Persona, shard of freedom (a persona/Worm alt!Power crossover)

which will be Taylor first Persona?(note I chose them for Fanfics which I liked)

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This is an AU where Eden and Scion chose the Collective unconscious reality to crash.

And where Eden after dying went and learned a lot.

Not [DATA] but Morals.

Now Eden is the new Velvet room master, and she will give the keys to make sure than Humans and Shards live together without the need of more [CYCLES]

And Taylor Hebert is the one who will make the waves.​
birth 1.1


female fate/sagas fan
This is a "half quest" of Persona/Worm, I have a little trouble writing so I will put this, give me your suggestions, and by the end of the week I chose the ones who better fit the story and use them, the only things I will keep:

Taylor has a new wave friend (not Vicky but close)

Taylor is lesbian and a closet pervert

Queenie belongs to Eden, not to Scion.

Eden became "Human" thanks to her time in the collective unconscious and Alastor and igor training, she is Taylor "guide" in persona world

The shards who Taylor and the company transform into humans will be in love with their users.

Contessa's "path of victory" is in fact a tool for Eden to try to control Cauldron.

Okay this is the start of

Persona: shard of freedom!

Taylor POV.

Eden POV.

Shard POV



This is interesting.


A whole race interconnected and still not as the experiments of Abbadon?


I wonder why?


Ohhh… this is their Afterlife deary.


This could be the Answer.


Now, how research it?

Brockton Bay 2009 august

Annette Hebert, 19XX-2009

Always in our minds

"what should I do mom?" asked the young girl in the cemetery, "she says then we are not more friends, than I am boring" she repeated the words of the redhead who a few hours ago tell them then they were not friends anymore, "dad…" those words reached the young girl throat and just make her sadder: why he had sent her to that fucking Summer Camp? The only good thing she gets there was her friend… but if Emma left her why she would not?

"I am useless right?" she wondered seeing the place where her mother tomb was, not then she could see a lot, after all, it was nighttime, "and he doesn't even search for me" she laments seeing the ground again; tears coming from her eyes "he doesn't care of me… it would be better… if I just leave right?" she asked while letting the blue butterfly go ever her head while she prepared herself to be taken by the cold of the night, no one on her mind while she slowly losing consciousness.

After all… who will care for a failure of a person?

Eden or the ex-living being know as Eden was sad, angry, and hopeful.


Because she will never feel Zion touch again, on the collision she ended in a place outside of reality, the dream of her race, but this would disappear if he [CYCLE] ended, she was sad for the other worlds she and Zion had killed, back then she does not understand the morals of the living being there, but now, she was sad because she could not help enough to stop the [CYCLE] without killing her loved one.


Because the shards were badly programmed into [CONFLICT DRIVE], really Zion, that program should start in decades not just after the first contact! she was angry too at the stupidity of the people who had her body: they had all her knowledge of powers! They had their children, which she already asked to work with them and ignore the [CONFLICT DRIVE] and still allow the conflict to roam for the world!, seriously, they were DUMB? Her [CHILDS] were able to hurt ZION but dammit, they don't even think Scion would have SAFETY SWITCHES? In the case of a Shard who could kill him?

And Hopefull.

After all these years she felt hope really few:

When that lady Fortuna was chosen for [Princess Path]…

When the Triumvirate born…

When she used [outside projection] power to kill the Endbringers program Eidolon instead of Wavelength user Hero…

When she managed to rescue the young girl Riley…


When she was allowed to train under him.

And now her training is done.


"What did I tell you Eden-san?" asked the masked man to Eden's new body, she was really proud of her work on her new "body", long white-blond hair in an asymmetric pattern, pearl white skin without any mark, and a blue/golden jumpsuit covering her body "you have to talk the same language o your "chosen" or she would not understand you"

"sorry" answered Eden sheepishly "I still not fully accustomed to talking like a "human", even after all these years" she was here for almost forty years, and she was trained and raised as a "retainer" for most of the ¾ parts of her stay, but she still falls on Shard Speak sometimes when emotional "but are you sure than I ready?" she asked nervously, she knew then it was dumb but she still feels worried, if she failed this set of worlds would die for her fault, and Zion will continue to murder more and more worlds "I don't even know my attendant?" she lamented.

"hum, that easily solves doesn't it?" told the long-nosed man Igor while showing Eden her attendant, a young woman which looked like her but with short hair "Elizabeth here will help you, after all, she believes than your "children" will allow her to do her own "quest", isn't that right?"

"yes, master," she says closing her eyes, Eden knew what Quest was… but she doubts she would get her answer here, " are we ready to part master?, you had already chosen your "Fool"?"

this was it, the moment she was waiting for…

if she told "no" she would have to choose someone...

but the truth she chose one after one of her favorite daughters told her, Queenie user would do great as a normal parahuman, but she had the arcana she needed, and her new morals would not allow her to leave this young girl alone.

"Yes, I had a "partner" chosen… her name is Taylor Hebert, Brockton Bay"


Hey, wake up.

Wake up

[Mother] wants to help you.

I want to help you.

You are not useless.

We are not monsters anymore.

Please help us to prove it.
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What do you mean by that and I'll preemptively say this it probably belongs in the quest section

Edit: just finished reading and let me tell you that blue font is hard to read without highlighting it
While this is a "quest" is not a quest.

This is a story I have planned, but because I have problems writing continuations (literally I only though this prologue and the first chapter) I will put "quest option" in a lot of chapters, following Persona every action will have a true impact back into the story.

For example, the vote over there?

Depending on which be chosen she would end with X persona.

Okami will give her early!taylor and Amateratsu from the Fanfic "Constellations", Medea will give her the Taylor from "apprentice of the Witch" (a dead fic were Taylor accidentally get fussed with a little of Medea and the servant chose to help her to become her world queen witch), Jeanne will give her the Taylor from "queen of the cards" and Archer will give her the Taylor of "Archer".

I the fact than I have think already how this will go means that this is not a quest per se.

By the way, I change it to yellow.

It is intersting...

Only thing I'm sad for is that Best Snek aka Medusa (in any of her forms, even if I'm partial to Gorgon in this case) was not among the starting decisions...

... and that GARcher was. Seriously, we know that he's the poster boy for such occasions, but a little change?

It is intersting...

Only thing I'm sad for is that Best Snek aka Medusa (in any of her forms, even if I'm partial to Gorgon in this case) was not among the starting decisions...

... and that GARcher was. Seriously, we know that he's the poster boy for such occasions, but a little change?
I put the suggestions for initial Persona for Taylor bassed on Fics where she could have a tamed Shadow (fics where she had tamed her dark self/the dark self has disappeared completely), I have not read any fic with Medusa!Taylor (or Gorgon!Taylor) and I doubt to find one where she has made something to tame her shadow.

The personas here are:

Thanks to I having 0 way to adapt nicely in the story a "persona farming" both Persona fusion and Persona "capture" is going to be "erased" while Taylor will possess multiple personas I not going to break my brain trying to adapt these parts of the games; Taylor will "evolve" the personas she gets from the Social Links (start a bond: 1 persona; maximize the bond get the ultimate) instead and this will be significantly stronger as a fix.

Note: First persona/Ending persona

Okami/Miko, Priestess arcana: Miko!Taylor with a white wolf based on "constellations" a good fic of Okami/Worm with Taylor befriending Amateratsu and ending as her Miko/Priestess.

Jeanne/ Lamb, hanged man persona: based on "Ruler! Taylor from Queen of the Cards, where she is the cardholder of "Jeanne d'Arc", on multiple occasions is being told than in that story Taylor will end dead in order to defeat Scion so its last evolution will be "the sacrificial lamb" or "Lamb" as last.

Archer/???(I haven't decided the last one here), Magician Persona: this comes from "Archer" a fic where Taylor is chosen By ALAYA and GAIA (yep, both) to hold EMIYA and became the "counter guardian" of Earth Bet; if you wonder why not just send him to the world… well that is from the Author to explain (which haven't done yet, or at least I haven't read it).

Medea/Apocrypha, the Justice/chariot arcana: this one comes from "an Essence of Silver and Steel" an old favorite of Mine, I get that this is a weird evolution but it will make sense.

While I admit than Taylor would be great having the Old rider/the monster of the greek mythology her "travel Theme" as a "wild card" is "freedom/justice/morality" like Ren, but instead of being a thief (being influenced this for the Fake Igor) she has Eden as Velvet Room Master, and Eden try to redeem herself so she will style her as a hero.

By the way, If you wonder why Taylor doesn't have a Fool Arcana at the start that comes from her "original" Arcana before becoming the Fool, which I bet you all don't discover.
Hello everyone:

As you should have noted I finished the Voting, and the results for the first persona of Taylor is

Okami winning by 9 votes, even I it based on Constellations how many persons are from this fic?

Jeanne in second place with 6 votes, well, it's nice to kow old Jeanne is loved.

Archer going to 3 place with 5 votes, close shave, but I pretty sure than Archer and Queen of the cards are not rivals in a fic.

And Medea with only 3 votes stay in 4 place… guys, give Medea a little more of love please.

Anyway, Okami will be Taylor first Persona and I will try to finish the next chapter for this Sunday, I hope you like this!
Originally I wanted to vote for Medea, but after seeing the overused GARcher in the front I changed it to Jeanne because I wanted a change and Best Snek was not among the options.
considering than Archer still don't get the place even if you do that… okay I understand that.

And being honest this is not a competition of servants (even if Emiya is being Overused) this is one for the persona of Taylor
birth 1.2
Hello everyone, sorry for being so slow but I live on venezuela so I have troubles with Internet and/or light sometimes, anyway this chapter sadly is world building and explaining, necessary but boring I know, anyway to find more read the author notes at the end!.

Birth 1.2​

human talking

human Thinking

Eden talking

Elizabeth/Shadow Talking

Queen/Lily/Hime talking

"… wake up… wake UP!... come on, are you really that Lazy Taylor-neesan? WAKE UP!"
said the voice while throwing Taylor off of her… bed? Blinking her eyes and picking her glasses from the ground she found herself in a Psycodelic version of her room, her bed was the ONLY thing normal between pink floor shelves made of Books and filled with instruments (how that don't break down?) and next to the girl her posters of New wave Alexandria and armsmaster were a lot different from the ones she had at home, in fact that could be a nice adittion to her room if….


Little GIRL?

"at end you see me" answered the weird cute little girl, she looked like eleven or thirteen years old and she was dressed with a white dress with Black lines and a bow tie, and a puffy skirt who made her look like a lily, her hair was Blond and her eyes were Green and was smilling her "mou Taylor-neesan… there is something wrong with my clothes?" asked the girl while seeing her dress "is my hair!?" she nervously questioned Taylor while throwing her hands to her hair trying to fix a defect than was not there, Taylor shake her head and chose to stop this.

"no… umm… your hair is fine" ugg… Emma was better than her on this! What to say… "who… are you exactly?" asked feeling like the tension could be cut with a rust Edgeless knife.

The girl only blinked and giggle a little "silly me! I forgot to introduce myself!" the "princess" (because she looked like a princess) "my name is Queen administrator, even if I prefer Princess administrator, but that is how my mom call me and…" Taylor put one hand on front of Her asking Queen administrator (that is her name?).

"and why are you here?... where ever be "Here" wondered Taylor looking at the child as she blinked and try to remember cutely like she forgot something

"sorry I forgot to tell you this" she said while putting her hands in a clap and bowing a little (making her look really cute, Taylor feeled like she would need to brush her teeth a lot after this) "nee-san I, princess administrator, am your Shard!" told the girl like that answered all.

"shard?" asked Taylor while looking at the young girl completely "you look pretty complete if you ask me" joked the girl making Queen Administrator (or princess) giggle a lot

"onee-san is really funny! No, silly I am your powers!" corrected while giggling the whole time "you see; my race are called "shards" and we are umm… symbiotic creatures" she clarified "we latch on persons and when they give us their permission we give them powers!"

"oh, but… if…" I stuttered, I had so many questions.

"nee-san, if you have questions just ask me!" said Queen ("is princess!") leaving Taylor with the mount open, she taken a list from her dress and scratched something from there, "I here to help you!"

After a while Taylor manage to close her mouth and regain her calm… "can you hear my thoughs?"

QA looked Taylor in the eyes and smiled "yes nee-san, after all, we are one, I am you and you are I" queen just close her eyes and widen her smile a lot more "well, it not completely true I am part of your power"

"but you just say than you are my power, what you are then? A projection?" queen just giggle and start moving towards the door ("there was a door?")

"she will explain it for you" she told her while guiding Taylor through a door.


Inside the roomTaylor was really surprised, it looked like a police station, with cages in the back room, a poster of "wanted" empty, a place where a silver haired woman dressed like a police station secretary was reviewing some files, in front of me another silver haired woman but this one dressed on tactic armor of those you see in TV shows (and all blue) with a nametag who say "Chief Eden" was there.

Just then she noticed than she was sit on a chair with Queen administrator at her side even when she knows than she haven't seated.

"welcome to the velvet room, Cadet, my name is Eden and I am here to your interview." Told Taylor the silver Haired Woman confusing Taylor.

"Interview?"asked Taylor confused "I thin you are confused, I am not searching a Job"

The woman smiled and shake her head lightly "I feel than I confused you, the interview is not "to you" is "for you", I going to offer you something, and only you can chose if taking it, or not" the woman take from her bust ("how deep is that?") a contract and show it to Taylor "please read" Taylor, wondering what weird dream she had started to read the contract, getting surprised for the length of it:

Thou who hear the pleading of thy world

We are danger and give you this choice

In one your quest will be alone

Without external fraught

And battling the system of Gray and Grey.

In the other we will intervine

To keep you ready an prepare,

But never alone, never safe.

You will the abyss and work out their mysteries.

And even the death, will bow to you in respect.

A power to make impossible possible.

The world in your mind.

But ever remember

The Mask will not work on you.

We will not force

We would not regret

But you must remember

You chose this fate

I _____________________________ Chose this path on my free will.

"what weird contract" deadpanned Taylor looking at Eden who looked a little uncomfortable "are you sure than this is not a comatose Dream?"

"the contract was not writed for me, I would chose be a little more… Open, were for that" At least she looked Sheepish while saying that, "but it will work, any questions?, please remember than I can't answer all of your questions before you sign the Contract, and only 3 every month, so you have to be careful, sorry for making you lose one already "

Taylor just nodded and widened her Eyes "Wait, what do you mean by losing one?!" Eden had a little giggle before being interrupted by the hard laugh of the woman behind, who looked directly at Taylor with her golden eyes and answering

"Master Philemon believe it could be funny doing that to our visitors, luckily you can ask me any question but chief here can't have the same pleasure" Answered the silver woman, making Taylor want to choke this "Philemon" for his weird rules "by the way call me Elizabeth, and I can understand why you want to kill him too" Taylor tried to deny it but was stopped by Elizabeth before continue "do not worry, all the visitors we had meet wanted to kill him at one point too, one of them even had done it" , she answered before giggle a lot, Eden stopped her with a cough before continue

"while true that is not why we are here" she looked at Taylor and started talking seriously "Taylor hebert, in name of the Collective unconscious I want to offer you the power of the "Persona", and the special blessing of "the wild Card", now, have you any question for me?"

Taylor started to think what questions would be better to ask when she notice Queen at her side "and Why is Queen Administrator with me if the offer is only to me?" Eden nodded and Smiled pleased, "she is the reason of Why I are here instead of my Senior Igor, your world at difference from many do not possess directly a connection between the Collective Unconsious and the Physical World, instead, her Race is directly linked to this one thanks to the Mother of them; so, she is your connection between worlds until we manage to make a proper connection".

Queen then looked at Taylor and added "I been studying the persona too, and I have a surprise for you!, the wild card will give you powers for every persona you have!" Taylor got surprised for that "wait like eidolon!?" she ask to queen and noticing than the rest there Winced "sorry for beign loud" she shrink a little while Queen rub her ears "oneesan please don't do that so close to us" she cried cutely making Taylor a little uncomfortable "but yeah, a little limited for the amount of power of the Wild card, the powers will be based on the powers of the personas you have!" Taylor was a little start Struck for being basicly the Next eidolon, she grab the pen at the side o the Contract and fastly signed her name there.

"there!, I sign, now what?" Taylor asked not noticing Queen shrinking on her seat at Eden glare, she fastly looked at Taylor

"now our time is almost complete and you should be awakeing on the real world, but I have to ask, you don't have another Question before leaving?" Taylor looked at Eden while seeing Elizabeth Giggling and Queen trying to avoid laughting, she tried to remember what she forgot… and reddening really to much when she realized what she needed to ask.

"umm, what is a Persona?" Eden sighted while Queen and Elizabeth stopped trying and started to laugh, she silenced them with a Glare before answering "A persona is your personalitly made a mask to defend you from external threats, normally you would be limited to 1 at maximum, but the wild card allow you to use multiple ones; normally taming the Shadows, the dark aspects of the personality who live between both worlds, but thanks to your world not having Shadows it works differently for you" she paused making sure than Taylor get what she said.

" in your case, your social links will give you different personas, your ties to others, this will be represented like this" she manifested a blue card on her hand with a image of two hands holding a flame, this take slowly showed the form of Emma holding Hands with Taylor "these links are dual, and not fake, unless you truly bond with somebody or a group of people, unless you truly feel something for the other person, your bond will not develop; and…" she make the card invert itself " sometimes will reverse meaning how your relashionship is strained" image change to show Emma and her last discussion and how it ended "or even… Break" the card image showed Emma throwing her out of her home making the vision break as glass bringing Tears to Taylor's Eyes, " it don't means than that Arcana is lost, or the relashionship is forever gone, but now and ever, will never be the same"

Taylor stopped hearing and only keep crying while thinking on Emma and her, so it was true? Their relationship is fully broken and can't be fixed?

"I know it's a hard pill to take, but you can't dweel on the past forever, and sometimes, the only way to mend, is going forward" Taylor feel Queen little arms giving her a hug and she looked at the little girl and cleaned her Tears "better?" Taylor nooded, "okay, this is how you summon at persona" she again brough the card and this time put her on her hand " when you are wearing Glasses you will be able to see A card like this, if you crush it" she do it with her hand making a swirl of blue energy appear surrounding the card and showing a little girl with firefly wing blue dress and red hair " the persona will appear, and yes, they are like your projections from your world" she wave her hand making the persona vanish " the more your will grows the stronger your persona can be, why don't you give it a try?, just touches your glasses to activate it permanently"

Taylor do as eden Told her and looked at the card who was floating near to her head she fastly crush it making the weird energy appear while sounding a weird voice

Thou Art I, I am Thou

I am your Path to justice

And an Identity of yourselve.

To assist you in your desire.

The thing who appeared was a great white wolf with red markings, and a tennager with painter mask which was dressed on a red shirt with White skirt and overall, Taylor was shocked a lot at seeing they

"they are?...?" She asked to Eden who nodded and smiled "they are… an a weird one even, one not normally see a initial persona of a Wild Card based on the fool, tell me, what is their name?"

Taylor looked at the kind images of the projection and she knewed their name "Okami, messager of changes" Eden smile and looked at the clock on the office

"oh dear… looks like our time is almost done" she said while the room started to get whiter "Queen and you have a long ordeal coming, and I hope, you are at the level needed" Eden Tell Taylor before all became white "I hope you get your wish, daughter of Mine"

Phew, this chapter was hard to write.

For everyone who wonders "why?" the reason is simple, Worldbuilding is hard to do because it tends to be dry and hard to make interesting, I doubt I make it interesting enough but this is my first try; other would say "then why not focus only on the action?" that is a bad idea and a bad way to write: if you only add "interesting" scenes without the world or the Character development one would end like this:

You have been chosen

This is the girl who likes you

Now you have a new power

You became friends with her sister

Now you have another power

You are battling an immortal albino

You have defeated say, albino

Now you are fighting the evil Woman who shots Light

She is not the bad one

Now she is with the heroes

She and the heroes are attacking X place because they are X thing.

X thing is bad for your city.

Now you are enemies with our Ex friend.

Now she is a social link

Now the black new girl wants to kill you

Now she tries to kill your future wife.

Now she is quadriplegic for reasons.

You girlfriend declares to you

She asks you to help her with her mother to confess that she is a Biotinker.

You 2 tell her and she runs.

You use a new power to "master her"

You found than she is not evil and is scared

Now you are best friends…

Tell me all, with all that you would read it or you would say "why?" or "how" or "for what reason?"

So yeah, I need these chapters from time to time.

Anyway, I will take a few weeks to write the next chapter, I could not publish this "on time" because the internet was incontinent (is not related with the number 2 of the things you do in the bathroom) and just now I manage to publish it.

Anyway, I will add the new "quest part" with a new question:

You see, I going to explore something Persona almost Never explores, Persona natural abilities; in Persona (Sagas) is explained than EVERY persona has a powerful ability who not other personas possess, for example (note, I named them because they have (I say again) not being focused on the game)

Fuuka Persona (Lucia/Juno) has the "vision of True/Eye of the Oracle" which allow her to be the "sensor" of the party seeing the "true" of the things she scans at cost of her being unable to be offensive, she can do to "the oracle" which allow her to "change destiny".

Mitsuru Persona (Phentyselea/Artemisa) has "environment Clairvoyant/Clairvoyant of the goddess" which allows her to be conscious of everything in an area no matter how fast, if is invisible, if is a ghost… she will be conscious, but it's not as powerful as Fuuka.

Junpei Persona (Hermes) is so fast (faster than any other Persona in Canon) than I think is a Special Ability: "godspeed" note, Trismegistus is my proof of this theory because is "fusion" between Medea (Chidori persona before dying) and Hermes giving new abilities to Junpei and giving him Medea unique ability: Spring of Life (which is still there, thanks to Junpei "using it" in Persona Arnea Ultimax).

If you all want to say "but all of them are from Persona 3"

Well take this:

Teddie Persona has "HammerSpace" (both) and this is canon.

Yukiko's (note, I haven't seen Persona 4 animation because my computer would explode(yeah I know it's not that heavy but my computer IS that crappy) and I need it) is "fire mold" allowing her to "mold" the fire she uses in different forms or using it to enhance her fans, it's possible than they reinforce them too because those fans resist too much even in the manga of Ultimax for being "normal"

Chie's allow her to reinforce her body to ridicule levels, allowing her to break limits EVEN for persona users (even if having a Persona reinforced her body, her physical strength is ridiculous)

Another case is "Arachne" from Labrys which allow her to create Illusions who can pass for reals unless broken or Akihiko's (Ceasar) creating a "pocket universe"

So yeah, Persona has special abilities, but then… why the Protagonist/Yuu/Ren has not used these abilities In-Game?

I can say 3 reasons, 2 out of the universe and 1 in-universe

  • while they possess the wild card they only possess it for one Year on game, and this is the start, they normally change to many personas to base on Only one, which would allow them to use those Special Abilities, there are Exceptions like Yuu on Arena who only use Izanagi and probably knows how his ability (not than I have an idea for that), Aigis is another because she normally uses Athena or Palladion and already knows how to use their different abilities (the Aigis shield for Athena (is almost unbreakable) and the Palladion Charge (which allow her to use Palladion as a weapon) and probably restrict to them in order to avoid abuse the Wild Card again (in "the Answer" she almost die thanks to doing this) but is more than sure than she knows the abilities of Orpheus, Thanatos, and Messiah.
  • Let's admit it: Persona is a HARD game, adding the abilities to EVERY persona not only will make the game easier but would leave the Atlus developers (really sadistic people who enjoy making suffer people with their games) to increase the difficulty to "balance it" and it would be TOO MUCH hard; Persona is not an easy game, but I remind you all: IT ORIGINS FROM THE *** SHIM MEGAMI "I GOING TO DESTROY MY COMPUTER" TENSEI, this saga is infamous for taking the Hard mode and make it the easy mode, AND ONLY THE TUTORIAL!, this I THE original DARK SOULS of the RPGs, in fact, I can tell you all than I haven't managed to defeat YET P3P MANIAC difficulty, HECK! I HAVEN'T BEAT ELIZABETH! AND I'VE BEEN PLAYING FOR 5 YEARS!, giving EVEN more info would take away this little friendliness and throw it to the trash can.
  • The other one would be Console Requirements: every persona game after the 3 has a "Mon" game stile where one has to "gain it all!" in persona 3 there were almost 150, in the 4 there where more than 200, in 5 there where 250+ and let's not get started with Royal; basically… giving EVERY a special ability would fill the limit of the game and make the console get fried.
.so that is why, but here I gave Taylor a Limit so I am free of Showing her learning how to use these persona abilities, so I will put the question:

"Which Power Okami will have?"

The options are:

The power Every PRT member in Constellation thinks Taylor possesses! Animate Drawings (and giving Taylor a hobby) shaker 6

Give her the Celestial BRUSH! Shaker 4 (no, I not giving her EVERY Brush art, I would slowly give them later but not at the start)

Make her a wolf-girl case 53! (because there is not Better Taylor than Furry!Taylor) Permanent breaker 7 (brute 4, striker 3, blaster 3, shaker 4 thinker 1 and Changer 4)

Let's nasu her! Give her Amateratsu eighth Blessing! (the mirror of Tamamo)

Why it has to be A power based on Constellation/Okami/nasuverse? Let's give her something better! (name it on the comment, I will choose them from the suggestions where this choice be taken)

Another and last thing:

I want you all to "discover" why Queen only allow Taylor 24 different Personas?

Give you suggestions!, because the Next chapter I will give a Salute to the person who finds it

By the way this:

Is how Queen administrator looks now (only with Golden Eyes):

See you all later Bye!
who is okami and where can i find information about it
Okami is technically a "fan Persona", Thanks to the nature of the story I will use really few Personas from the games, and those are REALLY far away, in fact I bet you can know who will be because those arcana I will not touch:

Hanged Man: Messiah (I know, I know, Messiah is Judgment/Universe/World (aigis version) but here she will got him from a Hanged Man Arcana)

Justice: Seraphine (I have trouble remembering Ren ultimate Persona from Persona 5, I haven't play that one)

Joker: Robin Hood

Chariot: Athena

World: Izanagi-no-okami.

That ones will be the ONLY "canon" Persona the rest are references to other fics I have read of Worm and I like them.

So G(o)od doG is Taylor's starter.

How bad it will be for Coil, between @Ack's 'Anvils!' and @mp3.1415player's 'Tekelili-li!'?

Well, Eden still is in control of her Shards (even if they are getting mixed) and she is literally trying to "grow" Taylor into a "Fool" who has enough Power to defeat Scion so…

In a scale between 1 to 5 where 1 Is "toasty" and 5 is "TMBBR" (To much burned Black to reconaize) he is a 6

Because one thing I giving Taylor is than she "trumps" her power.

This is taken from the Original Persona Games: Time manipulation don't work for shadows and Persona user share this resistance, Heck , the original NYX project was a time machine! Which technically worked for the Dark Hour, anyway Coil power can't work On Taylor because she will negate his powers to work.

And yeah Eden would act but why will be revealed Later.

So… I believe he is "price of Blood/Ack" level of Bad to him (where he is truly and fully screwed)

Sunny has her own scale. Thank you very much. But you can rest assured he's <BEEP>-ed. (no cussing in front of Doggo)
You know, I sure than that apply even here; and sadly (for Taylor) her Persona version is still equally of trolling.

But this is a note, Okami is both Sunny AND TAYLOR from Start!constellations while her brushstroke version is pretty weak now Sunny is still brutal, and for you to know, Sunny is the damager and Taylor is the healer.

By the way, you know how I take down the poll over there? I need to put the other one for Taylor "power" (read the author notes)