Princess Maker Quest

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The Chronicle Of The Child Of The Greatest Hero
OP/Character Creation 1


The One who Strangles Concepts to death
This was not how you imagined your day going.

The sparks from the wall behind you scatter to the floor as the arrow dings off the crumbled stone wall. Gritting your teeth you roll behind the corner as a second arrow passes through your previous spot. A curse leaves your lips, shouts coming from beyond your weathered cover. You count to three before daring to peak your head over a low spot on the wall.

You squint then roll your eyes as you get a good look at your assailants. Recognition followed by frustration flash through your mind as you duck back into cover. While it is annoying to have to deal with them again, it is not surprising that they're still coming after you. Not after what you did to them anyway.

[] Dragon Bloodline Slayer: You killed the Seventh Dragon Emperor of the Draconic Imperium. Mainly because he threatened to "Drown the World In Neverending Fire". You couldn't exactly let him do that (you do live in the World after all), so you gathered your adventuring buddies and took him down. That wasn't the end of it though. Turns out the guy had kids. A lot of kids. Kids that really wanted you dead, since you got the last hit on their dad. Before you knew it, you completely annihilated the guy's entire family.
  • Unburnt Flesh (Bloodline Benefit): Your child will be completely immune to all fire-based damage/effects/spells (including lava), and get an extra dice against Draconic foes in combat.

  • A Shattered Empire (World Effect): The Dragon Emperor is dead and so are all his direct descendants. As such, the Empire has no leader and has broken apart into separate Warlords. They are all vying for power, and know that the best way to gain it is by killing you.
[] Demon's Bane: You're the one who put a stop to the Demonic Invasion that the King and Queen tried to start. You got reports that more and more demons were being seen within the Mortal Plane, which isn't that strange. What is strange is when you start seeing entire camps of them set up just outside of major population centers, hidden from sight via illusion magic. That's what made you gather your crew, discover that the King and Queen were prepping for a major offensive, rally the various kingdoms to assist you when you informed them, and completely halt their plans. And you mean halt. You killed the Demon King's wife and their entire Upper Circle of Magi. Just to be sure they didn't try that shit again.
  • Demonic Resistance (Bloodline Benefit): Your child will be completely immune to all demonic based damage/effects/spells, and get an extra dice against Demonic foes in combat.

  • Absence of Purpose (World Effect): The Demon King has been traumatized by the whole ordeal, leaving the Demon Plane in a state of disarray. Many Demons have gone to the Mortal Plane to find a new purpose, but others have joined up with any surviving generals and magi. These Demons are hunting you down with the hope of turning you into one of them, and possibly replacing their King. Your consent is not required for this.
[] The Shadow Hunter: You're the one that dismantled The Order Of The Azure Path. They used to be a secretive organization that ran the world from the shadows. Any major event, any popular political figure, and all the guilds were connected to them in some way, shape or form. There wasn't much that they didn't have their hands in. That is until you came along. You tracked those bastards down and destroyed their entire operation. Stone by stone, man by man, coin by coin, you brought them down. Now they are but a shadow of their former selves, with all the clout they once had gone.
  • A Hunter's Instincts (Bloodline Benefit): Your child will be completely immune to all trickery and illusion based effects/spells, can't be surprised nor poisoned, and gets an extra dice against Agents of Secret Organizations in combat.

  • Who Watches The Shadows? (World Effect): The Azure Path weren't a benevolent force, but their power kept all the other groups in check. Rulers, thieves, assassins, any one who skulks in the dark will come crawling out of the woodwork to take their place. And while they know to avoid you, they also know that leaving a threat such as you alive will come back to bite them one day.
You hear shouts and another arrow bounces off part of the wall to your right. You shake your head while preparing yourself for battle. You can't head home with these guys trailing you. They'll make sure word gets out about where you live. While that wouldn't normally be a problem...things are different now.

They don't deserve that. Not until they're ready.

Taking them down shouldn't be too hard. You are the strongest-

[] Man
[] Woman
[] (Optional) Appearance (Write In...)

-in the least you like to think you are. Though there aren't many who would disagree with you, considering what you are.

[] Warlord (Martial Might ): Upon first glance, many people think there's not much to you. Just another "Warrior" who is meant to be a shield so the magic users can do all the "real work". They second guess themselves after you finish an engagement by ripping a piece of the earth with two hands and toss it at the approaching enemy forces. They rethink it after you power through any and all magic thrown at you to punch the enemy magic-user hard enough to remove their head from their shoulders. While you're a master with all weapons (even siege) that doesn't mean you need them to be effective.
  • You can train your child in Martial Stats at home rather than send them to a Class
  • Your child starts with a Martial Combat Skill: Adrenaline Surge
  • Your child starts with a 10 in all Martial Stats
  • Your child gains an x1.5 Multiplier to all Martial Stat Gains
[] Archmage (Magic Manifested): Other magic users tend to stop at a certain point. They figure they've hit their limits and that any further study would either be fruitless or dangerous. You didn't. You put everything on the line to obtain the ultimate in magical power. Your body, your mind, even your soul. You went through the absolute ringer in order to obtain the power that underlies the entirety of your world. And you got it. Mystic power flows through your veins, and you command it with a Will that will never break.
  • You can Teach your child in Magical Stats at home rather than send them to a Class
  • Your child starts with a Magic Combat Skill: Storm Bolt
  • Your child starts with a 10 in all Magic Stats
  • Your child gains an x1.5 Multiplier to all Magic Stat Gains
[] Nightblade (The Pinnacle Of Skill): You've gotten damn good at taking enemies down before they even know you're there. To the point where you've heard people whisper that you use illusion magic to instantly move from place to place. This isn't true in the slightest. You're just that good. Of course, that doesn't mean you're fucked if someone manages to catch you before you can take them out. Your skills working best when you're unseen doesn't mean you can't use them in a straight-up brawl. Luckily for you, no one seems to understand this until it's too late.
  • You can Teach your child Trickery Stats at home rather than send them to a Class
  • Your child starts with a Trickery Combat Skill: Shadow Flare
  • Your child starts with a 10 in all Trickery Stats
  • Your child gains an x1.5 Multiplier to all Trickery Stat Gains

Hello everyone! Welcome to my new Quest that I hope to actually continue.

This is another situation where I had an idea for something, and couldn't let it go until I wrote it.

As you can likely tell from the Quest Title, this Quest is based off the Princess Maker Game Series. Except this time around, you'll able to choose whether you'll be making a Princess or a Prince. I'll explain how that all works later. For now, I'll explain how things work for your character.

Firstly, you're character will never have to roll for anything. You're THE premier mega badass Hero/Heroine. You do not "try" you "do". While I will describe things happening to you and during certain Events will have you all vote on how to proceed, you'll mostly just deal with things as they come.

The main things you need to worry about are Gold, Trust, and Rep.

Gold is exactly what it sounds like. It's your money, and you use it for a variety of things. Buying gifts for your kid, paying for them to go to Classes, going on vacations and so on. You'll get a Stipend of 1000 Gold from the King every two weeks (cause of course the leading political figure wants to be in the good graces of the person who can bring his entire kingdom down on their lonesome), but that won't take care of all your expenses. There will be plenty of ways for you (and your child) to earn money during the Quest.

Trust is how much your child both trust and likes you. It doesn't have a maximum or minimum, and can be raised and lowered based on the things you do or have your child do. You want to keep this high as it not only governs if your child likes you, but also if they'll listen to you. High trust ensures your child will listen to your every word, while Low trust might lead to them disobeying and not going to Classes or hanging out with the "Wrong Crowd".

Rep is short for Reputation. Reputation measures what the different factions/people in the world think of your character. Rep represents more than just being liked or disliked by a certain faction or person. How they view both you and your actions is influenced by this, and can be mixed and matched. A faction with a low reputation might hate your guts, but respect you and leave you alone if they understand you can destroy them. A faction with a high reputation might even begin to create legends about you, while bending the truth to suit their version.

Rep is also not limited to you. It can affect how people see those that associate with you. Including your child. A person who despises you and runs one of the Classes your child can go to is likely to try and hassle your kid while you're away. Or, someone who runs one of the Classes and likes you, might spoil or put unrealistic expectations upon your child, affecting their performance.

The votes should be self-explanatory, but if anyone has any questions feel free to ask them.
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Character Creation End/Child Creation Begin
You sigh to release the tension in your body while you place your back up against the crumbled stone wall. A glance at your immediate area reveals similar stoneworks dotted along the landscape, alongside bits of broken wood here and there. Your curiosity begins to rise at what this place was before it fell to ruin. Who built this structure in such a remote area and why? What did they use it for? Was it their home or something more?

Snarls from beyond your perch break through your musings making you sigh in frustration. You make a mental note to come back to this area for further study while placing a hand on the wall behind you. The magical reserves within your body swirl with barely suppressed glee, whispering to you their joy at being used once more. You smirk as the energy flows into your arm and coalesces around your fingertips. With a barely enough force behind your hand to lift a fallen feather from the ground, you push.

The wall's foundations fly forward in a dazzling display of gray dust and blue energy. Shouts of pain explode from behind you as you turn to face your no doubt reeling foes. You give them no time to breathe, expanding the energy in your arm to encase your whole body. Its cold embrace suffuses your frame in an invisible, soft yet sturdy barrier that keeps the worst of the dust from landing on you. You wave a hand in front of your while stepping forward, warping the space in front of you with a single gesture.

You see another arrow bounce off your shield as you step into the distortion in space. There's a brief sense of weightlessness before reality returns and you find yourself face to face with an Enchantress. Surprise fills her purple-skinned face, as the bow in her hands drops to the ground. She goes for the dagger attached to her belt, but not fast enough to intercept your hand as it comes down on her forehead. You mutter the word "begone " under your breath and step back as she disappears in a flash of crimson light with nary a scream. Their kind is not very effective when they can't cloud their target's mind with superfluous thoughts.

You turn around as your two remaining enemies rise from the ground. The flaming canine heads attached to bipedal bull-like bodies mark them as Hellraisers. Their steam hisses from their nostrils, manes shaking against their muscled bodies. You notice how one favors their left side, their right having been crushed by your initial assault.

The two of them raise their clawed hands, blue flames burning harmlessly in their palms. They raise their hands and let three flaming blue orbs fly towards you. They charge at you with the speed and grace of a tossed rock, making you frown before you blow them out of the air with two ice bolts from a single finger. The Hellraisers charge through the resulting mist with spittle flying from their slavering muzzles. They reach the halfway mark just as vines from the earth encase their bodies within moments.

They struggle and howl against their leafy prisons but even their bulky frames are no match for plants brought to life with magical energy. You tilt your head to the side for a moment, listening as the demons try to break their bonds. Then with a smirk your finger curls down, the plants disappearing into the ground along with the Hellraisers.

Silence reigns across the flat plains around you.

A calming sigh leaves you alongside the barrier as it sloughs off your body like slime. The whispers of glee get quieter and quieter as the tension leaves your body. Only once you are fully composed do you turn back to the well-traveled road and begin to walk. You could always teleport to your home. You have set up runes and glyphs to facilitate such things. It would also be both pragmatic and prudent as it would ensure you would not be accosted again.

However, despite the tedious interruption, this a perfect day for a walk. The sun is shining, a cool breeze is blowing, and you have all the time in the world.

Sometimes, it's good to take the long way home

Captain Jezza gives you a nod as you pass through the entrance gate, the sparking mace in his hand contrasting the dusty armor he wore. You return the nod before entering the city of Nomtom proper, joining the large throng of people as they go about their busy days. The King has given the guards explicit instruction to let you come and go from the city as you please with no need to go through the standard procedures.

[] Which you don't mind at all. Everyone in the city knows who you are. Using your status to speed tedious processes along is simple pragmatism.

[] While you don't like the favoritism, you can't deny that it does speed your day along without having to deal with frustrating circumstances. Still, it can send a poor message to your peers and the citizens themselves when they see it happen.

[] Looks like the old bastard is back to his brown-nosing attempts. You told him time and again to cut this crap out! Just because you're the strongest Mage in the Nomtom doesn't mean you're not to be treated like everyone else!

You put the thought to the back of your mind as you traverse the busy cobblestone streets of the city. The sunlight becomes muted as you walk through the darker colors of the city. Large spire-like buildings made of a strange pristine metal are consistently polished by a group of shirtless human workers. A few of them wave to the passersby below with few being scolded for neglecting their duties. People walk into she intricate doors of shops dotting the sidewalks with nothing in their arms and come out carrying bags of various items. Some of which are dropped the moment they lay eyes on you.

Ah, yes. You forgot one of the downsides of walking home: the attention you garner.

Your victory against the Demon Plane wasn't simply spread throughout the world, it was publicized. After the battle, you remember returning home to thousands of people you didn't even know wanting to shake your hand. You'd walk into a tavern and the bards would be singing of how you slew the Demon Queen single handily, even though you had your three companions and multiple armies backing you at the time. King Howe himself wished for an audience with you merely a day after the war was won.

You had expected the acclaim to die down after two months.

Instead, your popularity increased by tenfold.

Now, the name-

[] Write-in...

-the Archmage was known to everyone.

Citizens of all kinds stop to stare as you walk by them. Children tug on their mothers' long skirts to get their attention, men lift their hats and spectacles to get a good look at you, and you hear countless exhalations of breath the moment you are spotted.

However, this is not the first time you have had to ignore the attention. Nor will it be the last.

Besides, you have a more important engagement today.

It doesn't take long for you to reach your home. While not the tallest building in Nomtom, it certainly towers over many of the homes around you. A four-story tower with each floor dedicated to something you consider important. You walk up to the front door, dispel the alarm, fireball, and paralysis glyphs on it, then knock three times with a five-second pause in between each.

Within moments the door flies open and a light, ecstatic voice that sends your heart aflutter shouts, "Mom!"

You open your arms as your little-

[] Boy
[] Girl

-jumps into your arms with a fit of laughter. You hold them tight as you walk into your home, summoning a gust of wind to blow the door shut behind you. You rub your cheek against your child's before lowering them to the floor. They begin regaling you with how good they were while you were out today, making you smile as they ramble out everything they did.

As you observe them, you notice that they are tall enough to reach your knee now. Thinking back it's been ten years since they were born, yet it feels so much shorter than that. You can still remember the day you met their father.

[] A human adventurer. The two of you fell in love while escaping from the collapsing tomb of a long-dead civilization. You got married the following year when he proposed to you with a ring made out of the scales of a dragon he slew. You spent so many happy years together, but one year before your child was born, he went on a mission and vanished. You've been trying to find out what happened to him, but none of your leads have born any fruit. But you won't stop looking. You owe it to your child to find their father.

- Child is human.
- No special traits/stats/personality changes
- No Rep Effects

[] You haven't seen their father recently mainly because he isn't human. You met him after finishing a job outside of the human territories and hit it off. Well, more like he kept venturing outside of his home and brave the nights to spend time with you. The races have never really gotten along and it was difficult for the two of you to be together for any length of time. But, against all odds, you made it work. And eventually, your child was conceived. Unfortunately, you gave birth right before the Demons attempted their invasion. Despite the Demons being at fault for the war, the conflict soured human attitudes towards the other races. Since then you haven't heard anything from their father, and simply hope he's alright.

- Child is a half-breed
- Special traits/stats/personality changes varies based on father's race
- Rep Effects vary based on father's race

[] (Unique Archmage Option) Well, technically you are their father. And mother. As you said, you broke many boundaries in your search for ultimate magical power. One of those barriers was what separated man from the Gods; The ability to Create Life. The downside? It shaved years off your life. You had to sacrifice a good chunk of your body, part of your sense of self, and half of your soul to make sure the process succeeded. You're pretty sure the only reason you're still standing is through the Will of the Gods themselves. The upside? It worked. You managed to create a perfect child clone of yourself with no problems or defects whatsoever.

- Child is a clone made using magic and parts of your body, soul, and mind
- +20 to all Magical Stats and Stamina
- Parent Trust starts at +30
- Morals are easier to lower/raise
- Empathy is easier to lower/raise

As your musings leave you, you call your child's name to get their attention:

[] Write-in...

Sorry it took a while for this guys. For some reason I decided to do this when I had an exam yesterday. Now, explanations.

First, the votes. The first vote is mostly a narrative one. It will primarily affect how your character reacts to specific characters, events and situations. It's not a complete personality decider, but it will affect how you act through the majority of the Quest. I believe the rest are pretty self-explanatory. If Half Breed is chosen, you'll pick what race their father is in the next update.

Second, to explain the world a bit. This is an original world and I am creating it as we go along, but here's the basic premise of it:

- There are multiple races in the world, but three major powers: Humans, Dragons, and Demons.

- Most humans live in standard fantasy style towns, however there are three Major Cities (Nomtom included) that are more advanced than the others. These places are more Dungeonpunk (think of Eberron), and have only recently begun to appear. They're still growing and attempting to spread their influence, but are the essential seats of power in the Human Kingdoms.

- The Dragons live in an Empire and, in contrast to the humans, are more Magitech. Many of their cities are large and built for creatures that can fly, while being powered by mixtures of magic and technology. They hold the most territory of the three races but aren't very proactive in the world. They're dragons after all. They have all the time in the world.

- The Demons have their own Plane of existence that is an actual city mostly run by and made for magic-users. The majority of Demons can use magic and their Plane reflects that. did. Until you came along. Now their world is in complete disarray and they're trying to get it back in working order.

- None of the races have managed to make much head way into the majority of the world. While the major powers are expanding, much of it remains unexplored and much like a standard fantasy world.

Three, to explain the child a bit. This one I'm unsure about cause I haven't completely got how I'm gonna do it down. But I am gonna do what I can to explain the most important parts.

- Age: Your child starts at age 10. Every update will be a Week, with every 4 Weeks being a month, and in 12 months they'll grow up 1 year. As they grow new Events and otherwise can occur, including unlocking new Jobs and Classes. Once they hit 18...something will happen. It won't end the Quest, but it will shift it.

- Reputation: Just like you, your child has a reputation. It works just like yours, however it can be affected by your own reputation. For example, since you have a -100 Rep with the Demons, your child will start with a -50 Rep with them.

- Martial Stats: Stats that focus on physical fitness, strength, and combat prowess. Includes Strength, Stamina, and Prowess.

- Magical Stats: Stats that focus on magical might, spell power, and magical resistance. Includes Magical Power, Intelligence, and Magical Resistance.

- Trickery Stats: Stats that focus on tricking enemies, avoiding detection, and getting a surprise/sneak attack. Includes Charisma, Agility, and Skill.

- Social Stats: Stats that focus on good behavior, understanding social cues, and dealing with social pressures. Includes Elegance, Speech, Decorum and Art.

- Combat Skill: The total combat prowess of your child. Effected by a combination of all Martial Stats, Agility, and Skill.

- Magical Skill: The total magical might of your child. Effected by a combination of all Magical Stats.

- Empathy: How much your child can understand and empathize with others. This includes normal people, and monsters/demons/otherwise that might attack your child. Having high empathy along with high morals might result in your child being unwilling to fight others, but having low empathy will make them come across as cold which can effect reputation and interactions. It can also effect if certain Events happen to your child.

- Morals: How "Good" or "Evil" your child is. High Morals will make them more likely to be kind, caring, and nice to others. While Low Morals will make them more likely to commit "Evil" deeds such as stealing. It can also effect if certain Events happen to your child.

- Stress: How frustrated/mad/tired your child is. Many actions can increase their stress (going to class, going to work, being scolded, etc.) and the higher it gets the worse things get for your child. They can refuse to go to work, do bad in work/classes, and it might start effecting their health.
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Week 1
"Sasha. You've recently turned ten, correct?"

Your daughter goes silent at the sound of her name. She spins on her heal and skips over to stand before you. She grabs your robes and gives you the most adorable smile while enthusiastically nodding her head, "Uh huh! Uh huh! We had my birthday last week, remember?"

The giggle she gives off is infectious, as you soon find yourself laughing along with her. You reach down and scoop her into your arms again, "That we did. But it seems like such a long time ago to me."

"Is that because you're older than me?" Sasha leans her head into the space between your neck and shoulder, looking up at you with her big bright orange eyes, the same color as yours. In many ways, she's your exact replica. Bouncy dark hair, caramel colored skin, and the same spark behind her eyes that indicates a magical prodigy.

Though that is to be expected. She does, literally, have parts of your being inside of her. It's only right that she resemble you in appearance.

You chuckle and pull her closer, "Partially. Though I'm certain that all parents feel as if their children grow up faster than they should. However, you might be a special case."

"Cause mama made me herself with magic, and mama's the bestest there is at magic in the whole world!" she wraps her arms around you in a hug.

"Oh, I'm not sure about that," you try to ignore the pride welling up in your chest at your daughter's approval and move to your main workstation. You unconsciously employ a little telekinesis to move the various vials and spell catalyst back to their proper places before sitting down in the hand crafted wooden chair in front of the desk.

A paper and pen float down onto the desk and you continue, "Anyway, I believe it is finally time for you to see the world outside of this house. You're old enough now, and it wouldn't do for your development to keep you cooped up here."

She gasped in excitement, "You mean I can finally go outside and meet new people?"

"Indeed. But first, we must decide what exactly you will be doing when we go out," you start writing out the schedule for Sasha on the paper in front of you.

Confusion comes over your daughter's face as you write, "What? But why would we do that?"

"Because while you may be old enough to go out on your own, you are not old enough to set your own schedule nor be out without my supervision. As such, I need to know exactly what you're doing for the day, how it turns out, and when to get you back home."

Sasha makes to argue, but can't seem to form a coherent nor understandable one. Instead, she opens and closes her mouth few times before huffing in defeat, "Alright, mama."

You reach up and pinch her cheeks to cheer her up, "Now, now. None of that. This is only until you're old enough to make your own decisions."

"How long will that take?"

"Until I say so."


"Kidding, kidding," you chuckle and set Sasha down, "How about you go play with some of your toys while I get this together?"

She perks up at the idea of being able to play. She shouts a quick affirmation before bolting off towards the living room where you spot a few balls rolling along the floor. You roll your eyes at the thought of picking those up later, and get back to your schedule. After some thinking, you write out what you believe will be best for Sasha to do this week.

Starting Gold: 5,000

Income: 1,000 Every 2 Weeks


Housework - Help you around the house. She learns much about cooking and cleaning, but no interacting with others can leave her cold and distance
- 0g Earned/day
- Increases Elegance and Decorum, Decreases Empathy

Babysitting - There's an Orphanage nearby that's always in need of new caretakers...however the kids tend to leave their babysitters in bad states of dress.
- 4g Earned/day
- Increases Empathy, Decreases Charisma

Church Work - Assist the Clerics with cleaning up the Church Halls. Being around holy men and women is said increase one's sense of virtue.
- 1g Earned/day
- Increases Morals

Cargo Loader - Help the Steam Ships load their cargo for the journey...reminding everyone to give her reasonable work of course. Unfortunately, such hard labor makes one less graceful.
- 10g Earned/day
- Increases Stamina and Strength, Decreases Elegance

Tavern Cook - Help the cooks in the back of the Tavern serve and make food. Though working with ones hands so much can make them less useful for wielding weapons.
- 8g Earned/day
- Increases Skill, Agility and Speech, Decreases Prowess

Tavern Inn Helper - Help clean up the Tavern's Inn. Though working with ones hands so much can make them less useful for wielding weapons.
- 8g Earned/day
- Increases Decorum and Speech, Decreases Prowess

Unarmed: Learn how to fight by making your own body the weapon.
- Increases Strength, Stamina, and Agility
- Cost 30g/day

Weapon Prowess: Learn how to use weapons like swords, spears, and axes to defend yourself.
- Increases Stamina and Prowess
- Cost 40g/day

Traditional Knowledge: Learn the old, tried and true ways of magic, without all the "Modern Language" to muddy things.
- Increases Magical Power and Intelligence
- Cost 50g/day

Modern Teaching/Science: Focus less on how one uses magic, and more on magic's application and effect on society as a whole.
- Increases Intelligence and Magical Resistance
- Cost 50g/day

Personal Tutoring: Teach Sasha yourself. You're The Archmage. Magic is your thing...though it will take up some of your time.
- Increases all Magic Stats
- Cost 0g/day
- Lose 1 AP each (Max 3) for Weekend Activities

Noble Demeanor: Be taught how the nobility behaves, speaks, and carries themselves when in the presence of others. However, their world is not one for the soft hearted.
- Increases Charisma, Elegance and Speech, Decreases Empathy
- Cost 60g/day

"Practical" Combat: Here you learn how to fight dirty, hurt people, and do things that most people would balk at. Talking isn't that useful nor is having a conscious. A Code of Honor or so? That's fine, just don't die. Morals? That's negotiable.
- Increases Agility, Skill and Prowess, Decreases Speech and Morals
- Cost 30g/day

Painting: Paint the World around you and use it to express your feelings.
- Increases Art and Empathy
- Cost 60g/day

Dancing: Learn how to gracefully move your body in a way to impress everyone that sees you.
- Increases Elegance, Decorum, and Agility
- Cost 60g/day

Writing/Poetry: Writing is becoming more and more important as time goes on. Being able to do it well is the sign of an educated person.
- Increases Decorum, Speech, and Charisma
- Cost 60g/day

Week 1 (Write in 1 Activity Per Day):

Poke poke.

Ok, yes, I know I've let this be abandoned for...almost a year now.

But, I don't know, while looking through my backlog I suddenly got the urge to keep going with this.

I don't know if anyone's gonna wanna keep voting, but I'll do my best to keep this up this time.

In the meantime, here are the Mechanics. Note that these are all subject to change, I am not good at math, and that I'll be explaining more Mechanics as they pop up.

- When your Daughter performs in an Activity (Job or Class) I will roll 1d20 at a DN of 15. The Stats she starts with a Bonus in are exempt from this, and their DNs will always be 10.

- If she gets below the DN, she'll still gain points in Stats (Between 0 and 5), however the spread will not usually be even, and she'll always lose some points in the Stat that the Job/Class takes away from (Between 0 and 5). I'll roll the 1d20 on SV and roll the Stat Gains behind the scenes.

- If she gets above the DN (16 to 19), she'll gain points in all Stats. still not usually spread evenly but all Stats will go up, though she'll still lose points in the Stat/Stats the Job takes away from.

- If she gets a Nat 20 on the roll, however, something special will happen. The DN will immediately be dropped to 10 rather than 15, she'll gain extra points in her Stats (Between 1 and 3), won't lose any points in any Stats, and won't gain any Stress for this one time she's doing the Activity. In addition, the Activity will be marked as "Prodigal" and she'll gain a times 0.5 Modifier to any Stat Gain for this Activity until she turns 16.

- If your Daughter does an Activity while her Stress is too high, there's a chance she will "Slack Off". When this happens, she won't gain any points in stats and only lose them.

- Once she's done an Activity at least 10 times, the DN will drop to a 10, and she'll lose the ability to gain the Prodigal Mark on it. The Activity will also change depending on what type of Activity it is: Job = Get a Raise in Earnings and Stats will gain/lose more points (Between 1 and 6 for the first upgrade, so on and so forth). Class = Go to the next level of expertise (Beginner to Adept to Expert to Master), increase points gained/lost, and raise the cost of classes.
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Weekend 1
The very first thing Sasha did when you two got home from her Painting Class was rush into the living room. You followed after her at leisurely pace, already knowing what she was going through. For you had gone through the same thing yourself when you were younger. The realization that failure was not only something that existed, but that it could happen to you.

You find her laying down on one of your smooth, flat seats. She has her face buried in a pillow while muffled rhythmic sobbing escapes from within the pillow. You sigh before sitting down and placing a hand on her back. She stiffens up for a moment, then relaxes as you start rubbing your hand up and down her spine.

"Sasha, it's ok," you say in a calming voice, "No one expected you succeed at everything your first try."

"But....but....but I messed up. I let mama down," she speaks through her crying gasps and sobs.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because everything you do, you do it perfectly! You never have trouble when casting spells in the house!"

You shake your head with a smile, "Sasha, you know that's not true."

"Yes it is! You're always perfect! And I'm...I'm a failure."

You sigh again before saying, "Well, as embarrassing as it is to admit it, I'm not as perfect as you might think."

You go quiet to wait for her to answer you. She eventually peeks her face out from the pillow with a quiet, almost mouse like, "Really?"

"Yes," you nod with a smile.

"But, you're so strong," she turns over to look up at your face.

"Strong doesn't mean perfect, Sasha," you shake your head, "And I most certainly didn't start out as the Archmage. In fact, I remember this one time when I was trying out a new spell..."

From there you begin to soothe your daughter's woes through detailing an embarrasing moment from your past. By the end, Sasha is sitting up and smiling at you while you detail moments from times long gone. You never expected her to be perfect after all. You didn't make her that way.

You made her human. To be your daughter.

And to err is to be human.

Week 1 Results:

Writing/Poetry: Failed

+1 Charisma

+3 Decorum

+2 Speech

+3 Stress

Church Work: Failed

+9 (+5 from Child Origin) Morals

+5 Stress

Modern Teaching/Science: Failed

+2 Intelligence

+5 Magic Resistance

+ 5 Stress

Church Work: Success

+7 (+5 from Child Origin) Morals

+1 Stress

Painting: Failed

+10 (+5 from Child Origin) Empathy

+4 Art

+8 Stress

Lost 168 Gold (-170 from Classes, +2 from Church Work)

Current Gold:

Weekend 1 (Choose what to do this Weekend):

Current AP: 3

Talk: Speak with your daughter. See how she's feeling, and how her day's been. Increases Trust.

Pocket Gold: Give your daughter some Pocket Money. Starts at 20g but increases as you pick this Action

Scold: Punish your daughter for doing something bad...or just in general. Could lower Trust and increase Stress if done carelessly.

Armor Shop: Purchase armor for your daughter to wear on Adventures as well as order custom sets, but they can take a while.

Weapon Store: Purchase weapons for your daughter to wield on Adventures as well as order a custom weapon, but it can take a while.

Tailor: Purchase dresses that can give your daughter access to Special Events, or give Stat Boosts/Penalties on certain Activities.

Item Store: Buy various stat boosting items and sell off unneeded ones.

Hospital: Newly opened, take your daughter here if she's sick...or just use healing magic.

Magic Shop: Get expensive enchanted items of all sorts. From weapons, to armor, to items, to the more...eccentric new inventions. Everything is VERY expensive though.

Castle: Go to the Castle for a surprise visit to keep the king and nobles happy. However, it will also give your daughter a chance to gain some Rep with important figures in the Kingdom.

Home: There's plenty you can do around the house to destress. Plus it cost nothing. (0g, -5 Stress)

The Private Park Spaces: These places tend to be more relaxing cause there are less people around, and it's nice to see the Steam Ships flying overhead. (20g, -10 Stress)

The Museum Of Ancient Magics: There are lot of exhibits dedicated to your exploits, but it's mostly just a relaxing place to go to see old Magical Advancements. (50g, -20 Stress)

The Hot Springs: Nothing like going to a place where you can just soak and relax in wonderful, hot, spring water.... (150g, -30 Stress)

A Reserved Private Hot Spring: ...Except a place where you can do that, with just the two of you in the entire building. Being the ArchMage has it's perks. (200g -50 Stress)

Sasha's Adventure: Send your daughter out to adventure on her own...with your supervision as you hide behind an invisibility spell. You'll let her go at her own pace, but the moment she runs into trouble you will step in.

- Sasha will go out to adventure in the wild woods.
- You'll follow and if she gets in over her head (Hits 0 HP or otherwise) you'll step in and save her.
- See more in Mechanics below.

Your Adventure: Just because you're the Archmage doesn't mean you can't go out and adventure yourself. There's probably a few places you go to for a bit. And you can take Sasha with you (Choose 1):

- [] Goblin Culling: Just a simple culling of the local Goblin Population. Need to keep their numbers down so beginner adventurers don't have too much trouble dealing with them when they're starting out...or so they don't get so big they start raiding the countryside. (Rep With Nomtom Increased by 10, Rep with Novice Adventurers Increased, Unlock New Event Chain)

- [] Ancient Lich Tower: There's rumors that an untouched Lich's Tower was discovered somewhere to the west of Nomtom. If the Lich is still alive, then putting him down for good would save a lot of lives. And if he isn't then someone needs to gather any items he left behind. To keep them out of the wrong hands. (Rep with Nomtom Increased, Rep with Mages Increased, Unlock New Event Chain)

- [] A Bad Harvest: A town on the eastern edge of Nomtom's territory had a bad harvest this year. That's not good, because this is their fifth one in five years. Either something's wrong, or they're having a couple bad years. Either way, you can help alleviate their pain with a simple Fertility Spell. (Rep with Nomtom Increased, Rep with Farmers Increased, Unlock New Event Chain)

Will you take Sasha?
- [] Yes. (???)
- [] No. (???)

Contact your old teammates: While you don't mind taking care of Sasha alone, you could certainly get more done if you had some help. Either as a Babysitter or someone to go to for help with Sasha's studies. You've kept in contact with a few of your old adventuring buddies who have managed to make it big. Maybe it's time to call in some favors (Choose 1):

- [] Royal Guard Earl: A Fighter turned Paladin of the Sun God, Earl is the oldest of your group. He's also the best damn swordsman in the entirety of Nomtom. Even though he's well past his prime and magic is advancing technology rapidly, he's managed to keep his position through all possible attempts. Mostly because he's got a strategic mind to guide the muscles he uses. However, while you've never been able to confirm it, you think he might be attracted to you. Which makes talking to him...awkward. (Event, Weapon Prowess Class Cost Decreased by 10g, Unlock New Event Chain)

- [] Fellow Mage Nova: One of the few non-humans that's managed to make it in this city, Nova is the only mage in the city who could possibly match you in terms of fame. Though where you're known for big actions that save the world, he's more than for smaller things that nonetheless keep the world moving. Unfortunately, no one tends to thank those who do the small things. Because of this you two have a bit of a strained relationship. Well...kind of. He sees himself as your rival and is constantly upset that you get more attention than him. Meanwhile, you're just glad he's your friend. (Event, Modern Knowledge/Science Class Cost Decreased by 10g, Unlock New Event Chain)

- [] Steam Ship Pilot Kyra: When she was running with you guys, Kyra was a simple girl with the simple dream of running her own Steam Ship. Now, she's a full fledged pilot in Nomtom's own Steam Ship Division. Though, right now she primarily moves goods in and out of the city. You owe each other multiple times over. You owe her for every time she showed up to pull you out of the fire, and she owes you for every time you saved her from anti-air magical fire from the ground. Hopefully she can take some time out of her schedule to help you out. (Event, Steam Ship Job Pay Increased by 10g, Unlock New Event Chain)

- [] "Innkeeper" Rosie: Rosie bought an inn and runs it like a legitimate business what you'd like to say. However, it's hard for some rogues to let go of their old habits. You know that she's got some kind of illicit business on the side, but don't know what it is. Nor do you have an evidence that it's anything bad really. Still though, she's never been one to stiff you out of a cheap room or anything like that. Maybe she'd be willing to help you out now. (Event, Tavern Job Pay Increased by 10g, Unlock New Event Chain)

Look into the current status of the Demons. You beat them pretty bad, but if that ambush earlier this week was any indication, they are far from done. You need to look into this and make sure they aren't planning something.

Look into the current status of the Dragons and our relations with them. With the Demons mostly dealt with, the Dragons are the next major race that could cause problems. And it's not in their nature to not try to take advantage of the Demons being weak. You need to be sure they aren't trying something.

See about possibly creating a new Magical Tool for people. You're the ArchMage. Helping make others lives easier is not only a good thing to do, but trivial to you. (Rep Increase, ???)

Go for a walk in town. She should get used to the area she's living in so she doesn't get lost. (???)

See about introducing her to new kids. She needs to interact with people her own age, and having friends can be invaluable in this world. (???)

Look for a Husband so she has a dad. You don't mind raising her on your can't deny that having someone around to help share the love would be nice. (???)

Yeah, so despite failing so much, you guys managed to get lucky on the Stat Dice Rolls.

Also, more Mechanics:

- I will roll 3d100s as Encounter Die
- 50 to 99 will be a neutral to positive Event. Nat 100 is a Special Event that could get your Daugther a Special Trait.
- 1 to 49 will be an extremely bad to poor Event. Nat 1 will result in a Special Event that will immediately force you to intervene with what your daughter is doing.
- Encounters can lead to Combat, things that happen, or simply finding stuff in the woods.
- You won't control Sasha and I'll roll any Combat behind the scenes. If she runs out of HP, you'll rescue her and immediately take her home. She'll also gain 20 Stress.
- After 3 Encounter Rolls she'll want to return home, as she's 10 years old. She'll want to stay out longer as she adventures more and will eventually decide to continue even after the 3 Encounter Rolls.

- You choose to go out and do something. That's it.
- Sometimes you'll run into Events that get you special stuff.
- Most times the Adventures will simply affect your Rep or lead into Event Chains.
- You can bring Sasha with you if you wish. This can have several effects, such as unlocking Special Events you wouldn't normally get.

- When Combat Starts, both sides roll 1d20, then add their Combat Skill. Whoever gets higher goes first.
- On a creature's turn they choose whether they will attack with their Magic Skill or their Combat Skill. Then they choose how many Die they're committing to the Attack. Every Die rolled is a separate attack. Any left over Dice can be used to Defend against an enemy attack.
- Once the Attacker has chosen how many die, they then roll that many die and add (Modifier/5) to each roll. The Modifier changes based on the type of attack.
- Unarmed uses Strength.
- Weapons use Prowess.
- Magic uses Magical Power.
- And "Practical" Combat uses Skill.
- They then compare each die result to the enemy's Magic/Combat Defense Skill. If the roll is higher, the attack hits and deals Damage equal to the roll + any bonus Damage from Weapons, Enchantments, etc.
- If the Defender wishes, and they have Dice left in their pool, they can "Dodge". When Dodging, the Enemy adds (Agility/5) to the rolls of all the dice they put into the Dodge. For every Die that Matches or Beats one of the Attacker's rolled Die, they dodge that attack and take no damage. However, if they roll below the number or don't have enough dice to dodge every attack. Then they will get hit.
- Then the enemy's Armor Value is Subtracted from the Damage amount. What is left is subtracted from the enemy's HP.
- Damage is cumulative. So if you rolled a 4, 5, 6, 7, and they all hit, you'd do 22 damage.
- When HP hits 0, the enemy is beaten. What happens after depends on your Daughter's Morals.
- High Morals = She Spares them.
- Low Morals = She Kills them.
- If you're Daughter's HP hits 0, then you'll come in and save her before anything bad can happen. However, she'll gain 20 Stress from being beaten.
- MP is lost when your Daughter Cast Spells. Spells have specific times they can be "Cast". "Quick" Spells can be cast on your Daughter's Turn and not cost her Action. "Basic" Spells take your Daughter's Action. "Invoke" Spells can take longer that than, usually two Actions.
- Foes can do everything your Daughter can depending on what they are. Demons are all inherently magical, so they all can usually cast a Spell of some kind. They follow the same rules as your Daughter.
- Opponents and your Daughter can be resistant or outright immune to certain attacks based on their Armor or after casting certain Spells. Opponents with Magic Shields will cause Magical Attacks to deal less damage, and Physical Shields or Magical Shields meant to block Physical Attacks will cause Physical Attacks to deal less damage. A Shield CAN'T do both at once.

- Starting next Week, Sasha will gain Boosts to Activities based on her Stats.
- These Boosts will always be calculated via the formula: Stat/10.
- Most Activities will only use One Stat for the Boost, but will give points to multiple.
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Week 2
One good thing about bringing your daughter out for a walk through the town? Her reactions to everything. Seeing her face constantly shift between awe, curiosity, and wonder at all the sights brings warmth to your heart. How she twirls around to look up at the large buildings, points at the various strange people wandering the street, or looks up to see the shadows of the Steam Ships flying over head and crying out in awe.

One bad thing about bringing her out on a walk? She won't stay still for a moment. You've got to constantly keep her in your sight, follow along where she goes, and keep your head on a swivel. It starts to look like she's the one leading you through the city rather than the other way around. You never lose sight of her, of course, but it's still a harrowing thing to see as a parent.

For the most part though your trip is...uneventful. Which isn't a bad thing. You were just showing her around. So, a normal day is the desired result. You eventually retire home where Sasha starts to regale you over everything she saw in the city with youthful glee.

[Event Roll: 45; No Event]

The two of you eventually reach your destination. Crease Lightning, one of the most well known clothing stores in the entire city. Sasha walks in, glued to your side, and looking at the various clothes and colors with clear awe on her face. You walk her to the main counter near the front of the shop and call for the familiar woman behind it. She's a petite woman, red hair falling down to her neck with bright golden eyes that turn to regard you.

"Hello, how can I...Oh, it's you Ms. Satin!" she claps her hands together before bowing to you in gratitude, "Thank you again for helping me with that infestation a year ago. I don't know what I'd do if those moths ate up all my stock!"

"It was no trouble, Seline," you shrug with indifference. You had gotten rid of an infestation of giant moths for her a year back. They were apparently mutated by someone's failed magical experiment. The mage responsible was reprimanded and forced to atone through helping you deal with the problem he created. You believe his name was Eltor or something along those lines. It wasn't much of a problem. A simple fireball at their nest and they were dealt with.

"Oh, you're so humble," Seline waves her hand at you with a giggle before her eyes fall on the child gripping your leg. She gasps and leans forward to stare down at your daughter, "And who is this little one?"

"I'm Sasha!" your daughter proudly exclaims while puffing out her chest. She waves her hands towards you, "And this is my Mama!"

Seline gasps again, eyes shooting between the two of you, "No! Really? Ms. Satin when did you find the time?"

"I made it," you shrug again.

"Well, you must tell me who the father is!"

"Um," you rub your chin as you think about whether you should reveal your daughter's origins. You're not sure what her reaction would be, and there's no guarantee she won't gossip about it. Which could be troublesome later on. Then again, it likely wouldn't be too problematic for you to deal with.

[] Tell Seline the truth.
- [] Ask her to keep it a secret.
[] Lie to Seline.
[] Deflect the question


[] Summer Dress: A short dress-skirt combo that goes down to the thighs and hangs off the shoulders. For when that Summer Heat is getting you down and wearing you out! (Prevents Loss of Stamina points during Summer, ???, 250g)
- [] Black
- [] Green
- [] Red
- [] Blue
- [] Write in...

[] Winter Dress: A thick puffy jacket, scarf, and long skirt. Essentially to beating the snowy season! (Prevents Loss of Stamina points during Winter, ???, 200g)
- [] Black
- [] Green
- [] Red
- [] Blue
- [] Write in...

[] Cotton Dress: A traditional dress with patterns knitted in the sleeves. Said to make young ladies feel elegant and help them stand out in a crowd. (+15 to Elegance, ???, 500g)
- [] Black
- [] Green
- [] Red
- [] Blue
- [] Write in...

Once you leave Crease Lightning and return home, you start putting Sasha to bed. She protests that she isn't tired, but you see the way her eyes start to fall as they get heavy. After she fails to hide a yawn you carry her up the stairs to her room and put her to bed. You watch over her for a few minutes, watching her little chest rise and fall with as she breathes softly. Then you stand and walk out the room, making sure to gently close the door, head into your workshop, and start calling start sending out missives.

You've got many contacts in the King's Council at your beck and call. All it takes is you writing a letter, casting teleport to send it right into their hands, and then you wait. A few minutes later an identical piece of paper appears on your desk with an official seal on it. You get a clear picture of the situation with the Demons from Nomtom's perspective.

They've been quiet since you beat them last. However, the Council has received reports from their scouts and rangers that a large group of Demons have begun congregating about two days east of the city. If they're planning something, it's likely happening there. Though they have no confirmation over whether or not they are up to something.

Another possible lead is a Demon Envoy that arrived in Nomtom two weeks ago. She's been her for some time and has already ingratiated herself into the Noble Courts. Though she hasn't gotten far given the prejudice against non-humans rampant in the city. But, at the very least, she has a small powerbase under her influence. She may be up to something, but it's nothing she's revealing to anyone.

Hmm, curious. Certainly somethings you'll look into...after taking care of Sasha some more.

[New Personal Adventures Unlocked!]

Current Gold: 4,832

Income: 1,000 Every 2 Weeks


Housework - Help you around the house. She learns much about cooking and cleaning, but no interacting with others can leave her cold and distance
- 0g Earned/day
- Increases Elegance and Decorum, Decreases Empathy

Babysitting - There's an Orphanage nearby that's always in need of new caretakers...however the kids tend to leave their babysitters in bad states of dress.
- 4g Earned/day
- Increases Empathy, Decreases Charisma

Church Work - Assist the Clerics with cleaning up the Church Halls. Being around holy men and women is said increase one's sense of virtue.
- 1g Earned/day
- Increases Morals

Cargo Loader - Help the Steam Ships load their cargo for the journey...reminding everyone to give her reasonable work of course. Unfortunately, such hard labor makes one less graceful.
- 10g Earned/day
- Increases Stamina and Strength, Decreases Elegance

Tavern Cook - Help the cooks in the back of the Tavern serve and make food. Though working with ones hands so much can make them less useful for wielding weapons.
- 8g Earned/day
- Increases Skill, Agility and Speech, Decreases Prowess

Tavern Inn Helper - Help clean up the Tavern's Inn. Though working with ones hands so much can make them less useful for wielding weapons.
- 8g Earned/day
- Increases Decorum and Speech, Decreases Prowess

Unarmed: Learn how to fight by making your own body the weapon.
- Increases Strength, Stamina, and Agility
- Cost 30g/day

Weapon Prowess: Learn how to use weapons like swords, spears, and axes to defend yourself.
- Increases Stamina and Prowess
- Cost 40g/day

Traditional Knowledge: Learn the old, tried and true ways of magic, without all the "Modern Language" to muddy things.
- Increases Magical Power and Intelligence
- Cost 50g/day

Modern Teaching/Science: Focus less on how one uses magic, and more on magic's application and effect on society as a whole.
- Increases Intelligence and Magical Resistance
- Cost 50g/day

Personal Tutoring: Teach Sasha yourself. You're The Archmage. Magic is your thing...though it will take up some of your time.
- Increases all Magic Stats
- Cost 0g/day
- Lose 1 AP each (Max 3) for Weekend Activities

Noble Demeanor: Be taught how the nobility behaves, speaks, and carries themselves when in the presence of others. However, their world is not one for the soft hearted.
- Increases Charisma, Elegance and Speech, Decreases Empathy
- Cost 60g/day

"Practical" Combat: Here you learn how to fight dirty, hurt people, and do things that most people would balk at. Talking isn't that useful nor is having a conscious. A Code of Honor or so? That's fine, just don't die. Morals? That's negotiable.
- Increases Agility, Skill and Prowess, Decreases Speech and Morals
- Cost 30g/day

Painting: Paint the World around you and use it to express your feelings.
- Increases Art and Empathy
- Cost 60g/day

Dancing: Learn how to gracefully move your body in a way to impress everyone that sees you.
- Increases Elegance, Decorum, and Agility
- Cost 60g/day

Writing/Poetry: Writing is becoming more and more important as time goes on. Being able to do it well is the sign of an educated person.
- Increases Decorum, Speech, and Charisma
- Cost 60g/day

Week 2 (Write in 1 Activity Per Day):
Weekend 2
"Do you understand, Sasha?"

Your daughter nods furiously, tapping away at the papers in her lap. They were covered in black written notes. She beams at you and holds up the pages with pride, "Uh huh! See, mama?"

She spoke with such pride that it took all you had to hide your own proud smile. Instead, you forced your expression to remain impassive while overlooking her notes. They were rather simple, but what else could you expect of a ten year old? The primary thing was that they were well spaced, short yet detailed, and got the information across in a few words.

Her face scrunches up in uncertainty as you scrutinize everything she wrote down. When you make it to the end, you finally allow yourself to smile and hand her back her papers, "Excellent work, Sasha. You even wrote down what I said about the current prevailing theory of the Origin of Magic."

"That it's basic and requires heavy revision!"

"Indeed," you nod along with your daughter's answer.

She fidgets in place for a few seconds before asking, "So...I did a good job?"

"Yes. Yes, you did."

She squees and jumps up to wrap her arms around your neck. You laugh while returning her hug. It's good to see that she's managed to improve since last time.

Her improvements in performing her tasks expanded beyond your own personal tutoring.

Her work at the Church was much the same. Her first try had ended with her dropping a bucket of soap on the floor, while her second involved cleaning that soap up before anyone could slip on it. This time though, she clearly had an idea of what she did wrong last time. She went about her job with gusto and focus. To the point where the various clerics praised her for being more diligent than the teenaged adherents.

Her Writing and Knowledge Classes went much the same, though you did notice something slightly worrying. When class was over, she made it very clear that she didn't understand why she needed to go to to the Traditional Knowledge Class. You were her mother after all. Couldn't she just learn everything she needed to know from you?

You did what you could to explain that you don't know everything, and that it's always good to gain new knowledge from other places. However, you're not sure how well she actually understood you.

Well, she is technically ten years old. She probably just needs some time to understand the reasoning behind it.

Her last class for the week was Unarmed Combat Training. And while she managed to succeed in this task despite it being her first time...well...

"Owwwiiee..." your daughter fights back tears while rubbing her aching legs and arms. She looks up at you with pleading eyes, begging you to take the pain away.

You fight back the urge to do so immediately and look towards her instructor. Your eyes ask the questions without you saying it, to which he responds with a shrug.

The man was muscular and lean, a body no doubt built from years of practicing his combat art. His fists and legs were wrapped in bandages, while his chest was completely exposed. His only article of clothing were the blue trouser shorts he wore. He looked at you with shining black eyes while his straight black hair bobbing as he moved, "Far be it for me to tell the Archmage what to do for her daughter, but the pain is an important part of the training. The aches represents your body improving your muscles, making them tougher than they were when you started."

"Re-ow-really?" Sasha winces as she tries to stand, but stares up at her teacher with clear interest.

"You know it, little miss," he gives Sasha a thumbs up, "Just make sure to come back after you heal to get the strength to stick."

Sasha nods and tries to stand up, but you get to her first. You lift her into your arms and look her in the eyes, "I believe I should carry you home today, Sasha. The last thing we need is for you to fall onto the floor while your muscles are getting stronger."

She nods and says, "Ok, mama," before laying against your shoulder as you carry her out of The Guild, the sound of more combat training and people getting quest following you as you exit.

Week 2 Results:

Personal Tutoring: Success
  • +2 Magical Power
  • +4 Intelligence
  • +2 Magical Resistance
Church Work: Success
  • +8 (+5 from Origin) Morals
  • +2 Stress
Traditional Knowledge: Success
  • +3 Magical Power
  • +2 Intelligence
  • +1 Stress
Unarmed: Success
  • +5 Strength
  • +2 Stamina
  • +2 Agility
  • +3 Stress
Writing/Poetry: Success
  • +4 Decorum
  • +4 Speech
  • +3 Charisma
  • +1 Stress
Blue Summer Dress (250g)
- Red Winter Dress (200g)
- Black Cotton Dress (500g)

Lost Gold: 1,059 (+1 From Church Work, -110 from Classes)

Stipend Day: +1,000 Gold

Current Gold:

Weekend 2 (Choose what to do this Weekend):

Current AP: 2

Talk: Speak with your daughter. See how she's feeling, and how her day's been. Increases Trust.

Pocket Gold: Give your daughter some Pocket Money. Starts at 20g but increases as you pick this Action

Scold: Punish your daughter for doing something bad...or just in general. Could lower Trust and increase Stress if done carelessly.

Armor Shop: Purchase armor for your daughter to wear on Adventures as well as order custom sets, but they can take a while.

Weapon Store: Purchase weapons for your daughter to wield on Adventures as well as order a custom weapon, but it can take a while.

Tailor: Purchase dresses that can give your daughter access to Special Events, or give Stat Boosts/Penalties on certain Activities.

Item Store: Buy various stat boosting items and sell off unneeded ones.

Hospital: Newly opened, take your daughter here if she's sick...or just use healing magic.

Magic Shop: Get expensive enchanted items of all sorts. From weapons, to armor, to items, to the more...eccentric new inventions. Everything is VERY expensive though.

Castle: Go to the Castle for a surprise visit to keep the king and nobles happy. However, it will also give your daughter a chance to gain some Rep with important figures in the Kingdom.

Home: There's plenty you can do around the house to destress. Plus it cost nothing. (0g, -5 Stress)

The Private Park Spaces: These places tend to be more relaxing cause there are less people around, and it's nice to see the Steam Ships flying overhead. (20g, -10 Stress)

The Museum Of Ancient Magics: There are lot of exhibits dedicated to your exploits, but it's mostly just a relaxing place to go to see old Magical Advancements. (50g, -20 Stress)

The Hot Springs: Nothing like going to a place where you can just soak and relax in wonderful, hot, spring water.... (150g, -30 Stress)

A Reserved Private Hot Spring: ...Except a place where you can do that, with just the two of you in the entire building. Being the ArchMage has it's perks. (200g -50 Stress)

Sasha's Adventure: Send your daughter out to adventure on her own...with your supervision as you hide behind an invisibility spell. You'll let her go at her own pace, but the moment she runs into trouble you will step in.

- Sasha will go out to adventure in the wild woods.
- You'll follow and if she gets in over her head (Hits 0 HP or otherwise) you'll step in and save her.
- See more in Mechanics below.

Your Adventure: Just because you're the Archmage doesn't mean you can't go out and adventure yourself. There's probably a few places you go to for a bit. And you can take Sasha with you (Choose 1):

- [] Goblin Culling: Just a simple culling of the local Goblin Population. Need to keep their numbers down so beginner adventurers don't have too much trouble dealing with them when they're starting out...or so they don't get so big they start raiding the countryside. (Rep With Nomtom Increased by 10, Rep with Novice Adventurers Increased, Unlock New Event Chain)

- [] Ancient Lich Tower: There's rumors that an untouched Lich's Tower was discovered somewhere to the west of Nomtom. If the Lich is still alive, then putting him down for good would save a lot of lives. And if he isn't then someone needs to gather any items he left behind. To keep them out of the wrong hands. (Rep with Nomtom Increased, Rep with Mages Increased, Unlock New Event Chain)

- [] A Bad Harvest: A town on the eastern edge of Nomtom's territory had a bad harvest this year. That's not good, because this is their fifth one in five years. Either something's wrong, or they're having a couple bad years. Either way, you can help alleviate their pain with a simple Fertility Spell. (Rep with Nomtom Increased, Rep with Farmers Increased, Unlock New Event Chain)

- [] Bad Rumblings: That camp of Demons has you on edge. Sure they maybe doing absolutely nothing wrong, but they may also being doing absolutely everything wrong. Maybe they're trying to find a way to resurrect their Queen or get their Mage Corps back in order? ...Ok, you'll admit to sounding really paranoid. Still, it wouldn't hurt to check. (Start New Event Chain, ???)

Will you take Sasha?
- [] Yes. (???)
- [] No. (???)

Contact your old teammates: While you don't mind taking care of Sasha alone, you could certainly get more done if you had some help. Either as a Babysitter or someone to go to for help with Sasha's studies. You've kept in contact with a few of your old adventuring buddies who have managed to make it big. Maybe it's time to call in some favors (Choose 1):

- [] Royal Guard Earl: A Fighter turned Paladin of the Sun God, Earl is the oldest of your group. He's also the best damn swordsman in the entirety of Nomtom. Even though he's well past his prime and magic is advancing technology rapidly, he's managed to keep his position through all possible attempts. Mostly because he's got a strategic mind to guide the muscles he uses. However, while you've never been able to confirm it, you think he might be attracted to you. Which makes talking to him...awkward. (Event, Weapon Prowess Class Cost Decreased by 10g, Unlock New Event Chain)

- [] Fellow Mage Nova: One of the few non-humans that's managed to make it in this city, Nova is the only mage in the city who could possibly match you in terms of fame. Though where you're known for big actions that save the world, he's more known for smaller things that nonetheless keep the world moving. Unfortunately, no one tends to thank those who do the small things. Because of this you two have a bit of a strained relationship. Well...kind of. He sees himself as your rival and is constantly upset that you get more attention than him. Meanwhile, you're just glad he's your friend. (Event, Modern Knowledge/Science Class Cost Decreased by 10g, Unlock New Event Chain)

- [] Steam Ship Pilot Kyra: When she was running with you guys, Kyra was a simple girl with the simple dream of running her own Steam Ship. Now, she's a full fledged pilot in Nomtom's own Steam Ship Division. Though, right now she primarily moves goods in and out of the city. You owe each other multiple times over. You owe her for every time she showed up to pull you out of the fire, and she owes you for every time you saved her from anti-air magical fire from the ground. Hopefully she can take some time out of her schedule to help you out. (Event, Steam Ship Job Pay Increased by 10g, Unlock New Event Chain)

- [] "Innkeeper" Rosie: Rosie bought an inn and runs it like a legitimate business what you'd like to say. However, it's hard for some rogues to let go of their old habits. You know that she's got some kind of illicit business on the side, but don't know what it is. Nor do you have an evidence that it's anything bad really. Still though, she's never been one to stiff you out of a cheap room or anything like that. Maybe she'd be willing to help you out now. (Event, Tavern Job Pay Increased by 10g, Unlock New Event Chain)

Look into the current status of the Dragons and our relations with them. With the Demons mostly dealt with, the Dragons are the next major race that could cause problems. And it's not in their nature to not try to take advantage of the Demons being weak. You need to be sure they aren't trying something.

See about getting an audience with this Demon Envoy. You're the Archmage, and her people's Arch Enemy. If she says no to your invitation, it not only makes her look bad but puts suspicion on her. After all, if she's let go of the past, why wouldn't she shake hands with an old enemy?

See about possibly creating a new Magical Tool for people. You're the ArchMage. Helping make others lives easier is not only a good thing to do, but trivial to you. (Rep Increase, ???)

Go for a walk in town. She should get used to the area she's living in so she doesn't get lost. (???)

See about introducing her to new kids. She needs to interact with people her own age, and having friends can be invaluable in this world. (???)

Look for a Husband so she has a dad. You don't mind raising her on your can't deny that having someone around to help share the love would be nice. (???)

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Weekend 2.1
It actually takes you more than half the day to get to Nova. Not to find his shop. You've since memorized the locations of all three of his workshops within the city. No, the issue was that two of his workshops were closed down for, as the sheets of paper on the doors helpfully communicated, "a currently uncertain amount of time". What they did not communicate, however, was the reason behind the closure. Which you partially suspected. Nova was never one to reveal his problems to others.

Thankfully, the third workshop you go to is still open. Though it's hard to tell, because the shop is built into an out of the way corner of the street that many would not give a second glance. It has a single door with a single window above it, and is painted a dull brown color that draws the eye away from it.

Just as you would expect from Nova.

Sasha's grip on your head tightens, so you shift your shoulders to give her an easier ride. Then you knock three times on the door. No sound comes from within as you wait, but it isn't long before it opens up to reveal the albino half-dragon's familiar scowling face. He stands a head taller than you with short, sharp horns growing from the top of his head. His dark purple eyes narrow as they look you up and down, before settling on your daughter. You hear Sasha gasp in fear then feel her duck her head to avoid meeting his gaze.

"Nova," his body length black and white robes sway as his gaze moves to you, "It's good to see you. How have you been?"

"I am well, Satin," his every word is smooth and calculated in contrast to his rough, scaly hide, "Considering you brought your child with you, you are hear to speak about her class correct?"

"Indeed," you answer with a nod. You figured he was her instructor, but now you have confirmation. You'd be lying if you said that didn't give you some peace of mind. Though, considering what you know of Nova, it is no wonder Sasha had trouble understanding his class initially. You wave your arm towards the room behind him, "Might we enter your abode?"

He huffs, nostrils flaring as he turns to step inside his workshop. His flat tail drags along the ground behind him as you following him inside. Closing the door behind you, the familiar scents of oil, metal, and arcane residue fills the air. You sigh while looking around at the small, spartan room covered with numerous pieces of metal and canisters filled with black liquid. The sharp cry of a bird of prey echoes through the room, Sasha ducking as an avian creature glides into the room through a hole in the ceiling leading upstairs.

"Hmm. I'm assuming you haven't had many opportunities to clean lately?" you say while walking towards Nova. The albino dragon has taken a seat on a cushioned chair in front of a glass table. His clawed hands was a large, sphere that clicked as he rolled it against his palms. The avian sat on his shoulder, his burning red feathers giving the room an ethereal glow. Its sharp curved beak was pointed towards you while it's intelligent eyes locked onto Sasha.

"More or less. My two other workshops are being renovated. Had to move everything here," he shrugs at you. Sending the bird on his shoulder bobbing up and down.

"I see. New familiar?"

"Phoenix. Samson," he clarifies before reaching up and petting the bird on the head, completely ignoring the literal fire coming off its feathers.

You nod, moving Sasha from your shoulder to your lap. You wrap your arms around her before continuing, "I believe you and Sasha are already acquainted?"

"We are. Hello, Young Satin."

"Um, hello, Professor Nova," Sasha raises a nervous hand in greeting, "I like your bird. It looks really pretty."

"I accept your compliment," he responds before turning his eyes back to you, "Let us cut to the chase. Whatever you've come here for must be important for you to leave the adoring public for any length of time."

You roll your eyes before responding, "I'm here about Sasha's classes. Namely, to ask you for a favor."

"You'd like me to drop the entrance fee."

"How'd you guess?"

"Because it's your daughter, I owe you a favor, and we both know that you take any opportunity to get a discount on something you need."

You chuckle, "You know me so well, Nova. Though, I'm not sure if you're one to talk about being cheap."

"I have no idea what you mean."

"That oil you have?" you point towards one of the filled containers, "You're keeping it in an old glass canisters that were scheduled to be disposed of."

"And what brings you to this conclusion?"

"The fact that you haven't taken off the 'For Disposal' tag on them."

A quiet tension descends over the two of you. Sasha has since stopped trying to make sense of your conversation, contenting herself with staring at the various objects in the room with awe. Eventually, after one last click of the sphere, Nova places his device on the ground and replies, "I can afford to take off ten gold. If you wish for more, then you will have to assist me with an investigation."

"Oh?" you raise an eyebrow in surprise. Nova is the last one you'd expect to outright ask you for help. His pride tends to get in the way of his common sense when it comes to that. You rub Sasha's head as you continue, "This must be important to you then."

"In a sense. I believe you have heard of the Demon Envoy that has been making waves in the city?" You facial expression must give your answer away at he immediately continues, "I plan to meet her next week. I want to see if she's a danger. Having you will make the investigation take marginally less time. You need not promise me, simply meet me at this workshop next week if you wish to help me. If you do not appear, I will go on my own."

"Hmmm," you hum while weighing your friend's words. You were planning to investigate the Envoy yourself at some point, but you would do so on your own time. However, Nova planning his own investigation made things...complicated. Mainly due to his nature and subsequent relationship with demons.

For Nova was half-dragon, half-demon...but not through any kind of union.

He was banished from the Dragon Empire, and was found by a demon who became his surrogate mother. However when he came of age (thirty in human years, eighteen in dragon years) she started...using him. Both for experimentation and...other things. Things that, ever since you and Earl got him away from here, have given him a deep disdain for demons of all kinds. Letting him go meet the Demon Envoy could lead to...problematic events.

However, Nova has proven himself able to put his personal feelings about things behind him for the sake of a greater goal. Perhaps you can let him go first, then meet the Envoy later.

Something to decide for another time.

For now...

"So, how has Sasha been doing in class?"

Your words make your daughter grin ear to ear. That is, until Nova starts talking, "When you first brought her to my class, I was doubtful that she was in anyway your progeny. Someone so unfamiliar with even the basics of magic couldn't possibly be related to my rival."

"Hey!" Sasha yells at the half-dragon.

"However, her subsequent attendance have completely changed my opinion. She is a fast learner, has quickly overcome her previous mistakes, and is set to pass up my current curriculum."

This brings Sasha's grin back. The two of you spend the rest of the time simply listening to Nova as he describes his time with Sasha in his class. You leave with new pride in your daughter, and happiness in how you've managed to save ten gold on a magic class.

[New Personal Adventure Unlocked! Magical Classes Cost Dropped by 10g! Unlocked Reputation with Nova!]

Just wanted to get this in. Doesn't have the second part cause I wanted this to focus on meeting Nova.

Also, Nova might have the darkest character backstory I've ever thought up.