Prince of Dragons (Exalted)

For clarity, and to avoid vote-splitting, I will be counting votes for Female (trans) together with Female, since the main thrust of the vote is how the Realm treats you and how its social expectations have shaped you. A trans woman is faced with the exact same social pressures as a cis woman in the Realm, with as little leeway as possible to allow for things like 'sorcery to have kids'. Rawar of Arjuf, the Empress' first husband, was a trans man and this did a lot to establish the practice and attitude in the Realm.

For a real world reference point... the Realm is exceedingly accepting of trans folk who manage to 'pass', and viciously oppressive to those who don't, either because they can't or because their gender identity doesn't fit into one of the Realm's two boxes.

House Tepet is one of the major exceptions to this. Tepet doesn't give a shit what your gender identity is, just so long as you are prepared to be the most excellent person you can possibly be and live your chosen life to its fullest. And also possibly stab anyone who disrespects or misgenders you.

Anyway, vote is still open obviously, just wanted to check where we were at... and it seems so far the leading vote is to be a water aspect who attended the spiral academy, how interesting!
[X] [Gender] Female
[X] [Aspect] Wood
[X] [School] The Cloister of Wisdom.

Let's hit things in the face, it'll be great.
[X] [Gender] Male
[X] [Aspect] Water
[X] [School] The Cloister of Wisdom.

Would be nice if we could exalt as a sidereal instead. There hasn't been a sidereal quest ever, and our unique circumstances make it very interesting
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[X] [Gender] Male
[X] [Aspect] Wood
[X] [School] The Spiral Academy.

Alectai's got a good idea but I cant help but feel that a Wood or Earth Aspect suits that idea of wanting to reform the Realm so its healthier and more stable, less top-heavy by design so people cant successfully coup Her Redness but if they do then everything collapses.
[X] [Gender] Male
[X] [Aspect] Fire
[X] [School] The Spiral Academy.
[x] [Gender] Female
[x] [Aspect] Water
[X] [School] The Spiral Academy.
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[X] [Gender] Male
Not married to this option, but since most of Maugen's other quests are female led (RIP Deus Pater) I figured I'd pick male for a change.

[X] [Aspect] Air
Always loved lightning, and I'm a fan of the common traits associated with the aspect in Exalted. My second favorite is Fire, but we already have Erika.

[X] [School] The Heptagram.
I'm always all-in for Sorcery... I'm a fan of the Spiral option as well, but I love sorcery too much :p
[X] [Gender] Female
[X] [Aspect] Water
[X] [School] The Spiral Academy

The burden of expectation in the Realm lies on women, and that - especially as a child of the Empress - truly embraces the weight of that.

Plus, it means Mnemon will hate you so much more if you're Mnemon's little half-sister and she's aware that there's only one Water-aspected Great House and the Empress is already looking for a counterbalance to Peleps.
[x] [Gender] Female
[x] [Aspect] Water
-- The lack of water aspected major houses (and the fact that the most notable recent traitorous one was water aspected would be interesting to explore.
[X] [School] The Spiral Academy
-- The lack of water aspected major houses (and the fact that the most notable recent traitorous one was water aspected would be interesting to explore.
Peleps is water Aspected and one of the oldest extant Great Houses, and they control like, the entire Imperial Navy still. I don't think Iselsi's betrayal is the strongest association there.
Alright, I'll call the vote there, winning combo is a female Water Aspect who attended the Spiral Academy, good to know. Next part of CharGen will be up in, like, an hour or two.
Scheduled vote count started by Maugan Ra on Jul 5, 2021 at 6:20 PM, finished with 69 posts and 64 votes.