Make Redshore a free city?
[] Yes (2 Econ and 2 Econ expansion transferred, Redshore becomes a Free City)
[] No

Personal preference thing here. I feel it's fine as a testbed, but it depends on what the thread prefers.
Hertythn will not be able to clear out the corruption there if it's made a Free City, or at least not as well as if it wasn't. It's very important that it remain a regular city.
Choose a Wonder Bonus
[X] [WB] Gain a free random value slot
[X] [WB] Randomly upgrade a value
[X] [WB] Upgrade Cosmopolitan Acceptance

Choose Who to Invite (Great Powers Participating, no cost to extend invitation), choose as many as desired
[X] [Inv] Highland Kingdom
[X] [Inv] Trelli
[X] [Inv] Thunder Horse
[X] [Inv] Swamp Folk
[X] [Inv] Metal Workers
[X] [Inv] Storm Wolves

Make Redshore a free city?
[X] Yes (2 Econ and 2 Econ expansion transferred, Redshore becomes a Free City)

The next king would be
[X] [King] Hertythn (Heroic Admin, Average Diplo, Poor Martial; takes control while alive (1, possibly 2 turns))

Oh good, we get superior management at last. No need of threadvoting.

Honestly that last point alone sells me.​
Reminder on the CB, Treachery lasts 3 turns, and Hertythn lasts 1-2 turns.
He'd prefer not to, but we still can do it after him.

Don't invite the Thunder Horse and the Swamp People pick one they hate each other
Actually thats kind of the point. They'd have to play nice while guests, IF they come. The more contestants the more important it is to show up.
Remember back when it was the HK vs the Thunder Speakers?
They had to play nice while on our land, which made us the de facto trade route for goods between warring states.

The prize is pretty enormous too:
gives a pool of Prestige equal to the number of participants that is divided among the participants each turn depending on their performance
If we invite everyone that's 7 Prestige in it for the winner. Pretty big deal to miss out on.

At its least vicious its a "Nice cities you've got there, be a shame if anything were to happen to them, if you catch my drift...", while at its most vicious it is a long list of excruciatingly detailed descriptors of what you are going to do to those who have invoked your wrath. It is all about sending messages, but when those messages are delivered via arrow with an army at their back, they are much easier for the general populace to both hear about and believe.
Right, that should assuage the concerns.

Maybe. If they don't get an invite, possibly. If they do get an invite, no. He's not big on war, so he may decide not to do it.
Makes sense

It's the first non-religious type of school. Still working on the mechanical effects. It leads to more education type actions and buildings.
Ooo, nifty. Extended project I presume?
[X] [WB] Upgrade Cosmopolitan Acceptance

[X] [Inv] Highland Kingdom
[X] [Inv] Trelli
[X] [Inv] Thunder Horse
[X] [Inv] Swamp Folk
[X] [Inv] Metal Workers
[X] [Inv] Storm Wolves

[X] Yes (2 Econ and 2 Econ expansion transferred, Redshore becomes a Free City)

[X] [King] Hertythn (Heroic Admin, Average Diplo, Poor Martial; takes control while alive (1, possibly 2 turns))
Wait, only noticed this.
This says all criticals and doubles, doesn't it. And it is a boon, not con, so it is limited to successes, I assume.
Hahaha, fucking yes.
As a certain Ward likes to say "Fucking Bullshit!"

E: That was a little more of a boost than I thought it was gonna be to be honest.
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Hertythn will not be able to clear out the corruption there if it's made a Free City, or at least not as well as if it wasn't. It's very important that it remain a regular city.
Yeah, I normally wouldn't have a problem making a True City a Free City, but Redshore has explicitly been said to be a den of piracy, and the local Guild in charge of building the Grand Docks just tried to skimp out on work for cash, showing that there are some problems similar to those caused by the mining accident with the Wildcat Prospectors.

The worst thing to do right now is to give them more autonomy, because they will just lessen the amount of overt corruption and cover things up to outside observers.

We should let Redshore just be a True City, so our Admin King can properly root out the corruption and ensure that people are being treated right and work is being done properly.
[X] [WB] Upgrade Cosmopolitan Acceptance
[X] [Inv] Highland Kingdom
[X] [Inv] Trelli
[X] [Inv] Thunder Horse
[X] [Inv] Swamp Folk
[X] [Inv] Metal Workers
[X] [Inv] Storm Wolves
[X] Yes (2 Econ and 2 Econ expansion transferred, Redshore becomes a Free City)
[X] [King] Hertythn (Heroic Admin, Average Diplo, Poor Martial; takes control while alive (1, possibly 2 turns))

Free City means they will be better able to deal with corruption issues, and we need a testbed anyways.
Actually thats kind of the point. They'd have to play nice while guests, IF they come. The more contestants the more important it is to show up.
Remember back when it was the HK vs the Thunder Speakers?
They had to play nice while on our land, which made us the de facto trade route for goods between warring states.

Yes, being a hub for inter-kingdom cultural relations -> economic hub because deals are made when people are having fun together -> profit.
Plus we have the big fucking wooden sticks discouraging proto-hooligans already, so we have an idea of how to deal with this shit. And being "that one dude which can pull apart fighty assholes while they are in his lands" is a stealth rep buff, IMO.

Right, that should assuage the concerns.

Yeah, it did.
Wait, does inviting them to Games preclude us from warring them later? Or is it only so under the admin hero?
It makes it much sketchier since the Games invite is easy to construe as a peace offering.

[X] [WB] Upgrade Cosmopolitan Acceptance
[X] [Inv] Trelli
[X] [Inv] Thunder Horse
[X] [Inv] Swamp Folk
[X] [Inv] Metal Workers
[X] [Inv] Storm Wolves
[X] No
[X] [King] Kinda mediocre (Mediocre Admin, Diplo, and Martial)

Because I care more about the security of the Ymaryn than I do about nigh-perfect optimization for a turn or two. I get it's galling for the thread to go to war- but these guys are repeat offenders, who even when they are handled invariably ensure that the war others drag us into is way bloodier for both sides.

Xohyr probably wouldn't have been razed if the HK didn't attack us, the Battle of Bloodgulch would have been much less bloody, etc. What if they hit us when a Waaaaaagh arrives? Or if the TH come at us again? Or what have you? There's literally nothing the Admin Hero could do that would be worth more than the tens of thousands of lives saved by ensuring the HK can't stab us when our back is turned.
[X] [WB] Upgrade Cosmopolitan Acceptance
[X] [Inv] Trelli
[X] [Inv] Thunder Horse
[X] [Inv] Swamp Folk
[X] [Inv] Metal Workers
[X] [Inv] Storm Wolves
[X] No
[X] [King] Hertythn (Heroic Admin, Average Diplo, Poor Martial; takes control while alive (1, possibly 2 turns))
[X] Yes (2 Econ and 2 Econ expansion transferred, Redshore becomes a Free City)
[X] [WB] Upgrade Cosmopolitan Acceptance
[X] [Inv] Trelli
[X] [Inv] Thunder Horse
[X] [Inv] Swamp Folk
[X] [Inv] Metal Workers
[X] [Inv] Storm Wolves
[X] [King] Hertythn (Heroic Admin, Average Diplo, Poor Martial; takes control while alive (1, possibly 2 turns))

Fuck the highlanders. Let's hope our admin king decides to invade the highshits.

Even if he doesn't, we will still have the CB for one turn after he dies.
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[x] [WB] Upgrade Cosmopolitan Acceptance
[x] [Inv] Trelli
[X] [Inv] Thunder Horse
[X] [Inv] Swamp Folk
[x] [Inv] Metal Workers
[X] [Inv] Storm Wolves
[x] No
[x] [King] Hertythn (Heroic Admin, Average Diplo, Poor Martial; takes control while alive (1, possibly 2 turns))
[X] [WB] Upgrade Cosmopolitan Acceptance

[X] [Inv] Highland Kingdom
[X] [Inv] Trelli
[X] [Inv] Thunder Horse
[X] [Inv] Swamp Folk
[X] [Inv] Metal Workers
[X] [Inv] Storm Wolves

[X] No

[X] [King] Hertythn (Heroic Admin, Average Diplo, Poor Martial; takes control while alive (1, possibly 2 turns))
[X] [WB] Upgrade Cosmopolitan Acceptance

[X] [Inv] Highland Kingdom
[X] [Inv] Trelli
[X] [Inv] Thunder Horse
[X] [Inv] Swamp Folk
[X] [Inv] Metal Workers
[X] [Inv] Storm Wolves
Invitation themselves doesn't really mean anything, and we could still war with HK even if they accept.

[] Yes (2 Econ and 2 Econ expansion transferred, Redshore becomes a Free City)
[X] No
Not sure on this one, having it under our direct control with Heroic Admin could help with corruption, but then so is having it as a Free one. Tentatively no for now.
[X] [King] Hertythn (Heroic Admin, Average Diplo, Poor Martial; takes control while alive (1, possibly 2 turns))
Okay, while this runs counter to the war, he has a good chance to die before CB ends, and so is their Heroic Martial, and Heroic Admin really help us. Worst case, I'd want to send them Terrify without war, just as a word of caution.
[X] [Inv] Trelli
[X] [Inv] Thunder Horse
[X] [Inv] Swamp Folk
[X] [Inv] Metal Workers
[X] [Inv] Storm Wolves

[X] Yes (2 Econ and 2 Econ expansion transferred, Redshore becomes a Free City)

[X] [King] Hertythn (Heroic Admin, Average Diplo, Poor Martial; takes control while alive (1, possibly 2 turns))