Vote tally - Power Rangers: Quantum Odyssey - HQ Quest

Scheduled vote count started by KreenWarrior on Oct 7, 2021 at 2:31 AM, finished with 124 posts and 21 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Power Rangers: Quantum Odyssey - HQ Quest
Post #128
Post #251


  • [X] [Explore] STP A-43 - You see dense vegetation and occasional flickers of movement.
    [X] [Explore] STP R-19 – You see a blasted landscape underneath a stormy sky
    [X] Plan: Finishing Basic Infrastructure
    -[X] Repair Talia's Morpher [MANDATORY] - Talia's Morpher was damaged. Must be repaired, or you will not have a complete Ranger team to deploy on missions.
    --[X] 1 Rare Resource
    -[X] Scanners - Sometimes information is the ultimate weapon. Develop handheld scanners for the Rangers to use on their travels. Will unlock additional opportunities and rewards on missions.. Progress: 8/10.
    --[X] 1 Basic Resource
    -[X] Sidearms - Currently, your Rangers have only their exploration suits, with no weaponry that can be carried through the Quantum Tunnel. Developing some basic weapons powered by the Morphing Grid is well within your capability
    --[X] Ranged: Progress: 0/15. 1 Rare Resource required.
    ---[X] 1 Rare Resource
    -[X] Research Facility - While the Project has basic scientific equipment, a dedicated research lab for exploring alien technology will offer benefits to your future analysis and experimentation. Progress: 0/10.
    --[X] 2 Basic Resources
    -[X] Medical Facility - Talia escaped serious injury on this mission, but the next Ranger might not be so lucky. Develop a full infirmary for treatment of injuries. Progress: 0/10.
    -[X] Finish the Combat Vehicle Project - It's clear that the Rangers are going to need something to even the odds against opponents that are greater than human size. Dive back into the program and figure out what the flaws were and fix them so you won't be caught offguard again. Progress: 15/25, 1 Rare Resources required
    --[X] 2 Basic Resources > 1 Rare Resource
    -[X] Translate the Nik-Nik Language – Most aliens seem to speak English, for some reason. However, the diminutive creatures of STP-R19 seem to communicate in high pitched noises that are difficult for a human to understand. Maybe studying them would help? With future contact you could learn more about their world's strange history. Progress: 0/10
    -[X] Analyze the Alien Artifact – Talia found this literally fall into her hand as she was fighting on the battlefield of STP-R19. It appears to be some sort of circular disk with strange markings on it. What secrets might it hold? Progress: 0/5
    [X] Plan Red Leader
    -[X] [Talia]: Combat Tactics
    -[X] [Nico]: Super Strength
    -[X] [Lewis]: Medicine
    -[X] Lewis has registered a formal complaint over Talia's recklessness in the last mission.
    --[X] Meet with Talia about it
    --[X] While the rest of the team appreciates your willingness to take a hit or twenty, you can't take care of the team if you've been knocked out by a giant mechanical snake.
    -[X] Arrange Training for One of the Rangers
    --[X] Talia, Combat Tactics
    -[X] Hold a Meeting with Someone (Ranger, Base Staff, etc.)
    --[X] Rangers
    ---[X] Touch base. Ask if they have anything on their mind that they don't feel is major enough for an official report. Just make sure everything is chill.
    [X] Plan Sweet Success
    -[X] Repair Talia's Morpher [MANDATORY] - Talia's Morpher was damaged. Must be repaired, or you will not have a complete Ranger team to deploy on missions. (Automatic Success, 1 Rare resource required)
    -[X] Scanners - Sometimes information is the ultimate weapon. Develop handheld scanners for the Rangers to use on their travels. Will unlock additional opportunities and rewards on missions.. Progress: 8/10. - 1 Basic Resource
    -[X] Personal Weapons - Your Odyssey Sabers have performed with flying colors, but they're very much a start rather than a finish when it comes to the matter of personal weaponry. Designing personal weapons for the Rangers will significantly increase their combat potential. Progress: 0/15, requires 1 Rare Resource. - 2 Rare Resources
    --[X] Nico
    --[X] Melee
    -[X] Analyze the Snake Corpse - Your Rangers brought back the parts of the Snake that seemed most interesting - the eyes, the power core and other internal components. Time to see if you can find out what made this thing work. Progress: 0/10. - 2 Basic Resources
    -[X] Medical Facility - Talia escaped serious injury on this mission, but the next Ranger might not be so lucky. Develop a full infirmary for treatment of injuries. Progress: 0/10. - 3 Basic Resources