QM's Note: I know I said I was gonna write up a few Persona profiles next, but instead I got the inspiration for another scene that could nicely conclude the Judgment S. Link we'd almost completed. I also thought this could've-been S. Link sidestory could be a nice way of celebrating me completing my second semester... and taking my mind off my grading anxieties)
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iutM9nSvl_k
Trying to get in contact with the Morrigan one last time, Haruka found herself transported, not for the first time, into a recreation of her classroom. This being the core of the Gameboard though, something naturally was different, like when Haruka glanced down and noticed... fluffy white clouds floating along the bottom of the floor, and nothing but shimmering white light coming through the windows.
Inspecting her own desk, her eyes widened when she saw five heart-shaped boxes giftwrapped to her. Undoing the pink ribbons on each, she saw one contained traditional wagashi, one fancy Swiss or Belgian (possibly a mixture of both), one that looked like what she'd seen of Hershey's, one highly caffeinated, and one dark chocolate protein bar.
Her first impression was of White Day chocolates, something she'd never received in her past beyond Yuya trying to make her feel included, as the few boys she'd had the courage to approach with Valentine's Day chocolates typically rejected them. But she knew something had to be wrong when she looked at the notes attached and saw exactly who'd sent them:
- I beg you to receive this humble gift, for doing so would bring joy to my family,
- My darling Nakamura Haruka ~ Yours Eternally,
- Treat yourself a little! You're like the coolest girl in school (besides me of course)!
- I eat these all the time to keep myself awake during the long hours, Don't worry, they won't ruin your figure,
- Hey, um, not accustomed to giving out chocolates. But, well, if anyone's earned it, it's you...
Haruka could've barfed, and not from how the chocolates tasted. The last thing she needed was the Aces trying to get on her good side with confectionary, of all things. especially when most of them were now dead.
But wait, it then occurred to her, then where's Himawari's? Or Rin's, since we're apparently bringing back the dead?
Haruka opened the door to the corridor to seek out some answers, only to be swarmed by adoring students the moment she did so. Hearing her name being constantly chanted, she was then raised up by her apparent fans' arms and paraded down the
Well, this is one way to get around school, she thought at first, but then noticed all the students had...
wings? She had to blink and double-check if there were any halos around.
She leapt off of this student-angel parade and rushed to the school's front door, which upon opening... showed Haruka the whole school was apparently up in the clouds, its gates a hue that could only be described as perfect.
"Nervous are we, Haruka?" she heard a chuckle behind her. Spinning around, she found herself staring right into Azuma's eyes, who stepped forward a to take her hand and even kiss her. "I can understand, you are receiving Hanataba's esteemed Student of the Year award, who among us wouldn't be nervous in your situation? Come, why don't I personally escort you to the Assembly Hall?"
"Hah, you call that an escort?" she then Gakuto laugh, as he was able to call up a whole line of holographic girls, none of them quite resembling Koyomi, to dance around Haruka as she walked forth.
"Hey, not like this beats the limo ride I arranged to get you here this morning, right Haruka?" Melissa then emerged in the scene, "Ooh, we should have a pool party to celebrate later, don'tcha think?".
Before she could pass through the glowing door to the Assembly hall, Haruka finally got the chance to raise her voice. "Wait, where's Himawari?" she called out,
or Keiko, or Yuya, or Colette, or Reina, or...
Azuma then flinched at the mention of that name, clutching his heart like a wound. Gakuto however smirked and said, "Got her right here. A hologram, sure, but in a way better than the real thing, ain't she?".
Seeing Gakuto now had his own Himawari hologram made Haruka shudder.
"No, t-this is wrong," she then muttered out, turning her head to look at the way leading to the Occult Clubroom, "Just wait a minute, t-there's something I have to check first".
She then bolted off, away from the winged students, away from any holograms, only for the All-Aces to not let her go so easily.
Eitaro and Kikuko both leapt on her at once, though Haruka was able to handle the former with a swift tonfa blow to his jaw. Eitaro sure looked tough, but Haruka had had a lot of time to train since they'd fought.
Kikuko however, as Haruka had to raise both of her tonfas to parry a swift katana strike that would've slashed her eyes had she'd been any slower.
Haruka rolled over to the Occult Club door, only to find it boarded up by planks and rusted nails. Before Kikuko could slash at her shoulders while Eitaro kicked low at her, Haruka called upon her Persona to give her no less than a Power Charge to rush through a break down the door.
...Only to find instead of the Occult Club, there was instead a empty elevator shaft, dark save for a fiery glow flickering deep down. Having charged the door with that much force, Haruka would normally be fated to fall all the way down, but she felt a hand reach out and grab her at the last second.
She looked up to see Azuma, backed by the other four Aces, holding onto her. Haruka looked into his eyes, then back down into the shaft... before she let go of him and took the plunge.
When she opened her eyes at the bottom of the shaft, she saw that everything to her left was searing fire, smoke, and molten rock, while everything to her right was jagged icicles and blistering cold. After wondering where Colette, Himawari, and the rest were, she immediately got her answer.
She saw Colette impaled in her lower half of her body by an icicle, Takako being beaten by ice-trays, Popo with his wings stuffed into his mouth and frozen there, Hotaru bound to a rotating frozen wheel. Looking over on the fire side, she saw Yuya being force-fed hot coals, Keiko with heated pokers jammed into her shoulders, a searing mask nailed onto Reina's face, a sword fresh from the forge disembowelling Na-rae, Koyomi glitching out as her processor melted, Himawari bound in heated chains, and Rin with a Gameboard replica jammed into her body.
"Ace of Fools," came Ryouko's voice, Haruka looking up to see her teacher, her Overseer, standing in front her. "I graciously answered all your questions, now it's time you answered mine. I give you a choice, to be with your foes in heaven, or your friends in Hell, what shall it be?".
Haruka gritted her teeth, and instead of any one answer, just said back, "Why are you even asking? To 'prove my worth' or whatever? You honestly don't think I've proved that enough, after everything your Gameboard has put me through!"
"I'm asking you," the Morrigan stressed, "Because one thing I do remember is that, all those years ago, the same choice was given to me".
Haruka took one last look around her, around 'Hell', and answered, "It's no Heaven if I'm constantly thinking about my friends being tortured down here. I'm not going back up, I've served the All-Aces in 'Heaven' enough. give me hell, it's not like i haven't been through it already".
- Judgment has Journeyed to Rank 8! -
"Good, that's all I needed to hear" the Morrigan said, as with a flick of her fingers she dispelled the Hellscape and returned Haruka back to the menhir grounds.
"So like, is that something every prospective 'Ruler of All' gets asked, and you were just following procedure, or..." Haruka hesitated in the middle of asking, "You don't know, do you? 'Before your time', right?".
"Hah, it's nice to see you're catching on, for what it's worth," the Morrigan was at least able to smile, before she twitched then said, "But don't think I can't read you just as you can read me. So if you're about to ask, 'What answer did you pick?', I'm afraid I have to insist on at least
some secrets".
Haruka wanted to say that the question never crossed her mind at all, but well, she knew the Morrigan wouldn't fall for that.
"Unprofessional as it is for me to admit this, Haruka..." the Morrigan suddenly said, "If- If I do have any favourite to win the Gameboard, the Final Duel upon us, I confess. It would be you. The possibility of me handing my title over to young Azuma is, well, best case scenario a 'torch the Gameboard and run' ending. Honestly, I'd straight up give you my Goddess title now... in whatever strange universe where the Gameboard allowed me to".
That made Haruka think. "Does that mean you're gonna ask Azuma the same question, or that you already asked Kikuko? 'Cause it'd explain more than a few things if you did".
The Morrigan shrugged. "Do I honestly need to ask Azuma 'Heaven or Hell'? I suppose I should, to do my duty and all, but let's face it, we can both tell what answer he'd give.
As for Kikuko," the Morrigan hesitated, yet then said, "Well, I figured she was basically in the endgame, so... yes, I asked her. She's dead now, so she's not going to mind me telling you what she answered.
Hell, Haruka, she went with her friends in Hell," the Morrigan told her, "True, she took longer to come to that answer than you did".
"And, ah, who was among her 'friends'?" Haruka asked, but then shook her head, "What, no. I-I'd never ask Kikuko that, I'd never think to ask Kikuko that... I shouldn't be asking you".
<<I feel sorry for you either way, Macha,>> a third, eerie voice said out of nowhere, which made Haruka spin around to see that a Shadow was emerging out of, well, her own shadow, the being studded with countless eyes, <<Too weak to bear the Gameboard yourself anymore, you've been left with handing it to either this dreary girl I consigned myself to hitching a ride with, or a spoilt brat who doesn't know the difference between acting and being>>.
The Morrigan's face lit up with an emotion Haruka had never seen from her before: Sheer anger.
"How dare you invade my sanctum, Crawling Chaos!" she snarled.
<<Seriously? This is no 'invasion', Lady Macha, I'm merely stopping by to get a word in, before this saga comes to a close,>> this 'Crawling Chaos' said, <<And of course, to tell you there is a third option, should Haruka and Azuma's duel go... awry, leaving both of them dead. In such a scenario, you retired, them dead, the Gameboard as part of the Sea of Souls would default to me. Well,
ideally anyway, naturally my nemesis would insist on stepping in, or rather having someone else step in for him>>.
"Your Nemesis?" was what Haruka picked up on, of all things.
<<Your little Velvet Room, 'between dream and reality', do you honestly think that doddering Igor is the one behind it? I am speaking of- well, I'm not exactly comfortable giving his name, let's just call him the Butterfly Mask, he is that Room's true master, and of more than just that>> the Crawling Chaos went over.
<<Anyway, I've said my piece. This Duel will be one to watch, not every day you see a new Aspect of Death crowned is it? Well, if it goes as planned anyway...>> the Chaos laughed and slowly faded away.
That little interruption over, Haruka turned back to the Morrigan and asked, "Sheesh, am I only to have to put up with more guys like that, if... if I become the new High Queen?".
"Technically, you've already been putting up with him. He's one of your Personae, remember?" the Morrigan shrugged and put it simply, "Well... good luck, Nakamura Haruka, the Duel for Kurukshetra awaits".
"Huh, 'Kurukshetra'?" Haruka noticed.
"The Gameboard's 'real name'. Well, as much as it can even have one," the Morrigan smiled at her, "I felt that by now you'd earned every right to know that name, so I slipped it in there".
- Judgment has Journeyed to Rank 9! -
QM's Note: The idea behind this sidestory was one part
Mahabharata ending reference, one part a reference to of course
Heathers, specifically it's original planned ending of a 'prom in Heaven'. I actually slipped into third-person by accident when writing this, but went along with it since the story's interactivity has ended anyway.
That doesn't mean I don't have a question for everyone though. Reuploading this Quest on AO3 and FF.Net, still going over the Eitaro Arc, has got me wondering what everyone's favourite Arc of the Quest was. Since we already have a poll, I think I'll phrase it in vote form instead:
[ ] Arc 1 (Story start, all-around intros, Eitaro Duel)
[ ] Arc 2 (Hokkaido trip, Gakuto Duel, Himawari expulsion)
[ ] Arc 3 (Russia trip, Sports Festival, Melissa Duel, longest arc)
[ ] Arc 4 (Kikuko Duel, Azuma Duel, California trip, Morrigan intro, Finale)
[ ] Write-in