Prince Aladdin Quest (Disney Villains *Almost* Victorious)

There are already anthropomorphics in setting. Robin hood, Rattigan and Mirage just off the top of my head. Qm has already said he likes the idea of the character in discord already anyway, so your argument that I am stretching QM choice is kind of silly
Discord agreement of the QM. Say that at the start, next time. Discord trumps everything!

I don't like including Faris D'jinn, if he's included why can't other franchises get some of their backstory intertwined with DVV? Or include all of the Duck Comics as well? With Teddy Roosevelt!
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by TempestK on May 21, 2021 at 11:01 AM, finished with 162 posts and 28 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Salty Introductions
    - [X][Martial] Send a Scouting Party (East/West/North/South) to probe defenses.
    --[X] North
    - [X][Stewardship] Feeling Salty
    - [X][Diplomacy] Making Introductions
    - [X][Intrigue] Not a Stool Pigeon
    - [X][Learning] Tinker, Tailor, Engineer...
    - [X][Occult]Call of the Wild
    - [X][Personal] Bow Flex
    - [X][Personal] Correspond with Jasmine
    - [X][Will Personal] Off the edge of the Map
    [X] Plan: The War of Northern Aggression
    - [X][Martial] Take What You Can
    - [X][Stewardship] Feeling Salty
    - [X][Diplomacy] Attempt to bring in nearby satraps as protectorates
    -- [X] Western Satraps
    - [X][Intrigue] Now Hiring!
    -- [X] Have Haroud focus on a specific region
    --- [X] Northern Satrapies
    - [X][Learning] Mastering Magic
    - [X][Occult] Tonics, Tinctures and Tablets
    - [X][Personal] This Mystical Land of Magic and Sand
    - [X][Personal] Cram Time
    -[X][Iago Personal] You Scratch My Beak...
    -- [X] Tonics, Tinctures and Tablets
    - [X][Will Personal] Missing the Sea
    [X] Plan Let's try talk first
    -[X][Martial] Friends in Need
    - [X][Stewardship] Feeling Salty
    - [X][Diplomacy] Making Introductions
    -[X][Intrigue] Literal Skeletons in the Closet
    -[X][Learning] The Heart-Shaped Herb
    - [X][Occult]Call of the Wild
    - [X][Personal] Correspond with Jasmine
    - [X][Personal] Bow Flex
    - [X][Will Personal] Off the edge of the Map
    -[X][Iago Personal] You Scratch My Beak...
    --[X] Call of the Wild
    [X] Plan: It's expensive but I want a catapult against aerial threats.
    - [X][Martial] Engines of War
    - [X][Stewardship] Expand trade district
    - [X][Diplomacy] Send Envoys to the (East/West/North/South)
    -[X] West: going in the opposite direction puts diplomats on the road to Agrabah, and beyond that, Egypt and Maldonia!
    - [X][Intrigue] Now Hiring!
    ---[X] Where? – South
    - [X][Learning] Tinker, Tailor, Engineer...
    - [X][Occult] Tomes, Trinkets and Treasures
    - [X][Personal] Correspond with Jasmine
    - [X][Personal] Bow Flex
    - [X][Will Personal] Speak Softly and Carry a Sharp Sword
    - [X][Iago Personal] Wallowing in the Lap of Luxury
    [X] Neighborhood Revitalization Plan
    - [X][Martial] Horrible Neighbors
    - [X][Stewardship] Feeling Salty
    - [X][Diplomacy] Establish a diplomatic embassy in Agrabah
    - [X][Intrigue] Not a Stool Pigeon
    - [X][Learning] Mastering Magic
    - [X][Occult] Tomes, Trinkets and Treasures
    - [X][Personal] Olds Dogs with New Tricks
    - [X][Personal] Correspond with Jasmine
    - [X][Will Personal] Now There's An Idea...
Discord agreement of the QM. Say that at the start, next time. Discord trumps everything!

I don't like including Faris D'jinn, if he's included why can't other franchises get some of their backstory intertwined with DVV? Or include all of the Duck Comics as well? With Teddy Roosevelt!
This isn't an official DVV story ultimately. Its a quest using the concept as a springboard that has severe departures. If the QM thinks he wants to use something then its ultimately his decision, and he isnt going to let stuff get too bloated.

I understand you not wanting to cross contaminate, but its not too hard to include small things without breaking the setting
Eh, "Up" itself got dragged into the DVV setting. Because it was always a part of DVV it's included.

The QM is pretty strict about the limitations. And you are stretching the Ducktales setting (the reboot is set in 2010s), you acknowledge this right? If Faris D'jinn is real, then you get Scrooge Mcduck PLUS the world of anthropomorphics, or not? Either way you are taking background info and saying "QM choice" to include one piece of this greater work.

Easy solution:

Just have *this* Faris D`Jin be an ancestor of the one that would live in Ducktales´ timeframe - maybe a (grand)son of the mortalized other genie and his human wife?
If it helps Marlin, Faris literally just lives in the middle of nowhere and has no connections to any other character within Duck Tales until the episode he appears in. Transplanting him to this setting would require zero patchwork retconning of his backstory, which is definitely something that should be avoided with outside canon additions. I don't plan on arguing for anything that involves heavy baggage that would have to be crammed into the story half hazardly
This isn't an official DVV story ultimately. Its a quest using the concept as a springboard that has severe departures. If the QM thinks he wants to use something then its ultimately his decision, and he isnt going to let stuff get too bloated.

I understand you not wanting to cross contaminate, but its not too hard to include small things without breaking the setting
Nah, it's fine. The world is an amalgam patch-work of multiple worlds. What one small piece brings does not mean everything else follows, I frequently forget that. We are getting bloated though. We already have enough characters running around (which the QM may not be tracking?). One of the more important ones we have yet to even see is Pope Frollo. Not even a rumor about him or the Mirror Kingdoms. If omake writers can just pick and choose from the modern disney franchises though, or add more characters (like some have done).... Ah, it's a needless concern I guess.
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Nah, it's fine. The world is an amalgam patch-work of multiple worlds. What one small piece brings does not mean everything else follows, I frequently forget that. We are getting bloated though. We already have enough characters running around (which the QM may not be tracking?). One of the more important ones we have yet to even see is Pope Frollo. Not even a rumor about him or the Mirror Kingdoms. If omake writers can just pick and choose from the modern disney franchises though, or add more characters (like some have done).... Ah, it's a needless concern I guess.
Its not needless. Its Why discussions about who to add should be had at all. If something does go too far its important to be able to discuss it and come to a decision without burning anyone
Nah, it's fine. The world is an amalgam patch-work of multiple worlds. What one small piece brings does not mean everything else follows, I frequently forget that. We are getting bloated though. We already have enough characters running around (which the QM may not be tracking?). One of the more important ones we have yet to even see is Pope Frollo. Not even a rumor about him or the Mirror Kingdoms. If omake writers can just pick and choose from the modern disney franchises though, or add more characters (like some have done).... Ah, it's a needless concern I guess.
You want a Frollo Omake? ... okay. Don't say I didn't warn you though.
I will keep that in mind, If I linked the discord when I referenced it would that work out better?
No, it'd be better to merely let your argument stand on it's own merits instead of bringing the QM into it as a way to browbeat your opponents into backing down.
Discord agreement of the QM. Say that at the start, next time. Discord trumps everything!
Okay, I get that you're angry, and you kind of have a right to be, but the passive-aggressive stuff is not called for.
With Teddy Roosevelt!
*Looks at Tarzan the Series*
No, it'd be better to merely let your argument stand on it's own merits instead of bringing the QM into it as a way to browbeat your opponents into backing down.
Jeez, I didn't see it as browbeating when I did it, but that's probably because I don't have a ton of experience with forum games.

Marlin, I am sorry if I upset you due to my ignorance. I'll try and defend my points more in isolation from now on.
OK, I currently have 80 XP to use, so I'm going to fully fund bonuses on the following five actions:
Correspond with Jasmine
Off the Edge of the Map
Call of the Wild
Not A Stool Pigeon
Feeling Salty
+15 XP on each of those, should leave me with 5 XP remaining.
Edit: What the heck, put the last five XP onto Making Introductions. Makes recordkeeping a lot easier.
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[X] Plan: Salty Introductions
- [X][Martial] Send a Scouting Party (East/West/North/South) to probe defenses.
--[X] North
- [X][Stewardship] Feeling Salty
- [X][Diplomacy] Making Introductions
- [X][Intrigue] Not a Stool Pigeon
- [X][Learning] Tinker, Tailor, Engineer...
- [X][Occult]Call of the Wild
- [X][Personal] Bow Flex
- [X][Personal] Correspond with Jasmine
- [X][Will Personal] Off the edge of the Map


Well the most important ones this time are probably [Stewardship] Feeling Salty, [Diplomacy] Making Introductions, [Intrigue] Not a Stool Pigeon, and [Occult]Call of the Wild.

Salty needs 60 and we start at 26 so like a 2/3 chance with no xp. But we really need that money so it might be worth a push.

Introductions needs 55 and we start at 42 so close to a 9/10. Pretty much set but we won't get a chance at good relations with them again for a while now and I assume the higher roll the better it goes and we only need a roll of 68 to crit so probably worth it if someone wants to. I'd probably leave it alone though.

Pigeon needs 90 and we start at 47. Could definitely use a push. Have to roll 43 or higher to pass.

Call of the Wild needs 85 and we start at 42. So again need to roll 43 to pass. Could use a push.
Okay, so far all of these actions are maxed out

Correspond with Jasmine
Off the Edge of the Map
Call of the Wild
Not A Stool Pigeon
Feeling Salty

Other actions left:

Scouting Expedition - 5 XP
Tinker, Tailor, Engineer... - 11 XP
Bow Flex - 0 XP

Edit: Updated
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I have no exp given no omake-writing experience. (And all that stuff is really good anyway.) Call of the Wild is definitely something I'd want Exp on given it's a new hero to work on plant-related activities, of which we have a few low-hanging fruits and high-hanging herbs.

Sooo...for those wanting to expand to the satrapies, we are aware that we are an arabic kingdom completely and utterly surrounded by turkic, iranian, and pashtuns?

Worse, we are going to try and do it from Sistan, which is the worst part of Iran to try doing this from on account of it being one of the more inhositabible corners of Iran. Western Iran easily has more people than us and the old centers of Imperial Government.

We will need major reforms to run an empire. And yes: We will need to run an empire if we want the satrapies. We probably eventually have to move our capital someday as well.