Chapter Progress Update 106
welp. That was...something.
This is a little later than intended because my day has been more hectic than usual. Had to help my mom pack for a trip to the hospital because my dad got something serious but we don't know exactly what yet. So I also don't know how much this will affect my writing, both mentally and schedule wise, but so far, besides my dad being sick of course, it seems fine, and I think it won't disrupt my writing time. Also don't worry, I myself am fine. At least as I'm writing this at least. inb4 finding out what's wrong has my anxities skyrocket
Speaking of writing progress though...YIPPEE, I made past the most chaotic part of the outlinr so far! It should be...relatively smoother from here until the next "canon station" I have to change due to all the canon divergence. I can also start editing again, which is good because I think I'll need it to refresh my memory, not to mention needing to add/modify scenes to (hopefully) better build up to things that I'm leading to.

Chapter Progress

King of Lust Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: Pr, 1-16

Shogun of Vanity Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: 17-33

Banker of Gluttony Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: 34-48

Pharoah and Wrath Arc: Ongoing
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Ongoing
Chapters: 49-73

Pioneer of Greed arc: N/A
Outline: Ongoing!
Writing: N/A
Editing: N/A
Chapters: 74-???

Boss of Envy arc: N/A
Outline: N/A
Writing: N/A
Editing: N/A
Chapters: N/A
Chapter Progress Update 107
i swear everytime i see cloudflare my anxieties go through the roof in worry that it'll stop me one day like with my problems with
Ahem, so thankfully what my dad got wasn't (immediately) life threatening, if at all, but it'll take a bit until they're back.
Writing wise...Oh boy.
Nope. Them being gone hasn't been what's distracting me. New content for one of my games has. Not helped by the fact gosh. It's been so long since I've done an outline, I don't remember how I settled on when to do what. And now I have more to consider for...plot reasons. I'm sure I'll get through it, but dang, I thought the first part was gonna be chaotic...
Editing wise, it'a going slow by virtue on still focusing on outlining. Really should get on that though...might gimme ideas on what exactly I wanna outline for the Okumura arc....

Chapter Progress

King of Lust Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: Pr, 1-16

Shogun of Vanity Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: 17-33

Banker of Gluttony Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: 34-48

Pharoah and Wrath Arc: Ongoing
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Ongoing
Chapters: 49-73

Pioneer of Greed arc: N/A
Outline: Ongoing!
Writing: N/A
Editing: N/A
Chapters: 74-???

Boss of Envy arc: N/A
Outline: N/A
Writing: N/A
Editing: N/A
Chapters: N/A
Ch 56 Good News
Chapter 56: Good News


"That's what you're wearing?" Akira said once she arrived at the entrance.

"Why? Does it not look good?" Akechi said, a slight tremble in his voice that she wasn't sure if she was imagining or not.

She shook her head. "Nah, it's fine. A little ol' fashioned, but fits the detective look to me. Just..." She eyed the white shirt, the blue and grey argyle sweater vest over it, and the beige pants. "...I thought you'd want a disguise?"

He was getting more and more popular as the days went by, not to mention getting more and more media exposure. That meant more chances of people recognizing him and thus disturbing their time together.

Akechi merely smiled, yet it seemed anything but happy. "You'd be surprised how often people not notice my presence, especially considering I've picked more subdued pieces."

A small part of her bristled at that, the part that has reared its ugly head since the café coversation and envied Akechi already having a successful career. There was no way no one wouldn't notice you, it thought. But that was easily buried with her concern for Akechi. That tone of his...and his expression... She wondered if something bad happened, and that was all the more reason why he decided to invite her. But, considering how he treated the lengths his managers went to for his image, she had a feeling he'd just ignore her attempts at probing, or even shut them off. So, in the end, she just said,

"All right, if you're sure..." She smirked slightly. "Just don't blame me if someone does recognize ya and we gotta pull a costume switch."

Now his actual smile was on his face. "Yes yes, I'll keep that in mind..." He gestured to the building. "Now then, shall we?"


Akira would admit, while she wasn't that interested in visiting an aquarium in and of itself, it was still a new experience that she didn't mind giving a try. But more importantly, it was a new experience with Akechi, so at the very least, even if he wasn't that knowledgeable on the subject compared to someone more invested in it, Akira was sure to learn a thing or two from him as they toured the area. And she guessed right. She ended up learning the difference between seals and sea lions and how to tell the difference between them, that the aquarium was much older than she thought it was, and a bunch of trivia about the fish Akechi could identify, like some of the sharks, trouts and basses. And even if she didn't learn anything about such things, it was still nice spending time with Akechi, walking through the various tanks and enclousures, with the Tunnel Tank making her feel as if she was underwater with the fishes, their movements as varied as the waves they made.

"So? What are your thoughts on the place so far?" Akechi said once they made their way past the tunnel and back into the more regular tanks, as if they were boxes inserted into the walls.

"It's definitely cooler in real life." And she meant it. Seeing the aquarium through pictures never brought out how enchanting everything really was. Though... "I honestly wanna swim in the water with the fish than just watch." Especially since it was summer and it was scorching.

Akechi chuckled. "Of course you'd think that... But I'm glad you like it. It only occured to me when we got here that I wasn't sure if you were the type to come to places like this."

She gave a curious look. "Oh? What kind of type do I seem like to you then?"

"That you'd rather consume a good story through whatever media you fancy at the moment or that you'd play games of some sort, whether digital or analog."

"Heh. You'd be right, detective." She smirked. "Except for one thing."

"Oh? And that would be?"

"I like spending time with my friends. Don't matter what it is, just as long as we're both havin' fun."

He seemed stunned for a moment, and if she didn't know any better, was blushing, but before she could give much thought into that...

"Oh? I knew I recognized that hair and those glasses... Look who it is!" an unexpected voice said.

Akira was startled before she turned towards it. "Ohya-san?"

"I didn't think I'd see you here," the reporter said. And then she had to turn and notice. "And we even got the Second Detective Prince here, too—" She gasped. "W-Wait what?!"

"Shh! You tryin' to get us swarmed?"

To Ohya-san's credit, she turned sheepish and said, "Oh sorry..." Until she remembered why she shouted in the first place. "Wait! That's not important! What are you doing here with Akechi-kun?"

She almost answered her, but considering her friend's celebrity status... She glanced at him, silently asking him to lead. If he wanted to deny their friendship to someone from the media, she would play along.

Instead, contrary to her expectations but exactly as a part of her hoped, Akechi smiled and said, "I invited her here. She's a close friend of mine." Then his expression turned more polite. "And you are...?"

"Oh, uh, don't mind me. I'm just a reporter. We traded info once, but it's hard to forget someone like her and her brother."

"Oh, did you now?"

"Ghk!" Shit shit shit shit! Akechi was going to be suspicious! Time to divert!

"Eh, what're you doin' here then, Ohya-san? Did you get a tip on Akechi bein' here or somethin'?" she said on impulse, but as soon as it left her mouth, it ended up being a legitimate concern. Did someone tip her off?

"What? No. Nothing like that. Just here for material for a fluff piece. Date spots for kids these days, that kind of thing."


Akira flinched at a sudden blast of panic from Akechi, but it was gone by the time the reporter continued.

"But who would've guessed you were friends with the famous teen detective?" She smiled with mischief. "Mind if I ask a couple of questions about you two?"

"Only if Akechi thinks it's fine." Honestly, she just wanted to say "no", ignoring how the envious part of her pettily reasoned he had "more than enough interviews so losing one wasn't a loss", for she could only imagine how many times Akechi has been interviewed recently and how tiring it was. But, as much as his image bothered her, not to mention an invterview might backfire, it was probably just as bad if he appeared unfriendly towards media, so she'd leave it to him.

Except she had nothing to worry about at all, as Akechi said with his polite smile, "Well, if they're not too personal, I can answer a few." Then his gaze turned cold. "But not Akira. She's not a public figure. And besides, I would like to continue our outing."

Akira was a bit surprised to see it along with Ohya-san.

"Oh, uh, I was just kidding," she said, slowly turning serious. "I'm no model journalist..." Akira hid her snort. "...but even I'm not dumb enough to pry into a high schooler's private life." Ohya-san looked at her friend. "Especially one who's a public figure like you."

"Thank you," Akechi said, though Akira felt no gratitude.

"Hey, I thought this report was going to be boring, but instead I got a nice surprise out of it. Anyways, you two have fun. I'll be out of your hair now."

With that, the reporter finally left, and Akira breathed a sigh of relief.

But Akechi said, with an inquisitive and worried look, "What did she mean by you and your brother trading information with her?"

Fuck! Of course he wasn't going to let that go. It was incredibly suspicious for not just her, but also Ren, wanting something from a reporter. So there was only one course of action that would throw off his suspicions.

"How about these fish, huh?" Akira said oh-so-innocently, eyeing the aforementioned aquatic animals.

Akechi stared, astonished for a moment, and then... "Haha! Now you're just making it seem more suspicious," said a smiling Akechi, just as she hoped.

She pulled down her mask to show her smirk. "Whatever are you talking about?"

The brunett huffed. "Well, since you want to see the fish so much...shall we continue? I believe the dolphin show should start soon."

Akira gasped. "For real?! Then let's go!"

Diversion successful, both of them shared another laugh before they headed where the show would be. As they headed there though, with Ohya-san's appearance and Akechi questioning how she knew her, an idea popped into her mind. That reporter had mentioned she had been looking into the mental shutdown and psychotic breakdown cases but was lacking intel, so she needed to write material on the Phantom Thieves for her job. And if Mona's suspicions about the culprit of those odd accidents were true...that meant Akira had a way to hunt down the identity of the Black Mask.


Ren and Ann sighed and hung their heads in tandem.

"Sorry that didn't work..."

"That" being inviting Mishima to a gift shopping spree for Suzui before he and Ann visited her for one of her physical rehabilitation sessions. Ann had come up with it after Ren once again bought some flowers for Suzui. Unfortunately, Mishima refused their invitation, citing "important business with the Phan-Site" as his reason. Of course, Ann was saddened at their failure alongside his worry and disappointment. But that was why he said,

"It's fine...we'll think of something else."

Even if a part of him worried that they wouldn't come up with something before it was too late. But after his talk with Ann, well... He'd do his best not to worry too much. He had to remind himself that he couldn't be everywhere, all at once, as much as a part of him wanted to. So for now, Ren focused on the gift for Suzui for their hospital trip, something Ann also came up with while he purchased the flowers for her friend, so thankfully he could change his order immediately. Aforementioned idea ended up needing a detour to another shop and then back at home so that he could craft it, with Ann banned from helping him simply because flowers needed to be dealt with care and he couldn't teach that with the time they had. But with his experience in crafting tools, it didn't take too long for him to finish it and they were back on their way to the hospital. Once there, after he renewed his visitor badge and asked for directions, they found themselves in a pretty spacious room, where one half looked like a gym with some of the equipment that was being used, and the other half less so, mainly occupied with railings, flat hospital beds and what he assumed were medical equipment. The latter section was where they spotted Suzui sitting on one of the beds, talking with her physical therapist.

"Shiho!" Ann said, thankfully not loud enough that it disturbed the other patients making use of the facilities.

"Hey Ann," the girl said with a smile, accepting the hug the blonde gave when she was near. "Good to see you, Amamiya."

He smiled and nodded. "Likewise."

"No flowers this time?"

He smirked. "About that..." With a flourish, he gestured to Ann and said, "If you would do the honors?"

She chuckled and shook her head at his antics before she pulled out their gift from her bag. "Tada! Here are the flowers you're talking about."

Suzui was astonished for a moment, staring at the bracelet made up of yellow gladioluses and red coneflowers. "A bracelet?"

"Uh huh! As a good luck charm."

"To wish you 'compassion', 'determination', and 'strength'," Ren said.

Suzui smiled and laughed. "Thanks Ann. Thank you, Amamiya," She accepted the accessory and put it on, mumbling, "I knew it was a good idea to have both of you come."

Both Ann and himself were curious at Suzui's musing, but at that point the girl's physical therapist asked if they could start and Suzui said yes. So he and Ann took their seat on one of the benches as the therapist took her to one of the railings. Once she started though, Ren was ashamed to admit a part of him regretted coming.

All Suzui was doing was walking...something so simple and everyday...but for her, it was a Herculean ordeal. One step for her took the same time, effort, and tears others would take lifting a weight of several kilos. One minute had her muscles swollen, her body sweat drenched, and her complaining endlessly as if she had ran many kilometers for a few hours. And one second was all it took for Ann to tremble, her eyes shining with held back tears, as she watched her best friend go through all that. Ren didn't need his Confidant with her to know the sight broke her heart. It hurt him almost as badly to see both Suzui and Ann distressed like that. But Suzui needed it, and Ann didn't want her friend to worry about her, and thus both were steadfast despite everything. Even if he told Ann it was okay if she cried and that Suzui wouldn't mind it at all, he knew she would be stubborn about holding them back, wanting to show support to her friend when she was the one actually suffering instead of Ann. So Ren just wrapped an arm around her in silent comfort and solidarity. For a moment, he thought he had overstepped his boundaries as Ann was startled, but just as he was about to let go, she sent him a grateful smile. Then she too wrapped an arm around his waist and, while she still had unshed tears, she relaxed, her trembling settling down until it was gone.

And so for the next thirty minutes, they sat like that, watching Suzui give it her all just to make it halfway to the six or so meter long railing, Ann occasionally giving encouraging words when the girl's complaints leaned more towards ranting.

Once Suzui's session was over, the girl was back on the edge of a bed and they were standing by her side.

"You did great," Ann said.

"Splendid," he said.

The brunette smiled slightly. "Thanks,'s only because you two were here. Especially you Ann." More tearfully, but just as grateful, she said, "If you weren't here, I would've given up."

They both tensed, Ren's heart breaking in equal parts gratitude and sorrow over her words, Ann feeling similarly.

"Shiho..." she said, unable to say more as the smile she had upheld faded. Ren wasn't much better.

What could they have said to that, after all?

Before it could turn into awkward silence, Suzui's nurse asked if she could transfer her back to her room and they agreed to it. With that, Suzui bid them farewell and they opted to leave the hospital. But it wasn't long before they had to stop though as...


...Ann broke down and sobbed.

She tried to hide it, but even with her covering her mouth, it was still clear she was crying to anyone who looked, so Ren quickly wrapped an arm around her shoulders and guided them to a relatively obscured alleyway. Once they were sequestered, Ren made sure to block any prying eyes from seeing her state.

"Sorry, I-I...I-I don't know why I'm crying..."

"It's okay," he said, before stretching out his free arm for permission. "May I?"

She gave her answer, leaning against his chest and he soon wrapped her in his hold, lightly resting his chin on the top of her head and stroking her back in comfort.

"I didn't even go through that... it because I'm weak?"

"You're not weak."

"Then why...can't I stop crying...?"

"It's because you're kind."

"You're wrong."

Ren was startled, astonished that Ann would say such a thing, and unsure why she would. As if sensing his confusion, she said, her sobbing now down to hiccups and sniffles,

"I mean...even through all that pain... When I saw Shiho doing that...I thought Shiho was so cool...beautiful, even. Despite all her complaining, she still tried incredibly hard. It made me realize strength is more than just not getting fazed... It's the power to fight through that adversity." She laughed with self-derision. "How can I be kind if I thought that...?"

Ah. Now he understood. "Yes. It's still kindness."

"But I..."

"You don't want her to get hurt, do you?"

Ann reeled back, expression shocked and said, "No! Of course not!"

Ren smiled. As expected. "See? You don't. So I think it's fine to be impressed by what you saw, because it was. You said it yourself, she kept going even though it hurt so much, and that was inspiring. You're just finding a bright side to all that pain, like you always do."

Stunned, she stared at him in silence for a good while. So he waited for her to regain her bearings. Once she did, her usual warm smile returned as she laughed, Ren chuckling in tandem.


"The pleasure is mine."

It was then when she sniffled did she snort and tried to not get the snot flying off. "Ugh, my nose is all runny..."

"Would the lady like a handkerchief?" he said, pulling one from his pocket.

"Ha ha...of course you have one."

He smirked. "No gentleman is without a handkerchief after all."

A giggle before she accepted the cloth and blew her nose. When she was finished, Ren reached out to take it back, but the blonde jerked it out of his reach, startling him. And then she said,

"Ah, sorry, it's just—I was thinking of washing this before giving it back to you."

"You don't have to."

"No, but it's the least I could do."

He smiled. "You do more than enough...but okay, since you insist." He said, " okay now?"

That, however, made her somber yet again as she stilled, staring at the snotty handkerchief in her hands. Ren worried he had said something wrong until she spoke.

"Uh huh. Though...I want to do more for Shiho." She sighed. "But I can't think of anything to do that..."

Oh. Ren was relieved. It was just her frustrated over what she could do. That he could help with. "Show her your own strength," he said easily.

"My strength...?"

"To inspire her." Shine bright despite everything trying to dim it.

She stared, astonished, and then beamed at him. "Yeah, I'll do just that. I'll give it my all!"

Ren chuckled. "I know you will."

And then, much more softly, Ann said, "Thanks. You help me see things clearly. What I should do, the true meaning of strength... So really...thank you for that."

Now he was the one astonished, but he was soon enough smiling and saying just as softly, "It's my pleasure, for making sure I'm okay too." Then he offered his arm. "May I escort the lady to the station?"

As he hoped, Ann laughed at his antics but accepted the gesture, wrapping both her arms around his before they finally left the alleyway. Before they actually reached the station though, as one last pick-me-up, he briefly seperated from her and bought her a gift.

"My thanks, in your favorite color," he said, handing her the single begonia.

And he was once again gifted with a laugh and smile.


With their night free, Ren went off to do some shopping all around Tokyo, while Akira went to Shinjuku, hoping that a certain reporter was there, and preferably not drunk off her ass. Luckily for her, Ohya-san was indeed there, and the first thing she heard as soon as Akira stepped inside Crossroads was,

"Hey, Lala-chan, are you sure this isn't just water? If you're tryin' to rip me off, I'm gonna reveal all your secrets in a feature article!"

For real?

A smug little smile in the back of her mind. "As if you don't make similar empty threats to your loved ones when you're annoyed."


Just as lucky, the bar seemed to be empty save for the herself, Lala-chan and Ohya-san. It was then the latter's gaze landed on her and she said with a smile,

"Oooh! It's you! What're you doin' here?"

"I came to see you, Ohya-san," she said in a pleasant tone like Akechi. She ignored the alcoholic stench of the woman as she neared and faced Lala-chan. "May I take a seat?"

"Sure, sweetie," the proprietor said.

She bowed her head slightly with a smile. "Thank you."

"So? What's up?" Ohya-san said as Akira took her seat. "Got anything new on the Phantom Thieves? Or maybe..." The reporter shook her head. "...nah...I'm probably imagining things..."

Well you are drunk, she thought. She said, "Yeah, actually. I do have something new on the Phantom Thieves."

"For real?!" Akira internally snorted. "You came all this way just to tell me?" Ohya-san groaned in relief. "Thank God... My publisher just assigned me to be the beat reporter on the Phantom Thieves. Man, this will reeeeaaaalllly help me out."

"Are you seriously going to use this child as a source of information?" said a not-amused Lala-chan.

The proprietor's friend waved her off. "Oh, don't be such a killjoy. Kids nowadays know about things we adults don't have access to," she said with a devil-may-care attitude. But more seriously, she added, "Besides, what's most important is that I have a reliable third-party source for my stories."

Lala-chan looked like she still wanted to protest, but decided against it as she sighed and said, "Whatever..."

"So, what do you want from me this time? Information about someone? Cold hard cash?"

Straight to business, huh? Akira appreciated that. So she'd meet it in kind. "Are you investigating the mental shutdown cases?"

Both women frowned, staring at her in befuddlement as Ohya-san said, "The mental shutdown cases? Why do you want to know about the shutdown cases?" Her gaze sharpened. "Is Akechi-kun looking into this and asking for your help?"

Akira's polite smile strained from the desire to frown. "No, he's not looking into it specifically, but he is why I want look into the case," she said, giving half of the truth.

"Really now? Why's that?"

"I want to help him," she said. There was no reason to lie about that. "So I want to find the culprit." This was what she thought would be the best way...since she wanted to maybe one day work with him. After all, he was precious to her. "So you're one of the ways I thought of doing that."

Ohya-san looked startled for a moment before she sighed in exasperation. "Why am I not surprised?" she said in a tone that felt as if she had figured everything out. Akira doubted that, but she wouldn't voice that considering she followed up with, "All right. No, I'm not investigating the shutdowns themsevles, but they're usually involved with the stuff my investigation I'm doing, so it should be easy enough to look into that too. But to do that, I need more free time, so you act as my source for my Phantom Thieves articles and I'll let you know how much progress I'm making on that. Deal?"

Now Akira let herself smile with satisfaction. "Deal."

With that, the same old song and dance was done.

I am thou, thou art I. Thou hast acquired a new vow. It shall be the wings of rebellion that breaketh thy chains of captivity. With the birth of the Justice Persona, I have obtained the winds of blessing that shall lead to freedom and new power.

Akira internally snorted. Of course it's the Devil.

"Oh, don't tell anyone about this, okay? I don't want people to know my source is a high schooler."

Akira nodded despite the term being added after the initial agreement. It was understandable. Though, since she was reminded of that...she should probably come here in a disguise, not only so that few would recognize her, but on the off chance someone did see her, they would assume she was older than she actually was. Good thing she was taller than most teenage girls. And maybe also come up with an excuse on why she was visiting here...

Akira allowed herself a mischievous smirk as an idea formed. "Very well. I promise." But she flinched upon remembering a detail she nearly forgot and quickly added, sheepish, "Can I at least tell my older brother about this? He's going be worried otherwise."

The reporter scrutinized her for a moment, and Akira thought she would refuse, but then she said, "All right, since the both of you were the ones asking about Kaneshiro...but no one else! Okay?"

"Yeah. Thank you."

And with that, Ohya-san was back to the smiling drunk from earlier, shouting, "Okay Lala-chaaaaan! Time to celebrate our agreement! Bring out my bottle! And two glasses please...!"

A deadpan Lala-chan met her enthusiasm.

"... C'mon! Please...?"


"... Whoa, her silence is golden..."

Oh, how Akira wanted to laugh so bad...but that would ruin the bit.

"Fine, fine, fine! I won't make the high schooler drink!"

"I'm pretty sure I can get Akechi to arrest you for that," she said, unable to restrain her quip this time.

Ohya-san glared at her and was about to retaliate, but then she flinched. "Ugh, I gotta use the bathroom..." Then she ran off.

Lala-chan finally made a sound and sighed. "She's gonna be there for a while. You should go home," she said to her.

Akira glanced in the direction the drunkard went, the soft piano music playing very inappropriate for what she was likely doing right now. In truth, now that she wasn't busy with negotiations and actually paying attention to the bar, it was a pretty nice place. Not necessarily as an establishment for a minor like her since she shouldn't be here, but the atmosphere was the kind she could relax in. It reminded her of Jazz Jin. Not as good as Jazz Jin in her opinion, but still just as atmospheric. She was tempted to stay here a bit longer, especially because of her budding idea. But considering what Ohya-san just said about not wanting her source's age be known and Lala-chan's stance on things...she'd put that plan into action next time she had to.

"Yeeeaaah...I probably should." She smiled for real at the proprietor. "It was nice to see ya again, Lala-chan. Wish I was older so I could stay longer. You've got a nice place."

"Ha ha, you're too kind. Now run along, and you be careful on your way home, sweetie. You don't stick around Shinjuku too long after dark. We got a lot of shady types coming out of the woodwork."

She knew that. But still, Akira said, "Got it. Thanks. See ya next time, Lala-chan."


Once Ren was done selling their loot and restocking the Phantom Thieves inventory, he made his way to Kichijoji to finally buy things from the shops there. Though admittedly it wasn't much, he had snagged a flat cap and a fedora, all black, for himself, and a sun hat for Aki, so it was a worthwhile haul in his opinion. It was also worthwhile as while he was passing by Sunset Road's entrance, seeing if any of the shops nearby had the item wanted by this trader he found in the area, Ren spotted a certain brunett heading towards the establishment.

"Hello, Akechi," he said.

Ren withheld his chuckle over the detective's hope and anxiousness turning into disappointment and relief once he turned and saw him without Aki.

He made no hint of what Ren sensed through their Confidant as he said, "Ah, hello, Amamiya-kun. Are you here to shop?"

"Yes. What about you? Here to play again? Maybe we can play a game like last time."

"Ah, as tempting as a prospect that is...I was thinking of something less vigorous. I was actually planning on checking this prolific café in here."

"Oh? Still seeing if somewhere can top Leblanc?" Ren said in jest.

It was brief, but he still caught Akechi's scoff before he said more politely, yet still as genuinely, "I doubt it will, but your café doesn't have cake on its menu and I hear that the cake is very popular. I've been wanting to try it for myself."

"Keeping up your image?" Ren said, keeping his worry over Akechi's near-constant mask out of his tone.

"Ha ha, mostly. But I am curious about it. After all, there must be some reason it's popular."

"I see." Though considering the "taste competitions" he has had with Aki, a part of him wondered if he was also looking for more foods that she could like. So he said, "If you don't mind, may I come along? I want to try it too now."

"Oh, not at all. We can have a chat over it while we do so."

Ren nodded. "Then lead the way, Akechi."

They found themselves not too far from Sniper Penguin actually, just two buildings to its right. While the design of the tables and chairs, though elegant, didn't exactly stand out, the fact that there were seats outside to dine alfresco made the café unique enough. Though he knew Aki wouldn't like it during summer as that meant no air conditioning. They went up to the counter and ordered some drinks and the café's specialty cake, a cake which came in various flavors of chocolates, had layers with matching filling inbetween and cream topping all the varieties off. For drinks, they got their preferred coffees. For the cake flavor, Ren got the dark chocolate one, while Akechi went with mocha. Ren couldn't stop his snort of amusement at his choice as they made their way to a table, Akechi leading them outside where no one else sat.

The brunett noticed. "Is something funny?" he said, gaze inquiring, as they sat down.

"You picked mocha, as in a flavor that is a coffee that has chocolate." Which are the two things Aki gives you as snacks and drinks, he left unsaid.

A slight twitch of the eye and, oddly, a brief prick of nervousness as the detective understood his meaning. "Of course. Since Akira has fondness for chocolate and coffee, and I know which kind, then if it matches, then there's a good chance she would like it as well."

"I see," Ren simply said, withholding his smirk. Akechi, though, seemed suspicious of his simple answer so he diverted his attention. "Shall we try it?"

And so he took a bite, soon enough eating for the taste just as much as pointedly ignoring Akechi. The detective was briefly annoyed before he composed himself and followed suit. To his amusement, he too was distracted by the cake, the small genuine smile he had whenever he was around Aki appearing on his face as he ate each piece until it was all gone.

"Hmm... It was delicious after all. I actually enjoyed that more than I thought I would."

"Oh? So you expected for Aki to like it even if you didn't?"

Akechi's eyes twitched yet again, as if he wanted to roll them. "It wouldn't reflect well on me if I couldn't deduce what she would like even if it isn't to my tastes now, would it?"

"No, it wouldn't..." Ren allowed himself a smirk. "...especially since Aki wouldn't let you hear the end of it."

Now the brunett rolled his eyes, and not only that, he groaned. "You're right, she wouldn't..."

So Ren let himself laugh at his disgruntlement. It got worse when, as he hoped, the detective glowered at his mirth. Before the brunett could retaliate though, someone nearby said,

"Hey, look! Isn't that him?"

Followed by, "Ooh, you mean the guy who's on TV these days... Who was he again?"

Both of them stilled and glanced in the direction of the voices. It was two women outside the café, dressed simply and lightly for the summer. One of them looked as if she was absentminded, but other than that, they weren't unusual. Especially the reasoning of the first voice as the woman then said,

"Wasn't his name Akechi-kun? The next-generation Detective Prince...? Should we ask for an autograph? Might be something worth bragging about..."

Ren kept up his neutral expression, not wanting them to realize he noticed, even if he wanted to frown at the woman's words. He could imagine Aki growling and grumbling at the woman for wanting a celebrity signature just because Akechi was famous, instead of actually being a fan of his, even if that wasn't exactly uncommon..

Meanwhile, the boy himself was smiling pleasantly again. "Uh-oh. Looks like I've been spotted," he said, pretending as well.

Ren played along. "I can only imagine how hard it is."

"Oh I'm used to it," he said, polite then, but turned more sincere when he continued. "But I don't want to cause trouble for the store."

As if to prove the point, more people stopped by the café.

"Huh? Is someone important here?" said a curious man.

"Who is it?" said an excited woman with friends. She gasped. "Is it a celebrity?!"

Akechi sighed. "Looks like I'm out of time. I wish I could've relaxed a little longer though."

Oh this wouldn't do. Especially since Aki was worried he was overworking himself.

So Ren stood, said, "Let me handle that," and dragged the detective with him to the bathroom.

"Huh? Hey! What are you—?!"

One fedora, a pair of transfered fake glasses, and mussed hair later, they returned to their table.

"Oh hey, he's back. This time, I'll get his autograph for..." the fad-following women said, ready to head in.

Except the more absentminded of the two said, "Hey, is that boy really Akechi-kun?"

The first woman paused, now unsure, and stepped close enough to better see the brunett, but not so much that it was obvious she was staring. After a few moments, she said to her presumed friend,

"You know, now that I see him up close, I'm not sure..."

"Maybe you were seeing things? I don't remember the show too well, but I'm pretty sure he didn't look like that."

"Awww! If he was the real thing, I would've bragged about meeting him."

With that conclusion, they left, and without them making a fuss, all the other curious passersby lost interest as well. Ren sighed, equal parts relieved that the impromptu "disguise" worked and disappointed that the two women were superficial to the point something like his makeshift disguise fooled them. So when they were sure all the bystanders were gone and Akechi said,

"... I can't believe you actually did that."

Ren eagerly took the chance for a distraction and smirked. "I should take a picture of you for Aki."

"Please don't."

His smugness worsened. "That just makes me want to do it more."

The boy sighed. "I suppose I should learn to watch what I say around you."

"But it was fun, wasn't it?"

Akechi shook his head, exasperated. "Of course... Not only do you and Akira look similar, but you also share the same sense of 'fun'."

Ren knew the brunett didn't mean much beyond conveying his "grievances", but still he smiled, heartened at his words. "Well, if that's what you think, then it's a good thing I decided to curl my hair." Which reminds me, I can probably ask Ann if she knows any good stylists.

That, however, made the detective throw him an inquiring look. "What does making your hair similar to your sister's have to do with having similar sensibilities?"

His smile turned wry. "Because you thought we're siblings but people didn't think we're were back home. So since no one knew us here in Tokyo, I wanted to lessen the reasons for people to think that again while we stayed here. I didn't want to hear anyone thinking that when we already have other things to worry about."

Akechi frowned, confused. "People didn't think you were siblings?"

"Well, the ones that did think that were the ones that thought step-siblings aren't 'real' siblings, at the very least, but the ones that didn't think the same didn't seem much better either."

"You're step-siblings?" Akechi said in disbelief.

"Yes," he said, keeping his tone level...even as he worried that the detective would change his mind about his relationship with Aki at the revelation. But not only did the moment pass and he said, his empathy sincere,

"I see. It must have been hard for her then... I'm glad she has a wonderful brother like you."

Ren had felt, for some reason, envy. He didn't know what the detective could be envious about over them being step-siblings, and he couldn't make any moves to figure it out as Akechi made no outward signs of his envy.

So Ren just said, "Thank you." Then he looked down and realized what happened to their drinks with a grumble and a frown. "Oh. Our coffee's gone cold..."

Akechi was startled but quickly composed himself, as usual. "Ah, a shame. Shall we order some new ones?"

Ren nodded. Though before they got their new drinks, after making sure none of the staff were watching, he put the old ones in his empty water bottle and thermos, to the surprise of Akechi. Once they got some new hot coffee, they resumed conversation, mainly how the other was doing and resolving that Akechi could keep the black fedora for future use, until it was time for them to go...Ren noticing all the while that Akechi would either soften or tense at any mention of Aki.


Once again, it was back to the pyramid infiltration, and yet another hot ride to the Palace itself, Rogue constantly wishing they had a warp point inside.

"You know, I can't help but wonder why it's a desert outside the actual Palace," Panther said as they once again drove there. "I mean, all the others until now have always looked like Tokyo."

"Yeah, that's why we didn't realize we were at a Palace when we first went to Kamoshida's," Skull said.

"Well, other than the fact that we didn't even know Palaces were a thing," Rogue pointed out.

"Honestly I'm surprised too," said Mona. "But all the other rulers we've had to deal with were still social enough to know what the outside is like and care about it. Futaba's been a shut-in for years."

Panther turned downcast. "Not to mention everything else that happened to her that...wouldn't make her want to go out..."

Joker placed a hand on her in comfort and the blonde smiled at her brother in gratitude.

Fox eyed the desert with curiosity, pausing in his sketching. "Does that mean we won't see another environment like this for other Palaces?"

"Well I sure as hell wouldn't mind. Fuck this desert."

"That...might not necessarily be the case," said Queen.


"Many upper-class citizens travel by limo or plane, so they don't know or care about city life."

"Ah fuck."

A snigger.

Rogue snapped a glare.

Joker's sniggering worsened.

At least until Panther elbowed him for that.

Meanwhile, Skull gasped. "A plane..?! Damn...that sounds pretty good." He grinned. "I mean, wouldn't you wanna go to a Palace waaaaay up above the clouds if you could?"

"No," she was quick to answer.

"I think a flying bank is quite enough, thanks..."

"I have to say though, the topic of the area outside the distortion is fascinating. Depending on the criminal, there may be an exact replica of Tokyo within their Palace."

"Well, save the thought for later. We're here," Joker said, and that was the end of the discussion as they figured out how to actually get into the Palace proper once more.

Thankfully, there had been another area to the catacombs they fell into yesterday, and that led inside the Egyptian tomb. After they dealt with a giant sarcophagus mini-boss, they found themselves in a room with wooden scaffolding and, eventually, a "wall" with various special characters, like the copyright symbol, yen symbol and special letters from other languages like "è". With how it looked more like a door with no handle, they looked to see if there was a button for it nearby. And they were right. When they pressed it, it fired a crossbow which destroyed a wall and allowed sunlight to come in and hit an orb which then redirected it towards the character covered door. The room beyond that had a stone tablet greet them, one that said they were in the "Chamber of the Sarcophagi", and that "the light shed by the god of the underworld shall become the sign for those who traverse the pits." Most of the team was confused, but Rogue, Joker and Queen figured it was a clue to the chamber's puzzle. And soon enough, after some grappling around, they found two statues of a god of the Egyptian underworld, Anubis, and in their mouths was a glowing, green gem. Then when they found a chamber with yet another orb, absorbing the sunlight beam from earlier, and two pedestals with cavities in them, they placed the two gems on them. The room shook as the orb moved and aimed the beam to the wall, which then disappeared to reveal they were back to the entrance of the pyramid, right above the sandpit the giant boulder fell into. With that, once they stood before the gate, it moved, and they could go up...a little bit further on the stairs.

"Of course there's another gate..." Rogue said, glaring at the large impediment.

"Well, at least there's a safe room we can use to warp inside without going through the catacombs," Panther pointed out.

"Fine...I'll take that." She didn't want to see the stupid catacombs they fell into ever again.

"We could keep going," Fox suggested while they went into the safe room, getting the Nav to register it.

"No, it's best not," Queen said. "Although the map shows that the next room isn't bigger than the one we went through, we don't know what other contraptions we might have to deal with."

"You mean puzzles," Skull said.

Their advisor sent a flat look the faux-blond's way for a moment before she continued. "Either way, we don't know if going through that chamber will take as long or longer, so it's best we stop now, before we stay too long in the Palace."

"I'm fine with that. Everyone else?" Joker said.

After some discussion and voicing their thoughts, they were fine, nodding their assent. And so their infiltration ended for the day, Akira and Ren heading straight for home. They could easily do other things that day if they called Kawakami for a massage, but she and her brother decided they would be crafting some tools the night, so that wasn't necessary. After they made a satisfactory amount and were readying to sleep, Ren got a message as she was preparing her bed and drinking her medicines.

"Hey, mind if you could sell our loot and do groceries tomorrow?" he said. "Ryuji asked me an important favor."

"Sure, Big Bro," she said, lying on her bed now that she was done, hoping that a certain brunett was online for the night.


Akira: Hey Akechi! How was your day?

It was fucking shit, along with yesterday, was his first thought.

The aquarium trip had already been stupid enough, agreeing to go out so soon after realizing he had a crush because of said crush talking to him. But he had also found out it was a famous dating spot. Thus, he had accidentally taken Akira on a dateas if it wasn't already, even if the location was changed—and he suspected that the reporter they encountered, Ohya-san, assumed that was very much the case with how they were acting. Then last night, when he thought about relaxing, his first thought was not heading to Jazz Jin, but instead Leblanc, Akira's home. Not wanting to deal with her more than necessary—But...—he instead decided to go to a café that recently rose in popularity in Kichijoji, so that he may continue to be on top of trends, especially considering the stupid slip-up he had with the Shinagawa aquarium...except his mind immediately supplied that he could also find another snack Akira might like in the process. And then when he thought he would have a relatively good distraction with Amamiya-kun, since he still needed to find out more about him, how he ticked and what was behind the polite mask that was almost a match to his own, it easily ended up into a conversation about Akira...

...and it was all his own fault.

Not to mention the fact that he found out that she was a step-child. He might not know all the details, but considering she and Amamiya-kun were on close terms, that meant the probability of them getting along with their respective step-parent was also reasonably high. In other words, Akira grew up how he wish he did: accepted into a new family when he had but one before. But of course, it wasn't exactly the same, she was unlikely to be a bastard child after all, so it was very much unfair to be envious of Akira's living situation, especially currently. She was living in an attic, falsely accused, and had grown up being bullied herself for being where others thought "she didn't belong".

Exactly. Akira-chan has suffered like we did.


So you want her to suffer too?!


He wanted to scream and tear his hair so bad. He wanted to tell all of that and more to Akira.

But he wouldn't.

Pointedly ignoring Robin Hood and Loki's altercation, he replied to her text.

Akechi: Fine, if tiring. But enough of my day. How was yours? I'm sure it was more interesting than mine.

Akira: Oh come it can't be that bad.
Akira: ok actually don't answer that i just jinxed it GOD DAMN IT

He laughed, unbidden, despite the fact that he hadn't been in the mood to.


Akechi: Whatever do you mean?


Akechi: Then tell me about your day already.

Akira: Fiiiiiineee...

Unfortunately, as the girl went on with her witty recounting, even that wasn't enough to distract him from the annoyance of flutterring butterflies in his stomach. He had to find some way to get rid of it before it ended up as a problem. Not only would Akira pick up something was bothering him sooner or later, the girl's observations keen more often than not, but it would interfere with him during missions. With his mind drifting during his "normal" work, it would most certainly drift off during moonlighting his clandestine jobs. So there was only one thing to do to get rid of it.



Of COURSE she's gonna reject. Why wouldn't she?


But that first meant asking her out, and he was sure Akira would sniff out if he was being insincere about any confessions he would attempt to make. She had already noticed many things about him despite his mask. So it had to be perfect.

Better do it now and get our hopes annihilated like everything else.

Of course it has to be perfect! She deserves nothing less.

For the sake of the mission he had given himself for over nearly ten years.

Author's Note: Can I just say how annoying it is to look into places and find BARELY ANYTHING ABOUT THEM AAAAHHHH. First, the aquarium. I have no idea which aquarium in Shinagawa the game is using, because apparently there are multiple. I think. I'm literally just going off of typing "shinagawa aquarium" and "when was shinagawa aquarium built" (the answer was 1991) while just making wild guesses on the animals housed. Second, the physical therapy room. I tried to look for footage to have some idea, but I could only find one (at least with my search words...), so I based off the rest from reading people's experience with room. If there's anything wrong about either of them, feel free to correct me, because DAMN IT it frustrated me to no end having a hard time confirming it. Oh, and same with how I depicted Shiho going through the therapy. I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't do enough research, 'cause half the time I feel like I don't research enough... But despite those insecurities, I'm still very happy that I finally got to do that rank with Shiho. Having Ren be there for Ann as she's watching Shiho go through therapy that has been stuck for the longest time. I guess it never sit well with shipper in me, that the game doesn't let Ren come along to support Ann, though I get that it's probably 'cause Shiho's not close to anyone else but Ann so she wouldn't want Joker to see her...but here? In my fic? Where Ren has visited before? Yeah, I can do this.

Something I'm a bit more confident on though is the meaning of the flowers. Each of them can have various meanings, but the ones Ren was going for with each was: red coneflower for strength and health, yellow gladiolus for compassion and cheerfulness, and begonia for gratitude along with Ann's favorite color, red.

Meanwhile...yup. Akechi is still in denial. And it is still very amusing, haha.
Chapter Progress Update 108
Parents are back! And Dad's all recovered. We got to do some lifestyle changes, but otherwise things are back to normal. Plus I got some goodies, mainly books, most notably a copy of Don Quixote (Rutherford translation)! Heh heh. Ahem. But I digress.
Writing wise, I think I got back into the groove of outlining the "free days". Which hopefully holds, 'cause I'll admit a part of me is disappointed in myself for the slow progress on the outline... I was hoping to get it done sooner than later so I can get to writing the Okumura arc already. But I gotta remind myself that I've been slow in general with stuff and have more on my plate now so...yeah. I am considering making the "hiatus" period I'll have longer, but we'll see when we get there.
Editing wise, going better! Most of the chapters that will be published this year have been edited and looked over, just one more left. Then gotta edit the chapters saved for next year.

Chapter Progress

King of Lust Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: Pr, 1-16

Shogun of Vanity Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: 17-33

Banker of Gluttony Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: 34-48

Pharoah and Wrath Arc: Ongoing
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Ongoing
Chapters: 49-73

Pioneer of Greed arc: N/A
Outline: Ongoing!
Writing: N/A
Editing: N/A
Chapters: 74-???

Boss of Envy arc: N/A
Outline: N/A
Writing: N/A
Editing: N/A
Chapters: N/A
Chapter Progress Update 109
Went on a trip for a few days due to appointments related to last time, and I've got a whole bundle of Sherlock Holmes works during it! Despite that, and getting back into Tactica after losing the save file due to outside factors (and really, again, my time being more filled in general for reasons), I'd say I'm making pretty good progress on writing. Outline is still not done, but cool progress has been made, and oh boy I need another note to keep track of Akechi's [REDACTED] easily and in one spot. Editing wise, technically not as much, but the last chapter that will be posted for the year is pretty hefty, so yeah. Plus, again, outlining. Reading through the arc all over again is helping out with the outlining.
Now here's to me hopefully beating Tactica while writing at the same time before Elden Ring's DLC comes... It'd be nice to know more on Tactica's plot since for...reasons, I want to see how much of Toshiro's story could be referenced, if not incorporated, into Refraction, if at all. Again, I'm trying to go into P5T blind since I'll rarely, if ever, get the chance to go into a new Persona game blind since I usually can't get the games immediately.

Chapter Progress

King of Lust Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: Pr, 1-16

Shogun of Vanity Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: 17-33

Banker of Gluttony Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: 34-48

Pharoah and Wrath Arc: Ongoing
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Ongoing
Chapters: 49-73

Pioneer of Greed arc: N/A
Outline: Ongoing!
Writing: N/A
Editing: N/A
Chapters: 74-???

Boss of Envy arc: N/A
Outline: N/A
Writing: N/A
Editing: N/A
Chapters: N/A
Last edited:
Mementos Conversations 4 (Akechi themed for Akechi Birthday)
Ugh. Just proves the point how occupied I've been. But it's kinda embarassing when a lot of thr things that have been occupying my brain and attention so much are Persona related, like Tactica (WHICH I AM SCREAMING OVER RN BECAUSE OF KINGDOM 3 AAAAHHHH—), outlining Refraction, and making a character contest sheet inspired by my interest in Tarot, among other things. So you'd think I'd remember his birthday but NOPE. Ugh...
Unfortunately, I don't have any proper fic written for this year...or even an idea I can write down quickly. So I have instead written some Mementos conversations all involving Akechi (which, again, may or may not appear in some shape or form in the actual story). Which is fine. It's been a long time since I've done something like this.
Happy birthday, Goro Akechi! Have some fun with your love and family! Here's to another year.

Pot Denying Its Like A Kettle
(Equivalent of "Do I frighten you when I fight? Well, you're just going to have to accept it.")

Crow: ...I'm not...frightening any of you when I fight, am I...? I can't help but be ruthless when I do. It' most natural way of fighting.

Oracle: Eh, it's fine. You're pretty much a match with your girlfriend.

Rogue: I'm not THAT vicious when I fight!

Oracle: Says the one with the Phantom of the Opera as her Persona.

Skull: And is nuts about weapons.

Panther: Plus you're super competitive with Crow, so you both get out hand.

Crow: I don't think she's that bad... She just likes to keep up with me.

Skull: She's your girlfriend! Of course you think that!

Two (Blood) Knights in a Pod
(unused line)

Crow: My Persona is craving prey... I can feel it.

Skull: Are you for real...? Geez, you sound so crazy like that...

Rogue: Yeah. Especially when I get 'em in their weakpoints... Haha, seeing them crumble is so satisfying!

Skull: Aaaand now it makes sense why you're boyfriend and girlfriend.

No Kill Like Overkill
(Another unused line)

Crow: My power is welling up in me... I feel like I could annihilate anything!

Rogue: Haha! I feel like demolishin' stuff too! Let's see who can blow the most enemies!

Crow: You're on! I'm going to crush you!

Rogue: Not if I do it first!

Skull: And you wonder why we think you're as bad as your boyfriend...

Exasperated Mom and Cat

Crow: My power is welling up in me... I feel like I could annihilate anything!

Rogue: Haha! I feel like demolishin' stuff too! Let's see who can blow the most enemies!

Crow: You're on! I'm going to crush you!

Rogue: Not if I do it first!

Queen: Are you reall—stop it you two! The last thing we need are you two going overboard and exhausting yourselves.

Mona: Exactly! Get back—aaaand they're gone... Ugh, geez... And here I thought that Crow would be the calmer of the two...

Love Is Blind. And Just as Bloodthirsty as War

Crow: My power is welling up in me... I feel like I could annihilate anything!

Rogue: Haha! I feel like demolishin' stuff too! Let's see who can blow the most enemies!

Crow: You're on! I'm going to crush you!

Rogue: Not if I do it first!

Fox: Ah...what passion! What fire! What harmony! I must capture this in sketch!

Panther: Geez, when Rogue gets like this... I can't help but think I'm REALLY glad she's on our side and managed to get Crow on ours too. They freak me out when they're like that...

Noir: -chuckle- I think it's cute though.

Skull: Cute?!

Noir: Mmhmm. Look how big they're smiling as they're competing with each other. They're a good match. I wish I could have something like that.

Skull: Why does it feel like I'm the only sane one sometimes...?

Be Yourself
(Equivalent of "Do you prefer my previous outfit or this one? Moving around's become much easier for me.")

Crow: Hmm, I wonder why do I seem to be the only one with the ability to change my suit's appearance...

Oracle: Maybe it's 'cause one of your Personas is Loki? He was a shapeshifter, after all.

Crow: But that would imply Joker should be able to change his suit as Arsène is known as THE master of disguise.

Rogue: Maybe... Maybe it's 'cause you thought you actually had to change... 'Cause Violet's is the way it is 'cause she wanted to be her sister. While everyone else...even if we sometimes denied what we wanted, we didn't stop being who we are.

Panther: True...even though I didn't try to fight back Kamoshida and tried to be nice to him, I didn't stop being myself.

Queen: ...indeed. I was still myself as well.

Crow: ...that would explain things, wouldn't it?

Rogue: It would...and that's all the more reason I'm glad you're comfortable enough to show this.

Crow: No, thank you, my love. I'm glad you accepted me as I am.

Rorschach test: suit edition

Skull: You know, I've been wondering...does anyone have any idea why Crow's suit looks like that? Is that really how he sees rebellion?

Rogue: Why not? It looks like a black knight.

Joker: I'm pretty sure it's a suit from a Dark Warlord from Stellar Wars.

Oracle: No no, you got it all wrong. It's an evil Featherman outfit!

Fox: I've always assumed it was an unusually colored prisoner's suit, with his mask akin to the "Man in the Iron Mask".

Oracle: The mask doesn't even look the same!

Crow: I'm right here, you know.

Rogue: But where's the fun in that?

Crow: Of course...

Oh If Only We Had Perfect Suits Like These...

Violet: Um, excuse me, Crow-senpai? Your mask is fine for you, right? It looks kinda stuffy compared to everyone else's, since it covers your whole head...

Crow: It's fine, Violet. It's comfy. A lot more than an actual full body suit and helmet. I suspect it's because of our suits being a self-image.

Oracle: I'll say. This stuff's waaay better than any of the materials I've felt for cosplays. I've gotta figure out how to make this in real life!

Rogue: Tell me when you do, 'cause damn, these are comfy as all hell.

Codename Origin: The Unexpected Sequel to the Rorschach test

Panther: Hey, you wouldn't happen to actually like crows, do you, Crow?

Crow: Not really. At most, I simply remember that they are more intelligent than most animals.

Rogue: See? It's not a Featherman suit at all.

Oracle: Yes it is! He loves Featherman, so obviously he'd have some bird theme to his suit, but he didn't pick any canon ones since none of them are anti-heroes like him.

Rogue: Wouldn't that imply the opposite?!

Crow: And there they go again...

Rorschach Wars: Return of the Suit

Violet: I've been wondering, Crow-senpai... What exactly is your suit supposed to be?

Crow: I'll admit, I'm not entirely sure myself. It is nothing as coherent as yours, or Noir's, or even Mona's. But I suspect that I do not have a "complete" image of rebellion, and so it is a hodgepodge of pieces of "rebellion" as I grew up.

Oracle: Wait, that's IT?

Crow: And why wouldn't that be the case?

Oracle: Crap, I got it wrong...

Noir: Well, if that's the case...I wonder which part is which then?

Rogue: The helmet's a knight's.

Oracle: No, it's Featherman!

Joker: Okay, maybe the suit is like Featherman...but the gun and sword are definitely because of Stellar Wars.

Rogue: Damn, you're right...

Oracle: Featherman has that too!

Mona: Ugh...can you please stop debating over that...?

A Place To Stay
(Equivalent to unused "I don't mind attending school. Trying to figure out what the adults want me to say is a sort of game to me.")

Crow: Hmm, I don't really care much for school... The only fun I ever had was guessing what the adults wanted me to say.

Rogue: Are you sure that's not just you not botherin' to reach out?

Skull: Yeah, that way of thinking is just screwed up.

Crow: Ergh...most likely. But there aren't many people like you or your friends in my school.

Oracle: make fun of you if you're weird or worse.

Noir: Still, while I can understand that as someone who deals with people who only wish to speak with me because of my family name, I don't think everyone in school is like that.

Fox: Indeed. I can say, while my connection to my fellow artists will never be like the ones I have within this group, I still have kinship with them for our goal to create a beauty in our art.

Mona: I wonder if it's just that Crow has bad luck with people.

Rogue: Oh come on, that can't be true!

Crow: You're just saying that because you're my girlfriend.

Rogue: Exactly! If your luck was real bad, you wouldn't have met me or the others.

Panther: Oh! And we wouldn't have accepted you.

Crow: ...Thank you.

Rogue: Of course.

Never Tempt a Sibling
(Equivalent to "Pancakes... I don't want to hear that again for a long, long time.")

Crow: I swear, if you mention pancakes one more time...

Oracle: Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes!

Crow: Okay, that's it! I'm not Featherman binging with you from now on!

Oracle: What?! Nooooooooo!

Leave the Jokes to Joker

Crow: I swear, if you mention pancakes one more time...

Skull: Well, it's not our fault you made a dumbass mistake like that.

Panther: Yeah! So leave pancakes alone.

Crow: I will if you'd shut Skull up about it!

Skull: All right, all right, I will... Wouldn't want to get PANCAKED by ya, eh?

Crow: ... Megidolaon.

Skull: Bwah?!

Silly but Sweet

Crow: I swear, if you mention pancakes one more time...

Rogue: Oh come on, what's wrong with 'em? They're delicious! So I'm thinking of making my own recipe. You know, make it my signature dessert dish!

Crow: Haha, very funny...

Rogue: Okay, okay, I'll quit. ...but seriously, I DO want to make a recipe, considering you and your mom.

Crow: Okay, fine... But don't think I won't notice if you take advantage of that.

Rogue: Haha, got it.

Crow: ...and thank you.

Rogue: Anytime, my knight. The pleasure is all mine.
Chapter Progress Update 110
heeeellloooo late again...but for good reason!
okay i didn't finish chaptering it so technically it's 99% done...but that's complete enough for me cause that just involves dividing all the events up!
plus I was trying to finish the outline today because I was so close. It helped that for...reasons...yeah reasons. For reasons, the arc is gonna be shorter than planned...and the Sae arc might be longer than planned.
Because of the aforementioned "reasons", I was actually worried I'd accelerate events a bit too fast for my tastes/plans for this arc, and while that ended up not being the case, thankfully for me, that might still happen to the Sae arc. So we'll see. But now! Now...
I go finally edit the rest of the Futaba arc lol. But I'm excited for the Okumura arc, so while the main focus will be editing, I am going to definitely write on the side. inb4 i dont cuz distracted
Heh heh... Oh I'm smirking so bad... So many thing I can't wait to post for both the Futaba arc and Okumura (once it's written)... Heheheh...

Chapter Progress

King of Lust Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: Pr, 1-16

Shogun of Vanity Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: 17-33

Banker of Gluttony Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: 34-48

Pharoah and Wrath Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Ongoing
Chapters: 49-73

Pioneer of Greed arc: Ongoing
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Ongoing
Editing: N/A
Chapters: 74-???

Boss of Envy arc: N/A
Outline: On Hold
Writing: N/A
Editing: N/A
Chapters: N/A
Chapter Progress Update 111
Welp. I did it. I finished (the main game of) Tactica.
I now have EriToshi brainrot and want to write for them because there isn't enough fan content for my need. help The only reason I'm not writing about 'em right now is because my Muse is not cooperating with me on that front...
It is being more cooperative on Refraction though. For one, chaptering is done, and unsurprisingly...yeah it's also about the same amount of chapters as this arc. Oh boy. Some of them might get fused or split depending on how long they actually end up being though, so we'll see how the final count actually goes. For two, all of the Futaba arc is edited! Well, of course, before actual posting, I'll likely go through another edit, but otherwise, yes, it's all edited. it also feels weird after two years...
Oh and my Muse is being more cooperative on stuff in relation to the Tactica DLC. Because of course it is. Though speaking of it, we'll see by the end of it if I'm gonna try to incorpate it in some form into Refraction or move it to later or something. We'll see. I'm very interested in finishing though, for sure.

Chapter Progress

King of Lust Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: Pr, 1-16

Shogun of Vanity Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: 17-33

Banker of Gluttony Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: 34-48

Pharoah and Wrath Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: 49-73

Pioneer of Greed arc: Ongoing
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Ongoing
Editing: N/A
Chapters: 74-95(?)

Boss of Envy arc: On Hold
Outline: On Hold
Writing: N/A
Editing: N/A
Chapters: N/A
Last edited:
Ch 57 Denial of Denial
Chapter a little later in posting hours than intended because whoops, morning schedule went wack. But thankfully it didn't extended to noon(ish) and beyond. So here's the chapter!

Chapter 57: Denial of Denial


Yoshizawa: Excuse me, Akira-san? Amamiya-senpai?

Akira: Yo! What's up?

Ren: Hello. Is something wrong?

Yoshizawa: I have a favor to ask.
Yoshizawa: It's not gymnastics though but...I still wanted to ask.

Akira: Hey hey! We're your friends, remember? We'll do our best if we can do the favor.

Ren: Took the words right out of my palms.

Akira: ha ha lol

Yoshizawa: Ha ha, okay.
Yoshizawa: I was wondering if you could come shopping with me? I need some extra opinions for what I'm buying.

Akira: Well I'm totally free to go but...

Ren: Sorry, I have plans with Ryuji. I hope you don't mind it being just Aki.

Yoshizawa: Oh no n
Yoshizawa: Oh no no no! It's fine!

Akira: Huh?

Ren: Misinput?

Yoshizawa: Haha sorry. My phone acts up sometimes...

Akira: You really should get a new phone.

Ren: But it still works, doesn't it?

Akira: At least as back up!

Yoshizawa: Ha ha, okay, I'll think about it.
Yoshizawa: So we'll meet up then, Akira-san?

Akira: Yup! Just tell me the time and place.

Ren: Then I shall take my leave. I wish you ladies a good day.

And so, with her trusty black shirt, khaki cargo pants and carrier bag, she met Yoshizawa in Sunset Road and followed her to...

"A glasses shop?" she said as they stepped inside, the building to the left of, funnily enough, Penguin Sniper.

"Aha... Sorry for dragging you out here... I've been wanting to come here for a while, but I never had the chance to stop by."

"Oh. So you need glasses?"

"Oh, well, a little, but I usually wear my contacts though."

Akira cringed. "Bleh. Contacts...good for you I guess."

Yoshizawa looked at her, astonished and inquisitive. "You don't like contacts?"

She gave her a flat look. "They feel weird for me, all right?"

It flattened further as the red head giggled.

", the glasses aren't for me. It's for my dad. I was hoping to find a good gift for him."

"Ah. Makes sense. And you want me to help ya?"

The girl nodded. "You and Amamiya-senpai seem like real glasses buffs, so I wanted to get your advice." More sheepishly, she added, "I was also thinking that could you try on a couple pairs for me? I'd like to get some visual reference."

Akira huffed in amusement. "For real? Well, too bad Big Bro's not here. He'd love to model."

Yoshizawa turned curious yet again. "Your older brother likes to model?"

"More like he likes fashion." She smirked. "Y'know, bein' a 'gentleman' and all. Gotta know fashion to look 'impeccable'."

She chuckled. "True. I can see it when you put it that way."

"Then I'll just rub it in with some pictures then."

Yoshizawa looked ready to burst out laughing, but with her polite manners, she held back...barely. "Then shall we get started?"

"Hell yeah."

And so they began their glasses gift search. They found quite a few good ones, like one that was a more sleek, and thus cooler, version of her own square glasses, and another fitting for business meetings, but Akira would usually say something along the lines of,

"Do they fit for your dad though?"

And Yoshizawa would shift from excitement to introspection before she said something along the lines of, "Hmm, you're right. They wouldn't." Despite them taking a while though, it was still fun to wear them all. Particularly...

Akira grinned. "Psst. Hey, Yoshizawa. Check this out."

"Hmm? What is it Aki—hnnnk!" said the redhead before she slapped a hand over her mouth.

"Tada! What you think?" she said.

"Why are those even here?!"

Said "those" being the Groucho glasses that Akira found, proudly sitting on the bridge of her nose.

"I...kind of want a pair."

"Oh no! I'm getting this one! For me and Big Bro." It was very worth the price.

However, even with all the fun they had with looking, Akira could feel, on occasion, bouts of anxiety and such through their Confidant that grew on and on and on. So when nearly two hours passed and those feelings were reaching an all time high, Akira asked,

"So? Any of them catch your eye?"

Yoshizawa was hesitant in answering, which made sense as she said, sheepish, "Sorry...I can't decide. A lot of them are good, but none of them have clinched it for me yet..."

She thought so. So it was all the more reason Akira said, "Hey, it's fine. If you think they don't fit, they don't fit."


Okay, simple reassurance wasn't working. Time for a different tactic: help her solve the problem.

"You should trust your gut for this sorta stuff, ya know. It's a gift from you and all. If your dad's anything like mine, you putting your heart into it is more than enough."

That startled the girl, who slowly turned to her with a stunned expression. "Trust my gut and mu heart...?" But only for a few moments. "You know, you're right! I'm the one who has to make the call!"

With that, her worries were quelled and she strode with confidence once more, eyeing each and every pair Akira had modelled with.

"...then...I'll pick...this pair," she said, picking up a simplr red set, one that was almost a palette swap of Akira's own. "I don't know how to describe it. It just seems perfect for my dad somehow."

"Ha ha, I'm sure he'll love it." Yoshizawa's dad offered his daughter a car ride home when he was likely busy. Just getting a gift from her was very likely to please him alone, no matter what she got for him.

"Definitely! That's what my gut says!"

And so Yoshizawa finally had a gift, just in time for them to have lunch. Before that though, as they left the glasses shop, the girl said,

"Thank you so much for coming here with me today! I ended up with a great present. All thanks to you, Akira-san!"

She chuckled. "Hey, no problem at all," she said as she pulled up her mask. "And you're the one who picked. Not me."

"Hee hee...well, I've still gotta make it up to you."

"Ah, come on, you don't need to. Lunch'll be more than enough."

"Still...I want to do a bit more than that." She glanced away, now somber and rueful. "If I'm being honest, picking glasses was really setting off my anxiety."

Oh yes, Akira had felt it. Not that she could say that. Still, she couldn't help but wonder, "Why's that?"

It was rather intense at points for just picking glasses. Not that she would put the girl down for being upset over something "minor". She herself was still affected by just hearing the word..."bastard" herself. But it was a bit worrisome that something like choosing a gift was making her nearly panic. She wouldn't push if she didn't feel up to it though. But, luckily for Akira, her friend did answer.

Yoshizawa said, "All I could think of was what'd happen if I didn't choose, or if I chose wrong..."


Yoshizawa continued her self-deprecation. "I mean, I already failed in gymnastics. And my cooking turned out bad, too. After cracking under pressure so many times, I thought I'd just ruin evrything again. The more I thought about it, the more...empty I felt. Like I wasn't even me anymore."

Oh. Oh... That.

Akira smiled wryly under her mask. "Heh...everyone goes through that at some point."

"Everyone? Even you?"

She chuckled just as bittersweetly. "Well, in my case, it's kinda the opposite of you, I guess? Instead of decidin' what I wanna do and worried if I'm gonna regret it, I just go and do something and then sometimes I wonder if it was the right thing to do after all." And sometimes I know it isn't. "And after doing that enough times, well...sometimes I wonder if I'll make the same mistake again; if I'm gonna fail again."

"So it''s really not just me?"

Akira laughed. "Nope. If it makes you feel any better, I know for sure Big Bro deals with it too." Especially now that we're Phantom Thieves and he's the leader.

Yoshizawa turned introspective yet again, but this time she was merely dwelling on her words, letting it sink in. And Akira waited for her to gather her thoughts.

"I think I'm starting to understand what my coach was telling me. It's easy to say you're in a slump and write yourself off. But maybe 'finding out who I really am' is also about finding new depths to yourself. It does make me feel a little down, but at the same time, I feel like I'm closer to getting my confidence back. And having your support makes me even more determined to make that happen."

Akira pulled down her mask just to show her smile as she said, "I know you can do it."

Yoshizawa returned the expression. "Thank you so much! I even feel confident just hearing you say that!" she said, then bowed. "I'm still working on myself, but I hope we can keep helping each other, too!"

She laughed, touched and amused by her polite earnestness. "Hey, no problem." Her words, though, sparked an idea, so Akira couldn't help but be a bit less jovial and somewhat more serious as she said, "Well, since you're offerin', mind if I ask you a question then? A kinda personal one?"

Yoshizawa bolted up, surprised at her request, but nonethless said, happy, "Oh, sure! I'll see if I can answer it."

"How'd you find out you wanna be a gymnast?"

"Huh? Why do you ask?" said the dumbfounded athlete.

"...well...lately I've been thinking about looking for a dream of my own."

"You're...looking for a dream?"

"Uh huh, like yours. The kind you wanna put your all in. The kind that you wanna chase for the rest of your life, you know? I never really had that kind of dream." While everyone else Yoshizawa and Akechi, her more bitter side reminded her.

"Really? You don't?" she said with disbelief, the kind that came from a flipped-over perspective. "But I thought... Ah ha...well, I have been assuming things about you when I didn't mean to, so I guess it's no surprise that you do say that. But I'll admit I always had the impression you already had a dream of your own too, Akira-san. You seem like the kind of person who would keep at your dream and actually make it true."

Akira stared. "For real? What makes you think that?"

Yoshizawa smiled. "Of course I do. With how you encourage me to keep trying..." She chuckled. "...and how you do what you think is right even when others don't think the same, you seem like you'd have the determination, dedication, and talent you need to do whatever you want."

"You...really think so?" She always figured she was too stubborn, too hotheaded, and too...

"Defective?" Fantôme somberly offered.

...too much of an outcast and unintentional troublemaker to amount to much of anything. Especially her temper. But when Yoshizawa put it that way...

"I know so," her friend said with a warm and encouraging smile. wasn't so bad.

"Thanks. Means a lot." A whole lot.

"You're welcome. But I haven't answered your question yet, so let's see... did I find out I wanted to be a gymnast..." said her friend before pondering for a bit. " did I find out I wanted to be a gymnast..."

Except that little bit turned into a minute. And then that turned into two. So Akira, worried, tapped her shoulder and said, "Yoshizawa?"

The redhead was startled. Akira would've apologized had she not done so first. "Oh sorry! I was just..." Somber, she said, "I just realized I did it because of...because of my sister."

Oh. Right. Her... ...It was no wonder she was silent for a while. As much as she wanted her to answer... "If you don't wanna talk about it, it's fine."

"It's okay. It's nothing much. My sister did gymnastics with me and we both got praised for it. So we just kept doing it until we started to love it and want to be the top gymnasts."

"So you found your dream because of your sister, huh?"


It was so simple and yet... "Then perhaps a dream that would let you walk a path by Akechi's own?" gave the perfect direction for her to go.

"That wasn't very helpful, was it?"

"What you talkin' 'bout? It was! I might not have the final answer right now, but now I got an idea on what I wanna do." A job with Akechi by her side.



She sighed in relief. "I'm glad... You're always helping me, I meant it when I said I want us to help each other."

Akira was about to reassure her she didn't have to push herself over that, but then the girl had an epiphany.

"Oh! Wait! I know just the thing! It's been a while since we trained. Let's go practice at Inokashira Park after lunch! Maybe we can try some intermediate-level exercises today."

"Ghk!" Oh nonononno!

Once again, Akira was about to disrupt her, coming up with a way to sidestep the ordeal entirely, but then Yoshizawa added, "Whatever your dream will end up being, I'm sure being in good form will help with it!"

She froze.

"She makes a point. Especially with your health. If you're healthy, Akechi and everyone else would be less worried about you."


She groaned internally, already filled with dread even as she said with a thankfully not strained smile, "Sure. Then let's go eat then, huh?"

Even as it occured to her that, had her brother been here, at least she wouldn't have to be suffering alone.

Screw you Big Bro! Why'd you have to go scott free?!


So, with his plan set, first thing he needed to do was make his confession as romantic as possible. The avenue for such would be easily acquired thanks to his celebrity status, not to mention he needed to match Akira's schedule considering she was infiltrating a Palace, so he would hold off on actually making those arrangements. So for now, he would acquire items that would make it romantic. Like chocolate! That was how he found himself in a chocolate shop in Shibuya after a search on the internet.

"Oh, Akechi-kun!"

That was also how he ended up meeting Takamaki-san outside the store after making his purchase.

"What a pleasant surprise. Hello Takamaki-san," he said with his polite smile.

The blonde giggled. "Good to see you too." Then she spotted the building he had come out of, followed by the bag in his hand and said, "Did you buy some chocolate?"

"Yes." He added, as much as he didn't want to, "Did you want some?" Thankfully he could easily excuse himself. "Pardon, but I only bought enough for one."

"Oh it's fine! Eh heh, I'm trying to cut down on my sweets..."

Ah, likely because she was taking her modelling seriously, just as she mentioned last time. It was also a good way to divert her attention away from his bag.

But before he could, Takamaki-san said, with a hint of mischief in her eyes, "Besides, I'm guessing those are for a special someone, right?"

He barely held back his twitching eye. How in the world did she hit close to the truth? Even if Akira had told her about the truth behind his "preference" for sweets, they had only interacted a few times before. None of them gave any indication of his romantic inclinations, to Akira or a hypoythetical otherwise. Deciding it was likely just her overactive imagination, as he knew how often high school girls were quick to conclude "romance" from various actions he's seen of their fellows, he said,

"No, they're for myself. I've grown quite fond of these thanks to Akira." No need to tell her now when it was bound to lead to his rejection.

Yet, despite the fact that the girl said, "Ah, I see," seemingly placated, but the look in her eyes, almost knowing and still filled with mischief, did anything to assuage him that she was satisfied. If anything, it bothered and irritated him. What did she know about his thoughts and plans? But he couldn't let any of that show to Akira's friend.

"Do you want to know what kind they are? I can show you so you can pick them the next time you can have sweets."

The blonde pondered his suggestion. Then, to his surprise, she said, "Actually, if you have free time, if you're craving sweets, I don't mind showing off a few places I know that you might like."

He doubted he would like those sweets, not that he would say that. If Akechi wanted to, he could easily lie that he was busy to decline her offer, however...since she was Akira's friend and she was willing to give recommendations, he could actually end up with a better choice for Akira. So he said, politely smiling, "Why thank you, I'll take your offer then. Shall we?"

The girl smiled brighter and nodded before they went off. He was proven wrong in the very first store, because the first one actually had a couple of treats that he did enjoy, the sugar level not overt and the sweet rather filling. He could only assume Takamaki-san used second-hand knowledge gained from Akira about his coffee tastes and her attempts at feeding him whenever she could cook for him to figure out what sweets he would take a liking to. It caught him by surprise. The girl was more observant than he gave her credit for... Not by much, but any bit of such skills would only serve her well, for however long she would last in the cutthroat world of modelling. However, any good mood he had built during the outing was dashed after they parted, having recieved more cases to do. It seemed he would have to work overtime if he wanted to be free to match Akira's schedule and enact his plan.


After declining to join forces once, and then doing the same with a different person, Akira didn't feel too good about Matsushita-san wanting to meet in one of the more isolated sections of Shibuya Underground, graffiti all around, including some by the ever famous street artists Masao Inaba, better known as "Mark", and the mysterious "CAT", whose identity was still unknown even to this day. It just reeked of "secret meeting" that could easily lead to a violent confrontation. Now, while she didn't get the impression Matsushita-san was inclined to such like she was, she didn't want to risk it. So she brought her Swiss Army Knife with her as she stood by Yoshida, waitng for the man to arrive. She was grateful it didn't take too long until Matsushita-san did, and he made his intent known immediately. He wanted him to join to help him fight against the Kuramoto Group, the one led by the man's shared teacher with Yoshida. To say the least, Yoshida was surprised at the decision, but Matsushita-san made it clear that, despite him appreciating all that he learned, he had his own plans and ambitions, especially since Kuramoto was bending the rules and cooperating with Diet members from other parties. On one hand, it was a reasonable request with understandable motivations...

"I know he asked you to join his group, but I think you should decline his offer," said a fervent Matsushita-san.

...but on the other hand, it felt a bit like an overenthusiastic sales pitch made by a shady salesman. And paired with his previous attempt, it just felt like he wanted her teacher because he was the piece he needed for whatever plan he had to fight against the Kuramoto group. So she was glad Yoshida pondered over it instead of jumping the gun. But as expected of someone who was desperate, even to a small degree, Matsushita kept going.

"They want to keep you on a leash, so you won't reveal any damaging information," he said. Then he paused, debating whether he should speak his next words. "The real culprit of the expense misappropriation case you were blamed old man Kuramoto."

She froze.

"What did you say...?!"

"I searched the party's off-the-record accounts from twenty years ago. There's no doubt."

In other words...Taro Yoshida had been falsely convicted. "Those...priggish...CRAVENS. They SLANDERED our mentor as well?!"

"Can you still forgive him?" the young politician said. "He led you into the political world and kicked you out in the worst way!"

"Why should he?! The same happened to you, and look what happened! Your future is doomed before you even had the chance to chase it! These bloody ratbags should suffer at hands of my punja—" Akira gritted her teeth and fisted her hands, employing Doc's calming techniques as Fantôme's rant turned raving and Matsushita continued.

"But why...?" said a dazed Yoshida.

"Seems he bought his popularity, and as a result, he was having some serious financial trouble."

Akira managed to keep up her calm façade even as she scoffed mentally. Of course...

At that point, her teacher composed himself, and said, testing the waters, "It sounds as if you're saying that this is my opportunity to clear my name...and so you need an answer from me on whether or not I'll be your right-hand man, yes?"

"His own grandson has already tried to persuade you. Therefore, I can't wait any longer. If you join me, you can accuse Kuramoto of his crime. You can clear your name and put No-Good Tora behind you. This is your best and last chance!"

Now that most definitely sounded like an ad.

"But it is an opportunity that we will never have."

Shut up.

She knew that. She knew. She wished she had such a chance to clear her name or, better yet, her brother's from their false charge, so much she wanted to cry in equal parts relief and envy that her mentor was being given the chance that she would never have. But that meant...

"Join with Matsushita and take my revenge on Mr. Kuramoto, but drop out of the election..."

...and turn back on everything Yoshida had learned from his mistake, the hard work he put in atonement for it and the dream he wanted to achieve to show it wasn't for naught.

So all Akira said was, "What are you gonna do?" Because it wasn't an easy decision. "To pursue your dream or fall to temptation... Ha. Oh, how many have we seen choose the latter...?"

Yoshida met her gaze for a moment, the evaluating expression still there, then looked back at the man and said, kind but resolved, "...Matsushita. I appreciate the offer, but I must refuse."

Akira heaved a relieved sigh she unknowingly held, even as she thought, Could I have resisted the temptation if I was in his shoes?

"Perhaps you could, but forgiving is another matter...isn't it? Especially in regards to your loved ones."

Akira admitted she had a good chance at caving in and giving up what she stood for if it meant justice for someone she cared for, instead of retribution for just herself. But that was all the more reason to practice resisting, because she also knew said loved ones wouldn't be happy if she ever made such a choice.

Now the tables were turned, the man shocked at her mentor's words. "You have no conceivable reason to refuse!"

"My goal is to become a member of the Diet, not a right-hand man. I will not cast aside my beliefs." Expression hardened from determination, Yoshida said, "On that I stand firm."

Matsushita looked ready to protest for a moment...but it was only a moment. After seeing the look on her teacher's face, he resigned himself with a sigh, mumbling, "This information would be the deciding factor in taking down Kuramoto..."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it. I was simply offering you a deal. I knew there was a chance you might decline it, so..." He took a breath. "...Very well. Please forget it. I apologize for bringing it up so suddenly."

Akira thought that was the end of it, but Matsushita then added,

"I'll talk to the party and provide support for your next speech about the Phantom Thieves."

Both of them were startled at the decision...and suspicious.

"Why are you doing this?" Yoshida said for both of them.

Matsushita reasoned, "I don't want a debate about the Phantom Thieves. I simply want to draw attention to them." But it was clear what he really wanted when he said, "And you can assert your innocence there, on a grand stage. To be frank, I'll be happy as long as the Kuramoto Group's influence diminishes."

Uh huh. Sure... Then, to her surprise, the man actually focused on her, his expression grave and worried as he said,

"Amamiya-san... Don't speak a word of this to anyone, for both our sakes."

Akira nearly scoffed. She wasn't naïve or stupid after all. But there was no need to actually point that out, or get worked up over it. So she just nodded.

"Very well then. That's all I have to say."

With that he left, but Yoshida made no moves to follow suit, so neither did she.

Once a few minutes passed, Yoshida sighed. "It feels like I'm caught in the crossfire of a political conspiracy. My friend is trying to take advantage of me, while my former mentor is trying to win me over..."


"To achieve my dream, I have to set aside my beliefs... What should I do...?"

With no one else around, Akira at last scoffed and pulled down her mask just to show her taunting grin. "What you talkin' about? Didn't you just say you won't 'cast aside your beliefs'? Where'd that determination go?"

Yoshida was astonished at her outburst but soon was smiling. "Ah... Ha ha ha. You're right. Betraying myself means betraying my supporters. Which also means betraying you," he said, resolved. Much more warmly, he continued. "For some reason, talking with you always help me make up my mind. It's as if my heart is being manipulated."

Akira's breath hitched as a look of epiphany flashed in his eyes.

"...Perhaps..." And then he was looking at her inquisitively. "If the Phantom Thieves truly do exist...then I'm sure they're very much like you."

Oh boy. He figured it out. Whoops. Mona was going to kill her. "You think?" Not that he would. She could just always tell him and her brother that she totally dropped a hint on purpose. But that would be for later. For now...she would use her teacher's lessons in practice.

"Aw thanks, Yoshida. I'm not that special," she said with a smile before she hid it with her mask.

"Of course you are. For some reason, you stood by me, No-Good Tora, who didn't have any supporters. Actually...I've been thinking about this for a while actually."

She managed not to show it, but she was a little worried he had assumed that she was a Phantom Thief for longer than it seemed.

And then he said, "You must've experienced cruelty and injustice in this life."

She couldn't help but ask, "What makes ya think that?"

"I can tell by the look in your eyes. That's why I sense your desire to help the weak. And the strength to stand up to hecklers, to Matsushita, and to Kuramoto's grandson. You're no ordinary high-school student. Even I know that much."

Ah. That would make it obvious, wouldn't it? She was able to tell a lot of things thanks to looking into the eyes as of late herself. And the Thieves were righting wrongs despite the law, then they were people who could stand against opposition most others would cower herself.

Akira met Yoshida's gaze as he said, "Would you care about it?"

As much as she wanted to, and she did, since it was clear it was a suspicion and not something he was certain of, Akira would follow the example her brother put with his own teacher. "'s not exactly easy to talk about," she said, taking care to keep it ambiguous whether it was the hardship she's faced or her business as a phantom thief that she was referring to.

Yoshida understood the underlying intent. "...ah, I'm sorry. I crossed a line there!" He smiled knowingly. "It was just a joke. I've always lacked restraint in these kinds of situations." Then with a more proper smirk, he said, "See what I did there? I relieved the tension by making fun of myself."

Akira froze...then guffawed at that. "Big Bro does that all the time!"

Her mentor chuckled. "Oh really now? He seems a natural then. This is, you could say, an advanced technique for winning people over, after all."

"Ha! I guess learnin' to be a gentleman is useful. I should give it a try sometime."

With that, they shared another laugh before Yoshida told her to let him know when she was free to see him do the speech because, as he said, he felt he could "fully express himself if she were there". So she promised to make time as soon as she could before she finally said good-bye and headed home. By the time she got back, Ren also returned from his lesson with his shogi teacher, but Mona had yet to from his walk. So with their phantom thief sensei out for that moment, Akira told him about Yoshida's suspicions.

"Will you tell him then?"

"Only if he says it outright, like with Kawakami."

"... You can tell him sooner if you trust him that much, if you want."

"What? Nah. It's fine, Bro Bro. I don't mind. We're Phantom Thieves. We gotta be careful and all."

Of course, her brother wasn't quite satisfied with her reassurance, so she said, "What about you? How'd it go with your tactics teach?"

Ren knew what she was doing, but nonetheless accepted her subject change, easily going on to recount what happened for the most part. It did, however, remind her about Akechi and how much he was working. She could only hope he would get a break, like they did during Palace infiltration.


It was supposed to be just a routine update to their Persona lineup, checking to see if they could fuse any new, more powerful ones that wouldn't need Caroline and Justine's "exception" to be formed, or if a recently strengthened bond would yield more power to old fusions, like the most recent lesson he had with Togo-san last night. It had been interesting to hear she was doing a few modelling gigs, despite being uncomfortable. He had made a mental note to ask Panther for even more tips he might be able to pass to Togo-san. Just when Rogue finished fusing Anzu and Nigi Mitama into Principality, Joker noticed a fusion result that he couldn't help but grin with mischief over despite it being a bit "weaker" than most of the other results.

"Big Bro? What are you doing? I can feel your evil smirk from here!" his sister said from her adjacent cell.

He just chuckled and said in answer, "Fuse these, please."

"Very well, Inmate."

And so Jikokuten and Decarabia were, well, executed and fused into a ball of light to form...

"I am Bastet. For as long as you accept my mask, I shall strive to ensure your protection and happiness."

With that, he accepted the Hunger mask with a smile, as warm and comforting as he thought it would be.

As well as feel Rogue's flat expression. "Ha ha. Very funny, Big Bro."

"What's so funny? I was just fusing an Egyptian cat goddess," he said oh-so-innocently.

"Are you done? Let's go already!" said an even more exasperated Rogue.

Joker laughed but nonetheless went along with her request and they at last exited the Velvet Room to continue their infiltration. His mirth left him once they viewed the name of the next chamber. The Chamber of Rejection. Considering the voices they heard when they started, while it was no surprise, his heart still ached for Futaba and what she had to go through. ...All the more reason to keep going. Once they entered and found themselves before a staircase, Mona warned them that there were many Shadows in the area. Cautious now, it made them all the more astonished when they reached the top and spotted the girl's Shadow down the hallway in the distance, and she said, her echoing voice likely reaching them thanks to the Palace,

"So you've come. Follow me."

Then she went down a door to the right. However, as they got closer... "Careful." ...Joker, Rogue and Mona stopped the others just as the floor gave out and revealed a large pit of spikes.

"What the hell?! Can't she just make up her mind if she wants to help us or not?!"

"It's not easy to reach out like that, you know. Especially...especially if everyone you've met keeps treating you badly. Even if you want to...sometimes you wonder if you should," Panther was quick to remind Skull.

The faux-blond groaned. "I know, I know, it's just... It sucks, you know?"

"And here you were all excited about raiding a pyramid," Rogue oh-so-helpfully reminded.

"Hey! It's one thing to raid a pyramid! It's another for the queen to keep tricking us!"


"You know what I mean."

"All right you two, that's enough," Joker said then. "Let's grapple across."

One group of successive swings later, they were across. However, the path to the room Futaba went in, which had another of those sun beam mirrors on top of a pillar in the center, had a spike trap blocking their way, and this time there were no good anchor points for their grapples that would allow them to swing. So they decided to look for another way in. After a few hallways, they found a room with elevated platforms and sand on the floor. At its center they find yet another Anubis statue with a glowing, green gem in its maw and a slab by its side. However, the words on the latter were different.

"'Any who attempt to steal this gem shall be cursed'..."

"Yeah no. Let's look a bit more before we tempt fate, yeah?"

"I agree. Before we attempt to take it, let's see if we really do need it to progress."

"Everyone else fine with that?"

They were, so they moved on. It wasn't long before they found a button to press. As Joker did so, deactivating the spikes from before, he couldn't help but notice something on their way to it...or rather, lack of something.

"Hmm. I have a concern, Joker," Queen said.

"The Shadows, right?"

"Huh? What about the Shadows?" Skull said.

"Mona said there's a lot of 'em, yeah? You still sense 'em now?"


"Then where are they?"

The others fell silent at the question.

Joker broke it. "I think the gem is probably how they'll pop up."

"The gem...? Oh yeah! The curse!"

True enough, after they pilfered it, when they looked out the doors to the room, Shadows were now roaming. With their theory proven right, now they decided to risk keeping the gem as they went and looked through the room Futaba tried to lead them into. After some looting and searching, they found a button that turned another sun beam and allowed them access to a new room which had...

"Hey, it's another dog statue!"


"Yeah yeah, sure."

"Let's see, it says...'Any who attempt to steal this gem shall be'...wait a second. It says the same thing!"

"Hmm? Odd. What could that mean?"

"...yeah it's one of those things where you gotta move the thing to a different spot to progress, but you gotta deal with obstacles while you're movin' it..."

"Oh. One of those puzzles, huh?"


With that taken care of, they found yet one more button that likely was blocked by a wall spike shooting trap, since there were a bunch of holes in the walls surrounding it, but they had deactivated before they had seen them first-hand. So all they had to do was press it and a ballista shot the wall that was blocking the first sun beam mirror. With that, they followed where it led, finding the first Will Seed on the side, and entered a room to find...

"A monitor?"

"Think we got a puzzle to solve before the beam will turn."

They did, the screen coming to life after he pressed the control panel on the sun mirror's pedestal. It was a simple "put the pieces in the right place" one, the puzzle only having four parts that were vertical and they could swap their positions freely.

"Aw yeah, there we go!" Skull said, happy when Joker and Rogue finished the puzzle.

He and his sister, however, were apprehensive at the finished product.

Panther was confused. "But...what is it a picture of?"

But Fox's musings voiced what he, and likely his sister, had been thinking. "This adult seems to be reading something to a crying child...?" Fox said, frowning. "Hmm, the emotions of the artist are oft depicted in the art they produce... I can sense...serious pain harbored in her heart."

"I should never have had Futaba..."

They were startled at the sudden voice.

"Is that coming from the mural...?"

"'She was always such a bother...' It seems you caused your mother a great deal of trouble, Futaba-chan. She must have had some kind of maternity neurosis..."

"What was that...?"

"Based on the contents, it sounded almost like a suicide note..."

Joker flinched. So did Panther and Rogue.

"Could that be what Futaba remembers of her mother's suicide?" said a somber Fox.

"But that's the shittiest thing to do to a kid if that's what really how it all went down."

"Assholes... She fucking lost her mom and now you're making her fucking guilty about it..." Rogue said, without her usual heat. Instead, it was just melancholic.

Joker could guess why.


As well as for Panther.

So, when they moved on to register the next safe room and finished their operation for the day, Ren made sure to give a few sweets to Ann before they parted ways and talked with her about fashion and other things she liked for their daily "checkup chats", while he had made some takoyaki to go with their curry dinner for Aki.

Both said "Thank you" for comforting them...before reminding him that they're there for him too.

Ren smiled. "I know."

Author's Notes: Did I just throw a "The World Ends With You" reference? Yes. Yes I did.

Also hey! First Hunger Persona fused!'d totally not because I forgot I should show some. Ahaha. Nope.
Chapter Progress Update 112
Yes, this is late. I had once again tried to write a lot before I made the update, especially since I was trying to complete a chapter a week. you can guess, that didn't go so well...
And not only that, instead of doing my original intention of just posting this late in the day, well...
...last night sucked and anxiety sucks. that's all im gonna say on why that happened.
Though, actually, objectively I have made a lot of progress. At worst, like 40-45% of the chapter is done, and at best it's at 60%. Which I'd say is an improvement compared to my progress the last few times.
Especially since not only am I not done with the Tactica DLC, but Elden Ring's just came out and Tsukihime Remake is out next week. And that's not even mentioning other writing projects. ...yeah the next few weeks are stacked for me. I will still do write as often as I can though!

Chapter Progress

King of Lust Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: Pr, 1-16

Shogun of Vanity Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: 17-33

Banker of Gluttony Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: 34-48

Pharoah and Wrath Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: 49-73

Pioneer of Greed arc: Ongoing
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Ongoing
Editing: N/A
Chapters: 74-95(?)

Boss of Envy arc: On Hold
Outline: On Hold
Writing: N/A
Editing: N/A
Chapters: N/A
Chapter Progress Update 113
On this week's episode of "Why are you late?": I was not held up by anything I was expecting. Okay, it's 'cause one of them only just came out today, but still. I am insane. Because I decided I'd see if I can get ready for the Summerfest Storytelling Showdown because I am impatient and wanted to see if I can do some of my NGE x Woz (of Zi-O) idea. I am doing some surprising amount of progress considering I am literally half fumbling because I've only seen up to ep 11 of the show.
So of course Refraction writing has...essentially stopped-ish, but I had already finished Chapter 74 as I wanted and made some progress on Chapter 75! So it should be fine.
Should. But plans have a way of going off the rails. Like the fact I'm doing writing for the other fic in the first place.

Chapter Progress

King of Lust Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: Pr, 1-16

Shogun of Vanity Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: 17-33

Banker of Gluttony Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: 34-48

Pharoah and Wrath Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: 49-73

Pioneer of Greed arc: Ongoing
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Ongoing
Editing: N/A
Chapters: 74-95(?)

Boss of Envy arc: On Hold
Outline: On Hold
Writing: N/A
Editing: N/A
Chapters: N/A
Chapter Progress Update 114
Welp. I did it. I joined the contest. this is the result. And with that done going to, got lack of better words, focus on Refraction and YMNR (You May (Not) Rejoice!) for the next few weeks, before putting the latter under "side project", so that I can still focus on the former.
Speaking of, I've made some progress on Chapter 75 in midst of banging my head against creative block writing for YMNR. Not a lot, but still some! Especially considering I've been doing quite a few games on the side...

Chapter Progress

King of Lust Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: Pr, 1-16

Shogun of Vanity Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: 17-33

Banker of Gluttony Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: 34-48

Pharoah and Wrath Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: 49-73

Pioneer of Greed arc: Ongoing
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Ongoing
Editing: N/A
Chapters: 74-95(?)

Boss of Envy arc: On Hold
Outline: On Hold
Writing: N/A
Editing: N/A
Chapters: N/A
Chapter Progress Update 115
Woo! Finished Chapter 75! Despite so manny distractions.
So many.
Anyone playing FGO knows.
Anyways, now I can focus on "You May (Not) Rejoice!" for a bit...maybe. because i'm excited to do chapter 76...heheh.

Chapter Progress

King of Lust Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: Pr, 1-16

Shogun of Vanity Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: 17-33

Banker of Gluttony Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: 34-48

Pharoah and Wrath Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: 49-73

Pioneer of Greed arc: Ongoing
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Ongoing
Editing: N/A
Chapters: 74-95(?)

Boss of Envy arc: On Hold
Outline: On Hold
Writing: N/A
Editing: N/A
Chapters: N/A
Chapter Progress Update 116
Phew. Okay, I have more breathing room now that I'm not as distracted...
And as a result, I...okay I didn't finish chapter 76, but that's the plan. What's also planned was YAY finishing a scene I have been so excited to do for a long time. Is it rather telling? Probably. But none of you can even guess what it is so it should be fine. :p And besides, I'm just excited in general to do this arc. And that's saying something since I was also looking forward to so much in the Futaba arc.

Chapter Progress

King of Lust Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: Pr, 1-16

Shogun of Vanity Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: 17-33

Banker of Gluttony Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: 34-48

Pharoah and Wrath Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: 49-73

Pioneer of Greed arc: Ongoing
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Ongoing
Editing: N/A
Chapters: 74-95(?)

Boss of Envy arc: On Hold
Outline: On Hold
Writing: N/A
Editing: N/A
Chapters: N/A
Chapter Progress Update 117
tfw a "nothing bad happened but i feel bad" day is bad enough you almost forgot
Because that's what happened. Haven't pinpointed exactly why but I wasn't feeling so good emotionally today and...yeah. Thankfully feeling fine now. Plus! I did, indeed, finish Chapter 76 before today, and got to write that scene I've been looking forward to, so that's looking good at least. Didn't make much progress on 77 yet, and right now...well, I might cut it into two, but we'll see. It depends on how I write it and how long it ends up.
Also gonna see if I can do some YMNR and something else inbetween, particularly the latter since that one is timed...

Chapter Progress

King of Lust Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: Pr, 1-16

Shogun of Vanity Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: 17-33

Banker of Gluttony Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: 34-48

Pharoah and Wrath Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: 49-73

Pioneer of Greed arc: Ongoing
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Ongoing
Editing: N/A
Chapters: 74-95(?)

Boss of Envy arc: On Hold
Outline: On Hold
Writing: N/A
Editing: N/A
Chapters: N/A
Finally caught up! As I mentioned in our discussion on my own story, I wasn't really sure the premise was one that I would get into, but when I remember how much I'm craving a story with both P3 protagonists, I figured I'd give it a whirl. And I'm both very glad and very frustrated I did, because it's been super fun as well as addictive, and for the life of me, I cannot put my finger on the reason(s) why. I think the only real piece of constructive criticism I've got is for the occasional typo, and I can't remember any specific ones right now.

On a different note, your TWEWY reference definitely brought a smile to my face. If you ever want a really good TWEWY fic to read, I happen to know one over on Ao3 if your curious: The World Ends with Witches by AyaAya. She's also written a bunch of really neat stories for TWEWY in general, but that's the one that got me sucked in, and if it does the same to you, I will consider it my revenge for how hard it's been to put down your story, even when I really should be doing something else at the time.

Also, that reference along with a specific omake of yours helped inspired something rather silly that I just finished typing and plan to share here sometime before I go to bed tonight. For now, allow me to leave you with just three words as a hint: JACK DA FUNK
Omake: JACK DA MOD by LinkSeasonMaster
Like with my own Persona fic, the idea crossed my mind and would not leave. This isn't really meant to be canon to either this story or any of the games, and so I apologize for any out-of-character behavior. I also apologize to any readers unfamiliar with any of the games being referenced. In the end, none of the following is meant to be taken seriously. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!

…Also, I meant to post this last night, but I passed out while editing it. Sorry about that.


As Ren walked into Leblanc one Saturday evening, long after the cafe had closed for the day, he could hear quite a ruckus coming from the attic. As he made his way upstairs, the leader of the Phantom Thieves found an amusing, if also confusing, sight: Mark, Minato, Junpei, Chidori, Shin, Akira, Ryuji, Yusuke, Futaba, and Shion all playing video games together. Specifically, there were two large television screens placed back-to-back in the middle of the room with Mark, Minato, Junpei, Chidori, and Shin seated in front of one whereas Akira, Ryuji, Yusuke, Futaba, and Shion were seated in front of the other.

"What are you all doing up here?" asked Ren with a raised eyebrow.

"Playing Bomb Rush Cyberfunk," Akira answered as she maneuvered a masked girl with two braids on roller blades onto a guard rail.

"Isn't that game only single-player?" Ren pointed out.

"And when has that ever stopped mom from modding something to outer space and back?" retorted Shion as she had her character, a young woman with orange shades and two dark buns hop onto the rail right behind Akira.

"Fair enough," Ren agreed with a shrug.

"Yeah, and now thanks to her, there's even an online competitive scene," said Mark with a whistle, having a kid with a striped shirt and a visor implanted right into his eyes jump off tag a piece of graffiti on top of a billboard. "I never could have dreamed of something like this back when I was playing the original Jet Set Radio while studying abroad."

"Futaba's amazing, isn't she?" Ryuji whistled as his character, a young man with dreadlocks and a red jacket, used his bike to slide across the pavement.

"So you're all playing online right now?" Ren queried.

"Uh huh," said Junpei as he manipulated a masked man with white vinyl records protruding from his sleeves to smash through the window of an office building. "Us Shadow Hunters have a crew battle tomorrow, so we were practicing all afternoon to keep our skills sharp!"

"Initially it was just me, Futaba, Junpei, Akira, and Ryuji getting some practice in for our crew battle with Havoc Rain tomorrow," Minato quietly informed Ren as his character, a man in orange with a shaved head and a white metal ring attached to his back, leapt off a rooftop and onto a railing. "But then Yusuke, Shion, and Chidori came upstairs to see what we were up to all afternoon, and we thought it wouldn't hurt to let them try for a bit."

"I remember mom mentioning how addictive this game could be, but she never told me or dad just how stylized it was!" Shion added.

"Indeed, I never thought to look at pieces of graffiti for inspiration before now," admitted Yusuke as he had a shirtless teenager with wings protruding from his back place a tag near a tunnel entrance. "But all of the pieces in the game are remarkable! Now I am overcome with the urge to seek out the wall in Udagawa among others!"

"And I must admit, being able to use an entire city as a canvas without repercussions is delightful," agreed Chidori as her character, a young woman with green hair and yellow clothes, sprayed graffiti on a white board in a meeting room.

"I know what you mean," said Mark. "As for me and Shin, well…Yusuke texted that he was playing a multiplayer version of this game. Given my history with Jet Set Radio, I just knew I couldn't pass up an opportunity to relive my art school days, and Shin had mentioned he was curious about those games when I brought them up before, so I dragged him here and now we're both overflowing with inspiration."

"I could make an entire line of miniature clay sculptures based on these character models…" muttered Shin, who might as well have had stars in his eyes as a young man with a red helmet and green shirt grinded on a loop-de-loop railing.

"Mwahahahaha! I've converted even more followers to Team Reptile!" Futaba cackled as her character, an elderly woman in red robes with a metallic head, made a turn while grinding on a railing.

"Well, just don't stay up too late, or else Morgana will get on all of your cases," Ren chuckled.

"Don't worry, just a little more practice and we'll be all set for the semifinals tomorrow!" Junpei cheered.

"Semifinals?" asked Ren.

"Yeah, tomorrow's crew battle is part of a tournament. Winner goes on to the finals, with the ultimate champions getting declared 'All City!'" Akira informed her brother.

"Well, do you mind if I watch for a bit?" said Ren as he took a seat on the couch.

"Not at all," Futaba waved off. "Get comfy and watch us wipe the floor with these newbs!"

"Newbs?" asked Mark. "They used to call me 'King Crazy' back in the JSR days for a reason! Let me show you why!"

"I thought your nickname was 'The Funky Uncle', though…" admitted Ryuji.

Ren said nothing else, just grinning as he watched his dear friends and family play games and banter well into the night…and likely would have gone well past midnight had Morgana not suddenly appeared and started screaming at all eleven of them to go home and go to bed already.

Meanwhile, in a blue-colored club between dreams and reality, a young woman with black hair was conversing with an older man in shades and a beanie at the bar counter.

"So…you really think that game will give me ideas for my poetry?" asked Marie.

The Demon Painter nodded.

"Well, that's great and all…but Margaret and her siblings keep hogging the console!" Marie grumbled as she glared at a different corner of the room, where four siblings were seated in front of a wide-screen television, which displayed a walking boombox, a skateboarding robot, a kid with a baseball bat, and a woman with a giant hammer knocking a baseball back and forth at ludicrous speeds in a subway car.

"Elizabeth, WHY?!?" cried Theo as the boombox sent the ball right at the robot, who was unable to bunt the ball and got wiped out.

"Don't take too long wiping the floor with your family, Elizabeth," chided the Demon Painter. "Marie hasn't had a chance to try Bomb Rush Cyberfunk yet, so once you're done, let her play for a bit before we get back to practicing for our crew battle with the Wicked Twisters. The Velvet Crew has a reputation to uphold, after all."

"Why do you assume Elizabeth is going to win against us?" asked an indignant Lavenza.

"Don't count Lavenza or I out just yet," agreed a much calmer Margaret.

"And do not worry," said Elizabeth. "Math Man and his…groupies won't know what smacked them, regardless of how much more we practice beforehand."

"I think you mean flunkies…" muttered the Demon Painter. Still he wasn't too worried. He and his fellow attendants were well on their way to the finals, and the championship was sure to be theirs, regardless of who they went up against. The title of "All City" would belong to the Velvet Crew.

For the record, here's who everyone is playing as in each game:

Part 1: Bomb Rush Cyberfunk (Millennium Square)
Mark: Mesh
Minato: Coil
Junpei: DJ Cyber
Chidori: Vinyl
Shin: Red
Akira: Jay
Ryuji: Tryce
Yusuke: Solace
Futaba: Classic (Oldhead female)
Shion: Shine

Part 2: Lethal League Blaze (The Subways)
Elizabeth: Doombox
Theodore: Switch
Margaret: Sonata
Lavenza: Raptor

As for their upcoming opponents, I'm pretty sure it won't be too hard to figure out who the Wicked Twisters are a reference to. Members of Havoc Rain, meanwhile, use black-and-white bears and mischievous death gods as motifs in their pieces. Also, bragging rights to anyone who can catch the Spaceballs reference.

Once again, I apologize if any of the characters come across inaccurately with regards to their portrayals in either canon or this fic. I also apologize for any and all liberties I took with the modding scene for Bomb Rush Cyberfunk. I do know people have modded it to be multiplayer, as well as put in whatever characters, soundtracks, stages, and graffiti pieces they darn well please. But I do not know if there is any actual competitive scene associated with either the game or mods. Heck, I don't even know how to install mods in general. I just really enjoy Team Reptile's work, and seeing the TWEWY reference in the last chapter as well as the art discussion omake inspired me to type this up.

Regardless, I hope you all enjoyed my attempt at an omake. I haven't written a piece based explicitly on someone else's fanwork in a LONG time…like over a decade, so I hope I did alright. Thank you for writing such an enjoyable tale, and I look forward to the next update!
Last edited:
Finally caught up! As I mentioned in our discussion on my own story, I wasn't really sure the premise was one that I would get into, but when I remember how much I'm craving a story with both P3 protagonists, I figured I'd give it a whirl. And I'm both very glad and very frustrated I did, because it's been super fun as well as addictive, and for the life of me, I cannot put my finger on the reason(s) why.

OH MY GOSH I'm glad to hear that! And just in time too! As you might've noticed in the first page of the thread, the next chapter's gonna be up in a few days. Again, I'm glad to hear you've enjoyed this self-indulgent passion project even when you can't quite figure out why (i get the feeling). I hope you keep enjoying the rest to come!

I think the only real piece of constructive criticism I've got is for the occasional typo, and I can't remember any specific ones right now.

Yeah...those are always gonna slip. I try my best, but yeah...

On a different note, your TWEWY reference definitely brought a smile to my face.

You know TWEWY?! Nice. I'm glad you liked the reference! It's not the first time I did a TWEWY reference, and it won't be the last. Though it will certainly take a while until I get the chance for a reference...and even longer before I do any of my TWEWY/Persona crossover ideas (nothing much; just little one shots/short stories). ...where was i going with that? Eh whatever. Point is, I'm super happy to see another TWEWY fan! I couldn't help throw in a reference myself.

If you ever want a really good TWEWY fic to read, I happen to know one over on Ao3 if your curious: The World Ends with Witches by AyaAya. She's also written a bunch of really neat stories for TWEWY in general, but that's the one that got me sucked in, and if it does the same to you, I will consider it my revenge for how hard it's been to put down your story, even when I really should be doing something else at the time.

-checks- Well, too bad for you, but I will not be reading it because I have yet to finish NEO and don't want to take the chance on spoilers even in an AU fic. :p
But more seriously, thanks for the rec! I'll be sure to read it whenever I finish NEO.

Also, that reference along with a specific omake of yours helped inspired something rather silly that I just finished typing and plan to share here sometime before I go to bed tonight. For now, allow me to leave you with just three words as a hint: JACK DA FUNK


HOLY SHIT—an omake!

Like with my own Persona fic, the idea crossed my mind and would not leave. This isn't really meant to be canon to either this story or any of the games, and so I apologize for any out-of-character behavior. I also apologize to any readers unfamiliar with any of the games being referenced. In the end, none of the following is meant to be taken seriously. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!

It's fine! It's just a fun little omake. I mean, I technically have Akira wildly out of character during the "out of context quotes" skits, so no worries. I'm just happy you were inspired enough to make this.
I will admit I am among those who are unfamiliar with the games. XD I know of them, Bomb Rush Cyberfunk more so thanks to my brother, but otherwise don't know much else. But it was still fun to read!

…Also, I meant to post this last night, but I passed out while editing it. Sorry about that.

Oh. Lol. I was wondering about that.
Tis fine. I've had my fair share of "falling asleep while working on my writing". ...and by fair share i mean multiple times

Now...some comments on the omake!

Specifically, there were two large television screens placed back-to-back in the middle of the room with Mark, Minato, Junpei, Chidori, and Shin seated in front of one whereas Akira, Ryuji, Yusuke, Futaba, and Shion were seated in front of the other.

let's just say this won't be the last time a lot of people will be gathered like this in the attic in Refraction. :p

"Isn't that game only single-player?" Ren pointed out.

"And when has that ever stopped mom from modding something to outer space and back?"

One, as someone who loves playing Friday Night Funkin' mods: yes.
And two, as someone who speedruns Octopath Traveler II, single player doesn't stop people from making it a group thing.

"I never could have dreamed of something like this back when I was playing the original Jet Set Radio while studying abroad."
"They used to call me 'King Crazy' back in the JSR days for a reason! Let me show you why!"

i am stealing this and making it my own headcanon.

"I remember mom mentioning how addictive this game could be, but she never told me or dad just how stylized it was!" Shion added.

Snrk. I find this funny considering how stylized Persona 5/Royal is.
Also who'd Shion? I'm blanking and Google is not helping.

Meanwhile, in a blue-colored club between dreams and reality, a young woman with black hair was conversing with an older man in shades and a beanie at the bar counter.

Totally not using this to plug in the only sneak peak I got for one of my would-be Persona 4 fic ideas involving an AU of Marie. Nope. Not at all. :D
Okay but seriously, because of this idea of mine, I'm fond of Marie, so I appreciate the Marie appearance.

The Demon Painter nodded.

And his appearance too!

"Elizabeth, WHY?!?" cried Theo

Me, everytime Liz does something mean to Theo even though I know she is chaos incarnate. :V

For the record, here's who everyone is playing as in each game:

I appreciate that as someone unfamiliar with it.

Also, bragging rights to anyone who can catch the Spaceballs reference.

I know nothing of this "Spaceballs", so it definitely won't go to me. XD

Regardless, I hope you all enjoyed my attempt at an omake. I haven't written a piece based explicitly on someone else's fanwork in a LONG time…like over a decade, so I hope I did alright. Thank you for writing such an enjoyable tale, and I look forward to the next update!

Final rating: 0/10 no akechi he should've been there playing with his girlfriend and little sister. :V /jk
Okay but seriously, a part of me wished Akechi was there 'cause he'd definitely be dragged into becoming a player because of Akira and Futaba, but other than that...that was a fun little omake. I'm glad to hear this story inspired you enough to not only make it, but make it after not having written an omake in a long time. Thank you for reading Refraction, and I hope you'll like the upcoming update and beyond!
OH MY GOSH I'm glad to hear that! And just in time too! As you might've noticed in the first page of the thread, the next chapter's gonna be up in a few days. Again, I'm glad to hear you've enjoyed this self-indulgent passion project even when you can't quite figure out why (i get the feeling). I hope you keep enjoying the rest to come!

I'm sure I will keep enjoying this story!

Yeah...those are always gonna slip. I try my best, but yeah...

I'm in a similar boat, so worries. Plus I've read plenty of stories over the years with FAR worse spelling and grammar issues.

You know TWEWY?! Nice. I'm glad you liked the reference! It's not the first time I did a TWEWY reference, and it won't be the last. Though it will certainly take a while until I get the chance for a reference...and even longer before I do any of my TWEWY/Persona crossover ideas (nothing much; just little one shots/short stories). ...where was i going with that? Eh whatever. Point is, I'm super happy to see another TWEWY fan! I couldn't help throw in a reference myself.

I stumbled upon a playthrough of TWEWY on YouTube about 12 years ago, got my own copy of the DS game within the year, and have been hooked on the franchise since. Not only have I gotten all the characters to show up on the save screen for the DS version (and gotten to nearly the same point in Final Remix) and gotten a platinum trophy for NEO (as well as 99.8% on my save file), but I haven't been able to resist putting footage from the series in 5 of my 7 AMVs/GMVs...which is also the same amount of music videos I've included Persona footage in. Those series just really like to sink their teeth into a person and refuse to let go, don't they?

-checks- Well, too bad for you, but I will not be reading it because I have yet to finish NEO and don't want to take the chance on spoilers even in an AU fic. :p
But more seriously, thanks for the rec! I'll be sure to read it whenever I finish NEO.

Make no mistake, you're in for a fun time with NEO and the AU once you get around to each. But now I wonder what other addictive Persona and/or Type Moon fics I'm familiar with that you may not be...Do You See Them, Start Again, Forewarned is Forearmed, Persona X Spy Fam, The Trickster and the Grand Order, Fate Genesis, To Relearn the Joy of Life, or Black Star ring any bells?...Okay, maybe I went a little overboard in sharing fics in those fandoms I've struggled to put down. Though it also probably says something about me that I can think of even more than those eight...

HOLY SHIT—an omake!


It's fine! It's just a fun little omake. I mean, I technically have Akira wildly out of character during the "out of context quotes" skits, so no worries. I'm just happy you were inspired enough to make this.
I will admit I am among those who are unfamiliar with the games. XD I know of them, Bomb Rush Cyberfunk more so thanks to my brother, but otherwise don't know much else. But it was still fun to read!

I only have some familiarity with JSR myself, having never actually beaten the original and only recently tracked down a copy of JSRF. Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, however, has been incredibly hard to put down every single time I pick it up. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. So if you decide to give it a shot, be forewarned: the funky fresh beats, vibrant presentation, and slick gameplay may very well take you hostage.

Oh. Lol. I was wondering about that.
Tis fine. I've had my fair share of "falling asleep while working on my writing". ...and by fair share i mean multiple times

I've fallen asleep while working on writing projects before, too...As well as many other types of tasks, games, stories, or even online conversations. Sandman REALLY loves picking such instances to whack me upside the ol' noggin.

let's just say this won't be the last time a lot of people will be gathered like this in the attic in Refraction. :p

Somehow, that doesn't surprise me, especially if we wind up going past Royal and into some of the other entries.

One, as someone who loves playing Friday Night Funkin' mods: yes.
And two, as someone who speedruns Octopath Traveler II, single player doesn't stop people from making it a group thing.

I know how popular those mods can get. I've worked in a school with kids ages 4 through 11, and the older students LOVED playing or watching videos of Friday Night Funkin' mods during lunch and indoor recess. And I completely agree with your second point.

i am stealing this and making it my own headcanon.

I don't blame you. Heck, the whole reason I included that was because of my own headcanons. You see, I've often heard Mark described as resembling a Jet Set Radio character, and for whatever reason, I've always been convinced that the "King Crazy" ranking from the Persona dancing games was a reference to the "Mark danced crazy" meme. This notion solidified after seeing an official live action promo advertising the dancing games where one of the dancers was dressed eerily similar to Mark, and became bedrock after seeing a fanmade logo for a theoretical Persona 1 Dancing game using his face the way Aigis, Teddie, and Morgana were used for their own respective entries. Considering all of that along with when the JSR games came out relative to when Persona 1 takes place, it just felt like it fit.

Snrk. I find this funny considering how stylized Persona 5/Royal is.
Also who'd Shion? I'm blanking and Google is not helping.

A stylized game can either make or break its presentation, but when games like Persona 5 and Team Reptile succeed in that regard, dang do they knock it out of the park.
As for Shion...aren't they your OC, aka the child you mentioned as belonging to Yusuke and Futaba over on my own fic, as well as the one who shows up in this particular omake? Is there something you wish to share with the family? *cue Futaba and Yusuke standing behind you, waiting to see if you possess a rubbish mentality that needs to be beaten into submission*

Totally not using this to plug in the only sneak peak I got for one of my would-be Persona 4 fic ideas involving an AU of Marie. Nope. Not at all. :D
Okay but seriously, because of this idea of mine, I'm fond of Marie, so I appreciate the Marie appearance.

And his appearance too!

I've got a soft spot for Marie as well, and given the whole art focus of the omake, it didn't feel right leaving out the Demon Painter.

Me, everytime Liz does something mean to Theo even though I know she is chaos incarnate. :V

Look, when trying to decide which Lethal League character to give Liz, there's a reason it was going to be either Candyman (aka a dapper lunatic with a yellow smiley face for a head whose personal stage is a padded room in an asylum, as well as the character one of the friends who introduced me to Lethal League kept using to clean my clock) or Doombox (aka a ruthless and violent sentient boombox that functions as the secret boss in the original game's challenge mode, the final boss in the sequel's Story and Arcade Modes, as well as the main reason I've never beaten the sequel's Arcade Mode even with my best characters). Elizabeth demands nothing less.

I appreciate that as someone unfamiliar with it.

Glad it came in handy!

I know nothing of this "Spaceballs", so it definitely won't go to me. XD

It's a really funny parody movie from 1987. I'm referencing this scene in particular. As for any other references, the Wicked Twisters was meant to be my own TWEWY reference, but Havoc Rain was combining the titles of two other stylized games by Kazutaka Kodaka: specifically Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc and Master Detective Archives Rain Code.

Final rating: 0/10 no akechi he should've been there playing with his girlfriend and little sister. :V /jk
Okay but seriously, a part of me wished Akechi was there 'cause he'd definitely be dragged into becoming a player because of Akira and Futaba, but other than that...that was a fun little omake. I'm glad to hear this story inspired you enough to not only make it, but make it after not having written an omake in a long time. Thank you for reading Refraction, and I hope you'll like the upcoming update and beyond!

I'll admit: I was debating having Akechi, Ann, and Kanaru already on the couch watching everyone play with Ren just joining them in observing, but I was starting to have a hard time making sure everyone already present had at least something to contribute, and I couldn't really think of anything for those three to do or so beyond what I had. That being said, there's no way they won't be present to watch the finals against the Velvet Crew, though, along with a bunch of their other friends and family.

On a different note, with your permission, I'd like to post it on Ao3 while providing a link to this story (either here on Sufficient Velocity or if you also post it on Ao3). Regardless, it was fun writing a piece based on someone else's fanfic after so long. There are a few other stories out there I've debated doing similar things for, but this one just made it rather effortless on my part. So thank you very much for the inspiration. Here's to more of Refraction!
[A whole lotta achievement hunting] Those series just really like to sink their teeth into a person and refuse to let go, don't they?

I can say that you're a bigger fan of TWEWY than me, since I only played OG DS and at most got all the secret files. Either way, I agree with the sinking teeth. Despite not having replayed the original in ages, I still can say I love the story and characters and am always happy when I see other fans or other people get into it.

Make no mistake, you're in for a fun time with NEO and the AU once you get around to each.

I look forward to it. once i finish at least kingdom hearts 1 and 2...assuming i et ky ass off and actually finish neo cuz it's been months now since i touched it—

But now I wonder what other addictive Persona and/or Type Moon fics I'm familiar with that you may not be...Do You See Them, Start Again, Forewarned is Forearmed, Persona X Spy Fam, The Trickster and the Grand Order, Fate Genesis, To Relearn the Joy of Life, or Black Star ring any bells?...Okay, maybe I went a little overboard in sharing fics in those fandoms I've struggled to put down. Though it also probably says something about me that I can think of even more than those eight...

Haha, tis fine, tis fine. Nothing wrong with fanfic recs. Tho I'd like to make it clear I'm picky on what I wanna read, for various reasons, as well as mood. So while I have heard of most of the list (except Persona X Spy fam and Fate Genesis), I'm admittedly not really gonna read most of em...
Like I said
Picky (yes i know black star is good no i am still not interested maybe i'll give it a chance after i [REDACTED DUE TO REFRACTION SPOILERS])
Funny thing is though "To Relearn the Joy of life" is on my to read list, actually read a few chapters, but put it down for when I wanna read the fic on a "rainy day".

I only have some familiarity with JSR myself, having never actually beaten the original and only recently tracked down a copy of JSRF. Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, however, has been incredibly hard to put down every single time I pick it up. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. So if you decide to give it a shot, be forewarned: the funky fresh beats, vibrant presentation, and slick gameplay may very well take you hostage.

I'll keep that in mind! Cause I'll admit the omake has made me wanna give it at least a try to see if I'll enjoy it.

Somehow, that doesn't surprise me, especially if we wind up going past Royal and into some of the other entries.

I will say right here that Refraction will cover, more or less, Royal only.
...all other spin offs and other entries will be their own fics.
Especially Q2.
Because I have ideas for it. Not to mention I get to show off more of Yu's Big Sis, Souko and my versions of the P3 twins (im still trying to think of an idea i can do that isn't just another novelization-ish)!
And Tactica. Even more so.
i need my eritoshi fix ok i swear i love those two so much— [CUT OFF DUE TO RAMBLING]

As for Shion...aren't they your OC, aka the child you mentioned as belonging to Yusuke and Futaba over on my own fic, as well as the one who shows up in this particular omake? Is there something you wish to share with the family? *cue Futaba and Yusuke standing behind you, waiting to see if you possess a rubbish mentality that needs to be beaten into submission*

Look, it's because it's their kid that I wasn't expecting it to be that Shion, okay?! XD
I was wondering if it was but I was like "nah. no way he's just using my oc. it's not like he has any reason to. why would he care about using her?"
So now I'm even more happy! I love Shion. I wish I could write more about her (this is her only other appearance thus far, and even then the focus of the one shot was on her little brother, Jirou), but don't have any ideas atm... So thanks for writing her in too!

Look, when trying to decide which Lethal League character to give Liz, there's a reason it was going to be either Candyman (aka a dapper lunatic with a yellow smiley face for a head whose personal stage is a padded room in an asylum, as well as the character one of the friends who introduced me to Lethal League kept using to clean my clock) or Doombox (aka a ruthless and violent sentient boombox that functions as the secret boss in the original game's challenge mode, the final boss in the sequel's Story and Arcade Modes, as well as the main reason I've never beaten the sequel's Arcade Mode even with my best characters). Elizabeth demands nothing less.

Oh I know Candyman! Hard to forget the dapper yellow head. I hadn't realized it was that game since I only played the first one for a little bit because its gameplay looked unique and uh... -looks up croc characer- I liked Latch's design.
Either way, yes, Liz deserves nothing less.

I'll admit: I was debating having Akechi, Ann, and Kanaru already on the couch watching everyone play with Ren just joining them in observing, but I was starting to have a hard time making sure everyone already present had at least something to contribute, and I couldn't really think of anything for those three to do or so beyond what I had. That being said, there's no way they won't be present to watch the finals against the Velvet Crew, though, along with a bunch of their other friends and family.

Ah, character bloat... Sometimes I wonder how I don't feel stressed juggling them all... Understandable. still needed akechi there he and akira would definitely be fighting against each other final destination no items wait wrong game

On a different note, with your permission, I'd like to post it on Ao3 while providing a link to this story (either here on Sufficient Velocity or if you also post it on Ao3). Regardless, it was fun writing a piece based on someone else's fanfic after so long. There are a few other stories out there I've debated doing similar things for, but this one just made it rather effortless on my part. So thank you very much for the inspiration. Here's to more of Refraction!

Sure! Unfortunately, no AO3 at this time, as I got no AO3 account. I'm considering doing it when I'm done with Refraction but we'll see... Either way, just link to SV version cuz has been...problematic for me, to say the least.
And once again, here's to more!
Heheh. Oh boy. I can't wait for you guys to see...literally every upcoming chapter really. XD there were a lot of moments I liked to write okay?
Ch 58 Determining Relations
Chapter 58: Determining Relations


Akechi glowered and scowled at the pile before him. He knew that with his position as a specialized hitman in the organization, their backing allowing him his position at his age, and said youth meant that quite a good number of the force who were, and weren't, in the know were jealous of his position, or thought him a brat playing pretend. As such, despite the fact that he should have a relatively light load to allow him to freely take requests from their various higher ranked members to take out targets or humiliate them, his fellow colleagues still thought it "prudent" that he was given menial cases so that he would understand how much work was actually put into being an officer of any kind...despite the fact that, should he wish it, he could easily kill them. Oh, how he wanted to...

They deserve it.

NO. They don't. Besides...I'm sure Akira-chan would think it more amusing if we enact revenge by doing EXACTLY what they want and rubbing it in their faces that we do it BETTER than they ever could.

...bah. Fine. It IS funny.

...but it was unecessary. So, despite being irked at the petty display, Akechi would do his work diligently. He still needed to enact his confession plan with Akira. Thankfully, because of their menial natures, most of the papers could be easily finished within the week, as he had already planned for. Theft, home invasions, insurance claims, and a few missing persons, among others things. Thus, the smart thing to do was to not accept more to his workload, especially if they weren't official cases. Yet after he left his apartment room for the day, when one of his neighbors, an elderly woman in a summer yukata he remembered because her husband was a foreigner, came to him and asked,

"Oh, you're the one on the news that my granddaughter loves... Can you please help me find Aisha-chan? I can't seem to find her anywhere..."

He said, "Very well. Do you mind if you could give me details about her?"

And that was why Akechi found himself in the middle of Shibuya in the afternoon. Looking. For a cat.

I really am crazy.

Of course you are. Is your memory THAT bad?

Akira-chan would've accepted.

Akechi allowed himself a single sigh. As counterproductive as it was for his schedule, refusing the request would've done the same to his reputation as the Detective Prince.

And you would've said yes anyway if Akira-chan needed help finding Morgana.

Tch. Not that the stupid cat needs to be found...

So he had no choice. Still, finding a cat lost in Shibuya was going to prove a challenge, but that was all more reason to overcome it. It was nothing compared to the rest of his life. From what his neighbor, Mrs. Sinclair, described, Aisha was a chocolate point Siamese cat of eight years, the feline being the granddaughter of the cat she had gotten with her husband in her younger years. Aisha had a white coat with black face and pale paws, blue eyes and a black color with a star shaped tag. Mrs. Sinclair only noticed Aisha's absence a little past noon, upon realizing she hadn't seen her since last night, after she had taken her to a groomer. He had already searched his apartment building and interrogated staff and other neighbors for clues and found none indicating she was near the apartment. That left the route Mrs. Sinclair took between the groomer and her home...or more probable, the entirety of Shibuya, which was around fifteen square kilometers, and that was of course assuming the cat stayed in Shibuya. Considering his tasks and how much he would need to search, especially with the preperations he made on the off chance he did find her, he had planned on spending only a couple of hours on this part of the endeavor, seeing as a missing cat wasn't quite as urgent as, say, a missing person.

Then, in the middle of his search—

"Akechi-san? It seems we meet by chance once again. Did you lose something?"

—he was greeted by Kitagawa-san.

He gave a pleasant smile. "Aha, it seems so." He shook his head. "No, I haven't lost anything, but I am looking for something. A neighbor of mine is missing her cat and she asked me for her help."

"A cat? Hmm..." Kitagawa-san turned contemplative then pulled out a sketchbook as he said, "...this cat you're searching for wouldn't happen to look like this, would it?"

Akechi couldn't help but be surprised as he looked at the sketch. It was, indeed, a Siamese cat that Kitagawa-san had drawn, one wearing a collar that had a star shaped tag, emerging from a back alley in Shibuya. However, he soon frowned when he noticed a detail he hoped was merely an artistic liberty...but knew was unlikely the case.

"Perhaps. Is there any reason the cat is drawn injured?"

"Because that was the state I saw it in," Kitagawa-san, forlorn. "Once I saw it during my usual observations of Tokyo's foot traffic, I attempted to get close in hopes of helping it. But it was frightened by my presence and ran off."

Unfortunately, the drawing was to life, which was concerning. If that was indeed Aisha, which was highly probable, that begged the question of who had hurt her and why. But that would be put on hold for now. At the moment, Akechi had an unexpected lead. "Do you mind taking me to where you had drawn this?"

"Not at all."

And so, thanks to that and further recounting from Kitagawa-san that Akechi was able to deduce where Aisha most likely headed.

"There you are," he said, sighing in relief that he had guessed right. He had found the Siamese cat under a vending machine in an alleyway with little traffic, alert and wary of their presence.

"It seems we've found her. But how do we get her out?"

"Simple." He opened his case to take out food, water and Aisha's favorite toy.

"You're going to lure her out?"

"That's the safest way I have, since I don't have protective clothing to let me simply grab her and be done with it..." he said. "Not that I would want to. She's scared. I don't want to make her even more so."

"I see..."

That, however, would take time, especially since they were strangers. He could call upon Mrs. Sinclair, but he would save that for when it became dark. That still meant being idle for the time being. So he would take this chance to do his homework for school.

"You're doing your assignments now?" Kitagawa-san said, inquisitive.

"Well, I'll be here for a while, so I might as well. You can leave if you want, of course. I can handle things myself from here."

He was sure he had more interesting subjects for him to sketch and paint. But instead of taking his offer, Kitagawa-san stared at him for a few moments, before seating himself beside Akechi. He eyed the artist as he took out his sketchbook again, the boy already beginning another piece.

"What are you doing?"

"Sketching you."

Of course. He would have to make sure he didn't make it public, but for now his curiosity got the better of him and he simply asked, "Why?"

"I had the urge to. You are quite a fascinating person, Akechi-san. Many different sides to you that seem contradictory."

His heart seized in a panic for a moment, questioning how Kitagawa-san could've possibly known...

We're hypocrites.

We're trapped by what we hate and unable to do what we dream of.

...that his Detective Prince persona was just that: a mask. But then he reminded himself that he had worn it for years now. There was no way Kitagawa-san would've known, much less in but a scant few meetings. It was likely his front itself that seemed contradictory to Kitagawa-san, especially considering he had...a unique way of thinking.

"Oh, I'm not that interesting. I know I'm a celebrity, but I'm not that different from most teenagers." A lot more than I'd like...because we're not special, after all.

"Hmm, that is true. You are still a teenager, even if you're a peculiar one. There are experiences that are universal. Such as the struggle of finding your place in the squall of life...I believe that is something we all must face, whatever form it takes. So yes, you are not wrong to say you aren't that much different from the standard."

And, just as he expected, the artist went in an odd but...philosophical direction. ...It wasn't entirely unwelcome, he would admit to himself.

"But that doesn't make you any less fascinating. Such as your smile."

His current "sheepish" smile almost broke. "What about my smile?" That sounded like he was flirting with me...

Luckily for him, he was wrong as Kitagawa-san explained himself. Unfortunately, he said, "You have a pleasant smile around strangers, one most would consider friendly...had they not seen how you smile at Akira. So small and missable...yet so full of warmth and brightness."

Fuck. Kitagawa-san noticed his—love for—crush on Akira, but was too dense to realize it. It was a small mercy, but that didn't change the fact he noticed it. It was a reminder that he needed to enact his plan as soon as possible to excuse such slip-ups while he was still practicing on controlling them.

Then the artist said, "Of course, that is but one trait. I know there is more to you than that, which I'm sure I'll see for myself."

Akechi very much rather he didn't. Kitagawa-san continued to show he was much more keen than expected with his brand of obliviousness. On its own, it wouldn't be a problem, since he would never realize how astute his observations truly were. But if he were to ever mention those musings to Akira or the others...they could dig where they hadn't thought of digging before. But once again, if he refrained himself, it would also cause suspicion. So he would have to be more mindful around Kitagawa-san...much like with Amamiya-kun. He sighed internally. These Phantom Thieves truly loved to break his expectations, didn't they?

Pfft. Didn't notice the first time with Akira?

Well, they did make it this far as phantom thieves. Surely they must have at least some skills to back it up?

Of course she does... The lucky b

know she's not—

It was then movement in his peripheral caught his attention and, as if to give Akechi an excuse to end his Personas' discussion prematurely, Aisha was peeking out from her cover, nibbling at the food he left.

"Ah, it seems she's deemed us safe enough," he said as he slowly stood up, making sure his movements didn't startle the cat.

Thankfully, she wasn't bothered by his presence once he was by her side. But he still kept his hands to himself as she ate, and then drank, knowing how possessive pets could be over their food. So it wasn't until she was done, her eyes now looking at him inquisitively, did he try to reach for her, and even then it was with caution. To his surprise, as soon as his hand was close enough, Aisha, after a quick sniff, readily snuggled against his gloved hand and purred. Akechi was startled at the reception, but he nonetheless smiled unconsciously at the affection and couldn't help but pet her for a few moments until he remembered she was hurt.

"Well, it seems I've finished sooner than expected," he said as he returned the containers into his case with his free hand. "Let's get her home so she can get some first aid and then her owner can take her to the veterinarian."

"Very well," Kitagawa-san said, assisting him in putting away the containers before continuing to tag along with him.

Soon enough, to the relief of her owner, Aisha was returned to Mrs. Sinclair, the woman grateful to him and promised to do as he suggested. As usual, he appeared somewhat embarassed as he humbly accepted her thanks, when in truth he was frustrated over the whole ordeal, bar that brief moment. Not only thanks to Kitagawa-san being more perceptive than he wanted, but because he knew that while her and Aisha's case was over, the mystery over her injuries wasn't. He wanted to solve it and settle the issue before it turned into a serial beating. But he only had one instance of a cat being injured and his thought was just conjecture. So he would have to leave it be. But it wouldn't be as bothersome as it initially was, because if it truly ended up being a problem...

Kitagawa-san said, "I'm glad she is safe, but I can't help but worry over her wounds. Who would hurt a cat so much?"

"I can think of a few things, but unfortunately, without some evidence, I won't be able to make a case of it, especially since the victim was a 'simple cat'."

Kitagawa-san's expression darkened as he said, solemn, "A shame then..." Then it turned contemplative as he mumbled. "Perhaps someone more suited should handle it then..."


After...finding out even more about Futaba yesterday, Ren just wanted to relax for the day, so he had Aki do their usual "after raid session" chores, such as selling the loot they had and the like. Admittedly, he felt guilty about it, since he was sure the revelations were weighing down on her as well, but not only did she tell him to not feel guilty about asking for her help, but she insisted that, for the foreseeable future, she would handle all selling and such so he could decompress. He wanted to protest, but she pointed out the likelihood of this becoming trend the deeper they went and that he should keep himself in tip-top shape as leader, so he conceded. Besides, he was more than happy to spend his leisure with Ann when she asked. However, they changed their plans once she got an email from her agency...that informed her that Mika-san wanted Ann to join her in shooting for her special magazine feature. Ann accepted it, despite the fact that she had no idea where the Skytree was, and he insisted he tag along, even though he wished his misgivings were unfounded, as Ann was ever optimistic about why Mika-san called her over. Unfortunately, he was in the right. Not only did Ann fall for Mika-san tricks again, making her relative modelling inexperience show and falsely paint her as a "complaining bitch" again, her performance in the shoot itself was, well...

The theme was the "elegance of woman", thus the clothes the agency had prepared matched that. Mika-san had a purple wrap sheath dress with a black waist ribbon and carmine pumps, accessorized with a pair of opaque gradiant brown sunglasses perched on her head and a simple silver necklace with what he assumed was a small amethyst gem. He couldn't be sure unless he got to examine it in full, which he doubted since that meant holding the gem, and he wasn't any kind of close with Mika-san. Ann, meanwhile, wore a pale blue polo blouse with a dark orange and black waistband, black waist belt and a leather jacket on top of it. Black tights and black high Cuban heel boots finished off the look. As much as he much preferred Ann's style of Mika-san's—his Joker attire looked the way they did for a reason after all—when the photographer asked the other woman to pose...

"This way, Mika-chan. Yeah, that's it. That's the expression I'm looking for. Wonderful, wonderful!"

...Ren hated to admit, even to himself, that she was pulling off the look well, utilizing her whole body to pull off various poses dynamics poses. Leaning back with one foot jutting out and hand on her mouth, another similar one except her head tilting to the side with her hand before her smug smirk like a half lidded window, holding her arms akimbo with her chin up and her eyes now being the ones half lidded, not to mention one pose putting emphasis on her "assets"... He wasn't an expert by any means, but even he thought she made herself and her clothes look good. Ann, meanwhile...

"Um, Ann-chan... Could you try being a little...sexier?"

...well, she looked more like she was posing for a Featherman cosplay event, which would've been fine...had that been the shoot's theme.

"You mean like this?"

"Ooooh! That's beautiful! Oh, you're amazing, Mika-chan!"

Ren tried very hard not to cringe. Or get mad. He had already gotten Ann in trouble last time for shouting at Mika-san. He wouldn't do it again if he had a say about it. Especially since when they were done, while Mika-san was busy cozying up with the various staff, Ann stared at the sight, crestfallen.

"I'm... I'm heading off..."


So, after Ren made sure the staff knew they were leaving so that there wouldn't be any complications, he escorted Ann back to Shibuya, holding her close in comfort. Once they disembarked, he led her through the underground mall, planning to pick somewhere quiet for her to process sooner, but in the middle of their journey, she said,

"I guess I really shouldn't have hoped, huh?"

Ren stopped and turned to her with a confused frown. "What do you mean?"

"I mean...I know she didn't like me. I know I'm still very inexperienced as a model in a lot of ways and that can be annoying. Not everyone is patient with rookies. So when she asked for me, I thought that maybe she changed her mind. I didn't think..."

Now he was frowning in empathy, feeling Ann's sadness. "She'd go as far as to show you up on top of tricking you?"

"Uh huh..." She sighed. "I'm such an idiot... You'd think after seeing so many awful people I'd know better, but...I probably deserved all of that."

"Ann..." He was about to comfort her, moving to hug her as part of it, when all of sudden,

"Eeeaaagggghhh! It pisses me off!"

Blink. "Eh?"

Ann took his rather "brilliant" reply as her cue to explain. "Mika had to work super hard to get where she is now. She worked out, watched her diet, made friends with everyone since she couldn't rely on connections like I did... She didn't become a model for the heck of it! She did it because she was serious! Her resolve, her knowledge, het fashion sense... They're all on a totally different level from me! Mika is amazing... Mika is... Mika is strong! But me? I'm nothing! Just thinking about that is making me so angry I could explode!"

Ren... Ren was not sure how to take the tirade, a torrent of feelings and opinions—particularly her opinion on Mika-san's strength compared to hers because why yes Ann was strong thank you very much—paralysing him in befuddlement. Thankfully, Ann wasn't quite done yet so she didn't notice his prolonged silence.

"This whole time... I've just been pretending to model. It was like the clothes were wearing me... I mean, that's what I always thought what being a model meant!" She paused as some of her zeal left her. "... But I was totally wrong. A real model draws out the beauty of the clothes they wear...casts a stunning spell on them... a real model is flexible, beautiful...and strong." And then she said, her words adamant and her eyes ablaze, "Well, I've had enough pretending! I want to be a real model...!"

Ren stared, stunned.

And then he laughed, full and free, in baffled awe and proud joy.

At least until Ann said, "Huh?"

And he saw her confused but somewhat hurt expression. Ren cut himself off with sharp slap over his mouth, an embarrassed gaze and a quick, "Er, sorry. I'm not laughing at you. I promise."

That placated her hurt, but only added to her confusion. "What was that about then?

He lowered his hand to show his smile. "I'm just happy for you."


He nodded. "You're not letting Mika-san get you down. You're using it as motivation instead, motivation to be better." Gentler, he said, "I can't help but be happy and admire you for it." "'tis a pity that such fortune will not befall on you." Even if there was a small part of him that felt a bit of envy for her finding yet another dream so soon and having the capability to chase it.

Ann flushed and stammered gibberish for a moment. "O-Oh, okay. Thanks..." Then she recomposed her fervor. "Right! All the more reason to give it my all! I'm gonna take the world by storm. Just you watch, Ren!"

He beamed. "Go get 'em, tiger. I know you can do it."

She giggled in delight, and Ren chuckled in turn.

Then: "Urrggghhh I'm still so mad though! This is the perfect time for sweets!"

Ren was startled before he chuckled with a sweatdrop at her declaration. It did, however, give him an idea. "Then how about we head to Suzui? I'm sure she can help you with making a training regimen."

"Oh! That's good idea! Yeah let's do that!"

And so they had an impromtu trip to Suzui, who, once again, laughed her ass off, this time when Ren told her of Ann's initial attempt at exercising while they explained why Ann needed her help.


Akira grumbled. Unfortunately for them, when she asked Akechi if he was free at the moment, he replied that he was in the middle of yet another case. All he could offer was that it would require his presence on-site. So, after reminding him to take care of himself, she bid him good-bye and good luck, thinking on what she would do instead. That was quickly interrupted though after she left Untouchables.

"Oh, hey Makoto, relaxin' with your free time?" she said to her as they met at the station.

"Hmm, you could say. I was thinking about heading for Shinjuku since I'm done with chores, but your brother said he isn't free."

"How about I come with then?"

"Oh, you're free? Are you sure?"

"Sure am! Come on. I can show you a bit. I know some of it."

At that, Makoto gave her a look, the kind that was equal parts curious and suspicious, but she said no more until they arrived at their destination.

"There are so many people here... I guess this really is the biggest red-light district in Asia, huh."

"For real?" She figured it was big, but she didn't realize it would be that big.

It was a vibrant as ever, even without the constrast of the night sky and the neon lights. There was much bustle on the streets, though Akira felt it was nowhere close to the traffic in Scramble Crossing, which she was grateful for.

Makoto nodded. "Apparently this place was a hotbed for criminals and illegal immigrants before they installed surveillance cameras... I heard there were quite a few brothels as well."

Uh huh. Were. She wouldn't be surprised if there were some still there somehow. There was more than one way to hide sketchy businesses, as their heart change targets have shown. Still. "For someone who hasn't been here, you sure know a lot 'bout the place."

"Well, I heard a great deal about it from my father... This is the first time I've actually been here myself though."

"Ah." That meant her father was very likely a policeman, or some job involving law.

"Regardless, it's become far safer now than it used to be."

"Probably. But..." Lala-chan had warned her when she was here. "'s probably not that safe."

"I agree, there's no way to eradicate crime entirely. It seems operations nowadays are only better hidden."

"I mean, what better way to hide than in plain sight, am I right?" Not to mention the possible loopholes one could exploit.

"Agreed. Anyway, seeing is believing, yes? Come on, let's have a look around."

Akira just nodded and they began their walk around Shinjuku, though split up at Makoto's insistence. She didn't quite get why the thief advisor wanted to do that, but she played along. She figured it was either for "data gathering" or a "baseline". It, however, also meant she had to deal with hosts equally inviting her in hopes of employing her and using their services because some assumed she was a male, mostly thanks to her loose attire and small chest size. At first, it was amusing for them to be mistaken—it was a reminder that she could pull off a male disguise like when she and her brother were younger and pretended to be the other for pranks—but after the fifteenth time, it was getting annoying. And it seemed she wasn't the only one.

"Come on. I promise we give real good pay," said yet another sketchy host.

"And as I've been saying, no," said Makoto, who Akira could tell was very much contemplating on whether it was worth decking him or not.

As hilarious as it was to see the ever calm advisor look ready to throw down, that just meant she had to be the voice of reason. That being: "Come on, let's run!"


Like the thieves they were, Akira grabbed Makoto by the arm and skedaddled. To the host's credit, he tailed them for a good while. But they were phantom thieves. So with the combination of using the crowd, feinting turns, and just outright better speed, they threw him off their trail before long. It did, however, mean she was gasping and panting by the end of it, bent over with her hands on her knees.

"Did we lose him?"

" so..." She could do some more sprints if she wanted to, but that would be pushing herself and she just knew she'd be utterly sore if she did go that far.

Makoto remained vigilant for a few more moments before she relaxed and sighed. "I think so... That guy was so persistent..."


"He must have been a scout for a hostess club. He mentioned how 'his girls' get paid a lot to wear cute dresses..."

"" she quipped, even if she realized why it took a while for Makoto to notice afterwards.

"All I wanted was to ask if any Shujin students worked there...but he nearly dragged me insde with him. If you hadn't been there to rescue me, I..."

"...would've probably punched his lights out."

The advisor smiled. "Yes. I'll admit I was thinking of doing that if I needed to. I'm glad nobody had to get hurt though."

"Ha! No need to fear when the Prez Rider's here!"

A glower. "Don't call me that."

A smirk. "Feather Bald Eagle?"

"Don't call me that either!"

Akira snickered.

Makoto grumbled.

"All right all right..." She paused. "How about Shishou?"

"O-kay, I think that's enough now."

She just laughed as her friend sighed from her continued antics.

"But really, none of those fit me. Especially 'shishou'. There's still so much for me to learn. I mean, just now, I learned how hosts recruit people."

Okay, when she put it like that, it was a good point. But still... "I still think all of those nicknames fit. And not just 'cause I was jokin'." Particularly the "shishou" bit, like how Queen fit her commanding aura, "shishou" fit her more supervising one.

Makoto didn't seem to accept that though as she just sidestepped it. "Oh, and thanks again. It seems you have a knack for helping me out. I hope I can do the same for you someday."

Akira sighed, but decided to let it slide. She didn't feel like pressing. So she just said, "No problem. That's what friends are for."

For a moment, Makoto was surprised at her declaration. "Friends..." she said in disbelief. And then chuckled and smiled. "That's right. Friends."

Akira smiled under her mask.

"That aside... Even though it's summer and this is a shopping district, there are absolutely no students around here. And definitely no Shujin students...though I guess they wouldn't come in uniform either way."

"Uh, yeah, like us, you know?" Akira couldn't help but quip. More seriously, she said, "There someone from Shujin you lookin' for?"

"Huh? Oh, no, not particularly. It's just an observation," she said. "Well then, let's...huh?"

"Hmm? What's wrong, Makoto?"


She gasped and turned. "Akechi!"

She smiled, happy to run into her friend. Except—

"What are you doing?"

—he was frowning, in equal parts anger and worry.

So Akira matched it, except in confusion. "Uh...goin' 'round Shinjuku?" she said.

The detective's look flattened, a burst of irritation coming through her link with him. "Why were you running?" Now his gaze was scrutinizing. "Did you get in trouble again?"

"Pfft, nah. Course not! What makes you think that?"

If his expression got any flatter, it'd be a pancake. "How we first met. Your problems in school. Your tendency to rush head first into—"

"Okay okay I get it!" Seesh, I'm not THAT bad...

Now Fantôme was giving her a flat look.

Oh shuddup.

"I did not utter a word before now."

So Akira said, "We were just runnin' 'cause this host was tryin' real hard to get Makoto to join his club. Even chased us. But we got him off our tails no problem."

And now Akechi was just angry. "A host was chasing after you?" he said, voice low and dangerous.

She felt more than saw that Makoto was startled at his tone, which piqued her own curiosity despite her own surprise at the shift. But for now, she had a good friend to calm down. "Ah, it's fine. It was just that one host. I've been dealin' with invites from 'em all day too and I—"


Akira was startled at the outburst. "Hey! Don't worry! Like I was saying, I had an easy time turnin' 'em down!"

That did nothing to assure Akechi, whose expression darkened as he asked, "Were any chance, harrassed by anyone?"

Akira gave him an inquisitive look, suspicious of his sudden question. "Nope. Why? Is it about one of your cases?"

Akechi was hesitant to answer, but despite that, he nonetheless told her, "You could say."

"Hey, maybe I can help? If this person's harassin' people, maybe I can be bait."


Akira was startled and Akechi himself flinched at his own outburst, but still he pressed on.

"Not even considering the dubiousness of civilian assistance on a case, I will not put you in danger, Akira."

"I have to agree with Akechi-kun."

Startled once again, this time in tandem with her detective friend, she just remembered that Makoto had been there all along. She would've apologized for forgetting her in the first place, but Akechi's rapidly changing emotions—from surprise to panic to annoyance to resignation then back to righteous worry—distracted her enough that he took the brief opening and said,

"See? Even Niijima-san thinks so. That's two against one, and I'm sure if your brother was here, that would be three."

Akira grumbled, opened her mouth to retort...then promptly shut it. "All right, fiiiiine..." Not only would she have had to deal with "Queen" should she protest further, but Akechi too, and she knew he'd pull out all stops right now, including telling her brother, so she'd cave in to this.

"You know I'm just worried for you, right?"

She huffed. "I know...but I'm not helpless, Akechi..."

To her surprise, her friend turned solemn as he said, ", you're not. Never." Then, much softer and a bit apologetic, "But what if something happened that could trigger your asthma?"

Akira flinched, remembering her near death at the hands of Kaneshiro. And how she also almost died with the quicksand in Futaba's Palace, even though that last one had little to do with her chronic condition. She softened and sighed. "Okay...I get it." With that done, she said, "Guess you should get goin' then? Don't want the trail to run cold, right?"

A quick glance at Makoto before Akechi said, his pleasant smile on, "Yes, that's probably for the best. Especially since this one might take a while. I believe my target is covering their tracks, hence why I am trying to catch them in the act."

She smiled and said, "Bye then, Akechi. Good luck!"

He scoffed with a smirk, telling her he didn't need it, but still said, "Thank you. I hope you have a pleasant outing, Akira...Niijima-san." Then he gave one more stern yet worried look. "I meant what I said. Please don't do anything reckless."

She pulled down her mask just to show off her warm smile. "No promises, but I'll do my best."

He returned it, small and soft. "That's all I ask."

And with that, he finally left, so Akira took the opportunity to say, "Sorry 'bout that. I just...kinda forgot you as soon as Akechi popped up, I guess?" Okay, that was as bad as it sounded in her head, but she was sure Makoto wouldn't mind...hopefully.

"Hmm? Oh, it's fine. He was the one who found us, anyway. I know you're close and try to make the most of his free time," she, thankfully, said. Just as Akira breathed a sigh of relief though, Makoto turned contemplative. "Although..."

"'Though' what?" Akira said as she pulled up her mask.

It seemed she was just thinking out loud as she was startled and said, sheepish, "Ah, it's nothing."

She almost let it slide like the past few times, but this time, she had a suspicion on what, or rather who, she was thinking about. "Oh come on. I won't get mad if that's what you're worried about. Is it 'bout Akechi?"


She hit the nail on the head. Akira sighed. "Yeah yeah, I know I know. I gotta be careful around him. I promise I am, okay?"

"Oh, uh, no. Well, yes, you should still be careful around him...but that's not what I was thinking about."

"Huh? Then what is it?"

It took a little bit for Makoto to answer, but eventually she did. "I know Akechi is close to you, but it's still strange seeing him act the way he does with you. I didn't think he could be...nice."

"Nice? Why?" Then an idea came from all the facts she knew and she grew suspicious. "Don't tell me Akechi was mean to you, was he?"

"Ah, eh, well..."

"Come on. Spill."

Makoto sighed. "The few times I met him and with what I knew from Sis, he seemed like an arrogant show-off. It was especially obvious that one time he called me a 'pushover good girl'."

"He what?"

"I don't blame him though," she was quick to say. "I was being a pushover..."

"Wait, when was this?"

"This was before...well, before I befriended you all. I was still suspicious of you. Looking back on it now though... You told him I was bothering you, right?"

She didn't want to admit it, but... "...yeah."

"Then it's even more likely now that he was insulting me for doing that to someone he cares for. He hasn't treated me like that since you and I became friends."

Akira grumbled. Makoto was right, and she was glad now Akechi was friendlier with another of her friends, but still... "That idiot. He hasn't apologized, has he? Next time I see him, I'm gonna get him to apologize to you."

"Eh? Apologize...?"

"Uh, yeah? Why wouldn't I want that? He was bein' mean to you."

"But, well, you were friends and we weren't yet at that point so I don't see why should we..."

"Well, you're my friend now, and my other friend was mean to you and didn't apologize for it."

"Even though you're friends?"

"It's because we're friends I want him to apologize. I won't let him do anything stupid no matter how much it annoys me like how he won't let me be stupid no matter how much that annoys him. I do that with all my friends. And Big Bro too, of course."

"... I see."

There. There it was again. That troubled expression from last time, except this she could feel some emotion behind it. And it was...envy. She wasn't sure what Makoto was envious of, so she wanted to get to bottom of it right away. But as much as she wanted to, Makoto then suggested they finally leave before it got too late for lunch, so Akira resigned herself to agreeing and, once again, putting a pin on her plans.


It was as Aki was leaving to help Yoshida-san that she received a message from Akechi, telling her he was free for the night. Of course, she told him she couldn't. Ren, however, could.

"We don't have to hang out if you don't want to," he said, holding back his amused smirk to appear neutral. "I know you wanted to spend time with Aki."

The detective gave a pleasant smile. "Oh, it's fine. I want to spend time with you as well, so don't think you're bothering me," he said, hiding the small part of annoyance and disappointment Ren could feel from their link. "In fact, I was thinking...since we went to places I wanted to go the last few times, why don't you pick this time?"

Ren stilled. Then he turned, deliberately slow, to him. "Are you sure about that?" he said, his smirk growing with each and every word.

It was brief, but Ren still caught his startle before he composed himself to say, "Of course. It's only fair."

With a toothy grin, Ren's glasses gleamed as he pushed the bridge up his nose. "Heh heh heh heeeeh...all right's showtime!"

Well, not right then, of course. They had to travel to where Ren wanted to go, which was a shame because the timing would've been spectacular otherwise.

" store?" the detective said, his expression even more plastered than before as his irritation warred with his manners.

This time Ren managed to withhold his smirk. "Well, you asked where I wanted to go, and this is where I want to go."

Specifically, they were at a used clothing store in Kichijoji called Smile, which was pretty near the station Ren usually exited to go to Sunset Road. While he had found a used clothing store in the shopping district itself, he had already gone through it, and most of the other stores last time. Not only that, from what he read, this store had fashion from older years, even some from long before the '80s, and a lot of it was imported. So he was excited to have an excuse to go to it sooner. And, well, it was also a perfect opportunity to mess with Akechi. Case in point.

"Oh, no, it's not that. I was just surprised is all," the detective said, his smile twitching for a moment in irritation.

"Oh good," Ren said. "Then let's get started."

It was first just the two of them minding their own business, Ren looking at the older and formal selections. But with the size of the store, he could also pay attention to what Akechi was choosing. He was doing so rather quickly, going in and out of the changing room constantly in the span of a few minutes, and always holding more contemporary clothes in some kind of white or red shade. After one such exit, his latest quarry folded over his arm, Ren said,

"Don't want a second opinion?"

"Ah, well..." He seemed ready to decline, but then he had an epiphanic look and said, "...if you don't mind, then yes, I would like your opinion."


As Ren thought, all of the clothes Akechi picked, even though they were second hand, gave him an elegant and pure appearance, like a dashing prince ready to sweep a woman off of her feet. In other words, it matched his Detective Prince persona. So, even though he didn't look bad in any of the outfits he picked, Ren still said, "Hmm. Not feeling it. Doesn't match." He had meant it in seriousness, of course. He wouldn't go against his fashion sense, even for this. But as Ren continued to show his disapproval with his outfits, though Akechi tried to hide it, Ren noticed from their link that he grew more and more frustrated. And he couldn't help but internally smirk as he realized his opportunity finally came.

"How about I help you pick?"

For a moment, Akechi was wary, but soon he plastered his pleasant smile and said, "That's probably for the best. I seem to have little fashion sense beyond my usual."

And so, Ren picked some of the most ill-fitting outfits he could manage. Of course, his fashion sense wouldn't let him get away with anything actually bad. Just styles he knew would be against Akechi's Detective Prince persona. Like a black leather jacket, gold shirt, and grey shorts and sneakers. A simple black t-shirt and chinos with five scarfs that made a rainbow all together. Or a green beanine, a plain orange polo shirt and olive baggy pants.

Each time, Ren said, "What do you think?"

Each time, Akechi replied, "I'll have to think about about we try another one?"

And each time, Ren could see his smile twitch and feel his aggravation build. And build. And build. Until...

"How about this?" Ren said, holding up a pale blue graphic T-shirt that said, in English, "You've got to be kitten me."


"Can you fucking stop wasting my time picking these stupid clothes?!"

Ren was startled. Akechi was horrified.

"Er, I mean—"

Ren laughed.

Now Akechi was back to mad as he snarled and said, "What's so funny?!"

Ren halted his mirth. "Sorry sorry... I just couldn't help myself. I wanted to see how long it took to get on your nerves."

He glared. "You were trolling me."

He gave an unrepentent grin. "Yup." More sincerely, before Akechi could protest or complain, Ren added, "Only because you're doing it again."

Now Akechi was just confused. "Doing what again?"

"Not having fun." And pretending to be someone that isn't completely you, if at all.

"Ah..." he said with a look of realization. "You don't have to worry about that. I don't mind."

Ren returned it with a flat one. "That's exactly why I mind." He sighed. Seeing that he was likely going to be stubborn about it, he changed tactics. "Come on, here, how about you pick something for me then?" He fired a smirk. "As payback." And maybe get you into the fun of this.

Akechi was understandably wary of him, but unlike the other times, he was obvious about it, staying still with a frown and narrowed gaze. But, eventually, when Ren just kept up his—hopefully—encouraging smile and made no further moves, the detective sighed with resignation and said,

"Very well. Since you insist."

Soon enough, Akechi picked something for him to try out. Ren internally smirked at his choice. After he changed, however, he let it loose as he said, "How do I look?" Then he strutted out, suave as he took confident strides, turning on his heel with relaxed ease, ending with his chin up and arms spread out, finishing his showcase of the pink cashmere sweater, beige chinos, and white scarf he was given. His smirk got worse when Akechi didn't even hide his annoyance.

"Are you really enjoying those clothes? Or are you just doing that to make fun of me?"

"It wouldn't be fun otherwise."

The detective groaned.

Ren laughed. "Okay okay... I'll stop now. I promise."

Flat. "If you're actually serious about that, then how about actually pick something that suits me?"

"How about something you like?"

He frowned in confusion. "Something I like?"

"Yes. Something you like." He smirked. "What? Does the Detective Prince not know his own likes?"

His friend looked ready to complain as he said, "Of course I do." But then he blinked and had a small smirk. "How about you guess?"

Ren returned it. "Challenge accepted."

From what he gleaned from Aki and their interactions, Akechi was the practical sort. It mattered not if he liked it, so long as it served its purpose. If he did like its aesthetics, that was just a bonus. And what he liked seemed to be things that either caught him in surprise, as a detective that wished to solve mysteries, or were balanced choices, not too much in one way or another, like his preference for doppio. So he had the perfect idea. After gathering the pieces for the look in his mind, including shoes, he gave them to Akechi and said, smirk still there, "Try this. I guarantee you'll like it."

Akechi looked dubious, but nonetheless complied and changed. Once he finished and stepped out of the changing room.

Ren's smirk got worse. "Well? What do you think?"

Akechi's face was the picture of torn. On one hand, he clearly liked his choice. His posture was much more relaxed than when he was trying all the other suits, including the ones Akechi picked himself. But on the other hand, that meant he had won on the first try with but a simple yet elegant look that Ren was sure was unexpected to Akechi. It was a mix of Western and Japanese. A black tonbi and hakama defined his silhoette, but instead of a kimono and geta, a white dress shirt and beige waistcoat were underneath the Japanese variant of the Inverness cape, and his footwear were simple black dress shoes. The perfect look for a young detective who was serious about his job that appreciated both past and present and used them to his advantage.

As such, Akechi sighed and, like a gentleman should, conceded. "I'll admit, I do like it. It seems when you're actually serious, you truly have an eye for this." More curiously, he said, "Is fashion a hobby of yours, Amamiya-kun?"

"Huh?" He shook his head. "Nah. Well, not like Ann. I don't know that much about trends compared to her. But she says I have the eye for it. And I do like to look good and dress up, so that's why I probably seem like I know a lot about fashion."

Akechi didn't look completely convinced at his explanation, but accepted it to ask another question. "What do you mean by dress up? As in, like cosplay?"

"Well, yes, I've cosplayed, but I also like just trying out different looks that I might like or end up liking. I don't have a big selection at Leblanc right now since I don't have a good spot to store them without wrinkling them, but I have plenty of outfits at home, along with costumes me and Aki have worn."

"I see..." the detective said, turning thoughtful. "Any particular reason you like to do that?"

"No, I just like it. It's fun to do and feels good for me." He said, "Isn't that why you're a detective? Because you enjoy doing it?"

Akechi tensed. "... Yes, that is true," he said.

And yet, with that moment of hesitation, Ren felt there was more to it than that. But before he could even think about questioning it, the detective turned thoughtful, putting a hand under his chin as his eyes grew distant, and Ren lost any heart to ask. Instead, he said, "Is something wrong?"

"The concept of happiness is a recurring thought in philosophical discussion," he said. "What is happiness, what causes happiness, whether it is valuable and how it affects others...those are the sorts of things they discuss and ponder over in regards to happiness. I couldn't help but think of that with your earlier words."

"About why you're a detective?"

"Yes. And why you pursue dressing up and cosplay. It just seems so...simple."

"Does that bother you?"

" a sense. If your happiness is as simple as 'if it satisfies my interest', then what happens if your happiness leads to the unhappiness of someone else? Or a group? Would you still be happy?"

Well of course not, Ren almost said. However, his question reminded him that, mere moments ago, his "happiness" hinged on Akechi's "annoyance", and it wasn't the first time, nor was he the first person to be subjected to his teasing. And admittedly, a part of him was bothered by that urge and how he enjoyed it so. But then he could just hear Aki's voice telling him, "Did you mean to hurt 'em? No? Then I stop beatin' yourself up, Big Bro!" "Indeed. Intent has as much import as action."

So instead, Ren said, "I think for me, it's a case by case basis."

Akechi grew intrigued. "How so?"

"I did just troll you earlier. In a sense, my happiness depended on your unhappiness. But I don't mind that I did because I know you can take it. If you did mind it though...if you mind it to the point that it hurt you, because it overstepped your boundaries or it was too much for you or it was the last straw in a string of bad things that happened today...then I would be unhappy. Because I know I pushed too far. And then there are even more situations with different reasons and circumstances that would affect whether or not I'm happy about it."

For a while, his words hung in the air, adding a weight that silenced them. They just stood there. Ren, still in the soft attire Akechi gave him. And Akechi, in the eclectic look Ren gave him. Until the detective himself broke it with a sheepish chuckle and said,

"Ah, my apologies. I got carried away again. I keep drifting off onto topics like that..."

Ren just smiled, wide and honest. "I don't mind. I liked it." It gave him more reasons on why Aki was so fond of him. A boy whose wit was as sharp as his occupation demanded and yet as dense as any teenager, the quirks that made him who he was hidden under a veneer of excellence.

Said boy was surprised for a moment but then composed himself. "I appreciate the thought, but I think I had enough of such topics for the day." He checked his phone. "Shall we get going? It's getting late."

Sure enough, it indeed was, so Ren agreed with him and they both changed back to their original clothes, Ren going first. As he waited for Akechi finish however, picking the clothes he wished to purchase, he noticed the detective staring at his phone before he said,

"Could you go on ahead? I want to finish something up before I make my purchase."

Ren was very curious what that could be, but considering how intently he looked at his phone, he just complied with his request. And soon enough, they left the shop and bid each other farewell. It was a rather unusual shopping trip. After all, how often did one get into philosophical discussions during one? But Ren was satisfied nonetheless, at getting some new outfits, and seeing more of the Akechi under his mask and getting closer to him.

Author's Notes: Why yes I put a (quote-unquote) "Phantom of the Opera" reference that I believe most won't get. Guess what it is. :V ...I'll be legitimately pleasantly surprised if you do.

Also, man, making Ren so interested in clothes can be exasperating because now when I describe clothes I often fall down a hole of research amd that can get tiresome but at the same time I'm enjoying knowing more. Gah! Lazy bum with research... Ahem. The store's name is Smile because the real life equivalent is called Nico, and one of the kanji for smile (微笑) can be used for the Japanese name, Niko. Which I remember because of Rei from Persona Q (if you know, you know), though the exact kanji isn't used in her case. Just like here, as far as I know, the place is a used clothing store in Kichijoji (south west of Kichijoji north station exit plaza; Sun Road north of it, and right by it).
Chapter Progress Update 118
My guess is that it's Akechi's new outfit (specifically because you mentioned an Inverness cape in the description).

That was just me...wait what was I doing with it again? Oh yeah! I think (keyword: think) I was basically giving Akechi one, an "actual" detective outfit because his iconic look is just his uniform, and two, make it basically be a "mix" of the "cool detective prince" persona he puts up and his "darker" side, by making it a darker detective look that is a mix of Japanese and Western clothes. ...yes i had a lot of fun thinking up the design.
Either way, nope! That's not the reference.
Want a hint? :P

Ahem. Anyways...
This week has been...a stupid one. And by that I mean, while I have made some progress in Chapter 77, a majority of it was done today because my stupid brain was apparently not in the mood to do anything but distract itself this week. Idk. I wanted to write, and yet I was more in the mood for reading a bunch of manhwas and writing comments and stuff. I only managed to do it today because apparently the "threat" of having "Nothing to report" (heh) was enough to get me off my butt this time. (And probably figuring out a nuance on one of the "techniques" I use to get myself to write) So yeah.

Chapter Progress

King of Lust Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: Pr, 1-16

Shogun of Vanity Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: 17-33

Banker of Gluttony Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: 34-48

Pharoah and Wrath Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: 49-73

Pioneer of Greed arc: Ongoing
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Ongoing
Editing: N/A
Chapters: 74-95(?)

Boss of Envy arc: On Hold
Outline: On Hold
Writing: N/A
Editing: N/A
Chapters: N/A
Chapter Progress Update 119
Anxiety, thy name is exhaustion.
Because eeeeeeyyyy this week turned out to be a week where my anxiety decided to spike up. Ahahaha. Don't worry, it's fine now, just...had a couple days where it was rough so I didn't get as much done. Especially since while I technically finished chapter's because I decided to split it up into two. Though as I said, I did suspect that to be the case, but still... Oh well. Still gonna be happy at finishing it today after the rough couple of days.

Chapter Progress

King of Lust Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: Pr, 1-16

Shogun of Vanity Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: 17-33

Banker of Gluttony Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: 34-48

Pharoah and Wrath Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: 49-73

Pioneer of Greed arc: Ongoing
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Ongoing
Editing: N/A
Chapters: 74-96(?)

Boss of Envy arc: On Hold
Outline: On Hold
Writing: N/A
Editing: N/A
Chapters: N/A
Chapter Progress Update 120
me, after last update: yay! Anxiety's down. Let's get to writing!
the day after the update: did someone say they want to be sick~?
...yeah. the past week i've been sick.
Biggest reason why I was late in this update...not that there's not much to update on. Managed only a little bit of chapter 78 before my body just refused to be creative. I've only...tentatively gotten better (tentative because sometimes it seems I'm fine but it comes back because I hadn't "finished" my meds), so I'm not expecting to finish the chapter by next week, which was what I was hoping for.

Chapter Progress

King of Lust Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: Pr, 1-16

Shogun of Vanity Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: 17-33

Banker of Gluttony Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: 34-48

Pharoah and Wrath Arc: Complete!
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Complete!
Editing: Complete!
Chapters: 49-73

Pioneer of Greed arc: Ongoing
Outline: Complete!
Writing: Ongoing
Editing: N/A
Chapters: 74-96(?)

Boss of Envy arc: On Hold
Outline: On Hold
Writing: N/A
Editing: N/A
Chapters: N/A