[X] Computers and Aluminum (155R)
-[X] Construct a 2-Stage Sounding Rocket - (15R per dice, 2/45, costs 1 Build Capacity until complete)
--[X] Launch one 2-Stage Sounding Rocket
-[X] (2 Dice) Construct a Computational Research Facility (20R per die, 103/180, +3 to all projects) (High Priority)
-[X] (2 Dice) Conduct Design Studies (Early Orbital Rocket) (Phase I) [AERO, PHYS] - (15R per dice, 59/300)
-[X] Mobile Launch Operations (20R, 0/50, gain Launch Trucks for Sounding Rockets. Unlocks a Name vote for the system, as well as the sounding rockets.)
-[X] Tracking Station Surveys (5R per dice, 27/150, unlocks Tracking Station Construction project for Facilities)
-[X] (2 Dice)Conduct Materials Research (Phase 1) (15R per die, 0/150, provides access to aluminum structures)
-[X] (3 Dice) Rocket Boxes (Phase 3) (5R per die, 3/350. Gives Rocket Boxes to every middle-school, high-school and university or equivalent in Australia and New Zealand. Encourages future scientists and engineers - some of whom will even come work with the IEC.)