How to deal with foreign gods?
[X] [RA] Increase debates to determine the truth (-2 to +2 Religious Authority based on success of debates, potential shift in Spiritual Values)
How to deal with the lowlanders? (Pick as many as you like)
[X] [Low] Force them to follow the spirit of the law (Potential stability loss, potential war with vassal)
[X] [Low] Crack down on their priests (-1 Stability, potential war with vassal, potential +1 Religious authority)
[] [Low] Restrict right to wage war to defensive only (Potential stability loss, potential war with vassal)
[X] [Low] Introduce black soil to improve their conditions (Teaches black soil to vassal)
[X] [Low] Introduce mill technology to improve their conditions (Teaches water mill to vassal)
[X] [Low] Permit their use of iron tools (Allows iron tools to be traded to vassal)
[X] [Low] Send over assistance (Transfer 1 Econ + 1 Martial)
War Goals for Highlanders
[X] [High] Extra tribute (+2 Prestige, +2 Wealth, probably completes this turn)
Deploy the Red Banner
[] [RB] Remain at rest
[] [RB] Deploy north to guard against nomads
[] [RB] Deploy against Highlanders from Valleyhome
[] [RB] Deploy against Highlanders from Hatvalley
[X] [RB] Deploy to assist vassal against the Swamp Folk
Trouble's brewing, how to prepare?
[] [React] Main Expand Econ
[X] [React] Main Build Mills
[] [React] Main Improve Annual Festival
[] [React] Main Expand Forests
[] [React] Main Survey
You're having trouble with the management of cities, make Sacred Forest a Free City?
[] [City] Yes (Transfers 2 Econ + 2 Econ expansion, nulls cost of maintenance for Sacred Forest)
[X] [City] No
Lets burst Sacred Forest from True City by getting too much Econ
Everyone else isn't coping with the weather well
[X] [Refugee] Just those who come of their own initiative (Potential stab loss, +2 Econ)
[X] [RA] Increase debates to determine the truth (-2 to +2 Religious Authority based on success of debates, potential shift in Spiritual Values)
How to deal with the lowlanders? (Pick as many as you like)
[X] [Low] Force them to follow the spirit of the law (Potential stability loss, potential war with vassal)
[X] [Low] Crack down on their priests (-1 Stability, potential war with vassal, potential +1 Religious authority)
[] [Low] Restrict right to wage war to defensive only (Potential stability loss, potential war with vassal)
[X] [Low] Introduce black soil to improve their conditions (Teaches black soil to vassal)
[X] [Low] Introduce mill technology to improve their conditions (Teaches water mill to vassal)
[X] [Low] Permit their use of iron tools (Allows iron tools to be traded to vassal)
[X] [Low] Send over assistance (Transfer 1 Econ + 1 Martial)
War Goals for Highlanders
[X] [High] Extra tribute (+2 Prestige, +2 Wealth, probably completes this turn)
Deploy the Red Banner
[] [RB] Remain at rest
[] [RB] Deploy north to guard against nomads
[] [RB] Deploy against Highlanders from Valleyhome
[] [RB] Deploy against Highlanders from Hatvalley
[X] [RB] Deploy to assist vassal against the Swamp Folk
Trouble's brewing, how to prepare?
[] [React] Main Expand Econ
[X] [React] Main Build Mills
[] [React] Main Improve Annual Festival
[] [React] Main Expand Forests
[] [React] Main Survey
You're having trouble with the management of cities, make Sacred Forest a Free City?
[] [City] Yes (Transfers 2 Econ + 2 Econ expansion, nulls cost of maintenance for Sacred Forest)
[X] [City] No
Lets burst Sacred Forest from True City by getting too much Econ
Everyone else isn't coping with the weather well
[X] [Refugee] Just those who come of their own initiative (Potential stab loss, +2 Econ)