Play The Game: Proffesional Footballer Quest

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You are a young 17 year old professional footballer who has just recently signed his contract that marks you as a proffesional. Try and reach the summit of the footballing world.
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Hours upon hours you had dedicated to honing your craft. For as long as you could remember football had been not only your passion but your entire life. You rejected the easy pleasures of life and instead you poured your heart into soul into becoming capable of getting a proffesional contract.

It did not matter that historically your nation was not a footballing nation, there were no accolades or honours that the United States could name that spoke of a rich and decorated footballing history. The sports that were popular in America had nothing to do with football, the public prepared far more fast paced and individualistic games where one player could turn the tide. Football wasn't like that. It was a team sport through and through. Every player had to play like a cog in the grand machine. It wasn't like basketball, baseball or American Football they were far more easy for a casual viewer to tune into. Football requires focus.

You were pretty good at other sports, back in high school you were a noted varsity athlete playing in a number of sports. The ones that you care to mention are American Football and track and field, they prepared you well for a future in proper football it improved your conditioning and strengthened your resolve. Sure, you won some medals and state championships. But, your heart stayed set on football, no matter how the college scouts begged you to commit yourself to the other sports you wouldn't budge.

Your stubbornness payed off, by the time you were 16 you were considered one of the top prospects in football in the country. It didn't matter that America was seemingly creating a golden generation in the footballing world you still remained on top. Your skills were more polished, your technique more refined and your good old fashioned grit kept you ready for the challenges ahead.

Soon, you found yourself approaching a new horizon you had distinguished yourself to such an extent that your footballing academy was considering giving you a proffesional contract once you graduated high school. This was unprecedented most kids had to go through the college system before they could even smell a real professional contract. But you were so well regarded, that the scouts and coaches were willing to skip the added complications and get you to the nitty gritty. You were loathe to admit but you were nervous to take the big leap.

Football came with commitments besides the money and fame, you had to dedicate yourself entirely to the craft if you wanted to stay afloat. You would have to give up some old lifestyle habits to maintain peak performance. This you were torn about, sure you were very much dedicated to football but you also wanted to have fun in your life to go along with it. You wanted both the glitz and glam and the satisfaction that came with working hard.

But, after much deliberation you decided your desire to achieve your dreams outmatched your desire to live a life of idleness and comfort. You could save that for another bum. You wanted to sit on the big boys table and you were willing to make sacrifices to make that happen.

Follow your decision, you increased the intensity of your training you showed up to practice early you cooked up a diet plan that would cut our junk food and you pretty much finally got serious. You even had to cut ties with some friends who were dragging you down they were dead weight and you couldn't afford that in the field you were going into.

Your mother was always supportive of your desire to become a proffesional athlete, she drove you to games, bought you the latest kit, football boots and supplementary tools all to help you achieve your dreams. For that you could be nothing but grateful to her. Times were tough in your house, it wasn't easy being a single mom to a growing boy. America was already in the middle of a recession mom had to work her ass off to put food on the table. If everything goes as planned you will repay her tenfold.

When the time to come to sign your proffesional contract for your local club, you couldn't be more excited it didn't matter that your autonomy would now be compromised your agent promised that he got you the best deal you could possibly get. And, your agent Mr Michael Federici was a reliable man, you could trust him with your secrets. He may not be the most moral man but you could trust him. He spotted you when you were just a kid, back when you used to play for your school team
in middle school and you've stuck with him ever since.

What is team in the MLS you have signed your professional contract with?

[] LA Galaxy
[] Real Salt Lake
[] Inter Miami
[] Chicago Fire
[] FC Cinnicinati
[] Colorado Rapids
[] Write In (Must be an MLS Team)

What are your greatest footballing attributes pick 2:
[] Dribbling
[] Shooting
[] Set Pieces
[] Pace
[] Strength
[] Passing
[] Vision

What do you look like? (Provide a picture as well if you are able to.)

[] Platnium blond hair, blue eyes, fair skin, pretty boy features, you are of middling height and are more to the skinny side. You style your hair in curtains, with the sides cut to the grain. Many girls comment on how handsome you are.

[] Dark brown hair, green eyes, tanned skin, classically handsome looks, you are tall with an athletic meaty build. Your hair is style in the way of the trendy undercut. You are chiselled with high cheekbones and a strong jaw, many girls think you're a player.

[] Jet black hair, hazel eyes, caramel skin, pierced ears, a mix between classically handsome looks and pretty boy features, you are very tall standing at an even 6'2 inches. Your hair is cut in the classic type fade cut. Your lips are thick and luscious, your haircut is fresh and you possess an undeniable swagger. Girls may call you a douchebag but you don't give two shits.

[] Write In (Note the player character is canonically handsome.)

What is your mothers occupation?
[] Nurse
[] Chef
[] Maid
[] Store Clerk
[] Liberian
[] Preschool Teacher
[] Writer
[] Write In

What are your two moral virtues?
[] Kindness
[] Patience
[] Humility
[] Charity
[] Diligence
[] Chasity
[] Temperance

What are your two deadly sins?
[] Pride
[] Envy
[] Wrath
[] Greed
[] Gluttony
[] Sloth
[] Lust

Distribute 70 Points:
[] Strength
[] Dexterity
[] Constitution
[] Wisdom
[] Intelligence
[] Charisma
[] Cunning

What state do you originate from?
[] Texas
[] California
[] New York
[] Chicago
[] New Mexico
[] Ohio
[] Florida
[] Alabama

What is your name?
[] Zachary Beaumont
[] Casey Briggs
[] Reginald De Kettelere
[] Fulgencio Rodriguez
[] Archie Barrows

What attacking position do you operate in?
[] Striker
[] Center Forward
[] Center Attacking Midfielder
[] Winger

How are you typically described as being like to your peers?
[] Hot blooded and boisterous
[] Cold and calculating
[] Mellow and down to earth
[] Suave and fast talking

What cliche were you apart of when you were in school? Pick 2
[] Jocks
[] Nerds
[] Loners
[] Emos
[] Popular kids
[] Delenquints
[] Artsy kids
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