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A man chooses. A slave obeys.

A girl makes a choice, a boy suffers the consequences, and the shinobi world shall never be the same.

Instead of Sasuke gaining the Curse Mark, it's Sakura.
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Las Vegas, March of 1971
The sound of metal clanging against metal is what wakes me from my slumber, and after a brief flash of annoyance at being woken up I slowly roll over to face my prison cell's thick steel door, my moldy cot's rusty springs creaking under my shifting weight in tandem with the incessant clanging of multiple iron deadbolts being unlatched in quick succession.

After a moment, my surroundings fall completely quiet save for the squealing of aged hinges as the door swings open, revealing a pair of faceless ANBU clad in dark cloaks. The shorter one steps forward and begins to speak in a clean, dispassionate tone of voice.

"Prisoner 012601. Your presence has been requested."

It appears that all those hours I spent perfecting my acting skills have gone to waste because I can't help how my eyebrows raise up high at those words. This is certainly a change of pace from the monotony of staring at the wall all day or listening to the low hum of the dim, fluorescent lightbulb that dangles loosely from the cracked ceiling, but...

"I suppose the Shinigami has finally called my name, hasn't he?" The pair of ANBU's don't respond to my statement, instead only moving to either side of me and grabbing onto my shoulders before leading me out of my cell for the first time in what feels like ages.

The moment I step out into the cool hallway, I'm blinded by the harsh fluorescent light emanating from the ceiling bulbs, causing me to stop in my tracks while raising my arm to shield my eyes from the harsh rays.

"Keep moving." Something hard, probably the jolt of a tanto, slams in my back as one of the masked men barks at me. I'd turn to shoot them a glare, but I have a feeling that'd just earn me another beating so I comply and begin to stack down the seemingly endless corridor.

If there's one thing I can enjoy, it's the fact that I'm not going to get executed and buried in an unmarked grave in the middle of nowhere. Even though there aren't a lot of them, prison cells still line the passage and appear to be occupied if the odd assortment of noises are anything to go by.

Maybe the rest of my team are stuck here too, then. Looks like I'm getting the better end of the deal by getting the rope instead of swapping out the Hidden Sound for just another prison.

Eventually we reach a staircase that stretches up and into darkness, and we walk up to the middle section before I pretend to stumble and fall prone, accidentally clicking my jaw against one of the steps in the process. One of the ANBU let's out a surprised snort, but it doesn't register in my mind because I'm too busy scanning for security cameras while pretending to groan in pain. Of course, there's one nestled in the upper right hand corner of the staircase… but it's precisely at an angle where my hands won't be noticed.

As the ANBU haul me to my feet by the arms, I tip myself backwards as if they shifted my weight too fast and go ass-over-teakettle down the stairs before landing at the bottom while an exasperated whine slips out of the taller guard.

Predictably, they help me to my feet again, but fail to notice the subtle genjutsu I've thrown over my hands and the shackles binding them… or the shackles that were binding them. Their use of a couple inches of cheap steel is just another example of the Hidden Villages growing complacent.

After arriving at the top of the stairs, the three of us pass through a security gate that leads to a much cleaner section of the prison complex. It's light fixtures don't have mildew, the brick is untracked and there are multiple diverging hallways rather than one long lane of locked rooms.

And at the end of the left hallway… is a singular presence lurking behind a pair of steel double doors.

Wow, looks like they were going to be as barbaric as possible and send my severed head back to Konoha in a box.

But when those doors open, neither a headsman or a gallows are revealed, only a young, blonde-haired man with grey eyes.

"I assume you're going to try prying out a confession of guilt before you off me?" I ask flatly, and he merely raises his eyebrows while the shorter ANBU pulls out a folding chair for me from under the table, whose position I gladly accept. After a moment of silence that's only penetrated by the low hum of the lights and the sound of the door slamming as the two ANBU leave the room, my interrogator begins to list off the various awards gifted to me by the Hidden Villages.

"Wow… this is quite the tally you've earned yourself. 'Guilty of treason against the Leaf and Sound Villages, crimes against humanity, possession of illegal weaponry, aiding and abetting an S-rank missing-nin.' Are those really all true?" The man says while raising his eyebrows in surprise, and I lean back in my chair somewhat flippantly.

"Maybe, if you're a stooge that dances to the tune that the Hidden Villages play. Half those crimes in my name are false, and the other half have been twisted by those fogies molding in their council seats." I know he's trying to manipulate me, and he knows that I know, but a person can't be worthy of being a snake summoner without being a tad snaky themselves, so I'll humor him for now.

"Really? Would you mind explaining how that's the truth?" I fix my eyes on him, and he leans forward as if expecting that I'll spill the beans for him.

"I don't think I will, considering that you're probably just the guy who'll twist my words until they're unrecognizable."

"...How disappointing. I did wish to hear about your exploits and what led you to this point, but it looks like I'll just have to settle for Konoha's explanation." My eyes narrow for a moment before a smile paints itself across my face. Looks like his head isn't as far up his ass as the rest of the interrogators.

"Hmm… you do raise a fair point. I suppose if my testimony causes Konoha an issue or two, I'd be willing to tell you my story. Just make sure to write it down so they don't reward you with a kunai to the throat for listening to me."

"I'll keep that in mind. Now, state your name, age and occupation for the record?" He says while pulling out a sheaf of papers, a point of ink and a thin brush as I give him a smirk that's full of fangs. Even if he does end up being a slave to the government, a quick bite to the throat as I escape from here will put an end to any potential trickery.

"My name is Sakura Haruno, age sixteen, and I am a reasonable woman in an unreasonable world."
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Chapter 1.1
This isn't supposed to be happening.

This isn't supposed to be happening.

I'd expected many things when Sasuke-kun was assigned to a team with me. I'd expected daring escapes and rescues, him sweeping me off my feet with how effortless he made everything seem, him protecting me whenever I was in harm's way.

The most daring escape yet was Sasuke stabbing himself in the thigh.

This isn't supposed to be happening.

The images of my teammates aren't supposed to be crashing down along with them, Naruto being put out of commission by a single strike to the stomach and Sasuke cowering and surrendering the face of that… thing. At least Naruto proved himself brave and true instead of just giving up like the perfect prodigy.

But am I any better? All the perfect student with a talent with genjutsu, once in a generation mind, smart and talented with all the potential in the world has done is weep and scream on the sidelines while her teammates did everything for her.

The reverberating twang of steel wires snapping breaks me out of my thought spiral, and the icy grip of fear squeezes my body into submission as I fall forwards onto my knees. My brain attempts to kick into overdrive to analyze the jutsu, but it's overpowered by a raspy contralto that emanates from a branch several yards away.

"I didn't expect that you could use the Sharingan at such a young age.... Yes, I think you'll do quite nicely."

Sasuke lets out a throaty roar as he attempts to break free of their genjutsu, but he had more stamina and chakra previously. All my teammate can do is shudder in place as the ninja continues to mutter to themself excitedly.

"Indeed... your eyes may even hide more ability than Itachi's." That cursed name that stopped being spoken after the Uchiha's population went down to one gives Sasuke enough energy to shout.

"Who are you- What do you want?!"

That elicits a chuckle from the snake-like person as they stare at the Heaven scroll before it suddenly erupts into green flames that eat away at the delicate parchment, casting an ethereal glow across the forest and casting the ninja in a looming shadow that emphasizes their metallic-tinted eye.

"My name is Orochimaru… but what I want will have to wait until we meet again, which won't happen until after you finish this exam with the best score of all." The sight of our only avenue out of here crumbling away before our very eyes forces me to choke out a clipped sentence.

"The scroll-!"

Orochimaru doesn't even acknowledge me, instead continuing on his insane and gleeful rambling.

"First, you'll have to defeat the Sound ninja who serve me-" My mortally wounded pride doesn't let that slight stand, and I cut him off mid sentence.

"We have no idea what you're talking about, so get lost! If I never have to see you again it'll be too soon!" Orochimaru merely inclines his head forwards and levels a glare at me while smirking.

"Oh, but we will meet again, little girl." With that, Orochimaru's hands become a blur and his neck extends outwards like a fleshy vine, twisting and looping through the air as he launches towards Sasuke with a needle-like grin carved into his face from ear to ear.

Time slows to mere seconds around me, and I hear blood and my own heartbeat pounding away within my head as I realize that this is a genjutsu. It's just a genjutsu, it's not real, it's not real, Sasuke broke it before, I need to prove to myself that I'm not just deadweight, choose now, choose now, choose now, you're no SLAVE!

I choose. The cloying, metallic taste of blood fills my mouth as I bite down on my tongue, launching forwards and kneeing Sasuke in the side a moment before Orochimaru's hideous maw reaches its target.

The next thing I feel is pain.

A stinging, burning sensation ripples through my entire body as my vision blurs entirely, and I let out a cry of agony as a sound like a vicious, hissing cat grates across my ears. My hand wrenches up to grab my shoulder while a haze of darkness blocks out my sight, and the last thing I feel is cool air rushing against my face as my knees buckle and I drop forwards off the tree branch.





I lay shuddering within the belly of the beast, writhing in the shadows and agony while listening to two voices arguing and crying and bargaining and screaming in hushed tones.

"Come on, sweetie. Just let go. All you've done is be a burden."

"No! I'm not! I'll use your power to beat the shit out of you!"

"Really? That'll never happen. Why not just let them be free of you?"

"They won't be free if they let me die! I won't be free if I die!"

"Freedom? Freedom from what? You are nothing, you will be nothing, accept your fate and become nothing in the purest way possible."

"And just roll over and die? Hell no! Give me it, give me your power!"

They continue to bicker until eventually they mix into a frightening synthesis, one low and silky and the other high and rageful.

"With all this power, we might be on their level! We might even be better than them! What are they without you, after all? Everybody knows that we're the ones holding them together! We could even make them be the jealous ones now! Power like this get's your face carved into a mountain, power like this demolishes mountainsides, power like this saves the world, power like this destroys the world, power like this breaks your chains! Come on, just choose. No more clanless child of civilians, no more disappointed stares, no more of them looking down at you from on high. It'll be so easy. They'll respect, even fear you."


"Say yes. You know you want to."

Chapter 1.2
My vision blurs, flickering between vague outlines of objects and endless darkness once, twice, thrice before I finally find the willpower to keep my eyes open for longer than a few seconds.

Ino, Shikamaru, Choji, all of them use their clan's techniques against the three ninja in foreign clothes and unfamiliar headbands but are quickly and savagely pushed into a corner by their opponents skill, and I try to move in any way but can only twitch my fingers.

I can feel the rage and despair simmer inside of me, melting my organs and searing the insides of my skin with it's caustic flames, only when I finally lay eyes on Sasuke's battered and broken form does the fury finally boil over.

His nose is bent and bleeding, which horribly matches the jagged shapes that his arm and puce-shaded knee have been twisted into, and my body reaches out and grabs the nearest root without my command. I wrench myself upwards while grinding my teeth so hard that it feels like they could shatter at any moment, the sound overpowering one of the enemy ninja's arrogant ranting.

"Did you really think you could beat us? Face it, you Leaf ninja are a bunch of amateurs!" His voice grates across my ears like a murdered of crows all screeching at once, complimenting the low and smug rumble that emanates from his swaddled in layers of bandages.

"Just children from a second-rate village."

"That's pretty tough talk. I guess that makes your village even worse than ours."

A clean, cool voice suddenly breaks through the clearing, drawing the ninja's attention away from Team 10 and Sasuke to one of the tree branches where that Hyūga boy, Neji, and his teammate are glaring down their noses at them.

"I see you worked one over our teammate… who wants to admit that?!" The veins on the side of his head bulge out, freezing the trio in place as Neji gives them a look that could kill which gives me the opportunity to actually kill them.

Which is precisely what I do. Or at least I try. I launch myself forwards off of my back foot and slam into Bandages, knocking him to the forest floor and stunning him as my fingers claw into the side of his head.

The two of us thrash like animals, him yelling for Zaku to get me off of his back and me trying to get a good enough grip on his head, before his teammate grabs me by the hair and wrenches me off of Dosu.

"Gotcha! Maybe if you spent more time on your taijutsu instead of this hair, I wouldn't be about to smash your skull in!" His palm travels downwards towards my face as I reach into the holster strapped to my thigh and withdraw a kunai moments before Zaku's blow lands, slashing upwards at my hair and cutting clean through.

Pink locks of hair dance in the air and blind Zaku momentarily as my headband falls to the ground with a clang, which is all I need to whirl around and throw a left hook at his jaw. My fist makes contact, sending a shower of teeth and blood out onto the ground as he lets out a shriek of agony that's cut off by me turning around and crushing his windpipe with my free hand.

"You… talk too much." The hiss of the life being squeezed out of him gives way to the sound of pressure being released as I slice Zaku's throat open with my kunai. A shower of blood begins to drip down his shirt as I push and twist the blade in as far as it can go to a soundtrack of a shrill, horrified scream that sounds like it's echoing from a thousand miles away.

I don't see it tumble, though, because I've already turned around and found my next target; that terrified black haired girl shivering on the sidelines as she stares me down.

"One down, two to go…" I find myself saying before breaking into a shamble towards her, only to feel a pressure clamp around my wrist, and I turn around expecting to meet Dosu's hate filled glare. Instead, I meet the charcoal-black eyes of Sasuke Uchiha. Horror and desperation mix with the bloody purple bruise surrounding his left eye as he grasps my wrist in a vice grip.

"Don't do it. This isn't you." His voice comes out in a thick rasp, and all of the boiling rage and hatred freezes into a dense, dark ball that drops to the center of my stomach in an instant. The burning underneath my skin slowly recedes into a low simmer before disappearing entirely as thick, bitter tears roll down my face.

"I- I'm so sorry, I don't know what I-" Instead of concise and clear thoughts my words are a chain of verbal diarrhea that is quickly stopped by the sound of Dosu clearing his throat ensnaring from the edge of the clearing.

"It seems we underestimated you, Leaf-nin. A trade- the scroll for our lives." He says while placing the Earth scroll onto the ground with his free hand, as the other is currently occupied with keeping his alive and comatose teammate slung over his shoulder.

He's… afraid of me.

My eyes dart between Zaku's crumpled form and Dosu as I attempt to fathom the reality of my first kill. His eyes are glazed over in terror as the boy gives a silent scream at the sky, and despite all my inclinations to feel something… anything, there is no sensation of despair or sadness. Only a contemplative and incredulous nagging that eats away at the edges of my mind along with the raspy whispers of a snake and a girl.

My eyes slide shut in resignation, and I wrench my wrist free Sasuke's grasp to point at the two remaining ninja.

"Deal. Now get out of here."

With that, Dosu turns around as fast as he can and darts into the trees while, true to his word, leaving the scroll on the ground. I'm about to walk forward and retrieve it, but a harsh stinging that pierces through my shoulder stops me in my tracks. I let out a small gasp of pain and grit my teeth before forcing my eyes to shift towards my right side.

What… in the world?

Branded upon my shoulder is a five-petaled flower that blooms outwards upon my skin in pitch black ink.


AN: And there we have it. The real divergent point of this AU, the awful Curse Mark. Also, would you prefer if I updated in the form of massive chapters that come infrequently or in the form of small one-thousand word snippets that come almost (hopefully) daily?
Chapter 1.3
"We can't tell Naruto about this."

I catch Sasuke jumping at the sound of my voice in the corner of my eye parallel to me on the other side of our teammate's comatose body. Now that we've successfully… Uh, repelled those ninja, Team's Seven and Nine have been left to attend to Naruto and Rock Lee respectively, but their sorry state still hasn't stopped the rest of the Leaf-nin from casting wary glances at me.

Sasuke just gives me a deeply confused expression at my statement, and I continue on while fixing him with an intense stare.

"He's already gonna make a huge scene after seeing what we went through- we don't need to give him any more to worry about. Especially since we don't know what this thing is." My hand drifts up to scratch at the squirming brand inked into my shoulder as a frown etches itself into Sasuke's face.

"How long can we keep it from him, though? Something might set it off again, and…" Sasuke trails off, leaving only the implication of what I did to Zaku hanging in the atmosphere, who's corpse lies in a slowly expanding pool of blood at the edge of the clearing.

"It… I didn't… I knew what I was doing, I wasn't just trapped inside of my own mind. I… felt proud, I thought that… it was easy to cut loose." The words tumble dumbly out of my mouth, which prompts Sasuke to stare at me for a moment as I let my gaze settle on Zaku's body for far longer than I should've let it before speaking again.

"I… can't let that happen again." A heavy silence that's only pierced by the sound of our comrades trying to rouse Lee from his slumber hangs between the two of us before Sasuke unexpectedly responds to me.

"I don't think it will- you're too smart to fall for something too good to be true." His voice is quiet, contemplative instead of the irritated tone Sasuke uses when he rarely addresses me directly. I stifle a pale shadow of laughter that threatens to worm it's way out of my mouth.

"For someone so smart, I've been feeling really stupid lately." My failure during the bell test, how I stood by and did nothing during our confrontation with Zabuza and Haku during Wave Country and how I completely missed the point of the first test of the Chūnin Exams… at least I have the courage to take one for the team now.

That doesn't mean I'm not smart enough to know how to fake an injury, though. I take my kunai and make a shallow slash above the mark before pulling out bandages and binding my entire shoulder. The blood seeps into the cloth convincingly enough, and I think I've wrapped it tight enough to stave off an infection, but my skill at field medicine is mediocre, just like-

"Hey, Forehead! Want me to even up your hair? You're looking pretty scraggly after you did the job yourself." Ino's voice interrupts our conversation in a stiff-legged attempt at being casual, and my hand drifts up to feel the back of my head almost on instinct. Indeed, my hair juts out in spiky stalks, causing my longer, greasy bangs to fall in front of my face.

Right. I slashed my hair to get free from Zaku's grasp. Zaku, who was going to blow my head off with taijutsu. Zaku, who's throat I cut to save the rest of us.

"No… I'll keep it like this. I want to remember." I mumble, and Ino's mouth folds into a thin line as she attempts to find something to say but fails to. I save her from her predicament by switching the subject to Sasuke's wounds.

"But could you take a look at Sasuke? You're better at field medicine than I am, and he… obviously needs it. I'll… go find a spring and refill our canteens." Both Ino and Sasuke's eyes widen, or one of them does in Sasuke's case, as I pat him on the shoulder reassuringly before standing up and stumbling off into the forest.

I don't stray far from the clearing, obviously. I'm not dumb enough to make that big of a mistake of a time like this, but the call of water in the face of the rest of our journey to the center of the Forest of Death is greater than fear. One of the problems, though, is the fact that you have to share the resource with other animals.

Case in point; the grizzly bear currently roaring and looming over a red-headed girl who's been knocked to the ground I see the moment I break through the trees and arrive at the stream.

The mark on my shoulder begins to burn at the imminent threat, but I grit my teeth and bear it while withdrawing four kunai from my holster using the space between my fingers on my right hand. I fling the projectiles at the massive animal, desperately moving through the calculations and spots in it's hide that would incur the most damage inside of my mind at a thousand miles a minute.

And kami decides to smile on me at this moment, because one of them flies true, straight into the bear's left eye. The tip of one of the blades plunges into its eye, and it reels back with a roar as the other three embed themselves in various locations, giving an opportunity for the redhead to roll out from under it. She grabs a kunai of her own from her vest pouch before plunging it into the bear's side as hard as she can, eliciting both a roar and a spray of blood droplets.

The bear gives one last half-hearted roar before promptly collapsing to the ground, letting out a low gurgle as it slowly begins to bleed out while the redhead turns to look at me.

A chill runs down my spine the moment I lay eyes upon the symbol etched into the metal plate tied to her forehead, and I instinctively reach for more weapons before realizing that she's doing the same thing. I can feel my shoulder stinging at the fact that of course I had to run into one of that snake monster's lackeys, but something about her gives me pause. She's not like the Grass ninja that did this to me, and her expression is one of terrified anticipation. I take a moment to consider all the shit that's happened to me today before deciding that I'm too tired for yet another fight.

So I holster my kunai and make eye contact with her. She seems to shudder at my presence… oh, she's probably a sensor and felt all that terrible chakra trying to get out. That's… a problem. I don't even know how to start apologizing while sound sincere without sounding like a lunatic.

But I don't have to, because the Grass-nin breaks the silence herself.

"Your forehead is huge." She says while adjusting her smudged glasses haughtily as to better exam me.

Even though I've had an absolutely terrible week and appearances should be the last thing on my mind, I can't help the irritation that bubbles up inside of me.

"As if you're any better with glasses like those!" I say through grit teeth, and her mouth twists down into a calculating frown as her eyes scan me over.

"Huh… you're not as soft as you look… Uh…" Her voice trails off at the end of her sentence as she searches for a word that can aptly describe me, so I decide to fill it in with two of my own.

"Sakura Haruno." I declare. She stops while eyeing me dangerously from behind her lenses before speaking again.

"I guess I should at least give you my name for all you did… it's a pleasure to meet you, Haruno-san. My name is Karin."


AN: So there you have it. Our first... future character, let's say. Karin. I could've just fed her to that bear but decided not to.

On the subject of angst: I plan on providing it at character moments but not so much that it becomes wangst.