Power Rangers: Parahuman Force

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GO GO POWER RANGERS! A new Ranger team has been formed
"I still don't understand why you chose Brockton Bay instead of Angel Grove." Alpha-5 grumbled under his mechanical breath. Angel Grove, California was safe, well it was safer than this cesspool of villainy that Zordon decided to call home. Brockton Bay being located near the ocean only made it worse. Alpha-5 hated water, especially after what happened so many years ago. Sure Angel Grove was located near some dangerous fault lines and had a river running straight through the middle of town, but at least it wasn't near the ocean! Brockton Bay was closer to Canada too. Nothing good ever came out of Canada, just ask Heartbreaker.

"It's the perfect location, Alpha." Zordon's deep voice said. Alpha-5 continued sweeping the floor around the command room. "And it allows us to keep an eye on your sister without her finding out about our existence. Especially since she's taken an interest in the Tinker that the public calls Armsmaster."

Any other city could have allowed them to do that. Big Sister didn't even realize that they were piggybacking off of her programming. It did make Alpha sad though, taking advantage of his sister, but Zordon said that it was for the best. Zordon always knew what to do.

Suddenly, the Command Center's alarm started blazing.

"Aiyiyiyiyi." Alpha exclaimed as he placed his metal hands over where his ears would be, if he had any that is. "What's going on?"

"Bring up the screen." Zordon said softly. Alpha-5 quickly pressed a button bringing up a livestream from the city. Showing a metal man with twin valkyries fighting a dragon.

"It seems that Kaiser is back at it again." The Empire Eighty-Eights leader was battling Lung again, with help from his twin bodyguards. They were barely managing to fight the Metal Dragon, but it seemed that Lung wasn't even trying anymore.

They were destroying a lot of property. How many people would die or get injured in the crossfire? Far too many if you asked Alpha, which no one did. The PRT tried to do their best, but it clearly wasn't enough. Brockton Bay was dying a slow death, and it needed a cure.

"Hm, I believe that it is time that we put our project into action." Zordon said, his blue hologram never flickering. They both had been working on this project for about a decade now. Planning and building the equipment for a new hero team. "Rita has been too quiet lately and that is starting to worry me." The rogue Tinker was last seen in Europe if Alpha's memory was correct. The creator of the Three Blasphemies always claimed that she wanted to get revenge on Zordon for her defeat in the past.

"Oh no."

"Alpha, teleport to us four overbearing and overemotional humans."

"Not that, not teenagers!" Alpha shouted. Teenagers were annoying!

This wasn't going to end well. Alpha already missed his sister.

Taylor really hated going to school. She should have taken the chance to go to Arcadia when she had the chance. School was going to start in a few days, once Winter Break ended. Good thing she managed to find free self defense classes at the local community center. Actual dojos were pretty much out of her budget, and private lessons even more so. She had been taking classes before Winter Break started and her teacher even said that she was a fast learner! She watched plenty of videos on youtube as well and mixed karate with her daily jog.

Thankfully she was practically invisible in the actual class. Sensei Tommy was nice enough to fix her form whenever she had it wrong. He was the only one that actually knew she was there, most likely because it was his job. Silently walking into the makeshift dojo, Taylor made her way towards the back of the room, ready to take her spot.

"It's nice to see everyone here today." Sensei Tommy said once Taylor settled in. Sensei Tommy was a handsome guy in his twenties with long hair that reached his shoulders. Well, pretty would be more accurate than handsome. His fashion taste looked like it came out of Dad's closet from the 90s though with a lot of green. The class size was decent, no more than thirty people, though Taylor wished it was a bit smaller. "We have some new students today."

What? Squinting her eyes to get a better look, her brown eyes widened in shock. Standing next to a pretty blonde and a mousy looking girl with brown hair, was Greg, who was staring at the mousy girl in awe. No! This was supposed to be her escape from school, the one place where she wouldn't have to deal with anyone from the hellhole everyone calls Winslow.

"Say hello to Lisa, Amy and Gregory."

Life was a horrible thing. How could it get any worse?

"Oh hey Taylor!" Greg started waving from his spot near the front of the room, his greasy hair shaking. Life just got a whole lot worse.

"Ok everyone. Today we are going to divide up into groups tournament style." Everyone faced Sensei Tommy as they sat on the floor, the new guys plus Greg still standing near the front. Oh no, Taylor hated these days. She didn't know anyone here. Perhaps sensing the awkwardness in the room, Sensei let out a small laugh. "Don't worry. I'll be assigning the groups so no one gets left out."

"Jason, Trini, Zack, Kimberly, Billy and Rocky will be the first group." That was the popular group. Sensei Tommy always made sure to place them together since they actually went to tournaments. Taylor was torn out of her thoughts when she heard her name. "Hmm. Taylor, could you work with our new members? Show them the basics and all that."

"Sure…" Taylor said after a second to think. She couldn't exactly say no in front of the entire class. Greg was going to be a pain in the ass to deal with, and hopefully the other two weren't as bad as the Trio and their cronies.

"Great! Now everyone get into your groups and begin. I'll be here if anyone needs help."

This was going to be so awkward.

You thought you were getting Power Rangers in the first chapter? You thought wrong. They'll come in the next chapter. Coming up with the line up took a lot of thinking, but I'm semi-satisfied by it. I just need one more person.
What are your thoughts? Does it need more cheese?
What do you think will happen? I hope everyone enjoys!
Discount bootleg tinker power rangers when the Power Rangers were already discount bootleg Sentai? Hah! A fine comedy author continue! It amuse me.
Ooooooh, this looks fun. Watched. I'm not too familiar with power rangers, so I don't know exactly whats going on, but this looks fun
"Taylor right?" The girl Tommy introduced as Amy said as they gathered around me. Greg was in the middle of a rant as he kept staring at her in awe for some reason. They just ignored him, it was for the best. Greg's greasy blonde hair seemed even greasier with the lighting in the room, or maybe that was just Taylor's glasses fogging up her vision. She hated whenever that happened.

"Yup." We were seated near the back away from the other groups who had already started sparring. "Amy and Lisa right?"

The blonde girl simply flashed me a grin. "You got it." Lisa and Amy were both dressed in expensive looking workout clothes, the exact opposite of Taylor's black hoodie and cheap jogging pants. Greg finally seemed to run out of breath, his face red as he took deep breaths.

"Sensei Tommy usually asks a few questions before starting with the basic forms. Would that be alright with the three of you?" Taylor asked as she quickly wiped her fogged up glasses. This was so embarrassing! The brown haired girl did seem a bit familiar though. She was probably one of the many students at Winslow that never even noticed Taylor's existence unless Emma was doing one of her many 'plans'.

"Sure." The two girls, and Greg, answered.

"Great." Taylor placed her glasses back on her face. "Why do you want to learn karate?"

"Oh! Oh! Pick me! I wanna go first!" Greg's arm shot into the air like he was in school. Lisa and Amy's eyes suggested letting him go first.

"Go ahea-"

"Last week I saw this TV show that's actually a sequel to an old karate movie from the eighties where the bad guy is now the good guy and the good guy is now the bad guy…" Greg started to ramble on about the karate show. Taylor had learned a long time ago that when Greg got started, you must learn how to drown him out. Lisa and Amy actually seemed to pay attention, though Lisa's face soon turned into a grimace. Eventually, Greg's rant soon came to an end judging by how red his face turned. "...and that is why I believe that Johnny Lawrence is actually a cape and is actually Hero in disguise."

What. This was a statement of course and definitely not a question, classic Greg. Rubbing the bridge of her nose, Taylor sighed.

"Thank you Greg. Which one of you would like to go next?" Taylor turned her attention back to the blonde and brunette.

Lisa simply shrugged her shoulders. "One of my acquaintances taught me a few moves, but I figured actual classes would help me keep in shape." She gave Taylor a wink. Now it was Amy's turn.

"My sister thinks that I should learn some self defense because, uh, well I suppose you all know. And I don't want to spend money on an actual trainer." Amy grumbled. Uh, no, Taylor did not know. Lisa stared at Taylor before turning back to Amy. Greg stared in awe as soon as Amy mentioned her sister.

Then, she erupted into laughter. "Oh my God! You don't know?" Lisa giggled. Taylor's face remained blank, although she did turn a bit red. What was she talking about?


"She's Panacea." Lisa said simply.


"And Glory Girl's not as hot sister." Greg added.

Damn it Greg!

"A-Anyways. If you guys have any questions, feel free to let me know." Taylor said slowly.

Greg immediately raised his hand, his blue eyes bursting with excitement.

"Yes Greg?" Taylor sighed. This was going to be a long day.

"When do I get to kick butt?"

A very long day indeed.

After the rather unnecessary comments that Greg added, Taylor started showing them how to perform the basic forms. Heh, that kind of rhymed if you thought about it. Lisa seemed to really catch on quickly, though Greg and Amy seemed to struggle quite a bit.

"Straighten your back and your arm." Taylor adjusted Greg's stance by softly moving his arm. Greg seemed to blush, most likely because this was the first time a girl willingly touched him, aside from his Mom. Was this a cruel thought to think? Perhaps, but no one bothering to help Taylor at school was cruel. No one acting or bothering to speak up while her life was a living hell was cruel. Taylor didn't owe Greg anything. She was only doing this because Tommy asked.

"Hya!" Greg started performing the kata loudly. He was actually doing a pretty good job. Then he attempted doing a crane pose and fell over with a thud. Now that got a laugh out of Taylor. Amy started laughing as well seeing how he fell over in slow motion.

"Don't be stereotypical Greg. It's not a pretty picture." Taylor giggled.

"Sweep the leg." Greg groaned as he slowly got back up again. He was about to attempt another try at the kata alongside Amy, when shouts started coming from the hallway.

"What's going on out there?" Sensei Tommy left the group with the popular kids and made his way towards the door. Just as he was about to reach the door, it exploded, sending him flying backwards.



Screams and shouting filled the air as several men with guns came barging in. The others tried fighting back as Trini and Kimberely ran to Tommy side, but they were soon overwhelmed by superior numbers.

"Taylor...I don't feel so well." Greg mumbled as he grabbed his head. Speaking of which, Amy and Lisa also grabbed their own heads falling to their knees. Suddenly, pain struck Taylor's forehead.

Then, Taylor felt like she was flying and being torn apart all at once. Eventually, the pain went away and she was standing in a room that looked like a Tinker from the Nineties had created.

"My head…" Lisa mumbled as she held her head still.

"Greetings." Said a loud and powerful voice. Quickly looking up, Taylor's eyes met the holographic ones of a big blue floating head.

"I am Zordon."

For those who are worried about Greg, don't worry. There's this thing called character development.
I still cant decide on the Zords.
For those who are worried about Greg, don't worry. There's this thing called character development
The development of Greg's character was very in question. The question was long you would take to develop it.
As for the Zords, give Taylor a red beetle. She can call it Atlas. As for the others. Lisa gets a blue dolphin for her smart. Amy gets a black bear because mama bear if you want to go that direction. And Greg, giving him a white wolf to his future potential. I hope you find this helpful.
And? America has always had the problem of turning all the Sentai mechs into animals or half intelligences. Dino thunder was the worst example of it. The Original japanese had them more defined as characters.
I should have known that would turn into America is horrible. If Power Rangers followed the Sentai originals, they probably would have been about the Zords and not the humans. The Sentai originals sound like they are about 'Iron Giants' who take their human companions into battle with them.
Fully intelligent dinosaur mechas in Dino Thunder probably would have each episode a double length two-parter.

You should also consider that it was remarkably difficult to find Super Sentai on Youtube back when Power Rangers episodes were easily accessible.
The Sentai Mechs often had their own personalities and Japan always found a way to balance both sides and gave both equal Characterizations here is the Dragozord aka Bakuryuu Topgaler in the original he was far more powerful than Dragozord his top wingspeed clocking at MACH 20 his wings with a single flap could destroy entire buildings and if they had the budget for it. Topgaler would very likely pull a monsterverse Rodan.

The Dino Minder is the 'Morpher' of Abarekiller a prototype of the Morphers of the Sentai of that time. It could absorb energy from enemies to further empower itself and at the end of the series it had absorbed so much energy it could wipe out Tokyo in one explosion hence why Topgaler took Mikoto to space.
You know I don't even remember if I ever did watch a Power Rangers show but i do know vaguely what its all about so this is interesting.

Is it ever explained why Zordon wants "overbearing and overemotional humans" as users for his weird but powerful devices? like in the canon material of Power Rangers?
You know I don't even remember if I ever did watch a Power Rangers show but i do know vaguely what its all about so this is interesting.

Is it ever explained why Zordon wants "overbearing and overemotional humans" as users for his weird but powerful devices? like in the canon material of Power Rangers?
Closest we really get is in Turbo, when him and Dimitria say all rangers are supposed to pass on the powers around 18. They say "As each ranger reaches your stage of life, it is our duty to set them free." It was right after highschool grad, so you decide on what that means.

Teenagers like rebelling, but don't really know what questions to ask. Teenagers have less broken bodies and minds, so are willing/able to fight aliens. Teenagers have no real responsibility compared to an adult. 10'000 years ago (even a few hundrew) 13 was an adult. So maybe Zordon never changed with times and thinks he's choosing young adults.

I'm opposite side of coin, I have no idea what Worm really is beyond the superficial. First crossover that has made me interested enough to check it out. (I thought it was wildforce Taylor at first)

And? America has always had the problem of turning all the Sentai mechs into animals or half intelligences. Dino thunder was the worst example of it. The Original japanese had them more defined as characters.
Writing a team of rangers/heroes is already hard. Doubling the cast for sentient zords is a way bigger deal in writing than a show.
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Concerning the Zords, is there any particular theme that you want?

Taylor seems to be the clear pick for leader of the group, so you could go with an arthropod theme. Give Taylor a beetle or bee/wasp Zord, Lisa gets an ant or termite (colonies do a lot when it comes to exchanging and relaying information), Amy could get a spider (being the arthropods which shapes stuff the most), and Greg could have pretty much anything that goes through heavy metamorphosis, like a dragonfly, butterfly/moth, etc.
Taylor gets a spider, Amy a beetle, and Lisa's always got to be the Queen Bee. Greg's obviously just a caterpillar at the moment. If a fifth joins later, they get the hard-working ant.

Since the Green Ranger rises from the sea it mean there gets to be a GIANT ENEMY CRAB!