Player Effect - AU Mass Effect

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Earth 2013

Humanity dissapears. Cause is unknown

A secret project within the U.S. is...
Timeline 2013 to 2029


Unfinished Writer
Earth 2013

Humanity dissapears. Cause is unknown

A secret project within the U.S. is complete. Humanoids walk the earth once more.

Humanoids have constructed massive facilities and have started to search for humans do to the large amount of abandoned cities.

A human bunker is founds. Cryogenically frozen humans are found within. The Humanoids identify themselves as Players to the one human they defreeze.

More human bunkers are found in the U.S. the cause of the dissapearance and the cryofrozen humans is still unknown. The Players search for answers to the dissapearance. Some humans are disturbed with the Players disregard for life.
Some theorize they are searching for the answer just because they could.

First human vs Player violent action is taken. The Player shrugs off a shotgun blast to the chest before disarming the human.

Humans are frightened about this durability while the Players begin to test the limits to this durability.

Human reestablished the United States rebranded as the United People of America.
Worry about Players dissapates as they realize that Players are more worried about understanding the laws of the universe than... Well anything. Players are friendlier than humanity in every way.

President Serra Fillips is elected as the president. The first female president.


The Kingdom of Humanity invades from oversees. Former U.S. terror groups attack the humans residing in the U.S.
The Players react to the Kingdom of Humanity with extreme prejudice. Showing violent tendencies for the first time. Leaving trails of dead bodies as they hunt down the Kingdom forces.

When asked they said that the Kingdom of Humanity was less than human. Upon finding the Kingdoms interrogation chambers UPA agrees.

Players begin to mobilize for war. Showing their abilities to craft weapons in mere days.


Players invade Africa with a Militia force of UPA forces assisting them. Kingdom prescence is confirmed and shortly routed. The Militia soldiers followed the orders of the Players to the letter. Leading to a more organized militant force compared to the Kingdom military.
However due to supply line issues they UPA had to fall back. The Players begin to start guerilla actions against the Kingdom.


The Kingdom loses most of their grasp over Africa due to Player actions. Bunkers are found with destroyed cryofrozen humans. UPA is outraged. A new militant force is sent to Africa to support the Player actions. With human armies as support the Players begin to confront the Kingdom in open war.

No deaths are recorded in UPA forces. Players seemed to seek to prevent unwanted losses to their side.


The Allied Forces make contact with the UPA. The People of Russia also make contact with the UPA.

The Allies try to induct the UPA into the Allied Forces. While the People of Russia recommends against it.

Some Players however sneak into Allied territory and grab important intel that impacted the decision of the UPA. It turns out the Kingdom was being sponsored by the Allied Forces secretly inorder to prevent a rise of United States again.

Secret talks begin with the People of Russia. A secret assistance alliance is formed. Some Players see value in Russia and begins to migrate over. The first count of the Players begins totalling the number of Players to 700 Players.


The Kingdom attempts an orbital strike against the UPA. However they are thwarted due to failed engineering as their missile doesn't even take off from the ground before detonating.

Upon realizing spaceflight is possible the Players step back from the war efforts seeking a way to fly in space.

UPA begins to take losses due to lack of good strategic leaders. A General has an idea and proposes to the namesake of Players. The General gives a Player a Quest to root Kingdom forces out of strategic points. The Player accepted immediatly and started to organize the war effort. Losses on the Player commanders fields are minimal as the Player uses strategies that the Kingdom forces aren't able to counter.


Kingdom Forces are fully routed out of Africa. The African survivors establish the African Republic. Players are dissapointed in the Country and step in to teach the African Republic how to actually serve the people.

A Player racist group attempts to form. However due to the now volatile state of Players they can't actually attack a Player.


The People of Russia are attacked by Allied Forces. As the Players never actually joined the Allied Forces most of the Allied Forces rejected the idea that Players existed.

The Free Force of Mexico reveals themselves to the UPA. Relations with then are tense but things seem to smooth out over the following months.

The Empire of Japan also reveals itself to the world. Directly entering conflict against the Allied Forces. The Allied Forces find themselves under attack by three seperate superpowers. Two with competent militant leaders. The third with unknown capabilities.


A Nuclear bomb goes off in the UPA city known as Fera City. The Players reveal the faction behind the attack was themselves. Or atleast an offbrand version of them deployed by the Kingdom forces. Kingdom forces begin to use weapons with an element with a mass of zero. Confusion spreads about its origin.

Anti Player grouped up to attack a Player. Out numbering the Player 90 to one. However the Player won. 90 dead bodies and a testimony of the Player was all that was released. The Player pleads self defence but is sentenced to a lifetime of prison. The Player refused to cooperate. Some Players learn about the situation and begin to back the Players. As do a lot of humans.

The UPA tries to take actions to force the Player to undergo prison time. The Players assisting the UPA stop entirely.

A Kingdom Facility cloning offbrand Players is also located. Without Player support the attacking forces are managed to take out the Facility with almost a million casualties. The largest loss if life on the UPA side since the Kingdom war began.


The Dissapearance of humans has been figured out by the Player known as Fourteen. The Player hunted down lose files in ruins around the world to reveal the plot was initiated by an Alien group known as Batarians.

Coincidentally the Players reveal their their progress in their spacerace. The appearance of a 400 mile long dreadnaught in Earth space.

(To be continued)
2029 - Incursion
[FerventFever: the humans are complaining about your ship DreamofDays.]
[DreamofDays: tell them to deal with it. I worked on this thing for 8 years with the help of CorruptedCodex and XxNoscopeLordxX.]
[FerventFever: a Call Of Duty Player helped make that ships?!?]
[DreamofDays: yea, hes actually pretty decent at practical engineering.]
[FerventFever: :| A ship that massive is practical?]
[DreamofDays: yes.]

I looked at my messages between FerventFever and I. Its just like the Creator said. The Humans while some could be trusted. Every humans different.

If the humans knew a human created us I wonder what they would say heh. The Creator gave us a mind of a Player. To us the world and life is a game waiting to be beaten. How do we beat it? We advance. We learn. We grow stronger.

I turn my mental sight to the Cryochamber holding the creator of our species. He identified as TrueGuardian. His original name untraceable. His Gamer project failed however the Player project... Or us. Worked.

He played with the belief anything was possible and put it into practice. So he stored everything he knew within the Divine Archives. Every theory. Every idea. Every memory. Every prediction. Everything that made him, him. Stored so his creations could use it.

Would he be proud of us? Honestly... I don't know. We are scared of his judgement so we don't wake him. We just observe.

Heh. I shouldn't dwell to much on existance. As in his quotes. "A person shouldn't question why they exist. They should question how they will make their existance worthwhile. If they can't make it worthwhile? Then make it fun."

Its one of the quotes we live bye. We see life as a game. And we are the Players. We will have as much fun as we can! Heh.

[XxNoscopeLordxX: DreamofDays I am detecting something weird on our scanners. Its finding amounts of the Element Zero that the Kingdom uses.]

[DreamofDays: The Element Zero is basically a shortcut into space... Prepare for combat. There is a likely hood of it being a type of FTL travel. ]
[DreamofDays: CorruptedCodex get our Nuclear FTL Drives online.]

[CorruptedCodex: We really need a safer way to travel at FTL. Still going 70 Lightyears is pretty useful.]

[CeruleanXerxes: This the Firestarter. You getting these signatures Cloverfield?]

I look out the viewscreen as the 130 mile long frigate... We build big.
[DreamofDays: Affirmative. I suspect it to be a type of FTL. I recommend going full alert. Your have the Railgun so we might be relying on you.]

[CeruleanXerxes: Don't joke around. Your Dreadnaught is loaded with nuclear weaponry. Your main gun uses a Nuke as propellent for its mass round!]

[DreamofDays: Yea yea. But if they have a way to prevent nuclear reactions we are kinda screwed.]

[CeruleanXerxes: By the way why did you choose Nuclear tech as the base for the dreadnaught?]

[DreamofDays: isn't it obvious? I wanted to see if I could!]

(To be continued)
2029 - Incursion pt2
The Gamer ships brought themselves to full alert. The Full Nuclear ship that is known as Cloverfields radiation spiked massively.

Then a ship less than a mile long appears out of FTL. Its almost a kilometer long though.

[DreamofDays: Are you seeing this?]
[CeruleanXerxes: Yeah. That things small.]
[DreamofDays: It could also be that we build big. We had to make a shuttle to get into space to build this you know.]
[CeruleanXerxes: True. It isn't often people are even able to gather the resources to build ships this large.]

(POV: Batarian Captain)

I was going to the planet known as Earth to pick up the next batch of humans. But when we exited FTL... These monsters were here.

"The ships seem to be about 640 kilometers long Captain."

"Have they tried contacting us?"

"If they are they aren't doing so on a spectrum we can detect."

"Sir! We are reading several nuclear hundred nuclear reaction on the large vessel!"


What are they doing with such a nuclear armament?!

*oh. Interesting. So you are Batarians.*
Everyone on the bridge froze as the message came of their speakers and omnitools.

*Well. I suppose introductions are in order. We are the Players. And you have offended us with your abduction of humans. Disarm and prepare to be boarded else face destruction.*

How dare they...
"Fire upon the enemy."
"Sir is that advisable."
"These upstarts ships are big. But we are Batarians. We shall not be challenged by a bunch of upstarts."
The ship buckles and the alarms begin blaring.
Then pain. Then nothing.

(POV DreamofDays)

[DreamofDays: The Nuke Projecter ripped that ship apart!]
[XxNoscopeLordxX: Yeah! Imagine if we had that element naquadah. Our weapons would be insanely boosted!]

[DawnTheAnchor: Did you just blow up an alien ship!]

[DreamofDays: Check the net. We shared why. Also get ready for war. After we take care of the Kingdom we go to war with the Batarians.]

[IndustrialMastery: You've given me quite a bit of work Dream! I have to begin mining operations elsewhere now. Running low on asteroids over here.]

I look at the remains of the Batarian ship... Heh. The Nuclear Projecter fires with a force of 7 nukes at fast and controled pace. It ripped through the Batarian ship with absolute ease. An absolute doomsday weapon if used on a planet. Its called a Planet Cracker for a reason afterall.

You know I might as well nerd out a bit.
This ship is a major source of radiation. The Projecter although it fires at the base rate of 7 nukes it can be overcharged inorder to fire at a force of 40 nukes. There are thousands of external guns with mini nukes at the ready. And the main gun is 130 ton round that is propelled using 3 nuclear projecters. This ship is at constant risk of destroying itself... But it is awesome with its shear amount of Dakka. And to think, it only took 4 Player to pull it off.

Although we call it a dreadnaught the official classification for the Cloverfield is the Armageddon Bringer.
2029 - 2036

The Players mobilize and even more Players appear. The Ripoff Players now known acknowledged as Easai according to Players. However humans call them MetaHumans due to them being more humanlike than Players.

Player numbers magically jump up by nearly 15,000 the spontaneous surge in numbers make the humans question how the Gamers actually reproduce.


The Kingdom finally falls apart after the 14 year old war. Despite having Allied Forces support they were unable to defeat the Players although the Players acted without the assistance of the UPA. They did have POR(People of Russia) support as well.

The Empire of Japan attempts to reach out to Players. Surprisingly to the UPA a large amount of Players join with the Empire of Japan.


Player groups called Guilds form across the world. Most noteable was the Grassland Guild, the Night Fire Guild, and the Lords of Steel Guild. This is known as the Players first forms of government and representation.

Player and UPA tensions rise do to the appearance of the guilds. Guilds were known to band together to deter racial discrimination against the Players.

The Empire of Japan however attempts to form Guilds with Humans and Players. The resident Players are highly receptive of the idea. Some individuals who joined with the Guild and were pressured by outside forces suddenly found themselves under the Guilds protection. The Guilds found to go to extreme lengths to protect their numbers. The hints of a Player showing protectiveness being hugely surprising to outside forces. As Players were known to disregard most forms of life.


The UPA undergoes leadership change. The new president known as Dave Welder seeks to improve relations with Players. As such he placed a few new laws protecting Players rights and a new law allowing the Guilds to establish a Guild Home.

The Player Guilds welcomed the change. They did have to meet requirements inorder to get larger areas for their Guild Homes and to get the Guild Homes in general.


A Player accidentally reveals to the UPA that 70% of the Players are off world on a campaign against Batarian forces. With Player numbers ranging only in the 2 millions on Earth many questions are raised.

A Player and a Human get married. This marks a step in better relations between the Players and Humanity.


The Treaty of Reach is made. The Empire of Japan, The United People of America, The Free Force of Mexico, The African Republic, and four of the largest Player Guilds come to an agreement. Forming a United Nations of sorts. The name Earth Alliance is suggested but the name is decided to be the Federation of Sentient and Sapient beings. The FSS for short.
Shortly after this group is formed the Players announce they will share the theories they use to get to space will be shared with humanity once the FSS is consolidated.

A plague breaks out in Africa. Players begin to assist researchers in figuring out the cause. The Players also start up quarantine centers where they both contain the infected and care for them. The African Republic now firmly influenced by the Players in the country. Populous support for Players are noticibly higher in Africa than any other Government.

Players unveil a new source of energy they call Core Energy. It is largely unknown how it works. Just that it produces a constant stream of electrical energy that starts off small but gets larger with time.


The FSS has researchers trying to figure out how Core Mechanics actually works. While Player researches attempt to figure out what they could do with Core Mechanics.

The cure for the plague in Africa is found by a Player and human researcher known as FreezeKing and Dave Elmond respectively.
2037 Galactic Changes
The Player ships SteamPunkWilly and SteelBeam reveal themselves as travel to do war.
The SteamPunkWilly ship works using only SteamPunk type technology except for Transmission type tech. It can go to a 146 Lightyears currently with its Steam Driver. Its recorded length was 70 miles in length and 3 miles in height and width.

The SteelBeam ship works using normal electricity. It is completely lined with conductive material and it looks like arcs of electricity. It uses the Railgun FTL drive. The entire ship is lined with kinetic dampeners due to the force of traveling at FTL speed. The tested speed has put the speed of SteelBeam at 300 Lightyears. However it is theorized that if a stronger kinetic dampener is developed the ship could go up to nearly two million lightyears away with ease. The ship can also cause largescale EMPs within seconds.
Its recorded length is 84 miles in length, 1 mile in height and width.

Questions about how the Players are capable of gathering the resources for such a ships. Which the Players refuse to answer. Saying that they will share once the FCC is consolidated.

2038 [Far far from Earth.]

The Batarians seek a peace treaty with the Player Armada. A meeting place is designated on a Player occupied world. The Batarian envoy observed the former slaves observing their ship as it landed. Hatred in their eyes. In his mind thoughts about how the Batarian Hegemony's fall echoes in his head.

The Batarians were a prideful race yes. But against the monsters that called themselves Players? They were nothing. Billions of Batarians died attempting to fight these Players. The Batarian envoy looked up. The behemoths he finally had their name for. The Cloverfield and the StarStrand. Both looking like they were crafted by two entirely different species... Yet controlled by only one race.

The Vexis slaves celebrated when the Players arrived. While the humans had long been broken. The other aliens races varied to this degree.

The thing was... The Hegemony was outclassed in all fields. The Leviathan had only just been uncovered when it was rippex in half by the arrival of a Player Corvette. Which was three times the size of our dreadnoughts.

The Batarian envoy thought about everything as he walked into the circular room. He looked at the golden Player as he sat down.
He was surprised as the voice cut into his head.
[No suicide bombs huh. Surprising.]
"The Hegemony would like to discuss terms for a surrender."
[We know. Thats why your here. The question is what are you permitted to give and what do you need to speak to your leaders about.]
"I.. Understand."
[Good. Let us begin.]

The talks took days. But eventually the surrender of the Batarian Hegemony was figured out.
The terms were difficult for the Hegemony. But they had no choice.
First was that all slaves must be given to the Players.
Then the Players reconstructed the entire caste system of the Batarian Hegemony. If a noble broke the rules of the system they would immediatly be executed by either the Hegemony itself. Or a nearby Player.

Players would reside in Batarian systems for observational purposes. However they could interfere if needed.

The Hegemony is not allowed to bother the Gathering of Free Races. (GFR). They are also not allowed to mess with the Batarian Republic. (Batarian Rebels formed this one.)
Effectively deviding the Batarians into 4 different governments.

The Guardian religion also began to spread through Batarian space. The Players seeing no reason to hide it from this area of space. Many aliens flock to this religion. Especially the Vexis whos own gods abandoned them.
This signified a rise of religious groups with power that equaled the local Governments.

Trade Posts between the locals and Players were also established. Nearly every resource could be traded with Players. This allowed the Players to establish a new currency known as credits. It is considered more valuable than Eezo to the Batarian Hegemony due to the sheer amount of resources that could be traded with Players.

The Players also constructed massive structures they called Gates as the relay network was heavily unreliable. So Gates were built in every Player controlled systems. Allowing speeds that matched relay travel.
Many were amazed by the sheer speed of the Players construction efforts. It took mere months for a system by system network to form. Nine different races were under Player control.

The Players also discovered a race that called themselves the Krogan. Although the Krogans were under a civil war the Players still interfered. Destroying the Krogan rebels leaders in hand to hand combat. They also began terraforming efforts to clean the radiation from the world. When asked the Players said that although the Krogan were warlike currently. That could change.

They also announced to the Krogan they were to undergo gene treatment to lessen the amount of children females could have from thousands to only a max of 10. Outraged the Krogans asked why. Then the Players replied with saying that how many Krogans could this planet support once its fixed? Your race was beginning to resort to cannibalizm due to lack of food. Do you want to see your children eating eachother constantly due to lack of food?
After that the amount of decenters went down by 93%. Although there were still some decenters.

Many would call the Players barbaric due to using pure force to manipulate other races to their will. However they would also call the other races barbarians while the Players always said that the aliens were just misunderstood and needed the firm handling of an adult for their childish nature.

The Player Spacial Council is formed. Various races are required to follow the laws the Spacial Council put in place. However the only law passed so far was a law against slavery.

Other races can also approach the Council for assistance from Players. Most Players follow the orders of the Council.

The Council is based on a artificially created world made by Players. It is 80% metal and has the most expensive real estate prices. Ranging up to eight million credits for a apartment in what some would consider the slums.

Also Player ships were actually available for purchase. Even military ships were available. However the cheapest 30 mile long ship could range from 50 million credits to 400 million credits. The Players dreadnoughts went up to 370 billion credits.

2039 (Earth stuff)
The Allied Forces are finally annexed into the F.S.S. bringing all humans on Earth to one banner. The Guilds share their theoritical knowledge on Radioactive, Eezo, Railgun, and Coil FTL. Everything except Eezo FTL required highly expensive kinetic dampeners as they traveled at FTL speeds in Real Space. Meaning they could collide with objects at FTL speeds.

Which is highly dangerous often requiring instant calculations and inhuman reaction speeds. Which is how they learned that most Player ships rely on computer programs for nearly everything. These programs weren't even A.I. The Players were seeking out A.I. tech however as computer tech led to several repairs having to be made monthly.

Oh and this is where the FSS learned of credits. They weren't happy in the slightest about it either as they had begun to draft their own currency system. However Player traders only sold things to people who could provide Credits. Which meant the FSS had to integrate their economy with Player Credits.
They did do it however. It tool them a year. But they eventually ended up with 30 million Player Credits with a yearly income of nearly a million credits.


The Player Guilds of Earth announce they are independant from the Player Council. Apparently wantingto stay close to their roots. This wasn't accepted well amongst the Player Council. However the Players of the Galactic Player Council couldn't go to war due to the presence of the Guardian on Earth. Although many Players attempted to abduct the Guardian so war could be declared.

The FSS were very happy with the Player Guilds of Earth. They did have to refuse to turn over the "Guardian" multiple times to the Player Council. Tensions were extremely high due to this. The Player Council deeply wanted the Guardian that no one but the Player Guilds knew about. The FSS did want to meet the Guardian however they dropped the subject when they were told it was a religious matter. They didn't mind it being a religious matter as it prevented the Player Council from moving to much on earth.
2040 to 2055

Tensions between the Player Guilds of Earth and the Player Council simmer down.

The Federation/FSS begins to terraform Mars.


The Health Kit is released by a joint Player Guild and Human corporation. At the same time Medigel is released. Both show extremely similar abilities however medigel was cheaper than Health Kits, but Health Kit production doesn't stop as it is useful to Players.

The Dakka Guild releases new standard weapons and shielded armor. It has the strongest personal shields and best Directed Handheld Energy weapons on the market.


A terrorist attack by formy hierarchy remnants happens on a Player occupied world. No losses are recorded.


The FSS finds a race of red imp like creatures called Hezers, who choose to join them. This is faced with minimal resistance due to the presence of Players.


The first Player vs Player conflict happens. Nearly three thousand Players went head to head. The no remains of them or the world they were fighting on has been found since. Evidence suggests an anti player group was behind it. Yet the group has also disappeared with the planet. The Player Council suspects that the Players decided to use Planet Shaker ranked weaponry. The vassal races worry due to this.


An research team opens an inactive relay leading to the discovery of the Rachni. The Rachni vessels are subdued due to the arrival of the Player Cruiser the Magnavigator. Which uses magnets for everything. Including propulsion. The Magnetic Wave cannons the ship used broke apart the psychic link that the Rachni used. Disabling the attacking fleet.

Players shortly discover that they can use their communications on Rachni. The Anti Hypnosis group does their own research into the Rachni, revealing that the Rachni is under someone elses control. The Players begin to use Magnetic Wave Cannons to disable the Rachni and control them until a cure is developed.