[x] Try to set Azara up with Kitty
[x] Have a talk with Jay about his family
[X] Check on Cam, she seems rattled
[X] Gather information on the mysterious source that's apparently led you astray
[x] Try to set Azara up with Kitty
[x] Have a talk with Jay about his family
[x] Try to convince Ryan to watch anime that isn't trash
[x] Harass Yorke for some way you can help with the mecha repairs
[x] Try to set Azara up with Kitty
[X] Check on Cam, she seems rattled
[x] Try to convince Ryan to watch anime that isn't trash
[X] Gather information on the mysterious source that's apparently led you astray
[x] Try to set Azara up with Kitty
[X] Check on Cam, she seems rattled
[X] Badger Nazaret for more reading material
[X] Gather information on the mysterious source that's apparently led you astray
[x] Have a talk with Jay about his family
[X] Check on Cam, she seems rattled
[X] Badger Nazaret for more reading material
[X] Gather information on the mysterious source that's apparently led you astray
[x] Have a talk with Jay about his family
[x] Try to convince Ryan to watch anime that isn't trash
[X] Check on Cam, she seems rattled
[X] Gather information on the mysterious source that's apparently led you astray
[x] Harass Yorke for some way you can help with the mecha repairs
[X] Check on Cam, she seems rattled
[X] Badger Nazaret for more reading material
[x] Try to convince Ryan to watch anime that isn't trash