PokéFlicks and Hollywood Hits

Scene 3 - Take 3: Educational Sessions and Conflicted Expressions
I know I write a lot in these author's notes and I'm thinking of preventing that by making a discord server so I can give better progress updates and stuff like that. If at least one person in the comments wants one, I'll make one. I'll just have to create one later because of what I have to announce next.

I'm going to take a small break because I'll be out of the country for about a month or so. THIS IS A SCHEDULED HIATUS. I'll come back and continue working on this fic as soon as I'm back home and in front of my pc. Just to reassure, I still have zero intention of dropping this, I want to see the ending finalized and published as much as all of you. You could say I'm a fellow reader myself.

I'll talk a bit more in the A.N after the chapter, but thanks for reading! Give critiques when you see fit!

William the beta-reader once again saved my writing, especially with spotting a typo of Elesa's name. I've fixed it all in prior chapters, thanks again!

"We're back at Pokéstar Studios!" Grant pressed the pokéball's button with a flash of red, Beartic materialized at the front gates. He briefly stretched his arms, a habit he began to follow after the transition from being made of data to a physical form.

As much as he wanted to stay with Weavile and the rest of his team back in Icirrus, he felt he was missing out on what was happening in Pokéstar Studios. He hadn't heard of any news from Brycen, which caused him to believe that something big was going on there.

"Here's your pokéball," the former Gym Trainer handed over the spherical device to him. "I called Brycen so he knows you're here now."

Beartic nodded curtly, signaling his permission for Grant to enter his car. As he closed the door behind him, he lowered the window and leaned outward.

"Oh shoot, almost forgot. Before I go, Brycen said he'll meet you when he's done with some sort of training with some children. He said that you should meet with Harper by the vanity vans, he'll tell you what's been happening while you were gone."

Harper? That was a name he wasn't familiar with. No one had that name, or at least anyone he knew in Pokéstar's staff. Beartic wondered if there was a new hire, his time away from the studio did cause him to be behind with the happenings of Pokéstar. Some time had passed since he was here, the last time being during the production of "Full Metal Cop."

And Brycen… training children? For what, acting? There was no other answer in Beartic's head, but he'll get the real answer from this "Harper."

"Thanks, Grant. Drive safe," Beartic stood tall, waving goodbye.

"See you again, Beartic!" His car drove down the road and disappeared after turning a corner.

As the sun began its descent down into the horizon, the time signaled the studio for its closure for the day. Only a handful of crew members bustled about, and the atmosphere was peaceful and serene. The relative quiet twilight was always special to him; it mirrored the gentle winding down of the day itself. Beartic quickened his step as he made his way toward Brycen's vanity van, both because he didn't want to keep Harper waiting and due to his eagerness to meet up with everyone.

Approaching the van's parking lot, he caught sight of Riolu perched on the steps of the vehicle alongside two younger Pokémon, an eevee and a poochyena. Because of his imposing size, Riolu quickly spotted him and enthusiastically waved his paw in the air.

"Beartic!" He hopped off his seat and eagerly approached him. "You're back! How was Icirrus City?"

"Chilly, just the way I like it. Being able to see the team again was great, you can thank Weavile for extending my stay there. I wish I could introduce you to them, they'd definitely like you."

"They would?"

"You're nothing short of interesting, kid. Anyone would want to know who you were," Beartic gave weight to each word.

Glancing behind Riolu, he noticed that they were visibly shaking at the sight of the enormous creature in front of them. It was a nostalgic moment for Beartic, as he could never forget the expression on the kid's face from their first encounter. He did wish that he didn't appear as menacing to a younger audience. Maybe it was his ice beard that scared them, or his size, or his oversized paws, maybe it was all three combined. Regardless, he slowly bent his knees and crouched to get to level with the children.

"I'm not gonna eat you two," he chuckled to the scared duo, remembering that he used the same joke from back then. "So what's your names? I'm Beartic, and you could say I'm this little actor's teacher."

"It's fine, you two. He's nicer than he looks," Riolu took a few steps backward and pushed the children forward, letting the two take the front stage.

"H-Hi, Mr. Beartic," the poochyena stammered. "I-I'm Zorro, and s-she's Eve."

"Y-Yeah," the eevee confirmed shakily before hiding behind Riolu, Zorro following her soon after.

"They'll warm up to you soon," Riolu reassured. "Just like how I did."

Was he feeling jealous? That they were more comfortable around the kid than him? Eh, maybe a little. Riolu was right though, all they needed was some time to get to know him.

With one final glance around the lot, Beartic concluded that he had waited long enough for "Harper" to show up. Facing Riolu again, he said. "I was told that I needed to meet someone here so they could catch me up on what's been going on here. Someone by the name of 'Harper,' you know of him, kid?"

"But… but he's right here?" Eve spoke up, catching Beartic's attention. "You mean Mr. Harper, right?" Zorro pointed a paw at Riolu.

"Wait," Beartic's voice dropped. "You're Harper? You remembered your name?"

"I… I did, yeah," the riolu failed to maintain eye contact with him. "It was while you were gone, I remembered it after we finished filming 'Full Metal Cop' at Humilau. Did Brycen not tell you about it?"

"Grant doesn't know who you are, so I'm sure he thought Harper was a human when Brycen gave his request," Beartic responded. "So what made you remember? Did something happen?"

"There was nothing huge that made me remember, my name just came back to me. I was with Audrey and Ripley when we were watching the sunset together."


The kid's voice carried a subtle hint of insecurity. His words seemed genuine, but Beartic's thoughts swirled around in his mind, suggesting otherwise. If Harper remembered his name after witnessing a sunset of all things, then what else could he remember?

It was still weird to think of the kid as "Harper," it was a mature-sounding name, but he'd have to get used to it eventually.

"It's good to hear that you remember your name now," Beartic temporarily pushed his suspicions aside. "You know that I'm still gonna call you 'kid,' right?"

A deep, heavy sigh escapes the kid's mouth. "That's as much as I expected."

"So… since you're the one I was supposed to meet, why don't you tell me what I've missed?"

"Well, we've started preproduction for a new TV show that's going to help educate kids. Zorro and Eve are going to be the main stars and their trainers are their voice actors."

"And you're here to help them?" He asked the riolu.

"Yup, I'm helping them learn how to act before we do the real thing."

"Taking my job now, are we?" Beartic ruffled the top of Harper's head.

"I'm not," Harper replied as he fixed his fur. "Mr. Stu Deeoh asked for the both of us to help Zorro and Eve."

"Did he now?" Beartic was glad that he was going to have a more direct role with Pokéstar's next big project. "Guess you'll be like my assistant when we guide them," he chuckled.

Harper stifled a laugh. "That's actually my role in the show."

"What?" Beartic held his breath. If the kid was going to say what he was thinking…

"The TV show takes place in a world with only pokémon and there's a guild that Zorro and Eve are a team in," Harper waved towards the actors-in-training before pointing at himself. "I'm the Guildmaster's Assistant, guess who you are."

"A 'Guildmaster?'"

Harper, Zorro, and Eve nodded in unison.

"Wow, how long has it been since I acted in anything? This is amazing!" He guffawed, accidentally startling Zorro and Eve. He playfully slapped Harper's back. "Thanks for the news, kid! This was more than I ever expected!"

"Tha— grea— t— hea—" Harper's voice cut off with each strike.

Beartic couldn't recall his last role in a project. Months? Years? It didn't matter that his new role was going to be a far contrast to his other prominent roles in action films with Brycen. A role to entertain a younger audience sounded fun to him, maybe this was the perfect opportunity to brighten his public image as a pokémon for all ages. Another bonus from all this was the kid being his assistant in the show. He was never going to let him forget that.

"Is that Beartic I hear?" A voice appeared in the distance.

The group pivoted to find Brycen standing with two nearly identical children trailing behind him, reminiscent of a mirrored image of Harper and the two younger Pokémon. With gleaming eyes, Zorro and Eve dashed towards their trainers and lept into their arms, awaiting head pats which they soon received.

"It seems I was correct," Brycen smiled at his partner pokémon after witnessing the childrens' reunions. "Welcome back, Beartic. Grant notified me of your arrival earlier. Judging from your excitement, Harper has told you of your part in this show?"

"Sure did," Beartic smiled back, getting up from his seated position. "I'm glad to be back."

Brycen motioned his arms to the children beside him. "I'd like to introduce you to Caleb and Claire. They are apprentice lab trainers for Professor Juniper and are currently under the guidance of her assistant, Bianca. I'm sure that Harper showed you their partner pokémon."

"Sure did," he replied, flashing a grin at Zorro and Eve. The two pokémon, unsure of how to respond, gingerly waved a paw.

"Hi, Beartic!" Caleb observed Beartic's physique with a gaped mouth. "Wow, you're huge!"

Claire's expression was filled with amazement, just like the boy's. "Beartics are way taller than I thought."

"Now that we have introduced ourselves and their pokémon are reunited, I'll be leading the twins back to Bianca. I heard that Pokéstar has prepared a place for them to stay during production."

"Bye, Harper! Bye, Beartic!" The trainers and their pokémon bid farewell as they walked away with Brycen, leaving Harper and Beartic together.

"Brycen said that Bianca's here, why's that?" Beartic asked the riolu. The last time he saw her was when Brycen was still a Gym Leader. Her team was formidable at the time, he still wondered why she had decided to stop being a trainer and change to an assistant professor.

"She's the main reason why this show is happening in the first place. She was the one to present the idea in place of the Unovan Research Team."

"Did she say why they're doing all of this in the first place? Seems like they don't get a lot in return."

"I don't think they're getting a lot in return compared to Pokéstar Studios. Apart from teaching kids who watch the show, Bianca said how Caleb and Claire would bond uniquely by voice-acting for their pokémon and helping them around during production."

"Going through all this effort to teach two children how to be trainers, I'd say it's commendable."

"Maybe that's why Bianca's always taking notes," Harper wondered aloud. "She's probably looking at how Caleb and Claire are growing."

The sun had completely set, now fully enveloping the studio with the night sky in view. One by one, the numerous lampposts slowly flickered on, illuminating the sidewalks it bordered.

"...this reminds me of the Griffith Observatory…" Harper murmured.

"What?" Beartic barely made out the riolu's words.

"N-Nothing… I just said that I like observing the place."

Another one of his infinite curiosities. While he'd let this one slide, another arose.

"Hey, kid," Beartic blurted out, stopping the riolu. "There's something I need to ask you."

"Yeah?" He faced him again. "What is it?"

"Do you like sleeping outside your pokéball?"

"Why the random question?"

"Just a small thought, and also since it's nighttime now."

"I guess I just feel more comfortable sleeping underneath a blanket than being inside a pokéball. Being inside one feels relaxing and all, but it also feels a little weird."

"Weird? Why?"

"I… I don't know how to explain it? I mean, I'll stay in it when I need to for filming, but I guess I just don't like being inside something the size of my fist," Harper balled up one of his paws.

"You remind me of a young pokémon I once fought two years ago."


"A victim of Team Plasma's propaganda. She had a similar viewpoint on pokéballs, though she took it to an extreme."

"Was this when you fought at the Unova League? Against Team Plasma's invasion?"

"Yes, and that's a story I'll tell you another time," Beartic stood up and opened the van doors, pushing the riolu in. "It's late now, and kids like you need good sleep."

"Damn, you'll tell me someday, right?"

"Sure, and didn't I say no cussing from you?" He spoke sternly.

"Sorry, sorry," Harper raised his paws in the air. "Goodnight, Beartic."

"Goodnight, kid."

As the door thudded shut with a solid click, the riolu stepped into the van. Beartic settled back onto the ground, leaning against the side of the van to avoid any jostling. Gazing up at the starry sky, he found himself reminiscing about what happened back then.

"Why do you like your human so much if all you do is stay in their pokéballs?! I used to be like you but thanks to Team Plasma, I'll fix it! I'll fix everything!"

Beartic rubbed his left bicep where he felt a dull sting, the spot where she landed a Night Slash.

~I don't know where she is now, but I hope she's still not with the new Neo Plasma group that's out there…~

When morning arrived, Harper found it much easier to educate Zorro and Eve with Beartic by his side. While spending one day with them had been enjoyable, he knew he couldn't handle it alone for much longer. As they all sat down for breakfast at the cafeteria, Mr. Stu Deeoh showed up at the scene, interrupting Beartic's retelling of one of his old films to Zorro and Eve. The studio owner asked them to give the two young pokémon a tour of the movie set to familiarize them with the equipment before filming began, wanting to ensure they wouldn't feel overwhelmed.

"We need zem to not be afraid of all zee cameras! Zey are large, but zey are 'armless! I shall 'ave a soundstage for Caleb and Claire's pokémon to explore!"

The original plan was to continue familiarizing Zorro and Eve with how it feels to act, but Beartic and Harper couldn't turn down the man's offer. He had given them a golden opportunity to teach them in a suitable environment, after all.

"How did Mr. Stu Deeoh prepare all this so quickly?" Harper looked up at the soundstage, one of a multitude in Pokéstar Studios. The one they were in front of in particular was specially reserved. "We left the cafeteria like a few minutes ago."

"He probably had it ready before he asked us, classic Stu," the ice bear chuckled.

"Do you know what's inside, Mr. Harper?" Eve asked.

"Apart from the usual tech inside, no I don't. Every set looks different and since Mr. Stu Deeoh gave us permission to go inside, we're all curious."

Beartic pushed the button beside the soundstage door and listened to the groan of metal as it slid open. The sunlight barely illuminated the interior as they stepped inside. As they entered, the door automatically closed with a resounding thud, plunging the room back into darkness.

"Wow! It's dark in here!" Zorro shouted, his voice echoing down the soundstage.

"Hey, kid. Could you find the key lights around here? I'll try to see if there's something around here," he vaguely pointed around a corner.

After telling Zorro and Eve to stay where they were, Harper approached the center of the soundstage, making out the numerous cameras and lights. Normally, he wouldn't have been able to navigate in the dark, but that was when he had human eyes. Now, it was easier to see with the eyes of a riolu, but he didn't want to stand in an unlit place the size of a warehouse.

He organized the tangled mess of wires scattered across the floor, finally laying his hands on the specific one he had been seeking. Opting to illuminate the key lights first, Harper traced the wire's path to an outlet, revealing that it had been carelessly left unplugged.

"Striking!" Harper habitually cried out before plugging in the key light's wires. Beartic covered Zorro and Eve's eyes in time as the set turned bright.

"Maybe give a clearer warning to the little actors before turning those on, they don't know what 'striking' means," Beartic advised with mild amusement etched on his face. "You shouted that like how the electricians do all the time, you pretending to be like them or something?"

"Sorry, I'll give a better warning next time," Harper silently cursed himself for shouting that out of habit. At least Beartic handed him an excuse on a platter, though he didn't know if opportunities like that would happen again.

With just enough lighting to illuminate the set, he got a good look at the surroundings. The backdrop consisted of green screens, with various types of trees scattered throughout. The ground was covered in a thick layer of synthetic moss and grass, speckled with clusters of ferns and undergrowth.

Overall, it all looked fake with closer inspection, but it reminded Harper of when he first appeared. He knocked on one of the trees with his paw where his knuckles should be, the rough texture obvious at the touch. How long was he here in the Pokémon world since he woke up near Route 20? He lost count after his first movie, but it was likely for the better that he did.

"Mr. Beartic?" Eve slowly approached the polar bear. "Why make a fake forest when there's a real one outside?"

"Great question, Eve," Beartic cleared his throat before continuing. "it all has to do with the conditions of the environment. Nine times out of ten, filming in the wild is plenty dangerous, there's a lot of stuff that's out of our control. There could be dangerous pokémon nearby, or it could be too windy, cold, hot…"

As Beartic listed common nature hazards, Harper realized that Zorro wasn't beside Eve like he usually was. It was only when he turned to his side that he saw the poochyena, oddly silent with a paw on the fake tree, eyes closed.


Before Harper could question Zorro's emotions any further, the poochyena's emotions suddenly reversed to his usual excitement and wonder.

Zorro strolled up beside Eve and sat down. "If this is a fake forest, then what was being filmed here?"

"I think there was an advertisement filmed here for a new brand of repels," Beartic answered. "You've probably seen it if you watch TV with your trainers."

"Beartic, I think we should start teaching them now," Harper reminded him. "What do you think we should start with?"

"Right, right, we should start with showing them the camera then. Let's use the camera dolly, it's at the end of the set, just follow the rails."

Another task that Harper was all too well acquainted with, but for the first time in a while, he felt enthusiastic to do it. Doing as Beartic instructed, he grabbed the handlebars and rolled the camera dolly closer to the rest of the group. The dolly shot was a technique Harper frequently used, but it was always a bit of a hassle due to its weight and the amount of equipment it had to support. However, this time, thanks to Harper's new Pokémon body, the cart was noticeably lighter.

~Man, if only I had this much strength back in Hollywood.~

"Thanks, kid," Beartic expressed his kindness to Harper as he finished rolling the camera over. "Zorro, Eve, this nifty device here is the most important tech for a film studio. It's the reason why movies can be made in the first place. Without it, Pokéstar wouldn't exist."

"We know what cameras are, why are you making it a big deal, Mr. Beartic?" Zorro tilted his head in confusion.

"Because you're the star actors, all your acting is for this camera," he gently patted the top. "When the cameras are rolling, your attention always has to be set on the cameras."

"Do we look at them, then?"

"No, but that doesn't mean you should never. Sometimes, whatever the movie or TV show is, it could ask that you look in. For this lesson's sake, don't look in 'em."

Zorro and Eve nodded together, taking in Beartic's words. Harper was amazed at how quickly they warmed up to him. They were engaged with every word the veteran actor gave to them. All it took for them to bond was a small breakfast and sharing some words together to kick things off. Beartic had a constant, genuine smile since they entered the soundstage, the same expression he had when he trained Harper in their first lesson.

"Hey, Beartic," Harper interrupted his lesson on spatial awareness with cameras. "Do you mind if I go turn on the fill and backlights? I can tell that the key lights are heating up."

"I-I don't mind. It'll help with what I want to do next anyways," he answered with mild bewilderment before redirecting his attention to the younger pokémon.

Grabbing a few nearby scrims, Harper hopped on some stands and inserted them in front of the key lights, dimming their intensity. Fiddling with the buttons and switches, he gradually turned on the fill and back lights so as not to blind everyone. Before, only the fronts of Beartic, Zorro, and Eve were lit up but now they were perfectly illuminated on all sides for filming.

"Is it just me or did it get much brighter?" Zorro wondered aloud with squinted eyes.

Harper jumped back down to floor level and approached the rest. "Better get used to it now, Zorro. It's not the actors who control how bright it is, that role goes to the film crew like the Gaffers and Grips."

"Gaffers? Grips? What are those?"

"They handle all the lighting and rigging of the film equipment respectively," Harper then waved his paw in a "shooing" motion. "You don't need to worry about them, though, they handle the stuff that makes your acting better to film."

"You know, kid. You really know your way around the equipment here," Beartic said. "I was surprised you knew how to turn on the lights."

"Then why did you ask me?"

"I knew how to turn on the key lights, I just wanted to see if you knew how. You surprised me more when you asked if you could turn on the rest. Heck, you even knew how to put that fabric stuff in front of the lights."

~The scrims? Does Beartic not know what they're called?~

"You're quick to learn all that stuff, aren't ya?"

"I-I like observing what the Key Grip and their assistants do while we film," Harper lied. "I guess it just came easy to me?"


What the hell was that?

"If it comes that easily to you, you must be a prodigy!" Beartic laughed as he patted Harper's head. "Look at you, you could join the film crew and fit right in!"

The feeling he had from Beartic clung to his head. It was the first time Harper felt something from someone that wasn't an emotion. Whatever he read, it wasn't clear enough to mentally form, but it felt like a section of something? It felt impartial, but he couldn't tell why.

"Mr. Harper?" Eve touched his paw, waking him up from his thoughts. "Are you ok?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine, Eve," Harper reassured her before turning to Beartic. "We should continue their lesson, Beartic."

"Alright then, the next thing you should learn is how the camera moves and how to position yourse…" Harper drowned Beartic's voice out as he began to think critically of himself.

~I keep telling myself that I would try to not reveal my past by accident but it keeps happening. Do I tell Beartic? I can't though, he's been thinking of me like a student and I can't break that. What would he think of me if he knew I was some thirty-something-year-old guy and not a young riolu?~

It was hard to lie before, and it was only getting worse.

The nurse laid out a tray of Nate's pokémon on the counter. "Here are all your pokémon all fully healed. I saw your victory at the Nimbasa Gym on the TV, the fight against Elesa's Emolga was amazing!"

"Thank you," Nate latched each of his pokéballs on his belt. "It wasn't an easy fight but I'm glad I won in the end."

The "Anti-Elesa Training" that he specially assigned for his newest pokémon, Krokorok, worked out in the end. Her Zebstrika was like the final boss of her team, but Emolga was the trickiest fighter bar none. The Electric and Flying-type was the fastest pokémon he had ever seen, much faster than Roxie's Whirlipede at its max speed. Since Emolga was immune to Krokorok's advantageous Ground-type moves, Nate needed another plan to knock the pokémon down from the air. His trained combo of the newly-learned Smack Down and Bulldoze was the opportunity he needed to gain the advantage in the gym battle.

"Elesa has a reputation to uphold as a Gym Leader after all," the nurse continued. "It's the only thing keeping Nimbasa safe from those Neo Plasma members."

"I'll stomp them down when I see them," Nate declared. "They've done nothing but try to ruin my journey to be the Unovan Champion."

Team Neo Plasma's schemes only increased since that day in Virbank with Mr. Moore, or as he preferred to be called, Harper. The amount of pokémon stolen and the number of crimes committed in not only the major cities but also the routes between them were concerning. Nate's encounters soured his already negative impression of them. From his encounter with them in Floccesy Ranch to Virbank to the Castelia Sewers, they snuck around like patrat whenever he saw them.

"I only hope that you stay safe. The last thing any Pokémon Center wants is a trainer's pokémon injured without reason."

"Don't worry, I fight only when I know I can win," Nate waved goodbye to the nurse as he stepped out the front door.

Now outside on the sidewalk of Nimbasa, Nate grabbed one of his pokéballs and released Krokorok. A moment later, the Ground and Dark-type reptile appeared in front of him, confused about why he was summoned.

"Krok? Kororok?"

"You're asking why I let only you out, right?"

Krokorok nodded.

"Servine and Flaaffy probably agree with me, but I haven't really spent much time with you other than for training and I want to change that," his other two pokéballs shook in response, signaling their consensus. "We can walk and talk, are you on with that?"

After a few seconds of thought, Krokorok reluctantly agreed. He was usually disinterested in socializing with his other team members, Nate included, but something changed after his battle with Elesa. Maybe seeing his training giving positive results made him agree to Nate's request.

"Thanks, Krokorok. Let's head over to the gate for Route 5 and we'll be on our way to the next badge!" The path to his next Gym Battle was straightforward, all Nate needed to do was go through the upcoming route and walk over the famous Driftveil Drawbridge. With the sun still high in the sky, Nate estimated that he would make it to Driftveil City by nighttime.

After looking through his map for an optimal route to the gate, the two walked through the streets of Nimbasa, the sidewalks as crowded as their first arrival. Passing by the city's iconic Gear Station, a recent memory budded in Nate's head.

"Hey, you remember when we fought against the Subway Masters over there with Rosa?"

Krokorok nodded with a concerned glare as if asking why he would forget.

"Man, her dewott was really strong against their pokémon, I still can't believe they held back against us and they were still that tough! Did you like that battle? It was your first time doing a double battle, after all."

Krokorok had relative experience in battling single pokémon in the wild but since double battles were more oriented for trainer battles, it was a learning experience for him. It took some getting used to coordinating with another trainer's pokémon with no time for hesitation, yet in the end, he pulled through. Krokorok landed the final blow against Emmet's Boldore with two successive Mud Shots to the face after taking advantage of Dewott's encore, forcing the Rock-type to haphazardly use Harden at the wrong time.

"We'll train with double battles in mind in the future, your first time was really cool though! You timed your Mud Shots perfectly! Keep that up and every battle onward will be a breeze."

Krokorok clearly wasn't used to the compliments Nate always gave to his pokémon, him idly sharpening his claws was always a sign of embarrassment.

"Hey, are you…? I think I recognize you!" A young woman with a look of amazement showed up in front of him. "I watched your battle with Elesa at her gym and I swore I saw you somewhere else before, were you in a movie by any chance?"

"Just one," Nate held up a finger.

"I knew it!" She pointed at him squarely. "You were the 'Riolu-Kid,' right?"

"Yeah, I was! How'd you recognize me?"

"It's because of your hair, b-but in a good way!" She stammered at the end. "It stands out from everyone else."

"My hair refuses to be combed down," Nate patted the top of his head. "I'm glad people like it this way."

"Is it ok if I can get a selfie?" The woman pulled a phone out of her purse. "My friends are gonna be so jealous of me when they see it!"

Humoring her, Nate made a "v" shape with his fingers and smiled at the camera beside the woman, and with a snap from her phone, she took the picture.

"Thank you!" She beamed at the photo on the screen. "Hey, where's your riolu by the way? I thought he was your partner."

"I'm friends with him, but he's not my pokémon. Ha- Riolu is an actor for Pokéstar Studios, you probably saw him in another movie. Did you watch 'Full Metal Cop?'"

"I don't think I have, is it out?"

"It should still be in theaters, I watched it a few days ago and it was really fun."

Nate knew the importance of training to have the best pokémon team, but he knew that doing it constantly wasn't healthy, he needed to give himself and his pokémon a break every once in a while. Following his belief, they spent a few days enjoying everything that Nimbasa had to offer like the roller coasters from the previous Nimbasa Gym and the Rondez-View Ferris Wheel.

It was when they passed by a theater and saw the movie poster for "Full Metal Cop," that Nate made a full stop in his tracks. The image of Brycen the Hero and Harper the Riolu Partner walking in front of an explosion immediately caught his eyes, making him pay for tickets soon after to watch with his team.

"I'll have to watch it then, especially since it's coming from you! I do have to ask though, is there gonna be another 'Riolu-Kid' movie?"

Nate shrugged his shoulders. "If there's going to be one, it's gotta be after I become the Unovan Champion."

"Good luck, then! I wanna see the movie continue, it's way too short for something good!" The woman waved goodbye, Nate returning in response.

"Kror, kroko?" Krokorok tugged Nate's jacket.

Nate looked at Krokorok. "You're also curious about the next 'Riolu-Kid' movie?"

"Korro," he nodded. During their first night at the Nimbasa Pokémon Center, Nate showed Krokorok the DVD copy he received from Mr. Stu Deeoh's mail at Castelia City. Servine and Flaaffy had watched it earlier, but that didn't stop them from rewatching it on the provided TV, all of them hooked onto the screen and its flashing effects.

He didn't tell Krokorok about the true identity of the riolu on screen though, and he didn't think his other pokémon did either. It was a matter of privacy and the promise he made to him. If Harper wanted to tell someone his origins, he would, just like how he chose Nate to be the first to know.

"I mean, Krokorok, there's nothing much to say other than what I told the lady just now. They might make another without me, but I kinda wish they didn't. Acting with Riolu was fun, and I wanna introduce you to him as well. We'll go to Pokéstar Studios one day, ok? The owner of Pokéstar, Mr. Stu Deeoh, said we're more than welcome to come back."

Krokorok gave a short, deep rumble in his chest, then pointed at one of Nate's bag pockets where he kept his badge case.

"Hmm? You wanna look at it? Here you go," he took the case out and unlatched its hook, revealing the four badges he earned, each one shining brightly under the sunlight. Nate always made sure to keep them in pristine condition every night, he would only ever earn one of each in his entire career as a trainer after all.

Krokorok pointed at the Bolt Badge, their most recent victory. "Koror, krokork."

"That's the badge we earned from Elesa, did you want to talk about her?"

Krokorok nodded and then pointed in the direction where the woman Nate talked with left.

"That lady and Elesa? What about them?"

"Krok, krork," He threw two air punches before looking back at Nate.

"Are… are you asking about Riolu?" Nate's understanding of his pokémon through charades was getting better.

Krokorok nodded, curious to know about his relation with the Fighting-type.

"I don't know why Elesa wanted Riolu to be a runway model for her," Nate clasped his badge case together and inserted it in his bag. "That was a weird thing to ask almost immediately after we won her badge."

"That's a shame," Elesa pouted. "Brycen said 'no' to me as well. It was worth a shot though, I really wanted a pokémon actor on my catwalk. Imagine if you and Riolu showcased my male fashion here!"

~If she personally asked Brycen for Harper, does she know about him? Wait, does that mean all the Gym Leaders know about him? I hope the next Gym Leader, Clay, doesn't ask for anything.~

"What the hell are you up to here, huh?! Answer me!" Breaking Nate's focus, he heard a familiar voice around the corner, close to the route gate.

"Let's move, Krokorok. I think I know who it was that said that," Nate began running at a brisk pace with Krokorok keeping up to his speed. With a turn around the corner, they saw his rival, Hugh, yelling at a group of… damn it, Team Neo Plasma members. There were four of them standing near the gate, disturbing the public with their presence alone. One of the grunts noticed Nate around the corner. He could practically see a bulged vein on his forehead for some reason.

"There you are!" He angrily pointed at Nate. "I've been wondering when you'd show up after this brat started yelling at us!"

"Nate!" Hugh smiled from his presence. "Help me with these thieves, they're blocking my way to the drawbridge!"

"Who are you?" Nate stood beside his friend. "All you grunts look the same with your weird uniforms and face covers."

"You fucking with me?! I'm the one from that damn ranch and the Virbank Port!"

"The… the one with the patrat?" Nate recalled his previous encounters with Team Neo Plasma.

"Yeah! And it's fully evolved and ready to take you down!" The grunt grabbed his pokéball and threw it to the floor, releasing the patrat's next evolution, Watchog.

"You ready for a battle, Krokorok?" Nate smirked at the croc, who flashed a toothy grin and angled his claws forward, ready to strike.

"You!" The Watchog grunt swiveled his head to the grunt behind him, somehow noticing her reaching for her pokéball. "Don't help me, I want to beat him alone."

"Your loss," she sighed, taking a step back. "When you lose, I'm beating this kid up."

"You handle those two, Nate! I'll deal with the other two myself!" Hugh released Pignite, the fire pig snorted small flames from his nostrils, intimidating his opponents. "Get ready to feel my rage, you Plasma thieves!"

"So, you're not gonna use your riolu?" The grunt smirked at Nate. "Where is he by the way? I've dreamed of stealing him since our last match."

"Away from crooks like you! Use Bite!" Nate commanded as Krokorok's mouth darkened with Dark TE. With bared and powered teeth, he lunged at Watchog, rushing directly forwards at the Normal-type.

"Get out of the way!" The grunt threw his arms sideways as Watchog hesitated for a moment before sidestepping to the right, narrowly missing Krokorok's Bite. With a loud snap, the bite force of the attack rang in everyone's ears, making it known that he missed. Nate swore that he saw Watchog break a nervous sweat.

"Why the hell are you scared? Hit Krokorok with a Tackle, now!" The grunt commanded Watchog to override its fear and rush in, striking his body against Krokorok. The blunt force wasn't strong enough to knock him over, but the damage could be seen where the impact occurred. A faint bruise formed on Krokorok's side, it was wide but it didn't look too concerning. He was fine, and Nate couldn't waste time to ask if he was alright anyways.

"Use Sand Attack!" Krokorok stomped on the ground and created sand particles around him. He swiped his tail at Watchog's leering eyes and the opponent growled in pain.

"W-Wipe the sand off your eyes already, dammit!" Watchog rubbed its paws on its face, getting each speck off.

"Hit him with a Low Sweep!" Nate shouted as the grunt stood flustered.

"Crap, use Hyper Fang on his tail!" The grunt leered at Nate like his pokémon.

Krokorok lashed his tail by spinning his entire body around as Watchog's mouth opened wide, its buck teeth growing larger. The two moves collided, but Watchog's Hyper Fang landed harder, and the pokémon made its intent clear on never letting go. Nate couldn't hesitate at his pokémon cry in pain, not at a serious battle like this. If he did then the enemy would strike again, they weren't the type to fight fairly, and so shouldn't he. Not giving the opponent more time to follow up, he shouted another command.

"Mud-Slap! While Watchog's close!" With the essence of wet earth forming at Krokorok's claws, he whacked Watchog's face, smearing mud over its eyes. The Normal-type growled in frustration as it knelt on the floor, trying to wipe the after-effects of the move off its face.

"Get back up! NOW! I'm not losing to this kid a third time!"

"Smack Watchog down with a Take Down! Don't waste this opportunity!"

Without a second thought, Krokorok grabbed Watchog's back and hugged tightly before lifting him in the air. Watchog flailed around, unable to hit Krokorok with its short arms and legs. A moment later, Krokorok slammed it down to the ground in a suplex, damaging them both as they fell to the floor. The collision of Watchog's head on the concrete ground rendered the pokémon unconscious. With stumbled legs, Krokorok got back up, grinning over its victory well-earned.

"I-I… wha… what the fuck!" The grunt stammered at the sight of his unmoving pokémon. "You have got to be kidding me! I lost that quickly?!"

"Yeah, you dumbass, now shut up," the Plasma member who was waiting behind him pushed him away. "Get your pokémon away from here, it's my turn now."

"T-this isn't over, alright?!" The grunt recalled Watchog and stepped away from the battle. "Just wait till you-"

"Didn't I say to shut up?!" His lips sealed tight instantly as the other grunt faced Nate. "Hope you still have the energy to fight me, this Trubbish I stole is pretty strong."

"You did great, Krokorok. Let's have another teammate handle this now," Nate pulled out his pokéball and summoned him back in. Grabbing another pokéball, he threw it in the air and released Flaaffy. The Electric-type ruffled the wool on her head and neck, releasing the electrical and muscle tension on her body. She shot a nasty glare at the new Neo Plasma member in front of her, ready for battle.

"Seems like you're eager to lose. Let me help you then, Trubbish, go!" With a toss of her pokéball, a Trubbish materialized in front of her. Its stench was made known to everyone in its vicinity, even the other battle that Hugh was occupied in halted for a moment at the scent. Nate plugged his nose and waved his hands back and forth. Flaaffy brought her paws to her face in a similar fashion.

"Unbearable, isn't it? With the amount of Black Sludge I've been feeding it, it's the smelliest Trubbish in all of Unova, even smellier than garbodor!"

"Your tricks won't work against us! Flaaffy, use Cotton Spore to block your nose!"

Eager to not smell anything, Flaaffy's wool expanded and flew off of her body with pieces scattering around the area. The Electric-type grabbed two small pieces at foot's length and stuffed them in her nose like tissues.

"Tch, how convenient of you, but I'll just melt them away with poison! Trubbish, use Acid Spray!" The trash pokémon closed its usually gaping mouth, and its cheeks slowly bulged outward before spritzing purple muck in Flaaffy's direction.

"Run!" Nate pointed away from the Trubbish's attack. "Keep running until it runs out in its mouth!"

Flaaffy dashed around Trubbish in a circle, gradually moving away to gauge the distance it could shoot. Only flecks of poison nicked her legs, but it was too little to cause considerable damage. No matter how quick Trubbish was turning around like a sprinkler, Flaaffy was much faster. With the amount of wool off of her body since her evolution, her speed got better, and it was only going to get better with her next evolution when it came.

"Shoot Thunder Shocks while you're running!" Charging electricity in her hands, she threw bolts at the Trubbish spinning in place. Due to moving around at top speed while shooting Thunder Shock, some miss and hit the opponent's general area, but not the pokémon itself.

"Nice try, but you're gonna have to aim better! Use Toxic Spikes!" The grunt yelled. Nate knew she was trying to hinder Flaaffy's path with more poison, and he wasn't going to let that happen.

"Use Thunder Wave! Stun that Trubbish!" Ripples of electricity pulsed towards the Poison-type. Distracted from charging its own move, it couldn't dodge in time and the move successfully hit Trubbish, causing it to jolt and twitch its arms and face.

"Shit! Use something, anything!" With her plans ruined, the first one incapacitating everyone through smell and the other by stopping them with toxic spikes, the grunt looked like she was at the end of the rope.

"The hell do you mean by 'use anything?!'" The watchog grunt badgered. "Beat him up already!"

"Did you already forget what I said earlier? SHUT UP!" She fumed, turning to the weaker grunt in a fury. With his opponent distracted from the battle, Nate gave his final command.

"Flaaffy! Finish this with an Electro Ball!" Cupping her front paws together, what started with a single spark soon grew into a large sphere of pure electrical energy. With a loud bang, the move accelerated towards Trubbish, the Electro Ball exploded in a flurry of sparks and flickers, knocking it down.

"Wha… T-Trubbish! How did it get knocked down?"

"You just had to look away from our fight. I saw an opportunity and I took it, can you blame me?" Nate asked smugly.

"You… you nasty fu-"

"Tell me where Purrloin is, NOW!" Hugh demanded one of the defeated grunts, Pignite punched his fist into a closed palm, intimidating them.

"W-We don't know, man!" One of them trembled in fear. "How are we supposed to know every pokémon we liberated?"


"We need to get out of here!" The Trubbish grunt ordered the others. An entire crowd had gathered around their battle, and some onlookers spoke into their phones, alerting the authorities. "Let's go before the cops show up!"

With hastened footwork, all the Team Neo Plasma hurriedly ran away in the opposite direction of the gate and into the back alleys of Nimbasa City.

"DON'T YOU RUN AWAY!" Hugh was about to rush towards them before Nate placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Hugh, don't. They'll get caught in no time, they're dumb enough to run into Nimbasa and not the other way out," Nate pointed towards the gate.

Hugh slumped his shoulders. "Y-You're right. I'll let them go, but just this once," He said through gnashed teeth. "I… I'm just getting tired of what they're doing. Every time I feel like I'm getting closer to an answer by beating them, it's just another step backward when they answer."

"You'll find Purrloin, you're not the only one who misses her."

"Sorry, I didn't even think about how you thought about her kidnapping. I really want her back for my sister."

"I know, but I don't think you'll get your answer from the grunts alone. How about we find one of the higher-ups? They gotta have some log where they track all their stolen pokémon, right?"

"Yeah, yeah! You're right!" Hugh brightened up in a flash. "Let's go to Driftveil City then! Maybe the Gym Leader, Clay, will know something!"

"Before we go, can we go back to the Pokémon Center?" Nate pointed a thumb behind his head. "Krokorok's pretty hurt and I wanna clean the all the poison off of Flaaffy. We should also alert Elesa if the authorities didn't already."

"Sure, and then we'll get the answers we've been looking for!" Hugh dashed in the center's direction. "C'mon, the last one there is a loser!"

Nate recalled Flaaffy back in her pokéball and followed his friend slash rival to the Pokémon Center. As they raced, a thought about Neo Plasma lingered in his head. He couldn't help but recall what the Lead Makeup Artist from Pokéstar, Layla, said about what happened two years ago.

"Two years ago, Team Plasma was spreading their message about the liberation of pokémon all around Unova. Pokéstar Studio wasn't safe either, mentioning that we were forcing pokémon to act in movies."

Under the guise of protecting pokemons' rights, they fought against Pokéstar Studios, who were in the moral right. They asked permission from trainers and their pokémon before filming, there was nothing wrong with asking for consent. Now, with the more aggressive Neo Plasma, going so far as to admit their wrongdoings, what was stopping them from going against the studios again? Their actions were further reaching then just hindering his goal to be a Unovan Champion, people and pokemon who didn't even battle would be affected.

Similar to Hugh, he wouldn't let this slide.

Sorry if my brief hiatus is a letdown to hear, this trip is a major reason why I momentarily stopped writing the script and to publish this chapter before I left so people didn't have to wait as long than if I didn't. I also just wanted to write Beartic since his POV was always fun and Nate to see where the canon is going.

I'll still be around to respond to comments but my priority is my trip and what I have to do there. I appreciate the patience for this chapter and for the next one forward!
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Scene 3 - Take 4: Former Glories and Concerning Stories
I'm finally back from break and with that, I made a Discord server! The invite code is x5t9Jgmkqz and you'll be able to talk with me and other readers there. Hope to see you there!

I also updated the synopsis with some added descriptions. Nothing huge, it's just some more flavor text of what PokéFlicks has to offer.

Thanks to William for betareading!

"So where are Harper and Beartic right now?" Bianca asked as they walked down the production office hallway.

Brycen was currently guiding the Assistant Professor and the twins to Vincent after getting an update on the script. With the free time they had this morning, they were able to fulfill the Script Supervisor's request to visit. As for his pokémon…

"They're enjoying some morning time off together with breakfast," He replied. "You understand how much time and effort they have put towards Caleb and Claire's pokémon."

Brycen originally expected that after finishing the production of "Full Metal Cop," he and his Pokémon would focus on self-improvement. He believed this was particularly important for the small Fighting-type pokémon, who was progressing rapidly as both an actor and competent pokemon. It was almost surprising how quickly Harper was developing. Despite suffering from amnesia, he displayed a remarkable innate talent for cinematography. Even though Harper and Beartic were providing their assistance to the twins' Pokémon, taking occasional breaks before production started was certainly a good idea.

"I do, they deserve a break. Children are hard to look over all the time," She whispers as she looks at the twins and their pokémon in their pokéballs, making sure they don't overhear. The two were engaged in their own talk and by what Brycen could overhear, they were curious about what Vincent would be like.

Brycen approached a door adorned with a plaque inscribed with the words "Vincent Price, Script Supervisor," etched into the golden-plated wood. After delivering two firm knocks, he took a step back as the door swung open widely without delay.

"Brycen! Bianca! Thanks for coming so quickly, I know I sent that message abruptly but I have to show you the script now that it's done," Vincent greeted the two before looking at the twins standing nervously behind the Assistant Professor. "You two must be the voice actors, Caleb and Claire, correct?"

After a silent nod from both children, he crouched to their level with a smile. "You probably know at this point given the sign on the wall, but my name's Vincent, and I handle everything script-related here in Pokéstar. Whether it's writing, editing, or helping pokémon know their parts, I'm the guy," Vincent stood back up and held the door open for the group. "Come in, I shouldn't keep all of you standing."

As he stepped into his office, Brycen's eyes were immediately drawn to the sheer volume of papers scattered all around. They covered his desk, the coffee table, and even the walls, leaving no available space untouched. Meanwhile, the constant whirring of a printer behind the desk filled the air, as sheets of paper were steadily spit out by the machine.

"I expected my printer to finish printing the script out earlier but it's pretty slow, I need to get a new one soon. All of you should take a seat while we wait, I'll get all of you something to drink. Is coffee fine for you adults? And juice for the kids?"

"I would prefer tea if it is available," Brycen requested.

"I have a few packets of herbal tea, is that fine?"

"That would be great."

"I—I'll have some tea as well," Bianca jumped into the conversation. "If it won't be any trouble, of course."

"It's no big deal, lemme go turn on the electric water boiler and get the kids their own drinks."

As they sat and waited for their complimentary drinks, Brycen noticed Caleb's interest in a particular wall. Pencil sketches on rectangular papers were arranged in rows and columns, depicting a scene in chronological order.

"Mr. Price?" Caleb pointed with a finger. "Are these comics done? They need some color."

"They aren't comic strips," Vincent laughed as he grabbed two bottles of juice from the fridge and gave them to the twins. "This entire wall is a storyboard, and I've been wanting to show this to you two. A storyboard helps movie makers plan out scenes."

Vincent unpinned one of the rough sketches depicting Zorro and Eve each with a smile facing forward and handed it over to them. "That's both of your pokémon in a scene for the show. A storyboard for us screenwriters. Storyboards help with creating what we want the audience to see. For voice actors that specialize in animations, they usually look at storyboards or rough animation for visualization but for the both of you, you'll be looking at the raw footage of the pokémon acting because you'll be dubbing when they finish filming the scenes needed."

"And is that Mr. Harper and Beartic over there?" Claire pointed at another sketch of a beartic sitting behind a desk with a riolu beside him.

"They sure are!" Vincent removed the drawing from the wall and gave the twins a closer look. "Soon, we'll be able to see the storyboard play out once we begin filming. In the meantime, this will have to do with planning."

"Is this storyboard only for the first episode?" Bianca asked.

Vincent pointed over to the bottom of a filing cabinet behind his desk. "I've got folders full of storyboards for the rest of the show there. The one on the wall I kept up so I could show the twins. They don't necessarily need to look at them but thank Arceus I showed them because they've taken a liking to it!"

True to Vincent's words, the twins were fully entranced by all the storyboards and the little descriptors written underneath. They clearly had an interest in the show and wanted to know everything about it as soon as they could.

A moment later, a ringing noise emitted from the electric water boiler on Vincent's desk.

"Looks like the water's done! Let me get both of you your tea!"

As Vincent prepared their tea and the twins were preoccupied in their own world, Brycen seized the chance to inquire with Bianca about Harper's concerns.

"Bianca, there is something I wish to discuss with you."

"Y—Yes?" She replied, slightly taken aback by his sudden tone of secrecy.

Brycen hushed his voice, prompting Bianca to lean in to catch his words. "Harper has talked with me about Zorro's unique eye color but I have told him not to worry since I assumed Caleb knows of it. However, I also cannot feel but be a little curious about why his poochyena stands out from his species."

"We… don't exactly know the cause," She answered with an undertone. "We only know what happened before and after Zorro got lost."

"Lost?" Brycen frowned.

Bianca glanced over at Caleb, who was still absorbed with Vincent's storyboard alongside his sister, before turning back to Brycen. "It's not a pleasant memory for the twins, especially for Caleb. Is it ok if we can talk about this outside?" She pointed a thumb to the door.

"Of course," Brycen looked over to the Script Supervisor who had finished placing tea bags into hot cups of water. "Vincent, would you mind continuing to entertain the children? Bianca has some matters to discuss in private."

"Sure, just don't take too long or your tea will get cold!"

"We'll be back shortly," Brycen held the door open for the Assistant Professor as they stepped out of the room and into the deserted, lengthy corridor. With no one in sight, they had no reason to leave any further. Waving his hand to Bianca, he motioned for her to start explaining.

"Ok," She took a deep breath in. "I heard all of this from the twins' mother and from what I've been told, Zorro loved to play out in the forest behind their house. He was a former wild pokémon before their father caught him during a trip to Hoenn for Caleb. Zorro quickly adjusted to civilized life but he still loved spending time outside, it was a normal occurrence for him to leave their house for hours at a time but he'd always return before dinner."

~I see where this is going,~ He almost spoke aloud but he held his words back, not wanting to disrupt Bianca.

"One day, he just didn't come back. Their family called the local rangers and put up lost posters, they did everything but he wouldn't show up for days. Their mother said Caleb would spend all day looking for him, and Claire and Eve would help. The three were desperate to find Zorro."

"But he eventually returned, how did he return?"

"It was early in the morning when Caleb was about to prepare for his search in the forest when he spotted him. He said that Zorro was standing by their backyard exit, crying."

"And his eyes were now blue instead of red?"

"Yes, and something troubling happened to him in that forest but we don't know what," Bianca crossed her arms. "Since then, Zorro never wanted to leave Caleb's side, though recently he's been more confident in being farther apart for longer."

"Are you talking about the twins' pokémon being with Beartic and Harper?"

"Zorro staying beside Eve helps with his emotions of being away from Caleb, though I haven't seen him this well-managed since then. I was surprised to see Zorro willing to split with his trainer to train with Harper on our first day, your riolu has some charm around the twins' pokémon."

"He does indeed," Brycen chuckled.

The story brought more questions than answers such as why Zorro's status quo was broken and why something happened in that forest to disrupt his daily routine. Another question arose, but at least this one had an answer.

"So… when did Zorro's disappearance happen?"

"About two years ago, why?"

Brycen could only come to the conclusion that Team Plasma had something to do with Zorro's disappearance, but then—

"Team Plasma wasn't involved," Bianca interrupted, figuring out this train of thought. "They wouldn't have returned Zorro back if they believed in their 'liberation.' They wanted pokémon as far away from their owners as possible."

With his only theory debunked, Brycen decided not to think deeper into this. What was in the past stays in the past. "Let's drop this, all that matters is that Zorro is now safe and happy with his family. I'm sorry for making you bring a troubling past for the twins."

"It's alright, I understand why you and Harper would be curious about Zorro's 'uniqueness.' I felt like I had to explain it at some point anyway."

Brycen nodded. "I'll tell Harper and Beartic about this so they don't accidentally bring up unpleasant memories for the twins and their pokémon."

"Can… Can I ask you a question, Brycen?" She asked a few seconds later.

"You may."

"Why did you retire as a Gym Leader and come back to acting? Everyone was surprised to see you go back to Pokéstar Studios."

"Yes, my departure was a shock to many of my colleagues, but they understood my reasoning after I told them. After the attack that Team Plasma committed against the Unova League two years ago, their actions stirred the emotions of people about our relationship with pokémon."

Brycen grabbed Harper's empty pokéball and held it upward. "Relations with pokémon have always been difficult, and they will stay that way if we don't do anything about it. Due to Team Plasma's activities in the past, I felt a sense of duty to show that our bonds with pokémon are stronger than the propaganda they spewed out. If people could see how strong the bonds between my pokémon are in films, I could ease any viewer's worries."

Bianca stood in silent awe at his justification. "Wow… I didn't know your reasoning to return to acting was that—"

"Passionate?" He grinned. "Alder and Marshal liked my reason to retire as well."

"You told the former Champion and an Elite Four member as well?"

"They were the first to know, and my words were enough to also convince Alder to retire and let Iris become Champion after she won their battle."

As soon as he finished his sentence, Caleb opened the door wide and looked at Bianca. "Ms. Neri! The script's finally printed out! He wants you to see if the lab would like it!"

"I'll look at it in a bit, you and Claire can start reading without me," Bianca urged the boy back into the room.

At the sight of how calm and collected she looked, an old memory resurfaced in Brycen's head, one showcasing her as the complete opposite.


"I—I'm here to challenge you for the Freeze Badge!" Bianca scrambled for her pokéball in her satchel, struggling before finally pulling it out with some effort. "I… I won't go easy!"

Her deep breaths were visible in the chilling atmosphere of the Icirrus City Gym, and the energy was just as tense. She made her way through the gym's obstacles and arrived at Brycen's arena in search of the truth of her journey. Her friend and future Gym Leader, Cheren, sought for the ideal pokémon team in terms of strength.

He enlarged Beartic's pokéball and boldly pointed it at the Pokémon Trainer, "I accept your challenge. Like all your previous gym battles, I will be going all out!"

"T-That's exactly what I want!" Bianca summoned her pokémon onto the battlefield, a mienshao stood with raised arms, her long flowing fur waving with grace. "Mienshao, go! Use Low Kick!"

Brycen threw his pokéball soon after and Beartic appeared in a red flash, already adopting a solid defensive stance. "Beartic! Use your Counter!"


A small grin formed on his lips. "You've changed, Bianca."

"H—Huh? What do you mean?" Any professionality left in her voice vanished at his words.

"I no longer see the timid and misguided girl who arrived at my gym two years ago. Instead, I see someone much more confident in their skills to help others."

"I… wasn't expecting that," She fidgeted her fingers before bowing slightly, "Thank you, Brycen."

"You're welcome," Brycen placed his hand on her shoulder, telling her to stand back up straight. "I believe we should head back inside, Caleb and Claire are waiting for you to read that script for them. We also have some tea that we've left unattended for some time and I'd like to change that."

With another nod from Bianca, the two entered back into the production office. Caleb and Claire were both looking at the cover of the script from Vincent. At the sight of their guardian, they scurried over to Bianca with impatience, brandishing the sheets of paper at her.

"Ms. Neri, can you read it for us? I want all of us to read it at the same time!" Claire beamed before giving a stink eye at her brother. "Caleb was about to read it without you!"

"Was not!" He retaliated, before sulking a little. "Well… maybe just the first page."

Bianca grabbed the script from Claire and straightened it out. "'Sonamu's Sunrise, written by Vincent Price and… G. Fild? Who are they?"

"He's a fellow screenwriter here in Pokéstar who's been a huge help with the 'Mystery Dungeon' aspects of this script. It's a shame that he only works remotely since I haven't seen him in person in a hot minute. I won't complain though, he's the real deal with this kind of stuff."

Bianca shifted her gaze downward, her eyes squinting with confusion. "Wait a second, why does it say, 'edited by The Unovan Research Team?' When did you contact all the researchers to help edit this script?"

"I didn't!" He cheerfully replied. "Professor Juniper told Mr. Stu Deeoh to have you as the editor instead. I'm hoping that you can start looking at it right now!"

"Wha—What?! When?!" Bianca repeatedly looked at the script and at Vincent with a flustered look.

"So that's why Mr. Stu Deeoh said to leave the research team out," Vincent wondered to himself, answering Bianca's question at the same time. "Did Professor Juniper not tell you?"

"Professor Juniper never mentioned anything about this to me! Since when did she plan this out?"

"Seems like you have another responsibility to uphold here, Bianca," Brycen cheekily commented.

"But what about the storyboard?" Bianca looked over at Vincent. "Doesn't that mean you have to change it if I edit anything related to the story?"

"There's a reason why these papers are so easy to take off the wall, it's so scenes can be changed in a pinch," Vincent grabbed a paper from Caleb and placed it back in its original spot. "You don't have to worry about something as trivial as that."

"But—But I can't—"

The Script Supervisor raised a hand up, stopping Bianca's stammers. "All you need to do is see if it follows educational standards. I did my best to follow them but it's up to you if I did it right. I won't complain if you have any other suggestions to make, this is nothing compared to when I had to change the 'Full Metal Cop' script to accommodate Brycen's new partner pokémon. In fact, I'd be relieved if you found anything you wanted to change, making improvements in pre-production is the whole point!"

Bianca closed her eyes, tilting her head slowly. Her face shifted through the phases of contemplation, frustration, and eventually realization. Opening her eyes back open, she steeled herself after making her decision.

"...I'll do it," She answered, flipping to the first page with a pen in hand from her bag. "This feels like a test from Professor Juniper, I just have to do my best!"

Summoning confidence from deep within her, she began to read through the script, both as a storyteller for the twins and as an editor for the excited writer in the same room. She underlined sections and wrote in additional notes, pausing her narration every few seconds, keeping the impatient Caleb and Claire waiting each time.

Brycen sipped on his herbal tea, thankful that the drink was still warm. It was a sight to see the Assistant Professor willing to take on such a daunting task as being the sole editor on such short notice. Bianca may be here on suspicious matters under Professor Juniper's word, but Brycen couldn't deny that the show being made with their help is bringing benefits for everyone involved.

With the show's creation, Harper will continue to grow as an actor and as a pokémon with Zorro and Eve under his belt. By Beartic's constant grin, he's never felt better to be back in the spotlight after so long. Caleb and Claire are learning about filmmaking and the bonding opportunities it provides with their partner pokémon. For Brycen, he was yet again taking part in the growth of a passion he dedicated to for all these years.

And not to mention the audience who would watch and learn from the finished product.

His eyes on Bianca were as keen as they were before, but maybe he should consider her some leniency. Their motives weren't driven by malice or immoral greed. They weren't trying to take malicious advantage of him, it was only observation in an unsullied environment.

If their intentions were negative though…

But they weren't for now, and for that, Brycen was content with the way things were.

"Do you usually read while you eat?" Beartic asked as he sat beside Harper on the cafeteria seat, placing his tray of food down.

Harper unrolled the newspaper titled 'Aspertia Articles' before laying it wide open on the table. "No, but I saw this on the rack by the entrance and I figured I should be caught up on the news."

"Now that's an interesting front-page story to start with, did you not see that when you grabbed it?" Beartic's finger pointed at the photo on the front page. The photo was of Nate and his rival, Hugh, talking with the police force as three dark-clothed individuals were being led away into a police car.

Realizing the story he glanced over when he took the newspaper, Harper wasted no effort in looking at what the news had to say for the protagonist. "Neo Plasma Members Defeated By Pokémon Trainers In Nimbasa City," He quoted the headlines before looking at the subtext below. "Pokémon Trainers Nate Cinereu and Hugh Venger battled the members of Team Neo Plasma, a terrorist group growing in activity. Three members were soon arrested after they attempted to disturb the peace, but a fourth has been stated to have escaped."

"Nimbasa must be on high alert after all that," Beartic rubbed his icy beard. "I wouldn't blame them though, things are looking more hectic out there."

Harper continued to stare at the front page and at the photo of Nate. Is the canon playing out as intended? He had no clue, but seeing the protagonist win against them was a good sign.

~I mean, he's the main character. He'll definitely beat them when something huge happens… right?~

"Hey, something the matter?" Beartic patted his back.

Harper sighed as he looked at the front page again. "I'm worried about Nate, I don't think Team Neo Plasma is gonna stop from stuff like this."

"You're worried about him?" Beartic exasperated before tapping his nail on the grunts in the photo. "You said that Nate helped with their arrest and I don't doubt his strength for a moment. He's dealt with them before and he'll deal with them again in the future, easy peasy."

From hearing his reassuring words, Harper softly smiled. "Thanks Beartic."

"No problem, kid. Now what else is on the news?"

"Let's see, 'Driftveil City Opens A New Port For Contests With Construction Of A New Musical Theater,'" Harper quoted from the next page on entertainment.

"Heh, looks like a few friends of ours are breaking ground, literally," Beartic gestured toward the image featured in the article. Audrey and Ripley sported construction helmets, the sneasel wearing a smaller hat to fit her size. The Pokémon Coordinator and Mr. Thea Tres were pictured wielding shovels, breaking ground at the construction site for the first time, all smiles for the camera.

"Mr. Thea Tres, owner of the Musical Theater, states that he wishes to open more in the hopes to showcase musicals and to jumpstart Pokémon Contests all around Unova with the help of Actress and Coordinator, Audrey Cohen."

A week had passed since the duo left, and they now already had a spot for a Musical Theater locked in a large city like Driftveil. Not only was Nate progressing through his journey around Unova, but Audrey and Ripley were also making progress toward their dream of Unovan Coordination.

"She's working hard, good for the two of them," Beartic looked at the Coordinator's wide smile alongside her pokémon.

"I hope I can see her in a competition one day," Harper wished to himself.

"You definitely will once these theaters are all around Unova. It'll be hard to miss her once she becomes famous."

"But people already know her for being the Sneasel Ninja."

"Famous for being a Coordinator—oh you know what I meant."

Harper chuckled. "Yeah, I did."

"You bastard," Beartic ruffled his head. "Anything else on the news?"

After tidying up his fur, Harper casually flipped through the rest of the newspaper, briefly scanning the headlines on each page. Whether it was the mundane articles on economics or the latest sports triumphs, there wasn't much that captured his interest. Harper did pause to peruse the comics page, recognizing a few at first glance.

"You like comics? Well… you are a kid, and kids like drawings."

Harper looked up from a strip with a short blond child and a tall raikou stuffed pokémon. "I'm not that childish."

"You can try to convince me again when you're done reading your comics," The polar bear smirked.

Harper rolled up the newspaper and placed it aside in his food tray. "I sure will, but after I start eating, I haven't even taken my first bite yet."

As he was about to dig into his BLT, Harper caught sight of a familiar young woman in an orange coat and green hat heading toward him and Beartic out of the corner of his eye.

"Looks like you're not gonna eat just yet," Beartic jokingly commented. "Seems like Bianca's got something for us."

"Hey, Harper and Beartic!" She cheerfully greeted with a wave. "Brycen said that the two of you should be here so I came by to give the scri—"

Bianca hesitated for a moment when she saw the rolled-up newspaper next to Harper. He caught her subtle hand twitching towards the inside of her bag.

"I didn't know you read the newspaper. Are you the kind of pokémon that likes being caught up with the times?" She questioned, almost like a survey.

He didn't seem to care. In his previous life, Harper was never the type of person who bothered about things outside of his own life. His world was already gloomy enough, and following the news only made it worse. With the mundane status quo he was under, there was no room for him to spare any concern.

Wake up, film, sleep.

Wake up, film, sleep.

Wake up, film, sleep.

He had no energy to care for local, national, or even news at a world level. Only enough to care for himself.

"News on your 'smartphones.' Hah, is the newspaper not good enough?" A female voice he hadn't heard in years echoed in his head.

His mother's.

She loved reading newspapers. Unwilling to change with modern society, she bitterly stuck with the LA Times her entire life. Harper wondered if she still read the paper, the answer was most likely still a "yes."

A memory of him and his mother resurfaced, a day when they had breakfast together. It wasn't a special memory, it was a time when she explained why she liked reading from printed ink instead of a bunch of ones and zeros.

"I think the news in a newspaper is much more accurate than whatever is posted online. With how quick you can change things after you post, I don't trust news sites to keep the information the same after they publish. Now, here's an interesting headline, Harper. 'Incompetent movie director explodes prop bomb, Key Grip murdered,'" His mother's voice read aloud, frantic with each word. "In an act of ineptness, Director Gale Reagan ignored his VFX Supervisor and prematurely set off a prop explosive, killing the nearby Key Grip, H—Harp… Harper M—Moor… Harper! HARPER! NO! HARPER, WHY!"


Harper's hands trembled with anxiety, his breaths were uncontrollable. Nevertheless, he managed to slap himself in the face twice in quick succession, hoping to prevent his imagination from distorting his memory any further.


"Kid! The hell are you doing?!" Beartic grabbed Harper's arms and turned him face-to-face. "Hey! Look at me!"

He watched Bianca stepping back, clearly shocked by the unfolding situation. Just like everyone else in the café, she stood frozen in confusion, unable to utter a word as Beartic's yelling filled the room.

"Harper, don't look at her," His cold yet caring eyes pierced his own. "Look at me and take a few deep breaths."

Harper felt a deep sense of belonging and security, akin to the comfort he experienced when Brycen had come to his aid before. He found that he was increasingly able to manage his emotions just by meeting the gaze of the Ice-type Pokémon.

"You're fine… you're safe… you're not alone..." Beartic's voice grew softer with each phrase.

Harper's panic attack gradually eased as he focused on each deep breath, feeling his heartbeat slowing down with each exhale.

Beartic sighed with relief. "You back, kid?"

"I… yeah, I think I'm good."

"Harper… are you ok?" Bianca slowly approached the two, almost afraid of causing another panic attack. "Wh—What happened?"

Just as Harper reached for his whiteboard, Beartic placed his paw on Harper's, shaking his head.

"Don't force yourself to explain, you can tell her later," He then turned to Bianca, nudging his head sideways.

"...Do you want me to go?" Bianca pointed towards the exit with a single finger. She got her answer when Beartic gave a nod back. "Ok, I'll come back at a better time. I'll leave this here in the meantime," She grabbed a stack of papers from her bag and placed them on the table beside the newspaper.

"Vincent finished the entire script and after I checked it, I wanted to come by to give it to you two. Give it a read when you're feeling better, ok?" She ended warmly.

Before Harper could thank her, she rushed outside. With the jingle of the cafeteria doors, all the other patrons returned to their meals and conversations, ignoring the events that had just transpired.

As he awkwardly sat in silence with Beartic, a feeling stirred inside the Ice-type. Similar to what he felt that one night.


Beartic shook his head and looked at Harper again, another emotion overriding the previous.


"Kid, I—" Beartic opened his mouth again, hanging on a word, before sighing and speaking softly. "I know Brycen and I said this multiple times, but we're here for you. Even if you don't have all your memories yet, if there's anything you can talk about, say it."

Even with all the kindness he and his trainer provided, Harper couldn't bring it in himself to tell the true reason behind his panic attacks. Telling them would be like betraying their trust. Lying about being a young pokémon with a talent for acting and instead being a failed veteran in the art was too much to tell them. Telling Nate was more of an impulse if anything, and Harper got extremely lucky with the outcome.

Harper needed to stop lying, but he couldn't tell the truth just yet. He needed to compromise, so he might as well tell a portion of the truth, a segment that was explainable without context from his past. Taking a deep breath in and out, he began his risk.

"I've been remembering what it felt like, the attack," Harper touched his chest, the tight skin slightly tugging with contact. "And it hurts every time. I can still feel the fire and the heat all over me and all the shrapnel in my body and all th—"

Beartic placed a chilling paw on Harper's head. He was almost prone to hyperventilating again and the Ice-type thankfully stopped him.

"While that explains your reactions to explosions, you never mentioned anything about shrapnel before. Kid, just what did you run into?"

Shit, he talked about the shrapnel. While there was none on his riolu body when he appeared here, he certainly felt it on his human body before he died. Even in telling a segmented truth he already failed to hide something.

"I—I don—"

"You don't need to answer. Of course, you wouldn't know, I couldn't help but ask anyway."

Beartic patted Harper's head twice more.

~I wish I could tell you, I really do… but what would you think of me then?~

"It's only a little bit, but we're making progress. I don't want you to ever be alone when these attacks happen again, ok?"

"Ok… and thanks Beartic… for helping with everything."

"Of course, now can you also promise me that you won't try to slap yourself to stop a panic attack? It'll only make things worse."

Harper nodded.

"Now, how about we start looking at this?" Beartic picked up the script that Bianca left behind. "You can start by telling me the title. It's the second thing I'm most curious about."

Now fully calmed down, Harper grabbed the script from Beartic and straightened out the thick stack. It was much larger in size compared to the last script he read.

"Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Sonamu's Sunrise," He read the title on the front aloud before looking at Beartic. "Wait, second? Then what are you most curious about then?"

"My character's name! Aren't you curious about yours as well?"

Harper's first two roles never had a name, he only played as a partner pokémon with a more involved role. Now that Beartic mentioned it, Harper grew curious about the name of his role as well. Flipping to the first few pages, he found their names in one of the scenes.

"Guildmaster Tundra and Assistant Guildmaster… Luca," Harper groaned at the mention of his role's name.

"Tundra…" Beartic rubbed his icy beard in contemplation. "Yeah, I think I like that. Fits me quite well, don't you think?"

"As much as 'Luca' fits me," Harper deadpanned.

"What's wrong? You don't like your name?"

Harper cocked his head from side to side. "Ehh… I mean I'm fine with it, but don't you think it's a bit unoriginal?"

"Kid, the easy names are for the children. Take a look at Zorro and Eve's characters, I'm sure their names are just like ours."

Flipping a few more pages, Harper found their characters in a scene where they introduced themselves to the audience.

"Pepper and Hazel," Harper read off the duo's names in tandem.

"'Pepper' for Zorro and 'Hazel' for Eve. Yeah, I can see that working."

"I guess so too. Should I start reading now?"

After a nod from Beartic, Harper flipped all the way back to the first page and after clearing his throat, he began to read through the script.

The first thing Harper noted was how involved the viewers were to be as they watched this show. They clearly wanted younger audiences to feel as if they were along for the ride with the protagonists. It reminded him of kids' edutainment shows in his old world where they would ask questions to the viewer and respond after a few seconds to give them time to answer.

Harper had no clue how accurate the "Sonamu's Sunrise" version of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon was to the spinoff games, but it didn't feel like it would be hard to screw up the formula. The script had a guild, leadership positions like guildmaster and their assistant, guild members to complete requests and missions, a city they resided in, and everyone was a pokémon.

Beartic suddenly tapped his shoulder, causing Harper to look up at the polar bear. "Hey kid, you've been silent for a while. You're reading ahead without me," He added with a laugh.

"Sorry, I'm still not used to reading for other people."

"Really? I don't believe that because I heard from Brycen that you read a picture book for Zorro and Eve."

"Tha—That's a different story."

"Was that pun intended?" Beartic smirked.

"No," Harper glared intensely. "No it wasn't."

As he continued reading the script aloud for Beartic, underlying thoughts about his mother continued to stir. His previous attempt to make amends with his parents back on the plane failed, proof being his recent panic attack.

If that wasn't enough…

…Then what would be enough?

This script is a hell of a monster to write. To put it in context, the first two episodes alone are identical in word count compared to the "Full Metal Cop" script. You'll see the pilot episode filmed in the next chapter and it's something I wanted to show for a while now. This script is only going to get longer but I signed up for this and I'm gonna see the end of this goddamn it.
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I look forward to reading more of this, I'm honestly surprised that this hasn't had more comments and readers.

Definately one of the best non-animecentric fics I've read for pokémon and hope more people give it a chance.
I look forward to reading more of this, I'm honestly surprised that this hasn't had more comments and readers.

Definately one of the best non-animecentric fics I've read for pokémon and hope more people give it a chance.

There's a lot more activity in the other sites that I post on, but yes, SV is the place with the least amount of comments and readers for this fic. It doesn't mean much to me though because I'm glad that people on this site are enjoying this story regardless of numbers. This goes to all the other places I'm publishing, I'm thankful to everyone who continues to read each new chapter no matter how few people there are.
Scene 3 - Take 5: Beginning Scenes and Secretive Routines New
If you would like to get progress updates or know exactly when a chapter is up, join my discord! (Invite: x5t9Jgmkqz)

Thank you to William for betareading! Despite how busy he gets, he always finds the time to help out with Pokeflicks and the PMD script and I can't thank him enough for that. In kindness, I've been helping him and a co-writer (TheBlizWiz) as a betareader for his own pokefic that's been in the works since April and now it's finally begun publishing! "A Ranger's Mission: A Lost Soul" is a great story set before the events of BW2 with a neat twist on the SI/OC trope. I hope you all check it out when you finish this chapter of PokeFlicks!

A day after the initial script reading with Beartic, Bianca brought back an updated version of the script. In the Assistant Professor's own words, she was now in charge of editing thanks partly to Professor Juniper's not-so-secret-anymore request. As the token pokémon script reader, Harper described every detail to other pokémon actors, both the stars and side characters. Since then, most of his time went towards making sure the twins' pokémon knew their lines.

Apart from a few instances in the past where Harper helped to answer Ripley's questions with the script, most of her memorization and key actions were accomplished by Audrey. Their skills as a coordinator/pokémon partnership translated perfectly into acting. Brycen and Beartic were also a veteran duo in the film industry, so the polar bear had no issue with learning his lines from his trainer. Caleb and Claire, on the other hand, didn't have an advantage like they did.

Harper expected this outcome somewhat, and helping the twins' pokémon learn their lines for the past couple of days went smoothly. Zorro and Eve were great listeners and even better learners. A young pokémon's desire to learn was just as strong as a person's, another similarity they held with their trainers.

"I can't wait to see Eve act for the first time!" Claire hugged the eevee tight in her arms as they walked to the sound stage.

Caleb held Zorro high in the air, his hind paws dangling below. "I bet Zorro's gonna be better than Eve!"

Bianca looked up from the twins' call sheets and placed a hand on both of their heads. "The two of them will do great."

Zorro and Eve wriggled out of their trainers' grasp to walk beside Harper and Beartic, who trailed behind Bianca and Brycen.

"Do you think we're gonna do great like what Ms. Neri said?" Eve's eyes glittered at Harper.

The hours spent reading and rehearsing their lines did not go to waste. Harper knew for a fact that Zorro and Eve were more than ready for today.

"After all the time I spent preparing the two of you for this first episode, definitely," Harper reassured them.

"Are you trying to give yourself an ego boost?" Beartic asked a moment later, smirking.

"More like a confidence boost, if anything," Harper replied as he flipped open his script, skimming over the post-it tabs and notes he made. "This is different compared to the last two movies I was in…"

~Or seen, since I never saw anything like this back in Hollywood…~ Harper mentally finished to himself.

"Kid, this is new to me as well. You don't see a pokémon-only cast in a production like this every day. The only thing remotely similar that I can recall is the silent black-and-white film shorts that were made when Mr. Stu Deeoh founded Pokéstar, and those were more akin to test footage if anything. Besides, I've been an actor far far longer than you were ever born, we're all in the same boat here."

Apart from Beartic's unknowing mistake of Harper's age, he had a point. Everyone involved in this show was diving into uncharted territory. The language barrier alone would make a modern production like this extremely difficult. Realizing the massive scale of Harper's involvement in making everything work, he cleared his cluttered thoughts, leaving one question to echo in his head.

Was it a good idea or a mistake when he took that notepad from Nate?

Beartic softly chopped Harper's head. "You good, kid? You're spacing out again."

Harper blinked twice before looking up at the Ice-type. "Yeah, I was just thinking that you're right."

Beartic hummed in response before his face slowly shifted into a serious expression. "I want to ask again, are you good?"

Harper only gave a single nod, knowing why Beartic was asking again. The incident of the cafeteria panic attack was still fresh in both of their minds, especially since he explained how the memory of his injury resurfaced to Brycen the other night. If Beartic was the first to know, the former Gym Leader had to know next. Like his first time explaining, he only told bits of information and lies by omission. It wasn't much, but it was enough to convince Brycen that Harper was "recovering."

Beartic accepted his answer and continued walking, this time moving faster to match the pace of the two humans in front of them.

"You said you had a plan earlier for Caleb and Claire while they watched the filming, right?" Bianca asked Brycen, breaking the silence in the group. "What is it?"

"I did, because this is a special opportunity to get voice acting experience." He replied. "For dubbing, voice actors are outsourced to different regions so the dialogue can be voiced in their respective languages. Outsourcing like that only occurs once filming and postproduction are complete. However, this show that Pokéstar Studios is producing isn't dubbing a human language, but pokéspeech."

Bianca stayed silent, unsure of what point Brycen was trying to make.

"It means that I want Caleb and Claire to try voice acting in real-time as soon as the cameras begin rolling."

"Like, we say our lines at the same time our pokémon are?" Claire jumped into the conversation.

"Indeed. This will help you figure out how you want to express your dialogue like your pokémon do before recording begins, an opportunity many voice actors wish they could have."

Brycen's words excite the twins even further as they smile as wide as their mouths possibly can. Claire begins tugging at Bianca's jacket.

"Let's hurry, Ms. Neri! I wanna see the show being filmed!"

"Yeah!" Caleb exclaimed. "I wanna see the sets as well!"

As the two children dragged the Assistant Professor faster to their destination, Harper, Beartic, and even Brycen couldn't help but chuckle at the sight.

"It looks like they're all ready to go, shall we quicken our pace?" Brycen insisted.

"That's quite a lot of small sets," Beartic commented.

The veteran actor was right. Multiple set pieces were arranged beside each other for quick transitions between scenes. From the guild lobby to the room of Zorro and Eve's characters, everything was prepared for maximum efficiency. Connected sets were nothing unusual, especially for shows where you knew that you were going to use a scene multiple times.

"I imagine this filming session today will be a smooth one thanks to the crew's efforts beforehand," Brycen added. "Since we're starting on the fifth scene for the first episode, things should be fairly fast."

"Wait, so we don't get to see the first four scenes?" Eve turned to Harper.

"Because we're not in it, duh," Zorro rolled his eyes.

"You could have put it nicer, Zorro, but you're right. Things have to be prepared on different days. With the four of us here right now, it's efficient for Pokéstar to start filming what we did today first. Also, with how large the beginning is in scale, I think the director would need more time for that."

"And I think we're going to do scene nine and the other episodic intermissions on a separate day," Beartic added. "It'd be weird to film them all on different days, though I wish we could film them sooner."


"Because I get to mess with Harper," The polar bear smirked. "The intermissions only have the two of us, and our character interactions are pretty funny. You remember reading that one with the berries?"

"All too well," Harper recalled reading the second episode, with its intermission having some creative ideas to reteach the uses of berries.

"So where are our star pokémon?!" A woman suddenly shouted. "We can't start without our stars!"

"They just arrived, Director Pokélsky!" A far-off voice of a crew member answered back. "They're by the entrance!"

Having "Poké" in a director's name once with "Pokémonski" sort of made sense with this Pokémon world. Twice with "Pokémi" was just a coincidence, a lucky guess when Harper first met him.

But Pokélsky?

He shouldn't be surprised at this point.

"Ah! Brycen!" The thrilled woman greeted everyone with open arms. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Celine Pokélsky, and Mr. Stu Deeoh called for me to direct this whole thing!"

Brycen stepped forward and raised a hand forward. "Hello, Ms. Pokélsky, it's a pleasure to see you as well."

Celine returned his handshake before looking at the pokémon behind Brycen, Bianca, and the twins. "It's great to finally see the stars of the show! I've heard a lot about how you all have been busy rehearsing."

"You can say that again," Beartic nodded.

"We spent a lot of time preparing," Zorro added.

"I can't wait to start!" Eve beamed.

Celine smiled at the three pokémon who replied, understanding their anticipation before bending her knees to get a closer look at Harper. Her silent stare was a complete contrast to her outgoing personality from before, and it slightly threw him off.

"I've heard a thing or two about you from Sergio and Takeshi," She then pointed at his chest, and then his whiteboard hung on his shoulder. "The former said you were interesting at most and the latter loved working with you in 'Full Metal Cop.'"

*The first two movies were great under their leadership. I hope to work well with you as well.*

"My, how well spoken of you! I'll be a great director for this show, just watch!" Celine stood back up and gave a single, loud clap. "Alright! We need all our pokémon stars to be ready for the camera!"

"Layla?" Harper asked Beartic.

"Layla," He repeated.

"Who's Layla?" Zorro asked.

"You'll find out real soon," Harper answered as he waved over at the rapidly approaching Lead Makeup Artist.

Unlike the costume work with Harper's mecha body in his last film, all he needed was a simple trim and the dye to hide his burn scar.

"We don't want to scare your young audience with such a large scar, now do we?" Layla chuckled as she applied the black paste to his chest. "This must feel like routine for you now."

"It sure does," Harper looked at himself in the mirror, looking like an ordinary riolu again.

"And now I'm all done with the finishing touches!" Layla wiped her hands on a nearby wet towel. "Head over to the others, they must be waiting for you now."

"Thanks, Layla," He hopped off the barber's seat and left the makeup room. On his way, he briefly looked down at his body again. The recovery of his scar improved since the last time he checked it, but it was far from completely healed, and it would never be. The slight pain he felt on his chest when stretching his body dulled considerably as time passed, but it still reminded him of his—

Harper violently shook his head, forcing himself to take a deep breath to push the train of thought away.

He was NOT dragging himself down there again.

To find a distraction from his thoughts, he looked around the sound stage for Beartic and the twins' pokémon. It didn't take long to find the towering Ice-type now that his fur looked shinier than usual, especially when he stood under the hanging lights.

"Harper! You're finally done with everything?"

"Yup, it didn't take long after you were done. I still wish I went first though, Layla was too excited to work with Zorro and Eve."

"Well that's because she loves working with new pokémon," Beartic motioned a paw to the two. "Check 'em out."

Eve and Zorro wore gradient green scarves around their necks. The only difference between them was how they were positioned. Eve's scarf was tied behind her neck, whereas Zorro's was tied in front. Eve's fur was neatly trimmed like Harper's, but he couldn't say the same for Zorro's fur. The poochyena's fur oddly looked the same as it did when they entered the sound stage. The peculiarity soon left his mind when Eve interrupted his train of thought by coming a bit too close to his personal space.

"Mr. Harper! How do I look?" The eevee twirled around in place.

"Well, I can say that the scarf matches the both of you."

Harper then heard an echoing tap come from the sets. Celine held a megaphone to her mouth and called out to the film crew. "Ahem, attention everyone! We'll begin filming soon, so make sure everything is ready! For the main pokémon actors, please meet me in the Guildmaster's office set."

The first thing Harper noticed was how organic the office felt. The place looked like the inside of a tree, with the walls made to imitate the roots of red pine. Fake icicles stuck on the walls to match Beartic's typing and character. A large wooden desk fit for a pokémon his size stood in the corner with a smaller one beside it for the assistant.

"Thanks for coming, you four. Since we're going to start soon, I was hoping to speak with Harper here for a moment to clarify some things."

*How can I help?*

"You with that whiteboard will forever amaze me… Sorry, back on topic. While I am the director of this show, you're the one that's going to call out any mistakes or anything similar of nature with the dialogue. I'll handle the rest with the pacing, facial expressions, movements, camera angles, and all that jazz. The moment you do this to me or the camera—" Celine made a T-shape with her hands. "—I'll say cut, ok?"

Harper's thumbs-up pleased the director as she gave one back to him. "Great, spend this free time looking through the script one more time in this set since the crew is still preparing the set for Pepper and Hazel's room. I'll call for Zorro and Eve when we're ready."

As she left to attend to other tasks that demanded her attention, Caleb, Claire, and Bianca arrived to offer their words of encouragement to the group of pokémon.

"We'll be standing behind the cameras, and I'll make sure the twins get their lines right," Bianca assured Harper and Beartic.

"Good luck, Zorro!" Caleb cheered.

"We'll be watching close by, ok?" Claire patted the top of Eve's head.

The three left as fast as they came, likely due to not wanting to get in the way of the crew members shuffling around the entire sound stage.

With the time given to him, Harper opened his script. "I know we're all prepared, but there's nothing wrong with looking over this again."

"Yeah!" Eve cheerfully answered. "I love it when you read for us anyway!"

He coughed once to open his throat and begin guiding Zorro, Eve, and Beartic through the key events like he had done multiple times. As he read along the plot points, Eve inched slowly towards him with a stare full of fascination, a glance he respectfully ignored to stay professional. Beartic rubbed his icicle beard with interest as Zorro sat beside him, more stiff than usual. Harper could tell that something was stirring in the poochyena's head.

Harper was new to guiding actors through a storyline, but he was already adept at guiding them through sets to achieve the best lighting. Although his last few years as a Key Grip in Hollywood felt like a waste, he was thankful for the experience now that it benefited his other skills in Pokéstar.

"...And most of all, treat the main camera like a friend. This is a show where the viewer is as much a character as you two are," Harper flipped the last page of the first episode. "Any questions?"

"I have one," Eve raised a paw. "When we finish one scene, how do we move to the next one?"

"If Celine likes the first recording, then we move to the next set and continue filming. We sometimes do a scene multiple times if there's something that can be improved. Any more questions?"

"What's that chunk of ice on the desk?" She pointed over at one of the props in the Guildmaster's office.

"That I can answer for you," Beartic picked up the item to give Eve a closer look. "This is Never-Melt Ice... or a prop of one, I guess. The real one powers up Ice-type moves and…"

As the two were preoccupied with the cold item, Harper noticed that Zorro still had a somewhat dazed expression.

"Hey, Zorro. Is something the matter?"

"I-I'm fine… it's just that we're finally acting. I was excited before, but it's finally happening. Do you know what I mean, Mr. Harper?"

Traces of uneasiness emanated from the poochyena, the same kind Harper felt for himself when he and Beartic talked with Brycen a few nights ago. He explained the poochyena's backstory as Bianca told him with more seriousness to his words than how he usually spoke.

"Don't ever bring this up in front of him," The veteran actor added in the end. "The last thing I want to see is a young pokémon remembering past trauma."

Harper was relieved that he had chosen not to confront Caleb or Zorro directly. Although the mystery of Zorro's eye color change would never be resolved, Brycen was correct in suggesting that it was best to move forward.

"Hey Zorro, remember the first day we met? When we played 'pretend?'"

"Yeah?" Zorro tilted his head, not understanding where Harper was going.

"We're just playing 'pretend' here again, only this time the imaginary cameras I told you to focus on are real. Not a huge difference between then and now, right?"


Zorro still looked troubled, but Harper knew that his words loosened the young pokémon's tension. What was another way to get his spirits up? After spending a moment to think, an idea popped into his head.

Since their first battle, Harper found it challenging to keep his promise to himself and Zorro about training as their workload increased. He was determined to make time to uphold his promise, but he knew he would have to once there was time to spare. In addition to educating Zorro and Eve about filmmaking, the young trainer and his twin sister were also learning about their roles as voice actors. Adding a battle training session on top of everything happening so far would be a lot to handle. Harper held hope that their free time would be more lenient soon.

"How about this? Once we're done filming today, why don't we have a battle?"

Zorro's eyes widened and his ears perked up immediately. "Can we?"

"The moment we have the free time to do so, we sure can."

The tension remaining in the poochyena was now completely nonexistent. The timing was perfect since Celine was back and now sitting in her director's chair.

"Alright, everyone! Get to your places, we're gonna start in a minute!"

Beartic placed the Never-Melt Ice back on the desk before placing his paw on top of Harper's head. "Zorro and Eve are first, let's go to the back."

"The set's ready!" Celine loudly announced. "Come over, Zorro and Eve!"

"Welp, that's your cue. Me and Beartic will join you in the next scene shortly."

The two gave an affirming nod before they headed over to the set. Like the office set, Pepper and Hazel's room was covered with wood. On one side was a collection of books and scrolls neatly arranged on bookshelves. The other side was strewn with a multitude of items from orbs, and scattered pieces of currency, to empty knocked-over chests. The contrast between the two sides perfectly mirrored the main characters in the show.

*So you're the narrator again?* Harper showed his whiteboard to Vincent, who was fiddling with his own megaphone.

"Only during filming because other than Caleb and Claire, the other voice actors are going to arrive much later in production."

*Do you like narrating?*

"I do, and I have to admit that it's fun to talk through this megaphone in a deep voice!"

"Is everyone in their place?" Celine asked the crew around her. Once she heard multiple voices answer back, she nodded at the camera assistant with a clapperboard in their hand.

"Scene five, take one! Lights! Camera! ACTION!"

A loud clack rang in the sound stage and the cameras began rolling.

Pepper bounced around the room with impatience as Hazel carefully packed her bags with items strewn all around her.

"Come on!" Pepper whined. "We shouldn't keep the Guildmaster waiting!"

"I know that, but we need to be ready for our first mission," She acknowledged as she shoved a blue orb in her satchel. "We can't do what the Guildmaster says without the right supplies."

"You always over-prepare! Adventure waits for no one!"

"I'm not overpreparing, I'm still trying to find the essentials in this mess you've made on your side of the room!"

"We only need to grab the basics, what more do we even need?"

Suddenly, three successive taps knocked on their door, causing them to turn their heads over.

"Am I intruding at a bad time?" Vincent the Narrator's voice echoed through the door.

Hazel greeted the Narrator and viewer with a smile, the bickering with Pepper long forgotten. "Oh, hello! Do you need something?"

"I'm here because you two are the best for helping our guest here around Sonamu."

"Is that a new friend?" Pepper hopped beside Hazel and flashed a smile to the viewer.

"Hi! My name's Pepper and I'm a poochyena!"

Hazel flicked her tail with grace. "I'm Hazel the eevee and as a duo, we're 'Team Horizon!'"

"Those are our names, new friend!" Pepper moves closer to the viewer. "What's yours?"

After waiting for a few seconds for the viewer to respond, Hazel smiled with her eyes closed. "That's a nice name, I hope we can be great friends!"

"Now that you have all met each other, I will be taking my leave," Vincent slowly turned his megaphone quieter over time. "Have fun with Pepper and Hazel, my dear friend!"

After a brief silence, Hazel's eyes widened, remembering the task she was undergoing before meeting the viewer. "Pepper, we need to go now! Grab your bag and let's go see Guildmaster Tundra!"

As the two rushed out of their room, Pepper looked over to the viewer one more time. "We're off to the Guildmaster's office, you won't be lost as long as you follow us, friend!"

"And cut!" Celine shouted. "Harper! How was their dialogue?"

The first thought in Harper's mind was that the long days spent teaching Zorro and Eve worked like a charm. He'd seen novice actors and actresses stumble over their lines or actions due to anxiety and the like. With Zorro and Eve in that one quick scene…

There was none of that at all.

Their afflictions, their tone, secondary actions, everything fit exactly with how he described the script to them. Beartic liked to call Harper a prodigy in acting, but that was because of his years of experience in his past life. He would have complemented his teaching skills like the polar bear always did, but this was more than that. Zorro and Eve were true prodigies for their age.

*Their dialogue was perfect.*

"Great, I didn't see anything wrong with anything else so far, though I'll recheck the raw footage later. Regardless, let's move to the next scene now!"

"It's our turn now," Beartic patted Harper's back. "You ready, Luca?"

"Sure am, Guildmaster Tundra."

The two split off in different directions due to how their starting positions were placed. Harper took off his whiteboard and placed it somewhere safe, replacing it with his clipboard prop, an item he'll be holding a lot for the rest of this show. Standing in front of the office doors, he looked over where Bianca and the twins were. The Assistant Professor was scribbling away in her notepad as Caleb and Claire were looking at each other's copies of the script, critiquing their delivery of the dialogue. Harper then noticed Eve and Zorro walking up to him with excitement.

"Ok! We're doing scene six now! Get to your places!" Celine clapped her hands together, urging everyone to pick up the pace.

"Let's do this, Mr. Harper!" Eve rooted as they stood in their positions.

Harper gave a thumbs up to Eve and Zorro, glad that they were having fun, Zorro especially. The nervousness in him was now completely gone.

"Lights! Camera! Action!"

Pepper and Hazel rushed over to the Guildmaster's office as fast as they could. Luca, the Guildmaster's assistant, stood behind the door as a fine, icy haze leaked out the bottom cracks of the doors. Noticing that Team Horizon was approaching, he looked up from his clipboard with furrowed eyes.

"You two are late…" Luca tsked.

"See, I told you we were taking too long!" Pepper whispered to Hazel.

"We're sorry, Assistant Guildmaster Luca," She waved over to the viewer. "We actually got a request as we were getting ready to help our new friend around. Is it ok if they can be a new member of our team?"

Luca flipped through a few pages on his clipboard before pointing at the door behind him. "You're going to have to take that to the Guildmaster himself as your team is still new. Knowing him though, he'll let your friend around as you do your tasks."

"Is Team Horizon outside?" Tundra's voice muffled through the door. "You can let them in!"

Luca opened the office doors, still facing Pepper and Hazel. "Best not to keep the Guildmaster himself waiting, let's head inside."

"Oh boy, I can't wait to get our first-ever mission!" Pepper looked over to the viewer. "What about you, new friend?"

After waiting a few seconds, Pepper gave a nod as his tail rapidly wagged from side-to-side. "Great! I feel just the same!"

As soon as Luca leads Pepper and Hazel inside, a wave of cold rushes through them. Condensed air hovered slowly along the floor, caused by the icicles jutting out of the walls and roots of the room.

"Brrr, it's chilly here!" Pepper uttered through chattering teeth.

"You can say that again," Hazel uttered back.

On the other side of the room sat Guildmaster Tundra, the beartic, behind his desk. On his desk is a Never-Melt Ice acting as a desk piece and stacks of important-looking paper. Once the doors shut, Tundra raises a curious glance at the viewer.

"Hello, Pepper and Hazel," Tundra greeted the two warmly before looking at the camera. "Who is this new companion of yours?"

"They're our new friend," Hazel replied. "Someone wanted us to show them around Sonamu Town as we helped around with the Guild."

"Your first request already? I'm impressed by the both of you. They're allowed to accompany your team, just don't leave them behind, ok?"

Pepper and Hazel eagerly nodded in response. With a smile, Guildmaster Tundra cleared his throat to debrief Team Horizon's first mission.

"We have recently received a report of an incident occurring in the town square that's disturbing the peace. Pansage, Panpour, and Pansear are arguing about whose type is superior. I want your team to settle their debate once and for all."

Pepper tilted their head in confusion. "But I thought we were going to be exploring the nearby Mystery Dungeon?"

"While that is a major purpose for the Tundra Guild, it's also in our best interest to maintain peace in the very town we reside in," Luca smartly replied, as if reciting a motto.

"I couldn't have said it better myself!" Tundra laughed aloud. "Don't worry, Team Horizon, that Mystery Dungeon isn't going anywhere!"

"We won't let you down, Guildmaster Tundra and Assistant Guildmaster Luca!" Pepper exclaimed.

Hazel nodded in agreement to Pepper's confidence. "We'll make sure to bring back peace."

Tundra briefly chuckled before waving his paw to the door. "I know you will... Now go!"

"And cut!" Celine chopped the air with her left hand. "That was a great session, but I want to go check for myself if that plaza set is prepared now. As soon as I'm back, I want to talk with Harper about redoing this office scene."

Harper gave a thumbs up as the director swiftly left her seat to talk with other head staff members. Zorro and Eve immediately approached him the moment the word "break" was uttered from Celine's mouth.

"Mr. Harper, the director said that we have to do the scene again. Did… Did we do a bad job?" Eve faltered near the end.

"No, no no no, it's nothing like that at all," Harper quickly stopped the dispirited eevee from beginning a slippery slope. "Redoing scenes is completely normal. It could be because the lighting isn't how the director wants it or the audio doesn't sound right. There's a lot of factors and I know your acting isn't one of them."

"That's good, I really didn't want to mess this up for you!" Eve brightly beamed at Harper.

"Mr. Harper. You were so weird in that scene!" Zorro exclaimed.

Harper was taken aback by the sudden criticism. "W-What? How?"

"You were so serious-looking!" The poochyena laughed out. "You never looked like that, even when we first battled!"

"I think that 'serious Harper' looks cool!" Eve blurted.

"That's acting for you," Harper sighed with relief, thankful that the twins' pokémon didn't feel like his acting was wrong.

"Hey!" Beartic appeared behind the three of them with a fake frown. "You're all leaving me out of the conversation?! C'mere!"

Beartic picked up Zorro and Eve and placed them on their shoulders before spinning them around multiple times. The two young pokémon laughed as the polar bear continued to entertain them. Harper chuckled as he watched them, their fooling around mildly amusing the film crew around them.

His concentration was only broken when he looked over behind the cameras, where Bianca and the twins were, wondering why they didn't greet them yet. All three of them were completely focused on their own matters. The Assistant Professor relentlessly wrote in her notes as the twins talked together with Brycen, pointing at different parts in their scripts.

"Hey, Mr. Harper," Zorro called out after Beartic finished spinning around, still on his shoulder. "Do you know what Ms. Neri always writes in that?"

"I don't know… Want me to go ask?"

"So what did you think about that?" Brycen asked as soon as Ms. Pokélsky ended the scene.

"What do you mean?" Bianca turned her head to him. She didn't expect him to ask a question so soon, and she had no clue how to answer yet.

"Pokémon in the filming industry, what do you think about it?" He clarified.

"It's… It's amazing," Bianca answered a few seconds later. Now that she saw a scene filmed before her eyes, especially with pokémon, she finally witnessed the skills of Harper she had heard so much about from not only Nate but Brycen and the film crew familiar with him. Not only that, Zorro and Eve looked like they were having tons of fun as the cameras rolled, and the twins were already talking with each other about how they could do better. She never knew that making films could be as fun as watching them.

"I knew that pokémon were capable in other occupations, but I never really thought much about them being in movies before coming here," She continued her answer.

"But you have seen movies, yes?"

"Of course I have! As a kid, I always went to the theater with Cheren and Hilber—"

A sharp tinge struck her heart as soon as she uttered his name, with Brycen slightly frowning. The twins briefly paused their conversation together at the sight of saddened expression.

"Right… I used to watch movies with them."

With how long ago it was, all she could remember was the buttery smell that hung in the air from Cheren's box of popcorn. Whenever he wasn't looking, Hilbert always stole a few handfuls for him and Bianca to secretly enjoy, taking more than was meant to be shared. With the context of the movies she watched forgotten in the passage of time, it made her want to cling onto anything she could remember about Hilbert.

Because who knew when he'd ever return.

Two years had passed since his disappearance, and the only people to last seen him were the former Champion Alder and Cheren. The only words Hilbert spoke to them were, "I'm finding N," before flying away on Zekrom. She never even got to say goodbye to her friend, where did he go?

Brycen placed a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry about Hilbert, Bianca. He has his team and Zekrom by his side, he is more than prepared for anything."

"...Pokémon are amazing, aren't they?" Brycen broke the silence a moment later, looking over at Beartic joyfully spinning Zorro and Eve, with Harper chuckling by their side.

"They truly are," Bianca chuckled as well at the sight of them playing around. "Pokéstar Studios is an amazing place."

"Ms. Neri?" Claire tugged Bianca's jacket, interrupting their conversation. "How did we do?"

Before she could reply, Caleb rapidly tapped Claire's script. "You messed up here! You were stuttering right there!"

"I didn't! And you completely forgot to say that line!"

"Caleb, Claire," Brycen stepped in between the two. "What did we say about giving advice?"

"Be constructive, not critical," The two muttered together.

"Exactly, now let's try this again."

Even though the twins made up thanks to Harper, siblings would always be siblings. They still argued from time to time, but compared to when Bianca first met them, it was now much lighter in scale. She remembered when Caleb and Claire — with Caleb doing most of the talking — demanded for pokédexs soon after she gave the last few to Nate and Hugh. Their insistence on being trainers together was a smart idea, especially since going alone on a Journey was a huge risk. With Caleb being a Pokémon Trainer and Claire as a traveling nurse, they had the potential to be a formidable duo, but it wouldn't work if they were always fighting with one another.

With Brycen, Caleb, and Claire now talking together, Bianca took out her notepad to finally write down everything she'd been wanting to write since filming started. Underneath the notes about Harper's skills in teaching Zorro and Eve, she began writing as fast as she could.

The first note she made was how natural Harper looked in a movie set. Harper was extremely talented with anything related to cinematography, and his retrograde amnesia made it extremely astounding. Did he have a past history with another film studio? Was that why he was so fluent in Unovan?

…Was that why he had that panic attack?

Bianca had no right to create a conclusion based on assumptions, and Beartic was right in stopping the riolu from telling her then. For now, learning about Harper as he is now was the best course of action. When she first started her notes, she fell into the same habit she always did when compiling data for pokémon. Not wanting to erase what she had so far, she continued her notes with bullet points.

Species: Riolu
Sex: M
Age: N/A (Estimated: Early age)
Height: 2'5" (Calculated by comparing height to Zorro's [1'11"])
Weight: 45lb (Estimated: Average for species)
Original Trainer: Brycen (No evidence of trainer before him)
Additional Features: Large burn scar on chest
  • Peculiar name
    • Why "Harper?"
    • Retrograde amnesia
    • Remembers skills, but not why
      • Has human-like habits
        • Ex: Licking finger to flip pages easier, post-its on his script
    • Lived in civilized life before injury?
  • Exceptional fluency in Unovan
    • Can read and write perfectly
    • Vocab is also advanced
    • Who taught him? And how?
  • Burn scar
    • Caused by external forc
      • No human invention is strong enough to cause such damage to a pokémon
    • Only conclusion I can make is a strong Fire-type move like Overheat, Flare Blitz, Inferno, etc.
    • But why is the scar still there?
      • Permanent injuries on pokémon are extremely rare
  • Unknown past
    • Not even Brycen knows
    • Mr. Stu Deeoh's story
      • Met Harper at Floccesy Ranch after being injured
        • Nate also met the ranch owners there
          • Coincidence?
    • Mature for young age
      • Troubled past?
  • Skilled actor
    • Films to watch:
      • Film short: Riolu-Man of Justice vs. Brycen-Man
      • Feature length film: Full Metal Cop
    • Brycen said Harper doesn't like combat but will fight in movies
      • But it contradicts the nature of Fighting-types?
  • Panic attack?
    • Cause of panic attack is unkno
      • Panic attack related to burn scar?
    • Beartic calmed him down as if it happened before
      • Common occurrence?
    • My fault?
Her notes didn't help with answering any of her lingering questions and the main topic Professor Juniper wanted her to look into, which was how Harper learned Unovan. Pokémon speech is fundamentally different from how humans speak, and not just by the usual call system of sounds and gestures in response to environmental stimuli. From the languages that Bianca researched for their historical origins from Unovan, Kalosian, to Sinnohan, they all followed the essential structure. Every language has symbols, written and spoken, to refer to real and imaginary things in the world, and this was undeniable from what she looked into.

Pokémon speech, on the other hand, couldn't be considered a language. There were no symbols for either form of communication that followed human languages. With the wide abundance of pokémon species and all their unique speech patterns, it would be impossible for one pokémon to give meaning to a certain sound they emitted that another different species could understand. Bianca made an attempt once to translate her Mienshao once when they had a one-on-one conversation together. The experiment ended as quickly as it began, with Bianca unable to get a single sentence correct. Talking with pokémon was completely one-sided, and it would be impossible to understand what they said.

But somehow, pokémon still talked with each other perfectly.

The communication between pokémon species was completely fluent, no matter what species talked with another. They also comprehended whatever humans said, even if different languages were used. To further show why Harper was a big deal, Professor Juniper showed her a video before leaving Nuvema Town. The video recorded a famous experiment done by Professor Oak and Rowan when he visited Kanto to test the interconnectedness of language. They assigned a multilingual person to give simple commands in different languages to a recently captured Bidoof from Sinnoh. Each test concluded with the Bidoof comprehending all the commands with pinpoint accuracy.

Since then, the scientific community largely accepted that an unknown link existed between pokémon that allows them to understand each other. With humans lacking that connection, they were unable to talk with pokemon. That was the reason why pokémon couldn't write, their habitual interpretation of one another didn't translate to human-made languages.

And that's what Bianca firmly believed in until she heard of Harper. His existence shattered her beliefs in pokémon linguistics like glass.

Unable to reach a conclusion for now, she ended her notes with a single word in the corner of the page.


Bianca then noticed the very pokémon she was researching approaching her, grabbing his trademark whiteboard along the way.

"Hey, Harper!" She quickly closed her notepad and greeted the riolu with a wave. "You were great out there!"

*Thanks, but you should tell them that.* Harper pointed to the twins' pokémon.

"I will, but do you have something to ask me?" Bianca responded with a question, wondering why he wanted to talk with her in the first place.

*Zorro was curious about what you always write down in your notes.* Harper looked over at the poochyena enthusiastically talking with Beartic.

Out of all the questions that the riolu could have asked her, she never wanted to hear that one.

Luckily, she had a failsafe, if she could even call it one.

"I'm just taking notes on pokémon behaviors during filming. I only ever saw pokémon in either battles or in their natural habitats, so seeing them act in something like this is pretty neat," She shrugged off, playing it cool.

Harper's eyes looked up and down from the notepad in her hand to her eyes. A moment later, he gave a single nod before writing on his whiteboard again and showing Bianca.

*I hear Celine coming back, but thanks for answering.*

True to his word, the Director arrived back from the plaza set behind the set of Pepper and Hazel's room. Harper waved Bianca goodbye as he left to join the other pokémon stars of the show. She unknowingly relaxed her muscles, not realizing her body felt tense ever since Harper asked her his question.

Bianca looked over at Harper again, where he and the director were now conversing with one another, reading the script and pointing at different parts of the set. The riolu held two of his paws up, making his best attempt at a square shape, as if telling Ms. Pokélsky where the camera could better work.

"Everyone! Break's over!" She sat back in her director's seat. "Let's redo this scene again, starting at the office entrance for a better camera angle! As soon as we're done with redoing scenes six and seven, we're doing the eleventh scene since the plaza set needs a little more time!" Celine continued announcing. "We're doing that scene as soon as we're done with this one!"

"S'cuse me, miss," A crew member rolled a film camera beside her. "Just gotta move this here."

"Oh, sorry," Bianca stepped back, not realizing she moved closer to the set earlier when she talked to Harper.

"Alright, let's start! Lights! Camera! Action!"

As soon as the clapperboard made its iconic sound, the pokémon in front of the camera got into character.

"Rio, orir ro" Harper's character, Luca, spoke in a disapproving tone.

Zorro's character, Pepper, growled his lines softly at Eve's character, Hazel.

"Vee! Euvui, ei!" Hazel waved her paws at the main camera beside her. "Eevee, vee!"

As the scene continued, Bianca overheard the camera crew member whisper to his colleague.

"You can't tell me that this is pretty strange, right? Filming actors that we can't even understand."

"I mean, we technically understand one of them," The crew member beside him joked, tapping the screen of his camera that had Harper in the frame. "But you're right, I spent years filming for Pokéstar and I never filmed something like this. Thank the Twin Dragons that I'm not in the audio department, it's gonna be a nightmare to balance pokéspeech."

"I agree with ya there."

Was… Was it just her or did all of Pokéstar Studios take Harper's literacy this lightly? This was a pokemon that broke common sense, and yet, this news never got out of the studio's gates. It was most likely because of Brycen due to his stern approach to wanting privacy, especially after he retired from being a Gym Leader. Wanting Harper to have a sense of privacy was most likely why every newspaper's headline had no mention of a pokémon understanding Unovan.

Bianca felt like giving the Professor another status update was soon approaching. Now that she witnessed Harper in front of a camera, she had so much she needed to explain.

"Well done, both of you," Tundra flipped through their completed report. "I've heard that you have brought peace back to the town."

Pepper held his head up high, full of accomplishment. "We did! The trio are friends again!"

"Keep up the good work," Luca smiled. "You've certainly proven yourselves to be a fine team for the Tundra Guild."

"Especially you, dear friend of Team Horizon. The Panpour, Pansear, and Pansage would still be arguing with each other right now if it weren't for your help. Will you continue to help them?

Tundra looked at the camera and smiled a few seconds later.

"Thank you, Team Horizon will surely succeed with you around."

"With time still remaining, the two of you may now go to the Mystery Dungeon just outside of Sonamu Town," Luca announced. "I wish the best of luck for your team!"

"Yeah!" Pepper and Hazel high-fived each other as Vincent held his megaphone up.

"And so, our two new explorers have taken their first steps in learning about their duties with the Tundra Guild. What else will await them as they continue to work under the guidance of Guildmaster Tundra and his assistant, Luca? Find out next time on 'Pokémon Mystery Dungeon, Sonamu's Sunrise!'"


"This scene is done!" A crew member announced. "Someone go get the three elemental monkeys and the extras!"

"Extras?" Zorro repeated. "What were they again?"

"They're the people, or pokémon in this case, that fill up a scene so it doesn't feel empty. The next set we're going to is a town square, so having you, Eve, and the other three would feel empty."

"Do we talk with the extras?"

"Are you forgetting what you need to do in the beginning already?"

"Right! We need to push through them to get to Wave, Blaze, and Twig!"

"Should I give you another breakdown of the script?" Harper asked, making sure Zorro didn't forget some parts.

"No, I got it now! It's all in my head!"

"Then I guess you should prove that," Harper began walking off the set. "You and Eve did well so far, but we got this last scene to do."

"We'll do our best!" Eve butted in, running into Zorro. "We'll act as good as you!"

Harper smiled, he knew they weren't going to mess up. Everyone was on a roll today, and he hoped that this continued throughout the whole production.

In the center of the town square with various vendors and shops lined around, Twig the pansage, Wave the panpour, and Blaze the pansear continued their heated argument, drawing the attention of surrounding pokémon. Pepper and Hazel pushed through the crowd as the three continued their squabble.

Twig raised his arms and posed. "Grass-types are the best! Water doesn't hurt us one bit, it's like a refreshing shower!"

Wave crossed his arms in defiance. "Water-types are superior! We can put out any fire, no matter how large!"

Blaze ferociously stomped on the pavement. "Fire-types are the strongest! We can burn anything down that's in our way!"

With one final push through the crowd, Pepper and Hazel finally reach the center of the attention.

Hazel stepped between the three elemental monkeys. "Hey, what's going on here? Why are you all arguing?"

Twig eagerly turned to Hazel. "You! Eevee! You're a Normal-type! You're neutral! Tell us which type is superior now!"

"I can't decide an answer that quickly!"

"What about you, poochyena?" The pansage looked at Pepper. "Which is better? Grass, Water, or Fire-types?"

"I'm with Hazel on this," He shrugged. "I can't pick that fast."

Unable to accept either of their answers, the three monkeys began snapping at each other, growing angrier with each passing.

"Grass-types are the best! If you choose the others, you're just barking up the wrong tree!"

"Water-types always make a splash in every battle! We are better than every other type!"

"Fire-types blaze through any competition! I'm just warming up here, I have so many reasons to tell!"

Hazel nervously whispered to Pepper. "Their argument is getting worse, what do we do?"

Pepper faced the camera. "Do you have an idea, friend?"

A moment after looking at the camera, Pepper's eyes widened at a revelation.

"A game?" He replied. "Like 'Rock, paper, scissors?' That's a great idea!"

After overhearing Pepper's conversation and idea, she turned back to Twig, Wave, and Blaze as she cleared her throat. "Your argument is going nowhere, how about the three of you play a game to find out who is the strongest?"

"A game?" Twug repeated. "Really?"

"Rock, Paper, Scissors, to be exact. Only this time I'm going to assign each hand to each one of you."

Hazel whispered to each of the elemental monkeys. Their faces shifted into a mischievous smile after hearing their answer. When she finished, she stepped to the side and gave Pepper the spotlight.

"Now that the three of you are ready, let's start on Pepper's count!"

Raising a paw, Pepper readied his voice as they all circled in. Some passerby pokémon paused their daily commute to observe the game they were currently playing.

"On my go…"

Twig, Wave, and Blaze moved their hands toward the center of their circle, angling their eager hands at each other.

"Three… Two… One… GO!"

With blinding speeds, the three swung their arms down, shifting their hands to their assigned form. Pepper and Hazel smirked as they looked at the surprised faces of the elemental monkeys. Twig's hands were in "paper," Wave's were in "scissors," and Blaze's were in "rock."




"Do you still not get it?" Hazel walked up to Wave. "Let's try again, I'll whisper what hand to use for this next round to change it up."

"After secretly telling the three what hand to use, Pepper began the next game of Rock, Paper, Scissors."

"Three… Two… One… GO!"

Like their first game, it ended identically to no watching pokémon's surprise. Twig's hands were in "rock," Wave's were in "paper," and Blaze's were in "scissors." With another tie in their belt, they all began to realize the purpose of the game.

Relieved by the surprised reactions, Eve sighed. "Do you see it now? The three of you are strong and weak against each other, just like how rock, paper, and scissors are."

"Don't argue like this again," Pepper glanced over at the crowd. "It's disturbing the peace in Sonamu Town."

Nearby pokémon muttered together in agreement as the three looked at each other with pained expressions.

"I guess we all have our own strengths," Twig spoke up, shyly.

"Yeah, we're better together," Wave said, unable to maintain eye contact

"Agreed," Blaze put one hand forward. "Friends?"

Twig and Wave place their hands on top of Blaze's as they all nod in unison.


"Aaaaaaaaand cut! That's a wrap for today! Great work, everyone!

With the last scene finally completed, the three elemental monkeys gave quick farewells to Zorro and Eve before hopping back to their trainers. This scene had to be reshot continuously because with the addition of other pokémon that Harper spent less attention with prior, getting them to nail their lines was a much more complicated affair.

~At least we're finally done,~ Harper thought to himself as he slumped on top of a nearby crate, laying down on the wooden cover. With one episode finally done, he could cross it off the list and…

~Seven more to go. Hope it's always as fast as this,~ Turning his head to the side, he saw Bianca and the twins approach their pokémon.

"Zorro! You were so cool!" Caleb scooped his poochyena up. "Saying your lines was really fun!"

"I didn't know acting like this could be so fun!" Zorro said before licking his trainer's face, causing him to laugh at how it tickled.

Claire then picked up Eve, petting her backside as she asked her eevee. "Did you have fun?"

Eve nuzzled Claire's cheek before looking at her trainer eye-to-eye. "Mr. Harper was right! This is way more fun than 'pretend!'"

Smiling, Harper sat back up and hopped off the crate, walking to Brycen, who was complimenting his ace pokémon.

"Perfect as always, Beartic," Brycen patted Ice-type's arm. "I expected nothing else."

Brycen then looked at Harper and gave a warm smile, a rarity from the cold-looking man. "Especially you, Harper. This show would be impossible without you guiding the twins' pokémon. This show is going to be a success, I know it."

Despite all the guilt Harper felt for feeling like he was duping everyone for his "skills," he couldn't deny the fact that it had a positive effect on everyone around him.

"Thanks, Brycen," He reluctantly accepted the praise. "I couldn't have done any of this without your help."

"Why are you talking like this is the last thing you're ever gonna be in?" Beartic joked before grabbing Harper and placing him on his shoulders. "This is just the beginning!"

~And I hope it never ends…~

This fic has gotten its first piece of fan art! A huge, HUGE thank you to Buttscord for drawing this incredible depiction of Harper and everyone else!

This chapter was a pretty hefty one, but that was because I didn't want to stop the show's first episode midway and to only continue it in the next chapter. If you want to see what the missing scenes look like, I posted it over in my discord. You can also wait for when I publish the entire script in the future. I'll also post the other episodes when the time comes.

I've finalized my decision on the number of episodes and its topics I want to do for this show and as of the time of publishing this chapter, four out of eight are complete! I won't be writing every single one into this arc though, since it'll mess up the pacing I want to keep. They'll be mentioned in-universe, but they'll be filmed offscreen. I hope you forgive me for that, but I assure you every single episode I wrote will be in the script when I publish the entire thing.
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