enough, I might look it up when I get a chance.

Besides that, the place was a very finely furnished hotel, it could probably give some of the places of my first life a run for its money, with the amenities offered. A small holovid theater, on one end of the roof is a pool inside a glass room to prevent contaminants from getting in, several traditional Ordo restaurants although most of them were closed for the off season. I guess we had arrived at a fairly quiet time for the facility. And most importantly, the complex also has private landing pads on several of the floors that were meant for security details of the rich and famous.

I would have to thank X4 when I got the chance and reimburse him because he had outdone himself by having the funding to rent this hotel suite for the time we needed it. It also makes rejoining Vai even easier since all they need to do is land on the pad walk in the building and we'd be good. I doubted anyone was looking for me but it was better to be safe than sorry.

But worrying about that kind of stuff was for later when Vai finally arrived, right now I was enjoying my time looking at the museum. Ordo was leading the way, showing off several relics, artifacts, and recreations talking about their history. There were quite a lot of items here, mostly weapons and a few pieces of ancient mandalorian armor with names related to various clans and other time periods.

There were walls of blasters of various designs, obviously some of them were older than the Galactic Republic. As well as a few slug throwers the further back in history we get.

It is to be expected really, considering what Ordo was in the long run. Ordo could be considered an arsenal world as it produced a lot of weapons and sold them to anyone with the money. They kind of proved my point about how we can profit off our abilities without having to take part in major conflicts.

Oh sure, members of Clan Ordo had been involved in the recent Civil War but the clan itself has never taken an official side. Those are just elements of their population who decided to join up with either side or settle old grudges. As far as the government was concerned they were not part of the conflict and they sold weapons to either side as a true neutral. A lot of their examples could probably be applied to the rest of the sector and would save the Mandalorian sector a lot of pain. They also proved my point about museums, this museum was also a fortress designed to protect the relics and data about how to make them.

Under each weapon was a design sheet explaining exactly how they were built, what equipment and material was used, and how to set up a factory to construct them. Important information for if you ever needed to rebuild a weapons factory or create a replica. And as we progressed through the facility I found more and more examples of this type of thinking. They preserve a relic or replicate it and then have a data pad attached to the display that explains exactly how it was constructed, with what materials, and how to do it. Additional information on the history of the design, its impact on history, and interesting trivia are available in various labeled tabs at the top of the pad.

Considering large parts of the facility were underground, I could assume that there were servers deep below with this information in triplicate. Ordo was ready to rebuild its arm industry with whatever was left if something were to happen. However, most of these weapons are outdated museum pieces that would not cut it in a modern battlefield. Like a muzzle loading rifle facing off against a modern M4 assault rifle. Of course war is not as simple as Gun A vs Gun B, its Army A with their tanks, aircraft, and logistics vs Army B with their tanks, aircraft, and logistics. A Mandalorian Battlegroup from the Mandalorian Wars would still mop the floor of the Trade Federation blockade over Naboo, even if the Mandalorians had a more primitive arsenal. In either case, Ordo also has several more modern equipment like a few WESTAR pistols or Galaar blasters but they don't have the manufacturing information listed, most likely it is under copyright protection. Weapons that do have their manufacturing information listed were probably old enough to fall under Fair Use or too obsolete to compete with modern designs.

Stepping into the next room, I saw that the museum wasn't just restricted to armor and weapons. There's an ancient aerofighter jet just sitting there as well as walls of little models of various ship designs with screens below to access each one. I could only smile at the repository of knowledge hidden under the sands of this world. It might seem to be mainly focused on the weapons but that was just because of Mandalorian nature.

There were other rooms we had gone through, libraries of reference pads and information detailing the history of Mandalore from Clan Ordo's point of view. There was even a system for you to check out those datapads while you're staying at the hotel, which I had picked out a couple already.

The one peaking my interest the most was a datapad by the title of 'The Last True Mandalore' a biography of Canderous Ordo. Considering that particular Mand'alor had been from 4,000 years ago. I wondered why they called him the last Mand'alor, then again he was probably one of the last Ordo to be a Mand'alor so it was likely just a simple opinion on the matter. Either way I'd pick that up as well as a few other datapads that I would read when I got the chance while staying here. Didn't even need to return them officially as long as you left them in the hotel room when you left, it would be returned for you so I felt no worries about making a mistake and not returning them.

I started walking towards the next room when Ordo took me over to a side passage. Pointing down the way he said, "There's a restaurant over here that's really great and it's almost lunch time, you want to get something?"

'I wouldn't say no to that.' I thought before saying, "Sure." Falling behind him as he led the way. After all it has been a long day and I was technically his guest in this world when you really thought about it.

His family ran the place after all and… hmm now that I thought about it Engiz is a Prince for lack of better words and it's strange that he had basically ended up in my retinue. I wonder if there was some sort of political game being played here? My aunt was rather shrewd and ensuring an alliance with Clan Ordo would definitely make sure her reign would continue. No, there was no guarantee for anything like that. Yes, I knew that there was a chance I might be married off at some point for playing the political game, but putting a potential marriage candidate next to them at all times in order to build a relationship was a little bit much. No guarantee it would work out, but if you're going to do that you would include more than one just so you would have double the chances it would work out. As far as I was aware Ordo was the only one with any political family relations.

Leading the way to the hallway, we arrived at a small stall where a man was cooking what looked like some sort of ramen noodle type of food. Like a lot of spices and greenery was going in the pot though I wasn't exactly sure what was being cooked.

Ordo pulled out a seat for me and I took it before he took one himself saying, "This place is a little out of the way but I've had food here before and it's pretty good especially their Munit Gi Soup."

"I'll take that under recommendation." I said as the chef of the installation walked over and said "What will you have?" Having no particular idea what was here I simply went with what order suggested saying, "Munit Gi Soup for me."

"The same." Ordo said not even bothering to open up his menu. The older gentleman who was the chef nodded before walking away starting to cook something. Whatever it was, it smelled incredible and was making me a bit hungry.

"So how are you enjoying the museum so far?" Ordo asked, seeming a bit wound up.

Smiling, I said, "I enjoyed it quite a bit, lots of neat little artifacts and weapons are cool. Can't wait to get to the second half of it to see what other stuff is in there. Though I wonder how this facility came to be? What led people to create it?"

"I think it was five generations after Canderous Ordo, he did a lot to rebuild the planet and the clan after our return from Duxon. But after the conflicts that followed his time, his armor was lost which became kind of a shame to the whole clan. Not wanting that to ever happen again they decided to turn the old Ordo's home into this facility and it's just been built up over the millennia ever since."

"So this used to be a Mand'alor's Palace then." I noted which Ordo nodded his agreement.

"One of the larger ones, I believe. Though that might just be a rumor, it could have been very small. Again, things have been lost to history, things we've regretted being lost so we've done our best to store things better ever since."

"As it should be." I noted as the chef walked over putting two bowls in front of us. It looked and smelled like ramen with dumplings yet it smelled like fish sauce. Carefully I grabbed the utensils and picked up the food before putting it in my mouth. "Mmm, it is very good." I said digging and enjoying the strange yet pleasant taste of pumpkin spice fish dumplings as well as the peaceful atmosphere of this whole trip. A complete 180 of the last few days of chaos. Hopefully everything would remain this way for the rest of the trip.

Ordo, Ordo Hotel
Vai Viktis Vizla

Stepping down the ramp I had nothing but a smile on my face after being on a long trip from Jakelia to Ordo. I was glad to finally be heading towards my escape out of this green dress, to be able to wear my colors again and stop pretending to be Tanya.

As much as I had fun spending time with Tabi during the trip, I've been constantly worried of being caught out or exposed. But that worry was soon to be over as far as I was concerned. Carrying my bags, I moved quickly across the landing platform heading for the door that would enter the room where Tanya was staying. Once inside, it was mission completed and I can go back to being relaxed as a handmaiden instead of a body double.

Well, technically I was always a body double but active body double would be the correct term I guess. Either way, I only stopped for a moment to struggle with the door before I stepped inside, happy to see that the accommodations were quite nice.

It would appear that the suite has a kitchen, a living room, and central area overlooking the landing pad with two floors. I assume the floor on top was for me and Tanya's rooms since those would be harder to get to while the rooms on the bottom floor will probably be for everyone else.

As soon as I stepped inside, I heard someone call my name from above and looking up I saw Tanya standing there, her hand on the banister with a smile on her face. I smiled back before saying, "I have returned from the mission princess, and I brought gifts from Harswee and Jakelia." whilst holding up the bags in my hands, full of clothing that I'd purchased for me and her.

"Good work Vai." she said, starting to walk down the stairs. "I don't think we'll get a chance to use those gifts before we get back to Coruscant. We're only here for another 3 days and then we're going to Mandalore. It's not like there's a lot of partying here or events to wear the fancy clothes that Harswee produces.

"I doubt that." Tabi said coming in carrying suitcases full of my stuff. Kastel came in after him carrying all of their stuff. And as the door closed the Regum sealed up its forward doors and locked itself the droid inside, having been programmed to do that to prevent theft.

"Oh? Well that's unfortunate, though still I think we might get some use out of these clothes before then." I said holding out one bag for her as she finally stepped onto the ground floor.

Before Tanya looked inside, Kastel spoke up, "Hey, where's the other ship that you guys came in here with?"

Tanya matter of factly reached out and grabbed the bag before saying, "The Ratio has set sail on a mission to make a few appearances around the sector, trying to create false trails on which way I went after the chaos at Gargon."

Kastel nodded as Tabi spoke up, "By the way, that was awesome, well you just took that bolt in the chest like it was nothing and melted that guy's gun to slag in his hands, that's the stuff of Legends. And the beat down you gave the fake Silver, yeah there's going to be a few people who wanted to have your boot on top of them."

I turned my head to look at Tabi with a look of disdain on my face. He saw my quick movement and said, "What? The holonet is a sick place and there are a lot of weirdos in the Galaxy. Anything you do will be taken out of context, that is just the way the galaxy works."

"Still that's not exactly polite conversation." I pointed out. Tanya, who had cracked her eyebrow a bit, shakes her head in mock disgust. "Denisons of the internet are the same everywhere you go." she muttered, making me tilt my head as I wondered what is the internet?

But I shook it off and immediately just said, "Come on open the bag. I want to see your reaction to what we got you."

"Fine, fine." she said, shaking her head with a look of amusement before she finally opened the bag and looked inside. At first she looked in there and seemed to not realize what it was having a sort of a confused look on her face but then, the look on her face was priceless as her entire body went rigid. Her eyes wide with a bit of shock, her hair sending a little bit more straighter, not to mention a little bit of flush that went to her as realization dawned on her. It was absolutely perfect and exactly what I was hoping to get.

Tanya closed the bag and coughed before saying, "Yes, very nice Vai. I am uh, thank you for this gift, um I'll make sure to use it when I get a chance."

"Oh? But there's a chance right now." I said matter of factly, pointing out that the ceiling. "I saw a pool on top of the roof so we can spend the day in the water and relax while I tell you that running around the planet trying to pretend to be you is hard work. I could use a soak in the water and sun. I imagine you're in no better shape after fighting your way through a city."

The redness in her cheeks was cute, the look of consternation from the fact that she really had no way out of it is even better. Oh, sure she could say 'No, no, I'm not interested' but I'm going to the pool considering there was nothing else on this planet I wanted to do. Seriously, this whole complex was something Tanya was interested in. I'd rather have gone to one of the more equatorial regions. I heard Ordo had a kick-ass party scene but we were here at the ass end of nowhere surrounded by deserts and a bit of ice that managed to survive the day.

Tanya audibly gulped before finally saying, "Yes I guess that's right. I'll go put this on." before turning to walk up the stairs looking rather defeated with her lowered shoulders, like she is on her way to a firing squad. Actually I think she would prefer the firing squad. I held it in until she finally closed the door to her room on the second floor then I let out a chuckle and high-fived Tabi who was laughing as well.

"Perfect revenge." he said matter of factly, with a smile.

"But wait, there's more." I said as the subject that would make it a perfect revenge came into the room.

Engiz Ordo stepped out from his room on the first floor looking around, "Oh hey guys, you're back." he said with a smile.

"Hey Engiz, you have a Royal Guard swimsuit right? They give those out as part of your uniforms for training I believe?"

"Yeah, we got something like that. Why?"

"Oh nothing much, me and Tanya are going to go up to the pool to enjoy the water and I thought it would be best to have you, Tabi, and Kastel up there to make sure we're safe."

Immediately he nodded his head in understanding and gave us a salute "Will do." Before heading back into his room to get his stuff.

"You two are absolutely evil, you know that right?" Kastel said, putting the luggage down on the couch and shaking his head as he did so.

"Correction, we two are fun." Tabi said, putting his arm around me before giving me a kiss on the cheek. "And this is probably the second funnest thing we've done with Tanya."

"Probably would be third if we had been allowed to go with her to Gargon." I muttered with annoyance before picking up my bag with my swimsuit in it. "See you two on the roof." I said before ascending the stairs and heading to my room, closing the door behind me.

Ordo, Ordo Hotel Pool
Vai Viktis Vizla

Smiling, I sat on a chair that can lean back quite a bit while enjoying the sun. I've managed to get out before Tanya, mainly because I wanted to see the reaction of the boys' faces when she gets here. This whole thing was hilarious and I was going to enjoy every moment of it, just had to wait till she got out here.

Currently Kastel and Ordo are tossing a ball back in the pool enjoying the water they are in regular swimsuits which they cut some nice figures with all the training that they got. Though I had to say the amount of tattoos Kastel had on his skin was a surprising wonder. What most of them meant, I think a few are ancient symbols. There is definitely an iron heart in the center of his chest, perhaps a mythosaur skull on his shoulder, and on the other shoulder isn't one of the more known ones so perhaps it's a local clan one? 'I need to find out more about him. He's too closed off.' I thought as they continued to toss the ball around.

Tabi was currently swimming laps back and forth, in a rather tight fitting swim suit which was enjoyable to watch. I'm wondering if I should get the other guards up here, but they are probably busy with their own stuff.

Plus, I figure they probably would not have given the right amount of embarrassment out of Tanya. I've seen the way she'd look at the Silver Rider on the holo-screen. She was attracted to young muscular men like any Mandalorian girl, and well the three veteran members fell out of that category rather quickly even if they weren't that much older.

Whatever I thought I was going to have we're interrupted as the door to the swimming area opened and Tanya walked in. Looks like I'd gotten the measurements right and she seemed to have no trouble entering the area with a slightly defiant look on her face as she looked around the area seeing that it was not just me and her up here.

Ever since I've known her she's only ever really worn one piece swimsuits and I don't know why. We may have only been swimming three or four times as a pastime so maybe she didn't really have time to get a real swimsuit. All the other times she'd swim, she'd done it in full clothing or her armor as part of our survival training so we were both quite adept at swimming in full kit.

That is of course not what I had gotten for her, instead I bought her a two-piece swimsuit. A little bit tight that shows so much skin but did the job of covering up everything important. It even came with a sheer fabric wrapped to go around the waist if the person was a little bit more self-conscious. It is a very good swimsuit, so I got her one in green and mine in blue so we matched.

She looked absolutely stunning in it, thanks to her long years of training she had a very fit, slightly muscular form. Nothing too hard and there are a few areas of softness but it worked for her. I heard more than saw a bonk, causing my head to turn to see that Ordo had apparently been so stunned he didn't see the ball coming from Kastel as it bounced off his head into the ceiling up above before landing in the water.

Shaking her head, Tanya walked along the edge of the pool to the set of chairs I had set up on and pulled off her wrap before putting it on one of the chairs saying, "I thought you said you were going to go for a swim?"

"Thought I'd wait for you." I said, matter of factly, starting to get up.

She made a huff that said she didn't believe me but simply shook her head for walking over to the pool. Cleaning her hands on her hips as she looked at the board across from her to read the pool instructions and saying "Sure sure, I believe you Vai." Without waiting for my response, she dove in head first to the deep end before starting to do a few laps in the pool.

I laughed as I realized she was attempting to cope with the little bit of embarrassment about this whole thing by turning it into an exercise, something that would not be wasted on her. Shaking my head, I cannon balled in after her before joining her in her laps. Might as well make it a bit of a competition between us and I'm sure the boys wouldn't mind.

Ordo, Ordo Museum Library Section
Tanya Kryze

After an hour of exercising in the pool, I am now exploring through one of the older sections of the library that made up the Ordo Museum. I marvel at some of the relics that apparently were kept on display but hidden from the outside world.

I was in one of the deeper sections, supposedly dating back to the original establishment of the complex and apparently they felt that this was so far deep in that no one would ever go looking here. On the wall were several lightsabers, ancient affairs mostly marked as war loot taken from conflicts that's generally from the Mandalorian Wars.

One of them had a plaque hanging underneath it that proclaimed that this was Revan's lightsaber. Hard to say if that was the same Revan from the ancient stories dating back to nearly 4,000 years ago or if that was just a lightsaber that matched descriptions of the blade. The plaque was not very helpful considering that it looked like it was almost as old as the walls itself and doesn't have a digital interface like many of the other items stored throughout the facility.

So there was no way to check the evidence on that, you just had to either believe it was the sword of the long dead warrior or not, personally I was leaning towards not. Strange little mystery but nothing I was too interested in solving, this area of the museum was seemingly devoted to the Mandalorian Wars with lots of little neat trinkets from the time behind a glass wall. There are various weapons used by Mandalorians to fight the Jedi from what looked like a World War 1 backpack flamethrower to a beskad not too different from the one I had received by beating the hell out of the False Silver. There were several strange boxes and pyramids with intricate designs haphazardly tossed together with a bunch of other jewelry and assorted wealth taken from who knows where across the Galaxy.

The only reason I made any mental note about the boxes was it kind of reminded me about the puzzle boxes from Hellraiser which gave me good reason not to stand too close to them. Sure I'd not seen anything like those movies in my three lives but I really did not want to find out that cenobites existed if they did.

Shaking my head I walked into the next room and realized I was standing in what appeared to be a crypt. There was a glass case containing a suit of armor laying on its back across from me. It's an ancient Mandalorian armor, silver in coloration rather plain and looking. Stepping closer, I saw that the helmet was connected to the armor by 2 pipes that seemed to run into the back plate which probably meant this armor had been designed for fighting in space. Looking down at the armor I thought it was consistently plain and rather unassuming with no real sign of why it was given any special treatment for its own room. There is one interesting thing in its hands, it looks like it was carrying what could be best described as an ancient shotgun. Looking around I quickly found the plaque, this one being digital so it's likely been installed recently.

It read 'Armor of the Unknown Warrior', apparently it was discovered deep within the castle that has been used to be the basis for the Ordo Museum complex. No one knows who it belongs to or where it came from, only that it had been well preserved. They rarely find examples of ancient Mandalorian armor, which was the only reason that it had not been scrapped. I had to give the Ordos credit, they know how to preserve written history.

What I've been able to dig up immediately after Mandalore the Preserver rebuilt Clan Ordo, they had run into some bad times with succeeding Mandalores which was why a lot of their history had gotten screwed up and lost to time. Which was why remembering history has been driven into their heads and places like this and finally been built. Shaking my head I hope we could export the model of this facility to other planets. The Silver Codex did call for turning fortresses into historical monuments for non-fighting reasons and this place proved the worth the time.

With every step in here I found something that, more often than not, had not been seen for generations that meant something to someone. Turning to leave, I stopped when I noticed that the wall across from it was covered in masks, T-visors galore, yellows, reds, pinks, a few greens, and lots of blues. Stepping forward I looked over the digital information displayed in a central screen explaining how these were various masks that have been donated from several private collections or had been found within the ruins of various Mandalorian conflicts.

Not all of them are masks, some of them appear to be helmets that had their front cut off which made sense. You didn't need the full helmet to show the changes in style over time. Most of them were T-Visors, a few were non-T-Visors though which was a bit surprising considering their prevalence in our culture for just a simple visor. One mask had a sort of proto T-Visor on it, which is a black set of glass growing across the eyes with red painted around the glass and then a red line going down the front, giving it a lot of angularity to it which makes it look impressively menacing. No real plaque denoting when it was created, only information on it was that had been donated by clan Ordo about 2,500 years ago to the museum. Shaking my head at the impressive collection I turned to leave, this whole place was an example of what needed to be built on every planet and the Mandalore Sector. Too many Mandalorians were obsessed with reliving the past instead of simply remembering it and going towards the future.

As I stepped out of the room I'd come from, I looked around once more at the lightsabers, wondering if the Ordo Museum should probably see about returning some of these pieces of Mandalorian culture. Yes, it makes sense that storing Jedi stuff might upset them, I was reminded about the issues between the United Kingdom and Egypt that had been going on for generations by the time I died because of the relics that had been taken from Egypt while under British rule, the same rule might apply to this situation. Then again maybe the Jedi didn't really care all that much about old lightsabers. They never really went after Clan Vizsla for stealing the lightsaber of their family member a century ago. I'd have to poke around and find out what their official stance on relics of their Order were.

My thoughts were interrupted as something bit my neck causing me to smack it in confusion. I looked around as what appeared to be a small black fly flew away. Shaking my head I wondered how that thing had gotten in here, when I pulled my hand away I saw that it didn't do more than just bite my neck as it had drawn blood. Sighing in contempt, I started heading towards the upper levels, wanting to be somewhere that I can get a little bit of medical aid. Just in case that bug was carrying some sort of disease I should be worried about.

Ordo, Ordo Museum Holo Archive
Engiz Ordo

'Focus, stay focused, you have a job, don't think about it.' Those were the words that are currently in my head as I looked through a library of what would best be described as war films. Technically they were documentaries that have been stored here from various ages long past. The oldest of which was somewhere around 1,500 years ago. I have been given an order to find some of the best to view for the last few days we were here and if possible maybe getting a copy for the trip back to Mandalore is a job that I was going to do no matter how distracted I was by what I had seen earlier that day.

'Why had she worn that? No! stay focused, Stay focused. Your boss has given you a job and professionalism was utmost for her from what I have seen at least.' I needed to find good war films to help her with understanding how people have been trained to fight throughout Mandalorian history. She wanted to see if there was any information about the changes that had happened over time. I didn't know much about it myself, I did know that about 4,000 years ago we favored heavy infantry up till our first fights with the Republic and we met Republican drop troops. Their jetpacks had been easily integrated into our own systems and in my opinion we've mastered it at a level that's put them to shame though that might just be a bit of Mandalorian chauvinism showing.

After all, mastering your enemy's skills is an important aspect of Mandalorian culture. In fact, many of the techniques such as grappling hooks and flamethrowers had been adopted by Mandalorians wholesale because we couldn't compete with Jedi in a head on fight. And where we couldn't compete we either found other routes or built technology to mimic their abilities. Some vambraces had magnetic or gravity generators allowing them to pull objects to them for example.

'Was that why she had done it? She is after all learning to be a diplomat. The planet she is going to has people who were going to expect her to do certain things and be kind of like them so mastering their skills was important. Not to mention having loyal soldiers who could do the same was also important. Did she wear a revealing swimsuit like she had to throw him off his game on purpose? So he would learn to master professionalism and such situations?' If so he'd flunked that test right off the bat and had to search the bottom of the pool for his glasses for a good 5 minutes.

'No he had to be overthinking this, why would she need him to be able to take such a stressor as that? Then again, what did she say during the operation on Gargon? He was perfectly close? Perhaps he'd pass some sort of test for being a good agent to play a role as a boyfriend or partner in espionage operations. If so she must be considering using him for such operations in the future then he had to prepare himself. Make myself able to see her in such a costume without gapping like a fish if I have to do a similar operation like that again.'

My thoughts stopped when I heard a voice behind me, "Boy, good to see you again."

Turning to the familiar voice, I saw my adopted father Raz Ordo the patriarch of clan and planet Ordo. He seemed to be in a good mood as he walked by me to look at some of the films on the wall. "Father-" I began before he raised his hand. "No need to go all ceremonial on me. You're a man now, you've gone out of the house and you have a job. Raz is fine ."

"Right, Raz. Good to see you, how's Ikudtovu?"

"She's doing fine. Finally got trained enough that she should be able to join the Ordo Self-Defense Force next year. I've been having to find an armorer to build her a helmet to deal with her head tails. Surprisingly it seems like that's a lost art, I only found three people who can say they can do it and two of them had work so shoddy that I considered banishing them from ever working on this planet again. But other than that things have been fine."

Shaking my head I said, "Well I'm sure she's happy to simply be in the military. It's always been her dream."

"That it has. And how's your dream going? How are your Royal Guard duties treating you?"

Smiling, I said, "It treats me fine sir. I think I made the right choice."

He reached over and messed my hair before saying, "Good, never back down from your own choices even if you don't think they're right, but if they are right that's always good. Now why are you in the movie section of this library?"

"Princess Tanya wanted me to come down here and find a few films for us to watch tonight, maybe get a couple copies that we could load up on the ship tomorrow."

Raz nodded at his head before reaching up towards the top and pulling a film out. "Yeah this should be a good one for your collection of films you've already got.

Taking the holo tab I looked at it and saw it was marked 'Mandalore the Preserver, The Canderous Ordo Story.' It was not a film I'd seen before, although I think there were titles similar to this I don't remember it being here at all.

"Just came out 3 months ago. New director, inspired by the Silver Codex section about building our own media, wanted to build a story about our Ordo Mandalore. Spent 7 months living in the basement using a suit of armor that we got hanging around down there as an example of the armor we used in that time period. So it's as realistic as he could get it. Pretty good fight scenes too, or so I've heard."

"Thanks Dad- I mean sir."

He chuckled as he started to walk away before stopping and saying, "That reminds me, I know we were supposed to have a meeting with your princess sometime tonight but I'm going to have to cancel. Some Osik came up, an Arkanian apparently snuck into the museum and caused some sort of trouble and is currently on the run. I don't know all the details yet but till we get the situation under control I can't really have diplomatic meetings running around. Best to get heading back to your room to make sure your princess is safe as well. Those creeps can show up anywhere."

"Will do, sir." I said, giving him a salute as he started to leave again before tapping his head as he remembered something, reaching into his pocket he tossed me a cube with a bow on it.

"Make sure that gets to your princess as well, it's a desk ornament really. Apparently some of my guards saw her hanging about some of the older sections where we keep this junk and I thought she might like a souvenir to remind her of her stay at Ordo."

"Will do, sir. Please say hi to Ikud for me." I said as I put the cube in the sack of movies I've been gathering up.

Nodding at me, he walked off and I got ready to head back to our rooms.

Ordo, Ordo Hotel Suite
Tanya Kryze

Thankfully the bug bite was all it was, there was no implication of anything dangerous about it. So they've given me a course of antibiotics just to be on the safe side, the privileges of being a princess. Anyways I had returned back to the main room of my hotel suite and was sitting in a chair as Vai and Tabi watched the local stations while various other Royal Guard members did their own things around the room.

It was the last day of our time in Ordo, tomorrow we would load up on the ship and head out for Mandalore where I would get to see Satine again and see if everything was alright.

Well almost everyone, Zum had already departed aboard the Ratio. One of the many stops that ship would make would be to Concordia to drop him off at his ship, which would put everyone in position safely away from ever being in Gargon. With the hope that no one would ever suspect what had happened to have actually happened.

During this moment of peace, I am reading a datapad about the Basilisk War Droid used in the Mandalorian Wars whilst listening to the others chat in the background. Mok and Struc were having a debrief on what their saw and did during the Gargon conflict. Skota is currently cooking popcorn, Ordo is in a chair across from me cleaning his glasses as he gets ready to work on his shock staff. And Kastel is reading a datapad about some sort of ancient Mandalorian tattooing practice. Which proved one thing to me, it was not just Ordo and I who enjoyed our time on this planet.

Tabi and Vai are being Tabi and Vai, by flicking through the channels looking for, I would hope it's the latest episode of the Silver Rider though I'd probably take anything at this point to watch.

Smiling, I sat back enjoying the very calming and soothing atmosphere. This trip was well warranted and I was glad I've gotten some time off. And I will admit the whole 'Fighting for Gargon', though a chaotic mess, I had scratched a bit of my adrenaline itch I had not had in a long time. There was something simple about being in a combat zone where you knew your purpose and your purpose was to crash into each other and a spectacular disaster of blood and gore or one of you survived.It was simple, even if the reasons you were in the combat zone were due to complex natures of political or economic reasons.

Hopefully I could avoid it, that simplicity was alluring. The CIA drew me into mercenary work in my second life, oh sure fighting the Commies was a very good deed for karmic reasons but it was not good for a person to build their life about the pursuit for a combat high of simplicity.

Reaching for a glass of water on the table I was stopped when I heard a distinctive tone from the TV. The fact the channel didn't change again indicated that they had settled on something to watch as I picked up the glass. Nope, I saw they were just busy being a couple. Shaking my head I looked at the TV and saw that it was some sort of news program called The Daily Ordo.

What appeared before me reminded me a bit of any news program from my first world, with two individuals staying across from each other. There's a bit of a difference as both were male, one was a sturdy fellow balding and had a knowing smirk on his face while wearing a Mandalorian style suit. The other was a slightly older gentleman, rail thin with a mustache that would make most men jealous, it appeared to be wearing the remnants of a suit having left his jacket somewhere showing that he was one who favored suspenders over a belt.

The older gentleman started first and said, "Good evening and welcome to the Daily Ordo. I am Juup Jir Jidoss from the Newspaper, Ordo Journal."

The more sturdy fellow spoke up, "Are they still allowing you to call your rag a newspaper?"

"Hey, at least I don't engage in wild speculation like you do on your holocast, brother."

"That's a point of view I do not share." the sturdier man said, straightening a stack of papers in his hands before introducing himself "Hello, Aipex Jidoss here, freedom fighter, warrior, and everyman survivalist."

"Yeah yeah, talk yourself up." Juup said with a sigh before getting on with it by saying, "Welcome to the Daily Ordo where we do a balanced take on the big news of the day. If it isn't balanced enough for you, that's your problem. Now let's get on to the first story of the day the terrorist known as White Silver has escaped Gargon."

I sat up fearing that all my work for the past few weeks had just gone up in smoke until the other gentleman interrupted the first one's flow. "He's referring to the True White Silver, the freedom fighter who single-handedly took down Mandal Hypernautics CEO Bresug Gerr and his obvious plans for a one Mandalorian government under his corporation."

"Of course, there's no proof of that," Juup said, "after taking over Gargon there is no evidence that he had plans outside of that. As far as I'm concerned, if you take over a planet, from who appears to be the rightful ruler, you're probably an insurgent considering this clip from Prime Minister Almec."

He pointed off screen and a clip of Prime Minister Almec appeared, "This White Silver is a completely unhealthy affair for the Mandalorian government. Gargon's status within the government is still up in the air so we cannot interfere directly, but we do not support random barbarians claiming to be Mandalore by taking over a planet from the rightful government. For sure, this time the man was a lunatic but what's to stop them from getting the idea in their head of trying to take Mandalore for themselves. As such, the 'True White Silver's' acts are condemned by the Duchess of Mandalore as a violent case of extremism."

"See violent extremism, terrorist." Juup said matter of factly, crossing his arms across his chest.

"You left out the bit where they said they would not be taking direct action just condemning the actions of White Silver as dangerous. It's not really saying she's a terrorist that's saying that 'We do not support overthrowing governments', which every government in the galaxy says. And considering how screwed up some governments in this galaxy are, I'm going to say that's just normal propaganda from the status quo."

"You are too light on a menace, brother. This person has a propaganda document floating about trying to entice people to join her cause and we're just supposed to believe that they are not planning to take over the sector?"

"Yes, because they're like me, a freedom fighter. They want to make the Mandalorian sector a better, more stable place for our people. Also if you had read the document you would see that they are in full support of unrestricting the militia's. A bit which would ultimately mean arming the civilian population again, which is better for the people. Tyranny can only be held accountable at the barrel of a gun."

"Pretty sure the quote goes, 'Tyranny springs fourth from the barrel of a gun.' but whatever brother. We're not going to settle this argument tonight I am sure."

Had to agree with the older gentleman on that last point though, I am not a big fan of being called a menace.

Shaking his head he signaled something to someone off screen in a small box appeared in the corner of the screen with a photo of me and Tabi? I had to blink a couple times before I figured out that it was Vai. The picture in question showed the two basically arm in arm and heads close together.

"In other news, Princess Tanya is currently conducting a tour of the sector where she is trying to make friends with all the diplomatic sort. She has appeared on a couple of Mandalorian worlds and is believed to be on Ordo at this very moment somewhere. And as we can see from my intrepid reporters, she is no slouch in making connections with people. These two lovebirds were spotted practically making out entering a clothing shop on Harswee. Details are still coming in but we've been able to determine that her young courtier there is Tabi Kregg, 5th in line to House Kregg who are the current rulers of Harswee as he appears to be showing the Princess the various sights his planet has to offer. And several days ago, there have been sightings of the couple enjoying their time on Jakelia after her trip to Harswee ended. They were seen enjoying their visit as they were seen enjoying a tour of Jakelia's tree top towns. A brave citizen who recognized the princess was able to share a picture of the princess enjoying a steamy kiss with her paramour under the setting sun."

My jaw was firmly dropped as a picture of Vai, in my disguise, is shown being held by the small of her back as Tabi leaned down to kiss her with a sunset in the background from a hidden angle because this is not good. The simple operation to make a solid alibi for where I've been during the period of False Silver was secure, but now everyone thought I was dating Tabi, which was something I did not want. No offense to Tabi, he's not my type. I would like my personal life to stay private and this right here would indicate that I now would have paparazzi following me around trying to turn my life into some sort of TV show for the masses.

"See brother, this is what's wrong with the New Mandalorians." Aipex spoke up before continuing, "They bring in Coruscanti behaviors and ways of doing things. Instead of a warrior princess, we now have some fashionista princess that might be a little bit too loose if you ask me."

"Hey, that's not entirely a fair assessment, you saw the footage of her fight from last month?"

"I saw that one and I saw the way Tabi there tried to rescue her. I also know that according to holonet rumors, she started that night with the Ordo boy, which means over the course of the last month she's dumped a good Ordo of a kid and stolen her handmaid's boyfriend. Or more likely knowing Corusantis she's playing both and her handmaiden is part of her harem." I swear I heard somebody give an audible shocked breath of intake from the TV.

Though apparently Juup was unshocked by the statement and simply said, "Brother there are no rules in Mandalorian culture against a harem. If the princess wants a harem she can have a harem."

"You're just saying that so you can make money off her in your newspapers."

"At least I'll make money that's better than your water filters."

Aipex smacked his hands down on the desk and gots up, "That's it, go time. Going to teach you a lesson about water filters."

"Bring it on, fatzo." Juup said standing up.

Before the fight on screen could really take off, someone turned off the TV and I was able to turn my head to look at Tabi and Vai. Trying to determine how much I was going to have to do to undo the situation they have forced me into.

Only to see that Tabi was currently being strangled in a chokehold by Captain Struc saying, "That's it, I'm going to have to beat some goddamn sense into you until you either learn to not screw up a single mission or get you removed for this God damn detail. Hell knows that as soon as this is over you will be removed. I am not going to stand for your idiocy in the field."

"Don't do that." I said matter of factly. Causing the Royal Guard to look up with a look that said that I better have a very good reason.

"If he's fired from this position that'll draw more attention to the whole thing. And as much as I would not like whatever outcome is going to come out of this, I will know that their little love affair has created a very solid alibi." I let out a deep sigh.

Not to mention if he was actually a 5th in line Prince that meant Satine had put him in this position as a possible husband-to-be like Ordo, confirming that theory I had earlier this week. I need to keep him in line, yes, but I also needed to keep in mind that this was possibly a political position that he'd been put in.

I would simply have to deal with it, though I would still have some vengeance on him. "However," I continued, "do put some sense into the man so he does not do anything like this ever again while on mission."

Standing up, I moved to the couch and looked directly down at Tabi as he gasped for air with the captain's arm around his neck. "Because of his little mess up, we are going to have to arrange a fake break up. So we'll have to make sure that's as public as possible to make sure there's shame on him for that. You understand what we need to do, correct?"

Struc loosened his grip so Tabi could speak, holding up his thumb he said, "Right fake date and fake a break up. Perfectly understandable, can I breathe now?"

I nodded to Struc who released Tabi's neck. Shaking my head I went back to my seat and let out a sigh. 'Teenagers' I mentally muttered.

Only being interrupted from that thought of just how much annoyance I had with teenagers, Vai leaned in close and said, "Thank you." That was a bit confusing for a second then I realized that I just saved Tabi's job which meant I saved their continued relationship. I should have thought that through more, oh well keeping your handmaiden happy was probably good for your longevity.

Writers note: and that's gentleman and gentle women is a beach episode… what you thought this was going to be some major chapter now now this was simply a relaxing time and order there was nothing secret or hidden in this chapter that may come back in like 20 or 30 chapters no no you're imagining things don't look at that stop looking at that I know what you're looking at don't look at it.

Anyways good times all around this chapter should be the start of the new arc which will bring us to BBY 22 I think it's going to be much shorter than BBY 24 to 23 which we are ending soon. Simple fact of the matter is after chapter 24 we will be in BBY 23 in fact if I hadn't gone back and basically added more to the concept of chapter 23 into the point where I now have a chapter 24 we would already be in BBY23 when we hit chapter 23 and we should hit BBY 22 which for all you folks who know Star wars BBY history should excite you in about 6 to 7 chapters which is three chapters faster than it took me to get to BBY23 there you go.

Have fun digesting this chapter and let me know what you all think in the comments.

Edited by: Warmach1ne32, Ralph Howard, FallQm
Community edited by:
Community editable doc (Chapter) No story suggestions in the community editing document, Keep all story suggestions and comments in the thread

Art thanks Sky66 who Commissioned the Artist J-likes-to-draw

Supporters: Afforess, Gremlin Jack, Weise, Xodarap4, Duncan Sproule, James Moorhouse, Dankermaler, Hats88, DrkShdow, Devilstar101, Michael, Mana Rope, Falk Hüser, Daniel Martinez, Silver Wolf, Mackenzie Buckle, Markus, Neso, Staradder, Lmc9389, Staradder, victor a lopez-barron, KrasieK, Zollus, Mintea, Jog256, Ethan Dowie, Maxim Blashkevych, The GrandMage, AwfulKnight, loyalChaos, Daryl, FreelancerD0, Europa
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Chapter 23
Chapter 23
714 FNM (24 BBY)
Month 10

Mandalore, Sundari Palace
Satine Kryze

Sipping my wine I looked across the table to an old friend, perhaps more if I let myself think too much about it. Long time ago on planets far far from here Obi-Wan and I had spent time together not too different to this moment. No, I guess running from assassins, Death Watch mercenaries as well as other people who wanted to see me dead was somewhat different than this moment.

At least we weren't in a swamp being chased by massive bugs, it was an improvement. Obi-Wan was sitting across from me enjoying his own wine. I had picked up this particular brand on my return trip from my homeworld after, well discovering something that I would rather forget. I would have to deal with it when Tanya arrives in 2 days, but that is future-Satine's problem. For now I should focus on the present.

"It's been a long time since we've talked, Obi-Wan." I said looking across the candle lit table. We were outside on a balcony overlooking the city. It was almost night time as the glass dome over the city gradually got darker as time went on and we were left to ourselves to enjoy a little alone time to have a discussion we had not had in years.

"It sure has been, Duchess." he said, putting down his glass looking up at me. "And I must say you've done a wonderful job rebuilding Mandalore. Your dream of turning this place to a peaceful place seems to be coming true."

I smiled with pride at that, nodding in agreement I said, "It took a lot of hard work, a lot of diplomacy, and politics but I seem to have finally gotten all the clans to agree to work with me, even if some are only grudgingly."

"Grudgingly is better than not at all I would think." he said with a very good point.

"That you're right on, though I'm sure we shouldn't be talking about politics. I'm sure we've had more interesting things to talk about since our last conversation."

"Yes, conversation." he said as a way that reminded me that we had not exactly parted on the best of terms. It had been a bit of an argument, nothing too serious, but a component of our relationship at the time were fierce conversations on the matter of politics, negotiations, and the difference between pacifism and self-defense. Oddly enough his ideas of self-defense happened to correspond well with Tanya's, from what I remember. At least I should probably stay away from that thought and keep it locked away.

"Then let's try some recent events. How is your old Master, Qui-Gon Jinn?" That would seem to have been a mistake, as I saw a flash of what could be best described as a pained wince across his eyebrow, telling that it's an old pain that has not really gone away it seemed.

"Master Qui-Gon fell in combat protecting the people of Naboo from the Trade Federation some years ago."

"Oh, I'm sorry." I said, reaching out to lend some support by touching his hand. I was not exactly familiar with all the cultural issues of the Jedi but I could understand some things. Even though they claim to seek not to have attachments, a master was often the closest thing that he had to a father and I could see that with the way they had interacted when I met them.

"I appreciate your concern, he was a good master." He seemed to be off and thought for a moment before changing the subject saying, "Perhaps we should move on to something else, something less severe. I've met with your new representative from Mandalore once or twice, Tanya. Remarkable mind, very focused, she seems to have got in her head that she's going to be the one to terraform Mandalore all by herself."

Tanya had met with Obi-Wan? That is unexpected. Keeping a smile I said, "I know, she's a bright girl, though I don't understand why you would have had a run in with her?"

Obi-wan took a moment before taking a bit of a shrug and saying, "Unfortunately our first meeting was over politics. The Order had recently heard about the Silver Codex and being that I was one of the very few members who had experience with Mandalorians, I was sent to talk with the new inbound representative to see what their thoughts on the matter was. Quite a list of thoughts if I remember correctly."

That was understandable. I thought that document had proved to have some odd flushing out effect that I had not foreseen when I had originally okayed it, but what was the other meeting. "And the other meeting you mentioned?" I questioned.

"Well, I've actually not met her more than once. But my padawan, Anakin, has met her more than once. He apparently has had a few run-ins with Tanya speaking with several Jedi of the Order and I have also heard that the Agricorp was quite taken with her persistent diplomatic abilities and way of framing things. I'd say she's done a lot to repair the image of Mandalorians in some circles of the Jedi Order."

Well that was a proud statement if I ever heard one. I know that when I had visited the Order all those years ago, Mandalorians were considered little more than barbarians who would occasionally form hordes and attempt to ride over the horizon and raid their great capital of the Republic.

I have done my best to try and reform that image and I think I had done a good job but to hear that Tanya was doing the same was something I could take pride in. Even if I suspected she'd gotten up to using a little bit of Old Mandalorian tricks in order to safeguard the peace that I had established.

"That sounds like Tanya alright." I said with a bit of a smile and pride before continuing, "This is why I chose her to go to Coruscant. She's got a good head on her shoulders and knows how to talk to people, really makes people understand what she's trying to get across."

Obi-wan nodded his agreement, taking a sip of his glass before saying, "That I can agree with. And if she can rub that common sense of herself on Anakin I'd be very happy."

"Oh yes, your new Padawan." I said before continuing, "If he continues to interact with Tanya, I'm sure she'll rub off on him. She has a tendency to get people to see her point of view, it just takes time."

"A point to keep in mind then. Although meetings with senators is not exactly something that happens too often. But fostering a friendship between the two couldn't hurt."

Nodding my approval, I marked down something else to add that to the list of subjects I should talk to Tanya about when I saw her next. A list that kept on growing with every afternoon it felt like. Sipping my glass, I for a moment wondered, where our conversation should go next. Thankfully that question was quickly answered by something that has been staring me in the face the whole time but I hadn't had the real time to take it in till now.

"I have to say Obi-Wan, I do not feel like that beard was a great improvement, it hides too much of your face." He smiled at that and rubbed his chin like he used to do all the time though now his beard was clearly in the way.

"I don't know, I like it. Helps me blend in a lot better when I travel to the Outer Rim."

I nodded at that, his master had got along rather well with the Mandalorian Clan Leaders due to his practicality "True, most people do expect to clean shaven Jedi. I have to wonder if that's why your old Master always wore a beard."

Obi-Wan shrugged, "Never had a chance to ask, unfortunately. But I would believe that with him being a practical man, always focused on the here and now so that would make some sense."

"I always appreciated his practicality. We both have him to thank for helping us through a lot of problems..." I felt a nostalgic ping. "During our time running from mercenaries all those years ago."

"If that's not a true statement, nothing else is. To Qui-Gon." he said, lifting his glass.

"To Qui-Gon." I responded, lifting my own.

Mandalore, Mandalore Orbit
Tanya Kryze

The familiar ball of sand rose up in the blackness of space in front of us as our ship made its way home. It has been a long time since I've seen Mandalore, almost a year at this point, but it's good to see it still as a familiar dust ball, I guess. Hopefully the next time I return here, there might be a little bit more green on the surface. The Ithorians were very slow on the whole terraforming process and they still hadn't agreed last time I'd been at Coruscant. But I could hope that things could change between now and then, maybe they'd speed things up a bit.

Smiling, I nodded to the pilots, Kastel and Mok, before stepping out of the way and into my quarters on the ship. On the trip back, as punishment for the trouble those two caused, Struc and I agreed to have Tabi and Vai do PT and sparring matches against both of us right after, everyday until we reached Mandalore. Since we are approaching Mandalore we agreed to give them time to freshen up so they don't enter the Palace smelling like a run down gym. I've been wearing some rather casual clothing since getting on board this ship since I didn't need to wear the armor 24/7 to keep my face hidden from the Jedi nor did I need to wear a dress to keep the assumption that I'm just simply a politician going on amongst the Royal Guards.

But things were about to change back to standard, being a Princess of Mandalore there are some expectations. Mainly by keeping up the appearance of being a pacifist which means not running around in clothing that gives you fluid motion, in short I had to wear a dress again. My once pure hatred of the concept has, I think, finally just died out. I wasn't a fan of it but it was simply a uniform I had come to accept at this point. And to be fair, the dress is fairly comfortable which does make it more tolerable.

Shaking my head, I walked in front of the mirror in my room and got to work first making sure my hair was colored perfectly blonde and touching up a few areas that had grown out in the last few days. Keeping my hair blonde was not just important for maintaining the ability of Vai to switch out with me, it also showed that I had connections with aunt Satine and leaned in her political direction. If I ever wore red hair, that would imply that I was leaning more in Bo Katan's direction, which is not as far away from the Duchess of Mandalore's direction at this point but it is not exactly her point of view. Better to give the appearance of being a child that favors Satine over Bo than Bo over Satine as it would do my political career more favors at least.

Once that was done, I stripped out of my streetwear and pulled my official green dress out of my closet before pulling it on over my head. That was merely the first step of course but it is much easier to have a second pair of hands to do the rest as I tapped the communicator on my vambrace and asked, "Vai can you come in here and give me a little help?"

"Right away, princess." Responded her voice from the vambrace. After waiting a bit, she came into the room wearing a blue dress with a faint scent of wild flowers as a sign that she had just finished her shower, already getting ready for our landing. No doubt she'd already come to the conclusion I had that as soon as we landed we would be having to make a meeting with the Duchess in order to confirm our arrival in a political sense. Seeing the state of the open back of my dress, Vai immediately walked over and began trying to help me get it tied up.

"Thank you, Vai. Political clothing is so time-consuming to get on." I muttered. With advanced AI, FTL, and Laser Swords you would think that a replacement for a zipper would have been developed by now. Maybe a magnetic strip that automatically seals itself when both strips are close together? It should eliminate the need for a 2nd person to help close the dress as well as be easier to manufacture as it is just 2 magnetic strips instead of a zipper.

"I understand, considering I think you look more at home in that armor than any of the political dresses I never seen you in." I saw her tilt her head in the direction of my bed where the armor was currently lying on. I had been cleaning it one last time before I tried to figure out how to store it away.

"Yes, well combat is a lot simpler when you don't have to use your words but less fruitful in the long term. Armor's easy to get on because it's the easier path, political dresses are hard because it's harder." Vai and we shared a laugh as this was both true and a joke.

"Probably should have gone up into stand-up comedy with stuff like that." Vai mused before finishing the last clasp at the top of the dress. "There we go, want me to do your hair as long as it used to be, since I'm already here?"

"Might as well, thank you again Vai." I said as she got to work putting my hair into a bit of a fancy braid.

"So… have you come up with a plan to deal with the paparazzi situation?" Vai asked, sounding a bit unsure of the answers she was expecting to get. All I could give her though was a look in the mirror that said I was not amused.

"Well I'm going to have to have a fake date with your boyfriend in order to make a public break up as public as possible. But because my love life is a matter of discourse for the public now, I'm afraid it's not going to be enough."

"It's not?" She said, sounding a bit confused.

"No, no it is not. I'm most likely going to have to assemble a team to review the information about what people think online about this whole situation and find out exactly what the opinions of the public is on the matter. There are quite a few things I now have to take into account, if the public are now enthralled by the adventures of what could be considered my love life, I'm going to have to consider either more security, to make sure that the paparazzi are not alerted to my movements… or…"


"Or alert the paparazzi to my movements myself." I said at that moment we had finished the braid and I shook my head a bit to make sure it was good and tight.

"I don't understand. Why would we want to alert the paparazzi yourself?"

"Quite simply, if they become reliant on intel I'm providing they won't go snooping where I don't want them. At least that's the hope. But that could mean I need to go on a few more dates not necessarily with Tabi, thank you very much,but at least with people I can be sure will either not cause a scene like Tabi does or be reliable enough to know that this is all for the paparazzi, a show."

"Hmm sounds like a job for Ordo then."

"What?" I said with a bit of confusion. The fact she had gone straight to Ordo first made me wonder if he hadn't let slip that little kiss in order to get past enemy agents. If so, that meant he was obviously the worst possible person to take part in this show since he had taken more of that kiss than what was really meant, even if… No, I was not going to think about that.

"Well Ordo is a minor prince, he's been your friend for years, and he seems to be more than willing to go along with any operation you come up with. All in all he's incredibly loyal and would probably be the perfect person to pose as your boyfriend for the media. Unless of course that JJJ guy is right and you want to set up a harem. That might take a little bit more work though."

I laughed at that idea, that was such a stereotypical from another world plot line that I couldn't even think about pulling that off. Though I will note that would generally cause more confusion, on the matter. Something to keep in mind for the future. Hopefully I would not need to do too many operations in order to keep people from being too deep into my life and hopefully I would not need a reason to do that. With any luck I would never have to don the silver armor again. If that remained true I would rather not have people looking into my normal life.

Finally I said, "I will take him into consideration. As for the harem joke, I think I will probably not engage in anything like that. The plan is to provide simple entertainment, not to make the traditionalists amongst the Mandalorians believe I'm some loose Coruscanti."

Vai nodded her head in agreement before saying, "Yeah it's probably for the best." Shaking her head though she continued, "We're probably almost landing, need help with your makeup or anything?"

"Thank you, Vai but I've got it from here." I said while nodding my head in the direction of the door.

She smiled and nodded, leaving me alone in the room with my thoughts and the armor. Finally I walked over the bed and began packing it up before shoving it deep into the closet on board the vessel. X4 had already assigned one of the robot pilots to take this ship to Concordia so another robot would stash the armor deep in the mine that was Bo Katan's training area.

Now with any luck I would never need to use this particular armor again. I might need it once more to do another meeting at Gargon but with any luck I could do that remotely.

Once I was done, I stepped out of my room and walked towards the front of the ship seeing that most of the other Royal guards were already looking at the window as we came into the spaceport.

"Glad to finally be home." Kastel said as he manipulated the controls for a smooth landing.

"Can't wait to get off this ride and relax," Mok responded while grabbing his Royal guard helmet before sliding it on his head as he got up.

I give a little cough to get everyone's attention before saying, "I just want to say I want to thank you all for your help with this whole mess with the False Silver. I had no intentions to ever get involved in the way I had and really hope to never have to do it again but I'm glad that I know trustworthy Mandalorians such as yourself are willing to work with me for the betterment of Mandalore."

"I would also like to make it clear that I planned this to be a one-time thing and will not be advertising this ever, which means keeping this under wraps as much as possible."

Skota let out a loud laugh before saying, "Pretty sure none of us really want this to get out. Something tells me the Duchess is not going to be happy that we let her niece run off to play Hero of Mandalore."

"That reminds me," the Royal Captain saidi. "I have to ask. That whole hatred of war speech, how much of that is true?"

I was surprised by the question but answered it without issue, "All of it, for they are wasteful use of resources. It's necessary for protection, of course, but it's unnecessary for aggression as I made quite clear in the speech. Having any ability to defend oneself and those you deem worthy to protect is a good thing. Having the ability to conquer another, not so much. There someone will have to pay for a waste of resources down the line eventually."

"And the New Mandalorians are afraid of war, thing?"

"Helpful tool to explain the situation. I doubt all New Mandalorians fear war but there are very deep scars from war that are hard to forget. Some people will look for any ideology that'll promise a way out of those scars. Even if it would leave them open to being conquered by the thing you fear. A dose of fear is healthy but to let it go too far seems to be the intention of those who push for pacifism at the expense of Mandalorian culture."

The Royal Guard nodded before saying, "Alright, if no one else has any questions I think it's time we get the princess back to the Royal Palace." No one else raised any thoughts so within 20 minutes we had unloaded the ship and we're taking a speeder barge to the Palace.

Mandalore, Sundari
Tanya Kryze

Looking out at the city as we passed by I noticed that there seemed to be a lot more construction than normal. Nothing too major but it seems that buildings are being reinforced for expansion. The only times that have happened was when a larger group of people had volunteered to join the community of New Mandalorians. I doubted that happened due to the violent coup on Gargon. I'm sure that this was just an unrelated thing.

Besides, my speech was not the greatest for bringing people over to the New Mandalorian's point of view. I'm sure there had to have been something else going on that I was unaware of since I was out of communication with politics for nearly a month and a half at this point.

Looking out a window I saw the Royal Palace coming into view, its tall structure almost reaching the ceiling of the dome at some points. I was not one for forming attachments to a place but seeing the old building did bring back a few happy memories of my time there. The place looked exactly how I remembered it when we left. From the guards watching over the platform to the various speeders that have been left by politicians who would come to kiss ass or do actual work depending on what level of the government they worked in.

Well, almost exactly the same I blinked a couple times as I saw someone standing on the platform. I tilted my head a bit in confusion as I thought she would have taken longer to get back from Gargon.

Before I could really get into my thoughts on that matter, the speeder barge came to a stop next to the platform and we started getting off. My six guards, in they're blue and silver uniforms, stepped off to give off their importance as Royal Guard members followed by me and my green dress and Vai in her blue dress. Standing across from us waving was Bo Katan standing in a dark red dress, her hair basically the same though and I don't think that even though somehow she's been forced into wearing a dress, she was still wearing her vambraces. Considering the city's opinions on armor, I decided to leave mine in my luggage just to assure them that I'm fully committed to the New Mandalorian way.

Stepping forward I said, "Aunt Bo, good to see you." as I gave a curtsy.

"Long time no see kid." Bo said, stepping forward and giving me a one armed hug. Causing me to hold in a chuckle knowing that that was a quite bold lie but a necessary one.

"Yes, long time no see. What are you doing here? I thought you and Aunt Satine weren't getting along very well."

Bo shrugged and said, "We weren't, I had just returned to Concordia a few days ago and I found a dress in my ship and orders to show up today. Don't know what that's about though."

That raised an eyebrow. I knew that Satine knew about Bo Katan's training area, she was the one who bought it from Governor Pre after all. Why would she want Bo to be here today though? I had made it clear on what day I would be returning so this was likely simply a family reunion sort of thing. Maybe she just wanted to spend time with everybody? Yeah that was probably it.

Shrugging, I said, "Maybe she just wanted you to be here for my return to Mandalore? It has been a while." I offered, which got a shrug from her and she put her arm around both me and Vai walking with us towards the palace entrance.

"Maybe, I don't know what Satine thinks 90% of the time. I wish I did, like the fact that she got me a dress in my color." Bo said before shrugging again. "By the way, I just watched an interesting couple of clips last night. I have to say you two have been on quite the adventure on Coruscant haven't you.

I raised an eyebrow confused, taking me a bit to remember the whole club affair. Shaking my head I simply said, "Oh that? That was just a bit of youthful foolery. I'm sure that won't ever happen again."

Bo shrugged simply saying, "Ah I think that's the kind of youthful foolery most Mandalorians can get behind. Don't throw away a chance to have fun, go for it Tanya. And that's for both of you, next time you go on a trip maybe you two should go on a double date, maybe switch partners midway through just to screw with people even more."

I chuckled at that amusing thought and I nodded before saying, "I'll keep that in mind auntie Bo."

"Good Now let's go see what my sister wants. I'm sure it's nothing major, probably wants to yell at me for disappearing for a couple weeks."

We followed the corridor through several turns, passing various frescos and artistic parts of Mandalorian culture enshrined in the walls of the palace and eventually found ourselves in front of the main doors to the Great Hall.

The noon-day sun was shining with a golden light through several windows into the main room and I noticed that for the most part, it was as I would have expected. Aunt Satine was sitting in her throne with several Royal Guards near the entrance and by her seat. No other political functionaries seem to be in the room. I would have expected to see Prime Minister Almec but maybe he was busy.

Smiling Satine said, "Welcome home my dear niece." as she got up from her seat walking slowly down the aisle towards us.

I gave you another courtesy and said, "It's good to be home, Aunt Satine." I could have gone with her title but I decided to go with family since that would do more to show that nothing really changed in how I saw the relationship since we first separated a year ago. Coming into the room with Bo Katan was not exactly going to do me any good considering their little squabbles so I needed to maintain the family relationships we had in her mind.

She walked right up to me and gave me a big hug, which was a bit of a surprise. But the kiss on the cheek even more so. "It's good to have you back safe and sound."

Before I could really respond she practically did the exact same thing to Bo Katan instead saying, "I missed you too sister. It's been too long since we've had a conversation.

And to complete the trifecta she even gave Vai a hug, though she only said, "Welcome back dear." Then she stepped away from all three of us and said, "Guards, please clear the room, I want to have a private conversation with my family, to catch up." The Royal Guards that had been in the room before we came in immediately left and my guards did the same. After all, her order superseded any order I could give.

I wondered why she would want to clear the room. It's not like we had anything secret to talk about… secret to talk about oh no…

"Something you wanted to talk about sister?" Bo asked first and was immediately punched in the face. Who was left looking down to her right with a bit of blood coming from her nose.

"That's for taking my armor." Satine said, shaking her hand to get the sting on her knuckles to dissipate.

Bo returned to looking at her sister with a grin and said, "Now that's a proper Mandalorian welcome."

"It's only half of what you deserve, father would be rather annoyed with you pulling that stunt. If that armor had not gone to a good cause I might have hit you again."

"Good cause?" I coughed hoping that the only thing that had been discovered was the missing armor and why has she figured that out of all things.

"Yes, White Silver's little dethroning of False Silver." she said looking directly at me implying that she knew exactly what I had been up to. Gulping, I wondered if I should take a step back and avoid the slap that was probably coming my way. But I decided to not do that, no doubt trying to avoid the hit would show a bit of weakness I couldn't afford right now.

Instead I coughed and said, "Ah actually your armor was resized into a set of personal armor for myself that I took to Coruscant in case of emergencies. It's mostly unchanged and only refitted to my size if you want it back."

She shook her head with a deeply annoyed sigh. "No, no it's probably doing you good. However we need to have a long conversation about taking risks like you did. And the political consequences that your White Silver character will have to endure."

Smiling, I said, "Hopefully there will never be a reappearance so White Silver's political consequences will vanish into the sunset. Never to be an annoyance to New Mandalorians again, while also leaving a stable center to prevent any civil war in the future."

Satine chuckled and nodded her head "That's what I'm hoping as well, but I still have to issue an arrest warrant for her nonetheless. Simply to appease the New Mandalorian factions that are not a fan of the anti-war and anti-pacifism groups that White Silver has empowered with their speech."

"What is White Silver being charged with?" I asked, fairly concerned about that turn of events.

"Anti-pacifism, thankfully all the footage showed her using the stun mode on her pistols which implies everyone she shot survived so there's nothing major that can be charged against her. Well I believe if White Silver was ever caught she would probably get off scot-free. If she ever came out of hiding I'm pretty sure everyone is of the opinion that what was done on Gargon was the right move in the long term and did a good job explaining that even if it was buried in a rant about being anti-war."

Sighing, she reached out and hugged me again, nearly burying my face in her upper body. "I didn't realize how much growing up without your mother and father had made you hate war, if you ever need to talk about this I'm here for you, Tanya. You don't need to rebel against everything."

Thankfully, since my face was firmly planted in her chest, Satine was unable to see the look of confusion on my face before it turned to one of understanding.

It makes sense that a young girl who lost her parents to war would probably take one of two modes. Either complete fear of war or as I had done hatred of it. While my hatred simply came from the waste of human resources I could play with this by playing the parts of a hurt little girl. Reaching around her and hugging her back I said, "I will Auntie Satine, I will."

She gave me one more tight squeeze before we untangled from each other. Not really sure what to say next I let Satine take the lead as she let out a deep sigh and said, "Alright, so how many people know about this now? Just so I can keep an eye on this situation and we can keep this secret."

I sighed and said, "It was a situation with very few options. I had to let all of my Royal Guards in on this in order for this to work. And they have performed spectacularly, could not have done it without them." A bit of praise to their performance would likely help reduce their punishment is the least I could do for all of their help.

She nodded, "That is six of some of the more trusted guards in my staff. That's good, is there anyone else I should know about?"

I shook my head before stopping and saying, "Zum and X4 knows as well now."

"Well that explains why Zum not been getting in contact with me" she shook he head before sighing "as for X4 If you don't think he can keep a secret, don't forget we can always have parts of his memory wiped to keep him quiet."

"I'll keep that in mind." I said, planning to do no such thing. Yes, logically what she had presented was right but I didn't like the notion of destroying a being's self by removing bits of its existence. The whole fact that we were using droids as unpaid labor was already dark enough in my mind. Giving us the ability to just wipe their minds was something I just didn't feel right about.

Shaking her head she finally said, "Now that we've had our moment and you promise never to do this again, correct?"

"I know, I will never do it again without your direct permission."

That raised her eyebrow a bit, causing her to say, "Why would I give you direct permission to don the costume again?"

I cleared my throat before explaining, "White Silver apparently owns Mandal Hypernautics now and she has a high position in the company now. The Crime Lords of Gargon are also interested in possibly being integrated into the Mandalorian sector as a full state and have asked White Silver to act as an intermediary in that process."

Satine had a look of complete exhaustion at that information, similar to what salary man experienced when they get additional work just as they were about to clock out for the night. Shaking her head she says, "Wonderful, that you will have permission to work on that. I don't know if the Crime Lords of Gorgon, as you put it, can be integrated into the Mandalorian sector in any feasible way but I would not say that putting an end to a possible Pirate Port within the sector would be unwelcome. And if White Silver can do this then it would do a lot to improve their reputation."

I nodded my head before Satinecontinued, "However we will not be discussing any more of this, for the rest of the trip we will focus on Tanya Kryze not White Silver, okay?"

I smiled and nodded, "Okay." I'm more than happy to put White Silver stuff aside for a while.

Shaking her head, Satine stepped away and headed towards her throne before she said, "By the way, which one of your guards was within the Coliseum with you?"

I wondered why she wanted to know that but I saw no harm in telling her, "Engiz Ordo."

"Of course it was him." she said with an amused tone and a shake of her head before she took a seat on her throne saying, "We'll arrange a dinner to celebrate your return and then we can talk about what Tanya got up to on Coruscant."

Oh no, we are going to have a talk about the club. Well since we were being so open about things, I guess I would talk to her about my theories of what was going on with Count Dooku possibly trying to stir up trouble in Mandalore for the Seperatist Crisis that was taking off.

Mandalore, Mandalorian Academy
Korkie Kryze

New Mandalorians are afraid of war. It was a statement that I wasn't sure if it was true or not. Few weeks ago when this whole Silver Mandalorian nonsense reached what I thought was its climax. That Shabuir warlords are going to come out of their hiding places to try and drag the sector back into its older ways. I have the impression that's what is going to happen to the sector I live in.

And then my expected understanding has been turned upside down, as the warlords of the past were beaten by a crazed Concordian girl claiming to be the original White Silver.

And that was before she gave the most divisive speech I had ever seen on the subject of war to come from a Mandalorian. All my life I'd only ever seen two points of views, the Old Mandalorians represented a war in a want to create more pain and chaos for their own gain. While New Mandalorians seek peace, attempting to rebuild from our mistakes and move on from our barbaric ancestors.

But that was not the view presented by the Silver Mandalorian that had taken the stage. Their point of view is that war was inevitable, and that Mandalorians needed the ability to fight against war when it rears its head. Because Mandalorians aren't the only beings in the galaxy and eventually someone would not come in peace.

I couldn't deny that the Silver Mandalorians' methods had worked. They had fought a representation of war in the form of a corporation that dated back to the Old Warlords and defeated it on public holo for all to see. Not only that, the fact that she had proclaimed Satine to be the true Mandalor which was not what I had expected. I figured that this Silver Mandalorian was going to be as power hungry as every other warlord from the past. Instead they did as much as possible to try and give all their power to Satine, based solely on the fact that Satine was elected, that really blew my mind.

Clearing my head, I took another bite of my shatual club sandwich. I was sitting in the cafeteria of the Royal Mandalore Academy with Lagos, Soniee and Amis and we were enjoying lunch. The Academy is a place where a lot of young clan nobles were sent to try and learn about various diplomatic and statesman skills. As well as trying to make friends with said other young Mandalorians in the hopes of making a strong bond between the clans and a stronger future. At least that's Tanya's position on the matter when we had talked about why she's going to the Core and why I am going to the Royal Academy. I may disagree with her on the diplomatic support of White Silver but I could not say she didn't have a nose for figuring out the deep plans of those in the political class.

I sometimes wondered how come she had not been set up to go to the Royal Academy. But then again if she was so good at figuring out the plans of the political class, the Senate was probably the better place for her to be. She would have a much better idea of what's going on than I was I merely an average student.

Most of the students around me were wearing their normal uniforms for the day with sunlight coming in through the window that faces the outside of the dome. The Academy was located near the edges of the dome, due to the fact that some students actually were brought in from other domes and cubes. So portions of the Academy actually stretched outside the dome, at least the current standard. I heard rumors that there's been talks about expanding the dome in the general direction the Academy faced but that had yet to happen.

Most of the uniforms were a blue in color with light blue shoulder marks, with the standard iron heart emblem emblazoned on the shirt's front left pocket in a light blue. On the surface, everything looked normal, everything looked as it had been a couple weeks before. However there were a few changes that I noticed that had raised my eyebrows in the last few weeks that were causing me to think about stuff like this more often.

Couple of students had started wearing a white or silver cloth around their arm to signal their support of White Silver's philosophy. If that had been it I would have figured it was a passing fad. Unfortunately some enterprising individual had apparently gotten their hands on a bit of a clip that zoomed in on White Silver's armor and copied the four winged emblem she had. And now they are selling armbands with her emblem on it for a rather hefty price but people were willing to pay as that had taken off a bit.

There was a bit of factionism that hadn't been there before. Although White Silver claimed that she supported Satine and had gone out of her way to say that. I still worried about what that would mean for the future. Letting out a deep sigh of contempt I put my half-finished sandwich back down on the tray.

Before I could really get my mind rearranged, Lagos reached out and put her hand on mine saying, "You okay Korkie? you seem down."

Smiling, I looked up at her and said, "Yeah I'm fine. Just just got a lot on my mind."

"I get it." Amis said, stabbing at his food with his fork. "System's getting a bit more complex, it happens now and then. I'm sure things will figure themselves out eventually."

"Yeah, hopefully." I said leaning back in my seat. "Things are just a bit more complicated than usual, it feels like."

Soniee shrugged not even looking up from her datapad and she said, her brown hair flowing a bit in the movement, "Things are always complicated, we're just noticing it more because we're going into politics in a few years. Frankly though I wouldn't worry about the armbands. Their just a status symbol to show off, maybe a bit longer than normal but they'll go away. When she cemented herself into legend with that whole attack on Gargon, people were going to want to know more about her. Learn more about her ideas and maybe implement a few of them into their lives. Before we're already interested in the Silver Codex all this has done is prove that there's a bit of teeth behind the Codex."

"You're right," I said whilst leaning back on my chair. "I just worry about the implications and what it'll all mean in the future."

"Nope," Lagos said, shaking her head, her blonde hair not held up in a usual ponytail today. "You really should just get your mind off of this, isn't your sister coming home today? Focus on that instead."

"Yeah," I said, rather timidly on the matter. I had been planning to, well I may have been a little bit of a Mir'sheb to Tanya on the matter of White Silver before all this happened. Part of me wondered if I should probably apologize for being a Mir'sheb. A part of me realized that I hadn't actually been that bad so I didn't really need to say sorry about the matter.

Either way, Tanya and I would need to have a conversation and maybe come to an understanding on all of this. Tanya had always been more interested in the White Silver. Maybe she'd seen what I saw the whole time. What am I saying of course she would have.

"She'll be home tonight." I finally said. "I got myself a ride over to the Royal Palace so I'll have dinner with her tonight."

"Oh, that's good. Hope we can get her to come down to the Academy and say Hi. Maybe explain what she's been doing over the last two weeks that's gotten every other girl in the Academy jealous."

"What are you talking about?" I said looking up.

Amis looked at me confused before saying, "Have you not seen the news recently?"

"The only news I've been watching is the news about White Silver and other big political stuff. Every other time is spent working on work for school."

Soniee sighed and shook her head before she pressed a few buttons on her pad and turned it to face me showing me a picture of Tanya with a pinkish-haired Royal Guard as they entered some sort of clothing store. Wait, that isn't Tanya. I'm sure of it. It's kind of hard to tell the difference if you didn't spend your entire life near the person but there are small differences that showed me that it wasn't Tanya in the picture. It's much more likely to be Vai, Tanya's handmaiden. There is also the fact that Tanya is happily going to a clothing store, which is as impossible as Aunt Satine declaring herself Mand'alor whilst wielding the Darksaber..

"Paparazzi caught Tanya on a date with his boy, entering some pretty racy clothing stores. It was getting big just before the whole White Silver thing went all over the place. This story's pretty much on the back burner but I think it'll resurface more than White Silver in the long run, now that White Silver is going into hiding. People will be more interested in what the new royal couple are up to."

I let out a laugh before saying, "Oh yeah, she's going to have to explain that." Knowing full well that that was probably not her and she was going to have to try and explain that in some reasonable way. However, if she'd sent out Vai and some boy to play as a couple before. My face slowly died as I realized that while yes this date in front of me was most likely fake it's likely a fake date to hide Tanya's real date elsewhere. Tanya is dating someone and as her older brother it is my duty to make sure that whoever her partner is didn't besmirch her honor or screw up in any way that would harm her. I would protect my little sister even if I didn't agree with her political leanings most of the time, because family is more important than politics.

Mandalore, Sundari Palace
Korkie Kryze

'Well, the atmosphere here was rather tense.' I mentally noted as I speared some roasted nuna with my fork. Once school came to an end, I had gotten on a speeder barge to get to the Royal Palace to see my sister. Both to see how she was doing as well as say hello to Auntie Satine. I hadn't seen Aunt Satine in a couple weeks because I finally moved out of the Palace and into the Academy dorms.

I had expected to have a simple meet and greet, enjoy dinner with the family, play catch up for a couple hours, and finally end the night by returning to our own rooms.

That wasn't happening, mainly because there was not just Aunt Satine and Tanya here. Bo Katan is also here, throwing an unexpected dynamic to the gathering. From one side of the room to the other was absolutely quiet, compared to what I was expecting. As if people were not really sure how to talk about the going ons of the world. It's to be expected I guess, the whole White Silver stuff was bearing on my mind just before I arrived here is probably bearing on everyone else's minds as well.

Well Bo Katan was not someone I knew to ever take an interest in White Silver's ideology so maybe she was just being awkward because everyone was being awkward.

Fine, I finally stopped pretending to be enthralled by my food and decided to do something progressive and get the conversation rolling.

"So Tanya, what exactly happened a couple weeks ago when you got into that fight in Coruscant?".

Tanya coughed as she seemed to be taken by surprise by the question before clearing her throat and saying, "Well we were returning from a trip to a local club for senatorial staff and things just happened to align that two groups of ruffians decided to have a fight on the stairs down to where our speeder car is located."

"And you charged into the fight. Why?" I asked, trying to figure out the whole story.

Tanya shook head saying, "I did not charge into the fight, that's not what happened. I wasn't looking where I was going and I stepped down the stairs thinking nothing major was happening. It's not like I could hear the fight before we turned the corner, the traffic on the street and the noise of the club were drowning that out. It's only after I was in the midst of the fight that the situation went pear-shaped. Engiz was punched out of the stairway by a man who got himself cybernetic augmentations with his arms allowing him to, well, punch with the force of a slow moving freight train it looked like."

"Oh that's got to hurt." I said, matter of factly. Taking note of the name she said, "Engiz, isn't isn't that your pen pal?

She smiled, a look of happiness on her cheeks and she said, "Yes, he joined the Royal Guard before I left for Coruscant."

I wouldn't say I was wide eyed on this but my eyebrow is definitely higher from it. Did I just find evidence that my sister was engaging in a hidden relationship and letting her handmaiden take the flak for a more visible relationship? Perhaps, do I want to push harder on this? Yes, mainly because I wanted to make sure that this Engiz guy wouldn't hurt her, less on the physical way, more on the emotional way. I doubt anyone would be able to hurt Tanya physically more than emotionally. Based on the video of her fight, she's taken a couple hits but for the most part avoided all of the blows headed her way and gave out plenty in return.

I would have to ask the girls to poke around more, maybe they could see what was going on. I'm sure they'd be more than willing to take Tanya out on more clothes shopping dates.

"So what have you been up to brother? I haven't kept up on the news."

I shrugged and said, "Nothing too much, no fights at least. Mainly just been going to school and learning various diplomatic codes favored by various clans. I imagine it's not too different from the stuff you have to learn, just more focused on the Mandalorian Clan's Codes of Conduct. For instance never piss off a Tenau they're known for holding grudges for generations. Apparently, they and Clan Detta have been fighting for the last 300 years or so over some small insult their clan leaders did to each other while on the planet Harswee."

Tanya tilted her head before saying, "Oh yes, I think one of my Royal Guards mentioned that story to me once. Quite an entertaining tale I've been told since the insult was literally wearing the same armor colorations and style and a meaning of some kind."

"Really?" I said, surprised. "The book I was reading actually said one clan leader killed the other over some disagreement about territories, nothing about any clothing."

"Hmm, I wonder which story is true, can never tell with history. Some cases, unless you dig back deeper into when the story first started and find which one is older, that might give us an idea on which one is the truth. So much history has been lost over the last couple hundred years. When you think about it, I have to give it to the Ordos. They have a splendid collection of historical works as well as information on quite a lot of what Mandalore has done over the last 3,000 years."

"I imagine not a lot of the independent clans have their own versions of museums and collections of information stored all over the place. If they could all be made to work together, questions like what is the real story of that whole incident may be answered." I mused as I sat back in my chair.

"Hmm, an organization to build museums and to better collect and store history? Brother, have you been reading the Silver Codex?" Tanya asked with a smile.

"No, Why?" I asked, confused. Only to get a chuckle from her in response.

"One of the things near the end of the first Codex talks about building out museum infrastructure to better collect and store history. That's something that should be done in Mandalore, not only for the preservation of history but also for a tourist market."

"Huh, I did not know that." I said, rubbing my chin in thought. I really need to read the Silver Codex at this point, just so I don't embarrass myself. It seems to be a lot more than just military and fighting, like Tanya said all those years ago. Granted I suspected the history they wanted to preserve are the fighting in the military but maybe there was something more that could be found in the history that had been lost, something only a few clans knew but was important to the whole society of Mandalore.

"Actually," Aunt Satine spoke up from where she said sipping on a glass of wine from her homeworld. "I've been thinking about starting a foundation here in Mandalore to try and organize all the museums and libraries into something more substantial, a system that could work together."

I looked over towards her a bit stunned by this turn of events, wondering if this had anything to do with the most recent developments with White Silver.

"I've been thinking about this for a while," she continued, "but I've been too busy trying to keep the government on its stable path. What with the little disagreements over years and other issues that have drawn my notice from things here at home, I never have the time to really put this together. I could use some help getting such a system built, I would need someone to run around and talk with various Clan Heads to try and get them to sign on to such plans and allow for this organization's historians to gain access to the information they have."

Smiling, I said, "I would love to help Aunt Satine. My weekends are pretty much clear. I could take some time off to visit various Clan Heads on Mandalore and talk to them on the matter of creating this historical organization."

"Perhaps we should call it something like the Royal Historical Academy or something." Tanya proposed that she rubbed her own chin and thought.

"Not a bad name, at least for a start. I can always contact a few people who are better with the creation of organization names to get something that's a little bit more official down the line." Satine said

Tanya spoke up then saying, "I could reach out to various Republic institutions and maybe the Jedi see if they have any records that they've kept about the Mandalorian people they may be willing to give us copies of, to at least add to the number of records available."

"A wonderful idea." Aunt Satine said, nodding her head in approval before taking a sip of her glass. "We would need a place to build the headquarters for this museum organization and for them to have their own collection to allow the viewing public to see while the researchers are in the back exploring our history to its fullest."

"What about Keldabe? From my memory, the old capital of Mandalore is still pretty banged up from the Clan Wars as well as the Siege of Mandalore. I'm sure having something built there will help the city in the long term."

"An excellent idea," Tanya said before continuing, "starting a historical museum in what can best be described as the birthplace of the modern Mandalorian people would go a long way towards showing a commitment towards the history of Mandalore."

"I can poke around a few Clan Heads that I know." Bo Katan spoke up from the other side of the table, drawing everyone's eyes to her. "I get around once in a while. I have a few friends who might be interested in joining this little history club. I'm personally not that concerned about it." She looked to the side and sipped her glass of wine, seeming a bit off as if she was unsure of what she was doing.

"Thank you sister," Satine said from the other end of the table, "that sounds like a wonderful idea and that would make this on a whole family project something I don't think we've ever had."

Tanya nodded before saying, "No time like the present to start having a few family bonding experiences. I'm sure if we all work together this will turn out to be a wonderful institution that'll help the next generation of Mandalorians understand their history better than we understand it now."

Satine nodded and said, "However this is a little bit too much work talk for a family table I think. Tanya, do you have any other non-work stories to talk about from your time on Coruscant?

She shrugged her head before saying, "I don't think so, I've been pretty busy helping the Ithorians, trying to get them to speed up the process of having terraforming ships brought to the Mandalore sector."

Satine nodded before saying, "Well do not let that project become all consuming, do not be afraid to take a break and have a little fun."

"Noted though I wouldn't worry too much about it. I'm mostly just waiting through a lot of paperwork and I'm pretty good at getting through that quickly enough. I started this project and I will see it finished. It just takes time to get through their bureaucracy."

"You started the project?" Satine said, leaning in .

Mandalore, Sundari Palace

What a delightful business I've been given to manage by my Mistress. It was not too complicated as all I had to do was communicate with the now CEO of the company, Jewyl Toza, but it was such a diversified asset to have under her control.

Mandal Hypernautics was at its Core a shipbuilding company, a warship manufacturing company to be more specific. Granted its facilities had seen better days, at its heights it had the ability to produce true warships, Battleships and Star Destroyers that had been the envy of many governments. Now production was geared more towards fightercraft and the occasional skiff. That was most likely going to stay the same as selling Starfighters and Corvettes to the Hutts was a profitable business. No, the only reason we could sell them to the Hutts was because the company did not have a good reputation or the last CEO. That would change I hope as I had instructed the current CEO to look into the pleasure craft market as well as the cargo market.

Making a reproduction of the Lancer Pursuit Craft as a cargo craft may cut into MandalMotors' profits but being able to buy ships from a company I already owned would do wonders for my own profitability. Not to mention with the logistics train I've been setting up through some of my subsidiaries, it would be quite easy to sell these ships after delivering all the supplies they had gotten. What happened to those ships after then was not really my problem.

No doubt for the foreseeable future Mandal Hypernautics will be producing fighter craft and cargo craft which I would either use for the company permanently or sell after completing a job that would take it too far out of range of making their return profitable. Not only that, but the current clientele brought in by the planet of Gargon work of a smuggler variety. Of course there were plenty of pirates but the smuggler part was an interesting thing, small worlds tend to be very good pilots so contracting them to work for me would be quite profitable. I may set up a permanent headquarters on Gargon for some of my logistics companies in order to recruit from there.

Seriously, my Mistress is a strategic genius. She had not only got herself a company to make ships, a planet that would produce pilots, and allies within the local nobility or mob-nobility if you preferred. She had created plenty of economic opportunities on that planet that I could take full use of. The planet was just slightly off the Hydian Way that I could centralize all production of the Mandalorian armors that I had made through my subsidiaries to go to that planet. Meaning less collection trips were needed, we could even use the beskar resources that were on the planet to have armor produced there. Granted, beskar as a religious item was a solely Mandalore system thing. These are simply resources that the prior administration had collected but the amount of resources by my calculations they had collected were good for a four year war and to create a large army from this beskar storage.

While I couldn't sell the beskar out of the system, as selling beskar out of the system is a religious and cultural rights violation, which of course must be observed. But I would imagine I could probably actually sell the beskar to local armorers in exchange for subcontracting the armor production to fill a larger quota of various non-beskar armor orders. I worked with the chance to have workable metal that could be turned into works of art, an armor out of Mandalorian Iron that would probably catch a nice price.

I am still going through what was actually left. The records I had taken with me from Gargon indicated the storage has well over 4 years of material. So far we had confirmed, there was still two years worth of material left in Mandal Hypernautics storage yards but there were obviously large portions of beskar that were either stolen by the Mafias or the Nomads of the planet. All in all not a great loss since they were never really ours to begin with and as long as it went to Mandalorians it was not really a major concern.

The more interesting thing I found while going through the data are schematics for several kinds of droids. It seems like there have been discussions about building a droid factory on the planet. Nothing had been completed yet but there were even schematics for beskar armored droids. An interesting design, not the legendary Basilisk War Droids of course, these are more of the modern humanoid type used by the Trade Federation and Techno Union. Strange that Hypernautics had these designs, but then again those designs can be easily bought and replicated by anyone, all that was needed was one of their droids, and it was not like they didn't sell them to everyone who can afford them. Even I bought a few over the years I had been working for Mistress Tanya.

All in all though, the production capabilities of Mandal Hypernautics were well within being useful to my businesses and I could use Gargon for a very good economic hub for all my businesses. The only real issue of course would be the protection money that I would need to acquire for the mafia on the planet, but having Gargon as the main planet could work as a good way to pay not as much taxes as I would on Coruscant. Even with most of the protections on the Outer Rim's tax rates returning to a point before its Free Trade Zone limits, it was still a quite nice number compared to Coruscant. And it would serve Tanya well to save money and reinvest it back into the Mandalorian sector.

My Mistress made it quite clear in the Silver Codex, that I recently learned was actually made by her and her opinions on Mandalore was that it should become more peaceful as well as being self-sufficient economically.

Thankfully, I had a plentiful way of dealing with this situation. Lots of former Silver Mandalorians are still stuck on the planet and the nomads were willing to take money. With the aid of Bo Katan I'd help set up an organization on the planet called the Mandalorian Rangers. It was simply a way to maintain both peace inside Gargon City and on the peripheries of it out in the frontier lands that the nomads lived in.

The plan was to make the planet safer allowing for economic stability but it would also make my economic attempts safer as well resulting in a positive feedback loop. A safer planet makes more money, with more money coming in I could afford larger protection for the planet making it even safer, and so on and so forth until it started to reach diminishing returns. Of course I would have to be careful not to step on the local mob bosses toes. I knew some of them ran some of the heavier drugs but as long as everyone is happy by the deals and my Mistress is made happy by the amount of money being made, then all is right with the world.

I would need to get myself a few more agents on the planet to deal with the members of the mafia. Mistress's plan to turn the planet into a resort could help with the economic stability of the sector. This seems a little bit long-term but I could not disagree that the idea was theoretically possible. To make sure it works I would need to have reliable contacts within the organizations that ran the casino districts. Crime pays on Gargon. It probably would continue to pay even after my Mistress's ethics and morals were applied. I just needed to make sure it paid in such a way that it didn't harm the civilians that would come to the planet.

It was not like Coruscant was not known for being a hive of scum and villainy. Go far enough down and it was probably no different than Gargon. What mattered was the face that was presented, a face that showed itself as something safe and useful.

Perhaps there would be a way to improve the face of Gargon, this entire time I had been running these thoughts through some of the lowest parts of my droid brain as most of it was kept up working on financial information both my Mistress's legal and Silver's illegal financials but the idea of improving the face of Gargon required the attention of all my mental capabilities.

How would one improve the face of a planet that was known for being controlled either by criminals or pirates? Well you would need to make the criminals seem like less of an issue. Of course the plans to bring about a semi-military unit to enforce a code of conduct on the planet would help a lot in that matter but we needed some sort of sideshow. Something that would make people think that this place was a burgeoning cultural hub, not just a place to please people out of their money.

Going through my memory database I felt like I had come across something like this before hitting upon a conversation Vai and Mistress had about 3 months ago.

Sitting back I began to play it in my mind in order to better comprehend what was said.

"Your voice is really good, Tanya. You really should have thought about going into music."

Mistress audibly scoffed and she said, "I'm perfectly fine with my political career options. If things were to go terrible, maybe I'd be interested in becoming an idol. but that is not something I'm really thinking about in the long term."

"Idol." Vai asked with a voice of curiosity.

Mistress seemed to take a moment to think this through before saying, "It's a term for an actor or actress, usually on the younger side who participates in musical shows in order to improve their popularity. Often sponsored by various companies and such in order to bring people to be more interested in what that company is up to. I have heard that there are some planets that go really deep into this culture of idols and have whole industries about turning regular girls into musical sensations. They tend to be in the Core but it's a very niche culture really."

"Huh, well I don't know about getting yourself a sponsorship and all but I think you could definitely get a part in some musical play or maybe even make your own music."

Mistress scoffed at that, "I'm not that big of a songstress, Vai."

I stopped that memory as another memory connected with this one one from five months ago about songstress.

"You know if I was a songstress" Tanya began "I would take some of these historical events that marked our history and set them to music."

"Well we do have songs in Mandalore, even poetry," she said matter of factly as she shrugged. They were currently watching some sort of historical drama, one of the few attempts by the New Mandalorians to produce historical works in the last few months possibly as a reaction to the Silver Codex.

"Well true there's not enough kick to the songs and they tend to be just songs about the generalities of fighting and being a soldier. I'm talking about having a song specifically about an event set to some sort of heavy metal in order to give the song the raw kick it needs."

Vai looked at Tanya confused and shrugged, "I don't know about that, never heard anything called heavy metal but I guess if it did give the history a feeling of raw power or kick it might be interesting."

Ending that memory I tilted my head downwards to look at the computer in front me deep in thoughts. This might work, if I use Mandal Hypernautics to sponsor an idol, as Mistress had put it, set their music to some sort of heavy metal, as she put it, and make the songs about Mandalorian historical events that would definitely change the perspective of Gargon. It would create a very good impression that it was simply a diamond in the rough culturally that had yet to be fully prospected.

And if my event was successful, I'm sure the other mob bosses would sponsor their own idols which would create healthy competition in the business of idols. And with the amount of different musical variants and styles that could possibly be produced from such a situation, I'm sure something would catch on with the rest of the Galaxy which would give a bigger boon to the Mandalorian culture as a whole. Had Mistress been looking for an opportunity to apply this ingenious strategy? She always seems to have ideas well above the times. Does she actively plan ahead? Maybe she did or maybe she planned for a variety of scenarios and she stayed ahead due to the contingencies she developed? In either case, this is basically an order from the Mistress and it is my job to make this a reality. Straightening up I got to work figuring out how I would find an idol, how I would make my music, and what the heck heavy metal was. I'm sure it would only take me a week to find everything I needed to get it started, if not well long-term investments take time after all.

Writers note: little bit of a family chapter, some folk in background were pushing for me to do more with korkie, so i did, while also doing some things with other members of family. What elses is there to say… chapter 24 is contuinutuion of this trip to mandalore before we head back to core for chapter 25? How about my annoyances with bo-katan in clone wars verse bo-katan in the wiki. Check this out till recsly bo-katan on wookipidia said something to the effect that she wanted to kill her sister, and i was rather anooyed by that because that did not feel right but guy who dosze research kept saying bo-katan evil she burnt down the village and tried to kill her sister, which i bealived burn down villages part i destiny rembwer her laughing as she did… well guess what happen when i found thing on youtube with on her appearances in clone wars… and found out that not only, that she never talks about killing her sister only removing her from power. But that laughing psycho burning down town I remembered… dose not exist, she appearances in that episode yes we never see her in the town.

Edited by: Warmach1ne32, FallQm
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Chapter 24
Chapter 24
714 FNM (24 BBY)
Month 10

Mandalore, Sundari Palace, Council Chambers
Satine Kryze

'Today will not be a fun day.' I mused as I looked out at the gathered heads of state that worked underneath me to keep Mandalore running as a safe society. Events that happened had pushed me to take stances that I was just going to have to accept.

Sending my newest proposal to the Ruling Council was going to be a headache by itself and I could feel it growing already. But there was not much I could do on the matter, political realities had changed, granted it was technically my fault they had changed. I had encouraged Tanya to create the Silver Codex after all and helped propagate it as well. In my defense, when I did those things I never thought it would lead to someone attempting to overthrow the government I established.

But it happened, someone had attempted to overthrow my government. And due to the position of Gargon in the Mandalore sector, we had been practically powerless to do anything about it.

An argument I would probably have to face again while explaining the situation. Shaking my head I put those thoughts aside for now as the final member of the council entered the Council Chamber.

Pre Vizsla stepped into the room and nodded in my general direction before saying, "Apologies for my tardiness, Duchess. I was unprepared for this meeting and was attending to various matters on Concordia when I received the notice."

Smiling, I tilted my head in his direction before saying "No worries Governor, I had started planning this meeting yesterday and I knew it would be a bit of a hassle on such short notice, so I was more than willing to wait for your arrival. Please take a seat, this meeting will probably take a while."

Pre nodded and walked over to one of the prepared seats. Looking at the gathered ministers I took a breath before beginning. "It is time to discuss the recent trouble inGargon and how we are going to best deal with the aftermath. I have some thoughts on the matter but I would like to hear what the Council's thoughts are first before I give my own. Please feel free to speak candidly."

Prime Minister Almec looked up from where he had been sitting looking over various reports having already been given some leeway to do something about the matter.

Standing up he said, "I could speak to what I have already initiated. Officially we have condemned White Silver's actions as political terrorism and rampant vigilantism. However we're not taking any direct action against their followers at the moment, if they are honest about going into seclusion then it would be best not to give them a reason to come out of it. I've ordered the Mandalorian Secret Service to keep an eye on the followers of White Silver as they do with any Martial Traditionalists that still hang around on Mandalore."

Droxun, the Minister of Finance spoke up, "Why the Mandalorian Secret Service? Isn't that a job that can be handled by the Mandalorian Guard or even the Royal Guard?"

"The Royal Guard is for protecting the Duchess and can pursue anything she deems necessary for the continuation of Mandalore's survival. The Mandalorian Guard are used solely to keep the peace and are a police force. Due to the scale and sensitivity of the intelligence gathering activities we're expecting related to White Silver, the Secret Service is best suited for this task." Prime Minister Almec answered.

I noted to myself that I would need to warn Tanya to be a bit more careful with revealing her identity. As far as I knew, the Secret Service reported directly to Almec and while I trusted him to a great extent, he seemed to have gotten himself a new chew toy for his annoyance. There was a reason I was considered too harsh after the Clan Wars, half of it was because I had needed to prevent the wars from restarting, the other half was the result of Almec having a hardline approach to the matter of dealing with the Traditionalists after the war.

Deputy Minister Jarek, also the Governor of Kalevala, spoke up after Almec's statement, "Really now Almec don't you think that's a bit much? This White Silver has saved us from having to deal with Gargon and saved who knows how many lives from an interplanetary war by taking it into her personal hands. Not to mention she's made it quite clear she is no threat to the government, if she goes back on her word that would cause a severe hit to her reputation as someone who won't keep her word."

"A faceless warrior, most likely from Concordia, has declared herself Mandalore in all but name. For now they are saying that they are not interested in overthrowing Satine, how do we know that won't change in the future? I won't leave anything to chance." Almec said as he folded his arms across his chest.

Jerek shrugged before saying, "Fair enough, so you are doing the best you can to try and figure out what's going on, anything else you're doing that we should know about?"

Almec shook his head before taking his seat, "I've set things in motion that will protect Mandalore, that's all that matters."

Jarek shook his head before standing up and clearing his throat, "Though many on Kalevala are of a preference for no violence, the footage of White Silver has inspired a little bit more, what's the term I'm looking for… sympathy towards her. The fact that she handed over a criminal to the proper authorities, did the best she could to minimize deaths, to the point that she put her own life at a risk protecting people who were going to be wrongfully executed, and stopped the executioners while using the stun function on her blasters has given the Kalevalans a bit of a favorable opinion of White Silver.

There was a bit of a joke going around the local holonets that Kalevala Spacework's next star yachts will beat a discount price for customers who would promise to be as respectful of life as an Ithorian. Although, I know we must show a strong face and appear to be in full control of the situation. We have to at least admit she's saved us a bunch of trouble and might deserve a bit of leeway."

I did my best to prevent the smile from showing on my face at that statement. It's good to see that my homeworld saw the good in Tanya's alter ego though Almec looked rather annoyed by this statement if his narrowed eyes were any indication.

He simply shook his head and said, "We should not take anyone who could be a threat to the security of the Mandalorian sector lightly. In fact we should probably warn the Mandalorian Patrol to at least keep an eye out for them. See if they can persuade her to make good on her seclusion at the very least."

Governor Pre coughed to get our attention before saying, "The Mandalorian Patrol has contacted me about that in fact. Apparently a large number of the ships that were seized after the fall of False Silver were taken by the local clans and since they don't have a need for those ships have sold them at good prices to the Mandalorian Patrol. Some of the ships that were apparently given to White Silver were also sold directly to the Patrol."

"Their official statement on White Silver is that 'They are simply another faction of Mandalorians. As such also have the protection of the Mandalorian Patrol, as any other.' end quote"

"Damn them" Almec said, sounding fairly annoyed with this information, "We should have disbanded the Patrol the moment the Clan Wars were over. They were too close to Death Watch during the Civil War for my liking."

I shook my head and said, "Calm, Prime Minister, the Mandalorian Patrol has existed for almost a thousand years. It is one of the few safeguards in keeping the sector pirate-free. Just because they decided to stay out of politics does not mean we should view them as unfaithful.. Besides, every Mandalorian planet contributed something to the Patrol and if we had attempted to try and disband them they would have simply shrugged, tightened their belts, and continued to give the benefits of their protection to Ordo, Concord Dawn, and any Mandalorian planet that deemed them helpful. Not to mention that it would have removed us from having a seat at the table when they are having discussions about the defense of the sector."

It did amaze me sometimes that the Mandalorian Patrol was probably the oldest institution in the sector. With a collection of warships and various other assets that had been gathered over the thousand years they had somehow maintained political neutrality through almost all the conflicts that had assaulted the systems of the sector. While they had taken some great losses after the Siege of Mandalore as some of their more powerful warships had come to the call of Governor of Vrox; most had stayed out of the conflict and deemed it a situation where an internal conflict had spilled over to the point it called in external forces.

The Minister of the Interior, Armatan, spoke up then. He had been listening to the conversation with his eyes closed up to this point and if I didn't know him I might have thought he actually had fallen asleep. But I did know him and he was not as close an ally as Almec and Jerek. Though we shared many beliefs we'd have had several arguments regarding policy over the years as well.

"Now that we've completely covered the obvious points about this matter, let's go over the not so obvious points. It doesn't matter if this White Silver is real or that they took out False Silver. We got lucky, yes, but that doesn't change the fact that someone funded and armed Gerr to attempt this as well as gave him the impression that this was a reasonable act. He's been out on Gargon for nearly 20 years running a business and then all of a sudden he decides now is the time to strike as the Galaxy seems to be spinning out of control. No, this might be a taste of what's to come, factions within the Mandalorian sector turned against the government in order to divide us and start another civil war. So the matter is simple, how do we prepare for this next potential Civil War? Can the Mandalorian Guard, the Secret Service, or the Royal Guard deal with this?"

Almec shook his head, "There will be no civil war. My Secret Service will make sure of that and the Mandalorian Guard can and will defend the planet."

Armatan shook his head before he said, "That's not the question, I'm not talking about the planet, I'm talking about the sector. We can protect Mandalore all day long, but if the sector falls or blockaded we have no food coming in, we have no equipment coming in, no secure supply of resources, and then it won't matter that we protected the planet because the populace will rip us apart. So what are we doing to prevent that outcome, Prime Minister Almec?" Almec himself seemed a bit flustered as he tried to think of a response but I decided to speak up then.

"That's actually where my plan may come in handy." Armatan looked at me and nodded, wanting to hear what I had to say so I continued, "Last year a pirate invasion apparently took place on Vorpa'ya. The Journeyman Protectors were deployed by the Governor of Concord Dawn, and were able to settle the situation. During that time I also sent the Royal Guard to take part in the situation citing that the continued food coming out of Vorpa'ya for use on Mandalore was reason enough for the Royal Guard to be deployed in such a fashion.

This was in all respects a success. The Governor of Concord Dawn has been a little bit more lenient in the last few months about food supplies and all in all, the situation has improved diplomatically between our two worlds.

So what if we take that idea and expand on it? I have looked over White Silver's Codex a few times and one of their ideas which seemed rather relevant to our current situation was a Self-Defense Force. I brought it up once or twice to the Council before but never had an opportunity to really push for it. The idea would be a force on Mandalore whose sole purpose is to defend Mandalore and must be invited to help defend another planet within the Mandalorian sector."

Droxun, stood up in utter shock, "You want to build an army? Do you want to bring us back to the old days of offensive warfare?"

"Calm yourself Minister and please return to your seat so that I can finish." I waited until the Minister returned to his seat before I continued. "This will not be an army that can go out and conquer other planets, it is a purely defensive force to protect against invasive threats. They will not have access to any Hyperdrive capable ships so they can't even leave the star-system without outside support. Even if there are ships available to transport them, the SDF will start small with no more than four thousand combatants in total made up entirely of volunteers. They will be trained to the fullest extent possible so that they can be deployed to any combat environment in the Mandalorian sector that requested our aid."

Droxun sat there for a moment thinking before he finally said, "That is not too terrible, a four thousand man force with some of the best equipment we can get our hands on would be acceptable. The Royal Guard is only around five thousand souls in total. We shouldn't be sending them off world and to deal with situations that could turn bloody so having a force that is designed for that role and under a number of Royal Guards seems reasonable."

Jerek just sat there thinking for a bit before saying, "Does this Mandalorian Self-Defense Force have to be simply in Mandalore? If we're going for a small fighting force of say... one thousand or two thousand soldiers. Kalevala can afford a force like that and we could theoretically create our own version of the Mandalorian Patrol, an official Force that all members sign on to and supply a small portion of soldiers for. It would even make things clear as to what planets are meant to be defended or not. If a planet already has a Self-Defense Force that has signed on to this Sector SDF, we can deploy Planetary Self-Defense Forces to other planets from it.

Pre Vizsla shook his head at that, stating "It's an interesting idea but there are always going to be planets that can't meet an official standard for this Self-Defense Force and there will have to be a standard, you can't just have all things be equal. If there is a standard to have two thousand men, Kalevala and Mandalore are going to have a lot more heavily armored soldiers than someone from say, Concordia."

Almec nodded his agreement, "We don't need an SDF of that nature. We already have the Guard, every other planet and clan has their own warriors and sometimes full-on armies, they won't need or want to engage in this idea."

The Minister of the Interior shook his head before saying, "They have their own armies and militias sure, but having the ability to call upon some fully armored reinforcements in a bad situation is a desirable option to have in reserve. Not to mention, if we have a fighting force meant for fighting, they can be the center of a potential defensive army in case someone were ever to invade Mandalore. While it is as you said that every clan has their own militia tactics and styles of combat, are they going to be able to work together in an emergency? I think not. Having a standard that other clans can look to try and reach could be good for them. The Royal Guard is not that standard, they are well trained but they are not meant for a war zone. The Mandalorian Guard, as you've already stated, are a police force, so they aren't a proper standard either."

Almec did not look pleased as he muttered to himself before more openly grumbling, "I guess we should put it to a vote. We can make up our minds about what this Mandalorian Self-Defense Force will look like and what we'll do with it if we decide to even allow its existence."

Several ministers nodded before I spoke up, "Those in favor of creating a Self-Defense Force for the Mandalorian system with the possibility of expanding it to other willing Mandalorian planets, raise your hand."

I watched as people thought for a moment, Jarek was the first to put up his hand followed by Armatan. After a couple seconds Droxun put his hand up in agreement. Finally the last 3 ministers all also raised their hands leaving Prime Minister Almec to look annoyed and Governor Pre to shrug. As the hands went down Pre simply said, "I'm going to need a little extra funding to support such an organization. I'm afraid it's the only reason I'm voting against it."

I smiled and said, "No worries, I will see if we can't outline some sort of budget for expenditure in whatever contract we finally work out for this organization. Perhaps a small amount of money will be given to these organizations to help with formations on other planets to help them get to a standard that is acceptable with all the other members."

He nodded in agreement, "That might work."

Mandalore, Sundari Mall
Tanya Kryze

It had been a long time since I visited Soft Serve Mandalore 35, since I had left Mandalore, nearly a year before to be exact, and to my delight the quality had not degraded in the slightest.

After my return to the planet, I decided to visit this old shop to have a little frozen treat and I'd brought Vai and Ordo for my security, though it wasn't as if bodyguards were a requirement on Mandalore. I was pretty sure I'd seen Skota drive by in a speeder car, most likely keeping an eye on the situation.

Tabi and Kastel were currently with Struc on punishment duty for their screw up during the Harswee operation to give me an alibi. From what I had heard, they were being worked to the bone. Which was probably good for them considering Tabi really needed to work on his self-control. The only reason he wasn't fired was that, on further consideration, it resulted in people thinking I was out there dating instead of, well, freeing Gargon from an authoritarian madman which was a fine alibi as it were. I would just have to figure out some way to keep that alibi stable without making me look like some sort of socialite. Shouldn't be that hard to figure out given enough time.

Anyhow, I was enjoying a nice chocolate ice cream from Soft Serve Mandalore 35, which I had never had before but apparently was brought in with several other luxury goods thanks to some company called Mandal Logistics. That name has been popping up more often recently, they were doing good work trading products from Mandalore outside the sector and bringing in luxury goods to Mandalore. I wonder if they were an open company and I could invest in them? I'm sure that in the coming years they will do well. I'd have to ask X4 if there are enough credits in the budget to send a little investment their way the next time I talk to him.

Before I could continue with those thoughts though, two faces that looked very familiar entered the ice cream shop. Lagos Rook and Soniee Carid, Korkie's friends, were chatting amongst each other when they saw me and immediately started walking over.

"Tanya, long time no see." Lagos said sitting across from me not even bothering to ask if she had permission to do so. I mean for all she knew, there were other people with our group and those seats were taken; of course there weren't but still a bit thoughtless.

"Lagos, Soniee. Good to see you." I said with a smile, noting that the other girl sat down next to Vai without much noise, simply giving a nod to me and Vai.

"What are you two doing here?" I asked as I sat back in my seat, my spoon playing with the ice cream as I listened to whatever their story would be.

"We were just over at the arcade, catching up on old memories and such. We decided to get a bit of ice cream for ourselves, not much more to say." Soniee said with a shrug.

Looking next to me she finally said, "Oh sorry I'm Lagos and this is Soniee," holding out her hand to Ordo as she did.

"Nice to meet you," Ordo said, taking the hand and giving it a shake, saying "I'm Engiz Ordo." Before he went back to keeping an eye on the establishment, making sure we were safe.

Soniee turned to me and said, "So what are you guys doing here? I heard you were back in town from Korkie but he didn't say much about why you were back;though I have plenty of theories."

I raised an eyebrow at that, not sure what the theories could be, but I replied, "I'm simply back in town to rest and recuperate before going back to work for the Mandalore sector. Coruscant is a stressful place and I need to reconnect with my roots every once in a while.

Lagos raised a skeptical eyebrow before she showed a mischievous grin,"Uh-huh… and did those reconnecting roots involve a pink haired boy at least 2 years older than you? "

I heard Vai cough around the straw in her mouth, the comment having taken her by surprise as she was sipping on a milkshake. Alright, I hoped to avoid a conversation like this. I guess it's the law of all universes that girls talk. Well I would do my best to try and not to mess this up.

"Oh yes" I said, "it did for a time, it didn't work out." I said, stabbing my ice cream with my spoon to get a big scoop.

"Really? What happened?" Soniee said from across from Vai, looking surprised by the fact that I had apparently gone on a date with someone.

I shrugged before saying, "We decided we weren't each other's speeds, and he embarrassed the royal guard with his antics, which is a big no-no. It's in fact so bad that Ordo here had to beat Tabi and a public duel to win my honor back. Apparently it's some sort of tradition in the Royal Guard and I'm simply looking for a more reserved gentleman.

I didn't know if these two would believe it but that was the story I was planning to run with. Eventually if the truth got out then so be it; but if it didn't that worked too. Either way it would help me out with cleaning up the situation while also not implying we were on bad terms. If two people had dated and were on bad terms throwing them out of your official watch would be expected but if you'd parted on good terms then it was just a weekend fling that would be forgotten in time.

That and Ordo's status as the victor in that fight, which had been public for the Royal Guards, would serve as an obstacle against any who made attempts to date me which, I hoped, would discourage any future noble sons from trying to court me. If I ended up being in a situation where I was going to have to marry someone else, I was at least going to try and have some control over the speed of the relationship and the competence of my suitor and this would serve as a decent deterrent.

Also, in order to make sure that he was always in fighting shape to defend my honor, I was giving him extra training on the side, sparring and workouts together. He was getting the same treatment that I'd given Vai as he showed himself having a similar use. So far, he has room for improvement but I'll get him to my high standard eventually. At least that was my intent with the statement. Who knows what sordid fictions the imaginations of the two girls would come up with based on this story.

Lagos nodded, looked between me and Ordo before asking, "So how do you know Engiz?

I smiled and said, "We've known each other for roughly 6 years I think? We actually met over in the laser tag arena."

Lagos narrowed her eyes and looked at Ordo before she widened her eyes and said "You're the kid with the glasses, the one that was helping Tanya during the game all those years ago."

What Lagos said caused Soniee to look over at him for a moment before she too recognized him

Ordo took his left hand and rubbed the back of his head, letting out feigned chuckles as he said "Yeah that was me, that was the first time Tanya and I officially met. But we didn't really talk until a few years later."

I nodded saying, "We've been in contact for nearly 3 years. We share similar interests in history, research, and other things. Very good long time pen-pal."

"Ah," Lagos said, nodding her head before asking, "Pen-pal, where are you from Ordo?" As she said it, I saw the light go on behind her eyes as facepalmed herself as she realized she'd said the answer right there.

Ordo missed it though and simply said, "Where you would expect? I'm from Ordo."

"And what brings a member of Clan Ordo all the way to Mandalore?" Soniee asked probingly to continue the conversation as I simply enjoyed a bit more ice cream.

"I'm part of Tanya's Royal Guard detachment. It's my job to keep her safe."

"Does a good job of it too." I said affirming that, "He reliably follows orders and is good in a fight."

"Oh, was he in that fight video from a few months back." Soniee said, speaking up a little louder than she usually did.

I attempted to not show my displeasure at the mention of that video before saying, "Yes, he was there. I was trying to socialize with fellow Representatives that night and while returning home things just went wrong."

Soniee shrugged before saying, "Wouldn't count that as wrong, that video is one of the most watched videos on Mandalore right now. Second only to the whole White Silver anti-war speech video."

Again I tried to not show my displeasure about this information as I responded, "Yes, well I really did not want to get involved in a gang fight on my way home, it sort of just happened. I turned the corner and someone threw a punch at me. I was just lucky that I was able to block the first one. Ordo unfortunately got hit by some sort of prosthetic fist that sent him flying like 5 paces back up the stairway. I'm sure that's why he was not as prominent in the video."

"Uh-huh," Lagos made a noise that seemed to indicate she was putting something together in her head. I don't know what it was but I suspected I wouldn't like the implications of whatever she was thinking. If you had to think about something that usually meant you were coming up with your own understanding of a story. Which means whatever I was saying was being translated through some lens I didn't yet understand, which was annoying.

"Oh, would you look at that, I have a call." Ordo said, looking at his vambrace, looking like he was feeling a bit uncomfortable. "It's probably the commander wanting to check up on us. I'll be right outside." That was odd because I hadn't heard any calls. As he started to get up, I wondered why, before it finally clicked that this entire conversation had been about boys. I had basically been suffering through this entire time and he'd been suffering through it as well and he'd just figured out an excuse to get out of here.

I was of two minds on this one, one was calling him a traitor for leaving me behind because no doubt now that he was leaving that conversation would continue to be about boys and likely in more detail. On the other hand, I thought he was a genius for being able to create a way out as quickly as he had and I wished I had come up with one as well.

Since it wasn't possible for me to ask him to take me with him to get out of this situation, I simply said, "Alright, let him know everything's alright."

"Will do princess." He said before stepping away taking a few steps before he was outside. I watched him clearly to see what he would do and he did seem to press a few buttons on his vambrace and maybe started talking. He's facing away from us so I couldn't see for sure. Maybe there really was a call and I missed it or it was set to vibrate. If it's not, well he was a good actor at least, a good skill to grow in case we ever needed to go undercover again. Hopefully that would never happen though.

The moment he was outside Lagos looked directly at me and asked, "So who is your speed?"

I was mentally screaming wishing I had figured out some way to escape before I shook my head and said, "I don't have a speed worth talking about. Maybe we should talk about Vai. She has more interesting stories I'm sure."

"Sure," Soniee said, turning to Vai, "so who's Tanya's speed?" I smacked my forehead onto the table in utter annoyance of this. Is this really my life now? Am I always doomed to girl talks for as long as I live? The answer of course was yes since I was a girl…I was doomed to it. I just had to get used to this sort of stuff.

She rubbed her chin as she sat back before saying, "Well if I had to make a guess, someone who's intelligent, reliable, and follows orders."

"So she has a thing for someone like Ordo." Lagos said as she sat back in her chair, seeming very self assured in her determination. Oh how I wanted to escape this. Turning my head I looked out the window wondering if there was any way to get away, wishing I just went with Ordo. Yes, that might also imply exactly what they're thinking but at least I wouldn't have to hear about it.

Sighing, I simply said, "This is not really a conversation I will be answering any questions about."

"I think we hit a nerve," Soniee said before continuing, "well as options go it's not the worst one. At least he's got some broad shoulders on him."

The mention of shoulders reminded me of the Gargon incident with the Keldabe kiss and how they had blocked the view of our pursuer and how safe that it felt…

I shook my head and said, "I'm not talking about this, maybe we should talk about your relationship with Korkie instead?" Playing defensive was not working, time to go on the offense and Soniee had managed to stay out of this conversation up till now.

"What!? I don't have a relationship with Korkie." Soniee said, seeming a bit shocked by the statement.

"Really could have fooled me? You two are always hanging out together even when you're not part of the larger group, and you're always coming to his aid when he needs help with his studies" Soniee seemed to fall into deep thought as if trying to figure out if I was screwing with her or not. It didn't matter as that seemed to have done the job. I would have a few moments of peace to enjoy what was left of my ice cream before we could leave.

Mandalore, Sundari Palace
Bo Katan Kryze

"Well isn't that a pleasant view." I said looking out over the city of Sundari. I was leaning over a banister still wearing the rather plain civilian garb that Satine had got in for me, as much as I would love to wear my armor today, I could tell something was up. Things were changing and how they were going to change, I didn't yet know but I wasn't going to piss Satine off while she was in a more Mandalorian mindset. Okay well maybe I would but I would try not to make it about the Mandalorian stuff, sisters being sisters is as far as I would go today.

"Yes I quite love the view of the city at this time of day. It looks even more marvelous at night though I admit, so full of life and peace." Satine said standing next to me. She was leaning on the banister as well though not as heavily, she was wearing a fancy gown having just come from a meeting with the High Council.

"Anyways," Satine said, turning to face me, "I think we are due for a talk sister. We've been doing our own thing for the last 10 years or so and we need to have a conversation about, well..."

"The fact that your niece, or should we call her adopted daughter at this point, I saw that hug." Satine's face flushed a bit confirming my thoughts on the matter that at the very least Satine considers Tanya as her own daughter, even if she was just her niece. "The fact that she appears to be a political idealist who's willing to do whatever's necessary for her ideals."

"We can talk about that as well." Satine said, shaking her head, "It was something I had not expected to happen but yes I guess we should talk about that as well. And maybe you can explain why you were on Gargon? The report from the Royal GuardI sent specifically mentioned that you were there before they arrived."

I smiled and said "Oh that's easy, Tanya lied."

"Explain." Satine said with a raised eyebrow.

"She told me that you wanted me to check out Gargon and figured I had contacts that could get you that information that your Royal Guard's couldn't."

Satine shook her head at that before muttering, "I'm going to have a very long talk with that girl, if she's been implying that she's passing on royal decrees that is a capital offense even if she is a royal herself."

"Well, it was more like a favor from family but you're probably going to need to do that just to be safe," I agreed before continuing, "I'm not sure what she's been telling others. But I wouldn't really hold what she asked me to do against her. That speech she made, it was quite clear she detests the war aspect of Mandalorian culture but has no problem with some of the militaristic parts."

Satine paused to consider this, "I don't think I'll be too harsh on her although I do wonder if she would have put her life at risk like that if I had not let you change her. But then again if I had not let her train under you she probably would not have had the skills to survive the situations she's been in on Coruscant and Gargon. For that I have to thank you. I may have made a few mistakes over the years but I'm glad that I did not make a mistake on that."

I reached out and held her shoulder with my hand saying, "Are you alright? Do you have a fever?" I put the back of my palm to her forehead to check her temperature all while struggling to not grin. "Hmm, temperature is normal, are you light-headed? Maybe we should sit down."

Her deadpan stare was worth ruining the moment and finally my expression cracked to a grin before breaking into a laugh only siblings messing with one another could achieve.

While I laughed, Satine pouted, "I pour my heart out to thank my beloved sister and this is the thanks I get, repaid with the thought of being ill? What an ungrateful little sister, what would father say if he saw you like this?" Satine put the back of her hand to her forehead and leaned back like how those actors in those holo-dramas that we had liked to watch would over exaggerate despair, which got me cracking up even more.

She smiled and laughed along with me for a minute before we eventually calmed down. "When was the last time we laughed like this?" Satine asked rhetorically.

"We both know when that was, when the Clan Wars started and you were sent to Coruscant. When the sister that I admired changed into someone unrecognizable." My answer wiped the smiles off both of our faces. I know that before we could even repair the rift between us, this long talk was inevitable. Now might be the last chance to bury our differences and be sisters again.

Satine brought up her left hand to rest it on my own before she turned and said, "There's a couple benches over here. Thistalk is long overdue and we should probably have a seat for it."

Nodding, I followed her over to the benches where we sat. I took a moment to enjoy the excellent view of the city as we sat while Satine seemed to be figuring out how to start.

"It's been a while since we yelled politics at each other. Do we really want to settle things now and possibly ruin whatever is left of our relationship or should we ignore our differences on politics for another few years?"

I sat back giving it some thought, this was a hard question after all. The last time we had a conversation about politics, I'd been banished from the house. If it wasn't for Tanya's interest in the Old Ways, I would probably still be banished from the house, living out on the frontier or Concordia. Then again I had been more politically active in those days and may have given a speech that was rather unflattering about the New Mandalorians. I haven't done that in a while so this conversation wouldn't be too terrible and maybe confronting it head on would be beneficial. The family that fights together, lives together after all.

I leaned forward to rest my elbow on my knees before saying, "You know, when you returned from Coruscant, I was happy. The sister I admired was still alive and had returned home. But when I met her, I didn't even recognise who she was anymore. Someone who was wearing my sister's face but was doing everything she could to erase what made us Mandalorians. I'd learned to cope with it, that the sister I knew was dead and gone but I always hoped maybe I could get this stranger to at least not destroy the heritage that our ancestors and Father left us." All of this was said while I looked out over the city. I tried to shift my thoughts and remember the good times I had with my sister before the war, before she changed but those had been tinged for a long time.

"Is that why you reject it? Even though we both went through the Clan Wars and grew up in the Civil War? We lost our family during the conflict, is that why you never once considered trying the New Mandalorian way?" Satine placed her hand on my shoulder which I promptly ignored.

I stayed silent, not really sure how to go about saying this before finally settling on the most reasonable answer I could come up with. "Because I wasn't brainwashed by Coruscanti Osik, like the New Mandalorians did to you. They hit you with 'peace is the way' when you were at your most vulnerable, just after father died.

"My sister who went to Coruscant was a Mandalorian much like Tanya is, the girl who came back was a New Mandalorian both literally and metaphorically. And though you fought for your peaceful Mandalore, I'm just going to be honest here, a lot of the New Mandalorians were no better than the Traditionalists that used to run things, maybe even worse. They enforced their will on other Clans and destroyed generations worth of history. Do you realize how wealthy our family really is compared to most Mandalorians?"

"What does wealth have to do with this?" she said, sounding confused.

Shaking my head, I reached into my bag and pulled out my vambrace, pressing a few buttons I pulled up our family history on a holographic projector. "Our family goes back 30 generations, every single one is marked down, passing down the information of who the beskar came from and where. We have a computer core inside the old house that stores this information in case the armor is ever lost so that information itself is not lost. Most families don't have this sort of record keeping, some of them have little holographic cores like we have showing the information like this of where the armor came from. Those are the middle class, Mandalore doesn't have a big middle class. Giving up the beskar for some people is giving up their family history. That might be possible for some people, if they have places that they can store it. But most can't, because that armor is what they need to be able to find work or open doors. Their clans don't make enough money in peaceful works to let the beskar go unused and in some places asking them to do so is almost insulting. But in order for their families to live and work in this beautiful city they had to give it up.

That's the problem with a lot of New Mandalorians, they aren't aware of what exactly they're demanding of people. They tend to be from Kalevala which, compared to Mandalore and every other system, has done well for the last 700 years and has managed to stay out of the conflict. Now to be fair, some of this success was because they were developing the New Mandalorian way and because our family saw the benefits of working on the economy even 700 years ago. But Kalevala had more to begin with and having this wealth has blinded New Mandalorians to the realities of the average Mandalorian, many of whom live nomadic lifestyles and don't have technology to keep something like this working." I pointed to my vambrace hologram.

"So much effort is spent on survival and trying to secure access to the resources they know about that they can't afford the equipment needed to search for new resources or extract them in truly hostile areas. That's just one of the things I've learned after Dad died and I had to go out on my own and survive in the Clan Wars and wealth is only a part of the reason that beskar is important to the people."

Satine seemed to be deep in thought as she looked up at the dome before muttering, "Protecting history, it always comes back to that doesn't it…"

Finally she nodded before saying, "I know what you just said is right. I mean, I may have been a little bit overzealous trying to get the New Mandalorian way started when I successfully got myself installed as the ruler of Mandalore. I blame being 17 at the time, too young and stupid to think about the long-term consequences of my actions. I just wanted the war to be over, all war in fact and it looks like that was in vain."

"I wouldn't say that," I said, "Tanya might be onto something, she seems to take the best of your ideas and more traditional ideas to find a combination that would be best for Mandalore. As an adopted mother, I think you did a good job raising her."

Satine grabbed my free hand and squeezed, "I had help." She said with a smile before continuing, "Anyways, I think you're wrong in the whole brainwashing thing but I can see your points, points Tanya has made several times in fact. The New Mandalorian way is flawed, we looked down at all the fighting and deaths with a vision of a better world but we didn't actually look at the pressures that led to the fighting. We didn't see the need, or the need for identity. Not actually understanding, just seeing what we wanted to see."

I shrugged not going to push the brainwashing bit too much I thought before continuing, "That about sums it up. The New Mandalorians are too busy trying to abandon traditions to ask why those traditions are there in the first place. That's what upsets most people. Tanya's little ideal experiment does a good job of finding the middle ground that is needed. I think the question is, can both sides come to an agreement on it?"

Satine looked off in the city before saying, "We've already begun the process of ratifying a Mandalorian Self-Defense Force and the process of building a system to run this force is already underway. Most likely we'll be taking a few officers from the Royal Guard to run it."

"Wow, is the sky falling too?" that was really the only comment I could make on the matter. It was something I did not think was possible. Actually building up a military force, even one for self-defense, was something that was likely to make New Mandalorians scream their heads off.

"I think, given enough time, Tanya's idea can work. I kind of want to see the world that she'll create." Satine ignored what I said and continued on, "But I do worry that there could be a bit of backlash from the New Mandalorians on the matter. I've been championing a form of pacifism that promises no war will ever happen. Tanya's version simply promises that we will start no war. I wonder if that transition will be alright or if it will start some sort of conflict."

I shook my head saying, "You're overthinking it. They don't want a war. If they start a conflict over you wanting to have the ability to defend ourselves that just proves that they never really wanted to have no war, they just wanted to be the ones dictating the culture. They didn't want to be Mandalorian, they just wanted to be Coruscanti."

She smiled at that, "Like you believe they wanted to brainwash me?"

"I still think they did," I simply said, "I just think Tanya has done a great job on unbrainwashing you."

She chuckled at that, shaking her head before saying, "This is why you're not allowed at any of the parties."

"Didn't want to be at any of them anyways. They're too stuffy, formal, and very Coruscanti. I'd rather go to any of the other parties that my friends in the Nomadic Clans would throw."

Satine shook her head before finally saying, "So you stole my armor, let's talk about that for a moment."

"To be fair I stole my Mandalorian sister's armor who hasn't come back from Coruscant yet, I still miss her very much. Wonder if she'll ever come home." Satine elbowed my shoulder rather hard but I simply said, while feigning more pain than it really was, "It's like I can still feel the punches she used to give me."

Satine did not look entertained so I just continued, "Yeah I stole your armor, it was wasting away in the castle that we call home gathering dust and your adopted daughter seemed to need it. And I think it was a perfect choice considering what I've learned in the past week or so."

She rolled her eyes at me, I didn't think I had seen her do that in a decade. "While that may be true, I thought you would like to know that I am having new armor forged."

I immediately sat the shab up and looked at her. "Wh-what did you just say?"

"I said I'm having a set of armor forged to try and work on the idea of a defensive doctrine being right. The armor will have no weapons but it will have lots and lots of defenses."

This is a dream, it's too impossible for it to not be. I don't think I knew how to handle this at all but the idea that my sister was finally coming home was shocking in itself. The idea that she was getting a new suit of armor to come with her, that I really had no way of handling.

"I thought you would like to know that I used parts of Mother's and Father's armor, since I could actually find them. For this new set it'll be in my colors of course but that's the best I can do in the situation I'm in. I don't even know when I will debut this set, maybe when I'm sure that everyone is not going to call Tanya and the Silver Codex followers as terrorists."

"Someone's calling her a terrorist?" I asked.

"My Prime Minister is a little bit thorny on the whole Silver Mandalorian issue. I'm sure he'll come around to it eventually but it'll take time. However, that's not the important part of this conversation."

She seemed conflicted about continuing, unsure of what to say it seemed. So finally I asked, "What's the important part of this conversation?"

"It's been 18 years since I've worn armor. I can defend myself well enough, I have a stun blaster on me at all times but I don't think I'm as good in a fist fight as I once was."

My jaw was firmly dropped as I realized what she was asking. "Are- are you asking me to train you?"

Satine nodded before saying, "Yes that's exactly what I'm asking. I don't plan to get into any fights but if I'm going to be an example of a Mandalorian who is peaceful yet not seeking war, I need to be able to defend myself as effectively as everyone else, otherwise I'm no better than those who look on high at those below."

"Satine," I stopped myself unsure of what to say before finally just reaching out and grabbing her in a tight hug. "Welcome back sister."

She let out an annoyed side before saying, "I never left."

"Keep telling yourself that." as I squeezed her a bit tighter. "I'm just making sure this was real, and not some sort of dream." Finally, I let go and said, "I'm going to be busy with handling things on Gargon but I'm pretty sure I can see about helping to train you back up to fighting form."

"What exactly did you sign up for, on Gargon anyways? I don't think I've had an explanation for that."

I shrugged before saying, "Basically doing exactly what you want me to do for you. Tanya wanted me to help put together an organization to help keep the planet safe for people. Apparently the White Silver has plans for that world I guess." I joked

"She does?" Satine said, sounding very unamused at the comment.

"Not like that, no. Considering that's two members of our family that have unseated a government and put themselves in charge at age of 16, kind of feeling left out here." I joked before continuing, "She's trying to get the planet to minimize its criminal ways as a way to turn the planet into a test bed for some sort of cultural exchange thing. The planet's right on the main trade route running to Coruscant and the Corporate Sector so I think the idea is simply to attract less pirates and scum and more CEOs and rich families to bring in lots of clean money instead of, well you know, money from crime."

Satine paused and then said, "Huh, well that's a rather noble goal. I don't think it'll be very successful though, Gargon has been staunchly against any plans to peacefully unify the Mandalore sector for all of my reign."

"Probably because it's been under Gerr the whole time?" I pointed out

"True, I guess we'll see what happens. If she successfully brings Gargon into the fold, that would be a large step in convincing people that the Silver Mandalorians are not a major issue that people need to worry about."

"Let's hope that you're right on that. When do you want to start training and how far in the desert am I going to have to go to find a place for us to train?"

"Why not use your facilities on Concordia?" Satine asked which reminded me that she had actually got those facilities for me.

"Well you wanted to keep this a secret right? Best to do this on Mandalore. People will notice if you're leaving the planet often." I lied, I trusted Pre to some extent, but having the "False Mandalore" on his planet without guards was a step too far. I may not be willing to rise up and rebel now but he probably would immediately if he could have some criminals capture Satine.

Satine nodded before saying, "I'll do some research, there's plenty of empty space on this planet that we can find that no one would notice."

Mandalore, Sundari Palace Ballroom
Tanya Kryze

Diplomatic functions, no matter where in the Galaxy you are, they are all the same. At least they felt like they were all the same, getting dolled up, being forced to wear makeup, and having lovely chats about any subjects other than politics.

That was the reality I was in. I've come to understand it, I've come to even enjoy it, and sometimes I've even come to tolerate the dresses. I'm still not very fond of being forced to wear diplomatic dresses though. At least my hair was not at its normal length which is usually halfway down my back, which means I didn't have to worry about all the bows that seem to come with and be apparent in this style of clothing.

Anyways, I was inside the Royal Palace and we were holding some sort of political get together mainly focused on my return home and eventual return to Coruscant. It seems like every other clan had at least visited me and said "Hi how are you doing?" and such. Really they were all very inane conversations so much so that I almost felt like the gathering was a waste of time.

But I could not make that mistake, the reality of it was that this was a perfect opportunity to network with other powerful people and get a feeling for what people thought of the recent events. Maybe I would prefer to not know but I should probably learn what they're thinking and ingratiate myself with Clan Heads as much as possible.

They were the ones who had voted Satine into office 16 years ago, ultimately the power Satine wielded came from them. If they didn't feel like they were happy with the government, they might look elsewhere. That was something I preferred not to happen.

My thoughts were interrupted as the latest politician stepped my way. It's obvious they were coming in my direction considering I had taken up residence in a corner of the Hall that was rather empty. Satine was currently chatting with a few other politicians, likely the ministers of various fields and Korkie was talking with Soniee, they seemed to be deep in conversation.

As for the person coming to meet me, it was an old friend in a way. Stepping in front of me, Pre Vizsla said, "Princess Tanya or would you prefer representative Tanya? Either way it's good to see you."

"Either is fine," I said with a smile as I gave a bit of a curtsy before saying, "it's good to see you too. How are things on Concordia?"

He smiled and swished his glass a bit, whatever liquid inside seemed to catch his interest before saying, "Concordia is fine, the Jedi I have told me that they've almost completed the survey of the planet and they have agreed that the endangered species that put the planet on the list are not there. I have to say you've done good work, we'll be off that list and be able to finally start getting trade into the planet. Just thought I'd come over here and thank you for that, the people of Concordia will be able to prosper a little bit more from now on."

I shook my head and said, "No thanks is necessary, I'm supposed to work for the people of the Mandalore sector. If I can find some way to make their lives better I'm going to do it."

He smiled at that and nodded before saying, "Good outlook then. I've also recently heard from Satine that you were behind the initiative to get the Ithorians into our system to help rebuild the ecology on multiple worlds."

I smiled and said, "I wouldn't brag about that, I simply started the process. Most of the official paperwork has been filled out between Senator Merrik and the Ithorians."

"True true, but you started the process. How you managed that surprises me considering the bad blood we have between them and us over some of the conflicts during the Mandalorian Wars."

I simply smiled and said, "Politics is like military conflicts in a way, if you know your opponents you can find what you can use to get what you want out of them. The Ithorians have a deep connection to an idea of preserving life, they just dislike actions being taken that destroy life. Like how part of the Senate's money helped fund the ships that would later bombard Mandalore, it's little things like that you can use to get them to at least think of the idea of helping us."

"Hmm intriguing solution," Pre Vizsla said before sipping from his cup, "well then here's hoping that you continue to find little things like that for the betterment of Mandalore. The prospect of not only getting trade running through the sector again but green worlds will make people quite happy with the Duchess's reign, I think and keep that White Silver from trying to take over I suppose."

I know it was a bad idea to wonder if I should ask what he was talking about, though it seemed he was in the mood to talk anyways. "Tanya, what are your thoughts on this whole White Silver situation? How do you think it will be handled by the Republic if she continues to try and act as a vigilante within Mandalorian affairs?"

That lowered my eyebrow as I thought about it, it was a reasonable question after all. I know that Silver was at best a vigilante right now and just because I had promised not to reappear did not mean people would believe it. But I had to at least pretend that I didn't know that information and think about this for a moment.

"If a political faction were to attempt to take control of politics in the Mandalorian Sector with violence, the Republic for the most part would do what they always do, label it an internal affair and maybe drop a few blockade orders and embargoes. As long as that political faction isn't part of an external force that is." I said with a shrug

"External force?" Pre looking at me with interest.

I shrugged before explaining, "The whole secession crisis going on right now could very well end up going badly for the Galactic Republic as a whole. The Republic seems to be on its way towards a civil war. I don't know what's going to happen but I worry about the possibilities that we might be pulled into this war against our will."

"Huh are you worried that this White Silver might pull us into the war?" Pre asked.

I simply continued "No not necessarily her though. I wouldn't rule out the possibility but the concerning matter is just how easily they were able to assemble their force and that Gerr was able to raise a small army under everyone's noses. If they can do it, anyone can."

Pre nodded in understanding my point before saying, "Well worry not Representative Kryze, I'm sure the Council can make sure everything will run smoothly." He looked off towards the other end of the hall and seemed to notice something before saying, "Anyways I need to get going. It was nice talking to you Representative Kryze."

"It was nice talking to you too, Governor Vizsla." I said with a nod as he stepped away and started walking in the direction of whatever he'd seen.

Sighing, I went to take a drink from my glass someone had handed me nearly an hour ago and I'd been nursing the entire time. It's some sort of fruity drink, no alcohol though which was unfortunate but understandable. When someone said in a rather loud and boisterous voice, "Good evening Princess Kryze."

I avoided spilling my drink on me as I nearly jumped at the loud call. Looking up I saw a young man, no older than 17 I theorized. He was tan skinned and blonde, well those were minor things to note, the major thing was he was wearing a bright Mandalorian style purple suit with very sharp corners and such. Also it looks like he was wearing cowboy boots which was odd in the halls of the Royal Palace but not unheard of on Mandalore. Near some of the few good arable lands left, farmers built colossal structures to keep it from becoming toxic. The quality of his boots suggested he was one of their types.

"Good evening sir." I said unsure of who this was. He simply bowed and said, "Baltan Carid, heir of Clan Carid. It's an honor to meet you, your grace. My father was an avid supporter of the Duchess for many years and a friend to your mother."

I blinked at him a couple times unsure of where this was going before he said "Tanya Keldau?"

"I know who my mother is, yes I'm just trying to understand why you are here." I said.

"That's quite simple madam. I've been working hard for the last few years to revitalize local farmland in my area. Due to these efforts, that is how 10% of all food consumed on this planet is produced on Mandalore but I need more help with finances and support. Being that our families are so close with very ancient ties dating back to the Mandalorian Crusades, I come to you asking for your financial support."

I wanted to say something, I'm not even sure what to say because the moment my mouth opened he went down to one knee and pulled out a small box which he opened to reveal a regular ring.

"I also came to ask for your hand in marriage." This was not what I was expecting at all and I was very displeased to hear the audible gasps around us as people who had been having regular conversations happened to look over at the spectacle that this man was making this whole situation.

I tried to get a word in edgewise but he continued to talk.

"You see, your mother and my father had made a deal that we would unite our clans more closely if she ever had children. While my Father had already been married to Clan Nurr by then by his father, thus the two of them agreed for their children to be married. I simply wish to continue the tradition of my family and see that you are well taken care of as a proper Mandalorian wife."

How I wanted to ball up my fist and smash it into the eye of the boy in front of me, it's nothing personal but you don't just surprise someone with a marriage proposal in a public event without notifying the other party about it or at least give them time to build a bond first. The fact that he was a supporter of Satine told me that that was probably a bad idea and could result in Satine losing a powerful ally. If Satine had told me that there is an arranged marriage with Clan Carid and had arranged a meeting with him first I wouldn't have batted an eye and probably accepted the engagement. I am pissed and annoyed that this inconsiderate Jagyc didn't even give me the courtesy to tell me about it in private beforehand. "I'm sorry Baltan, but I'm afraid I don't even know you and I would never marry someone without even knowing them."

I hoped that would put an end to this. Instead he snapped the box closed, stood up, slid the box into an inner pocket before saying, "Of course, of course, you wish to be courted then that shall be what we will do. If you don't mind a trip to the southern hemisphere I would love to show you around the farmland. Let you see the land you could help grow and make Mandalore a better place."

'Well at least he wasn't proposing anymore, that was a step in the right direction. I'll try and let him down gently.' I thought. Heck all I needed to do was make sure that I didn't have a free schedule so that he wouldn't have the time to try this. Giving me the time to get off Mandalore and back to Coruscant. And the next time I go to a public event I'll make sure Ordo was around so he could keep this guy from trying this, it was his job now after all. He'd probably be doing it now if I didn't give him the night off for having to sit through Lagos's girl talk.

"I don't know, I'll have to see about my schedule." I tried to say, looking desperately for a way to get out of this situation. I did not need this kind of conversation going about in the political scene. Being the center of attention for something like this was rather disturbing on many levels.

"Okay then," the purple suited boy said, "I'm open to having these discussions whenever you are Miss Kryze." He held out his hand in front of me, "May I take your hand though to seal this agreement?"

Mandalore, Sundari Palace Ballroom, Several Minutes Earlier
Vai Viktis Vizla

"Hello mother." I said as my mother pushed her way through the crowd to me. I had not seen her in a few years. She seemed more than willing to let me act as her secret agent for her family but she had not even bothered to send a goodbye letter when I'd left nearly a year before, at least father had done that.

"Vai! Good to see you, let's catch up dear." she said, grabbing my arm and escorting me towards a quieter section of the hall by force. Her claw-like grip would not have let me go if I tried. I think if I really was in for a fight I might actually be able to win, at least I hope I would.

It didn't take too long before we were in a very quiet section of the hall in a small alcove that had an open window that was laying in cool air.

"How was your time on Coruscant with the princess?" She said, seeming annoyed.

"It's been fine," I said with a smile. "Life's never been better."

"Good, good... and she trusts you right?"

I bit my lip before saying "Yes, yes I think we've grown to trust each other quite a bit."

"That's good, that's very good." She tightened her hand on my wrist before saying, "So if I were to ask you if you knew anything about her that could be leaked to the public what would you say?"

Oh the day had finally come, the day she planned to try and use me to unseat Tanya in some way I guess. Well jokes on her I was done with this Osik before I was even forced into doing it.

"I would say I am a member of the Kryze household's staff and I know how to keep her secrets."

Mother shook her head before saying "Really dear? That New Mandalorian slut? Did you see the photos of her on Harswee fawning over that pink haired Sheb'urcyin? That girl is not a Mandalorian, she's a Coruscanti with Mandalorian makeup."

I don't know what hurts more at that moment, the fact that she couldn't tell her own daughter from Tanya or that she just called me a slut. Either way I wanted to punch the stuck-up bitch that I loathe to call a mother. Instead I bit my tongue and said "Mother, I know you don't care for people outside the house but Tanya is not like that, she's a good Mandalorian and my friend."

Mother laughed at that and said, "She's not your friend, she's a New Mandalorian who's using you because you look like her body double. Don't be taken in by a sweet face, whatever she's telling you about friendship or anything else is a lie to keep you from thinking about the fact that she's using you to take a blaster round for her if she ever gets in trouble."

"Like you're using me to spy on her." I said annoyed.

"I'm not using you dear, we are simply doing as a family must do to help the house." She said with an almost sickeningly sweet comment. "And right now the family needs you to tell me everything you know about Tanya's sordid affairs."

"Good evening." came the harsh voice of a man from behind us causing us to turn to look in his direction. Standing there with a rather annoyed glower was Governor Pre Vizsla, he finished his drink before laying it on a table next to him.

"Miss Vizla and Mrs. Vizla what have we got going on here?" Mother finally let go of my arm before giving a professional courtesy to Governor Vizsla.

"I'm sorry sir, simply have any conversation with my daughter that is all."

"Yes, how did you get in here Mrs. Vizla? I don't believe you were invited."

"My daughter's in here, as her mother I simply told the guards that and they let me in."

"Sounds like some guards need to be reminded of their duty.'' he muttered, taking me by surprise. I would have assumed he was behind this when in fact it was just mother being mother.

"Miss Vizla, I think it's time for you to go. We really do not need to have such meetings in a public location like this, do you understand?"

"Of course, I'm sorry my … house leader. I will simply say goodbye to my daughter and be on my way."

I had just about enough of this as I could take. I started walking through the crowd pushing my way towards Tanya. I hear mother call after me but I needed to make something extremely clear to her, something that would put an end to any more attempts to get her to try and make me betray Tanya. Mother was so set on me being a stooge of the False Mandalore that she was going to let him bully her around, just so she could bully me around. I would not be the end of this chain. I am cutting it off now.

Getting through the last of the crowd, I saw a rather strange sight as some boy in purple was talking to Tanya and she looked the most uncomfortable I think I'd ever seen her. Well maybe this would help both of us out, I thought as I walked up to her and said "Hey Tanya, I need your help."

Mandalore, Sundari Palace Ballroom
Tanya Kryze

He wanted my word that I would at least attempt to court him? Oh that's not happening and thankfully I saw my escape walking towards me. Vai pushed her way through the crowd, coming to stand by me and looking at the purple colored farm boy before turning to me and saying, "Hey Tanya. I need your help, do you mind?"

Looking for any excuse to get out of the situation I said, "I don't mind at all Vai. Whatever help you need, I'm there for you." As I said that last bit I noticed over her shoulder her mother pushing her way through the crowd. She seemed to be in a rush or something. I didn't even know we invited her and I'm sure it was-.

Whatever thought I was going to have was literally obliterated as Vai grabbed me and pulled me into a kiss. It was official, this is the weirdest day of this life. On one hand I wanted to push her away as this would not do well for my reputation, not well at all.

On the other hand my treacherous hormones and brain chemistry was telling me that this felt nice and the net benefit that this would most likely throw whatever plan the purple suited farm boy had out the window.

As the kiss broke I got another glance past me and saw Vai's mother on the edges of ripping her hair out. By looks of it telling me everything I needed to know. This was merely teenage rebellion. Why is a kiss the answer to teenage rebellion? I didn't know. I would have to question her later. There is no way I was not going to do that now.

Vai on the other hand, looks a little bit happier but also a bit worried most likely because what she just done could be considered sexual assault if I was in a bad mood. Frankly, I've been in a rather good mood by this whole thing, so I tried to smile and reassure her.

And on the last note, purple boy seems completely gobsmacked by the whole series of events which at least probably meant I wouldn't be getting many proposals in the future, which was probably the first of many to come. Sure I probably just took a hit in some form of reputation but it might have just saved me from the hassle of having to deal with more proposals so it might be worth it at the end of the day.

Writers note: kept you all waiting a bit? Let see what happen this chapter family time, lots of it, some good some back, somearwkaness from frenshisp a, some governmental meatins. All and all nothing to major i think happen here? Well may gotten to high on my own victory when i wrote this chapter i do admit, but i think it works out. Any ways writing chapter 27 right now, IT FUCKING GREAT. I can't wait for you all to see it.

Edited by: Warmach1ne32, FallQm, Michael Sauer, Lord Feunoyr, Luke theman
Community edited by:Ivanoich
Community editable doc (Chapter) No story suggestions in the community editing document, Keep all story suggestions and comments in the thread

Fan Art provided my Maryon

Supporters: Afforess, Gremlin Jack, Weise, Xodarap4, Duncan Sproule, James Moorhouse, Dankermaler, Hats88, DrkShdow, Devilstar101, Michael, Mana Rope, Falk Hüser, Daniel Martinez, Silver Wolf, Mackenzie Buckle, Markus, Neso, Staradder, Lmc9389, Staradder, victor a lopez-barron, KrasieK, Zollus, Mintea, Jog256, Ethan Dowie, Maxim Blashkevych, The GrandMage, loyalChaos, Daryl, FreelancerD0, Zul The Lich, Flynn Pirola-Henderson,
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Chapter 25
Chapter 25
715 FNM (23BBY)
Month 1

Serenno, Planetary Palace
Count Dooku

Building this rebellion is likely to be one of the most tedious tasks I have ever done in my life. Finding leadership amongst the various corporations that were not going to act without my assent was the main goal of this whole project. Unfortunately, most of those who rose to become leaders of multi-trillion credit companies did not get to where they are by being passive and following orders. While some of them do, most took more… creative means to reach their position.

By my calculations, the army the Separatists are creating would far outstrip anything the Republic could create. Even with the Republic's access to the clones, the Droid army would still overwhelm them by sheer numbers as well. If I truly wanted to take over the Republic it would not be very hard to accomplish. The forces I would have under my command would be more than enough to take Coruscant in a month. Which of course meant the whole project needed to be conducted in a way that wouldn't reveal this overwhelming advantage to the Republic.

In a sense, I needed to win with one hand behind my back, which should be easy enough. Much of the contract negotiation allowed the various planets and corporations to maintain their own armies as part of the CIS army. This would make it so that though we would have a larger force, internal goals would be the ones that these forces went after.

No doubt the corporations would abuse the army for their own needs, seeding chaos here and there, while clearing the Outer Rim in the first year. Of course it's part of the plan to undermine the CIS and divide our forces. On paper, the CIS were the stronger party. However, the internal divisions and infighting should ensure our forces are frequently defeated and the more mercenary factions will undermine any unintended victories. I planned on ensuring that the blame was laid on the corporations and the aliens as the main reasons for why the CIS fell apart, after the war ended. This way I would appear to have been simply a leader of the enemy force who had been hamstrung by the machinations of his incompetent and corrupt underlings, a possibly unknowing puppet of the corporations. At least that was the story that I most likely would state when the war was over and I have my Fist of the Empire.

Putting such leadership into positions of power is not a difficult task as the corporations already have characters of ill repute leading them that reached their position by taking the initiative through underhanded means. Not much work was required to let them run free and cause trouble for the Republic. I could always declare them criminals and such as the war went on if they did anything too drastic to maintain my status.

Of course there will be forces that go too far, it will inevitably happen with the type of leaders that will be put in charge. However without my guiding hand, nor the support of local authorities, rogue commanders would be unable to muster the forces for any major pushes into the Republic. And the fact of the matter is, the main goal of the CIS is independence, not conquest, meant that most local commanders would be more interested in maintaining the independence of their worlds than leading foreign invasions.

This natural alignment of interests presented a small problem to my plans. In order for the coming war to ramp up, conflict - battles, invasions, plunder, and all, these events, would need to occur between the forces of the CIS and the Republic. This is easily solved thanks to the simple fact that some planets had populations that would choose independence over the Republic and request aid from the CIS.

The CIS was prepared to offer systems with independent inclinations new leadership and aid favorable elements within any systems with their independence. If their people resisted the new masters, then their worlds would devolve into a war zone, which would be in the Republic's interest to prevent, interfere, or reclaim. These conflicts would blood the Republic, and the repeated battles would be the cruel but necessary harsh instruction in warfare needed to build an Empire. The Republic was a corrupted, de-evolved state, crying out for new leadership. With the right push from an external foe, like the CIS, to clear out the decedance and waste, and the introduction of my new Jedi Order, it could be an Empire anew.

Afterwords, I would blood my new Jedi Order on the remains of the CIS and dispense with the charade. It is a simple plan, though there were issues I had a few problems with, I would deal with them as time went on. Since large sectors of my space were once controlled by the Ancient Sith, my master, Darth Sidious, was interested in having the CIS do a little exploration. Since the Republic, by law, could not do that, at least not yet, if I managed to find a few relics and if any of those relics could come in handy for the war, I was allowed to use them. Can't make the war too easy for the Republic as well as a way to weed out the weak.

It all served as the perfect fodder for the Jedi to deal with, they would be misled to believe that the Sith were only present on the CIS side of the conflict. It would be sad to see many of my old friends perish in the coming conflict, but if the Jedi Order is so easily misled, there really was no reason to save the institution. The Order had outlived its usefulness, stagnant in their single minded adherence in only the Light Side of the Force. There needed to be a reset, if my Fist of Empire had to be that reset, then so be it.

Standing up from my desk, I looked at the walls of my home office. Richly decorated with years of work, arranging assets, and determining threats throughout the entire operation. And soon, very soon everything would become clear. The Jedi Order would show itself to be the fools they have become and the war would begin.

I believe it would be within the year though it could be longer. No doubt the recent conflicts on Antar 4 and Ansion, where Separatists uprisings had forced a bit of a riot between Republic forces on the worlds, would be a major talking point for the next year in the Senate. Once their talks are over, there would be an attempt to vote on if they should create a military or not. No doubt tensions would be inflamed further if someone were to contact a bounty hunter or two to take out anti-war leaders. Even a failed assassinationor two would work. This war was already well and truly in motion; it's only a matter of time until the pressure reached its breaking point.

Cracking my neck, I turned to look out the window behind my desk, to get a view of the world. Possibly the last few moments of peace Serenno would have before the conflict finally began. However, I was interrupted with a knock on my door before it was opened.

"My Count, Bariss Zotho is here to see you." Standing in the doorway was my servant, Setti Rankind, an old hand of my family not as old as me of course but he served my brother and was relatively loyal.

"Excellent," I said, "Send her in; also bring in a glass of the best wine we have in the house. She's a guest of interest and should be greeted with pomp and circumstance."

He nodded and a few moments later Bariss Zotho entered the room. She is an Arkanian, a geneticist by trade and some would call her mad scientist, though considering their entire species were known for being mad scientists it was hard not to be.

"Count Dooku, a pleasure to meet you." she said, giving a bit of a bow showing all the due respect that was expected of my station.

"Miss Zotho, good to see you as well. Please take a seat." offering a chair that was sitting across from my desk.

"Thank you my Count." she said as she walked over and sat down across from me. Her three-handed fingers went into her pockets to pull out several data pads and other equipment that no doubt had the information I had hired her for.

A couple months ago, Senator Merrik had sent along information on a particular interest of mine, specifically the list of planets that a certain Mandalorian Representative will be visiting on her tour. She is obviously a girl that is strong with the Force yet did not have any training.

As far as I was concerned there was no other answer for why she had seen through my illusions but there was always a chance that she wasn't and I knew exactly why he had sent that information along. Operations to destabilize the sector were already in motion, and removing her from the game, since she seemed to be poised to take his position, was at the top of his goals.

Not mine though, killing her would do me no good, it would be a waste of a potential resource that I would like to have after the war was over. Which is where this geneticist comes in. She is an expert of genetics of various species across the Galaxy and reliable at keeping secrets. I even considered possibly using her world for the clone project at one point though I abandoned that rather quickly. Arkania is too much of a powder keg on the good days and any secret would have been broken too quickly.

Smiling at the white skinned woman, I asked, "So then I assume the operation I sent you on was successful? Did you get a sample?"

Miss Zotho nodded before saying, "I have the sample, it was a hell of a thing let me tell you but I was eventually able to pull it off, even if I ended up having to run from those barbarians for nearly a week until they gave up."

I smiled for who knows how long, as she complained about the Mandalorians. It is understandable that she would have issues with them considering their sector had been neighbors for the dawn of time. It took so long that Setti was able to serve our wine and I already finished half of my glass before Miss Zotho wind down her tirade to sample the wine to soothe her no doubt parched throat."While that's unfortunate, you survived so I assume you have some of the information I wanted correct?"

"Yes my Lord, I did the checks you wanted me to do and you were correct, she has a high midichlorian count." She handed over the tablet and I looked at it with interest.

Legally speaking the only ones allowed to have information on determining people's midichlorian count were the Jedi. Illegally speaking, the Arkanians were known to keep secrets and if I wanted a job done that only the Jedi are capable of, what with the restriction on technology for identifying midichlorians, you ask an Arkanian. It seems that is correct, this little program appeared to have several different ways of cataloging midichlorians and it is definitely showing that the girl is strong in the Force. If I had to estimate her power, she is as powerful as Qui-Gon Jinn. It is an incredible accomplishment, considering her age and lack of training.

At this particular point I would say even without receiving training, over the next 3 years her powers would not diminish and likely would not for the next 10 years. This means I have plenty of time to prosecute the war and still pick her up as a possible apprentice once the conflict is over.

Miss Zotho was looking over a tablet in her hands as she said, "I must say though, she is an interesting genetic sample even for a crossbreed, she seems to have a very stable sample".

That got my attention. Raising my eyebrow I said, "Crossbreed? Aren't all humans the same breed?"

Bariss shook her head before saying, "Not exactly," before pressing a few buttons and showing a whole graphic projection of what I guess was Tanya's DNA, highlighting several points. Miss Zotho went on to say, "these points here are standard Mandalorian phenotypes, hair color at birth, eye color, facial structure; everything that was to be expected. She does have some gene points that are not Mandalorian, not even from the sector."

For that reason I frown, "Strange, though, not any major concerns." I began, "What sector are those points more closely related to?"

Playing with the pad in front of her, she clicked through a few points before bringing up another DNA strand and saying, "These DNA points mostly match humans of the world of Stewjon."

I sat back in my seat on that one, that particular planet was well located in the mid-southern rim well away from Mandalore. Not an impossible journey but definitely not somewhere you would expect Mandalorian DNA to come from.

Speaking those thoughts out loud I asked, "Hmm, could this DNA have come from several generations back? I know there was a bit of a recalling of dysphoria a thousand years ago."

Miss Zotho shook her head. "Impossible, there is too much DNA for it to have been anything other than the father or mother. which usually, meaning one generation separation between this introduction of this DNA. Even with how many Mandalorian DNA types there is out there, the planets the live on have an affect, genetic will favor certain variants of human for the conditions of the world they live on, and some of this is definitely due to the grasslands of Stewjon and not to a world that's been on its way to a desert planet for the last thousand years."

"While an oddity it is still something that's not necessarily to worry about." I finally said. I haven't given it a few more thoughts. It didn't really matter to me who their father or mother was in the long term. Of those things I was more interested in is the girl herself and her potential as an apprentice.

"You do good work Miss Zotho and I will be more than happy to continue to do business with you in the future." I said standing and giving her my hand.

She stood up and took my hand, saying, "Always a pleasure, Count Dooku. Also, if you do need the girl cloned I'm willing to offer a discount on my prices. Her DNA is a bit of an interesting thing here and I wouldn't mind playing around with what I acquired."

I scoffed at that before saying, "As entertaining as that notion is, everyone knows that you cannot clone someone with high midichlorian counts. The Force abhors duplicates."

"That's what flash cloners and the Jedi say." Miss Zotho said, waving that off with her free hand. "They're just trying to cover up their failures and prevent the cloning of a Jedi army. There's some interesting research out there that implies that if you raise a clone at almost a human life scale 10 years at least to reach the age of 20 that enough deviations will be created between the clone and the original that the Force doesn't actually affect them and cause them to go insane with clone madness."

Taking my hand back from the shake, I pondered her idea. It is an interesting notion she presented but the risk of insanity seems a bit too much for my taste. Though, it is worth noting that anything could happen in the coming wars and my future apprentice may not survive it. If the original was destroyed, well then there was nothing to drive the clones insane, was there.

Nodding my head, I simply said, "Keep the samples in storage. Perhaps in a few years I will have a need for them and we can negotiate a potential deal later."

Coruscant, Mandalorian Tower
Tanya Kyrze

The trip from Mandalore back to Coruscant, only took a week or two this time. The speedy journey was thanks to Aunt Satine since she allowed me to use the space yacht Coronet again. I was always quite impressed with the vessel, its internals, and the way it worked.

It was called a Star Yacht but in reality it's probably closer to a classification of ship that was more at home with what the Titanic had been, that being a Cruise Liner. A fast-moving vessel that could travel the galaxy and bring people from one place to another along with supplies and storage with comfort and amenities for the rich and not so much for those not willing to pay.

I always found it a bit of a surprise that on some of the lower levels. Under several levels of rather mundane activities that most folks would lean towards, was a whole section devoted to gambling.

It reminded me quite a bit of pachinko machines and other Las Vegas games of chance. Whoever had created that particular section had obviously built it to take the people coming in and out of the sector for everything they were worth, although I still wondered why it had been constructed at all. Mandalorians on the whole weren't exactly suckers for gambling. Oh sure there were some who had it bad, throwing away rationality and everything else for their addiction. Yet this was uncommon, ironically, the deeply rooted spiritual beliefs of the average Mandalorian did much to discourage the vice. The strong vein of intellectualism in the sector also deserved some of the credit for dissauding others. Overall, it seemed odd that we would have something like this aboard what could best describe the face of Mandalore as this ship traveled the trade lanes between Mandalore and Coruscant often enough.

But then again, perhaps I was misjudging the Mandalorians' ability to take advantage of others' issues for their own benefit. If a rich benefactor lost a million credits playing games on the ship while traveling to Mandalore, well that wasn't exactly Mandalore's fault since they had done it in what could be best described as international space. Really, this made the prospect of making Gargon an actual casino resort more theoretically possible than I had originally thought of when I had discovered this section of the ship on my first voyage.

Either way, the trip had been rather uneventful and we arrived at Coruscant with minimal attention. Of course, there will always be something going on as more issues develop in the Senate between the systems leaving to form their rival government and the current government.

Technically, this was not my concern; it was the senator's job, but I still kept an eye on it. After all, who knows when it might become my concern. Prince Merrik could be recalled to Mandalore to explain his thoughts on what was happening at any moment. And if he was recalled that would then leave me in charge of the official stance of Mandalore which, as far as I could tell, was that we wanted no part of any war and that Mandalore would vote against any war. Arming ourselves was also on the agenda though I believe. But that topic was something I did not need to worry about. I guess my operations on Gargon did accidentally create a bit of an armed force that could be called upon in an emergency. Only time would tell how that would go, though at the moment Gargon Rangers seemed to be minor additives to the Mandalore Sector Self Defense Force or MSSDF that Satine is creating.

Besides those distant concerns, life is rather easy. After a few meetings with the Ithorian; they were finally planning to send one of their ships to the Mandalore Sector to begin regrowing efforts on two worlds that had been devastated. Both worlds had been ruined during the most recent conflict in history, the Excision. Fortunately, those worlds were both worthless, one was a planet no one cared about, and the other planet was only officially cared about, because it was a former shipyard world. The shipyard world that had served all of the Mandalorian sector was devastated by a bombardment that left the planet covered in swampy ground. Officially, there was no planetary government or larger authority, only scavenger groups of clans that managed to make a living off the ruins. It could even be considered a frontier world under the right circumstances. Though to my understanding, even frontier worlds had some form of government, even if it was just a formalized council of clans.

No doubt I would have to meet with some leadership representatives from that world in the future to discuss how we would go about restoring their world's biosphere to a healthier, functional state.

The swamp world may appear functional, but it was literally just massive flies and mud with reeds. Across the entire planet, that biome wasn't a product of a functioning biosphere, that was a fragile omnisphere. The world's fragility was widely understood and caused much concern, and these fears could easily be realized by taking out one of the few components that worked. Burn the reeds, and the planet dies. Kill the flies, the planet dies. A functional biosphere requires redundancies and other species as much as you needed the founder species. It'll be interesting to see what the result was with the planet once the Ithorians were done with it.

As for the troublemakers in my unit, Vai and Tabby, I had authorized the captain to push some additional work out sessions on the pair. Granted some of these lessons were because of the recent kissing incident. The events in the ballroom were impossible to keep quiet, and well, the tabloids had been inspired. One interesting and positive side effect I had noticed was that the kissing incident had completely obliterated the story of White Silver from the news. Vai had talked briefly after that and as much as I understood that her and mother didn't get along, I made it clear that any behaviors while not under strict orders from me would be met with a response on the level of a magazine smacking her forehead as a disobedient employee she was.

Fact of the matter was that while Vai was not a member of the Royal Guard, she was a component to Tabby's issues. Both of them needed to work off a lot of energy so that they didn't cause me more problems. So, that's where the captain came in. Over the last few weeks he had been working them to the bone and trying to instill in them enough fear so that they gave some forethought before they acted and more importantly would never, ever do anything that would give me cause for a headache again.

How well did the captain succeed? Only time would tell. At the very least, the pair were too tired to get up into any trouble. Although they had tried, when my 17th birthday came up, there had been a suggestion that we go to the club and have a bit of a party. After all, I was only a year away from the drinking age of the Republic. I had, of course, attempted to sidestep the topic at first, but only ended up agreeing only if we made sure that no mistakes happened this time.

And I do say it had been a rather simple but fun experience, the guards that had their wagon out front making sure nothing terrible would happen and could easily drive us back to the tower instead of us having to go looking for our car after we were done partying.

Vai and Tabby were not overly drunk, instead they had shown more moderation, which could be a sign that they'd learned their lesson from the last time. My expectations for the pair that night had been quite low. At the last party we attended, I was forced to assign remedial training for each individual infraction. So, the remedial training for every screw up they had been in so far seemed to be finally working. This is why I prefer to work with an employee on an improvement plan instead of just firing them. After all, if I had just cut that employee that had pushed me in front of a train, I probably would have been dead a few months earlier. That was an unusually morbid thought, so I distracted myself with Vai's latest fashion obsession.

I typically did my best to ignore fashion, so Vai's attempts to get me to "live a little", was by buying me clothing that normally I would never wear, often showing a lot more leg or torso than I was known to do. At the mention of the club, I found that all my "suitable" wardrobe was clothes Vai had "suggested" at one point or another.

Sensing protest was not going to work, I picked the most conversative dress I knew Vai would approve of and focused on the party. So far our conversations had been about rather mundane topics, the new season of Silver Rider had been proposed as a new movie. The movie set location had apparently been forced to move planets several times due to various controversies. As a result, a few of the minor actors had gotten into some tabloid drama of their own, which I sympathized with. It was nice to speculate about other non-planet-shattering events, simply enjoying the company and celebrating my birthday. Someone had even managed to get a chocolate cake, which we had enjoyed quite dearly and near the end. Vai and Tabby invited Ordo and I both to dance on the floor with them and it just sort of happened. Granted, neither one of us were very good at the whole individual dancing thing, but we both apparently knew a waltz that had been imported by the New Mandalorians.

Armed with that shared knowledge of the waltz, Ordo and I were able to at least appear functional on the dance floor, even if most displaying more modern styles of dance. I enjoyed the waltz too, although, I will note my damn hormones keep acting up. Apparently I've been keyed to enjoy being close to someone who appears physically stronger than me, that pesky sensation of feeling safe and content had reared its ugly head. Either way, though, we had a good time and my 17th birthday party was a resounding success. Out of the three I had, that probably was the best I'd had in all my lives.

My first one involved too much studying for school. The second one, had been in the trenches and mud of Russy land. So this life didn't have very strong competition for the title. But that didn't matter, what mattered was that there had been no explosion of information online the day after. The party had not resulted in another media storm and no news was good news. The fading scrutiny meant I could focus on building support with the various political parties, get approval for terraforming of Mandalorian worlds, and other projects for the improvement of Mandalore.

Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tanya Kryze

Another day, another trip to the Jedi Temple. My continued efforts to get the Agricorp Council to sign off on Concordia's status change and remove its protected planet status, had borne fruit that I had not originally set out to pick.

The initial plan for Concordia had been straightforward. Notify Agricorp about the problem with the planet's protected status, namely, that it was not protecting anything and is in fact hurting the planet, and in doing so, start the slow bureaucratic process to update it. Concordia's protected status originally protected endangered native species, some time in the distant past. Native species that were long since extinct in the biosphere collapse. Now the protected status only served to hurt free trade, especially imports of live plants and animals, preventing the free hand of the market from acting in the planet's recovery. The importation of plants and animals was necessary to replace those destroyed in the original destruction, when the Republic's forces had bombarded the world nearly 700 years before. The unexpected fruit, the one that I was currently nurturing, was a bit of an interesting situation.

It would seem that the Jedi Order would use the Agricorp as a sort of dumping ground for initiates who couldn't attract the attention of a master, or were not up for the idea of fighting. Those individuals would instead leave for worlds that would give them basic farm work. They lived their life producing food for the masses, as well as earning a bit of income for the Jedi Order, I'm sure.

Oh and it also seemed that they wanted to build miniature temples. The plans they submitted included accompanying communal and residential complexes, as well as additional agriculture districts. I sensed a bit of politics in the designs, but these temples being overly large or possibly a Jedi boondoggle on those worlds where they set these things up was not a big issue for me. What was interesting was that this was a possible source of manpower for the Mandalorian sector.

The Agricorp was interested in possibly setting up a temple for this group of pacifists or failed Jedi on Concord Dawn, Vorpa'ya or Concordia. Now this was an interesting prospect, the Agricorp was made up of hundreds of individuals, maybe thousands who had experience with plant life throughout the Galaxy, had knowledge of various healing techniques, and for all intents and purposes were meant to help planets that were falling behind economically and technology to give them a leg up. One of the few organizations that had real effects outside the Jedi Order's warrior classes.

Allowing them to build a temple and start farming on one of our worlds could be beneficial in the long run, not only for deepening ties between the Republic and Mandalore, but continuing the process of getting Mandalorians and Jedi to no longer see each other as ancestral enemies. Granted, from my own knowledge most Mandalorians just saw Jedi as ancestral rivals to test their mettle against rather than enemies, but I was sure that this was a one-way street on that matter.

Either way, this was a rare opportunity to improve relations, improved relations meant that Mandalore was less likely to be bombarded by some Republic fleet in the next 20 to 40 years. The only real issues in making this come to be were two fold; 1) What world would be the best planet for such a temple? and 2) Would they accept such an institution? It was obvious why we might have problems getting such an institution created, being that the Jedi still had a stigma as child-stealers in the Mandalore Sector. The shift from Jedi Lords tactics of allowing adults, to a dependency on bringing in children did not sit right with Mandalorians, who, of course, saw family as one of the most important elements of our culture.

Knowing a few things about the Mandalorian Sector, I had managed to move the conversation away from Concordia without raising any suspicion. Yes, Concordia was on the verge of becoming a planet that would be a vast improvement to the agricultural abilities of the sector. However, the main population of Concordia were Mandalorians who either have been banished from the surface of Mandalore after the end of the Clan Wars. Or extreme traditionalists that even other Mandalorians gave the side eye to.

Understandable, considering some of them believed that taking their helmet off in the presence of others no longer made you a Mandalorian. A strange practice, but if that's what they wish to believe then that's what they wish to believe. I had taken some interest in the idea of that whole subculture for a bit, trying to figure out exactly where it came from. My best guess was it was related to the original Mandalores. History implies that 4,000 years ago for some time Mandalorian leaders, like the Mandalore, would never take their helmet off after taking the title, a way to show continuity of them being just the continuation of the Mandalore from before. As if the spirit of the last Mandalore simply inhabited the helmet and would take over the body of the new Mandalore. A weird cultural practice in some forms, but I guess it has some degree of superstitious sense to people who are very traditional and nomadic.

The issue, of course, was the potential possibility that this Agricorp Temple would find Mandalorians with Force ability. If they did, well, they could cause problems. A riot, for example. The imagined Senate hearing and paperwork following that imaginary disaster was already giving me the start of a headache. So Concordia was firmly off the agenda as far as I was concerned.

That left Concord Dawn and Vorpa'ya. I will admit my knowledge of both was minimal at best, but I knew more about Concord Dawn than I know about Vorpa'ya. Concord Dawn was a despotic governorship, often looked down upon by most of the sector for being corrupt. A world you didn't want to make first appearances with and let the foot in the door with the Jedi, if I were to be honest. The chaos and mayhem that could be observed everyday, well, would simply speak ill of Mandalore to any Jedi working on the planet.

The only redeeming factor for Concord Dawn was it was mainly populated by populations that had once been part of the True Mandalorians, who were not as known to hate the Jedi as much as the Traditionalists. But there was no reason to push for Concord Dawn when Vorpa'ya was actually the better option.

Vorpa'ya was the neighboring system to Concord Dawn. It shared many of the similar cultural practices, but had a smaller population, meaning there was less potential for trouble on the planet. Theoretically it was under the rule of Concord Dawn, though, the governor only deployed troops there sparingly; the most recent deployment was when pirates attacked, and the Royal Guard had to intervene to aid them. The recent conflict was another reason why the Agricorp setting up shop there would be more useful for the planet, as it was recently devastated during the small war against pirates.

In a sense, it was the perfect planet for this operation, even if its culture was a bit immature and undetermined to me. The people there wouldn't start problems with the Jedi, they were too spread out. I doubted they would even run into them that often and they wouldn't mind the help in rebuilding their world.

The planet was also a prime example of the nomadic lifestyle still being a major component of the Mandalorian way of life. Concord Dawn was an agri-world devoted to the production of grown food, Vorpa'ya was for the raising of cattle and other popular livestock. It was, as far as records went back, a planet known to be flat. Not a lot of mountains and few oceans, just enough to keep the planet relatively green with large rolling steppes of grass. This actually was a problem in some areas as there was a dust storm that apparently had been going for the last hundred years around the planet. It was primarily in the northern territories of the world which had rendered that area unusable for any agricultural needs, similar to the Unified States' Dust Bowl I read about in their history books from my 2nd life. And while I don't know for sure if the United States in my first life had something similar, it isn't that far-fetched that Being X would be too lazy to make changes before he copied the history prior to magic.

I hadn't actually done this research myself as most of the information about Vorpa'ya was not even in the records kept here on Coruscant. My guard Kor Kastel happened to be from that world and was quite informative on the subject. He had told some interesting tales of how some clans on the planet simply drove their version of space cattle around the world constantly circling it in 10 years never having to actually interact with other Clans because their own schedules would keep them on the entire other side of the world.

For such distance between even the local populations amongst themselves, putting a Jedi Temple there to basically keep some agricultural experts busy and help build up the local economy seemed rather simple. I'm sure I would have to work on negotiations with either whatever local Governor they had or the protector of Concord Dawn, but that was a minor issue in the long term. Negotiations always take time and if you put in the effort, things would work out.

That being said, today's negotiations with the Council had ended rather amicably with a general agreement that I would poke around to find out if the administration of Vorpa'ya would be interested in such an arrangement. And with my general duties completed I could now focus on one of the more interesting aspects of my trips to the Jedi Temple, a relaxing conversation with Master Yoda — it's still the most ridiculous title I think I'd ever heard of. Either way I was sitting in the old rooftop garden that I had had several meetings with the elder Jedi. I suspected he'd come along any moment now, considering he always seemed to find me whenever I entered the temple but what we were talking about today was up in the air. We usually had just a simple conversation about the cultural implications of the Jedi and the Mandalorians in the Galaxy at home.

Of course there was the possibility that Yoda would be interested in the goings on of the Mandalorian Sector. That would be understandable considering the chaos that had been unleashed by False Silver but I'm sure it would only be a passing interest. He tended to not bring politics too heavily into our conversations and was more interested in the cultural implication of politics.

I think I've done a lot to improve inter relationships between Mandalorians and Jedi considering the view I was getting at the moment. It was near the evening of this particular day and thus the sky was starting to turn orange with the onset of night. As I sat on the bench watching the sun slowly lower, I had a look over at one of the Temple guards who kept an eye on non Jedi in the temple and gave him a nod.

Considering he was just willing to allow me to go to this particular bench without a Jedi directly escorting me, I think I've proven myself a loyal friend to the Jedi, which was useful, either that or they were just at least somewhat comfortable with me being around.

Didn't have to say the Jedi Temple Guard was an impressive institution. Their masks would probably be the envy of many Mandalorians within the Royal Guard. And they were the first group I'd seen to wield lightsabers that were not just the single tube configuration. Granted, what they carried around is a double tube but still it was interesting to learn that there were other designs for those laser swords other than just a tube to beat a person over with like it was a bat. Though that wasn't exactly fair.

In my visits I had actually watched some of the younglings, as they called them, practice their bladework. Noting a lot of examples of style that reminded me of kendo and other homegrown styles from Japan. I even saw a few practitioners use styles that looked a bit more European in creation though perhaps that was just a coincidence. A lightsaber is just a sword and there are only so many different ways to wield a sword. Sooner or later the practices will be very similar in one way or another and the best will move to the top.

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard a familiar voice say, "Tanya, good to see you." Turning I saw Anakin Skywalker walking towards me from inside the temple. He was smiling and looked to be in a good mood so I returned the favor.

Smiling, I said, "Padawan Skywalker, good to see you as well. It's been a good long time since we've talked. How have you been? Did anything interesting happen?"

He chuckled at that before saying, "Not as long as you think, we actually just returned from Mandalore a couple weeks ago, during that whole White Silver controversy."

Oh that's interesting, I had mentally noted that Aunt Satine mentioned that some Jedi had been in town during that whole conflict but I simply dropped that little factoid in the back of my mind. Figuring that the chances that it would be someone I knew were near zero.

The fact that it was someone I knew was a bit interesting. Perhaps the Jedi were using me as some sort of tool to train themselves to deal with the Mandalorians. It would make some sense to foster a good relationship with a representative and make sure that one of your Jedi were skilled in dealing with the people of that Sector. A rather intelligent operational scheme really, I had to commend them if I ever got the chance to do so.

Smiling, I simply said, "Oh really? Well how was your time in Mandalore? Besides that bit of chaos that we had to go through."

"Everything was fine, it's kind of a fun experience. The planet was not in the middle of the chaos, unlike most planets we travel to when things go a little bit sideways. And Obi-Wan seems to have a nice time talking to Satine again. Really that was the most un-emergency trip we've taken in a long time. Had the real White Silver not shown up, I'm sure things would have been different but cuz she did it turned out to be more of a vacation."

I chuckled a little bit at the humorous notion that my attempts to prevent a civil war had given a Jedi a vacation. Well if the Mandalorian gods were real and like Being X somewhere in existence, I'm sure they would be chuckling with me at the notion that a Mandalorian had granted their greatest adversary a vacation on their homeworld.

Once that thought had ended though, I simply said, "Yes a lucky thing that White Silver turned out to be a lot more stable than Gerr."

"Stable doesn't seem to cover half of it. That's the kind of person that needs to be in leadership positions. In my mind they saw a problem, took control of the situation, and brought an end to the problem." Anakin said with a smile as he took a seat next to me. "I don't understand why they have to villainize their actions the way they've been doing in the Mandalore sector."

Smiling, I nodded before saying, "Although true I will note that White Silver worked out for the better in this situation, imagine what would have happened if White Silver had been just like Gerr? That's why they need to villainize for White Silver's actions, to dissuade other people from doing the same thing. We got lucky that's all there is to it, it could have easily gone bad and there could be a warlord trying to take over the sector as we speak."

Anakin nodded. I'm not sure though if he understood what I was saying as he then said, "Okay but if she's a strong leader in the sector and does good, why cast a possible villainous net in her direction when it could inspire people to be as good a leader as she is?"

Shaking my head I said, "As I said elements of what she do stands for may be good but, the idea that someone can, without proper representation of the people, gather a military force together to execute a decapitating action against a leadership they disagree with, is not something that any government will ever support simply because if you support it against your enemies your enemies will do the same against you. It's like in an honor duel, if you bring a blaster to a sword fight or just bring multiple people, that invites your enemies to do the same or escalate."

A lesson I had learned the hard way unfortunately. Russy had definitely learned from my own attempts at ending the war as quickly as possible by attacking places of leadership and command structure during the conflict that engulfed the Eastern Front in the last years of the Great War. That was something that I would not want to repeat again, because it'll be a bloody affair.

Thankfully, I think Anakin finally understood nodding his head in a way that I could only hope meant that he got it. "So the problem is that even though she's a good and strong leader, the fact that she went around or above the law to perpetrate this act makes her a problem for the Mandalorian government."

Nodding I said, "Exactly, if White Silver had used more legal means of unseating Gerr, I'm sure the whole situation would be different." Unfortunately, I doubt any legal means can hold up to an army of mercenaries and several dozens of ships pointing down at the planet. All Gerr needed to do to ruin a protest to dethrone him is to send his army to gun down the protesters

"Could White Silver have used some sort of legal means to unseat Gerr?" Anakin asked finding the one chink in the armor of the conversation that I was hoping he wouldn't notice.

I sighed before answering honestly, "No White Silver could not. Theoretically, the New Mandalorian government could not do anything against Gargon. While it may be in the sector, it's not actually a member of the sector. As in, the planet has not sworn fealty to the current ruling government and thus is merely an independent planet that is just inside the area of space called the Mandalore Sector. So if it's taken over by some warlord it's not really the sector's problem even if the warlord had made it quite clear that they plan to ramp up tensions in the sector by invading neighboring planets who have sworn fealty to the ruling government. In short, the Mandalorian government could not take a move unless Gerr actually stepped on a planet that was under our control."

"So basically those in charge of the Mandalorian government are being harsh on White Silver because she could do what they could not."

I sighed while rubbing my forehead before saying, "If you want to look at it that way, yes.," with a bit of pain. "The Mandalorian Government followed the law, so they are obligated to punish those that break them.

"Diplomatically though I think that won't happen in the future. There's been reports that the new leadership of Gargon are interested in deepening ties to the rest of the sector and prosecuting a local hero is not best way to start a working relationship." I hoped to bring that up within this conversation.

Thankfully that was not necessary as another familiar yet older and wiser voice spoke up. "Politics is a deep and complicated game, young one I think we'd all rather not play and much pain is gained from even attempting."

Looking up I saw Master Yoda walking into the courtyard at a steady pace for an old man by the looks of it. With a smile he said, "Welcome back, Representative Kryze. Good to see you too, young Skywalker. Having fun conversations I hope, and nothing too political."

Smiley and I stood up and gave a bit of a curtsy as I have been trained to do when greeting those of elderly status. "Fun conversations are what we usually have, Master Yoda. However, getting a little political is inevitable nowadays, so hopefully we can get off the subject of modern day politics." With that said I retook my seat again.

Nodding his approval Master Yoda sat down in a bench across from us before saying, "Inescapable the politics of this world are, but we must endeavor to try to escape it. Life is much more than politics."

Nodding my head at that statement I was reminded of a question I had meant to ask him the next time I saw him.

"Might be good to avoid politics but I do have something that might be of a political nature though it might be of a cultural nature as well, depending on your point of view, that I wish to discuss with you."

"A question from you is usually interesting, well then tell me."

After clearing my throat I begin, "While on tour in the Mandalorian sector I came across a museum that had certain artifacts that I believe belong to the Jedi Order several thousand years ago, mainly lightsabers and trinkets as it were. They were obviously taken as war booty by the clans from the Jedi of that era and I'm wondering if there is some sort of law or something about returning such items that they are stepping on."

"Hmm," the elder Jedi hummed whilst scratching at his chin in thought before saying, "Jedi trinkets not so much. 4,000 years ago, though interesting, these items would already be well beyond their usefulness. Lightsabers as well as anyone who knew them are long gone. Most lightsabers are burnt with their Jedi when they die and are returned to the Force. The fact that a few have survived this fate and now exist in some museum is nothing too terrible of a fate in the long term of things."

"We tend to focus on the here and now when it comes to relics like those. If those relics belong to Jedi from say 50 years ago, we have interest in recovering them and returning them to their owners in one way or another. However, as old as you're stating, I would tend to believe that no one would care as long as they are treated with respect, in this museum that is."

Nodding my head I said, "From what I saw they were treated with much respect, efforts appear to have been made to track down names of certain Jedi who may have wielded the weapons of the lightsabers. The trinkets tended to just be piled up as examples of Jedi equipment from that era but I think that's more of an opinion of the use of trinkets than desk ornaments for what they are."

Nodding his head the Jedi Master said, "Then I see no problem with this museum keeping these items. Though perhaps, we will establish some sort of meeting between Jedi who are specialized in the libraries and research first. Perhaps they will have issues with it or at least we'll be able to match some names to those lightsabers that have yet to have been found."

'Well that was rather successful.' I thought, not only had I ensured that these items were not some great insult that might upset the Jedi that we have them in our possession, but I also secured a bit of a research agreement between Mandalore and the Jedi on finding out the owners of these weapons. Smiling, I said, "That's good to hear, one of the most important aspects of Mandalorian culture is history, understanding where it came from, and such so being able to reunite an item with its history would be good for cultural as well as diplomatic reasons."

"Making friends is good for both Mandalore and the Jedi I would think, I think even some of your most roguish characters believe that as well considering what information has leaked out about White Silver. Quite impressed I was to hear they were able to unite an entire planet against the forces of corruption that would draw them into war."

That was an odd turn in the conversation. I shrugged it off as Anakin had asked similar questions already.

"They worked within the bounds of Mandalorian culture quite well as well, showing themselves to be a worthy warrior and someone who did not wish to cause war. It reminded me of a conversation I had not long ago, though I can't remember with whom."

Wait what no…

"Quite an intriguing name the White Silver came up with for her opponent. False Silver, calling him quite clearly a false redemption in their culture to dispute them as a potential path to a safe and peace-filled future. A good term, whoever came up with that is a master at understanding the culture of the Mandalorians, while also seeing themselves as part of that culture and how to use it to benefit otherMandalorians. If they didn't make themselves so apparent to be a force for good, I'd be worried that they were something more."

...I realized that someone else might have discovered my secret. I needed to be a lot more careful, if I ever pulled a stunt like that again. Hopefully, I would never have to do that.

Coughing, I just managed to agree and say "Yes, they do seem to have a fine understanding of Mandalorian culture and hopefully they'll stay far away from politics in the future."

Yoda didn't give me a look before nodding, "Quite agree, I do. Terrible thing to work in, politics is." He gave me the friendliest smile before continuing, "Wonder, I do, if White Silver has already accomplished her agenda now after her efforts to unseat False Silver succeeded. Good guidance, strong friendship, I sense as well. Whoever's they speak to must be giving them good advice and mentorship, I think as well."

Yep, Yoda knew. Or at least believed he knew, and was taking credit for pushing me in the right direction, at least that's what I think he was implying.

The fact that I was not being arrested was a good sign. Yoda most likely agreed with what I had done, which was something. Having your operation retroactively sanctioned by a Jedi Master tended to mean you were in the right. At least according to my own research, working with the Jedi tended to work out better for Mandalorians, so I'm going to call this a win…

Well that did bring up a bit of a concern. Would they ask me to do anything else in the future…

Coruscant, Senate Building
Bail Organa

Tonight was supposed to be a simple meeting, we had organized it as part of my new duties as the Chairman of the Loyalist Committee. The Loyalist party meant to try and keep the Republic together as this crisis developed.

Really, this was just one of the many things I've been up to over the last half year, as this crisis seemed to grow heavier and heavier. There was no doubt in my mind we were heading towards something disastrous and very well could see a conflict develop at the rate it was going. To try and get ahead of this coming issue, I have been pushing for Alderaan to build up its relief services, allowing more refugees on our world, as well as the creation of some armaments for the protection of Alderaan, in case the conflicts come uninvited to our doorstep.

Inside, I hoped there would be no war. War was a nasty business, our history proves that more than once, with whole houses being destroyed in them. But, realistically, the possibility that war would spring from these current conflicts was undeniable.

So I was trying to gather as many of the loyalist senators together to try and at least get them talking about the situation. Most senators believe that there could be peace between the two galactic powers. I would love to believe that as well, but history has taught me differently. If there were multiple powers in the Galaxy, that was more than sufficient for a fight to develop. The Hutt's being the exception, but that was only due to the fact that they weren't a proper galactic power; more a collection of cartels that maintain peace in their own space and refuse to actually engage in diplomacy with the Republic.

The Hutt's could get away with this because their particular part of space was off the main trade lanes. Trade lanes do run through their space, but not the major ones, so interacting with them could be avoided and the galaxy just ignores their existence.

The Confederacy was rapidly growing, as one of the more prominent senators and their allies, who collectively had represented a major trade lane, had been convinced to join the CIS. They had convinced the planetary governments, and were now in positions to cause issues in the future. Some of their colleagues were still in denial about the defection.

Parts of the Republic would be cut off from each other, as well as a lot of resources that came from the Outer Rim to the Mid and Core also being cut if a major trade lane joined the Confederacy. Resource allocation, trade lanes, these issues were fertile ground for conflict. These alone would be troubling issues, if they were not being repeated all across the Republic. So many hotspots, and inevitably in some of these places, conflict would spring forth and from conflict would come to war. It's only a matter of when.

It was my hope though that I could at the very least minimize the damage of the war. I have some diplomatic plans and a few goals that could be achieved, but it was better to be prepared for such a conflict than to pretend.

Which was why I, the head of the pro-military faction, was hosting this get-together this evening. We were the host to many senators and representatives to try and find out the prospects for the Republic's future, in addition to observing what factions may be formed in the coming conflict.

Not just the factions that would be leaving the Republic, of course. There would also be factions within the Republic that would see the conflict as an opportunity and would seek their own aims and outcomes.

There is, of course, the Loyalists, whose aims were to bring about a peaceful resolution to this whole crisis, but were prepared to defend the Republic with force in the extreme if necessary.

There were factions belonging to various border worlds and worlds that depend on those resources flowing as they should and any disruption would endanger their livelihood. Each of these border factions were calling for the creation of a military outright. However, none of these blocs were interested in self-defense, but in "correcting" past wrongs and highly dubious resource exploitation. Basically each wanted a private military for their conflict, to kick off a war, not prepare a defense against one. Thankfully most of those factions were minimal and weren't popular. My faction, the Loyalists, tended to actually have the more popular support.

Naboo and their senator lead another significant faction, who represented those seeking a peaceful resolution, without the creation of a military. That had been several interesting conversations, to say the least. Padme seemed to believe that the military itself and its creation would cause the war, even if it was done with a purely defensive mandate. Instead, she had been campaigning against any idea of forming a military.

On one hand, I wanted to disagree with her pacifistic stance as nothing more than idealistic naivete. While, on the other hand, her friend and current rhetorical opponents at today's meeting had made several key observations in the past, statements that explained the issue quite well and supported her logic.

Observations, like 'If you have a military, someone's going to want to use it, especially for their own needs.' In other words, the 'I bought the whole speedometer, I am going to use the whole speedometer.'attitude commonly found on young and rich speeder enthusiasts before they get into a crash. I should know, I was once one of those young speeder enthusiasts before I met Breha. As much as I was in favor of the creation of some sort of defense force for the Republic, I had to concede the point. I had to admit whoever we put in charge of the military would have their own biases, biases that could lead to more conflict.

Frankly, though, I was holding these meetings as a way to keep the party together. The talks often went nowhere and I was still trying to come to some sort of resolution for the Republic. I had started to note a pattern where the attention and focus would end up circling Padme and Tanya's arguments. Padme represents the faction in favor of the no military buildup while Tanya represents a compromise position, in favor of sector military forces. It was a plausible option, in my own opinion, a Republic Self-Defense Force, but often forgotten in the past Senate debates.

I still preferred the creation of a larger and centralized Republic Self-Defense Force, but I could see good ideas when they were presented in front of me. A lot of Tanya's arguments and solutions for the Self-Defense Force defending individual sectors could be applied to the larger, scaled up version of a centralized Self-Defense Force. Letting Padme and Tanya's arguments continue to run their course was still to my benefit so that I could fine-tune my argument for a Republican military when I present them to the senate when the time comes.

Not to mention, it was generally entertaining to watch those two argue. The senator from one of the most peaceful planets in the Mid Rim whose claim to fame was defeating an invading enemy army and capturing the enemy leadership at blaster point, having a theoretical conversation with a representative of one of the most warlike sector of planets in the Outer Rim, a green novice, who'd never seen combat. It was unfortunate that Padme was so firmly entrenched in her position, she would have been an ideal military strategist.

So today's general direction of the conversation took an odd turn. The two were sitting at a long table flanked by various senators and representatives. All of those in attendance were listening to the conversation with interest.

"So Tanya, I recently heard an interesting story. That the Mandalorian sector has started to put together a Self-Defense Force. Is there anything we should be worried about?" Padme said it with such mirth that it was obvious that this was a joke. Only, Tanya didn't join in. She looked a little bit peeved at the joke.

"I assure you, there's nothing to worry about that particular recent development. The government of Mandalore is simply taking a realistic stance on our position in the galaxy right off the Hydian Way, between several CIS strongholds and the Core of the Republic. It's better to have a secure position today than to feel sorry tomorrow, when the invasions begin." Tanya said matter of fact as she swirled a drink in the cup in front of her.

"True, but wasn't the demand for a Self-Defense Force one of the tenants published by that vigilante, White Silver, that stopped an attempt to take over your sector just a few months ago?"

Tanya seemed unfazed by the question and said, "Yes, that is true. Just because a person is a vigilante does not mean they are wrong about certain ideas. I would never hesitate to steal an idea from an adversary. Building a Self-Defense Force in this situation makes sense as it seems very likely that conflict is going to erupt within the next three to two years."

"Alright then, so do you agree with White Silver's statements on the matter of Mandalorians then?" That caused me to lean in, it was an intriguing question to ask and I wonder where Padme was going with this line of questioning.

"The idea of building a Self-Defense Force to protect the sector makes sense. Many of their ideas have made sense in the past, they are minor agents helping in the overall health of the sector. They are doing good in my opinion, so yes in a way I do agree with the general outline of their ideas. As long as it's in service to rebuilding Mandalore."

"Then, what are your thoughts on White Silver's statements about war and the title of Mand'alor? Maybe I misunderstood it, but from my reading of the document, White Silver suggested that the people of Mandalore could give the ability to declare war over to an officially elected Mand'alor, one that all the clans agree is the Mandalore correct?"

Tanya nodded her head in agreement. "Correct, White Silver also made it clear that she considers Duchess Satine as the true Leader of Mandalore. I don't think that's much of a worry when it comes to war, considering Satine is a well known supporter that pacifism is the correct path for Mandalore. Satine is also willing to admit that being able to defend ourselves is a legitimate use of violence as she herself had fought for the unification of our sector, just like you did for your people on Naboo."

Padme nodded her agreement before saying, "But what's to stop another Mandalorian from declaring themselves Mand'alor and having an election that for all intents and purposes is a legitimate election? Then the power to declare war is now in someone else's hands, correct? Doesn't that mean that your Mandalorian Self-Defense Force would have to follow the orders of this unknown person and go to war if they declare it?"

Tanya stopped for a moment before saying, "While yes, White Silver did not in fact do anything to restrict the matters of war beyond declaring that only the Mand'alor can declare it, besides implying that an official Mand'alor has to be elected. Granted, I would assume that most of the clan leaders would continue to support Satine's leadership, since she has done a wonderful job rebuilding the sector in recent years, raising standard of living to that of a Core-world, with public education, universal healthcare, and scholarship programs. So I don't think this is as big of an issue when Duchess Satine has the support of the general public."

"Back to the topic of the title of Mand'alor, the Mand'alor can declare war at any time depending on who's in control of the government? What's to stop this Self-Defense Force and whatever other military forces in the sector to be used in more than a defensive role? This Silver Codex that most of your people have fallen for depends on the good in the state actors in the government?"

'Oof, now that's a good point.' I mentally thought. "It's a well-known fact that most governments in the Galaxy are not immune to corruption in one form or another. If someone were to get into office and get themselves declared the official Mand'alor they could cause quite a bit of problems not to mention, Who declares the clans votes good? What if 25% voted for one Mand'alor, another 30% voted for another, while the rest voted on the other and they all decided the candidates that they didn't vote for are not real Mandalorians unless they had all the votes they needed. As much as that stance might limit the possibility of war with someone like Duchess Satine in office, if something were to happen to her or someone were to refuse to acknowledge her as the Mand'alor and hold their own election, well they could start up their own Mandalorian Civil War wouldn't they?"

Tanya seems to be giving that a lot of thought. Perhaps Padme had raised a legitimate concern that she was actually thinking it through. After some time, she nodded before saying, "These are legitimate concerns to be worried about, however restricting the ability to declare war more than already proposed in Silver Codex would probably infuriate Mandalorians more than actually solving the problem.

It's an obvious fact that a military that could not be deployed without the command of an officer or in this case the Mand'alor would be a slower apparatus. Sometimes you need a strong figure to control the force in question. If that power was to be relinquished to say the Royal Court, debating on what to do when we're being invaded would result in the invasion being successful, not to mention that it would weaken the pillars of Mandalorian culture. Our leader is who we stand by in a moment of conflict, without that our culture loses one of the six pillars that allows it to have existed for the last 5000 years while being in constant conflict with our neighbors."

"Still," Padme said, "the document relies too heavily on people being good State actors and not having their own goals behind it. It could result in a conflict if someone else was to take power."

Tanya simply shrugged and said, "There could be conflict tomorrow and Satine would still be in power. Your concerns are legitimate, I'll give you that, but the issue that seems to be forgotten here is that the culture being created by the proper use of that power can determine the future much more than simply putting down rules.

If someone has the power to declare war and does not use it unless absolutely necessary, that creates a standard. Something that's expected of the next leader and if the next one starts declaring wars willy-nilly, a lot of clans will simply look the other way and not follow.

It does not matter if a person has the power to declare war, it matters how that power is used. If a person never declares war but ensures that the people underneath them have better lives than they would have had if they'd gone to war, then people are going to be more likely to vote for a person who will continue that prospect. The person who declares war and shows that the result of war is the destruction of Mandalore, as it has shown well and truly in the past, was only ever focused on declaring that war. Then people will learn their lesson and never declare such a warmonger a Mand'alor again.

Maybe in the future they'll be some ratification of a constitution to prevent a Mand'alor from declaring war without the consent of the council or maybe stipulations on how much resources could be moved towards a violent conflict without the council's approval, while requiring that approval to move to full war footing. I'm sure Duchess Satine has already considered ways to do that. Duchess Satine is quite up to the challenge of proving that a peaceful Mandalorian is possible be that the system, the sector, or the person she just has issues using the term itself."

That seemed to end the debate as Padme let out a sigh before nodding saying, "Alright, I will let this be for now. Though I do think I'm going to need to schedule some sort of trip out to Mandalore to meet your aunt for myself."

"Interested in seeing how a civilization rebuilt itself after a total collapse of trust in its hierarchy?" Tanya poked with a smile

Padme simply shrugged, "No I'm interested in her opinions on all this going on with the secessionist."

"I'll tell you right now what her opinions are. Though I think you should meet her, I think you two would get along great, but her opinions are quite simple. The Republic is the dominant power in the Galaxy, being part of the Republic ensures that Mandalore will be able to return to a livable world again and watching the Seperatist and the Republic tear each other apart over a conflict as foolish as this is not in our best interests on Mandalore. If trade breaks down between the Outer Rim and the Core, it'll be worlds that are in the Mid Rim or close to it that'll be suffering the most as we will simply become a battleground for the Core and the Outer Rim to fight over."

"And if you become a battleground for this conflict?" I asked, finally having heard quite a bit about this and wanting to get a point of view on what the Mandalorians would do if something like this were to happen.

Tanya simply shrugged and said whilst looking at me with a sense of profound understanding that I didn't often see in her, "We won't let that happen, we'll simply not be a party to a war between the secessionist and the Core. Mandalore has seen enough conflict that it's better for us to not be involved at all at this point and work on bettering ourselves rather than to be drawn into another pointless war that would leave Mandalore more devastated and dead than it already is."

I nodded agreeing with the sentiment quite clearly before saying, "And let us hope that this conflict never arises then and cooler heads will finally prevail before things spin out of control."

Coruscant, Regal Star Caf and Chocolate Shop
Tanya Kryze

Smiling, I gave a curtsy and said, "Chancellor Palpatine, what an honor to meet you again." I was at the particular chocolate store where I'd run into him before. This time it had not been a planned operation but I was not going to waste the opportunity to build relations with the most powerful man in the Republic as I attempted to increase my social status by talking with the chancellor.

The chancellor in question turned with a smile on his face, "Ah young Representative Kryze I think, correct?"

I nodded before saying, "That is correct, Chancellor."

"Always such a delight to see such young faces in politics working to improve their sector. I've been hearing about Mandalore more often recently in the last few months and I think I've heard about the whole Governor Vrox affair years ago."

I try not to show the twinge of pain at that statement, the whole Vrox affair had been a black mark on Mandalore's more recent history. I think that being brought up in the discussion tended to mean we were creating a bit too much chaos out on the Outer Rim. Hopefully it will be forgotten in the ongoing secession crisis, at least that's what I hoped.

Well considering that level of problem, I better respond in the proper way. Smiling, I said, "Hopefully nothing as bad as that has been coming up about my little sector."

Palpatine chuckled and put his hand on my shoulder saying, "Don't worry my young representative, nothing that terrible. Just idle conversations about how things are going with, you know, the unfortunate business going on right now. These conversations will happen with many sectors."

"Yes it's a very unfortunate business, this whole situation is. Hopefully there can be some sort of legal way to end this conflict without a war." I said. Technically speaking, getting in good with Palpatine right now was not the general thing I would do normally.

By all laws in the Senate his two terms as the chancellor were going to be up in a few months, however this secession crisis had resulted in the governments that were still here in suspending the election until after it was handled. This technically meant he is the Chancellor for the foreseeable future in this coming conflict. In my mind, that was not exactly the best move on the Senate's part considering he had overseen the era preceding the secession buildup. It was kind of apparent to me that he's sort of at fault for it all like that one US President before the American Civil War. I don't remember his name as I didn't care that much, but he had an opportunity to deal with the issues that were going to lead to that war and simply refused to do anything because he didn't want to deal with it. He wanted to prove that he could be the president to people who were a thorn in his side during the Mexican American War, I believe.

That being said, if he is still the Chancellor, he is going to be overseeing the conflict that is going to happen. And getting in good with the Chancellor in such a tumultuous time is a nice trump card to have in case of emergency, a 'good to have' resource that could be used to swing things to my favor at an opportune time.

"Very unfortunate, business but I believe that democracy will see us through this era of troubles, give it enough time and they will work out."

I had to bite my tongue to say that it was a bold statement considering he had fully accepted the dissolution of democracy to keep his job. But that was a minor thing since that was the Senate's decision so I guess it's not really his fault in the matter.

"Yes, we can only hope." I did manage to say, nodding my agreement before Palpatine clapped his hands together and said, "Say, I have actually been working on a bit of an initiative to try and ease the tensions with the Outer Rim. A bit of an economic platform, I'm thinking of embracing help to improve the issues that the so-called Separatists have been declaring a major problem. Several meetings I have also scheduled to try and talk with members of the other room that are on the fence of this whole situation. Would you, as a representative, like to join me on several of these meetings? I'm sure that the presence of an Outer Rim power such as Mandalore at such meetings would at least get people to come talk to me. A lot of these separatists won't even bother that much."

A working dinner with the Chancellor, a chance to improve my standing in the government, and a chance to create some sort of friendship with the elder statesman? I would have to be a fool to turn this down. I said with a large bright smile, "I would love to help you with such an attempt to bring peace to the galaxy."

Writers note: And that the chapter for this week folks, we moved into the year of 23 BBY. I do not expect to spend a lot of time on this year, there will be events, and some fun stuff but this year will not be that heavy compared to how 24 BBY turned out. Also, starting with the next chapter I think I will start experimenting with LONG segments, some segments were 5000 words long, so I will see how well that pans out compared to short segments like this chapter.

Edited by: Warmach1ne32, Ralph Howard, Afforess, Elseud
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Community editable doc (Chapter) No story suggestions in the community editing document, Keep all story suggestions and comments in the thread

Supporters: Afforess, Gremlin Jack, Weise, Xodarap4, Duncan Sproule, James Moorhouse, Dankermaler, Hats88, DrkShdow, Devilstar101, Michael, Mana Rope, Falk Hüser, Daniel Martinez, Silver Wolf, Mackenzie Buckle, Markus, Neso, Staradder, Lmc9389, Staradder, victor a lopez-barron, KrasieK, Zollus, Mintea, Jog256, Ethan Dowie, Maxim Blashkevych, The GrandMage, loyalChaos, Daryl, FreelancerD0, Zul The Lich, Flynn Pirola-Henderson, j0ntsa, Retexks, John Norman, Sacha Lechelon
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