Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Speed

Jhin Lemon

Lawful Cute
Trapped in the interwebs, please send help
Various users of Sufficient Velocity were browsing on their phone/laptop/computer/etc when they noticed a strange icon on their home screens. It seemed to resemble a pokeball, much like the Pokemon Go app, but there was something...off about it, they couldn't quite put their fingers on it though. There was no form of name or description for the app either, and it was definitely not something they could remember installing themselves. After a few tense seconds of staring and wondering at the mystery-app, it opened. The device's screen turned black, as the world around it began to fade from view. The last image seen before blacking out was the flash of the word 'Help'.

"Hey!" A distant voice murmurs.

"Wake up!" A closer voice says.

"What are you guys doing!?" A voice yells.

"Get up!" Ten pairs of eyes open at that moment. Those eyes belong to a Ralts, Nidoran, albino Vulpix, Charmander, Mimikyu, Goomy, Zorua, Hawlucha, Larvitar, and Paras, all laying in an open field near a cave. Of those twenty eyes, few were likely displaying calm at that moment. Those twenty eyes see a Yanma fluttering around, a Venipede staring, a Carvanha somehow upright on land, and an annoyed looking Torchic.

"Why would you all take a group nap right next to a dungeon of wild pokemon?!" it asks angrily. Or...you think it does, you could swear all it's saying is "Torchic" in various ways, but that's the message you got.
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@Jhin Lemon @UbeOne @Dancelord @Sinsystems @RexHeller @ForgottonFuture @Semi-Autogyro @SteelWriter77 @~NGD OMEGA~ (OOC: IC is up. GM just forgot to tag us
"Hey!" A distant voice murmurs.
What.... I just.... what?
"Wake up!" A closer voice says.
Why would I want to wake up when I feel so comfortable?
"What are you guys doing!?" A voice yells.
Crazy voice say what now? I'm sleeping, duh.
"Get up!" Ten pairs of eyes open at that moment. Those eyes belong to a Ralts, Nidoran, albino Vulpix, Litwick, Mimikyu, Goomy, Zorua, Hawlucha, Wooper, and Paras, all laying in an open field near a cave. Of those twenty eyes, few were likely displaying calm at that moment. Those twenty eyes see a Yanma fluttering around, a Venipede staring, a Carvanha somehow upright on land, and an annoyed looking Torchic.
"Why would you all take a group nap right next to a dungeon of wild pokemon?!" it asks angrily. Or...you think it does, you could swear all it's saying is "Torchic" in various ways, but that's the message you got.
Yawning, XXXX opened his? eyes. Glaring at the furious Torchic,
"Because I have no fucking idea where I am. I also happen to rather like the sand, and love getting it all over myself." XXXX Says sarcastically. taking a look at himself? XXXX gasped, figuring out something rather important. Okay, why the hell am I a girl? More importantly, why am I a Alolan Vulpix?
I blinked, my head spinning as I awoke in an unfamiliar place. What had happened? Last thing I remember was reading some pokemon fanfics on my phone before bed....and there was an app....arrggh it's too early and bright to think, maybe I could just nap for a little longer.....yes a nap would do nicely......
"Get up!" Ten pairs of eyes open at that moment. Those eyes belong to a Ralts, Nidoran, albino Vulpix, Litwick, Mimikyu, Goomy, Zorua, Hawlucha, Wooper, and Paras, all laying in an open field near a cave. Of those twenty eyes, few were likely displaying calm at that moment. Those twenty eyes see a Yanma fluttering around, a Venipede staring, a Carvanha somehow upright on land, and an annoyed looking Torchic.

"Why would you all take a group nap right next to a dungeon of wild pokemon?!" it asks angrily. Or...you think it does, you could swear all it's saying is "Torchic" in various ways, but that's the message you got.
"Because I have no fucking idea where I am. I also happen to rather like the sand, and love getting it all over myself." XXXX Says sarcastically. taking a look at himself? XXXX gasped, figuring out something rather important. Okay, why the hell am I a girl? More importantly, why am I a Alolan Vulpix?
...and there was noisy people...."Can you keep it down I am trying to...sleep...what..." my sleepy brain was now suddenly very much awake and trying to wrap my head on the scene before me, what with various Pokemon having an argument less than a few feet away. At into the fact that I was just now noticing how close to the ground my vision was and the fact that what I thought was a blanket was actually a homemade Pikachu costume.....well lets just say that my brain had a lot to take in.

"Umm.......so......" I honestly couldn't think of anything to say to this current situation and I just resorted to awkwardly scratching my head...while trying my best to ignore that I was doing so with a claw of darkness that snaked out from under my costume.
Various users of Sufficient Velocity were browsing on their phone/laptop/computer/etc when they noticed a strange icon on their home screens. It seemed to resemble a pokeball, much like the Pokemon Go app, but there was something...off about it, they couldn't quite put their fingers on it though. There was no form of name or description for the app either, and it was definitely not something they could remember installing themselves. After a few tense seconds of staring and wondering at the mystery-app, it opened. The device's screen turned black, as the world around it began to fade from view. The last image seen before blacking out was the flash of the word 'Help'.

"Hey!" A distant voice murmurs.

"Wake up!" A closer voice says.

"What are you guys doing!?" A voice yells.

"Get up!" Ten pairs of eyes open at that moment. Those eyes belong to a Ralts, Nidoran, albino Vulpix, Litwick, Mimikyu, Goomy, Zorua, Hawlucha, Wooper, and Paras, all laying in an open field near a cave. Of those twenty eyes, few were likely displaying calm at that moment. Those twenty eyes see a Yanma fluttering around, a Venipede staring, a Carvanha somehow upright on land, and an annoyed looking Torchic.

"Why would you all take a group nap right next to a dungeon of wild pokemon?!" it asks angrily. Or...you think it does, you could swear all it's saying is "Torchic" in various ways, but that's the message you got.
...I'm still sleepy... this feels like a dream... I'll go back to sleep....All this dream noise is giving me a dream headache.. Yawning, I closed my eyes and curled up on myself. Wait... why does my body feel different? That thought hurled me into being fully awake, and fuck. This isn't a dream. Wait. Why am I a Zorua? ...At least I'm adorable, and I'm a girl! Hell yes. "Where am I? Last thing I remember was falling asleep on my bed..." I yawned once more, my ears twitching as I did so. Stay calm, and nothing bad should happen, and oh nep there's more Pokémon here then I thought...

Unconsciously I shied away slightly from the others.
Various users of Sufficient Velocity were browsing on their phone/laptop/computer/etc when they noticed a strange icon on their home screens. It seemed to resemble a pokeball, much like the Pokemon Go app, but there was something...off about it, they couldn't quite put their fingers on it though. There was no form of name or description for the app either, and it was definitely not something they could remember installing themselves. After a few tense seconds of staring and wondering at the mystery-app, it opened. The device's screen turned black, as the world around it began to fade from view. The last image seen before blacking out was the flash of the word 'Help'.

"Hey!" A distant voice murmurs.

"Wake up!" A closer voice says.

"What are you guys doing!?" A voice yells.

"Get up!" Ten pairs of eyes open at that moment. Those eyes belong to a Ralts, Nidoran, albino Vulpix, Litwick, Mimikyu, Goomy, Zorua, Hawlucha, Wooper, and Paras, all laying in an open field near a cave. Of those twenty eyes, few were likely displaying calm at that moment. Those twenty eyes see a Yanma fluttering around, a Venipede staring, a Carvanha somehow upright on land, and an annoyed looking Torchic.

"Why would you all take a group nap right next to a dungeon of wild pokemon?!" it asks angrily. Or...you think it does, you could swear all it's saying is "Torchic" in various ways, but that's the message you got.
For a moment, I couldn't believe my eyes and thought that I was dreaming. But then the dream didn't end and I realized I was awake. I was awake, there was a Torchic yelling at me, I could understand it and it seemed a lot bigger than it should be.

Oh, great. I've been Isekai'd. This is why we don't push strange apps that appear on your smartphone out of nowhere kids. Haven't you played Persona 5?

Snarking to myself inside my head helped me keep my calm. Honestly, this wasn't the worst thing that could happen. Hadn't I always wished for a life of adventure? To be a hero and do something awesome? Pokemon was pretty good at that, and it was a hell of a lot better than some worlds I could have been dropped into, like Re:Zero or Berserk or, God forbid, Warhammer 40K. Of course, there was the possibility that this Pokemon world was more 'realistic' and I could get brutally eaten by a Gyarados. But until evidence was provided that was the case, I was going to ignore that possibility.

I caught the word 'dungeon' and that made me think of the Mystery Dungeon games. They always were some of my favorite games, hell, they probably inspired my love of rouge-likes. I would be totally okay with it if I was in one of those worlds right now. And if I were, that would probably mean that I got turned into a Pokemon. If that was the case, that would explain why the Torchic and other Pokemon seemed the same size as me; I would smaller now too.

I looked down, trying to see my body and check, but all I saw was the ground looking a lot closer than before. That wasn't a problem though, or so I thought. I could just lift my arms around to be in front of me and when I saw them, I could identify what Pokemon I was now. Except when I tried, nothing happened. To limbs answered my call, arms or not. After a few seconds of trying, I gave up and instead closed my eyes. If you focused just a little, you can feel your own heartbeat, or the way way your diaphragm moves when you breath. I tried to feel those things again, to feel my body working, and instead I felt nothing. No heartbeat, no breathing, no arms or legs. I just kind of... was.

What the shit? Am I dead? Am I a ghost or something?


Noooope! Do not panic. Do. Not. Panic. So what if your a ghost? Ghost types are cool, right? Who wouldn't want to be like, a Gengar or something! Okay, let's try this again.

Forcing myself to calm down, I tried to feel my own body again. This time, I had more success. I could feel... kinda all of myself at once, which was a little strange. I didn't have any limbs, but I did have a body, with weight to it, and I had a mouth and eyes. No nose though,which was odd. I also had four... things on my head, above my eyes. I couldn't tell if they were fingers or ears or feelers or what, but I could tell that I two short ones and two longer ones and that one long and one short one were paired on each side of my head. I tried to move the two longer ones, bending them down in front of my face, and I opened my eyes. They were pink, and made of slime, or possibly jelly.

... I reincarnated in another world as a slime. Holy shit.

I couldn't help it after that. I burst out laughing.
"Hey!" A distant voice murmurs.

Slowly coming to, I grimace at the voice without opening my eyes and flip over in the opposite direction; adjusting my fine feathery pillow to a more comfortable position underneath my head. Hopefully the voice will take the hint and leave me the hell alone.

"Wake up!" A closer voice says.

Oh no. A morning person. Well, screw that. Moving my arm to shield my face, it feels like I managed to snag the blanket too as I feel it move across my body. Snuggling deeper into the blanket, I activate total blanket burrito mode.

"What are you guys doing!?" A voice yells.

Ow. Ok. That's definitely the remnants of a hangover from those margaritas and mojitos I had last night. Better drink some water whenever I roll out of bed. First things first though. "Go away and let me suffer in silence." I mumble-shout, the words sounding like a drunken sneeze. I scratch my ass, and feel a couple of feathers that must have escaped my pillow. Whatever. The blissful embrace of unconsciousness calls to me.

Correction. I may have to resort to physical violence. Anyone that loud this early clearly earns whatever is coming to them. I turn to face the voice while blearily opening my eyes. "How about you shut the....EL NIÑO POLLO DIABLO!!!" I screech while rocketing upright, suddenly getting a birds' eye view of the clearing from ten or so feet in the air!

Wait...what?! Gravity decides to interject and show that she is still the baddest bitch around as my panicked flailing fails to maintain lift, and I succumb to her feminine wiles; bouncing off the ground twice before coming to a complete stop. Ow.

"Why would you all take a group nap right next to a dungeon of wild pokemon?!" it asks angrily.

Okay, deep breaths. You're a scientist man, figure this shit out. One, I'm probably not dreaming. I could never lucid dream so the pain is more than likely real. Two, I don't smell burnt toast; so hopefully this isn't a stroke induced hallucination. Inhale. Exhale. Stare dumbfounded at my talons and feathers.

Okay, so I'm a flying Pokemon of some sort. With orange, green, white, and red feathers. Well, I don't see any scales so that rules out Archen/Archeops. I can't be a Natu/Xatu with my talons, and with how short I am I am not the legendary Ho-Oh. So that leaves...Hawlucha...

Mr. Bones, Sir, I'd like to get off your wild ride right now. What the hell happened last night that caused me to wake up as the pint-sized powerhouse luchador Pokemon?!?!
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Unknown Forest
A roller coaster of emotions

Various users of Sufficient Velocity were browsing on their phone/laptop/computer/etc when they noticed a strange icon on their home screens. It seemed to resemble a pokeball, much like the Pokemon Go app, but there was something...off about it, they couldn't quite put their fingers on it though. There was no form of name or description for the app either, and it was definitely not something they could remember installing themselves. After a few tense seconds of staring and wondering at the mystery-app, it opened. The device's screen turned black, as the world around it began to fade from view. The last image seen before blacking out was the flash of the word 'Help'.

"Hey!" A distant voice murmurs.

"Wake up!" A closer voice says.

"What are you guys doing!?" A voice yells.

"Get up!" Ten pairs of eyes open at that moment. Those eyes belong to a Ralts, Nidoran, albino Vulpix, Litwick, Mimikyu, Goomy, Zorua, Hawlucha, Wooper, and Paras, all laying in an open field near a cave. Of those twenty eyes, few were likely displaying calm at that moment. Those twenty eyes see a Yanma fluttering around, a Venipede staring, a Carvanha somehow upright on land, and an annoyed looking Torchic.

"Why would you all take a group nap right next to a dungeon of wild pokemon?!" it asks angrily. Or...you think it does, you could swear all it's saying is "Torchic" in various ways, but that's the message you got.

A Pokeball icon? But I don't have Pokemon Go; I uninstalled that from my phone long ago since I don't move around that much, and it's a monster on the battery. Wait, it doesn't say anything and there's something off with the Pokeball-

Lightheadedness overtakes me, like it occasionally does. Normally, shaking my head and focusing on something dispels it, but it doesn't work this time. What's happening to me? Oh, the world is spinning so much around me, and it's getting dimmer and dimmer; I can no longer maintain my balance. I feel myself fainting, the darkness swallowing me up-

Huh? Someone needs help?


What's that voice, telling me to get up? What's going on?

The light greets me once more. Eyelids dart up and down, before settling on "up". What I see are... curtains of green, a forest slipping between the gaps, sunlight shining down upon it. I idly brush the curtains off my eyes-

Wait, they're not curtains. They feel like hair, green hair, except I never dyed my hair, and they don't cover my eyes, and my hand, why is it so small? And my skin, why is it so white?

Pokemon? Am I dreaming? I see Pokemon, right in front of me! I glance around, and they're all around me, too! I also know their species, even if I haven't seen all of them like that flailing Hawlucha before! What's going on?

The Torchic looks and sounds angry, making me shrink back from it. How could I understand its speech? Dungeons? Wild Pokemon? Goodness... Actually, wait, I can... feel its anger. All around me... feelings, all kinds of feelings. So overwhelming... confusion... panic... there's someone, the illusion fox, who even feels of happiness, nervousness, anxiety...

I look down, and find that I've become a lot smaller. My body is now so thin, so white, bereft of clothing, yet not naked regardless. If anything, it feels like a silky second skin, and from the looks of it, it resembles a nightgown or a dress in silhouette. I also feel the presence of... something on my head. I reach up to touch it, and they're... a pair of horns, one in front and one at the back. Newfound information comes to mind, telling me that I'm a... Ralts? A female one? That explains my appearance, but um... I'm a girl now? That feels... nice...

But that's offset by the fact that I'm far from home, and as something else... so many unknowns...

"Sorry... where am I...?" I softly ask, but it comes out as high-pitched squeaks instead, though newfound instincts tell me that my message is getting across. It sounds cute to my ears...

But it doesn't feel safe here, if what the Torchic is saying is true. We have to go...
Amber [Paras] - Open Field Near A Cave

Various users of Sufficient Velocity were browsing on their phone/laptop/computer/etc when they noticed a strange icon on their home screens. It seemed to resemble a pokeball, much like the Pokemon Go app, but there was something...off about it, they couldn't quite put their fingers on it though. There was no form of name or description for the app either, and it was definitely not something they could remember installing themselves. After a few tense seconds of staring and wondering at the mystery-app, it opened. The device's screen turned black, as the world around it began to fade from view. The last image seen before blacking out was the flash of the word 'Help'.

"Hey!" A distant voice murmurs.

"Wake up!" A closer voice says.

"What are you guys doing!?" A voice yells.

"Get up!" Ten pairs of eyes open at that moment. Those eyes belong to a Ralts, Nidoran, albino Vulpix, Litwick, Mimikyu, Goomy, Zorua, Hawlucha, Wooper, and Paras, all laying in an open field near a cave. Of those twenty eyes, few were likely displaying calm at that moment. Those twenty eyes see a Yanma fluttering around, a Venipede staring, a Carvanha somehow upright on land, and an annoyed looking Torchic.

"Why would you all take a group nap right next to a dungeon of wild pokemon?!" it asks angrily. Or...you think it does, you could swear all it's saying is "Torchic" in various ways, but that's the message you got.
Even before they fully stirred to the call of this unfamiliar voice, they were dimly aware of the deep, yearning and the dull pain reverberating through their entire body. It almost made them stir faster, feeling something strange had happened. But before they could fully rise to alertness something seemed to push the concern aside, dulling their senses and filling them with a detached calmness. It was a strange sensation, almost too intimate, a presence closer than anything they'd ever felt before, and enough to make them feel like something was horribly wrong.

Sleep. Came the sensation again, more forcibly this time. They tried to feel for wherever it was coming from, and became suddenly aware of another tiny presence nearby. But they quickly realized this couldn't have been the source of it. It was a presence so faint as to barely be there at all, as if it had grown resigned to this strange situation they found themselves in now too. A sense of alarm started to well up in them, but quickly this sensation too dimmed and they felt suddenly forcibly relaxed, feeling a strange sent of comfort they hadn't felt in a very long time. As if they were surrounded by pleasant company they could trust to take care of all their concerns and they could simply rest at their own leisure.

Memories seemed to flit through their mind quickly as they relaxed into the sensation, completely unbidden. Mostly of their relatively normal life, old memories they was deeply familiar with and didn't normally think about. As unusual as the sudden reminiscing was, the strange calm had engulfed them so completely in their hazy state that they didn't stop to wonder just what was going on. Nor did they grown concerned as the memories slowly started to shift further away from their mind, as if they were being drawn slowly somewhere else one by one, beyond their reach. No, the they felt perfectly fine basking entirely in this strange calmness in full knowledge that all their possible concerns would be fully taken care of without them.

But even with this knowledge, it was still somewhat disconcerting for them when their eyes were suddenly forced open against their will. They were drawn quickly to focus on the Orange bird before them, one that seemed so very familiar. A memory suddenly came to their mind again, this one called by their own recollection, and they recalled this particular creature as called a Torchick, something that held a very deep meaning to them. But that memory too was suddenly moved beyond their reach as the calming sensation engulfed them again.

And before they could attempt to recall just why this creature was so familiar, their eyes suddenly flitted around at the rest of the figures before them, far too quickly for them to get a gauge of what it was they were supposed to be looking at. They probably would have panicked, but they quickly realized that this must be a dream. There was no other possible explanation for the completely baffling sights before them, nor this strange detachment they felt from their own body. They saw red claws through eyes that were seemingly so far away as if they weren't actually her own, and they quickly realized the claws were their own, effectively their hands, which they were sure hadn't been the case before.

It felt like rather than being a part of this body they was a detached presence riding atop it, but at the same time intermixed within as if they were connected in some strange state of Symbiosis. Or Parasitism, they supposed. The only thing they could liken it to was the strange detachment they had only ever felt in a dream before, so there really could have been no other explanation. There was no way any of this could have been real.

As more and more memories seemed to come unbidden to they, they quickly realized that even as they flitted through their mind, they couldn't seem to latch onto details. Even who they were escaped them, a sensation that they had only ever felt before in their dreams. So it made sense at least.

As their gaze suddenly shifted to a gouge in a nearby tree leaking resin that appeared to entrap a bug, the word amber seemed to come to their mind at least. And unlike their other thoughts, this one didn't seem to get drawn away beyond their reach, as something in front of their face rustled a bit looking at the scene of the bug getting entrapped.

They didn't know why this thought unlike the others lingered, but it brought to mind something incredibly familiar from their past that escaped them. But the word Amber kept lingering in their mind as their gaze remained transfixed on the insect getting engulfed. Had that been their name, Amber? It didn't seem wrong at least. And from what they could recall, that had been a female's name hadn't it? Had they been female before? They weren't sure, but in this dream at least it would have to do for the time being, as Amber finally settled on this sense of being in her dream.

Now on a bit firmer footing with herself, Amber felt a bit more connected to what was going on, but still felt it best go with the flow for now. Her mental state was helped along by the strange state of calmness, knowing none of this truly mattered in this dream. She went along for the ride as she felt the tiny presence suddenly jerk to attention as if forced into motion by something else. She took note of more legs than she was used to suddenly being forced into motion with no input from her, shifting their body quickly away from the red bird and another strange candle creature she took notice of. The word Litwick came to mind for the briefest instant before that faded away too.

The pain that seemed to linger throughout her incredibly distant body dulled as their strange form drew closer to the white fox creature and stunted green creature, their cooler bodies seeming to dull the strange sensation of pain that seemed to linger through them constantly. The words Vulpix and Larvitar came to her mind as she heard them speak as if from somewhere so very far away, asking question in alarm she'd probably be asking herself if any of this were important.

As other the figures panicked around her, her strange sense of calmness grew stronger so she only watched on bemused as they started to react as the haze of sleep seemed to lift from them even as it seemed to only engulf her all the more. She watched on as her distant eyes seemed to linger on the bird creature that suddenly leaped up into the air. She felt like she wasn't nearly familiar enough with this particular one to remember the name of it off hand, but she couldn't say for sure whether that was because she never learned it properly, or because her own memories were quickly growing beyond her reach as she felt herself falling into a deeper sleep than the one she was currently in.

They finally drew their gaze away from the creature, glanced at the strange paper bag looking figure with a black claw reaching out from under it's costume like body, Mimikyu her dazed minded noted before the word itself quickly felt unfamiliar to her an instant later. Then next moment however their attention was draw to a strange, slime like creature that suddenly started to laugh to himself. He was a little further away from the rest, close to the entrance to a large cave that seemed of great interest to their body, and they immediately seemed to draw their notice much more clearly than the rest of the group that seemed to leave them uneasy.

The tiny presence she'd noticed before was forcibly jerked into motion again, though oddly it appeared bigger than it had been before. A moment later the strange appendage of theirs she supposed was effectively their mouth was forced into a similar motion to before in a movement she'd started to recognize as salivating. In addition to the pain that lingered in her body, it seemed the deep yearning in their body that reverberated almost as much as the dull pain that resounded throughout them and seemed to grow worse under this sunlight as actually their hunger.

Though now that Amber lingered on the sensation more, she came to realize it actually wasn't a hunger. No it as more akin to a deep, all consuming thirst.

Feast. A voice suddenly came from a third, larger presence she'd not been aware of before. As she tried to discern where the voice had come from, that calming sensation engulfed her again, drawing her notice forcibly away from where it had originated. More and more memories had flickered through her mind unbidden before shifting away again beyond reach. But it was thanks to this unnatural development that her mind finally latched onto something that drew her awareness to full attention.

She'd been wrong before, Amber realized, as her might caught onto something that seemed alarming enough to fully cut through the haziness engulfing her. But she still had the sense of self to notice something important. That tiny, resigned presence she'd noticed before hadn't changed at all since she'd become aware of it. It, connected far closer to the body than she was, so much so that she suspected their body actually belonged to it, was still the same as it had been from the start.

It was still forced to move to the whims of something else, as it was doing now, as they carefully drew closer and closer to the slime like creature that she couldn't recognize. With the way they were moving, as if they were trying to avoid the attention of the group so they could draw up to the strange gooey creature unnoticed. It seemed like they would attempt to drag it into the darkness of the cavern before the others would notice.

But none of that mattered she realized, not at the moment, not if she didn't wake up from what was going on now. Because she'd been wrong, it wasn't the tiny presence that had changed. It was her instead. All along, ever since she'd awoken, and maybe even from before then, it had been her presence changing. That presence that made up her sense of sense in this strange body had been slowly growing smaller the entire time.

It was this thought that slowly started to lift the haze from her mind as her attention focused on the third presence much larger presence within her. It too was seemingly detached from this body that it seemed they both were riding in, and it had been slowly growing as she'd awoken. Right now it seemed too focused on the outside world to notice she'd finally wrestled free of it's strange control over her. Too focused on the outside world through stolen eyes to realize that she was now free to strike back.

Before their body could finish sneaking up behind the gooey creature, Amber reached out to the tiny presence that she was sure made up their actual body. She had little idea what she was doing, and though she wished she could be gentler to the poor enslaved entity, she also knew that if she took to long it was possible the third presence would harm the otherwise seemingly peaceful slime and who knew what else. So for her first time, she had no choice but to be a little rough.

I'm Sorry. She thought out to the presence. She wasn't sure if it could hear her or not, but Amber was sure she'd somehow alerted the third presence to her newfound alertness, because immediately before she could take control, it suddenly tensed up, trying to stop her.

A great hiss rose from their strange insect like lips as their entire body started to shake violently as the two of them dueled for control. A claw lashed out, falling too short of the gooey creature they'd been attempting to ambush thanks to Amber jerking their legs back at the last second, throwing them back away from the group at large. They rolled around on the grass for a few moments as the struggled continued, looking for all the world like they were having some sort of seizure.

Submit! Came the third presence, and from it she could sense the sheer amount of control it had over this body having enslaved it for so very long. She became aware that she'd taken the form of a presence this entity had consumed to take sole control of this enslaved body. How the presence that was their body had been enslaved for so long, forced solely to allow this entity to move that it barely had any presence at all any more. She could even sense the amount of strength it had gained from consuming her presence as well since she'd awoken, taking memories, knowledge, and other things she couldn't gain a true sense of all to grow it's own strength and force her to submit to it so it could gain greater power still.

And yet in the end, even with all it had managed to take from her, all the skill it had at controlling other beings, and all the familiarity it had with this form they both now rode, it didn't matter. Because her human mind was so much more vast than it could ever hope to be.

"Get Out." She said through their clenched insect like mouth as she turned the tide in their mental struggle. Stirred to alertness, even as much damage as she had been dealt in ways that she would probably never fully realize, it didn't take much time for her to figure out how to wrestle it's control away from the tiny presence and take full control of their body. She gained a grim satisfaction as the presence suddenly felt a true sense of fear, before she finally pushed it back even further, deep into its own core, before she finally fully crushed it under her will.

Exhausted now, Amber glanced at the crowd she'd been watching before in her hazy state. She still felt a strange sense of familiarity, like she knew what several of these creatures were somehow, but the memories eluded her grasp. A strange unease filled her, wondering just how much she'd lost while she'd been half asleep, and if she'd ever get it back. But she quickly pushed it aside. She'd have time to worry later.

She eased up on the tiny presence that still lingered within them, trying to coax it to respond to her. But the damage it had been dealt for so long had been long lasting, she wasn't sure if it ever could recover. A sobering thought given the damage she'd taken herself. Resigning herself to her situation for the moment, she coaxed the entity to look at her back. She saw two mushrooms there. The right one she sensed was hers, it had apparently been whithered for a while now, having been consumed and dead since it had been killed, but appeared to slowly be gaining complexion again.

On the left side however was the one that made up the third presence, which was now slowly withering itself. Amber thought on it a moment but quickly took this as a good thing.

"Good Riddance." She said aloud, coaxing the tiny presence to speak seemingly on instinct. A small part of her hoped that the action meant the enslaved presence had given some of it's input too, but she realized it was a fleeting hope.

She shifted their gaze to the group before slowly rising to her insect like feet. She turned her gaze the the slime creature she'd been about to attack first. "Er, sorry. I apparently didn't wake up alone and wasn't in control for a bit there. I think the other one was trying to eat you. I think I have it under control now."

Turning to the broader group at large, she gave a small nod to them. "And, er, sorry for acting weird. Things got a bit hairy in there for a bit, and I think I may have lost more than a few memories. I, uh, think my name is Amber? And unless I'm mistaken I'm pretty sure this isn't my original body. Anyone else here in a similar situation?"
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Various users of Sufficient Velocity were browsing on their phone/laptop/computer/etc when they noticed a strange icon on their home screens. It seemed to resemble a pokeball, much like the Pokemon Go app, but there was something...off about it, they couldn't quite put their fingers on it though. There was no form of name or description for the app either, and it was definitely not something they could remember installing themselves. After a few tense seconds of staring and wondering at the mystery-app, it opened. The device's screen turned black, as the world around it began to fade from view. The last image seen before blacking out was the flash of the word 'Help'.

"Hey!" A distant voice murmurs.

"Wake up!" A closer voice says.

"What are you guys doing!?" A voice yells.

"Get up!" Ten pairs of eyes open at that moment. Those eyes belong to a Ralts, Nidoran, albino Vulpix, Litwick, Mimikyu, Goomy, Zorua, Hawlucha, Wooper, and Paras, all laying in an open field near a cave. Of those twenty eyes, few were likely displaying calm at that moment. Those twenty eyes see a Yanma fluttering around, a Venipede staring, a Carvanha somehow upright on land, and an annoyed looking Torchic.

"Why would you all take a group nap right next to a dungeon of wild pokemon?!" it asks angrily. Or...you think it does, you could swear all it's saying is "Torchic" in various ways, but that's the message you got.
Ow. Why are these voices so loud. I instinctively cover my ears and curl up to sleep some more, but the voices keep getting louder still. Eventually I give in and open my eyes. In front of me stands an orange chick. No, a Torchic? With a dragonfly, er, Yanma, Venipede and Carvanha by it? How is a fish on la-

Wait. I blink. They're still there. I blink again. Still there. I blink harder. Still there. I try to rub my eyes, but my arm is too short to reach. I look down at a purple limb with two white claws at the end of it. A male Nidoran's arm.

Okay...no need to panic...I'm just a pokemon now, surrounded by other Pokemon. This'll be fine. Can I find a hole to crawl into until I go back to normal? Probably not. Just stay calm, breathe. I start hyperventilating slightly. People talking and things being loud isn't helping. I cover my ears to try and muffle all the noise, it doesn't help that much. After a few seconds I force myself to stop breathing, then start up again much slower. Now that I'm not (quite as) panicked, I notice that other than the three Pokemon around the Torchic (and the Torchic), everyone seems confused, so at least I'm not alone here. Probably.

"Nid-" I stop and cough. I'm trying to say words not my nam-Oh god why, I can only speak in my name. Well, the Torchic did, and the others too, I think, I wish I could pay attention instead of panicking. Still, hopefully it'll make sense? Or I could just not risk looking like I was unable to speak like a person and not say anything. Yeah, that sounds like a better idea.
"Hey!" A distant voice murmurs.
Ken: Larvitar
"Wake up!" A closer voice says.
"What are you guys doing!?" A voice yells.
Shut the fu-
"Get up!" Ten pairs of eyes open at that moment. Those eyes belong to a Ralts, Nidoran, albino Vulpix, Litwick, Mimikyu, Goomy, Zorua, Hawlucha, Wooper, and Paras, all laying in an open field near a cave. Of those twenty eyes, few were likely displaying calm at that moment. Those twenty eyes see a Yanma fluttering around, a Venipede staring, a Carvanha somehow upright on land, and an annoyed looking Torchic.

"Why would you all take a group nap right next to a dungeon of wild pokemon?!" it asks angrily. Or...you think it does, you could swear all it's saying is "Torchic" in various ways, but that's the message you got.
Jumping up when somebody yelled, I drowsily look around before trying to stretch my body out to work out the sleepiness from my body, before I find it more rigid than normal...before I see around me are pokemon. And I can somehow understand them despite them only speaking in normal poke language.

Which was just repeating their name in slightly broken pieces or completely...Okay, this is a strange dream, but not the most strange. At least it's got a theme instead of the others.

I cough a bit before yelling back. "Because maybe some people just passed out randomly here! And who the hell are you!?" Feeling a bit more 'Guts' than usual, I just glare (Leer) at the Torchic with drowsy grumpiness while pointing at it with my...stumps...I'm a pokemon too, aren't I?
Various users of Sufficient Velocity were browsing on their phone/laptop/computer/etc when they noticed a strange icon on their home screens. It seemed to resemble a pokeball, much like the Pokemon Go app, but there was something...off about it, they couldn't quite put their fingers on it though. There was no form of name or description for the app either, and it was definitely not something they could remember installing themselves. After a few tense seconds of staring and wondering at the mystery-app, it opened. The device's screen turned black, as the world around it began to fade from view. The last image seen before blacking out was the flash of the word 'Help'.

"Hey!" A distant voice murmurs.

"Wake up!" A closer voice says.

"What are you guys doing!?" A voice yells.

"Get up!" Ten pairs of eyes open at that moment. Those eyes belong to a Ralts, Nidoran, albino Vulpix, Charmander, Mimikyu, Goomy, Zorua, Hawlucha, Larvitar, and Paras, all laying in an open field near a cave. Of those twenty eyes, few were likely displaying calm at that moment. Those twenty eyes see a Yanma fluttering around, a Venipede staring, a Carvanha somehow upright on land, and an annoyed looking Torchic.

"Why would you all take a group nap right next to a dungeon of wild pokemon?!" it asks angrily. Or...you think it does, you could swear all it's saying is "Torchic" in various ways, but that's the message you got.
"Aaaargh! Why all the screaming!?" I say grumpily as I shake my sleepiness away, eyes finally opening-"wha..."

Okay no, what in the-what was going on!? Why were there Pokémon here, and-I grumbled again as I looked at the anger from the Torchic. "Oi. Maybe you could introduce yourself first? And tell me where exactly I am..?" I looked around, a tad worried now. Dungeon? Pokemon?

Mysetery Dungeon...great. I sighed, rubbing at my face with...a clawed hand? I finally looked at it, eh?
Orange...orange body, yellow belly, my mouth was different-"wait." I look behind me, feeling something strange as I looked- a tail. On fire at the tip.

I was a Charmander? O..kay....

Anyway. I looked back at the Torchic, frrling much less grumpy, but a lot more confused. "Name's Trent, by the way..."
The Torchic's eye set into a frown at some of the words said to it, but it doesn't say anything. The Carvanha though, grumbles in its place.

"Would you all have preferred to be left sleeping here to get attacked by wild pokemon?" It asks grouchily, "Who complains that much about having their life saved just because they had to wake up anyway?"

"Calm down Izumi," the Torchic says. then its expression shifts to one resembling pity. "You're all...really weird, and panicky. You're outside the Emerald Cave. Look, we're a rescue team, Team Speed. You guys should probably come with us to the guild before you get hurt."
The Torchic's eye set into a frown at some of the words said to it, but it doesn't say anything. The Carvanha though, grumbles in its place.

"Would you all have preferred to be left sleeping here to get attacked by wild pokemon?" It asks grouchily, "Who complains that much about having their life saved just because they had to wake up anyway?"

"Calm down Izumi," the Torchic says. then its expression shifts to one resembling pity. "You're all...really weird, and panicky. You're outside the Emerald Cave. Look, we're a rescue team, Team Speed. You guys should probably come with us to the guild before you get hurt."
I nod. That sounds like a good idea. And hey! I'm not panicking! Mostly... "I'm not weird..." I yawned, my ears and tail twitching before I looked around and sighed. "...I wish my friends where here... Ube's pretty good at keeping calm.." I quietly said to myself before looking around once more... I'm a bit scared... what are my moves? How do I use illusions? I want my friends.. And my bed. Or any bed. A nice bed with warm fluffy blankets...

I look to the Torchic. "Where is the guild anyways? And do they have a place to nap?" A nap would help.. Naps always help..
"Would you all have preferred to be left sleeping here to get attacked by wild pokemon?" It asks grouchily, "Who complains that much about having their life saved just because they had to wake up anyway?"

"Calm down Izumi," the Torchic says. then its expression shifts to one resembling pity. "You're all...really weird, and panicky. You're outside the Emerald Cave. Look, we're a rescue team, Team Speed. You guys should probably come with us to the guild before you get hurt."
XXXX almost doesn't hear the Torchic, having been deciding on a name to go by. She sure as hell wasn't going to go by Vulpix of all things. I'll go with Rin. It does mean dignified, sever, and cold after all. All befitting of a Vulpix.
Turning to answer the Torchic, and her companions, Rin opened her maw.
"I apologize, Izumi san. I had no clue where I was when I woke up, and your leader? was rather upset with us. Shouldn't it be natural to react defensively?" Rin said, before extending a paw.
"My name is Rin, nice to meet you. May I have the rest of your names?"
XXXX almost doesn't hear the Torchic, having been deciding on a name to go by. She sure as hell wasn't going to go by Vulpix of all things. I'll go with Rin. It does mean dignified, sever, and cold after all. All befitting of a Vulpix.
Turning to answer the Torchic, and her companions, Rin opened her maw.
"I apologize, Izumi san. I had no clue where I was when I woke up, and your leader? was rather upset with us. Shouldn't it be natural to react defensively?" Rin said, before extending a paw.
"My name is Rin, nice to meet you. May I have the rest of your names?"
I looked at the pretty vulpix. "Lilliana, that's my name." I responded. Well... that's what I wanted my name to be... Closing my eyes to keep myself from crying, I felt another yawn come up. I must have been snatched mid-nap because I feel tired.. I hope I'm adorable at least...
The Torchic's eye set into a frown at some of the words said to it, but it doesn't say anything. The Carvanha though, grumbles in its place.

"Would you all have preferred to be left sleeping here to get attacked by wild pokemon?" It asks grouchily, "Who complains that much about having their life saved just because they had to wake up anyway?"

"Calm down Izumi," the Torchic says. then its expression shifts to one resembling pity. "You're all...really weird, and panicky. You're outside the Emerald Cave. Look, we're a rescue team, Team Speed. You guys should probably come with us to the guild before you get hurt."
"My name is Rin, nice to meet you. May I have the rest of your names?"
I looked at the pretty vulpix. "Lilliana, that's my name." I responded. Well... that's what I wanted my name to be... Closing my eyes to keep myself from crying, I felt another yawn come up. I must have been snatched mid-nap because I feel tired.. I hope I'm adorable at least...
Still unsure about what was going on and trying my best not to think about things as I knew if I did I would end up freaking out to no end.....well that or crying both of which are better to do when I was alone and had time to process things a little. So left with no other options I decided to introduce myself, "I'm....ummm...Mimi, you can call me Mimi. And I don't know about some of the others but I would very much like to go somewhere that's a little less bright."
The Torchic's eye set into a frown at some of the words said to it, but it doesn't say anything. The Carvanha though, grumbles in its place.

"Would you all have preferred to be left sleeping here to get attacked by wild pokemon?" It asks grouchily, "Who complains that much about having their life saved just because they had to wake up anyway?"

"Calm down Izumi," the Torchic says. then its expression shifts to one resembling pity. "You're all...really weird, and panicky. You're outside the Emerald Cave. Look, we're a rescue team, Team Speed. You guys should probably come with us to the guild before you get hurt."
Ken: Larvitar
Not backing down, but calming down, I just cross my arm-...stumps,(man, this is still weird) and just say back at the Carvanha, "Well, to put things bluntly, I am pretty sure none of us know how or why we even were sleeping here. And waking up suddenly somewhere else, do ya reaaaally expect me to be calm!?"

And then the Torchic breaks up the minor argument, making me snort while I feel my face relaxes from glaring to glaring softly. "Well fine, probably would be best to do that."
XXXX almost doesn't hear the Torchic, having been deciding on a name to go by. She sure as hell wasn't going to go by Vulpix of all things. I'll go with Rin. It does mean dignified, sever, and cold after all. All befitting of a Vulpix.
Turning to answer the Torchic, and her companions, Rin opened her maw.
"I apologize, Izumi san. I had no clue where I was when I woke up, and your leader? was rather upset with us. Shouldn't it be natural to react defensively?" Rin said, before extending a paw.
"My name is Rin, nice to meet you. May I have the rest of your names?"
And then one of the other Pokémon's ask for names and I suppose now would be best timing for introductions. "Ken." I ain't taking the pawshake though.
The Torchic's eye set into a frown at some of the words said to it, but it doesn't say anything. The Carvanha though, grumbles in its place.

"Would you all have preferred to be left sleeping here to get attacked by wild pokemon?" It asks grouchily, "Who complains that much about having their life saved just because they had to wake up anyway?"

"Calm down Izumi," the Torchic says. then its expression shifts to one resembling pity. "You're all...really weird, and panicky. You're outside the Emerald Cave. Look, we're a rescue team, Team Speed. You guys should probably come with us to the guild before you get hurt."
I sighed, feeling annoyed again at the floating piranha Pokemon, about to retort hotly again-but...okay.
At least the Torchic could see none of us was..well all that alright. From the looks of it, all of us here are humans turned pokemons too I suppose?

At least I wasn't alone...

I nodded, agreeing to that at least. "Sure, lead the way. Thanks..." I also nodded, actually grateful. A Rescue Team huh? Sounds fun!!
Why a Hawlucha of all 'mon? I mean it is one of my favorites, but well, why not a Scyther or a Houndour? I poke at my new body with my talons for a bit, only halfway paying attention to the ongoing conversation. At least I'm humanoid-ish and my talons are close enough to a thumb and two fingers, but it would suck being stuck as Gastly or a Ditto...

I flex my arms a little bit, and blink in amazement. Holy shit, I'm swole! Before I know it and could stop myself, I'm flexing in ridiculous poses with a bemused look on my face. Well, at least there's one positive benefit to this!

Hearing the others beginning to introduce themselves, I think about what I should call myself. I'm not about to use my old name and judging how fight happy and showboating I feel that it would be better to acquiesce and embrace the insanity. Well, in for a penny in for a pound.

Turning to face the others, I slam my fore wings together over my head in a pose familiar to shonen watchers everywhere.
"El Jefe expresses his gratitude for your timely assistance!"

REALLY BRAIN?! THAT'S WHAT YOU PICK?! I rant mentally at myself, my mental avatar face-palming at my Hawlucha instincts. Out of everything you can pick from, you go with Franky from One Piece, El Toro Fuerte from Jackie Chan Adventures, and 'The Boss' in Spanish as my name!? That's it, I gotta uninstall Gucamelee whenever I get back.
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Amber [Paras] - Open Field Near A Cave
The Torchic's eye set into a frown at some of the words said to it, but it doesn't say anything. The Carvanha though, grumbles in its place.

"Would you all have preferred to be left sleeping here to get attacked by wild pokemon?" It asks grouchily, "Who complains that much about having their life saved just because they had to wake up anyway?"

"Calm down Izumi," the Torchic says. then its expression shifts to one resembling pity. "You're all...really weird, and panicky. You're outside the Emerald Cave. Look, we're a rescue team, Team Speed. You guys should probably come with us to the guild before you get hurt."
None of this was sounding familiar to Amber, which was fairly alarming given what she just went through. One thing was clear however, the strange fish creature, Izumi, couldn't have been more correct about saving her life. Given how much she'd lost by the time she'd awoken, she was sure that if they hadn't roused her as quickly as they did, she might not have been able to wake up at all by the time the other passenger of this body had finished with her.

Having already introduced herself to the group, Amber moved to follow after the small bird creature, trying to be careful with the faint presence that was the actual owner of the body she was using. It wasn't easy though, with the sun beaming down on her and the dull pain that seemed to throb in her whole body that seemed to grow the longer she stood under it. She had to resist the urge to enter the Emerald cave to get out from under it. Given what the Orange bird had said, it seemed clear danger lurked there that would be be avoided for the time being.

Now that she was growing more accustomed to this strange sense of control, she was starting to regonize that the words the others were speaking, and most likely the ones she'd been using as well, had not been her natural language. Instead it seemed they were largely speaking in singular words that Amber was somehow understanding as language instead. She couldn't be sure if this was due to her memory loss or some other aspect of the transferral, but right now it seemed best not to stand out much more than she already had.
I nod. That sounds like a good idea. And hey! I'm not panicking! Mostly... "I'm not weird..." I yawned, my ears and tail twitching before I looked around and sighed. "...I wish my friends where here... Ube's pretty good at keeping calm.." I quietly said to myself before looking around once more... I'm a bit scared... what are my moves? How do I use illusions? I want my friends.. And my bed. Or any bed. A nice bed with warm fluffy blankets...
Wait, what was that I heard? Ube? It was kinda muffled, but I think that's what the Zorua said. If they said Ube they might be someone I know then...But I still don't know if I can even speak properly, I probably can. I'll...see about asking about it on the walk to the guild or something, maybe. Looks like good hearing is a blessing, not just a curse.

Standing on four legs is feeling really awkward-looking. Hmm. I push down with my front legs, pushing myself up onto my hind legs alone. Whoa! I teeter a little back and forth as I overshoot slightly and almost tip backwards. Thankfully I don't think I made any overly extravagant arm movements or anything. 'Standing' like this feels kinda similar, it's basically squatting, only less uncomfortable; I don't think I can walk like this though. So I get back down to be able to walk after the others.
"My name is Rin, nice to meet you. May I have the rest of your names?"
Ack, we need to give names. Looks like I gotta try speaking, and right after I was hoping I didn't point myself out while getting up too. But what do I even call myself, my actual name...no, people always mess up pronouncing it. Jhin could attract the Zorua's, Lilliana's (that sounds familiar) attention, but it also sounds silly as a real name. I could just not be creative at all and say Nid, it was the first thing I said too, sorta. Sure, why not?

"I'm Nid," I say, or at least try to say as best I can in pokemon-speak, then I quickly add, "or Jhin if you want."

That was a terrible idea, I could've been waaay more subtle about that just in case, but nope. Well, can't change that now...

"I apologize, Izumi san. I had no clue where I was when I woke up, and your leader? was rather upset with us. Shouldn't it be natural to react defensively?" Rin said, before extending a paw.
"My name is Rin, nice to meet you. May I have the rest of your names?"
"San? I'm just Izumi," the Carvanha says.

"And I'm Jay," the Torchic announce, before gesturing up with its beak, "that's-"

It get interrupted when the Yanma it pointed to flutters down, "Should we really be giving out our names just like that, Jay?"

"Oh c'mon, they don't look like a threat do they?" The Yanma shakes its head. "Good, this is Twitch," Jay finishes the interrupted sentence. "And finally, that's Ven."

Finished with introductions, Jay looks at the paw you extended, then looks down to its left and right side, as if pointing out its lack of arms.
Not backing down, but calming down, I just cross my arm-...stumps,(man, this is still weird) and just say back at the Carvanha, "Well, to put things bluntly, I am pretty sure none of us know how or why we even were sleeping here. And waking up suddenly somewhere else, do ya reaaaally expect me to be calm!?"
Izumi glares at the response, but doesn't say anything.
El Jefe expresses his gratitude for your timely assistance!"
"Ooookaay?" Jay says, "Are you stretching or something? Anyway, the guild isn't far, just a couple of minutes of walking, we'll get there soon."

"You'll be able to sleep there some more too, and it's inside, so it'll be darker," Ven says somewhat shakily.
"San? I'm just Izumi," the Carvanha says.

"And I'm Jay," the Torchic announce, before gesturing up with its beak, "that's-"

It get interrupted when the Yanma it pointed to flutters down, "Should we really be giving out our names just like that, Jay?"

"Oh c'mon, they don't look like a threat do they?" The Yanma shakes its head. "Good, this is Twitch," Jay finishes the interrupted sentence. "And finally, that's Ven."

Finished with introductions, Jay looks at the paw you extended, then looks down to its left and right side, as if pointing out its lack of arms.
Izumi glares at the response, but doesn't say anything.
"Ooookaay?" Jay says, "Are you stretching or something? Anyway, the guild isn't far, just a couple of minutes of walking, we'll get there soon."

"You'll be able to sleep there some more too, and it's inside, so it'll be darker," Ven says somewhat shakily.
So, a guild huh...Got 0 clue on what it's like here, but if anime or mangas are to go by, it'll probably be something like a 'Miscellaneous work station', where people (Or pokemon in this case) just go to either accept work or put up random jobs want to be done.

And if it is more like anime/manga style, then it just might have a way of getting help going back home/returning to normal. Looking back at the Torchic named Jay, I just nod and just say, "Ok then."
Amber [Paras] - Open Field Near A Cave
"You'll be able to sleep there some more too, and it's inside, so it'll be darker," Ven says somewhat shakily.
"That would be much appreciated. Please lead the way." Amber said, shuffling uncomfortably under the sunlight. She realized she seemed to constantly be saying the word 'paras' rather than what she intended to say, which sounded familiar in a distant kind of way, but whatever specifics were tied to the memory appeared to be lost to her.

She glanced back to her left side, and the now shriveled Mushroom that still stuck out from that side warily. She carefully considered it a moment, but decided it would be better safe than sorry. She glanced at the Orange Bird the thing on her back had been so wary of, Jay, as well as the very familiar orange lizard with a flame on its tail that made her body tense up just by his presence. She'd thought he'd mentioned his name was Trent earlier.

"Actually could one of you help me? I want to get rid of this thing on my back, the left one." Amber said, gesturing with her claw to the lingering growth on her back. She might be able to tear it off with the claw that could reach further towards her back than she thought it could, but she wasn't sure that just that would actually kill it or not. "Burn it off if you think it's best. I just want it gone."
Oddly enough, what helped me get a handle on my impending nervous breakdown was embarrassment. I heard the others talking and that reminded me that I wasn't alone. Sudden mortification set in and I promptly shut up. Thankfully no one called me on laughing like a mad man, er, slime, but some part of my mind insisted on worrying that they were silently judging me anyway, even though clearly they had more important things to worry about, and so did I actually.

Mercifully, my social anxiety wasn't as bad as it had been when I was younger, and my frustration at this "relapse" was more than enough to beat the stupid emotion down. Embarrassment turned to anger...
She shifted their gaze to the group before slowly rising to her insect like feet. She turned her gaze the the slime creature she'd been about to attack first. "Er, sorry. I apparently didn't wake up alone and wasn't in control for a bit there. I think the other one was trying to eat you. I think I have it under control now."

Turning to the broader group at large, she gave a small nod to them. "And, er, sorry for acting weird. Things got a bit hairy in there for a bit, and I think I may have lost more than a few memories. I, uh, think my name is Amber? And unless I'm mistaken I'm pretty sure this isn't my original body. Anyone else here in a similar situation?"
... Which instantly turned to concern when I paid attention to what was actually being said. The soft-spoken Pokémon that had been approaching me was a Paras, which was an insect that slowly got taken over by the mushrooms on its back. It was one of the more horrific Pokédex entries every generation and that was bad enough as a game. The idea that something like that might really happen to someone was sickening.

Without thinking, I rushed over to the Paras' side. "Hey, are you okay? I heard what you said, is there anything i can do to help? Like..."

I trailed off. How exactly do you offer to help someone whom you expect is having their mind eaten?
"Actually could one of you help me? I want to get rid of this thing on my back, the left one." Amber said, gesturing with her claw to the lingering growth on her back. She might be able to tear it off with the claw that could reach further towards her back than she thought it could, but she wasn't sure that just that would actually kill it or not. "Burn it off if you think it's best. I just want it gone."
On the one hand, she did answer my question. On the other hand, HER ANSWER WAS A HORRIBLE IDEA.

"Whoa! Hey, don't you think that's a bit extreme? I mean, yeah, that might stop... whatever's happening, but it'll also really hurt, right? Look, maybe just explain what's going on first and we can figure out what to do, without the self-harm, okay?"
(Not the Emerald) Forest
Hearing familiar names

She shifted their gaze to the group before slowly rising to her insect like feet. She turned her gaze the the slime creature she'd been about to attack first. "Er, sorry. I apparently didn't wake up alone and wasn't in control for a bit there. I think the other one was trying to eat you. I think I have it under control now."

Turning to the broader group at large, she gave a small nod to them. "And, er, sorry for acting weird. Things got a bit hairy in there for a bit, and I think I may have lost more than a few memories. I, uh, think my name is Amber? And unless I'm mistaken I'm pretty sure this isn't my original body. Anyone else here in a similar situation?"

Wait, did the Paras just try to eat the poor slimy Goomy? Oh dear. "Same here," I softly say, once more sounding like cute yet understandable squeaks from my mouth.

The Torchic's eye set into a frown at some of the words said to it, but it doesn't say anything. The Carvanha though, grumbles in its place.

"Would you all have preferred to be left sleeping here to get attacked by wild pokemon?" It asks grouchily, "Who complains that much about having their life saved just because they had to wake up anyway?"

"Calm down Izumi," the Torchic says. then its expression shifts to one resembling pity. "You're all...really weird, and panicky. You're outside the Emerald Cave. Look, we're a rescue team, Team Speed. You guys should probably come with us to the guild before you get hurt."

Eeep! I shrink back from the grumpy piranha, who is somehow having no issues on land. Also, Emerald Cave? At least it's not Emerald Forest, hehe...

A rescue team? That's a familiar term. Am I in that version of the world of Pokemon now? It seems like it... so far from home...

"I'm not weird, and the guild sounds good..." I reply. A guild would provide a measure of safety and shelter in this strange place.

I nod. That sounds like a good idea. And hey! I'm not panicking! Mostly... "I'm not weird..." I yawned, my ears and tail twitching before I looked around and sighed. "...I wish my friends where here... Ube's pretty good at keeping calm.." I quietly said to myself before looking around once more... I'm a bit scared... what are my moves? How do I use illusions? I want my friends.. And my bed. Or any bed. A nice bed with warm fluffy blankets...

I look to the Torchic. "Where is the guild anyways? And do they have a place to nap?" A nap would help.. Naps always help..

I... could faintly hear that near me, and feel that. The Zorua mentioned my online name! And she feels... scared and homesick and sleepy. I can't help but want to maybe approach and console, but it's scary around me, too. So many unknowns...

XXXX almost doesn't hear the Torchic, having been deciding on a name to go by. She sure as hell wasn't going to go by Vulpix of all things. I'll go with Rin. It does mean dignified, sever, and cold after all. All befitting of a Vulpix.
Turning to answer the Torchic, and her companions, Rin opened her maw.
"I apologize, Izumi san. I had no clue where I was when I woke up, and your leader? was rather upset with us. Shouldn't it be natural to react defensively?" Rin said, before extending a paw.
"My name is Rin, nice to meet you. May I have the rest of your names?"

And there's the icy kitsune, whose white fur brings to mind those associated with a certain kami... she even used an honorific.

I looked at the pretty vulpix. "Lilliana, that's my name." I responded. Well... that's what I wanted my name to be... Closing my eyes to keep myself from crying, I felt another yawn come up. I must have been snatched mid-nap because I feel tired.. I hope I'm adorable at least...

Drowsiness, sadness... her name sounds familiar to me, and with her knowing my username, and the ever-present need to sleep... I think I know now who she is. I carefully approach her, my tiny feet and height proving to be... something to be used to. My steps, I find small and unsteady, and I even have to wave my arms at times to balance myself. How embarassing...

Wait, what was that I heard? Ube? It was kinda muffled, but I think that's what the Zorua said. If they said Ube they might be someone I know then...But I still don't know if I can even speak properly, I probably can. I'll...see about asking about it on the walk to the guild or something, maybe. Looks like good hearing is a blessing, not just a curse.

Standing on four legs is feeling really awkward-looking. Hmm. I push down with my front legs, pushing myself up onto my hind legs alone. Whoa! I teeter a little back and forth as I overshoot slightly and almost tip backwards. Thankfully I don't think I made any overly extravagant arm movements or anything. 'Standing' like this feels kinda similar, it's basically squatting, only less uncomfortable; I don't think I can walk like this though. So I get back down to be able to walk after the others.

Ack, we need to give names. Looks like I gotta try speaking, and right after I was hoping I didn't point myself out while getting up too. But what do I even call myself, my actual name...no, people always mess up pronouncing it. Jhin could attract the Zorua's, Lilliana's (that sounds familiar) attention, but it also sounds silly as a real name. I could just not be creative at all and say Nid, it was the first thing I said too, sorta. Sure, why not?

"I'm Nid," I say, or at least try to say as best I can in pokemon-speak, then I quickly add, "or Jhin if you want."

That was a terrible idea, I could've been waaay more subtle about that just in case, but nope. Well, can't change that now...

"San? I'm just Izumi," the Carvanha says.

"And I'm Jay," the Torchic announce, before gesturing up with its beak, "that's-"

It get interrupted when the Yanma it pointed to flutters down, "Should we really be giving out our names just like that, Jay?"

"Oh c'mon, they don't look like a threat do they?" The Yanma shakes its head. "Good, this is Twitch," Jay finishes the interrupted sentence. "And finally, that's Ven."

Finished with introductions, Jay looks at the paw you extended, then looks down to its left and right side, as if pointing out its lack of arms.

Izumi glares at the response, but doesn't say anything.

"Ooookaay?" Jay says, "Are you stretching or something? Anyway, the guild isn't far, just a couple of minutes of walking, we'll get there soon."

"You'll be able to sleep there some more too, and it's inside, so it'll be darker," Ven says somewhat shakily.

I look to the purple Nidoran, now calling himself Nid, and also Jhin. Wait, Jhin? I know someone with that name, or rather, username!

Now that some of the others have introduced themselves (that posing Hawlucha looks amusing over there), I have to do the same. However, my name wouldn't fit this new form. I'll... use a shorter, feminine version instead, and it... feels pleasant. "I'm Rae," I say. "Though Lilly, Jhin, you might also know me as Ube..."

@Jhin Lemon
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