When you opened your eyes, you saw that you were in a run-down home theater. Everything was ripped and covered with stains. With the poor lighting you couldn't tell what the stains were, but with the distinct smell of iron in the air, you could guess. In fact, the only thing that wasn't broken was the flatscreen TV in the front. But as you looked at it, you're shocked at what it's playing.
It was showing different parts of your life. As you watched in rapt attention, you couldn't help but think about the skills you acquired over the years.
"This is my favorite part." A voice right next to you. You nearly jump out of your seat as you spun around to face the source.
It was...you. Or at least he dressed like you and he even had your voice. The strangest thing was the animal mask he was wearing.
Starting Mask
[x] Henry The Hawk: +10 to Guns and +5 to Traps.
[x] Luke The Lion: +10 to Unarmed and +5 to Melee.
[x] Cooper The Raccoon: +10 to Sneak and +5 to Lockpick.
"It's rude to stare at other people you know." He sounded amused. You couldn't help but feel unnerved by his stare. It seemed as though he knew all of your secrets, and that he was silently judging you.
"You're probably wondering where you are. But telling you now would ruin the surprise, wouldn't it? No, you have to figure it out yourself." He laughs and takes something out of his pockets. It looks like a replica of the mask that he is wearing.
"If you're going to try and find out what's really happening, then I can't just let you go unprepared. Go ahead, try it on." He hands you the mask and but you hesitate. You're in a mysterious place with a stranger that could be holding you captive. But you don't have much of a choice, so with a deep breath, you put on the mask.
Almost instantly, it felt like a Brute was slowly crushing your skull.
Perks [Choose 1]
[x] Zoo Keeper: Masks now talk with you and influence available choices, but masks grant minor powers.
[x] Pink Elephants: Sanity is capped at 50, but hallucinations warn of future dangers.
[x] Get A Grip: +10 to combat when health is below 25%, but must kill all enemies in the area.
"It might hurt now, but you'll thank me later. Now, let's just find which scene to start from." He clicks several buttons on a remote for the next few minutes and the images on the TV change as well. Some of these you don't even remember experiencing while others are embedded into your memory.
Finally, the man stops at a certain scene and you're surprised at what he picked.
Starting Point
[x] Ambushed by a group of loan sharks, they took you to an empty warehouse to 'talk' about your debt.
[x] A failed robbery, you should've scouted the house better, now you're dealing with a Parahuman trying to kill you.
[x] Robbing a bank, never though your first job for the Merchants would be something this big. Hopefully, it'll go smoothly.
With a click of a button, all you hear is static and your vision goes black.
Restart: There will be checkpoints before major events and when you die, you'll return to these checkpoints and have the opportunity to try a new action.
AN: I'll post an explanation on how the mechanics of this quest will work at a later date.