Precedent - A D&D Quest

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My D&D Campaign as a Quest for Spacebattles. I use a homebrewed attribute system on top of flexible 5e rules. This is an experiment for me, so feel free to give feedback. Cross-posted from SB.
Character Creation 0.1
Deep in the astral sea, on the back of the enormous ray known to its inhabitants as Precedent, someone wakes up:

Emotional energy suffuses those that generate it and their environment, but when a little too much emotional energy is focused around potential ritual components,
[] a Demon wakes up.

In the shallow depths of Leviathan Sea, aquatic and partially aquatic peoples hunt and farm the open waters, exporting fish and coral goods to the air-breathers, one such person,
[] a Triton wakes up.

South of the Leviathan Sea are the open plains of Terrain. Terrain is inhabited by many peoples, but is known perhaps most for two races in particular. One is a common enough occurrence across the cosmos,
[] a Gnome wakes up.

But the other race Terrain is most populated by is nearly unique to Precedent's back. Whether in a nomad's tent or in the packed alleys of Capitol, the varying, oft-animalistic form of
[] a Hungerkin wakes up.

Deep in a vault of stone, dust coats a long abandoned roost of a ruler long forgotten. All is thought dead in this place, and nature has made significant headway in reclaiming it, but even if you're the only one,
[X] a Dragon wakes up.
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Character Creation 0.2
[X] Dragon

As dust plumed and an ancient egg hatched, a glimmer of starlight shines on a fleck of color off the egg
[] Amethyst
[] Black
[] Blue
[] Brass
[] Bronze
[] Copper
[] Crystal
[] Emerald
[] Gold
[] Green
[] Moonstone
[] Red
[] Ruby

[X] Sapphire
[] Silver
[] Shadow
[] White
Bonus Options:
[] Brown
[] Deep (purple)
[] Mercury
[] Mist (cloudy white)
[] Song (silver-blue mottled with fleshy brown)
[] Steel

You are born with a few attributes unlocked, choose two three:
[] Power, Muscle, or Write-In a Strength analogue
[] Fast, Steady, or Write-In a Dexterity analogue
[] Body, Warded, or Write-In a Constitution analogue
[] Wit, Skilled, or Write-In an Intelligence analogue
[] Piety, Awareness, or Write-In a Wisdom analogue
[] Affable, Harsh, or Write-In a Charisma analogue
[] Luck, Plot Armor, or Write-In a non-affiliated Attribute.

[X] Body
[X] Affability
[X] Luck
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Character Creation 0.3
I'm calling the vote, and giving you a third starting Attribute to resolve the tie there.
[X] Sapphire
scales, the outer edges translucent, shimmered in the soft light, casting a momentary blue glow across the rocky roost as pale cloud-colored claws pull 200lbs of Sapphire Wyrmling out of the egg, into the still evening air.

Attributes scale a bit more slowly than their Default counterparts, but rack up greater rewards while they're at it. Their modifier increases every time they hit a number in the fibonacci sequence. Note that you'll be rolling d12s for actions related to Default attributes (as opposed to the standard d20 for Body, Affability, or Luck-related rolls). Body applies to one additional skill that you'll have to vote on that is controlled by the body.
(Default) Strength 17 (+3)
(Default) Dexterity 14 (+2)
[X] Body 16 (+1)
(Default) Intelligence 14 (+2)
(Default) Wisdom 13 (+1)
[X] Affable 14 (+1)
[X] Luck ?

The next person in the thread to roll 2d12 gets to decide which d12 gets added to Body. The other will be added to Affability.
The next person in the thread to roll a d20 will determine starting Luck.
Pick 1:
[] Body applies to Acrobatics
[] Body applies to Athletics
[] Body applies to Intimidate
[X] Body applies to Perception
[] Body applies to Sleight of Hand
[] Body applies to Stealth
[] Write-In with an argument as to why a skill is a bodily function.

Shivering a tail of disparate blue shards held together by their own unifying cohesive force, you pull understanding of your surroundings from the memories passed down to you. You're in the abandoned lair of your much larger forebearer. It appears that anything and everything of value has run off in the intervening decades (centuries?), but you recognize the shape of the stone as it arches overhead in multiple bridges, this place was once the lap of luxury. What else do you pull out of those memories?
[X] Perception Proficiency (automatic)
[X] Stealth Proficiency (automatic)
Choose 2:
[] History Proficiency
[] Persuasion Proficiency
[X] Perception Expertise
[X] Investigation Proficiency
[] Write-In a skill, tool kit, or instrument
[] Write-In a skill, tool kit, or instrument

A big empty cavern with a sunroof isn't the only thing you inherited, though, choose 1:
[] Rejuvenation Variant feature (So long as your egg survives as a point for you to recoup yourself and regrow a body at, your mortal form cannot die)
[X] Change Shape (You can assume the form of any Medium or Small Beast or Humanoid)
[] A massive lairward, still standing, under your clawed feet (This will allow clairvoyance through the surrounding stone and attract prey (Spiders, yum!))
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Character Sheet
Name: Astarathian
Medium Dragon (Gem), typically Lawful Neutral
Hit Points
44 (7d8 + 14)
Speed 30 ft., burrow 15 ft., climb 30 ft., fly 60 ft.
Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
Proficiency Bonus +2

Spider Climb.
The dragon can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.

Favored Crowd (Adventurers).
When you meet an Adventurer for the first time, they have a 50% chance to be Friendly.

The dragon can burrow through solid rock at half its burrowing speed and can leave a 5-foot-diameter tunnel in its wake.

Melee Weapon Attack:
+5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d10 + 3) piercing damage plus 3 (1d6) thunder damage.

Debilitating Breath (Recharge 5–6).
The dragon exhales a pulse of high-pitched, nearly inaudible sound in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 22 (4d10) thunder damage and is incapacitated until the end of its next turn. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage and isn't incapacitated.
Default StrengthDef. DexterityBodyDef. IntelligenceDef. WisdomAffability
17 (+3)14 (+2)29 (+2)14 (+2)13 (+1)30 (+2)
Saving ThrowsDex +4, Con +4, Wis +3, Cha +4Luck
SkillsInvestigation +4, Perception +6, Stealth +411
Damage Resistanceslightning, thunder
Condition Immunitiesfrightened
Sensesblindsight 30 ft., darkvision 120 ft.Passive Perception 16Passive Investigation 14
LanguagesDraconic, telepathy 120 ft.
PsionicsSapphire Mind: 6 psi points
alarm - (2 psi)
Tenser's floating disk - (2 psi)
Mind Thrust
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Character Creation 0.4
[X] Body applies to Perception
[X] Perception Expertise
[X] Investigation Proficiency
The focus of your ancestral memories is sensory, and about what those senses mean.
[X] Change Shape
Your body is impressive, even as a newborn, but it isn't the only one available to you. You can feel the warm spot in your head screaming "push here to change". Do you try out a different form now?
In your ancestral memories, you remember taking on the form of...
[] a Gnome!
[] a wolf
[] Write-In a medium or smaller humanoid or beast.
[] plenty, but there's no need for that now, your true form is resplendent.
Your form is glorious, and your name is... your name is:
[] Write-In!
[] You will remain Nameless
Name determined, you feel around at what other hot levers exist in your crystalline mind. You have a natural Psionic Discipline, Sapphire Mind.
alarm - (2 psi)
Tenser's floating disk - (2 psi)
You've got 4 psi points, and you can feel 2 ways to spend them. One for hunting or sleeping undisturbed, and one for carrying weight. You also have a Psionic Talent, choose one:
[] Energy Blast
[] Mystic Charm
[] Mind Thrust
[] Write-In, a list can be found here:
It's as you're considering that re-usable mental flex that something piques your attention. Next person in this thread to roll 1d20+6 is rolling Perception.
TolarianPro threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Perception Total: 2
2 2
Survival 1.1
[X] A Basilisk!
[X] You don't so much choose the name Astarathian as discover it, you feel your name carved deep in your bones and across your very psyche.
[X] Mind Thrust

You pull in your wings and take on an alternate form, one with a duller hide than your natural form, but of about the same color. You extend four further legs as your body extends to serpentine proportions. You cautiously grab 1, 2, 4 pieces of the rubble from your hatching around you, and toss it in a casual arc, followed by the other pieces of rock and egg debris you grabbed, one at a time, catching one while the other three were in the air, facilitating your poor juggling with far too many claws for the task. (Failed Perception check)

Suddenly, something comes darting out of the air that isn't a juggled rock! It's red, black, and yellow, it's bigger than you, and it's got a stinger that looks meaner than anything in those memories you were sorting through. Speaking of that stinger, it comes in with a wham and hooks deep into one of those extra legs you've got. (11 points of damage! Make a Constitution saving throw to avoid Poison complications!)
You rear back and then snap forward, but the stinger is yanked from your flesh and you can't reach the flying monster without wings of your own.
What do you do?
[] Wait till it draws closer, then leap to strike!
[] Back to Dragon form, ASAP, you need your breath and your wings
[] Mind Thrust!
[] Write-In a plan
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Survival 1.2
[X] Mind Thrust!
You feel the hot sting of open flesh on your second left calf, and the wound burns something fierce, but you pull yourself together and use your head. You don't work out a clever stratagem or cunning turnabout, but instead literally direct the mental force in your head at your opponent in a spike of aggression. (Monster failed its save! 8 points of damage dealt!)

The creature shakes its head, mandibles swinging wildly, and comes at you for another strike. Its claws tear into your back as you rear your head back from its stinger (11 more points of damage! We're at 17 hp)
[] You're taking dire wounds, and fast. You need to get out of here. You wonder if 8 legs can beat 2 wings?
[] You're taking dire wounds, and fast. You need to get out of here. Change back to your original form to fly away.
[] Write-In a plan!
Survival 1.3

You rally your psychic power and swing it forward like a metaphysical club. The insectile beast before you sways under the blow, and its resumed buzzing is unsteady. The creature seems to be struggling to remain airborne, its stinger distracted from impaling you by its job propelling the creature off the ground. (Mind Thrust for 9 damage! Monster failed its save.)
The stinger distracted, you don't have too much trouble with the claws. The key, you've discovered, is not letting the sharp bits near your soft bits. (Monster fails its attack roll. 12 doesn't hit.)
Now that the creature is unsteady, you resume your mental assault. The creature responds with fury, trying to lash out with its stinger, but you catch and divert the frightening limb before it causes any harm. (Monster resists Mind Thrust. Monster fails its attack roll. 14 doesn't hit.)
Morale check for Monster: 2 out of 20.
It pushes against the ground, and against one of your claws, creating distance and getting itself airborne with some desperate flapping.

[] Oh no, this bug's not getting away that easy.
[] Thank the Many Heavens, the bug's going away, that easy!
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Survival 1.4
[X] Oh no, this bug's not getting away that easy.

You lash out, leaping towards the menace on your life, you try to pin it down by crawling on top of it, but it uses it's claws to shove you off. (Failed Athletics to grapple!) As the monster tries to put some distance on, you get one last shot at its retreating stinger, you leap, you snap your jaws, but the monster is wary to your wiles and jerks its stinger out of reach at the last moment. (Failed attack to grab stinger!)

[] Dragon form can keep up with this enormous pest, and you're not through with it yet!
[] Basilisk form is enough to scare the critter away, besides, you remember things about Basilisk form... you remember the reason why you took it.
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Survival 1.5
[X] Basilisk form is enough to scare the critter away, besides, you remember things about Basilisk form... you remember the reason why you took it.
You remember that your wounds, painful though they are, aren't without purpose. You see, Basilisks age faster than other species, and their natural healing, slow as it is, speeds that up even more. Your fragmented inherited memories say it has something to do with telomeres? Anyway, all that can be rather advantageous when you're a Dragon, who gets more powerful the older they get. (Current hp:17/39)
[] Resolve to stay in Basilisk form as much as possible. The joys of the air are not yours to partake in.
[X] You'll get to that age eventually anyway, what's the rush?

Spider-Eater defeated (Actual Threat: 1800 xp!) +5 Body! +2 Affability! +5 Luck!
In this quest, it'll always be 1,000 xp to level up, when and whether I give xp are more inconsistent.
[X]"Level up" as a Dragon
[] Level up and choose a class
[] Don't level up, save it for now.
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