Pointy Hats (Quest)

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Pointy Hats is now on Sufficient Velocity, as my first quest overall, as well as about my first...
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Pointy Hats is now on Sufficient Velocity, as my first quest overall, as well as about my first activity on the site, I hope some leeway is acceptable but please give any feedback you think will help improve the game, or even grammar or formatting errors.

Forward: Welcome to Pointy Hats, a play by post quest featuring pointy hats, and the magic users that wear them. It is an rpg-like adventure where you give commands to a user of The Art, or the ability to use magical or otherwise unnatural abilities. While many use the Art, very few manage to become powerful and notable enough to leave marks on history. The Supreme Artisans make up quite a bit of these few, and many with the Art wish to take their place as the next Supreme Artisan whenever an opportunity arises. But hundreds of rivals isn't the only obstacle in their way. Our protagonist has to make his way through a complex tournament called the Trier to win the title of Supreme Artisan, but aside from the perils of the Trier he is faced with magic-racist Inquisitors, psychopathic opponents, and the various weirdos that seem to pop up around him.

Gameplay is a bizarre system, originally was planned to follow the riot system, even with shorter posts and quicker turns as the game would go on, with council-based votes for bigger choices, but has over time evolved into a cyoa-like system where write-ins are encouraged, but bare-bones outlines are included when making decisions and a plethora of overly-long posts are made for each turn. Character stats impact non-controllable interaction with other characters, but gameplay-wise stats play a more subtle role in that whenever an action significantly refuses to suspend disbelief, I use a stat or two on the action. These stats are not permanently altered, but whenever you reach a certain number, the stat will utterly backfire, but you will be able to rely on it again. Ex: Luck is 6 points . This means when luck is exclusively relied on for sixth times, it will backfire horribly, but the counter for it then resets. Bottom line, I basically look at rule of cool, funny or interesting when deciding if something will work in the player's favor, and this thing will probably be as tone inconsistent as a memorial/candy shoppe bus tour.

Prologue-Turn 0

You awaken to a familiar, cluttered room. It is the room you have spent many a night in, but if all goes well, and it shall, then last night will have been your last night in this room. When you return with the grandest title of Supreme Artisan bestowed upon you, you shall live in power and luxury very few have experienced in the entire history of human civilization. In an hour's time, you shall enter the Trier, and then you'll win. Not an exactly detailed plan, but one can not exactly plan for the Trier. In fact, with the Art involved at all, it is almost impossible to formulate and stick to a plan completely, but this will not stop you. Not a damned thing will.

You eye a paper that had been left on your night stand. It is a form, given out by all the academies to the students that join the Trier. It is not required to join, but it does help the academies keep record of at least some of the participants. Of course statistically there is only a 7 percent chance someone from your academy will win, with many of the contestants not belonging to any of the academies, but of course you are certain you have a chance so you will fill it out.

The only information listed on the sheet is as follows:
Gender: M
Academy: Hymut
Brand: Elementalist

The name option is of course left open for you to sign. Below it is a list of traits, meant for you to self evaluate yourself. Oh joy. Well, might as well.

(Note, each stat only has one point to begin with. If you have 5 or below points in a stat, you have the low perk, if 6 or above, the high perk. How much the perk will affect your perception of commands depends on how low or high the number is. Ex: A Squishy Wizard with only 1 strength is less capable than a Squishy Wizard with 4 strength. It is also valuable to note that while you don't want any stats too low, you may not want them too high either. Someone with 10 temperament may be an absolute pushover, or someone with 10 strength may have their own power be a large inconvenience. It is all about finding balance. There are 15 stat points, spend them how you wish but I would recommend no stats to be 1 or 10. 4-5s and 7-8s are a good bet depending on the perk.)

Strength: How is your normal physical strength, without any artificial enhancement with the Art?
1-5: Squishy Wizard: Lets admit it, you probably thought you could get by on more mental and Art based talent than your physical skills. You are by no means an athlete, and would probably lose a fist fight with almost any ruffian in the bad part of town.
6-10: Musclebound Magician: Good job, you are either mildly athletic to outrageously ripped. You may not even need to use defensive manuevers in physical fights. Your abs are so strong they'll probably break their fist, and a quick counter strike is far less time consuming than thinking of a strategy if you don't need to.

Intelligence: While you have obviously showed competency in the Art to enter the Trier, what is your standard knowledge and intellect in other areas?
1-5: Magic Savant: Okay, it may be a good idea you are so good at magic, because otherwise you don't really have much going for you. Luckily, when you were hit with the stupid stick you thought it was a wand and proved surprisingly adept at magic. You range from barely in it to aloof and okay with being out of it on occasion. On the plus side, this means your bizarre antics usually end up working in your favor, simply because your enemies can't understand what you're doing.
6-10: Scholarly Sorcery: You are intelligent in the ways of the world. You didn't just take notes in class, you wrote so much students would sometimes accidentally take it and think it's a text book. You can recognize opponent s strategies more, and more easily identify the world around you. On the negative side, you tend to miss the simple solutions, and your attempts to fix a problem may cause you to have to figure out how to solve problems that arise from your solution.

Luck: While luck is a fairly nebulous concept, would you say you are wading in fortune or bumping your head on every ladder as you evade being strict by lightning?
1-5: Cosmic Plaything: If something can go wrong for you, it will. On the plus side, while the universe wants you constantly in danger, it also seems to allow you says out of problems, but they usually aren't pleasant. The universe wants you to suffer, and will keep you alive to do so, but you will experience wear and tear before you meet your maker.
6-10: Master of own destiny: For whatever reason, every little thing will work in your favor. You just happen to find treasure, or the perfect escape route, or whatever components necessary for your plan of action. But the universe is fickle, and if you test luck too much you may find your well of fortune isn't as bottomless as you hope.

Temperament: A skill that mainly affects your emotional and mental state, temperament may slightly affect how you interact with others or deal with sudden situations. When some chap appears out of thin air and insults your mother, shall you respond in kind, lash out, attempt to reason with the fellow or thank the good man and demand another?
1-5: Irritable Illusionist: Clearly, someone pricked their finger trying to grab the chill pills today. Which is to say, if your lack of chill could be measured on a numbered scale, one might attempt to make a meme about the high 4 digit number. If you have 2 or below temperament, you will generally be unsociable and impulsive in a way that will make far more enemies than friends, but of course a bit of a temper never hurt anyone so long as it was not extreme.
6-10: Laid Back Limerick: How laid back are you? Someone gave this perk a name that doesn't even make sense but you don't care. You keep a cool head and can more calmly survey a situation even if everyone else is an a boiling cauldren of emotion. If your temperament is 9 or above, though, you risk being too chill, and transform from a cool dude into an absolute doormat.

Sociability: There are many types of people and beings in the world, and while personal experience affects one's perception of you, higher sociability points means a particular group may feel more accepting of you on instinct. Sociability points are based on scales of 1 to 5, but still use your remaining perk points. While for the other perk scales your points can't be taken away, for sociability points adding points to one group may make it possible to subtract points from another group, and can even go into the negatives, up to negative 3. For example, deciding to start off with a 2 towards a mongoose race may make your relationship with a snake race -1. For the most part, still neutral towards you, but snakes on a whole will be generally unfriendly towards you on instinct.
Humans: As a member of the human race, you already actually start out with a 2 in place. Humans as a whole will be generally neutral to you, but raising that score will make it easier to befriend others.

The Fair: Creatures with association to the Fair Folk. If they take an interest in you, you may well win their favor, though that is not always a good thing. While being sociable to the fair won't cost you any overall leverage with the Divine or Demonic, the relationship between the three forces is complex. A member of either faction may treat you with amusement or disdain because of your association with the Fair, depending on the individual.

The Divine: Beings in service to deities or angelic beings, as with the Fair and Demonic gaining their favor offers various traps and treasures by association. Although starting off both factions at 1, any further sociability perks to either side will result in the loss of one point to the other faction, as well as the loss of half a point to Undead and some humans may be slightly uncomfortable in your presence.

The Demonic: Beings either demonic or cursed in nature or from the realms these beings populate, as with the Fair and Divine gaining their favor offers various traps and treasures by association.Although starting off both factions at 1, any further sociability perks to either side will result in the loss of one point to the other faction, as well as the loss of half a point to animals, and some humans may be slightly uncomfortable in your presence on instinct.

The Undead: Unlike the other factions, there is not much linking the various creatures defined as undead. They range from mostly human to absolute nightmares, and unlike the Fair, Demonic and Divine, it is very rare to gain favor with even a large amount of the more human ones. As a result, rather than 1, the sociability perk for Undead starts at 0, or a true neutral. Points to the Undead are less about gaining favor and more about if they may not attack or dismiss you right away, allowing you to work on a case by case basis. Does not affect other groups, although a 3 sociability will lower all others by half a point, as it means there is something slightly unnatural about you in a more spiritual sense.

Animals: While you are an elementalist and not a beast master, Beasts, Birds, Fish and other creatures may instinctively trust you more or less based on your points. Unlike other forces, your sociability perk with animals starts at 0, or true neutral. While an enraged, trained attack dog may still attack you, wild animals may be more friendly to you.

A/N: Sorry character creation and the entire prologue adventure has already been completed. I shall just be posting all past turns up to this point (At time of creation, about a dozen turns into Chapter 1) for context.

Having awoken somewhat reluctantly, a beautiful melody playing on impulse in your head as it is prone to do in the mornings as part of your alarm spell, you begin to fill out the sheet after a good stretch that could be mistaken for posing to the uninformed.

Let's see... your name? Why, of course your name is 6! Wait, no, it's not. You were just the sixth of the seven elementalists chosen from Hymut to enter the Trier. (You were really the last choice to be representing your element, but they picked your name out of a bowl.) In reality your name is TOMMY Von FISTINGTON! You are quite proud of the name, you chose it yourself, on account of your adequate abilities in fisticuffs, and Tommy just sounded good. Of course, you go by many names. Tommy, Tommofer, that weird Fistington boy, and a cool nickname you made for yourself, the Silver Mongoose, should you ever go professional with your animal wrestling. That name may not be accurate as you actually have red hair and are built like an ox if an ox was an athletic teenage boy, but the name sounded cool. Tommy is not your actual name by birth, of course. That record has long since been lost to the world. The agitated instructors have simply taken to calling you Thomas as they have nothing else to go off of, but Tommy von Fistington is no fool, and you have made sure to advertise your chosen name to all those unfortunate enough encounter you in study times, as well as constantly signing your name as Tommy von Fistington. Your tenacity has won over your instructor's apathy, so you rarely actually hear anyone except the headmaster call you Thomas.

You look over the rest of the sheet and fill it in.
Strength: 7 PERK ACQUIRED: Musclebound Magician
Intelligence: 2 PERK ACQUIRED: Magic Savant
Luck: 6 PERK ACQUIRED: Master of own Destiny
Temperament: 5 PERK ACQUIRED: Irritable Illusionist
Sociability: The Fair-(2) The Demonic- (-1) The Divine- (1) The Undead- (0) Carnivorous beasts- (-2) Insects (Especially Ants)- (3) Herbivorous beasts- (1) Humans- (1)

Hmmm, the rest of the paper is blank, yet clearly this data is not yet sufficient. You make sure to add on to the paper.

Hobbies: Well, you enjoy long walks, practicing the Art, generally being all around awesome as well as engaging in brawls. You are more suited for fights of the physical kind than of the magical, but you don't tend to duel much with your classmates. Instead, you prefer to get rowdy with the local ruffians, as well the local wildlife.

Residence: Well, you live as a student at Hymut Academy, one of the major academies. Hymut specializes in producing elementalists, or Artisans good with working and manipulating the seven elements. You don't really need to put this down since you are submitting this to the Hymut records, but you do so anyway. You also list your past residences, although you only kind of just lived in the woods on the outskirts of the local village.

Having completed your form, you take a moment to check your time piece. With your stretching and form filling you have used up ten minutes. The Trier begins in 50. Ah well, plenty of time. You look at the form and prepare to deliver it to... um. Huh. You don't actually know what to do with it. You walk over to your large terrarium, filled with Ants collected from the local area. While you haven't proved exceptional at training or controlling animals to incorporate them into your studies, you have proven a knack with Ants. You can't control them, but you and they have had a interesting relationship. Growing up as a semi-feral child for half your life you took to ants. I mean you never more than 5 miles from civilization so you weren't exactly wild, you spent enough time near people in your youth you've developed basic literacy to read posters put throughout the woods and village and speak enough to properly verbally discourse during your spars but still. Playing with, watching, and capturing ants took up a lot of the time you weren't battling for survival. You would sometimes feed the ants your left overs or allow them the spoils from your battles to the death with local creatures, and they in turn brought you food as well, and would occasionally lead you to water and such. Your instructors tried to explain to you the likely causes for their behavior, but you kind of ignored them on principle for refusing to call you by your chosen name at the time. You look at one of the ants, your personal favorite, Antonio. You tell him to gather his forces and deliver your important message to those that require it. You really hope he doesn't notice you are totally bluffing. Antonio and his swarm retrieve the paper, and begin a steady march out of the terrarium and your room. You can't actually control the ants so much as communicate with them and hope they listen, but that went surprisingly well.

You quickly clothe yourself. You put on your school robe, customized by yourself to include a cape made of the skin of a wolf that once challenged you over your rightfully obtained sleeping area, as well as your Sturdy Shoes, Sturdy Shorts, and Kind of Sturdy WOODLAND CHAMPIONSHIP BELT, which you obtained by challenging the local wrestling champion, a talking bear, to a fight to the death. You move over to your hat stand to obtain the most important addition to your wardrobe. A Pointy Hat. Aw, yeah, we're getting magic up in this biz. Putting on the comfortable and sturdy hat, you take a moment to feel the satin insides. Even a rugged gentleman such as yourself can appreciate the luxury of such a fine garment, especially since you made it yourself in magic home economics. Having equipped all your clothing, you exit your room and look out into the hall. The Ants are currently marching towards wherever their going, so you decide to wander about the other direction. As you make your way down the hallway, you hear the clacking of long nails racing down a hall. You turn and witness a large, savage wolf approaching you at top speed. While you pride yourself on your reflexes, you are not sure you can get to an adequate stance in time. Besides, the Trier is meant to test your abilities in the Art. May as well use them here.

Which elemental magic have you been studying at Hymut?
Pyromancy (Fire-based magic)
Hydromancy (Water-based magic)
Aeromancy (Air-based magic)
Geomancy (Earth-based magic)

Current Objective: Decide Elemental Specialty and combat this Tutorial boss.

You can't help but be a little offended this simple wolf feels confident enough to think itself worthy of taking you on alone, but you admire its confidence. The wolf charges at you, clearly intent on avenging its compatriot that you are wearing on your back. Or maybe to challenge you to gain the item at your waist. Or maybe to obtain your awesome hat. You admit, there are plenty of reasons for wolves to be pissed at you, and a few of them relate to clothing. A few others relate to wolf murder death boxing matches but you think it's probably the clothing thing. You quickly jump back and race to the nearby courtyard to allow yourself open space for your brawl. As the pursuing wolf begins to snarl as the distance between you closes, you make your move. Unable to use your physical body for self defense, you decide to use your physical body for self defense. The wolf lunges for your neck but a good kick manages to catch the wolf in its tracks in mid air. Unfortunately it still manages to bite into your leg. While normally this would still be tough with your thick muscle, the wolf finds it especially tough thanks to an inch of rock from floor beneath you.

That's right, you're a geomancer, and you're about to rock this wolf's world. The wolf jumps back, mouth bleeding from its mistake. He it been more careful, it may have seen you collect some of the stone at your feet, but as it happened the wolf was caught off guard. This wolf is not going to let a little crippling jaw damage stop it, though! It swipes at your uncovered other leg, leaving a small stinging scratch as you fail to avoid in time. You lean down on one knee and inspect your leg as the wolf charges. When it is less than three feet away you suddenly raise your hands into the air, and with them rises the earth.

Peering through the gaps in the hundreds of pebbles and grains of dirt as the wolf realizes it is unable to halt its advance, you allow the wolf to feel the impact of hitting your wall only a moment before shoving your fist through, knocking the wolf back before the recoil of its charge even could. You will part of the wall to cover your fist before racing forward and striking the beast with a strong uppercut, proclaiming "IRON FIST UPPERCUT!" There was no actual iron, and you have never really been able to test this move on anything yet so adding uppercut to the title was unnecessary but you think it adds flair. The wolf lays, bloody and defeated. It struggles to its feet (paws?) and glares at you bloody and disheveled but with a level stare. It consents defeat with a slight nod, and you answer with one of your own in acceptance. The wolf saunters off in the opposite direction, before a blast of air sends it careening into a wall. Hard.

You look over and see two fellow students, a girl and a boy. The boy looks nervously between you two, but you can tell it's more out of awkwardness and likely in part due to anticipating how you two will react. He is blond and manages to seem small compared to you two though he is taller than the girl and about equal to you in height with your hat, his own with a shorter point. He is of course the representative of hydromancy in the Trier, and probably one of the students you are most acquainted with, WALLACE CLAFT. While he isn't able to appreciate the thrill of the brawl, he is polite enough to listen to you when he can't think of an excuse but not polite enough to look convincingly happy about doing so. The other is another particular student you are acquainted with, and yet another participant in the Trier, but you aren't sure you'd call either of them rivals. She is an Aeromancer, and is black haired with a trade mark annoyed expression that never really goes away. She is LISA TURREK. She rubs the bridge of her nose a moment before taking a breath.

"Okay, did you seriously just let the wolf walk away?! You can't let these things into the school and let them come back later, they always come back stronger! I remember when you practically destroyed the science room punching some bear to death, and than you let a go! It mauled Billy Wilkins, by the way. And than it came back with a scar over its eye and a friggan knife! Like how the hell does that even work?! These things aren't clean either, you are probably going to need like, what, your eleventh rabies shot? Why do you do these things? Like who in their right mind wakes up in the morning and decides to punch a wild animal? It's not self defense either. Not really. I mean, Wallace, how many random ass animals just ran into school before Tommy boy showed up?"

"I dunno. He's been here a couple weeks before I have."

"Really? Huh, sucks for you to only know this madness. But I remember a good time, when bears didn't chew Billy Wilkins and wield knives. When ants didn't get all up in my grill. When wolves didn't just get thrown through my window. I don't think I'm being unfair here either. That's the second animal this month. The last was a wolverine."

Wallace begins to walk away but is grabbed by the collar by Lisa. "Now see this here? This moron and me actually woke up early, and have gotten our affairs in order for the Trier. You know, the special tournament to become the Supreme Artisan? You know, the tournament you're a part of? And what are you doing? Punching wolves and wasting energy. What, do you think you're just going to punch your way through the Trier?"

You hear Wallace murmur "If I could just punch the problems around me I'd be golden."

Lisa glares at Wallace before turning her attention to you, clearly expecting a response.
Current Objective: Spend time waiting before the Trier.

Several posts below shall be reserved for the other turns up to this point.
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Binge- Prologue
Prologue: Triers and Tribulations

It is time for some good old fashioned REBUTTAL!

"I can't help but feel it bad form to just kill my oppponent when they are defeated. Besides, no proper statements were made stating this fight to be to the death."

Lisa lets go of Wallace's collar to once more rest her face on her fingers. The boy takes the moment to fix his collar with a look of displeasure, but a quick glare from Lisa prevents him from leaving. She looks back to you.

"Okay, just ignore literally almost everything I just said. That's great. Allow me to follow this train of logic of yours to its inevitable stupid collision. I can pick up whatever garbage of ignorance you're throwing down. Now, kindly explain to me how a creature that doesn't communicate could properly issue a formal challenge to a duel, or how trying to maul you and remove what little of your neck exists from your person doesn't account for one."

"I've fought animals that talked before."

"...I just can't even right now."

"Furthermore I have not sat around this morning, I completed the form and even gave it to Antonio to take to deliver it."

"Did you name one of them ANT-ONIO?! That idiocy aside, who is he delivering it too? You were supposed to leave it where it was. We're going to the Trier, they're not going to board up our rooms and just forget about it."

You actually think about this a moment and feel yourself get a little red as you realize the logic of her statement. "Besides that ," you hastily say. "It's not like Billy Wilkins died. Sure he's got scars but on the bright side he looks cool! I mean, did you see his new fire arm!"

"Fire arm? I haven't seen much of Billy what with his casts and bandages and all, but I think I would remember something like that."

Wallace speaks up. "A certain other competitor tried to use a kind of healing fire magic to heal him. It almost worked but backfired and he ran around the school with his arm completely on fire.

"Oh no. SHE's in the Trier?' Why?! That's worse than just having a fox guard the henhouse, that is just giving one of the chickens a loaded gun. Either it's completely useless or one manages to shoot its own face off or kill the farmer on accident. I thought only the Geomancers had their guy picked at random."

"Well, she hasn't just given up on the Art altogether, and considering her mistakes that must be pretty impressive."

You decide to interject some of your own wisdom. "It is strength of character more than strength of ability or strength of body that will matter in the Trier!"

Lisa turns back to you. "In that case you two boys don't stand a chance. Those two things are really the only things you guys have." You notice Wallace grimace a little at this but he doesn't make any other actions to show his displeasure.

"I am not one to stand idly by and let my character be insulted. I am physically fit, yes, but I am also strong of will and soul. If I come into contact with opponents that test these qualities in the Trier, I shall show them my raw power and fists of retribution!"

"Okay, that statement literally just contradicted itself and what you just said. I'll allow you this, you probably will find a way to punch your way out of every problem, but than it stops. If, god-forbid, you make it far into the Trier, you'll be going against people that can strike you down without even looking in your direction. I know this is probably blasphemy to your frame of reference of "me man, me punch", but sooner or later you may have to actually put some of those brain cells I'll do you a compliment and assume you have and then you'll look back and realize maybe, just maybe you should have listened to the people who could count to 10."


"Looks like we underestimated Tommy boy, Wallace. He can in fact count higher than us. Little did we know the depth of his true genius."

Wallace almost managed to sound more annoyed than his usual anxious self in his reply. "Look. Can we get this show on the road? We maybe have a half hour left, and if you're really sure about this we need to do it before the others are around."

The two pull out what look like stones, specifically obsidian, but a strange shade that reminds you of both blue and orange at the same time. Lisa looks back at you. "I'd suggest you leave. You're on a hot streak with your newly revealed intellect Tommy boy, best not ruin the world's new impression of you by being outshone by your intellectual superiors, not one but two non sentient rocks." Wallace also looks at you.
"Um, I'm not sure how much you know-"

Lisa interrupts him. "For future frame of reference, I find it easier to compare to a gold fish egg when I'm trying to figure out how much he knows."

Wallace continues after a moments pause. "Look, we're not here to start anything okay? I don't know if you know anything about these-uh, rocks but if you do know something- and even if you don't- I wouldn't suggest going around talking about them. Not like we're threatening you or anything. Just- just please, I guess? We are kind of about to do something we maybe kind of shouldn't. I mean, it won't be the interesting kind of- that sort of thing, just uh, you get the idea."

You aren't sure if you get the idea or not. Lisa sighs. "Wall', you would absolutely be terrible in a gang." She turns to you. "Point my friend is trying to make is we weren't hanging out just to shoot the breeze, and don't you dare say anything about me using that term, and we kind of want to get busy. Wink wink-nudge nudge-sign pointing you in any other direction in capital letters."

You need to pause a moment and think about what you want to say or do.

Current Objective: Spend time waiting before the Trier.

Suspiciousness is afoot! You are overcome with curiosity and decide you shall investigate this matter! You inspect the rocks, but from where you are they simply resemble some kind of obsidian. Despite your element, you have very little geological knowledge outside of what you learned in class. You preferred to study and look into the magic side of the element. But while you are certain you haven't seen these rocks in class, you get the feeling you've heard of something like these. Now what did they do? Hmm... Well, better to try the Tommy von Fistington approach.

"You two are acting very strangely."

Wallace slightly lowers his voice when he talks to you, as if trying to keep his voice down without raising your suspicion. "No, I mean, we're just kind of talking and strategizing and that. Like a- uh, like an alliance kind of thing. But it's common sense you don't want to show your cards to all of your rivals, right?"

Lisa also answers you, but you think you detect her speaking just a little bit faster. "We're two elementalists elementing it up, and a third wheel is never really appreciated. Nothing completely against you, but we kind of want to prepare before the Trier."

You ponder for a moment. The context clues, the fact they want you gone, the two of them hanging out before the Trier, of course! "Well than, I think I've picked up on your social cues and solved your riddle."

"I might believe the first half of that statement if you didn't call it a riddle." You don't miss the fact that Lisa put in more emotion than before. Clearly you are on the right track.

"No, I definitely figured you two out. You can't fool me, you two are totally dating!"

They simply stare at you for several long seconds. "How does that explain the rocks?" Lisa asks. Wallace looks at her in horror before almost forgetting to lower his voice as he explodes at her.

"Why would you bring those up?!"

Lisa looks coolly at him before turning her attention back to you. "No, I want to see how these fit into his little theory. You got my interest, Punchington. Explain that."

"Simple, obviously those are like a relationship bracelet or something. I think I remember learning people give stones like these in other areas."

"Swing and a miss."

You look to Wallace. "Looks like you don't get to run to first base than."

Wallace cocks his head. "I don't think you know what that means."

"You think right. But if you two aren't dating, than the only other option with your secrecy and stones is..." You chew on your lip a moment before gasping. "You two are cheating!"

"Shhhh shh no, we- I'm not, we aren't really, I mean-"

Lisa interjects. "Quiet Claft. Best we just get this out of the way before he goes around throwing allegations."

You huff. "I throw nothing except punches of justice and the occasional ball!"

"You don't know what allegations are, do you. Point is, we aren't doing anything to cheat. It's really hard to cheat at the Trier anyway, almost anything goes. And than it's just stuff like a kid with probability control setting up a situation so another kid at his academy he didn't like becomes the one that doesn't make it to the field, or this one nullamancer just imprisoning all the competition in some pocket space. Even those were probably part of the rules. This is more an academy thing than a Trier thing we're worried about. These stones are balance stones, users of the fifth and sixth elements tend to use these on occasion, and they're rare. While the fifth and sixth use these things to kind of move the balance around in their favor, they're basically like batteries. They don't let you make more powerful spells so much as they enhance and detail them in a way. An illusion can be touched, an oracle can predict farther, that sort of thing. The academy got two of the stones, probably on paper as for both the filler elements representatives in the Trier, but both were given to the fifth's rep. And I think we can all agree she doesn't need even more advantages. Way I see it, we're evening the odds. Stealing them may be a little unethical, but they're just another present for her and can actually save our lives if we use them."

Wallace nods. "We figured we'd try them out real quick. They'll mostly just add to our base elemental magic. They won't really make it more powerful, but a bit of the subtle manipulations of the Art will be made physical. Since you already know, you can watch if you want."


Current Objective: Spend time waiting before the Trier.

Well than, if they aren't exactly doing anything overtly morally bad, aside from stealing, there isn't really much cause for concern. Still, while you aren't feeling like ratting them out at the moment, you aren't sure you want to just stay and observe them with their ill-gotten gains.

"No, I don't think I want to watch, see you guys later."

The colors in Lisa's balance stone seem to glow just a little brighter as she faces you, her features serious.

"Okay, I don't like forcing secrecy or stuff like that, but if you tell anyone, specifically any instructors or the reps of the fifth or sixth elements, then you will have just made some enemies. Enemies with, I dunno, enhanced ability, if you get my drift?" She holds out her hand and for a moment you see what looks like lightening dance around her fingertips. She looks equally surprised.

"Hey Wal' look at this! It usually takes super long to prepare for electricity, and usually only a few sparks! Man this is cool. I don't think I can do it again right away, but that'll be a neat trick in the Trier."

Wallace looks at his stone, which begins to glow a little as you feel the air around around him seem to drop in temperature a little. "How is it impacting your normal air manipulation?"

"Let's find out. Tommy, not much offense intended, but if you aren't about to watch our light show it's probably best if you go do you for a while."

You three are interrupted as a phonic spell projects the voice of the Headmaster throughout the school. "Students, I am pleased to announce the Trier for the Supreme Artisan will begin in a half hour. I suggest the seven students participating gather their supplies and get ready for the portal jump. Each of you participating has been given the key to your elemental door containing the jumper. For those of you who aren't participating, we recommend you not bother these students for the time being, but once it is time for the jump you may all proceed to the courtyard for bets. Keep in mind instructors, you may not participate in student bets. If an instructor wishes to bet, they may come to the lounge for a separate rally. Also, yes, each of the Trier students need at least one betting team. Someone is going to have to place money on the Pyromancer and Cryomancer. This way we don't have everyone pulling for the last three elements like the past Triers. Good day."

Wallace looks particularly dejected. "... I think people would bet on me."

You turn back to the two elementalists. "Well, I would lecture on your actions what with the stealing and conspiring and all, but I don't really care."

Lisa simply waves you off. "While you leave can you take the wolf carcass somewhere?"

You look over to where the wolf had been laying. It isn't there, all that remains is a bit of blood. "Looks like it already took itself somewhere." Wallace shakes his head in confusion while Lisa rubs her forehead before waving you off again.

You walk away as behind you the two step away from each other to begin their training.

Hmm, come to think of it, all this talk of the other contestants is making you realize you should probably reflect on them a moment. You walk into the hall contains the jumper rooms. They remain magically locked, only opening for the beginning of a Trier to transport players to the tournament. Each academy has several of these jumpers, and they are spread throughout the world for other potential participants to locate by either discovering them or being trained by those that posses them. You look at the doors at the sides. On one side of the hall, two doors are marked with a symbol of wind and rock, on the other the doors are marked with the graphics of a flame and a water droplet. At the end of the hall are two more doors, one of which contains a graphic of a black square with rays of chaotic lines emanating off it, like how a child might try and draw a sun ray when they couldn't draw a straight line.

That symbol is for the sixth element. The door for the fifth element, however appears blank, with no key hole even in sight. You think you remember the instructors telling you if almost all the doors in the hall were like that, it meant the other participants had already entered their room with their key, so that meant you would be late. You think you know the fifth element representative, but not personally. She was the second to be chosen for the Trier, as the seventh element only had one student studying it to begin with so they had earned their position by default. Come to think of it, the seventh jumper door isn't even in the hall with the other doors. Not surprising, however. The seventh element sticks out compared to the flow and interactivity of the other elements, so it's jumper room was located elsewhere in the academy for not really fitting the theme of this hall.

The fifth's representative got chosen for her good marks and Artisan capability, and she was apparently such an obvious choice they barely looked at the other students in her element. Or at least, that was a wide spread rumor, as it took almost a week before they decided on the representative for the sixth, and even longer before Lisa was picked. They didn't even really select you so much as mostly random chance, but you like to think you can hold up to the expectation. Thinking back on the other geomancers, it does seem like it would be a tough choice.

Looking at the other doors, you realize this means that the fifth and possibly the seventh are the only ones in their rooms. Granted you still have over twenty minutes, but still. Having just seen the representatives of air and water (even if Wallace was more a cyromancer) this means the nullamancer and pyromancer candidates are still likely around the school. You wonder if maybe you should just enter your room right now, but you realize you don't have your key. Of course you left it in your room, best go collect it and anything else you want from your room before you leave.

You purposely plan out a longer route that will take you back through the courtyard and lead to your room so you might chance an encounter with either of your fellow representatives. You honestly hope out of the two of them it's the pyromancer, as she is nicer. Secretly you are a bit unsure if you really want to encounter even her. Trouble seems to surround her in a way even you aren't exactly comfortable with, but it is certainly not for lack of will. Punching fire hurts and doesn't help much, as you can verify having tried several occasions. You think the flames may have died just a little but Lisa was adamant they did not and that is not "how you beat out a fire."

Still, having a friend in the Trier may not be a bad idea, and besides, it may do good to have a dialogue with her outside of when either of you are endangering Academy lives and property. (Okay, you have done that significantly less times than her, but you will admit you may have made a mistake here and there. ...You prefer not to think about it.)


Current Objective: Equip items and spend time waiting before Trier. Also be on look out for the pyromancer representative.

As you make your way back towards your room, you feel the air is just a little bit more chill. As you enter the courtyard, you see why. Lisa and Wallace are are firmly in their duel. No other students are in the courtyard, and this side is blocked a little bit by a wall that would prevent any one walking on the other side of the courtyard from seeing. You see Lisa hurl a small tornado-like gust towards Wallace, who almost skates when he uses the thin but sturdy layer of ice to transport him out of the way. A good burst of wind from Lisa manages to throw off his balance and he falls.

Looking back at her, Wallace flicks his hand, and you notice the air around him contained small frozen water droplets. It appears Lisa did not notice them either as they race towards her, blocking her vision as she covers her face. Though none of them are deep enough to actually bleed, you do see the ice particles have cut Lisa. Wallace righted himself as Lisa brushes the ice off her face, and quickly hits him with another burst of wind, but you see him slightly freeze the soles of his shoes to the ice to stick. It dawns on you for the first time it is currently raining; Lisa had been using her wind to keep the water from distracting her or giving Wallace more ammo.

You step into the courtyard but do not yet approach. Lisa directs some of the rain towards Wallace, but he is able to halt it before it hits him, having the water form a thin layer before it begins to freeze and hits Lisa, a mixture of snow, water and ice. While cyromancy is his specialty, Wallace is technically a hydromancer and has some control over water in its base form.

Lisa is knocked over by the attack, and you see her grab a small thin object that slips out of her robe. She glances at it for a small moment before pocketing it and focusing on her enemy. You also look st Wallace, and see a large sphere of energy in his hands, the balance stone sticking out of his front pocket glowing brightly. Lisa steps back before murmuring something you are almost positive was an expletive, before you notice her fingers are sparking.

As Wallace prepares to aim the sphere, bolts of electricity, bright and silent as Wallace is forced to sidestep to avoid these attacks. As the air rumbles a low noise in response to this activity, you see Wallace turn to release his energy just as Lisa channels the surrounding air towards Wallace just as he directs the energy towards Lisa. The result is his release of energy is blown back towards him, and you see him release a little more energy in surprise, but it too is used against him.

As the wind slows and you can make out Wallace, you discover he is frozen. Skin pale, position still, clothes spotted with frost and snow in parts. Lisa looks agape at his figure. "Okay, yeah he took it a little too far."

You look at her."HE took it too far?"

She startles a little and looks at you, eyes narrowed. "Yeah, keep in mind I just diverted his attack against himself. I might be the popsicle here if he succeeded."

"But you diverted the energy right in his face, and with your wind element. I don't think you would be frozen like he is."

"Whatever, point is he's frozen. Lucky for him he's still alive, looking at his state. Elementalists have some protection against their element. Still, I don't really have time to worry about him."

"Wait, you're going to leave him?"

"Don't get me wrong, nothing against him, freezing thing aside, but I can't really think of what to do at the moment and I need to get ready. If I can get to my jumper in time it'll be locked and no one can get me or the balance stone."

"So you think it's okay to make him forfeit the Trier."

"No! No, just, he has his key on him. I'm sure he'll get fixed before the Trier, I know for certain they won't just give it off to some other Hydromancer. If you are really so interested, you can try and help him yourself. But I'm out. You can take Wal's balance stone if you like, up to you. But I'm leaving before this get worse for me." She turns and walks towards the entrance behind you. You look at the balance stone in Wallace's pocket. Should you take it?


Current Objective: Spend time waiting before the Trier, decide whether to keep Balance Stone, locate your items.

You pay no mind as Lisa retreats into the hall. Someone has to free poor Wallace! You are sure he'd at least try to help you in the same situation, even if you know he'd give up within two minutes. Luckily you won't need two minutes thanks to your special technique: THE DINOSAUR.

When you use THE DINOSAUR you cause what you like to call a miniature earthquake. In reality you just concentrate really hard and use the Art to vibrate the ground in a small radius, but miniature earthquakes sound cool, as does the nonsensical nickname you gave it. Like what even *is* a dinosaur? Whatever. You approach Wallace and make sure to shout a quick warning. Wouldn't do for your chosen one powers to suddenly activate and cause a massive earthquake. You think that's something that can happen. You take a deep breath and release a mighty bellow.

"Stand in a door or get on the floor, I'm about to do THE DINOSAUR!"

No one is around, but it matters not. You concentrate and feel the thrum of the earth and the movement of the Art all around you. You channel the two together, feel the ground at your feet shake. You channel that towards Wallace and release the energy, finely tuned so as to break his ice and not shatter his skeletal structure. You think that is probably something that can happen.

Alas, this fails. At your feet the ground is slightly indented from the vibration, and a thin crack in the dry dirt leads from you to Wallace, a foot away. His unresponsive face mocks you for your efforts. In hindsight, you can't exactly break him out of being frozen, he's not encased in a block of ice, more like a sheet of frost covers him and his body has basically stopped functioning. You aren't exactly sure if they set up wards when they start studying or if their vital organs unfreeze first, but cryomancers do tend to freeze themselves or get frozen a lot, sometimes on purpose to prolong their lifespan. Wallace isn't going to die from this, but it sucks he won't go to the Trier if he's like this.

You look around. Wallace has his Trier jumper key still in his pocket, which reminds you that you need yours. The balance stone sits at his feet. You consider the stone for a moment, before sticking your tongue out at it. Well, you're out of ideas. You ponder some more on your next choice of action. You feel bad for Wallace, but you also wonder if you should stop by your room. THE DINOSAUR took a lot out of you, you think you may also need to rest a moment. And by rest you mean try and fit vigorous push ups and enthusiastic posing into your schedule.

End Turn

Do you continue to help Wallace?:
[X] Yes, (Write in possibilities for more light geomancy techniques)
[X] In a moment
(x) Gather items first
(x) Get help (Who? Most of the obedient students are already in class save for the Trier participants, and you don't know for sure if anyone else besides the fifth has already entered their jumper)
[X] No, best just let him be

On a related note, while you have dismissed the balance stone, what are your final thoughts on the matter?
[X] It's a vauable asset, and will help improve your geomancy magic or just come in handy TAKES UP 1 INVENTORY SPACE
[X] It's had a bad run so far, ethically and strategically wise, if there is some bad juju or karmic justice or just plain magic wackiness you don't want it.

[X] Write in: Think of an option not listed above, want to slightly alter a choice or want to try something off the wall? Come up with it here. There were some extra suggestions I decided not to list to not overwhelm and see if anyone would want to try them without any influence from me.

Current Objective: Spend time waiting before Trier, gather supplies, figure out if you want to continue trying to help Wallace.

You stretch your arms behind your neck and squat as you look thoughtfully at Wallace. Need to get that exercise in somehow, and he probably won't mind you taking time to do it while you have the opportunity. You eye the balance stone again. ...

"EVIL!" Having shouted so you grab the balance stone and throw it at a wall. It doesn't crack, however. Still, you feel a sense of accomplishment now that the stone is seven feet from where it was previously. You turn your attention back to the frozen boy.

You must help Wallace! After all, what are casual acquaintances for? You inspect Wallace. No signs of thawing. You flex/pose and try to think of a way to break him out of there.

Break him out of there. The balance stone. Of course!

You grab Wallace and slide/push him into the wall you had just thrown the balance stone at. He skids and hits the surface face first but though he wobbles, he does not fall down. You may not have broken the very thin layer or frost, but you may have slightly broken his face. It's probably a good thing he's frozen, otherwise his scrapes and bruises may surface or even bleed. Still, it wasn't damage enough to do any permanent harm, but you are 60% sure it wouldn't work if you did it again. Hopefully he can't actually feel anything and he's not conscious. ... You snap your fingers right by his eyelids to be sure. No response. He's probably asleep. Or a little in a coma. Kind of. Hopefully.

Well, with that failed, it's time to work on one of your TECHNIQUES! You have never actually tried this one before, but you wrote about it in your technique journal during Alchemy class. Given that Pommid is the academy that focuses more on Alchemy, you figured since you go to an elementalist school you should focus more on that. If you wanted to be an alchemist, you would have gone there! Granted, you are at Hymut because it's nearby the woods you grew up in but if you actually had a choice in the matter, you are sure you would still go to Hymut.

Regardless, this hypothetical technique filled you with righteous anticipation to the day you can use it, simply because of how unbelievably metal it is (and that's not a Geomancy pun). The technique involves putting lava...ON YOUR FIST. AND PUNCHING! Still, even you are aware that simply putting burning hot molten rock on your bare skin is a tad too metal, and you require protection. Luckily, you remember you geomancy teacher posses a kind of clay altered by the Art. It is malleable by geomancy, yet protected from many natural elements, including magma. Apparently an older civilization of elementalist a had used it to wall their city, if you remember right.

You are also aware of the fact that this teacher is currently teaching a class in a different room from his main office which contains his different supplies and artifacts, and you may be able to obtain this material, as well as some magma he had been using for a cool though admittingly fire hazardous display, with a watermelon sized globe of magma moving sluggishly in a compacted space, courtesy of the Art. It would be childs play to use your geomancy to levitate some to your hands once they are protected. Although you are beginning to have doubts. Not of your plan of course, there is literally no possible way any human mind could conceive of that this plan could go wrong. No, you are worried more about time wise. Lisa has definitely entered her jumper room by now, and you are a bit nervous about the remaining three elementalists wrapping up their duties before you and Wallace. And if you get caught, you may be in as much trouble as Wallace and Lisa. Should you maybe think of a different plan, or go obtain some different supplies from your room? You do want to check on your ants before you go as well.

End Turn

Do you wish to continue through with your lava fist plan?
[X] Duh
[X] On second thought, how about another technique? (Write in)
[X] Lets go stock my inventory first and come back to help Wallace.

[X] Other (Write in)


Current Objective: Spend time waiting before Trier, gather supplies, figure out if you want to continue trying to help Wallace.

Man, this lava fist plan is getting you PUMPED. It has everything: heists, punching, ancient artifacts, turning your fists into volcanos of awesomeness... although such a plan may require more time than you have. You should probably check your time piece you left in your room and gather your supplies first before proceeding with the plan. You walk over to Wallace.

"Sorry bud, I'm going to go for a moment." You feel awkward just leaving him out in the open so you tentatively pick up the balance stone and put it on his front pocket, which also houses his jumper key. You pat him on the back and quickly stumble to prevent him from hitting the floor as he begins to tip over at the motion.

After double checking that he wouldn't fall over again, you depart. The way back to your room is surprisingly uneventful, and your notice a few feet from your door a group of ants congregating on a ruined piece of paper. Antonio must have completed his mission and returned with a snack for the men. You salute the workers for their service and open the door for your ants. Antonio crawls up nightstand as the the rest of the ants march into their terrarium. You survey your items.

INVENTORY TIME: Possibly to make up for the absolutely zero training you have received for this adventure, you and the other participants have special pouches made from cloth threads infused with the Art. These special bags can fit any items in regardless of size, but there are rules to this. These bags were made specifically for the trier, as the jumpers only teleport the partipants and what it deems to be necessary by an odd set of rules no one really knows. Most clothing tends to work and a few items, but it is safer to put valuables in these keep-bags. Keep-bags can hold a grand total of five items over all, and are bound by the Art to the participant, meaning it is very hard to actually lose these bags, as they always seem to be at your clothing where they won't fall off. You remove your WOODLAND CHAMPIONSHIP BELT and place it in the bag, as it likely counts as excess clothing. Not your hat though. That's a necessity.

4 remaining inventory slots

POCKET SAND- A large burlap sack packed with sand, you sometimes use it to practice your skills or as a punching bag. While some may frown upon the use of smoke screens or otherwise blinding your enemies in a fight, you and many others scoff at this notion. If you allow yourself to be blinded, you deserve it. Even better, as a geomancer there is all kinds of neat stuff you could use sand for in attacks.

TECHNIQUE JOURNAL- Remember this thing from last turn? Turns out its an actual thing that can be used. With the technique journal, you have benefits when it comes to using techniques. Sometimes you may not be able to think of a technique, and this journal will allow you "freebies" if you will, and you will suddenly remember techniques you have used or thought of before this adventure. Also. Given your low intelligence stats, this journal helps you better organize your thoughts, and the occasional dumb idea that would normally fail may work with this and your luck on your side.

SKIPPING STONE- As a strapping young forest lad, you have skipped your fair share of stones, and had quite a few thrown at you. Although you prefer not to think about THE REPRESSED TRAUMA this has brought you, observing stone throws enough from lake goers and savage attackers allowed you to master it as a pass time. Since becoming a geomancer, your skills at skipping stones have increased even more! Granted, the majority of the elemental magics actually do help with stone skipping when you think about it. hydromancers can move it with water, aeromancers can change the wind direction, there's different freaky things the fifth and sixth elements can do, and pyromancers....well, they actually get the short end of the stick on this one. Still, having your favorite skipping stone may help with odd puzzles you may encounter, or even just to equip to your SKIP SPECIBUS. Okay that doesn't exist, but you can still attack with your skipping stone.

TIME PIECE- You currently have twenty minutes before the trier. Besides that information, you wonder if you should bring a time piece with you. Who knows what bedevilry will befall you that a time piece may somehow help, or just having an expendable object around.

SMALLER TERRARIUM- The ants in your terrarium have enough resources and capabilities to survive several more generations without you. To be honest, you don't really actually take care of them, the ants are pretty self sufficient. Still, taking along Antonio and a few good ants may help reward you with mighty allies, or more likely just some company. It's not like you've imprinted your sole basis of familiar bonds on insectoid creatures. Nope, wholly scientific and impersonal interest here.

CLAY GLOVES- These are gauntlets made out of clay. Comfortable and malleable, you can use your geomancy to cover the outside in different geological material as you require, and they offer slight defense to your hands. Gotta keep those mitts safe.

ARTISANS GUIDEBOOK- One of the most widespread nonfiction texts, the Artisans Guidbook contains many facts about the different widespread uses of the Art and creatures that deal with it. As you don't always pay attention in class, you got the book for quick references, and a check here or there during your adventure may help you become at least as versed as the average Artisan.

WOLF PELT- The wolf pelt you are currently wearing, it can represent an attunent towards just carnage and man over nature to some of the more mystical beings, and serves as light armor. However, with your low sociability stats with carnivores, outright wearing one proudly may cause them to go from hostile to attack even in scenarios they normally might not, and for better or worse things that once belonged to the living do tend to draw attention of the Undead. They won't be drawn to you, necessarily, but they may choose to focus on and engage you more, which could be good or bad.


Current Objective: Select half of the items to take with you. Spend time waiting before the Trier.

You contemplate the items as you fiddle with the keep-bag. You look over your items, and decide which ones you want to bring.


You also add in your SMALLER TERRARIUM as you allow Antonio and some of his buds to crawl inside. The queen in your normal terrarium still has plenty of able-bodied workers to gather food, and soldiers to fight against any hypothetical ant armies that decide to invade this specific terrarium in your room. Look, knife-wielding bears and frozen children are a pretty normal part of your life, you aren't going to dismiss anything as too unlikely.

With your Keep-bag full, you grab your jumper key and step back into the hall, but you don't get six paces before you are greeted with the faint odor of smoke. You turn around and see a girl. Her hair is blonde, though not the dark yellow of Wallace's. Her hair is light almost to the point of white, and appears naturally long but it has been haphazardly cut short and a large amount hastily put into a bun. The hair that isn't singed, that is. Indeed, brittle bits of blackened hair on the ends of some strands catch your attention, along with her uniform, noticeably less baggy than the usual uniforms, and her hands have a leather like bandage wrapped around each palm and a finger on her left hand has a healed burn.

This is the infamous pyromancer. She doesn't seem to notice you as she walks forward mumbling something as she moves her hands in a circular pattern. A few sparks shoot out, but it still is a moment before a small fire ball ignited between her hands. You step to the side and clear your throat. She les out a noise as the fire ball violently rushes from her hands and nearly hits you.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!"

"No, I mean, its fine." You may have been angry if you had a weaker TEMPERAMENT, though you understand mistakes happen.

"No really, I was trying to practice making a gas fire for cooking, and I wasn't paying attention, and wow that was really stupid. Why would I think it's a good idea to be moving and not paying attention while I make fire?! " She plants her hand on her forehead and mutters the word "stupid" to herself as you notice a strand of her hair catches fire from this.

"Woah, you may want to- you have a little-"

"What? Oh- ow! Not again!"

She hurriedly pats out the small flame, before signing and turning to you.

"Hi, um, okay that's good, the fire ball catch anything by the way?"

You look where it had hit, but the only damage is a scorched stone wall. You shake your head.

"Good, good, great, yes. That could have been worse."

"Oh yeah, didn't you burn down a whole wing?"

"It was a small wing! Just a- large fire... I mean, I didn't "burn it down", it's still there, just has a lot of damage..."

"And didn't you set Billy Wilkins on fire?"

"I set a lot of people on fire okay? Myself in particular. But it's not on purpose! I really thought I could heal him... it's okay, I'm sure I'll master that one day! Cant make an omelet without burning the kitchen down at least once!"

The pyromancer seems to perk up as she finishes her speech, showing more confidence.

"Anyway, I thought the students were supposed to be in class? Oh no! Wait, am I late?! Am I too early?! Did I miss the Trier?!"

"No, it's good, I'm the geomancer nominee, Tommy von Fistington."

"Oh thank goodness. Thought I messed up again! Anyways, allow me to formally introduce myself to you. I am CONSTANCE HOMLOCK. So wait, what are you doing?"

"I went and got my jumper key, I'm about to go try and unfreeze another nominee."

"Well, I could help you with that!"

Even you can tell that's a terrible idea. "I would let you, but, if something goes wrong, that's kind of on me."

Her shoulders drop. "Oh yeah. Sorry, didn't mean to jump the gun like that. Don't want to turn him into a flambé when he only needs a defrost. I have to focus on not burning my hands off, not worrying about another human being. It's cool."

The silence that lingers in the next few seconds makes you feel awkward before it is broken by Constancele gasping. "Wait, did you say jumper key?!"

"Um, yeah?"

"Oh man, oh my- just, I got to go get it from my room! Can't believe I forgot!"

"It's okay, you still have time."

"I'll be right back, my rooms just around the corner." She sprints back the way she came. In the moments that linger you are unsure what to do.

End Turn

Do you:

[X] Wait for Constance and think of something to talk to her about as you guys walk to Wallace and the jumper rooms (Write in)
[X] Try and free Wallace with some more techniques or ideas (Write in)
[X] Go to your jumper room and just wait.
[X] Other (Write in)


Current Objective: Do what you want to do before the Trier.

You still have time before the Trier, and not much to do at the moment, so you wait for Constance. You try and think of some things to talk to her about before the sound of a yelp, a bright light, and the sound of someone stomping hard behind you alert you to her return.

Constance is hastily stepping on some flames, and you patiently wait for her to finish her task. When she is done, she turns to you and shrugs.

"I was practicing summoning a flame a couple times on the way over. I usually only get about eight or so times before it backfires."

You nod. "Yeah, I don't really have anything similar, but that kind of sucks."

"Naw, I'll get it eventually. Or on the bright side, my skin will be so burned it won't even hurt anymore!"

You aren't sure if that was an awkward joke or a depressing thought. Probably both.

You two begin to walk in the direction of the courtyard and the jumper rooms. You decide to converse with Constance.

"So, any strategies during the Trier?"


"Yeah, plans of attack, thoughts, anything at all on how you'll do? So far I've got a pretty...rock solid plan myself." You feel proud of that last bit, (though you really, honestly should feel ashamed) but you do have an actual strategy. Punching. Punching is the strategy.

"Never really thought of it that much. I honestly thought I was chosen randomly like one of the other contestants was, but nope. They told me they specifically chose me!"

Constance says that last part with an incredulous look on her face, but you do notice she has a bit of a smile creeping in. That look is quickly banished as she somberly shakes her head and continues.

"But I know-I know I won't get far. I kind of hope I get knocked out in one of the two starting rounds."

"Starting rounds?"

"Yeah, the Trier doesn't start immediately. What people consider the first round is just all one hundred jumpers activating, but one jumper just doesn't take the partipant to a group like the others do. They just kind of get sent back to their location, I think. Then the rest of the partipants are put in nine different locations in groups of eleven, and each group kind of goes through a challenge that knocks two off each group. The remaining eighty-one kids enter the more challenging part and actually compete against everyone else."

"And you don't think you'll get to be one of those partipants in the actual competition?"

"Probably not. Let's face it, I'm not the best pyromancer. I'm improving every week, but when you're set that low it's not that much overall. I'm a big girl, I can admit I'm pretty bad at what I do."

She looks sadly as she conjures a flame on a fingertip, and holds it for several seconds before wincing in pain and putting it out. She looks back to you. "Okay, it's more I'm not that good at what parts I want to be good at with my element. I probably could get far in the Trier, but not without bumbling through and leaving a trail of burn victims and ash. It is going to be way better to just get knocked out in the second round, if I do. Besides, at least the second round is safe."

You two approach the courtyard as you chew on her words a moment.

"Well, you still got chosen specifically."

"Ouch. Yeah, thanks for reminding me."

"No, you don't have to worry about it, I'm saying they chose you for a reason. Even Wallace said it's probably because they recognized your... persistence!"

"Wallace? Oh, is that the ice kid?"

"In a couple different ways, yeah." You gesture down the courtyard, only to realize Wallace isn't there. You stare in confusion while Constance looks at you curiously.

"Something wrong?"

"Y-erm-maybe? I dunno, let's just go to the jumpers."

You both head into the hallway just in time to see a figure turn the jumper key on the Hydromancy room. The key seems to glow before dissipating, and the keyhole and knob dissapear as well, while the water droplet mark on the door fades. You focus back on the figure.

You recognize him as one of the nullamancers, though you don't recall his name. His skin is on the darker end, not from actual race but literally dark. Likely a side effect with working with the sixth element: void. He simply waves at you and Constance, but when he speaks, it sounds just a bit...off. Nothing wrong with his voice, it just sounds almost dampened, despite the volume being about the same as yours.

"Hey! Was this kid a friend of yours? Don't worry, I took care of it! See y'all in the competition, fella and fella-ess!

He rushes to his door and opens it with his jumper key before you can collect your bearings. Once he steps in and closes the door, you hear a *click* from the other side, and a similar process as before happens to his jumper door. He must have used some nullamancy to move the body, you would probably have a little difficulty needing to carry Wallace to his room the way he was.

Constance wishes you luck in the ensuing silence before entering her jumper room, and you enter yours and lock it, the keyhole and jumper key disappearing as you do so. In the middle of the room is the jumper, a round slab of crystal. Even with your geology studies, you know this is made up of no mineral found naturally in the world. These jumpers are virtually indestructible, and all have the same destinations. You walk over to the jumper and press a button on the console next to it. The jumper lights up a faint green and you step onto it. Immediately a magical yellow barrier erupts around you, and you wait patiently for several minutes before the intercom sounds with Headmaster's voice.

"All right kiddos, give one last round of applause to your classmates before we blast them to their tournament. And to you brave partipants, be alert, be ready for betrayal or danger at any moment as you fight not just for fame, fortune, or survival; but quite possibly for the very fate of this world. Whether you succeed or not, you are already in the history books, the eyes of everyone on whoever may win, some with envy, some with rage, and others with reverence. And most importantly! You must each remember... to have a good time."

The barrier around you becomes so bright you can't see, you lose your sense of self and reality, you can't tell where you were facing, or if you are even still moving. You can't even make out your hand, or if you even moved it or your neck to look at it. Then, all too soon you regain your senses and are in a new location.

End of Prologue: Triers and Tribulations

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Binge- Prologue Extras
Name: Tommofer "Tommy" Von Fistington
Academy: Hymut (Elementalist)
Specialty: Geomancy
Intelligence: 2
Temperament: 5
Luck: 6
Strength: 7
Soc. Undead: 0
Soc. Humans: 1
Soc. The Fair: 2
Soc. The Demonic: -1
Soc. The Divine: 1
Soc. Carnivorous Beasts: -2
Soc. Herbivorous Beasts: 1
Soc. Ants: 3

Appearance: Tommy has grown over the years of living in the wilderness and the much more dangerous and uncivil education system to be a young man of muscle and overall ruggedness. He has dark copper hair, and the kind of face that's so masculine it kind of loops around to hints of being feminine. He has quite a few small scars, including a small one on his chin, but the most noticeable is a large one that reaches down his upper arm from his shoulder blade, obtained from a fearsome beast in his youth. The majority of his wounds he has suffered have been from when he was younger, now his skin is mostly tough enough to walk away with a few scrapes and minor blood loss. He has gray eyes, and his wardrobe consist of the typical Hymut robes, altered to be more "comfortable", with the bottom trimmed so he may hike up his cargo shorts, and tends to wear mountain boots, though he does make sure his pointy hat is in good condition. Although he by no means has what can be considered fashion sense, he does care a little about his physical appearance and is glad he has grown into his looks, as he was, in his own words "an ugly baby" and believes that's probably why he was abandoned.

Bio- TOMMY VON FISTINGTON is a man of mystery, whose shenanigans, adventures and overall debauchery before his time at Hymut most have surely been sights to behold, as he mentions to those that will listen, but in all honesty he never actually goes into too much detail rather than talking about the fights he's won and days spent hiking and hunting. Left to fend for himself at the somewhat early age of recently born, Tommy doesn't really have much in the way of close connections. He had enough human interaction to learn reading and writing and become one of the village oddballs, but once his reputation among the beings in the forest for big enough he mostly just got by on fights and survival skills, treating everything like an adventure. After all, his life could be viewed as rife with hardship if taken a certain way, though if he views it as challenges to overcome on his journey through life he's pretty satisfied. Even the knowledge that he was picked at random to compete in a potentially life threatening competition to become the Supreme Artisan isn't enough to damper his mood or entice somber self-reflection. He has his Art, his strength, his ants and his eccentricities, and he doesn't care for too much else. He has enough of zeal to put himself into studying the parts of the Art he finds interesting fanatically, but that's about it.

Techniques Used:

The Dinosaur- Vibrations are made in the earth to cause an effect similar to a concentrated low-level earthquake within a small area.

Stone Wall- Earth based objects are raised to form a protective layer. With some more focus and power, you may be able to raise a more solid wall straight out of the ground rather than the shoddy ones made out of dirt and gravel.

Iron Fist- Punching through your stone wall, you can use a variety of jabs and fist movements in conjunction with this attack, such as Iron Fist Uppercut, and Iron Fist Jawbreaker.
Prologue Intermission

The effect was disorienting, to say the least. Kagan blinked several times as he looked around him. He was in a large room, ten other jumpers containing different participants were arranged around him in a circular position, the rest of the room bare except for an exiting hallway to his left. Each of the participants in his direct eyesight were observing each other, clearly all sharing the same thought as he was.

So, this is my competition.

A few of the other Artisans began to step off their jumpers, and Kagan noticed they were looking in confusion at the figure to his right. He stepped to the side and struggled to maintain a neutral expression as he realized what was so interesting about this contestant.

He was blonde, eyes half closed and one of his arms raised slightly, as if beginning to block whatever was about to attack him. His garb was loose purple robes, an "Hy" embroidered on the upper chest area, about where the heart would be. An elementalist, from Hymut Academy. That wasn't what was interesting, however. Each of the seven main academies had seven students participating in the Trier. What was interesting was that, upon closer inspection, the boy was glazed with a sheet of ice, unmoving. Frozen.

"Now how did this happen?!"

He looked to the owner of the voice, a tall, well built boy. Unlike the elementalist, he had no hat upon his head, pointy or otherwise, and instead of robes wore a red jacket over his shirt, the letters "Rd" in a similar position to Hymuts uniform. Rutland Academy.

Kagan stepped off his jumper and turned to face the sight head-on. "It appears some unfortunate elementalist didn't pay attention in his studies. That or he was given a set-back by an opportunistic schoolmate."

A girl in a white dress spoke up.

"And what exactly leads you to that conclusion?"

Kagan glanced at her. It wasn't worded harshly, more out of curiosity for his explanation. Her neat looks and formal wear implied she likely came from or was representing a rich family.

"I'm certain no one here was able to freeze the boy this quickly, and that also seems to fall within the domain of elementalism. This leads me to believe either there is a cryomancer on the loose with some other group, or some artifact was used by him or another student."

He looked back at the frozen boy. "Hopefully he is one of the last three elements. That would certainly make things easier."

The boy in the Rutland jacket stroked his chin. "Could this kid be a Cryomancer?"

A girl in outdoor kid scoffed. "Please, cryomancy is related to the water element, and only one student can represent each element. So unless a jealous classmate got the drop on him, which is pretty tough since I hear most elementalists are immune to their element, I don't think he can be a hydromancer or cryomancer. The only thing more unlikely would be that he somehow froze himself."

Kagan glanced at the gathered partipants. Most had drifted away, their curiosity met. Besides the girls in the dress and outdoor gear, there was the boy with the Rutland jacket, some kid in an outfit that looked more like an Artisan costume at a masquerade than a serious get-up, a quiet boy with a black patch over his left eye, a bored-looking boy with a satchel full of books, and a boy wearing a suit with several rings on his fingers. The rest of the partipants had wandered through the exiting hallway. He didn't think any of the gathered partipants belonged to any other academies, but he only knew the uniforms for three of the academies so he couldn't be entirely sure.

The boy in the Rutland jacket broke the silence. "Well met strangers! It's great we have all made it to the second round of the Trier!"

The boy in the suit knotted his brows. "It really isn't all that surprising. The first round was just stepping on the jumper. There was only a one in a hundred chance we wouldn't be jumped to our location."

The boy in the strange get-up loudly whispered. "Probability! Yes! Love Numbers!"

The Rutland boy shook his head. "I just mean that it is good that we've all made it this far. It's certainly going to get more challenging from here."

Kagan blinked. "Good that we made it this far."

The Rutland boy nodded, tense. "Yeah. You know, good luck to all of you?"

Does he think we need it? What is he planning? "More challenging from here?!"

Still, Kagan kept his displeasure from showing as he decided to nod in agreement. The Rutland boy looked relieved.

"Anyways, can we put names to faces, here? I'm Jeremy, I'm a student at Rutland."

The boy in the suit was the first to answer. "Fritz Jannes, here. I represent the Das family, and I am a spirit-user."

The girl in the dress seemed taken aback by this. "The Das family? Their estate is quite big."

Fritz smiled at this. "Yup, but unfortunately their own children weren't exactly the right age for the Trier."

"Really? I could have sworn they had a son around your age."

"Oh, yes. Unfortunately he wasn't as proficient in the Art, so when I showed up Master Das took me under his wing and helped me improve my Art."

The boy with the books answered next. "A spirit-user, huh? I'm a conjurer myself. Sam."

Next, the boy with the patch. "…Tristan."

The girl in outdoor gear. "Karen."

The girl in the dress bowed. "Alice Jameson. I am representing the Jameson Family."

The group looked to Kagan. "Kagan Bowfield."

"Hey, you guys! You wanna see this thing in here? It's pretty neat!" Kagan realized the kid in the weird outfit had wandered away to join the rest of the group in the other room. The gathered students walked to follow him.

Clever. Almost no one gave their full names or what they did. I noticed those that did never specified what exactly they were conjuring or what kind of spirits they were working with. You can't trust any of them.

As the group entered the other side of the short hallway, they discovered the corridor opened into another room. There was a large door with writing on it on the far side, and yet another jumper. This jumper, however, had a small ring of five consoles, around it, each with nothing but a button, and a sixth console next to the jumper.

The girl who had identified herself as Karen walked up to the door and squinted. "The thing says 'one must be sacrificed with the agreement of the majority to pass'. Is this really the toughest riddle they can throw?"

One of the other participants answered her. "It's not really a riddle, I think it's supposed to be a moral dilemma. We haven't been able to open this door with our magic, and unless one of you guys is packing some clothes cool door powers, it won't open until we do what it says."

The kid in the costume stepped back a little. "So wait, are we actually going to sacrifice someone? Because I for one am not cool with that! There's a big difference between a one in a hundred chance of safe elimination and a one in eleven chance of this!"

Kagan sighed in slight irritation. "It's not a real sacrifice. My guess is this is how we remove the first of the two competitors this round. Over half of us agree to jump someone back home, and they are the sacrifice."

Sam put the book he was holding in his satchel as he seemed to pay more attention. "You don't believe this could be some test of character do you? The sacrifice isn't going to be the one to move on instead?"

"No, that wouldn't really make sense. It's likely a bad apple may be forcibly removed rather than a volunteer, and you need over two votes to knock them out of the Trier, so the button-pushers can't be the ones getting punished. Some of the challenges are meant to ring people together, but this one is meant to drive us apart. Make us take sides and not trust one another. In any other situation we could argue for hours before deciding or descending into chaos."

The Rutland boy, Jeremy, finally contributed to the discussion. "You say on any other situation. Why not now?"

"The answer seems pretty obvious. The frozen boy."

"You really think you should be making statements like that?"

"Please, he's not here, he may not even know where he is. And I really doubt he's won some of you over with his dashing displays of personality in the last five minutes."

The group began to whisper among themselves before Karen exploded at him. "No! What gives you the right to make those calls?! We should at least put more thought into this before you just make decisions for everyone!"

"Look, I thought this would be a choice everyone would agree with. There are a good ten non-frozen people here. Don't they deserve a better chance? One of us is going to get removed before round three begins, but isn't it best all the functioning members of the group get a fighting chance compared to some kid who turned himself into an icicle?"

Jeremy spoke up. "I believe this is is good choice as well. It's not an easy choice, but if we have to make it I'd rather it was him."

Despite himself, Kagan still had some trouble in trying to not let his irritation show.

Figures the braggart would find a way to make agreeing with my idea about him.

Still, Kagan manages a curt nod towards the boy and looked to the others. Fritz, Sam, one of the participants that had discovered the door, the boy in the costume and Alice agreed to push the buttons on the consoles, and Jeremey and Kagan would retrieve the elementalist and put him on the jumper. Karen and another participant stared at the group in disgust, while Tristin had quietly refused to push any of the buttons, though did not explicitly object.

"Sorry friend," Jeremy grunted as he and Kagan lifted the frozen boy. The two brought him into the other room with only one stop along the way to catch a breath. As they neared the jumper, Jeremy ordered the others to push their buttons. The jumper's base seemed to light a faint fluorescent yellow. Kagan positioned himself so the larger boy could hold hold until the heavier half as he walked backwards. Suddenly, less than three feet from the jumper, Kagan faltered, and Jeremy was sent careening back as he struggled to maintain a grip while being knocked back by Kagans movement. In the process, he found himself landing on his backside on the jumper, and a yellow barrier erected around him. Kagan stepped back and hurried to the console next to him, pressing the button on it. Jeremy was screaming something, although the barrier was blocking whatever it was he was trying to say. It didn't matter, it was most likely just a string of threats and expletives as the light became so bright the gathered participants couldn't make out anything in it before it disappeared, taking Jeremy with it. Kagan could hear the large door behind him creak open.

"You. Scheming. Snake."

Kagan turned to look at the owner of the words only to be greeted with a fist. As he recovered, he saw his attacker was Karen, who was positively seething.

"It was bad enough sacrificing the frozen dork, and you pull this crap?!"

Kagan looked cooly at her. "I saw a chance and I took it. That 'frozen dork' is still not moving on, and now we just removed the other participant, so it isn't hanging over our heads for the rest of the challenge. While I knew he certainly wouldn't appreciate it, I thought the rest of you would like not having to make that call down the road."

"That wasn't your call to make, either! We'll go along with this for now because you've trapped us into this, but the moment that kid begins to thaw or you even *think* about pulling anything like this again, I'll beat you to a bloody mess and we're taking the frozen guy. You are off to a really bad start here, pal. Now you need to prove yourself to the rest of us."

With that, Karen walks through the doorway, and the rest brushes past him, some giving him dirty or mocking looks on the way out.

That's strange, I thought I just did. It looks like I'm going to need a bigger showing when I get the chance.

With that thought in mind, the boy stroked his sore cheek as he followed suit.

Excerpt from The Artisans Guidebook

The Trier: History

All right kiddos, there is something the needs to be understood here. I bet some of you are all starry eyed, with notions of being some of the best in your field. But guess what? Just because you've been smootched on by a fairie once or twice, or saved your little hometown from some backwoods bandit king or shadow wolf, or even been told by some emissary of a god (lowercase g) that you're the chosen one, you aren't all that big in this pond that is life, pal. The Supreme Artisans, though, they aren't the big fish, they're the fishermen who could be drunk out of their gourds and still be the higher forces, able to use tools as simple as a line and hook to pull us out of our little bubbles. Because guess what? That hook and string? They may be ridiculously amateur to the fisherman, but it's still an incomprehensible threat to us fish. We see the lure and draw closer, maybe hoping to be allowed to take our treasures, or maybe because it is easiet to follow this thread. What right do fish have, that we can swim around all stupid in a predictable cycle while these other beings offer a complete upset, a change that will ripple throughout the pond?

Maybe that's the reason fish get caught. Because whether the hook contains death or treasure, it is still an alien object, a completely different cycle. This metaphor is probably lost on most of you, but forgive a kook for wanting to jazz up this up a little. I'm sure most of you are just skimming to this part anyway, let's talk about the Trier and Supreme Artisans.

Now, if you want to get the real skinny on the Supreme Artisans, turn to their entry on page 216. But lets summarize. An explorer named Rutland grew up at the beginning of the second age. We know very little about his actual past, and only a few hints towards his specialty, but over his lifetime he met the right people, found the right artifacts, and learned the right secrets of the first age. By his twilight years, dude was powerful enough the people started calling him the Supreme Artisan as a nickname, and keep in mind that since he was the guy that started it all, it was that much more ridiculous and epic that they did. But even as he lived to be several hundred years old because of his secrets, he did age, and realized a successor was needed. Not some nephew to just inherit his stuff like your grandfathers old cigar box, he needed someone to become the actual next Supreme Artisan, and the earliest form of the Trier was established, basically a glorified treasure hunt. Nearly a century after his passing, the first successor beat the Trier, and the next couple generations would improve on it.

A renegade Artisan named Pommid was the first to really make the modern Trier. Even though he was a renegade that did not fit the five points of the Art, he is often considered one of the fathers of one of the points, Alchemy, to the point he is one of the Supreme Artisans the seven academies were named after. And so the Trier continued, each subsequent Supreme Artisan adding on to it or altering parts of it, either to find a worthy successor or even to prevent future ones with difficult tasks.

For further information on the Trier and its rules, you can just skip to page 220 and look at the entry for Trier Plays, but bottom line is this: 100 partipants, aged up to 19, compete to win the Trier. The winner gets to be Supreme Artisan. Of course there is more to it than just getting bragging rights and some bade of glory to lord over all of us, each Supreme Artisan gains a ludicrous amount of power and mastery, along with the access to the resources of all the previous Supreme Artisans. How, you ask?

Short Answer: No one knows.

Long Answer: No one knows and it's freaking annoying.

But still, throughout the history of the Trier, partipants have slowly- ....

Excerpt from the Artisan's Guidebook

The Academies (Overview)

The eight* seven academies in the Order have all been named after Supreme Artisans, and in all but two cases were founded directly by these Supreme Artisans.

Pommid: The Alchemy school, specializes in alchemy as well as the leading scientific innovations in the world.

Rutland: The "dabbling" school, students learn a wide range of simple magic, usuall relying on quantity over quality, though that doesn't mean their Art is any less powerful.

Hymut: The elementalist academy, founded by Hymut as well as the council of elementalists who had been teaching the philosophies and uses of elementalim for roughly two centuries beforehand. Elementalism relies on the seven elements that fill the natural balance of the universe.

Thornwick: The witchcraft academy and one of the two academies of the dark arts, the other academies tend to understandably distance themselves Thornwick. While Thornwick is probably the most responsible use of witchcraft in history, one can't exactly overlook the history of death, destruction, and far worse witchcraft has inflicted.

Bunnel- The animation academy and the other of two academies of the dark arts, rather than teach it serves to hone those from all around who have animation as a specialty. Barring certain rules settled upon by both the Order and academy, most animators are allowed entry, provided they are not deemed liches or necromancers.

Nujley- The infomancy academy, like Bunnel, it specializes in honing the skills of those who already possess infomancy, or teaching those who have the potential to awaken as one.

Dwarket- The tamer academy, specializes in teaching artisans to work with, for, and against various non-human beings.

The Order and academies within have long guided the state of society, guiding each new gene- ...
*Fyrtir Academy was destroyed by the Crusade of Alquin, for more information view the articles on the Crusaders (pg. 329), and the fall of Fyrtir (pg. 473). Since then, the Crusaders have been moved to top three priority factions of interest, and any spies are swiftly executed should identifiable ties to the organization be found. While this may be extreme, many members immediately break the charade once they learn they've been found out and continue their white knighting. Honestly several scholars have debated whether the Crusaders are more a threat or a nuisance, but all have agreed whether they're annoying or dangerous that execution sure does save a hell of a lot of headaches.
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Binge- Chapter 1
Chapter 1 posts

You cover your eyes a little so their adjustment to the light doesn't bother you. Blinking away, you observe your immediate surroundings. You are in a small room, with two other jumpers. You step forward along with the other two occupants in this room and you face each other.

The first boy is wearing a dark vest and shirt, and is roughly your size, although he is built different. His muscle likely wasn't as natural as yours was, though he does also have small scars, though only on his knuckles as far as you can see. He gazes at you and the other boy intently, a slight smirk pulling his face back, and a small round dress hat sits atop his head.

The other boy is almost the complete opposite. Compared to the other's rough but neat appearance, this boy looks ragged. You can't quite bring yourself to decide whether he looks exhausted to the point of being half-dead, or agitated to the point you're surprised he isn't running frantic laps around the two of you. Unlike the other boy, he has no hat, revealing a mess of hair that looks like someone actually groomed it, but kept going to the point they made it look all the way back to being absurd. Unlike the two of you, he is very thin, almost unhealthily so. Between the two of them, you thought of the images of a barbed wire and frayed length of twine.

You decide to introduce yourself.

"Hi. I'm Tommy."

The Ragged-looking kid looks at the other one, clearly waiting for him to make his response first.

The other boy simply meets your eyes. "You seem to be forgetting this here is the Trier. We are competing to be the Supreme Artisan here, not playing some party cake in the school yard. Or are you one of those types that announces himself like some blowhard before attacking someone, like they're supposed to care who you are?"

You notice him take a slight stance, ready to launch himself without doing so obviously. "Because if you are one of them, I think this just got interesting."

"No, I'm just wondering. Going to be a bit hard to keep track of others if I don't know any of your names."

He chuckles a little and you see him relax. "Listen, this isn't about names and faces. It's about specialities and strengths. At the end of the Trier, the only name that's really important is the victor. If it's you, good job, you don't have to worry about the rest of us. But if it's me or even someone like this twerp here, you best be prepared to bow at their feet. Besides, how do I know you can't use our names for something weird. You could be one of those psychic freaks or use demon rules or maybe have some angel smite us. You don't know if we will say our real names, and we don't know that you are really some schmuck named Tommy."

"As a matter of fact, I am such a schmuck!"

For some reason, this makes his smirk wider and he walks out of the room. The other boy watches him leave.

"That guy was a bit of a jerk."

He turns to you and after about two seconds awkwardly shrugs and leaves as well, an unenthusiastic wave climaxing his departure.

You take the time alone to equip your WOODLAND CHAMPIONSHIP BELT from your keep-bag, freeing up an imventory space in the bag. (Your keep-bag is your main inventory currently, however you may equip items and carry them around so long as it is feasible to do so. Ex: Clothing items, items that can fit in pockets or pouches, etc.)


You proceed to edit this room after noting nothing else within in besides the three jumpers and make your way down a hall. You discover it opens up to a crossroads splitting into two halls. You can't see too far down them from where you are. The guy in the vest is in the hall on the left, and meets your gaze before turning and beginning his march down the hall. The other boy hesitates, and makes his way down the hall to right.

End Turn

Do you
[X] Take the path on the left
-[X] Try and converse with the guy in the vest.
-[X] Take a confrontational position. You need to have a word or two with this guy!

[X] Take the path on the right
-[X] Try and converse with the thin guy.
-[X] Let him be. You can bother him later if the need arises.

[X] Other (Write in)

Current Objective: ?????

You watch the Lankey fellow walk down the path to the right, and take out your SMALL TERRARIUM. You select some of Antonio's closest soldiers and take them out.

"Alright boys, I'mma need you for something super important. You need to go and follow that guy and report. Stick to the shadows. Unless you can't see anything. Then you can step into the light. We'll regroup later, kay?"

As the Ants march on their teeny legs after the kid, you put the terrarium back in your pouch and furrow your brow as you stare down the other path. You have some business with that rude chap.

You start after the boy, walking briskly as you pull out your CLAY GLOVES as well as your WOLF PELT. The prior for light armor and the latter because let's face it, this needs to be as metal as possible to make this even better.

"Hey jerk!" He turns to you as you catch up.

"Put up your dukes!"

"Really, now? And if I don't, tough guy?"

He smirks. You punch him in the face. He steps back and smiles wider, a small cut on his lip.

"Now that's an enticing offer. I'm sold!" He rushes you and jabs you in the side, but you make sure to hit him with your leg as you kick back and catch your balance. Even as he is knocked back, however, he recovers and begins moving back toward you. You swing at him and he begins to dodge, although unfortunately for him he dodges the fist. The clay gloves part around your fist and form a small extension that catches him as he dodges. Not as effective as if you had punched, but his speed in hitting the object certainly wasn't painless. He coughes as the clay returns to your fist.

"How did you like my PORCELAIN PARRY?"

"Well, aside from the obvious work on the name that you need, I think I got to hand it to you."

"Hand what t-" You are interrupted as his bare palm hits you in the chin. He had been faking some of the injury.

"Your rear end. That's what I got to hand to you."

He kicks you in the side of your knee and you take a fall.

You look up at him as steps back a little and gives a light kick. He is clearly waiting for you to make the next move.

"That's it? Really? Come on, I'm not even trying here."

End Turn

How do you proceed?

[X] Attack
-[X] Write in

[X] Surrender

[X] Banter
-[X] Write in

[X] Other (Write in)

Current Objective: ???

Okay, this fight is not exactly going as you thought it would. It hasn't even been two minutes and already you're on the ground while your opponent hasn't used the Art once, at least to your knowledge. You don't really want to consider that he has been using subtle manipulations, as there is no real way to combat them if he is. You look up at your opponent.

"I've never really had to ask something like this, but can I call a timeout or something? There's something I want to look at."

"It's not some kind of weapon or something is it? You aren't going to pull out a wand and vaporize me?"

"Nope, just a book. Not a spellbook either, it just lists attacks I've thought of in the past, now seems a good time to use them."

He frowns slightly. "So, I also can't believe I'm going to actually ask this for once, but you are telling the truth, right? This isn't a weapon or spell?"

"Not exactly, no."

"...well that's a little disappointing, actually. I was all ready to ambush you before you did it, or get ready to dodge, but for something like that I can give you twenty seconds."

You nod in solemn appreciation, but still glare at him as you pull out the TECHNIQUE JOURNAL and rifle through it. You begin marking different techniques. The guy in the vest looks on with mild interest, but you see him as quickly get impatient with his mannerisms as he loses interest. The moment twenty seconds are up he pulls a long dagger out of his keep-bag.

"Put it away and get ready to fight or I won't put this thing away."

"You won't use it during the fight?"

"If I don't need to, no. Don't feel like slicing right now and stabbing ends a fight a little too easily. I may use it later though."

You shrug and put the journal back in your inventory, and he does the same with his dagger. He allows you time to get to your feet, wincing a little at the pain, and you face him. You check the ground beneath the two of you; exactly what you need.

"This ground below us is actually pretty good for me."

"And why's that?"

"Well for starters, this top layer isn't actually as firm as it looks. It seems to be a ton of loose rocks and dirt, with a thin concrete-like surface for walking."

"The point, get to it or I will decide to use my friend you just met."

"The point is, I can do things like...THE MOLE!"

He braces himself for an attack, but he doesn't see this coming. The ground beneath you cracks and you part the soil beneath and force it put with your geomancy. You also use your geomancy to pull you down begin to burrow with your power moving the earth all around to move your mass. You use some merging magic to get a deeper connection to the earth, but just a little bit takes a lot out of your magical energy. Since you aren't planning on turning yourself into a hodgepodge metal warrior, you save that energy for what you plan next. You feel the earth around you, and can pinpoint his general location. You hear him cursing in confusion, moving about in anticipation of your arrival.

Shame he can't anticipate this. You move closer to the surface, and he is aware of it, yet he isn't sure from where. He notices the ground begin to rise to his right and he twirls around, watching it. He is ready for an attacker, not a wall. He is caught unaware as the form in front of him is shaped into a sturdy form, and he is quickly boxed in as more walls form around him. These walls are only slightly thicker than the ones used to fight the wolf, but you haven't had much use of your geomancy so you still have a bit of energy.

You erupt from the ground, and stroll towards the enclosed opponent. Speaking of the wolf, time for an..."IRON FIST JAB!" You punch the wall as you shout the technique, and the shards of rock and dirt part slightly to allow you to do so, but your geomancy and force of the attack hurl the projectiles at the guy in the vest and dark clothes, and he actually dodges beneath the shards. He scrambled back to his feet and attempts to rush you, but you will the rocks back to you, and they speed by scrape over the guy in the vest, who slows to cover himself in protection. The hole caused by your Iron Fist is patched before he reaches it and you, and you gear him slam against the wall, but use some geomancy to keep it standing. Time for some more attacks.

"Alright, this isn't just The Dinosaur... this is The Terrasaur!"

"What's a din-" before he can finish his inquiry, you let loose vibrations but over a larger radius than before. Unfortunately, this is no where near as powerful as an unleashed dinasur quake in a shorter area, and mainly just makes him stumble. If he weren't already roughed up like you, he might not have budged a muscle. As LUCK would have it, your concentration on the Terrasaur attack and the vibrations themselves felled the stone walls, which collapse partly on him. Granted a pile of dirt and gravel of roughly fifty pounds falling on a person isn't pleasant, it isn't the same as being crushed with a block of marble, and you see the guy in the vest begin clawing his way free. Your mind races to think of a response. LUCKily, you managed to pick up on slight traces of magma activity when you merged with the Earth. You begin to use the power left to will the dirt to part and the magma to rise, but it still is a good ten feet down, and, as you discover trying to will it, contained by a current of magical energy. You ponder this for a moment, but all thoughts are banished as your opponent begins to free his bottom half.

You feel an emotional and mental exhaustion as you will it, but you force a small glob of magma to the surface. You are shaking and struggling to stand up as you force it to flow around your flat gloves. Unlike the ones you considered grabbing earlier, these gloves will not protect you if they burn, and you need to focus more on creating a wider gap between the molten rock and clay. You turn as you hear your opponent stagger to his feet.

*huff* "I'll admit, this is turning out to be one of my most interesting-ugh- scraps." He coughs and winces while doing so before looking at you, a wide but pained grin plastered on his face. You aren't in much better condition due to your overuse of the Art in such a short timeframe. You don't tend to use the Art in fights that much, and especially using magic like you have in the last five minutes without a breather. It isn't so much you aren't capable, but more you've never really pushed this before. Hopefully if you survive this fight stuff like this will be easier.

You stride towards your opponent and actually lead your attack with your non-dominant hand, which doesn't have a lava fiat. He is able to realize what you are planning, and tries to take you out with his dodge by leaning to the left and switching to the right, but a low kick to his stomach sends him tumbling back. You lunge at him and slam the lava fist down, which he hurriedly avoids, before using the Art to hurl it in his general direction. With both of you roughed up, despite the escalation you wish to cow him rather than kill him. The lava of course does not hit him, but he reaches into his keep-bag. He lifts to the hilt of the dagger out of the bag, but reconsiders and drops it back in. He pulls out a large flask and drinks some of it, and he already seems to be in better shape. Still roughed up, his scratches are still bleeding but he seems more alert, his body in overall better shape. A healing potion or something of the sort? He calls out to you.

"So, this a tie?"

You need a moment to process his words. "No. did you not see the freaking volcano punch bit? Or when you got burried?"

"I wouldn't say I've lost just yet though. Even without this potion I'll say you've got the upper hand but I'm still in better condition. In pausing more because there isn't really much for us to do right now, unless you want to try and kill me right now."

"Naw, I'm good. I would appreciate some of that healing potion though."

"Really? You attack a man and ask him to heal the wounds he gave in self-defense?"

"Oh come on, if you seriously thought you were in danger you could have used your own specialties. Unless, wait, are you in Alchemist?"

"Nope. Warlock. Thornwick Academy."

"Are you kidding?! I just survived a battle with a warlock?"

"No. You survived a battle with a guy that goes to a witchcraft school. If you had just been swinging at me I wouldn't go around saying I went up against an elementalist. But fine, take a swig."

He gets up and moves towards you, and you see a lot of his smaller scrapes are healing or gone. You pour some of the potion in your mouth before the guy in the vest retrieves it.

"Watch it! Don't use so much if you don't need it!"

You already feel your physical and magical strength returning to you, and your aches and bruises feel a little less sore.

"Thanks- you."

"Are you really still hung up on the name thing? Fine, call me... Adrian."

"Wait, there was a bit of a pause there. Is that your real name or not?"

"Does it matter, you have something to call me by. I bet you were probably just calling me something like 'the guy in the vest' or something in your head."

"....No. But now I definitely don't think that's your name."

Adrian laughs at this a little mean-spiritly. "Or did I put in a pause just to make you doubt me? You won't know, will you? Every single time you call me Adrian, there will be just a little doubt."

"You are kind of a jerk."

"You threw lava at me and punched me in the face. You are so lucky I do t do way worse."

Upon saying so, Adrian turns and continues down the hall. You look after him, still a little angry at this ruffian, and you are pretty sure he didn't really learn anything from this.

You are now the stealth ant squad, as well. Your stats don't really work do the size and species difference. I mean, to other insects you have super strength, but that doesn't really count to the larger world. The giant that cares for your captains and queen has dropped you off. You are currently marching after a rather thin fellow. You aren't really sure why, and you don't really have the language available to communicate with any beings to star why you are doing what you are doing, and if you are actually doing it. Are you even tailing this guy, or are you mindlessly moving in a similar direction? Or do you have your own agendas in mind? It is really terribly confusing.

End Turn

What do you do?

[X] More calmly agro Adrian
-[X] Combat with peaceful discourse.
You haven't seen much political debate, but whenever the teachers argue they tend to insult each other and make allegations about the opposite party's mothers, so you aren't entirely sure if that is an accurate representation of discourse. Lisa is pretty intelligent, and she and Wallace's discourse with each other and you tend to boil down to belittling and backhanded comments on her part and passive aggressive comments on his. In either case, it's time to show this chap what for!
-[X] Combat with more controlled fisticuffs. You have your strength back, but you don't want jump right into geomancy again. Let's take the more relaxed approach of beating Adrian by punching his face to a pulp.

[X] Talk with Adrian.
No need to rush back into a fight right away. That would just ruin the fun. Instead let's see what his deal is. Maybe you two can work together and see what you are supposed to do this round.(Write in)

[X] Other (Write in)

[X] Cease being Ants.
I don't- I- let's just stop.

[X] (Write in)

Current Objective: ???

You decide you may have gotten off on the wrong foot, no need to rush into another confrontation so soon with the guy. Besides, your wounds are finally closing all up. You pull yourself up and follow him.

"So, a witch boy."

"No, I'm a warlock."

"Sorry, but you do witchy stuff, right?"

"I practice witchcraft and go to the witchcraft school, yes."

"Any specialties?"

"You don't even know if I have you my real name. You dumb enough to think I'd just tell you my specialty when I didn't even need to use it on our little scrap?"

You feel yourself get a little annoyed. "Fine. I'll let you ask what you want from me to start."

"Okay, you're an elementalist from Hymut and you do rock things. What else is there to know, do you collect novelty teacups or anything? You already tipped your hand a lot back there."

"Not *just* rocks, I can do all kinds of stuff. I even got a big thing of sand, and I punch wolves in the face and kill bears."

"Well when did you awaken?"

"When they brought me into Hymut they just awoke me the first week, and I chose geomancy. Haven't really discovered my exact specialty."

"They brought you in? I just straight up walked in and demanded they help teach me witchcraft."

"Yeah, I just lived a couple miles from the school in the woods. Never really saw much in the way of the Art aside from the occasional undead monster or fair. Did see a demon once, but I'm pretty glad that was a one and done deal."

"Hold the phone, you didn't actually enlist one, did ya?"

"Oh absolutely n to the o. I meant it was a one time confrontation."

"For learning witchcraft, we have to learn how to combat and deal with lower demons in the odd chance we get on their bad side. Or good side. Just getting any attention at all isn't really good unless you explicitly deal with them as your specialty."

The two of you continue walking for about three more minutes as you both discuss fighting, though it becomes clear the two of you have different approaches and mindsets when it comes down to it. Soon, you hear a pair of voices and discover the source as you identify two Artisans, one crouched over a third figure on the ground while the other continues to prattle on. As you approach you can make out the words.

The one standing up is a boy around your age, while the girl crouched down looks to be either about a year younger or slightly shorter than you would expect. The boy is the first voice you hear.

"How close are you to turning the thing back on? This minion had best be fixed in a hurry!"

"The thing isn't going to worship you. If I turn it on it'll likely just grab you and try dragging you off again. Give me maybe a day or two with it, I could probably see a way to make it a slave like you want, but first of all we are a little crunched for time, second of all I'm more concerned with how we can combat these things, and third of all I'm not giving you a slave."

"You refuse to pay me homage?!"

"What is there to pay homage? You are the one he following me, and I'm the one that helped save you."

"I still helped defeat the monstrosity of clockwork!"

"Yes, but your main contribution was crushing its head after we already won, which is why I'm working with a damaged specimen."

Through all of this, the girl had continued to prod at the figure on the ground with several tools. She looked back up at him.

"Why are you following me anyway?"

"I simply chose you over that other girl. I can not believe one would strike a complete stranger!"

"If I recall correctly, she called you a dork, you gave a rant that ended in calling her your concubine, and punched you in the gut and left as you writhed on the floor."

"I was taking a rest. Clutching my sides in- in laughter that she thought such a weak attack could impair me. And I didn't call her *my* concubine. Jeez, everyone is so impulsive. I just said she couldn't even become anyone's concubine with her demeanor once I of course rule over these lands as Supreme Artisan."

"You know, it's funny how she was able to figure out she hates you that quickly, but I still let you follow me and bothered to save you. I must be getting too sentimental in regards to other beings, I promise I will not make that mistake again should the scenario arise."

She looks up and pokes the boy with one of her tools, signaling him to your arrival.

"May we help you, or are you hear to attack. I promise nothing of value, but maybe if you pound this gentlemen here enough he may reveal useful information to the two of you."

Aiden moves past you and taps the figure on the ground with the tip of his shoe.

"We ain't looking for too much trouble, lady. If you really want, I'll still beat this guy to a pulp anyway."

She stands up and dusts her blouse and pants off. The white blouse has a stylized "PM" stitched into it.

"I apologize for the baseless assumption, you simply resembled ruffians."

"...I think I may decide we do have some trouble here after all."

You decide to interject. "Hello, we are just two other participants. I'm Tommy, I'm from Hymut, and this is Aiden. He says he's from Thornwick."

The girl raises an eyebrow. "An Elementalist and a Warlock? I of course knew I would encounter partipants from the other academies as they make up just under half the contestants, but this still is a surprise to me. I am from the school of Alchemy, Pommid Academy. My name is FERIS OYLER. This boy here has loudly proclaimed himself to be a wanderer named Godfrey."

Godfrey lets out an indignant groan.

"It is GODFREY IBUL, and I am no aimless vagrant! I have conversed with demons! Been pursued by all manner of forces! Exterminated bandit groups! In some circles, I am likely as feared as any other mortal being!"

Aiden frowns. "What is your specialty?"

"I am a projectionist!"

"And what is that? An illusionist?"

"No! I can do things such as...this!" With a snap of his fingers, a second Godfrey appears, his tongue sticking out at the rest of you. He is slightly taller and bigger than Godfrey, but otherwise the resemblance is uncanny.

"That looks like an illusion."

"No! It's a piece of me, my very force being given shape and power!"

"So you're one of those spirit arts guys."

"No! I! Am! A! Projectionist! And I am the only one, and my power should make you tremble before me!"

"Okay, lets do this." Aiden strides forward and casually punches Godfrey in his gut and he instantly buckles over. The second him appears to deflate a little, and shakes its head in disappointment as it blinks out of existence.

"That- *wheez* that simply caught me off guard. You- *grunt* hit me where the girl had hit me earlier. Neither hit harmed me, but tog-together they can knock the wind from me a small bit. I'm going to just go get some fresh air over there real quick."

He moves laborusly down the corridor, likely either to spit up or cry. You turn to Feris.

"What is with this thing on the ground?"

"A robotic golem. Attacked my compatriot and started dragging him away. It didn't get violent until I tried to free him. My guess is they are an obstacle in this labyrinth. The jumpers out of here are somewhere in this maze. Did the path from your starting point lead right here?"

"No, it actually split off into two paths, we followed one and another guy went the other way."

"Much the same with us, I'm afraid. I do not believe I can get much more information out of investigating this robot, so we may go where we will. There are only two paths."

You are once again the stealth ant squad. The figure ahead in the hall encounters another group of humans. The human you have been following is intimated and assaulted by this other group, but willingly follows after them. This is an unexpected development. Or... did you expect it all along? What are you thinking, stealth ant squad? What thoughts would we see, if we could comprehend your mindsets? I do not know, but it keeps me up at night.

End Turn

What do you do?

[X] Join Godfrey and Feris?
-[X] Go back to the path you'd didn't take.
-[X] Head down the corridor to the path Feris split off from.

[X] Try different paths?
-[X] Have both groups go where they originally split off from.
-[X] Have each group continue in the direction they were heading, take the path Feris split off from.

[X] Other (Write in)

[X] Cease being Ants
Well okay then.

[X] Other (Write in)

Current Objective: Make your way through the labyrinth

Chapter 1- Turn 5

You mull over your options.

"All right, so, as I see it..."

Feris looks at you expectantly. "Yes?"

"We have two paths..."

"Yes, that is correct."

"And there are four of us, and there is safety in numbers..."

"I- I suppose?"

"So we should move as a group in one direction, and since we just came from that way, we should go your way."

"I can see the logical trail you took, even if it is a bit off the beaten path, I suppose. But why not have us take you back to where you went?"

"I put ants in the hall, it's fine."

She actually appears taken aback at this, and looks at you in a searching look. Experience with Lisa and Wallace tells you she is probably trying to figure out if you are joking or not.

Feris sighs and retrieves several parts from the robotic being at her feet before facing you. Godfrey returns and tries his best to not look like he's struggling to not hold his gut in agony, but he's pretty obviously still doubled over. Speaking of which, Aiden walks over to your group, not heeding as Godfrey flinches and stumbles backward. Your group turns and makes its way down the corridor, eventually arriving at an opening that leads down a hall with another room with jumpers and a path to the side that your group takes down.

While the walls are mostly bare, you do notice a tablet in the wall after several minutes of walking. Marked on it are three plates. The first plate shows the outlines of two human heads, but with the silhouette of a gear in both heads. The second plate again shows two figures, but they are squat in stature, teeth bared and holding shoddy weapons. The third plate shows two skulls.

You look to the others.

"It's a trap," Aiden notes.

Feris agrees. "Of course it's a trap. The problem is there isn't any allure to it. I believe we may be required to push a plate in."

"And that won't make things worse?"

"Oh no, it will likely be terrible. But it still is required."

You look back to the plates.

End Turn

Which plate do you push?
[X] Gearheads
[X] Little warriors
[X] Two skulls

[x] Other (write in)

Current Objective: Make your way through the labyrinth.
Last edited:
Chapter 1- Turn 6

"So, any of you, like, have any preferences or...?"

Aiden looks at you. "What kind of preferences, you throne we're going to date them or something? Just push a button we beat them to a pulp."

Feris just sighs at this. "You aren't going to consider strategy at all? You truly believe we can defeat whatever these plates unleash?"

"I believe that *I* probably can. You may need to keep an eye on your buddy, but worst comes to worst I'll just step back."

Godfrey chuckles a little at this. "Oh how typical. Your plan is to attack these monstrosities and retreat with your tail between your legs if it proves too tough to handle."

Aiden just maintains a stoic grin and calmly lifts up a fist, which Godfrey immediately cowers from and begins apologizing profusely. Feris clears her throat.

"While I do not doubt that should my theory be correct most likely all of the options are quite formidable, I vote for the silhouettes with the gears, as they may be related to the robotic enemy we dispatched earlier."

"If we're attacking, I say the gear heads. If dating, well the skull could mean any number of-" You zone out the rest of Godfreys statement as you look at Aiden for input.

"As a user of one of the darker magics, I can guarantee the most fun stuff happens when there's a skull involved. Especially if it's in a danger sign."

You count on your fingers. "I think that we have one vote for each, maybe a half vote for two from Godfrey, but I'm going to pick the one Feris wanted."

Aiden chortles a little at this, but you can't tell if it's sincere or not. "Wow, already picking girls over me. You really remind me of a friend at Thornwick."

You don't really know what to say you just do a half shrug and hope it suffices for an answer as you turn and press on the plate. WITH FLAIR. Godfrey is just gobsmacked at your moves, and Feris actually widens her eyes a little bit and Aiden's smile of ambiguous emotion widens a little bit. Feris is the first to find her words.

"Well, that was, while redundant, entertaining. I'm not entirely sure the backflip somersault was necessary, but the little twirl at the end before you pressed with just your pinkie honestly did add to the overall style."

You bow at this, but nothing happens as you wait. You turn to the group as a whole.

"So, any thoughts on anything. Like reasons for joining, thoughts on each other, the Trier, strategies, etc?"

Aiden removes his hat and bows to the group.

"I am Aiden, as far as you know, I like long walks through the cemetery, I dislike all of you to varying degrees and know I will enjoy beating you all, I am a Warlock, and I joined the Trier for my own reasons. That about sums me up. What about you, abracadabra?"

Godfrey seems to relish the chance to take the floor. "Hello, rude introduction aside I am of course Godfrey Ibul. I am joining with my partner as part of our continued goal for power, but fear not, treat me as I deserve and you shall all find places in my new order."

Feris brings up the rear. "You already know who I am. I study at the alchemy academy, and joined the Trier for the obvious goal of becoming Supreme Artisan. I am currently apathetic towards you all, yet I am open to alliance. Also, this is wasting time. While I appreciate taking the time to strategize, this is currently unhelpful."

You all pay attention as you hear a faint rumbling sound as the tablet folds in on itself. More rumbling is heard down the hall, and your group moves down the hall where it opens up into a large ovalular room. While you can not identify the source or gender of it, a voice booms across the space, which is bare like the rest of the labyrinth you have observed so far.

"All three enemies have been chosen by the players. Each shall be released into each of the three main halls. To beat this round, the jumper room must be located. It is advised the thee enemies are dispatched at your discretion, however these are not your only obstacles. Two of you shall not make it out this round. That is all.

And with that, the rumbling becomes clearer and you recognize that is because it is closer. Through the wall on the right side of the room, 30 feet away, you see a section of the wall rearrange itself as a hidden opening is revealed, and you hear a scraping sound. As the sound gets louder and louder, you see the enemy pull itself from the opening, and the wall closes itself back up again and you get a good look at the opponent.

It is roughly 10 feet tall, a humanoid body made out of a metal shell. The arms are each maybe a little under seven feet long, and they end in long, pointed fingers. The bottom half does not contain legs, however. Not human ones, at least. Instead are appendages that remind you of both the legs of a spider, and the tentacles of a squid, if held firm by framework. There are four of them, as well as two more appendages in the form of two claw like structures at the thing's base. It's head contains multiple small eyes covering its entire head, and as it rotates it's face 360 degrees, possibly to intimidate, you get a full view of the eyes and realize they cover every area of the head. All the ones facing your direction are focused intently, and the being maintains its position, but flexing its different appendages, daring you to make the first move.

End Turn

What do you do?
[X] Attack (Write in)
[X] Evade (Write in)
[X] Other (Write in)

Current team: Aiden, Feris, Godfrey (neutral)
Current Objective: Make your way through the labyrinth.
Last edited:
In Soviet Trier, (Ro)butt kicks you!
Chapter 1- Turn 7

Your group and the robotic creature remain still, waiting for the other to move. The creature's eyes may cover every angle, but all the ones facing your group seem to be looking at you specifically. Great. You dare a whisper, just loud enough they can all hear you.

"Okay, does anyone have an idea? Like, at all?"

The thing's head whirls around and you tense before realizing it isn't moving yet. You hear Godfrey's voice muttering something, and just manage to catch the tail end of it.

"-ods please don't kill-"

His duplicate phased into existence, and curled up into a ball after making a rude gesture at Godfrey. It is noticeably shorter than before.


The robot does nothing, and you all breathe in relief. You notice Feris reaching into her keep-bag when a loud screeching roar piecered your ears. You hear shouts past the room. Without warning, Aiden rushes the thing.

As he nears it, half the eyes seem to finally focus on him, and while the body stays in position, the head spins and a claw shoots out, knocking Aiden straight into the wall. Godfrey's image sighs and pulls itself up, and both it and he nod to each other and rush forward, splitting off to different sides as you decide to make a break down the middle. You hear Feris yell something out, but can't make out what it is. Both Godfrey's appear to be speaking in unison, or at least the original is able to throw his voice well enough you can't tell which of the moving lips it's coming from.

"Ha! You think to frighten and emasculate me?! Of all opponents you could have chosen, you have made a grave error, for I am more than just an extraordinary handsome face and absurdly brilliant mind, I am a talented artisan and skilled tactican, and with my unimaginable brilliance I have successfully devised a way to outwi-"

One of the legs suddenly shot out like a coil and slapped Godfrey down. He only let put a grunt before it wrapped itself around his leg, and pulled him forward as he starts screaming. Aiden appears and grabs the leg, but another grabs and throws him. You hear Feris behind you.

"Hey genius, the damn thing only had to follow which one you was real, dumbass."

Oh, yeah in hindsight Godfrey's plan was probably not the most well thought out. Luckily, you excell at not thinking. The creature holds Godfrey still and stares at you.

"All right you piece of scrap, I'm going to make this real easy. I challenge you to a competition worthy of such skill and power, the ultimate display of human physique and prowess, I challenge you, dear monster, to a dance off!"

You bust a pose and do a small twirl as you say this. The robot accepts your challenge and its legs rise up one by one, except the one that's holding Godfrey, and begins moving it's arms in a very purposely mechanical manner, even compared to being an actual mechanical being. It than hits you it is not, in fact doing the robot, but preparing for an attack as you as the arm outstretched towards you is seems to "unlock" from the rest of the arm slightly. You make sure to moonwalk quickly but with style out of the way as the hand launches itself at you, but is pulled back into the arm by a metal link. (INTELLIGENCE USE)

Have this thing no honor?! Well, regardless you shall surely find an opponent with respect for the sacred tradition of dance battling another day. More noises resound from the adjacent hall, and you are taken off guard as two more artisans scramble into the room, the sounds of conflict continuing behind them. One appears to be a boy, but he immediately sees the robot and backsteps into the previous hall, deciding whatever was back there was better than this. The other is a girl, and you notice a wooden peg leading into her show where one would typically have a right leg, as well as her outfit, a clearly home sewn mismatch of patches and a tattered, oversized hat. She does not seem to perceive the situation as quickly as the boy had, and stops short of the robot and you before reaching into a keep-bag dangling from her neck and throwing a blue crystal at the creature. The crystal immediately shatters and emits a thick smoke that covers the top half of the thing, and you take a moment to reach into your own keep-bag for a handful of POCKET SAND.

The creature stumbles forward as the smoke dissipate, and lunges for you, it's long arms grabbing for you. As some of its cold fingers grip your forearm with a strength and sharpness that threatens to piece the skin, you girl the sand directly at the creature's eyes. A few sparks appear, but the head rotates. a bright flash races past you and hits the thing right in its head, and in the confusion you escape its hold. You look back to see Feris, holding a long, rifle-like weapon. She fires it some more, and the bright flashes hit the creature, and while thy appear to be hurting it, they aren't causing external damage besides faint marks where they hit it.

Godfrey is still in its clutches, but Aiden limps towards you two, rubbing his shoulder as he glances at the creature with a look equal bits agitation and admiration.

End Turn
What do you do?

[X] Attack (Write in)
[X] Attempt to collaborate with team mates (Write in)
[X] Retreat. You know, like a wuss.
[X] Other (Write in)

Current Team: Aiden, Feris, Godfrey (neutral)
Current Objective: End battle with robotic monstrosity #1
Chapter 1- Turn 8

Okay then. This thing wants to tango, he's going to find it takes two! ...plus two more. Kind of plus two hostages you guess. Regardless, just because this uncouth brute dares to refuse the challenge of a dance brawl doesn't mean you need to throw all formalities to the wind. You ready yourself, and begin to play a tune in your head, it is not one you have heard before, and is in a language you are pretty sure you have never heard before and doesn't exist, and has no bearing whatsoever on the current situation, but perhaps that's why it's perfect?

As you do so, the world seems to slow and you ready yourself. You shimmy in the direction of the creature, which focuses its eyes on you. When you get within range, one of the legs lashes out and spears the floor, but you evade by sliding to the left. The leg unlatches into the more tentacle-type limb and sweeps at you but you gracefully jump and flip over it. As you get closer, a claw lunges for you before you slide under it, and the creature aims one of its hands at you. You sidestep as the hand is launched from its hand like a grappling hook, and grab the cord as it goes past you, the creature tries to pull it back but you hold your grip. (STRENGTH USE)

Some more beams of energy pass by you and hit the creature, and you hear Feris begin counting as she pumps her weapon.

You decide to question her. "Uh, got anything stronger? I don't think your gun is doing much."

An annoyed reply is your response. "I have stronger weapons, but this is the one least likely to kill you on accident. The rest of you are kind of in the way, and I don't really have anything that I can use without considering collateral damage."

Godfrey, laying at the creature's side, pinned by a tentacle, starts muttering.

"Something to use without considering collateral damage...aha!"

Godfrey reaches into the keep-bag at his side, and lifts out a round object, maybe the size of a softball. It has a handle at the top, and the whole thing is covered in rust and dark stains, but it doesn't look like anything is coating the device, it just is that dark, tainted color.

"Foolish beast of metal, you dare challenge the terrible might of Godfrey of the Ibuls?! Allow me to inflict upon you a mere taste of my power, you fiendish abomination!"

The robot looks down at Godfrey and lifts him up to chest level with his other hand.

"Woah okay this isn't how I meant this to go."

Without warning, Aiden rushes forward and uses you as a springboard, deliberately bouncing off you and almost causing you to drop the arm cord. As more legs jab at him, Aiden moves between them, and does a mocking bow at you before ducking as a pincher flaws at him, and catches and twirls his hat while facing you. Well, it looks like you shall have your opponent in a dance battle. You allow slack in the cord and rush foward as the robot behinds pulling the arm towards itself with a pincher in your direction. Before the pincher makes contact, you let go of the cord and slide under the pincher, and tumble yourself to Aiden before kicking at his legs, but he just jumps up. He grabs his hat and flings it at your face, and before you can clear your vision he does it for you by kicking your head and knocking his hat back up for him to snatch and put on. You push yourself up and spin at him, and roll back around one of the robot legs as it tries to step on you, and throw punches at Aiden, though he blocks each one and gives you a hard smash with the back of his knuckles.

"Seriously, can you guys do this later, we're kind of trying to kill a robot."

"Yes indeed, any pitiful rivalry is small compared to the issue of saving my valuable life. Not that I need saving, I am very powerful, I'm just testing you for potential in my regime. Uh, please complete your test faster!"

" 'Ay! 'Ot's with ya nimrods, kill the thing already!"

As the other occupants of the room call out to you, Aiden takes a boxing stance, only to be knocked away by one of the robot's grappling fists. You look up at the ugly mug.

"You refuse the courtesy of a dance battle challenge, you interrupt a brawl uninvited, and you accost a fellow who's only crime is a serious lack of tact! Bring it on!"

An arm grabs for you, but you hit it out of the way. Your hand stings, but you jump up and punch the highest point of the chest you can reach as hard as you can. You are pretty sure you probably sprained something, but at least you can see a large dent where you made contact. Godfrey has been let go in the midst of this, and took the opportunity to turn the handle on his device, which begins making a grating, ticking noise that seems to hibeate softly within the very core of your being. The robot steps back a little but Godfrey pulls himself up and passes the object between his hands as he smiles menacingly at the robot. He hurls it at the robot, but it lands maybe five feet in front of the robot as the ticking gets more jarring, not louder but almost *deeper*, is that made sense. Godfrey suddenly looks at you.

"Okay, I think I made a bit of a mistake, protect us, quick! Specifically me!"

You channel your art into the ground below. It is a harder material, and you feel yourself put a bit more energy than you normally would into raising it up into a stone wall for protection. As the wall raises, you see the device shatter, and a corrosive force of an inky brown color rushes out of it, swiftly encompassing the surrounding area, including the robot, and it approaches your wall, falling short just shy of it.

As the force dissipates, you collapse the wall, and see the robot, flung by this force. It is heavily damaged, missing a leg with another leg only a half, and a pincer appears to be inoperable, at least going by its condition. Bits of the robot are eroded away, and all over the robot are marks that make it look like it had been scratched, burned, rusted and beaten. Godfrey turns to you.

"A small bomb with demonic essence, contains a bit of power from an imp of corruption. A destructive force that tears away at anyone caught in its blast."

Feris takes aim with her rifle. "Glad you thought carefully before using it."

She fires a few times at the robot, the shots more charged than before, but still not destroying it. She puts it back in her keep-bag and pulls out an elongated weapon, resembling a mix between her rifle and a cannon, and began to pump a slide on the side of it, charging it up. On the other side of the room, the robot wobbled to a standing position and began limping towards the other girl. You look at Feris.

"Stay here, I need a clear shot and I can get to it an time."

You look back at the robot and the girl with the strange accent.

" 'Ay you! Any of ya! I kind of need halp here, ya knaw?"

End Turn
What do you do?

[X] Listen to Feris, just let her blast this thing.
[X] Charge in and attack. You're finishing this thing, and you aren't going to let that girl be in danger at even the slightest risk.
[X] Other (Write in)

Current Objective: Defeat Robot
Current Party: Feris, Godfrey (Neutral)