Pokemon Blue Version



An Autistic Kyogre~!
The Ocean
Let's Play -- Pokémon Blue Version

General Information
The entire year of 2016 is set to be celebrated as Pokémon's 20th Anniversary, as February 27, 2016 marks the twentieth anniversary of the original Japanese release of Pokémon Red and Green Versions, and therefore the twentieth anniversary of the Pokémon media franchise as a whole.

To help celebrate Pokémon's 20th Anniversary, I thought that I could head back and play through one of the first generation of Pokémon Games -- Pokémon Blue Version.
Current Items

Poke Ball X 5
Antidote X 3
Escape Rope
Helix Fossil
Moon Stone
Town Map
Current Pokémon Team

: Water
Level: 17
HP: 50
Attack: 31
Defense: 34
Speed: 30
Special: 29
Tail whip
Water Gun
: Flying
Level: 18
HP: 52
Attack: 28
Defense: 27
Speed: 33
Special: 28
Sand Attack
Quick Attack
: Flying
Level: 17
HP: 47
Attack: 27
Defense: 22
Speed: 34
Special: 18
Fury Attack
: Electric
Level: 17
HP: 43
Attack: 26
Defense: 18
Speed: 41
Special: 26
Thunder Wave
Quick Attack
: Normal
Level: 16
HP: 65
Attack: 22
Defense: 16
Speed: 15
Special: 18
: Normal
Level: 17
HP: 44
Attack: 22
Defense: 26
Speed: 33
Special: 17
Tail whip
Quick Attack
Hyper Fang

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Episode One -- Finding PROF OAK

"Hello there! Welcome to the world of POKEMON! My name is OAK! People call me the POKEMON PROF! This world is inhabited by creatures called POKEMON! For some people, POKEMON are pets. Others use them for fights. Myself... I study POKEMON as a profession."


"... I'll be down in a few minutes, MOM!"

'I think that I have time before I need to be at PROF OAK'S LABORATORY. To SUFFICENT VELOCITY...!'

'A POTION...? Nice!'

"I'm ready now, MOM."

"Right. All boys leave home someday. It said so on TV...."

"It's not like I'm going away forever, MOM."

"I know.... I know. It's just hard, COSHIUA. Anyway -- PROF OAK, next door, is looking for you."

"... Alright."

"I'm raising POKEMON too! When they get strong, they can protect me!"

"Awesome! I hope we can battle each other when I get my own POKEMON!"

"That would be great!"

"Technology is incredible! You can now store and recall items and POKEMON as data via the PC!"

"It is pretty great, isn't it?"


"I was actually looking for PROF OAK. Do you know where he is, DAISY?"

"No. Sorry."

"Thanks, anyways!"

"I study data as PROF OAK's AIDE!"

"That must be pretty cool!"

"It is.... Sometimes."

"Yo, COSHIUA! GRAMPS isn't here!"

"Then where is he, RED? I searched everywhere in PALLET TOWN!"

"Maybe he went to VIRIDIAN CITY."

"... Thank you, RED."

"I will find you, PROF OAK!"

"Hey! Wait! Don't go out there! It's unsafe! Wild POKEMON live in tall grass!"

"Where did you come from?!"

"You need your own POKEMON for your protection."

"I know that, PROF OAK! I was just -- "

"I know! Here, come with me!"

"Are you even listening to me?!"

"GRAMPS! I'm fed up with waiting!"

"RED? Let me think... Oh, that's right, I told you to come. Just wait. Here, COSHIUA. There are 3 POKEMON here. Haha! They are inside the POKE BALLS. When I was young, I was a serious POKEMON TRAINER. In my old age, I only have 3 left, but you can have one. Choose!"

"Hey! GRAMPS! What about me?"

"Be patient, RED. You can have one too!"

'... RED should get to pick his POKEMON first. But.... If PROF OAK wants me to, I will....'

'I -- I don't know which one should I choose!'
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Episode Two -- First POKEMON BATTLE
I thought about the three POKEMON in the POKE BALL:

'CHARMANDER is a FIRE-TYPE POKEMON. PROF OAK said that FIRE-TYPE POKEMON have below average defensive stats, but he also said that they have decent speed and high offensive stats. It would take a lot of work to train a POKEMON like CHARMANDER....'

'SQUIRTLE is a WATER-TYPE POKEMON. PROF OAK said that WATER-TYPE POKEMON have the most balanced attributes, with decent offensive and defensive stats, but below average speed. It would be easier to train a POKEMON like SQUIRTLE....'

'BULBASAUR is a GRASS-TYPE POKEMON. PROF OAK said that GRASS-TYPE POKEMON have above average defensive stats, but he also said that they have the most weaknesses. It would take less work to train a POKEMON like BULBASAUR than CHARMANDER...'

"Now, COSHIUA, which POKEMON do you want?"

I looked from the POKE BALL on the table to PROF OAK. "I think that I will take SQUIRTLE, PROF OAK. SQUIRTLE has the most balanced attributes."

"Welcome to the team, KOOPA!" I said to the SQUIRTLE inside the POKE BALL.

I looked at the last POKE BALL. "That leaves CHARMANDER." I turned to PROF OAK. "PROF OAK -- "

"CHARMANDER will be well taken care of, COSHIUA." PROF OAK said with a smile.

I nodded and then turned to leave --

-- only for RED to tell me to wait. "What is it, RED?"

I nodded. "That's a good idea, RED. What did you have in mind?"

"... I don't think this is a good idea anymore, RED." I said as I looked around. "This is PROF OAK's LABORATORY! We can't battle here!"

RED made a dismissive motion. "It's fine. Now, c'mon!"

'It looks like I don't have a choice. I have to fight RED and his BULBASAUR....' I thought as RED took out his BULBASAUR'S POKE BALL. I looked at PROF OAK and then reluctantly out KOOPA's POKE BALL. 'Hopefully, BULBASAUR AND KOOPA won't damage PROF OAK's LABOATORY too much....'






I smiled. "Way to go, KOOPA!"

I looked to RED. "It really isn't, RED. You had BULBASAUR GROWL instead of TACKLE while I had KOOPA TACKLE and TAIL WHIP. If you had BULBASAUR use TACKLE more, then BULBASAUR might have --"

"That is a low blow, RED." I looked at RED, frowning. "I know KOOPA might have beat BULBASAUR, but that is no reason to blame him! He did his best! If you want to blame someone, then you should blame yourself!"

I looked after RED and tried not to run after him. I wanted to make him take back what he had said about BULBASAUR, to make him understand what he had said wasn't right, but RED wouldn't listen to me. Not now.

I spent a few minutes calming down before I said goodbye to PROF OAK and PROF OAK's AIDES and left PROF OAK's LABORATORY. I headed HOME and introduced MOM to KOOPA.

I then helped MOM cook dinner before I went to bed.

I decided to head to VIRIDIAN CITY to pick up some groceries for MOM, KOOPA and I. MOM was hesitant to let me go, but I managed to convince her that KOOPA would protect me from WILD POKEMON.

On the way to VIRIDIAN CITY, KOOPA and I encountered a RATTATA. KOOPA leveled up.

KOOPA and I then encountered an employee from the VIRIDIAN CITY POKEMON MART. Noticing how tired KOOPA was, he gave me a Potion.

"Thank you!"

KOOPA and I then encountered a PIDGEY. It managed to hurt KOOPA with two GUSTS, but KOOPA managed to take it down easily enough.

'Trainer Tips.... Good to know.' I thought before I turned to VIRIDIAN CITY. "To the POKEMON CENTER!"

"Thank you!"

Once I left the POKEMON CENTER, I met with a BUG CATCHER. He told me about the two BUG-TYPE POKEMON that could be found within VIRIDIAN FOREST -- WEEDLE and CATERPIE -- and more about the POKEMON MART.

Of course, the moment I stepped into the POKEMON MART, I was called to the counter by the CASHIER. 'How does he know that I live in PALLET TOWN...? Did MOM tell him abot me?'
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I probably won't be following along for a Gen I LP, since I know it too well. But I was hit by some nostalgia nevertheless. :)

(The screenshots could probably be a quarter the size, by the way. They're taking up enough space such that scrolling through this thread takes a while. Dunno if those images would be easy to reformat.)
I'm confused, your LP character isn't an asshole.
I am happy to hear that. I can be a bit of a jerk sometimes, but I try not to be too mean ir assholish.
I probably won't be following along for a Gen I LP, since I know it too well. But I was hit by some nostalgia nevertheless. :)

(The screenshots could probably be a quarter the size, by the way. They're taking up enough space such that scrolling through this thread takes a while. Dunno if those images would be easy to reformat.)
I know that a Gen I LP will not be that popular at this point in time. There are hundreds if not thousands of other Gen I LPs out there -- without something to make it somehow stand out or unique, this LP will tread the same ground as all of those that came before it.

I don't know if I'll manage to make this LP stand out, but I'll try to and I'll have a great time doing so.

Not really, Oh I am slain!. I'll look into it though.
Episode Three -- To VIRIDIAN FOREST

I looked at the CASHIER. "... I know PROF OAK. Why?"

"I have a PARCEL for PROF OAK." The CASHIER said before he pulled the PARCEL out from underneath the counter. "I would deliver the PARCEL to PROF OAK myself, but I can't leave the POKEMON MART unattended." He looked at me. "Since you are from PALLET TOWN and know PROF OAK, I was wondering if you would deliver this PARCEL to him for me."

" .. Sure." I said.

The CASHIER handed me the PARCEL. "Make sure to deliver it to PROF OAK straight away!"

I stored PROF OAK'S PARCEL in my BACKPACK, left the POKEMON MART and started to head back to PALLET TOWN. On ROUTE ONE, KOOPA and I encountered a PIDGEY.

KOOPA used TACKLE to take down the PIDGEY in three turns. The experience he gained from that allowed him to grow to level eight as well as learn the WATER-TYPE MOVE BUBBLE.

I wanted to encounter some more WILD POKEMON on ROUTE ONE to test KOOPA'S BUBBLE, but KOOPA and I didn't encounter any more before we reached PALLET TOWN.

KOOPA and I headed straight for PROF OAK'S LABORATORY to deliver PROF OAK'S PARCEL to PROF OAK. Before I could retrieve the PARCEL, however, PROF OAK started to ask me about KOOPA.

"KOOPA is doing well, PROF OAK." I said. "He's already reached Level Eight."

I smiled and looked at KOOPA's POKE BALL. "I like KOOPA too." I looked up at PROF OAK. "But, PROF OAK, that is not what I came to you to talk about. The POKEMON MART CASHIER in VIRIDIAN CITY couldn't come, so he told me to deliver this PARCEL to you."

"Yes." I said and handed PROF OAK the PARCEL.

PROF OAK looked at the PARCEL for a moment and then set it down on a nearby table. "Thank you, COSHIUA."

"It wasn't -- "

"Hey, GRAMPS!" I stopped and turned at the noise to find that RED had entered PROF OAK'S LABORATORY. He stopped in front of PROF OAK and then crossed his arms in front of himself. "I'm here. What did you need me for?"

PROF OAK proceeded to tell RED and I about his newest invention -- the high tech encyclopedia he called the POKEDEX. He told us that it had been his dream to fill the POKEDEX by capturing all of the POKEMON in the world, but asked us to help him fulfill it since he was too old.

I didn't know how to feel about that. I wanted to help PROF OAK, but I didn't understand why he couldn't ask his AIDES to help him complete it instead of RED and I. Surely, his AIDES had more experience....?

I took a POKEDEX from PROF OAK. 'I don't know if I'll be able to complete the POKEDEX, but I'll try.'

RED left PROF OAK'S LABORATORY soon after PROF OAK had given him his POKEDEX and I followed. I went HOME to tell MOM what PROF OAK had asked me to do and then headed towards ROUTE ONE.

KOOPA and I encountered a few PIDGEY and RATTATA and took them down with TACKLE and BUBBLE attacks. This earned KOOPA enough experience to level up.

In VIRIDIAN CITY, I headed to the POKEMON MART to tell the CASHIER that I had delivered the PARCEL to PROF OAK. I spent a few minutes after that browsing the aisles and ending up purchasing 1 POTION, 2 ANTIDOTES and 5 POKE BALLS.

I decided to head back to ROUTE ONE to attempt to catch PIDGEY and RATTATA that I had seen there with the POKE BALL that I had bought. KOOPA and I encountered a RATTATA that I managed to capture with a POKE BALL and then nicknamed RAT-FUNK, but failed to encounter any PIDGEY.

I headed to the POKEMON CENTER to heal KOOPA and RAT-FUNK before I headed west to look for more WILD POKEMON. KOOPA, RAT-FUNK and I encountered several more RATTATA in the tall grass, but failed to encounter any new POKEMON.

Then --

-- RED noticed and decided to approach me. He told me that he had managed to catch another POKEMON and then asked me if I had managed to do the same. I told him that I had and he smiled before telling me that he wanted to test the strength of his new POKEMON against mine.

I learned that while I had managed to capture a RATTATA, RED had managed to capture a PIDGEY. He ordered his PIDGEY to use SAND-ATTACK -- a MOVE meant to lower a POKEMON'S accuracy -- and TACKLE while I had RAT-FUNK use TACKLE.

In the end, RAT-FUNK managed to defeat RED'S PIDGEY --

-- and gain enough experience to reach level seven.

RED then sent out his BULBASAUR. He had BULBASAUR use TACKLE and LEECH SEED against RAT-FUNK until I was forced to recall RAT-FUNK and send out KOOPA. BULBASAUR managed to land a LEECH SEED KOOPA, but RED failed to take advantage.

BULBASAUR went down to three of KOOPA'S TACKLE attacks --

-- and the experience that RAT-FUNK had earned allowed him to level up once again.

RED recalled his BULBASAUR to its POKE BALL and then told me more about VICTORY ROAD and the POKEMON LEAGUE before he headed back to the VIRIDIAN CITY POKEMON CENTER to get his POKEMON healed.

I searched for more WILD POKEMON and managed to encounter a PIDGEY.

KOOPA used TACKLE to bring PIDGEY'S HP into the red before I used a POKE BALL. I caught PIDGEY and nicknamed him ALBATOSS before I followed RED'S example and headed back to VIRIDIAN CITY to heal my POKEMON at the POKEMON CENTER.

I then headed north in search of the BUG-TYPE POKEMON that I had heard about earlier. I encountered another PIDGEY and RATTATA before I entered the VIRIDIAN CITY GATE HOUSE. There I found two people.

The first person asked if I had caught a RATTATA. I told her that I had and let out RAT-FUNK to prove it. I told her where she could find RATTATA and she thanked me before she headed down to ROUTE ONE.

The other person stopped me before I could head into VIRIDIAN FOREST.

"Yes." I said. "I heard that there are BUG-TYPE POKEMON in there."

"I will. Thank you for the warning!"

I then entered the VIRIDIAN FOREST.
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Episode Four -- BUG TYPE POKEMON
I spent a couple of minutes talking with one of the BUG CATCHERS near the entrance of the VIRIDIAN FOREST about the BUG-TYPE POKEMON and the other BUG CATCHERS that could be found within. He didn't tell me anything that I hadn't already heard about CATERPIE and WEEDLE, but he did tell me that the other BUG CATCHERS might challenge me to a battle.

I thanked him for his time and then headed deeper into the VIRIDIAN FOREST.

I encountered the next BUG CATCHER a few minutes later. He challenged me like his friend had told me he would. I fought and defeated his two BUG-TYPE POKEMON with ALBATOSS.

I encountered the next BUG CATCHER soon after that. He challenged me like his friend had and sent out a WEEDLE and CATERPIE to battle ALBATOSS. WEEDLE and CATERPIE managed to hurt ALBATOSS more than the previous BUG CATCHER'S BUG-TYPE POKEMON, but fell to a few well placed GUST attacks.

I moved on.

I fought the last BUG CATCHER near what I assumed to be the exit of the VIRIDIAN FOREST. ALBATOSS took down his WEEDLE and KAKUNA, but I was forced to recall him and send out RAT-FUNK when he sent out his last BUG-TYPE POKEMON.

Still --

-- the experience that ALBATOSS gained allowed him to level up.

I headed back into the VIRIDIAN FOREST when I heard that the last BUG CATCHER has lost some items. I didn't know if I would find them, but I thought that I would have a better chance of it than the BUG CATCHER.

After all, I had ALBATOSS.

I attempted to return the items I had found to the BUG CATCHER, but he insisted that I take them. "I didn't think that I would be able to find those items, so I bought more at the POKEMON MART." He looked at me. "Besides, you worked hard to get those COSHIUA. I wouldn't feel right in taking them back."

I thanked him for his generosity and then left the VIRIDIAN FOREST to heal my POKEMON at the PEWTER CITY POKEMON CENTER. I then decided to travel back to the VIRIDIAN FOREST so that I could catch the BUG-TYPE POKEMON I had seen there.

I encountered several METAPOD, but decided not to catch them since I needed to catch a CATERPIE. The experience that RAT-FUNK and KOOPA gained from the METAPOD allowed the both of them to level up.

I soon managed to find --

-- and catch a CATERPIE that I then nicknamed WIGGLER.

I moved WIGGLER to the front of my POKEMON PARTY and spent time switch training him as I moved through the VIRIDIAN FOREST in search of other BUG-TYPE POKEMON. The experience that WIGGLER gained allowed him to level up several times until --

-- WIGGLER evolved from a CATERPIE into a METAPOD.

WIGGLER and I encountered and fought several more CATERPIE and METAPOD, but failed to find any WEEDLE or KAKUNA. I was about to leave the VIIRIDAN FOREST when WIGGLER and I finally encountered a new POKEMON.

PIKACHU was not the WEEDLE or the KAKUNA that WIGGLER and I had wanted to encounter, but a welcome sight nonetheless. He managed to break out of the first POKE BALL that I threw at him, but failed to break out of the second.

I thanked WIGGLER for his hard work and nicknamed the PIKACHU I had caught SAIRESU.

I would spend some more time in the VIRIDIAN FOREST with WIGGLER and SAIRESU to help them reach a similar level to that of the other POKEMON in my POKEMON PARTY. Once I had done that, I left the VIRIDIAN FOREST for the last time and headed to the PEWTER CITY POKEMON CENTER to have them healed.

I then headed to --

-- the PEWTER MUSEUM OF SCIENCE. I learned that it cost 50 POKEDOLLAR to enter the PEWTER MUSEUM OF SCIENCE and I bought one. I knew that others would probably think it a waste of money, but I bought one anyway.

I had always been interested in science.


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I spent the next couple of hours within the PEWTER MUSEUM OF SCIENCE. I looked at the FOSSILS of ANCIENT POKEMON that were said to have lived thousands if not hundreds of thousands of years ago, PREHISTORIC TOOLS made by HUMANS, APRICORN POKE BALL and the APOLLO 13.

I might have weirded out a few other people in the PEWTER MUSEUM OF SCIENCE with how enthusiastic I was, but I didn't think that I had been that bad. I thought that I had been very restrained.

'... I think it's time to leave.' I thought as I made my way to the PEWTER MUSEUM OF SCIENCE'S exit. 'They're staring.'

I proceeded to head south to VIRIDIAN CITY through the VIRIDIAN FOREST in an attempt to encounter and catch WILD POKEMON that I had missed previously. I managed to encounter and capture a SPEAROW which I then nicknamed AWK, but failed to encounter and catch a WEEDLE or a KAKUNA.

Oh well.

I headed back through the VIRIDIAN FOREST and encountered more BUG-TYPE POKEMON that I defeated with AWK. FLYING-TYPE MOVES like PECK were super effective against BUG-TYPE POKEMON which made it easy to earn enough experience for AWK to level up several times.
"You're a trainer, right?" I turned around at the voice to find an older BUG CATCHER approach me.


"BROCK'S looking for new challengers! Follow me!"

The BUG CATCHER led me from the entrance of ROUTE TWO to the PEWTER CITY POKEMON GYM. "If you have the right stuff, go take on BROCK!" He said challengingly. "He'll show you how tough a GYM LEADER is!"

"I never said that -- "

The BUG CATCHER pointed to the PEWTER CITY POKEMON GYM. I looked at him for a moment before I reluctantly started to walk towards the doors. I entered the PEWTER CITY POKEMON GYM and --

-- I was stopped by a JR. TRAINER.

"... Did I do something wrong?"

"You're light-years away from facing BROCK!" The JR. TRAINER proclaimed.

"I think that you're confused. Light years doesn't -- "

The JR. TRAINER sent out a DIGLETT.

I sent out KOOPA to deal with the JR. TRAINER'S DIGLETT and the SANDSHREW he sent out afterwards. The experience that he earned from the two battles allowed him to level up.

'... Who says 'darn' anymore?' I wondered as I walked away from the JR. TRAINER.
"That BUG CATCHER said that you were looking for challengers. So here I am!"

BROCK sent out a GEODUDE and I sent out WIGGLER to slow it down with STRING SHOT before I recalled him and sent out KOOPA. KOOPA took GEODUDE down with two quick BUBBLE attacks, leaving BROCK with only one POKEMON left.

BROCK sent out an ONIX.


Once I overcame the initial fear that BROCK'S ONIX had instilled within me, I repeated the same strategy that I had done before. ONIX took out WIGGLER after his third STRING SHOT, but fell to three BUBBLE attacks from KOOPA.

"I wouldn't say that, BROCK." I looked at him. "I won because I had a WATER-TYPE POKEMON. If I hadn't had a WATER-TYPE POKEMON, then I would have lost. Those ROCK-TYPE POKEMON really are really strong!"

"...Thank you."

I smiled and lifted my arm into the air. "I got a BOULDERBADGE!"


I looked away, blushing. "... Sorry."

It was only after I finished talking with BROCK that I learned that WIGGLER had earned enough experience to level up and evolve. I didn't understand how a POKEMON could evolve when it was unconscious -- and neither did BROCK -- but I wasn't going to complain.

I had a BUTTERFREE now!
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Episode Six -- ROUTE THREE
"Wait! Take this with you!"

I stopped at the shout and then turned around to face BROCK once more. He held out a thin and rectangular piece of black plastic with an off-white circle in the center of it. I took it from him and turned it over in my hands as I looked over it. "What is this?"

"That is a TECHNICAL MACHINE or TM. A TM contains a MOVE that can be taught to POKEMON. A TM is good only once: when you use a TM to teach a POKEMON a new MOVE, pick the POKEMON carefully!" Brock said. He pointed at the TM. "TM34 contains BIDE. The POKEMON that you use it on will be able to absorb damage in battle and pay it back double!"

"That's the same MOVE that ONIX used...." I said as I looked down at TM34. I had not been able to see the full extent of what BIDE was capable of, but from what I had seen it was a powerful MOVE. "Thank you, BROCK."

BROCK nodded. "There are all kinds of trainers in the world, COSHIUA. You appear to be very gifted as a POKEMON TRAINER! Go to the POKEMON GYM in CERULEAN CITY and test your abilities!"

"I will."

I left the PEWTER CITY POKEMON GYM and headed to the POKEMON CENTER to heal my POKEMON. I headed out and then left PEWTER CITY to enter ROUTE THREE.

I encountered a LASS near the entrance of ROUTE THREE. I had thought to talk to her and ask her about the WILD POKEMON that could be found on ROUTE THREE, but she was not in the mood to talk.

The LASS sent out a PIDGEY and I sent out SAIRESU. The LASS' PIDGEY managed to hit SAIRESU with a GUST attack, but fell two of SAIRESU'S THUNDERSHOCK attacks. The LASS recalled her PIDGEY and then sent out another PIDGEY. It managed to blind SAIRESU with SAND ATTACK and hurt him with two GUST attacks, but fell to two THUNDERSHOCK attacks.

"I'm not mean...."

I headed north and encountered one of the BUG CATCHERS that I had met previously in the VIRIDIAN FOREST. He seemed eager to show me how much his BUG-TYPE POKEMON had improved, but from what I could tell his POKEMON hadn't improved that much. He had managed to help them gain enough experience to level up though he had not allowed them to evolve.

It would be understandable if he wanted to wait until his POKEMON learned a MOVE below he allowed them to evolve, but CATERPIE and WEEDLE didn't learn anything.

Oh well.

"I think that you should allow CATERPIE and WEEDLE to evolve." I said.

The BUG CATCHER frowned.

I encountered a YOUNGSTER soon after I left the BUG CATCHER.

He sent out a RATTATA and I sent out SAIRESU. It took SAIRESU three THUNDERSHOCK attacks to take the YOUNGSTER'S RATTATA down before the YOUNGSTER recalled it and sent out an EKANS. The YOUNGSTER'S EKANS use WRAP to trap SAIRESU, but SAIRESU eventually managed to break free and take it out with more THUNDERSHOCK attacks.

"I think that a ROCK-TYPE POKEMON would help." I said to the YOUNGSTER. "It wouldn't help much against WATER-TYPE POKEMON or GRASS-TYPE POKEMON, but RATTATA or EKANS could be trained to deal with them."

The YOUNGSTER nodded. "... That's actually not a bad idea. Thanks, COSHIUA."

"Alright." I said.

The YOUNGSTER sent out a SPEAROW and I sent out SAIRESU. The SPEAROW managed to hit SAIRESU with a PECK attack that took him out which then forced me to send out RAT-FUNK. RAT-FUNK'S QUICK ATTACK finished the SPEAROW off.

I headed back to PEWTER CITY to heal my POKEMON at the POKEMON CENTER before I headed back to ROUTE THREE.

I encountered another LASS near where I had encountered the last YOUNGSTER that I had fought. She sent out a RATTATA and I sent out RAT-FUNK. RAT-FUNK managed to take out the LASS' RATTATA and then her NIDORAN with a few well-placed TACKLE and QUICK ATTACKS.

"I have not been mean to anyone...!" I said as I walked away from the LASS, exasperated and somewhat frustrated.

"I did no such thing!" I shouted.

The LASS pulled out a POKE BALL. "Liar!"

"... I am going to leave before I say something that I regret." I said to the LASS. "Believe what you want."

"Let me help you to the nearest POKEMON CENTER." I said to the JR. TRAINER. "You can rest there."

The JR. TRAINER looked at me for a moment. "... Alright."
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I apologize for the fact that I was unable to update Let's Play: Pokémon Blue Version today. I have had some issues with the save function that required me to repeat all of the progress that I had made -- three times. I managed to find and fix the issue that was causing the problem, but....

I will strive to produce more than one update tomorrow.
Episode Seven -- MT. MOON POKEMON

"I don't think that ... I could have made it here ... alone." The JR. TRAINER said. He turned to look at me. "If there is anything that ... I can do to help you in return...."

I thought about it for a moment. "... There is one thing that I think that you could help me with." I looked up at the JR. TRAINER. "Could you tell me about the WILD POKEMON live in MT. MOON? What I should expect?"


I thanked the JR. TRAINER for the information before I proceeded to head south to search for JIGGLYPUFF. KOOPA and I encountered several PIDGEY and SPEAROW in the tall grass before we finally managed to encounter a JIGGLYPUFFF. It took three TACKLE attacks to whittle down the JIGGLYPUFF's health and one POKE BALL to catch it.

I nicknamed the JIGGLYPUFF AIR BAG.

In the MT. MOON POKEMON CENTER, I encountered a JR. TRAINER that offered me a deal: 500 POKEDOLLARS for a MAGIKARP. I didn't think too much about it and accepted the deal without a second thought -- 500 POKEDOLLARS later and I was the new owner of CHEEP CHEEP the MAGIKARP.

I thought that I would be able to train CHEEP CHEEP against the ROCK-TYPE POKEMON in MT. MOON, but came to find that it only knew one MOVE: SPLASH. What was worse was that SPLASH did not seem to do much of anything.

I went back to the MT. MOON POKEMON CENTER to talk with the JR. TRAINER about CHEEP CHEEP and failed to find him. I asked the other POKEMON TRAINERS in the POKEMON CENTER about the JR. TRAINER, but no one seemed to know where the JR. TRAINER had gone.

'... Was I just hustled?!'

I left the POKEMON CENTER and headed back into MT. MOON. It sucked that I had been scammed like that, but I shouldn't allow it to get to me. I couldn't allow it to get to me.

'Great.' I thought as I looked at the sign. 'That is just what I need right now....'

Fortunately, I did not encounter the ZUBAT that the SIGN had warned me about until after I had encountered a CLEFAIRY and a GEODUDE. I used KOOPA, RAT FUNK and SAIRESU to whittle down their health and then captured them within POKE BALLS. I then proceeded to nickname them SPRIXIE, BRISTLE and SWOOP.

I started to head deeper into MT. MOON in an attempt to find the PARAS and the ONIX that I had been told about when --

-- I met a LASS. The LASS told me that she was waiting for her friends and then asked me if I would like to have a POKEMON BATTLE to help her pass the time.

"I don't think that will help. -- "


The LASS smiled.

"Yes." I looked at the LASS. "The next time that you fight another POKEMON or POKEMON TRAINER, have CLEFAIRY lead with SING and then POUND the other POKEMON when it falls ASLEEP."

'Nice!' I thought as I picked up TM12. 'Maybe CHEEP CHEEP can learn WATER GUN.'

'This should be useful.' I thought as I put the POTION into my BACKPACK.

I had barely finished putting the POTION into my BACKPACK when I heard someone shout something at me. I turned around to find a frightened BUG CATCHER pull out a POKE BALL from his BACKPACK.

"Hey! Wait -- !"

The BUG CATCHER attacked.

The BUG CATCHER sent out a WEEDLE and I sent out AWK. The BUG CATCHER had his WEEDLE attack AWK with POISON STING and I had AWK attack the WEEDLE with PECK. The WEEDLE went down to two PECK before the BUG CATCHER sent out a KAKUNA. The KAKUNA HARDENED, but fell to three of AWK's PECK attacks.

"I think it's time that I got some answers." I looked at the BUG CATCHER. "Why did you attack me like that?"

"I thought -- I thought you were one of them." The BUG CATCHER mumbled.

"I see...."

"I didn't say that I didn't believe you. Tell me about these men."

The BUG CATCHER started talking.
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Episode Eight -- The ROCKET

I looked at the SUPER NERD. "I didn't sneak up on you. If I had been sneaking, then -- "

'Alright, then.' I thought with a frown. 'If he doesn't want to listen, then I'll make him listen.'

'I have not seen a MAGNEMITE before.' I thought as I looked over the SUPER NERD'S MAGNEMITE. 'RAT-FUNK should be able to hurt it with TACKLE and QUICK ATTACK, but I might need to have him lower it's defense with TAIL WHIP....'

I had RAT-FUNK use TAIL WHIP to lower the MAGNEMITE'S defense and then attack the MAGNEMITE with TACKLE. The SUPER NERD had his MAGNEMITE use TACKLE to attack RAT-FUNK, but RAT-FUNK managed to avoid MAGNEMITE. MAGNEMITE managed to land his next two TACKLE attacks though fell in the next turn to RAT-FUNK'S QUICK ATTACK.

The SUPER NERD recalled MAGNEMTE and then --

-- sent out a VOLTORB.

I recalled RAT-FUNK to his POKE BALL and then sent out KOOPA. I had KOOPA whittle down VOLTORB'S HP with TACKLE before I recalled him and sent out RAT-FUNK to take VOLTORB down with a QUICK ATTACK.

I frowned at the SUPER NERD. "I don't like how people blame their POKEMON when they lose a POKEMON BATTLE. It is not the POKEMON'S fault -- POKEMON follow their POKEMON TRAINER'S directions to the letter." I looked down at him. "So, maybe, instead of blaming MAGNEMITE or VOLTORB, you should blame yourself."

I then turned around and left the stunned SUPER NERD to think about and reflect on what I had said. I didn't know if he would listen to me or not, but I hoped that he did for MAGNEMTE and VOLTORB'S sakes.

I then proceeded to encounter several more ZUBAT and GEODUDE that I had KOOPA battle. He learned WATER GUN when he reached level fifteen and helped proved its worth by using it to one shot knock out the level seven to the level nine GEODUDE that we encountered afterward. The battles gained him enough experience to reach level sixteen and evolve.

I would always look fondly on the time that KOOPA and I had spent together when he was a SQUIRTLE, but I couldn't wait to see what KOOPA could do now as a WARTORTLE.

'Another POTION. Nice!'

'This might come in handy later....'

'This must be my lucky day!'

I encountered a LASS sometime after I found the ESCAPE ROPE.

'That's -- That's so cute!' I thought as I looked at ODDISH.

I felt bad that I had to fight the first ODDISH that I encountered, but I didn't have much of a choice. I sent out ALBATOSS and had him attack the LASS' ODDISH with GUST. It managed to hit ALBATOSS with two TACKLES before it went down to ALBATOSS' GUSTS.

The LASS recalled ODDISH and then sent out --

-- a BELLSPROUT. The LASS had BELLSPROUT use GROWTH to raise BELLSPROUT'S Sp. Attack and then attack ALBATOSS with TACKLE. I had ALBATOSS return fire with SAND ATTACK to lower its accuracy and GUST to whittle down its health.

"You fought well." I said to the LASS.

I spent the next few minutes telling the LASS how to find the exit of MT. MOON before I proceeded deeper. I found--

-- an HP UP that I then proceeded to use on KOOPA before --

-- I encountered one of the 'suspicious men' that the BUG CATCHER had told me about.

The ROCKET sent out a SANDSHREW and I sent out KOOPA. The ROCKET'S SANDSHREW managed to land a TACKLE on KOOPA before it went down to KOOPA'S WATER GUN and the ROCKET recalled it. The ROCKET sent out a ZUBAT that KOOPA defeated with two more WATER GUNS before he sent out a RATTATA. It took out KOOPA with QUICK ATTACK which forced me to send out SAIRESU.

The ROCKET'S RATTATA fell to two THUNDERSHOCK attacks.

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Episode Nine -- Defeat TEAM ROCKET

'... What could TEAM ROCKET want with MT. MOON?' I thought before I noticed the ROCKET pull out a POKE BALL. 'Think about it later, COSHIUA!'


The ROCKET sent out a ZUBAT and I sent out SAIRESU. The ROCKET had his ZUBAT use SUPERSONIC to CONFUSE SAIRESU, but SAIRESU managed to avoid the MOVE and then hit the ROCKET'S ZUBAT with a THUNDERSHOCK. The ROCKET had ZUBAT use LEECH LIFE in an attempt to recover the HP it had lost to SAIRESU'S THUNDERSHOCK though the HP it managed to gain was not enough to allow it to take another THUNDERSHOCK.

The ZUBAT FAINTED and the ROCKET recalled it to its POKE BALL. He pulled out another POKE BALL and sent out--

-- an EKANS.

The ROCKET had EKANS use LEER on SAIRESU to lower SAIRESU'S defense and I had SAIRESU use THUNDERSHOCK. The ROCKET then had his EKANS use WRAP, but SAIRESU managed to avoid the attack. I had SAIRESU use THUNDERSHOCK again and the attack proved enough to take down the ROCKET'S EKANS.

The ROCKET fled into the depths of MT. MOON and I followed after him -- unable and unwilling to allow him to escape. I managed to keep pace with him until he did something to wake up and then direct several ZUBAT toward me. SAIRESU managed to defeat the ZUBAT with THUNDERSHOCK, but by then the ROCKET had vanished.

'Damn it.'

I headed in the direction I had last seen the ROCKET and ran into --

-- a BUG CATCHER. He asked me if I had come to explore MT. MOON like he had and I told him that I had. I then told the BUG CATCHER about the ROCKET and asked him if he had seen him. The BUG CATCHER told me that he had and pointed down another path.

I thanked the BUG CATCHER before I started after the ROCKET. I ran into --

-- and knocked over a HIKER that had been heading in my direction. I told the HIKER that I was sorry before I left him and headed down and deeper into MT. MOON in pursuit of the ROCKET.

I would not let him escape.

I soon encountered another ROCKET. The ROCKET told me that the other ROCKET had told him about me and told me that 'little kids should leave well enough alone' before he said that he would 'take care' of me.

I pulled out AWK'S POKE BALL.

'That is -- That is impossible!' I thought as I looked at the ROCKET'S RATICATE. 'RATTATA evolve into RATICATE at LEVEL 20! How on Earth -- !?' The ROCKET ordered his RATICATE to use QUICK ATTACK. 'Think about it later, COSHIUA!'

The ROCKET'S RATICATE used QUICK ATTACK to take out half of AWK'S HP, but AWK managed to nail it with it with a FURY ATTACK that did the same amount of damage. The ROCKET ordered his RATICATE to use QUICK ATTACK and I ordered AWK to use FURY ATTACK.

The ROCKET's RATICATE managed to take AWK down to 3 HP with its QUICK ATTACK, but AWK managed to take it down with his FURY ATTACK.

The ROCKET retreated and I pursued him until --

-- I encountered a third ROCKET. He told me that he would beat me and then how TEAM ROCKET would find the FOSSILS, revive them and then sell them.


I had ALBATOSS use GUST and the ROCKET had his RATTATA use QUICK ATTACK. The RATTATA'S QUICK ATTACK took ALBATOSS down to 3 HP and forced me to recall him before I sent out SAIRESU. The ROCKET'S RATTATA hit SAIRESU with two QUICK ATTACKS before it fell to two of SAIRESU'S THUNDERSHOCKS.

The ROCKET recalled his RATTATA --

-- and sent out a ZUBAT as I recalled SAIRESU and sent out ALBATOSS. I had ALBATOSS use SAND ATTACK to lower the ROCKET'S ZUBAT'S accuracy and the ROCKET had his ZUBAT use SUPERSONIC. I recalled ALBATOSS and sent out SAIRESU before I had SAIRESU use THUNDERSHOCK. The ROCKET had use his ZUBAT use LEECH LIFE, but it failed due to its lowered accuracy. SAIRESU took it out with its next THUNDERSHOCK.

The ROCKET looked incensed --

"I won't let TEAM ROCKET do as they please! Not here on MT. MOON or anywhere else!"

"I wouldn't get too full of yourself, brat!" The ROCKET said with a scowl. "You might have beaten me and the others, but TEAM ROCKET will not be defeated by a mere child!"

I started toward the ROCKET and the ROCKET pulled out a SMOKE BOMB and threw it against the floor. The SMOKE BOMB hit the ground and released a thick cloud of smoke that the ROCKET then took advantage of. By the time that the smoke from the SMOKE BOMB had cleared, the ROCKET had vanished.

'Damn it.'


'... These muse be the FOSSILS that TEAM ROCKET was after.' I thought before I turned to the SUPER NERD. 'TEAM ROCKET must have heard that he had found them and come into MT. MOON to steal them from him....'
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Episode Ten -- RED CERULEAN
The SUPER NERD pulled out a POKE BALL. "I am not about to let anyone take these FOSSILS from me!"

"Hey! Wait! I don't want -- !"

'... Fine.' I thought before I pulled out ALABTOSS' POKE BALL.

The SUPER NERD sent out a GRIMER and I sent out ALBATOSS. THE SUPER NERD had GRIMER used SMOG, but I had ALBATOSS use QUICK ATTACK to hit the GRIMER before it could hit ALBATOSS. ALBATOSS landed the QUICK ATTACK and managed to avoid GRIMER'S SMOG before he hit GRIMER with another QUICK ATTACK that made GRIMER FAINT.

THE SUPER NERD recalled GRIMER to its POKE BALL and then pulled out another POKE BALL. He sent out --

-- a VOLTORB. I recalled ALBATOSS to his POKE BALL and sent out RAT-FUNK. The SUPER NERD had his VOLTORB use SCREECH to lower RAT-FUNK'S defense while I had RAT-FUNK use HYPER FANG to take out half of the VOLTORB'S HP. The SUPER NERD had VOLTROB use SCREECH again and RAT-FUNK'S HYPER FANG hit and took out VOLTORB.

The SUPER NERD recalled VOLTORB and sent out --



'It's a good thing that I have ANTIDOTES.'

I looked at the SUPER NERD. "I don't want to take one of the FOSSILS that you found from you. I tried to tell you before, but you attacked before I had a chance to speak."

"... I apologize." The SUPER NERD said in a quiet, apologetic tone. He looked up at me. "I just -- I just assumed that you were after the FOSSILS that I found."

"I understand. I don't think you'll need to worry about people coming after those FOSSILS anymore though -- my POKEMON and I took care of them."

The SUPER NERD looked at me for a few moments and then --

-- told me that I could take one of the FOSSILS. I took the HELIX FOSSIL.

I recoiled. 'The light! It burns! It burns.'

'This might come in handy. ' I thought.

"RED!" I said surprised. "I haven't seen you in a while! How are you doing?"

"Me too." I said.

"Alright -- "

I pulled out ALBATOSS' POKE BALL. '... I should've known.'

I sent out ALBATOSS and RED sent out a PIDGEOTTO. I had ALBATOSS use SAND ATTACK, but RED had his PIDGEOTTO use GUST to take out one third of ALBATOSS' HP. I had ALBATOSS use another SAND ATTACK and RED had his PIDGEOTTO use another GUST to take out another one third of ALBATOSS' HP.

I predicted that RED would have his PIDGEOTTO use QUICK ATTACK to finish off ALBATOSS, so I recalled ALBATOSS and sent out RAT-FUNK. RED had his PIDGEOTTO use QUICK ATTACK like I predicted, but it failed due to his PIDGEOTTO'S lowered accuracy. I had RAT-FUNK use HYPER FANG and RED had his PIDGEOTTO use another QUICK ATTACK. RED'S PIDGEOTTO FAINTED after three HYPER FANGS, leaving RAT-FUNK at full health.

RED recalled PIDGEOTTO and sent out--

--an ABRA.

RED had ABRA use TELEPORT and I had RAT-FUNK use HYPER FANG again. RED'S ABRA FAINTED after taking two of RAT-FUNK'S HYPER FANGS, leaving RED with just two POKEMON left.

RED recalled ABRA and sent out --


"RATTATA on RATTATA, huh?" I asked RED.

"Yeah." RED smirked. "Let's see whose RATTATA is better, COSHIUA!"

RED had his RATTATA use TACKLE and I had RAT-FUNK use HYPER FANG. RED had his RATTATA use QUICK ATTACK, but I had predicted that and had RAT-FUNK use QUICK ATTACK. RAT-FUNK proved to be faster than RED'S RATTATA and took it out.

RED frowned as he recalled his RATTATA to its POKE BALL. He pulled out his last POKE BALL and sent out --


I had RAT-FUNK use HYPER FANG and RED had his BULBASAUR use LEECH SEED. I recalled RAT-FUNK after he had been SEEDED and sent out AWK instead. RED had BULBASAUR use LEECH SEED again, but AWK managed to avoid it before he delivered a devastating FURY ATTACK on RED'S BULBASAUR.


I looked at RED. "You were the one that wanted to find out how much POKEMON that I had caught through a POKEMON BATTLE, RED."
RED looked at me for a moment --

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Episode Eleven -- NUGGET BRIDGE PT. 1
"I'll smell you later, COSHIUA!"

RED headed south to CERULEAN CITY to have his POKEMON healed at the POKEMON CENTER and I headed north to ROUTE FIVE in search of WILD POKEMON.

I soon encountered a BUG CATCHER that asked me if I would like to participate in the NUGGET BRIDGE CHALLENGE. I asked him about the NUGGET BRIDGE CHALLENGE and he told me that it was a CONTEST in which a POKEMON TRAINER would go up against five CONTEST TRAINERS. If the POKEMON TRAINER managed to defeat all of the CONTEST TRAINERS, then the POKEMON TRAINER would win a 'FABULOUS PRIZE'.

"... I think I'll give it a shot." I said.

I pulled out RAT-FUNK'S POKE BALL.

I sent out RAT-FUNK and the BUG CATCHER sent out a CATERPIE. The BUG CATCHER had his CATERPIE use STRING SHOT to lower RAT-FUNK'S speed and I had RAT-FUNK use HYPER FANG to take out half of the BUG CATCHER'S CATERPIE'S HP. The BUG CATCHER had his CATERPIE use TACKLE, but I had RAT-FUNK use QUICK ATTACK to take CATERPIE out.

The BUG CATCHER recalled his CATERPIE to its POKE BALL and then sent out a --


I recalled RAT-FUNK to his POKE BALL and sent out SAIRESU. The BUG CATCHER had his WEEDLE use POISON STING, but SAIRESU managed to avoid it before I had SAIRESU use THUNDERSHOCK. The BUG CATCHER had his WEEDLE use POISON STING again, but it wasn't very effective. I had SAIRESU use THUNDERSHOCK again to finish off the BUG CATCHER'S WEEDLE.

I flushed at the praise. "Thank you...."

I nodded once.

I pulled out SAIRESU's POKE BALL.

The LASS sent out a PIDGEY and I sent out SAIRESU. She had her PIDGEY use GUST, but SAIRESU managed to avoid it before he hit PIDGEY with a super effective THUNDERSHOCK attack. She had her PIDGEY use SAND ATTACK to lower SAIRESU'S accuracy though it failed to do much. I had SAIRESU use THUNDERSHOCK once more, and the LASS' PIDGEY FAINTED.

The LASS recalled her PIDGEY to its POKE BALL --

--and sent out a NIDORAN.

The LASS had her NIDORAN use POISON STING on SAIRESU and I recalled SAIRESU to his POKE BALL. I sent out AIR BAG and had him use POUND while the LASS had her NIDORAN use another POISON STING. I had AIR BAG use POUND again to finish things and take out the LASS' NIDORAN.

"I shouldn't need to explain..."

I nodded.


I sent out SAIRESU and the YOUNGSTER sent out a RATTATA. I had SAIRESU use THUNDERSHOCK, but the YOUNGSTER had his RATTATA use and deliver a CRITICAL QUICK ATTACK. I had SAIRESU use QUICK ATTACK and the YOUNGSTER had his RATTATA use QUICK ATTACK again. SAIRESU managed to outspeed the YOUNGSTER'S RATTATA and finish it off, but it left SAIRESU with less than 10 HP.

The YOUNGSTER recalled his RATTATA and sent out --

-- an EKANS.

I recalled SAIRESU and sent out ALBATOSS. The YOUNGSTER had his EKANS use WRAP, but ALBATOSS managed to avoid it before I had him hit the EKANS with a GUST. The YOUNGSTER had his EKANS use LEER and I had ALBATOSS use GUST to take out another third of EKANS' HP. The YOUNGSTER had his EKANS use LEER again and I had ALBATOSS take it out with one final GUST.

The YOUNGSTER then sent out a ZUBAT. I had ALBATOSS use QUICK ATTACK to take out half of the ZUBAT'S HP and the YOUNGSTER had his ZUBAT use SUPERSONIC to CONFUSE ALBATOSS. I had ALBATOSS use QUICK ATTACK again, and ALBATOSS broke through the CONFUSION to take out the YOUNGSTER'S ZUBAT.

"You're not really hurt, are you?"

"... No."

"A little bit." I admitted.

I sent out RAT-FUNK.

Episode Twelve -- NUGGET BRIDGE PT. 2

I pulled out RAT-FUNK'S POKE BALL.

I sent out RAT-FUNK and the JR. TRAINER sent out a MANKEY. I had RAT-FUNK use HYPER FANG and the JR. TRAINER had his MANKEY use and land a CRITICAL LOW KICK. The JR. TRAINER had his MANKEY use LOW KICK and I had RAT-FUNK use QUICK ATTACK to make the JR. TRAINER'S MANKEY FAINT.

"You fought well." I told the JR. TRAINER.

I smiled.

I turned to look at the ROCKET RECRUITER. "... You can't be serious."

"No." I told him.


"I will never join TEAM ROCKET!" I told the ROCKET RECRUITER in a hard tone. "TEAM ROCKET is --"

I looked at the ROCKET RECRUITER in contempt.



The ROCKET RECRUITER recalled his EKANS to its POKE BALL and sent out --

-- a ZUBAT.

The ROCKET RECRUITER had his ZUBAT use SUPERSONIC and I had ALBATOSS use GUST. The ROCKET RECRUITER had his ZUBAT use LEECH LIFE and I had ALBATOSS use GUST. The ROCKET RECRUITER had his ZUBAT use LEECH LIFE again, and I had ALBATOSS finish things with another GUST.

"I'm better than you ROCKETS."


ALBATOSS evolved from a PIDGEY to a PIDGEOTTO.
I am proud to announce that I have returned home after an extended two and a half month(s) trip; that I can start to plan and write updates for Bang Baby, Let's Play -- Pokémon Blue Version and Pokémon: Orange Version within the next couple of days.

I will attempt to schedule the updates so that there is a new update for Bang Baby and Let's Play -- Pokémon Blue Version or Pokémon: Orange Version and Let's Play -- Pokémon Blue Version every day | every other day. I might not always be able to keep up this schedule due to the number of events that I have been drawn into, but I will do my best to stick to it.
Episode Thirteen -- CERULEAN GYM PT. 1
The ROCKET RECRUTIER told me that I could have become a top leader in TEAM ROCKET before he threatened me by saying that TEAM ROCKET would not allow someone like me to stand in their way. I told him that I would not stand for an organization like TEAM ROCKET to exist. He made some more threats, but retreated quickly when I started towards him.

I chased after him for a few minutes before he turned around a corner and I lost him. I looked around for anything that might tell me where he might have gone, but I was forced to admit defeat after a few minutes of fruitless search.

I intended to head back to the POKEMON CENTER to heal my POKEMON TEAM when I was stopped by a JR. TRAINER.

I looked at him with frustration. " If you saw what happened on NUGGET BRDIGE, then you should have done something to help! I might have been able to catch him -- !!"

"I'm not strong enough to fight TEAM ROCKET...! Here, I'll prove it to you!"

I pulled out AIR BAG'S POKE BALL.

The JR. TRAINER sent out a RATTATA and I sent out AIR BAG. He had his RATTATA use TACKLE and I had AIR BAG use POUND. He had his RATTATA use TACKLE and I had AIR BAG use POUND. I had AIR BAG use POUND to finish things, but the JR. TRAINER had his RATTATA use QUICK ATTACK to land one more shot before it FAINTED.

The JR. TRAINER recalled his RATTATA and sent out --

-- an EKANS. I recalled AIR BAG and sent out RAT-FUNK while the JR. TRAINER had his EKANS use WRAP in an attempt to trap AIR BAG. Thankfully, RAT-FUNK avoided EKANS' WRAP.

The JR. TRAINER had his EKANS use WRAP and I had RAT-FUNK use QUICK ATTACK to land a hit before EKANS' WRAP ensnared him. EKANS' WRAP ended after three turns: the JR. TRAINER had EKANS use WRAP again and I had RAT-FUNK use QUICK ATTACK. The JR. TRAINER then had his EKANS use POISON STING, and I had RAT-FUNK use HYPER FANG to make EKANS FAINT.

"It doesn't matter that I'm stronger than you." I told the JR. TRAINER. "If people worked together to fight and prevent TEAM ROCKET from escaping, then TEAM ROCKET wouldn't be such a threat!"

I left him to consider that and before I could say something I would regret.

I started to feel a little better half an hour after I had started to fight WILD POKEMON with my POKEMON TEAM. I felt somewhat guilty for taking out my frustrated feelings on the WILD POKEMON, but WILD POKEMON fought anyone that entered the TALL GRASS. And I hadn't really harmed them all that much. I had just had my POKEMON TEAM make them FAINT.

I felt event better when I managed to catch a few POKEMON for the POKEDEX. I was a little disappointed that I had still not managed to catch a WEEDLE -- which the POKEDEX told me could be found in the area -- but I told myself that I would have plenty of time to catch one.

I even found --

'Might come in handy....' I thought.

I then headed back to the CERULEAN CITY POKEMON CENTER to heal my POKEMON TEAM. There, I overheard other POKEMON TRAINERS talking about their recent battles against the local GYM LEADER -- MISTY -- and the WATER-TYPE POKEMON she used.

I accessed BILL'S PC and deposited AIR BAG into it before I withdrew PETEY.

"What -- ?"

I pulled out PETEY'S POKE BALL.

The SWIMMER sent out a HORSEA and I sent out PETEY.

The SWIMMER had his HORSEA use BUBBLE and I had PETEY use GROWTH. He had his HORSEA use BUBBLE and I had PETEY use VINE WHIP. He had his HORSEA use SMOKESCREEN and I had PETEY use VINE WHIP to make HORSEA FAINT.

The SWIMMER recalled HORSEA and sent out --


The SWIMMER had SHELLDER use WATER GUN, but PETEY managed to avoid it before he hit SHELLDER with a VINE WHIP. He had SHELLDER use WATER GUN and I had PETEY use VINE WHIP again. The SHELLDER FAINTED.

"It can." I said.


I frowned at the JR. TRAINER. "That's a little presumptuous. I might not be that old, but I'm still a good POKEMON TRAINER!"

"I told you."