Planar Travel OOC

United Kingdom
Order & Chaos Chronicles
You are a walker of the planes, traverser of the multiverse. Famed, and feared throughout reality, where they walk even gods may tremble in their passing. As such you all have the potential to be quite powerful. Big larger than life heroes that stride across the multiverse righting wrongs and generally enjoying everything all the worlds have to offer. Whilst things might get dark with worlds in peril hope will always shine through in the form of our heroes, rogues and anti-heroes. Whilst the characters might not see eye to eye they generally work together for the same goal, not that they might occasional work against each other...

I intend for this to be played on Google Docs, so one player were docket.
Why do it this way?
Mainly it will be easier for me to do updates, so if one person posts I can respond to them instead of waiting for others. It will make the RP a little faster paced, and hopefully more interesting.

This RP is not first come, first serve. Everyone will be placed into a waitlist.
2. No god-Modding
3. No Meta-gaming
4. No Power-Gaming
5. Be polite to other players, and the GM
6. Be fair in your interactions with others
7. Obey the GM (Me)
8. Everyone start out as human, although I may allow some flexibility on this.

We will be using my hack of Savage Worlds Adventure Edition for this, a.k.a. SWADE. Now I know not everyone will be familiar with this, so in order to be fair to everyone, and also to ensure players create a character they WANT to play, and are INVESTED in - players can rejig their characters over the first week of gameplay. But, and this is my caveat - THEY MUST let me know of every change, or alteration.

At its heart, this universe is a stage for one of the most epic, but primal battles of all – Good vs Evil. And it is reflected in the tapestry and layout of the land, the cities, and the people. Those that are evil tend to look it.

But those that are not show their own inner light, their inner purity.

But for most people are ordinary as they possess no powers, no special abilities, nor useful skills other than the most basic; pursuing whatever trade they practice. Most are nothing more than unfortunates that will never fulfil any kind of special fate – other than to likely die a mundane death. A majority of them will catch colds, diseases, and most likely die from some kind of illness.

But not heroes, they are far from ordinary.

They will possess exceptional abilities, skills, and likely even powers, putting them above the rank the file. For whatever reason they have awakened a spark within that has allowed them to gain a focus – strength of character, gain knowledge, and likely some form of power above and beyond the norm. They are larger than life individuals that step out of the shadows to help their fellow mortals, whether human, or otherwise. For they recognise that the downtrodden can be off any species. And in so doing, step into the realm of legend.

This is the job of heroes.

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Every character starts with a d4 in each of five attributes. Five points to spend

Strength is physical power and fitness. It's also used as the basis of a warrior's damage in hand-to-hand combat, and to determine how much he can wear or carry.

Agility is a measure of a character's nimbleness, dexterity, and general coordination.

Smarts measures raw intelligence, mental acuity, and how fast a heroine thinks on her feet. It's used to resist certain types of mental and social attacks.

Spirit is self-confidence, backbone, and willpower. It's used to resist social and supernatural attacks as well as fear.

Vigour represents an individual's endurance, resistance to disease, poison, or toxins, and how much physical damage she can take before she can't go on. It is most often used to resist Fatigue effects, and as the basis for the derived stat of Toughness.

Size: 0 (Human)
Speed: This is your strength & agility added together, miles per hour.
Power Points: This is equal to your spirit.

Normal (d4)
Athletic (d6)
Olympic (d8)
Peak (D10)

No one can start off better than peak human, and all players start out as human. Although I may allow some flexibility on this.

Each edge costs one point, and you get five points to spend here.

Alertness, Ambidextrous, Attractive, Fast Healer, Fast Reflexes, Fleet of Foot *, Free Runner, Hard to Kill, Indomitable, Languages **

* Fleet of Foot (extra 5mph per point)
** Each purchase is one language known, although the language skill must then be purchased.

These are reasonably self explanatory.

Examples: Archer, Assassin, Barbarian, Gladiator, Knight, Martial, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Soldier

Picking a hand-to-hand ability twice makes you a master.

Assassin. This is for those that are efficient in the art of killing whether armed or unarmed, or some other more exotic method, e.g. poisons. They are also extremely adept in the art of stealth, hiding, and evasion and various methods at doing so.

Boxing. This is pretty much as it sounds. They are trained in the art of using their fists, whether it is Mike Tyson or someone else. This should never be underestimated.

Brawling. You've never taken a martial art class in your life, and to you it is all hokum and rubbish. You are a natural brawler and won every fight you have ever been involved in.

Martial Arts. This is for those that have entered into the discipline of a particular martial art. As such those that practice this endure a lot of very rigorous physical disciplines, meditative exercises, and mental conditioning. Not only are they adept with weapons, but just as efficient at unarmed. They can kill, very easily if they wished to.

Pankration. This is the art of wrestling, pinning and hurting someone.

Weapon: The user favours a particular weapon.

Weapons Groups * : They are trained in one or more groups of weapons.

* Weapons Groups: Axes, Blades (Heavy), Blades (Light), Bows, Close, Crossbows, Double, Flails, Hammers, Monk, Natural, Paired, Polearms, Siege, Spears, Staves, Thrown, Tribal

Arcane Backgrounds
Each time purchased grants you four powers. These will be detailed in the powers section.

Extraordinary Training: This is training that requires the recipient to seek out reclusive masters. All of these are non-magical. They are, however, not something that just anyone can do or even learn to do without extensive training. For those players that do not pick magic, they can choose from here instead.

Cantrips: To use a quick analogy, a cantrip is a simple program with two states: on or off. These powers do not involve tremendous changes in the nature of reality, but instead are minor adjustments, little "tweaks" to the temporary state of things. These subtle manipulations of pure will are less complex than actual spells, and are called cantrips.

Gifts: These are usually divine gifts, or powers granted to the user from an external source.

Magic: They draw on raw supernatural energy to fuel their eldritch fires. This energy infuses the worlds in which they live, and is drawn forth with gestures, words of power, or ancient runes.

Magic Tech: They use strange and powerful inventions beyond the normal technological level of the setting. Such creations might be possible due to super fuels, alien discoveries, or the raw intellect of rare super-geniuses who push the boundaries of science.

One character might fire a swarm of bees to attack her foes, for example, while another shoots red lasers from her eyes. Both are examples of the bolt power and share the same mechanics, but they look and are described differently.

Every character starts with D4 in Core skills. You have 12 additional points to raise core skills or buy and new programs as you see fit.

: It combines an individual's coordination with learned skills such as climbing, jumping, balancing, biking, wrestling, skiing, swimming, throwing, or catching
Common: It covers knowing people, places, and things of their world, including etiquette, geography, culture, popular technology, contacts, and customs.
Notice: It's used to sense sights, sounds, tastes, and smells, spot clues, detect ambushes, spot hidden weapons on a foe etc.
Persuasion: This is the ability to convince others to do what you want through reason, cajoling, deception, rewards, or other friendly means.
Stealth: This is the ability to hide, and move quietly.

Allows the hero to can keep their balance while traversing narrow or treacherous surfaces. You can also dive, f lip, jump, and roll to avoid attacks and overcome obstacles.
Craft: Skilled in the creation of a specific group of items, such as armour or weapons
Disguise: individual is skilled at changing their appearance.
Driving: This covers any powered ground vehicle common to his setting.
Escape Artist: Training allows you to slip out of bonds and escape from grapples.
Fighting: This covers all hand-to-hand (melee) attacks, whether it's with fists, axes, laser swords, or martial arts.
Healing: Individual is skilled at tending to wounds and ailments.
Intimidation: It is the art of frightening an opponent so that they backs down, reveals information, or flees.
Knowledge: Educated in a f ield of study and can answer both simple and complex questions
Language: This covers the number of languages known.
Perform: Skilled at one form of entertainment, from singing to acting to playing an instrument
Piloting: Allows a character to manoeuvre airplanes, helicopters, jet packs, or spaceships.
Profession: Skilled at a specific job, e.g. Baker.
Riding: Any mounted beast.
Shooting: This covers all attempts to hit a target with a ranged weapon such as a bow, pistol, or rocket launcher, and ranged spell magic.

: Has knowledge of how to create, and run a business.
Computer: Skilled in various aspects of computer use, setting up networks etc.
Criminal: Criminally minded, can make forged ID's and spot them,
Electronics: It allows a hero to use complex or specialized devices such as the control panels on industrial machines or the sensor systems found on spaceships in futuristic settings.
Espionage: This is the specific training in the practices and principles of recognizing and analysing sources of information about the enemy, observation techniques, counter-intelligence measures and proper procedure.
Mechanical: This is the ability to take apart and/or fix mechanical gadgets, vehicles, weapons, and simple electrical devices.
Medical: This has multiple uses, from treating wounds to diagnosing diseases and analysing certain kinds of forensic evidence.
Military: This covers a gamut of things, from cleaning, and making sure your weapon works (setting dependant). As well as a clear understanding of the way the military works, including rules of behaviour military procedures and routines.
Science: Have studied various sciences such as biology, xenobiology, chemistry, geology, engineering, or any other.
Survival: It allows an individual to find food, water, or shelter in hostile environments. It can also be used to navigate wilderness environments, figure out which plants are good to eat and which aren't, and so on.
Weird Science: They are inventors in worlds with magic (or technology far beyond our own), alchemists, or artificers can be found throughout many Savage Worlds.
Specialisation: This is picking one particular area of a skill program, e.g. physics.

Character Sheet
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This is training that requires the recipient to seek out reclusive masters. All of these are non-magical. They are, however, not something that just anyone can do or even learn to do without extensive training. For those players that do not pick magic, they can choose from here instead.

Avoidance: You bend and dodging blows as if they were made by addled children

Battle Fury: They become terrible foes and as fearsome and unstoppable as a raging wild bear

Black Waltz: Using a combination of smooth and fluid movements, you become a symphony of battle given motion – a true personification of deadly grace.

Blind Fighting: You have learned to fight blindfolded or in absolute darkness. As a result, you can sense your targets without having to see them. This enables the user to use senses other than vision – mainly hearing, but also touch and even smell – to pinpoint exactly where opponents are.

Environmental Stride: Learns how to move in the most efficient way in different environments, such as not slipping on ice, or making snow shoes.

Flurry of Blows: You find it a small challenge to deal with dozens of opponents at once as your body is a living and breathing weapon capable of unleashing a series of attacks that defy description.

Leap: They are able to make leaps that many would deem impossible, quite often twelve feet straight up or even double that straight across without a run up.

Light Body: This skill allows you to exert very little pressure when you walk. You can also attempt to walk over fragile surfaces without falling through.

Power Blow: You already have the ability to guide the weapon you have mastered with satisfyingly powerful attacks. Now, however, with your sheer determination and precision, you can not only inflict terrible damage, you can also ignore the thickest of armour.

Projectile Parry: Arrows. This lets the user not just parry, but also to catch, and dodge arrows.

Projectile: Aimed Shot. In modern ages this would be called sniping which is essentially what this user is doing.

Projectile: Close Combat. The user can shoot arrows at close range.

Projectile: Dual Shots: Can fire two arrows at separate targets.

Projectile: Dead Eye: Accuracy with thrown or projectile, allowing 50% range increase, and exact target.

Projectile: Pin Point Aim: You are able to cut the wings from a fly's back when it is in flight, or cut the bell from a kitten's collar without splitting a hair on the creature's head. You are a master of the thrown weapon, and the speed with which you can hurl such items is dazzling.

Projectile: Rapid Fire: They can fire numerous shots off, faster than others could dream of reacting.

Skin of the Rhino: Your body is strong and conditioned to the point that your naked skin is capable of shrugging off incoming damage.

Slaying Touch: Allows the user to strike a nerve cluster with enough force to kill a human them instantly.

Slow-Fall: When within arm's reach of a wall can use it to slow his descent.

Spider's Climb: Your skill at balancing your weight and using the strength and agility in your limbs and hands is unequalled, and it shows when you choose to climb up or across a surface. You are like a wall-clinging insect or lizard, finding tiny cracks and uneven spots to hold while you move in any direction. So long as you are not wearing gloves or footwear, there is almost no surface you cannot scale.

Still Mind: Fortify their mind against mental attacks or intrusion

Still Sense: They become skilled in noticing tiny vibrations, shifts in air currents (or water currents, if underwater), and tiny movements across surfaces from changes in pressure. This works as a form of blind sight with a range of 30 feet that only detects creatures and objects that have moved.

Sundering Stroke: With one mighty swing of your weapon, you can slice, crush or otherwise shatter whatever defences your enemy has put before you. Shields explode, swords fracture and armour rips apart like paper under your mighty stroke. When your weapon is driving hard to the target, nothing will stand in its way.

Tireless v1: Lets the user function for an hour without rest at full potential.

Tracking: This is most well-known ability is tracking creatures: detecting them, locating them, identifying them, and observing important details about them. These abilities come with the limitation that the legendary ranger must concentrate his attention on the target in order to do these things properly. So, the legendary ranger learns to focus his concentration and attention on one creature: his quarry.

Trance: The user can enter a state of altered awareness allowing a purer focus during battle. This focus enables them to ward of fear and intimidation, withstand greater levels of damage; as well to increase the amount of damage that they can inflict.
• Calmness
• Fury / Rage

Vanish: When you want to be, you are as shadow and fog – able to vanish with but a moment to do so. You are a true master of misdirection and disappearance, and in the blink of an eye you can be gone as if you were never even there.

Wall Leaping: Displaying incredible agility, you can run along or up walls for short distances to escape or gain a better position against an enemy.

Wind Walker: Having a flexible and trained body able to bend and twist in ways that might seem unnatural, you can contort and flip into the air with ease. Between your abilities to move with eerie grace and your precise leaping, you can give your momentum a quality all of its own. You are able to run up walls or across the tops of loose hedges, sprint across a river by only touching small stones, or do somersaults over dangerous enemies without so much as risking a single scratch.

Woodland Stride: Can move through all undergrowth without needing to slow, or take damage.

Dampen: It might cause a flame to gutter, or electrical current to suddenly ebb.
Dim: It causes the light in an area momentarily, causing shadows to deepen and any available light source to become faint to feeble.
Flare: Useful for quick illumination of an area, as it offers a momentary burst of dazzling light, enough to fully illuminate a small or medium space.
Foul: Will cause the subject to become inedible or otherwise impure and unusable,
Fracture: Cause a sudden weakness or flaw in a physical item or object
Glitch: Directed at anything with moving parts, such as an electrical engine, a computer, telephone, etc. this cantrip will create a momentary malfunction
Grasp: Usually accompanied by a physical motion with a hand, this cantrip gives a slight physical shove or tug to the targeted item, structure, or living being.
Invigorate: It gives a quick charge of energy to another living being, almost like a metaphysical shot of adrenaline.
Jam: Directed at anything with interlocking components or pieces that move against one another.
Lock: Will lock a closed door, as mechanisms slide into place.
Loosen: Causes any knot, buckle, or fastener to become loose for a moment.
Open: Will open a closed door, chest, or wardrobe.
Shut: Will close an open item, whether door or chest.

Affliction: This causes the victim to experience some kind of emotional effect, e.g. fear, hatred, sleep etc. Pick one effect.
Aura (Damage Field): Creates a dangerous aura that harms anyone foolish enough to get close.
Barrier: This creates a wall of immobile material.
Blast: This launches a ball of explosive energy or matter.
Bolt: This sends damaging bursts of energy, streaks of holy light, or shards of matter toward one's foes.
Boost / Lower: Allows the user to increase attributes one step.
Burst: As per bolt, but now area effect.
Clairvoyance: Allows the caster to see people, places, and things outside their normal sight, walls, doors, and other barriers do not hamper clairvoyance in any way.
Deflection: Some will deflect oncoming attacks, others blur the user.
Detect: This allows the recipient of the power to see and detect all supernatural persons, objects, or effects in sight.
Deflection: Some manifestations actually deflect incoming attacks while others blur the target's form or produce illusionary effects.
Dispel: Negate enemy powers.
Draining: This allows the caster to kill with a touch or at a distance, draining the life from the target.
Disguise: Allows the user to assume the appearance of another.
Elemental Control: This power grants basic control over the four traditional elements: air, earth, fire, and water.
Empathy: read the emotions of another, and form an emotional bond.
Enchant Weapon: Blade sharp, fire, ice etc
Entangle: Restrict a target with some kind of material (pick one).
Environmental Protection: This protects from the elements.
Environmental Strike: Blast, Bolts, Burst. Shoots lightning from the sky, or sunshine etc.
Far Sight: Allows the recipient to see in detail over great distances. She can read lips or read fine print up to a mile distant.
Havoc: This ability creates chaos and mischief for all those within its area of effect, hurling debris and rivals in all directions.
Heal: Can heal levels of damage.
Invisibility: Mage and their personal items are transparent except for a vague blur or outline.
Mend: Can mend damage done to objects or structures.
Mind Link: Allows mental communication with another willing target.
Mind Read: Allows the user to read a subject's mind, willing or otherwise.
Object Reading: This allows the user to see up to five years in the past.
Phantasm: Create illusions against a single sense, but affects all nearby.
Protection: Creates a body hugging field that protects the user.
Puppet: Essentially mind control or mental domination.
Postcognition: See a glimpse of the past.
Precognition: See a glimpse of the future.
Projectile (Magic Missile)
Shield: Creates a glowing arcane shield around the user.
Telekinesis: Allows the user to pick up two hundred pounds
Teleport: Can teleport up to 24 yards away.
Tendrils (Bolt): Sends multiple streaks of energy at a target.
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Example Characters
Example Sheet 1
Concept: Fighting Monk
Attributes (5): Agility d6, Smarts d4, Strength d6, Spirit d8, Vigour d6
Edges (5): Martial Arts (Master), Weapon Groups-Monk (Master), Fleet Foot
Core (5): Athletics d6, Common d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d6
Skills (5): Acrobatics d4, Fighting d8, Language d4 (English),
Programs (2): Espionage d6,
Cantrips: None
Powers: None
Speed: 17 mph
Power Points: 8
Equipment: Robe and staff

Example Sheet 2
Concept: Fighting Monk
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Strength d6, Spirit d8, Vigour d6
Edges: Cantrips, Heroic (Training) Fleet Foot, Martial Arts (Master),
Core (5): Athletics d6, Common d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d6
Skills (5): Acrobatics d4, Fighting d8, Language d4 (English),
Programs (2): Espionage d6
Cantrips: Dim, Fracture, Grasp, Loosen
Powers: Training: Flurry of Blows, Iron Hand, Light Body, Power Blow
Speed: 17 mph
Power Points: 8
Equipment: Robe and staff
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For the example character, I could have easily have switched out Heroic for Magic instead so I would have had a magical monk. I did both characters to highlight how easy chargen is, which was around fifteen minutes for both.

So does anyone have any questions?
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Concept: Young Martial Artist
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Strength d6, Spirit d8, Vigour d6
Core (5): Athletics d6, Common d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d6
Skills: Fighting d8, Acrobatics d4, Language d4 (English), Espionage d6
Edges: Heroic (Training) Fleet Foot, Martial Arts (Master), Indomitable
Cantrips: N/a
Powers: Flurry of Blows, Iron Hand, Light Body, Power Blow
Equipment: N/a
What sort of worlds would be used? @RogerD

Firstly your sheet looks okay but will give that closer inspection tomorrow.
Okay so some background would help I guess.
Worlds are split into three types-

Earth-like where magic does not exist, but can be used like in MCU. Although things like superpowers will exist.

Otherworlds that essentially run on magic. It is part of the warp and weft, and as such most are, to use DnD / PF parlance, demi-planes. This could mean places like Exalted or Glorantha (you get the idea), so technology will generally not work.

Lastly, alien, those worlds which work by rules completely foreign to us, a good example would be Star Trek, which is an eldritch horror masquerading as hopeful.

That said not all demi-planes run on magic, some could be akin to Esper Genesis, or Blades and Blasters. Although for the purposes of this, your characters will be solely travelling demi-planes to mimic a Magic the Gathering type game.

I will rework some chargen tomorrow too. Will not really affect your character really, it is just to add some flavour having decided to steal some PF extraordinary training abilities.
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Hmm. I think next time you run this, it'd be easier if you started with the example sheets and then explained what the sections were for. Part of why it's hard to join this is because it isn't entirely clear which abilities are supposed to go in which section.

If I buy the 'Free Runner' Edge, but not Acrobatics, do I get to do all my freerunning for free, or am I completely incompetent because I don't even have a d4?

Likewise, if I have d10 Strength and d10 Athletics, but d4 Fighting, which die or dice do I roll to punch somebody? What if I have no Fighting die?
Hmm. I think next time you run this, it'd be easier if you started with the example sheets and then explained what the sections were for. Part of why it's hard to join this is because it isn't entirely clear which abilities are supposed to go in which section.

This is mostly SWADE, a.k.a Savage Worlds based with a few minor hacks thrown in.
So each part belongs in its own section.

If I buy the 'Free Runner' Edge, but not Acrobatics, do I get to do all my freerunning for free, or am I completely incompetent because I don't even have a d4?

If you have acrobatics you can do those skills covered under that - free running is not one of them. So you would no be competent in free running without buying it.

Likewise, if I have d10 Strength and d10 Athletics, but d4 Fighting, which die or dice do I roll to punch somebody? What if I have no Fighting die?

As per the skill, no skill in fighting you are utterly incompetent. Same for shooting, or any of none core related skills.
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I will try to get IC up tomoz or Mon, pending arrival of new computer.

My old computer would not restart.
This setting will include Gurps Infinite Worlds, Modern Age: Threefold (first and foremost), and of course Magic the Gathering.

I will have to reboot in a 3 weeks+ as I have ordered the wrong computer, and need to wait until I get my refund through before ordering another. Coupled with £500 excess on my car after car accident a few weeks ago has left funds depleted.

I will also need to order office again, my two other laptop choices do not have dvd drive, and restore data from old hard drive - assuming such is possible.

So I will need a few weeks I suspect.
Name: Amon Antigonus
Concept: Arrogant apprentice wizard that wants to ascend. Slight hint's of cultist.
Strength: D4
Agility: D4
Smarts: D8
Spirit: D10
Vigour: D4

Edges: *Attractive. *Magic (2). *Cantrips (1). *Gifted (1).

Core Skills:
Athletics: D4
Common: D4
Notice: D4
Persuasion: D8
Stealth: D4

Knowledge: (Magic) D7



Affliction: Comfort
Mind Read

Charm: The user of this ability can use it for a quick charisma boost.
Inspire: Can inspire a ally to greater feats.
Minor heal wounds: Can heal minor injuries and help with greater ones.
Blood sacrifice: Can use enemy's blood for boosts in power. May come with side effects.

Speed: 8 Miles per hour
Power Points: 10
Picture: Google Image Result for
Equipment: Cloak, Spellbook and a Magic staff. And a little bit of money.
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Traits are edges that grant extra bonuses to your character, whether it is fast reflexes, fast healing etc.