Plains of Deckatos (Print-and-play LCG / CCG)

Rules & Description


Autistic autist who likes to make aut.
On the short bus.
Plains of Deckatos
(hereafter refered to as PoD) is an original print-and-play board-based LCG (Living Card Game) that I have been working on. It is a game based around reaching and destroying the opposing player's bases at the opposite ends of a 3x8 board. The game is NOT balanced, so I would highly appreciate it if people with Tabletop Simulator would help me playtest and further balance cards, or just any sort of feedback at all. The thread is image heavy, since I will be posting all the cards on here.


Each deck is actually made up of three sub-decks (one for Units, one for Bases, and one for Powers) and each sub-deck will never have less than one or more than three cards. Each sub-deck can be made up of up to six deck-points and be considered valid.

Types of Cards
Bases are both your health and the cards that provide mana.
Example of a Base (Captioned):

Units are your playing pieces.
Example of a Unit (Captioned):

are your spells
Example a Power (Captioned):


Players have six actions a turn. Actions can be used to move a Unit, shoot with a Unit, spawn a Unit, or use a Power

About Moving

- Units may move spaces equal to the number on their card. They may not move backwards. Moving diagonally takes 2 spaces.
- When a Unit with a damage value but no range Unit moves onto an enemy unit, they battle until one dies.
- When a Unit moves onto an enemy base takes one damage.
- You may not move onto friendly Units or Bases.

About Shooting

- Units may shoot units within their range and directly in front of them. Units cannot shoot sideways or diagonally, they must attack a Unit directly in front of them.

About Spawning a Unit

- You may only spawn a Unit directly behind an allied Unit or directly in front of one of your Bases.
- Units may not act the turn they are played.
- Serving as a spawn location counts as acting for units.

About Using Powers

- Powers that are a "Spell" must be cast on the turn of the player that controls them, while "Reaction" type powers may be cast at any time.


Things to Remember
- All numbers are capped to a minimum of one and a maximum of six. This means that players can never have more than six actions a turn and a Unit can never be debuffed below one or buffed above six in any of it's stats.
- Units cannot attack or move backwards or diagonally and may not shoot sideways.
- Units may not attack the turn they are spawned.
- Units may only act once per turn.

Other Stuff
I'll be releasing a set of (usually 10) cards most months. If you want to help the community by helping me playtest on Tabletop Simulator, making art, or donating to my Patreon, that would be fantastic!

I have a Discord Server, which is a great way to get in touch with me and other fans of the game and help me playtest future sets.
I have a Patreon which you can use to support me, if you want.
I use assets from a lot. Any potential game-designers who hate drawing should check them out!

I'll be releasing the first set of cards immediately after I post this.
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