Persona 2041: The Long War [Shin Megami Tensei: Persona Quest]

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He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. For...
Introduction - Opening Shots


Sociopathic Shadowrunner
Commonwealth of Virginia
He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. For when you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you. – Friedrich Nietzsche

The first attack came when I was only fourteen years old. Back then, I was just a wide-eyed girl who would stare out a bedroom window on long nights, wondering about the latest in fashion, whether or not Patrick Stone would ask me out to homecoming, and praying for Dad to come home safely from Korea.

I was still living with my family at the time, the eldest of four army brats born and raised in the suburban Fairfax County. The house was always crowded, even when Dad was away on tour. I remember storming out that day after an argument with my mother, calling one of my friends to drive us out to the mall.

Fuck, I don't even remember what we were arguing about.

I remember catching the latest summer blockbuster, something mindless and inane to take my mind off of things. The latest teen-dystopian-escapist fiction adapted to movie form. I don't remember much of it. But what I do remember was sound of the sirens, their shrill screams audible even through the noise of the movie and the walls of the theatre.

All we got on our phones was the order to evacuate. Nothing else. No clue as to what disaster warranted a response of this level, only the command to find safety. So that's what we did, evacuating from the mall under the watchful eyes of nervous police officers. We were all afraid, tension wound so tight you could cut it with a knife. It reached peak fever when someone tried to make a joke about Korean nukes making it to the Eastern Seaboard.

Stupid and half-hearted, but it was enough to get people freaking out. For six months, we'd been at war ever since North Korea attacked. Conventional warfare by itself was unnerving enough given their megalomania, the sheer insanity of the fact that World War Three was happening in our lifetimes. But what really disturbed everybody was the power of Persona, and its formal debut on the battlefield.

Believe it or not, there was a time when Personas and Persona-users didn't even exist. Those were better days, simpler times, when we didn't have to worry about magic, or the gods and demons within the souls of humans. But I digress. This isn't a history lesson, and I'm the furthest thing from a psychologist. I'll keep it brief, though.

So where was I? That's right. Some asshole made a joke about Korean nukes. It was the wrong thing to say. With the escalation between the Allied Forces and the GDC, it was only a matter of time before someone decided to use nuclear weapons. The only question was who was going to push that red button. None of the Allies were desperate enough to use nukes. But we couldn't say the same for the GDC.

There was almost a riot. The tension just cracked. People started shouting, panicking. The orderly evacuation ground to a halt within three seconds. Arguments with the police broke out, people demanding to know what was going on, and more than one person fainted from the pressing mass of bodies. It only reached fever pitch when someone punched the joker who made the nukes comment in the first place.

That was the signal for them to attack.

They came from nowhere, peeling off of walls and rising out of nothing. Formless puddles of black goo that just…attacked without any provocation, any sort of warning. Within a second, they'd already dragged someone to the ground. Within the next, he began to scream as they devoured him.

Everything happened at once. There were just as much people that died from the stampede to escape as there were that got savaged by the monsters. Not that it helped. The Shadows moved just as quickly, rushing along the ground and grabbing at anyone within reach. Those out of their arms' reach were blasted with magic. Civilians burned, police officers sliced to ribbons, and the main exit was frozen shut.

...I can still see and hear my best friend, you know? She screamed as she was pulled into the writhing mass by dozens of oily, black limbs. Sometimes when I'm fatigued, strung out, I can still feel her hand gripping mine for life, and the violent sensation of it being torn out of my grip.

…somehow, I didn't get trampled or pulled in, but I wasn't able to break out of the mad scramble. It was awful, trapped in that writhing mass of bodies, unable to breathe, unable to move, unable to see anything. I've never been claustrophobic, but that's the closest I've ever been to having a panic attack.

As a matter of fact, I almost came close to pissing myself when the monsters came for our group: at least a seven of those flying orbs with grotesque tongues, and a dozen of those masked oozes. Instead of panicking like the others, something just…snapped within me and I summoned my Persona.

Even now, I can't explain why I did it. It just felt like the right thing, kind of like those gut feelings you get when you have to make a quick decision. Basic fight or flight instincts from six million years of human evolution. And I guess that my brain, or rather, my soul chose to fight.

To tell you the truth, I've never actually used her outside of competitions. Aside from her magic, she had very little else to offer in terms of actual close-quarters combat. All of those videos or urban legends of me being some kind of prodigy? All kinds of horseshit. I was running on adrenaline and desperation when I had Undine do the first thing that came to mind.

Mabufu is only better than its single-target variant in its ability to hit multiple things at once. Other than that, it's still the lowest among the tier of Ice-based magic. Even in Gauntlet matches, all it did was tickle the opposing team.

Not with the monsters. The flying tongues - Halberries - reeled back as the spell hit them. But it had the most visible effect on the ooze, the things we'd later call Mayas. They literally froze in their tracks, trapped in the ice that my Persona created. The attacking force suddenly got cut in half, and that relentless, merciless momentum just..stopped in its tracks.

Somehow, it worked. Eventually, there were other teenagers who saw what I was doing and followed suit, summoning their own Personas. Eventually, the tide turned somewhat. Most of the kids had never even been in simulated combat. That much was obvious from their shoddy aim and weak magic. But it was enough to give everyone a breath, a temporary respite from the massacre.

Within a few moments, some semblance of order had been restored. The surviving police officers continued to evacuate the civilians, some lending their support to the Persona-users. I did my fair share of following up on my act, but I didn't care about fighting them. All I wanted to do was get back home to my family.

I desummoned Undine, turned and ran with the crowd. I kept running, past police officers, past people crying for help. I kept running even when my lungs burned, when my legs were on fire, when my body was pleading for me to rest. I thought I was going to die, listening to those creatures butcher their way through the city.

I kept running until I got home, many miles away from the mall. My family was indoors, still watching the whole thing unfurl on the TV. I saw footage of the Shadows attacking everything and anything. Police officers were cut down by winds as sharp as swords, and the tanks of the National Guard swept aside like toys by the larger monsters. Skyscrapers collapsed, dragged down to the earth by the crawling masses, the skylines of our cities set ablaze with hellfire.

My mother ran over and hugged me when she noticed I'd come home. She held me tight and kissed my dirty cheeks over and over again as if the morning's argument never happened. I didn't hug her back. There wasn't any time, not until we were far, far away and safe. But I didn't even know where that was.

All I could do was yell, my raw throat somehow finding the strength to do so after that running. Something along the lines of "we have to get the fuck out of here", give or take a few panicked words. On any normal day, she'd wash my mouth out with soap for cursing in front of my siblings. But they listened, grabbing what they could fit into the family car. We were out of the driveway within twenty minutes, the fastest we've ever been.

Somehow, we managed to make it to a refugee shelter in spite of all the chaos, the local university's sports arena. At least five thousand distraught men, women and children, all of them were just…sitting there on the turf. Shellshock, emotional trauma, you name it. Some even had early signs of Apathy Syndrome, although it didn't have a name at the time.

Cell phones were out, and the internet was gone. But the landlines for TV? Those were still working. All of us wanted answers, demanding to know what was going on. The staff capitulated, turning onto a random news channel and broadcasting it on the jumbotron.

In hindsight, it might've been better for us not to see what was happening. We thought we'd reached the pits, you know? 'What's the worst that could happen', right? It's already World War Three. But the answer to that question was something that no one wanted to learn.

It wasn't us only us. Footage came pouring in from all over the world: London, Berlin, Moscow, Tokyo, even the Vatican. What we thought was happening only in America was occurring on a global scale.

Everything was burning. People were dying. Monsters were attacking.

The message was clear. This was an enemy that could not be reasoned with, that would stop at nothing until it had achieved its goal: the complete and utter annihilation of the human race. No one was safe, no one would be spared.

It was only a day later when the call came out, for the mandatory conscription of all registered Persona users that were old enough to fight, any one between the ages of twelve to eighteen. We were the only ones that had the power to stop them. At least that's what the government man said when he came to our camp to collect anyone with the power of Persona. Including all four of my siblings and I.

Mom was in hysterics. I had enough training with Undine to compete in Gauntlet Matches. But Joey? He could barely control Odysseus. Tristan hated violence, and there was no way in hell that soon-to-be-twelve Rebecca would survive, even with her Persona. We didn't even know if Dad was alive or not in Korea.

He promised her that none of us wouldn't go to the front lines. Not until we were ready. I was the first one to complete basic, or at least a month of it before they had me running with the infantry. At the time of this recording, I'm almost sure that Joey's finished his first mission, with resounding success. The army has Tristan running as support on the rear lines, far away from combat. And the last time I heard, Rebecca was one of the strongest healers in the greater D.C. area.

But I don't know how long they can hold onto that promise, to keep them away from the fight. Because if I've seen anything from this goddamn war, things are only going to get worse before they get better. Remember what I said about gut feelings?

Yeah. This is one of them.

-Interview with Private First Class Serenity Dollman, United States Anti-Shadow Operations

Persona 2129: The Long War

Welcome to "Persona 2041: The Long War"! This is a quest that will detail the struggles of humanity against the literal embodiment of their negative emotions and desires. The main protagonist of this story is one Private Miller, an American Persona-user swept into the turmoil of the times. They will be part of the 1st Anti-Shadow Operations Platoon, a multi-military-branch project created to combat the Shadows.

Source material for this one comes from a 4Chan Quest called "Persona 2129", where the setting for all your dungeon crawling and Social Linking is a post-apocalyptic cyberpunk future. In this setting, Personas have manifested in the souls of the entirety of the human population, with everyone able to summon their own magical punch spirit to aid them in whatever they need. Whether it's surviving the trials of high school or breaking into the Junes Megacorporation's secret vaults, the only limitation to one's uses is their imagination, and the general power of their Persona.

But there was a price to pay for the next step in human evolution. Shadows have manifested as well, and came perilously close to bringing the world to the brink of destruction. And even though it's been many years since the uncertain days of 2041, and humanity remains in a tentative security, the Shadows have not gone away. From the walls of megacities such as New Washington or Neo Tokyo, Anti-Shadow Operatives fight daily to hold them back from civilization, to keep them confined to the wastelands where mortals fear to tread. And even within the walls, enough concentrated despair or negative emotions is enough to make them manifest on the streets of the city, especially on rainy days and nights when the moon is at its fullest.

My credentials for this comes from having participated in the quest as both a player and writefag close to the author while it was still running.

  • Personas began to manifest in late 2040, appearing in 1 in 9 (11.1%) of the human population (9,000,000,000 estimated) within kids between the ages of five and seventeen. Confusion, fear and hysteria runs rampant across the globe. Criminals with Personas, rogue vigilantes, etc. Having the wrong Arcana and Persona could very well get one lynched by a mob. Such is the fate for may unfortunate Devils and Towers. Things only begin to die down with the U.N. ratifying the Crowley Act, which calls for the mandatory registration of all Persona-users for tracking and monitoring for scientific purposes.
  • WWIII Started on Saturday, February 2nd, 2041, with North Korea launching missiles at South Korea and sending their army across the minefield, accompanied by a battalion of child soldiers with the ability to summon Personas. This is the first recorded incident that Persona-Users have been deployed in conventional warfare. The GDC and the Allied Forces draw the battle lines and begin deploying soldiers into combat zones across the world.
  • The Shadows attacked on Sunday, August 18th, 2041, slaughtering hundreds of thousands within the first day, and millions by the end of the week. "Bloody Sunday" is a day that lives on in infamy, as it called for the mandatory conscription of all Persona users, regardless of age or experience. Many child soldiers perish in the months to come.
The Global Domination Coalition (GDC)
  • North Korea
  • China
  • Libya
  • Nigeria
  • Syria
  • Zimbabwe
The Allied Forces
  • North America
  • South Korea
  • Japan
  • Russia
  • European Union
Oh, and one other thing: the role for the generation's Fool and Wild Card has already been taken by an NPC.

There will be three parts to character creation, which I will lay out for you now.

  1. Gender, Career
  2. Gamechanger, Name/Arcana
  3. Persona/Build, Portrait
Now without further ado, let's survive!

EDIT: The ideal update rate is one/two days. That's what I've set for myself, but things may take longer as the semester continues.
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Character Creation Pt. 1 - Darkest Hour
"Good evening.

"I will be speaking not only to the American people, but to any and all listeners, wherever you may be, especially to the leaders of the Allied Forces. It is my greatest hope that you are all alive, somewhere safe and secure from further attack."


"Today, the world has suffered its most devastating attack in the course of known history. There are no words I possess that can ever hope to describe the immeasurable grief that has taken root in our hearts. In the last hour, it has been estimated that three million have perished across the world. I am told that this number only continues to rise with every passing minute.

"We have all lost something, and someone precious and dear to us. Friends, family, and the belief that we were safe from any sort of harm. All of that, violently torn away from us, so very easily. On behalf of the American government, I offer you my sincerest of condolences."


"The world has seen terrible things. The rise and fall of despots and tyrants. The devastation left in the wake of genocide. Our ideals forever changed by a war on terrorism. We have seen these things, some of us even in our lifetimes, and endured, survived to become stronger and unified through mutual understanding. Yet for all our camaraderie, nothing we have seen could have ever prepared us for this.

"I do not know the nature of our insidious enemy, but I can this with absolute certainty:

"This is an enemy that will stop at nothing to destroy everything that we are. There are no borders in this war, no rules to be drawn, no negotiations to be had with our foe. These monsters these…Shadows, will only be satisfied when we have been slaughtered to the last man, woman and child.

"And to that, I say no.

"I am broadcasting from a secure location, and have been working with our government to restore order and law to the chaos that has descended upon the nation. Our first priority is to get to those unable to evacuate, and secure our escape routes from further attack. The functions of our government will continue the best that they can, but I am counting on you, the people both of our country and without, to aid us to the best of your abilities.

"A great man once said that a house divided against itself cannot stand. Therefore, I have sent generous terms of surrender to the last surviving holdouts of the Global Domination Coalliton. Nigeria has accepted, and I await China and North Korea's responses in the hopes of mutual understanding. Before we can engage this new enemy, we must first lay down the arms we have raised against our fellow men.

"Together, as one collective species, we must stand together. Then and only then, will have the chance to drive back this enemy to the darkness from where it came. And even our efforts should be in vain, we will give them nothing less than our all. If this is the last hours of humanity, then we'll give them one hell of a time. Civilians and soldiers, men and women, adults and children of the word, this will be our finest hour."


"Now, I turn to the American people.

"My fellow citizens, as Commander-in-Chief of the United State's Armed Forces, I have taken steps and measures to prepare for our defense. But is painfully clear that this is not a conventional war, as evidenced by the strange and terrifying powers they are capable of wielding.

"It brings me great pain that I see no other option. There are others who would gladly take this responsibility away from me, this duty of bringing you the last thing you want to you hear. But I will not shirk. I am first and foremost, the servant of the American people. And with that, comes the obligations of my station.

"I, President Robert Heartman, under the emergency powers vested in me through 123rd Continental Congress, sign into effect the Heartman Act, effective immediately upon termination of this broadcast. It summarily and briefly enacts three main points:

"The draft has been reinstated. A lottery will determine the time of your expected arrival to the closest military station within your designated evacuation area. This pertains only to male youths above eighteen years of age. With a majority of our armed forces overseas and still in GDC warzones, it falls to us to defend the homefront until they return home.

"A nation-wide lockdown begins effective immediately after this speech, and a curfew established to keep you safe and away from our attackers. It is indefinite and will only be lifted once we establish a firmer grip on security. Across the country, cities have been designated as sanctuary zones; Chicago, Dallas, and Washington D.C. among others. Everyone must evacuate to their corresponding city, determined as to whether or not your city falls within a certain radius, to be disclosed via broadband broadcasting.

"And finally…"


"…and all registered Persona-users between the ages of twelve…and eighteen are to report to the closest military station within your designated evacuation area. You will be…trained to use your gifts to better help our soldiers protect not only this country, but its people as well. And from there…the world."


"When this is over, I will accept the full responsibilities of my actions to be judged accordingly by those that come after. But until then…may God help us all in the darkest hour of our brief existence."

-President Robert Heartman's "Darkest Hour" Speech
-Monday, August 19th, 2041

[Line Break]


"At ease, Lieutenant. You said that you had something you wanted to show me?"

"Yes, sir. I believe that I have found the ideal recruit for the project. Here, I have the necessary documents for you to skim through. Files, transcripts, records…and data obtained by the Crowley Foundation."

"…ROTC from the beginning of high school?"

"About to start fourth year when the attack came."

"…very impressive. Solid grades, pristine health…any experience in firearms? Simulated combat?"

"There's a shooting range that the class would go to every now and again. As for simulated combat, there's nothing to verify or discount that idea."

"No experience then. But that's alright. Boot camp is finishing up. Compounded with the peak of health, Miller should be ready to go."

"That's what I'm counting on, sir."

"Excellent. I'll take these to processing and get them approved. I'll put in a special word to get Miller here by the end of the week."

"Thank you, sir."

"Thank me later when your protégée blasts a group of Shadow into slime. Or shards of ice. I'm not a picky man."

Line Break

The internal bureaucracy of the military operates like clockwork, now more than ever with the stakes imposed upon them. In a sweltering tent pitched on the National Mall, rows of clerks with laptops process papers upon papers. Identification, complaints, and no small amount of protest letters regarding the draft. That last part was not surprising, honestly. That much was expected.

What was surprising was that people were still sending them in after it was proven that Shadows were attracted to negative emotions. Simmering anger and resentment is among the sweetest of lures for them.

Having worked for almost fifteen hours straight without relief, one Staff-Sergeant Abigail Brown yawns just a tad bit too widely, missing her coffee and knocking over a sheaf of papers. Muttering curses under her breath, she ducks down underneath the table and begins to grope blindly at the sheets.

Thankfully, she only dropped one application. And even in the dim lighting, the words typed in pristine font, stand out among the triplicate…

Name: Private [Unreadable] Miller
Age: 17 (B. June 6th, 2034)
History: R.O.T.C.

[ ] Male
[ ] Female

High School Career:

[ ] Athlete [Warrior]

· Body (+++), Combat (+++)

· Fitness Discipline: Take -5 Fatigue to rolls every hour instead of half hour.

· One Final Effort: Ignores one attack that causes Unconsciousness or Death.

[ ] Student [Mage]

· Mind (+++), Knowledge (+++)

· Augment Magic: Add +10% to Magic Damage for every '+' in Knowledge.

· Iron Fortress: +20 to rolls made against Mental Ailments (Enrage, Fear, Panic)

[ ] Socialite [Rogue]

· Agility (+++), Social (+++)

· Adaptability: Take no penalty when using weapons without proper proficiency.

· Peacemaker: +20 to Social Rolls made against aggressive human targets.

Note: The average human being has five"+" scattered around the six stats of Combat, Body, Mind, Knowledge, Agility and Social. As someone in ROTC and in the peak of physical health, all of your stats start at "++". Each "+" in a certain stat modifies the according action by +5.
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Miller's Character Sheet
Private James Miller

  • Combat: ++
    Body: ++
    Mind: +++
    Knowledge: +++
    Agility: ++
    Social: ++
  • Portrait

  • -[X] Carving Initiate: Increases the value of drops after Shadow battles.
    -[X] Heightened Senses: + 15 on Perception rolls.
    -[X] Steady Shot: Reduce Fully Automatic Recoil penalty by one degree. (-15 becomes -10)

    -[X] Scanner: Your Persona can perform basic Scan-type functions, identifying a Shadow's stats and resistances with twenty seconds of uninterrupted concentration. (i.e. like Mitsuru's Persona)

  • Name: Jack Frost
    Arcana: The Magician

    STR: D+
    MAG: C
    END: C-
    AGI: D
    LCK: E-
    DEV: C+

    Weak: Fire
    Block: Ice

    • Sonic Punch - Light Bash damage to one foe.
    • Bufu - Light Ice damage to one foe.
    • Dia - Slightly restores 1 ally's HP.
    • Tarukaja - Raises 1 ally's Attack for 30 seconds.
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My System Explained
My System Explained: Stats, Rolls, Talents/Traits, Etc.
Combat: A catch-all stat that indicates how proficient a person is in their own fighting prowess. Hitting someone over the head with a nightstick, unloading a shotgun into the face of a Shadow, and blasting them with magic. Sometimes, I'll call for combat rolls swiftly, like a game of D&D. Other times, I'll just call for a general roll if your level is high enough.

Body: The condition of the human body. This stat represents how physically fit you are. It not only ties into lifting heavy objects or staying on your feet after a night of drinking, but also Phyiscal damage both you and your Persona dish out, as well as absorbing damage. Additionally, this is the stat that the modifier draws from when making checks against Physical Ailments (Enervation, Poison, Silence).

Mind: This describes a character's willpower, common sense, perception and intuition. It has its uses in finding hidden things, working at your job, making logical deductions, and aids you in shrugging off Mental Ailments (Enrage, Fear, Panic). Ignore this stat at your own peril, as Mental Ailments have a tendency to catch those unaware.

Knowledge: Indicative of how well your character learns and reasons. Primary uses of this attribute are for rolls to determine certain subjects, such as Military, History, or Religion. Additionally, every "+" in Magic grants a +5% Bonus to Magic Attacks made by your Persona.

Agility: Exactly what it says on the tin can. This stat represents how well you move with your fingers and how quickly you can hightail it out of a bad situation. While it has no obvious use for a Persona, its user reaps the benefits of being able to dodge some attacks that others are unable to.

Social: This measures a character's force of personality, persuasiveness and general magnetism. Almost every leader invests in this skill, and represents an actual strength of personality, and a driving force behind an otherwise emotionless argument. No obvious use in combat save for humans. Shadows cannot be negotiated with.

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*Looks around the thread* what the fuck? No one wants to vote? Hell, I'm just glad to see Persona 2129 back in some form.

[X] Male
[X] Student [Mage]
Ah, yes, good to see SMT/Persona back in a quest format. God bless you OP.

[X] Male

Is One Final Effort a once per fight proc, a daily proc, or a "you get one" proc?

I may switch my vote depending on the answer but otherwise,
[X] Socialite [Rogue]

We already have 2 + in every other stat, may as well go for dodging/speed and social for those establishing social rolls. The Knowledge stat should be a simple grind, and while I'm concerned by the lack of mind we still have +10 to our rolls there, and we should be able to find a way to bring it up. I don't think the QM would have brought up all those other factions and rules for human negotiations if they weren't going to be an issue, and besides, this is Persona. Social stats are best stats. Being able to pick up and use any weapon we get our hands on at base proficiency isn't too shabby either.
[X] Male
[X] Student (Mage)

Seeing as we're not a Wild Card, Social Links can be a secondary priority & while adaptability could be nice, Shirou Emiya had a point in Fate Stay/Night:
Shirou Emiya said:
Having an infinite number of swords wouldn't let me stand up to a sevant who had mastered one.
Can't be kaz. All his shit is on hiatus while he gets his stuff together. Shame too, TF666 was up for updating after this next BRQ session.
Can't be kaz. All his shit is on hiatus while he gets his stuff together. Shame too, TF666 was up for updating after this next BRQ session.

Quote from SB:
A//N: Writing quests on 4chan proved to be a very interesting exercise in writing under pressure and developing a narrative over the course of only a few hours. I think that it definitely improved my skills, but at the cost of nearly burning myself out. So, I return here to update what I first started.

So ACEbanana is a QM on 4chan and was a fan of Persona 2129. Kaz at the very least fits the description.
Character Creation Pt. 2 - Sisterly Musings
[X] Male
[X] Student [Mage]

The first thing that crosses Abigail's mind is that he looks incredibly mature for his age. Sure, the paper says that he's seventeen, a perfectly acceptable age for R.O.T.C., and his track record? Puts most of what she's seen to shame.

Still, the face that stares out from the paper would be better suited for senior yearbook as opposed to a military document. No matter how well learned he was in the classroom or the training field, actively fighting in a war was an entirely different experience. And this is a fact she knows quite well.

Abigail shakes her head, sighing as she reaches back down under the table. Maybe it's because he was only a few years short of Johnny's age that she got all worked up about it. Even as the middle child of her family, big sister instincts are still one hell of an emotional rush. But there's no use worrying about it now. There's still papers to retrieve.

Once again, she dives under the table, grunting as she reaches for the next closest bit of paper. It's only slightly out of her reach, but a single scoot from her chair put her within grabbing distance. Swiping at the form twice before clutching it in her hands, she breathes a sigh of relief as she sits back up, easing the tension at her lower back.

The second page is a document that cross references both the databases of the Armed Forces, as well as that of the Crowley Foundation. As the world's leading body in Persona research, there's little wonder as to why miller's sheet would have their own unctuous observations attached to his record.

Curiosity just as much compels her as much as ensuring that there are no errors in the document. Skimming from line to line, and box to box, Abigail scrutinizes the second page with a critical eye…

>Select three Traits:

[ ] Bash Proficiency: You have been trained in the use of Bash-type weapons.
[ ] Carving Initiate: Increases the value of drops after Shadow battles.
[ ] Designated Target: Attacks/Damage against Shadows of a certain Arcana gain bonuses.
[ ] Heightened Senses: + 15 on Perception rolls.
[ ] Pierce Proficiency: You have been trained in the use of Pierce-type weapons.
[ ] Slash Proficiency: You have been trained in the use of Slash-type weapons.
[ ] Steady Shot: Reduce Fully Automatic Recoil penalty by one degree. (-15 becomes -10)

>Choose one Gamechanger:

[ ] Augment: You were among the first to discover Persona Augmentation. Achieving greater synchronicity with your Persona enhances abilities, enables casting magic without Summoning. (Default synch is 10%, you start at 25%)
[ ] Scanner: Your Persona can perform basic Scan-type functions, identifying a Shadow's stats and resistances with twenty seconds of uninterrupted concentration. (i.e. like Mitsuru's Persona)
[ ] Willpower: Unlike others, who must use their hands free to crush their Arcana card, you do not require any sort of catalyst to summon your Persona. (i.e. the Personas of P1, P2)

>Choose your Name and Arcana.
>Personas available to be chosen are displayed.
>We will chose the MC's Persona in the next bloc of voting.

[ ] Alexander, the Protector (Strength – Phys)
[ ] Charles, the Moderate (Temperance – Balance)
[ ] Daniel, the Adjudicator (Justice– Light/Dark)
[ ] Harold, the Leader (Emperor – Phys/Magic)
[ ] Jacob, the Trickster (Magician – Magic/Support)
[ ] Robert, the Incandescent (Star – Heal/Support)
I am indeed Kaz. I think that until I get my shit together, I want to take a slow approach to questing. Not necessarily stopping my quests entirely, but posts that I can take time to work on in-between grueling college courses. I had no desire to jump to AKun, and since I have an account here...I figured, what the hell, may as well do some work here.

That way, I can spread updates over the course of a few days instead of my usual, and admittedly pigeon-holed, eight/nine hours. Less stress, more focus on academia. Can still do quests until I reach a nice break to resume 4Chan Quests.

Hope y'all understand.

...and I have Fumika as my avatar. Yellingbird is a Celeste!fag, so that should've been an obvious tell.
[X] Carving Initiate: Increases the value of drops after Shadow battles.
[X] Heightened Senses: + 15 on Perception rolls.
[X] Bash Proficiency: You have been trained in the use of Bash-type weapons.
[X] Scanner: Your Persona can perform basic Scan-type functions, identifying a Shadow's stats and resistances with twenty seconds of uninterrupted concentration. (i.e. like Mitsuru's Persona)
[X] Charles, the Moderate (Temperance – Balance)
...and I have Fumika as my avatar. Yellingbird is a Celeste!fag, so that should've been an obvious tell.
You're still not fooling anyone Kaz.

[X] Carving Initiate: Increases the value of drops after Shadow battles.
[X] Heightened Senses: + 15 on Perception rolls.
[X] Pierce Proficiency: You have been trained in the use of Pierce-type weapons.

[X] Augment: You were among the first to discover Persona Augmentation. Achieving greater synchronicity with your Persona enhances abilities, enables casting magic without Summoning. (Default synch is 10%, you start at 25%)

[X] Harold, the Leader (Emperor – Phys/Magic)