We mostly seem to agree on most things.
I only will explain my thoughts on where I think that we might disagree.

[X] Plan "Old Books!"
Martial - Retired Badass:
A martial adviser will come in handy. I actually of want adviser from the bucket of spit adviser, but I'm kind of nervous about early exposure before we have the trinket and the seeds.
EDIT I switched out the Wandering Clan for retired badass because that we can elementals the best as focus for our army.
Diplomacy - The Outcast
- Plot Of Land
- Hit'em Harder Gym
We need to have somewhere to train our troops.
Learning - Traps.
Mysticism - Hidden Clan Knowledge
I'm Hoping that there might be a slight chance that we can increase our mysticism with this before trying to gain the seeds. Our last inquiry also resulted in some more elementals and those are always welcome.
Intrigue - Local News. information is power, and power is both safety and opportunity.
Personal - Yuthra's Date
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I know the perfect recruitment method!

First we take a stab at the city defenses, mimicking a totally random out of control sandstone elemental. Then, when a hero inevitably rises up and saves the city we will then approach them at a later date and ask them to join our bid at world conquest.

Yup, definitely no way this plan could backfire on us.
[X] Plan "It's All Natural Baby"

Martial - Retired Badass:
A martial adviser will come in handy Ain teaching Sweetha the ways of war. Tactics. Logistics. Strategy. Leadership. Traits that Shamanism couldn't give her.
EDIT I switched out the Wandering Clan for retired badass because then we can put elementals as the primary focus of our army.

Diplomacy - The Outcast
Likely to have a much better learning score than sweetha. Essential if we want to make large strides in our understanding and options.

- Plot Of Land
We're a Dark Lord of Nature, not bandits & elementals. Along with the Seed Vault option this will open huge possibilities of advanced plant monsters.
- Hot Forge. In order to better craft the Traps we're learning to make. Quality over Quantity every time baby.

Learning - Traps. We ain't ready to attack anything big yet, but who knows when somebody will wander in here?

Mysticism - Seed Vault
Need those delectable Rare Seeds

Intrigue - Local News. information is power, and power is both safety and opportunity.

Personal - Yuthra's Date
Because for all her Dark Lordliness, Sweetha's still a sweet girl who cares for her friend who's gone out on a limb for her. Time to smooth ruffled feathers.
[x] Plan Aspiring Merchant
-[x] Retired Badass: Sweetha is fine leading an army of elementals but she could still use a war chief with more experience in getting the army prepared for the battles she wants from her patients. She has a couple of names she could try approaching. Cost:0 Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Martial Advisor.

Free and seems to have the best chance of actually getting a martial adviser.

-[x] Hiring Out: Yuthra would like to make connections with Steelcover stating that a new supplier of elementals is and offer the elementals on loan to generate more revenue for the dungeon. Cost: 500 Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Create Relations with Steelcover Merchants

As much as hiring someone who read a large number of books might be good for our library, we should probably get started on additional revenue streams

-[x] Hot Forge: Rooms that allow the creation of tools, weapons, and anything else a person in a dungeon could need. Room will be favorable for crafters living in the dungeon Cost: 300 Reward: Basic Workshop built
-[x] Hit'em Harder Gym: Rooms for those that know how to swing a blade or throw a dagger can use to hone their skills. Room will be favorable to weak fighters living in the dungeon Cost: 250 Reward: Basic Training Room built

I'm not sure about the extent to which Elementals even do training on their own(and would have no problems switching to the garden plot) but the forge means a higher chance of recruiting crafters and getting some equipment exports going. Also, it might let us craft some improved gear for ourselves.
-[x] Simple Traps: Sweetha will start studying about traditional traps and how she might possibly be able to integrate them into her dungeon without endangering her minions. Cost: 400 Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Able to build simple traps

The other option is cheaper but we're not aiming for non-elemental forces. Hopefully the forge and hidden clan knowledge options will unlock something next turn.

-[x] Hidden Clan Knowledge: With Yuthra's arrival some of her precious clan tomes are now in Sweetha's library. It would be interesting to see what she could learn from those books now. Cost: 0 Chances of Success: 75%

The seeds and magic items are interesting but I'd rather we try to improve ourselves as a Shaman.
-[x] Local News: Tinja will set up a network that will gather information from across Steelcover and start feeding information that might be useful to Sweetha. Cost: 500 Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Local Rumor Mill updates at end of result posts.

Keeping track of local affairs for opportunities and threats is sensible.
-[x] Proper Diction: Sweetha wants to work with Yuthra and learn how to handle herself better in public discourse. Cost: 0 Chance of Success: 90% Reward: +1 to Diplomacy

Dark Lord. I'd rather train Sweetha trains herself and hurts somebody's feelings in the process than not. And if it makes us more persuasive in the process? All the better.
That said, we might want to invest in a prison and torture chamber soonish. Both for fun and to recruit this loose end.
That is a good argument about the forge, If it helps us recruit crafters then I am in favour of it.
I might switch back to my old plan or another plan later.
It would be fun to have everybody without their elementals when we choose to attack, but I would like to more about the locals hiring our elementals out.

[X] Plan "It's All Natural Baby"
third version.
While the "helps hiring crafters" argument is sound in theory (and having a forge is definitely neccesary to use crafters) and is how both the previous Quest and the original games operated, I am not sure it strictly applies here.

See, in those cases the workshop was neccesary to make the crafters come through the portal, but we don't seem to have a portal this time around and given the lack of Dark Gods we wouldn't have an underworld for them to come from even if we do. So it's likely that the way we get crafters... Is to go out and recruit crafters.

Of course, we still need a workshop if we want to craft anything, so if you want crafters you should still vote for it. Just don't be surprised if it doesn't give us a bonus to the recruitment roll.
But your argument moves me, at the same time my old plan has no support.
I'm going to be looking for a compromise.
If anyone else votes for this then I will also vote for this.

[] Plan "Old Seeds!"
Martial - Retired Badass
Advisers seem to increase our chance of success that is why I want a martial adviser as soon as possible, that way we can more easily train our troops.
Diplomacy - The Outcast.
Knowledge is power. We have enough revenue for now and don't need to worry about increasing our cash-flow yet.
- Plot Of Land
- Hit'em Harder Gym,
Our elementals need to be hardened for combat. It will help them, even if they are already better than meatbags in every way.
Learning - Simple Traps
Mysticism - Seed Vault
Let's loot the place, before burning it down. If we are going to grow things we will need those seeds things. I want us to focus on the trinkets next turn or I could switch it out with trinkets this turn.
Intrigue - Local News.
Personal - Yuthra's Date
I want this to be done before their relationship sours further. After this we can do the training actions.
While the "helps hiring crafters" argument is sound in theory (and having a forge is definitely neccesary to use crafters) and is how both the previous Quest and the original games operated, I am not sure it strictly applies here.

See, in those cases the workshop was neccesary to make the crafters come through the portal, but we don't seem to have a portal this time around and given the lack of Dark Gods we wouldn't have an underworld for them to come from even if we do. So it's likely that the way we get crafters... Is to go out and recruit crafters.

Of course, we still need a workshop if we want to craft anything, so if you want crafters you should still vote for it. Just don't be surprised if it doesn't give us a bonus to the recruitment roll.
Mighty Hammer: With the possibility of items being created in the dungeon, Yuthra would like to reach out to some craftsmen that she knows of in Keystone to work in the dungeon. Cost: 250 Chances of Success: 30% Reward: Gain 1d10 Orc Craftsmen
Hot Forge: Rooms that allow the creation of tools, weapons, and anything else a person in a dungeon could need. Room will be favorable for crafters living in the dungeon Cost: 300 Reward: Basic Workshop built
Basically, I'm saying that the Dungeon being more favourable to crafters by providing them with a place to work will boost the success chance on the option to recruit crafters, which is currently at 30%.
Higher chance rather than prerequisite.
... I am beginning to suspect Yuthra named us her rival in love not because of any shared targets, but because we consistently wrecked her relationships just by being ourself.