Why are people voting to do The Library manually? It's getting done this turn via province actions.

Huh? He used Deploy Force and took out the corruption. Probably got the +2, maybe he only got +1. It was a highly modified RO, not a normal one.
Symphony. Free action; overflow bonus.
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They can make a version of our faith locally and assume control over it, then demand us to convert. Religion is like that, the original are weaker against rip-offs.
If it were coming from the top, sure.

But we vacuum up refugees, who aren't so fussy; they just want food and safety :). If their native land adopts a similar religion to ours, that probably just reduces the stability shock when they arrive.
Why tgis rather than more chariots we were told that the problem is the nomad's mobility so we need more chariot archers

We can't exactly afford to spend a lot of econ right now. We have about 6 coming in, but right now we're at 4, True City will consume 1, province actions will consume 1, and we've got to brace for potential losses due to Quality of its Own. Thus, the only reasonable actions are the actions which don't consume econ.
[X] [Main] Study Metal
[X] [Secondary] War mission - Northern Nomads
[X] [Secondary] War mission - Northern Nomads x2
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No, that's been discussed like 3 times already. The [Main] is being paid for by the provinces as long as we spend at most 1 econ (They might not do it if we spend 2 econ due to QoiO. Uncertain.)
Hardly three times, it got discussed once in the last fifteen minutes.
Why tgis rather than more chariots we were told that the problem is the nomad's mobility so we need more chariot archers
Because he didn't? They now have equal version of chariots. We still have better archers.

The reason why I want more Black Birds is because they are needed as scouts. Just as they helped the Thunder Horse in the Lowlands, they would help us here. Chariots are good as a martial force, but we still need Black Birds for information.
Diff Checker (Civ Sheet)
Diff Checker (Actions)
So important thing to note before getting into stats:
Of course, you took in refugees.
Not sure if this means the constant refugees from the Hathatyn or if it was from the Metal workers...but @Academia Nut would it be possible to have that made explicit in the update, assuming i'm not just blind and missed it?

Diplomacy 5 [+4]
Economy 4 [-1]
Econ Expansion 6
Martial 6 {8}
Diplo 7 -> 5. As expected from MW aid.
Econ 4 -> 4.
4 - 2 (MW aid) + 2 (refugees)
Econ expansion 7 -> 6
7 - 2 (Refugees) + 1 (MW Aid expenses)
Martial 6 -> 6, no change. (Though i'm not sure if its supposed to be 6 {7} or not, since ithought quality of our own rounded down...)
Stability 1 (confident)
Legitimacy 3 (max)
Religious Authority 1
No change here, so the RoO changes didn't affect the modified use by our last king. Alternately, we got +1 stab from it in addition to teh corruption clearing, but also lost 1 to the unmentioned refugees?
Fake Edit: AN has clarified what we got on the RoO, so no stab gain from that, no stab hit from refugees.
Edit: New stat, added in a later update to the civ sheet. Religious Authority, which starts out low so even one more temple would be a major boost
Art 7
Mysticism 8 [-1+1]
Prestige 18
Art 9 -> 7
Again just the MW aid
Mysticism 9 -> 8
Originally just -2 from the MW aid, but then i noticed a maybe-error from last turn, so AN gave us an extra mysticism point back to err on our side.
Prestige 17 -> 18. From pilgrimage option.
New tech! Woo =D
Trade Status
Luxuries Fine PotteryMinorXohyssiriFine DyeDominatingHathatynFine TextilesNoneXohyssiri, Swamp FolkGlassMarginalXohyssiriGoldMinor tradingHathatyn, Metal WorkersSilverLeadingHath, MW, XohSaltDominatingNoneWineLeadingHathStrategic CopperSignificantHath, Highlanders, Thunder Horse, MWBronzeNoneNon-tradedTinNoneMW (in), TH (in), Hath (in)IronNon-traded dominantNoneCultural PilgrimageSignificantThunder Speakers, Xoh
Hath remain crossed out.
We are now at "Marginal" on glass trading, with the Xoh as the only rival. I'm not sure if they just conveniently got that this turn as well or if they've been trading it without us knowing for some reason?
We are at "Significant" on pilgrimage now.
Still, the king can't help but feel disquieted over it all. He restored order, but can his successors? And he knows that some of the conspirators slipped away, disappearing into the general population to... who knew?
Sounds like the equivalent of +1 on RoO, instead of +2, alas :/
The payout was: -2 Legit, -1 Stability; -1 Legit, -1 Stability; -1 Legit; No change. You got the vast majority of the conspirators though.
Apparently we got the best result! =D
Upon hearing this, the king makes sure to note to someone that something saying "Don't be dicks to your neighbours or they will pay you back at the worst possible moment" is enshrined into the library being built in the Sacred Forest somewhere. While past generations of kings have more or less understood this, it seems a particularly valuable lesson to point out. Neighbours don't necessarily remember when you help, but they definitely know how to hold a grudge.
Good advice :p
the enemy having improved their chariots and thus having equivalent mobility wielded by a superior commander.
Wait...doesn't spoked chariots require iron (or i guess bronze) tools? Do the nomads have metal weapons too, if less than us?
Target Options: Northern Nomads, Metal Workers (Trade Dominance{Silver}), Xohyssiri (Trade Dominance{Silver})
Looks like we do get CB's over trade dominance...and with i think 2 silver mines (AN said outside of the updates that our Hatriver march has one) and the trade post in the MW we're doing rather well on silver...
Build Docks - With large numbers of ships being built, a new place to store them all, the goods they bring in, and a place to build them might be a good idea
*S: -1 Econ, +1 Diplo, increased trade power
*M: -1 Econ, +1 Diplo, increased potential for new innovations, increased trade power
Secondary dock doesn't provide innovations anymore, just trade power.
Build Glassworks - A new material discovered recently, new luxuries and trade goods could be made from relatively cheap materials
*S: -1 Econ, +2 Diplomacy, small chance of new innvoations
*S: -1 Econ, +2 Diplomacy, increased chance of new innovations
New action!
Build Wall - The practice of building city walls has reached new heights with access to superior tools making the cutting of stone simpler (60% light walls, 30% significant walls, 10% massive walls)
*S: -1 Econ, +5% light walls
*M: -2 Econ, +5% significant walls
*2M: -4 Econ, +5% massive walls
Walls are at 60/30/10, from 50/25/10, all of our civ is at least partially walled now.
Spirits - Builds temples
Change to spirits policy description.
Expand Forests - The People have knowledge of how to regrow and repair forests, which extends to bringing them to places they have never been, with considerable effort. With charcoal now in higher demand, can also provide a sustainable supply (4/5 currently locked up)
* S: -1 Econ, -1 Econ Expansion, grows forest, +1 Econ next turn if in settled territory and controlled
* M: -1 Econ, -1 Econ Expansion, grows forest, +2 Econ next turn if in settled and controlled territory
We've got an extra forest, being used for...the dock? Maybe the galena mine in the Hatriver march? It shouldn't be the iron mine in the ST, since i think AN said they had sufficient charcoal...
Found Trading Post - When doing long distance trading, sometimes having your own infrastructure in place at the other end can be quite useful. Current Target: None
*M: -5 Diplo, -2 Econ, -2 Martial, +2 Econ Expansion, founds trading post to generate Diplomacy
No more TP options right now
Restoration of Order - The people are uncertain, and into that uncertainty bad behaviour can flow. Send in the warriors to reassure people and root out corruption and dissent, restoring the proper function of the People, at the cost of disturbing their confidence that the king has their best interests at heart. Max Stability: Legitimacy-1
* S: Gain 0 to 2 Stability at a cost of -1 Legitimacy
* M: Roll twice, take best result
* modified by Administrative skill
!!! Major change here. Either from the hero using it, or from the temple. Now can go up to Legit-1 stab...but also costs a legitimacy. Pairs very well with a main proclaim glory afterwards for getting to stab 3.
Edit: Somehow i missed that it's 0-2 stab, not -1-2...
Saltern - Northshore Saltern Expansion (0/10), Southshore Saltern Expansion (0/10). Each {S} committed consumes 2 Econ for 2 Progress. Completion gives additional Diplomacy and every 2 salterns or expansions increases the per turn Diplomacy by +1
Nothing unexpected here, both expansions are expensive.
Temple - Progress listed below, each {S} committed consumes 2 Econ and 2 Art for 2 Progress. Completion increases Religious Authority
New extended project! Interesting...each one costs 4 econ/4 art. We also lost "expand holy sites", which makes mysticism harder to get...
Grand Docks - With the new docks in place, further expansion to something of a more significant scale could be of benefit (4-6? action commitment, -1 Econ per action, will likely require a significant supply of timber)
New megaproject! Sounds very nice...but needs more forest expansion.
The Library - The People need to store ideas, not records [LoW] [King] (2/4-6? Action commitment, -1 Mysticism and -1 Art per action, 1/2 Econ total commitment)
Wait...we only got 2 actions for this last turn? But we spent 4 mysticism...? o_O
(Edit: As in last turn entirely, where our hero started the library and changed the province policy, not this latest change in stats)
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We still have no evidence that king actions+province actions cause Symphony to trigger. And even if we do trigger it, that's actually bad since it'd over-complete the project which would go into building Library infrastructure project which we don't really need right now and will cost us resources that could be better spent elsewhere.
Actually, clarify this: Will our provinces do expand economy stuff if the Main library action is enough to complete the project? That was sort of my plan- the provinces are much better suited action-wise to raise economy than the core is.
ill a Restoration of Order have a chance to get the guys who slipped away?

Sure, if they can be found with anyone else involved in corruption.

Not sure if this means the constant refugees from the Hathatyn or if it was from the Metal workers...but @Academia Nut would it be possible to have that made explicit in the update, assuming i'm not just blind and missed it?

The regular payout from the Hathatyn.

Wait...doesn't spoked chariots require iron (or i guess bronze) tools? Do the nomads have metal weapons too, if less than us?

They seem to have acquired metal tools just to upgrade their chariots. Probably just an increase in copper though.

Walls are at 60/30/10, from 50/25/10, all of our civ is at least partially walled now.

The categories are independent of each other, so you're not actually at 100% coverage.

Wait...we only got 2 actions for this last turn? But we spent 4 mysticism...?

You only got 1 action spent on the library, but you critted your progress roll so you got an extra one.
You only got 1 action spent on the library, but you critted your progress roll so you got an extra one.
...Then what else did we spend mysticism on last turn? We went from 13 to 9, and gained 1 from the Canal boost on the temple, and the temple didn't cost mysticism...
13 - 1 (wisdom) - 3 (Library) + 1 (Canal Boost from temple)= 10...Unless all the megaproject actions were for the library (which means the 1 temple econ and econ expansion was instead one of the 2 total econ costs of the library), in which case we got a free action to finish up the temple? Also, woo, the temple fixed up the wisdom drain like we hoped!
Diplomacy 7 [+4]->5 [+4]
-MW Calls For Aid -2
Art 9->7
-MW Calls For Aid -2
Mysticism 9 [-1+1]->7 [-1+1]
-MW Calls For Aid -2

Expected expenses

Economy 4 [-1]->4 [-1]
-MW Calls For Aid -2
-??? +2
Econ Expansion Econ Expansion 7->6
-MW Calls For Aid +2
-??? -3

Some weirdness here.
We'd need to take an Expand Economy at some point this turn or face the True City fading.

Prestige 17->18

Praise the Gods!

Trade Status
Resource Status Rivals
Fine Pottery Minor Xohyssiri
Fine Dye Dominating Hathatyn
Fine Textiles None Xohyssiri, Swamp Folk
Glass Marginal Xohyssiri
Gold Minor trading Hathatyn, Metal Workers
Silver Leading Hath, MW, Xoh
Salt Dominating None
Wine Leading Hath
Copper Significant Hath, Highlanders, Thunder Horse, MW
Bronze None Non-traded
Tin None MW (in), TH (in), Hath (in)
Iron Non-traded dominant None
Pilgrimage Significant Thunder Speakers, Xoh
Trade Status
-Fine Pottery - Unchanged
-Fine Dye - Unchanged
-Fine Textiles - Unchanged
-Glass - None -> Marginal. In competition with the Xohyssiri
-Gold - Unchanged
-Silver - Unchanged
-Salt - Unchanged
-Wine - Unchanged
-Copper - Unchanged
-Bronze - Unchanged
-Tin - Unchanged. @Academia Nut didn't the Highlanders get Bronze and thus want some Tin?
-Iron - Unchanged
-Pilgrimage - Moderate -> Significant. Two steps to go.

Glass is missing from the tech list. Or maybe it needs more investment.
The Lead Glazed ceramic we used for the Temple is lost for now.
With the pressure relieved, the experiments of the potters and smiths with a curious byproduct of their work are now also unfettered and can begin playing around with the funny substance that comes from sand getting into their kilns and forges.

Glass is awesome here. It's the lead into more advanced brewing and chemistry even if it's kind of expensive in fuel to make.
Still, the king can't help but feel disquieted over it all. He restored order, but can his successors? And he knows that some of the conspirators slipped away, disappearing into the general population to... who knew?
Going to need Palace soon. But for now Lots More Blackbirds should help.

As the seasons pass, word comes back from the expedition out west to the Metal Workers. The great expedition of shamans and workers to attempt to help the Metal Workers with their opening a portal to the Underworld problem reports back that the issue is completely and totally unresolved, and may in fact be unfixable. They attempted diverting a small river into the worst of the flaming pits, and all they got was a whole lot of steam. Admittedly they may in fact have damped some of the fires because the choking smoke was considerably less bad, but the valley was still wrecked, displacing thousands and severing an internal trade link. Still, the additional help did mean that the Metal Workers were able to divert more attention to evacuation and reorganization than they would have, and when the People showed up to lend a hand that definitely made them listen a whole lot more attentively to the warnings of future nomad incursions.
So as predicted, dumping water into a coal seam fire only cools it's ardor a bit. But at least instead of sulfurous smoke, it's now mostly steam, which also quenches the particulates.

It unfortunately sounds like not only are they in trouble, but the tribes in the south and west of their homes that they have had rocky relationships with - i.e. endemic slave raiding by both sides - over the past few generations are likely to take advantage of the disruption and weakness.

Upon hearing this, the king makes sure to note to someone that something saying "Don't be dicks to your neighbours or they will pay you back at the worst possible moment" is enshrined into the library being built in the Sacred Forest somewhere. While past generations of kings have more or less understood this, it seems a particularly valuable lesson to point out. Neighbours don't necessarily remember when you help, but they definitely know how to hold a grudge.
Oh yes. If you want to be a dick to them you should do it in ways they'd praise you for!

But that sounds like the MWs can't really do much to help, they're fully occupied staying afloat.

Speaking of grudges, word was filtering down that early skirmishing was already being reported as the nomad tribes moved south and began to make contact with friendly tribes and the Stallions, and the reports of early failures to hold the encroaching tribes back. Not too bad yet, but already the People and their allies are starting to fall back due to the enemy having improved their chariots and thus having equivalent mobility wielded by a superior commander. At least the difference in weaponry is enough that the People are still falling back in good order rather than suffering catastrophic defeat.

The loss of the Metal Workers could definitely change that however.
So our Friendly Nomads bought us till the mid-turn at least, but can't hold. The Northern Nomads got Spoked chariots now. Urgh.

Reminder that we have 4 Econ, but can only spend 2, because the City will take 1 point, and the Library will take 1 points(1 already spent).
Our Martial is at 6, which needs bulking out, but if it goes above 8 we'd run into Quality of it's own Martial overflow issues again without sending them to subordinates.

Build Glassworks - A new material discovered recently, new luxuries and trade goods could be made from relatively cheap materials
*S: -1 Econ, +2 Diplomacy, small chance of new innvoations
*S: -1 Econ, +2 Diplomacy, increased chance of new innovations
Immensely useful to Main at some point(since glass gates a lot of the chemistry needed to study tailings safely), but @Academia Nut seems to have mucked up the labels.

Build Wall - The practice of building city walls has reached new heights with access to superior tools making the cutting of stone simpler (60% light walls, 30% significant walls, 10% massive walls)
*S: -1 Econ, +5% light walls
*M: -2 Econ, +5% significant walls
*2M: -4 Econ, +5% massive walls

Build Watchtowers - Stone and brick towers for warriors to sit in and scan the horizon for trouble, these towers can help stave off raids and improve response against attacks. (40% coverage)
*S: -1 Econ, +5% coverage
*M: -1 Econ, +10% coverage
Can't afford walls, but can afford towers. Not sure if they're the best though.

Spirits - Builds temples
We have a Policy changed!

Expand Economy - Encourage the growth of food producing activities such as farming, pastures, or fishing, depending on where focus is placed
*S: +2 Econ, -2 Econ Expansion potential additional effects
* 4 Econ Expansion available (max 11 to keep Valleyhome True City status)
Info mismatch with the infosheet.

Expand Vineyard - There is a location in Blackriver that is judged an ideal place to grow the small fruits that are favoured for making a particularly potent drink
*S: -1 Econ, -1 Econ Expansion, +2 Diplo next turn
*M: -1 Econ, -1 Econ Expansion, +2 Diplo
Dominant Wine.txt

More Blackbirds - Elite scouts and woodsmen, the Blackbirds are a potent force, if not exactly mainline fighters. More of them could prove useful
* S: -1 Mysticism, +1 Martial more Blackbirds
* M: -1 Econ, -1 Mysticism, +2 Martial, many more Blackbirds, additional effects

More Carrion Eaters - Keepers of sacred and profane knowledge, the Carrion Eaters thread a dangerous path but bring valuable knowledge for treating wounds and inspiring courage, greatly bolstering the morale of warriors by ensuring them that their companions are not doomed if they fall. More could prove useful.
*S: -1 Mysticism, +1 Martial, more Carrion Eaters
*M: -1 Econ, -1 Mysticism, +2 Martial, many more Carrion Eaters, additional effects
Maining these guys are the best for making up our Martial at present.

Restoration of Order - The people are uncertain, and into that uncertainty bad behaviour can flow. Send in the warriors to reassure people and root out corruption and dissent, restoring the proper function of the People, at the cost of disturbing their confidence that the king has their best interests at heart. Max Stability: Legitimacy-1
* S: Gain 0 to 2 Stability at a cost of -1 Legitimacy
* M: Roll twice, take best result
* modified by Administrative skill
Restore Order now works at positive Stability again!

On the other hand using it as Secondary hurts and we need to pair it with Proclaim Glory.
Temple - Progress listed below, each {S} committed consumes 2 Econ and 2 Art for 2 Progress. Completion increases Religious Authority

Major Holy Sites: Rainbow Trail (0/4), Sacred Forest (Temple 0/8), Holy Sea (0/4), Horse Valley (0/4), White Circle (0/4), Warrior's Rest (0/4), Star Mirror (0/4), Sunrise Grove (0/4), Skyforest (0/4), Bloodgrove (0/4), Spiritwell (0/4)
And we have a Temple project!
Fairly fast to build, but expensive.
Also looks like we can Dominate the pilgrimage trade very very quickly if we are at the Overflowing statuses.

Temple can be further uptiered as well, probably unlocking new facilities, but we probably want some in every province eventually? Preferably adjacent provinces to minimize religious drift

Grand Docks - With the new docks in place, further expansion to something of a more significant scale could be of benefit (4-6? action commitment, -1 Econ per action, will likely require a significant supply of timber)
New megaproject. Will require a LOT more spare forests first. Would suggest Main Forest x2 before this.

So my vote:
[X] [Main] More Blackbirds
[X] [Secondary] War Mission - Northern Nomads
[X] [Secondary] War Mission - Northern Nomads x2

1) More Blackbirds gives us the Martial we need to catch up, and also helps cope with the corruption problem. Noting that Main might cost an Economy, but has non-linear effects.
2) War Mission is mandatory. A Main effort is needed at the least, even with the Stallions and the Eastern Nomads backing us up.
Okay then.
[X] [Main] Restore Order
[X] [Secondary] More Blackbirds
[X] [Secondary] War Mission - Northern Nomads

Catch the remnant, bring forth more stability and prepared for the horde.
[X] [Main] Restore Order
[X] [Secondary] War mission - Northern Nomads
[X] [Secondary] War mission - Northern Nomads x2

This seems good. If we end up at 3 stability we can just do a secondary PG....but if we end up at 2 stability we can do a main PG and be maxed :p
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They seem to have acquired metal tools just to upgrade their chariots. Probably just an increase in copper though.

Huh, I guess there must be a settled group up there somewhere they're getting those from.

The categories are independent of each other, so you're not actually at 100% coverage.

Ah. Drat. We really do need to just spend a turn or three on Defense policy at some point, though possibly now is not the time.

We'd need to take an Expand Economy at some point this turn or face the True City fading.

No, I don't think Baby Boom is over yet.

This seems good. If we end up at 3 stability we can just do a secondary PG....but if we end up at 2 stability we can do a main PG and be maxed :p

We can only end up at 2 stability from RoO now.
*citation needed*

I mean, the closest examples are things like the German unification, Yugoslavia, and other pan-nationalism movements. The first was incredibly bloody and hijacked by a militaristic and aristocratic society, the second ended in genocide and whatnot, and most examples of pan-nationalism (like say India) still have an enormous amount of issues and tribal tensions.

What you are asking for is the same without any real unifying national identity. It's as fantastical as radioactive spiders giving super powers.

I don't think you realize just how fluid things are. I don't think the idea of having a national identity is even a concept yet. According to AN's own words in this post we'll dealing with groups that can and will change (as seen with the Xohs in this last update).
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[] [Main] Restore Order
[] [Secondary] War mission - Northern Nomads
[] [Secondary] War mission - Northern Nomads x2

And I immediately change my vote after catching up :V
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[X] [Main] More Blackbirds
[X] [Secondary] War Mission - Northern Nomads
[X] [Secondary] War Mission - Northern Nomads x2