Pokemon mystery is on the map not in the dungeon(Pokemon Mystery Dungeon SI)

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"Wake up..."

My mind slowly became clear.

"Wake up ..."

Something was off about the situation...
"Wake up..."

My mind slowly became clear.

"Wake up ..."

Something was off about the situation I was in.

It may have been the strange voice of someone unknown, or the fact that I was floating in a strange landscape of changing colors and unreal appearance,no, definitely the changing colours.

"I welcome you..."

The voice that had previously sounded distant seemed to come closer and more definite, its tone changed constantly.

"To the world of pokemon "

"What..."my voice sounded weird , breaking the silence that surrounded me.

Looking better at the shifting colours I recognized what appeared to be the pokémon mystery dungeon intro. My drowsy mind tried to understand what was happening without much success (although it would not have changed much if I were more awake) and for a moment I entertained the idea that this was only a dream.

"This is not a dream if that's what you're thinking, or at least not exactly"

Although these words were not good evidence to know if you are in a dream , hearing the voice next to my ear without warning was quite useful for that purpose.

"Well, I've brought you here for a reason.".

I started to ponder my options, I had no idea what was happening, I considered the possibility that it was all a joke or something, but a look at my surroundings was enough to eliminate any doubts, at some point you have to accept that you have no idea of what is happening, I don't want to be a flat earth atheist (tvtropes will ruin your vocabulary).

"I need..." the voice sounded like it was talking from far away.

"Your help..." It said in a whisper.

"And we don't have a lot of time...".

"The forces of evil will soon put the balance of this world in danger".

"And only you can save it ".

This is getting more cliche by moments.

"Will you help me?" It said in a pleading tone"

Between the situation and that it's much easier to believe someone than to distrust them for a moment I was inclined to listen and do everything it said. But then I realized that I had no reason to believe what the voice was telling me so I made an effort to doubt it, and decided to try to get some information. Even if it turned out that the world was in danger ,at least it could answer some questions..

"Wait a moment, who you are?, where I am?, how I got here? , what is happening ?"

"There is no time to answer your questions " It said conveying a sense of urgency "

You must find the augur in sunset canyon..."

Wait that means that there may be prophecies ... really ... prophecies.

Something is bothering me in all of this.

"..."I kept quiet without knowing what to say.

"I sense that you have doubts," said the voice, changing completely its tone.

" Is not that I want to reject the call of the hero, "I said, after which I stop for a moment to think before elaborating .

"If it was simply saving people, even risking my life, I suppose I wouldn't be doubting so much, I am not the most altruistic person in the world but I will not easily let large numbers of people die if I can do something about it. The thing is ... I know nothing about the world that I supposedly have to save and above all ... how to say it ...".

"You do not know if you can trust me "The voice completed my phrase, now very different to how it had sounded before.

"Exactly".I said .

"To tell you the truth this is not going at all as I expected"it said.

This time the voice sounded more distant, and somehow almost familiar.

"The others listened to me much more easily, but something tells me that it will be more difficult with you ".

So I'm not the only person the voice has talked to, or the voice wants me to believe that for some reason.

I wonder who the others are ( assuming they exist) apparently either they weren't as paranoid as me or they were even more paranoid and pretended to listen.

"Well the question is how to convince you now".

"That we have a limited amount of time is true, although not as much as I implied before".

"And I guess you now distrust me and you see me as an enemy"the voice said with a tone of resignation.

" I suppose I do distrust you but I don't think you are necessarily an enemy , I haven't ruled out you can being an ally or at least us having aligned interests, if there really is so much at stake I understand that you can have reasonable motives to try to manipulate me, although in that case you should have left the conversation before, I would have ended up going there if only to find out what is going on ".

But not before checking if it's not a trap obviously , one can't ever be paranoid enough.

" Ah... So I could have convinced you that way .." listening that , I realised my error .

I shouldn't have said that.

There were many ways in which telling the voice how he could have convinced me to go where he said could end up being a big mistake, like that it could help him manipulate me or others in the future, or that he could be erasing my memory to try to convince me , and many other situations that I hadn't even thought about yet.

"If you have doubts , then the situation has changed , you really shouldn't go to the sunset canyon"the voice said.

"Are you using reverse psychology to get me to go there? " I said suspicious of his fast change of opinion.

"Maybe ... what do you think?"

Or maybe he's using reverse reverse psychology to prevent me from going now that I have suspicions.My curiosity will take me there or at least will make me want to investigate about that place, so that's probably what the voice wants .
In any case the best idea at this point would probably be to ignore everything he said and act as if he had not told me anything about that place but maybe the voice has good intentions and has a good reason to manipulate me. I'm also assuming a lot of things about the voice, which looks like human-level intelligence does not necessarily mean that it is, and even if it is its motives might be completely incomprehensible to me.
Although now that I think about it ,in that case I wouldn't be able to do anything about it,so it's better to assume that it is not a superintelligence capable of convincing me of whatever it wants.

"And could you just stop being so cryptic and just explain me something, for example where I am or why I'm here, that would help a lot in getting me to trust you "

"I guess that maybe I could tell you something, but I can´t answer those specific questions , I don't know where you are physically , since I have contacted your mind while you were unconscious, and about why you got here , I do not know either, I have my suspicions , but nothing that I can tell right now".

"Wait..., so this is some sort of mental projection or something like that , and I'm actually lying unconscious out there, and you don't even know where".

I stopped to think for a moment how something like that could work , my brain was clearly working normally so I should be awake .

"Don't worry about that, whatever sent you here seems to be interested in giving you a chance of surviving , you are more protected than it seems"

I was going to ask what did it mean by that ,but the voice continued without letting me speak.

"As for other things, there is not much that I can tell you, we have been here for a long time and we are attracting a lot of attention, so I do not know who could be listening, and what I am doing to contact you has its limits so I should stop talking to you " the voice said . "Soon if everything goes well I will contact you in your dreams again, and I suggest that next time you think better the questions you want to ask me ".

"Wait!"My own voice rose, sounding much louder than I expected ,as if the sound adapted to my feeling of urgency,(which makes sense given that I was in a weird dream thing , I should have tried manipulating it with my mind before) .

"You haven't explained anything to me yet" I said, even though I knew it was too late.

And you could have explained a lot of basic things about this world that doesn't matter if someone overhears. I wanted to say, but I wasn't able to keep talking.

The scene gradually disappeared, and gave way to a huge sensation of drowsiness, as if I had lost many hours of sleep, and then my mind returned to its previous state of unconsciousness .
After that I can only remember that I had a weird dream where I turned into a Pokemon .

Some time after me falling unconscious, although I could not find out exactly how much ,I woke up.

This time my reaction was much faster , but I couldn't see the place where I had woken up , because in a few moments everything around me faded for a moment and I found myself in a completely different place.

Apparently I had just been teleported to the clearing of a forest, and soon I realized that I wasn't alone in that place.
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I started writing this story in spanish in ff . net but I realized I wasn't going to ever get feedback there , so I decided to start translating it (and change some things) and post it here.
I don't have a lot of experience writing , and not being a native English speaker can make me not realize that some phrasing or expression sounds weird, or that I made some gramatical mistakes, so feel free to tell me if I did something horribly wrong , or if you have any writing advice.
About the story , this doesn't actually take pace in the universe of the games , I'm trying to make pokemon world that is as self consistent as possible and more or less vaguely resembles its canon counterpart, things like rock paper scissors of elemental resistances and weaknesses still remains mostly the same(with a few exceptions ) but have an actual magic system with rules behind it (more or less , I'm still trying to make the weirder things in canon make sense ,and there is a lot of worldbuiding to be done ), a lot of moves works diffidently than in canon(especially because Pokemon games don't go into detail in how things works , and I'm mostly ignoring the anime ) etc.

The mc in mystery dungeon games is generally from the main series Pokemon world(with the exception of the explorers game protagonist , who is somehow from the same world , even if we don't see any other human ) , as evidenced by the fact that he or she isn't surprised by the fact Pokemon exist .But here the protagonist is a SI with knowledge of the Pokemon videogames .

The si will have to learn to survive in this new world where everyone is more resistant than him(including certain specific tree saplings) , discover why is he here , who is the mysterious voice that contacts him in his dreams and figure out how things works to munchkin everything he can get his hands on(sometimes succeeding sometimes failing , mostly failing).

Future chapters will be posted here soon , but don't expect fast updates after the first 6 or 7 ones.
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Chapter 2 Raiki.
I was a bit busy these two weeks whith exams , so i couldn't continue writing , but now that I'm free here is the next chapter:

Chapter 2 Raiki

The path trough the forest was really quiet and whith no sign of life.

Breaking that calm a Pikachu passes by the road, walking on two legs while carefully observing its surroundings, while carrying an old looking brown bag full of burns and patches whith a band of the same color passing over her shoulder. An equally worn red scarf whith some symbols on it surrounds her neck. Her name is Raiki.

Raiki continued her path with one of her front paws in the bag, ready to quickly get something out of it if necessary, having memorized beforehand where she put all her items.

This area seems very quiet, I expected the outside to be more ... I don't know ... interesting or something? - Raiki mumbled.

The silence and stillness of the forest were the only response .

I guess the dungeon will be more interesting (and dangerous).

Raiki stopped for a moment to contemplate herssurroundings calmly, the part of the forest in which he was was a winding dirt path surrounded by trees that grew chaotically around it
mostly without trespassing the imaginary limits imposed by the needs of the population of the nearby village, although some bushes and saplings had started to grow in the path since people no longer came here.

Well, I just left the borders of Gem , I can not judge all the outside just because nothing happens right after leaving home, this forest is not exactly the wildest and furthest from civilization place in the world .

Raiki continuó caminando sumida en sus pensamientos.

Maybe I should have come here before , instead of directly going to the dungeon .
Although since its a low level dungeon its probably safer to be inside it than here .

After a while , a sudden movement between the trees surprised her.

Raiki prepared herself to face whatever was approaching , feeling a mixture of worry and expectation, while slowly the sounds among the vegetation came closer untill a bush opened to reveal ....
A wild metapod.

The metapod was also surprised when it saw Raiki , and fleed in fear .

Raiki sighed.

Apparently the magical creatures in the area have learnt to stay away from the Pokemon .I should relax a bit, I doubt I will find anything dangerous around here.
And after all this is an adventure right , I shouldn't be worried all the time .

After a while Raiki looked at her bag for a moment.It had been a gift from her parents and once belonged to her grandfather. Raiki hadn't heard of her grandfather until then and had been surprised to learn that he had been an explorer. He would have liked to have known him, but he had died years ago.

Trying to think of something else Raiki opened the bag to check for the umpteenth time had not left anything.
The way in which the bag could compress objccts in a ball of light and store them into the small pockets inside still surprised Raiki, weeks after she started using it.

Bags like that were very difficult to obtain, given that until recently it was not possible to manufacture them so most come from the remains of human cities. Recently some organizations had discovered(meaning they bough the secret from a runesmith ) how to make bags that used runes and the mysterious energy of dungeons to obtain a similar result. In the sinjoh region the three large groups that mostly controlled the region (the explorer's federation, the rescuers' association and the kecleon merchants' league) maintained secretly the method to manufacture them and over the years had also accumulated all the bags of human origin that they had been able to find thus securing the monopoly. Specifically, the federation gave bags to their new members, which was one of the many incentives to join them that had ensured that bit by bit the teams of explorers joined them until most of them belonged to the organization. And that's how Raiki supposed that her grandfather got the bag.

She started to enumerate the things she had .

"A reviver seed , 5 orange berries, petrify orb , message orb , heal seed , a blast seed , persim berry , a gravelerock, several food rations and some money in case I end up in calm city.
"said Raiki mumbling

I think that 's it , everything is here. Raiki put everything back in the bag .

The bag had a lot of limitations on which things it could store in the diminishing pockets ,though, no like the new ones that could store anything, though in
her opinion , not having to recharge it in dungueons was a big advantage.

Well, focusing on the positive, I'll soon reach eternal city and see the human ruins below and I'm sure Enigne has repaired many new human artifacts since he moved there.
I'm realy looking forward to seeing them. Raiki continued on her way, her imagination filled with the wonders that awaited her in the ruins and that made her human technology nerd heart shudder with emotion just by thinking about it.

With the excitement overruling the nervousness and caution of before Raiki did not realize that there was a rattata until the wild pokemon had gotten too close.
The rattata reacted to her unknowing approach by attacking suddenly, its body began to glow slightly and Raiki jumped sideways to try to avoid the attack but the rattata touched her sligtly which was enough to transmit some the concussive force generated by the energy of the rattata , pushing her one meter back.
Raiki got up without too much trouble and managed to concentrate, her red cheeks began to glow yellow and produce electricity. The rattata observed the electric-type energy link that connected it to Raiki before the electricity ran through it and began to move at that moment to avoid it, but Raiki had already predicted that the rattata would dodge to this side and responded by adjusting the power of its movement to reach it.

A filament of air was ionized for a few moments towards the ratatta following the pattern of yellow brightness with zigzag cartoony lightning shape that united the two pokemons, allowing the electricity that Raiki's body was generating to reach its objective.

The rattata shook vigorously as the discharge ran through it.

After a moment the wild pokemon collapsed and the tenuous aura that surrounded it ( that would be invisible to human eyes but perfectly visible to Raiki) disappeared, indicating along with other signs that it could not continue fighting much more and the following damages he received could cause serious injury .

The rattata spent its remaining forces fleeing in terror into the forest until it collapsed, falling weakened while most of it's energy reserves were spent to protect it while it was recovering, including those needed to remain conscious during the process.

After a moment Raiki felt that a small portion of the energy left by the wild pokemon was incorporated into hers.

It seems that rattata was no match for me. Raiki thought after checking that there were no more in the vicinity.

Winning feels good even if it's just an incredibly weak magical creature.

Although it is rare to find something so weak out of the dungeon, one would think that the magical creatures really would be stronger, at least she expected one that had fought at least once, but no , this rattata seemed like it was new at
I wonder if it was really young , or if I just lived all it's life without fighting almost anything , in people that's not that strange ,(although they usually get some power whith seeds anyway), but in wild pokemon it is.

I guess almost all the magical creatures in the area are gone, attracted by stronger dungeons or places with high level pokemon . This has been one of the most worn out dungeons of the region for a long time so it makes sense the only remaining ones are those that were not strong enough to defend themselves anywhere .

Feeling full of confidence after the encounter, Raiki continued along the road, until she saw how the path gave way to a small area without trees that ended in a large rock formation, whose appearance was too smooth and regular to be natural that betrayed that it was a dungeon, despite the lack of strange shapes that one used to find in other dungeons.
Most details on its surface had been disappearing for the past 100 years as the countless hordes of Pokemon teams explored it spent its energy little by little.

As Raiki entered the forest clearing a flash of light blinded her momentarily.

When she could open his eyes, Raiki quickly realized that something had appeared in the middle of the clearing.Something that she had not seen in her life, but that after seeing images and hearing descriptions over the years, she could recognize as a human.
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Chapter3:The aventure begins
Chapter 3 :The adventure begins

I was in a small, flat, semicircular forest clearing ,filled with grass except for a few rocks, that ended in a strange rock formation of square and unreal aspect.
It had as its only opening an entrance slightly larger than myself shaped in a way that almost looked like a big door.

After a moment observing my surroundings I saw something that I should have expected after the conversation before, but since I hadn't fully assimilated what happened before it still surprised me.

"A human!?" exclaimed the pikachu in front of me in a tone between surprise and disbelief.

"A Pikachu!?" I said almost at the same time.

The two of us waited a while looking at each other without knowing what to say , not knowing what to do now that what belonged to the realm of stories and imagination was now in from of us.

The pikachu had more or less the aspect you would expect from the games, its fur made of really small hair that gave the impression that it was a smooth surface and its tail was heart shaped .
For her humans were something that belonged to the distant past, and the idea of humans existing wasen't that implausible from her perspective ,so after initial shock she was able to gather the courage to start talking.

"Hello, what's your name? My name is Raiki"


I should say something.
I don't know exactly what but something.

I thought about the situation .
Lets see ,first, I just appeared in a forest after a strange conversation and now I'm talking to what looks like a pikachu that seems to speak english (which does not necessarily mean its actually speaking English) )wich means its at least roughly as smart as an human , or weirdly optimized for talking . I tried to think reasonable hypotheses and failed .

Okay I recognize that removing useless and unfalsificable for now hypotheses(like me being a simulation ,or crazy in a really weird way) I have no idea how this could have happened , so the universe must work really differently than how I thought.
Between the talk of before and the pikachu I would say that I am in what seems like a world similar to Pokemon mystery dungeon.
I keep working, so physics should more or less work the same at the macroscopic level(unless I now work really differently ), nothing should have changed so munch in everything that makes me work correctly , even if there was something horribly wrong in my previous model of the universe that way in which the existence of at least Pokemon, and who knows what else things like, prophecies, time travel, pokeballs, telepathy ...

I began to feel emotionally the fact that all I knew could be false with much more probability that before while Raiki was deciding between saying something else or waiting for me to say something.

Well the question now is what to do next , if this was a pmd video game Raiki would be my companion(unless I take into account mega mistery dungueon ) so if this was Pm i should go whith her .
But being genre savvy only works if the universe follows narrative convection in the first place, and even if that is now more probable i don't want to base my decisions on that right now , even if the universe did work like that trying to be genre savvy is dangerous , you can end up the wrong genre savvy "idiot" that dies first ,and its not like the universe following certain narrative tropes makes sense if you are the one living the story instead of reading it barring the world being a really specific kind of simulation.

My thoughts were interrupted by a sound among the bushes and trees bordering the clearing .

While I had just noticed it Raiki was already ready to fight, some small electric arcs began to come out of her cheeks and her gaze was fixed on the bushes.

A lot of rattata came out of the trees surrounding us in all directions , our only escape route was going towards a strangely shaped cave that occupied the other half of the clearing.

The rattata began to approach us threateningly, their behavior very different from Raiki's, more like a wild animal than a person.

"Wild rattatas!" exclaimed Raiki with surprise showing in her face , apparently not expecting them to appear, and by her tone I could deduce that they were not exactly friendly (that and all the other evidence before me obviously).

Raiki observed our surroundings for a moment "It seems that we can only flee into the dungeon" I assumed that she was referring to the huge unreal-looking cave next to us and I started going towards it.

"Run!" she shouted after a few moments, after seeing the rattatas rush towards me.

My body started to produce adrenaline and I started running like I hadn't ever run before, however apparently this was not enough to leave them behind.

Raiki interposed himself between me and two of the rattatas that were approaching, apparently realizing or just remembering from some history my relative fragility compared to hers .

A ratatta changed its trajectory to hit her but luckily it was not able to hit her before she dodged, causing the wild pokemon to waste its energy .
The rattata hit the ground , which sounded like something bigger and heavier had hit it .

Another rattata attacked moments later knocking Raiki to the ground ,which a third rattata took advantage of to also hit her, sending Raiki flying with more force than would be expected of something of its size and density.

Raiki got up quickly and threw an electric shock that reached the two rattata completely leaving them unconscious.

anwhile I kept running as best I could, cursing all the weeks that had passed since the last time I had done any kind of physical exercise.

Five rattatas were already heading towards Raiki while more of them crossed the distance that separated us to join the fight.Taking advantage of the agglomeration of enemies Raiki began to generate electricity and a series of electric arcs extended between her and the rattata, reaching some of them and scaring the rest.

In another situation I would probably have noticed more details of Raiki's attack but at that moment I was not in a position to think about anything other than how to run away more efficiently.

Raiki's attack was not enough to defeat the rattata but it did stop them for a moment .
Two of the rattata moved away from the danger that Raiki represented to pursue the most defenseless member of the group, witch means me.

Taking advantage of my size I jumped over a rock hoping that the rattatas lost time to dodge the rock to give me hunting, which did not accomplish more than getting myself more tired because apparently the rattatas climb much better than I expected .

The rattatas moved faster than me so they were soon on the verge of reaching me . However ,one of them fell to the ground , small arcs of electricity running through his body suddenly leaving him on the floor convulsing, the other keept pursuing me, ,but when it seemed it was going to reach me it suddenly stopped ,looking really confused, like it didn't now where it was .
that gave me time to walk the few meters left to the entrance of the cave.

Once there, an impenetrable blackness prevented me from seeing what was beyond the entrance , which was strange because that side of the strange structure was facing the sun .

The rattata made me ignore this without thinking too much abou it , a decision that at another time I would have thought more tworougly .

Raiki followed me further behind , approaching the entrance to the cave while throwing discharges at the rattata.

So that's how it feels to be the npc of an escort mission. My thoughts were not very coherent at that time.

Wait a moment I'm making random references to video game tropes , is this just my normal self or is the universe working as if it were a fan fiction? , it could also be both I guess.

After a few moments I found myself in what would look like a normal cave, except for its its perfectly square shape .
Two more or less rectangular holes were the only exits .

The two seemed to be immersed in the same darkness I had seen from the other side, while in the room although there was not much light it was enough to see something after getting used to it a bit, which was strange taking into account that there was no apparent way the light could enter the room.

After a while Raiki appeared behind me, followed by several rattatas, maybe four or more, but it was difficult to know how many were in the dark. But Raiki's scarf began to shine, illuminating the room, and momentarily blinding me.

Raiki took advantage of the fact that the rattatas had also been surprised by the light and put one of its front legs in its bag, after a few moments it could take a greenish sphere with crystalline texture and translucent surface that showed the fractal patterns inside and almost too big to get out of the bag.

The orb reminded me of the game, and what happened next made me give more points in my mind to mental models more based on it , .

"Come near me ,fast "Raiki told me urgently.

Raiki grabbed the orb with both paws , approached me until she was touching me and seemed to concentrate a moment after which the sphere emitted a flash.
The rattatas became completely motionless, as if they had been petrified in place.

Raiki stopped to store the orb, which was now a darker color and the patterns that previously had inside it had disappeared.

"It wont last munch , and there are more of them coming towards here," she told me before starting to run again.

I didn't need more indications to understand that the plan was to keep running towards the interior of the cave, which I assumed would be something similar to a dungueon (although I was wondering to what extent and how the universe was going to bring the videogame mechanics to reality) .

We crossed the "door" to the next room together, Raiki moving slowly to avoid leaving me behind.

The passage from one room to another was very strange, and not only because of how disorienting crossing a piece of complete darkness to suddenly reach the other side felt , several things indicated there was something else going on : a small sense of disorientation, a small gap between rooms, the feeling of taking a step into the void before suddenly finding ground and the air seemed more stale than before.

The door had taken us to another similar area, although this time much larger, full of rocks, stalactites, stalagmites and multiple slopes, but keeping the same perfectly rectangular shape.

Something in the way we went from one room to another was very strange , ... realizing your confusion is the first step, but I guess I don't have time to investigate that now t.

Although it could be important.

I feel like I 'm being forced to go this way, without any choice, as if I were simply following a completely linear plot, and that makes me nervous.

"Don't just stand there, the rattata will reach us and there are too many to fight them all," said Raiki looking worried.

Despite the fact that the rest of my body complained to my brain about the abuse after weeks without doing too much exercise, I noded and continued to run next to her.

Something came out of the shadows to attack us, and Raiki began to cover her ears and scream as if a very loud noise was hurting her.

As it got closer, the light of the scarf revealed a zubat

The zubat must be using supersonic, and Raiki doesn't seem to be able to do anything right now, but I don't seem affected, isn't there anything I can do?

My options did not seem very encouraging but at least the zubat didn't seem to do anything apart from circling around us in the same pattern apparently using supersonic.

Raiki tried to attack the zubat with a sudden electric shock, but it failed because the zubat's attack was confusing her senses, the electric arc passed close to where I was frightening me, and causing Raiki to stop her attacks to avoid accidentally hitting me.

Striving to stay focused, the Pikachu tried to get something out of her bag without much success.

Wanting to be useful after being a dead weight all the way I went to help Raiki.

"The second pocket on the right" she said when he saw me approaching, when I got to her I saw that she was referring to the compartments that were inside the backpack, which seemed made of a very strange fabric with a strange metallic mechanism to close them, when trying to open the one that she had indicated something came out of it, a big yellowish-colored seed that was clearly too long to fit in that pocket.

The zubat did not seem to want to keep attacking since I had approached Raiki.

Although my curiosity was telling me imperatively to find out everything about that bag, I had no choice but to add it to my list of things to investigate later and look to Raiki to ask what to do whith the seed.

What do I do with this?" I said urgently.

"It's a healing seed, bring it to my mouth please," she replied while staggering.

I did as he said and she bit the seed,after a few moments she stopped wobbling , and went towards the zubat with anger showing in her face.

An electric arc traveled the distance between them, bringing down the zubat, which after convulsing on the ground a moment before vanishing as if it had never existed.

"It seems that it was only a creation of the dungeon, I guess there are not many real zubats left around here "Raiki said as if it was something completely normal, before seeing my face of surprise.
"We'll talk later, we've almost reached a safe area. "She seemed to think carefully about whether to do something or not, before taking another red seed from his backpack.
"But first take this, it's a seed bomb, if something like this happens again throw it in the general direction of the zubat , you'll probably fail but at least you'll scare it if it's a real zubat, which is the most dangerous"
"Though I'm not sure if humans can actually use it , it might not work if you don't actually hit the zubat"added Raiki remembering that according to the stories most humans didn't actually have any kind of elemental energy .

We went towards the next door had several turns while rocks, walls and other obstacles that we couldn't cross.

This doesn't look much like the dungeons of the game.
I guess can't take the game as a complete guide to this world, if I start to always assume that, I will start to find even more resemblances whith the game everywhere because of confirmation bias and could ignore important information, or not realize my confusion about something.

After a while several sounds indicated us that there were more zubat near us.

Two of them came out of the darkness at the same time and tried to attack Raiki but were not agile enough to hit her and failed in their attempt, after which Raiki attacked, this time I could see how electric arcs appeared through the air towards the zubat in a curve not entirely natural , as if they were following a pre-established path. The zubat were defeated by lightning, and vanished without further ado, however we still heard the flapping of a third zubat somewhere near us.

"That must be a real zubat , the real ones do not attack so easily, if we are careful we may be ignored after seeing what happened to the fake ones, unless there is a nest here nearby, in which case a single zubat attacking us is going to be the least of our problems "Raiki told me trying not to raise her voice.

We continued silently through the darkness that our light source left around us, but we came across a wall and we realized that the only place we could follow was precisely where the zubat was.

Advancing carefully we headed towards the exit trying to avoid the zubat, without much success, since after a few moments the zubat rushed towards us.

Startled I threw the seed in its direction, hitting the zubat , more because of my luck than my skill after which the seed activated releasing a ball of fire that
knocked down the zubat.
While a normal bat wouldn't have survived that the pokémon was only left lying on the ground, full of burns , but alive, as if the flames had barely touched it.

"Leave it, I don't think it's going to get up in a while, but it's okay, I did't know that humans were so good at throwing things, that explains some things "said Raiki

Glad I did't accidentally kill something of unknown intelligence (as much as it did't seem sapient is better not to assume things in these cases, also I wasn't completely fine with just killing animals unnecessarily, even in self defense, or sure about the morality of it) I followed Raiki to the next area of the cave, crossing again the strange threshold between rooms.

The new room was a small, square room similar to the one at the beginning, there was no zubat in it, however Raiki seemed uneasy.

"I think we can rest here, although it is rare that the safe room is so close to the entrance and there should be some stairs around here"

"The rattatas in principle should't go so far into the dungeon so we will be safe, although they were behaving very strangely"

"Won't the zubat come here?" I asked worriedly.

"No, the creations of the dugueon do not leave their rooms and the real zubat who live here avoid this area as much as possible, although they do go through it sometimes "

"That's why it would be better if we found the stairs, but since they don't seem to be where they should be, we'll have to settle for staying here and staying alert "

We sat on the floor near the next door.
Now that I could look more closely at Raiki I noticed that she had several wounds and bruises, probably from when she received two attacks from the rattata.

After a while Raiki's voice broke the silence.

"Well I think there are several things we have to talk about" said Raiki

"Yes ... I guess" I answered wondering how much I could trust in the pikachu.
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