Portals to post apocalyptic universes appear in OTL

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the premise is that some portals open up in our otl earth those portals lead to fictional apocalyptic unverses those portals a big enough to build a highway or road to pass through those portals open in diffrent locations arround the world
wierd history
What if several portals connecting to fictional post apocalyptic universes appeared in otl?

Assume the portal is large enough to build a highway through it and that they open up to the same location in that Universe.

Note the dates in each universe will be the same as ours. Meaning the events of the books or movies they occurred in may have been decades ago or several years into the future.

At the same time they could be occurring thousands of KMs away. So the portal won't affect affect the plot. What will the world do with these portals? All humans in OTL are immune to the killer diseases in the post plague worlds. At the same time all tech now works in the Emberverse.

The year shown is the year the piece of fiction was first released in otl.



  1. Sydney- I am legend (2007)
  2. Auckland- Threads(1984)
1. Cairo -Terminator
2. Lagos - the stand (1978)


  1. London- World War III (1998).
  2. Paris - Emberverse ( 2004)

  1. japan - Last of Us (2023 HBO tv series)
  2. South korea - Planet of the apes(Reboot)

North America

  1. New York City - The Walking Dead (2010)
  2. Mexico City - R-evolution (2012)
South America

  1. São Paulo -Earth Abides(1949)
  2. Buenos Aires- Sweet tooth (2021)
Threads is a population 40 years after nuclear war. It's a more realistic take, and assumes that some parts of the world were more or less spared. The British public was reduced to a medieval level, but other parts of the world have most assuredly survived and thrived.

40 years on, I'd assume there's a neo-colonial movement to occupy the devastated regions and extract labor from the people still living there. That would be The USA, Britain, most of Europe, and western Russia and the majority of the Soviet Union.

On breaching the portal we'd most likely encounter a defensive burgeoning naval power, potentially just a vassal of Australia. New Zealand is a pretty self sufficient place.

I am legend portrays the Darkseekers as intelligent, if inhuman. I can't see them becoming a nation state, but I'd expect them to be tool using tribals living in the ruins 17 years on. The book is much more blatant, but that's not what we're working from. There's no telling how other parts of the world reacted, but the movie suggests that the retrovirus is airborne, but dies rapidly in or near freezing temperatures.

Terminator is too unstable to make any blanket statements about. 2024 might be a year before SkyNet, or it might have already destroyed the resistance and forced the resistance to use time travel. It seems like SkyNet or a replacement is doomed to occur, with every iteration and use of time travel pushing it back a few more years. If that's an abstraction of the Alignment or Super-Alignment problem, they'll probably solve it at some point. One iteration must eventually be the last, either because it solves the problem, or pushes the failure point back far enough for native people to solve it.

That means that Cairo will have either a political issue, or a military issue in defending their new border. If we assume SkyNet is working under the Plague rules, then it's likely fine long term. If not, we'll need to ramp up our cybersecurity to keep SkyNet out of our systems.

The Stand introduces Dark Tower metaphysics which is a mess that I don't feel like addressing right now. Plus it's nearly 50 years on from the plague, and the plague isn't getting to cross over. Likely medieval, with the potential for some Low-Mid fantasy stuff depending on Shine nonsense.

I'm tired poke this if you want more.
  1. Sydney- I am legend (2007): Extreme biohazard, as the Darkseekers only retain enought intelligence to be primitive hunters. Cleaning and reuse of this world is possible but not a priority.
  2. Auckland- Threads (1984): The world was devastated by nuclear war, but it was 40 years ago. There has undoubtedly been some restoration since then, but this world is most probably still poorer than ours. Mutually beneficial contact is possible.
  3. Cairo -Terminator: Unstable timeline, but but all versions contain technologies of incredible value (If replicable in our physics) - and danger. Mutually beneficial contact is possible, but dangerous regardless of the timeline.
  4. Lagos - The Stand (1978): A world of alien metaphysics. The consequences of contact cannot be calculated!
  5. London- World War III (1998): The state of the world is about the same as in the Threads (2), but less devastated. Mutually beneficial contact is possible.
  6. Paris - Emberverse ( 2004): A world of alien (meta?) physics. Compared to the world of The Stand (4) contains nothing of value regarding new knowledge. The consequences of contact cannot be calculated!
  7. Japan - Last of Us (2023 HBO tv series): Extreme biohazard, as the Infected only retain enought intelligence to be pack predators. Cleaning and reuse of this world is possible but not a priority.
  8. South korea - Planet of the apes (Reboot): Extreme biohazard, as the Simian Flu (roughly 2014) have virtualy 100% mortality rate. Cleaning and reuse of this world is possible but not a priority.
  9. New York City - The Walking Dead (2010): Extreme biohazard, Z-plague. Cleaning and reuse of this world is possible but not a priority.
  10. Mexico City - R-evolution (2012): About the same as Emberverse (6) but even worse because the world beyond is devastated not by blind force but by still active fanatics with nano-weapons. Any contact with them will be disasterous!
  11. São Paulo - Earth Abides (1949): The world was devastated by the plague, but that was almost a century ago. Mutually beneficial contact is possible.
  12. Buenos Aires- Sweet tooth (2021): Extreme biohazard, but not as extreme as in other cases. Mutually beneficial contact is possible but the furries...
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