[X]Plan don't settle for second best!
(Otherwise known as high risk, high reward)
Martial- rogue earth (what shaman relies on orcs for defence when she can bind elementals instead?!)
diplo- childhood friend (diplo to help recruit other advisors next turn, also "rival in magic & love" shenanigans)
Steward- Strange cells (convert dead invaders into cute toadstool army)
Myst- lost and found (magic items?! UTILITY!)
Intrigue- Dive Bar
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Vote will close in 24 hours

Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by LordPanther14 on Oct 19, 2019 at 9:43 PM, finished with 39 posts and 13 votes.
So, @LordPanther14 , I have some questions about elementals that I think our sweet shaman would know.

  1. This one is just to be clear, but the Earth Elementals we can catch now are different from the Rock Elementals that grow stronger in the month of Golem, right? And similarly Freshwater elementals and Saltwater elementals are both distinct from a theoretical "Water" elemental?
  2. How large are elementals? Do they have a usual size that they are commonly found in, or is this like asking what the usual size of a rock is?
  3. And finally, are there any recorded examples of sapient elementals or will we have to make one ourselves?
So, @LordPanther14 , I have some questions about elementals that I think our sweet shaman would know.

  1. This one is just to be clear, but the Earth Elementals we can catch now are different from the Rock Elementals that grow stronger in the month of Golem, right? And similarly Freshwater elementals and Saltwater elementals are both distinct from a theoretical "Water" elemental?
  2. How large are elementals? Do they have a usual size that they are commonly found in, or is this like asking what the usual size of a rock is?
  3. And finally, are there any recorded examples of sapient elementals or will we have to make one ourselves?

Are elementals sort of like Shinto spirits in that you can have an elemental of almost any concept from the natural material world?

Would you simply summon a 'wind elemental' or could you drill down, and more specifically summon a 'dust devil elemental' or 'spring breeze elemental' etc?
About Elementals
  1. This one is just to be clear, but the Earth Elementals we can catch now are different from the Rock Elementals that grow stronger in the month of Golem, right? And similarly Freshwater elementals and Saltwater elementals are both distinct from a theoretical "Water" elemental?
  2. How large are elementals? Do they have a usual size that they are commonly found in, or is this like asking what the usual size of a rock is?
  3. And finally, are there any recorded examples of sapient elementals or will we have to make one ourselves?

1. They would be a type of Rock Elemental so they would be at their easiest to capture on Turn 3 or the Month of Naiad. Sweetha doesn't know what type of rock they are so the catch-all of Earth Elemental is used. Freshwater elementals, Saltwater elementals, and Ice elementals are all distinct and all fall under a theoretical "Water" element.

Freshwater Elementals are typically more tame and can be found in rivers, streams and lakes. Rarely from intense storms they'll appear in the aftermath. The orcs use them for their plumbing needs and potable water. Saltwater elementals are more wild and are broken up in two further sub-types Surface and Deep. Surface can be found in salt-water lakes, seas, and the ocean. Large ones can get malicious and act as rogue waves. The orcs use them for propulsion of their ships and were at one time the fastest ships on the water. Orc Navy's are aging and most look like historical pieces due to the difficulty of moving an elemental from one ship to a new one as time goes on. Deep can only be found in the deepest parts of the ocean and they are used by the Orcs as weapons of war as any one they've caught are usually massive. Ice elementals are sedate, rarely preferring to move under their own power, and can be found on high mountain peaks, other places where snow won't melt, and rarely where blizzards occur. The Orcs typically use these for refrigeration.

Philosophy wise the Four Element model (Earth, Wind, Fire, Water), Five Element Model (Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, Lightning), and Six Element Models (Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, Lightning, Wood) have each had their times of popularity of thought and reasoned debate about the relationship of elementals but the fluctuations in strength by time of the year as knowledge of Astronomy has increased has sometimes led to more questions than answers.

2. They come in all sizes with the bigger they are of a type the more powerful they
are considered. If the they are a -ling elemental then they are from the size of a palm to a man's knee. Minor elementals are generally the size of a man. Lesser elementals range from the size of a horse to a car. Major elementals the size of a semi truck without to with the trailer. Greater elementals are two to five story buildings. Colossal are anything larger than that. The largest natural colossal elemental on record was a raging wind elemental at 112 meters tall 300 years ago. The largest orc enhanced elementals are the three fire elementals that give Root Cellar light and electricity are 175 meters tall. At Greenland's current level no single shaman has enslaved an elemental in the wild over Major in the last 500 years and the number who can do lesser alone is just the top 5% of shaman. The larger it is the more shaman it takes to control on an exponential scale.

3. Sapient elementals are creatures of legend and no known direct literary accounts of their capabilities or consistent details of their features remain.

Are elementals sort of like Shinto spirits in that you can have an elemental of almost any concept from the natural material world?

Yes, that is what I'm attempting here.

Would you simply summon a 'wind elemental' or could you drill down, and more specifically summon a 'dust devil elemental' or 'spring breeze elemental' etc?

A dust devil elemental would fall under the wind elemental, raging wind type elemental, and would be used as a leaf blower or an industrial fan by the orcs. A spring breeze elemental would fall under the wind elemental, gentle wind type element and were the earliest known voice recorders used by the orcs. The earliest surviving available to the public is in Keystone and holds the voices of the Founders of the six cities and their pact of support they made to each other in times of peace and in war 900 years ago.
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So, wonderful people of the thread, I have at least one experiment that I would like to conduct before Sweetha's time is over. Namely to figure out if you can alter the salinity of Brack Water Elementals to make them stronger during either the month of Leviathan or of Naiad.

... Also we need to figure out if we can bring back mythical beings from when magic was abundant and convince them to serve us, but it might be easier to just make our own Elemental Generals.
Vote locked

Plan Get Rocking and Rolling
- Rogue Earth: South of Steelcover are the Granite Hills and tales of running into wild Earth Elementals in that area. Sweetha thinks that with her new powers maybe she would be able to tame some of them. Cost: 0 Chance of Success: 40% Reward: 1d10 Lesser Earth Elementals
- Childhood Rival: In Steelcover is an Orc Shaman that comes from a long and distinguished lineage of shaman. They were both novices in Shaman school at the same time. She calls Sweetha her rival in magic and love though Sweetha has always thought of her as a friend. Cost: 0 Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Diplomacy Advisor
-Couple Bookshelves: As a shaman Sweetha has enjoyed the pursuit of knowledge and magic. Room will be favorable to weak magic users in the dungeon. Cost: 300 Reward: Basic Library built
-Personal Library: Sweetha always had a couple of books in her room on shaman magic and now that she is a literal well of power maybe what was theoretical before may turn out to be practical. Cost: 0 Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Basic Shaman Spellbooks
-Target of Opportunity: Sweetha had the idea of serving as bait with her bag of gold, anyone daring enough to rob a shaman could be just the person she needs. Cost: 200 Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Intrigue Advisor

High is good.
LordPanther14 threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Martial Total: 48
48 48
LordPanther14 threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Diplomacy Total: 27
27 27
LordPanther14 threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Mysticism Total: 62
62 62
LordPanther14 threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Intrigue Total: 96
96 96
LordPanther14 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Elementals Total: 10
10 10
Martial should be +12 from Martial and +15 from the Elemental trait, right?
So the end result should be 75 and be a pass or a 60 and still be a pass.
The other actions are a success, with Intrigue being a Critical one, I think?
Let me guess, the cutthroat guy was actually looking for a boss with the balls to recruit their lackey by walking into the lion's den?

Also, until proven otherwise (likely this update) I am going to assume we just made our rival give up on her date to come with us. And who I then assume will become a recurring antagonist, because what trope is better than two lovers on opposite sides in a war for the sake of the world?
Turn 1 Results (Dryad 741 C.Y.)
Turn 1 Results
Dryad 741 C.Y.​

Martial - Sweetha can handle herself in a fight one on one in a brawl but if she's going to be a Dark Lord then doesn't that mean she needs to find herself Four Heavenly Generals? Someone with some real combat experience would be useful in her mind. (Choose One):

Rogue Earth: South of Steelcover are the Granite Hills and tales of running into wild Earth Elementals in that area. Sweetha thinks that with her new powers maybe she would be able to tame some of them. Cost: 0 Chance of Success: 40% Reward: 1d10 Lesser Earth Elementals

(48+15 = 63/100 DC 60 Minor Success)
10/10 Lesser Sandstone Elementals

Sweetha headed south to the Granite Hills and as she journeyed she was worried that she would become lost and miss the location that the Wild Elementals were at. The map she had collected from dwelling was more vague and had warning marks saying to avoid the area without having a subjugation team. With her new role as a Dark Lord, it just didn't seem practical to go to the Circle of Elder Shaman and make her request. Sweetha really hoped that she didn't come to regret this. Even without explaining her need she was still able to borrow a jeep from those designated to shaman to take her to that area.

True to Sweetha's worries, the deeper she got into the Granite Hills the more she didn't have any idea of where she was going. She believed she was near the right area and that's when her skills as a shaman proved helpful as she began to see signs in the landscape of the passage of Earth Elementals.

Following the clear trail, she came upon a small box canyon. In the center there were 10 Lesser Sandstone Elementals, wrestling with each other and building up hills and then knocking them over. The elementals were on the smaller side, each was the size of a horse.

Calling upon the power of the Heart even though she was so far from it, was amazing to Sweetha but if there was a distance restriction to her powers it only seemed to be those spells she could cast on her territory versus those she could cast anywhere. Sweetha spotted one of the Lesser Elemental breaking off the group and pounding on wall of the box canyon.

Enslave Lesser Elemental

Sweetha was ready for the battle of wills, she had been taught the spell but had never done this by herself only as part of a subjugation team. Her training focused on dealing with the more manageable ling and minor elementals. There was no resistance. There was no struggle. There was only the moment before it was under her control and the moment after when it was like her vinelings and looking up at her awaiting its orders. Sweetha felt no mental strain, the Heart appeared to be taking care of all of that and so she pushed herself farther and cast her spell again.

Enslave Lesser Elemental

Same as her first, and still no strain. Sweetha decided to be rash and cast again and again until all 10 were under her control. Their antics and play forgotten as each of them looked to her with their yellow quartz eyes. Sweetha couldn't stop herself from giving a nervous giggle and for the first time she really believed that she might actually have as much power as the Dark Goddess had told her. She led them back to her Dungeon Heart and directed them to defend it. The Vinelings were intrigued by the new additions and clambered on top of them before returning back to their duties.

Gained 10 Lesser Sandstone Elementals

Diplomacy - Sweetha though a shaman never fully felt comfortable with her duties as a figure of respect and counsel for others especially with her young age compared to those that would turn to her. She has interacted with others that are far more social. (Choose One):

Childhood Rival: In Steelcover is an Orc Shaman that comes from a long and distinguished lineage of shaman. They were both novices in Shaman school at the same time. She calls Sweetha her rival in magic and love though Sweetha has always thought of her as a friend. Cost: 0 Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Diplomacy Advisor

(27/100 DC 20 Minor Success)

Yuthra Goremaker Kneeslicer the Fourth, was someone that Sweetha thought of as a friend. They had been novices together in Shaman School, they had made their pilgrimages to Spirithold only two weeks apart. Yuthra came from a long and distinguished line of Shaman, her mother, and her great grandmother, and her great great grandmother, and it was usually at this point Sweetha would try and tune her out or find some way to distract Yuthra and interrupt the noise. It could go on for a terribly long time but Sweetha was sure that if she let Yuthra do it than she would go to the exact number.

Sweetha went into Steelcover and went to the Shaman Quarter of the city and found Yuthra exiting one of the lecture halls, and doing her absolute best to keep herself from yawning. Sweetha called out to her friend and Yuthra snapped her mouth shut and straightened her posture to try and erase any sign of her earlier exhaustion.

Yuthra looked over Sweetha and gave her a concerned look and asked, "Sweetha, where have you been? Has my rival finally admitted defeat to my far superior skills? You haven't fallen ill in the course of your duties in this town have you?"

Sweetha shook her head and said, "Thanks for the concern, but no, actually something amazing has happened in the last week and I wanted to ask for your assistance."

Yuthra spluttered, "I am not concerned for you, its just if I didn't have you to push me than who would appreciate the effort I have put in to bring honor to the Kneeslicer Clan. Once I defeat you in claiming a Minor Elemental all by myself I will finally be in the lead in our little contest with what I have learned from attending Hundil's lectures. My notes are flawless and you may not look them over unless you beg for them."

Sweetha said, "That's sort of related to what I wanted to talk to you about but in private not out here on the street. Join me for some coffee?"

Yuthra looked at her watch whatever appointment she had set to go to next was apparently long enough away that she nodded, "For 20 minutes, I have an engagement that I shouldn't be missing. I can't spend hours with you whiling away the day."

Sweetha said, "Thanks I'm grateful for this."

Sweetha led Yuthra only a couple of blocks from their location in silence and arrived at the Crushed Bean. Sweetha loved the smell that came from this place and grabbed a booth for the two of them after they each made their order.

Yuthra asked, "Alright, what was so important that you've been missing nearly a week and haven't been showing up at the lectures. Not even to your mentor's."

Sweetha replied, "Its really hard to explain but I'm going to be a Dark Lord."

Yuthra gave Sweetha a disbelieving stare and protested, "You're what? Are you sure that you aren't suffering from some kind of fever? Dark Lords are a myth. Why would you possibly believe that?"

Sweetha said, "Some things happened but the key fact is that I found this ancient artifact and became in tune with it, and now I'm practically a living mana well."

Yuthra said, "Maybe I should take you to the Elders and see what they have to say about this."

Sweetha shook her head side to side and said, "Yuthra, you can't. If people knew what I was now they'd kill me or try and enslave me. I came to you because I believed that of anyone I know that you were the one I could trust with this secret and would help me. Was I wrong?"

Yuthra scowled, "No, if you can show me this isn't a delusion than I will stand by my rival and prove I am her equal in my own way. I can not leave you alone when you have made such a bold claim. Take me to this artifact of yours right now."

Sweetha gave a coy smile, and asked, "What about that other engagement?"

Yuthra answered, "He will get over it if he has any sense and I explain later that my friend required some emergency treatment. Now come on lets gets this settled."

Hours later Yuthra entered the dungeon and saw the beating heart, saw the elementals roaming its passageways and could sense that all of it was connected to Sweetha and accepted Sweetha's offer of service as her liason and ambassador in the future.

Stewardship - Sweetha is the Dungeon Keeper and connected to the Dungeon Heart and is set to figure out just what she can already add to this Dungeon. (Choose One):

Couple Bookshelves: As a shaman Sweetha has enjoyed the pursuit of knowledge and magic. Room will be favorable to weak magic users in the dungeon. Cost: 300 Reward: Basic Library built

2000 - 300 = 1700

Sweetha used her power to create a basic library in her dungeon. The books on the shelves were those that she had read before, as if the dungeon had copied them from her memory to an exactness that Sweetha could never have duplicated if she had tried to transcribe the knowledge from half forgotten texts but they were all here. Even those books from the Steelcover Library that she had attempted to translate but had been unsuccessful in doing. There was only a handful of those and Sweetha was interested to discover that after Yuthra entered into Sweetha's service that the shelves gained some additions from Yuthra's clan library, including her geneology books that made her happy to be in possession of, as well as some older texts that Sweetha wanted to look over in the future.

Mysticism - Sweetha is considered a rare talent when it comes to the magic of orc shamans and her elders had high hopes for what she would achieve as she got older and wiser. (Choose One):

Personal Library: Sweetha always had a couple of books in her room on shaman magic and now that she is a literal well of power maybe what was theoretical before may turn out to be practical. Cost: 0 Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Basic Shaman Spellbooks

(62/100 Great Success)

Sweetha at first felt like she hadn't even needed to go home, thanks to the construction of her dungeon's library. The books had appeared in those shelves as well but they were incomplete only matching as far as she'd gotten in her studies of them before her dreams had taken her. With that revealed she picked up the books and read through them. The books had complex formulas and the use of tools and devices to collect and mold the necessary mana and elements in order to create the proper elemental.

Too complex before but now these steps really didn't matter because the mana, was inside of Sweetha. Calling it out was now as easy as exhaling and the dungeon could provide the necessary materials according to Sweetha's desires and need. After she'd finished the books, Sweetha had picked up the ability to summon and instantly enslave a windling, waterling, fireling, and earthling elemental, whenever she desired.

Much like her vinelings, she did find that there was a limit of 15 that she could create of each of them.

Gained 5 more Vinelings
Gained 15 Gentle Breezelings
Gained 15 Campfirelings
Gained 15 Dirt Clodlings
Gained 15 Bubbling Brooklings

Intrigue - Sweetha knows that as a Dark Lord she's going to need some people that can move in the shadows, accomplish her plots, provide her information, and sabotage those who oppose her. She just needs to find the person that can do that for her. (Choose One):

Target of Opportunity: Sweetha had the idea of serving as bait with her bag of gold, anyone daring enough to rob a shaman could be just the person she needs. Cost: 200 Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Intrigue Advisor

(96/100 Critical Success)
1700-200 = 1500

Sweetha had been warned multiple times not to come to this part of Steelcover. The dying district was a glum place where the unscrupulous would prey on those not long for this world or too weak to defend themselves. Promises of miracle cures and magics for those the shaman had told had only so many months left to live.

As a young shaman this wasn't a place she was supposed to be and yet she now found herself walking confidently down the streets with a purse full of gold that had her face on it freely exposed to the eyes of the rogues and cheats that peddled their goods here. Sweetha knew she had attracted the right attention when she felt a small child pickpocket those coins and run off into the crowd. Hoping to lose her perhaps but that wasn't going to work. Sweetha could feel a connection to those coins, through her heart, so many of them together and eventually found herself outside of a dilapidated building with the doors and windows boarded up but inside she could see the eyes of hungry children looking out at her.

Sweetha knocked on the door, and eventually an orc appeared at the window, holding one of the coins from her purse and comparing it to her own visage. He said, "Well I certainly didn't believe this, did one of my scamps manage to rob a foreign queen? To have coins minted after you're own face and yet well traveled as I am I don't recognize the mark on the back. This is quite the mystery, yes indeed. Would a queen come without any guards or escort and to such a place as this? Would a shaman have so much wealth? Does her majesty wish for her coins?"

Sweetha shook her head, "No, you may keep the gold, I only needed it to get an audience with you."

The orc said, "So much gold and all just for the pleasure of talking to me. Who is her majesty?"

Sweetha introduced herself, "My name at this point is of little importance, just as yours is to me at this point. The only thing I am interested in is if you would like more of that gold and on a regular basis. All I require is for you to serve as my eyes and ears in this city and a knife from the shadows if I require it."

The orc looked her over closely and apparently saw something he liked, "I am called Tinja. I will serve the queen. She is far to interesting of a mystery to do anything else."

Sweetha felt the bond connect to Tinja, just like the ones that she held with her elementals. Unlike them he did not look at her as if he was waiting for her to give some order. Sweetha said, "I am Sweetha, I look forward to working with you."

Tinja said, "A clanless queen? So many contradictions. I look forward to finding out what about you is actually true."

Sweetha handed him a map, "When you are able, come to the location on this map and report to me. I will give you your orders and your pay for serving me."

Tinja raised an eyebrow seeing the map was one outside the city but he didn't question it. "As her majesty desires."

Gained Master Thief Tinja

Income: 2000
Remaining Gold: 3500
Turn 2 (Leviathan 741 C.Y.)
Turn 2
Leviathan 741 C.Y.​

Current Funds: 3500
Monthly Income: 2000

Martial - Sweetha can handle herself in a fight one on one in a brawl but if she's going to be a Dark Lord then doesn't that mean she needs to find herself Four Heavenly Generals? Someone with some real combat experience would be useful in her mind. (Choose One)

Wandering Clan: Around Steelcover there are a couple of orc clans that protect the city. Maybe Sweetha could try and get in contact with one of them and see if she could hire them as mercenaries in her dungeon. If the gold is good how many questions are they going to ask? Cost: 200/month Chance of Success: 75% Reward: 30 Orc Marauders and possible Martial Advisor

Bucket of Spit: Steelcover is full of retired warriors for various reasons and while unusual it has happened in the past that a group will just up and disappear, maybe she could convince a few of her former patients to serve under her. Cost: 100/month Chance of Success: 50% Reward: 10 Orc Veteran and possible Martial Advisor

Retired Badass: Sweetha is fine leading an army of elementals but she could still use a war chief with more experience in getting the army prepared for the battles she wants from her patients. She has a couple of names she could try approaching. Cost:0 Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Martial Advisor.

Military Exercise: Sweetha now finds herself in control of a small raiding force with of Earth Elementals. She would like to train with them just outside the dungeon to try and better learn their capabilities in a fight. Cost: 0 Chance of Success: 75% Reward: Better control of Elementals in Combat

Scout for Targets: Sweetha is considering sending the gentle breezlings and dirt clodlings as scouts to help determine what clans and their strengths in the area are. Thanks to their nature most people should be completely unaware of their presence. Cost: 0 Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Local Map and nearby settlements.

How Strong are the Walls?: Sweetha would like to know just how well protected Steelcover is and get a response from the city guard. Cost: 1 Lesser Sandstone Elemental Chance of Success: ??? Reward: Reveal City Defenses

Diplomacy - Yuthra comes from a long lineage of shamans and while she lacks Sweetha's natural talents with magic Yuthra knows how to talk to others and get them to do what she wants. (Choose One)

Hiring Out: Yuthra would like to make connections with Steelcover stating that a new supplier of elementals is and offer the elementals on loan to generate more revenue for the dungeon. Cost: 500 Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Create Relations with Steelcover Merchants

Whispers of a Cult: Tinja has told Yuthra that there are always rumors of those orcs that wish the return of the Dark Lords and he knows where the local chapter in Steelcover meets if Yuthra would like to get in contact with them for a price. Cost: 500 Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Relation with Secret Cult

Letters Home: Yuthra wants to write letters to her clan and reveal that she is now in the service of a powerful lord. She would like to send letters to her family to explain her choice and perhaps convince some of her kinsmen to join her in serving Sweetha. Cost: 400 Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Relations with Yuthra's clan and 4d10 orc warriors and 1d4 orc shaman

Mighty Hammer: With the possibility of items being created in the dungeon, Yuthra would like to reach out to some craftsmen that she knows of in Keystone to work in the dungeon. Cost: 250 Chances of Success: 30% Reward: Gain 1d10 Orc Craftsmen

The Outcast: In Steelcover is an Orc Healer that practically everyone ignores that keeps himself shut in the library studying more often then seeing his patients. Sweetha has found him rather stand offish and leaves the room if they are the only two in it. Cost: 0 Chance of Success: 90% Reward: Learning Advisor

The Weeper: North of Steelcover is a Greenback Human that will occasionally come into Steelcover for supplies or to transcribe the knowledge in the library into his paper books. Sweetha only knows him by reputation but it shouldn't be to hard to search him out. Cost: 25/month Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Learning Advisor

Stewardship - Sweetha is the Dungeon Keeper and connected to the Dungeon Heart and is set to figure out just what she can already add to this Dungeon. (Choose Two)

Hit'em Harder Gym: Rooms for those that know how to swing a blade or throw a dagger can use to hone their skills. Room will be favorable to weak fighters living in the dungeon Cost: 250 Reward: Basic Training Room built

Hot Forge: Rooms that allow the creation of tools, weapons, and anything else a person in a dungeon could need. Room will be favorable for crafters living in the dungeon Cost: 300 Reward: Basic Workshop built

One Armed Bandits: Sweetha creates a small casino in the dungeon that has a slot machine and a craps table. Room will be favorable for those of ill repute living in the dungeon. Cost: 400 Reward: Basic Casino built

Humble Repository: As a shaman Sweetha has enjoyed the pursuit of knowledge and magic. Room will be favorable to weak magic users in the dungeon. Cost: 900 Reward: Advanced Library built

Rack and the Whip: Sweetha is familiar with the concept of a torture chamber but has never seen one in use. Room will be favorable to interrogators in the dungeon. Cost: 500 Reward: Basic Torture Chamber built

Strange Cells: Sweetha isn't sure why having a prison makes her feel safer, she was just starting out and what were the chances of anyone invading her home? The prison will make it so that enemies struck down in the dungeon will live several minutes from even a fatal wound before expiring without medical attention. Cost: 400 Reward: Basic Prison built

Plot of Ground: Sweetha would like to build a place for her vineling to be more comfortable and perhaps this would allow her to grow other types of plant elemental with the proper seeds or spells Cost: 250 Reward Basic Garden built

Learning - Despite Sweetha's skills with magic, she has trouble getting things out of books and far more prefers to learn things by doing them over copious amounts of study. With her Library maybe she can invent some new spells and items with her power. (Choose One)

Simple Traps: Sweetha will start studying about traditional traps and how she might possibly be able to integrate them into her dungeon without endangering her minions. Cost: 400 Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Able to build simple traps

Vineling Slingshot: Sweetha believes that the vineling's vines have all the proper characteristics to create a slingshot that increases the power of the shot for her eventual forces that are not elemental giving her a ranged option. Cost: 200 Chance of Success: 75% Reward: Vineling Sling available

Mysticism - Sweetha is considered a rare talent when it comes to the magic of orc shamans and her elders had high hopes for what she would achieve as she got older and wiser. (Choose One)

Lost and Found: In the Steelcover Library there is a box of lost items some of which is considered possible minor trinkets that have lost there spark. Sweetha could check the items and see if there isn't a hidden gem in the junk. Cost: 0 Chance of Success: 10%/20%/40%/80% Reward: Magical item

Seed Vault: Near the Shaman Council Chambers is a seed vault that is said to hold a collection harvested from plant elementals and preserved with old magic. With Sweetha's new capabilities maybe she could learn something by visiting the place and borrowing some of those seeds. Cost: 0 Chance of Success: 10%/40% Reward: Rare Seeds

Hidden Clan Knowledge: With Yuthra's arrival some of her precious clan tomes are now in Sweetha's library. It would be interesting to see what she could learn from those books now. Cost: 0 Chances of Success: 75%

Elemental Containment: Sweetha is interested in the theory of containing powerful elementals that she may not be able to enslave at first and would like to see if there's a way to capture until she has the sufficient power. Cost: 600 Chance of Success: 25%

Intrigue - Tinja is a master thief and a shadow in the underworld and wants to learn everything he can about the new Dark Lord that he finds himself in service to.(Choose One)

Local News: Tinja will set up a network that will gather information from across Steelcover and start feeding information that might be useful to Sweetha. Cost: 500 Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Local Rumor Mill updates at end of result posts.

National News: Tinja will set up his network to gather information from across Greenland and feeding that information that might be useful to Sweetha. Cost: 1000 Chance of Success: 90% Reward: National Rumor Mill updates at end of result posts.

Lay of the Land: Tinja wants to learn who the current power brokers and gangs that are operating in Steelcover and how active they are. Cost: 200 Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Info on local criminal organizations

Local Treasures: Tinja would like to find out what artifacts that the council of shaman are hoarding for themselves and what security measures are placed on them.

Personal: Sweetha is so busy dealing with the dungeon herself she doesn't currently have time to do anything else. (Choose One)

Proper Diction: Sweetha wants to work with Yuthra and learn how to handle herself better in public discourse. Cost: 0 Chance of Success: 90% Reward: +1 to Diplomacy

Can't Con a Con Man: Sweetha would like to work with Tinja and learn some of the schemes that he pulled and tips to avoid falling for such tricks. Tinja is willing to for a small fee. Cost: 100 Chance of Success: 100% Reward: +1 to Intrigue

Yuthra's Date: Yuthra missed her date with her boyfriend and he's blaming Sweetha for Yuthra's new distance, physically and emotionally from him, and unwilling to accept Yuthra's excuses for how busy she now is. Sweetha would like to try to calm him down. Cost: 100 Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Calm down Yuthra's boyfriend
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Just because something worked one way last quest doesn't mean it'll work the same way now. There has been nothing in this quest to indicate that we get our stats applied directly as bonii here.

Also, I am pretty sure the Letters Home is a trick option. While not an outright trap (a success is a success), unless we convince literally everyone it will also reveal us to the general world- I don't think we are quite ready for that just yet.
[ ] Plan "A Plan's Plan!"
-- Military Exercise: Sweetha now finds herself in control of a small raiding force with of Earth Elementals. She would like to train with them just outside the dungeon to try and better learn their capabilities in a fight. Cost: 0 Chance of Success: 75% Reward: Better control of Elementals in Combat
-- The Outcast: In Steelcover is an Orc Healer that practically everyone ignores that keeps himself shut in the library studying more often then seeing his patients. Sweetha has found him rather stand offish and leaves the room if they are the only two in it. Cost: 0 Chance of Success: 90% Reward: Learning Advisor
-- Hot Forge: Rooms that allow the creation of tools, weapons, and anything else a person in a dungeon could need. Room will be favorable for crafters living in the dungeon Cost: 300 Reward: Basic Workshop built
-- Humble Repository: As a shaman Sweetha has enjoyed the pursuit of knowledge and magic. Room will be favorable to weak magic users in the dungeon. Cost: 900 Reward: Advanced Library built
-- Simple Traps: Sweetha will start studying about traditional traps and how she might possibly be able to integrate them into her dungeon without endangering her minions. Cost: 400 Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Able to build simple traps
-- Hidden Clan Knowledge: With Yuthra's arrival some of her precious clan tomes are now in Sweetha's library. It would be interesting to see what she could learn from those books now. Cost: 0 Chances of Success: 75%
-- Local News: Tinja will set up a network that will gather information from across Steelcover and start feeding information that might be useful to Sweetha. Cost: 500 Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Local Rumor Mill updates at end of result posts.
-- Yuthra's Date: Yuthra missed her date with her boyfriend and he's blaming Sweetha for Yuthra's new distance, physically and emotionally from him, and unwilling to accept Yuthra's excuses for how busy she now is. Sweetha would like to try to calm him down. Cost: 100 Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Calm down Yuthra's boyfriend

total cost= 300 + 900 + 400 + 500 + 100 = 2200

Need to build up the base before we get more people.
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[X] Plan Four Orcs Are Enough For Now
Martial - Military Exercise
Pshaw, who needs a general in martial situations? Sweetha knows elementals better than they do anyways, so it's clear that we just need to train her up more for it.

Diplomacy - The Outcast
While I do trust the Weeper more as an advisor, an upkeep of 25 is going to add up in the long run. And who knows, maybe we can teach the healer how to heal elementals, that ought to be fun.

Stewardship - Hit'Em Harder Gym
It favours weaker units in our employ. You know, like 88% of our minions.

Stewardship - Plot of Ground
We get two buildings this time around, and I want my adorable plant creatures!

Learning - Simple Traps
Only two options, and the slingshot is specifically for the non-elemental forces that I chose not to recruit in this plan.

Mysticism - Lost and Found
While the seed vault is delicious, I would like to see if we could do something to tilt the odds in our favour first. I feel less bad missing the 40% with magical doodads than I do seeds of power.

Intrigue - Local News
What's happening next door is important now, what's happening in the world at large takes longer to affect us.

I am a bit torn when it comes to personal actions. On one hand, I want to help yuthra with her love life, because what kind of shitty friend would we be if we just told her to drop her boyfriend to come help us? On the other hand, soothing things over might reduce the chances of him being on the opposite side of the conflict, and I am a huge sucker for star-crossed lovers torn apart by forces much larger than them.
Personal - Yuthra's Date
... In the end, I decided to be a decent orc and not puppeteer our best friend into what I find shippable. Please praise me.

Intrigue - Yuthra's Date
Because for all her Dark Lordliness, Sweetha's still a sweet girl who cares for her friend who's gone out on a limb for her. Time to smooth ruffled feathers.
Yuthra's Date is a Personal Action, not an intrigue one. Yes, we have those now.

... Though spending an action to vetting Yuthra's significant other is not unwise. We need to make sure he is worthy of our bestie.
[X] Plan "It's All Natural Baby"

Martial -
Retired Badass:
A martial adviser will come in handy. I actually of want adviser from the bucket of spit adviser, but I'm kind of nervous about early exposure before we have the trinket and the seeds.
EDIT I switched out the Wandering Clan for retired badass because that we can elementals the best as focus for our army.

Diplomacy - The Outcast
Likely to have a much better learning score than sweetha. Essential if we want to make large strides in our understanding and options.

- Plot Of Land
We're a Dark Lord of Nature, not bandits & elementals. Along with the Seed Vault option this will open huge possibilities of advanced plant monsters.
- Hot Forge. In order to better craft the Traps we're learning to make. Quality over Quantity every time baby.

Learning - Traps. We ain't ready to attack anything big yet, but who knows when somebody will wander in here?

Mysticism - Seed Vault
Need those delectable Rare Seeds

Intrigue - Local News. information is power, and power is both safety and opportunity.

Personal - Yuthra's Date
Because for all her Dark Lordliness, Sweetha's still a sweet girl who cares for her friend who's gone out on a limb for her. Time to smooth ruffled feathers.
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The size of a horse. 10 of them.

They're no army, but they'll do for a start.

Of COURSE we went with the rival. Why would we go for someone who we like or barely know when we could go with someone who already hates us?

I liked Sweetha's method of finding a thief. I'll definitely copy that, somehow.
[X] Plan Four Orcs Are Enough For Now

Honestly, if we had the ability to hire a martial advisor without picking up a bunch of extra orcs, I'd go for it in a heartbeat.