Portal connect Warhammer Fantasy to Witcher world

Bangkok, Thailand
What will happen if a portal connect Warhammer fantasy to Witcher world?

Warhammer old world

Witcher world

The portal on warhammer side open in sea of claw specifically between couronne and Wasterland.
The portal on witcher side is situate between Skellige Island and Cintra.
The portal on both side is 20 Km wide and 5 Km tall.

The time of the event on warhammer side is 1 year into Karl Franz reign, and for the witcher side it is at the start of the first witcher game.

Lets say that wind of magic will flow through the portal so that warhammer mage can still use their magic. And vice versa the Witcher mage can still use their magic when they go to the other side of the portal.

How will Empire of Man and Bretonnia react to this sudden developement?

How will the Nilfgaardian Empire and Northern Kingdoms react to the event?

How would each faction interact with each other?

What would the elf from witcher do knowing that there are race similiar to them on the other side of the portal with powerful kingdom of their own?

This thread will be less about Vs and more about discussing how various power interact with each other and how the event effect the future story of both franchise.
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I don't know much of the Witcher series but I can say one thing. The witchers would see a boom in business.