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Caught by an Archfey due to circumstances beyond your control, now you're trapped in his twisted game.
Can you escape the narrator?
Prologue - The Meeting New

Insult Everyone!

Master of Evil but bad at it.
Right behind you~
You don't know how you got here.
One moment You were sleeping, working, gaming, reading, browsing forums, or whatever it is that You do on normal days.
But now You're here, a strange forest, full of glimmering, vibrant colors all around and it is… Oh so very beautiful.

You don't notice it happening, but it happens nonetheless.
You don't know how long it lasts either, that is a mystery You'll never have the answer to.
The only thing You know is that you suddenly wake up from hitting your head on the ground, tired, exhausted and hungry from a lack of sleep and food. As if You stood there for days until you collapsed.
You send a wary glance at your surroundings.
This time, you notice. This time, you resist.
The beauty of the forest feels… wrong, somehow. Holding a dangerous allure that draws in your gaze and compels you to think of nothing else.
With a shudder, You pull Your attention away.

You gained Trait - Hungry, Exhausted
You don't know how long it's been since you ate or slept. All you know is that it's been too long. You should find a solution, preferably soon.
Area Trait revealed - Enchanted Forest
A forest of unnatural beauty, the strange magics woven through the branches compel you to look and never look away, to lose yourself in the beauty forever. When you manage to look away, the beauty flees from the mind.
Lasts until disturbed.

For lack of a better idea, You start to walk in a random direction. Hoping to find something useful.
You don't know how long you walk, but You notice your hunger and exhaustion increase. The sun hasn't moved.
As You walk, You think you see movement in the corners of Your eye, but every time You look there is only the forest. You think you hear childish giggles every now and then, but You can't find where from.
Are You hallucinating? Or is it something else? You don't know, You're scared to find out.
Yet, beyond the strange movements and mysterious giggles, it's eerily silent. As if You're the only living being here.

It feels like eternity, it feels like an instant.
But You find a clearing, desperate and hopeful, You rush towards it.
You stop.
In the middle of the clearing sits a man in a lounge chair, one that in spite of what You considered common sense fits naturally in the ambience of the forest. As if there could be no other option than its presence.
You feel silly for ever considering it weird. Of course there'd be a lounge chair in the clearing. Something Screams in the back of your head. What Screams? You're sure there's nothing to worry about.

You examine the man, his unnaturally naturally perfect wavy blonde hair, mesmerising blue eyes focused on the book in his hands.
His perfect, androgynous face, his perfectly slim, androgynous figure and pointy ears.
He has no butterfly wings wrapped around his back like a cloak.
You stop walking. With a start, you realise you stand in front of him, enchanted by his flawless beauty.

Welcome. I say, looking up from my book to lock eyes with You.
You look tired, I tell you. Hungry too.
I wave my hand. Let me invite you to my table, You'll feel better with a meal in you.
With a start, You look at the table that was always there.
You hesitate eagerly sit down.
The Screaming doesn't get louder.

Go ahead, I tell You. It's all Yours, If You Wish.
You feel this is a terrible Great Idea.
What Could be considered Your better judgement is ignored, You Indulge.
The taste is indescribable.
It is easily the best thing You've ever eaten.
Not just eaten.
It's the best thing You've ever experienced.
Better than all other things You've ever experienced combined!
You're done with the apple before you realise it.

You blink in surprise.
You gaze at the full banquet before You.
Your gaze wanders over to Me.
I smile and nod indulgently.
You begin Your Feast.

You've gained a Trait - Ate the Fey Food
You never knew perfection had a taste.
This is Fine.
You're Fine.
You've lost a Trait? - Hungry and Exhausted
You don't know how long it's been since you ate or slept. All you know is that it's been too long. You should find a solution, preferably soon.
You're Fine.

You let out a burp and sigh in satisfaction.
Although You're full, You feel like you Could eat another whole Banquet.
Did you enjoy it? I ask with a smile.
"Yes, very much so," You answer contently.
I nod. I'm glad. I tell You.

Now that You're feeling better, I say.
How about I Give You a Story to Pass the Time while we get to Know each other? I propose.
After a moment of consideration, you agree.
I smile. I have many stories to tell you, so Tell Me. What would You like to Hear?
[]Story - Write-In
//Plan Vote, set it up however you please.
//The purpose of it is to set up a baseline for what the Story he tells you should be, first and foremost.

I nod. Very well then.
I open my book.
Ah, but before I forget.
I don't believe I've Gotten Your Name?
[Free Vote]Name - Write-In

//As you can probably guess, this whole bit was scripted. Sure, you've been got. But it's key to the Quest premise. You have free reign now though.
//Further Fae-fuckery is all avoidable. If you're careful.
//Chances at getting Fae-fucked are mostly limited to when you're directly interacting with them.
//Other times I'll be interpreting as benevolent QM.


Due to the IC/OOC blend of this quest, I may post Narrator's answers that aren't threadmarked. Those will be linked here, as they might mention things I otherwise would not. I'll try to summarise at the start of a chapter anyways.
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Quest Mechanics New
There is little to no IC/OOC separation. Everything not explicitly marked as OOC is visible to The Narrator, even then, I reserve veto rights. Informational is OOC by default, describing what You, The Voters know. Though he likely knows its contents already anyways.
You need not oppose the Narrator, but he's got his own designs on the Story. What they are however, is something you'll need to find out yourself.

Most of the mechanics are hidden until discovered. Though I may make them up on the spot, too.
Mechanics may be revealed in one of two ways.
1. Obvious use and effect. Where in something act and is immediately and obviously present.
2. Evidence and discovery. Where the Questers point out all the subtle clues and put them together into an argument, earning my acknowledgement.

I will be going with a characters-first approach. They will act as they naturally would first and foremost.
As a QM, I will generally interpret benevolently with a fail-forwards approach.
I'm aiming to update every 2-3 days. But this is my first time as QM.

Voting is one per person, single action by default. Exceptions will be listed.
Plan votes may be given instead, but the effectiveness will be spread over all sub-actions. Bar listed exceptions.
Approval voting is only in special cases or free votes.
There may be multiple votes in a turn. These will be listed separately.
You may write-in anything and everything. But wild ones may have consequences.

Story Mechanics

Traits describe your status and abilities. They can be anything and do anything. Describing what and when you get a bonus.
They apply when and where they logically would. At QM discretion

Meta Mechanics

A meta-stat, spend it to influence the Story's narrative.
Every vote is One (1) influence, spent to direct the story in the given direction. Used as a +/- 1 on a roll in alignment.
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Dramatis Personae New

The Narrator

The Narrator. An Archfey intending to use the Protagonist and the Story for his own mysterious ends.
He has you trapped with nowhere else to go.


Fae Nature
Well, you're obviously dealing with a Fae.
Unfortunately, all you have on how to handle that is myths and who knows how close those cleave to reality?
You have no idea what he can actually do or what his limits are and you can't escape a prison without understanding the security systems.
Good luck, you'll need it.

Jack, The Audience

Caught by an Archfey due to circumstances beyond your control, now you're trapped in his twisted game.
Can you escape the narrator?
Influence - 1 per Vote


Ate the Fey Food
This is Fine.
You're Fine.
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[] [Name] - Jack (Note, bad logic on this use the other one)
EDIT: On account of bad reasoning on my part, changing over to this
[X] [Name] "You can call me Jack." Jack being a nickname of yours.
And Profilozof's looks good enough
[X] Plan: I do not like your funny words magic man
-[X] Story: Oh, but my parents told me to return the favours; I guess we can trade stories if you want. I would like to tell a story about this forest that we are in. Would you like to listen to me talk about what I got here?
-[X] For you see, I was running away from raiders plenty, trying to survive the bandits until I crossed a river no one has crossed and fall down it to the place that you know.
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[X] Plan: I do not like your funny words magic man
-[X] Story: Oh, but my parents told me to return the favours; I guess we can trade stories if you want. I would like to tell a story about this forest that we are in. Would you like to listen to me talk about what I got here?
-[X] For you see, I was running away from raiders plenty, trying to survive the bandits until I crossed a river no one has crossed and fall down it to the place that you know.

[X] Name: I didn't get yours, either, but don't worry—we can introduce ourselves anyway. My parents named me after their parents: my mother after her father, and my father after his mother. They both named me Alex.
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[X] Plan: I do not like your funny words magic man
-[X] Story: Oh, but my parents told me to return the favors, I guess we can trade stories if you want. I would like to a story about this forest that we are in, would you like to listen to me talking what I recall about that one fantasy series that I read?
-[X] Name: Neither did I get yours, but don't worry, we can introduce ourselves anyway. My parents named me after a princess, Diana.
Name vote and Story vote are separate and can't be fit in the same plan.

Only Story vote is plan-based, and that's to give me ideas on the starting situation and such first and foremost.
You can have "trade stories" as a part of the plan instead.
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[X] [Name] "You can call me Jack." Jack being a nickname of yours.
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Name vote and Story vote are separate and can't be fit in the same plan.

Only Story vote is plan-based, and that's to give me ideas on the starting situation and such first and foremost.
You can have "trade stories" as a part of the plan instead.
Well, fuck, I guess we are losing our name then, because the fae said "I haven't gotten your name". Also I edited it now
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Well, fuck, I guess we are losing our name then, because the fae said "I haven't gotten your name". Also I edited it now

Saying our name isn't agreeing to give it to him. If he said 'Can I have your name?' that would be different, but 'I haven't gotten your name' is a statement of fact. If he can steal a name with that alone...I don't even know how to avoid the verbal traps at that point.
That's part of why I only did the one name thing with Jack, can't True Name us if he doesn't have the full thing
Okay, no.
I can only work with information that I have. As such, if you want to use such an argument, it must be clear from the outset so I can interpret it properly. It must be included in the vote in order to work. Unspoken arguments do not count.
I'm not gonna bother to track every original vote to see if it was made there or later.

Thus, I'm QM ruling that according to your vote "jack" is a "True Name" in the way you argued it isn't.
Next time, include "my nickname, jack" or the like.
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Does this mean the vote is over and we can't change our votes?
No, if the vote was over I'd have closed voting.
You can change your votes however, whenever so long as voting isn't closed. Just make sure it's only the allowed amount.

"Next time" refers to if/when they post any other vote, in any circumstance.
Their initial vote was before I opened voting, so it's not like that one specifically will be counted either way.
Okay, cool. Something like this work for the intended 'it's a nickname' thing, then?

[X] [Name] "You can call me Jack." Jack being a nickname of yours.
Okay, cool. Something like this work for the intended 'it's a nickname' thing, then?

[] [Name] "You can call me Jack." Jack being a nickname of yours.
Yep. That, exactly does the job.
I also checked the tally system and apparently dude's fine and in the clear for his original vote. It works differently than I thought it would.
Vote 1 closed New
Scheduled vote count started by Insult Everyone! on Jan 29, 2025 at 4:17 PM, finished with 14 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] [Name] "You can call me Jack." Jack being a nickname of yours.
    [X] Plan: I do not like your funny words magic man
    -[X] Story: Oh, but my parents told me to return the favours; I guess we can trade stories if you want. I would like to tell a story about this forest that we are in. Would you like to listen to me talk about what I got here?
    -[X] For you see, I was running away from raiders plenty, trying to survive the bandits until I crossed a river no one has crossed and fall down it to the place that you know.
    [X] Name: I didn't get yours, either, but don't worry—we can introduce ourselves anyway. My parents named me after their parents: my mother after her father, and my father after his mother. They both named me Alex.

Right, so your (nick)name is Jack. Let me hereby tell you to give your thanks to the guy below for this argument here, because frankly I had wholly intended for that to be a verbal trap that would get you to lose your name. But as Deadman pointed out, it doesn't actually serve as that. Had he not given this argument it could've worked.
Your nickname would've protected you from wholly losing your name. But you would've lost your nickname. Which would've been less bad, but still not close to good. So yay to Deadman!
Saying our name isn't agreeing to give it to him. If he said 'Can I have your name?' that would be different, but 'I haven't gotten your name' is a statement of fact. If he can steal a name with that alone...I don't even know how to avoid the verbal traps at that point.
On another point entirely, the story vote went in a direction completely different than I had intended it to take! Which... is my fault for not being clear on what the vote does and is intended to do. Newbie error, really.

So I'll explain it OOCly now.
A major part of this quest will be building up the characters, world and plot of "The Story" our dear narrator is telling. I had intended to get a bit of a headstart on that from the Story Vote and I might still wrangle that out of it. But that'll be harder.
I... probably should've been clearer about that from the outset, but hindsight and all that.

So now I need to figure out how to continue the quest with a name I never intended to let you have (you were supposed to either lose it or refuse) and a Story Vote that'll be hard to work with!
Well. Live and learn I suppose.
Time to get to work.
Arc 1, Chapter 1 - Fallen Down New
Sputtering, Hacking and Coughing The Wanderer wakes up, water exiting Their Lungs in irregular spurts.
Everything hurts.
Their head is Pounding, a faint Trickle of Blood seeping into Their eyes.
Their Ribs complain at every breath. At least one is Broken.
Cuts and bruises litter every part of Their body.
A cold wind causes Them to shiver. Unhindered by Their sopping wet clothes.
Yet, as They gaze upon the waterfall upstream, They know They are Lucky to be this intact.
Yes, very Fortunate indeed. But how does that Fortune Manifest?

-[] Just Lucky, the fall could've been so much worse.

Hints at a history of recklessness, gambling, simple fortune or strange forces at play.
-[] Divine Grace, the gods are merciful.
Hints at a history of piety, sacred origins, holiness nearby, or a part yet to be played.
-[] Protective Talisman, good thing I had that on me.
Hints at a history of riches, resourcefulness, craftsmanship, merchantry or preparation.
-[] Available Supplies, enough useful stuff nearby to last a good while.
Hints at a history of preparedness, scavenging, riches or survivalism.
-[] Quick Thinking, good thing that stunt worked!
Hints at a history of quick wit, inventive thinking, recklessness or good intuition.
-[] Tough Body, I can endure it. I've had worse.
Hints at a history of bullheadedness, athleticism, combat or hard labor.
-[] Write-In
//Hinted history can all be true, can all be wrong. Either way, those are the directions it pushes their character to develop into.
//Approval voting allowed.

In spite of Their body's incessant complaints, they get up.
They take some time to gather and sort what supplies remain intact enough and discard which are not.
Thus They trundle onwards along the river, hoping for Reprieve.

Daylight's fading by the time they Find it. Yet What is it They Find?

[]Plan - Write-In

//Plan must contain three things.
  1. What - A crashed spaceship, a dragon in a bathtub, ancient ruins, a village inhabited by the living crayon-drawings of a giant toddler.
  2. Attitude received - Hostile, friendly, suspicious, welcoming, aloof, etc.
  3. Attitude given - Approach openly, sneak in, attack, etc.
//Now, before you ask. Yes, all listed options are valid.
//When I say write ins can be literally anything, I mean it in the most literal sense. Trust me, I've done the WB to support whatever you choose.
//Prologue was an introduction of the subtle under/overtone throughout the meat of the story, not the main vibes.
//That will be decided by the voters.

//I had originally intended to let you discover this yourself, but I decided you need to know in order to even look. But there are mechanics and traits that won't be revealed unless you figure it out yourselves in the OOC.
//I added this to the quest mechanics Informational, but this is for those who don't reread. A prompt to do so anyways, because while this was the most important part, it's not the only part that updated silently.
//Do you like the new Dramatis work? It's giving you some extra direction now.

//This was… significantly shorter than I had intended, I might have to speed up production if this keeps up. Then again, it's also kind of a symptom of how new the quest is and the nature it has.
//I suppose I'll adjust things as I feel it out.