Prince Aladdin Quest (Disney Villains *Almost* Victorious)

OK, looking over the area to our west, it looks like we'll be increasing our access to the Caspian Sea, gain mineral springs in the jungles and mountains, there's coal and natural gas, lots of room for agriculture (no. 1 spot for both ornamental plants and citrus in Iran today), stone (no. 1 for granite), contains Mount Damavend, holds potential for a thriving textile industry... this holds a lot of potential.
Wheat, the most important crop, is grown mainly in the west and northwest. Rice is the major crop in the Caspian region. Other crops include barley, corn, cotton, sugar beets, tea, hemp, tobacco, fruits, potatoes, legumes (beans and lentils), vegetables, fodder plants (alfalfa and clover), almonds, walnuts and spices including cumin and sumac. Iran is the world's largest producer of saffron, pistachios, honey, berberis and berries and the second largest date producer.[201] Meat and dairy products include lamb, goat meat, beef, poultry, milk, eggs, butter, and cheese.

Non-food products include wool, leather, and silk. Forestry products from the northern slopes of the Alborz Mountains are economically important. Tree-cutting is strictly controlled by the government, which also runs a reforestation program. Rivers drain into the Caspian Sea and are fished for salmon, carp, trout, pike, and sturgeon that produce caviar, of which Iran is the largest producer.
Okay, I'm back! Also, since nobody pointed it out, I feel like I must.

- [][Martial] Setting Down Roots
The Commanders that have been assigned to the various cities in the North, along with their garrisons, have had a couple months to settle in and become familiar with the people. Why not make it a permanent solution and just appoint them as the administrators of the cities? Lowers DC of A Soldier's Life to 45, lowers cost to 2,000. Impacts choices for Northern Satraps going forward.
DC: 1
Cost: 0
- [][Martial] A Soldier's Life
With the sudden expansion of territory that Ababwa is now responsible for helping protect has almost doubled. Time to expand out the army in order to fulfill the new demands! Removes extra upkeep cost of maintaining standing forces in the north.
DC: 70
Cost: 5,000 Gold
- [][Martial] Bigger is Better: Ababwa may be looking to expand again, rather soon. It might be well worth it to expand the army to have the surplus troops and infrastructure that would be able to hold down more territory instead of needing to be expanded after the fact.
DC: 110
Cost: 14,000 Gold
- [][Martial] Go West Young Man!
The situation in the West is untenable; and is poised to fall into the same anarchy that ate up the North. Send Ababwa's forces there to stabilize the region and stamp out the brigands and bandits that evaded your forces the first time.
DC: 200
Cost: 12,000 Gold
- [][Martial]Forging a Red Sword
With all of the issues that are springing up that require a martial solution, Ahmed is looking at expanding his staff to better handle all of the moving pieces without letting anything fall between the cracks logistically or martially. Gain a second Martial Action.
DC: 120 (Heroes assigned to this task may substitute their Learning for Martial)
Cost: 2,000 Gold, 500 Gold Upkeep per turn after

I think I can see some interconnections between these actions that aren't always implicitly stated. 1 comes right out and says it will reduce the DC for 2. 2 may or may not decrease the DC for 3, considering making standard forces in the North may help the estimates of how many more soldiers are needed, but the decrease in available manpower may just nullify this. But I'm certain 3 will decrease the DC for 4, since 3 is basically built for the purpose of 4. Also, 2 and 4 may help the DC for 5, considering the military has been expanded and organized, meaning Ahmed just needs to know where to assign other staff members.

Does any of this make sense?
I think it makes a lot of sense. Depending on how this turn goes, I wouldn't mind doing precisely that - although I'd prefer a diplomatic or stewardship route to integrating the North instead of the military option.
I see your point, but the Martial action for the North is basically a giveaway. That's really tempting to take, especially with our limited coffers
Because it'll change how Ababwa is viewed by other nations. Are we a nation that primarily responds with military force or diplomacy etc etc.
Because it'll change how Ababwa is viewed by other nations. Are we a nation that primarily responds with military force or diplomacy etc etc.
That's completely interpretative on the actions of the players and what those actions result in.

Ababwa is a really new nation. That on the whole is viewed as a Utopia. Doesn't matter what they do, it's an idealist utopian dream nation, so far.
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Looking over the various personals, thought I'd speculate as to just what, exactly, they do.
- [][Will Personal] Drop the Hammer
GM confirmation that it spreads Will's reputation and makes it more likely for POTC characters to seek him out.
- [][Will Personal] Missing the Sea
Basically an intrigue action that increases our understanding of the oceans around us. Might nab heroes or treasure on high rolls.
- [][Will Personal] Now There's An Idea...
Might increase Will's Stewardship, or let him make weapons for heroes?
- [][Will Personal] A New Challenge!
Will makes custom weapons for heroes.
- [][Will Personal] Sextant in hand
Advances Will's personal questline and brings him closer to finding Elizabeth.

- [][Iago Personal] Lowest Common Denominator
Might boost Iago's Intrigue in certain respects or give him a trait.
- [][Iago Personal] What's Under the Hood?
Iago figures out what's the deal with the Mage.

- [][Jose Personal] Magnum Opus
Guessing this increases Faria's loyalty.
- [][Jose Personal] Exploring Ababwa
Reduces Ababwa-related maluses, might meet people in the city.
- [][Jose Personal] learning Arabic
Helps avoid any potential communication issues, might be a hidden communication malus like the one Will had for a while.
- [][Jose Personal] The World's a Bit Bigger Now
Not quite sure, but could unlock actions/personals that let Faria personally contribute to Ababwa.

- [][Tai Lung Personal] Training
Training montage! :D
- [][Tai Lung Personal] Inner peace
I'm guessing a high roll might help Tai Lung actually negate the malus, which would be nice.
- [][Tai Lung Personal] Walk the Earth
Similar to Will's 'Drop the Hammer', might bring KFP characters around once they learn of his whereabouts and his change of character. Alternatively, might help with potential issues around Ababwa.

- [][Leah Personal]Training with her Powers
Boosts Leah's combat abilities, might help negate her malus.
- [][Leah Personal] Time with Cade
Might help start unlocking Cade as a Hero.
- [][Leah Personal] Speaking with Holly
Could teach us more about the Fae, potentially learn about the Horned King and Maleficient.

Thoughts, does this sound about right?
Another theory post: actions that might potentially proc Hero traits.

Soul of the Sea: William seems to be drawn to the sea in many ways, and when put in charge of a vessel can run it as well as any experienced Captain. Gain +15 to Martial and Stewardship rolls involving ships.

Actions that might activate it:
- [][Martial] A Soldier's Life
With the sudden expansion of territory that Ababwa is now responsible for helping protect has almost doubled. Time to expand out the army in order to fulfill the new demands! Removes extra upkeep cost of maintaining standing forces in the north.
DC: 70
Cost: 5,000 Gold
Assuming it lets us create a navy, it might activate it.
Stewardship actions involving boats, even if tangentially:

- [][Stewardship] Something's Fishy...
Ababwa now has access to the Caspian Sea thanks to their armies holding the Northern Satraps. This is a primer opportunity to get up there and start building fisheries to take advantage of the plethora of sea life there. Especially the roe of the Beluga Sturgeon which calls those waters home. Gain additional income of 2,500 Gold per turn, increased acceptance in the Northern Satraps for providing jobs and infrastructure. Upkeep cost of 1000 Gold per turn.
DC: 80
Cost: 6,000 Gold
- [][Stewardship] Going Greek!
The access to the Caspian Sea presents an opportunity to potentially make contact with new potential trade partners. There's a large river that acts as a conduit between the Caspian Sea and the upper-most regions of the Black Sea. Sending traders out via that route, they could potentially hug the coastline and make it to the eastern-most areas that fall under Greek control. New options unlocked!
DC: 140
Cost: 6,000 Gold

"Bird's-Eye View" - +20 Martial/Intrigue bonus when acting as a scout or providing a diversion.
Martial scouting actions.
"Talk to the Animals" - Removes all Diplomacy maluses related to communication when speaking with intelligent animals. Allows Iago to substitute his Learning for his Diplomacy when interacting with intelligent animals.
No actions yet, but most Indian and Savanna diplomacy actions if/when they're unlocked.
"Former Familiar" - Iago gains a +10 Intrigue bonus when investigating Jafar and his various hidey-holes.
Unsure, might depend on random roll results for various Intrigue actions.

Master of a Thousand Scrolls - +15 to Learning actions involving herbal medicine, acupuncture, nerve strikes, or deciphering the use of Martial-related items. +20 to Martial when Tai Lung engages in combat personally.
Potentially relevant actions:
- [][Learning] The Heart-Shaped Herb
There have been notations of an incredibly useful herb found in the medical records of the University. One that Chiron recognizes, but said had been growing rarer over the years as it was used for many different medicines and other applications. The University wants to fund an expedition to Greece to find any remaining samples of this herb, and bring back cuttings and seeds to preserve it as a subject of medical experimentation. Opens up new avenues of medical study, has the possibility to enhance medicines already in use. Adds +500 Gold to Income per turn.
DC: 75
- [][Learning] A Green Thumb...
Developing natural medicines based on the herbs and plants available to the city is probably a good idea. A lot of home remedies tend to be mostly useless, but there's occasionally a nugget of something to be found. Cuts upkeep of hospitals, Physicians and clinics by -500 Gold.
DC: 50
Cost: 1500 Gold

Rusted Bones, Iron Mind - Faria's memory is a monstrously powerful thing. Once the man has read something, he is able to recall it with crystal clarity. Has no malus on recalling written words and dictating them verbatim.
Potentially relevant actions:
- [][Occult] Knowledge is Power
While the university's current library is very impressive, perhaps you should see what texts you can obtain to fill it out a bit more? Increases the references within the library, opens up new potential discoveries or adventures.
DC: 75
Cost: 8,000 Gold
Faria might be able to recreate books that he's memorized to add to the library.

Blood of the Earth - Leah's bloodline apparently contained latent potential for what is known in her homeland as "druidic magic", though many here would say shamanism and call it a day. She gains a +10 to occult in dealing with magical plants and animals, as well as having extra options to circumvent obstacles presented by plants, animals or the earth. If performing a Learning action involving plants or animals, add half that boost to her Learning.
Potentially relevant actions:
- [][Occult] Every Little Piece
Zummi isn't quite sure what all these reagents harvest from the Dreaded One are capable of, or what kind of preparations they need. He's going to need to do a lot of dedicated research on this.
DC: 90
Cost: 0 Gold
- [][Occult] Hidden Hollows and Gilded Glens
Find out if there are any local legends about magical creatures or beings. Even if Ababwa was spun up out of whole cloth, Genie wasn't one to just lay out everything in the open. No, he'd seed little surprises into the mix to keep things interesting. Such as integrating magical creatures or beings into the kingdom in some manner. See if there's any hint to them to be found.
DC: 60
Cost: 2000 Gold
- [][Learning] Renewal and Rejuvenation
Legends speak of a magical tree known as the Tree of Renewal. Not only is the fruit capable of healing wounds and even removing scars and blemishes, but it's most potent effect is the ability to break curses placed upon the person eating the fruit. Your doctors are salivating at the thought of such a treasure, and wish to acquire samples to see if another tree can potentially be grown from the seeds.
DC: 90
Cost: 7,500 Gold
- [][Learning] A Green Thumb...
Developing natural medicines based on the herbs and plants available to the city is probably a good idea. A lot of home remedies tend to be mostly useless, but there's occasionally a nugget of something to be found. Cuts upkeep of hospitals, Physicians and clinics by -500 Gold.
DC: 50
Cost: 1500 Gold
- [][Learning] The Heart-Shaped Herb
There have been notations of an incredibly useful herb found in the medical records of the University. One that Chiron recognizes, but said had been growing rarer over the years as it was used for many different medicines and other applications. The University wants to fund an expedition to Greece to find any remaining samples of this herb, and bring back cuttings and seeds to preserve it as a subject of medical experimentation. Opens up new avenues of medical study, has the possibility to enhance medicines already in use. Adds +500 Gold to Income per turn.
DC: 75
Cost: 2,500 Gold
Turn rolling is done! Results are as follows:
Martial, DC 65: 92!
Stewardship, DC ???: 90! Looks like Sinbad's trait procced here.
Diplomacy, DC 65: 77!
Intrigue, DC 55: 92! Iago's trait procced here.
Learning, DC 65: 138! Critical success! Final: 173!
Occult, DC 75: 72! Bare failure!
Life's a Zoo PA, DC 60: 93!
Selous PA: 24! Bare success!
Faria hospital stay, DC 20: 96!
Overall, a very good turn. Disappointed about the sand witches research, but we have it on good authority that information gotten from the action will apply to the adventure if taken the same turn, as I recall. We can just take it again next turn for a lower DC.
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Where Are They? Part 2 (Nega-Quest)
Where Are They? Part 2

Turn 6, Team Selous​

Travel North: DC 30/60, 1d100+17+15: 109! Amazing success!
Intrigue check, DC 70: 1d100+18: 51! Failure!

How does Selous help on his trek? 1d3: 2! Intrigue! 1d100+18+30: 81! Good success!

While the roads turned to dust and the jungle disappeared, Selous was just content with the fact that he was making excellent progress. The roads here in what he was told in broken Arabic were the 'southern satraps' were very well-maintained, with inns and wells in every village. The seafood they served was a little odd, but quite delicious nonetheless.

Possessing little in the way of gold or silver, Selous earned his keep in other ways. At his stops, he would meet up with hunters and share some of his knowledge on how to track animals - how to find their trails, recognize their spoor, and various other tricks that had come in handy over the years. While at first a bit suspicious of the outsider, the hunters quickly came to realize that the man knew his trade, and gladly gave him a place to eat and sleep in exchange for his lessons.

As the miles slipped away under his feet, he felt as thought the years were falling from his back. His beard was still white, and his skin brown and wrinkled, but he had the vim and vigor of the man he'd been twenty years ago. If only his comrades from the Royal Fusiliers had accompanied him to this odd world, it would have been perfect.

The gates of Ababwa were just as grand as he had been told. Finding a guard, he stopped the man. "Excuse me, sir, could you please direct me to the Palace? I need to speak with...Prince Aladdin, I believe is his name?"

Result: Selous arrives in Ababwa, and he's looking for work! His Martial cap is raised from 17 to 18! Personal action unlocked for Aladdin!

Turn 7

Jones and the McCann Brothers​

Traveling to Egypt, DC 50/100/150: 1d100+17+10+15+10+12+14+10: 110! Two degrees of success!
RERs: Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli. Algiers: 1d100+11: 102! Tunis: 1d100+11+6: 64! Algiers: 1d100+11+1: 45!

Despite the pleasant mediterranean climate - or perhaps because of it - Jones and the McCanns take their time leisurely traveling across North Africa from Maldonia to Egypt. They stop in Algiers for supplies, and have a marvelous time. The city is under the aegis of Maldonia, and is relatively peaceful and prosperous as a result. Crossing the border into Tunis, it becomes rapidly clear that the further one gets from Maldonia and the closer to Egypt, the more lawless and - dare we say, chaotic - things become. Tunis is a thriving pirate city, on par with what Jones has read about Tortuga and other great pirate strongholds. Further east, they reach Tripoli, where they encounter their first major obstacle.

1d100: 9!

A local warlord, seeing the exotic foreigners, tries kidnapping (1d3: 3!) Garth McCann, seeing him as the weakest one of the bunch.

Garth Intrigue check, DC 50: 1d100+14+15: 63! Success!

Garth realizes what is about to happen, and alerts Jones and his brother to the threat.

Diplomacy check, DC 50/75: 1d100+14+10+7+12+15+10-9: 97! Success!

Hub declares for all of the world to hear that they have the friendship and protection of Sinbad the Sailor, Pirate Lord of the Mediterranean, and to harm them would be to incur the wrath of Sinbad. He does this while waving a letter bearing Sinbad's personal seal, and the would-be kidnappers come close to having a heart attack when they realize how close they came to dying - if not at the hands of Sinbad's friends, then Sinbad himself.

???: 1d100+10-9: 101! Nat 100, Critical Success!

They do such an about-face in both demeanor and goals that it nearly gives the three whiplash, and the three travelers quickly find themselves carried off to the warlord's palace to dine with the man himself. They are wined and dined, given soft beds for the night - and escorted to the kingdom's borders the following day, to forestall even the possibility of something happening to them and him being blamed for it.

They're also given a warning: "Beware of Chaos, do not be fooled by the Mirage, and take heed of Nefir." With those ominous words, they continue their travel to Egypt.

Renard Dumont​

Renard: Rebuilding his shop, DC 50/100 (Trait activates! DC reduced to 40/90!) 1d100+18+10: 82! DC to finish rebuilding reduced to 40! Construction is well under way, but the building isn't finished yet. Once done, Dumont will start developing contracts for both importing and exporting goods from Maldonia.

Hooft and Hugo: Building a distillery, DC 50 (reduced due to presence of freshwater still). 1d100+13+5+15: 105! Critical success! They build a pair of moonshine stills, are able to find a supplier for kegs and bottles, and even create a label for their brand! They also decide to branch into beer, and are able to find a grain supplier, setting themselves up for beer production later.

Narracott: Creating a stable, DC 60 (reduced thanks to horses from the Legion). 1d100+16+20+5: 84! Success! Albert Narracott and Joey are able to build a nice stable using the profits from renting out horses for riding and pulling carriages.

Baudouin: Creating a restaurant, DC 50 (easily sourced French ingredients lower the DC). 1d100+9+10: 51! Bare success! Remy gets a loan and rents a building near the docks, where he starts getting his restaurant off the ground. He finds suppliers, buys furniture, and hires staff, and starts getting a small but steady stream of customers.

Option unlocked! Conglomerate! 0/250, 1d100+8+10+8+5: 96! Working with Renard Dumont as the chairman, the five men begin the process of creating a company with diversified interests - import/export, alcohol, horses, and dining. They manage to finish the paperwork, but it will take more time to finish the incorporation process. 96/250!

Paul Von Lettow-Vorbeck​

What does Von Lettow focus on this turn? 1=Martial, 2=Stewardship, 3=Diplomacy, 4=Intrigue, 5=Learning. 1d5: 3! He seeks an audience with the King of Maldonia in an attempt to better know his new commander. Does the King have time to meet with Von Lettow? 1d3: 3! He does not! Instead, Von Lettow meets Prince Naveem.

Von Lettow: 1d100+25+10 (good standing): 56! Von Lettow is discomfited by what he sees as the Prince's overly casual demeanor, but still manages to have a productive conversation. He congratulates him on his marriage and upcoming child, and the two share a cigar.

Result: Von Lettow has met the Prince! Minor reputation improvement with the Royal Family! Von Lettow personally thinks Naveem is too undisciplined, but holds his tongue.

Other focuses: 1d4: 3! Intrigue! Von Lettow seeks to learn more about the threats faced by Maldonia.
Topic list: 1-5, Brethren Court; 6, EITC; 7, Frollo; 8, Mirror Kingdom; 9, Egypt; 10, Ursula. 1d10: 1! 1d8: 3! Captain James Hook. Intrigue check, DC 40/80/120: 1d100+26+20 (Brethren Court meeting/Drago Bludvist actions): 115! Two degrees of success! Von Lettow learns that Hook is the Pirate Lord of the South Atlantic, and that he possesses a flying ship. Theories abound as to just how he managed such a feat, but nothing conclusive. He has looted a few Maldonian ships, but spends most of his time harassing the EITC and taking potshots at Ursula out of spite.

???, 1d100+20: 117! Critical success! Intensity: 48! Final total: 165!

Von Lettow remembers something from before the War - a stage play in London, and a book, both by J.M. Barrie. More specifically, he remembers that Hook was the antagonist in it, and…

???, 1d100+8+16: 110! Success!

He remembers Peter Pan and his companion Tinkerbell, whose fairy dust could make people - and presumably, things - fly. It sounds *insane*, but given the world in which Von Lettow now lives, it actually makes a sort of sense.

Result: Von Lettow has deduced the secret to James Hook's ability to fly his ship! DC for developing tactics and counters specifically to the Jolly Roger reduced, options unlocked! Von Lettow gains +1 Occult!

Holmes and Watson​

Watson war wound roll: 1d4: 2! Success! No malus this turn.

Traveling to Agrabah, DC 75: 1d100+18+15+10: 113! Success!

Holmes and Watson have a pleasantly uneventful time traveling to Agrabah. The roads are well-kept, the people are friendly, and the wells are full of clear, clean water.

???, 1d100-7: 72!

Nobody seeks to waylay them, although Holmes does take note of a few odd dust devils in the distance.

The approach to Agrabah itself is one that instills Holmes and Watson with awe, especially the palace on the top of the giant cliff in a manner that was clearly unnatural (the finger grooves in the side of the palace are considered to be something of a clue; tales of the Genie who moved it in the first place, also a clue.) They enter the city, and begin looking around.

1d100: 48!

They do not encounter the Sand Witches, but do hear word of them. Their accusations of the illegitimacy of the Sultan and his heir catch Holmes's attention, who finally has something that he has been craving for well over a year by this point: A CASE.

Diplomacy check: try and meet the Sultan to offer their services! DC 75, 1d100+12+15+10: 103! Success!

They manage to talk their way past the guards and the new vizier to obtain an audience with the Sultan himself. Holmes introduces himself as a professional investigator, and offers his services to Sultan to uncover the truth of the matter with the Sand Witches.

Sultan reaction: DC 75-15 (desperation)-10 (intrigued by foreigners): 1d100+28: 46! Bare failure!

The Sultan is pleased by the offer, but requires proof they could actually help him.

Holmes deduction interrupt! Intrigue check, DC 30/60/90/120, 1d100+30+30+15: 120! Success!

Holmes replies by giving an in-depth breakdown of the Sultan's diet, daily personal routine, life history, and significant relationships. Sultan is…

!1d100+12: 89!

Incredibly impressed! He hires Holmes on the spot. Watson, for his part, offers his own services as a physician to the (1d3: 1!) sultan himself.

Does the Sultan accept? DC 50, 1d100+28: 118! Critical success! Intensity: 60! Final: 178!

The Sultan accepts Watson's offer, and gladly hires him as his personal physician for as long as Watson wants the job. He includes the Royal Guard in the offer, saying that a physician who was also a soldier would be helpful for keeping them in fighting shape.

Result: Holmes and Watson reach Agrabah; Holmes offers his services as a detective to Sultan, who accepts them! Watson also is hired as the personal physician to the Sultan and the Royal Guard of Agrabah!

Jasmine reaction: 1d100+10 (trusts Father)-20 (wary of outsiders): 13! Jasmine is incredibly suspicious of them, and vows to watch the strangers for any sign of malfeasance.

A/N: And here we are! All caught up for this turn.
Rival rolls from discord

Queen La - 61

Scar - 5 + 5 (All the Light Touches) 10

Shere Khan - 88 - 15 (Selous' Teachings) 73

Kaa - 34

Bagheera & Mowgli - 40

Shan Yu - 17 - 10 (Broken Empire) = 7

Lord Shen: 76

The Resistance: 65

Xiang-Wu - 75 + 15 (Lingering High Morale)

Hades - 40 + 5 (Expectant Daddy) = 45

Ursula - 57

Morgana 7

Sinbad 56 + 10 (Morale Bonus) = 66

Pirate Lords - 57 + 15 (Show of Force) - 72

EITC 98 + 10 (Patron) 108

Sultan & Jasmine - 90 + 50 (Holmes & Watson) = 140

Sand Witches - 71

Hunter's Guild - 46 + 5 (Fully restocked) = 51

Chaos & Mirage: 7 - 60 = -53

Nefir: 66+10 (No challengers) = 76

Lemuria - 95 + 15 (Patron) + 10 (New Kingdom) = 120

Eastern Satraps - 2

Western Satraps - 90

Maldonia - 16 + 10 (Expecting Heir) = 26

Land of the Black Sands - 60

Atlantis - 67

Our allies did well and the eastern satraps are fucked, probably screwed up consolidating into a nation.

I'm happy with the local area rolls outside of our little tentacle problem
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