Prince of Dragons (Exalted)

[X] [Gender] Male
[X] [Aspect] Fire
[x] [School] The Cloister of Wisdom.

Achieving great ambitions as a male DB is something entirely unexpected. While having mastered one's self and the way of the fist on top of a fire aspects passionate nature.

So basically a classic shonen hero whose going to struggle his way to the top and get his mothers acknowledgement. With a band of beautiful/handsome men alongside him
[x] [Gender] Genderfluid

Rigid gender dynamics just make me want a protagonist who defies them by necessity. I like the idea of someone who quietly but purposefully bucks all the norms and expectations, marching steadily to the beat of their own drum.

[x] [Aspect] Water

If I'm voting for a genderfluid protagonist, how can I not try and make them a Water Aspect? :p

[x] [School] The Heptagram

I figure being a sorcerer helps back up the "confident outsider" vibe.
[X] [Gender] Male
[X] [Aspect] Air
[X] [School] The Spiral Academy.

I want to play that most rare and wonderful things.

A genuine idealist, who understands the society he lives in so that he may better it into something that doesn't need to be a snakepit of feuding demigods set against each other by a mother who is too attached to her power to dare allow any of her scions to get any. Someone who's gotten into the guts of society and found it to be unsustainable barring the intervention of his exalted mother--and finds that to be a dangerously unstable state of affairs.

My habit is to also offer up characters who "Play Against Type" in some fashion. In most settings I push the female character because they're the ones who are generally the oddity that stands out. In Exalted, it's the opposite--especially in the Dynasty--and so I reverse my usual stance because this is the case where it's more interesting--because men are stereotyped as untrustworthy and short-tempered. And here's a very thoughtful one who's been very carefully trying to gather friends, allies, and like-minded thinkers in hopes of bringing the Realm to a new and better future.

And also bashing heads a bit philosophically with Mom because while she is absolutely a peerless ruler, the fact of the matter is that she has no contingencies in place if one of her many foes gets lucky, or some unseen surprise blows her up, or something otherwise unpredictable that upends things and the Realm Must Survive. Which is hilariously an intimacy they both share but she's coming at it from the perspective of a soldier who got lucky and now has to hold onto her power and he's a rich boi prince who can pay attention to legacy and is tugging his collar at how fast and loose it all is beneath the surface and history has many examples of how nobody rules forever
[X] [Gender] Male
[X] [Aspect] Air
[X] [School] The Spiral Academy.
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[x] [Gender] Female
[x] [Aspect] Water
[x] [School] The Cloister of Wisdom.
[X] [Gender] Male
[X] [Aspect] Earth
[X] [School] The Spiral Academy.

Changing the Realm will take commitment, will, and a lot of effort. We're gonna have to buckle down, grit our teeth and start bulldozing from the bottom to the top. Without stopping, without rest, we'll keep building up until this soft compost pile of a kingdom becomes a rock hard fortress of efficient and moral governing and administration. Even if, especially if we're gonna be the ones at the top.
[X] [Gender] Male
[X] [Aspect] Air
[X] [School] The Spiral Academy.

I don't think I've seen this very often in Exalt quests.
[X] [Gender] Female
[X] [Aspect] Water
[X] [School] The House of Bells.

Ohhh what a start for a quest!!!
[X] [Gender] Male
[X] [Aspect] Wood
[X] [School] The Cloister of Wisdom.
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Alright, an Exalted quest. And it's based off of the new Essence rules that just came out, I'm feeling excited about this.

[X] [Gender] Female
[X] [Aspect] Water
[X] [School] The House of Bells.

Water's a fun element, and the House of Bells is very cool. Plus, great strife is likely coming soon, so knowing how to fight and lead fellow soldiers could be very useful.
[X] [Gender] Female (trans)
[x] [Aspect] Water
[X] [School] The Spiral Academy.

Seems reasonable to me.